So sorry again! Another small but important bugfix patch. A certain mysterious boss was sometimes broken after you defeat him, fixed now! The 1.2 patch was so huge that a few bugs unfortunately leaked through. Hopefully this is the last! (Amazingly we did 3 full 100% playthroughs on 3 different platforms and not once came across the bug. It ended up being an unpredictable 50/50 coinflip thing and of COURSE we got 3 "good flips" in a row keefmad )
[ 2024-12-01 00:54:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
So sorry about this! Just a quick hotfix. The UI was broken if your OS was set to languages other than English.
[ 2024-11-28 15:15:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch doesnt have much in terms of gameplay changes or fixes, but it marks a significant progress milestone for us on the technical end, hence the version bump up to 1.2 and the hefty update size. Most of the games asset organization, loading & packaging has been completely redone in preparation for console ports, and in so doing this also means the game is much better optimized for potato PCs too as a bonus. I know some of you are still gaming on those old IBM computers running OS/2, so this ones for you. By the way, the game is 33% off for the Autumn Sale (ends December 4th) WOOHOO!!! CHANGELOG
- Stopped Ian and Faye from weighing in on an incredibly situational conversation theyre not even around for.
- Removed an invisible test warp that was accidentally included and could break the game if used.
- Autosave text is more visible and occurs after screen fade instead of during.
- Fixed Withers increased Melody damage taken attribute.
- A couple of single target skills were doing ALL TARGET visual fx. Not anymore.
- Fixed a bug that broke the camera if you skip a cutscene during a camera follows target moment.
- Brand new Tonewood Forest combat background.
[ 2024-11-27 18:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here's something to celebrate the occasion, feel free to use it for a desktop wallpaper!
HUGE thanks to everyone who spent time with this lot, We know they can be a bit of a handful so we appreciate it.
Thanks also to everyone who spread the word about the game, left a steam review, it all helps so much and means so much to us.
(In fact, it means SO MUCH that a couple of months ago I got a tattoo that keeps a tally of all the steam reviews for the game. I intend to keep it updated!)
Also let's HEAR it for you artists out there, look at all this sensational fan art, and a cosplay!! Receiving this stuff is always a huge day brightener so it makes sense to collect every single bit of fan art into a folder. Who WOULDN'T??
We're very flattered to see people still talking about this game a year on, funnily enough we've had more press coverage in recent months than we had on launch. If that's not a sign of QUALITY GAME, I don't know what is.
Lastly, the game is 33% off for the next 7 days! After all, what's an anniversary celebration without a TRIUMPHANT DISCOUNT??
Premium thanks from all of us.
- Dan, Kyle + Scott
[ 2024-08-08 17:09:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
After the WILD THRILL that was patch 1.1, this one might feel a tad uneventful. Just addressing a few little things that have surfaced since. Also, thanks again for leaving all those lovely reviews, they've been wonderful to read. UI
- ALT_FX description text is no longer squashed. (It wasnt a space typo I swear.)
- Fixed pre-signup Tonewood entrance dialogue trigger.
- Saeva note dialogue trigger in Hoho tent no longer clashes with Modpod interactable.
[ 2024-06-18 09:24:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to a particularly HEFTY patch update! So hefty in fact that Dan felt compelled to draw up comics depicting some of the changes, just for flavour's sake.
We've also discounted the game by 25% from now until the 27th to celebrate the occasion.
Anyway let's get into it:
You can now remap both keyboard and controller bindings through the config menu. As a result, many of the alternate keys we defined for keyboard controls have been removed. Feel free to rebind them to your personal preference!
As a result of this addition, the default Skip Cutscene keyboard binding has been changed from ESC to Backspace. Feel free to change it in the config menu to your hearts content!
Weak and Guard labels have been added to damage values to indicate how effective an attack is based on the enemys toughness and resistance stats. In addition, many enemies have had their toughness and resistance values adjusted to better emphasize these intended differences.
We realized a lot of players may have overlooked that there are differing attack types and feel this is a great way to highlight when players could be doing more damage rather than letting players assume the enemy just has high defense all round.
