Build v1.16
- Enemies death SFX not interacting with SFX bar fixed
- Mechanical enemies death SFX fixed
- Fixed bug in Resource manager adding spent resources instead of substracting
- Fixed bug when adding resources to total resources at end game.
[ 2023-02-05 08:51:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v1.15
- Fully integrated Steam
- Steam Achievements implemented
- Steam stats implemented
- Project Version updated
[ 2023-02-05 04:35:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v1.14 Major update, the game has taken a major overhaul. Now only thing left is to add Steam achievements I would like to really apologize for the delay in updates, I had to deal with several health issues and then I had to work full time to pay for the bills, it has been a tedious year but finally I did what I wanted to do.
- Lots of bug fixes
- Rebalanced the in game economy
- Rebalanced upgrade costs
- New UI for building upgrades
- Fixed numerous bugs in upgrades
- New loading screen
- Drones death sound changed to explosion.
- Loading scene revamped
- Tech Tree now dims out techs that do not have enough tech points to research
- Prepared game for proper starting money and other upgrades.
- Implemented Metal and money currencies
- New creature death sound
- New death Animations (Only Blood)
- Load./Save game disabled (Game can no longer be saved)
- New upgrade menu (Buildings can now be upgraded in mainmenu)
- Game not loading from tutorial scene
- Achievements bug on resource
- Changed How to play
- Changed Controls
- Disabled/Removed Blackmarket
- Removed unnecessary options from options menu
- New enemy death sfx (Now enemies produce proper sounds when they die as they spawn a new game object with sound fx)
- New BGM
- Fixed bug where you need to hit options menu twice to open options (Finally, this has been really bothering me)
- Changed cursor
[ 2023-02-03 12:25:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nothing major this update, just fixed a few things I forget to change/Update. Build v1.8.180 - Updated controls panel with new shortcut keys info Build v1.7.180 - Minor bug fixed regarding camera position when getting back to destroyed buildings - Fixed mouse cursor problem (Changed texture type to cursor)
[ 2022-07-09 02:14:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v1.6.180 - Code optimizations and technical changes. - Code clean up. - Implemented new save system - Implemented save slots Build v1.5.180 - Code optimizations and technical changes. - Different Mouse cursor for different actions, making things easier to identify. - Semi working save game slot system (Path finding but for same text date) Build v1.4.180 - Code optimizations and technical changes. - Cool new custom mouse cursor. - Now you can go to HQ building by pressing Home key - Now you can circle through all your buildings by pressing Page UP/Down Build v1.1.180 - Code optimizations and technical changes. - Improved Weapon fx. - Improved map/New Map. - Improved map performance. - Improved resource nodes. - Fixed metal extractor animation bug. - Buildings Resource Generation bar size Readjusted.
[ 2022-07-08 01:46:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
2 Weeks left for the Kickstarter.
Development is very slow cause I have to work on other projects to generate funds.
Being a solo indie dev is hard. Inflation and the raise of prices have eaten through most of my saved funds so I am forced to work on other projects to generate enough funds to continue the development of the game.
What would have taken a month will now take 2 or 3 months. So I apologize for the delay.
It would really help if I can get your support.
Click here to back us up on Kickstarter
With all love,
[ 2022-05-13 22:44:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Linux and SteamOS Build support Added. The game now supports Linux and SteamOS platforms.
[ 2022-05-07 15:16:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.179.53 - Updated version info - Tech tree text color updated for better visibility Build v0.178.53 - Version info Updated - Version Script updated Build v0.177.53 - Updated Version Info - Tweaked credits screen. Build v0.176.53 - Version info updated - Now you can hover over building turrets to see their stats - Turrets will show updated stats when mouse hover. Build 0.175.53 - Tweaked building turrets damage and rof - Credits page updated - game version info updated - Improved tool tips for some options.
[ 2022-05-07 01:04:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.173.53
- Version Info Updated
- Fixed bug with turrets looking for resourceUI and inbuilding turrets
- Turret look for targets function now considers turret min range.
