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 Illogic Games 



 Illogic Games 









 Jan 2023 











 Partial Controller Support 


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Optimizations! (v1.17)

In preparation for the upcoming console ports, we've introduced a few optimizations. Primarily

  • Removed an issue that would cause frame rate drops on older hardware
  • Automatic system language detection and switch (if supported)
  • Better stage loading. Should hiccup less in older hardware
  • Optimizations to Sky Fire
  • Other minor fixes and improvements (mostly for consoles)

[ 2024-02-23 06:17:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Flightpath Patch Update v.1.16

After going to a few expos and conventions, we got some nice feedback we used to do some minor fixes and improvements. Here's the bulletpoints

  • Adjusted some UI text for clarity.
  • Adjusted Health / Shields UI for better readability.
  • Generator load text in shop adjusted for readability on small screens.
  • Defend VIP missions now come with a distance counter to know how long there is left on the mission.
  • Changes to the tutorial to explain shields and generators.
  • Improved gamepad-based control of UI menus.
  • Fixed a bug that would lock weapons to be constantly shooting in Endless mode.
  • Fixed a bug on the control remapping UI that would show the wrong buttons if the gamepad was disconnected after remapping.
  • Other minor fixes

[ 2023-09-02 10:22:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Flightpath v.1.15

Small fixes update.
- Fixed control remapping UI to make it slightly less confusing
- Added a numeric display to the generator load on shop to get a better idea of how the generator is performing
- Fixed a typo on shop UI
- Removed an unwanted behavior on the top menu that sometimes would force-quit the game
- Fixed a sound bug for machines with slow framerates

[ 2023-07-24 01:07:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hotfix Patch v1.12

v 1.12
- Fixed a bug that would make the tutorial get stuck if secondary weapons were triggered before the comm prompt appeared.
- Fixed a bug that would freeze the game after a bonus mission was played in the second half of Ep.10.
- Added a "Special Thanks" section to credits.

[ 2023-04-05 02:19:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hotfix Patch v1.11

Small fixes based on user feedback:

v 1.11
- Fixed a bug that sometimes made surface units disappear abruptly
- Removed behavior that made the player's ship return to the start position after shop, since it was too jarring.
- Fixed a bug on the Endless Results screen that would display and save the wrong number of defeated enemies.

[ 2023-03-30 00:39:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Endless Mode Update!

We're thrilled to announce a major update to our game, featuring the all-new Endless Mode! Thanks to Flightpath's procedural stage creation, this mode offers a unique experience every time you play.

In Endless Mode, your skills will be put to the test as you attempt to stay afloat for as long as possible. Be prepared for tougher enemies as you progress further. Luckily, we've added a host of new booster items to help extend your basic upgrades.

Making choices is crucial to your success in Endless Mode. At the start of each new stage, you'll be presented with a choice of boosts or debuffs. Choose wisely, as taking too many boosts early on may leave you vulnerable to debuffs when the game gets harder!

To make this mode even more exciting, we've also included a range of achievements for you to unlock. Brag to your friends by flying the furthest, destroying the most buildings, or rescuing the most VIP ships.

We can't wait for you to try out the new Endless Mode and see how far you can fly!


v 1.10b
- Endless mode added!
- Updated to Unity 2021.3.21f1
- New player gauges UI
- Added a new stage opening for bonus stages, so you know you're free to destroy everything!
- Various weapon / enemy damage balances
- Improved UI navigation to better support keyboard only (non-mouse) configurations.
- Improved control remapping to avoid double-selecting the same button for two actions.
- Fixed a bug that made it that primary weapons wouldn't preview on Micah's workshop.
- Fixed a display bug on the Pause menu.
- Worked around a Unity bug that failed to load the previous control mapping config properly.
- Fixed a control remapping configuration problem for cutscenes.

[ 2023-03-24 03:27:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

Hotfix - v.1.01

First and foremost, thank all of you for playing Flightpath!

After a handful of people played the game, we started getting some feedback. There's a lot we want to add but it's going to take time.

For the time being, we made a few quick adjustments. Nothing major, but here's a quick overview of what's been changed:

- Fixed an off issue that made some enemies spawn after the MISSION CLEARED message appeared
- Added a small in-game options menu during pause (volume, full screen on/off, slowdown on/off)
- "Defend installations" become active just when the event starts, to prevent unintended collateral damage of nearby installations.
- Fixed a minor behavior bug with some bosses' turrets.
- Fixed an unwanted behavior that allowed out of screen enemies to shoot.

[ 2023-01-30 07:50:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Flightpath Demo V.1.0 Released

Only two weeks left before launch. With most of the kinks worked out, we prepared a new demo to match closer to the version you'll get in the final release!.

We've added a lot of changes and fixed a lot of glitches based on your invaluable reviews!. Please, don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do for you.