We wanted to take a look at some of the lesser-used mods and see if we could make them more attractive to use. Fayes in particular suffered from an over-characterization of drawback effects. As the native Show-off, and her own clumsy personality, it made sense to see most of her mods having these kinds of effects. In reality though, this just led to a bunch of them being never used, and hampering her build possibilities. With these changes, we hope to see more build variety across the band.
Additionally, we made some adjustments to mods we felt needed a second look.
- Dazzling Shred: Now has a 50% chance to strike a second time, additionally dealing minuscule melody damage to the target.
- Dazzling Shred: Hype cost reduced to 90 / 45 (Previous: 100 / 50)
- Dazzling Shred: Now generates 10 glam and 15 glam if both hits trigger. (Previous: 10)
- Axe of Annihilation: Now deals massive melody damage normally and obscene melody damage if it triggers the sick version. (Previous: Heavy and massive)
- Reckless Shredding: Now applies 1 measure of pain to the players bar. (Previous: 2)
- Reckless Shredding: Now generates 6 glam. (Previous: 4)
- BIG ANGRY RIFF OF FURY: Hype cost reduced to 80 / 40. (Previous: 120 / 60)
- ALT_FX: Now applies a random negative measure effect onto the enemys bar for each enemy struck. (Previous: Applies a random measure effect)
- ALT_FX: Hype cost increased to 100 / 50. (Previous: 80 / 40)
- Fresh Twist: Now deals heavy noise damage to all foes. (Previous: Minuscule to single foe)
- Fresh Twist: Now deals an additional 15% damage per negative measure effect on the players bar.
- Fresh Twist: Inverts all 4 measures on the players bar. (Previous: Inverts 2 measures on the players bar)
- Fresh Twist: Hype cost increased to 150 / 75. (Previous: 120 / 60)
- Let Me Try Something: This skill no longer applies 2 random measure effects to the players bar and now only deals heavy noise damage to a single foe.
- Let Me Try Something: Hype cost increased to 110 / 55. (Previous: 100 / 50)
- Heartwarmer: This skill now either revives a defeated bandmate at a quarter of their max life (75% chance) or revives them at full health (25% chance). (Previous: Either revives a fallen bandmate at 100% of their max life (50% chance) or fails to revive them at all (50% chance).)
- ugh: Now deals an additional 15% damage per empty measure on the players bar.
- Beefy Double: Now generates 6 glam. (Previous: 4)
- Hammer Jamming: Now deals moderate noise damage to all foes. (Previous: Light)
- Hammer Jamming: Now generates 15 glam. (Previous: 10)
- Hammer Jamming: Hype cost increased to 70 / 35. (Previous: 40 / 20)
- Intimidate: Now additionally deals light melody damage to a single foe.
- Poppin Off: Now generates 12 glam. (Previous: 6)
- EVERYBODY BROKEN BONES: Now deals obscene noise damage. (Previous: Massive)
- Twang Frenzy: Now generates 6 glam. (Previous: 4)
- Palm Destroyer: This skill now also deals moderate noise damage to a single foe in addition to applying 2 measures of mad pain to both the player and enemy bar.
- Dr. Tonebone: Now heals a single ally for a heavy amount. (Previous: Moderate)
- Tribute to Babby: Amount healed by FISH abilities reduced by 16-25%.
- Basketball: Can now score up to 10 points across 5 uses, increasing its maximum damage bonus to 200%. (Previous: 8 points across 4 uses, 150% maximum damage bonus)

Delayers knockback effect is now substantially reduced when using consecutive noise skills against an enemy before theyre able to get a turn. Once theyre able to take a turn, this reduction penalty will be reset. This penalty is incurred by consecutive noise skill uses, not consecutive hits via multi-hit skills. Lets face it, we all knew this was coming. We wanted to approach this adjustment in a way that still kept it valuable, but not completely game breaking.

- Fast travel can now be accessed A LITTLE EARLIER, but at the cost of 300 bops per journey (unless youve done a certain sidequest).
- Two new fast travel destinations have been added. Please do not question their practicality.

