Its been a while since my last update, but Ive got some news to share. For those of you following the development of my next game, CivIdle, Im happy to report that its come a long way, and progress has been great. That said, I havent forgotten about Industry Idle. Ive been planning to bring it out of early access for some time, but I ran into a bit of a setbackthe laptop with all the release environments and keys (since Industry Idle runs on six platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and Web) died. Thankfully, Ive recently gotten it repaired, and now were back on track! This release includes a handful of small fixes and improvements. Industry Idle has been content complete for a while now, so this update mostly focuses on polish. Looking ahead, Im committed to keeping the server running for as long as possible. I actually use the income from both Industry Idle and CivIdle to cover server costs and plan to do the same with future projects to keep all my games' servers live and healthy. If youve been waiting for Industry Idle to officially leave early access before diving in, nows your chance! And for those who have been with me since early accessthank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the game. If youre looking for more, definitely give CivIdle a try as wellI think youll like it! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2181940/CivIdle/ If you already purchased Industry Idle Expansion Packs, you can take advantage of this bundle for a discounted CivIdle Supporter Pack https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/24685/Industry_Idle__CivIdle_Complete_Collection/ Cheers, FishPond
[ 2024-09-13 20:54:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello fellow capitalists, Capitalists always enjoy a bit of discount, who doesn't? So I wanna pop by and tell you that the game's expansion packs are on discount for Steam Capitalism & Economy Fest. Apart from the additional content and perks (like the shining badge in the chat), all the income from the sales is used to pay for the server bill (and keep the server running). Also, I've made some good progress on CivIdle - Industry Idle's spiritual successor. In fact, recently the game has unlocked the Industrial Age tech tree, so the two universes have finally collided! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2181940/Cividle/ If you like Industry Idle, and wonder what if the game allows you to unlock tech trees and build wonders? Then definitely check out CivIdle!
[ 2024-01-08 18:59:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes:
- If you own either expansion packs, you can double your offline earning without watching a reward video (iOS & Android only)
- Bugfix: When Factory Mining policy is active, wholesale orders will not contain natural deposits (reported by @jgestiot, fixed by @FishPond)
- Bugfix: When Pumpkin Battery or Pumpkin Steel is active, the corresponding research buildings are not shown in Research center (reported by @WingedLeo)
- Add in-game notification about seasonal events in Policy Center
- Add a banner and link in Headquarter about CivIdle: Industry Idle's spiritual successor. The banner can be turned off in settings
- Add back support for Windows 7/8/8.1
A lesson I've learned recently is that always read changelogs. I usually keep the game's libraries up-to-date. However, during an update, the library (Electron) dropped support for Windows 7/8/8.1. It broke several players who are still using older Windows versions. I've downgraded to the last version that supports Windows 7/8/8.1. Industry Idle is in a good state - most bugs have been ironed out and the game is quite balanced - I feel it's time to leave early access and call it 1.0 - this should be just a matter of changing the version number and I plan to do it in the next update. Regarding CivIdle, I am doing final testing myself before the next playtest: fixing game-breaking bugs, and soft locks, and balancing the game a bit. If you are interested in joining the playtest, head over to our Discord and join #cividle-general channel, leave a message saying that you are interested and I will start distributing keys once the game is ready. Meanwhile, I've recorded a CivIdle overview video, enjoy! [previewyoutube=943awjziDOA;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-10-24 17:19:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Introducing weekly free premium city roster: every week, a city in either of the expansion packs will be free for all players regardless of expansion pack ownership - Previously, if your account has connected to another game profile, it will fail authentication silently. Now the game will show 'Account Connected' check in Headquarter - Bugfix: In previous patch, the trade quota calculation is incorrect. This patch corrects the calculation: profits result from trading will be excluded when calculating market cap-based quota - Add Hungarian Translation (@KaaPeeM) Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
Dev's Note:
Recently, I have been getting (back) into Age of Empire 3 (Definitive Edition, great game by the way). The game offers a free-to-play civilizations roster, which I think is a great idea to provide more content for free-to-play players. So I went ahead and implemented this for Industry Idle. Also, the progress for CivIdle has been steady (maybe a bit slow). I have continued to work on the new player trading system while improving the game's core mechanism. I am providing a weekly update in our Discord channel, you can join here: https://discord.com/invite/xgNxpsM

