- Added Tamiko's sprite to an ending where it was missing.
- Fixed an issue with the endings. If you have not yet achieved an ending, this will not affect you.
- If you have achieved an ending, open up the "plugins.js" file and find the line that says "name":"DebugMode","status":false and change false to true. Then, launch the game and load your save file. Press F9 and set the variable 55: ENDING FLAG to 0. Save your game. This will allow you to get other endings.
[ 2025-03-08 09:24:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Huzzah! God's Disdain has gone gold! Thank you everyone for your support. We will be continuing testing throughout the release next week to catch any bugs we can, but this is the official first version of the game! Patch Notes:
- Added mouse selection to the title screen. If you can't use the keyboard to select a different option, make sure your mouse is not hovering over any options.
- It is now possible to skip the logo by pressing the left mouse button.
- Added an exit game button to the main menu.
- The game now fades out before quitting when exiting from the title screen.
- Changed volume of some voice lines.
- Slightly boosted the damage output of Rogue skills.
- Removed all difficulties above Very Hard.
- Stairs in Limani Mansion no longer move you automatically.
- Decreased the chance of losing the Confused state when taking damage.
- Ghosts in Limani Mansion no longer have the chance to engage in two battles before disappearing.
- Mages can now use Restore on themselves and each other in battle. If the user is also the target, it won't do anything.
- Polished the cutscene when talking to Kevuba.
- Increased the volume of the Equip sound.
- Removed Tamiko saying her own name in the Elder Tree quest.
- Fixed Faalvil's movement when leaving the Elder Tree.
- Moved one of the Hajimari Hero toys in Glilnor into the shed.
- Fixed message box position when talking to Zoke in Glilnor.
- Kevuba's HP now carries over when using the Goddess Pearls against him.
- Nya Kotei now properly transitions to a weaker state when using the Goddess Pearls against her.
- Changed some of Kenshin's text to better match his voice lines.
- Removed the Freeze Band from Kantai's store. This item was not supposed to exist.
- All bosses now give more Giku for defeating them.
- Removed a bush in Eliva Village to make it easier to move around the town.
- Added fog to Reikai.
- Changed the AI of the enemies in Reikai.
- Fixed a collision issue in Reikai.
- Fixed a bug with the Masahiro cutscene in Reikai that would prevent it from playing.
- Touched up the Archangel sprite to eliminate pixels spilling into other frames.
- Masahiro now jumps on the statue instead of off of it.
- Added an animation the teleporters in Reikai.
- Fixed a small grammatical error in the final cutscene.
- Added names to the credits.
- Decreased the amount of enemies and adjusted their area constraints in several dungeons.
- Fixed the Kraken side quest so that it only appears on Do.
[ 2025-03-07 21:57:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Removed positive jingle when adding Takao to the party in the intro.
- Fixed the enemy soldier sprite in the battle intro.
- Enabled the Stories menu when reading Asami's Goodbye before talking to Kenshin in the intro.
- Adjusted voiceover volume.
- Every class now starts at level 4.
- Ella now gives the player 35 Giku instead of 15.
- Upgraded the locked chest in Dokutsu Caverns.
- Further decreased EXP gain.
- Decreased Mage HP and increased Warrior HP.
- Chinatsu now gives 65 Giku for finishing her quest instead of 30.
- Powerhouse now lowers an enemy's attack (it was bugged to do nothing before).
- Enhanced Guard now correctly applies to the user and can't be used outside of battle.
- Removed icons for buffs and debuffs entirely.
- Constrained the Cursed Cacti in the tunnels underneath Karako City to make them much more optional to fight.
- Adjusted collision in the Parvius Training Center.
- Increased damage output and lowered SP cost of Split Kick.
- Lowered chance of spells inflicting status effects.
- Lowered enemy count on the Hajimari Hurdles leading up to Mt. Fujima, inside Mt. Fujima, Limani Mansion, Hajimari Catacombs, Sunken Castle, and Reikai.
- Altered the wording in some weapon descriptions.
