Related or not, i wanted to update everyone about a new addition to SailSim which is planned in the new year. I will be adding an ROV to the simulator! Over the last few months i have been developing an ROV for working in the water under my boat as well as for other odd jobs. The ROV is called Guppy and is currently running on IndieGoGo to produce it for others. After few suggestions i started doing preliminary work to make the addition in 3D. Check out the campaign if you are interested and Happy Holidays to everyone! PS: You can also find the relevant information on my Patreon page and my YouTube channel.
[ 2024-12-23 22:53:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a minor update to keep all versions across all platforms uniform as i prepare for new releases and development. Had to update lots of libraries and barely kept up with the latest requests from iOS and Android sides. More to come soon :)
[ 2024-09-17 16:44:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new achievement was added for those who really love SailSim and reach 20.000xp. In this update i also fixed few things, added some new ones. I finished the Flag/Country translations which were new in the previous update. Added a "Force Start" function in the racing lobby in case someone fell asleep so the rest can begin racing. One cool addition to Racing was "Penalties" which will speed up your time in case you hit something. Should make things a bit more competitive. - Race Penalties - New Achievement (Commander) - Force Start (Race Lobby) - Flag translations
[ 2024-03-22 20:03:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds some nice functionality related to Saved Game Data. You can now transfer your progress from one platform to another as long as SailSim is supported on it. Additional stability for Racing was implemented along with other nice updates. Below is a list of the most notable ones: - Cross-Platform Save / Load (Progress Transfer) - Flag Purchase is saved in Cloud Backup - No Need to restart after altering flags - Game Controller implementation in multiple areas PS: Starting from Version 5.57, If you are backing up your progress in the cloud, please SAVE your progress after this update BEFORE loading it again so the new data changes can rewrite the correct locations.
[ 2024-03-13 02:49:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update integrates deeply flags into SailSim. You can choose the flag you would like to represent while sailing during Cross-Play or Racing. Flags are also integrated into Portal in general and in many other places within the simulator. You can unlock flags in the Shop/Unlock section. Additional updates are as follows: - Subtitles have been translated - New icons and images added throughout the UI - Basic Challenge 3 and 4 had an issue which is now fixed PS: Restart SailSim after you unlocked flags, for the change to take effect.
[ 2024-03-09 20:44:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can Skip the tutorial now if you wish. It was mandatory before this update. New Race time was decreased (not sure why i had it so long) so that those playing can create a new race much sooner. This time is also decreased as you win more races. New Leader-Boards were added for the Fastest time per each environment. The time is also linked to Portal and its Leader-Board. Some aesthetic adjustments were made to the UI ad some text labels fixed to be more presentable as they were left that way from the initial development of SailSim and i just never got around to fixing them. Additional Accessibility setting has been added for the "Camera Roll" and for new users this will be set to ENABLED as default. For existing users, if you notice that the camera is not rolling with the vessel, enable this feature in the settings. Game Controller adjustments were made to some menus so you can navigate them more easily. Portal Leader-Board would rewrite your score in case you reset your saved data and not leave the highest history. This is fixed now and no matter what happens, your highest achievements will remain and only increase based on your progress. There was an issue with displaying the MAP function correctly. On some devices it was shown incorrectly and this has been looked at. I am still looking into it but it should be better.
[ 2024-03-06 03:05:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
I started adding Accessibility features to SailSim. You shall find some of them in the Settings menu. If anyone has any suggestions about other functions, i would be happy to listen.
[ 2024-03-03 02:26:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Due to high demand for racing within SailSim, Cross-Play was reconfigured to accept the additional load. Please update to version 5.49 or above if you want to see others and them to see you, since many parameters changed. Should be much more stable and smooth now.
[ 2024-02-29 20:41:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update ads Alerts to the settings. Now you can get a side note while you are exploring SailSim, when someone initiates a race. Also you can disable update notifications. Additionally i did some fixes related to Cross-Play which should make the experience much smoother. Sabre Spirit had an issue with a Game Controller which is also fixed now. Some minor adjustments to the UI were also made, racing menus and some unwanted behavior when you roll over your vessel or broach it. Some adjustments to the Racing UI for the Game Controller were made as it was a bit unfinished when i initially published it. The "Unlock" functions were not being saved in the backup system, which is also fixed now.