- Dynamic version info update function in gamemanager
- Heavy Machine Gun and Mini Pulse Laser turrets sounds changed
- Added missing firefx rotation for mini pulse laser turret
Build v0.172.53
- Updated Credits
- Updated version info
- New Save building data set
- Disabled Dev Mode
- Confirm before quit, main menu and restart game
Build v0.171.53
- New building models imported
- All Base Turrets have its max range increased
- Auto Canon Turret - 30 to 36
- MG Turret - 21 to 27
- Plasma Cannon Turret - 36 to 42
- Pulse Laser Turret - 27 to 33
- Rail Gun Turret - 54 to 60
- Sniper Turret - 36 to 42
- Some Turrets now have a min range beyond which they cannot shoot.
- Increase metal extractor metal detection radius
- research Implemented for base defenses
- New Toggle in options for building resource generation UI
- Revamped tech tree
- Readjusted some creatures attack ranges
- Blood Tick - 3/5
- Head Bug - 3/5
- Meat Worm - 3/5
- Slasher - 3/5
- Spitting Spider - 5/7
- Armored Tick - 3/5
- Matured meat worm - 5/7
- Queen Widow - 5/7
- Crab King - 7/9
- Mammoth Tick - 7/9
Build v0.170.53
- Update version info
- Now game speed triggers on pause event
- Imported map decals from Wetlands tileset
- Spawns map decals
- Fixed saving building numbers when saving game.
- Code Optimizations
- Updated Credits window
[ 2022-05-05 07:46:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.169.53 - Version info Updated - Reenabled accidentally disabled pause menu ui Build v0.168.53 - Version Info Updated - Fixed metal consumed display bug. - Preparing the game for Achievements.
[ 2022-04-25 22:22:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.167.53
- Updated version info
- Changed per day to per min (Should be per min)
- Now resources shows resource color in resource UI when hover.
Build v0.166.53
- Updated version info
- Disabled Dev build (Should be turned off)
Build v0.165.53
- Shows current speed at the start of the game
- Implemented images in tech tree
- Changed colors of tech tree buttons.
- Hover over resource UI to show resource generation per day.
[ 2022-04-21 23:17:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.164.53 - Restarting no longer loads tutorial scene but directly loads game scene - New game started notification text when game restarts or new game starts - Updated Version Info - More info in turret tech button tooltips. Build v0.163.53 - Fixed Save Game Bug not loading proper save. - New game notifications - Game starts in paused state, giving players time to study the map (Also this fixes the bug that players sometimes have when loading from main menu) - Saved, Loaded Indication - Updated Version Info Build v0.161.53 - Restart and Exit game added to pause menu - Game speed indicator implemented - Updated version info
[ 2022-04-21 00:34:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.160.53 Beta - Minimap changed - Now minimap can view entire map - New minimap camera - New minimap texture - Replaced minimap image texture with new one - Resized minimap - Increased camera scroll speed and move speed to 50 from 30 - Camera zoom out size increased to 50 from 30 - Updated version info
[ 2022-04-19 00:12:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.159.53 - Updated version info. Build v0.158.53 - Changed number of spawn resources - from 2~3 to 1~3 - Big Fix - Previously set the timer to 60 and 90 seconds instead of mins - Bug Fix - Pulse laser tech was showing as Sniper turret in tool tip.
[ 2022-04-17 07:01:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.157.53 Beta - Resource Nodes size according to their maxresource - Resource nodes size in minimap - Metal Extractor detection radius decreased from 7 to 3 - Version info updated - Story skip text moved below Okay button and changed material. - Added red arrows with outline to skip text so its easier to appear - Now tech buttons get tech data dynamically. - Moved map bounds from node spawner to game manager for general use - Now enemies spawn truly randomly - Objectives panel retouched and disabled raycasting - minimap background changed to black so that objects can have better visibility. Build v0.156.53 Beta - Update version info - Changed back metal production stats - Fixed bug in resource nodes not initializing after load game - Fixed bug where resource nodes will only load on new game. - Fully working Random resource node generation with save data Build v0.155.53 Beta - Increases starting resources, so that players can have more wiggle room at the starting. - Money 10k to 12k - Metal 5k to 7.5k - Resource nodes will now be destroyed if they are exhausted. - Commented out NoresourceAtNode function call in resourcegenerator script - Now nodes actively check for reesources in update in the node script. - new function in ResourceGenerator to detect nearby resource nodes and return them - removed ResourceNode as singleton since static is the reason so many weird bugs have been happening. - random resource nodes spawning enabled - Resource nodes save data implemented. - Resources are spawned every 90 to 120 mins. - Updated version info - Advance Core Armoring & Advance Core Armoring 2 cost updated to reflect true cost.
