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 Enemy Remains 


















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Version 1.1 live


This time we have a slightly smaller update, which fixes some of the balancing issues in-game. A large portion of our community was telling us that the game is too difficult, which lead to frustration and many players dropping out after a few levels in the story campaign.

We have finally addressed these issues, and done important tweaks to the game difficulty. The different difficulty levels still add more monsters, and adjust the monster speeds, but now the basic enemies take far less damage. Looking at the stats on Steam, we observed that only 4.1% of players on Normal difficulty in single-player have been able to finish the game from start to finish. This would mean 41 people out of a thousand players. That number feels incredibly low, not to mention that the other playthrough achievements (co-op, Hardcore, Hell) have even lower completion rates.

Simply put, the new update means that the standard Mole Mutant enemies will go down with one pistol shot, and the Manglers and Thinkers will take 2-3 pistol shots to defeat. We observed many playthroughs made after the 1.0 release, and noticed that even the first Raven Rock level was too challenging for lots of players. The first Mangler monster players encountered would drive players down, forcing them to backtrack through the level.

Mangler's demonic shield was also updated to only activate once. The boss characters still have the old design, where the shield comes on after a cooldown time. We've also adjusted the "health" of the obstacles in game, such as tentacle blobs and Thinker nests, and balanced them to have similar strength to the enemies.

In addition to the changes above, monsters can also charge through the weaker environmental obstacles, like wooden fences and crates. This makes the game feel more dynamic and alive.

  • Enemy health reduced significantly.

  • Pistol firing speed made slightly faster.

  • Mangler shield only activates once, instead of looping.

  • Enemies can now charge through obstacles.

  • Fix for the enemy death sounds sometimes being non-audible.

  • Sound fixes for the obstacle debris.

  • Cutscene skipping fix.

Overall, we hope you enjoy these latest changes! Enjoy!

- Harri J.

[ 2022-03-24 10:37:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 1.0 Released


We've been working on a bigger update for some time now. It's almost been a year since the game's launch, and we wanted to give players a more substantial update. This is also the version where we move out of Early Access.

There's lots of big and small quality of life improvements in this update, and we've been wanting to put these into the game for some time now. One highlight especially is the new Player update screen, where you can now check your level and the individual skill levels that you have. The update menu can now also be accessed via the in-game menu screen!

  • Fixed Survival mode player update bug.

  • Updated the visuals and added UI stats on the update screen.

  • When a player gets an update, their health is filled back to maximum.

  • Slight tweaks into enemy health points.

  • Slight tweaking of Player movement speeds.

  • Fixed Moo Fiend detonating on low health.

  • Fixed boss monsters to take flame damage as well.

  • Pistol made slightly more powerful.

  • Mangler character animation rig bug fixed.

  • Fixes for the performance with enemies.

  • You can now update the player even if you close the update menu before assigning skill points.

  • Added sounds for DevMode and Customization codes activated via the secret console.

  • Updated the main menu help screen.

  • Optimization fixes for the survival maps.

  • Fixes for the Research lab map.

  • Minor optimization fixes for the campaign maps.

  • Minor enemy navigation fixes.


- Harri J.

[ 2022-02-06 18:05:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.7.7 live!

Hello there!

We have released a new update for the game, fixing many sound mixing and small gameplay issues. This update also includes visual enhancements, like revamping the Forsaken Forest environment and Thinker nest model.

After this update we will also be moving away from the Early Access program. We have now been in this stage for almost nine months. We already feel like the game is close enough to what we envisioned it to be in the beginning of the project.

Enemy Remains was envisioned to be an intense mix between the topdown shooter and survival horror genre, with local "couch coop" gameplay. We wanted to feature both story-oriented campaign and an endless horde survival mode. And that's what is already in the game!

We might still release some new content, like maps or smaller features, as further updates or DLC. However, we do not have any roadmap for creating or releasing any new DLC currently.

