[BETA] v1.0 - The end
[ 2025-01-26 17:29:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is focused on polishing the entire game for release so not much new content folks.
New Features
- Final boss was completely reworked
- 5 New items
- Solar Panel
- Bandages
- Lion Paw
- Prismatic Sword
- Skeleton Key
- New enemy - Poison Mage
Item changes
- Added mythical variants for Ice Emblem, Crown of Malice, Witch Hat, Assassin's Dagger, Spectral Spear, Hive Staff, Knife, Crossbow Glove, Forest Boots, Mushroom Greaves, Star Trinket and Bloody Horn.
- Book of Ice now applies freezing.
- Shield Bombs are now stackable (duplicates increase shieldarea).
- Minion staves now increase the damage of ALL minions of their type by 0.5 (so for example, DogStaff can now buff Whistle).
- Freezing is now recognized as a status effect so it now synergizes with Marksman Coin and Witch Hat.
- Revolver now synergizes with Quiver of the Forest Spirit (for lolz).
- Ancient Fragment's explosion now opens chests, destroys nearby walls and hazards and deals proximity-based damage with up to x12 more damage to enemies adjacent to the player.
UI Improvements
- Improved main menu design.
- Added animation for Godot splash screen.
- Improved mouse interactions: added dedicated"back" buttons and other clickable areas, fixed slider interactions.
- You can now use controller sticks to scroll any scroll container.
- Added mythical items completion tracker to Encyclopedia.
- You can now scroll bag backwards if you hold Shift.
- Manually adjusted rotation animations for every enemy in the Bestiary. Updated some enemy icons. Fix multi-tile bosses not displaying the appropriate amount of tiles.
- Passive item duplicates are now merged into one item with the amount label (e.g. x2) on HUD.
- You can now quit to main menu from game over screen. Added subtle animations for game over screen itself and to main menu transition.
Other additions and changes
- Added credits screen.
- Added all missing Bestiary descriptions.
- You can now interact with the Scorpion Queen's crown.
- Add more animations for Snails, Titans, Earth Mage, Light Keeper, Seeker.
- Improve Ascension level generation to make the pathing more intentional and uuh fun ig.
- Added slow-mo effect when defeating bosses.
- Added cracks to Shrine of Balance to indicate when it's about to break.
- Made blood splashes a tad juicier.
[ 2025-01-26 17:29:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.10 - Forgotten souls and twisted fates
[ 2024-08-24 14:40:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds more variety to all aspects of the game.
New Features
- Alternative level to Dark Tunnel FrozenTomb
- New character Glass Seraph
- New rare shop variant with a wider variety of goods and a more chaotic pricing system
- 16 New items
- Voodoo Doll
- MarksmanCoin
- Lil Apprentice
- Robo Arm(Left)
- Robo Arm (Right)
- Electric Armor
- Lab Coat
- Party Slippers
- Pancakes
- Skull Mask
- Map of Ystilia
- Matchsticks
- Leash
- R/C Straps
- Cleansing Potion
- Bloody Horn
- Glass enchantment
- Dark enemies
- Loops rework to make them faster and feel more unique:
- 2 levels can now merge together into a single "mashup level"
- Starting from loop 2 some levels can become really small "micro levels"
Item changes
- Yoyo
- When thrown the Yoyonow bounces away from the enemy. This pretty much halves single target damage but adds more AOE damage and uptime of thrown projectiles.
- No longer uses minion attack, damage is calculated as half of your weapon damage.
- Trident
- Trident now deals x2 damage immediately after throwing an enemy
- Using trident to knock back enemies no longer triggers any "on attack"item effects
- Vial of Ichor fully heals on pickup.
- Added Sylvan variants for Priestess Dress and Necromancer Cloak.
- Added Mythical variant for Forbidden Knowledge.
- Reduced rarity forAssassin's Boots from green to blue.
- Mythical Wizard Robe no longer gives extra stats butdoubles the damage when using magic weapons on their last charge.