[ 2022-04-16 15:30:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Known Issues
- Options menu needs to be clicked twice to open first time. (needs further investigation)
- Sometimes the game starts in paused state when continuing from a save game or starting a new game after returning to the menu. The game can be resumed by pressing space twice to pause and unpause the game (needs further investigation, looks like its the unity engine issue)
- Control button in main menu options non functional (Should be fixed in future updates)
[ 2022-04-14 23:03:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Build v0.150.53 - Check Damage Nubmers - Disable Buildings Defense Tech - Basic Objectives - Objective Manager - Objective Toggle Button with Simple button script attached - Objective Panel - Objecti Text - Objective data added to save data - Global Light layers turned off all to just a few (Background, Default, Top) layers - Updated Version Number Build v0..149.53 - Random Metal Nodes Generation Disabled (For Now) - Static metal nodes duplicated and spread across the map - New generator animatior and prefab added (Currently disabled and can be enambled) Done forget to attach simple flash script - New Command HQ animated and prefab added (Currently disabled and can be enambled) Done forget to attach simple flash script Build v0.148.53 - Random Mineral Spawn set (Currently Disabled) - New Bigger Game Scene Duplicated And Deleted - Old GameScene Restored from Backup - Readjusted Camera Bounds - Readjusted Min/Max For Resource Spawn - Slightly bigger map Build v0.147.53 - Commented out all debug.logs - Commented out AllTechCosts function - Commented out Cheat Function - Changed version number - Increased map size - Adjusted fog and fireflies effect - Increased camera bounds - Map Bounds set - ResourceNodeSpawner takes Map Bounds and Metal Nodes Build v0.146.53 - Tech Save Data Implemented - Blackmarket shows the costs to buy metal. - Ingame bool set in gamemanager (Reverted) - InGame bool set in tutorial script (Reverted) - Information about loan and black market in how to play - Press escape to skip text shifted to down right from top right - Buildings list now clears if its a new game in savesystem fixing the building null reference error Build v0.144.53 - Damage numbers popup removed from projectile, enemy projectile and explosive damage and moved to health system for unification and more accurate damage values (not removed just hidden from options UI) - Damage numbers unified - Damage numbers now indicate what thype of damage they are taking - Armor damage pops as yellow - Shield damage pops as Blue - Health damage pops as Red - Player Damage Numbers and Enemy Damage Numbers Toggles in Options UI Hidden - Damage numbers will now show true damage after DR and armor reduction. - Previous Player and Enemy damage nubmers bool is set to true in gamemanager so they wont be enabled unless its for testing in the editor. - Enemies and Player no longer have sepoerate damage numbers toggle - Damage Popup Script - Changed DISAPPEAR_TIMER_MAX from 1f to 0.3f (Reverted) - Changed disappearSpeed from 3f to 5f (Reverted) BuildingTypeSo Changes - Building Info panel now shows HPMaxValue instead of HPMax which can be changed via research - this is dones so we can have reference to original max value. Changed in Building Type So - Changed HP Production description - made metal consumtion text in refinary dynamic. - Buildings - Now refinary shows how much metal it consumes. - Replaced Metal, Tech and Money values in building tooltip popup with working values (Used total value by mistake) - Changed Tech resource type So name from tech to Tech points. Build v0.143.53 - Tech Tree Position Reset - Version Number Changed - Fixed power limit bug )only power generated is increased not power limit.) - Shield has blue text color in tooltip - Hovering over buildings will now show additional details - Building Name - Building production - Fixed Spelling mistakes in How to play - Changed Engineering name to Tech Plant in How to Play and SO Build v0.142.53 - Implemented Damage popup system - Different damage colors for player and enemy - can dectect critical hits (we dont have critical hits in our game but we are planning for a range of damage and ciritcal hits) - damage numbers pop up increase in size and then decrease in size while moving up - Automatically gets destroyed when they are no longer visible - Option to turn off damage popups in options menu Build v0.140.53 - Button material moved to game manager for common functionality - Money loan data added to Save Game Data. - Loan buttons change color depending on their availability. - Loading Scene Changed - Loading bar changed - Loading text position changed - Mainmenu revamped - Removed Load Game upgrades button - removed Upgrades upgrades button - Changed Buttons size - Mainmenu Buttons shifted from left to middle - Options menu replaced with new one (needs