[ 2024-02-27 12:33:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Racing is now a reality within SailSim. I am happy to announce yet another great addition to our simulator. Racing is now a part of our sailing experience along with many other improvements and additions. The brand new Racing mechanism is fully integrated into SailSim Portal and Cross-Play, making it a great and fun addition. All environments support Racing and although the courses are still basic, they do provide a competitive feel. With time, i think i won't resist in adding more fun ways to improve racing but for now, there is plenty to do as is. Besides racing, many things were worked upon in this update. Below is a list of everything i could remember. - New Achievements were added for the racing environment - New Sound-FX were added - New icons within the UI and functionality - The UI in general went through a large Clean-Up for out of place items - Additional rewards were implemented for the race winners - Portal stats are now integrated with racing and are displayed - Fixes were made in Portal as i went through the whole system - Fixes and additions were made in the Calendar system - Cross-Play had bugs which were sorted after a general overhaul - All levels went through a touch-up as i played through them a bit - A deeper implementation of the SailSim Ranking system was made - Adjustments to Game Pad controls were made - General code and graphical fixes were made to increase stability and performance I hope these updates make SailSim even more enjoyable for all. No one is perfect so naturally if you do find anything wrong, out of place or something that doesn't look right then please let me know. PS: To access the Racing functionality, Cross-Play must be enabled in your settings and you must be logged in through the available online gaming system of your operating system. These functions are also described within SailSim. (Racing is within the Portal menu)
[ 2024-02-23 19:00:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Maps have been added in this update. Now you can view the map of each environment, zoom in or out, let the map follow you or navigate through it manually. You can enable the Map functionality through the Unlock menu. Changes also have been made to the values of each feature in the Unlock menu based on their value overall as well as effort put into making and integrating it.
[ 2024-02-14 20:12:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
I mostly wanted to finish up the translations here and do some adjustments. As far as game-play only few minor tweaks. I will begin working on more features after this as the Terminology in Greek took a lot out of me :) There were several additions made to SailSim but they were made for Mobile devices and are not as much Game related as convenience.
[ 2024-02-05 14:14:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains newly added "Hints" which can be found in the Unlock section. Additionally the Tutorial was refined and adjusted to be a bit more precise. A Pause was implemented when SailSim is in the background. Some Fixes were done and few bugs eliminated. Greek Translation is done up to 83%
[ 2024-02-02 16:20:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update i created a Tutorial for all newcomers based on user requests. Sometimes the simplest things elude me since i was under the impression that everyone knows how to sail :) The Tutorial covers basic controls so you can begin exploring and learn further. For newcomers, the Tutorial will appear during the first Challenge automatically and when passed will allow to continue into the Challenges. For those who already have SailSim, you shall find the Tutorial under the "Quick Guide" in the Main Menu (Left bottom corner). If you haven't passed the Tutorial yet, it will also be triggered during the very first challenge "Get Points". Hopefully this will make life easier for new sailors and clarifies few things for existing ones :)
[ 2024-01-26 16:55:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update i was mostly concentrated on the overall Game-Play based on recommendations from users. As of this revision, the Challenge rewards have been increased to speed up the progression within the simulator and make the experience more rewarding. Exams and lessons now provide more information when mistakes are made to guide you in answering correctly next time instead of just providing a Right or Wrong result. Few minor fixes were made and few tweaks here and there.
[ 2024-01-23 21:16:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
It is finally that time again to present a large and brand spanking new update to my beloved SailSim. I am very excited to present the work that has been done over the past months and hopefully everyone else finds it as fulfilling and fun as i do. This is a major update which incorporates the 3rd large addition to SailSim with a new level, new vessel, new lessons, challenges, dynamic wind and much more. This update will also allow you to complete all rankings up to "Captain", unlock new story items and provide basis for the adventures yet to come. Below is a full list of all the updates that are included in this revision.