  • New model and animations on the Thinker nest.
  • Updated environment visuals in Forsaken Forest.
  • New visuals on the spore traps.
  • Skipping in-game intro cinematics now possible.
  • Added player upgrades to Survival.
  • Mangler demons now take some amount of fire damage from flamethrower instead of none.
  • Curse staff also hurts through the demon shield.
  • Fixed HUD not disappearing in loading after Slaughterfarm.
  • Fixed barrels not being destroyed in Survival map.
  • Fixed barrels in Corruption Plant and Plant Underground maps.
  • Tentacles appearin In the Flesh map now have collisions.
  • Weapon sound effects remixed and enhanced.
  • Impact sound effects remixed.
  • Computer collisions in Research Lab fixed.
  • Sound reverb on the boss tesla weapons adjusted.
  • End boss reverb and sound mixing adjusted.


- Harri J.

[ 2021-11-07 19:53:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.7.6


This time we have a quicker update for you players! We noticed some issues with the gamepad controllers, so we've gone and fixed the input on those.

Also we've made some small map fixes.

  • Fixed player 1 and co-op mode controller input bug.

  • Sound and Music volume are saved right after you change them from the in-game menu,
    instead of during level transitions or Save game button.

  • Collisions fixed in Cabin grounds map.

  • Collisions fixed in Church road map.

PS: The awesome new cover art was made by Markus Komulainen! Go and check his art account on Instagram!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-08-16 08:50:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.7.5


It's been a while since our last game update, and during this time we have worked on some new stuff. We wanted to bring you a bigger update than the regular bug-fixing versions, so that has taken some extra time to create.

Enemy Remains is made by a core team of three people, so you can understand that these things don't always go as scheduled. In this update we're introducing two new maps, which are available in the higher difficulty modes, offering extra challenge and playtime.

These maps are still being worked on and updated, just like the previous campaign maps went through several iterations and updates. We're always trying to find new and better ways to balance the gameplay, and to realize our vision.

We've been happy to see new players being introduced to the game, and new reviews written. Keep 'em coming!

  • Added 'Church Road' map for the Hardcore difficulty.
  • Added 'Mansion Library' map for the Hell difficulty.
  • Cultist Boss AI fix.
  • Barrel explosions tweaked.
  • Sound mixing overhauled.
  • Mech sounds overhauled.
  • Added active sound mixing based on distance.
  • Added Day/Night cycle into the scenes.
  • Mangler walking sound after death bug fixed.
  • Survival map one overhauled.
  • Special gibbing effects added for Mole mutant.
  • Special gibbing effects added for Mangler.


- Harri J.

[ 2021-08-02 18:50:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.7.4


We've been playtesting the Remote Play feature among our devteam, and found a few bugs and glitches that needed to be dealt with.

In case you haven't tried the feature yet, or have no notion of what it does: it enables online multiplayer play for couch co-op games such as Enemy Remains. You can assign player inputs during the game, and our game can be played with player one on the keyboard and player two on the controller, or both players using the controller.

It's a really neat feature, and we've had a lot of fun running through the game with Remote Play. We even managed a complete playthrough of the game from start to finish, and let me tell you, it brings a whole new layer to the experience.

In addition to the things mentioned above, we've also completely revised the look of the Mangler demon. Our character artist Sean VandenBerge has been busy with this new design, and now it can be seen in the game!

  • Mangler demon visuals revised.
  • Controller cursor bug fixed.
  • Slight UI fixes.
  • Player two switch bug fixed.
  • Lightmapper updated.
  • Minor light changes to the levels.
  • Slight optimization fix.

Enjoy these newest changes, and keep playing!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-05-06 08:14:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.7.3


This time we have an update filled with visual overhauls, user interface updates and general tweaking of the game experience.

We really feel like these new overhauls, like a completely revised main menu, elevate the game experience to a whole new level. Lots of stuff in the game was carried over from earlier versions, even dating back to the pre-alphas, and we felt that those old designs finally had to go.

So now the in-game hud, in-game menu, ui elements seen in the game world and the main menu have all been revised. The game for us is starting to feel like the 1.0 version that it should be.