- To make effects match the thematics better, Witch Hat's effect was given to thenew Skull Mask item. Witch Hat itself got a completely new effect.
- Items that modify your bombs' size and speed can now stack infinitely.
Visual Improvements
- Improved sprites and added new animations to FalseSeraph.
- Explosions now leave scorch marks on the ground.
- Added speed lines when riding the elevator in Ascension.
- Added animation for HUD hearts when player takes damage.
- Added animation when items drop on the ground.
- Added subtle animation to confirmation dialog.
- Improved floor animation when walking in Dark Tunnel and added it to Dry Cave as well.
Other additions and changes
- Added descriptions for most of the enemies in the Bestiary.
- You can now open settings from main menu.
- You can now walk automatically by holding down movement buttons!
- You can now explode chests, obelisks, grails, pedestals and shop tables. Destroying a chest has a tiny (unreliable) chance of getting a random drop. Everything else is just for lols.
- You can now start a run with a random character.
- Added separate category for Lock items in the Encyclopedia.
- Levels are now surrounded by an extra layer of walls which mixes diggable walls and bedrock to smoothen the transition and make levels feel more natural.
- Regular shops are now guaranteed to have at least 2 different types of items on sale.
- Shrine of Balance now has a limit of how many items you can get from it before it explodes and dies... I realized that almost all of the gamebreaks revolve around the Shrine of Balance in one way or another so this seemed to be the best way to address them.
- Settings now display an icon if they were changed from their defaults.
- Item enchantments are now shown on their item description popups and when blocking damage.
Technical improvements and bugfixes
- Reworked darkness system
- Enemies walking into darkness now get properly darkened.
- Small area behind doors is now properly darkened.
- Fixed rare issues when 1-pixel-wide strips of walls can be seen through darkness.
- Fixed ballistas, banners and some other entities still being visible when their tile becomes dark.
- Fixed darkness not updating when walls get destroyed or added.
- Darkness animations now feel smother overall.
- 2D sound effects are now played relative to the player instead of relative to the center of the screen. Only noticeable in boss batles.
- Minion positions are now saved when quitting a run.
- Level generator no longer creates super narrow and long corridor rooms as often as it did.
- Fixed item descriptionpopups appearing above encyclopedia and other screens.
- Reworked analog sticks handling for controllers which should hopefully fix them not working on Steam Decks.
- Fixed softlock when trying to edit controller settings with a keyboard and vice versa.
- Fixed healing enemies often having glitchy animations.
- Fixed hermit mages and magma blocks triggering/shooting bullets diagonally
[ 2024-08-24 14:40:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.9.1 - Shopkeeper Rework
[ 2024-01-13 15:19:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Shopkeeper Rework
- Removed flat -0.5 defense penalty.
- Removed flat -0.5 attack penalty. Instead, Shopkeeper now has a permanent x0.5 attack multiplier on all non-minion weapons.
- You can now carry items in locked slots. This will not provide any effects but will allow you to sell them.
- Shopkeeper's Lock is now way rarer. Also, your 2nd Shopkeeper's Lock will not appear until you have at least 2 other locks. Your 3rd Shopkeeper's Lock will not appear until you have at least 4 other locks.
- The starting distribution of locked slots is way less randomized. The [Extra] and your 1st [Accessory] slots will never be locked. Your 2nd [Accessory] slot will always start locked.
- Hoarding Lock now drops double pickups.
- Hive Lock now spawns double bees and it offsets them just like a Hive Staff would.
- Reduced prices of Lock of Power and Lock of Magic from 8 to 5 keys.
- Added 2 new locks: Tiny Lock and Lock of Treasures.
Other changes
- Added Fire Pots to Dry Cave.
- You can now put throwable pots on pedestals or sell them.
- Fix the damage not displaying correctly when holding a throwable pot.
- Your currently held throwable pot is now saved when quitting the game.
- Enemies that were just revealed from darkness will not immediately move. This makes it 100% safe to dash into darkness with True Seraph or with a Mythical Pickaxe.
- The Final Boss will no longer steal more than 2 items at a time.
