tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Mazes and monsters  and mushrooms and flowers  and witches and potions and eyeballs and tombstones  and turners and dashers  and grinders and slimers  and bombs  and bombs  and bombs  Plagued with the curse  of autofire you roam  the floors of Forget-Me-Not foreverin search of a cure  for your beloved  ...please wake up...

this is an arcade game for 1 or 2 players, about picking flowers in randomly generated caves of monsters...

*** UPDATE 27/5/20 ***
- uploaded windows and mac builds of the ancient original FMN from 2011

*** UPDATE 29/9/18 - build 4 *** 
- added a framerate cap option
- added customisable keybindings
- some random generation & look/feel tweaks (rubble particles, fake slowdown, etc)
- i put fruit back in
- there are now 3 game modes: quest, pondskum & dusktangle
- new demo build
- other things
- sorry the mac build is stuck back on v3 - i don't have a mac anymore

*** default controls are:

RED PLAYER: fire = 1, movement = wasd
BLUE PLAYER: fire = /, movement = arrows
(fire buttons are only needed to join a game and to enter your name)

press SPACE on the title screen to change game mode

press F1 to pause
press F2 to cycle colour modes
hold F9 to see version and FPS info
press F10 at any time for the options menu
press esc to reset game / toggle highscore screen
to quit: alt-f4, cmd-q, or whatever your OS's usual quit key combo is

see info.txt for more info.txt