  • Game intro revised.
  • Main menu completely overhauled.
  • UI design revised.
  • In-game menu overhauled.
  • Minor enemy UI fix.
  • Mech vehicle trigger fix.
  • Story point visuals revised.
  • Minor player weapons fix.
  • Minor level collision fixes.
  • Reload animation added for players.
  • Medkit animation added for players.
  • Fix for the Slaughterfarm boss achievement.


- Harri J.

[ 2021-04-14 12:13:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.7.2 on Steam


It's time for another update, this time adding such new features as small cinematics at the beginning of levels and secret player customization menu.

By joining our Patreon you get special access to further updates on our projects, and such special features as this player customization. We will be adding developer cheat codes into our Patreon posts as well!

[h3]Change Log 0.7.2:[/h3]

  • New intro cinematics added.
  • Secret player customization added.
  • Player skins overhauled.
  • Ragdolling added to player characters on death.
  • Flamethrower obstacle hurt bug fixed.
  • UI Helper bug fixed.
  • Enemy description bug fixed.
  • Horde battle added to Cabin Grounds and Forsaken Forest.
  • Crawling from ground effect adding to Mole Mutants.
  • Helpers added to multiple levels.
  • Killing the Slaughterfarm boss now gives an achievement.
  • 10K points in Survival Mode now gives an achievement.
  • Nature details added to levels.
  • Minor fix made for enemy AI.
  • Damage states added into enemy animations.


- Harri J.

[ 2021-04-05 13:20:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.7.1


We've completed a new update for the game. This time we have lots of visual updates, especially into the early levels and outdoors areas. Our character designer also has created a new version of the Mole Mutant, which is now featured in the game.

In addition to the visual updates there are quality-of-life improvements such as menu descriptions added and UI helpers on the first level, nudging you in the right direction.

  • Major visual overhaul to level designs.
  • Mole mutant completely overhauled visually.
  • Descriptions added to main menu functions.
  • In-game menu descriptions added.
  • Mech entering bug fixed.
  • AI level pathfinding improved.
  • Loading screen menu bug fixed.
  • Boss health disabled when menu is on.
  • Player health disabled when menu is on.
  • Horror cabin wall colliders fixed.
  • More environmental destruction added.
  • Weapon scroll sound with controller fixed.
  • Weapon scroll sound for player 2 fixed.
  • Enemy description menu and controller bug fixed.
  • Ragdolling added to Thinker Mutants.
  • Ragdolling added to Crispy Fiends.
  • Ragdolling added to Cultist Priest.
  • Ragdolling added to Giant Tree Monsters.
  • Flashlight enabled on default.
  • More gibbing effects added to obstacles.
  • Minor debris collision fix.


- Harri J.

[ 2021-03-25 12:26:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

UPDATE 0.7.0 Live


This time we have a major update for you all! We've been working on a new story point system during the last few weeks, and already showcased it in our free demo. Now the full story campaign has also been upgraded with story-oriented gameplay and flavor.

We've also done re-balancing and finetuning to the gameplay, including the ability to choose updates for the player characters. It's still in testing phase, and we would greatly appreciate feedback on the feature. The updates are only available in story campaign, as we feel that it would cause problems with the survival gameplay.

Speaking of which, the Survival mode is now available as a one-player solo mode. Some players were confused by two players spawning into every survival map, so we have now tackled this issue.

  • Story points added into the maps.
  • Light RPG style character updates added.
  • Low health warning indicator added.
  • Players automatically regenerate when their vitality drops under 25%.
  • Players move slightly faster now.
  • Solo survival mode added.
  • Minor UI rehaul for item pickups.
  • Sub-machine gun sound slightly altered.
  • Minor re-balance for the Slaughterfarm boss.
  • Obstacles fixed to be destroyable with explosives.
  • In The Flesh map re-hauled visually.
  • Small visual changes to Old Home Town map.
  • Level geometry pathfinding fixes.
  • Minor lumber mech physics fix.
  • Slight AI obstacle pathfinding fix.
  • Enemy death animation not playing fix.
  • Player death animation not playing fix.
  • Spinner traps have been rehauled.
  • Main menu transition now has correct story texts.