- Adjusted the Baby Glaciore and Baby Lavlite sprites.
- Mt. Fujima now plays the correct music when you revisit it.
[ 2025-02-24 07:49:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added tester names to the credits.
- Fixed a story not showing up correctly.
- Mage given further balance changes (it is the bane of my existence).
- All party members now get a cut of the EXP that any party member gains.
- Decreased the amount of EXP gained across the board.
[ 2025-02-03 15:47:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
The demo for God's Disdain is finally here! The full game will be releasing next month on March 14th, but this limited demo will let you experience some of the game's towns and side quests. Feedback on the demo is appreciated, and if there is anything that can be addressed before the full release it certainly will be. From everyone who worked on God's Disdain, we hope that you enjoy playing! This demo contains the introductory chapter of the main story and limited access to every nation in Hajimari. None of the story beyond the first quest are included and many towns will be blocked off. However, you can still play to your heart's content within the confines of this demo. Your save game will not automatically transfer over. This is to prevent any strange issues. If you are an experienced user, you can attempt transferring it over manually, but extra problems may occur. If you have transferred your save to the full version when you're making a bug report, please note that in the report!
[ 2025-02-03 07:20:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the biggest list of updates yet!
- Rocks will no longer make sounds and animate when you push them into a solid object.
- Fullscreen option added to the Window options. It will sometimes show the incorrect setting, but it does allow for toggling fullscreen which makes it easier for people playing on controller and handheld devices.
- The boat no longer initially spawns inside of a dungeon.
- No longer able to access the Quests and Stories sub-menus from the main menu during the intro. *NOTE: If you have already started a playthrough, these menus might be locked for you. Visit Takao in Komura at the training dojo to unlock them again.
- Tamiko's unvoiced dialogue with Kenshin in the intro now correctly displays over her head.
- The overworld caves in the Memorial Mountains no longer teleport the party to the dungeons. Tamiko will now remark that she needs to climb the mountains to get into the caves.
- Adjusted the text box for the lever to reset the boulder in the Dokutsu Caverns.
- Adjusted the Dokutsu Caverns map to help prevent enemies from pooling up.
- Removed the autoshadows in Takuma's house in Kusa Town.
- Removed the autoshadows in the Jakovar castle's bathroom.
- Avadel will now correctly walk towards Tamiko instead of away when she is asked to join the party.
- Adjusted the dialogue positioning for Hikari while she's in her house.
- Fixed some collision in Kindino Town.
- Adjusted the choice window positioning when talking to Teo in Carivor Village.
- Removed Eve's movement in the church in Carivor Village.
- Adjusted the choice window positioning for removing party members.
- Fixed a softlock that occurred in the quest "The Miserable."
- Removed a dummy Arin character when completing the quest "The Miserable."
- Slightly changed formatting on the Hajimari Heroes and Scientific Pursuit quests.
- Leo and Teo now return to guarding the entrance to Carivor Village after the player leaves the village.
- Leo and Teo no longer have to be fought or paid. The player can leave the Carivor Village without doing either.
- Increased the amount of Giku found in chests.
- Changed a puzzle in Mt. Fujima to prevent softlocks.
- Made it possible to use a rock to block other flames in Mt. Fujima.
- Decreased the amount of health recovered when using Bless.
- Decreased the amount of health recovered when leveling up.
- Increased the EXP curve for leveling Mages. Once they gain access to higher skill levels, they gain experience extremely quickly. For this reason I am considering either level gating spells or making the all-enemy spells much more expensive to purchase.
- Increased the amount of SP needed for the spells.
- Reduced the amount of SP needed for skills.
- Increased the price of all spells and skills.
- Reduced the amount of SP that Mages gain per level. *NOTE: These sweeping changes to the skills/spells were made in an attempt to further balance the Mage class. More tweaking may be necessary but these changes have been relatively minor.
- Increased the Warrior's SP amount and ATK stat.
- Increased the Rogue's SP amount.
