Relatively small update!
- Improved AI edge cases and player detection
- Updated to Unity 6
- Removed lengthy intro screen and replaced with splash image
- Updated a number of components to be compatible with Unity 6
- Switched renderer for increased performance
- Improved player and bot animations to smooth out some situations
- Number of other minor bug fixes
[ 2024-12-24 09:40:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small bug fix update this week!
- Updated Unity Framework
- Fixed bug in compilation of Outline shader
- Updated Fog shader
- Tweaked kill zones on El Mondo
- Fixed problem when returning from a game, your cursor disappeared making it impossible to do anything!
[ 2024-07-28 20:44:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tim Climpy is back with another set of updates!
This update is packing a lot of changes and improvements. Most of them are quality enhancements to improve the playability, but all serve to improve the experience!
New Weapon! The HGV7.

Bots are much improved. More intelligent, capable of using new weapons

Steam Recording Integration!

A new grenade type: Flashbang
New camera movement and weapon movement
Kill Assist scoring!
...and so many optimisations and bug fixes!
Full Patch Notes
- New weapon, HGV7 a machine gun with a large magazine
- Added new grenade: Flashbang
- New grenade type: Flashbang. Its loud and flashy
- Added AGX tone mapping
- Time to aim is now much faster for improved feel
- New gamemod: Tiny. With every kill, get smaller!
- Increase fire rate of Minigun
- Rewrote a lot of network code to improve efficiency
- Added Steam Recording integration to mark things like kills and deaths on the timeline
- Reworked how weapons are instantiated for players, reducing memory, increasing performance of many actions with player character
- Reworked how player IK is handled for nicer animations
- Tweaked how IK is set for weapon types to avoid things like the Minigun looking very weird
- Weapons now lose a little effectiveness on their maximum range
- Bots now utilise same code for player models as players, reducing memory required
- Added new recoil patterns for all weapons
- Added kill assists to score
- When a match is finished, you now return to the waiting room with the same players and can change map before starting a game, avoids needing to keep creating new rooms after each map
- Reworked the weapon bob code to add more movement when moving
- AI now aware of areas of the map where they are more likely to come across players and depending on their appetite for action, will stay clear, or move towards
- Reworked camera motion to improve play feel
- Reworked kill cam to observe your death more clearly
- Bots now hold positions and can use Sniper rifles for long range shots
- Bots now get random hats/glasses/beards etc
- Bots animations are improved
- Improved bots decision making, how they observe the player and make more natural decisions
- Bots now less predictable
- Lighting tweaks on all maps to increase visibility at night time
- Significantly improved bots performance
- Reworked leg animations when turning
- Added more FFA spawns for Tower map
- Reworked some movement code to improve stair detection and make smoother
- Reworked how spawning is done to improve chances of spawning further from enemies in game types like FFA
- Reduced dampening time for aiming
- Optimised how limb removal is done
- Limbs now get removed more accurately based on the hit position
- Added different sound for final kill shot
- Added lighting LOD to increase quality when close and performance generally
- Tweaked the outline shader to be a little more bold
- Optimised outline shader to improve performance
- Optimised main menu code
- Tweaked pitch adjustment on fire audio
- Changed kill cam to watch the person who killed you
- Reduced volume of ziplines
- Reduced size of smoke from barrel when hip firing
- Update Steam SDK
- Updated Unity framework
- Updated shaders
- Updated FSR3
- Updated DLSS
- Removed Ambient lighting shader as it was causing some flickering and reduced performance more than it benefitted the overall lighting
- Player deaths are not controlled by the master client to avoid invisibility bug
- Fixed emote spamming in Waiting Room to avoid lots of network calls unnecessarily
- Fixed the volume of a number of killstreak sounds
- Fixed name overlapping level icon in round finish screen
- Fixed an issue where on doing a takedown, you would not get kill points
- Fixed an issue where the control rebind would not show in main menu
- Fixed a weapon movement bug when aiming in and out quickly
- Fixed an issue when killing a bot with a grenade, it would register as a headshot
- Fixed bots looking through ceilings on multi floor maps
- Fixed a ladder on El Mondo that made you walk up it backwards :)
- Fixed an issue where the walking animation would continue after the match had finished
- Fixed an issue where weapon unlocks would not always correctly unlock
- Fixed bots sometimes shooting themselves in the foot, literally
- Fixed some path finding errors on El Mondo
- Fixed a bunch of audio clips not running through the mixer correctly
- Fixed bots being able to see through smoke
- Fixed some lighting on the main menu
- Fixed a collider error on SP60
- Fixed some Steam functions stopped functioning when in a game
- Fixed being able to parachute when just jumping
- Fixed parachute volume
- Fixed parachute closing audio playing wrong clip
- Fixed frag grenade leaving a light behind
- Fixed reload not disappearing when dying with it displayed
[ 2024-07-17 20:15:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds a new map! Party!
A small, fast paced close combat map which takes place at 2am on a rooftop club.
- Added new Night Party map!
- Updated Unity frameworks
- Improved range of visibility of water effects
- Added additional lighting to multiple maps to improve night time
- Performance improvements in sky rendering
- Optimised shader performance
- Improved path finding for bots
- Tweaked Sun and Moon lighting
- Fixed issues with tree textures rendering
- Fixed icon for engineer being the same as assault
- Fixed issue where volume controls were not applied to local player firing
- Fixed an issue where the weather/time of day would take a second to kick in when starting a map
[ 2024-04-25 17:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug fixes ahoy!
