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 Marvelous Marbles 




















Free to play 














 Early Access 













 Partial Controller Support 


 Full Controller Support 


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v1.1.0 - Build challenges and VR QoL

Build challenges

Build challenges are now up and running. Read more about them here: Upcoming changes

There are only 3 available so far. More will come once I get a better understanding of the system myself, and its possibilities. :)

Would it be interesting to add leaderboards for them? For now though, if you have a good time, post a screenshot in the community hub for the world to see.

Machine interaction

Click on machines during simulation to turn them off and on.
Also discussed here: Upcoming changes


UI fixes

There's a slew of minor improvements to make the UI (and especially dialogs) more robust.

I received some feedback that the main menu was unclear, so it's been redesigned, with text to go along the icons.

VR fixes

VR has received some much needed improvements. It's still not where I want it to be, but it's going in the right direction.

You start out wherever the camera was last time, so if you build something on desktop and check it out in VR later, you'll now be at the same spot.

You can now move forward with the d-pad. May turn into a proper "teleport" system, but it works fairly well. So now you're not limited to your VR-space when building.

Fingertip gestures are implemented. So in theory you can press buttons by pointing at them. It's a bit temperamental, though, and it doesn't always work. I've yet to figure out why.

Sadly the tutorial doesn't work well in VR, so for now, please do it on desktop. I ran out of time for this update, but will hopefully fix it until the next.

[ 2023-04-14 12:50:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Upcoming version

Here's a brief update on what's in the pipeline. I hope to get it out this week, but it may take a bit longer.

First of all; interaction during simulation. This means you can turn powered things off and on to suit your needs.

This inevitably leads to speculation about scripting possibilities. Like, can you use triggers to start things? Can they enable and disable each other? I won't deny that is a plan, but it won't be in this release.

Then there's a bigger thing: Build Challenges.

The concept here is that you need to build a marble run where the marbles pass certain checkpoints. There are also certain volumes where you will not be allowed to place any pieces.

I hope this will serve as a way to engage those that are not primarily interested in the sandbox experience, but like a challenge. Initially there will only be a few of these, to check the interest, but eventually more will be added and perhaps with added complexity.


Do you have a better name for this than "Build Challenges"? Or a great idea for a puzzle? Then I'd love to hear about it :)

[ 2023-04-12 11:46:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

v1.06 with Tutorial

Work continues to make it easier to get started in Marvelous Marbles.
This latest update comes with an optional tutorial. Complete it and you will be a little bit wiser (and earn an achievement)

Enjoy the weekend, and expect more updates next week!

[ 2023-04-07 15:22:04 CET ] [ Original post ]


  • I noticed that marbles had a hard time entering the giant cog wheel (particularly on WIndows), so some tweaks were made to make it easier. This may affect some other physics as well.

  • Added a specific help screen for VR when starting editing.

I also missed to update the version number in the build, so it still says "v1.04"...

[ 2023-04-06 08:44:15 CET ] [ Original post ]


v1.04 is now live.


  • Disabled Screen space reflections filter by default.
  • Added help dialogs to several screens to help players get started.

[ 2023-04-05 10:47:40 CET ] [ Original post ]


The first patch update, v1.02 is now live.

Most notable is that I've disabled post-processing filters by default, in case they could cause problems on some graphics cards.
You now need to go into display settings (third button from the left in the menu) and tick the "Filters" box to enable them. Then also restart the application.

Secondly, I included a pop up dialog (once) that welcomes new players and directs them to the series of "get started" videos on Youtube.

Any upcoming patch or update will be deployed to the "Test" branch. If you're feeling adventurous, you can play on it to get the latest features. If you do, I would appreciate if you reported any issues so that I get the opportunity to fix them before pushing it to the main branch.

I will also keep (at least) the previous version on a "legacy" branch for rollback purposes.

[ 2023-04-04 07:58:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

Post Launch Update #1

A couple of days have passed since the release and here's a first summary and plan for the future.

While some are enjoying the game, it's evident that others are having issues launching the game. It's difficult to know exactly why based on the data available, but I will try to make some changes in the hope they will alleviate the issues.

If you are one of the people with problems, and would like to help discover why, please get in touch. There are some logs that could be interesting to look at.

So TL;DR There's a patch coming with focus on compatibility.