Bocks now offers help in narrowing down the whereabouts of unclaimed treasures during late-game (i.e. tells you how many treasures are left in Bopstead or Tonewood, etc). Perhaps this is their way of showing appreciation for winning the popularity tournament.
- Flipped Cap: Now inverts 2 measures on the players bar. (Previous: Inverts all 4 measures on the players bar.)
- Flipped Cap: Stock cost reduced to 3. (Previous: 5)
- Starstrike now has a 33% chance to strike a second and third time.
- Increased cost to boost Shrubbash from level 2 to level 3 to 1,500 bops. (Previous: 500)
- Increased cost to boost Toot from level 2 to level 3 to 1,000 bops. (Previous: 500)
- Empowered Slow now reduces speed by 40%. (Previous: 50%)
- Beat Booster: Selecting fully upgraded beats will now display their current information.
- The games credits can now be viewed from the title screen.
- Saeva now leaves a note for Briff to let him know of her post-bus non-tent whereabouts.
- Improved the visibility of one of the bottles in Claires Hair.
- Fixed a bug that gave Briff a much higher base toughness stat than intended.
- Fixed a bug that could allow for unintended player control when skipping a cutscene during the ending.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from aggroing enemies after the boombox fight in Claires Hair.
- Fixed a visual issue that caused the combat performance crowd to incorrectly appear overtop certain foreground elements on the bus.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the sound created by kicking Who Cares to sound like a tent door kick. The game is now playable.
- Fixed a bug that could cause certain music elements to persist upon quitting to the title screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused a softlock in combat when counter attacking an enemy with a beat that overwrote a Harmony measure effect during the counter.
- Fixed numerous issues with enemy attack elements and incorrect corresponding visual effects.
- Fixed a UI issue that would cause certain measure effect icons to render incorrectly in shops.
- Zee now only has a post-it face during the ending sequence if you triggered the necessary conversation prior.
[ 2024-05-18 11:00:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
It has now been 6 MONTHS since the release of the game!! To celebrate, and for a bit of fun, we thought we'd capitalise on the game's plethora of unique characters and do a BIG OL' CHARACTER POPULARITY TOURNAMENT to find out once and for all who's HOT and who's NOT.
- Voting will take place entirely within the game's discord (which you can find HERE) Votes will be counted via emote responses. (Though we may gather votes in other places the closer we get to THE GRAND FINAL, for extra suspense.)
- Voting will usually last over 24-hour periods for each match-up. Due to the amount of characters, there'll be votes on multiple match-ups in each 24-hour period, otherwise this'd take bloody ages haha.
- Kickstarter backer NPCs will not be included.
- Each match-up card will include both characters portrait, name, basic bio and a selected quote, as a REFRESHER for those who want to make an INFORMED DECISION.
- All initial pairings have been done in a way to minimize tragically one-sided battles. Expect to make some tough decisions in Round 1!
[ 2024-02-08 20:00:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Seeing as it's the 8th today, this update doubles as a nice way to celebrate 4 months since the game came out! HOORAY! Thanks again to all of you for giving our game a go, spreading the word and also to those that have left reviews. If you haven't done so already, please consider leaving a review as it helps us out a lot! But yes, about the new additions to the steam page: 10 trading cards have been added to the game's steam presence. All featuring unique artwork created SPECIALLY for the trading cards. I thought it'd be fun to depict scenes that generally happened off-screen and/or prior to the game's timeline, in fact some of them are even alluded to via in-game dialogue/flavour text! Alongside the cards we have added 6 BABBY BADGES of varying opulence for levels 1-5 and the extra special FOIL variant. We have also added the following to the points shop:
- 6 emoticons
- 10 profile backgrounds (1 for each character class + 1 RARE SPECIAL)
- 3 animated stickers (Faye Yelling, Briff Moshing, Ian Crying)
[ 2023-12-08 12:01:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Steam Awards season is here! To celebrate, the game is now 20% off for the duration of the event! We'd like to thank you all again for your wonderful reception of the game over the last few months. Reading the reviews has been a delight. As we were looking through the award categories and after we'd finished calming down after realising there was no category for Best Narrative Use of Animatronic Singing Fish, we thought perhaps you'd like to nominate our game for Best Soundtrack instead? Leslie and Patrick did a phenomenal job in rustling up a plethora of memorable tracks spanning various genres, and what a great opportunity to show our appreciation! There's no denying that some incredibly stiff audio competition came out this year, so with that in mind, a thousand thank yous for considering us! FOR BABBY.