coding) - ToolTipUI - made prefab and now available on mainmenu - Gamemanager created on mainmenu - New bool isGame so gamemanager knows its not in game and wont run certain actions. - Referenced Sound and Music manager to mainmenu optionsUI - Duplicate Daynight in main menu to set options - Duplicate Enemy wave manager in main menu to set options - Set InGame bool for continue and exit to main menu buttons - Fixed bug of armor not showing for newly constructed buildings by making new ArmorStatus function in techmanager - New value to hold Building Max HP in BuildingTypeSO without effecting building Max HP Build v0.139.53 - Tech research confirm/Cancel feature implemented - Tech resaerch confirm/cancel only appears when all tech requirements are met and when we have enough tech points. - Loan Feature Implemented - Player can take loans of 5k, 10k, 15k - Player needs to pay back loan with 50% interest rate - Everyday 5% EMI on the loan amount will be deducted from the remaining money - Player can repay loan whenever he wants as long as he do not have negative cash - If you repay loan without enough money then you will go into negative money. - Player cannot repay loan if he has negative cash but EMI will still be deducted - You'll incure penality if you try to take loan when you have negative money. - Blackmarket implemented - You can buy metal but it'll be expensive - You cannot buy metal as long as you do have negative money - You can however buy metal when you do not have enough moeny but you will go into negative money - Added simple button script to - Loan buttons - Metal Box - Money Box - Blackmarket Buy buttons - Added Text change script to - Loan buttons text - Buy metal buttons text - Also added to metal and money resource on the bar (But seems to have no effect) - Added Loan UI and BlackmarketUI to pause menu UI script so they can be closed with escape key. - Changed Game Version Build v0.138.53 - Slightly revamped tech tree - Moved Advance power and Hi Tech Labs - Added Base defense buttons implemented - Referenced all tech buttons - HiDensityAlloys now requires Core Armoring 2 - Revamped Hi Density Alloys and Core Armoring 2 - Revamped Hi Efficiency Power Generator 2 Build v0.137.53 - Function to calculate number of tech types and total tech points costs by pressing "c" on the keyboard. - 6 New Techs - Paper work = HQ generates Money - Extended Powerlines = HQ Generates Power - Extended Labs = HQ Generates Tech Points - Basic Base Defense - Equips all buildings with basic light machine gun turrets - Improved Base Defense - Equips all buildings with heavy machine gun turrets - Advanced Base Defense - equips all buildings with pulse laser turrets - Implemented code for Turret upgrades and building upgrades in Turret, building script, resource generator and resource manager - Auto Cannon AOE upgraded added to requirements, name and tech costs. - Tweaked HQ Costs - Tweaked Generator Costs - Tweaked Metal Extractor Production - Tweaked Processing Plant Production - Auto Cannon AOE Buttons implemented - Base Defense Tech Buttons Implemented
[ 2022-04-14 05:09:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Unearthened Kickstarter campaign just started. Times have changed and we really need your help. Click here to back us up on Kickstarter Everything helps. Even if you make a $1 pledge, it means the world for us in these struggling times. With all love, RBGS Dev Team.
[ 2022-03-28 11:36:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Subject: Relictus Depot [135.6 M]
You arrived at Taichin XI, one of the moons of the planet Teptes, looking for rare resources. You've soon discovered that you are not alone. The mining operations have disturbed the insectoid aliens living deep underground and they are coming for you. Deploy automated defenses and prepare for the nightfall. Defend your HQ at all costs.
Can you prepare the right strategy to survive? or will you succumb to the relentless onslaught of the horde?
Build tech plants and unlock powerful end game turrets to deal with the toughest of the horde.
The Unearthened is a classic Idle tower defense game where the player builds turrets to defend his base from the attacking alien hordes.
The player needs to build and develop a sustainable mining base that can generate enough profits to build defenses.
- 9 Different types of turrets.
- 5 Different types of buildings.
- 16 enemy types
- Tough bosses
- 80+ Techs to research and unlock.
- Basic base building and management.
- In game achievements that actually are useful in unlocking powerful permanent upgrades for turrets and buildings. (yet to be implemented)
- Randomly generated map making the game fresh every new start. (yet to be implemented)
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+. Vulkan capable.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04. Ubuntu 18.04. and CentOS 7
- Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+. Vulkan capable.
[ 6132 ]
[ 2625 ]