[ 2023-09-17 09:45:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.20.6
- Update translations
- Balance: When calculating market-cap based trade quota, trades since the last market update will be excluded (@FishPond)
- QoL: The game will try to renew authentication if it expires. There's also a new button in Headquarter to manually renew authentication (@FishPond)
- Upgrade game engine and runtime frameworks - this should help improve compatibility (@FishPond)
Also, I'd like to provide some updates on my future plans. As those of you who are on our Discord server are probably aware, I am focusing on developing the spiritual sequel: CivIdle
There has been a small-scale closed alpha testing, which provides very useful feedback and results in a rebuild of the tech tree and progression. The progress has been slow at times but the pieces are coming together. I have finished most game content before Medieval (buildings, production, wonders, etc) and am now focusing on getting the new player trade system to work. After that, I plan to open up another round of testing. If you are interested in CivIdle, please join our Discord to follow more updates: https://discord.com/invite/m5JWZtEKMZ
[ 2023-08-14 20:56:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.20.5-build.337 - Added Turkish and Bahasa language in chat (@FishPond) - Hide Produce All Crops Swiss Boost if the game does not have Expansion Pack 2 (@FishPond) - Bugfix: Activating Electric Fish Pond policy without Hydro Power Plant will cause Fish Pond to malfunction (@FishPond) - QoL: Add building count in building panel (@WingedLeo) - QoL: Add a warning if a building does not benefit from certain policies (@WingedLeo) There are 154 resources, 234 factories, 66 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2023-04-08 14:49:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.20.4 has been released. This version is compatible with Steam Deck. - Allow returning trade profit by paying resources (@FishPond) - Showing the existing trades that offers better profits in Player Trade UI when adding a new trade (@FishPond) - Bugfix: Fix disabling controller support does not work (@FishPond) - QoL: Batch sell of buildings (@WingedLeo) Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2023-04-04 21:26:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.20.3-build.327 - New anti-cheat mechanism: previously repeated trades with cheating account will result in an anti-cheat ban. This process involves a lot of investigation and takes a lot of effort. Now this will result in a trade suspension - you can resume trading after returning all the profits made from trades with the cheating account. This can be resolved automatically in Player Trade UI (@FishPond) - Add a page showing past player trades (by @FishPond) - QoL: New settings menu (by @GrayTheWanderer) - QoL: New batch mode action: Downgrade - All/Cluster/Adjacent (by @GrayTheWanderer) - Add Turkish translation (by @Readrift) - Improve Steam Deck support (@FishPond) - QoL: Add support for game controllers: use left joystick to move camera, right joystick to move cursor, trigger buttons to zoom/scroll, right shoulder button and X button to click. Joystick sensitivity can be adjusted in settings - QoL: Add support for camera edge pan (@FishPond) - Activate in Settings -> Input - Add support for moderator to remove suspicious player trades. Resources will be refunded for removed trades (@FishPond) - Improve stability of Steam Cloud integration (@FishPond) There are 154 resources, 234 factories, 66 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2023-02-25 12:21:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.20.2-build.308 - QoL: Add more purchase amount option in Trade Center (by @jimmyh77) - QoL: Allow filter player trade by price range and player name (by @jimmyh77) - QoL: Add warning for Purge My Trades (by @jimmyh77) - QoL: Add an option to show only positive tile modifiers (by @jimmyh77) - QoL: Change power bank units to Joules (by @2kai2kai2) - Bugfix: Nikola Tesla policy in Detroit no longer requires nature gas (by @ryansb) - Bugfix: Wind Turbines and Solar Panels cannot be turned on when turned off by inheriting default settings (by @GrayTheWanderer) - Bugfix: Fix an exploit w.r.t cancelling player trades. You need to upgrade to this version to cancel player trade (reported by @WingedLeo) There are 154 resources, 234 factories, 66 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version This is the first release since open source. On behalf of the community, I'd like to thank all contributors for their hard work. If you want to contribute to the game, you can visit Github: https://github.com/fishpondstudio/IndustryIdle Also, Christmas event is live: - Christmas Timed Exclusive (5.12 - 5.01): New resource - Reindeer. All power plants produce reindeers. They can be used as fuel but cannot be sold or traded - Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Reindeer Silicon (FREE) - All buildings that consume silicon use reindeer instead - Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Reindeer Aluminum (FREE) - All buildings that consume aluminum use reindeer instead - Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Santa Clause is Coming (FREE) - Santa factories consume reindeer and toy and produce santa, science and culture. Santa factories have max tile modifier. Toy factories produce reindeer in addition to toy Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-12-10 21:08:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been more than two years since I started working on Industry Idle. The game was released on Early Access 1.5 years ago and I am blessed with a great community - reporting bugs, providing feedback, helping new players, and supporting the game's server expense by purchasing Expansion Packs.
Going Open Source
Working on this project as the only indie developer in my free time is a huge commitment. A lot of players in the community are developers themselves and have offered to help with the development. However, as you can probably imagine, the game's codebase was nowhere near ready for that. And I felt that cleaning up the codebase and onboarding more developers would add more overhead and slow down the development when the game was constantly changing. Now, since the game's core mechanisms and content are more or less stable, I feel this is a good time to take a look at this. I spent the last several months cleaning up the game's codebase and sorting out some licensing issues. I have also drastically simplified the game's build system and dependencies so that newcomers can get the game up and running easily - my goal for open-sourcing the game is to allow the community to drive the game further, rather than just "throwing it out there". To facilitate this, I have cleaned up the project and made it very easy to get it up and running. I have also bundled all the arts and assets with the repository as well (but please note the license in the README file of the repository). I've also written a detailed getting started guide, which is included in the project's repository. You can find everything hosted on Github: https://github.com/fishpondstudio/IndustryIdle
Leaving Early Access and Accepting Contributions
I plan to release a version from the new open-source repository - if things go well, the game will leave Early Access. Starting now, the game accepts contributions. Here's a brief guideline on how to contribute.
Help Translate
The localization repository has been moved inside the mono repo, you can find the file and a guide here: https://github.com/fishpondstudio/IndustryIdle/tree/main/assets/Script/Languages
Report Bugs
GitHub Issues would be the preferred way to report bugs. If you are not able to use GitHub Issues, Discord #industry-idle-bug-report channel can be used as well
Fix Bugs
Fork the repository, make the code change, and submit a Pull Request
Add Content/Implement Feature/Adjust Game Balance
This would be a bit more complicated. You should probably bring up your proposal in the community and also talk to me before implementing the code. Features that benefit the majority of players (e.g. QoL improvements) are very likely to get merged. Features that affect game balances need to be carefully discussed and tested. Running an open-source game is not an easy task and doesn't really have proven "best practices" so I am also learning along the way. These guidelines will evolve as well.
Community Driven Development
With this change, helping and guiding community contributions will be my main focus. I have also created #industry-idle-dev channel on Discord for all development-related discussions - whether you need some coding help or want to discuss new features. I am hoping over time, the game will have more experienced contributors so that I can do less handholding. I will continue to act as the "release manager" - helping get changes into the beta channel and into a release when they are tested. For now, I don't think it makes sense to have a fixed release schedule - as long as there're enough contributions that warrant a release, I am happy to press that button. As to my other plans. Well, I've got much less free time compared to the pandemic. After all, this is my hobby project - I need to take a day job to actually pay for my living. But fear not, I am planning on a sequel, or rather a "spiritual successor" to Industry Idle - Cividle https://store.steampowered.com/app/2181940/Cividle/ I will probably write more about why I am making a spiritual successor (instead of adding another Expansion Pack to Industry Idle) and my plans for Cividle, but maybe some other time.
[ 2022-10-29 21:30:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Seasonal harvest: Farmland and Greenhouse will produce pumpkin in October. Pumpkin productions are doubled! - Seasonal recipes: Bakery will produce pumpkin pie (from pumpkin, flour, butter and milk) and drink factory will produce pumpkin spice latte (from pumpkin, refined sugar, coffee and milk) - Halloween Timed Exclusive (Oct. 15 - Nov. 5): New resource - Pumpkin. All power plants produce a certain amount of pumpkins. - Halloween Timed Exclusive Policy: Pumpkin Battery (FREE) - All buildings that consume battery use pumpkin instead - Halloween Timed Exclusive Policy: Pumpkin Steel (FREE) - All buildings that consume steel use pumpkin instead You have to be on the latest version on Steam to participate in the event! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/
[ 2022-10-18 18:24:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Bugfix: Fix a bug where some buildings are not appearing in Research Lab on maps that meet the unlock requirement - Bugfix: If a building is shut down, it will not be supply-chained boosted (boost will be given to other eligible buildings) - QoL: Add 'Set as Default' for production settings in building page There are 154 resources, 234 factories, 66 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-10-09 08:15:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Buildings with multiple recipes now shows an icon indicating current production recipe: we are still missing some icons for certain recipes. If you'd like to help add missing icons, contact me directly - Seasonal harvest: Farmland and Greenhouse will produce pumpkin in October. Pumpkin productions are doubled! - Seasonal recipes: Bakery will produce pumpkin pie (from pumpkin, flour, butter and milk) and drink factory will produce pumpkin spice latte (from pumpkin, refined sugar, coffee and milk) - New building: Quantum Computer Lab - New building: TV Studio+ - Resource explorers, farmlands and greenhouses now use recipes - this also allows them to be part of an Industry Zone chain - you might need to re-select their output - Update translation files - a big thank you to all community translators - Update game engine version to improve stability Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-10-02 22:06:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balance: Now auto sell capacity upgrade will grant a baseline capacity: even if your production is zero, you will still be able to auto sell a certain amount. This amount is affected by Swiss production modifier boost/upgrade - Bugfix: Fix a bug where tariff rate is not calculated corrected based on price difference - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Hydro Farming policy will break Greenhouses if there's no hydro dams - Update translation files - a big thank you to all community translators Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-08-21 15:53:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New Player trade tariff will replace the old player trade quota. Each player will be granted tariff credit based on production and market cap. Trades that exceed the tariff credit will be taxed. The tariff rate depends on price difference between trade price and local price. You can see a detailed tariff calculation breakdown when adding and filling trades - Cancelling a trade will now refund 100% of resources (instead of 90%). Tariffs are not refundable - Offline productions are now counted towards production-based tariff credit - Add a new recipe for Photogram: 8x Three Course Meal -> 2x Internet - New building: Meal, Ready-To-Eat Plant (Expansion Pack 2). It has the following recipe: 3x Whopping Burger -> 1x Spaceship; 4x Cocktail -> 1x Nuclear Missile; 7x Wine + 7x Pastry -> 1 Aircraft Carrier; 22x Joyful Meal -> 1x ICBM - New building option: Resource Input Buffer - The maximum cycles of input resource to keep in the storage before this building will no longer transport that resource. Auto means using prediction to keep a minimum buffer that allows continuous production. Stockpile means always transporting input resources regardless of the amount in the storage. This will replace existing Stockpile option and your existing map will be migrated to this new option - New building option: Input Capacity Override - It allows you to override the input capacity to between 50% to 1000% of the amount needed for production - New policy: Super Water Pump - Water pumps produce 2x output but consumes 2x power - Bugfix: Fix a bug where buildings with multiple recipes do not work with Industry Zone correctly - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Factory Mining policy doesn't work for power plants - QoL: Numbers in the game now always shows 4 valid digits: 2.9M will become 2.901M, 21.2K will become 21.21K, 321.1B will remain the same - Add support for Cyrillic characters in world map - Player trade time limit for limited account has been changed to every minute instead of every 5 minutes - Update translation files - a big thank you to all community translators There are 151 resources, 218 factories, 66 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-08-06 07:44:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
The existing player trade quota system was designed a long time ago - the intention was to curb player trade abuse. Over time, more rules have been added to patch loopholes and the rules have become too complicated to comprehend - and it's not very obvious in-game as well. New players always have trouble understanding the system. Also, it is a bit too punishing for new players - with a limited quota available.
I have been thinking about redesigning this for a while. And it's surprisingly hard to design a trading system that is easy to understand yet can prevent market manipulation without frequent manual intervention. In the real world, international trades are heavily managed, with customs duty, quota and anti-dumping rules. I want a simple system that can capture the essence of international trading in the game.
The new player tariff system will replace the existing quota system in the upcoming version. It works as follows:
Instead of limiting the amount you can trade with other players - now you can trade an unlimited amount. However, the amount that exceeds the "tariff credit" is liable for tariff (i.e. import/export tax). Each player can acquire "tariff credit" in two days - by either producing the resource that is being traded or increasing the total market cap. This tariff is reset when the market update. The tariff rate for excess trade value depends on the price difference between the trade and local price and it is applied progressively.
The trading UI when adding and filling trades has been redesigned to show detailed tariff calculations - this should help improve the clarity and make it easier to understand.
This new system is already available on Steam beta channel - you can switch to the beta channel via your Steam Client, no code or password required. Please note downgrading to stable channel is not supported. Remember this is only the first draft version and I am sure there will be issues. Feel free to give your feedback in the #industry-idle-suggestions channel on Discord. I will continue to improve this based on your feedback.
[ 2022-07-25 11:44:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Multiple Sources is always enabled for Trade Center (this no longer requires Expansion Pack 2) - Balance: Adjust trade center pricing - now the minimum price is 10% of the original price instead of $1. This will increase the resource valuation (and trade quota) - Balance: Auto-selling now drives down the price slower than before There are 151 resources, 213 factories, 65 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-06-27 19:34:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add achievements for Auckland map: Hoiho, Whio and Kiwi - Balance: Auto sell capacity is now measured as percentage of your production. The upgrade cost and corresponding Swiss upgrades/boosts have been adjusted - Balance: Player trade value limit (1%) with specific player will reset every day (together with market news and crowdfunding) - QoL: Add a warning icon in player trades listing indicating your trading value with that player has exceed 1% of your market cap and extra quota is needed - QoL: Add a new filter to hide player trades that require extra quota - Bugfix: Fix a bug where some times default player trade amount is negative when filling a trade There are 151 resources, 213 factories, 65 policies, 19 maps and 71 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-06-04 09:13:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.18.0-build.235 - New map: Auckland. Unique building: Hydro Power Plant. Unique Policy: Mine Booster, Electric Fish Pond, Hydro Farming - Balance: Player trade quota now applies to filling orders as well. If the total traded value with a specific player stays within 1% of your current market cap, trades with that player are exempt from price deviation penalty when applying the quota - Balance: Sugar refinery's capacity is increased 2x - Market News Rework: now market news will always be positive: it will provide 50% - 200% output boost. It will be re-rolled everyday (same time as crowdfunding) - Balance Policy: Press Conference - All market news are 50% more effective - New Swiss Upgrade/Boost: Extra Player Trade Quota - Initial player trade quota is 1% of your market cap - this will grant extra percentage - New Swiss Boost: Research Agreement - Filling each trade with an unique player gives 10 mins of research point production - New Policy: Modern Fertilizer - Farmlands and greenhouses produce 2x crops but crop transport costs 2x fuel - New Policy: Livestock Steroid - Chicken farms, pig farms, cow farms, fish ponds and fodder factories have 2x capacity but uses 2x power - New Swiss Boost: Produce All Crops - Farmlands and greenhouses can produce all crops, including the ones that are not on the map - Balance: Reduce the power requirement for pig, cow and chicken farms - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Kansas City hydro dam unique bonus is wrongly applied - Bugfix: Fix a bug where certain Swiss boosts' costs are not calculated correctly with Swiss Boost Cost Divider - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Industry Zone fail to recognize certain supply chains - Bugfix: Fix a bug where rewarded ads sometimes fail to grant rewards There are 151 resources, 213 factories, 65 policies, 19 maps and 68 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-05-22 13:37:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balance: Industry Zone Plus policy requires all buildings inside the zone to be working - Bugfix: Fix a bug where theoretical input/output does not take Industry Zone Plus into account - Bugfix: Fix a bug where warehouses cannot select input routes of buildings that support multiple recipes - Android: Google Play Games sign in is required to participate in player trading There are 151 resources, 212 factories, 60 policies, 18 maps and 68 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-04-23 09:05:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New Building for Expansion Pack 2: Fine Dining Restaurant, Photogram, Drink Factory - New Resources for Expansion Pack 2: Sushi, Pastry, Joyful Meal, Whopping Burger, Soft Drink, Alcohol, Wine, Cocktail, 3/6/9-Course Meal - New Policy for Expansion Pack 2: Industry Zone Plus - Every tier or every 10 level of an Industry Zone provide 10% output boost to buildings in it - New Swiss Upgrade: Industry Zone Capacity Booster, Extra Building Permit - New Swiss Boost: Industry Zone Capacity Booster, Extra Building Permit - QoL: Introducing experimental portrait mode support on mobile devices - Balance: Adjacent Bonus Plus/Tile Modifier Plus/Industry Zone Plus will not apply to Food Processing Plant and FaceApp - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Random Island map causes the UI to disappear - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Admiral of the Fish Pond achievement is not correctly unlocked - Bugfix: Fix a bug where total rewards for Tower Defense mode is not calculated correctly - Bugfix: Fix a bug where resources in-transit are lost when closing the game (Steam only) There are 151 resources, 212 factories, 60 policies, 18 maps and 68 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-04-15 13:08:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.16.1-build.189 - Add 'Trusted Account': to prevent cheating/fraud, free-to-play accounts are required to pass the platform requirement to participate in player trade - Add achievements for Expansion Pack 2 maps: Perth (Pademelon/Wallaby/Kangaroo), Kansas City (Corn on the Cob/Corn Dog/Popcorn), Rio (Leblon/Barra da Tijuca/Copacabana), Random Island (Bernoulli/Poisson/Gauss), Istanbul (Leo the Great/Justinian the Great/Constantine the Great), Admiral of the Fish Pond - Show Expansion Pack 2 badge in Leaderboard - Bugfix: Fix a bug where greenhouses on Random Island have UI glitch showing random crops on every cycle (If you are on random island, you might need to restart on that map) - Bugfix: Fix a bug where 100% Gluten Free does not unlock Flour Mill - Bugfix: Fix a bug where UI panel covers the edge of the map when it is docked There are 140 resources, 197 factories, 59 policies, 18 maps and 68 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-04-05 15:12:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.16.0 - Expansion Pack 2 is here: this version contains the support Expansion Pack 2 - Trade Center UI has been redesigned - Add an option to show Standby Mode in toolbar (Steam Only) Expansion Pack 2 will be available for purchase on Steam on 28 Mar 2022. There will be a 15% launch discount and a 20% bundle discount https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807800/Industry_Idle__Expansion_Pack_2/
[ 2022-03-26 20:28:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- QoL: Optimize the UI of Statistics Bureau to allow easy toggle on/off resources in the top bar - QoL: Add an option to filter 'what I have' in player trade filter option - QoL: Add an option to change mousewheel zoom sensitivity - QoL: When zooming using mousewheel, the camera will zoom to the cursor location - QoL: Add a confirm dialog when cancelling player trade - Change: Disable profit warning icon on buildings as it is confusing for new players and useless for experienced players - Bugfix: Fix a but where turning on automatically claim trades will result in right to trade error - Remove 'Always Export' option in Trade Center since it is mostly useless There are 140 resources, 197 factories, 59 policies, 18 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-03-15 13:55:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Expansion Pack 2 will be released on 28 Mar 2022, one year from the game's initial release - Expansion Pack 2 on Steam will cost $4.99. There will be a 15% launch discount and a 20% bundle discount (if you purchase with or already own Expansion Pack 1) - Expansion Packs on mobile platforms will cost $2.99 each (reduced from $4.99). All players who purchased Expansion Pack 1 at the original price will get a free Expansion Pack 2 - Expansion Pack 2 will receive free content updates for at least three months after the release date https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807800/Industry_Idle__Expansion_Pack_2/
Expansion Pack 2 Progress
I have finished all of the planned features of Expansion Pack 2 - it is now in a good shape that I feel confident to put out a release date: 28 Mar 2022, which happens to be exactly one year from the initial release of the game. Now I am focusing on balancing the game and fixing bugs from playtesting - this is an ongoing process - just like the previous expansion pack, the new one is expected to receive new content updates and balancing changes after the release.
Pricing And Changes
Expansion Pack 2 will cost the game as Expansion Pack 1 on Steam - there will be a 15% launch discount. In addition, there will be a 20% bundle discount if you purchase with or already own Expansion Pack 1. On mobile platforms (iOS/Android), the price of expansion packs will be changed: each will cost $2.99. I have received some feedback that the old one-time purchase price ($4.99) is too high a barrier for mobile gamers. The old price is the same as the Steam version simply because I had no experience in pricing and went with the simplest approach. After receiving the feedback, I studied several games - most mobile versions do have a different price. Also, I've learned that to sell expansion packs on different platforms, I have to use each platform's own payment system (and pay around 30% commission to each platform owner) and they are not interchangeable. Another reason for price reduction on mobile is that Steam has lots of "sales" events but it is quite difficult to offer discounts on mobile. For people who have already purchased Expansion Pack 1 on iOS and Android, I feel I need to compensate them for the price difference. Also, they are the early supporters of the game, helping to keep the game's server afloat and they should get some perks as a reward. So I am giving a free Expansion Pack 2 to all the players who have purchased the expansion at its original price, just as a thank-you.
Plans After Release
I already have plans for content updates after the release - all content updates will all be included for free in Expansion Pack 2 for at least 3 months (same promise as Expansion Pack 1). One of the areas I'd like to work on is to offer more online content - guilds, MMO-style persistent map, etc. However, these will require more server costs - and the cost is recurring (every month) but the sale is one-time (I do not have plans to add microtransactions to the game). That's why I am quite careful when it comes to adding online features. So far I have spent all income of the game on server cost - and I plan to keep doing so to keep the server afloat as long as possible. Hopefully, with a new expansion pack, I would have a better idea of how much extra income would be available and plan the online content accordingly.
[ 2022-03-08 21:26:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Right To Trade: To enable save file transfer between devices and prevent abuse, a new right to trade mechanism has been introduced. You can export multiple save files but only one can have the right to trade. In headquarter, you can choose to backup your save (right to trade remains) or transfer your save (right to trade goes with the save file). If you import a save that has the right to trade, you will not be subject to any cooldown at all - this should make transferring save across devices much easier. If you import a save that doesn't have the right to trade, you will not be able to trade from that save. However, you can force restoring the right to trade on that save but you will be subject to cooldown (N^N hour, N = number of force restore in the last 30 days). In headquarter, you can check whether your current save has the right to trade - Expansion 2 Playtest: Replacing So Paulo with Rio de Janeiro - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Map - Istanbul (Tower Defense Mode) There are 140 resources, 197 factories, 59 policies, 18 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Also, I am asked about Steam Deck support. The game has a "native" Linux build - so it should run on Steam Deck. The UI works with touch screen devices (like mobile phones). Although I have no devkit and Valve hasn't tested the game officially (I assume we are a niche group). If any of you have access to Steam Deck, feel free to test it and let me know if there's any issue. Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-02-24 09:38:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Wishlist Now
First of all, Expansion Pack 2's Steam page is now online and you can wishlist it now! I was told it was the best practice to set it up as soon as possible but I was always lazy with paperwork. But anyway, here's the link https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807800/Industry_Idle__Expansion_Pack_2/ You've probably noticed that two pieces of important information are missing: price and launch date. I am still working on the final pricing - the goal is to have enough income to cover the running cost of the game: i.e. the global trade/chat/leaderboard server. And your wishlist will help derive a more accurate estimation. Although the pricing is left to be determined, what I can say for sure is that there will be a launch discount and a "complete the set" bundle. These two discounts should stack as far as I understand.
Building Recipe System
A lot of work has been done on adding core mechanisms for farming and food expansion. A new addition since my last report is the recipe system: a building can have multiple recipes. Some of them require the building to reach a certain level to unlock.