[ 2023-11-21 18:01:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands is 15% OFF until November 1st!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!
[ 2023-10-29 08:38:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
SAVING Each save slot is now divided into two save files: your latest autosave and your latest manual (Saeva) save. Upon loading the save screen, you will be presented with the LATEST save first, but will have the ability to cycle between them using UP and DOWN while the save slot is highlighted. For existing saves made prior to this patch, they will appear as a single autosave in the menu until new saves are performed in game. DOOR KICKING: There is now a special little extra event that occurs in Bopstead once a certain someone finds out youve kicked every door in. If youve already completed this portion of the game, fret not, you dont need to talk to him again to trigger this and can scope this out immediately without starting a fresh file. MODS: Updated the TYPE of a few mods to better align with their effects. This is purely a cosmetic change. COMBAT:
- Added Exit to Title functionality: by holding the MENU button (C on keyboard, Y on Xbox/Steam Controller) youll now be able to exit the current battle and return to the title screen. This can come in handy if you want to try out a different gear setup without dying/force restarting the game.
- Reduced the duration of field invincibility after winning a battle.
- Improved the appearance and clarity of sold-out items when selected in shops.
- Improved the clarity of the Info button in combat.
- Optimized memory usage for certain character/class combos.
- Added the ability to skip a certain endgame cutscene in some cases.
- Added an extra tidbit of situational dialogue for the Whale.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Harpleen from summoning her Mooncloud minion.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Shredded Shred from Shredding three times when Ians Mad Fortify was up.
- Fixed a visual bug that occurred when displaying measure modifiers in the beat booster menu.
- Fixed layering issues with certain bus stops.
- Fixed a bug which caused characters to drop to 0 HP when equipping certain patches.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain abilities to deal 1 damage when they werent supposed to.
- Fixed a bug that caused Orbomina to play the incorrect encounter sound effect.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Hoho music to play the indoor variant outdoors after skipping certain cutscenes.
- Fixed a bug that caused Who Cares? to sometimes make the incorrect door kick sound.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the game from autosaving when skipping certain cutscenes.
- Fixed various sound mixing issues.
- Fixed various collision issues.
- Fixed various grammatical errors and typos.
[ 2023-10-06 01:52:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Improved controller support for the Steam Deck.
- Improved support for MORE controllers.
- The SPIDER summon from Briffs Weaver of Darkness will now use Widneys Rebuke less often.
- Fayes Dead Inside signature mod hype cost reduced to 40 / 40. (Previous: 60 / 60)
- Fayes Graveyard Shuffle hype cost reduced to 70 / 35. (Previous: 120 / 60)
- Fayes ugh hype cost reduced to 90 / 45. (Previous: 120 / 60)
- Briffs Surging Sorrow hype cost reduced to 70 / 35. (Previous: 90 / 45)
- Briffs The Great Unjoying hype cost reduced to 90 / 45. (Previous: 140 / 70)
- Fayes Heartwarmer now revives fallen bandmates at 100% LIFE but only works half of the time. (Previous: HEAVY life heal, works 75% of the time)
- Haste now increases speed by 80%. (Previous: 100%)
- Empowered Haste now increases speed by 125%. (Previous: 150%)
- Empowered Haste can now increase the player characters speed stat beyond the cap, up to 125. (Previous: 99)
- The NOW NOW NOWs patch can now increase the player characters speed stat beyond the cap, up to 125 while crossing Haste measures. (Previous: 99)
- The number of encounters present in the Upper Decks, and by extension required to defeat for this side gig, has been dramatically reduced.
- The number of enemies that can appear in most encounters throughout the Upper Decks has been reduced.
- Puppettoot - Significantly increased bops dropped.
- Fiendship - Significantly increased bops dropped.
- Altered dialogue that implied you couldnt come back later and finish the Ego Exorcism side quest.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong area name to appear on a save file cassette in some cases.
