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Swirl Watch Version 1.100 Resistance Supplies

New Stuff
-Added 3 new ships.
-Added 9 new weapons.
-Added 7 new gadgets.
-Added 18 new upgrades.
-Added 60+ mods for both old and new gear.
-Some of these options allow for randomized loadout runs and one-time run bonuses by expanding excess PS.
-There are also ways to accelerate personnel and PS gain now, if you can spare the deploy budget.
-Added a couple new training and challenge simulations.
-Added TacHI avatar to the title screen that gives random daily tips.

-Max tech levels increased (120-->180).
-Subsistence score (from taking excess SRM into missions) is now scored separately from loot score.
-HARP-R and SCRW SPINR now deal EMP damage by default and can be converted back to kinetic with mods.
-EMICRO base supf increased (30-->60)
-RPAM-7K reserve ammo increased and deploy cost reduced (14-->10).
-STAPL-R ammo print mod now works on a per-zone basis.
-TRIPWIRE ammo increased (12-->16).
-Tripwire can no longer damage shielded ships.
-EM TORP buffed (damage: 160-->200, damage fall off: -75% --> -50%, AoE: 2.5-->3, ammo: 4-->8).
-Increased EMP duration caused by EMP explosions by 100%.
-FLASH TORP now detonates silently.
-FLASH TORP ammo increased (8->12).
-CMND TKN ammo increased (12->24).
-Dazzler explosions no longer require guards to directly laze the dazzler source, instead they blind any guards that are mostly facing towards the flash (215).
-When disguised, LP ui now shows your remaining disguise integrity.
-MIRROR VARNISh LP penalty reduced (+20%-->+5%)
-H-WAVE RADAR range increased.
-WHISPER CHIP now also shows CorPo force composition (on inventory tooltip.)
-FEED UMBIBLICAL now prevents weapons from ejecting their remaining loaded ammo on reload.
-Shield bonuses on multiple items rebalanced.
-Using melee on melee immune objects now causes longer melee cooldown.
-Reinforcements on high level missions might have their shields plugged into the G-Dock, allowing them to be continuously shielded while stored.
-Any guards that heard a threatening sound will now eventually attempt to report, if other guards closer to the sound are prevented from reporting.
-Specialist guards are now bold enough to attempt to report when you board them, as long as their ship hasn't been disabled yet.
-Specialist guards will now resist interrogation until their ship is disabled.
-Starting with zone 4, mission areas are now surrounded by core-fusion dead zones that prevent you from escaping off-grid.
-Killing an EBO ironically no longer count against no kills bonus (not sentient enough?).
-Bossfights spawn more guards now.
-Resupply no longer increases in price per use.
-Disabled state now removes blinded/deafened markers form guards. (Superfluous at that point.)

-Fixed dazzler detonations not affecting guards correctly.
-Fixed melee sensory stun still affecting melee immune enemies.
-Fixed a situation in which player would be able to call evac even though evac is already in progress.
-Fixed a problem with triggering placed gadgets via lidar.
-Fixed unintentional multi explosions in certain circumstances.
-Fixed a problem with how certain passive and ship specific effects are applied.
-Fixed mine detection elements not being affected by convection. (?)
-Fixed MAG MINE detection ui not being removed correctly on detonation.
-Fixed WRNCH ARM not using up ammo when sabotaging comms stations.
-Fixed a problem with displaying wildlife help comms.
-Fixed vault crates being movable under lockdown.
-Fixed a problem with how certain spring sounds are initiated.
-Fixed a problem preventing escort ships from getting re-tasked if their lead is taken out.
-Fixed some instances of ship struct ejection fallback not taking effect.
-Fixed game re-entering fullscreen on return to title (?).
-Fixed player exiting deafened state not resetting certain engine sounds correctly.
-Fixed some problems with how elevator location text is handled.
-Fixed friendly ships using wrong intro TacHI intro text when boarded.
-Fixed selecting empty inventories showing previous tooltips.
-Fixed Puffstar sliding your an extra mag on deployment, leading to rediculous ammo gain on certain weapons.
-Fixed bad unknown value on CorPo Scaffolds.
-Fixed some typos.

[ 2023-08-04 20:38:23 CET ] [ Original post ]