To unlock a building in Research Lab, you only need to unlock the basic recipe (the first one) - this would allow easy diversifications of productions. However, the adjacent bonus, in this case, requires not only the same type of building but also the same recipe as well. This system has been backported to the base game - in fact, the new Battery Recycler (Patch 0.15.1) makes use of this mechanism as well.
Food Processing and Trade
Certain food items cannot be traded locally or with players - like chicken and beef. However, after being processed and turned into processed food (frozen chicken and canned beef), they can be bought or sold in the player market. Since most higher-level recipes do not take processed food directly, you can "restore" them in the food processing plant as well.

Regional Crops
Just like in the real world, not all crops are available on all maps - there are regional variations on different maps. All the existing maps will get some crops as well (you still need expansion pack 2 to actually grow them) It has been carefully balanced that you should be able to unlock most of the food technologies with basic crops, if not all. The additional crops provide alternative ways to design your supply chain.

Finalizing Perth and Kansas City
I have finalized the content (e.g. unique bonuses) for the two new cities in expansion pack 2: Perth and Kansas City. Previously I have been focused on the core mechanisms and the content is only a placeholder. Now I have taken time to design and balance those content. You can see the details on the Steam page for Expansion Pack 2 as well. If you want a recap of the unique mechanism, you can read the previous progress report
Dropping "Competitive City"
If you have read my initial plan for expansion pack 2, you probably realize that I have mostly followed the plan, even though there is much more content than initially planned. One content that will be dropped though, is the competitive city. I have spent quite some time on its design but unfortunately, I cannot seem to get it right, mainly because: - To make the map fair for competitive mode, I have to disable a lot of features, like player trading and Swiss upgrade, which makes the map less fun - Even with those features disabled, the map is not 100% fair - stock rating and market updates (pricing) are fundamental game mechanisms that cannot be disabled and will result in variations - The potential Swiss money gained from the map will be much less compared to other maps, which doesn't provide incentives for people to do competitive runs I have tried several designs in an attempt to make this concept work but in the end, I've reached the conclusion that this mode doesn't really make much sense - so it's better to cut the loss and spend the development effort on something else.
New Map: [strike]So Paulo[/strike] Rio de Janeiro
[strike]So Paulo[/strike] Rio de Janeiro is the latest map focusing on the farming expansion. It has a unique fuel: biofuel as a byproduct of animal farms. It's also a hex map, which is good news for adjacent lovers. Not only that, a unique building - Cristo Redentor (I know Cristo Redentor is in Rio but it's too late to change the name) - will consume culture and provide an adjacent bonus to any building! If you were unhappy that your buildings on the edge of the cluster don't get a full adjacent bonus, this map is definitely for you! Update: After getting feedback from the community, I feel I should make an effort to respect the geographical accuracy. So I am changing this city to Rio de Janeiro, where the Cristo Redentor is actually located.
Tower Defense Mode
The last planned content for Expansion Pack 2 is the tower defense mode. I've made pretty good progress and finalized the game design. As a reminder, this mode is optional is only available on specific maps. Implementation has started already and will most likely take some time - tower defense is a very big addition to the gameplay and the effort needed is almost like a new game. I have received suggestions that tower defense could be its own expansion - I think it makes sense. But I also want to make expansion pack 2 worth the price. In addition, setting up a new expansion pack requires paperwork, which is something I don't like - so I opt for bigger and fewer expansions. Also expansion pack 2 will cover at least 3 months of premium content update after its release, just like expansion pack 1.

Here's how tower defense works (at least for now): - On maps that have tower defense enabled, you will get a certain number of (4-6) "wormholes", which spawns enemies. - The enemies will find the shortest path between the wormhole and the headquarter. - You can build more buildings to alter the path (buildings will block the path) but you cannot completely block the headquarter - i.e. there should be at least a possible path - You can construct defense buildings. They do two things: 1) they pull resources (i.e. military ones) and convert them into "damage" based on the resource's market price; 2) they deliver damages to the enemies within the range - There's only one "type" of defense building, but each building has multiple modules and you can fully customize its features via loading and upgrading different modules. You can also move defense buildings. - You control when you are ready for the next wave. Once a wave is started, you cannot build or move buildings (the path cannot change). - If you successfully survive a wave, you will get cash rewards based on the damage delivered (with a multiplier, of course). If you failed, you can always retry but the damage delivered will be gone (you won't get that money back) As you can see, the tower defense is closely tied to the economy. After all, to win a war, you need a good economy as support. Winning a war offers another path to expand your economy. That's how it works in the real world, that's how it works in the game. That's all I have for now. Hopefully the next progress report will be the last one for Expansion Pack 2 before its release. Until then, the factory must grow!
[ 2022-02-14 19:26:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- When you use batteries as fuel, they will become battery shells after use
- New building: Battery Recycler - you can recycle battery shells to iron and aluminum or recharge battery with C. If your map has lithium, you can also recycle shells to lithium or recharge it with lithium
- New Batch Mode: You can upgrade or apply changes to adjacent, clustered or all buildings of the type
- New save format: Now all save is filed based instead of text based
- Save import player trade cooldown adjustment: from 2h to X^X h where X = the number of imports in the last 30 days
- Add UI font size scaling option in Headquarter
- Expansion 2 Playtest: Fried Rice, Fried Chicken, Fish Pond, Coffee, Cocoa, Food Processing Plant
- Expansion 2 Playtest: New Map - So Paulo
There are 139 resources, 197 factories, 59 policies, 18 maps and 52 achievements available in this version
Also in case you missed it, Expansion Pack 2 can be wishlisted now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807800/Industry_Idle__Expansion_Pack_2/
Web: https://play.industryidle.com/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-02-09 21:19:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.15.0 - In-game Streaming: You can now watch your friend's gameplay while building your economy! - Gameplay Recording: You can record your gameplay - either a freeform recording or a 10s director's cut - Increase active trades allowed for Expansion Pack 1 owners from 4 to 6 (Hong Kong still gets 50% more active trades) - QoL: You can now batch upgrade a type of building to certain level - Lunar New Year event (25 Jan - 10 Feb): New resource - Lantern, produced by power plants and can be used as fuel. New policy - Year of The Tiger. All buildings that consume paper will use Lantern instead and will have 2x capacity. Paper mills become Paper Academy and produce culture instead - Optimization: Add a new resource movement option: In Viewport - Optimization: Improve the performance of large base with resource movements turned off - Optimization: Improve the resource movement (flying dots) rendering by 30%-60% - Bugfix: Expansion Pack 2 resources accidentally show up in news and crowdfunding - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Buildings - Pig Farm, Dairy Factory, Fast Food Chain, Sausage Factory - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Resources - Butter, Cheese, Cookie, Burger, Sandwich, Pork, Sausage, Hotdog, Pizza There are 125 resources, 169 factories, 58 policies, 16 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-01-29 13:46:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add an option to force graph's Y axis to start from zero - Add an option to show the whole supply chain when highlighting a building - Add standby mode - the game will run in the background but will disable graphics. This will reduce GPU/CPU usage (Steam Only) - New chat badge style for mods and expansion owners - Update translations and game framework - Bugfix: chat doesn't scroll to bottom if there's an image - Bugfix: clear My Trades doesn't work properly - Bugfix: achievements are not translated - Bugfix: force downgrade might lead to data corruption - Expansion 2 Playtest: Fix a bug where Factory Mine policy cause incorrect theoretical value in Stat Bureau - Expansion 2 Playtest: Warehouse Push Mode - Expansion 2 Playtest: Multiple Source routing mode - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Map Kansas City - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Deposit - Water - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Buildings - Water Pump, Farmland, Greenhouse, Hydro Dam, Vapor Condenser, Capacitor Factory, Fodder Factory, Sugar Refinery, Chicken Farm, Cow Farm - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Resources - Rice, Corn, Wheat, Soybean, Sugarcane, Vegetable, Bread, Fodder, Refined Sugar, Cake, Chicken, Egg, Beef, Milk - Expansion 2 Playtest: New Policy - 100% Gluten Free - Expansion 2 Playtest: Offline Production (via Capacitor) There are 121 resources, 163 factories, 57 policies, 16 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-01-21 19:38:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Many of you might have seen some new "hints" in the game - yes, Expansion Pack 2 is actively being worked on. There are quite a few new exciting features and changes and I am happy to share the progress.
As our first map in the southern hemisphere, the building spinners rotate clockwise, which is different from the rest of the cities. Apart from aesthetic changes, Perth has a few new notable new mechanisms: - Geothermal Vent and Geothermal Power Plant - "Factory Mining" allows a factory to mine the deposit tile directly! This would be a great permit saver especially in the late game - "Adjacent Explorer" gives resources explorers massive boosts when placed next to a mine, which brings them almost on par with a regular mine

More bonuses are being added to the map, you can check the latest in-game.
Random Island
Do you know Random Island is a real place in Newfoundland, Canada? This map is for you RNG lovers. All the deposits and unique bonuses are randomly generated after you start the map - you don't even know it beforehand!

