It's Suika Shapes' one year Steam Anniversary! Thank you everyone for supporting the game! Suika Shapes was first released on itch.io a couple months before Steam, and due to its popularity I continued to develop it and brought it to Steam. After that, I added all sorts of new shapes up to the current count of ... about 26?, multiplayer modes, different gamemodes and stages, and cosmetic items. All standard shape modes have been cleared at this point aside from the S&Z pieces, and transformation randomizer! Well done to all clearers. Additionally, Suika Shapes has been played for about 37,000 hours total on Steam, with an average playtime of about 12 hours, and a median of 2 hours. Steam trading cards and emotes are on the way within the next month, so keep an eye out for those. Also if you're interested in participating in a versus tournament, please visit the discord, I am currently gauging interest: https://discord.gg/9PdMuVHbRE I'm hard at work on my other game, a very difficult climbing game made to be played with a controller right now so if you're interested, please check it out: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime/
[ 2024-11-28 16:05:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Inventory & Drop Trails
An inventory has been added to the game, where you can equip different effects that play when you drop shapes in game. Drop trails usually will have a random color applied to them. Drop trails also work in online play

In today's update, 5 trails were added to the game. Trails can be received as a random drop every couple days if you have an hour of playtime and submit a score above a certain threshold of points. Of the 5 trails added in this update, there are two Legendary tier trails that are significantly more rare, the Suika trail (no color variations currently) and Sakura trail (random color). The common trails added were circles, magical runes, and flower trails.

The inventory can be opened by clicking the backpack icon in the pause menu. As of right now, there is only a slot for drop trails, but additional item types may be added in the future.
Plan for the economy
Drop trails can be traded or sold on the community market, so I'd like to clearly state my plans for trails going forward. Additional trails will be added to the game over time, and it's likely newer trails will be relatively easier to obtain than older trails. I am reserving the ability to discontinue certain trails from dropping in the future if a reason to do this arises. I don't plan to ever sell "lootboxes" or random chance items. Items added will never affect gameplay in any way, it's just cosmetic stuff. I won't sell gameplay related DLC, those updates are free for everyone always. It's possible in the future you will be able to recycle items to paint existing items. Higher tier items would require more recycling to repaint but I haven't thought through this system in full yet.
Why add drop trails?
It's a mix of many reasons but probably the main reason is to give another reason for people to come back and try the game occasionally. I'm also hoping that over time Suika Shapes might be able to unlock community features, because currently it hasn't hit the threshold to where players can feature it on their profile, items from the game, and receive trading cards. Another benefit of having this system in the game is that I can create rewards to give out in community events, or I can run promotions for people to try other games I make as well.
Bug fixes
-Save data should be able to load without a connection to steam now -Playing with a controller against bots and some related UI issues have been fixed Also Sklime, my controller based climbing game will be releasing within a couple months. Wishlists help a ton. I've been updating the trailer lately so check it out if you haven't seen the game in a while! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime__A_Difficult_Climbing_Adventure/
[ 2024-08-14 02:01:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
3D Physics Modifier
If you're familiar with the most popular Suika Game, you might think Suika Shapes' physics are a bit lacking in some ways in comparison. There are reasons the game works like it does though, if you're interested, I made a video going over the difference between 3D and 2D physics in Suika Shapes: [previewyoutube=KhmpLa75Jcw;full][previewyoutube=KhmpLa75Jcw][/previewyoutube][/previewyoutube] In summary, 2D physics are much more stable and potentially allow for more shape types, which was the focus of Suika Shapes. Playing in 3D means shapes in the box are much more dynamic, but they can also jump out of bounds at times, or get stuck inside each other (more complex shape types). I put in a lot of effort to make sure 3D works with all stages and multiplayer modes, so if you enjoy this modifier let me know and I can continue porting more shapes into it. Right now the preview does not work perfectly for some 3D shapes, and I'll have to write some custom logic for that in the future. How instant drop works is also tied to this, so for triangles and a couple others work is right now it just checks with a box shape downward. Circles squares and rectangles should work perfectly though. There is a bug currently that prevents shapes from being slow rotated while they are against the edge of the box or being moved.