- Added Pointless Door "X" graphics to taverns and a campground.
- Added some dialogue to the NPC Vasael.
- Added sound effects and animations to the Shriveled Nymph cutscene.
- Added Nocturnal Vanguard in the credits as the Nymph Princess.
- Changed the amount of steps needed to remove the Sleep, Frozen, and Paralyze status effects to 9999 as a workaround to an engine default.
- Changed the True Hero accessory to increase stats further and be salable.
- Fixed a sprite positioning issue with the Cursed Scraps enemy.
- Changed the description of weapons to include the ability to inflict states. It is more relevant info than the type of damage it deals, assumed by the name of the weapon.
- Added special effects to every elemental weapon (states/resistances/etc).
- Scaled the Vampiric weapon effects according to weapon level.
- Changed the Battleaxe and Axe to offer Agility in exchange for their lower Attack.
- Aquatic and Terrestrial weapons have a higher attack value to compensate for their lower chance of inflicting states.
- Added some more Hajimari Heroes for redundancy as well as making it easier to complete the quest.
- Changed the dialogue for interacting with the magic surrounding Limani Mansion on the overworld.
- Changed the color of the magic surrounding Limani Mansion on the overworld.
- Lowered the SP cost of Restore II, III, and IV.
- Fixed the ability to skip the Kevuba boss battle, which prevents the game from being finished.
- Fixed an incorrectly colored pixel on the sprites for Kevuba and the ghost soldiers.
- The Double Swing skill can no longer cause critial hits.
- The Powerhouse skill will now give an attack buff on the next turn. *NOTE: The two above changes attempt to balance Double Swing and Powerhouse with each other more, since Double Swing is technically stronger than Powerhouse and requires less SP.
- Increased the accuracy of the Flurry skill by 10% on all levels.
- Increased the amount of Giku gained from completing the Whispers In The Wind side quest.
- Added the ability to skip some long conversations between multiple NPCs if you have already seen them. Please report any others that have been missed.
- Re-implemented the quest "Spiritual Death." Something happened at some point over a year ago that erased most of it and it has now been restored.
[ 2025-01-14 08:14:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Embark on a quest to cure a plague that is bringing the land of Hajimari to its knees. Explore the land and uncover its many secrets while meeting the last of its inhabitants. Will you help Hajimari thrive, or doom it to wither away?
The four nations of Hajimari have been struck with a plague that has put the entire island in peril. All plant life has slowly started to die away, causing conflict between the Grizz, Faerials, Komurans, and Haji. Many people have lost their lives not only to the plague, but wars between the nations as well. The islanders tried praying to the gods they worship, but received no answer. Many have given up, and many say the gods are dead.
All seemed hopeless, but sometimes hope can come from the most unsuspecting of spirits.
Tamiko and her brother Kenshin reside in the village of Komura on the southwest side of Hajimari. They've witnessed their family and friends die from the plague and other islanders which has compelled them to find the source of the plague and destroy it. They will meet friends and enemies alike on their journey, including the highly intelligent Locke, the child prodigy thief Avadel, the banished maniac Drago, and the powerful grandma Zeniba.
Optional voice acting for the main story
A unique EXP system that rewards actions rather than defeating enemies
Hundreds of elemental armor and weapon combinations
Open narrative design with a freely traversable world
Unique and interesting side quests that build the world and setting
A completely original soundtrack, sound effects included!
Traditionally created paintings for story scenes
Original art for all of the characters, enemies, and game icons
A subtle karma system that affects the main character's personality and game endings
Dynamic NPCs that follow their own schedule across four days in a day-night cycle
Colorblind filters
Dyslexic font
Turn-based combat
Keyboard/controller mapping
White flash reduction
- OS: Ubuntu or equivalent
- Processor: Intel Celeron 877
- Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 3.1 support
- Storage: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Screen resolution: 1280x720
- OS: Ubuntu or equivalent
- Processor: Intel Core i3-2120
- Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 support
- Storage: 1 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Screen resolution: 1280x720
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]