- Fix boss room doors sometimes getting blocked after boss fight in Ruins.
[ 2024-01-13 15:19:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.9 - At the Top of the Tower
[ 2024-01-03 15:52:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds the final boss of the game
New Features
- The final boss
- 9 New Items
- Rat Scepter
- Phoenix Shield
- Libra
- Crown of Roses
- Crystal Crown
- Priestess Dress
- Assassin's Boots
- Zodiac
- Forbidden Knowledge
- New enemy for Dry Cave:Desert Worm
- Reverse Shrines. Explode shrines to make them switch between their normal and reverse forms and reveal their new abilities.
- Overcharged and Diva enemies.
- Sylvan enchantment.
- Added integration with Discord Rich Presence (can be turned off in settings).
- Added Linux support.
Item changes
- You can now hit enemies with minion staves. This deals no damage but can help when dealing with spiders.
- Trident will now knock you back if it fails to knock back an enemy
- Book of Ice
- Added mythical variant
- Added visual effect when piercing enemies
- Whistle
- 0.5 minion attack -> 0.25 minion attack
- Now summons a dog minion
- Flask of Poison
- Dark poison now damages enemies before they get a chance to move which is consistent with all other items. However, dark poison no longer damages enemies on its first turn.
- Angelic Banner: Also gives you +0.5 attack when standing in banner's area.
- Barbarian Helmet: 0.75 attack -> 0.5 attack
- Kitsune Mask: 0.5 attack-> 0.25 attack
- Mythical WizardHat: 0.75 magic attack -> 0.5 magic attack
- Mythical Thorns Armor
- 0.75 attack -> 0.25 attack
- Creates more thorns
- Warmaster Armor
- +0.25 defense
- Added visual effect when buff is active
- Necromancer Cloak
- +0.25 defense
- Drops a bomb on pickup
- Slightly increased range where minions can be created
- Trying to equippermanent minions on top of skull minions will move them to a new position instead of destroying them
- Shell Armor: +0.25 defense
- Star Trinket: +0.25 magic attack
- Ancient Fragment: +0.25 minion attack
- Lock of Poison: +0.25 defense, increased poison duration from 3 to 4 turns
- Witch Hat
- Drops a bomb on pickup
- No longer spawns bombs when picking up keys. Instead, enemies killedwith bombshave a chance to drop extra bombs.
- Improved colorsfor all item sprites.
Enemy changes
- Giant and tiny enemies now create giant and tiny projectiles respectively.
- Earth Mage
- Added unique warning tile
- Increased attack delay by 1 turn
- Added animation for creating walls
- Bishop: Added unique warning tile
- Agony
- Increased HP from 3 to 4
- Increased number of attacks from 5 to 7
- Removed stun immunity
- Scorpion Queen's poison attack a little stronger now.
Other changes
- The game now automatically saves at the start of every floor to mitigate the consequences of crashes.
- Added a tutorial popup whenever you start a new run.
- Improved style of item popups and encyclopedia to make them more readable.
- You can now explode the shopkeeper.
- You can now explode poison pots.
- Made camera slightly smoother.
- Fixed inconsistent health of enemies that have multiple quirks.
- Fixed Cave Tyrant incorrectly reacting to player attacks when using Assassin's Dagger.
- Fixed EarthMages and Blade Demons not removing their warning tiles when you enter the boss room.
- Fixed bottommost level walls's bottom part not being covered in darkness.
- Fixed boss pedestals spawning on top of pickups (again).
- Fixed Hive Staff andBatsey Staff not randomizing minion placements when dropping and picking them up.
[ 2024-01-03 15:52:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.8 - Flooded Cave: Reflooded
[ 2023-08-04 15:33:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update improves early levels and adds a lot of new items.
New Features
- 11 New items
- Trident
- Warlock's Orb
- Divine Intervention
- Witch Hat
- Technology
- Warmaster Armor
- Shackles
- Hoverboard
- Gift
- Toy Box
- Chocolate Heart
Early floors improvements
- Poison hazards now work similar to fire they only damage you after standing on poison for 2+ turns. Damage increased from 0.5 to 1. Lifetime increased by 1 turn.
