After months of remodelling and retexturing old Highblast assets, we are exited to say the new part of the game is almost ready.
What will it include?
The new update will feature the same base parts as the older version of Highblast but with improved graphics and playability. You will land your ship and deploy robots to take over an enemy base, taking over it's communications in the process.
When game happen?
The update will hopefully be out within a month, smaller patches will be necessary to make it more polished and we will try to fix any major problems as soon as possible. Any known missing parts will be listed in the update announcement and will be ultra high priority.
Godot engine allows games to run very decent graphics on low end devices. We have included volumetric fog in the environment to make it feel more tense and interesting while playing. If the graphics run badly, we will include low-end settings for you. But if you do get bad frames, please inform people in the steam discussion pages, we want Highblast to have frames to spare and will review the game's performance heavily.
Game previews
(First image is not actual gameplay, We haven't finished the map quite yet.)

(Actual gameplay below.)

Thanks to anyone interested in this project! - Ilikefrogs101 - QuazarCG
[ 2024-04-01 23:54:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Slightly late announcement, this update is a few days old. Change notes:
- - Fixed missing colliders.
- - Added steam achievement infrastructure so we can add achievements back to the game.
[ 2024-02-02 00:24:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Overview
Unfortunately, in order to meet the release deadline we set ourselves, we had to skip some clean up steps for the main update. Here they are now, hope the game's experience has improved.
Main improvements:
- Fixed some collisions
- Rewrote the event triggers so that events are in order and timed better.
- There are now input tutorials.
- Improved the lighting with better global illumination (please report bad FPS).
- Updated the HUD.
- Robot can no longer exit the gravity ring.
- Training robots (the flying spheres) now roll around on the floor so you know when they're deactivated.
- Updated the Cakebot so it is holding a cake.
Coming soon:
- Background music
- More sounds
- Better UI
- New levels and environments for the next main update.
[ 2024-01-24 06:51:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Complete overhaul (Again)
Highblast is now running on the Godot game engine, it is a lighter engine so the game should run smoother. Highblast has been an arc of game development learning for us, nothing has been complete until now. If things are not super polished, don't worry. More updates will be coming out as soon as possible. We wanted to have the game out by the new year so enjoy!
Things to take note of:
- The current game-play consists of an introduction and tutorial.
- No achievements yet so don't go hunting. They are top priority and will begin to reappear soon.
- We now have a voice actor voicing the lines for Cakebot, your guide for the tutorials.
- The concept of controlling robots remotely is still the same.
- The space station will become your "home base" of sorts as new updates progress the content of the game.
- Please keep in mind: More coming soon! But first we have to polish this version.
Controls for anyone confused:
WASD = basic movement. Mouse = 360 degree rotation. QE = roll the player (good for 0 gravity) Esc = exit robot view
The story has not changed much for a while but now we finally get to start telling it: You are an employee of the Interplanetary Protection Organisation. This agency protects planets from being used for malicious purposes such as excessive weapon construction. It's your first day as a robot shuttle officer, your job is to take robots down to the surface and take over enemy bases. (This part will come in the next major update.) Play through the intro and tell us what you think. Thank you so much for playing our fun little game. Your continued existence is our number 1 priority! - QuazarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2024-01-11 08:51:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Confirming the last post's speculation
We know that Unity has taken a few things back and improved the situation. For people who need Unity, that's great. But we are not going back. This is now less about disliking Unity and more so because we've discovered how great the Godot engine is! It's just amazing, with more options for visual style combining it's 2d and 3d modes! Unfortunately learning how to use it properly will take a while but don't worry. This time around we will focus on Highblast's story which has been all planned out for a while at this point. Soon, we'll have all the skills we need to make a smooth, well put together game. Hopefully in a few months.
Revamp pitch
First on the list is to make a new story-based tutorial. You will arrive on a space station and learn where you are and get you bearings. Then you, the player, will go through battle tutorials and then be sent down to the planet's surface where the game play will be largely the same as it is now. But this time we want to make it as well done as we can and have it be fun and immersive. We have scenes and characters in the works but don't expect ultra high quality, we are just a few people after all... And we are working on other personal projects. Here are a few concepts if you want them!