Enjoy, and tell us what you think of these new additions!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-03-11 22:23:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

New Demo Available


During the last few days we've been working on a new playable demo. It features all new maps, not found from the retail version or the previous demo.

This time we've taken special care to answer player feedback about the demo. Some players were confused about the more action-oriented demo that's was on offer. There was confusion about the demo not representing the retail game, visually and gameplay-wise, so we had to take action.

The new maps have been built from the ground up to be story-oriented, and have the same level of quality as the retail maps. They will also offer a milder challenge compared to the previous demo, which many found to be way too difficult. Players were getting lost, and didn't know how to seek out the Thinker mutant nests and destroy them. This lead to many unwanted frustrations.

Recently added story bits and flavor points are prominently presented in the new demo. There will be lots of small details to explore, which we found to be great for world-building and atmosphere. The overall story of Enemy Remains will be expanded through this new demo, offering new insight into the characters and the town the game is set in.

All three survival maps from the retail version will also be featured in the demo. Both the story campaign and the survival mode can be played solo or with a friend in couch co-op, just like the retail game.

The new demo is now available on download at Steam, and in case you run into problems with Continue function from the menu, just hit New Game and start the experience anew.

- Harri J.

[ 2021-03-04 17:40:46 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dev Diaries: Early Access Plans


It's been almost three weeks since our Early Access launch and we've been really happy about the positive feedback that we've received. Generally, all the players who have actually tried our new title have enjoyed it.

We have already released the first update 0.6.8 and are now working on a larger content update. There is no set release for that yet, but expect it to come online in the upcoming weeks. We're going to update some visuals of the maps, and also add some much wanted story flavor into the experience.

There are still some rough edges in some of the levels, small fixes to be done in the scripting or visual glitches, but these things are easy pickings. We have play-tested Enemy Remains far more than any previous title, maybe even combined! Lot of the obvious bugs were already fixed during the development.

Some players have also asked for light RPG mechanics to be added into the game. These might bring unseen balancing issues, and we would have to test them extensively before pushing them into the update. But it would definitely bring a lot to the gameplay if you could earn experience points, and make your player character faster, or have better accuracy or faster reloading.

One addition that we're definitely planning on adding are the Steam leaderboard scores, as we have talked about publicly on our Discord and with our players. We're still pondering if we're going to implement a visual survival leaderboard into the game itself.

We will also be splitting the current survival mode into Solo Survival and Co-op Survival, with the ability to choose between two players or one. We have others planned, such as a version of couch deathmatch and a competitive couch soccer mode, where you also compete against your friend.

We're still thinking about the inclusion of four player couch survival, since that would take a considerable amount of extra code and testing to implement. This is a chance for all the players to express their thoughts; what would you like to see expanded upon?

There will be a few more maps made for the story campaign too, which will be available for the Hardcore and Hell difficulties. These maps will be more challenging than the standard maps of course. We already have art assets prepared for some of them, and they will be using some themes that are already in the level design. Our environment artist is also working on new additions at the moment.

We would be really happy to include some story content into the existing game as well, and we're mainly thinking about in-game story points that you can discover and collect to read later.

Below you can see our work in progress system for examining these story points:

The world still needs a bit of fleshing out, and also an introduction animatic / story sequence might also be a nice addition to the campaign. Also the game could benefit from adding small scripted camera sequences into the levels.

Tell us what you think, and don't forget to review the game too!

We have also released the game soundtrack by Arctic Sounds & GameRealmMadness onto Steam! Get it now with a 30% launch discount!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-02-28 17:12:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.6.8 on Steam


We've been working on a new update for the last couple of weeks, and now it's live on Steam!

The work took a bit longer than anticipated, since we had a few technical difficulties during this time, not related to bug-fixing or the issues in-game. One update that was more urgent than others was to add Steam Achievements into the game.

The achievements also needed the proper icons and descriptions, which we also had to create before pushing this update online. We also listened to player feedback about reloading on the keyboard, and we have changed the input for healing and reloading.