Major Additions
- New Sailing Vessel - Sabre Spirit 37 (Fin Keel)
- New Level - "Secret Places"
- 12 New Lessons
- 9 New Challenges
- A New Adventure
New Features
- Night Mode & Night Sailing
- Wind Indication
- Dynamic Wind Conditions
- Spinnaker Control
- Furler Jib
- Self Tacking Jib
- Sail Reef System
- Prop Walk
- Level Interaction
- Alternative Challenge Solutions
General Additions
- Updated User Interface
- Improved model details
- New Sound FX
- New Point Items
General Improvements
I optimized each level even further and fixed some loops which were running without any reason in a lot of places. This should improve general performance and frame rate. Sabre Spirit 37 is the most complex of all the vessels in SailSim so have in mind that it does require a bit more from your graphics along with everything else in the environment. Also i increased the physics complexity further and more forces are now in play, which actually makes sailing even more real. Some aspects i intentionally developed as they are now as far as vessel attitude goes to essentially make the experience a bit more fun and not sluggish and boring (larger vessels generally have a slower response rate and force interaction) I also would like to note few things above the above mentioned additions to clarify few things and explain in more detail what some of the features do:
Dynamic Wind
Before, the wind in SailSim was static with no change and in essence was linear, allowing you to concentrate on the learning aspect. This is updated now to a fully dynamic wind. What this means is that the wind conditions actually change throughout the level. If you are near a mountain the wind might increase or decrease based on the terrain. If you are sailing you might get sudden gusts. The winds indication is not just symbolic but actually represents the wind forces which constantly change. Hopefully, this system adds another layer of complexity to sailing and makes your interaction much more fun.
Level Interaction
A system and the according menus for interacting with surroundings has been incorporated (for now mostly to Adventures) which makes the experience much more interesting and opens new doors for any sort of future development.
Alternative Challenge Solutions
As the new level was developed with much more complexity under the hood, it allowed to present a challenge with different ways of passing it. Now you do not have to follow the predefined path in some challenges or in general sailing but try and "Cheat" the level to achieve the same goal. In general i tried to make this update as interesting as i could without setting astronomical goals but rather completing a list of things i had in mind and making them work properly (hopefully). I hope you enjoy this update. I wanted to publish this as a small holiday present of my own to all SailSim users before the new year and i hope this goal was achieved. Naturally no one is perfect so if you do find something wrong in a form of a bug or perhaps something i missed (it was a lot of work) then please say so in the community discussion or just send me a message and i will fix it as soon as i can. Happy holidays to everyone! PS: Greek and Russian translations for the update will become available as soon as i finish doing them. This time it shouldn't take as long as it did the first time since the bulk of the work is already done.
[ 2023-12-16 18:44:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Received a notification from Steam regarding the "2023 Steam Awards" today. Never won anything so thought of trying out my luck. The nomination i have available is for the "Labor of Love" and i think SailSim receives nothing but love from me year after year as i work on it an improve it. I think the category title and the description for the nomination is quite fitting to our simulator. If you feel that SailSim deserves a nomination, feel free to submit your poll and hopefully my little Sailing Simulator will receive its small place in the spotlight.
[ 2023-11-21 18:01:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just wanted to show off the new vessel a bit. This time there is much more detail in the design as well as function. I am also adding a lot more physics to it as it has more controls and behaves differently from the rest of the vessels currently available. You'll be able to sail this beauty soon as i am finishing up lessons and challenges. I tried to model the details and general shape as close to the original as possible so hopefully you shall be able to identify the brand steamhappy PS: I upload from time to time screenshots like these in the "Artwork" section of the Community Hub.