Kansas City, Water And Hydro Dam
Yes, farming is coming to "Industry Idle", Kansas City is the new map that features a new "water" tile. But don't worry, you will be able to farm on other maps as well - Vapor Condenser allows you to extract water out of thin air! There's a new building - Hydro Dam that has to be built on top of a water tile and it will flood adjacent empty tiles and turn them into water tiles! Of course, you need to have enough power to maintain the dam otherwise flooded tiles will turn back to empty tiles.

(See above, the highlighted water tiles are flooded by the dam) You have to build a dam on natural water tiles - if a tile is a flooded tile made by the dam, building another dam on it won't flood more tiles. Apart from building a hydro dam, you can also build Water Pump to extract from the water tile.
Farmland and Greenhouse

Farmland has to be built on top of a water tile -it can be a flooded tile as well. It only works 50% of the time (when the sun is up) but it will work when you are offline as well, as long as you build it on a natural water tile! You can change what the farm produces at any time. A Greenhouse needs power and water but it is reliable - works all the time. It can also produce when you are offline but you need capacitors. Wait, what is the capacitor thingy?
Capacitor And Offline Production
A capacitor is power storage - One capacitor stores 100WxSec energy. The main purpose? It allows a factory to produce when you are offline! If a factory has enough capacitors in its storage, it will use that as the power source to continue production instead of using power from your grid.

Of course, since transportation doesn't run when you are offline, you need to stockpile a factory's input resources, in addition to capacitors in its storage. For your convenience, you can see a timer in the building panel that shows you how long the factory can run when you are offline.

In Central Bank where you normally claim your offline cash, you can also see the offline production as well (the actual production is credited to your balance without clicking the claim button)

Warehouse Push Mode
"Offline production sounds cool!" - you think, but "how do I stockpile resources and capacitors?". Introducing warehouse push mode. Now warehouse not only can pull resources from any buildings, it can also push resources to any buildings as well.

(In the above screenshot, the warehouse is pulling capacitors and coal and feeding it to the coal gasification plant, which enables it to produce offline)
Manual Source and Multiple Sources
The building's sourcing AI has been rewritten to allow more control! You can set a manual source for each input and the buildings will pull from there instead

You can also specify a fallback strategy - if the manual source doesn't have enough resources, you can ask the building to pull what it has currently, skip this cycle, or use the default AI router to find a new source instead.