  • Reload on the keyboard has been updated to R and Mouse Right.
  • Heal function has been updated to V and Middle Mouse Button.
  • Help guide updated.
  • Steam Achievements added.
  • Characters can now walk through crate debris.
  • Enemies no longer stop at item pickups.
  • Minor fixes to map collisions.
  • Graphical fixes to some of the map objects.
  • Slaughterfarm boss music trigger fix.
  • Final boss music trigger fix.
  • Slaughterfarm story text fixed.
  • Forsaken forest player 2 mech bug fixed.
  • Mech hurting players in co-op removed.[/h3]

Since the game is in Early Access, we want to hear player feedback on the game! Leave a review or open up a discussion on the community hub about the improvements you'd like to see.

Maybe you'd like a horde battle to be added into one of the levels? Or you would like to see more survival maps made into the game? We'd love to hear what you think!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-02-24 15:59:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.6.7 Live


We've just finished uploading 0.6.7 versions of the Windows, Mac and Linux builds. The game is now playable on all three platforms.

There are going to be lots of small gameplay fixes and bug fixing in the upcoming weeks. The more players we have engaging with Enemy Remains, the better we can track down the issues. Having players outside our QA and testing teams gives us valuable data to use in our development.

We have also updated the demo version and made sure its save files do not interfere with the saves of the retail version, along with some small bugs fixed from the build.

Enjoy the game, and remember that there's still more to come!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-02-10 20:22:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Game Festival & Over 2000 Downloads on the Demo


We're happy to say that we've already gathered over 2000 downloads on our playable demo of Enemy Remains.

Our game is part of the Steam Game Festival, and we welcome everyone to try out our game before it comes out on early access. The demo, as well as the retail version, is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

If there are issues with the demo build, don't hesitate to make a thread about it on our community hub, or look if the issue has already been reported by another player. We already fixed one problem with the Linux build thanks to one of our players!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-02-06 10:02:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dev Diaries: Preview Demo


During the last two weeks we've been busy, not just with finishing Enemy Remains, the retail version but also the demo version of the game. I think even the fans who have played our pre-alpha test builds will be surprised of what we've created.

- -

We're opting in to participate into the Steam festival, so we naturally have to have a demo version uploaded and ready too. The event will begin on February 3rd 2021, so we figured that we might as well make the demo public now.

The demo is not just a slice of the early maps seen in Enemy Remains, but three whole new levels created for this preview. The maps originally were left on the cutting room floor, as they did not fit the flow and style of the finished game's presentation. I've re-hauled them, given them a fresh coat of paint, and made sure the gameplay gels better with the retail maps, and I think the results are pretty good.

Demo maps are a bit more open and featureless than the retail maps, which we have made sure pack a lot of detail. It was a whole lot of fun to make these more old school topdown shooter style like levels.

While we were creating this demo, we also experimented with volumetric fog inside Unity. These modifications to the lighting created some really amazing results, and they really do stand out. The downside is, that this method of lighting is a lot more hardware demanding than what's currently in the retail game.

After the early access launch we might incorporate the volume fog into the retail game as well, but as an optional graphics setting. We hesitate to even make it part of "Ultra" quality graphics setting, because players usually hate stuff that's "invisible" to the graphics options and tied to some arbitrary level.

- -

We originally planned on releasing Enemy Remains in late 2020, which I'm glad that we didn't. These extra two months have given us enough time to fix most of the rough edges and outright bugs. I've put special care into the controller controls, as they tend to be a bit tricky in co-op mode.

We're using Unity, and the engine has a bad habit of switching joystick inputs between controller 1 and controller 2, which means that we have to register which controller slot is giving input and change the commands based on that. There's a whole lot of tuning to be done to make sure that these controller input is registered properly and results in a right action on-screen.

What I'm personally looking forward to, is hearing player feedback at large on our game and world that we've created. I would be especially happy to expand the experience with more lore, story bits that you can collect (and would act as in-game collectables), and just refining the in-game worldbuilding.

A lot of ideas have been incorporated into the game already, like the Manglers, who are not mutants or monsters, but demons. That's why they are immune to fire, and they also have a demonic shield protecting them for a limited time.

Thinker mutants, the snake-like creatures, on the other hand spit projectiles and they do take damage from fire. And monsters like the giant tree spawn thingy are especially vulnerable to flamethrowers.

