Ho, ho, ho, Santa is in town. And he's brought a gift with him.
The first beta version of the coming OpenTTD 15 release comes faster, with road waypoints, fewer passwords, better scenario editor, and hopefully with a lot less bugs.
To be a bit less vague, here are some of the highlights:
- Improved picker windows for stations/waypoints/objects/and more. Oh, and that does include road waypoints.
- Better perfomance in various places, including faster path signals that are now green by default.
- Password-less network authentication using keys.
- Several improvements for NewGRFs regarding cargo support.
- Better scenario editor with a town data importer and manual house placement.
- A large tree fully hung with ornamental bugfixes.
- Sadly though, not everbody was good this year. The old NPF pathfinder was finally retired, after YAPF being the superior default for many, many years now.
[ 2024-12-25 08:32:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our players have played a lot of OpenTTD 14 since it was released a few weeks ago -- in last week alone those who opted into our survey played 34,700 hours across 17,219 games.
In all those hours, you've found some bugs, and we've done our best to fix them.
The first maintenance release for OpenTTD 14 fixes a multiplayer desync bug and cleans up a few rough edges with the new ship pathfinder and the unbunching feature.
As always, there are plenty of other bugfixes, which you can find in the changelog.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-05-03 22:06:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to 14.0!
OpenTTD's first release was in March of 2004.
Now twenty years later, we are proud to present to you: release 14.0.
And boy, what a release it is.
Do I dare to say: this has been the biggest release yet?
Sometimes people try to tell us OpenTTD is dead.
Well, 14.0 shows you it really isn't.
There are so many new goodies in 14.0, that I don't even know where to start!
Let's go over a few, just to get you a feel for what to expect when you launch OpenTTD 14.0.
- Timekeeping (blog post)
- Better Ship Pathfinder (blog post)
- Unbunching (blog post)
- Social Platform integration (blog post)
- GUI improvement / scalable fonts (blog post)
- Better new player experience
- And so much more ...
[ 2024-04-13 13:22:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Features: added. Gameplay: improved. Bugs: squashed. Final testing pre-release: probably, unless time is accidentally stopped.
You can find this beta under the "testing" beta in Steam.
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* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-03-23 15:29:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
I was once the hottest new model on the street. Newspapers heralded my arrival in every town. The titans of industry were inspired to produce more goods when I visited their factories.
But as the years have passed, so do their eyes pass over me, to eye curiously my replacements. Will you try the new style, maam? Its so much better than that old thing.
Ive watched my friends grow old and die. My brother got caught in traffic and caused a horrific level crossing collision. I get sick more often, wheezing to a halt wherever I am. When I visit the doctor for a spot of renewal, they tell me, Sorry, I cant help. Youre too old. When will I be autoreplaced?
Woe is the tale of the Balogh Goods Truck. But what if we could slow or pause the steady march of time? In OpenTTD 14, you can.
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-03-23 10:56:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
OpenTTD 14.0 is soon to be released. You guys already worked hard to break the game, and we've been working hard to fix the issues you've reported. Today we release RC2 with all of the recent fixes.
Please help us hunt down the last bugs, and make sure you're having fun doing it! Your help is greatly appreciated!
You can find this beta under the "testing" beta in Steam.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-03-16 14:29:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
With OpenTTD 14, we introduce an opt-in survey system; a method where we can finally ground our debates with facts! Additionally, BaNaNaS content will use HTTPS (instead of HTTP), and many more small infra-related changes.
Time to chat about this for a bit.
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-03-16 12:24:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ever wondered how a new OpenTTD release is made?
How we decide what features to include and what to reject or how some people seem to know the "future" before you? Curious what it means that OpenTTD is Open Source? Or maybe you've even wondered what it takes to get your idea included in OpenTTD?
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-03-09 08:59:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Can you believe it? It's been 20 years since OpenTTD 0.1 was released! Time really does fly.
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-03-06 07:24:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Always wanted to know what kind of OpenTTD game your friends are playing on Steam, Discord or GOG Galaxy? You finally can!
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-03-02 10:04:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
OpenTTD 14.0 comes with a new ship pathfinder which allows ships to travel great distances without the use of buoys.
Gone are the days of long strings of buoys and convoluted ship orders.
Using ships is now as hassle-free as the other modes of transport.
Just add the destination and send the ship on its way!
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-02-24 10:34:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's getting hot for OpenTTD 14 with the release of the first Release Candidate. This means that we're now focusing on fixing the remaining bugs and are not adding any new features anymore.
One final feature that got in at the last minute is custom number format and abbreviations used in many Asian languages. We fixed a lot of bugs, too.