Anyway, hope your having a nice day. We'll hopefully be back in a while to show you our project. Sincerely: -Ilikefrogs101 -QadarCG -Godot
[ 2023-09-29 07:46:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Unity Can No Longer be Trusted
Dear community, share this with friends because this is important. Unity has announced that by the start of next year if a game has passed the installs and revenue threshold Unity will be paid 20 cents per install. Due to us not making any money off of HIGHBLAST we (may) not be affected by these changes but this still means Unity will send trackers with the game (probably) and we are not sure if we want to give that to players as we have no idea what they are element tracking. This does not apply to HIGHBLAST it applies to any Unity game still releasing updates. It also means that if we ever decide to release paid content for the game it (may) lead to losing money in the long term. We hope Unity goes back on the change for all of the developers that have much bigger projects then HIGHBLAST. This whole situation seems quite poorly handled so we may have gotten something wrong please. read the official info: https://blog.unity.com/news/plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates
What measures are we taking?
We are now both in the process of learning the Godot game engine. It is free and open source meaning things like this will NOT happen with Godot. This means HIGHBLAST development will slow down a bit. We hope that by Christmas time we will be able to switch HIGHBLAST to Godot. Highblast might still remain in Unity if the Pricing Updates don't go through, but this is unlikely due to other decisions . Sorry :( Continue to play if you want, we know it's a bit of a broken mess but there is a lot happening right now. Again, we urge you to read Unitys official post on the topic just in case we got something wrong because this is a very confusing situation for everyone involved it seems: https://blog.unity.com/news/plan-pricing-and-packaging-updates QadarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-09-13 23:50:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Next main update coming soon!
It'll be mostly base and graphics updates with some miscellaneous fixes too.
Sorry for the big gap in updates frequency we've been working on lot of stuff!
Here's a quick render concept for the new models:
Update is due this week.
[ 2023-09-09 02:34:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
New features of this update:
The new scoring system has been implemented! You now earn points when completing a mission. Every enemy killed is +10pt The shorter the round is the more bonus points you get. Every one of your own bots killed is -10pt
Patch notes:
-Assigned enter button to the Robot menu's "Select" button which has an annoying habit of disappearing on some devices. -Fixed old code causing victory to trigger when only one enemy is killed. -Fixed 3 objects in the level foundry that were not able to be placed. -Self destruct is now BACKSPACE. -Workshop and store page updates. Menu screen score is stuck at 15 points, this is a known issue and will be fixed next update. Any other bugs should be reported to the steam forums!
Next planned features:
-Drone and robot UI review and remaster. Plans have been made. -Drone weaponry. -Base vulnerability (weak points in the structure to sabotage power). -Improved graphics (Switching to Universal Render Pipeline). -Fixing base module issues (Geometry errors and textures). -Different terrain options to choose from in the level foundry. Thanks very much for playing Highblast! QadarCG & ilikefrogs101.
[ 2023-07-15 08:59:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been a while since the last time the game was updated because we've been working on other projects. But progress has been made behind the scenes! We've been testing our private betas a lot and have fixed a lot of annoying game breaking bugs. And new features and models that are in the works will be listed below.
Issues that we're aware of:
- Robot selection menu "Select" button disappears on some windows devices. - The first 3 listed objects in level editor cannot be placed into the scene. - Saved or subscribed levels sometimes do not show up on level select menu. - Older maps from any previous game versions cannot be loaded according to our testing. - Level foundry ship cannot be selected or moved properly. - Robot animations are broken. - Level ends instantly when the first enemy is killed. - When all lives are depleted the is no "Mission failure" screen. - Level foundry models or not as flexible in where you can overlap them (Wanting to make a multi level corridor for example). - Non intuitive controls.
New Content That will be soon
Score Points
We are working on a score system so that when you complete a mission you gain a reward, these points will act like the currency. (wow we've never seen this system in a game before) But to clarify; later you will be able to upgrade drone communications distance, battery life, weapons and damage to bases. The score will be based on: - How quickly you sabotage the enemy base. - How many enemies you took down. - How few of your own robots you used up. - How much your mission effected the overall goal (Later in a campaign update).
Drone Weaponry
Currently the drone is kinda useless. But now we're adding BOMBS. Your drone can drop a limited number of BOMBS on enemies and in order to sabotage the enemy base in the Infiltration missions The drone will also have a small gun to harm enemies if need be.

Space Base
This is a preview of the new scene I (QadarCG) am working on, space will bring a very different type of game play and setting. It will also help flesh out the context and reason you are where you are and where Highblast is set. This will not be in the next update but it is coming sometime soon.

