First off, Excellent job by all the players in the King of Speed 2025. Let's give them all a digital round of applause! *waits for applause* Okay. Now that that's over. Here's the results! 1st place and THREE TIME... THREE TIME... THREE TIME... KING OF SPEED CHAMPION... Nicolas aka Rather 2nd Place and gave Nic a helluva fight! Redz 3rd Place and the most courageous performance in this tournament to date! Serk 4th place after not touching the game in god knows how long? Ahmad 5th Place David 6th Place [strike]Debla[/strike] 7th Place Nelson W. (Nones) 8th Place Ratro Again, excellent work by everyone in this tournament.
First major announcement!
We are holding a special tournament for the new players in the community called the SR Elevation OVERTIME challenge. Players with no more than 100 hours and in the Entry or Beginner Leagues in game may join this tournament. This event will require you to submit proof of this and no smurfs or aliasing will be allowed. We will be issuing a 1 year ban from events if you break this rule. A sign up page will be made available in the coming weeks in the SR and FFC discords.
Second Announcement!
SPRINGrunners is here officially on April 1st (and that's no joke) with the another ELO SEASON! This also means NEW SHINY BADGES as well. :P This season will last from April 1st until the end of June. The Top 24 players on the ELO leaderboard will be invited to the Lord of the Runs tournament happening in August. The other 8 spots will be filled with people who play in the upcoming tournaments. This means you gotta get out there and play ranked together folks! Remember, everyone starts at the same ELO rating. You decide your own fate.

Speaking of upcoming tournaments...
On April 26th, 2025, We will be hosting the biggest SR tournament of all time with a prize like no other. I cannot tell you the prize or the format of this tournament yet but you SHOULD tune in to our twitch on April 10th at 9:30 am PDT (12:30 PDT) for a special stream featuring SR related thingys. We will be talking about The King of Speed, The tournament listed above, the Overtime tournament, and ONE LAST TOURNAMENT (you've asked for) before Lord of the Runs 2025 happening officially in August.
You guys voted GENETICS back into the game beginning on April 1st! (Happy April Fools Day!). We also felt that both Dash the Night and Disco Lounge also got a lot of people to show support for them so we'll also be adding them back in on May 1st and June 1st respectively! We will be hosting a map remix contest beginning in May and more details will be announces and a vote held between now and then. Keep your eyes peeled for that!
Last but not least...
I'd like to thank the community for supporting our efforts to keep this game alive and your hard work and support is about to be rewarded. Please tune in for the special stream if you can. It's gonna be worth your time. <3 As always, I'm your VOLUNTEER Community Manager. Good Night and Good Luck. -TheSilentChaos
[ 2025-03-25 15:23:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The battle for the King of Speed title is back and bigger than ever! Tune in this Saturday & Sunday at Noon PDT to witness the fastest players in the world compete for ultimate glory. 16 elite competitors have qualified but only one can claim the crown. Who will rise to the challenge and become the new King of Speed?
Meet the Contenders
These top-tier players have fought their way into one of the biggest tournaments of the year: [olist]
- Horstachio 3x King of Speed Champion
- Ratro Former KoS Winner
- Redz Current Lord of the Runs Champion
- Multiple Top 8 finishers from last years KoS & LotR
Support the Prize Pool & Earn an Exclusive Reward!
We're at $250let's hit $500+! Your support helps reward these competitors for their hard work and dedication. Donate $5+ to contribute to the prize pool and receive a shiny in-game badge! Click here to chip in!

