-made the inventory screen a little more intuitive(can now move a disc from the bag to the inventory, instead of only the other way
[ 2024-11-28 00:35:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
I uploaded some changes to the basket chains that ive been meaning to do for a while. I added bones to the skeleton of the outer basket chains, which should make the physics more accurate and the chains catch better. I also added LOD's to the chains, which they should have had before but didnt. I should greatly reduce how many polys each basket is displaying, which should help performance. Enjoy! Rob
[ 2024-11-16 21:20:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
On Friday the 28th I released a small update the changed the .exe file name from "testinggrounds.exe" to "PRDG.exe". Testing Grounds was just what I called the UE4 project when I first started it and didn't know what it would become, so this was a change I had wanted to make for a while but never got around to. Unfortunately I didn't realize this would change the location of the save file as well. If you played the game before Friday and want your old save file back, it still exists you will just need to move it to the new location. You will need to enable hidden files and folders in your file explorer to see the AppData folder. Old save file: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\TestingGrounds\Saved\SaveGames\Spain.sav copy that file to the new location, C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\PRDG\Saved\SaveGames\ that will restore your save file. I will look in the next few days to see if I can copy the data over seamlessly. My bad, Rob
[ 2024-07-03 13:52:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
HI everyone, Really excited to release this update today, which I think is a big step forward for the game. As per the title, the disc flights in Perfect Round Disc Golf are now powered by TechDisc. John and Michael at TechDisc are doing some really cool stuff for Disc Golf with their technology, and I'm thrilled to be working with them. What this means is the disc flights in-game are powered by the same code the simulator on the TechDisc website. For my money this is the most realistic disc simulation I've ever seen, and it is awesome to see the discs in game fly exactly how you would expect in real life. At the moment the disc flights are calculated on the cloud. What this means is you will need to be connected to the internet to get the new disc flights, and there is a small delay between when you complete the throw and when the throw animation starts, while the game communicates with the cloud. If either of those points are deal breakers for you, you can still switch back to the old flight physics in the options menu. While implementing these changes, it made the incorrect scaling in the game clear. The baskets in game were like 7 feet tall, and the players about 9 feet tall or so, which just felt incorrect with the new realistic flight lines. I've gone through and corrected the scaling, so longtime players may notice everything feels a bit smaller. While that alone would make the game more difficult, the new flight physics are more predictable and consistent, which balances the changes out. With all those changes, it did not feel right to have the new scores competing with old scores on the leaderboards, so every layout now has a new leaderboard. I did not differentiate between wind settings on these leaderboards, as I wasn't a huge fan of that with the old leaderboards. If you switch to the old flight physics, you can still view and compete on the old leaderboards, the new ones are just for the TechDisc flight physics. I have also launched community items with this update, so you can collect playing cards, badges, wallpapers and chat emojis while you play. There is also a new developer donation DLC for players who want to show a little extra love, Steam made me add some in game effect with it so if you buy it you can change your power shot trail from fire to bubbles. There is also an new option for everyone to change the color of their disc trail in the options menu. The third word in each of the sentences in this paragraph was 'also', maybe I should work on my vocabulary. Thanks for reading! As always hop on the discord and let me know what you think https://discord.gg/fEbH78S Rob
[ 2024-06-10 18:20:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
-added an indicator to the throw circle that shows the power level of each shot preview line when the shot preview is used -changes to tap ins that should stop the case where long tap ins come up short
[ 2024-03-28 15:13:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
-fixed the game freezing after a round in some cases -fixed Ace achievement not being given when a player hits an ace. If you hit an ace and finished that round it will award you the achievement when you start the game
[ 2024-03-20 04:11:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
It came to my attention Linux players were not able to unlock achievements or view leaderboards. fixed now
[ 2024-03-15 00:36:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
-added a follow cam for throws. this is now the default but you can switch to the old camera(looks at basket) in the options menu -few changes to the cornwall level
[ 2024-03-11 04:17:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
A couple small bug fixes that were pointed out to me on discord: -Fixed putting camera in online multiplayer -round was not properly restarting if restart was pressed while the character was within tap in range -added an icon, no more black box in the steam library! Rob
[ 2024-03-09 15:50:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today is the day! Perfect Round Disc Golf is now released out of Early Access on Steam. Thank you to all the players who trusted in the game and helped me get to this point. I truly never imagined the game would come as far as it has in these 4 years in early access. I will still be doing bug fixes, optimization and small updates for the game, but having it feature complete will let me focus on porting Perfect Round to other systems. For new players, please join the Discord server and let me know what you think: https://discord.gg/9fYQVAj93K There is also a small update with the game today: -Performance optimizations(should be quite significant) -Fixed a bug with the post throw camera movement -Took the cheater off the leaderboards Thank you! Rob
