Fixed - Bug in orbital missions from sky barges and send us to north pole (reported by TerraMimic and Cid) Fixed - RCS thrusters visual effect (in space) where thrusters didnt turned on with small axis values Fixed - Issue that prevented using the keybing Undock from surface platforms
[ 2024-10-15 08:45:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Full list of orbital stations and data in FMS - NAV tab (rogue mode) Added - UI at the end of training missions to show what missions we just unlocked Updated - Unlock mechanism for Training mission (added icon checkbox) Updated - Unlock mechanism for Training mission (added verification to unlock done missions after updates) Updated - Training mission pages UI to restore last mission selected when using a controller as UI nav Fixed - Flickering triangles on the EX5 ships hull mesh texture
[ 2024-09-29 15:33:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Hull heat visual effect on CF2 ship to correct visual issues when wing parts are gone Updated - Damage model on CF2 ship to fix issue of wings debris stuck in ships hull during reentry
[ 2024-09-20 10:43:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Save mechanism when we load/deliver cargo as an attempt to fix a IOException bug (reported by konsonanz) Updated - Translation texts (fr/sp/ru) of the INFO panel at start of the training mission Launch and Rendezvous
[ 2024-09-18 08:47:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
[build 130.01.24] Added - Orbital station Norvig Added - 2 new training missions involving surface manual pick up and drops of containers Added - 11 new map missions involving surface manual pick up of containers and/or drop of containers Added - 5 new types of rogue mode missions (involving surface manual pick ups and drops) Added - Pitch Trim nose up/down feature (for Controller, HOTAS, Yoke and keyboard as flight stick) Added - Drop zones inside most surface buildings with interiors and on many regular other buildings Added - Experimental dust storms at planet surface Added - Experimental flight turbulence when flying inside dust storms Added - Radio messages regarding damage status of the ship Added - Container UI visual on diagram (TL01 ship) and content label Added - Audio option Random Play for music tracks Added - Audio option Cargo Proximity Beep Volume Added - (FMS) button Clear Inbox Added - (FMS) Button Delete All Inactive that wipes out all messages/missions not active. Updated - CF2 and TL01 ships behavior when wing is missing or rear engine missing/damaged Updated - Full screen landing cam position for the TL01 ship (more centered) Updated - Incoming FMS message blip sound fx Updated - The way the rewards are calculated in the rogue mode for each mission. Updated - Difficulty level chart for the rogue mode. There was 6 levels before. There is now 8. Updated - Monitor TL01 orbital objects list UI - increased texts size Updated - TL01 cockpit ambience sound fx Updated - Behavior of the message list after Clean or Delete message(s) to reset scrolling at the top Updated - Location of Base 104 (fix a glitch with the terrain system at former location) Updated - RCS consumption rate (decreased rate by 50%) Updated - Logic of button Send Request for Local Mission to order 5 missions instead of 1 Updated - Logic of button Send Request for Local Mission to give in priority mission types compatible Updated - List of detected orbital objects in cockpit of all ships to display more elements Updated - Auto cam change at end of pickups or deliveries. (restores the last camera used) Fixed - Pitch ladder being wonky at 0.0 degree pitch angle Fixed - Mini Map and compass being flipped backwards near 90 degrees bank angle Fixed - Mini Map glitch where it is blank right after moving into another ship Fixed - Container (TL01) light issue (texture wasnt affected by any lights) Fixed - Issue with Mouse binds for camera horizontal/vertical provoking UI buttons flicker Fixed - Bug with RCS fuel consumption using the mouse for pitch/yaw/roll (rate was extremely high) Fixed - Bug in Montes Pera mission Triana 163 has issues with a faulty guiding system Fixed - Height of base N82 - SP9180 (elevator was going under terrain) Fixed - TechTower_II building middle section anomaly mesh hangar Fixed - Scan ground object UI guiding dot scale divisor Fixed - Bug where we could permanently lock us out of a map when undocking during Load/Unload Fixed - Missing text translation in Options audio and graphics (fr/sp/ru) Fixed - Missing text translation for map objectives Green House (fr/sp/ru) Fixed - Missing text translation for training missions (fr/sp/ru) Fixed - Reset map progression glitch (the completed map objectives values were not reset) Fixed - Glitch when changing