There's also a "Multiple Sources" mode for a building. Currently, a building will pull from the closest building that has enough resources. If you turn on that option, a building will pull from the closest building, period. And if that building doesn't have enough, it will pull from the second closest building and so on - potentially a building can pull from multiple sources in one production cycle.
Playtesting is On!
I am happy to announce that playtesting for Expansion Pack 2 is now on (and free of charge to participate of course). If you are an experienced player and don't mind some adventure, join our Discord channel to apply for playtesting: https://discord.com/invite/xgNxpsM Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank our players for making our in-game community the best I've ever seen! The game has quite a steep learning curve and the tutorial is lacking at the moment. Your answering question from new players is essential to growing our player base and I really appreciate all your effort.
[ 2022-01-18 16:25:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.14.4 - New leaderboard: Tabulation by Player Flag and Tabulation by Map - Now you can specific a weight (1-100) for each warehouse route - the transport capacity will be divided according to the weight - Add a Best Price price filter in player trade - Add Valuation Per Active Minute in Swiss Shop - Support smooth zoom on PC with mouse wheel - A a new shortcut [9] for downgrading buildings - Add image support in chat: your message should solely contain the URL to the image (.jpeg, .jpg or .png) from imgur.com/gyazo.com/imgbb.com/Discord. Only HTTPS is supported and to prevent spam, only expansion owners can post image (non-expansion owners's message will remain as text) - Resource valuation will include your pending player trades and crowdfunding - this will make market cap more consistent - Balance: your total pledged value of a crowdfunding cannot exceed your market cap - Balance: starting fuel amount has been reduced from 5M to 1M for first time player and to 100K for subsequent prestige - Bugfix: To prevent corrupting save data, the game will not load save from incompatible versions - Bugfix: Fix a bug where a building's profit breakdown is inaccurate if its production cycle is not 1 - Bugfix: Fix a bug where market news is not correct on specific maps with certain policies on - Add Polish translation (thanks to the help from community) - Expansion 2 Playtest: Add manual source control for buildings - Expansion 2 Playtest: Add Random Island Map - Expansion 2 Playtest: Add Perth Map There are 98 resources, 139 factories, 56 policies, 15 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2022-01-09 14:50:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
First of all, a big thank you to all of you who nominated us for Steam Awards. The game has achieved "Overwhelmingly Positive" for the first time since the release. Don't know how long it would last but I am taking a screenshot, printing it out, framing it in my living room!
After this patch, I will start to focus on Expansion Pack 2. Expansion Pack 2 will be developed along with the community - I will publish playtest build as soon as there's one. Playtest build for Expansion Pack 2 will continue to evolve until it reaches general availability. More info on playtesting later.
- Christmas Timed Exclusive (12.5 - 1.5): New resource - Reindeer. All power plants produce reindeers. They can be used as fuel but cannot be sold or traded
- Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Reindeer Silicon (FREE) - All buildings that consume silicon use reindeer instead
- Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Reindeer Aluminum (FREE) - All buildings that consume aluminum use reindeer instead
- Christmas Timed Exclusive Policy: Santa Clause is Coming (FREE) - Santa factories consume reindeer and toy and produce santa, science and culture. Santa factories have max tile modifier. Toy factories produce reindeer in addition to toy
- New Policy: Meta Rebranding - Social Network Inc is renamed to Meta Inc and consumes internet, game, super computer, bitcoin and dogecoin instead
- Bugfix: Increase the width of docked panel to avoid UI layout issue
- Bugfix: Fix notification click-to-dismiss area
- Bugfix: Fix the wording when you don't have enough cash to buy from Trade Center
- Bugfix: Fix a bug where Science in trade center will disappear after game restarts
- QoL: Now you can clear your player trades (Save Id mismatch error) in Headquarter (scroll to bottom, in Import/Export Save section)
There are 97 resources, 138 factories, 55 policies, 13 maps and 52 achievements available in this version
Web: https://play.industryidle.com/
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-12-05 12:26:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's so nice for Steam's automated email system to remind me of Steam Award 2021 - an award that I will probably never win. But since we are here, why not entertain the Steam Lord. Also, it's very hard to pick a category. So after careful consideration (detail below), I've chosen "Sit Back and Relax". I know many of you would feel it's ironic because as an idle game, this game isn't idle at all! But to be honest, I feel most of the categories are laughing at my face anyway so why not go all in! Game of the Year - you are right, like I have a chance VR Game of the Year - I probably should save enough money to buy a VR headset first Labor of Love - I could probably go for this but the game is too new to qualify perhaps Best Game You Suck At - I think the only reason people suck at this game is because of the crappy tutorual Best Soundtrack - Anyone actually play this game with music on? Better With Friends - Your friends are probably gonna steal your lucrative player trade Most Innovative Gameplay - The game combines designs that I like from several games. I guess if that can be called innovative, then I would have won "most innovative thesis" for my college degree Outstanding Story-Rich Game - To qualify, the game probably should have a storyline first Outstanding Visual Style - To qualify, the game probably should have a visual style first Sit Back and Relax - Wait, this is the last one? Let's settle for this then
[ 2021-11-24 18:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balance: FaceApp's input and output has been adjusted
- QoL: Now you can dock Player Trade, Statistics Bureau, Trade Center panels (Desktop version only)
- QoL: Add Swiss money amount to Swiss Boost and Swiss Upgrade page
- Bugfix: Fix a bug where offline earning does not work if you have unclaimed offline earning before logging off
- Bugfix: Fix a bug where downgrade a building refunds incorrect cash
- QoL: Optimize the CPU/GPU usage while running the game on the background (Steam version only)
- QoL: Improve toast notification UI
There are 96 resources, 138 factories, 51 policies, 13 maps and 52 achievements available in this version
Web: https://play.industryidle.com/
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/
Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-11-15 21:32:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, It's been a while since I last posted future plans for the game. I feel it is time for me to provide some of my initial thoughts and I am looking forward to your feedback - since it is you, the players, who help the game evolve. Since the first release of Expansion Pack 1 back in March, I have added lots of new content to the expansion pack and the base game. Now it feels existing content in the game is stable and mature enough that I can plan for another expansion. Here is my initial plan for expansion pack 2. Even though most of them are still on the drawing board, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
"Competitive" City
- Everyone starts with the same Swiss Upgrades/Boost (most likely base level)
- Everyone has a fixed time (say 24h) of active playing time each run
- There's no offline earning, no player trading
"Random" City
This would be a new special city where the unique bonus (i.e. extra production) is rolled randomly when you start in the city - so you are completely subjected to RNGesus! There will be other unique mechanisms that favor this play style.
New Resource Routing Modes
I plan to add new resource routing mode to the game:
- Automatic: this is the same as current resource routing - each building chooses the best source each cycle.
- Automatic with override: this allows you to override the automatic resource routing for a specific building. If the source you selected doesn't have enough resources, it will fall back to automatic
- Semi-automatic: same as above, except that if the source you selected doesn't have enough resources, the building will skip resource transportation
- Manual: you have to manually choose a source for each input - no automatic routing will be used
Farming and Food
I always have plans to add farming and food into the game. However, they need to be carefully designed and balanced in order not to break the existing game play. Also, I want farming to have a slightly different mechanism from current mining and factory production. This is still very early and I need to work out the details
Tower Defense / Base Defense
The idea is in very early stage - there are still lots of question marks but I'd like to share what I know:
- It's either base defense or tower defense
- It will be optional (e.g. certain maps only, or can be turned off)
- The reward for defense will eventually help you expand your production
When will Expansion Pack 2 be available? No idea. As I said, most of the items are still in the design stage so it will take a while. I do plan to release it as soon as I feel there is enough content. As always, all expansion packs include at least 3 months of content update after the release so do expect some of the items will be shipped in subsequent updates How much will Expansion Pack 2 cost? No idea. But it's unlikely to be more expensive than Expansion Pack 1. My goal is to cover the running cost (e.g. server cost) of the game since this game is my hobby project, I'd like to focus on making the game fun, rather than trying to extract the last cent. That's why I don't plan to include micro transactions. Also I plan to make use of Steam's bundle feature so that it would be cheaper to get the "complete package" (both for new players and for players who already own Expansion Pack 1)
[ 2021-10-30 21:50:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains Halloween timed exclusive content, please see patch notes below. The changes should provide you with additional options to further advance your economy without requiring you to change or rebalance your production. 0.14.1 - Halloween Timed Exclusive (Oct. 15 - Nov. 5): New resource - Pumpkin. All power plants produce certain amount of pumpkins. Pumpkin can be used as fuel but cannot be sold or traded - Halloween Timed Exclusive Policy: Pumpkin Battery (FREE) - All buildings that consume battery use pumpkin instead - Halloween Timed Exclusive Policy: Pumpkin Steel (FREE) - All buildings that consume steel use pumpkin instead - QoL: Auto highlight option is now on by default There are 96 resources, 138 factories, 51 policies, 13 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Patch 0.14.1 is expected to go live on Oct. 15 2021 Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-10-14 17:37:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
- QoL: You can now customize which resources are shown in the top bar by clicking resource details in Statistics Bureau and toggle the Show In Top Bar option - New Swiss Boost: Explore All Resources - Resource explorers can produce all resources, including the ones that are not on the map (this DOES NOT unlock the relevant technologies) - Now you can downgrade Research Lab and Policy Center - Balance: Sell/Downgrade refund are capped at 90% - Balance: Research cost of Industrial Zone is reduced by 99% - Balance: Warehouses now provide inward and outward fuel save by default. Free Delivery policy is obsolete and removed - QoL: Add a clear filter button in Player Trade - QoL: Resource dropdown in Warehouse is now sorted alphabetically - QoL: You can tap anywhere on the right side of top bar to open Trade Center - QoL: When you start in a new city, the game will try to set the correct fuel type by default - Bugfix: fix a bug where production multipliers are not applied correctly There are 95 resources, 138 factories, 49 policies, 13 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-10-10 19:13:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.13.2 - New achievements for San Jose: Venture Hobbyist, Venture Enthusiast and Venture Capitalist - New achievements: Crowdfunding Tycoon, Cash Is King, Power Tycoon - QoL: Improve player trade resource filter: now you can filter multiple resources and your filter will be saved while the game is running - QoL: Now your old trades will be cleared if you import a save from text or Steam Cloud. Previously those trade will be stuck with save id mismatch error There are 95 resources, 138 factories, 50 policies, 13 maps and 52 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-09-01 08:50:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix a bug where finished crowdfunding still accepts contribution Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-08-27 19:55:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.13.0 - Industry Zones have been reworked: now partial production chains can form a valid industry zone and the bonuses (free permits and capacity boost) are based on the tiers of productions in the zone instead - Crowdfunding has been reworked: it now has multiple tiers of return and more backers will increase the return. - New map: San Jose - San Jose: unique building - Chip Manufacturer - San Jose: unique building - FaceApp Inc - San Jose: unique building - Bitcoin Miner - New building: SnapTok Inc - New building: Galvanic Battery Factory - New bonus for Rotterdam: Wind turbines generate 2x power - Improve how Production Multipliers are shown on building panel - Power now shows KW/MW/GW as unit - Player trade quota for price has changed: outside +-25% of your local price, for every 25% difference, you need 25% more quota. A in-game description has been added - Added Wholesale Center in quick links - Power Bank's base capacity has been increased by 500% There are 95 resources, 138 factories, 50 policies, 13 maps and 46 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-08-25 19:54:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Introducing Swiss Boost: a set of boosts that can be purchased with Swiss money and only affect your current run (more will be added) - New Swiss upgrade: Swiss Boost Cost Divider - World's Fair is now a Swiss boost, instead of a policy - New Swiss boost: Industry Zone Capacity Booster - Each building inside an industry zone provides this capacity boost to all the buildings in the same zone - New Swiss boost: Offline Research - Research points are generated while you are offline (according to your Research Lab level, Science in your warehouse and offline earning time) - New Policy: High Speed Warehouse - Warehouses have 2x capacity and 50% faster inward and outward transport speed, but use 2x power - New building: Air Force Command (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Stealth Fighter Factory (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Army Command - New achievement: Green Peacekeeper - New achievement: DotCom Tycoon - Now you can search policy by description as well - Improve how production multipliers are shown on building info panel - You can now place building blueprints that you haven't researched yet (you still need to research the building to construct it) - Fix the calculation of player trade quota - Fix a bug of incorrect offline earning calculation - Add Chinese (Hong Kong) translation There are 95 resources, 133 factories, 50 policies, 12 maps and 46 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-08-06 11:01:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
For those of you who have been playing the game for a while, you should be familiar with the game's content update model: usually content update is released at least once a week - some contents are included in the base game while others are exclusive to Expansion Pack 1 (i.e. premium content) When Expansion Pack 1 was released, it came with a guarantee that it would cover all premium content updates for 3 months after its release. This is to provide some confidence that you don't have to pay for endless DLCs to enjoy all the game content. The game contains no microtransactions of any kind. Expansion Pack 1 is released on March 29 and three months after that is June 29. However, towards the end of June, due to extra effort spent on dealing with cheaters and hackers, as well as my personal reason, the game missed content updates for 2 weeks. To compensate for that, I'd like to extend the premium content update coverage time for Expansion Pack 1 for at least another month, until July 29. There are no plans for a new expansion pack yet - my current focus is to deliver what I have planned for Expansion Pack 1 and polishes it as much as I can. I will share with the community when I have a plan myself - until then, happy building!