[ 2024-03-07 18:09:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
1/8/24 New Map - Crater Par 62 course Two new 18 hole courses, tuned to challenge fully levelled up characters, with 500+ foot par 3's. Overhaul of the UI Took inspiration from a popular Disc Golf Youtube channel for design ideas The biggest change is to the throw bar. It is now rotated 45 degrees, so the "perfect hit" zone is now facing up. It is also mirrored for lefties now. This makes it so a late third click for a lefty is to the left of the perfect hit zone and sends the disc left, instead of being right of the perfect hit zone and sending the disc left Added a credits screen New main menu background. It looks cool There are probably other changes I've made in the last 6 months that I have forgot. They say your brain size shrinks when you become a parent, and I think they're right. have been completely Dad-brained the last 14 months Oh yeah, I fixed tap-ins. For real this time. Promise This will probably be the last big update before I move the game out of early access. I will still be doing bug fixes of course but I'd like to be able to focus on porting it to consoles without feeling pressure to be expanding the game at the same time Thanks for playing Yall! Rob
[ 2024-01-09 05:17:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
6/20/23 New Flight Physics! -complete redesign of the flight physics. the goal was to get the discs to travel at more realistic speeds while still displaying flight characteristics according to their flight numbers. Discs no longer appear to be moving super slow and hovering. Preview Gif's New Tutorial -completely redid the tutorial, in a more interactive fashion, as opposed to screens full of information to read -it also covers some gameplay features that were added after the last tutorial -try it out if you get a chance and let me know what you think!
[ 2023-06-20 22:45:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
-800ft throw achievement now unlocks properly -Stopped Mountain View course launching in multiplayer mode when trying to launch in single player -disc camera acts appropriately for lefties Doing some major changes to disc flight, with my main goal being to get the discs flying at a more realistic speed(faster), and stopping the uncontrollable glide when throwing downhill sometimes, so look out for that in the next few weeks. Cheers!
[ 2023-04-12 03:46:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
I noticed the "Profile Features Limited" tag got removed a while back, so I made a note to add them at some point, which is today. I added 24 achievements available to earn during gameplay. With that I've also started taking advantage of Steam's stats system, which I want to start expanding and integrating into the game. I didn't know what to do with the art for some of them so I used some images from Dall-E 2. I also made some large changes behind the scenes to the game flow of moving between holes in multiplayer matches, which should hopefully eliminate all the round ending bugs that can happen.As always let me know here or such as how many players, Discord if you discover something like that, and including some basic information such as how many players, what happened leading up to the crash, etc. I was able to diagnose the source of the issues fixed in this patch due to a report on the community forums. Enjoy! Rob
[ 2023-03-15 04:11:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
New map released! When making The Valley I wanted a challenging course with appropriately long holes(for upgraded characters) and challenging greens. It is also the course with the most trees defining the fairways and forcing certain shot shapes. some small changes for the record: -small changes to the follow cam to show the disc better -fixes the course par not displaying correctly on the online pause menu I'll be hosting some multiplayer rounds this week when I can, see you out there! Rob
[ 2022-10-28 16:39:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
-changed follow flight camera to be further away and give a better view of the shot fixed -camera not swapping to opposite side when using forehand online -rolling thunder not launching into singleplayer/local multiplayer
[ 2022-10-17 17:07:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ok, I was able to package the game for Linux from Windows. I had to figure out how to dual boot my laptop with Ubuntu to test it but it worked on my end. I think this would also improve performance on Steam Deck? If anyone gets around to testing that let me know how it goes. I installed it from fresh on my Linux, not sure what will happen for Linux users that already have the windows build installed. It is a seperate depot on Steam so it may require an uninstall/install. Thanks! Rob
[ 2022-10-02 19:46:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
-fixed fire effects spawning multiple times and tanking framerate -fixed Steam session not closing when host hits alt f4, and causing server to appear on server browser when it doesnt exist -fixed wukong and gideon nonfiction animations going to T pose in online multiplayer -should i really write fixed in front of every bullet point or is it kind of implied
[ 2022-09-28 03:48:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Online Multiplayer Is live! Lobbies can be 2-8 players, any map can be played. I could do more but I want to see how well 8 players work before I bump it up. Gold is earned for multiplayer rounds but the scores do not upload to leader boards at the moment. Want to make sure nothing is broken in multiplayer matches before I hook them up. Everyone has the same skills in an online match, you can select beginner(skills 10/50), advanced(25/50) or Pro(40/50) when creating the session. The next step is adding a password option for sessions and add a basic text chat to the game. I also want to make some changes to the flight physics. Enjoy! come join my server if you see me on this weekend, then tell me what you thought on discord: https://discord.gg/fEbH78S Rob
[ 2022-09-24 23:13:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
Just thought I would give an update on what I've been working towards, as I haven't got an update out in a while.