to a TL-01 without no containers and ship weight was calculated wrong Fixed - Issue when craft is destroyed (some parts were still rendered and not suppose to be) Fixed - UI issue at Main Menu panels where we can lose focus on the UI using Xbox controller Fixed - Sound issue with collision alert sound loop continuing to play when game is paused Fixed - Cam and Terrain loading issue at spawn after being higher than 7100 km altitude Fixed - Welcome radio message playing from skybarges when we re-spawn already docked Fixed - Glitch with false detection of landing trigger zone Fixed - Bug with orbital stations longitude positions after loading some training missions Fixed - Sudden small instant hiccup when undocking the TL01 ship from platform Fixed - Rendering of interior objects in orbital stations when using the Dock Bay (camera) buttons Fixed - UI nav issue with bottom buttons in Messages tab using a controller/hotas Fixed - Glitch with Landing Gear status incorrect in cockpit HUD after hatch docking Fixed - Issue with mission data where slots would not get cleaned up after a message is deleted Fixed - Wrong cockpit monitor belly cam aspect ratio (CF2 and EX5) Fixed - Top camera call that cut the main engines (away from station docking operations)
[ 2024-09-15 18:43:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
[build 128.07.14] Added - Ability to control thrust while Mouse Look is in use (mouse right button hold)
[ 2024-01-05 12:32:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
[build 128.07.13] Fixed - Missing waypoint base 163 in Montes Pera orbital mission to Auken (reported by Todesengelchen) Fixed - Missing waypoint marker base 163 in Sector 84 mission to Auken (reported by TheWolfbat) Fixed - Wrong description on Mendell base 79 search mission (reported by KerbonautCC) Fixed - Bug in Landed ship spawner regarding new building with tunnels (reported by Eiko) Fixed - Bug with radio message coming from sky barges (reported by Eiko and DeltaV) Fixed - Bug at Galdar station with platforms center/guiding misaligned (reported by Eiko) Added - Mendell Launch Site to the Deorbit tool. (suggested by Eiko)
[ 2024-01-04 12:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
[build 128.07.12] Added - New orbital station Auken (massive station with 22 dockports/hangars/interiors) Added - New orbital station Gaba (24 dockports) Added - New region/map called Mendell (with 19 map missions) Added - The new training mission Building Tunnel Added - Ability to load/unload cargo from hatch dockports (with CF2 and EX5 ships only) Added - 4 new types of surface buildings having interiors to flying in Added - 5 hatch dockports at GreenHouse station (so total is 9 now) Added - 5 hatch dockports to Hayden station (so total is 9 now) Added - Audio radio messages coming from bases/stations Added - Anti-clip feature for the 3rd view cam Added - RCS nitrogen comsumption Added - Save of levels H2 and RCS (for Free Mode and Rogue Mode) Added - FMS ability to get local missions at planet surface when airborne/undocked Added - Ability to cancel on-going Kill Rot by hitting again the key/button Added - Engine feature to be able to have more than 4 dockports per station. (max is up to 32 now) Updated - Cockpit hud pitch ladder. It has now +/- 80 ladder Updated - Kill Rot (auto-rcs) It is now more realistic and rcs thrusters particles are in tune Updated - Base 77, 78, 79, 80, 90, 96, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 153, 155, 157 and 158 with new buildings Updated - Orbital missions in maps Sector 84 and Montes Pera Updated - Rogue mode mission engine to get local missions on orbital stations (having more than 8 dockports) Updated - Mission engine to auto get a local mission when a station is a less than 80 km (and have more than 8 dockports) Updated - RV calculation close to stations (substraction of prograde vectors, then display magnitude of the result) Updated - 3rd cam to be allowed when docked to ground platforms Updated - Texture resolution on DockingCam HUD guiding Fixed - Docking guiding UI displayed values for orbital platforms Fixed - Missing Roll UI value on the docking cam HUD for the TL-01 ship Fixed - Black square in the night sky (visible from space) (reported by Legacy84) Fixed - GreenHouse map missions triana needs hydrogen... A surface platform index was missing.
[ 2023-12-29 19:07:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game will update the 29th of December. Key new features: -New missions -New massive orbital stations (Auken and Gaba) -New surface buildings with tunnels -Updated ground bases -Ability to deliver or load cargo from stations hatch dockports -Radio messages from stations and bases -3rd cam view improvements -RCS nitrogen consumption -...