Don't miss the biggest SpeedRunners showdown of the year! Mark your calendars, spread the word, and well see you this weekend! Click here to watch King of Speed 2025!
[ 2025-03-17 14:24:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are only barely a week or so away from the Last Chance Qualifier for The King of Speed 2025. Make sure to sign up and join us next Saturday! CLICK ME to sign up for the SR Monthly: The King of Speed 2025 LCQ! You might not be able to "win" your way in to The King of Speed at this point but what if I told you that Salem the Witch would like to know who is the most LOVED in the SR community! To show your love, please mention THREE DIFFERENT NAMES in the steam community thread below. The three most mentioned names at the end of the SR Monthly happening next Saturday will make it into The King of Speed as the 11th, 12, and 13th seed respectively based on amount of LOVE received. Salem's Valentine's Day Contest <3 Last but not least, Announcing "The King of Speed 2025: Digital Supporter Badge" Yup, We did it for Lord of the Runs last year and it's BACK again for KoS. You can pay $5 or more to help support the prize pool of the upcoming King of Speed 2025. If you're interested in getting a new shiny silver badge on your in-game profile, then click the link below and support the prize pool, will ya? (Note: this page will remain open from today until the FINAL day of The King of Speed 2025 on March 23th.) Purchase YOUR Digital Supporter Badge HERE
[ 2025-02-14 15:05:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are hosting a special event for all of the SR community called "Time Trial Turmoil" There will be TWO groups of players: Players with more than 1000 hours and players with less than 1000 hours of playtime. 1000 hours is the cutoff point for SR Elevation, our program for players who are newer or not as experienced to the game. ALL participants will be asked to submit times in all 17 official and 16 Curated Workshop maps from the beginning Friday, January 31, 2025 12:00 AM until Saturday, March 1, 2025 12:00 AM Pacific Standard Time. In order to participate you will be REQUIRED to join the SR discord and look in the channel labelled "Time Trial Turmoil". There will be instructions and more details there. JOIN THE Speedrunners OFFICIAL DISCORD HERE! However... The TOP TEN players with the fastest average time with under 1000 hours of playtime will fight in a ladder style tournament with the victor earning entry into THE KING OF SPEED 2025 as seed 16. The TOP FIVE players with over 1000 hours will also fight in a ladder style tournament to earn the 15th seed. In other news... Watch out for Valentine's Day. There might be something special happening then. Let me know what you think and any feedback please. TheSilentChaos, YOUR VOLUNTEER COMMUNITY MANAGER
[ 2025-01-30 10:23:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
There was a vote held to curate the current workshop that hasn't seen curation in a long time. This vote was announced in this news post here and we have been speaking about curating said workshop for months. Well.... The Curated Workshop Vote is DONE! You may see the result HERE. However, Here's a TL;DR for those who hate spreadsheets. In order of most popular to least popular map, the following maps are going to be enabled for the first test season of the NEW "Curated Workshop" including Aztec and Titan from the Workshop contest:
- Oasis - Abyss
- Pitfall
- Texas Run' Em
- Snowed In
- Plantation
- City Run R2
- Dance Hall
- Club V
- Oceanslide
- Citadel
- Minery
- New Age City
- SpeedCity Nights
- Shore Enuff
- Granary
- Void
- Club House
- Sound Shiver
- Surfing in the Oasis
- Coastline
- Terminal
- Gift Store
- Lunar Colony
- Dash the Night
- Genetics
- Disco Lounge
- Oasis
- Dragon City
- WILD Rapids
- Nuclear XP
- Meteor City
- Skull Island Scram
- Promenade
[ 2025-01-14 09:32:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Congratulations to Bensen and Derpp for getting their maps into the game's curated workshop playlist. We are holding a voting and feedback period from today until the end of Saturday (Pacific Time). We will next week announce the 17 maps (15 from the feedback/curation + the three winners) which will make it into the new TEST season of the curated workshop. This lasts from the 15th of January until the end of March. Leave feedback on this steam discussion please: https://steamcommunity.com/app/207140/discussions/2/595137443379819125 Also, you can join the discord and leave more direct feedback as well. (Join the discord at http://frostyfightclub.com/) Moving forward, expect that the curated workshop list will have maps swapped in and out after major SR tournaments (The King of Speed/The Lord of the Runs) and between seasons (ELO and Post). Reminder, The King of Speed begins on March 22nd and 23rd and we will have another awesome badge for you to get through supporting the prize pool of this event. Also... There are only a handful of ways to "win" yourself a spot into the Top 10 (get top 2 in a SR monthly) before the community will be nominating and voting 5 players into The King of Speed 2025. hint hint There is one last way to get in through the SR Elevation Program. Post your questions and comments below. "Get Hype and Stay Frosty!" TheSilentChaos, Your Volunteer Community Manager
[ 2025-01-08 09:40:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and Happy Holidays EVERYONE!I hope your holiday season is going well. We have some announcements for you so let's get started! The Player Feedback and Voting for the Frosty Mapmakers Contest 2024 begins on Christmas Eve! All you have to do is go to your favorite map(s) out of the bunch and comment "HAPPY HOLIDAYS!" The maps with the most holiday cheer will win the popular vote and get the lion's share of the points of the points. We will count comments from 12 am on Christmas EVE in the Pacific Time Zone until until the end of the year. The SR Advisory Council will judge on the remaining factors for a total possible score of 300 points. They are Map Design/Theme and Overall Judges Opinion. You will get to see which maps will potentially make it into the new updated curated workshop map list for the upcoming season changes. Here are all Frosty Mapmapers Contest 2024 submissions: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3376253574 Next Announcement... THE KING OF SPEED 2025 will be held this year on Saturday, March 22nd and Sunday, March 23rd. Day ONE will be from Top 16 until the Top 4. Day TWO will be from Top 4 until completion. We will have another opportunity for you to help crowdfund the prize pool and earn a special in game badge that you can only get by helping encourage the players to fight their hardest through a $5 or more donation to the overall prize pool. So... get hype and be ready for us to crown a new King of Speed... or will we? Last but not least is something that we wish to address... We have worked tirelessly to make a inviting and friendly environment for players to learn and grow this fantastic game. This includes people submitting and creating maps as well. Speedrunners as a whole is a small community and we should take care to encourage and lift others up. Unfortunately this hasn't always been the case recently. So in this time of the year it is a good moment to remind everybody to be kind to each other, and have a good time playing this and other great games! Well folks.. That it for now. Please leave feedback and holiday wishes in the comments below, and don't foreget to vote for your favorite maps! Love y'all. TheSilentChaos, Your Volunteer Community Manager
[ 2024-12-23 21:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone. We'd like to thank the 13 mapmakers who submitted a total of 14 maps! Here is a youtube playlist with a short walkthrough of each map in the order they we're submitted: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbwsKUw8n1vmWty3reADA3MT5yDto6S-9&si=7p7lsOdb5MlQemwU Here is the list of maps/makers and what maps these creations are based on: Diamond Club by Kirac (based on Nightclub) Jungle Juice by Dizzy (based on Zoo) Promenade by Asarnil (based on Resort) wuup's and down's by Luwin (based on Zoo) Nuclear XP by Redz (based on Laboratory) WILD Rapids by Redz (based on Zoo) Labrats by Jansen (based on Laboratory) Quarry by BenTrd (based on Mansion) ROAD 6 by Andrey (based on Powerplant) Salt Mines by DistinctMadness (based on Mansion) Titan by Derp (based on Resort) Aztec by Bensen (based on Jungle) Meteor City by God of Plagues (based on Silo) Skull Island Scram by SeanBonJobiii (based on Zoo) Here is the official steam workshop collection for the contest as well: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3376253574 Please take the time to try each map and leave feedback for them to improve on! Also, don't forget to join the SR Elevation program which kicks off with Time Trial Turmoil this Tuesday! You can do this by joining the Frosty Fight Club discord at http://dsc.gg/frostyfightclub and checking out the channel labelled #sr-elevation. Thanks again for being awesome and let's have a great holiday season together. - TheSilentChaos, Volunteer Community Manager and Organizer
[ 2024-12-02 10:28:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone. TheSilentChaos from the Frosty Fight Club here. I have some Holiday Announcements for you! First off, we want to remind you that the submission period for the Frosty Community Mapmaker contest is is almost over. You will NEED to join the Frosty Fight Club discord and post in the channel #sr-map-submission with the required info. Join here: http://dsc.gg/frostyfightclub Beginning December 1st, the SR Advisory Counsel (sans anyone who submitted a map) will be reviewing the entries and providing feedback. We will provide ample opportunity to edit the map based on this feedback. After this, we will rereview the map and submit a final score. The maps then will be shown off in the December SR Monthly for everyone to see and for us to get a "player's opinion score" and then for final scoring. We will then submit the final maps to Gert for review and to see if anything would prevent any of the maps to make it into the curated workshop playlist. We will declare the winners at the January SR Monthly event happening on the 25th (the fourth Saturday of the month). Secondly, We'd like to announce the evolution of the Learner's League into what is being called SR Elevation, a more expanded and open format for players to self-organize for training, friendlies, and more. Our Goal will be: "To learn and grow as a community. To ELEVATE new and inexperienced players." Here is the blueprint for SR Elevation: Multiple Events (Time Trial Tuesdays, 6 person Round Robin training sessions (mock tournaments), Coaching Checkpoints, and some surprises!) To Qualify: Players must make a post in the channel #sr-elevation in the thread(s) in the Frosty Fight Club established for this purpose. There will be threads for players of the following hours/skill levels for sign up:
- 0-100 hours
- 101-250 hours
- 251-500 hours
- 500-750 hours
- 751-999 hours
- 1000+ hours or more
[ 2024-11-28 09:42:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Mapmakers.. Time for Frosty Mapmaker Contest 2 We will be accepting submission beginning November 1st until the 31st. You must state the "theme of the map" and adhere and justify it if asked. You must make a overview of the map and either a video or a detailed post explaining the map and it's design. Judgement Criteria:
- Map Design and Theme (checked against other officials and popular workshop maps)
- Overall Judge's Opinion
- Players' Voting
[ 2024-10-21 10:25:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello SR Community. Time for the Lord of the Runs Wrap Up!
The community raised $843.10 for the prize pool via donations and the SR Supporter Coins have been added to your badges collection!
First off, We'd like to congratulate Redz for winning in the Grand Championship Reset against Nicolas 10-8.
This was truly one of the greatest matches and tournaments of all time in the history of SR.
Please take the time to watch this and the rest of the Top 4 if you have time.
Watch the entirety of the Lord of the Runs 2024: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbwsKUw8n1vkaHDrxjwzvrZ5x7E5xK-ML
Here are the things coming up in the near future:
- The formation of the SR Advisory Council which will be handling the curating (adding and removal) of SR Workshop maps.
- The SR Mapmakers Contest 2.0: More and updated details are coming in a separate post! Keep your eyes out here!
[ 2024-10-09 11:49:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Reduced the grapple cooldown from 0.25 second to 0.2 seconds. Merged Tournament modifier settings in Ranked modifier settings (effectively no more triple boxes in Ranked games). Let me know what you think.
[ 2024-10-08 13:23:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
The finals of "Lord of the Runs" is now! Tune in here: https://twitch.tv/frostyfightclub