Local versus and Bots
Local versus has been implemented into the game, which means you can 1v1 people offline now as long as you have a controller, or if you don't, you can play with a friend even if they don't have the game through Steam Remote Play. Just invite them to play from in-game "Remote Play Together", then select 2 Player in the stage select. The versus stage now shows up in the stage select, and if you select 1 Player on it, it will take you to a bot select menu. There are 3 difficulties for bots, which just modifies their drop speed currently. The easy bot drops slowly and the hard bot drops very rapidly. If you can survive the Hard Bot's pressure and play smart, you should be able to catch up and out score it after it loses (or if you're really fast, maybe you can stay ahead! Maybe..). In addition to the 3 drop speeds, the second row of bots lets you play a version of versus where the floor starts at 0 speed so it should let you practice in longer games.

For each bot, you can earn stars by beating it with different shape modes. Any of the default modes (non-custom) will count, and I believe modifiers are allowed.
Misc changes:
-Instant drop now has a cooldown that lasts a couple ticks which shouldn't be noticeable unless you are cheating or something -Some fixes were made to moving the lose collider in extreme cases for versus mode -Snap rotate has been split to two keys now, you may have to rebind this in the settings. With the old method some inputs would get dropped so that should be fixed now -Snap rotate has a sound effect -Charge meter is now above your shape, and should work better with multiplayer -Evolution should also work with multiplayer now though text is missing in some modes
Score shoutouts
Congrats to the players who got top 10 in the latest shape, clovers (And Trilobyte for the clear):

Also congrats to the players who got top 10 in the latest shape pack (Random pack 5):

Join the discord here:

[ 2024-05-07 01:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes and minor changes
- Camera is only zoomed out on versus now for resolutions with an aspect ratio less than 16:9 (steam deck)
- Fixes to local and online co-op, I think there were a couple issues with the share mod. Share mod is now on by default for online co-op since I think it is better for the first three stages, local co-op still has to select it manually though
- Fixed a couple bugs with matchmaking (it would rejoin a lobby for a game that has ended sometimes), player names now are shown in game too. There aren't many players so if you want to play versus, you probably have to invite a friend or you can post on the discord
- Added a tooltip to the All gamemode saying that leaderboards are often changed for this mode
- The base downward force of instant drop's hard drop was increased slightly (20%)
- Rating is no longer shown on versus, there aren't enough players and the system isn't implemented correctly right now. If there's enough interest in the future I will consider making proper rating, matchmaking, replays, and match history
New Shape - Clovers

The latest shape is 3 conjoined circles which I have named clovers, since it's similar to the shape of a clover without a stem. They play similar to hearts, but don't have a pointed edge to reach lower, and also don't have a flat side either. With this shape added, I have also added Random pack 5, which contains the latest 5 shapes - Hearts, right triangles, trapezoids, bananas, and clovers.

Weekly Challenge update
I've added an update that allows me to have custom transformation sequences in the game now, so every few weeks (including next week) there will be a custom transformation sequence challenge. For the first challenge, I've created one with mostly round, fruity shapes. For example, yellow is banana, purple is clover etc. If there's ever demand for one of these to become an official mode I'll consider adding it If you want to propose a future weekly challenge, let me know on discord

Score shoutouts

Bananas may have ended up a bit too easy... They are hard to balance because they can be stacked in many ways and often reach most shapes in the box if rotated in one way or another All random