[ 2021-07-06 20:42:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Introducing Industry Zone: combines adjacent buildings that forms a supply chain and save building permits - New building: Super Computer Lab - New building: Robocar Factory (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: SkyNet Inc (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Musify Inc - New building: Webflix Inc (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: GameCloud Inc (Expansion Pack 1) - New policy: Warehouse Permit Act - Every two warehouses provide one free building permit (Expansion Pack 1) - Power usage of steel tech tree has been slightly reduced - Power usage of internet tech tree has been slightly increased - Add an option in Player Trade to automatically claim filled trades - Add a search box in Policy Center - Fix a bug where opening the game for a short time will cause offline earning to be wrong - Fix a bug where shopping spree fails to buy resources for production - now shopping spree will buy according theoretical input/output - Fix a bug where chat sometimes misbehave There are 92 resources, 130 factories, 50 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-07-04 21:51:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.10.6 - Fix a bug where crowdfunding has Science - your total pledged value will be refunded. - Fix a bug where log in via Steam on Web sometimes fails to work properly There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-19 20:00:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Show time played and valuation per hour in Swiss Shop - Zeppelin Factory has been moved out of Expansion Pack 1 - Input/Output value in Statistics Bureau will take into account whether the building is working or not (unless you turn on theoretical value). This will affect price elasticity when you buy from Trade Center, as well as wholesale orders - Price elasticity will only update when the market updates (every 2 hours, 1 hour for Hong Kong) - Add a new building option: high power priority - switching this on will make the building draw power before other buildings - Player trade quota reduction will only apply if the trade amount exceeds what's available on the player trade market There are 88 resources, 124 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-18 19:49:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Cancelling a buy trade will refund 100% cash - Player trade quota calculation has changed: if the price is outside 25% of your local price, for every 25% difference, you need double the quota. For example, if the price is 75% higher than your local price, then you need 4x quota for the trade - Player trade price range has changed: Your price range is the larger range of +-25% of your local price or +-5% of the best market price - You need to be on the latest patch to participate in player trade - The minimum 10% overnight interest rate cap has been removed There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-13 20:04:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Crowdfunding time changed to 24h - the current crowdfunding will be replaced by a new one and your investment will be refunded - You can now choose the additional amount you want to pledge after your first pledge - Move patch notes section to Headquarter and to a separate panel - You can now choose to dock or float the panel if you fix it to left/right - Fix a bug where ghost lines are drawn if a building is sold already - Fix a bug where sometimes wholesale orders are not generated There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-09 17:46:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Move crowdfunding to Central Bank from Wholesale Center - Add a warning when you cash in if you have pending crowdfunding pledges - Fix a bug where Wholesale Partners policy occasionally still feature lower tier resources - Update game framework version (this update might be bigger than usual) There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-08 12:58:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Earth Is Flat policy no longer requires Expansion Pack 1 - Fix a bug where chat messages sometimes get truncated - Update language translation - thanks to all the community translators There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-07 07:14:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.10.0 - Introducing crowdfunding: you can now pledge your support in crowdfunding (which can be found in Wholesale Center). If enough players have pledged support, all of participants will get rewards! Each crowdfunding lasts 3 days and a new one will be added when the current one ends - New building: Software Compiler (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Search Engine Company (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Battleship Factory (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: NavyCommand (Expansion Pack 1) - Shipyard no longer requires Expansion Pack 1 - Power statistics now show the power required to have all buildings up and running - and power surplus will go to negative - If you choose to fix the panel position to left or right, the panel will dock to that side, allowing you to move the map to that edge - Resource Explorers can be boosted if you turn on Resource Explorer 2.0 and Supply Chain Booster (you need an adjacent mine of the same type) - Fix a bug where buildings that are boosted by Resource Boosters did not increase power usage - Resource Boosters' power usage no longer scales with the number of boosters built - New Policy: Earth Is Flat - All tile modifiers are zero. This policy will deactivate Nature's Power and Tile Modifier Plus policies. - Policy Change: Wholesale Partner - Wholesale center orders only contain resources that are from the top-half of your most-advanced researched products (which has to satisfy the minimum resources requirement) - Balance: Wholesale center orders will now evenly contain resources of different tiers and the volume will be based on your actual production capacity - Rotterdam's bonus changed to: Earth Is Flat policy is free - QoL: You can now sort by name in Trade Center - New resource movement options: always show, on highlight (show dots and lines when highlighted), line only (show line only when highlighted) and always hide - Add Japanese and Korean chat channel - Add Japanese translation, update Chinese/Korean/Russian/German translation - thanks to all the community translators There are 88 resources, 123 factories, 49 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-06 12:03:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add Swiss money achievements for Vancouver: Sap Seller (100 Swiss), Syrup Savant (500 Swiss) and Canuck Conqueror (1000 Swiss) - Add a new achievement: Barbarians At The Gate - Use 1 trillion worth of player trade quota between market updates - Add a new achievement: Diversified Productions - Build 100 different types of buildings on a single map - Add a new achievement: Real Estate Tycoon - Have 400 buildings on a single map There are 85 resources, 119 factories, 48 policies, 12 maps and 44 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-06-01 16:28:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New sound effect for chat mentions and trades to claim - Fix a bug where Statistics Bureau shows incorrect amount in Vancouver when Production Diversification policy is active - Fix a bug where Production Diversification policy is applied on top of production multiplier (it should be applied before the production multiplier) - Fix a bug where Renaissance Policy causes incorrect Research Point reward in Wholesale Center There are 85 resources, 119 factories, 48 policies, 12 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-31 16:44:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix a bug where Wholesaler Center timer is stuck when World's Fair policy runs out of policy points - Fix a bug where buildings cannot be shut down when Cost Saver policy runs out of policy points - Fix a bug where It's All Green achievement is not awarded correctly - Fix a bug where some Portuguese characters are missing on the world map - World's Fair policy will now double the research point and policy point reward from wholesale orders - Resource boosters will always run before other buildings in one cycle (this will minimize the flickers caused by resource boosters) There are 85 resources, 119 factories, 48 policies, 12 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-30 16:10:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version will be live at 17.00 EEST 29 May 2021 If you are not ready to update, you can choose "legacy" on Steam (Right click game name -> Properties -> Betas -> legacy). Legacy version will stay at 0.8.6 for one more week. 0.9.0 - New map: Vancouver - new unique bonuses, unique buildings and unique policies (Expansion Pack 1) - New policy: High Pressure Gas Pump - Natural gas pumps have 2x output but use 2x power - New policy: The Renaissance - Research Lab has 2x capacity but takes culture as the extra input - New policy: Supply Chain Booster - Resource boosters use 2x power and science, but for each working mine a resource booster is boosting, it also provides capacity boost to adjacent factories that consume the mine's output (the factory should only consume deposits) - New policy: Production Diversification - Each different type of building gives 1% extra capacity to all buildings (Vancouver only) - New policy: Syrup Plastic - All buildings that input plastic use maple syrup instead (Vancouver only) - New building: Maple Syrup Factory (Vancouver only) - Balance: IC Fab change from 4 Al + 2 Battery to 4 Al + 14 Si - Balance: Liquid Propellant change from 20 Petrol to 10 Petrol - Balance: Gas Propellant change from 45 Gas to 24 Gas - As a result of the propellant change, the input of the following buildings are slightly adjusted: Missile Factory, Project V-2, Project Vostok, Air Shuttle Inc, Satelink Inc - Policy costs now ramp up faster to the number of active policies - Wholesale orders should now have more consistent value - Custom building color is now stable and available to all players - Update translations - thanks to the hard work of community translators There are 85 resources, 119 factories, 48 policies, 12 maps and 38 achievements available in this version 0.9.1-0.9.2 - Bugfix: Fix a bug where Maple Syrup Factory is available on maps other than Vancouver - Bugfix: Fix a bug Supply Chain Booster policy does not calculate boost correctly 0.9.3 - Wholesale center order has been reverted to the old logic in 0.8.0 - Fix a bug where It's All Green achievement is not awarded correctly Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-29 12:22:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now customize a specific building type's color in building info panel (this is an experimental feature and is only available for Expansion Pack owners until it stabilizes. Please report bugs on Discord) - A new leaderboard: Total Valuation Per Hour Per Swiss - City leaderboards has been changed to Total Valuation Per Hour - Update game framework version (this update might be bigger than usual) - Update translations - thanks to the hard work of community translators There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-26 16:57:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New leaderboards: Total Valuation Per Hour, Total Valuation Per Hour (< 1000 Swiss), Building Valuation Per Building. New players get more chances to feature in the leaderboard! - Fix a bug where hiding resource movement might cause blackout for a cycle - Fix a bug where auto highlight sometimes highlight the wrong buildings - Fix a bug where Wind Turbine has wrong descriptions - Now when you get the GPU is busy popup, the reload game button should work better - but if you continue to have issues, please report on Discord - Update game framework version (this update might be bigger than usual) - Update Chinese/German/French translation There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-25 19:52:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Now when you cancel a trade or fail to accept a trade, the resource will be refunded to one of the buildings that it is drawn from instead of always to Trade Center - Fix a bug where adjacent bonus square policy is not implemented correctly - Profit in building info panel will grey out if the building is not working - Add a hotkey [0] for cancel building construction - When resuming from background, the game's screen sometimes turns grey - this is because the operating system has put the game's graphics to sleep as GPU is busy with other tasks. A popup has been added to reload the game in this case - Update Chinese/German/French translation There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-24 17:09:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.8.0 - Steel-Space tech tree has been expanded and rebuilt - New Building: Radar Factory - New Building: Project V-2 (Expansion Pack 1) - New Building: ICBM Factory (Expansion Pack 1) - New Building: Atomic Bomb Factory - New Building: Nuclear Missile Factory - New Building: Dynamite Factory - New Building: Liquid Propellant Factory - New Building: Gas Propellant Factory - New Building: Project Vostok (Expansion Pack 1) - New Building: Space Force Command (Expansion Pack 1) - New Building: Space Colony Inc - The following buildings' input has been adjusted, please see build menu for the new input requirement: Semiconductor Fab, Artillery Factory, Missile Factory, Satellite Factory, Spaceship Factory, Air Shuttle Inc, Shipyard, Submarine Factory, Aircraft Factory, Helicopter Factory, Zeppelin Factory, Console Factory, Linux Distribution, Satelink Inc, Web Browser, Music Producer, Book Publisher - New Policy: Adjacent Bonus Square - Adjacent bonus is 50% more effective, but tile modifiers scale from -15% to +15% (square map only) - New Policy: Resource Booster Square - Resource boosters provide 25% more boost but their science input and power usage also increase by 25% - New Policy: Steel Furnace Modernization - Steel mills and stainless steel plants have 2x capacity but uses 2x power - New Policy: Iron Steel Zone - Resource booster provide a output bonus equivalent to adjacent bonus to adjacent steel mills or stainless steel plants for each working iron mine it is boosting - You can only change your name once every 24h - Improve performance of player trade and chat - Update translations - thanks to the hard work of community translators 0.8.1 - Add Missing Policy: Fuel Dynamite - Dynamite factories use your current fuel instead of oil - Fix a bug where tile modifiers do not show correct gradient color There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version 0.8.2 - Bugfix: St. Petersburg's map bonus has been changed to: Project Vostok has 2x capacity - Bugfix: Toulouse's map bonus has been changed to: Rocket factories have 2x capacity There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version 0.8.3 - Fix a bug where Chinese chat channel sometimes fails to update when new messages come in There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 44 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version There are 84 resources, 118 factories, 43 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-23 11:39:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balance: Resource Explorer's upgrade cost reduced by 50%, research cost reduced by 50% - You can now block a user's chat messages - the block will be in effect in the current game session and you cannot undo it unless you restart the game. If you encounter abusive behaviors in chat, please report to moderators. - Add timestamps to chat messages - Fix a bug where building hotkey can sometimes cause ghost buildings - Add a hotkey [5] for adding routes in warehouses - Improve UI performance when chat/trade window is open There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-20 19:06:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Now if you build a building that is not a mine on top of a deposit, the resource icon will appear on the bottom left instead of being hidden - Now if you show the tile modifier on map, the deposit icon will show on the bottom left as well - Statistics Bureau now show Science and Culture input/output. If you turn on theoretical value, wind turbines will assume 80% capacity and solar panels will assume 50% capacity when calculating science output - Fix a bug where Stockholm's city bonus not working properly - Fix a bug sometimes offline earning is not awarded even though the game is connected to the internet There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-19 15:39:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Massive performance improvement if you hide resource movement. For a very large base, FPS improves from 8-10FPS to easily 60 FPS on my Skylake i5 CPU - Resource boosters' science and power input no longer scales with the upgrade multiplier and Swiss production multiplier. e.g. A level 10 resource booster with x2 Swiss production multiplier used to require 400 science/s - after it only requires 100 science/s - Resource boosters' science and power input now scales to the total number you own - the more resource boosters you own, the more input each requires - Theoretical value in Statistics Bureau now assume resource boosters are always on - You can now choose to use scientific notation for numbers larger than 1Qa (1e15) - Tile modifier overlay now shows on the deposit tile - Fix a bug where building upgrade cost divider also affect building/research cost - Fix a bug where cancelling a construction on location warning does not give refund - Fix a bug where leaderboard shows incorrect title - Update German and Chinese translation There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-18 19:32:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.7.4 - New Swiss Upgrade: building upgrade cost divider - divide building construction and upgrade cost by this divider - New Achievement: Software Giant - Build a level 10 Software Company, level 10 Operating System Inc, level 10 Database Company and level 10 Web Browser on the same map - New Achievement: Space Race - Build a level 10 Rocket Factory, level 10 Satellite Factory, level 10 Spaceship Factory and level 10 Space Station Factory on the same map - New Achievement: To The Moon - Build a level 40 Bitcoin Farm and level 40 Dogecoin Farm. Own 1B Bitcoin and 1B Dogecoin - New Achievement: It's All Green - Have 50 production lines and no production deficit at all - New Achievement: Deep In Red - Have 50 production lines that has production deficit - Leaderboard page now has a dropdown menu and shows top 50 - Swiss Shop now shows your all time swiss money earned - Redesigned part of Research Lab / Policy Center UI to make the culture/science conversion more clear - You can now turn off science & culture conversion in Research Lab / Policy Center - All maps that has oil deposit only now have Oil Refinery unlocked when you start - Resource boosters no longer has upgrade multiplier (the x1 you get for every 10 level) There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 38 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-16 10:47:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.7.0 - New Building: Resource Booster - takes Science and boost the output of adjacent mines/oil wells/gas pumps - Now new players will start on Oslo instead of Stockholm - Stockholm's map bonus has been changed, please see new bonus in the world map - Oslo's map bonus has been changed to, please see new bonus in the world map - New Building: eBook Inc - takes Screen, Battery and Semiconductor and produces Book and Science - New Building: Music Producer - unique to Stockholm, takes Guitar, Drum and Paper and produces Music (available without expansion pack 1) - New Policy: Plastic Fiber - fiber factories use 50% more plastics but 50% less glass - New Policy: Press Conference - the effect of market news doubles, both positive and negative (expansion pack 1) - New Swiss Upgrade: Sell/Downgrade Refund - New Swiss Upgrade: Builder Move Speed - Update Tutorial to include a new section on Logistics Department and Statistics Bureau (Cont'd because of Discord's Character Limit) - Highlighting a building under certain level will not highlight built-in buildings - Free Oil Transport policy has been renamed to Electric Oil Transport and is now available without expansion pack 1 - Now if you build a building that has tile requirement (e.g. power bank and resource booster), the game will give you a warning instead of blocking you from building