[ 2024-09-29 17:30:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
On September 29th at 11am PDT or 2pm EDT, 8 players will fight for the title of Lord of the Runs.
We began with 32 players and only Nicolas (The current King of Speed), Redz, Bensen, Myddo, Ezma, Ahmad, and David survived.
The future is littered with boxslopes, rockets, icebeams, drills, and spikes. Who will make it to our Grand Championships!
Make sure to tune in at: https://twitch.tv/frostyfightclub
We go LIVE with the pre-show at 10:30 am PDT/1:30 pm EDT with analysis and recap from the previous groups.
Right now, the tournament is configured for a top 4 payout with the prize pool currently standing at $520.14 (as of the time of this writing).
There is a special second strech goal unlock at $750 or more where we'll be able to pay out the Top 8 as a whole and not just the top 4.
However, This means you met the goal of beating $420.69 (KoS prize pool) and have unlocked something truly special.
This means Gert-Jan, one of the creators and developer of Speedrunners, will be facing TheSilentChaos, Community Organizer from Frosty Fight Club, in the FIRST TO FIVE set LIVE during the FINALE. He might also answer some questions during this time for you all.
This is your last reminder to purchase your Supporter Badge as when the first match goes LIVE during the finale, they will be no longer available for purchase! If we get $750 or more, TheSilentChaos will have to fight LordSmeef in a 2v2 showcase match where we each get a partner!
Purchase it here: https://ko-fi.com/s/fcc9d2a443
The badges from this tournament and the supporter badge will go live in a couple weeks after the event. Please keep a eye on the steam news for some upcoming news regarding upcoming contests, monthlies, and more!
[ 2024-09-22 12:18:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
First off, Congratulations to our Top 12 of you for kicking all of the ass.
12 players from the ELO league will be invited to join the Lord of the Runs tournament!
If you are interested in playing and your are named below in the leaderboard screenshot, please contact TheSilentChaos on discord at thesilentchaos. If you do not by 9 am PDT on Friday, you can and will be replaced by an alternate.
Frosty Fight Club Discord: https://dsc.gg/frostyfightclub
Here are the standings for Summer ELO 2024:
These players above will confirm if they want to play in our discord, and then will be added to the bracket. If a player from this list has already qualified, they will get whichever seed is higher in the bracket.
It's not too late... You can still try to qualify for the Lord of the Runs!
If you want to give it a shot, please sign up for the tournament and join the Frosty Fight Club discord.
Sign up for the Wildcard LCQ:
Watch the Wildcard LCQ LIVE: http://twitch.tv/frostyfightclub
This Tournament will take place on Saturday at 11 am PDT. Check in begins ONE HOUR BEFORE the tournament begins. If you are late checking in, admittance is not guaranteed.
Time Remaining until event: https://countingdownto.com/?c=5750931
Note: If you already have a seeding that is higher than 12th seed, you will not be permitted to play. Also, you will be required to confirm your attendance for Saturday's and Sunday's tournament (in case you place top 4 or better). If you cannot attend the first session of the Lord of the Runs Championship, you will not be allowed to play in this tournament.
The following players cannot play in the Wildcard LCQ as they are already seeded higher and would receive no benefit from playing:
Incursio58 (1st Seed), David (2nd Seed), Nizkit (3rd Seed), Ezma (4th Seed), Balakayyy (5th Seed), Redz (6th Seed), Nicolas/Horstachio, The Current "King of Speed" (7th Seed), Serk (8th Seed), Moon (9th Seed), Bensen (10th Seed), and Micor.exe (11th Seed)
Lastly, We would like to invite the community to support the upcoming tournament by purchasing a Lord of the Runs Supporter Badge where 100% of the proceeds are added to the prize pool. We are aiming for a goal of $420.70 beating the total money raised from The King of Speed 2024 from earlier this year in March. If this total is beaten, then something "special" might happen. No Re-"Gerts"..
Purchase YOUR LOTR supporter badge here: https://ko-fi.com/s/fcc9d2a443
Contribute directly (FOR FREE) to the prize pool by completing sponsorquests or claiming contribution codes at: https://mno.gg/t/speedtemberlotr24?c=1
Note: The supporter badges along with all Lord of the Runs badges will be added in the post-LOTR patch which will happen in the first couple of weeks of October.
Join us this weekend and watch the best players in the world LIVE at https://twitch.tv/frostyfightclub
[ 2024-08-29 14:56:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Everyone. Time for a update on the SUMMER of SPEED!
Summer ELO League
The Summer ELO league will close 3 days after this announcement. So, please get in all of your matches and fight for the top 12 spots! We will also be asking spots 13th through 16th to be available in case we need an alternate if someone cannot make it. Please make sure to join the Frosty Fight Club discord if you're in the top 12 because there will be a roll call in there to make sure you're going to show up on the day of the tournament. Discord Link: https://dsc.gg/frostyfightclub
Open League
We have concluded the SR Open League with the following standings: 1st Place Incursio58: 200 Points 2nd Place Nizkit: 166 Points 3rd Place Balakayyyyyyyy: 165 Points 4th Place - Nicolas: 101 Points 5th Place - Ezma: 100 Points 6th Place - Moon <3: 95 Points 7th Place - Myddo: 90 Points 8th Place - Ecluvost: 85 Points 9th Place - To_Nie_Ty: 75 Points 10th Place - SUN: 75 Points 11th Place - Metzg4r: 70 Points Tied for 12th Place - Acqua: 60 Points Tied for 12th Place - xenosthelegend: 60 Points Tied for 12th Place - ssstarr: 60 Points Tied for 12th Place - Lacks: 60 Points Tied for 12th Place - rares: 60 Points A tiebreaker is being held and the remaining 4 people who don't make it into 12th will be reserves if needed.
Learner's League
This Sunday is the FINALE of the Learner's League and there is a $50+ prize pool for these players to fight over. The Top 4 will move on with 5th place through 8th place being called upon to be reserves if needed.
Wildcard Last Chance Qualifier
Next Saturday, September 31st at 11 am PDT is the FINAL CHANCE to qualify for the LORD OF THE RUNS tournament. The top 4 will move on to the tournament which kicks off the VERY NEXT DAY (September 1st at 11 am PDT). Sign up for the tournament at the link: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/uLheqPhgo7
The Lord of the Runs
You can check the rules for The Lord of the Runs and the current bracket at: https://challonge.com/speedtemberLOTR24 The Frosty Fight Club will be providing a base prize pool of $100 for The Lord of the Runs. If you wanna help contribute, please click on the following link and spread the love by doing some of the Sponsorquests or making a donation to the prize pool yourself. https://mno.gg/t/speedtemberlotr24?c=1 https://ko-fi.com/s/fcc9d2a443 32 players enter, Only "one will run to rule them all" and win the Golden EGG!
[ 2024-08-26 13:40:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
I guess there is no other option than to comply!
So with no further ado, in September will start with
[ 2024-06-16 20:59:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Frosty Fight Club is at it again! This will be a summer filled with Speed and Running! In 4 events players can qualify for the Grand Championships in September.
Here is a quick rundown of the events, more details follow below!
Summer OPEN League
(Top 12 can participate in SPEEDtember 2024)
A once a month tournament to earn LEAGUE POINTS to earn your way into SPEEDtember Grand Championship 2024 beginning September 1st 2024 and ending September 29th with the crowning of the new SPEEDtember 2024 Grand Champion.
Sign up here!
Leaderboards here!
ELO Summer Seasons
(Top 12 can participate in SPEEDtember 2024)
The ELO season is back! It has been a long time coming since the legendary ELO Christmas season back in 2019! For those new here, an ELO season is where the tradional ranking points system will be replaced for a few months with an ELO style rating system. You can earn the summer season ELO badges during this time, and this time only!
To join simply play ranked matches between May 1st 2024 and September 1st 2024.
Summer Learners League
(32 players accepted, Top 4 can participate in SPEEDtember 2024)
A special league for players who are ranked silver or under, have 1200 hours or less in the game generally, are open to having their footage reviewed by veteran players, and are open to coaching from players above their current experience level. This league will have a once a month tournament to see how the players are progressing and they can earn a badge for participating through the entire season and showing meaningful progress. Also, these players can earn their way into SPEEDtember 2024 by being in the top 4 of Learners League points wise at the end of the season.
Sign up here!
Wildcard Tournament
(Top 4 can participate in SPEEDtember 2024)
This tournament acts as the last chance qualifier for any and all players who are wanting to make it into this year's edition of SPEEDtember 2024. This will be a double elimination tournament with no player cap or restriction. If you make it into the Top 4 in this tournament, youll qualify for SPEEDtember 2024.
Signup will follow later!
Grand Championships
At the end of August, SPEEDtember 2024 will kick off with a multi stage tournament where the top 32 players will be seeded into groups of 8 based on their skill level.
Each group will face off until there are only two left. The format will be double elimination. If you make it into the top 2 then youll qualify for the final group which will seed based on your position from the group stage. If you qualify in winners, then youll stay in winners. If you qualify in losers then youll remain in losers.
SPEEDtember Day 1 will be on September 1st at 11 am
SPEEDtember Day 2 will be on September 15th at 11 am
The SPEEDtember Grand Championship will take place on September 29th.
The top 8 from the group stage will face off until we crown a new champion of SPEEDtember.
There will be some very important announcements upcoming each month during the season. Please be mindful of this and lets get hype for the FUTURE of SPEEDRUNNERS!!
[ 2024-04-25 12:55:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
It has been a long while since the last King of Speed has been crowned. After this weekend we may have a new King in town. The live stream starts March 30th, 2024 11am PST and March 31st, 2024 2pm PST. Check the stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/frostyfightclub
[ 2024-03-30 11:16:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is one for the enthusiasts. You can now add the +dumpstats launch option. This will create a json formatted file with game stats every time you run the game. The files will be written to %documents%/SavedGames/SpeedRunners/CEngineStorage/AllPlayers/Stats If you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments here. If there is enough interest for new stat features a may add them.
[ 2024-03-24 12:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
The mapmaker contest at Frosty Fight Club has come to a close, drawing in steamhappythousandsUnic of votes! The top three levels were neck and neck in ranking, showcasing exceptional quality. As a result, we've chosen to include all three on the curated workshop list. Without further ado, here are the three deserving winners. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3095903531 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376184180 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3157484074 Big thanks to TheSilentChaos for organizing this event! Enjoy!
[ 2024-02-20 14:52:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, This has been the first update since 2020 if we're not counting a small bug fix from last year. There are mostly some changes to make the game more future proof. Here is the full change list.
- Fixed last Steam Deck compatibility issue (on-screen keyboard).
- Moved from XNA to FNA on Windows.
- Improved level select menu performance in cases of large numbers of workshop levels.
- Improved loading times.
- Bug fix where the first time play tutorial popup was not controllable by gamepad.
- Updated Velocity badge.
[ 2023-03-25 10:02:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, SpeedRunners fans!
The Steam Game Festival (Autumn Edition) has just started, and tinyBuild is interested in learning your opinions about our fresh RAWMEN demo! RAWMEN is a crazy multiplayer arena shooter where you battle with or against your friends (or foes) using lots of food-based weapons, from meat balls to bowls of hot chowder.
For those who play RAWMEN demo during the festival (until October 14) and take some time to fill in feedback survey, we have a nice surprise: a limited SpeedRunners-themed item: an epic burning HotHead glove!