Thanks for submitting scores, and sorry this update was so soon for all random. Updates are likely going to be a bit slower going forward since I have to get more work done on my other game https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime/
[ 2024-04-26 02:03:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Versus selection screen should now correctly show your selected mode, and the opponent's selected mode and ready status -Fixed the floor rate for versus being constant, it now correctly gets faster over time. I made it slower to start by 2 minutes worth of speed, so it reaches the old starting speed at 2 minutes into the match and then increases in speed from there
[ 2024-04-22 08:52:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Online Versus Beta
Online versus is here! I am declaring it as "beta" because the rating should be seen as temporary, it has to be switched to a new system and will be reset soon, so don't get too attached to your rank. Matchmaking is currently set to worldwide and it just grabs the first player it can from the queue, no skill based matchmaking. If in the future there arises a need for a real matchmaking system I will add it, but not many people play the game currently so I didn't want to make you wait in the queue if there is someone to match with. Currently this mode is restricted to either queueing or inviting a friend and selecting it from stage select (unranked), you can't play it locally yet. Versus mode runs on a stage that is essentially the speed stage with some new added rules:
- If the floor would have been moved below the bottom of the screen, the other player's floor moves up that amount instead
- Combos greater than or equal to 4 send "damage" (raises the opponent's floor) to the opponent. Damage values see the combo damage values below
- If you have many shapes in your box (15-30+), the amount of damage sent/done is reduced by up to half, and your floor will move upward faster
- To allow for better comboing while still keeping some random challenge, the color (and shape selection) has been moved to a "bag" system in only this mode. Every 10 shapes it is guaranteed that there will be 2 of every color, and for every shape type (like circle, triangle, square etc) in the current shape mode, there are 2 of every shape per 2*(number of types)
- A combo is counted if shapes merge within 1 second of each other. Previously this was set to .3 seconds, where the velocity of the shape was considered instead after .3s for deciding what shape a shape becomes after merging
- Combos can be extended by quickly dropping and matching additional shapes
- The player that gets a higher score wins,but if the score is tied, the player who survived longer wins. Nobody wins if the survival time and score is equal (though it might say win for both if this happens currently).
Combo damage
- 1x combo: 0
- 2x combo: 0
- 3x combo: 0
- 4x combo: 2
- 5x combo: 1.5
- 6x combo: 1.5
- 7x combo: 1.5
- 8x combo: 1.25
- 9x combo: 1.25
- 10x combo: 1.25
Messiness Factor
As an anti-spam mechanism, there is a messiness factor that essentially makes the floor rise faster by a small amount (the amount is equal to the speed increase after 2 minutes in speed mode). The penalty begins at about 15 shapes, and hits the max at 30 shapes. In addition to this, the same penalty applies to how much damage you send to the opponent, where up to 15 shapes you send full damage, and at 30+shapes you send only 50% of the damage If you get a chance to play this mode, definitely give me feedback on what you want adjusted. In particular, this sort of feedback is important: In general, should combos be weaker/stronger? Should your base matching speed matter more? Should the messiness factor matter more (is spamming too strong?) - and if so, should it matter more for base floor speed or combo damage reduction?
Mode selection
There is a bug with this right now I am working on a patch for, but you have 30 seconds to select a mode from the main shape modes. You can also select random, for a random mode to be selected, or pass to let the other player choose. If both players pass or don't select something, a random mode is picked. There is an icon to display what the other player has selected, which you can use to communicate about which mode you want to play before pressing ready

The latest shape to hit the game -> Bananas! Over time my ability to make more complex shapes without them getting stuck has improved, so now I've added a banana-like shape. Similar to right triangles, rotation matters a lot with this shape, but something weird about it is that you can probably still clear it will a lot of wasted space
Leaderboard shoutouts
Thanks to everyone who submitted scores to the most recent shape added, trapezoids:

And thanks to everyone who played the most recent iteration of all random:

dragonwolf717 and TheDeadKalemon really stole the show here, congrats! Thanks to everyone checking out the weekly mode spotlight as well! If you want to try the new mode but have noone to play with, try asking on the discord:

[ 2024-04-21 02:39:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Graphics and additional customization

Suika Shapes has a new look! I took the time to draw some shading and highlights and re-did some of the colors for the shapes to match the cover art. The smallest shape's color has also been changed to cyan because it was previously causing a lot of confusion. The old style can still be used if you choose the "Classic" Shape Style in the graphic settings. The white outlines setting still affects the face colors, and white outlines is on by default. Shape colors, outlines, shading, particle colors, and more can all be customized now. Additionally, the custom faces should be working better, and you can choose to only replace specific faces now instead of all of them. You can also provide a custom background image as well if you'd like to. The readme in the Skin folder has also been updated, so check that out in your install directory for the full instructions on customizing the game's colors.