[ 2023-12-22 16:39:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Physics rare glitch where the ships could not initialize correctly all aero surfaces Fixed - Base 96 building height (elevator went under terrain) (reported by Avery) Fixed - Base 118 building height (elevator went under terrain) (reported by Monostripe_zebra) Added - Key bind for 3rd view camera Added - Visual option to increase some hud parts scale (orbit data, vel, alt, fpa) Added - Visual options to hide HUD elements
[ 2023-08-06 14:02:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Bug with orbital missions (rogue mode) when waiting for time window. The Abort feature didnt work correctly Fixed - Missing platform at base N163 that caused a bug in a map mission (GreenHouse) (reported by Marked) Fixed - Glitch in the landing platform's spawn/clear logic that occasionally caused some landed ships to go missing Updated - Enable distance of building colliders to 25 km (it was 14 km)
[ 2023-07-31 11:23:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - UI panels of training menu pages to remove all black (empty) locked buttons Fixed - Bug with orbital missions at Brume Larsen. (stage failed right after launch window opened) (reported by berni420, MsSquid, ngx)
[ 2023-07-30 10:21:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - New game mode: Rogue (with procedurally generated missions and progression) Added - New cockpit monitor called the FMS (flight management system) (available in rogue mode only) Added - The surface region Brume Larsen with these new land base 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160 and 166 Added - 220 surface spawn spots for landed ships on the planet Added - Dock platforms to orbital stations: Dalby, Galdar, Fenton, Cohagen and Montana Added - Visual UI meter (ExoDetec) in addition to beacon sound loop during search missions Added - Red UIs on third view related to damaged elements unreadable from cockpit view (except in Training mode) Added - Time window for all high orbit stations (only available during free flight and rogue mode) Added - Ability to load more than one payload (CF2 and EX5 ships) (in rogue mode only) Added - Ability to bypass the launch site stage for orbital missions (and go directly to the station) (in rogue mode only) Added - A Profile menu (features: pilot name change, basic stats, progression/profile reset) Added - Blue flashing lights on landed ships (to make them easier to spot) Added - Integrity check for player data files at loading (and fallback to default files for damaged files) Updated - Sigen Delta region with these new land base 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 and 110 Updated - Box colliders most buildings and platforms (improving precision) Updated - Clouds textures for high orbits (improved visuals and res) Updated - Visual transition for orbital stations entering physics mode (at 400 km range) Updated - Alcoutim preview pictures on proximity monitor (as it was wrong) (reported by Eiko) Updated - CF2 belly cam pos y (from -1.62 to -0.4) to fix clipping into ground (reported by MrSquid) Updated - EX5 belly cam pos y (from -1.26 to -1.29) to fix clipping into ship hull (reported by MrSquid) Updated - Blue ring diameter scale of landed ships (reduced from 180 to 95) Fixed - Dock port 3 at Galadar station (pitch and roll were swapped) (reported by tsmspace) Fixed - Training missions status (blue bar) not surviving a game update Fixed - HUD velocity value showing 0 m/s when docked (with orbital station and air barges) Fixed - Surface base 144 height. An elevator was under terrain surface Fixed - Surface base 99 height. An elevator was under terrain surface (reported by Eiko) Fixed - Big elevator height on base 96 (it was going under terrain) (reported by Eiko) Fixed - Sky barges engine rumble sound not affected by master volume (reported by Eiko) Fixed - Platform elevator sound not affected by master volume Fixed - Yaw input glitch when the axis is mapped to mouse (clamped axis input -1 to 1) Fixed - Position of a building misplaced at Base 153 (reported by tsmspace) Rogue Mode playtesters: [ Eiko ] [ MrSquid ] [ TsmSpace ] [ MegaMick ] [ Ake10 ] [ NightWingZero ] [ FireArrow ] [ Qwendo ] [ JJRcop ] [ Alex ] [ LegacyElite84 ] [ KerbonauteCC ] [ WingC3 ] [ Heuristik ] [ GeneraluStelaru ] [SealLad ] During these 65 days of testing and iterations, the rogue mode had numerous modifications and improvements compared to its original version. This was made possible by the many reports and suggestions from playtesters. Thank you so much guys.