Download the new demo right now:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/782940/RAWMEN/ Thanks a lot in advance!
[ 2020-10-07 21:14:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! The summer heat is on, and we at tinyBuild wanted to do something to brighten up your day. Today, SpeedRunners is going on a weeklong sale at 67% off. Weve been doing lots of interesting things recently, and I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some of the things were working on. Specifically, on August 13 (thats next week!) we are launching Kill It With Fire - a physics comedy game about exterminating spiders and burning down your house in the process. Its a very lighthearted game the alphas of which have had 90%+ ratings on Steam. The game is on Pre-Order that allows you to save 10%, or you can simply Wishlist it! We greatly appreciate it. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1179210/Kill_It_With_Fire/
[ 2020-08-03 17:05:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Be quick! Speedrunners and all DLCs are on sale: 67% off everything!
https://store.steampowered.com/app/207140/SpeedRunners/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/317480/SpeedRunners__Youtuber_Pack_1/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/317490/SpeedRunners__Youtuber_Pack_2/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/895440/SpeedRunners__Civil_Dispute_Character_Pack/ The deal ends on March 16th.
[ 2020-03-09 17:20:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
If you missed the livestream, it'll be soon available on our Youtube channel at https://youtube.com/tinybuildgames
We had an incredible PRE-PAX night full of announcements and mystery! I am writing this before the actual event happens, so I have no idea if we'll make it into cringe compilations yet. Fingers crossed!
So let's run through the news.
Secret Neighbor coming this HALLOWEEN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkF9NFhV_uI https://store.steampowered.com/app/859570/Secret_Neighbor/
Announcing Black Skylands - Playable at PAX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhbBtC88LME&feature=youtu.be https://store.steampowered.com/app/1143810/Black_Skylands/
Announcing Not For Broadcast - Playable at PAX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_7kAwTJ8Ic&feature=youtu.be https://store.steampowered.com/app/1147550/Not_For_Broadcast/
Announcing Once Upon a Time in Roswell - Playable at PAX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHdr8SXmHx8&feature=youtu.be https://store.steampowered.com/app/907500/Once_Upon_A_Time_In_Roswell/
Announcing RAWMEN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aSUaYhUuxQ&feature=youtu.be https://store.steampowered.com/app/782940/RAWMEN/
Announcing a new Pathologic 2 DLC!
The Marble Nest DLC will be free for everyone who buys the main Pathologic 2 game before the DLC comes out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn0ogVC9pgM&feature=youtu.be
SpeedRunners finally coming to Nintendo Switch!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Jf7yGjygt0&feature=youtu.be Yes, it's true. It's happening. If you're at PAXWest this weekend in Seattle, be sure to checkout our large booth right next to the Indie Megabooth. We have a very special Secret Neighbor and Graveyard Keeper sections, alongside your favorite Totally Reliable Delivery Service and the games listed above. In case you're wondering, you will indeed be able to play Graveyard Keeper in an actual coffin.
[ 2019-08-30 14:59:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
A while ago Casper has been experimenting with bounce pads. With the workshop competition going on now we figured this would be a great time to make it available in the level editor.
Casper made a demo map to showcase some ways you can use bounce pads. We're excited to see what you can come up with!
[ 2019-05-01 14:06:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good news everyone! We finally launched SpeedRunners on iOS.
It runs on iPhone 6S or newer, and has been rebuilt for the touch-screen.
You can get it here - https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/speedrunners-online-pvp/id1445902625?mt=8
Let us know what you think!
[ 2019-03-30 14:35:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Surprise! We're back with another free update! Today, we're introducing a whole new mechanic in the world of SpeedRunners, and we couldn't be more excited about it. Up until now, there have always been two main mechanics in the game; items and boost. In this update, we're adding a third - boostacokes! This iconic drink, as promoted by Speedrunner himself in New Rush City's famous nightclub, is able to change the whole dynamic of a match. Here's how it works:
- pick up boostacokes to increase your maximum speed
- each boostacoke increases your speed by a few percent
- collect up to 10 boostacokes in total
- you drop a few boostacokes if you get hit by an explosionz