The latest shape added to the game is Trapezoids! We are now up to 22 shapes, or 24 if you count the mirrored tetrominos (see chirality) There's something great about simple regular shapes that allows them to be stacked and fit together in many great ways, so I went for another simple one this time around.
New Stage - Balance

This is a new mode that I think everyone may be able to enjoy as much as the base Suika experience. In Balance, the lose condition is completely different from normal Suika. Hp system -> In Balance, if shapes fall off of the edge you lose hp. If your hp reaches 0, the game ends. Bigger shapes falling off causes a larger loss of hp, which matches the score values you would get for matching them (you have 250 hp) This stage does not work well (or at all) if you only choose circles, but if you mix circles with something else, they can become a fun obstacle to work around. The ground has increased friction to help a bit, but shapes are still just as slippery as normal. Use the slow drop feature frequently (right click) to gently drop shapes. In addition to using the hp system, the stage can also tilt a few degrees in either direction depending on how much weight is on either side.
Weekly Mode Spotlight

The long awaited, much needed weekly mode spotlight is finally here! Compete with all other players together every week on a curated mode, sometimes with leaderboards specially made for the week. For the first week, everyone will be cometing on the new stage, Balance, with Transformation mode! Good luck! I put a score up at 2322 points for everyone to try and beat. For those who are able to make a Suika on this stage, be careful to stop it from rolling off! The weekly mode panel will show the top 10 Global and friend scores for each mode. The scores are not time limited, so you can still compete on the previous week's challenge late as well. Though, if you'd like to get started on next week's challenge, you can see it in the image above.
Instant Drop Modifier
If you were looking closely at that image, you might have noticed a new modifier: Instant drop. This mod Instantly places the shape where it would first hit something else, and also removes the drop cooldown. I suggest pairing this with the Speed stage! The regular drop and slow drop still vary slightly in that a regular drop applies a bit more force than the slow drop in Instant drop mode. To be honest, after getting used to this mod I want to use it all the time now
Local co-op fixes
Local co-op has a proper input assignment prompt now, so you can have two controller in local co-op
Shoutout to top scores
Finally I'd like to shoutout the best scores for the latest iteration of Random - All

And to the top scores for Right Triangles so far:

Congrats! Next time I'll shoutout the top scores for trapezoids (and the current Random - All if a new shape is added) That's (mostly) all for this update! I hope everyone enjoys it and I'll see you on the weekly challenge leaderboards. I also want to thank everyone for playing, we recently hit over 2,000 copies sold and achieved a Very Postive rating on steam which is cool. If you'd like you can follow me on twitter/X for updates, or join the community discord below.

[ 2024-03-24 19:31:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Right Triangles
There are actually quite a few different types of triangles that exist, and with Triangles - Classic recently being cleared (by BluePluto with 6558 points - Congrats!) I though it would be a good time to add another into the game. Right triangles make a lot of interesting geometric patterns when stacked together, but can get messy quickly. From what I've played of them, I suspect they will require a significant amount of skill to complete.
Local Co-op beta
Local co-op has been added to the game as a checkbox under the options menu, I am labeling this as a beta for now because I don't actually have two controllers, just my mouse/keyboard and one controller so I only was able to test this sort of setup. Please post in the discussions, or on discord if you run into any issues.
- Screen shake effects have been added, mostly for large combos or merging of large shapes. This can be disabled in the graphics settings under "Camera Shake"
- You can recolor the drop line by pressing "C" on keyboard, or pressing in the left joystick on a controller, this was added to help differentiate players in local co-op. By default the second player is set to a different color.
- Korean language support has been added
- Particle effect animation has been updated
- All 2 shape combinations on the standard stage without modifications have leaderboards again including Right Triangles and hearts
Score Recognition

Congratulations to the top scores on this iteration of Random All (Classic), including two clears, one by 500am with 7421 points, and one by Daniel Frost with 6216 points. To view these scores any time, check the "Custom" box and make sure the shapes only up to hearts are selected. I will of course shout-out the top scores whenever the next shape is added as well

Also congratulations to the top scores on the latest shape Hearts, there hasn't been a clear quite yet but some close scores. I will shoutout the top scores for Right Triangles - Classic in the next post, so good luck to everyone! Join the community discord:

Follow me on x/twitter: https://twitter.com/ZanthousDev Wishlist my upcoming Getting-Over-It style controller based climbing game Sklime: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime/
[ 2024-03-01 01:42:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hearts seem to be stable enough so I've added the to random -all. Because of this, new leaderboards have been generated for random - all. The previous leaderboards can still be accessed by enabling custom combinations, and unchecking hearts.
Shoutout to the top 10 scores for Random All - Classic, including 500am who managed to clear it
[ 2024-02-15 03:26:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new shape has been added to the game:
They look similar to teardrops, however play quite differently. They haven't been added to all random yet, but will be at some point in the future (I want to be sure they are not too unstable first)
Shoutout to Trilobyte for the top score in Transformation Randomizer:
In the next post I'll be highlighting scores on Hearts - Classic mode. If you have any preferences regarding what gets focused on next, please leave a comment. Stages and shapes or small changes/fixes are best, since I am currently mainly working on other projects.
If you haven't already, check out the other game I'm developing - Sklime: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime/
It's a difficult climbing game made for controllers specifically
Join the community discord:
[ 2024-02-14 16:00:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Transformation Randomizer Mode
A new mode, transformation randomizer has been added. You can now play transformation mode with a random configuration of shapes. To continue playing with the current shape order, retry normally. To get a new shape order, press play from the mode select panel. I'd like to add more control in the future.
Unbinding and rebinding update
Some bugs with rebinding should be fixed, and now you can unbind things you do not want to be bound. There may still be issues so let me know if there are any problems. You should be able to navigate this panel on controller now as well.
Additional Language support
Support for the following languages has been added:
- Polish
- German
- Russian
- French
- Ukranian
A Demo for my game Sklime is now available
If you're interested in games like Getting Over It, you may be interested in my upcoming game Sklime, a brutally difficult twin-stick climbing game made for controllers. You can try it out free on Steam. Wishlists help a lot if you are interested: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1380970/Sklime/

Top scores on the new stages
Thanks to everyone who tried out the new stages. These were the top Circles scores for Co-op Wheel and Co-op Pins

And these were the top Circles scores for Wheel and Pins (solo)

If you'd like you can follow me on twitter/X for updates, or join the community discord below

[ 2024-02-07 22:45:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Online Co-op Arrives in Suika Shapes
Invite a friend from the Main Menu, then have the host select a mode and you can play together with a friend in Suika Shapes. Each player gets their own shape pool, and each player by default gets their own half of the box
New Stage - Wheel
But that's not all of course, with another player helping you combine shapes, I wanted to add some larger stages for co-op mode. Stages are made to be playable with separate leaderboards for both co-op as well as single player.
The first new stage is Wheel, it is in a large T shaped box and it has a wheel in the center that changes direction when a shape is dropped. If you aren't careful and build up too many shapes in the center, the wheel pushes really hard on them and can send one out of bounds, so build carefully!
Overall, Wheel has softer co-op elements and allows both players to play rather independently. Both of the new stages have an additional max level for shapes, since I wanted to try making some larger levels. Whenever I next add levels they will probably be smaller again, but let me know what you think of the new stages
New Stage - Pins
The second new stage has pins that pop out in alternating positions when a shape gets dropped. The pins obstruct you and must be planned around, but can also be used to your advantage if you're careful.
Pins provides a more difficult, puzzle experience that requires careful coordination if you are playing co-op mode.
Some stages or some stages on co-op mode required moving the leaderboard. To access the leaderboard, just open the pause menu, and it will be on the right. The color select has also moved to the pause menu for the time being.
Speaking of leaderboards, co-op mode scores have tooltips with some extra data on which players contributed to getting the score, and when the score was set. Date/time data was not stored before so it's not possible to have tooltips with the date and time for single player, except for new scores after this update, but I haven't enabled tooltips for them as of now.
Share Modifier
In case you don't like having the box split in half, there is also the "Share" modifier which allows both players full access to the box.
In the new update, leaderboards have been added for co-op mode for all of the base shape modes (whatever there is a button for on the menu), with or without the share modifier. There are also leaderboards for evolution or transformation with any of these things. (but not evolution and transformation simultaneously right now).
Weekly Contest
With the addition of so much new content, it's easy to be overwhelmed and not know what modes to focus on. In the near future I'd like to add a mode spotlight in the client that changes weekly, but for the time being I will make weekly Steam posts instead. For the first week, compete to get the best score for Circles mode on the new stages Pins, and wheels! I will post the best co-op and non co-op scores in the next post a week from now
[ 2024-01-13 16:23:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Adjusted the rotation hint on alternative resolutions
-Added a sound for slow drop
-Fixed an issue with text outlines being the wrong color in some cases
-The game now defaults to confining the cursor to the game window, this can be disabled in the gameplay settings if you don't like this
-Testing adding additional localizations, with chinese to start however I've only quality controlled some of it so far so there are likely errors. More to come soon
-Mode select panel is bigger again in preparation for the future
I also forgot to commemorate the top scorers for the previous iteration of the All Random difficulty, so I will do that here instead:
Congrats to everyone who made the top 10
[ 2023-12-13 06:18:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
4 New shapes and Random Pack 4
Finally some more round shapes
- Capsules -> I chose to make these slightly less long so they wouldn't play too similarly to rectangles, and because circles is really popular. Hopefully these provide a fun alternative gamemode to try out
- Double Diamonds -> This shape is brutal, it gets stuck all over the place. Be careful when merging
- Ovals -> this one ends up playing a good amount like rectangles, but they are pointier and can reach narrower spaces when dropped vertically. In reality it's a squashed octagon shape because octagons have stable physics
- Tears -> Tears are easily my favorite of the bunch. They fit together in all sorts of visually appealing ways, wobble and topple over in comedic sequences, have a very sharp pointed edge to reach shapes underneath, and their roundness allows them to be pushed around in many ways. Give them a try!
Enhanced Slow Drop