- You can now find throwable pots in Flooded Cave.
- Rooms in Flooded Cavecan now be connected via dirt paths (on top of their normal connections).
- Levels can now sometimes have extra small rooms.
- Rebalanced enemy sets in early levels to make them a bit more engaging with the player.
- Rabbits now chase you. They now also tend to spawn in groups similar to Lunatic Slugs.HP reduced from 0.5 to 0.25. Changed death effects of poisonous and fire rabbits.
- Frogs now move similarly to Snipers and Lizard Warriors they chase you while trying to align themselves horizontally to you.
- Electric Hermit Mages now shoot diagonally and horizontally but they no longer shoot vertically.
- Mushrooms and cacti enemies now randomly get up more often. Mushrooms now move in your direction if they randomly get up while close to you.
- Fire from Light Keeper's bombs can now spread slightly.
- Snails and Poisonous Stars leave poison on death.
- Worms can now also spawn moving horizontally rather than vertically. Worms will never pick a starting direction that will make them stuck in a 1-tile gap.
- Significantly reduced the average density of dirt blocks in rooms with dirt blocks.
Item changes
- Add mythical variants for Spiky Shield, StunningShield and Jester Shield.
- Knight Boots no longer give fire immunity.
- Increased Bow attack from 1.25 to 1.5.
- Increased Cerberus Bow attack from 1 to 1.25.
- Book of Ice
- Deals double damage if you manage to hit 2 enemies simultaneously.
- Uses reduced from 4 to 3.
- Book of Flames
- Reduced attack from 2 to 0.5.
- Now applies burning to enemieswhich deals (0.25 + magic attack / 2) damage every turn.
- Reduced rarity from Golden to Green.
- Increased rarity of Book of the Black Star from Green to Golden.
- Effects on attacking (Flask of Poison, Blade Crown, Divine enchantment etc.) now activate when [use]ing Thunder Scepter instead of when charging it.
- Player-created hazards (e.g. from Flask of Poison) get immunity to getting overridden by other hazards for 2 turns.
- Crossbow Glove now synergizes with Quiver of the Forest Spirit.
- Improved Possessed Sandals sprite and added sound effects.
- Improved sound effects for Scythe and Scream in a Bottle.
Other changes
- You can now sometimes finddiscounts in shops.Shops will always prioritize giving discounts for items that you used the least according to your Encyclopedia.
- Doors can now be destroyed by explosions. Destroying both supporting walls will also destroy doors.
- Level generator now tries its hardest to not place the starting room close to the boss room in Ruins.
- Guardian Angels and Soul Catchers now see you from 1 tile farther away.
- False Seraph now doesn't usean attack where he chases you for several turnsin the 2ndpart of the 2ndphase because it was often undodgeable.
- Added drop shadow to prices in shops to make them more readable.
- Lunatic Leader now never spawns more than 1 Earth Mage per wave.
- Added sound effects for switching weapons and Batsey grazing.
- Improved sound effects for Lunatic Beast.
- Fixed crash that could happen when taking damage from Soul Catcher's souls.
- Improved death check algorithm. The game now checks if you died at the end of every turn instead of immediately when taking damage. This fixes bugs like:
- Batsey dying when shooting revolver and grazing at 0.25 hp.
- Player dying when taking damage from a bullet but immediately healing it up with Vampire Crown.
- Fixed Cave Tyrant and Scorpion Queen often not taking damage from dark poison hazards.
- Fixed worms and Cave Tyrant incorrectly changing their direction if the player attacks them during their movement animation.
- Fixed inconsistent Possessed Sandals damagewhen using them withSpectral Spear.
- Fixed Possessed Sandals animation not playing its last few frames.
- Mythical Serpent Knife no longer overlapstoxic clouds if you attack multiple times on the same tile.