Full details: https://www.openttd.org/news/2024/02/18/openttd-14-0-RC1
You can find this beta under the "testing" beta in Steam.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-02-19 19:49:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
How do you update a 30-year old pixel font to make it more suitable for today?
The pixel-art OpenTTD fonts are iconic, but were designed for 640x480 CRT monitors rather than today's 4k monsters. Without the horizontal smoothing of CRT scanlines, modern pixel-perfect rendering and 2x or 4x upscaling of the old bitmap/sprite-based fonts makes the text jagged and hard to read.
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-02-17 09:42:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Have you ever waited for a late bus, and then two arrived at once?
This is called "bus bunching," and I bet you've seen it happen in OpenTTD -- and not just with buses.
For years, players have requested an easier way to keep vehicles with shared orders spaced out along their route. In OpenTTD 14, we've added one.
Read the full story here.
[ 2024-02-10 14:02:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well, third time's the charm, or so they say.
So let's try this again, shall we?
With beta 3, we've restored the cargo types that went missing in the sub-artic and tropical climates.
We've also included fixes for various other issues which are listed in the full changelog linked below.
Thanks to the reports made by many of you, we could solve the issues quickly.
But never fear if you've missed out so far, there are still a lot of treasures to hunt for in this beta. Please share your findings on our issue tracker.
And watch this space as we'll soon start with our feature posts about the new things coming with OpenTTD 14.
In the first installment, you'll learn why buses don't always come when they should and what you can do about it.
You can find this beta under the "testing" beta in Steam.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-02-06 21:29:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
You found some bugs in the beta1-release, and we found a new beta.
With this update, you can now safely signal to your hearts content again. The full changelog is linked below.
Problems like this are exactly why we need you to test the game.
Carry on playing the game, and please report any issues you find.
And don't forget to watch this space for more information on OpenTTD 14.
With the start of the beta cycle for OpenTTD 14, it's also a good time to help out with the various translations of the game.
No matter if you are already a translator or want become one, head over to our web translator if you like to help out.
You can find this beta under the "testing" beta in Steam.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2024-02-05 20:08:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
OpenTTD turns 20 this year, and to celebrate we are preparing for one of our largest ever releases.
It's packed with 40 new features, 80 changes, and almost 150 fixes.
In the upcoming weeks we will share more posts explaining some of these features in depth. For now, we need your help testing our work.
We need as many people as possible to test this beta version of the 14.X release series, so you can find and we can squash as many bugs as possible before the actual release.
To guide you a bit towards what you should be looking for:
- Generic gameplay bugs and crashes.
- There is a new Ship Pathfinder; test it out. Buoys are optional to use.
- You can now automatically unbunch your vehicles at a depot.
- We added our own interpretation of daylength to the game. More on this soon in another blog post.
- There are many GUI improvements throughout the game. More consistent look, better GUI scaling.
[ 2024-02-03 20:46:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been a while since we've seen a .4 release, but quite a few people have reported a crash when a news item appears while a drop-down menu is open.
Here's a fix for that, plus a few other fixes completed since the last release.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2023-07-30 07:59:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
OpenTTD 13.0 has been out for two months and we've found some bugs to fix in 13.1!
Most notably, we've fixed two kinds of crashes:
* Road vehicles inside multi-track level crossings no longer crash into the side of trains.
* The game no longer crashes when a spectator in a network game tries to interact with a town's local authority.
For NewGRF authors using the new engine variant feature, we've added a callback to select how the engine's name is displayed in the buy menu.
Go check it out and try not to crash!
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2023-04-10 20:33:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Breaking news: OpenTTD 13.0 is now available! Depending on your perspective, we're either two months early for our usual April 1st release, or a bit tardy for the Christmas 2022 release we intended.
We think the wait has been worth it. This is one of the largest releases we've done in several years, with numerous features and improvements covering the user interface, gameplay features, and modding extensions for NewGRF and Game Script creators.
Some of the highlights are:
- Variable interface scaling at whatever size you want (not just 2x and 4x), with optional chunky bevels for that retro feel. This includes better automatic scaling when using HiDPI or mixed DPI setups.
- Direct access to NewGRF/AI/GS settings from the new game window.
- Various small tweaks and improvements to several windows.
- NewGRFs can now provide engine variants that are shown hierarchically in the purchase list.
- Multi-track level crossings to keep road vehicles from stopping in the middle of the crossing.
- Custom league tables for GameScripts.
- More natural rivers which get wider as they flow downstream.
- And much more, which can be seen in the changelog or the previous release announcements!
[ 2023-02-05 19:37:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
We found some bugs in the 13.0-RC1 testing release that need cleaning up.
The new 13.0-RC2 testing release should fix these and bring us into the home stretch for a final release.