- Tweaked outline effect
- Improved performance on Library map
- Updated Unity framework
- Updated shaders
- Added stars at night time
- Updated Ready Player Me Integration
- Tweaked audio engine occlusion
- Reduced Bot's volume
- Fixed some bots spawning under the floor on El Mondo
- Fixed small errors with audio engine
- Fixed hole in library map
- Fixed issue where anamorphic flares were too great on candles in Library map
- Fixed some scopes not rendering correctly
- Fixed collider for spine on bots
- Fixed an issue where on death, a bot would show an incorrect model on limb removal
- Fixed an issue where bots could have their hips blown off, but without the correct effect!
- Fixed an issue where bullet casings would not despawn and not spawn when fired
[ 2024-04-03 15:55:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Updated frameworks
- Updated name plates above team members. Also have nameplate fade over distance
- Fixed and optimised some code relating to HODL gamemode
- Fixed some errors with Fog shader
- Fixed a performance regression with audio engine
- Fixed some issues with Ready Player Me integration
- Slowed vertical zip lines on tower map
- Fixed an issue with the text case when readying up
- Tweaked input popup button size
- Fixed an issue where on first play, snipers did not have the correct scope
- Fixed knife kills showing as vehicle
- Sniper glints no longer show in cars randomly
- Fixed HODL sound being played across the map, rather than locally to the capture point
[ 2024-02-23 12:17:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
More bug fixes!
- Reduced volume of Helicopter, thanks to oboeshoes, I hope he can now get a better night's sleep
- Added further error checking to health calculations to try to stop someone having less than 0 health and becoming immortal, forever wandering our nightmares
- Added new map selection to play menu to avoid being quite so lost!
- Play menu now randomises weather, but does not randomise time - we dont all like nighttime do we?
- Reworked statistic tracking code to avoid stale caching issues, hopefully less times you are at a level and it doesnt let you use something!
[ 2024-01-19 12:43:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small update to fix some current bugs
- Changed how stats are picked up from Steam to reduce chance of items not getting unlocked correctly
- Fixed a hard crash when using sniper scopes on 4k+ resolution
- Fixed an issue where an silent exception would happen on UI buttons
- Updated Unity framework
- Small update to some shaders
- Fixed issue where on a player dying would cause an exception when looking for players
[ 2024-01-15 21:06:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Out of Early Access
Tim Climpy's Warfair started its journey during the Covid lockdown. Looking to pick back up some indoor hobbies I started back developing games. (When I was 15 i used to mod Quake/Duke3D and was a map designer with a couple of released store games in the late 90s). I was after creating something fun to play with friends, and so came Tim Climpy's Warfair. A competitive round based FPS with features we found fun, and with some stupid outfits. (I especially love the 4ft top hat to show that you dont care if you can be seen). Over time I have spent countless hours refining, adding content to the point we are at today.
- We started with around 4 maps, we now have 12
- We had about 100 skin items, we are now at around 280.
- We had 12 Weapons, now at 27!
- Steamdeck compatibility
- We have refined the performance
- Added Audio system with occlusion
- Added DLSS and FSR3
- Added new gamemods to modify the round
- New gamemodes
- Weather effects
- New cloud system
- New water system
- Time selection for night time combat
- Initial Ready Player Me integration (if you don't like the built in player models!)
- And so much more
[ 2024-01-08 10:17:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new year, a new update! Highlights: New Map! Sci-Fi. A futuristic city map. 20 new skins! New Sci-Fi skins, robots, augmented humans, aliens and more! DLSS and FSR3 support. Select from the options menu to enable DLSS or FSR3 to improve image quality and performance with DLAA! Initial Ready Player Me integration! Create your own avatar in game or on readyplayer.me to use it in game! Ziplines!
Full Patch notes
- New Map: Sci-Fi!
- Added 20 new skins!
- Added Nvidia DLSS and DLAA support!
- Added AMD FSR3 support!
- Added initial integration with Ready Player Me for all new avatars!
- Added ziplines!
- Added compass to top of screen to mark objectives and enemies (when visible on map)
- Enabled HDR because we know you Steamdeck OLED people want to get that sweet eye burn
- New rain and snow effects
- Improved performance of audio engine
- Improved performance of main menu
- Improved quality of main menu rendering, also included game shaders into menu
- Improved performance of fog shaders
- Improved performance of sky shaders
- Added more emotes to main menu lobby
- Added ability to rotate character on main menu
- Fixed controller use in main menu double pressing some controls
- Updated cloth shaders
- Cleaned up and refined audio probes
- Fixed grenade sounds not playing
- Changed default idle animations in main menu
- Updated multiplayer framework to reduce transient errors
- Updated Office map so it isn't in some kind of green hellhole
- Updated Protonuke map to include more trees
- Fixed an issue with bot navigation on Haunted House
- Tweaked exposure settings to be less intrusive
- Fixed an issue where fog would cause colours to break on some maps
- Code refactor on Authentications and levelling
- Fixed a rare error when calculating length of draw animation
- Fixed level popup being 1 level too low when levelling during a game
- More reload fixes to avoid things not reloading
- Fixed crash on exit with Audio engine
- Other minor fixes that I may not have fully logged!