The demo is now available on IndieDB, GameJolt and Steam to download and play. Go join the fun, and don't forget to leave feedback!

- Harri J.

[ 2021-01-31 09:10:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Dev diaries: Polishing the game

Howdy, readers! It's been over two months since a proper dev diary, and the planned early access release of our game Enemy Remains is less than four weeks away!

During our "radio silence" we've been keeping ourselves busy with polishing the game, focusing on the core gameplay and making the experience as fun as possible. The game already had a good basis for a creepy horror shooter back in August, and we've been in re-hauling and refining mode since. In late 2020 we stopped adding new maps into the game, locking the current level set for the early access release.

There is only one more survival map that we gotta add into the upcoming release, but otherwise all the other new scene ideas have been put into the slot after launch. The enemy roster or weapon selection will not change either, and we've just been refining the mechanics for all the foes, adding more use for the existing enemies. Lots of ideas popped into our heads during development, that we just have not had time to implement before.

There will be a few surprises in the upcoming versions to the people who have tested the previous builds. The difficulty selection in the game now actually works, and there will be serious re-balancing with the levels on higher difficulties. Bosses will also be made tougher, since we were in a hurry just to add them into the previous versions.

Pretty much all of the features that we've talked about here are either already in the game, or are work in progress. We've also added tons of optimization to the levels, working on our own level of detail code trickery. We're getting pretty solid frame rates on our test machines, and we're generally pretty confident about the performance.

Enemy Remains will not be a game like Kalaban, which was purely 2D and ran on every grandmother's desktop computer and laptop. This is a feature-complete 3D game, built from the ground up to feature modern visual effects and physics simulation. There will be particle effects, realtime light and shadows, ragdolls, physics obstacles flying around and tons of action on the screen.

For a full-on story game I think it's important to get the product running as wide array of systems as you can. But this time we opted to create a fast-paced and frantic action title with Enemy Remains, and that's a genre where players expect to see a lot of fireworks and top notch visuals.

We've been especially happy to welcome Tuukka Kuusisto on board as our new musician. With his help the worlds that we've created have really come to life, and have been accompanied with the fitting mood. Music is really magical in the way that it makes all kinds of new connections in your brain, and further expands the world that's presented on screen.

Previously we've had placeholder soundtrack in the game that was entirely composed and mixed by myself. Those tracks were pretty shoddy creations, and I'm glad we're getting a real professional to do the final soundtrack. We're also in progress of re-mixing the audio effects, making sure that all the necessary actions can be heard in-game.

It's always difficult to balance the gunshot sounds, I've found out. You want your weapons and attack effects to sound punchy, but not over-do it by making them too loud or obnoxious. We're not quite there yet, but hopefully will be by the time of the release.

Our character artist Sean VandenBerge started his work on this game in September 2019. Just think about that! It's incredible how much development time this game has already taken. Enemy Remains started out as a simplistic survival shooter, and I set out to create a 3D game that I could develop and finish by myself. Granted, the early versions we're quite ugly and unappealing, especially compared to the more recent builds.

Pretty soon though I realized that the task ahead was way too big for one man to handle. I was aiming for this kind of "Diablo with guns" feeling with the game, and back then I had no idea in what capacity I would be involving the narrative stuff into it. I looked at the project, and though that the game would end up taking AT LEAST two years from now (summer 2019 back then) if I started implementing quests and friendly NPCs.

Luckily, we got environmental artist Dalton Costa working on the game from early 2020 forward, so the task of building this whole world felt a lot less intimidating. Even with these two key additions to our team, I figured that I'd be better off creating a good, solid exploration shooter game, without heavy story elements. And I figured if the game would come together fast enough, there might even be time to add the story in as we went along.

Like is often the case, developing a game takes a lot longer than you'd expect. I had already predicted that developing a full 3D experience in Unity would take at least twice, if not three times as long as making a 2D game with Clickteam Fusion. Adjusted to Kalaban's development time, that would mean that with all the inventory, quest and story stuff, along with NPCs, we'd have a game ready around the year 2023.