And that's not all! To test this new feature, we added a new official map with corresponding theme called 'Laboratory'. Let us know in the comments below, on Discord or via Twitter what you think about the new map and mechanic. If you like how boostacokes change the dynamic of a match, we might add them into existing maps as well!
[ 2019-01-25 14:09:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
It has been almost a year since the last ELO season. It's about time to figure who are the best SpeedRunners players right now!
The ELO Christmas Season will run for a month from December 17th 2018 until January 20th 2019.
The season will be followed by a tournament where the top 16 players can show off their skills to the world and we will end up with one final season winner!
Season rewards:
- All players who will participate will get their league's Christmas Season Badge.
- All players in diamond league will receive a special Christmas themed trail.
- The top 16 players of the season can participate in a tournament organised by Lewis, Comment, Takumi, Kernelpad and Distinct Madness from the Discord SpeedRunners community.

The ELO rules are the same as the previous winter season. More information will follow about the tournament later. Happy Holidays! DoubleDutch Games SpeedRunnerUnicCosmoHotHead
[ 2018-12-13 16:31:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Deal: Save 67% on SpeedRunners!*
Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!
*Offer ends Tuesday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2018-09-02 17:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Last Sunday, August 26th, marked the 5 year anniversary of SpeedRunners launching on Early Access. In the spirit of Early Access, we’re releasing an update that breaks the game, literally. We call it ‘SpeedRuiners’.
With this modifier, explosions (caused by Rockets, Bombs and Fireballs) will destroy the level geometry - creating shortcuts, opening up new routes or simply just breaking the whole level.
We recommend you turn on triple rockets and simply enjoy the chaos.
(On a serious note: obviously this modifier breaks the game, so it will only be active in quick and custom matches (not in ranked). We’ll turn it off after a couple of days, after which the modifier will be available as a custom game option).
Finally, we’d like to thank all of you who have played our little game over the past five years. We’re grateful for your support and we hope you’ve had some fun with the game! Stay tuned, because we’re working on a new update that will impact the way the game is played in a major way.
[ 2018-08-31 15:20:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're super excited to announce that we've just released the first of our upcoming free updates; the Team Update! This addition adds TEAMPLAY to SpeedRunners. You can now play 2v2, as well as 2v1v1. Simply pick a teammate in the lobby and you're good to go! Here’s how it works:
- Teammates share their boost bars
- Teammates can swap their items
- Score 4 points as a team to win

More details here! NB: the update is completely free, you do not need to buy the DLC to access the teamplay features. Enjoy!
[ 2018-07-19 17:41:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
We all know that speedrunning is about two things; SPEED and RUNNING. But which of the two is more important? Is the competition all about getting the highest SPEED, or is it one’s skill in RUNNING that ultimately decides the winner of a race?
That’s a question that’s been creating quite a controversy in New Rush City, where two opposing factions have formed; TEAM SPEED and TEAM RUNNING. “For sure it’s all about speed”, says Buckshot, spokesmammal of team speed. “I mean, you win races by being the speediest of runners - it’s called SPEEDrunners for a reason!” Gil wholeheartedly disagrees, saying “you can’t get speedy without running first. It’s obviously pronounced speedRUNNERS!”.
As the emotions are heating up between our speedy heroes, it’s become clear that each and every one of us must pick a side. So, which side are you on; team SPEED or team RUNNING? Decide quickly, because ON JULY 19th WE’LL BE RELEASING THE TEAM UPDATE!
This (free) update will add TEAMPLAY to speedrunner matches. You’ll be able to play 2v2, as well as 2v1 or 2v1v1. Pick a teammate and pick a team (team speed or team running) and work together to win races! Here’s what we’re planning:
- Teammates share their boost bars
- Teammates can swap their items
- Score 4 points as a team to win
Coming July 19th!