I finally bit the bullet and started adding online multiplayer to Perfect Round. When I first put the early access page up I threw in a throwaway line about possibly adding online play in the future but really never thought I would get around to it. But my favorite games are all online and it seemed like a fun challenge so here we are.
When I first started working on the game I had been using unreal engine for less than a month. Decisions I made as a beginner as to how different parts of the game work together are miles away from how it needed to be done to work online.
So aside from the biggest addition to the game yet in adding online multiplayer, large portions of the old code needed to be reworked and modified just so I can start to add that same functionality online. The good news is these fixes will improve how the game runs in singleplayer as well.
But the fun news is the end is in sight. Just today I finished the on course changes/functionality to the game for online play, i.e you can play a round with other machines and everything works like it should. Shots fly correctly, physics aren't weird(really hard to figure out), scores update, etc.
Because I didn't want a bunch of character models hanging around the basket when they finish a hole I added free run to the game. You can even sprint/walk/jump. Why? Why not.
The next step is to finish a round and move on to the next level(I'm thinking a voting system ala Wreckfest), and then add the server browser functionality. Once those are done I will do some testing and then get that live as soon as possible. After that I have a few more things I would like to start working on in no particular order:
-More levels. I want to spend a few weeks after this update to just make like 3 levels at once.
-Achievements. I saw "steam is learning about this game" was removed, so I can add achievements and badges etc and it will show up on your profile
-Xbox port? Ive had this devkit for a while now. I think Epic Online services enables cross play, that'd be cool
-battle royale disc golf
[ 2022-06-23 05:43:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
-fixed the putting preview line and re enabled it -split the project up into multiple .pak files. this should help with the long update times, as it doesnt have to rewrite the entire project files for a small update. It may be the same for this update, but in the future they will be faster
[ 2022-01-31 03:17:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Substepped Physics. -This is a pretty big change that will affect all of the physics in the game. before physics were adjusted for delta time, but 30 big forces will have a different effect to 120 small forces, resulting in substantially different disc flights at different framerates. now the physics is separated from the framerate, resulting in smoother flight for the majority of players -The big effect is now everyone will see the same result for each throw, whether at 30 or 144 fps General Changes -swapped over to new logo + new flag on the baskets -reduced nose down on putts, resulting in flatter flights -some changes to make tap ins more reliable Woohoo! cant wait for yall to try it, disc flight looks better than ever. this will also give me a good base to make further changes to the physics, with more predictable results along a range of conditions Rob
[ 2022-01-24 01:04:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small update, while I am still working towards adding online mutliplayer. -Updated the engine version to 4.27. I believe this is the reason the update is almost 7GB. -Loading Screens, with tips! Looks a good bit better than the game freezing up every time it loads a level. -Players can no longer shoot out a beam of light when it is not their turn. -Other players discs won't block shots any more Happy shooting! Rob
[ 2022-01-06 21:19:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
11/11/21 Brand New Animations! -Completely new animations for all characters, now with animated hands -Added an new aiming animation when selecting the hyzer angle, along with a camera zoom. On all shots -Backhands and Forehands now have hard/soft animations, depending on the percentage power selected New Camera Angles + Controls! -The putting camera is now randomly selected from different options, theoretically avoiding situations where the player/basket cant be seen.(might not be true for every situation) I would say more "cinimatic" -After a drive the camera will pan to show the character from the disc and the path of the flight. can also be rotated to look at the basket -after a putt you are able to swith away from the putting camera angle and swith to the disc view Let me know what you think of the new changes! I think both combine to make the action feel more engaging Rob