- Fixed weird camera shift that happened when choosing a particular series of options during the CHAMP segment
- Fixed a bug that was causing a certain thread of Bocks dialogue to not trigger. (Funnily enough this bug was actually caused by the Bocks dialogue fix from patch update 1.0.3 that addressed a different bit of dialogue not triggering. Oh dear.)
- Fixed a bug that would cause some enemies to give double EXP & bops rewards in the same fight under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a couple of typos.
[ 2023-08-24 00:20:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Weve been paying close attention to all the feedback everyone has been giving and really appreciate the amount of detailed thoughts and experiences shared in both the reviews and discussion board thus far. It takes a lot of time and diligence to articulate these things, so we take every comment to heart. Overall, were floored by the amount of positive feedback thats been flooding in, but we recognize that there are some key areas of the game that could use some work. The focus of this patch is to improve on many of those sore points and better balance certain elements of the game to encourage MORE build options. If youve expressed a pain point and dont see it addressed below, rest assured weve heard you and are always discussing ways we can approach them without compromising the experience elsewhere. ENEMIES & COMBAT:
- Enemies on the field will no longer aggro or chase you if theyre considerably weaker than you.
- Escape now only requires the active character to have 50% of their max hype and now drains 50% of the partys current hype. (Previous: 100%/75% max hype)
- Harmony damage effects play out faster.
- Flustered Harmonys damage effect now only deals damage to the active character. (Previous: Party damage)
- Slow Harmonys damage effect now deals MELODY damage. (Previous: NOISE)
- Twinklespark: Life reduced by 15%.
- Twinklesparks Dark and Light skill now takes significantly less time to perform.
- Twinklesparks Lunar Mending skill now puts down 1 measure of SOOTHE. (Previous: 25% self heal)
- Ravestone: Life reduced by 15%.
- Ravestones The Party Zone - Club Mix skill now heals all enemies for a MINUSCULE amount of health. (Previous: LIGHT)
- Flaunthaunter: Life reduced by 15%.
- Harpleen: Life reduced by 15%.
- Harpleens Lunar Lover skill now heals Harpleen for a LIGHT amount of life. (Previous: ALL enemies for a MODERATE amount of life)
- Duncubus: Life reduced by 15%.
- Duncubus: Chase speed reduced by 12.5%.
- Orbomina: Life reduced by 15%.
- Event Security: Life reduced by 10%.
- Ghoulstump: Life reduced by 15%.
- Ghoulstump: Chase speed reduced by 60%.
- Shrubbanshee: Life reduced by 15%
- Shrubbanshee: Chase speed reduced by 53%.
- Boohiss: Life reduced by 15%
- Boohiss: Chase speed reduced by 20%.
- Show-off mods with backfiring effects now display the percent chance to backfire.
- Heart Kickstart now restores a HEAVY amount of LIFE to the revived bandmate. (Previous: LIGHT)
- Twang Frenzy now deals MINUSCULE NOISE damage TWICE to enemies and MINUSCULE damage to Ian. (Previous: LIGHT and LIGHT)
- Zero Hertz now deals LIGHT party damage. (Previous: MODERATE)
- Zero Hertz hype cost adjusted to 70 / 35 (Previous: 90 / 45)
- EVERYBODY BROKEN BONES now deals MODERATE party damage. (Previous: HEAVY)
- EVERYBODY BROKEN BONES now WEAKENS both the player and enemys bar. (Previous: WEAKEN only the players bar)
- EVERYBODY BROKEN BONES hype cost adjusted to 100 / 50 (Previous: 130 / 65)
- Palm Destroyer hype cost adjusted to 90 / 45 (Previous: 120 / 60)
- Beat drop chances have been increased across the board.
- DJ Beatseek now increases the band's beat find chance by 3%. (Previous: 2%)
- Major Droppage now increases beat find chance by 6%. (Previous: 4%)
- Improved the clarity of the Treasure UI when acquiring MODS by displaying the characters name its associated with.
- The info button in combat has been centered and made bigger to become more noticeable.