[ 2023-07-28 14:35:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game will update the 28th of July. Key new features: -New game mode: ROGUE (with procedurally generated missions and progression) -A new cockpit monitor called the FMS (flight management system) -The new surface region 'Sigen Delta' -The new surface region Brume Larsen -Custom Nav markers (FMS - Rogue Mode) -The Ship Type Locator tool (FMS - Rogue Mode) -New dock platforms and updated orbital stations Dalby, Galdar, Fenton, Cohagen and Montana -New UI meter (ExoDetec) in addition to beacon sound during search missions -Improved clouds textures for high orbits (above 450 km altitude) -Several bug fixes - ... In Rogue Mode: -we complete missions to gain pilot rating -we can manage messages and missions during flight (via FMS) -we can load more than one cargo (CF2/EX5 ships) -we can have multiple missions active -as the pilot rating improves, we get more challenging missions -we can get missions from almost anywhere on the planet and orbit
[ 2023-07-18 14:18:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Glitch docked with air barges where the ship could still consume fuel Fixed - Docking capture glitch on hatch dock ports with the shuttle CF2 (suddenly misaligned at capture)
[ 2023-03-04 12:59:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Shadow cascade splits (improving quality of shadows in cockpit) Fixed - Bug with UI and spacecraft sounds unaffected by master volume Fixed - Local orbital yellow vector glitch (sometimes showing wrong info) Fixed - Cockpit UI proximity station glitch (sometimes showing wrong station)
[ 2023-02-27 11:32:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Game start and inital loading phase Updated - Localisation french and russian language (thanks LiveseyMD!) Added - Graphic option to change resolution in-game Added - Audio option master volume Added - Map/Region GPS coordinates info on map panel Fixed - Respawn issue with some platforms on buildings with multiple landing pads Fixed - Orbital station 'Mine-A41' glitch where it sometimes failed to launch properly
[ 2023-02-25 10:49:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Vulkan graphics API for Linux Added - A lock on the Deorbit tool Undock button (during stage wait for time window) Fixed - Landing gear still up at spawn on orbit platforms (when LG set on manual) Fixed - Screenshot F12 on Linux that provoked a white screen glitch Fixed - UI bug when restoring a mission involving Orbit Launch (launchTime text was still displayed after launched)
[ 2022-12-30 09:30:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Native linux support Added - Support for monitor with ratio 5:4 (1280x1024) Fixed - Physics glitch on the sky barges. The spacecraft took collisions shocks without any apparent reason after undocking or when landed on sky carriers
[ 2022-12-23 08:32:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - bug in the mission The Hayden orbital station needs new air filters from Montes Pera. The dockport for delivery at Hayden was the wrong one. Delivery was impossible as it was a hatch type dockport.
[ 2022-12-17 19:55:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Issue with the De-Orbit tool during long haul missions involving Sky Cargo Carriers as target
[ 2022-12-16 15:42:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Wrong waypoints coordinates in several Sky Cargo Ships missions on Sector 84 (Many thanks to Eiko, decentralizedsystems and ngx for your reports and feedback on this!)
[ 2022-12-15 13:38:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - 2 new types of Sky Cargo Carriers (Toledo and Bulken) Added - Docking feature with all sky big ships Added - 14 new missions involving these sky cargo ships in Sector 84 Added - 19 new missions involving these sky cargo ships at Montes Pera. Added - Option to disable the automatic landing gear Added - Keybind for landing gear Added - Audio option Cockpit Ambience volume slider Updated - Landing gear sound fx Fixed - Blue ring position offset glitch on landed vessels Fixed - Glitch where it was possible to deliver a non-existing cargo Fixed - Continuous sound loop of cockpit alert during game pause Fixed - Dockport camera positions at Fenton, Alcoutim, Montana, Dably
[ 2022-12-15 04:17:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Modified - the training missions save progression logic. (now the save is triggered when we complete a mission, instead of just at game quit) Fixed - glitch on the Maps Menu regarding unlocked maps. (in some cases, map buttons failed to unlock)
[ 2022-11-18 11:16:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Glitch using the new audio feature Next/Prev music track (when game was paused)
[ 2022-10-27 07:37:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - 10 additional music audio tracks Added - Audio option to select next/prev track with title name Modified - 3rd view HUD positions for ultra wide resolution setup (3 monitors) (now on edges of center monitor) 5760 x 1080 5760 x 1200 7680 x 1080
[ 2022-10-17 08:57:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last place where the player docked his ship is saved.
[ 2022-10-16 12:07:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Save points during surface-to-orbit missions Added - Save points during orbit-to-surface missions Fixed - Missing ship Calum Ex-5 at GreenHouse orbital station
[ 2022-10-15 09:25:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Support for wide screen resolutions so every UI elements and HUD are visible. New supported resolutions: 3440 x 1440 3840 x 1080 3840 x 1660 5120 x 1440 5760 x 1080 Added - Support for these following resolution ratios (width/height) (non-wide) (so every UI elements and HUD are visible) 2:1 (for instance 2110 x 600) 3:2 (for instance 1536 x 1024) 4:3 (for instance 1024 x 768 ) 4:5 (for instance 920 x 600) 5:4 (for instance 1280 x 600) 16/10 (for instance 1920 x 1200) NOTE: if you have a wide monitor that has a resolution that is not supported by this update, write me by email (or a PM on discord) and specify your resolution. I can add support for it.