Different terrain assets to choose from
A small feature that feels necessary to add. One or two new types of level terrain will be added to the level foundry as well as a way to select each type of terrain. The current terrain used (Rollcakeus Crater) will be an option to pick in the foundry. Thank you very much for playing, we hope you play again. Please report any other issues that are not labelled above! -QadarCG & ilikefrogs101.
[ 2023-07-12 09:41:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Many people are confused about multiplayer and what the game is about. I will tell you this. We completely restarted development a number of months ago because we lost the original files and it was a poorly put together test bed anyway. Now ilikefrogs101 and I, QadarCG want to make this into an actual game that is fun to play. Multiplayer is planned but we are far from it. Right now we are live developing it into something usable and fun. It will have a story, multiplayer, FPS and space simulator vibes. Gonna say it, we are just 2-3 people with some free time and this game used to be a Karlson clone. Please, if you see this, come back to the game in a while and see if we've made progress. In time, Highblast will be a fun game, this is what early development looks like I guess. This whole project is for fun but we do want a playerbase so you can give feedback! I will be posting progress on models and plans occasionally. Thank you very much if you're reading this :)
Now for the naming thing:
The planet Highblast is located on right now has no defined name. So comment below any cool suggestions! You can find more information about this planet in the most recent community artwork. -QadarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-07-02 01:22:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last update was pretty broken so this should make it more playable. Hope you enjoy. We've fixed the lights, navmeshes and doors etc... Base models and colliders were also fixed up, we constantly update them but this time they broke quite a bit. Brief oversights before the final build and what not. A patch has been very delayed so here, have our patch! Any small bugs you find please post them in steam forums, we'll be aware of the game breaking stuff. :) -QadarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-06-23 22:50:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Level Foundry Changes: -Mesh issues fixed. -Vertical grid (y axis) snapping changed to 6 units. -You can now make multilevel bases with ramps. -A reactor core must now be at the centre of every base (used as a power supply, sabotage will be coming soon ;) -Mouse sensitivity fixed. -Simple base collision models have been made to avoid getting stuck in things. This will have more updates later to fix clipping. -A button to add to planet map was added so you can access your levels from the main menu. Game-play Improvements: -Player health system rework (mostly internal coding stuff so new content can be expanded on later). -Opening cut scene can be skipped. -Minor big fixes that we can't remember. -Visuals slightly updated. Feedback in discussions or discord would be good. Thanks for playing! -QadarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-06-20 06:32:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
HIGHBLAST now has rockets? Yup! Working ones! In the past week we have made a lot of improvements in the beta which have now been pushed to the main branch, plz enjoy! Feature Fixes and Additions include: -Drone landing is more "immersive". If your a fan of mars rovers than please send feedback. -Drone Communications distance limit. (Further away from dish, the more static you have on screen.) -Drone controls upgrade. -IXTV9 now lands when you start each level. -FX improvements. -Map editor improvements. -You can now win the game if all the enemies are defeated! Return to the ship when the mission is complete. -Frame rate jitters improved. - Map Editor Clear Confirm - Map Editor Save File Overwrite Prompt - Map Editor Maps Now Appear On Level Select Screen - Various Bug Fixes - Achievement Fixes - New Achievements Feedback in discussions or discord would be good, thanks! -QadarCG & ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-05-29 22:08:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commander! A lot has been happening recently! There are bunch of annoying bugs that have been flushed out and we've been smoothing out code for workshop support and new update material in the future. We have a lot of plans for story and combat and upcoming features! Recent additions to the game include: -New Robot type enemy -New railgun Weapon. (Right click to charge and Left click to shoot) -Anti-drone Gun -Spaceship interior -serious lighting and FX improvements -Level editor -Setting menu -Model cleanups -Sound FX testing -Performance improvements with canvas displays. -Player no-clip fixing Expect these things in upcoming releases for the next while: -End game state (you won (sorta important in games (; brackets))) -Improved map sections -Player Control improvements -Ship landing animation -Drone Communications Dish -Drone weapons -Weapon scale correction -More SFX -Death variation -Code cleaning -Whatever we can do This is just a fun little project but we're trying to make it as quality as we can, news will be updated on a semi-regular basis. Plz enjoy- -QadarCG -ilikefrogs101
[ 2023-05-17 10:56:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Weapon Models, New Weapon (Flame thrower) and development started on a map editor (should be ready by next weeks update)