- Potentially fixed item description box sometimes disappearing without an animation
- Fixed incorrect sprite positions of giant and tiny worms.
- Fixed smoke from boss doors not disappearing when dashing through doors with the TrueSeraph.
- Fixed doors opening the wrong way when dashing into them with the True Seraph.
- Fixed fire wheels getting stuck on grails when summoned by an obelisk.
[ 2023-08-04 15:33:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.7 - Tower of Agony
[ 2023-06-14 13:53:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds the fifth and final level of the gameand a bestiary.
New Features
- Ascension- The final level. (There will be a final boss after this level but it is not done yet)
- 8 New enemies for Ascension.
- Bestiary.Unlocked by beatingthe Lunatic Leader. (Doesn't have any text descriptions for now but they might be added in the future)
- New item - Angelic Banner.
- Added 31 tips that can now appear on the Game Over screen.
- 4 new achievements.
Item changes
- Added Mythical Dog Staff.
- Reduced lock prices for Shopkeeper from 6, 10, 14, 16 keys to 5, 8, 12, 14 keys respectively.
- Mythical Ballista Crafting Manual now increases ballista's damage by 0.25 instead of 0.5
- Mythical Kitsune Mask no longer gives +0.25 minion attack.
- Minions can no longer damage enemies that the player hasn't seen yet(enemies hidden by darkness).
- Enchantment names are now color-coded in item descriptions.
Enemy changes
- The AI for chasing enemies (spiders, snails, etc.) is now more predictable. If you stand directly adjacent to them and move away, the enemy will now always prioritize moving to your last position.
- Scorpion Queen will now spawn eggs 40% slower if you're playing as the Shopkeeper on loop 0.
- Improved Sentinel's visuals.
- Earth Mage and Witch now use attack tokens system. If there are a lot of these enemies in the room they will take turns attacking instead of all of them attacking simultaneously.
- Warping enemies will now teleport at least 3 tiles away from the player when hit.
Other changes
- Added animation to an activated Shrine of Curse.
- Changed achievement"Discover 50% of encyclopedia items" to "Discover 75% of encyclopedia items".
- Fixed most of the game's memory leaks.
- Fixed heat shader in Dry Cave breaking the game on some machines.
- Fixed Divine Cerberus Bow stacking divine damage which made it dealup to x2.5 more of its intended damage.
- Fixed locks sometimes rerolling into the same locks.
- Fixed obelisks never spawning enemies from Empyria on loops.
- Fixed bosses not dropping items if you load a save file while playing as the True Seraph.
- Fixed bosses sometimes spawning pedestals on top of healing potions which made it impossible to pick them up.
- Fixed level transition animations sometimes not fully finishing.
- Fixed multiple audio glitches that could happenwhen changing music too quickly.
[ 2023-06-14 13:53:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.6 - False Knowledge
This update mainly adds encyclopedia and a fewnew items.
[ 2023-04-06 06:50:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update mainly adds encyclopedia and a fewnew items.
New Features
- Encyclopedia - quickly access the informationabout all of the items in the game(Unlocked by defeating Light Keeper).It tracks all of the items you've picked up and how many kills you've made with them. In a future update there will also be a bestiary.
- 6 New items
- Jester Shield
- Ice Emblem
- Yoyo
- Shell Armor
- Forest Boots
- Revolver
- (+ Contract)
- Magma blocks in Dark Tunnel
- Burning enemies
- 2 new achievements
Item changes
- Reroll Potions can finally reroll items lying on the floor! However, common items (keys, potions, bombs) will only reroll into other common items.
- Necromancer's Cloak:
- Necromancer's Cloak now synergizes with ThunderBag. Enemies killes by thunderstorm caused by placing a bomb will be able to produce skulls.
- Made it slightly harder to gain a huge total amount of skulls.
- Sapphire Ring now works with Thunder Scepter.
- Possessed Sandals are now more predictable and similar to how minions work.
- Worms no longer react to being damaged by them.
- They now pierce through shields.
- They can no longer damage Cave Tyrant and Scorpion Queen multiple times.