- A couple of puzzle hints and solutions in ????? have been adjusted.
- Whale of a Time post-completion dialogue now hints towards something.
- Fixed a bug where you could access ????? in ????? earlier than intended.
- Fixed a visual issue when viewing stat descriptions in the gear menu.
- Fixed a bug that prevented one of the bottles in Claires Hair from being obtainable in some situations.
- A couple of Claire NPCs were appearing during the late-game when they had no business doing so. Now they are not.
- Fixed a bug that made Ians Cursed Slap deal damage twice.
- Fixed a bug that caused queued enemy encore skills to interrupt player performances.
- Fixed a couple of character animations that were not resetting properly during the late-game C.H.A.M.P. segment. (Did look funny though. Hate to see em go.)
- Fixed a bug that caused all three levels of the Bagparp & Dad-dance beats to deal different damage than whats stated on their descriptions.
[ 2023-08-17 03:49:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
FIELD ABILITIES Weve received feedback regarding the difficulty in avoiding certain enemies in some of the LATER areas. While we do intend for these areas to be more threatening than earlier ones, we do recognize that due to the strict escape requirements in battle, field abilities should be more easy and reliable to use. To compensate, were increasing the effectiveness of both Ian and Briffs field abilities. Ians Trembling Shockwave:
- Enemy stun duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Cooldown increased from 2 seconds to 2.25 seconds.
- Failed slink cooldown reduced from 1 second to 0.75 seconds.
- Successful slink duration increased from 2.5s to 3s.
- Increased the visibility of a characters stat changes when equipping a different class mod.
- K-Kwak in Claires Hair: HP reduced by 4%.
- K-Kwak in Claires Hair: Reduced the frequency at which he applies K-Hype in his later phases.
- The encore action performed by a certain 4-piece band battle now only applies 2 measures of Contagion instead of 4.
- Fixed an issue with the Litter that Glitters side-gig where you werent able to receive one of the rewards if you managed to find and redeem ALL codes prior to receipt of that prize.
- One of the rarer dialogue variants for the ending sequence was causing a softlock. Really unfortunate place to have something like that happen and if you are one of the unlucky few to have triggered this ending prior to this patch, VERY sorry about that.
- Hoho Bocks dialogue fix.
- Fixed a bug where an enemy could paralyze your character on the same frame that your turn comes up, giving you the ability to act even while paralyzed.
[ 2023-08-12 07:43:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Keyboard Controls In light of recent feedback, weve decided to adjust the default keyboard controls to better suit a more modern, one-handed play style while we work on implementing key rebinding.
- Interact: SPACEBAR. Enter is available as an alternate key.
- Field Ability: SHIFT.
- Back/Cancel: ESC. Backspace is available as an alternate key.
- Several patches have had their descriptions updated to reflect that they are band-wide effects.
- Corrected the description for Jen & the Regens to show the correct lifesteal amount (20%).
- Jen & the Regens always healed for 20% of damage dealt. The tooltip was INCORRECT. THIS IS NOT A NERF.
- (Mod) Weaver of Darknesss melody stat has been reduced by 19%.
- (Beat) Nauseating Belch Plus now correctly applies 1 random measure effect to the enemys bar.
- Fixed a rare situation where multiple Ravestone enemies could paralyze your entire party within a single turn
- Fixed a bug where Kurtical Hit prevented recoil hits from firing.
- Fixed a bug where K-Touks boombox would sound broken even if you reloaded from the previous save.
- Fixed several softlocks and various issues.
- Fixed various typos.
- Adjusted the volume of some music tracks.
[ 2023-08-11 07:37:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Before we get into the upcoming changes, we'd like to express our appreciation for all the feedback we've received thus far. We are incredibly flattered by the bombardment of lovely things we have read. Thank you SO much for taking the time to leave a review. Not only are they an absolute joy to read, they also help us massively. Every review gives the game that little bit extra of a chance to reach others, so if you feel this game deserves to be seen by more people, you know what to do! On a similar note, if you know anyone who you think might enjoy this silly world weve created, we STRONGLY encourage you to tell them about it, especially while this 15% launch discount is still going strong! THANK YOU. Now, onto what's coming. We'll be releasing a patch VERY SOON with a number of fixes and changes. Aside from the GAME BREAKING BUG FIXES, they're mostly minor changes. However, we've been listening to feedback about the keyboard controls and WE HEAR YOU. So, this next patch will feature a change to those default controls. Here's what's changing:
- Interact: SPACEBAR. Enter is available as an alternate key.