[ 2022-10-14 13:05:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Missing landed ship at Triana 163 needed to finish the long haul mission:The station Christos has a container of faulty comm circuits
[ 2022-10-12 14:46:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - New pilotable craft Calum EX-5 Added - Orbit Launch Window Tool Added - 4 new training missions (orbit launch/rendezvous with instructions) Added - New orbital map Green House with 11 missions Added - 3 new missions in Sector 84 map (surface-to-orbit and back) Added - 2 new missions in Montes Pera map (130) (surface-to-orbit and back) Added - Deorbit tool to aim at specfic equatorial regions Added - New orbital station Hayden with a hangar Added - New orbital station Green House Added - Cockpit TGT Dist (target) info Added - More fuel autonomy for CF2 ship (increasing fuel automomy 1.75x) Added - HUD modes to cycle though various info panels depending the situation Added - New sound fx for slight contact with solid objects Added - Stick and Throttle animation in all ships cockpit Added - AoE (angle of elevation) to the TL-01 freighters cockpit hud Added - Feature in game options to reset progression of map missions Modified - Power thrust for the CF2 (decreased by 10%) Modified - Collision damage resistance for CF2/TL-01 (decreased for severe collision) Modified - HUD to display orbital data above 40 km altitude (it was at 80 km before) Updated - Heat visual effect from cockpit view for the TL-01 ship Fixed - Sound clip/crack with the TL-01 ships main thrust Fixed - Sound glitch with continuous rcs sound loop with some hotas throttles Fixed - Bug in tutorial mission about Yaw bind not found Fixed - Visual glitch with missing parts of terrain chunks during sub-orbital flights Removed - Yaw axis warning banner message Removed - Orbital station Kingaroy Removed - Orbital station Fancer
[ 2022-10-11 14:01:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Track IR support Added - Track IR in game options (The full update originally scheduled for today and its features has been postponed to the 10th of September)
[ 2022-08-31 08:45:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Message info banner when Yaw (or RCS Yaw) has no bind
[ 2022-08-29 11:18:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Physics aerodynamics calculations frequency to fixed time
[ 2022-08-24 11:11:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - UI glitch in the First Landing (tutorial) mission after being in Free Mode
[ 2022-08-23 10:31:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated - Belly scanner range (increased) Updated - Thrust behaviour having T-LOCK engaged for Controller and KB+M. ( +/- were uneven)
[ 2022-08-22 13:34:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed - Yaw force (its now progressive and follows input axis value) Fixed - Missing platform collider at Alcoutim station (reported by Eiko)
[ 2022-08-22 08:54:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added - Landing gear suspensions to the CF2 shuttle Added - Yaw (and RCS Yaw) real analog axis. ( the YAW axis might need a manual remap ) Added - Ability to choose ship type in the Free Mode Added - Two new start locations in the Free Mode Increased - Yaw torque force on CF-2 shuttle and TL-01 craft Fixed - Missing French/Spanish/Russian mission texts on the Montes Pera map Fixed - Station Montana and Cohagen dockports Fixed - Hidden bottom of screen at game start for resolution 3440x1440 and above Unlocked - Bind Controls Thrust +/- for mouse, so the mouse wheel can be mapped for thrust Updated - All game options to be persistent between game sessions
[ 2022-08-20 14:21:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changed - Station Galdar (GAL) Dockport 0 position Changed - Training Mission - Hatch Docking - Orientation of the dockport Fixed - For all dockports - Port number UI position
[ 2022-06-30 13:57:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- Flight Of Nova Depot Linux [6.9 G]
Flight Of Nova features two gameplay modes:
Multiple maps containing a series of missions and Rogue Mode (Free Mode).
Key Features:
* Track IR support
* HOTAS support
* Realistic gravitation and orbital physics
* Atmospheric density inspired by earth data
* Aerodynamic drag corresponding to vessel shape
* Drag / air friction energy calculations
* Real-time accurate orbital data
* Orbital stations and docking system
* Planet surface outposts
* Real-time control over spacecraft
* Full-scale body diameter 12’700 km
* Search and transport missions
* Quick flight challenges
October 2022 Update:
-New ship Calum EX-5 to fly
-New type of missions (long-haul surface-to-orbit and back)
-New orbital stations
-Orbit launch/rendezvous time window tool
-De-orbit time window tool (to aim at a specific surface region)
-4 new training missions (orbit launch/rendezvous with instructions)
-5 new missions on Sector 84 and Montes Pera maps
-11 new missions on the orbital map 'Green House'
-Save feature for the Free Mode
-Ultra wide resolutions support
-10 additional music tracks
- Processor: Intel Core i5Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 970
- Processor: Intel Core i7Memory: 16 MB RAM
- Memory: 16 MB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070
[ 5922 ]
[ 1386 ]
[ 3738 ]