Making plans for a release that far away just seemed outright silly. I had no idea if I'd even be able to support full-time indie development of this project for a year, let alone four. So we put our heads down and started working on Enemy Remains as a topdown shooter. Now, almost two years later, we're near the early access launch with a game that has its focus in the core gameplay, and is overall a lot more polished experience than frankly anything we've put out before.

I've learned along the way that every little UI element or small interface feature takes a good few rounds of testing in-game, going back, tweaking a few lines of code and fixing stuff. Just adding different, changeable weapon icons might take one whole day by itself! And you gotta add in another day for the art and testing alone. This is what it's like when you're the only programmer working a 3D game.

There is a plus side to all of this though, being the sole programmer commandeering the ship, and that is having the complete mental picture of the project in your head. If say, main menu does not load the proper scene it's supposed to, and instead just jams in the loading screen, I can pretty much instantly figure out what the problem is.

Or if a boss enemy's death by pistol triggers the right kind of level end sequence, but the same thing doesn't happen if he's gibbed to death. In that case I can also sniff out the bug that's preventing the sequence from commencing properly. All I need to do is a quick troubleshoot, tweak the code, do a round of testing, and the problem is solved!

For another programmer working on the game these problems might turn into a nightmare of pulling hair out, and bring the coding to an absolute halt. They would have to spend a good chunk of their time trying to debug the program for strange occurences, and maybe eventually figure out the issue in someone else's code. Sure, it does take extra care and time to do everything by myself, but this project has already taught me so much than any programming degree at school ever would.

I'm not here to learn how to write perfect code, or how to get employed by a company making utility software or database work. I'm here to learn about project management, creative, on-the-fly problem-solving, and ultimately how to become a real game programmer.

If we're talking about future plans, and what's next, then that's all still pretty much in the air. Naturally we gotta look this launch through first and put our marketing and PR hats on, and change gears from pure game development mode.

That's the burden of self-publishing and working as a full indie developer. You gotta get your hands dirty with this stuff. Sure, we've been looking around for a publisher during Enemy Remains' development, but none of the candidates have taken us seriously enough, or have had the qualities that we need as a developer. Most of the publishers have just snickered at our games, or have given us cold shoulder in way of saying "looks neat, but there's not really anything we can do for you", or worse yet, have turned out to be literal scam artists.

Maybe in the future, when we've established a larger recognition we can shop around for a serious publisher, that's willing to put the money on the table for actually funding the development. But until that time, we're on our own!

As for continuing in the indie space, I would gladly work with another hard-working and self-driven programmer. The qualities I'm most looking for in possible business partner are; ability and will to figure stuff out by yourself -- and simply doing it.

If you sit around all day dreaming about games that you would create if you had the team, the money, or whatelse, and waiting for a programmer to fall on your lap, then I'm afraid I can't help you. After all, I'm not that talented of a coder myself. I learned how to code and use Unity simply because I wanted to make games. That was motivation enough for me, and it's what has been driving me to learn new stuff in the field since I was a teenager.

At the end of the day, making a polished game is not fun. There is enjoyment to be had when you figure out a more elegant solution to problem you've had, or see your game running much better because of some optimization that you did, but it requires hard work and some serious sitting muscle.

If you truly want to become a game developer, at some point you gotta get over that "fun" seeking attitude, and just take pleasure in the work itself. It's a point that only a developer can understand. Often times people look at games and think they can be created way more faster and cheaper, than they really are, not seeing the hard work that goes into making a decent product.

Near the end of the development you get to do some actually fun stuff too - adding "bells and whistles" like it's called in programming or hacker terminology. Once you have a solid game, that runs well, you can start adding features that have no real relation to gameplay - like say; ragdolls. They're there just to add general value and appeal to a product.

Experimenting with physics in Unity has been especially interesting for me, and it's something that you just couldn't do in a full 2D game. The way that things have a mass, speed and momentum, and the way collisions work in a truly 3D environment, that is all fascinating stuff for me.

- Harri J.

[ 2021-01-16 17:18:19 CET ] [ Original post ]