- Field Ability: SHIFT.
- Back/Cancel: ESC. Backspace is available as an alternate key.
[ 2023-08-11 07:12:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
We noticed French & German users had bugged out menu text, very sorry about that. We had some localization prep work (but no translations done yet), and did not realize it would actually fire. Should be fixed now!
[ 2023-08-08 20:33:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey fans!! We're ecstatic to announce AUGUST 8TH, 2023 is the OFFICIAL release date for Deathbulge: Battle of the Bands!!! We also posted a new trailer & gameplay videos on the Steam page, so check it out! Please help us spread the word!!!!!! Tell your friends, family, dogs cats fish & birds! Here are some social media links for the announcement: https://twitter.com/deathbulge/status/1678026962118365186 https://twitter.com/FiveHousesGames/status/1677721238033014784 https://www.facebook.com/deathbulge/videos/831125758533901 https://www.facebook.com/FiveHousesGames/posts/pfbid02S8GFgwRWRMDtPYsdmXGx1iQ2z5onoNWotj1Bp9G3QacWBK7kMAfew6YfNZUMY7Npl https://www.instagram.com/p/Cuce1E1O6Cr/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXEP4cm7Res Short link to the Steam page for easy purchasing / wishlisting: https://s.team/a/1083790 Thank you all for the support!!!!!! <3
[ 2023-07-11 01:22:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come watch our OFFICIAL DEV LIVESTREAM on our Discord!
We will be livestreaming the game demo via our Discord and maybe show off some additional content too, who knows??? Tune in to find out! While you're watching, feel free to chat with us too!
[ 2020-06-07 19:59:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come chill & chat with the devs in our Discord!
Hang out, relax, kick ya feet up, CHILL, ask us questions, whatever you like! It'll be happening in the main #lobby channel, open to all!
[ 2020-06-07 19:56:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come watch our OFFICIAL DEV LIVESTREAM on our Discord!
We will be livestreaming the game demo via our Discord and maybe show off some additional content too, who knows??? Tune in to find out! While you're watching, feel free to chat with us too!
[ 2020-05-29 19:41:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come chill & chat with the devs in our Discord!
Hang out, relax, kick ya feet up, CHILL, ask us questions, whatever you like! It'll be happening in the main #lobby channel, open to all!
[ 2020-05-29 19:23:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
- Customise the band with 9 musically-themed classes to choose from, each with their own attacks, perks and sensational appearance.
- Kick down every single door you come across, regardless of how unlocked they might be.
- Some doors will be too strong to kick down. That's why you gotta kick down weaker doors to level up your door kicking skill until you're strong enough.
- Fancy combat system that focuses on BAR EFFECTS. What happens BETWEEN turns makes all the difference.
- Sew patches of band logos onto your BATTLE JACKET for extra perks in BATTLE.
- No Random Encounters! Monsters will be shown on the field for your avoiding leisure.
- Original soundtrack that'll make you say things like SIIICK and OH RIGHT ON.
- Bursting at the seams with humour, absurdity and a wide variety of colourful characters, armed with an abundance of dialogue faces to express themselves TO THE MAX.
- Even the ITEMS have personality. Say bye bye to the generic "HEALTH POTION". Local NPC Barry Friendly is taking care of the soothing beverages around here. Sink into a warm cup of BARRY FRIENDLY'S TEA whenever your health is low. Maybe you'll even have the pleasure of meeting Barry at some point. MAYBE HE HAS A SIDEQUEST FOR YOU.
- One of the enemies you fight is a skateboarding platypus.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
- Processor: SSE2 instruction set support. 64-bitMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 4 GB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 4 GB available space
- Storage: 4 GB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
- Processor: 2GHz+. 64-bitMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 256MB
- Storage: 4 GB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]