it - Balance: Satelink Inc's rocket input reduced to 16 from 20 - Balance: Web Browser's fiber input reduced to 25 from 50 - Balance: Fiber Factory's input reduced to 4 Glass/Plastic from 5 Glass/Plastic - The game now loads from Steam Cloud by default - and your save will sync across devices via Steam Cloud automatically - Player trade cool down after manually importing save/restoring from Steam Cloud has been increased to 2 hours - synching via Steam Cloud will not result in cool down - Improve general game performance, especially when you have the dots turned on 0.7.2 - Fix a bug where Hide Resource Movement option does not work properly - Fix a bug where Resource Boosters' calculation has wrongly taken production multiplier into consideration 0.7.3 - Fix a bug where turning off mines is not working There are 76 resources, 107 factories, 39 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-15 17:39:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.6.10 - Introducing Market News: when the market updates, you will get 3 news: 1 for all players, 1 for specific map and 1 for you only. They provide buff/debuff to your production - You can see the news in Wholesale Center and highlight all affected buildings. Buildings that are affected also shows a banner on its info panel - Overnight interest rate calculation has been changed, it is now based on the following factor: price, production surplus, auto sell capacity/concurrency and stock rating - You can only have 1 active connection to player trade server per save (i.e. other connections will be logged out) - You can only claim your trades using the save that created the trade (the export of the save will not be able to claim/cancel the trade) - You cannot participate in player trade within 24h after you have imported a save or restored from Steam Backup - Add a warning if your Steam Cloud save does not match local save (the game will switch Steam Cloud by default in 0.7.0) - Fix a bug where the game fails to load if you have blueprint buildings 0.6.11 - Market news are volatility are tuned down - 80% of the market news should be buff to production (i.e. increase in output or decrease in input) - Theoretical input/output values in Statistics Bureau do not take market news into account - City unique resources will not appear in the market news 0.6.12 - Your personal news should be more relevant to your productions now - Market news for Hong Kong should show up correctly (Hong Kong has 2 city specific news) - Fix a bug where buildings someones stuck in building queue - Player trade cool down after importing/restoring save has been reduced to 1h until 0.7.0 when your save will sync via Steam Cloud automatically (and will not result in cool down) - Update Portuguese (BR) translation There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 37 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-13 17:44:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Rework Blueprint policy: now placing a blueprint is free - you only pay building cost (+ permit cost) once you start building. Once a building is started, you cannot pause it any more (but you can still cancel it as long as it is queueing) - Buildings under construction (including blueprint) will show its icon with the cog on the top left corner. Blueprint buildings will show a faded cog - If you currently have paused construction, it will be moved as blueprint building (unpaid) and the construction cost will be refunded - Show player flag in Leaderboard - Fix a bug where Resource Explorer 2.0 does not show correct number in UI - Add Portuguese and Vietnamese translation There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 37 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-13 07:18:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Remove Unlock Warehouse policy: now the warehouse needs to be researched (with a small amount of research point) - New policy: Resource Explorer 2.0 - resource explorers produce 2x output but use 2x power - New policy: Blueprint - Construction of a building will not automatically start - it has to be started manually (FREE POLICY) - You can pause a construction that is queueing - and resume it later - Add highlight options in Headquarter: highlight buildings that haven't been constructed, that are under level 10/20/30 - Add a Force Scroll option on chat: if force scroll is on, the chat will scroll whenever there's a new message. Otherwise it will only scroll when you are already at the bottom There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 37 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-11 15:54:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.6.5 - Building constructions are now in two phases: queueing and building. You can cancel construction in queue without any cost at any time. Once construction has started, you cannot cancel any more - When you highlight a building type, buildings under construction will also be highlighted - Building Recycle policy has been removed - Add a Save and Quit button in Headquarter so that you can quit the game in fullscreen mode - Add a auto scroll checkbox for chat - Player trade form now remembers your last trade information (Buy/Sell, Resource) - Show a warning in Research Lab and Wholesale Center if auto sell is on for a resources - the amount stored in trade center will not be usable for this purpose - Optimize CPU/GPU usage when the game is minimized - Update Chinese/Russian/German translation 0.6.6 - Fix a bug where adding player trade shows user id mismatch error - Player trade price range is now +-25% of best market price or your local price, whichever is larger There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 36 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-10 20:05:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.6.2 - The all new leaderboard is here: you need to be authenticated and your Steam ID need to pass VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) to submit to leaderboard - The game will gradually move to use Steam Cloud as your main save (currently your local save is your main save). Please upgrade to this version and confirm that your Steam Cloud save is working - Game studios are available for non-expansion owners. Air Shuttle Inc is in expansion pack 1 - New city bonus for Detroit: car factories use gas instead of petrol - Wholesale orders are now scaled to your production (instead of market cap) - Now you can play the game in fullscreen on Steam - Now if you choose a dark them, the window frame/scroll bar/dropdown menu will also adapt accordingly on Steam - Optimize performance of the game on Steam, if you had performance issue before, see if this update fixes it for you - Fix a bug where your own player trade allows you to increase the price range - Update Chinese/Russian translation 0.6.3 - Fix a bug where wholesale orders have incorrect amount - Fix a bug where game does not run in background any more 0.6.4 - Fix a bug where Nikola Tesla policy is broken on Detroit There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 37 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-09 19:25:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New building: Air Shuttle Inc, provides an alternative spaceship production - New building: Aircraft Carrier Factory, produces Aircraft Carrier (CRR) (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: GameStation Inc, provides an alternative console production (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Database Company, produces database (DB) - New building: Satelink Inc, provides an alternative internet production (Expansion Pack 1) - New building: Social Network Inc, produces social network (SNS) - New building: Fiber Factory, produces Fiber (FIB) - New policy: Nikola Tesla, car factories use batteries instead of petrol and only require 50% of the amount - Detroit's map bonus changed: +free car transportation, +Nikola Tesla policy is free, -car factories do not need batteries - Hong Kong's map bonus changed: +wholesale center unlocks with 4 resources, +start with 100M cash, -movie studios have 2x capacity - Pearl of the Orient policy changed: free Kung-fu and Tai-chi transportation. Movie studios have 2x capacity but uses 50% more power - Player trade price limit is now +-25% of the market best price (instead of +-25% of your local price) - Stainless Steel Plant: iron 2 -> 3 - Bitcoin Farm: power usage 50 -> 100 - Dogecoin Farm: power usage 50 -> 100 - Car Factory: aluminum 4 -> 2, battery 2 -> 0, petrol 0 -> 10 - Console Factory: game 2 -> 5, circuit 2 -> 30, plastics 2 -> 30, battery 2 -> 30, aluminum 2 -> 0. The console price will reflect the increased cost. It is now available for non-DLC owners - Linux Distribution: robot 0 -> 30 - Web Browser: chromium 5 -> 50, fiber -> 50 There are 76 resources, 104 factories, 37 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-08 15:22:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- A redesigned Statistics Bureau with a breakdown of idle resource amount in buildings - You can now sort by Run Out timer in Statistics Bureau - Run Out timer now will be formatted in days, months and years as well - Bid/Ask and Better Than Market filter will not be saved (Resource filter will still be flushed) - Now the game will try to re-authenticate your account if you have been disconnected - Improve Steam Cloud backup - if you still encounter error, please report on Discord - Improve UI performance especially on Chat/Trade UI - Turning on energy saving option will also lower the UI refresh rate - Update Russian translation There are 72 resources, 97 factories, 36 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-07 13:19:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Add all missing city-specific Swiss achievements - Add a Force Steam Cloud Sync button in Steam Cloud backup - If you are authenticated, you should see a green check mark next to your name in the headquarter - Trade Center freight warehouse is now sorted alphabetically - All sort-by-name features are now language aware - it will sort based on the game language - Fix a bug where offline mode on Steam does not work (infinite loading) There are 72 resources, 97 factories, 36 policies, 11 maps and 33 achievements available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-06 18:11:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Achievement is here! You can see a list of achievements in Headquarter - You will get Swiss Money rewards after achieving an achievement - Achievements are also synced to your Steam library - New achievements are constantly added - if you have a good idea, share it on Discord #suggestion channel - Add Korean translation, updated Russian, Chinese and German translation There are 72 resources, 97 factories, 36 policies and 11 maps available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-05 16:57:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.5.1 - Hong Kong: You can now place BUY/SELL orders for resources unlocked via player trade - Hong Kong: Prices in Trade Center are more sensitive to buying/selling (this is not a new change, but I forgot to mention it in the last patch note) - Add a search box in Research Lab: you can search by building name or its input/output resources - Now you can type in power to search for power plants in Build panel and Research Lab - Offline earning multiplier has been removed. If you have existing upgrades, the swiss money spent will be refunded - Balance: Book publisher now needs 5 paper + 5 coal (instead of 10 paper) There are 72 resources, 97 factories, 36 policies and 11 maps available in this version 0.5.2 - Fix a bug where player trade resource dropdown does not work properly Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-04 17:12:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
New map - Hong Kong (Expansion Pack 1)
- Unique trade center pricing algorithm: prices follow normal distribution (bell curve) - Market updates and trade quota resets every 1 hour - Research can be unlocked via player trades - 50% more active player trades - 2 unique policies: International Export Trade, Pearl of the Orient - 2 unique buildings: Kung-Fu Dojo and Tai-Chi Dojo - Other unique production bonuses There are 72 resources, 97 factories, 36 policies and 11 maps available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-03 17:18:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.4.11 - Add profit breakdown in building info panel: now building's profit margin takes fuel cost into account - Resource explorers are now counted correctly in Statistics Bureau - Partial fill orders will be combined into one claim (instead of one claim per fill) - Partial fill percentage is now scaled to the maximum amount you can afford - Steam backup now have 5 slots - and will back up your local save every 10 minutes - Fix a bug where offline warning shows up every second (it should only show up once) - Fix a bug where chat scroll sometimes doesn't work (again) 0.4.12 - A more secure player trade: if you play with an unauthenticated account, your trade size and frequency will be rate-limited - You can now play Rome map without Expansion Pack 1! - You can now play with expansion packs on web as well: you need to own the expansion pack on Steam and sign in via your Steam account - Fix a bug where Steam backup frequency is not correct (it is now every 10 minutes) - Fix a bug where trade amount has rounding error - now it has to be an integer There are 70 resources, 95 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version 0.4.13 - Fix a bug where trade amount is incorrect on fill popup - Fix a bug popup text color is not correct There are 70 resources, 95 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-05-02 18:26:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.4.9 - Add Steam guide link in Headquarters. Also add a banner to beginner's guide for new players - Player trade quota now shows the amount of resources (instead of $) - Profit margin calculation has been corrected. Now it is (Price-Cost)/Price. Before it was (Price-Cost)/Cost - Fix a bug where chat doesn't scroll in certain cases - Fix a bug where you can fill a trade with 0 amount (now the minimum amount is 1) - If you opt out of the leaderboard, you won't be able to trade with other players 0.4.10 - Fix a bug where player trade does not work correctly There are 70 resources, 95 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-30 20:06:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.4.7 - Introducing partial fill: now you can fill a player trade partially (from 0.1% - 99.9%)! - Trade quota has been changed to 0.1% of your market cap and it resets every 2 hours together with the market - Trade time limit has been reduced to 5 seconds (expansion owner) and 10 seconds (others) - Swiss shop now shows your Cash In Swiss money amount in more digits if you have more than 1000 - Fix a bug where player trade filter is broken - Fix a bug where statistics bureau did not count auto sell correctly - Now if you are auto selling a resource, factories won't be able to pull that resource from Trade Center. And you cannot use the amount in Trade Center for Research/Wholesale/Player Trade - Add Portuguese chat channel 0.4.8 - Player trade quota has been increased to 1% of your market up (from 0.1%) - Remove the Can Afford filter in player trade: since now you can partial fill an order - When you fill an order, the slider is capped at maximum amount you can fill There are 70 resources, 95 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-29 14:14:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Introducing Resource Explorer: a building that allow you to extract resources from any empty tile - Now the Out-In values in statistics bureau will take auto sell amount into account (they are added to In value) - Now if a building is out of power, there will be a warning badge showing on the top left corner of the building. Also the warning inside of the panel has been changed to an icon to avoid UI flickering - Improve trade and chat server stability - Update German translation There are 70 resources, 95 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.4.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.4.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-28 18:59:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Buy/Sell orders are now changed to Bid/Ask to avoid confusion - Trade action buttons have been renamed to improve clarity. Also the effect has been put under the button for further clarity - Now you can filter trades that are better than market price: i.e. for bid orders, it is higher than market, for ask orders, it is lower than market price - Trades are sorted in bid (high -> low) and ask (low -> high) order - Can afford option now filters correctly (for bid orders, it checks resources, for ask orders, it checks your cash) - Fix a bug where filters do not update when the trade updates - Fix a bug you cannot accept a buy order unless you have enough cash: buy orders only require resources - Improve chat and language channel stability - Building construction/upgrade/research cost is no longer tied to the real-time trade center price, but is now tied to price when the market update There are 70 resources, 94 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.3.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.3.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-27 16:10:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.4.3 - Player Trade interface is now updated live and does not need to be refreshed - Player Trade interface now allows buy orders. - Swiss Money upgrades cap raised from 10 to 100 Patch 0.4.4 - Fix a bug where language-specific chat channel doesn't work There are 70 resources, 94 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.3.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.3.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-26 21:40:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.4.2 is out on Steam/Web - Now if you hover over a player flag, it shows the name and ISO3166 region code - Fix the wrong pricing for books and anime (reported by @Antux). Now book publishers and anime studios should show profit margin (the price of culture/science will be considered as 0 in this case) - Fix a bug that popup dialog layout is incorrect - Fix a bug where chat can cause accidental hotkey conflict (reported by @Devonin#0445) - Fix a bug where player trade same-origin IP check sometimes fails - Fix a bug where warehouse still shows transport visuals even though the amount is 0 (reported by @Lupus#1576) - Fix a bug where server check is erroneously applied even if leaderboard is turned off - Update Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), German translation There are 70 resources, 94 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.3.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.3.