[ 2024-01-05 16:52:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tim Climpy's Warfair released into Early Access in May, and since then I've been working on polishing and bug fixing. I've added:
- New maps
- New weapons
- New skins
- New game mods
- Graphical improvements
- Optimisations
- A lot of bug fixes!

Watch this space. Common Blob
[ 2023-11-27 16:42:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
More bug fixes ahoy! Some important ones in there, but adding further polish!
- SteamDeck support!
- Reenabled Realtime GI to improve darker areas
- Tweaked quality levels for clouds, adding low quality option and improving the quality for normal
- Tweaked fog quality settings
- Reduced size of sniper glint
- Fixed issue where in FFA, score wasn't being correctly calculated
- Fixed issue where level wasn't always showing on main menu correctly
- Fixed issue where weapon reloads may add incorrect amount to available ammo
- Scopes no longer show zoomed view when not aimed
- Fixed extra magazine's showing on weapon customisation menu
- Added grappling sound
- Fixed issue where explosion sounds were not heard
- Fixed some alignment issues on menu
- Fixed bug where main menu ran at low FPS
[ 2023-11-27 16:03:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tim Climpy's Warfair is now compatible with SteamDeck!
The Steamdeck is detected and enables controller support and tweaks a few things to make the experience a little nicer.
There is nothing you need to do to enable support, just install, and play.
One day, we may get verified, but it relies on Valve to do those checks.
[ 2023-11-27 16:00:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another week, another set of fixes!
- Optimised performance during menus and game with more efficient input code
- Fixed a collider size discrepancy between right and left legs and arms
- Tweaked gun shot sounds for multiple guns
- Remove default sights if using a different scope
- Updated sky shader
- Changed night time colours to be less purple
- Increase stars at night
- Fixed an issue with Aurora at night
- Updated Local Global Illumination shader
- Fixed an issue where bots may spawn under the ground on the Island map
- Fixed reflective shadow map lighting changes linked to directional light position
- Improved raycasts for GI
- Optimised Audio engine further
[ 2023-11-19 11:30:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small patch this time! Some smaller fixes as we near leaving early access!
- Added new announcer audio
- Updated Incendiary fire effects
- Updated shaders
- Fixed bot spawn issue on Island map
- Reduced strength of cloud shadows
- After your first death on a team gamemode, your spawn points will randomise to avoid spawn camping on Haunted House
- Fixed some small issues with fog
- Updated multiple components to improve performance
- Fixed cursor disappearing if you paused on the deploy screen
- Fixed icon for Invisible perk
- Fixed icon for when you have no perk
- Fixed mech spawning effect erroring and not showing
- Improved performance of audio engine
- Fixed an issue where bots would not get the correct skin assigned
- Fixed issue with next/previous page buttons on main menu
- Improved loading performance of maps
- Tweaked some doors on Haunted house map
- Fixed a performance issue in the main menu
- Improved performance of ai navigation on El Mondo
[ 2023-11-08 12:22:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tim Climpy here, wishing you a Happy Halloween! Back in 82, we didn't celebrate Halloween, what with all the fighting going on. We were lucky to even get a smell of candy. One early morning, Private Jenkins found a rat which he cooked and covered in maple syrup. THAT was our Halloween. Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I am here to tell you about, *checks notes*, Tim Climpy's Warfair - Halloween update! Common Blob doesn't rest on his laurels, and has provided you with the following:
Brand New Map - Haunted House

Fight your way on all game modes in this spooky house. Visit the foggy maze, see what is lurking in the basement, clean up in this tightly packed house of horrors!
10 new skins!
10 new Halloween skins to play with, maybe you want to play with:
- Butcher. This local butcher charges double the price of local butchers! What an evil guy!
- The Yokai. She has brooding hair so you know she means business
- The innocent Jock! He isn't innocent, and has probably done some horrible things at school, but in this setting he is!
- The Count. He wants to suck your blood!
- And, this...guy.. He, erm, well, he has his thing, and that's fine, we aren't here to judge
- And 5 more!

Plus lots more! So enjoy your Halloween, hope to see you in the Haunted House! Extra Halloween content will activate on 26th October and run to 2nd November. Here are the full patch notes for v0.93.20 for those interested types:
New Features/Enhancements
- New Haunted House map
- 10 new skins
- New cloud system
- New weather effects
- New Aurora effects at night time with stars
- Improved shadow quality
- Tweaked the lighting during the day to be a little brighter
- Tweaked the LUT applied to be slightly more colourful
- Bullet damage now takes distance into consideration
- Added Sniper "Glint" when enemy players aim down sights
- Added sun exposure to give a more realistic feel to the lighting
- Added some Halloween based objects to maps
- Updated bot navigation code
- Improved bullet holes, they now sit better on surfaces and light correctly
- Bots can now open doors
- Changed how terrain is constructed
- Added tree and foliage culling to terrains
- Bots now have random skins rather than the boring one all the time
- Bots now stay in cover for less time
- Added different spawns after death in TDM to reduce the likelihood of spawn camping
- Added Chromatic Aberration effect to scopes
- Added basic Realtime reflections to some metallic objects
- Added settings options for cloud quality, Realtime reflections, and fog
- Reduced fire rate of tanks
- Updated Glass on El Mondo to be a bit more glassy
- Tweaked car settings to reduce slipping and snaking
- Increased damage bullets make to vehicles a little
- Added some sounds when a player dies
- Added some more sounds during a player takedown
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where your self shadow would have an extra set of limbs (spooky, but wrong)
- Fixed knife animation not showing
- Fixed kill zones not working on maps
- Fixed MP5 not showing on other players
- Fixed an issue where when a round finishes it incorrectly calculates your level
- Changed how Steam stats are cached to reduce chance of 0 being passed while waiting for Steam to update
- Fixed an issue where the sun effects were incorrectly applied on the moon!