[ 2023-04-25 08:30:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Beta Released With Some of the basic features to be featured in the remastered version of the game
[ 2023-03-02 04:38:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Me and some other people have started redoing it to fix it up and not make it... bad
[ 2023-02-22 22:59:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes: - Fixed the nickname enter thing Changes: - Changed Some UI Elements Additions: - Some New SFX - Drone that the player can use - Drone Enemy - More New Story Maps - 2 New Achievements
[ 2022-05-02 21:29:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Additions: - Added a Landing Headbob - Updated the landing dust - Added Time Wasted Tab - New Secret - New Easter Egg With the Enemys - New Achievment Changes: - Worked On AI - Slightly Increased Enemy Damage - Changes to main menu - Updating the time played and time in air recording method - Updated Some Achievment Names Removals: - Removed Time Played Stat For Time Wasted - Removed Time in Air Stat for Time Wasted In Air - Multiplayer is broken again :(
[ 2022-04-25 02:12:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
I released the preview of the story that I am working on
[ 2022-04-18 21:38:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Additions: - Added Recoil - Added New Setting - Added Grapple Gun Aim Assist - New Ability - Added Sticky Bomb - Leaning - New Sounds - New Achievement Changes: - Changed Pistol Ammo from 4 to 6 - Changed Under barrel Grenade Launcher Key - Railgun Now has charge up period - Secret Area Entrance Method Improved Removed: - Removed Time Rewind Ability - Removed Wall Run Temporarily - Removed Pistol Temporarily Bug Fixes: - Fixed Double Jump
[ 2022-04-11 21:37:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes: - Fixed Reload Anims - Fixed Grapple Hook Issues - Fixed Infinite Mode Changes: - Tweaked AI - Optimisations - Changed Enemy Bullet Colour Additions: - New Map - New Enemy - Gun Icons In Top RIght Corner - Added Dash
[ 2022-04-05 07:09:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
I know I dont usually do this but I am releasing a patch to fix a gravity issue with the multiplayer
[ 2022-03-28 23:23:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes: - Fixed Reload Bug - Fixed Grappling Hook Stay Grappling When Weapon Switch - Fixed the weird Smoke - Fixed some bugs in the secret room Changes: - Tweaked AI - Can now move normally in slow motion mode - Increased Bullet Speed - Optimisations Additions: - Added New Settings - New Map - Added Timer - New achievement - Added In game patch notes - Multiplayer should work now I think Removed: - Radar Ability
[ 2022-03-28 19:32:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added new achievements also Australian mode as I am Australian and I thought it would be funny to make a mode that puts the character upside down
[ 2022-03-21 21:03:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Multiplayer is offline it should hopefully be back online by next update
[ 2022-02-28 23:39:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
There is a discord you can join to report bugs makes suggestions and other stuff here: https://discord.gg/fha96jAyKs
[ 2022-02-09 08:28:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Discord RP fix and next story map as well as updating first story map and new music!
[ 2022-02-07 19:36:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
bug fixes and fixing issues with the skill select and multiplayer
[ 2022-01-31 22:33:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
multiplayer and more changed a bunch of things including the secret area and stats
[ 2022-01-24 22:58:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed grapple hook and fixed lots of bugs as well as adding lots more achievements and removing some of the buggier abilities and fixed and added lots of settings as well as making them save between games
[ 2022-01-10 21:03:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Multiplayer, Stats, map editor and some more things try pressing F7 to bring up the debug menu I fixed the multiplayer so you can see other peoples guns and bullets now
[ 2022-01-03 21:15:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Updated all UI and More abilitys. please give me feedback on the new abilitys also added more settings and options
[ 2021-12-27 21:13:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
I added achievement patch and changed bullets to proper projectiles
[ 2021-12-20 20:05:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added a skill system so you are not super op in the single player so a bit of balancing too
[ 2021-12-14 05:00:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
I kind of forgot what I did this week lol I did stuff I just forgot what
[ 2021-12-06 20:06:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added a run animation and added a bunch of debugging tools as well as pretty much finishing main menu and added lots more of the UI and first story map!
[ 2021-11-29 20:12:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added a player model didnt have time to import walk animation into every scene sorry will do that next time
[ 2021-11-23 01:51:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- HIGHBLAST linux content [424.57 M]
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 (2*1866) or equivalentMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce 7600 GS (512 MB) or equivalent
- Storage: 512 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Make sure that the app is allowed to run in settings and These requirements are not final