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-25 15:05:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.4.0 is out on Steam/Web - New map: Osaka, with unique map generation algorithm, unique buildings and other unique bonuses! (Expansion Pack 1) The map is still being fine-tuned so please give your feedback on Discord - Shinny redesigned chat (desktop only): it is now a separate panel so you can chat AND play the game, wow! - Language-specific chat channel: bonjour le monde! - Now if you auto sell a resource, you can use the amount stored in trade center for research/whole sale order - Now if you run out of building permit, the build menu will automatically have permit price included - Show run out timer in logistics center that replaces flickering the warning badge - Semiconductor Fab is renamed as Integrated Circuit Fab - Central bank now shows offline earning after the multiplier applied There are 70 resources, 94 factories, 34 policies and 10 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.3.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-24 14:27:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.3.6 is out on Steam/Web - Now mines will appear on top (and bind to key [1]) before last built buildings (key [2]) - Fix a bug where Statistics Bureau didn't show the correct theoretical input/output (reported by @Arlene) - Fix a bug where warehouses' power consumption is incorrect (reported by @Mikos) - Fix a (very rare) bug where selling a building can cause negative building valuation (reported by @Ultima) There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 34 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.3.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-23 18:18:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.3.5 is out on Steam/Web - New policy: Rechargeable Battery - battery fuel economy improves by 100% (ie. 50% fuel cost) - Add an option in statistics bureau to show theoretical input/output capacity, which will assume all buildings are working with full adjacent bonus and ignore shut down (replace the old option) - Tile modifiers are rounded to the nearest 5% - Your last built buildings will appear at the top of your build panel and bind to key [1] if it can be built. Mines have been moved to key [2]. Adjacent buildings will be highlighted and appear at the top as well - Now you can see resources with special transport cost in logistics center (scroll to bottom) - Fix the missing :star: for expansion owners in Chat (now it's a golden cog) - Policy center will show a run out timer if you don't produce enough policy points - Add a check to disallow importing new save to old game version (which will result in corrupted save) There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 34 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.9): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-22 18:05:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.3.4 is out on Steam/Web - Now battery can be used as fuel as well - New policy: The Wind Rises - wind turbines work 100% of the time but produces 30% less power (expansion pack 1) - New policy: Science Literature - book publishers produce science instead of culture - New policy: Free Delivery - warehouses provide the same fuel save on outward transportation as well - Balance: University's base output has been changed to 15 Culture and Science (from 20) - Balance: Opera House's base output has been changed to 10 Culture (from 6) - Fix a bug where research center and wholesale center erroneously count resources en route (you cannot pay for research and wholesale orders with resources en route - You can now choose a player flag in Headquarter. It shows up in the chat currently - Auto scroll chat if you've already scrolled to the bottom - Update French translation There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 33 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.9): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-21 20:25:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.3.3 - Reduce the warehouse power consumption (it should now require less power when you add a new route) - Rewrite the way resources are counted: now resources en route are counted as well. This will result in a more stable resource numbers and make the Moving Average option obsolete (which has been removed) - Shopping Spree no longer has an upper cap (it was 10x of resources) - so now it will buy from Trade Center as long as you have a deficit There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.9): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-20 19:19:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Now there's experimental MacOS and Linux version on Steam! Please note these two versions are provided on the best effort basis - they are not fully tested so please report any issues on Discord - Logistics center now shows fuel cost per route (instead of per transport) - Increase warehouse base capacity, and the capacity is now divided among all routes. Power usage per route has been changed - Power Banks needs to be researched (it will take effect after you start in a new city) - Fix the UI glitch that turning on/off auto sell will make the inventory amount flicker - Update Chinese and German translation There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.9): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.9): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-19 17:58:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.3.1 has been released to Web/Steam - Fix the game stuck at loading screen when playing with Chinese language, please update to this version if you cannot load the game - Cancelling an order will refund 90% instead of 75% There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Google Play (0.2.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-18 17:51:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.3.0 has been released to Web/Steam - Introducing new warehouse: now you can manually route resources to warehouses - Adjacent bonus is now implemented correctly: only buildings that are working are counted - You can now downgrade your buildings (you get 50% of your investment back) - Cancelling a player trade will only refund 75% of the resource - and the resource will be moved to Trade Center - Fix dark UI overrides not working for alert - Improve Logistics Department dashboard UI - To prevent server overload, you can only accept one trade every 30 seconds (10 seconds for expansion pack owners) - Update Chinese, French and German translations There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version
Recent Highlights
- Player trades: trade resources with other players - Power bank: store surplus power and provides power supply during shortage - New color themes, Dark UI and in-game theme editor https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-18 13:55:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Color theme editor: now you can customize colors in the game and UI! Share your creation with the community on Discord - Redesign Chat UI - You can now reply a chat message and copy the content. You will get a notification when you received a reply - you can turn that off in the settings - Your chat message draft will now be saved if you navigate to other panels - Add a way to have light mode UI with dark mode game: now default Blueprint theme has light mode menu There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-17 08:49:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Dark UI mode: now the color theme mode will be synced to UI - Balance: Adjust shopping spree policy threshold - Bugfix: Player Trade wrong price range is displayed - Update NL, ZH, DE translations. Thank you, the community translators! There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-16 17:11:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.7 has been released to Web/Steam - Add new color themes: Solarized Light, Solarized Dark (Expansion Pack 1), Dracula (Expansion Pack 1) - New policies: Silicon Valley, Industrial Revolution, Aluminum Smelting, Deforestation - Show formatted number (1K, 1M, etc) in Player Trade input - Some of the colors from color theme are not in UI as well - Reworked power grid chart in Statistic Bureau - When you turn off cost saver policy, all buildings will be turned on - Add an option to hide resource movement (tiny dots) by default and only show when you select a building - Fix transport line drawing order There a re 68 resources, 92 factories, 30 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.5): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.5): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-15 17:10:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.6 has been released on Steam/Web - Add power bank building: it has to be built next to a power plant. It stores surplus power and provides power supply during shortage - Add new color theme: Monokai, you can change color theme in HQ - Add an option to exclude buildings that are shut down in statistics bureau - Fix shopping spree policy (it now should NOT buy resources that you already have enough) There are 68 resources, 92 factories, 26 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-14 20:16:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.5 has been released on Steam/Web. - Player trade has been disabled on previous versions: you need to upgrade to this patch to re-enable player trade. - Now you can zoom out as much as your screen - Update FR, DE, NL translations There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-13 15:54:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.4 has been released on Steam/Web. 0.2.3 has been approved by Apple/Google and is now available on mobile! - Now you will receive a notification if your active trade is filled - Research center will show buildings that you can unlock even if you are not producing the resources - If you own the expansion pack, you can now have maximum 4 active player trades (instead of 2) - Player trade quota is now based on valuation instead of market cap (stock rating will be excluded) - Add Chinese translation, Update French, German and Dutch translations There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (0.2.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (0.2.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-12 19:12:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.3 has been released on Steam/Web Player trades will be migrated and currently open trades will be cancelled and refunded - You can now filter player trade - Introducing player trade quota: you can trade max 10% of your market cap, cancelling a trade will refund the quota. Buying doesn't count towards the quota - Bugfix: You cannot accept a trade from the same IP address - Bugfix: You need to cancel/claim your active player trades before you can export save, import save and start in a new city - Balance: Now fuel should be deducted from the buildings with the highest amount first - Add Russian and Dutch translation (complete) There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-11 17:49:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.2.2 - Bugfix: Now you can see all trades (previously only shows latest 10) - Bugfix: Now your own trades will always appear on top There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-10 20:34:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.2.1 has been released on Steam/Web - Address some nasty bugs in player trade, happy trading! There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-10 19:55:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Introducing player trade: you can now trade resources with other players directly! - New order sound has been changed to something that sounds less like your phone notification - Bugfix: fix a bug where Cost Saver policy will break Policy Center and Research Lab - Add Spanish (almost complete) and German (85% complete) translation There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-10 19:15:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.1.12 has been released on Web/Steam - Bugfix: Fix a bug where cash is not included in market cap. This results in incorrect Swiss money shown and now it has been corrected - Balance: Adjust market price volatility - Balance: Adjust price sensitivity's scale to production capacity - QoL: You can hide prices of resources that you are not producing in trade center - QoL: You can hide resources that you are not producing in statistics bureau - QoL: You can sort resources in statistics bureau - Bugfix: Fix a bug where some translations are not displayed properly - Add German translation (Incomplete) There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-09 17:12:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.1.11 - Bugfix: Fix a bug where selling an item will make market price dive to 1 There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-08 19:01:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.1.10 has been released on Web/Steam: - Market price reset time will be the same for all players (0:00UTC, 2:00UTC, 4:00UTC, etc) and the reset price (including stock rating) will be the same for everyone on the same map - Market should now behave more stable than previous patch. But if you rely heavily on importing, most likely you still need to change your strategy - The less you produce a certain resource, the more sensitive the price will be in the trade center - Add French translation, you can help translating the game as well There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-08 17:49:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Help Translate the Game - Balance: Buying from trade center will push up the price more significantly - Balance: Market prices at a particular reset time will remain the same no matter how many times you try - Balance: Market prices will have a lower volatility compared to previous patch - QoL: Now you can press [1] on build panel to build the recommended mine - Bugfix: Turning World Fair policy on/off will reset order timer - Add a link to official guide on Steam (Hitchhiker's Guide to Industry Idle) - Improve performance of scrolling/zooming on a large map with lots of buildings - Improve performance of showing tile modifier overlay There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still 0.1.3): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/industry-idle-factory-tycoon/id1554773046
[ 2021-04-07 19:22:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now show an overlay of tile modifier of a building on map on build panel
- You can now search buildings (you can either search by name, input resources and output resources
- Balance: Rotterdam no longer has tile modifiers (all tile modifiers are 0)
- Balance: Adjacent Bonus Plus and Tile Modifier Plus has been changed, please see the description in policy center
- Bugfix: Research lab and policy center should not be affected by tile modifier any more
- Bugfix: Selling an item will not drive the price down to 0 any more
There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version
Web: https://play.industryidle.com/
Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle
AppStore (still old alpha version): https://testflight.apple.com/join/fugd7eO6
[ 2021-04-06 17:43:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.1.7 has been released on Web/Steam: - New Policy: Tile Modifier Plus - Tile modifiers only affect output instead of both input and output - New Policy: Wholesale Partners - Wholesale center orders only contain resources that are currently being produced (you also need to be producing the number of required resources to unlock wholesale center) There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 25 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still old alpha version): https://testflight.apple.com/join/fugd7eO6
[ 2021-04-05 19:13:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch 0.1.6 has been released on Web/Steam: - Introducing tile modifier: each tile will impact building's capacity (-25% ~ +25%). You can see the modifier when you build a building (next to the name) and see a building's info - New Policy: Nature's Power - doubles the tile modifier's effect (expansion pack 1) - New Building: Dogecoin Farm (Dogecoin), Operating System Inc (Operating System), Linux Distribution (Operating System, expansion pack 1), Web Browser (Internet) - Trade Center will show the price of a resource as soon as you've unlocked its production in research lab - Trade Center will no longer show the price of a resource if you cannot produce it - Now you can apply a building's setting to all buildings of the same type - Bugfix: Wholesale center will not generate orders that you cannot produce - Balance: Bitcoin requires 5 integrated circuits as input - Balance: Cities with only oil deposits have oil refineries unlocked by default - Balance: Knowledge through Steel policy cost has been reduced by half - Bugfix: Fuel Cost Discount now works correctly There are 68 resources, 91 factories, 23 policies and 9 maps available in this version https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574000/Industry_Idle/ Web: https://play.industryidle.com/ Google Play (still 0.1.3): https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fishpondstudio.industryidle AppStore (still old alpha version): https://testflight.apple.com/join/fugd7eO6
[ 2021-04-05 12:56:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Linux [203.3 M]
Feature Highlights
- 60+ different factories to build and manage
- 50+ different resources to produce, buy and sell
- Realistic market simulation that challenges your trading skill
- Procedurally generated maps with both hex grid and square grid
- Unlock powerful policies that drastically change the gameplay
- Manage and optimize your economy with detailed charts and data tools
- Offline earning based on your company's valuation
- Prestige and unlock powerful upgrades
Choose Your Own Play Style
Each factory has a lot of tweaks that you can micromanage and optimize. Or you can just sit back, trust the game AI and watch the numbers go up, either way, you can enjoy the game with your own play style. And you even get earnings when you are offline!Optimize Your Economy
There are a lot of tools in the game to help you analyze your production bottlenecks, wasted resources, and imbalanced resource distribution. There are powerful policies that allow you to take your economy to a whole new direction.Prestige and Progress Further
Prestige allows you to unlock new maps with new resources and endless possibilities. You also earn $wiss money to unlock permanent upgrades to help with start faster and expand bigger.- OS: Any version that runs Steam
- Processor: Any CPU that runs SteamMemory: 1024 MB RAM
- Memory: 1024 MB RAM
- Graphics: Any GPU that runs Steam
- Storage: 200 MB available space
- OS: Any version that runs Steam
- Processor: Any CPU that runs SteamMemory: 1024 MB RAM
- Memory: 1024 MB RAM
- Graphics: Any GPU that runs Steam
- Storage: 200 MB available space