- Fixed names not showing above players
- Fixed some missing materials on El Mondo after destroying a wall
- Fixed an issue where during a player takedown, duplicate players appear on camera
- Fixed an issue where scopes had a grey circle off-centre when not zoomed
- Enabled a beta of controller code in preparation for future Steamdeck support
- Fixed issue where on the end of the round, your killstreaks would be visible over the ending screen
- Fixed text size on end of round scoreboard
- Fixed an issue when, on returning to main menu after a match, it would not load all the map options
- Fixed missing glass on El Mondo
- Fixed an error if a bot dies when reloading
- Fixed parachute not appearing for other players
- Tweaked some bullet hole effects
- Fixed an issue where some player attachments would not assign correctly
- Fixed an issue where on death, some player attachments would appear that weren't there previously!
- Reduced skin width to closer align player with the floor
- Reduced volume of waterfalls on Temple map (again)
- Fixed an issue where a killstreak would claim its friendly on FFA (where nothing is friendly)
- If a player dies when underwater, ensure the audio stops
- Fixed fog not showing on weapon scopes
- Fixed issue where you could parachute from a stationary jump
- Fixed server list alignments on main menu with ultrawide resolution
- Fixed an issue where if you grappled onto a ladder, the grappling hook would not disappear
- Fixed a bug on cycled reload weapons where it could add 2 bullets in stead of 1
- Updated frameworks to improve rendering performance
- Added loading text to intro screen
- Load audio settings on intro screen rather than main menu to reduce audio problems
- Fixed bug where you could join a match that was about to finish
- Fixed a bug where the missile killstreak could not be launched on the minimap correctly
- Added Depth of Field effect to long range scopes
- Fixed some issues related to batching of models for performance
- Fixed some killstreaks not detecting all players during FFA
[ 2023-10-15 11:40:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small update this week! New depth of field effect and some bug fixes all round!
- Updated some shaders for optimisation
- Updated cloth physics
- Added Depth of Field when using a scope
- Added some more cover in El Mondo map
- Fixed some button alignment issues on main menu
- Tweaked some walls on Temple map
- Fixed some issues with kill streaks on death
- Fixed issue with kill streaks not always detecting players on FFA
- Increase paintball damage a little
- Reduced intro volume again!
- Fixed some minor script errors
- Small fixes to mesh batching
[ 2023-09-10 10:40:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Main highlight is new map and new gamemod! But plenty of important bug fixes too
- Paintball mod! You can now modify any game mode to introduce paintball mode. This reduces damage of projectiles, doubles ammo for everyone and adds paint effects. Also includes ramped up ragdoll physics because, why not. Thanks to GigaByteWide for the suggestion!
- New map! Temple. An arena map with close quarters gun fighting!
- New "Play" menu to quickly get into your preferred gamemode/gamemod with everything else as random
- Improved bots movement on Construction map
- Improved bots state machine to improve their decisions!
- Updated Steam Audio
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a major issue where hitboxes were unintentionally large for the hips and spine.
- Fixed decapitations/limb removal not applying correctly often
- Fixed deploy menu alignment on Tower map
- Reverted some Steam Audio settings to make audio occlusion smoother
- Fixed some issues with Kill Confirmed where briefcase could not be picked up
- Fixed an exception when you proned and that was syncing across the network
- Fixed left arm IK "saluting" in the air unintentionally
- Fixed an exception when you entered water and an audio source wasn't correctly assigned
- Fixed landing sound being played when you only fell a minute distance
- Fixed some floating cones on Construction map
- Fixed CTF flag positions on El Mondo
- Fixed HODL position on El Mondo
- Fixed Domination positions on El Mondo
- Fixed exception trying to pickup collider name on bot that had died
- Fixed another place on Island where you could fall through the floor
[ 2023-08-25 09:04:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another hotfix release this week as I continue to work on a new gamemode and rewriting the multiplayer stack
New Features/Enhancements
- Nerfed shotgun damage. As this fires multiple projectiles, it was sending around 40dmg per projectile. So if you cleanly hit it would be instakill. Have reduced this to around 15dmg per projectile meaning you can still 2 shot someone. May increase this in future to a 1 shot kill
- Changed how reloads work where each shell/bullet is loaded individually. Now, the ammo count is increased on each reload cycle rather than adding it at the end
- Updated cloth physics
Bug Fixes
- Fixed shotguns not being reloaded!
- Tweaked how level progress is displayed when finishing a match
[ 2023-08-11 11:29:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another small bugfix release!