Enemy changes
- False Seraph rework:
- Added 2nd phase.
- Added 1 newattack.
- Bullet patterns will now adapt to the shape ofboss room walls.
- Reduced max minion amount.
- Added extra animation for the dash chase attack.
- Added Golden Hermit Mageand Golden Living Sword.
- Titans can now break walls.
- Scorpion Queen will now immediately start laying eggs after her 1st rage.
- Golden Hermit now has a unique behavior.
Other changes
- The game willnow shrink or expand the canvas based on the window resolution.
- Removed mouse cursor flickering caused bytiny accidental mouse movements. The cursor will only be shown after mouse has moved for a substantial enough distance.
- Added animation when destroying walls.
- Added animations to player's hearts when you heal or gain heart containers.
- Added backup system. Persistent save files will now get backed up at the start of the game. Whenever the game fails to load a save file it will then also try to load the backup file.
- Fire will now dynamically reduce its spread based on the overall fire density in the surrounding area.
- Shrine of Imp will now give you the Contract item when activated.
- Fire won't spread to doors now.
- Ancient warriors won't teleport to doors now.
- Obelisk now spawns even more enemies on loops.
- Added more treasure wall sprites for all levels.
- Added unique weak wall sprites for Empyria.
- Slightly changed homing bullet's homing icon to make it more distinguishable from the regular arrow icon.
- Optimized size for saved run files by ~15%.
- Reworked how hazard damage works which fixed many edge cases where the player would take damage from hazards that they didn't see on their turn and vice versa.
- Fixed obelisk sometimes failing to spawn as many enemies as required.
- Fixed poison particles staying on the ground when False Seraph leaps into the air.
- Fixed afraid enemies sometimes not flipping their sprite correctly.
- Fixed Lunatic Leader having less health when loading a save file on loops on the first boss phase.
- Fixed shadows not teleporting correctly when using teleporters in Empyria.
- Fixed bullet shadows having glitched animations on death.
- Fixed Divine Book of Razors sometimes dealing too much damage.
- Fixed Mythical Book of Razors dealing too much damage in tight spaces.
- Fixed minions from Cacti Staff and HiveStaff getting placed incorrectly when at least one of their usual spots was occupied by another minion.
- Fixed dark fire dealing less damage to enemies on loopsthan dark poison.
- Fixed cocoons and scorpion eggsshaking after getting stunned.
- Fixed glitched Star Trinket animation when using it with Thunder Scepter.
[ 2023-04-06 06:50:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.5.1
[ 2023-01-14 21:08:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Disabled heat shader in Dry Cave on macOS as it made the game unplayable there
- Added Controller Icons setting
- Updated possessed sandals description: "deals 1 damage" -> "deals 1 magical damage"
- Having 2 flasks of poison will now increase the average amount of poison created. Previously, they didn't work together at all.
[ 2023-01-14 21:08:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
[BETA] v0.5 - Heroes of Empyria
[ 2023-01-11 05:59:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds the 4th level to the game and 3 new characters with completely unique playstyles!
New Features
- Empyria- the 4th level of the game with a new teleporters mechanic, 8 unique enemies and a new boss.
- 3 New characters
- True Seraph
- Batsey
- Shopkeeper
- 16New items
- Batsey's Staff
- Star Trinket
- True Spear (exclusive to True Seraph)
- Scream in a Bottle (exclusive to Batsey)
- Song of Knives (exclusive to Batsey)
- Snake Tooth (exclusive to Shopkeeper)
- Lockpick (exclusive to Shopkeeper)
- 9 Locks (exclusive to Shopkeeper)
- 7 New achievements
Item changes
- Chaos Trinket was removed
- Necromancer Cloak was reworked
- It now spawns minions only from enemies that got killed by your bombs. The amount of minions was heavily reduced too.
- It no longer gives minion attack and defense.
- However, skull minions will no longer die from hitting enemies and will stay active for the rest of the level.