[ 2018-06-21 14:17:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Winter is coming, the jolliest ELO season of the year! The Elo Winter Season will start a bit early, Monday December 18th 2017 and will run throughout the entrie winter until March 20th 2018.
It has been more than half a year ago since we last did an ELO season, so here is a link to an announement to get you up to speed.
By the end of the season everybody who participated will gain the Winter ELO Season badge of the league tier you ended up in by the end of the season.
All players that are in Diamond league by the end of the season will get the unique Snow trail which will be the only way to ever get this trail in your inventory.
Based on what we have learned during the ELO Beta Season we made some changes for the Winter ELO Season:
More points!
In the previous season certain close games could give as few as 1.5 points or something underwhelming like that. More points are given this season, but the league requirements also have gone up!
Inactivity penalties
During last season the best tactic was pretty much to reach Diamond league and not play anymore after that. Furthermore if you had not played for a while the system would assume your skill level was still the same. If you don't play on average 1 game per day over a period of 14 days in the Winter Season you will start losing 100 points every day.
Individual initial rating
The start of previous season was pretty rough for a lot of players because players of all skill levels started with the same ELO rating. For the Winter Season we use the ratings from the previous Beta season to offset the initial rating a bit. This way the matchmaking system can actually find matches of your skill from the very start. We hope you will enjoy the season. Happy Holidays, DoubleDutch Games :SpeedRunner::Unic::Cosmo::HotHead: P.S. There will be a small surprise in the game during holiday season starting from December 21th 2017! Make sure to speculate obsessively below :HotHead:!
[ 2017-12-15 14:51:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Winter is coming, the jolliest ELO season of the year! The Elo Winter Season will start a bit early, Monday December 18th 2017 and will run throughout the entrie winter until March 20th 2018.
It has been more than half a year ago since we last did an ELO season, so here is a link to an announement to get you up to speed.
By the end of the season everybody who participated will gain the Winter ELO Season badge of the league tier you ended up in by the end of the season.
All players that are in Diamond league by the end of the season will get the unique Snow trail which will be the only way to ever get this trail in your inventory.
Based on what we have learned during the ELO Beta Season we made some changes for the Winter ELO Season:
More points!
In the previous season certain close games could give as few as 1.5 points or something underwhelming like that. More points are given this season, but the league requirements also have gone up!
Inactivity penalties
During last season the best tactic was pretty much to reach Diamond league and not play anymore after that. Furthermore if you had not played for a while the system would assume your skill level was still the same. If you don't play on average 1 game per day over a period of 14 days in the Winter Season you will start losing 100 points every day.
Individual initial rating
The start of previous season was pretty rough for a lot of players because players of all skill levels started with the same ELO rating. For the Winter Season we use the ratings from the previous Beta season to offset the initial rating a bit. This way the matchmaking system can actually find matches of your skill from the very start. We hope you will enjoy the season. Happy Holidays, DoubleDutch Games ːSpeedRunnerːːUnicːːCosmoːːHotHeadː P.S. There will be a small surprise in the game during holiday season starting from December 21th 2017! Make sure to speculate obsessively below ːHotHeadː!
[ 2017-12-15 14:51:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Brace yourselves, speedy runners. Today at 10am PST (7pm European time) SpeedRunners goes into its Free Weekend.
This goes alongside the Xbox One launch of SpeedRunners where the game is free for everyone with an Xbox Live Gold account.
Happy running!
[ 2017-06-01 10:32:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Brace yourselves, speedy runners. Today at 10am PST (7pm European time) SpeedRunners goes into its Free Weekend.
This goes alongside the Xbox One launch of SpeedRunners where the game is free for everyone with an Xbox Live Gold account.
Happy running!
[ 2017-06-01 10:32:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we released an update which also marks the start of the Beta Ranking Season which will run until May 14th! After the Beta Season we return to the previous ranking system with the same rank and points you had before this update.
- ELO-based Beta Rank Season
- Badges
- Discord Voice Chat
- All New Ranking UI
- Skill-based matchmaking is now more precise
- No longer searches for better rooms when in a friend's custom game
[ 2017-04-12 20:43:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we released an update which also marks the start of the Beta Ranking Season which will run until May 14th! After the Beta Season we return to the previous ranking system with the same rank and points you had before this update.
- ELO-based Beta Rank Season
- Badges
- Discord Voice Chat
- All New Ranking UI
- Skill-based matchmaking is now more precise
- No longer searches for better rooms when in a friend's custom game
[ 2017-04-12 17:53:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Adding features such as the ELO Beta Season and Badges made the ranking UI super cluttered. So we looked into de-cluttering the ranking interface and make it more future proof. Here is what we came up with:
The ranking screen is now more focused on your own achievements and rank status. We also added some trend indicators. These show if you are trending upward or downward since the last time you visited the rank screen.
You can still see your standing among Steam friends or the World when you click on the rank section.
We also added a new screen which shows off all the badges you've earned. This is also the place where you can select the badge you want to show in-game when taunting!
Brace yourself, the update is coming soon!
[ 2017-04-12 14:32:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Adding features such as the ELO Beta Season and Badges made the ranking UI super cluttered. So we looked into de-cluttering the ranking interface and make it more future proof. Here is what we came up with:
The ranking screen is now more focused on your own achievements and rank status. We also added some trend indicators. These show if you are trending upward or downward since the last time you visited the rank screen.
You can still see your standing among Steam friends or the World when you click on the rank section.
We also added a new screen which shows off all the badges you've earned. This is also the place where you can select the badge you want to show in-game when taunting!
Brace yourself, the update is coming soon!
[ 2017-04-12 14:32:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Since the start of this year we've been working with Discord to get Voice Chat support in SpeedRunners. Now finally, after the update tomorrow, Discord Voice Chat be available in-game for everyone!
For those of you who don't know yet: Discord is a free chat client that can best be described as a mix of IRC and TeamSpeak. You don't need to install the client to use voice chat in SpeedRunners, but we still recommend getting the Discord Client and joining the SpeedRunners Community Discord Server. It's a great way to meet other players and to find opponents for exciting matches.
So once again: voice chat will work even if you don't have the Discord Client installed. You don't need a Discord account or anything like that either. It will simply work when you enable voice chat in-game!*. This will allow you to chat with your opponents while in-game or in a lobby. Voice chat is disabled by default, and obviously muting is also an option.
We hope you enjoy the update tomorrow; please let us know what you think of the ranking updates and the voice chat support on the forum!
*Except for Max and Linux. On these platforms, you will actually need to install the Discord Client if you want to enable voice chat.
[ 2017-04-11 16:28:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Before the weekend, we announced the new (beta) ELO Ranking System.
Today, we will discuss the upcoming changes in more detail. The main news is that we will be introducing seasons. Think of these as similar to how the current league system works, but within a limited timespan. This means you will be competing against other speedrunners to see who is the fastest runner during a certain period of time. At the end of a season, you will be awarded a badge that represents the league you finished in. We're not entirely sure yet on the specifics, but we're planning on running a couple of these seasons each year, for instance by having a Halloween Season or a Christmas Season. You'll be able to get a badge for each of the seasons you participate in.
Soooo what's so special about badges? Well, aside from being a nice collectible overview of your past achievements, you can pick one that will pop up over your character when you perform a taunt. This way you can show off your past achievements, like that you've participated during a special event, or that you finished in the Diamond League during one of the seasons, in-game!
While we're excited about this new idea, there could very well be some issues with how we've set everything up. So, the first season in this new ranking system will be a Beta Season - meaning some rules and variables might change mid-season. This season will run for a month; from April 13th until May 14th. The badges that you see up here are exclusive for the Beta Season; you can only get one of these badges by playing ranked matches in the specified timeframe. Other seasons will have different badges, with specific badges for each season. To be eligible to get one of these you have to play at least 15 placement matches. After those matches, you are placed in a league that suits your skill level. You can then advance in leagues just like before, by beating opponents and winning matches. Finally, when the season ends we'll be handing out badges based on what league you ended up in!
'What happens to my current ranking score?' you might ask. Obviously, we don't want to simply throw away all the hard work you've put into getting into one of the top leagues. When the ELO update goes live you will automatically receive one of the badges that you may have already noticed on top of the previous announcement; they represent your current ranking in the 'old' ranking system. Also, after the Beta Season ends, we will revert back to the 'old' ranking system (your score is frozen in the meantime) while we evaluate the results of the beta test.
But wait, there is more! If you reach the top-level Diamond tier by the end of this beta season will also get this hyper-cool exclusive trail!
Tomorrow we'll have some more info on how all of this will come together!
[ 2017-04-10 16:03:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
For almost 3 years now we've been running the same old ranking system. The system has been great for us. It has given some memorable moments from when the first player hit Platinum League. Or when Metanet01 got into the unobtainable Diamond League. This remained a feat replicated by only 8 other players to this day. Other than that the system also served as a skill indication, providing much better skill-based Match Making.
While the system has been good to us, it also has multiple issues. It feels a bit grindy and it could be better at representing current player skill.
The new ranking system
In order to solve the issues with the current system we've been testing a new ranking system for a while now in secret on the ranking server. This is an ELO based system. We are now almost ready to start a public test with the ELO system. As it stands we're aiming to introduce the new system on Thursday April 13th 2017. It's not quite ready yet, so there is a slight chance we may not make that, but things are looking good right now. We're planning to run the new system for a month until May 14th. For the duration we are running the new system we will freeze your current score. After May 14th we will revert back to the current ranking system. At that point you can start playing in the current ranking system where you left off on April 13th. But that's not all we have planned! On Monday we will reveal more about why you might want to join the ELO Beta Season.
[ 2017-04-07 16:08:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come and watch the launch event of the Weird and Wonderful bundle on Steam, where we'll be playing all the games in the bundles amazing line-up!
[ 2017-03-31 17:14:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Weird and Wonderful Bundle is now available, offering big discounts on strange and silly games. Bundle Includes:
Surgeon Simulator Anniversary Edition
Goat Simulator
Human: Fall Flat
Viscera Cleanup Detail
[ 2017-03-31 17:08:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can run, but you can't dodge a well executed freezeray. Enjoy ScreamRunners this week!
*you can disable these effects in options
[ 2016-10-25 14:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cool moonraker fanart from here
While posting the changelog for today's update I noticed the previous update was from 4 months ago...
The past 4 months we've been working hard on bringing SpeedRunners to consoles. Developing for consoles was pretty difficult and turned out to soak up all our attention. I am happy to inform you that we are through that now, at least for the technical part that is. So we are back to updating the game here on Steam.
Before we released the game fully out of early access we received feedback on the golden hook. The main issue was it being hard to dodge in high ping situations. Before release we spend some time trying to make the golden hook work better in those cases. We made promising progress but we didn't have time to test it fully.
Recently we have been able to test it extensively and it's ready for release now. We look forward to your feedback on the golden hook changes.
During the last months we got messages from players being verbally abusive to other players. We've been gathering reports on this for a while now, but we did not have the means to act on those reports yet. This update brings a first version of a ban system, more info on that here.
I also looked at the reports of the last couple of months and added bans for the worst offenders. We'll keep an eye on the more recent reports hereon after, so keep them coming.
Other changes involve the merging of fixes and changes we did during our work for consoles. Most of those changes is UI polish and small quality of life changes. As an example, you might notice we no longer have a timer in a lobby with only local players.
We have tested the build extensively but can never cover as much as all of you can. So keep us posted if you find any issues in the current build.
Thanks for sticking with us and enjoy the update!
[ 2016-10-07 10:33:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ok, scrubs. I know there are good SpeedRunners players coming to PAXWest. I'm still a little bit upset about last year's "incident", when a 13 year old girl beat the whole team like it was nothing.
We're going to give away hundreds of hats, lanyards, and exclusive SpeedRunners T-Shirts at the event in a couple of weeks.
We'll be doing hourly tournaments at our booth. Stop, show your skills, prove you're not a scrub.
The booth is BRIGHT AS F*CK orange as usual. You'll find it. We'll be on the 4th floor next to the Indie Megabooth.
Details on our PAXWest booth activities: http://tinybuild.com/tinybuild-pax-west-2016-line-up
[ 2016-08-19 13:59:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Save up to 90% on tinyBuild Games during this week's Midweek Madness*!
*Offer ends Friday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2016-08-16 17:03:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
I see you guys are enjoying the GIF editor/exporter feature in SpeedRunners.
There are a ton of great GIFs in the Artwork Community Tab and I decided to give them some exposure on Twitter with the #SpeedyProTips hashtag.
Feel free to share your SpeedyProTips with gifs!
Feel free to share your GIFs on Twitter using the #SpeedyProTips tag. I will retweet them to get you some exposure! If your GIF is over 5mb, I typically use http://ezgif.com/optimize to shrink down size. They also have a cropping tool, and it's all web-based.
Submit your GIFs here and I can tweet them out
If you'd like me to tweet out from http://twitter.com/tinyBuild (107k followers), feel free to submit GIFs in this thread. The combination of trails and awesome moments can help bring more exposure to SpeedRunners :)
[ 2016-04-27 13:00:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! We're celebrating the launch of SpeedRunners at PAX East in Boston, and tomorrow there's an upcoming Twitch Stage segment for SpeedRunners.
- Saturday at 4:15PM ET (Boston Time) / 9:15pm CET
- On http://twitch.tv/twitch
- SpeedRunners pro gaming showcase
[ 2016-04-22 11:26:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
SpeedRunners is Now Available on Steam!
Cut-throat multiplayer running game that pits 4 players against each other, locally and/or online. Run, jump, swing around, and use devious weapons and pick-ups to knock opponents off-screen! One of the most competitive games you'll ever play.
[ 2016-04-19 17:30:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out this slick SpeedRunners Launch Trailer that Tom made
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWwUDenjkzs SpeedRunners is now officially out of Early Access. After hundreds of updates, several community uprisings (remember the whole Lethal Spikes and SpeedBoosting threads?), we are officially out. That's it. Version 1.0. Here's what the final version of SpeedRunners has to offer:
Gif Editor & Exporter
A new feature in the Replays system is the ability to crop & export GIFs directly from within SpeedRunners, check it out!
Trails Shop & Editor
Yes, you can now create your own trails for SpeedRunners and have them be available in the Trails Shop. This is a curated shop (think just like Team Fortress 2) where users can submit their content to.
Mac & Linux
I am playing SpeedRunners on a Mac, you guys! This actually works.
Single Player Campaign
The brand new single player campaign takes you on a "Mario Kart Style" adventure, going through the multiplayer maps with specific story bits and challenges. The goal of the single player campaign is to ease players into the competitive online part of the game.
Twitch Betting
You can now setup twitch betting when livestreaming SpeedRunners and it's tied to the tinyBuild rewards program.
But wait, what does going out of Early Access mean?
It means that the core features of the game are finished. We will still update the game, and are fully committed to working with the community. The only difference is that the core development team will switch their focus to consoles.
A huge THANK YOU to the community!
A special, enormous, hug-worthy THANK YOU to everyone who have been with us during Early Access. It's been an insane journey and without you guys we wouldn't be here. The hundred-reply threads on the forums, the in-depth discussions, the King of Speeds, everything about SpeedRunners Early Access revolved around obsessively reading the forum and figuring out the best solutions. Yes, everyone in Early Access is getting a special BETA trail which is available right now. This week we are having a launch event at PAX East in Boston with PurpleTurkey showing off his skills. Within the coming weeks we will reveal post-launch plans which include more tournaments and prizes. Huge hugs - tinyBuild and DoubleDutch Teams
[ 2016-04-19 16:07:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join is on Twitch Bets SpeedRunners -- the official prelaunch event where 4 bots play against each other, and you can make bets on who wins each round! http://twitch.tv/tinybuild
[ 2016-04-14 08:14:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
SpeedRunners is one of those games anyone can pick up at a convention or party. Every now and then though there's this one guy at these events that starts to kick everyone's butt. It's probably because he knows the basic strats of the game. Good thing I'm here to share these with you.
If you're a novice player, or someone considering buying SpeedRunners (it's in Early Access until April 19th!), you might find these tips useful.
Let's start with the basics and work our way up. Before I get to items, I assume you understand how SpeedRunners work -- 4 players spawn in a map, and the camera follows the players in front. If you fall off-screen, you lose. "Press a to jump and figure it out" is usually good enough of an explanation.
One important thing to understand is momentum and how to get it. A very simple example is the gif below.
Getting Momentum With Slopes