[ 2023-11-14 19:44:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am currently finalizing the new boat addition, models for it as well as new lessons and levels. Have lots of details i am adding to SailSim and some of those details translated to Catalina 22 as well. Next time you sail on Catalina 22, you'll notice new Indicators, new model details and other functional updates. (The gauges and Compass actually work if you zoom in! - I opted for the "Clipper" screens as those were the ones i had on my own 28ft sailboat when i had it) This is much more pronounced on the third sailboat i am building but i just couldn't resist and add these features so that everyone can enjoy them even now. As a minor note, i found a mistake on my part in the functions related to opening and closing the Jib on Catalina. The CPU seemed to strain a bit on the PC and it was a bit more important on mobile platforms but now it is fixed. Essentially there was a loop when Tacking (changing direction) as the sail flipped to the other side. The loop was running continuously even though you didn't see anything change in the sail. I only noticed it as i was adding more functions to the Jib movement. I always had a feeling i forgot to do something and apparently this was it :) Enjoy the update and stay tuned for more cool stuff.
[ 2023-10-26 19:47:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am happy to announce that now SailSim is also available for Linux. I cannot test it as thoroughly as i do other platforms but it builds fine and is no different in functionality from the Windows version.
The only thing i haven't done on Linux is enable the Cross-Play functionality as that needs a bit more time to complete. If you do want it and are using SailSim on Linux, please let me know and I'll make it my top priority.
If you do find any issues with it on Linux, please let me know and i will look into it.
Back to making more content for SailSim now. Stay tuned and enjoy the simulator as always.
PS: I added a small guide for the Story-Line in SailSim in the Guides section.
[ 2023-10-16 22:13:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update addresses some stability issues, optimization and general tidying up of the logic. After the Group Sailing Event i fixed few minor glitches and went through the whole game fixing few things here and there.
[ 2023-10-15 21:02:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Forgot a thing. Don't ask :) Read the previous news post for the update details.
[ 2023-10-14 23:36:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
As an initial event, i added one of my own in the Portal Calendar. Update to the latest version v4.66 and check out the Portal calendar to see when the event is taking place. I will be attending it and welcome anyone who wants to join. This will be a good test to see how SailSim will work with multiple sailors in one level. I must also warn everyone that i only tested the system with 3 users at one time (that's how many devices i can use at the same time) so things may get weird. Nevertheless i will be watching how things go as i participate and will add all (if any) faults to my list to fix in the next update. Once again i must remind everyone that it is advisable to have "Cross-Play" enabled and be logged in to the Portal for this to work.
[ 2023-10-14 21:31:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update the Portal Calendar system was added and is fully integrated into the Cross-Play ecosystem. Now everyone can Schedule an event, join one or just check out what events are available. Joining the level in the set time is easy since you only need to be in an Adventure or challenge which is taking place in that level. I recommend just using the "Explore" mode in the adventure so nothing interferes with your sailing. More levels will be added to the list as we progress and the interface for selecting them might change a bit in the future. As an initial event, i added one of my own. I will be attending it and welcome anyone who wants to join. This will be a good test to see how SailSim will work with multiple sailors in one level. I must also warn everyone that i only tested the system with 3 users at one time (that's how many devices i can use at the same time) so things may get weird. Nevertheless i will be watching how things go as i participate and will add all (if any) faults to my list to fix in the next update. Once again i must remind everyone that it is advisable to have "Cross-Play" enabled and be logged in to the Portal for this to work.
[ 2023-10-14 20:56:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
There was a small issue with updating the Achievements for the latest adventure and forth to Steam (And other platforms). A bit of math was wrong which is now fixed.
[ 2023-10-11 19:44:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor fix for CrossPlay where users were multiplying like rabbits when more than 3 users were sailing at the same time :) Should be fixed now.
[ 2023-10-06 02:13:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Couldn't resist. Once more people started joining the Cross-Play session, i just wanted to say "Hi" somehow. Next time you see someone close by, press "H" on your keyboard or press the Left Thumb-Stick down on the controller. There will also appear a nice button on the screen if you have Cross Play enabled. Its something for now and sure is more fun :)
[ 2023-10-05 23:31:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
This isn't as much of a bug fix as something i haven't thought of. Thanks to sailor "Vigilant" :) who appeared at the same time as i was testing something out, i was able to notice a problem during Cross Play where due to forces being dynamic when applied to other user proxy vessels, due to being too out of sync or bad lag or other factors, when the actual position of a player was too far from the one shown, the force would spring back and forth the vessel. I fixed that by setting a limit so that if the distances are too great, the proxy vessel would simply re-spawn where it should be. This and other values and parameters, i can change online without making new updates so i can tweak things while in game-play. Thank you for being there "Vigilant" :)
[ 2023-10-05 21:08:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
I added a few safeguards to Cross-Play to eliminate some crashes. Hopefully the experience is more stable now. Will continue to test it to make sure.