- Mythical variant got changed as well
- Base damage of ballistas from Ballista Crafting Manual was reduced from 1 to 0.5
- Added mythical Ancient Fragment
- Vampire Crown no longer heals from revived enemies.
- Serpent Knife can no longer poison enemies through shields.
Controller improvements
- Added "Controller" settings category whereyou can rebind controller buttons
- You can now pause with a controller
- You can now navigate through menus and interact with buttons in menus with a controller
- You can now move a character with thumbsticks. Holding a thumbstick will make the character keep moving. Holding the right thumbstick will make them move even faster which should be useful for backtracking.
- The game now accepts inputs from ALL controllers instead of using the first connected controller. This fixes the game not working with Steam Input when using a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.
Other changes
- There is now a small chance of spawning twice as many enemies in a room.
- [Tab] is now the 2nd default key for toggling minimap.
- Minions are now rendered behind bullets.
- The game no longer removes unknown data from save files. Previously, if you loaded a new save file in an older version of the game it would delete the save data about all the new features it didn't know about. Starting with v0.5 it is now safe to load any save files in the game.
- Passive items are now displayed in the reverse order (newer items will appear on top).
- Added "Move without attacking" action to controls screen.
- Hovering over the character icon (in the top left corner) will now show a tooltip with the description of the character.
- Obelisks now have a chance to offer only 1 item.
- Reduced chance to spawn an obelisk from 20% to 16%.
- Slightly reduced quality of items in Ruins.
- Enemy quirks now have weights. Giant and illusionary enemies are now slightly more common while tiny, warping and venomous enemies are slightly rarer.
- Healing enemies will now heal twice as fast starting with loop 2.
- Added main menu where you can select a character to play or continue saved run.
- Added custom splash screen for Godot Engine.
- Hitting phantoms with crossbow now works just like any other bow and doesn't apply knockback
- Moving onto exit tile using movement weapons such as Assassin's Dagger or Spectral Spear will make you move to the next level.
- Moving super quickly will now make bullets quickly snap to their positions instead of animating their movement slowly. This matches the animation behavior of enemies and makes them feel more responsive.
- Fixed Ancient Fragment not reviving you after dying from self-damage (by Shrine of Balance or Blood Chests).
- Fixed stopwatch not stopping when player dies from self-damage.
- Fixed a super rare softlock where a door could get stuck in a corner tile surrounded by walls.
- Fixed crashes when loading a save filewith magical equipment.
- Fixed some softlocks caused by obelisks blocking doors.
- Fixed a bug where enemies that bumped in your stunning shield would immediately cancel their animation resulting in a glitchy looking interaction.
- Fixed bomb description saying it deals 3 damage instead of an actual 4.
- Fixed giant/tiny cocoons' spawning animation having 1 glitched frame.
- Fixed hermit mages still shaking after getting stunned by stunning shield.
- Fixed various enemies not removing their warning tiles when killed by thornsarmor.
- Fixed a bug where you could move to the next level after dying to a bullet on the exit tile.
[ 2023-01-11 05:59:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Babel of Ystilia
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
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(0 reviews)
Babel of Ystilia combines tactical, turn-based gameplay of traditional roguelikes with fast-paced, minimalistic and intuitive combat where your movement and turn timings are the key to getting out of fights unscathed. Learn enemy patterns to outsmart them, loot equipment to create powerful synergies and slay the gods to save the world of Ystilia from divine lunacy.
Every enemy is a micro puzzle
Every enemy has a predictable behavior that feels like a micro puzzle. Learn their patterns and you will always be able to beat them with any weapon and without taking any damage.Play at your own pace
This game is completely turn-based, but it can feel quite fast due to the minimalistic nature of the combat system and the absence of turn delays. Speed up in simple rooms and slow down when you are surrounded by a crowd of enemies to carefully think about your plan.Create your own item combinations
Your inventory is limited so make the most of it because every item matters. Become a thunder warlock, chicken summoner, ballista engineer or a poisonous assassin. Play however you want and try out new item combinations every run!MINIMAL SETUP
- Storage: 500 MB available space