[ 2023-04-03 07:46:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Marvelous Marbles released

Marvelous Marbles is now available to the world! And with a hefty discount the first week.

This project has grown a lot since the initial steps were taken to make a "Marble run editor" that my son and I could play together.

Mod support, virtual reality and "first-person" (actually third person) racing are some of the features I hope will make this something that can be enjoyed for a long time.

To get you started, I've put together a playlist with videos on Youtube (Don't worry! Most are less than 30s). They go through camera controls and basic editing.

There's also a discord channel for discussion and bug reporting: Here is the link

Sadly, I had to make a late decision to not release the Mac version. I don't have access to a Mac myself, and the test reports were inconclusive (some reported errors). It is still my intention to release it, I just need to see what, if anything, needs to be done first. Hopefully it won't take too long.

I'm planning on doing one or two more releases the coming weeks, with inevitable bug fixes, some additional polish and maybe even more sections. If you have requests for more building pieces, let me know and I'll try to add them in the upcoming releases!

[ 2023-03-31 13:39:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

Marvelous Marbles Release date: March 31st!

The Rubicon has been passed, the dice are thrown. Tomorrow's the time to release Marvelous Marbles to the world!

This project has grown a lot since the initial steps were taken to make a "Marble run editor".

Mod support, virtual reality and "first-person" (actually third person) racing are some of the features I hope will make this something that can be enjoyed for a long time.

Sadly, I had to make the decision to not release the Mac version, initially. Some testers reported problems, and possibly there needs to be some additional fixes before it's ready. Hopefully it won't take too long.

I'm planning on doing one or two more releases the coming weeks, with inevitable bug fixes, some additional polish and maybe even more sections. If you have requests for more building pieces, let me know and I'll try to add them in the upcoming releases!

Tomorrow I'll make a few video clips to help you get started. I've also set up a discord channel to discuss the game and where I can answer questions: Here is the link

[ 2023-03-30 14:51:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

Multiplayer marble racing

So far, everything has been about building marble runs and watching the marbles go down them. That is all good fun.
But Marvelous Marbles is in the 'games' section and that implies a challenge element. (And the description has also mentioned the fact that you can control marbles).

While implementing the feature it occurred to me; "Why not make it multiplayer?"

But then immediately the next question arises: "How many players?"

For now it's settled on two. Is it enough? Does anyone have three friends that also like marble runs? If so, I hope you've told them to add it to their wishlists. ;)

I still haven't tried this in VR, but I'm sure it would be a harrowing experience. Multiplayer racing might also not make it into VR.

In other news, some limited external testing has begun, and I hope to announce a release data soon.

[ 2023-03-09 14:35:12 CET ] [ Original post ]

Marvelous Marbles in virtual reality!

If you own a VR headset, you'll be able to build and watch your creations with unprecedented immersion!

Building in VR feels just like the real thing, but comes with a new set of challenges, like avoiding hitting chairs and tables while placing the pieces.

There's a new video showing off building in a 360 video in the trailer section. In case you can't see it properly, it's also available on Youtube:


This is one of the final feature milestones to be completed, and development focus now shifts towards bug squashing and polishing the user experience.

[ 2023-02-01 09:51:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Cameras and accessibility

From the outset of the project, the ambition has been to make Marvelous Marbles as accessible as possible. I envisioned that my son (who's 4 years old) would be able to play it. That might have been a bit too ambitious, but still something I strive towards.

I always felt that the first person camera, while versatile, could be challenging for those not used to it. I set out to make something simpler and made this RTS-like camera. Not only are ther more casual players familiar with it, but it's also semi-2D which makes controls easier.

In addition, it automatically moves to the latest placed section, in many cases eliminating manual handling of the camera. It really speeds up building. But you can of course change camera at any point.

Which type of camera do you think you'll be using? Are there any accessibility features you think are a must have?

[ 2023-01-10 18:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Workshop integration

I'm happy to announce that Steam Workshop now has been integrated into the game. This means that you can from day one create, share and download additional building blocks, marbles and materials.

To commemorate the occasion (and prove its functionality), the first item has already been uploaded; A big metal funnel drop.

Let me know if using the workshop is something you look forward to using, either as a creator or to customize your experience.

[ 2022-12-28 21:23:54 CET ] [ Original post ]