[ 2021-11-12 05:31:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
8/15/21 -fixed a few bugs relating to restarting rounds
[ 2021-08-16 04:55:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
8/14/21 -fixed controller bug on inventory -added shot preview line. sadly for both controller & keyboard This involves a change in key bindings. The shot preview for keyboard is on "C", moving the Hyzer/Anhyzer angle adjustment to Shift. Where it probably should have been in the first place. On Controller it is set to the upper face button(Y, Triangle), moving the hole preview to D-Pad up. I am planning on adding some more camera controls to the D-Pad, so that seems like a natural fit -The Shot preview is the current throw angle at max power, perfect accuracy and no wind -Cleaned up/ re arranged some of the HUD
[ 2021-08-15 03:54:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
8/4/21 Mountain View DGC -New course with 2 layouts -Most challenging course to date, with long but fair distances and the tightest fairways in game -Changed the pipeline for creating this level, which resulted in much more natural looking terrain & features. -Grass is also different from the other maps, peforms better and does not pop in any more New Round Start Screen -rrorganized level select screen, now shows a preview of the selected course -no longer have to select Front 9/back 9/18 to lock in course change, displayed course is now selected course -also brought Par 2 course to the list of courses, so the leaderboard can now be viewed in game for that course QoL changes -added restart option to pause menu -added option to change the distance at which the game automatically switches to putting, from 33ft - 66ft Enjoy! Rob
[ 2021-08-04 23:13:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Lemme just over TRIPLE the number of the discs in the game real quick -All the discs on the 2021 Discraft flight chart are now in the game, 49 in total -I have the stamps for 36 of them, and some have an alternate stamps that has a 30% chance of appearing, whether it is a Paul McBeth, Page Pierce or soft version of that disc. the others will get an art stamp, as always each disc has a 10% chance of generating with an art stamp -made changes to reduce skips, especially at lower speeds -removed the power boost on a perfect 3rd click to make the disc more predictable
[ 2021-06-12 03:25:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Weather + Volumetric Clouds!
-Incorporated new volumetric clouds in UE4.26 and weather effects alongside. The weather is all hooked up to the in game wind so rain and snow particles & clouds above will show you the wind speed & direction
-Weather does not have an effect on gameplay. You can select it when starting the round or leave it on dynamic and watch the weather shift during the round
Improved performance!
-when adding the new weather I started investigating different rendering modes, so basically performance is way better, especially at higher resolutions. I was seeing 2x the frame rate at 4k and 25% better at 1080p
4k screenshot at epic settings-2x fps
-added leaderboards for every course & layout, spit into the wind setting used. i.e. Cascades longs - front 9 - high wind
-view these on the course select screen when you have a course selected. they should also be viewable from the community hub once I update the backend
-the par 2 course is keeping leaderboards, but not visible in game just yet. will have to reorganize the layout to incorporate that
-Oh yeah, leaderboard scores can be set at any skill level(doesn't have to be on the save file), and any player in multiplayer
Bug Fixes
-lots of random bugs, notably the infinite putting bug in multiplayer and discs blocking other discs in multiplayer. at least I think I fixed that last one, let me know if it still happens
Next few days/week will be fixing a long list of bugs I have written down from users on Discord, and anything else that will pop up.