- Fixed alignment issues on the main menu
- Fixed alignment issues on loading screen
- Fixed alignment issues on deploy screen
- Fixed shader error on some skins
- Fixed frag grenade taking too long to explode
- Fixed recoil shake on shotgun
- Increased spread of shotgun
[ 2023-08-03 10:19:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small hotfix for a memory leak with Steam Audio and further behind the scenes changes!
[ 2023-07-21 15:03:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Slightly more exciting update this week as we have new features!
- Lay prone! Thats right, you can now sleep on the job! Lie down, sleep off the night before.
- Crouch and Prone are now toggleable by default, rather than needing to be held (because holding a key, while you hold another key and aim is hard)
- Dive! Thats right, dive like your life depends on it! Sail through the air like a majestic eagle! (Same button as Prone when running)
- Parachute rework. Parachute is now visible. Parachute now makes noises. Parachute now can be activated more reliably so you dont fall to your death so easy. They are also a bit more controllable (press Space when falling!)
- New Weapon! The AGW14W is a new Assault Rifle. Has a higher kick and damage than other ARs at the expense of fire rate
- Another new weapon! The LRAF9 is a new Rocket Launcher with a fancy scope and higher damage (its an insta-kill)
- Optimised bullet casings leaving the weapon and improved physics of these to fly out better
Bug Fixes
- Fixed background on intro on ultrawide resolution
- Fixed major memory leak on some PCs. (Reduced to around 1.4GB RAM now)
- Fixed text at start of match showing previous match text
- Fixed some bugs in cloth physics
- Fixed some bugs with Fog!
[ 2023-07-15 16:11:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another patch release. Lots going on behind the scenes preparing for our new game mode. So this release is looking a little light, but its all happening behind that curtain!
New Features/Enhancements
- Added some additional sun effects
- Added new water effects
- Tweaked the outline shader a little to be slightly different
- Optimised vegetation shaders
- Optimised Fog shader (again!)
- Improved smoke grenade quality and reduce visibility when within smoke
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue from beta that would cause Rockets not to fire from RPG
- Fixed an issue where toggle buttons on the menu wouldn't set correctly on startup
- Fixed a Steam race condition that could cause a client not to connect correctly and therefore unable to play!
- Fixed issue where everyone would, rather than health or Ammo, be able to drop a Sentry turret that did nothing. This is an upcoming gadget that is not ready yet, but sneaked its way into the codebase!
- Fixed some more issues with bots
- Fixed an issue on Island map causing collision issues on the edges of the terrain
[ 2023-06-24 20:24:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another update is released, not a massive amount of fixes, but some important ones nonetheless. Much of this update has been creating a groundwork for the next big update, which I will not include in the patch notes. More on that soon!
- Improved performance of SSAO
- Improved performance of fog effects
- Reworked navigation of bots to be a little more efficient
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some issues with bullet positioning when firing. Whilst trying to avoid immediate colliders, it could sometimes cause bullets to spawn in incorrect positions
- Fixed memory leak with any cloth physics
- Fixed memory leak with some textures when instantiated
- Fixed issue where bots would have an exception when the player they were fighting dies causing desync issues
- Fixed some exceptions when bots path was suddenly blocked
- Fixed issue with bots looking at players and sometimes causing an exception
- Fixes when setting weather to foggy where it wasn't foggy!
- Reduced some of the vehicles on Tower map, there were a LOT and you couldn't drive around too easily. Now more space to move, although still has a lot of vehicles
[ 2023-06-08 13:03:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
So its been over a week since release, almost two, and while there have been some hotfixes there are more on the way. The next update will be addressing some further bugs with the game, mainly focusing on game breaking (as in you can't play it rather than something weird happening, because that's fun isn't it?). There are also some nice performance updates included. Meanwhile I am also working on a new game mode that I intend to be more in-depth than the other game modes. This will be featured as a separate menu item with its own page due to the fact that this includes the option of single player as well as multiplayer (currently aiming for up to 12 players per session depending on multiplayer performance). I dont want to go into too many details at this stage as the mode pans out, I don't want to promise something that doesn't get delivered but this will be a Co-op or PvP mode, depending on your settings. It will include AI enemies in both modes. More details to follow on this new mode, that will be included in the already released package at no extra cost. Thanks to those of you who stuck with me so far, this is not a cash grab early access release, but intended to be supported while someone is still there listening! Hope you have tried Chunk mode, personally there is nothing better than a 30 foot man riding a shopping cart/trolley. (You did find the shopping cart/trolley didn't you? Its got a Nitro)
[ 2023-05-31 20:27:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
I'll be continuing to provide hotfixes for reported issues as they are resolved, while I am also working on a big content release. More details on that to follow in the coming weeks! (Not just a new game mode, but a completely different way to play Tim Climpy's Warfair with your friends!)