- Both players jump down
- Both players hit a diagonal slope
- The slope transfers their downwards momentum into sideways momentum. That's why they have that fancy trail.
Let's Talk About Items!
Items are what makes SpeedRunners the friendship-destroying game many people love. I'm going to use GIFs to illustrate proper use of items. Note that these are basic tactics just to help new players understand what's happening.
The Crate

The crate might seem like a useless object as it's easy to jump over, but pro level SpeedRunners players had decisive matches because of it.
- Use it to dodge golden hooks
- Place it in spots where players have to slide, that'll slow the others down or force them to burn items
- Place them where upwards ladders end - that forces players to awkwardly jump over, costing valuable momentum
The Golden Hook

The Golden Hook is probably the most iconic and friendship ruining weapon. There's more to it though as we've seen from high level play.
- It's easy to dodge over long distances by sliding
- Most efficient against other noobs or close-range against experienced players
- Having it in your inventory limits experienced opponents' actions

Let me talk about that last point for a second. When you have the Golden Hook you're playing a mind game with the people in front of you. Most people will anxiously slide all over the place, anticipating the hook -- while others will keep onto items like the Crate in order to dodge. The best players in the world use the hook to break opponents' super-speed which is also very effective. Remember that you also take your opponents' momentum when grappling them.
The Rocket

The Rocket is a slow but effective weapon. It will slowly lock onto a target and follow it... if there's open space. Otherwise it can be used efficiently in tunnels when you need to stun the 3 players in front of you.
- Effective in close-quarter situations
- Slow in open spaces
- Great stun if it hits
The Freezeray

The Freezeray was added as a more direct item that can freeze multiple enemies. The core feature is that it goes through walls and can be used with great efficiency during varying vertical paths.
- Has a build-up
- Fires through walls
- Freezes your enemies for a couple of seconds

In the gif above, you see that the momentum of SpeedRunners with no friction transfered to the downhill slope -- and the freezeray wasn't as effective
The Shockwave

The beautiful shockwave is an effective area weapon. In the most recent iteration, ti fires in front of the casting player. It will blow up all over items and push players away from its central direction. It means it's also great for boosting yourself forward.
- Area weapon that counters everything in the game
- Great for offense and defense
- When used skillfully, creates magnificent moments of all players slowing down
The Fireball

A very fast weapon that just keeps on rolling forward. The Fireball is players' favorite item to clear a path (including through other players). It can be fired backwards to knock down players mid-air, and has the same stun effect as The Rocket.
- Fast forward-rolling weapon
- Great for clearing paths, like getting rid of crates
- Efficient for both offense and defense if used properly
Learning To Counter
The fun of SpeedRunners comes when all items come together and result in situations like this:

Those are the basics!
I hope this helps people get a head start in SpeedRunners and eventually get a s good as these guys from the recent King of Speed finals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425xdDwOlQc Community! What do you guys think? Am I missing any vital beginners tips?
[ 2016-04-13 08:38:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Here's the video from last Friday's King of Speed Finale. If you missed it, spoilers -- it's a very, very good match. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=425xdDwOlQc
Calling All Boston Pros!
Are you in the Boston area? Are you Silver or higher? Drop us a line. We're organizing a tournament at PAX East and you might just get in! PurpleTurkey is going to be there, too. Just drop us a mail to contact at tinybuild dot com -- we'll sort it out.
[ 2016-04-12 15:10:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Who is going to win - PurpleTurkey or Desnamed? We will find out - https://www.twitch.tv/tinybuild
[ 2016-04-08 16:36:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
It is on this Friday.
Now that you all know SpeedRunners is coming out on April 19th, we've got something special planned for the final, most amazing King of Speed ever.
PurpleTurkey vs Desnamed
This Friday at 6pm CET we will host the finals between the King of Season 1 (PurpleTurkey) and the King of Season 2 (Desnamed).
- Friday April 8th @ 6pm CET
- Tune in at http://twitch.tv/tinyBuild
Whoever wins gets crowned the Supreme King of Speed
Who will win? Cast your vote here - https://twitter.com/tinyBuild/status/717692307739394048
[ 2016-04-06 12:33:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
SpeedRunners is sprinting out of Early Access on April 19th!
We're proud to announce today that SpeedRunners will see its full release on April 19th, only two weeks from now!