[ 2021-05-11 14:47:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
One Year in Early Access! The game looks better than I thought it ever would when I released it 1 year ago, and I still have more to add. Thank You to all the players who have tried out and enjoyed the game, it is nice to hear others who appreciate the game. This patch brings the long awaited sidearm throw! This will let players attack the course in all new ways. The other big change was to flight physics, my goal was to get more sweeping Hyzers and eliminate instances where once a disc started going downhill it might never stop. I believe I have done that, and would love to hear feedback on the new disc flight. Enjoy! Rob 3/12/21 Celebrating one year of Early Access! -Sidearm throws are added. R/X button to switch to sidearm throws, which will act as a mirrored backhand -the animations are a little rough, especially for Kallari. I am ordering gloves to go with the motion capture suit and will create new animations when I get those -Major disc flight changes. The biggest change was to where an how glide is applied. It looks way better to my eyes and the putting is much more forgiving as a bonus result -Added option to delete discs in inventory =added option to toggle flight line/power shot particle effects -UI layout/font changes -Fixed discs registering in baskets before they had fully come to a stop, and instances where the disc gets stuck in terrain and never registers as stopped -Added physics to Phase's alternate skin's hair
[ 2021-03-14 02:52:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's ready! After some unforeseen challenges in the details, the latest patch is ready. This brings the character count up to 8, and evens the number of left-handed/right-handed players. I also utilized all the skins available with the Paragon characters, so a good round is now rewarded with an alternate skin for the character that was used. The other big change was to the chain physics, since there were a lot of complaints about spit outs. That should be resolved now. In the next few days I will be adding in some QoL features mentioned in reviews/comments, and should have another patch up soon with those. The next bigger feature I want to work on is online leaderboards, so stay tuned. Enjoy! Rob 12/22/20 -3 new characters! Unlock these by shooting even par or better on High Country, Cascades and Green Hills. This evens out the number of lefties/righties to 4 each -Skins! Every character now has skins that can be unlocked. shooting a round even par or better will unlock a skin for the character you used for the round -Changes to chain physics. Putting should be more forgiving now, I made the chains heavier so they can catch putts that are coming in with more speed. there may be some missed tap ins(especially with new character Steel), as always let me know which holes that happens on so I can look at it -5 new DGA stamps added to the game: Hurricane, Steady Tempest Undertow Tremor -Made upgrades cheaper so it is quicker to unlock new characters.level up Various bugfixes and performance improvements. Performance in particular I cleaned up some trouble aress that should help out a lot(especially later in rounds
[ 2020-12-22 16:49:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
After much requesting I have added a set of realistic human looking characters. They look dressed for work, but still. There is a Nonfiction character for each character, including the new character, Yin! Unlock Yin by shooting even on the new Par 2 course, which plays around the island the putting green is located on. The button to start it is located below the putting range button. Non Fiction Mode -added non fiction option on character select screen. Basic model swap other than a few different celebration animations for now New Par 2 Course -Added a 18 hole Par 2 course around the putting basket island. Hole's ranging from 70-130 feet. -Shoot even on the Par 2 course to unlock... New Character -Added Ninja Lady Yin to the game, with matching Nonfiction character Other -Added a highlight to the basket when previewing hole to ease visibility -Changed Character Idling animations. Before they were all using Phase's animations and it looked stupid. character select screen looks great now -Replaced "Press Space To Continue" with an image of either the Space Bar or A button, depending on if a controller is used -player skill now displays correctly for P1 on character select screen Enjoy! Rob
[ 2020-10-16 04:12:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
It occurred to me I haven't posted here in a bit. As you surely noticed if you've played a round recently, I got my new motion capture suit and upgraded all the animations in the game. This was a fairly basic swap for the old animations and I have ideas on how to use the new suit to really take the animations further. The most recent update contains the new putting range, with different putting locations out to 100ft. I plan to make a par 2 eighteen hole course around this island in the near future. Also in the latest update is a personal favorite of mine, which is liberal use of particle effects when the disc hits different surfaces. This also gives different surfaces variable friction values, so the disc will behave differently on sand vs dirt. Another big change in these patch notes was the new chains, which makes putting far more friendly & rewarding. There are still changes to disc flight in the future, but it is in a good spot now. Enjoy! Rob 8/10/2020 -fixed exiting to main menu before round was over leading to the menu not loading correctly -fixed buy button visibility for the disc shop -replaced $ with gold symbol on upgrade skills and disc shop widget 8/11/2020 -chains have have change of heart and are now friendly. where before they brought only pain and despair, they are now a beacon in the dark. 8/18/2020 -fixed mouse cursor disappearing on menus after single player round 8/28/2020 - A N I M A T I O N S 8/29/2020 -fixed high country ending on hole 5 -thought I fixed the controller not responding when selecting controller for first player, but I was still having issues when I tested it. I swear the final build acts differently than in the editor -When you select controller for first player, after it moves to the character selection screen, right clicking with the mouse will focus the correct UI widget and you can use the controller 9/18/2020 PUTTING RANGE -added putting range -use left/right arrows/dpad to change distance -I am planning on adding a 19 hole Par 2 course around this island in the near future SURFACES -almost all surfaces have a particle effect when hit for visual feedback. players will also exclaim when they hit trees/water/basket along with this different surfaces also have different friction values and the discs will respond different when sliding across sand/dirt/grass etc -I put a small sparks particle effect when chains are hit, I can add an option to turn that off if anybody wants it OH YEAH -fixed that damn controller issue, smooth sailing now