Without further ado, here's the list of major changes since our last update (0.29)

  • Max the Racer is now playable in the demo up to Stage 3
  • New indicator that you've taken a hit, by highlighting the edges the of the screen red.
  • Comms portraits updated (larger, better crops)
  • Added "Defend" target markers to VIPs.
  • Added custom player dialogues and animations when their ships are destroyed.
  • Added a photosensitivity warning.
  • Steam Achievements added (for the release version!)
  • Added a whole bunch of new enemy names. (twitter promotion campaign)
  • Updated support for ultra-wide resolutions (letterbox mode)
  • Auto pause on Steam Overlay / Focus lost / Game controller disconnect.
  • Spanish localization complete.
  • Japanese localization complete.
  • Linux build added.

If you haven't tried the demo yet, now your chance before the final release this January 27th!

Fly Safe!
The Illogic Games Team

[ 2023-01-12 07:12:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Demo updated!

Version 0.29 of Flightpath is now live!

We've fixed a good amount of bugs from the previous version, as well as implemented a few new features based on your feedback!

One of the common comments we received was how frustrating it was to instantly lose if you accidentally clipped a very strong enemy, like The Junkyard King. This has been addressed by setting a max-damage cap, and a temporary grace period. This change should make the game a lot more welcoming to people new to the shmup genre.

We also added an option to turn off the slowdown effect during the comms in-game. If you want to take your time to read, leave the option on, but if you just want to jump to the action, go ahead and turn the slowdown off.

AJ is also now playable up to stage 3! Explore a new storyline as you try to defeat the Syndicate!

Besides that, a lot of changes to audio and UI improvements.
For details, you can read the patch notes here

v 0.29
- Adjusted audio normalization for most audio clips
- Introduced audio ducking for important audio clips
- Fixed a problem when several weapons sharing the same audio clip played at the same time, causing audio saturation.
- Fixed a problem when several enemies would explode at the same time, spiking the volume up.
- Fixed a visual bug that would make an enemy formation pop on the screen instead of flying in.
- Improved credits crawls at the end of the game, customizable for PC/console versions (with / without publisher)
- Improved energy booster drop logic, trying to drop a booster whenever the player needs it.
- Initial enemy balance for all AJ stages.
- Replaced placeholder assets with final version
- Fixed machine gun getting silent after shop
- Changed how the shop handles localization for weapon locations for flexibility
- Added option to turn slowdown on/off during comms.
- Fixed bug that would speed up comms after the Pause menu
- Visual adjustments to mine stage enemies

v 0.28
- Brushed up game assets for Zeelon cloud base
- Swapped to a new shop model for the final asteroid belt stage (mini space station)
- Added custom dialog / scenes for AJ's - Micah's interactions (Bonus Missions)
- Improvements on stage building to help catch invalid stage configurations early on
- Added a custom ending to E03a, since the jump to the cutscene was too jarring. Now Kath's ship lands on an installation before jumping to the story.
- Improved credits distribution during "Chase Runaway" mode (it wasn't dropping any credits until the very last end)
- Added a little direction arrow that points to nearby targets (buildings to destroy, objects to pick up)
- Fixed a bug on bosses' laser beams that would get stuck if the player used their special attack while the laser was on.
- Added more destructible things to bonus stages for extra mayhem.
- Fixed a bug that left some dropped coins floating around after the stage was complete
- Added a closing screen / credits after finishing the game
- Fixed a UI navigation bug on the Shop that would only let the player circle around in one direction
- Fixed a UI navigation bug on the Shop that would leave the "detach weapon" button highlighted despite being inactive
- Fixed a Shop bug that would show an overload warning when detaching weapons
- Adjusted SFX playback so sounds wouldn't cancel each other out when several weapons were shooting at the same time.
- Several costs and power adjustments for weapons and other equipment
- Balancing of difficulty on several stages
- New starfield loading screen effect
- Added support for ultra-wide screens
- DEFEND markers disappear if successfully defended an installation
- All of AJ's story implemented up to D09 (D05 - D09 balancing not implemented yet)
- Demo release of the first 3 stages for AJ (D01 - D04 balanced)

[ 2022-11-22 10:18:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Flightpath Demo version released!

In preparation for October's Steam Next Fest, we have built and released a small demo with the first four stages of Kath's story tree.

In this demo, you can experience the basic gameplay, as well as the path choice mechanic and see how those choices affect your game from that point forward.

Please keep in mind that we've only had a handful of people playtest the game, so some bugs might still be lurking. If you find a problem, don't hesitate to contact us at our Discord or contact link on the store page.

We also would like to know how to make the game better! We have lots of ideas, but we definitely want to hear from you.

As always, fly safe!
The Illogic Games Team.

[ 2022-09-16 03:44:30 CET ] [ Original post ]