[ 2023-10-05 17:34:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
I am happy to announce that a new adventure has been added. Pirates! This one is trickier than the first one with a more complicated Game-Play, so if you find any bugs please let me know. I played through it and it seems to work fine but you never know. I suggest using the Continue button in the Adventure messages so you don't have to make the same route over and over again. I also added an extra layer of messaging during Adventure Checkpoints so you are reminded what you have done and where you left off. It also hints on what to do next. I don't know if anyone is using a Game Controller besides me but there are some nice effects i constantly add to the controller functionality, so if you have it - use it :) As a small update i also made some additions to Cross-Play with bits here and there. Enjoy the new adventure and have fun!
[ 2023-10-04 00:16:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its a constant battle :) Seems that when you just got it working, it doesn't... :) There was an issue with updating the User Name in Cross Play. I think it is fixed now. The issue was that after the initial update it would just stay on whatever was set last. If anyone notices something weird, let me know. Fingers crossed :)
[ 2023-10-02 01:50:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small fix in the user creation process. The fields were mixed up (haven't slept in a while). All is well now. Please read the previous updates to see the full list of Cross - Platform features and descriptions.
[ 2023-10-01 23:06:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Added a small convenience for Steam users in the Cross-Play Login window. Simply Chose "Steam" if you want to use the same Username and Avatar as on Steam for SailSim Cross-Play. I also wrote a small guide just in case in the Community Hub regarding the Cross-Platform Login Form. Check it out if your not too busy :)
[ 2023-10-01 22:18:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
This was a big one. Plenty of sleepless nights to finish the Cross Platform integration. Happy to say that now every platform on which SailSim is available, is interconnected. See others as they go through challenges, sail together, check out statistics and plenty more. I just finished the initial integration so please be gentle in criticisms, as it is not perfect but it works. Naturally i will make it better as we go along.
The Cross-Platform system is called "Cross-Play" and can be enabled in the General settings. It is disabled by default. For now, the unification is done without Steam as i cannot afford that feature right now, however everything related to it is still functional. Cross-Play is working alongside everything else but does unify statistics and other things here and there.
When entering your information for the first time, please do so with some consideration for the future as your Nickname, Avatar and other credentials will be used for all future Cross-Play interactions so it is a good idea to set these values well the first time. Naturally you can reset the settings for your account and modify them later. Resetting is done by pressing "Reset" in the General Settings.
If you shall be using a controller, i suggest after you create your account and test it few times by logging in, to set it to "Remember Me" since this way you can just press "Login" with the controller and the login prompt won't come up unless you reset your settings (Mentioned above)
Save - Load Data
Although for other platforms this is not something new, for Windows users it will be nice to note that now you can Backup your data and progress to the SailSim portal. Save your data and load it in case you loose it. As an additional feature, you shall be able to load your progress on a different platform and continue where you left off. (It should be available in the next update but begin saving your data just in case)
Please, i welcome feedback and ideas on how to make this better. I have a list of things i want to improve and add but naturally your feedback is much more valuable as i cannot think of everything. Enjoy Cross-Play and if you find any bugs, please let me know. Exciting times... :)
[ 2023-10-01 06:44:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Has been a while since an update, however i haven't actually stopped working on SailSim. My floating home is on the hard for the winter and now that there is a stable connection, i can continue with work on SailSim while also restoring a boat next to mine.