It's been a long and incredible journey since we released the first beta build back in 2013. Now, over 50 updates and 2 years later, we're finally at a point where we can confidently call the game finished. When the game first entered Early Access, we had no idea how much the game would take off - or that we would be working on it for such a long time. It was a humble prototype back then - fun and playable, but filled with game-breaking crashes and many exploitable bugs. With hard work, dedication and a lot of helpful feedback, it slowly expanded it into a highly competitive game (an official eSport even!) that sold over a million units. The process has been amazing, thanks to you; the wonderful community we've come across here on the Steam forum <3 <3 <3 Now, the full release won't be just another small update. We've got a couple cool new features lined up for you.
Mac & Linux
Along with the full release, the game will also be available on Mac and Linux. It's all the same codebase, which means there's full cross-platform support. So Mac and Linux players can play with each other, as well as with PC players. We've been running a beta for this the past few weeks, and it looks like the game runs smoothly on these platforms, so yay, finally! Full Mac and Linux support!
Custom Trails
This is a big feature, that we've been working on in secret for quite some time. In the full release, you'll be able to design, upload, share and even sell your own custom speed trails! Here's an example of one that I made:

Ever since we introduced the first trails on handicapped characters and as a reward for winning the ESL tournament, people have been super excited about getting their own trails. Some even went as far as hacking the game to get their own custom trails in. Well, this is no longer necessary, as we've built an full-fledged trail editor just for you! This editor allows you to create the most outrageous, fun, fancy and sweet-looking trails you can imagine. You can create layers, use your own artwork and even add particle effects! Here's another that I made, just for fun:

Once you're happy with the trail you've created, you can submit it to the community for curation. If it's accepted, other players will be able to buy it from the steam store, and you'll get a portion of the revenue!
Singleplayer campaign
We've created a new campaign mode, which dives into the backstory of some of the beloved SpeedRunners characters. It's a Mario Kart-style campaign, in which you play against bots of various difficulty levels in a tournament setting. We hope this will be a fun addition for new players, where they can safely learn the tricks of the game. For those of you who have already logged hundreds of hours online, it shouldn't be much of a challenge to beat the bots and unlock 4 new hand-drawn comics, centered around Moonraker, Gil, Buckshot and the Falcon's struggles in New Rush City.
Twitch Betting
Finally, we added a feature for twitch-streamers, which allows viewers to bet on the outcome of your matches. We've previewed this feature in our weekly King of Speed livestream, and it has proven to be a fun new way to experience SpeedRunners as a spectator on twitch.tv. Viewers will be able to bet special 'tinyBuild points', which they can use to craft discount coupons to tinyBuild's collection of games. Even if you're not into these types of coupons, the betting makes for a cool meta-game among viewers.
Open Beta
What's more, you can already start trying out these new features today! That's right, we're doing a beta-test while still in Early Access. So meta. Right-click on SpeedRunners in your Steam Library, select Properties > Betas and opt into the beta branch. This will give you access to the test-version of the final build, so you can already start creating cool-looking custom trails! NB: We'll also be updating the normal version of the game today, so that it's compatible with the beta version. Aside from the new features mentioned in this post, we've also fixed a few bugs here and there. See the changelog for more details.
Wrapping up Early Access
What does leaving Early Access mean for the development of SpeedRunners? Well, let me start by saying that development will continue. There's still room for improvement and new features in SpeedRunners. For example, we're planning to overhaul the ranking system at some point. Also on the todo-list is more extensive support for ghosts to pratice with/against. So just because the game is coming out of Early Access does not mean we'll stop developing for it. However, we will be shifting our focus internally to console development, which basically means that updates will be spaced further apart. Finally, as a thank-you to all the players who have supported us and helped us in the development of SpeedRunners during Early Access: we've made a special, Early Access-only trail that only you get exclusive access to! You'll be able to show eveyone what you were part of the original community that helped build this game into what it is today!

And there you have it; only two weeks until final release, you guys! Time to GET HYPED! :D -Casper
[ 2016-04-05 17:19:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Sick fanart of Salem, give this guy a thumbs up
Hi everyone! r51 introduces a series of important bugfixes alongside brand new artwork for Warehouse (now called Mansion), and a Ghosts feature in Practice Mode.
- Added a Ghost to the Practice Mode. Race against your own best time!
- Updated Festival layout
- Enabled Mid-Game Joining in Custom Games
- Enabled playing unpublished maps in local multiplayer matches and in practice mode
- New art for Warehouse; it's now called Mansion
- Editor: AI volumes can now be set for specific bot difficulties. Change test bot difficulty with [ and ]
- fixed an issue where the camera would zoom in endlessly
- improved finding lobbies
- fixed a bug in level select causing RWS to be picked less
- bug fix for the progression storage
- fixed a bug where and old version of a level was loaded if you opened it right after saving
- a couple of other small bugfixes
- fixed a bug in the draw ordering of local vs. remote players
[ 2016-03-22 11:00:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tune in tonight to see who's best - Desnamed or DistinctMadness?
Starting within 30 minutes of this post
[ 2016-03-19 16:21:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
On behalf of Detroy, original thread is here - http://steamcommunity.com/app/207140/discussions/2/392183857619425187/
Hello SpeedRunners,
I´d like to announce our SpeedRunners Easter Cup 2016 in which everybody is allowed to play (no country restriction), which means that even our players from Brasil and North America are allowed to participate!
You can find more details and the news for cup here:
And here you can sign up for the cup:
[ 2016-03-17 12:36:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
This week's King of Speed is about to start at twitch.tv/tinyBuild at 6:30PM Amsterdam time!
Desnamed is the king, but is MVCM the actual best SpeedRunners player ON EARTH right now? I think yes!
Join the stream and try out our live betting feature as always!
Get used to it, cos those points are already earning people 75% off games coupons over on our Punch Club streams!
We'll push it to SpeedRunners asap!
[ 2016-03-12 16:54:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FkFSMJaBB8 What a match. Anyone else looking forward to PurpleTurkey play?
[ 2016-03-07 12:20:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tune in tomorrow for the first ever 3 player King of Speed, featuring the infamous Taters and Roland -- they played in the very first KoS match last year. They will be joined by a mystery pro-player!
Taters vs Roland vs Desnamed
- who will win?
- Tomorrow (Saturday March 5th) at 6pm CET (this is 5pm UK Time)
- http://twitch.tv/tinyBuild
- There will be more betting going on!
[ 2016-03-04 14:54:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Watch Roland play against Graphiquenez2 in last weekend's King of Speed!
I want to use this post to address some questions the community has. We've been iterating on the concept of King of Speed, and because of plenty of timezone issues and scheduling conflicts, it's difficult to get everyone online at a specific time that works for most.
That is why we decided to bring in new players for Episode 2.
During the episode, we were thinking (with the chat!) about doing a 4 player King of Speed. This way more players get to play, and we can for example figure out who gets the crown this season -- will Turkey be able to defeat both Roland and Desnamed? Could Taters make a comeback? All of these questions could be answered in a 4-player match.
Let us know what you think about a 4-person King of Speed idea. Meanwhile we are trying to figure out how to technically do it.
[ 2016-02-29 12:53:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Roland vs Graphiquenez - tune in live http://twitch.tv/tinybuild [edit] Thanks everyone for watching! VOD coming soon!
[ 2016-02-27 17:06:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tune in tonight at 6pm CET to find out who is going to challenge Desnamed in King of Speed!
We have the betting system working in a much more interesting way, so be sure to tune in!
- 6pm CET (5pm UK time)
- http://twitch.tv/tinybuild
- New feature reveals and the best SpeedRunners players in the world fight it out!
[ 2016-02-27 09:00:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- SpeedRunners All Linux Files [701.67 M]
- SpeedRunners - Youtuber Pack 1
- SpeedRunners - Youtuber Pack 2
- SpeedRunners - Civil Dispute!
SpeedRunners is a 4 player competitive platformer with grappling hooks, power-ups, and interactive environments. Run, jump, swing around, fire rockets, grapple onto people to knock them off screen.
Key Features
- 4 Player Competitive Platforming!
- Keep up with the fastest player in-game, or fall offscreen and get eliminated!
- Use weapons like missiles, mines and grappling hooks to screw over your friends, and make new enemies!
- Local and online multiplayer! Can you have 2 players on a couch against 2 other players on the internet? Yes of course!
- Bots enabled - play on your own with several AI opponents. Or put them into matches with other people!
- A tutorial teaches you how to play
- Controller compatible (and recommended!)
- A dozen expertly designed maps
- Unique game modifiers
- A character named Unic!
- Full blown level editor with over 10k user created levels
- An exciting single player campaign
- Create your own custom in-game trails (visible when you hit super-speed)
What to expect in the final game
Head onto the forum and help us decide what will be the final game! Expect more maps, characters, items and game modes.
Follow the development on twitter!
- OS: Latest Debian redistributable or SteamOS
- Processor: 1Ghz and upMemory: 3 GB RAM
- Memory: 3 GB RAM
- Graphics: Dedicated video card recommendedNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 800 MB available space