Go check it out today and help us find any last minute bugs we don't know about yet!
If you are a translator, we'd appreciate your help for a translation check before the final release.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2023-01-28 22:17:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rejoice, for we are now in feature freeze for the 13.0 release series just in time for a new year!
Some last minute features and fixed made it into the new year. Especially notable are the new vehicle variants feature for NewGRFs and automatic flipping support for shorten-than-default NewGRF-defined vehicles. On the fixing side, focus was on polishing the new fractional GUI zoom and some other minor bits and pieces.
Testing is more important than ever, so please keep it up, and report any issues as normal!
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2023-01-01 20:05:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Multiple beta releases often indicate lots of bugs to be fixed, but in this case we got carried away adding features and thought more testing was needed.
New features since beta1 include:
- Variable interface scaling at whatever size you want (not just 2x and 4x), with optional chunky bevels for that retro feel.
- Multi-track level crossings to keep road vehicles from stopping in the middle of the crossing.
- A new Generate World menu which now includes NewGRF, AI, and Game Script configuration menus.
- Cargo filters for vehicle lists (such as at stations) to allow better visualization of traffic.
- Optional cargo names above vehicles in vehicle lists, to show at a glance what they carry.
- The ability to clone or share orders with vehicles grouped by shared orders.
- An improved local authority action window which now shows you actions you can't afford, instead of hiding them.
- Scriptable league tables which can replace the default scoring system
- AI and Game Scripts can now be modified in Scenario Editor for existing scenarios (although not savegames)
[ 2022-11-27 19:28:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you spooked? We are too with this spooky release date, even if nothing in OpenTTD itself is spooky.
Luckily, I can offer you the first testing release of the 13.X release series. We collected whatever we could find on the cutting room floor to get you a Halloween release.
Some of the higlights of this release include:
- Build NewGRF objects over an era with click-and-drag.
- Wider rivers on map generation.
- Improved handling of HiDPI and mixed-DPI screens.
- Some more GUI improvements like a cleaned up finance window.
- Many bug-fixes (over 50 of them), tweaks, changes, and other additions.
[ 2022-10-31 22:55:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
We tried to release OpenTTD 13 on April 1st, but supply chain issues are affecting new feature production and forced us to delay the release.
To compensate, we swept the factory floor for bits and pieces that where left around and could be repurposed.
We found enough to be able to produce a 12.2 maintenance release for you.
More details in the changelog below.
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* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2022-04-02 11:20:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
We thought it time for a bugfix release.
Weve addressed some of the more prominent criticisms of the 12.0 release along with a few others. Notably the scrolling titlescreen will no longer scroll when youre interacting with the game (and fixed the occasional crash) and weve added a nice button to reenable the advanced signals that were pretty sure you dont need to be using anyway.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2021-11-09 19:26:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
The time is finally here: 12.0 is officially released!
12.0 is our multiplayer update, where we made playing together as easy as possible. No more port-forwarding or other stuff: start a server and ask your friend(s) to join. We take care of the rest. For more details, please read our blog: New Multiplayer Experience
Besides this major update, 12.0 also comes with some other nice features:
- Display icon/text whether vehicle is lost.
- Moving camera on title screen background.
- Hide block signals in GUI by default (you can toggle this in the settings).
- Raise the maximum NewGRF limit to 255.
[ 2021-10-17 10:03:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
With 12.0 in feature-freeze, it is time to talk about what is in 12.0, and why we release early. In summary: 12.0 makes setting up multiplayer games painless. You no longer need to configure anything in your home network. Playing together are now just four simple steps:
- You just start a server.
- You set the server to invite-only or public.
- You share your invite-code with your friend.
- Your friend joins your server based on the invite-code.
[ 2021-09-26 11:36:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Rejoice, for we are now in feature freeze for the 12.0 release series!
You can find the latest 12.0-RC1 in the "testing" beta branch on Steam!
One last flurry of features, including properly displaying when a vehicle is lost, and some new buttons for macOS TouchBar, if you have one.
A fair few fixes for the new networking setup, and a few other things besides.
Testing is more important than ever, so please keep it up (multiplayer especially), and report any issues as normal!
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2021-09-25 14:29:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to your awesome testing, we found one critical bug in 12.0-beta1.
To quickly address this, we release our second beta of the 12.X release series.
You can find it in the "testing" beta branch on Steam!
There are only a few fixes in this release, mostly related to network servers.
Most notably:
- Connecting with the same client name thrice hangs the server.
- Reusing of invite-codes was reported poorly.
[ 2021-08-19 19:56:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you dreaming? No, you are not!
Today I have the pleasure to announce to you that we just released the first beta of our 12.X release series! You can find it in the "testing" beta branch on Steam!