- Added bot skill selector - this mainly effects weapon accuracy at this stage
- Tweaked weapon categories a little to only show applicable categories for the class - more refinement to come
- Further performance improvements for fog effects
Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where when using weapon pickups, scopes do not apply correctly
- Fixed bug where classes were incorrect on main menu showing the wrong weapons
- Fixed an issue with cloth physics causing NaN
- Fixed duplicated level number on profile overview screen on main menu
[ 2023-05-27 18:09:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small hotfix release for today, fixed:
- Started to reorganise the gunlist so only weapons available for class are shown. Not quite there yet though
- Fixed minigun being locked
- Pistols are now able to be fired quicker after equipping
[ 2023-05-21 17:31:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to those who purchased the game! Here is a small hotfix with the following fixes
- Fixed controls not able to be remapped
- Fixed AC130 target material being pink
- Fixed grenade not having an explosion and causing an exception
- Fixed AC130 SFX not having volume settings applied correctly
- Fixed AC130 spawning multiple times
- Fixed Mech killstreak not spawning or doing anything!
- Temporarily stopped AC130 from being used inside a car until we decide on how best to fix this!
[ 2023-05-20 19:49:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
So, we made it, here we are, release day. Tim Climpy's Warfair is now available. Please let us know of any issues on the forums, or on Discord. There will be issues, im sure, but I hope we can quickly resolve them. Then we look to the next chapter of Warfair. More features, more content. We would love to hear about any ideas you have, however crazy, broken, let us hear them. We started this game to create something fun that wasn't too constrained by the traditional rules of FPS, at least not all the time. Thanks to everyone who wish listed the game, and double thanks to those that then purchase (and dont refund :D). The more we can engage with the audience, the more we can give back in future plans. Special thanks to Xiogyn, AsdaBadger, Cheese Slipper, Silkmaster (aka The Smoke Master), Nath, Twiggy, BoysGaming, and Kali Muscle for your beta testing!!!!!!! Also thanks to those that continued to push me to develop this from nothing to where it is now and beyond!
[ 2023-05-19 14:46:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
So this is likely the final patch before release, though maybe I will squeeze out a last one.
- Perks are now behind an XP wall. Currently level 15, though this may need tweaking
- Fixed an exception in networking stack
- Added initial language support for French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with grappling hook not showing
- Fixed a settings button not activating correctly
- Temporarily disabled password box on joining server
- Changed ping display on server selection to show your ping, rather than the max ping of the server
- Fixed servers to accept any user on a ping of less than 180, rather than having it selected by the host as this is kind of arbitrary. If you have a ping of 180, it will probably be awful for you
- Fixed name display on map preview when hosting
- Fixed Recon icon being too large!
- Tweaked some icons on main menu
[ 2023-05-17 14:58:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Due to a horrible bug, ive put out a hotfix to resolve it! Lets hope this is the last one before release! Includes the following fixes:
- Fixes bug where grappling hook use would cause excessive lag making the game unplayable!
- Fixed bug where weapon unlocks for each class were incorrect (may need future tweaking too)
- Updated fog effects as this was already pending in the build and was ready for release!
- Fixed issue where region detection would pick South America even if that wasn't the lowest latency
[ 2023-05-14 11:27:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
0.91.18 Update!
- Improved performance of mesh slicing for limb removal
- Added cloth physics to Library flags
- Improved performance of fog effects
- Updated speed of bots to match players better
- Updated quality of navigation for bots
- Added detection of lowest latency region and connect to that by default
- Added region selector, but disables when in a lobby already
- Weapons classes are now enabled per class type (ie, no RPG if you are an Assault class)
- Put some weapons behind an XP wall, so level up to receive them!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed positioning on Minigun
- Fixed muzzleflash position on minigun
- Fixed issue where DoF would get stripped from build incorrectly
- Fixed level up notification text alignment
- Fixed bug where locked weapons would show up
- Fixed bug where weapon classes were shown when they weren't applicable for the player class
- Fixed problem where hands were in the wrong place on some newer weapons
- Fixed problem where the perk could not be selected in the main menu
- Removed a bunch of emblems and added new ones
- Fixed problem where when you started the game, the spawn menu would not switch to your previously selected class
- Fixed problem where statistics were not getting saved to Steam and you wouldn't level up
- Fixed hole in WW2 map where you would fall to your death
- Fixed a bug where Depth of Field would show all the time, even when not aiming
- Fixed a number of issues with Kill Confirmed game mode
- Fixed a number of busted icons and alignments on main menu
- When queuing maps, fixed problem when you hit the end of the queue, it did not loop round to the start correctly
- Fixed Quick Match button not finding any matches
- Fixed Big Head mode not giving you a big head!!
- Fixed bug where some settings were not invoked when starting the game
- Fixed a bug where if you did not change your class, any weapon changes you made would not save on exit
- Fixed limb removal not working
- Fixed bags appearing on the front of the player
- Fixed an issue where some sounds would not play associated with weapon movements
- Fixed a performance regression with sounds on weapons
[ 2023-05-12 10:47:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tim Climpy's Warfair coming this May
Good morning all, Tim Climpy here to give you an update on the May release of my game; Tim Climpy's Warfair. That's right, it should be May! Ive been reliably informed that we are going through final checks before we can let you get your grubby mits on it. I'll be honest, ive not been putting enough pressure on Common Blob to get this thing out the door. What with my arthritis and dedicated service to training military organisations around the world. None-the-less, we will be bringing Warfair to you this month. Maybe as soon as the 19th May, but ive been told it depends on whether we get through the final checks. While we await certification on the release build, we are working on bringing French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese language support. And my personal favorite, for when I am stuck behind enemy lines, SteamDeck support. These things are not just for controlling automatic weaponry, they also play games too! So, I emplore you, wishlist the game, and preferably purchase the game when its wishlisted, because what is a wish if it cannot come true. Kind Regards

Tim Climpy (dictated, not read)
[ 2023-05-10 13:37:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another update, more prep to get Warfair certified to release next week. Here is the changelog!