The slow drop feature has now been improved, and moved to a different key binding. Instead of the previous toggle system (still exists for now but may be removed in the future), you can now press Right click, or the Southern Gamepad button to drop a shape with wings. Previously, the slow drop would only modify the start speed of the shape, so if you were dropping it toward the top of the tank, it would be very slow when landing, and toward the bottom of the tank it would still be very fast. I've decided to make slow drop a consistent speed all the way down instead. It has a short cooldown (2x the cooldown of a regular drop) still. Previously, when you would drop smaller shapes, they would bounce in really crazy way with little way to control them in some circumstances. I am hoping to slightly increase the amount of decisions possible for players, and also enhance the puzzle elements for players with this change. Ultimately it could make some scores a bit easier in the short term, but long term I think it is a good change for the game and I hope you'll agree that having the extra bit of control is worth it.
Background selection and Seasonal background

A time-limited seasonal background has been added and made default. You can select the old shapes background from the graphics settings, or a plain background if you'd like to have maximum performance.
Enhanced customizability - Faces and Colors
You can now select one of 4 default face sets, the regular faces, dice pips, numbers, and blank/no faces. Additionally, you can select the Custom option and provide custom sprites at

-Added a prompt explaining how to rotate shapes, this can be disabled in the gameplay settings -The preview shape now works correctly with every shape, it was a bit hardcoded before to only do a check with its bounding box but this has been fixed -Added a couple more tooltips -Improved mode title display when using Japanese text -The leaderboard name hiding now updates immediately instead of the next time you start a game -Leaderboards now exist for every 2 shape combination on the default mode with no modifiers, let me know if you find any fun combinations. These leaderboards will likely be quite quiet since there are about 200 combinations, so grab a few friends and challenge each other's scores A demo will be available for the game starting soon, sometime by the 15th, allowing players to play 2 shape combination modes. Issues: The background pattern select text does not match the visuals (I changed the order last second) this will have to be fixed in the next version If you run into any serious issues while playing the new version, from the betas tab on the game's properties you can opt-in to playing the previous build. Happy holidays and happy shape matching!

[ 2023-12-11 16:43:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Various fixes related to 4:3 aspect ratio monitors, the rules display will show along the top instead -UI visuals, a lot of places were not using the correct colors until now -Pausing is now allowed after losing -Fixed tooltips sometimes not hiding on mode select close -Fixed a bug where ui was not interactable after viewing the instructions -Added an option to hide the drop line (though I don't suggest using this) -Added a persistent "Quit Game" button on the corner of the options menu -Fixed setting the drop preview to disabled in the options menu not saving New shapes will be coming soon, you can see a preview of them on the menu screen My next priority is likely improving key rebinding and adding an alternative set of faces optimized for colorblind recognizability
[ 2023-12-07 11:59:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new Shape - Stairs is here!
Climb your way up the leaderboards of this wonderful new shape. As always, achievements have been added for 3k points and a double suika clear.
I haven't decided exactly what pace to add new shapes at, but they will be added periodically especially if there aren't any other gameplay changes going on at the time, with a goal of eventually reaching 32 or so total shapes. Every 5 new shapes added, a new pack mode will be made with persistent leaderboards for the latest 5 shapes.
Regarding All Random: Since shapes are still being added to the game, this unfortunately means the all random gamemode's leaderboards will also change with each shape added. If you'd like to view the previous leaderboard, just choose "Custom" shape selection and select all the shapes that were part of all random for the update you want to view. (It will say no leaderboard available, but if you play it will load anyway). All previous leaderboards for all random will still exist but be accessed differently.
To achieve All Random's achievements, you must play with the current selection of shapes in the All Random pack. Since the leaderboards have changed, I'd like to congratulate everyone who made it to the top 10:
Well done! All random is the second most played gamemode after circles by unique player count with around 300 scores submitted at the time of this post.
Expanded Controller Support
Most of the game's functionality can now be carried out by a controller. You should (hopefully) be able to play no problem with a controller now. The things that are not currently supported are:
- Color Select
- Options menu dropdowns
- Prompt images are not specific to the controller you use
- Key rebinding is not fully functional
- Selecting a pop sound now plays a preview sound
- Japanese bold text should be more legible now. It looked terrible before,
- Sound artifacts should be reduced, I believe I was handling them wrong before so pop sounds would cause issues when played in succession
- Fixed an issue where you could go further than the intended distance over the edge in some circumstances, this should help the preview flash less but there appears to be one issue when rotating that still causes it to flash a bit I have not fixed yet
- The retry confirmation now resets after a few seconds