With our release on Steam not even six months ago we got some excellent feedback from the community on what to improve next. One of the things that stood out: playing together is not easy for many players.
So, in 12.0 we address this problem. Playing together is as easy as one of you starting a server, marking it either Public or Invite-Only, and sharing the newly introduced invite-code with your friends. They can join your server, just like that. No setup needed on your side, no port-forwarding, nothing.
Sadly, to set expectations, no integration with Steam itself has been added. Integrating with Steam as GPL-licensed software has challenges, which we havent resolved yet. But we hope you agree that this new multiplayer experience is the next best thing.
Next to this excellent new feature, a few other new things we introduced are:
- Brand new Online Players window to easier see who is in what company, etc.
- Maximum number of NewGRFs you can use in one game has been raised to 255.
- Our official Windows builds are now signed.
- Default vehicles are now compatible with almost all industry NewGRFs.
- Configurable subsidy duration, up to 5000 years.
- Press Ctrl to build diagonal rivers in Scenario Editor.
- Many bug-fixes (over 50 of them), tweaks, changes, and other additions.
[ 2021-08-15 11:58:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we released our second bugfix release of the 1.11 release series!
This release mainly addresses several crashes on startup, mostly caused by our shiny new OpenGL driver. More people should now be able to enjoy OpenTTD out-of-the-box!
And as always, we also fixed tons of other small bugs and problems that were reported and found. See the changelog for more detail.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2021-05-03 19:13:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
We present the first bugfix release of the 1.11 release series!
Along with our usual bug fixes, we've broken our own rules and included a couple of features in this release - a vsync option which should hopefully fix screen-tearing seen by some people, and volume controls in the Options window (with better defaults).
Notable bug fixes include improved scaling of a few windows, and better detection of faulty GL-renders which should avoid some crashes on startup due to bad video renderer.
See the changelog for more.
* Changelog
* Bug tracker
* Questions and player support (Discord)
[ 2021-04-18 22:07:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Come ask us questions about OpenTTD! After our fun but disagreeable second Twitch livestream yesterday and a very successful release here on Steam, we will host a chat Q&A stream on April 9th. Tune in at 18:00 UTC on Twitch heres a handy countdown and time zone converter.
LordAro, Timberwolf, TrueBrain and michi_cc will try but probably fail in answering all your questions you never dared to ask about OpenTTD in chat.
[ 2021-04-03 18:11:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another year, another release.
Who would have guessed ;)
With 1.11 we bring you a lot of new features which you hopefully enjoy as much as we did creating them:
- Performance improvements - Fast-Forward is now so fast, there is a setting to rate limit it (on by default).
- Improved World Generation GUI - 100% rainforest maps are now available if you so request.
- Towns can now grow with tunnels too - finally they can escape the hills!
- Filter on name in many more windows - for those that enjoy playing with one too many NewGRFs.
- Plant trees with a brush in Scenario Editor - it is like painting, but with trees.
- A new titlegame for this release by Chrnan6710, who won this year's competition.
[ 2021-04-01 13:19:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
On April 2nd, 1800 UTC, we will have our next developers livestream. Come chat with us about NewGRF and OpenTTD development over on Twitch!
For more details, visit our website.
[ 2021-03-23 09:58:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
OpenTTD will be released on Steam on the first of April!
You can already wishlist it on Steam today!
Read up on how we got here in our news post: News: OpenTTD on Steam
OpenTTD is free and open-source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. OpenTTD is under ongoing development. OpenTTD is not an abbreviation of anything.
[ 2021-02-04 10:11:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux [47.75 M]
- Linux SoundFont [141.52 M]
Connect industries and cities on procedurally-generated maps of up to 4096 x 4096 tiles by building a network of roads, railways, docks, and airports. Navigate dense city streets, cross oceans and rivers, and conquer high mountains in one of four climates.
Work alone or with friends to complete production chains and transport finished goods to towns. Assemble a fleet of hundreds of vehicles, transferring cargo as needed in an interconnected, multimodal network with optional cargo destinations.
Keep up with technological improvements through the years as towns grow; new modes of transport are invented; and industries appear, change production, or fail. Expand stations and build network capacity to keep up with demand and avoid delays.
Customize your OpenTTD experience via community-made mods downloaded through an in-game content service, including real-world vehicles, new industry sets, custom scenarios, and more.
Free and open-source
OpenTTD is free and open-source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. OpenTTD is under ongoing development. OpenTTD is not an abbreviation of anything.
- OS: Linux
- Processor: YesMemory: 256 MB RAM
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- OS: Linux
- Processor: 2+ GHzMemory: 512 MB RAM
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]