- Increased performance in game!
- Improved performance of mini map!
- Improved performance of seeing your own legs
- Added Depth of Field effect to scopes
- Added new interactive smoke grenade!
- Added region selector for servers, defaults to EU still
- Removed zombies and big head mode for now as they are bugged
- Added some basic Steam Rich Presence
- Reduced muzzleflash during aim firing so you can see who you are shooting at!
- Added link to Discord server
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem where grenade effects would not sync position correctly for other clients on the map
- Fixed continue button on end screen always returning to the lobby regardless of the map type
- Fixed CTF flags being in the wrong side of the map
- Update Steamworks version
- Fixed zombies not spawning
- Fixed killzones on ProtoNuke
- Fixed a number of icons on menus not displaying correctly
- Fixed vehicle mode text displaying as an integer rather than a description in lobby
- Removed some dodgy iconography that didn't sit well with the values of modern societal beliefs
- Fixed minimap being off centre on Island map
- Removed some slightly rip-off avatars
- Fixed an issue where Steam Remote Storage would not sync save
- Fixed problem with bots where they just stared into space at the start of a map
- Fixed problem where menu buttons wouldn't activate if you left the lobby of a match
- Fixed problems with navigation mesh on some maps where bots would sink in the floor
- Lots of controller fixes, but currently controllers are not "supported" as we work through some further bugs to controller based menu navigation and a few other things
[ 2023-04-28 17:27:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains a number of quality of life bug fixes. Some presentation polish and the guts of proper controller support. (Need to get me that SteamDeck verification badge ;D) Hopefully we are now getting to a more complete point where if I release it, I wont be publicly shamed into admitting everything is awful. Maybe even someone will buy it!? Come on, its cheap $5, get it in the library my love! Anyway, onto the patch notes:
New Features/Enhancements
- Added back thicker outlines for a nicer aesthetic
- Removed Screen Space Curvature highlighting as this made things look a bit worse!
- Integrated Steam Input for controller remapping for Steamdeck, Playstation, Xbox and Switch controllers (still needs official mapping published)
- Reduced smoke grenade live time
- Reduced smoke grenade area size
- Added SFX volume slider to main menu
- Added Weapon levels, get higher levels with a weapon in order to unlock more exotic camos
- Added ownership checks through Steam to gain access to multiplayer servers
- Increased fire rate of Vector
- Improved the performance of GI lighting
- Improved the performance of maps using terrains and foliage
- Reduced effectiveness of Rocket Launcher (Bit OP)
- Made Rockets move slower, rather than the speed of a bullet
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some rendering issues when fog was enabled
- Fixed issue where when starting a game, it would always default to round mode
- Fixed an issue where queued map mode would not apply correctly
- Fixed ladders not prompting for interaction to climb
- Removed some redundant UI elements
- Fixed an issue with Steam ticket creation in order to authorise access to multiplayer servers
- Fixed an issue where the parachute could note be used if you jumped from a building intentionally
- Fixed an issue where gun muzzle flashes could not appear when in water or fog
- Fixed gun icons in main menu weapon list being incorrect
- Fixed killstreak audio being loud
- Fixed muzzle flashes of other players facing downwards
Known Issues
- Possible issue with stats not always saving back to Steam correctly
- Controller glyphs do not always load correctly
- If controller is plugged in and not use, cursor can stay on screen incorrectly
- Using a smoke grenade on library map has unexpected effect!
- Pressing continue button when map ends when doing queued maps goes back to the lobby
- Minigun remote player animation is mental and all over the place!
- Potential performance regression if playing a number of maps that include foliage shaders
[ 2023-04-14 20:10:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
As we are nearing release, I wanted to put further polish to the game, fixing bugs and cleaning up features, so this release has that!
Features / Enhancements
- Ladders are now used by pressing the Interact button, no more getting sucked from the floor onto a ladder
- Audio mixing is reworked throughout the whole game, so those fun sliders might actually do something for you now!
- Audio occlusion now working
- Added audio reverb modelling
- Added GPU acceleration for audio modelling to reduce CPU overhead
- Added new map queue feature. Rather than have a game end and go back the lobby, you can now queue up a series of matches with gamemodes and gamemods so they play out in sequence. Much nicer!
- Added animation at the start of the round to denote gametype and map name - why not
- New volumetric smoke grenade! Now get lost in the fog of Silkmaster forever!
Bug Fix's
- Cursor of death bug may have been fixed! Looking for confirmation!
- Fixed issues where sounds were not always heard correctly
- Fixed random cape appearing when you died
- Fixed positioning of flags in CTF
- Fixed positioning of capture areas in Domination
- Fixed HODL positioning on all maps
- Fixed a rogue collider on the RC425 causing weird collisions
- Fixed CTF flag for Team2 not being applied
- Cleaned up some redundant UI objects
- Fixed an issue where the grappling hook would not always render for player
- Tweaked weapon rendering to fix an issue on SteamDeck causing made screen effects
[ 2023-03-30 16:30:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
So another update cycle comes around, and Warfair comes with a bunch of fixes and improvements. Here is the changelog:
New Features
- New spooky library map!