[ 2020-09-18 22:26:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Woohoo, local multiplayer is done! I had to rework a lot of the game to account for multiple players, but it was worth it. You can blame Trackmania and Monster Train for some of the delay. The play menu is now changed, and lets you select wind speed in addition to time of day. Character selection has been moved to a second screen, where local players can join in. The Range can also be played multiplayer to see who can get the furthest drive. Player skill level can also be selected per player with this change, allowing you to test out higher powered rounds or handicapping a player in local multiplayer. Gold/Records are only earned when playing on the current skill level however. Discs also got a big visual upgrade, and look sweet. The new colors randomly generated are now bright and awesome instead of mostly pastel colors. https://gfycat.com/disgustingvibrantantelope -had to rewrite a lot of the components in the game to account for multiple players, some should contribute to performance improvements -wind can now be selected for local multiplayer and single player rounds -player can set their skill level when starting the game. gold is only earned when playing on the save file skill level, but multiple players can earn gold when playing local multiplayer Driving range works with multiple players -Use (on controller) the face buttons and prev/next disc to razz your opponents while they throw. or equivalent keys on the keyboard -re-did the models and lighting on discs, and changed the way random colors are generated for more attractive random colors -some discs have real stamps, for the ones that do 90% will be real stamps and 1 in 10 a special stamp -auto switch to putter within 33 ft -I'm so tired. -lots of other changes in the past 2+ months I've forgotten. I see some small changes I want to make in the near future, including fixing any bugs that may arise with the multiplayer. The next big update will be once my Motion Capture suit arrives! I am also going to dig into the entire animation setup and make lots of improvements. Enjoy! Rob
[ 2020-08-10 03:13:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
-NEW COURSE! High country was inspired by the wooded courses around me in the PNW. No grass, but watch out for nettles(don't worry they won't sting). Short and Long 18 hole layouts -Front 9 of High Country serves as the location for the new tutorial, which can be played through the main menu. This also explains the basics of disc golf. let me know what you guys think of the explanations/tutorial, want to make it as friendly for beginners as possible -Putting is now less based on glide and gets more of a pop off the hand.(less Paul more Ricky) you will have to adjust your putting style but this makes banging chains from further out more possible+satisfying -Player Stats added. Circle 1/2%, longest drives/putts/throw ins along with hole results(par, birdie, etc) are now recorded. Can be viewed from the main menu. Will start counting from every round finished from here on out -Changed the ambience on every level, before they all had the same track. Sounds way cooler now. -Small change to tap in power from close in, should reduce missed tap ins -Max wind speed is now based on the course, beginner courses have a lower max wind speed working up to Rolling Thunder longs with max top wind speed Enjoy! Rob
[ 2020-05-15 23:22:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Huh, apparently Discord links expire after a while. Here is a new one that should never expire: https://discord.gg/VkZxPaK As always, jump on to report bugs, give suggestions and talk about the game! Rob
[ 2020-04-27 18:27:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Perfect Round Disc Golf Depot Linux [24.53 G]
Key Features
Real disc golf! The best physics in a disc flight simulation, combined with DGA Mach 7 baskets and 51 real Discraft/DGA discs creates the most realistic disc golf game to date.Play alone, or bring some friends! Level up your abilities in a solo round, or invite up to 3 friends over to your house for some face to face trash talk! Multiplayer rounds can also be played over Steam Remote Play Together.
12 courses to play! From a challenging par 2 island course to championship style courses with par 4 and par 5 holes, master each of 207 unique holes and compete for a spot on the global leaderboards!
Wacky characters! Because who wouldn’t want to play disc golf with Sun Wukong, the Monkey King? If that’s not your thing or grandma stops by for a round, you can always turn on nonfiction mode from the character select screen.
Motion captured animations! The most accurate animations for a disc golf game yet, all recorded with a motion capture suit from real throws by myself. Give me some form tips!
About Me
Having been a gamer since playing Civilization 2 on my parent’s Macintosh, when I started disc golfing 8 years ago it didn’t take long before I looked for a game in the style of classic golf games, but with the unique flight and challenges that come with disc golf. When I realized that game didn't exist, the idea of creating it myself stuck with me until I finally downloaded Unreal Engine 4 and started learning the engine to make it. This is the disc golf game I want to play, and I am always taking recommendations from other players who feel the same.- OS: i dunno...linux?
- Processor: Intel Core i5 - 4670 or AMD equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 770 or AMD equivalent
- Storage: 24 GB available space
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