[ 2023-12-05 05:51:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Transformation mode
Each color is tied to a specific shape in this mode, so you can't pick custom shapes if you enable it.
Shapes transform in this order:
- Triangle
- Square
- Rectangle
- Pentagon
- Corner
- T tetromino
- Tall T
- Plus
- W
- Circle

Sound options There are now 3 pop sound options that can be selected in the sound options menu, the default was changed but the old sound is still available Tooltips A tooltip system has been created so I can display descriptions for gamemodes and modifiers easily Merge Rules Updated When two shapes of different type merge, the prioritization has been updated slightly to make it more predictable. Previously it just became the shape that was moving faster in the collision, however during a chain merge, shapes would often have close to 0 velocity since they just spawned, and the resulting shape from a chain merge would feel random. Now, new shapes take priority for a short time, and after that the velocities are prioritized. I'm not sure it's perfectly tuned yet but it should feel a bit better now. Other A couple smaller changes were made such as enabling the options menu on the main menu, and some random bug fixes
[ 2023-11-29 16:24:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
-Fixed an issue that caused the Mac build to be unable to play -Fixed lose game panel alignment -Fixed gameplay options not fitting the scroll view -Fixed audio playing on the main menu when sound volume is 0% -Small music improvements
[ 2023-11-28 00:00:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
🍉 In Suika Shapes, match two shapes of the same color to create a larger shape and increase your score. Careful though, the more you play, the less space you have
🔄️Rotate and strategically match shapes
🌐Features over 200+ leaderboards! Compete against the world, specialize and become a master of your favorite mode, and challenge your friends to beat your scores.
🟢19+ Unique Shapes all with leaderboards!:
- Circles
- Triangles
- Squares
- Rectangles
- Pentagons
- Hexagons
- Pluses
- "T" Shapes
- "W" Shapes
- Various Tetriminos
- Stairs
- Tears
- Ovals
- Capsules
- Double Diamonds
- ... Or any combination of the above!
🛠️5 Modifiers to change up gameplay
- Swap - allows you to swap shapes with the "Next" shape
- Slippery - all shapes become slippery
- Charge - Charge up and shoot out the shape with extra force
- Low gravity - reduce gravity
- Bouncy - All shapes become bouncy
🎮4 Gamemodes
- Normal - The classic suika mode, aim to create and merge watermelon shapes. All shapes are carefully balanced so merging two watermelons is possible but very difficult
- Speed mode - The floor is rising faster every minute, match shapes quickly to lower it - or run out of space!
- Transformation - Each color corresponds to a specific shape that is the same every time, transform the shapes up until they are a round watermelon!
- Evolution - Start off with smaller shapes, then every double watermelon clear the shapes grow in size a little! Best for long play sessions
⏱️Prefer something a bit more high pressure? Try speed mode and test your speed!
Mix and match any shape, gamemode, and modifier and challenge your friends to beat your score!
Multiplayer will not be in the game at release but may be added in a future update.
Based on the game スイカゲーム (watermelon game)
Contact: suika-support@zan-kai.com
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set supportMemory: 256 MB RAM
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+. Vulkan capable
- Storage: 200 MB available space
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