- Added cape with cloth physics! (Why not :D)
- Allow movement when the map is zoomed in, may revert based on feedback
- Made further improvements to audio modelling
- Made weapon switch times more consistent
- Changed teammate icon by name to be less odd
- Added doors to containers for Silkmaster
- Added main menu music
- Update arms model.
Bug Fixes
- Made underwater "less blue"
- Fixed water not getting fog effect causing it to look weird
- Reduced footstep audio range
- Fixed a number of ladders round the wrong way on El Mondo
- Fixed a number of unreported exceptions
- Fixed kills not being counted when playing Free For All
- Fixed weapons in gunrace not changing correctly
- Made changes to default SteamDeck controller mapping
- Added more controllable doors to El Mondo
- Fixed problem where you would get a brief black screen when entering/exiting vehicles
- Fixed problem where footsteps were not audible in some situations
- Fixed a problem where guns could appear slightly transparent
- Fixed missing icon for HODL capture point
- Disabled fog effect on map screen
- Fixed some issuers with the water shader when exited the water
- Fixed some issues where the loading screen would duplicate itself when map is finished
- Fixed an issue where obstacles were not accurately mapped so bots ran into them more often than they should
- Fixed some windows on El Mondo that could not be shot through
- Fixed problem where scores were not counted in Domination and HODL correctly
- Removed the incorrect sun image that looked really awful
- Fixed bug where MAK12 was UBER powerful
[ 2023-03-18 18:13:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the first update log for Tim Climpy's Warfair. I'm sure there will be many more to come. This version also includes updates to the bots. They can still get a memory blank sometimes, which will be improved in the next release, but they are already more realistic by giving them random personalities from cautious to run n' gun. We wanted to let you know that version 0.90 has been posted which includes the following changes:
- 5 New Weapons!
- New SMG: SP60
- New Sniper: MR22
- New Shotgun: MAK12
- New Pistol: X13
- New Revolver: RC425
- 40 new haircuts!
- 20 new bags!
- 20 new masks!
- Improved bullet physics to include bullet drop
- Improved fog effects
- Improved fog performance
- Tweaked swimming physics to be less "odd"
- Added legs! Yes, much like Meta Horizon, your legs are now visible!
- Added more working doors to El Mondo map
- Added new ladder control, these are currently rather buggy as we work through the maps to update them
- Added more realistic audio rendering. Sound can now be occluded by the geometry of the map, along with further reverb modelling when in different spaces
- Added all new footstep audio for different surfaces
Bug Fixes
- Fixed black screen instead of, like, meshes!!
- Reduced volume of match finished music
- Fixed some exceptions on load
- Fixed problems with muzzleflashes not rendering in the correct location
- Reduce likelyhood of bots bulldozing vehicles over in a rage
[ 2023-03-01 14:56:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
A word from Tim Climpy
Hi, I'm Tim Climpy and welcome to my PvP FPS Warfair game. As an expert in military warfare, i decided to collaborate with Common Blob on a first person shooter. I was thrilled to lend my expertise to them. Unfortunately, they seemed to have ignored a lot of what I said, which is disappointing. I dont recall ever using a flamethrower with a grappling hook while parachuting ever. Not in my approximately 40 years experience! Anyway, i digress, I did lend my knowledge, whether they used it or not.
Battle your friends (and enemies?) on 7 maps across the world to see who comes top of the leader board.
- Over 200 character customisation options
- 25+ Weapons - Assault Rifles, Pistols, Snipers, SMGs, Flamethrower, Minigun, shotgun, grenades
- Modify your weapons to include different Muzzles, Scopes, Grips, Camos
- 7 Maps
- Limb removal!
- Set the time and weather for nighttime conflict, or in the middle of a thunderstorm
- 7 Gamemodes
- Classic Free-For-All mode
- Another classic Team Deathmatch
- Yet another classic Capture the Flag
- HODL mode where you need to hold the point
- Gunrace, get a kill with a gun to move onto the next weapon.
- Kill Confirmed - pickup the bag to confirm the kill and gain the point
- Escort the Payload - escort the payload to the destination to win, or defend against the other team
- Classic Free-For-All mode
- Modify each game mode with game mods:
- Chunk - After every kill you get bigger and stronger, there is no end to how much you can grow
- Big head - Everyone has a big head!
- Bouncy-Bouncy - Bouncing platforms are scattered across the maps
- Zombies - Scatter a load of zombies around the map to give you some more target practice
- Chunk - After every kill you get bigger and stronger, there is no end to how much you can grow
- Drivable vehicles
- Cars
- Tanks
- Planes
- Helicopters
- Cars
- Level up and unlock new items, skins, weapons, attachments, camos
- No in game purchases, just things behind an XP wall!!
- Some destructible environments
- OS: SteamOS or similar
- Processor: Intel Core i3+ or AMD Ryzen with 4+ cores
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7970Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 MB available space
- OS: SteamOS or similar
- Processor: Intel Core i3+ or AMD Ryzen with 4+ cores
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 1050 or AMD Radeon 560Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 5 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]