Cross Platform
Very big integrations in this update. The initial foundations for a Cross Platform experience have been laid. I always wanted to have a Cross Platform system for SailSim so that iOS, Android and Windows devices can all interact and even provide Multiplayer. Things won't be seen in this update but they are already in the game as i am testing those Features.
iOS Availability
Happy to say that i have got myself the needed equipment and code and have successfully published SailSim for iOS. Just look for it in the Apple App Store as "SailSim - Sailing Simulator" I upload updates to all platforms close together so you get the latest version throughout.
Greek Translation is now Finished! - Took me quite a while to complete the translation but better late than never :) . If you notice something incorrect, please let me know as it was a big ordeal and i might have missed something.
[ 2023-09-19 01:11:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
🔸 Try out different sailing vessels to see how they behave
🔸 Learn different parts of a sailboat and what they do
🔸 Learn sailing through simple yet instructive courses
🔸 Check out different symbols, terminology and sailing equipment
🔸 Have fun if learning is not your thing by exploring or competing
🔸 Venture on simple yet fun adventures
🔸 Collect Achievements and battle for the highest score
⚫ Currently available vessels are
◼ Laser - Olympic
◼ Catalina 22 - Classic (Fin Keel)
◼ Sabre Spirit 37 - (Fin Keel)
⚫ Current Sailing Features
◼ Keel Control
◼ Keel vs Vessel velocity & mass effect
◼ Boom Direction
◼ Boom Jibe & Tack forces
◼ Boom Vang Control
◼ Main Sail Folding & Unfolding
◼ Jib Folding & Unfolding
◼ Jib Sheet tension & Winch Control
◼ Spinnaker Control
◼ Sail Reefing
◼ Rudder vs Velocity control
◼ Rudder & Turning circle based on vessel mass
◼ Rudder reverse control
◼ Engine Fuel Capacity and Refueling Systems
◼ Outboard engine control
◼ Outboard engine Prop Walk effect
◼ Sail Drive Prop Walk effect
◼ Dynamic Wind
◼ Level Interaction
◼ Drift effect vs Sail direction
◼ Vessel Heel & Potential Capsize effects
◼ Jib and Main Sail "Rudder Pull" when used separately
◼ Wind dynamics based on vessel velocity and direction
◼ Much more...
I created SailSim to be accessible for Android as well as Windows. It is difficult to find a good compromise as far as graphics, to satisfy the Windows crowd. I know it could visually be better but then the work needed to integrate it on Android would be much larger so i found a Middle ground as far as visuals go to hopefully satisfy both sides.
The visuals are meant not to be too serious where it doesn't matter as much (Environment in specific) but playful and fun. I however do spend a great deal of time on the physics of the simulator where the vessels can receive up to 30 or more forces dynamically at the same time, so the vessels are not just bumbling around but are actually getting the forces you would get in real life (mostly since nothing is perfect). Every time i sail i always think or notice a small detail in how my own vessel behaves and try to add that to SailSim.
Although by no means this should be considered as an exact replication of the actual sailing process, it does provide things you shall encounter when you step on any boat. If learning is not your thing, it is very addictive to just play with a sailboat and physics applied to it when the wind is howling outside and you have nothing better to do.
Some controls and reactions of the sailing vessels in this simulator have been set intentionally in an awkward way and not as a typical Sailing Game would do it. This is done to try and replicate what you shall encounter when controlling a sailboat by yourself.
I am having a blast developing this as an ongoing project. Spend lots of sleepless nights just because the specific environment or function is just too fun to stop making. Hopefully others will appreciate the work that is made by just one man on a small boat at sea :) I have many ideas and additions I would like to make to this simulator so if you like its direction, spread the word as I develop it under way or in a marina whenever my batteries are charged from solar or the engine.
⭕ Make sure you update to the latest available version as i fix bugs and release fixes and new functions as i go.
✴ If you find faults (bugs) not related to graphics but based on general behavior, please don't hesitate to mention it and i should have it fixed in no time. I do try to check everything before i publish a new update but no one is perfect and things do tend to slip my mind from time to time.
- OS: Linux
- Processor: Core i5Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Any 3D accelerator
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- OS: Linux
- Processor: Core i7Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Good GraphicsNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 400 MB available space
[ 6041 ]
[ 1525 ]
[ 1766 ]