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So. confirmation from Steam team. quite a bit ago. They are ready to pull the trigger on my word. but. I didn't realize people uh. collect games going retired so. I'll keep the game up for claiming purposes for the next few days. gives people time to get a paycheck or w/e There is no more keys. I will not be requesting anymore. I've also *sorta* restored the store page back to normal. cept the pictures. Logo has been removed, as a symbol of what was once there. I'll update the screenshots of the game with the time left in a majoras mask style. cause that game is awesome. To those complaining about the price. Be happy i lowered it by 50% at all. Even when the game was 99c the DLC's to play the game totaled over 10$ (hell it was in the 100's). 10$ for everything is the lowest its ever been. and now its 5$. Would go even cheaper, but hey. if i can hit that 100$ mark. it'll help put the next game up when i get the time for that in the future. but yes. buy it if you want to collect it. It'll help out. Otherwise. dunno bro. ----------- Game will be taken down: Saturday the 12th of October, When the Steam Team gets to it.

[ 2024-10-09 04:21:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Upgrades people! Upgrades!

So. As most of you don't care. AoA has gone through a lot of changes. so here's another one. The price has been changed to 10$ USD. A flat rate for the game. no DLC. This will include... everything. all of CoA, and future games. we've taken the Terraria path. And we got a lot of free keys for discord members so yeah. join that shit maybe. In other news. CoA is going through a redesign. It was hastily created just so me and my squad could get it up running and playing again. so it used a lot of base UI and such. I want to change this slightly. plus things have to change anyways so it can include multiplayer (something i wasn't worried about until summer of 2025) and also android phones. cause they work differently than PC. so i'll have to structure a lot of code bases to work different on android. to go with the redesign. CoA has been closed down for the redesign because honestly? shit was just fucked. literally one of the scripts was so long that if you tried to read it while unity was playtesting it would crash it. sooooo yeah. anyone who owns the AoA game or got a free copy. welp. you get everything for free. cept a couple individuals :) so yeah. assets will change, and hopefully somethings will look better, and work better. i got a lot of work ahead of me and life issues to deal with. sooooooo no ETA. im still almost a year ahead so, suck it lol. peace

[ 2024-09-25 20:42:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

News + AoA Version 103

Hi there. A couple things. 1. I removed the disclaimer, cause lol. 2. I removed all the DLC... well "removed". I hid it. It is hard to find and no longer purchasable because: 3. Instead of having over 50 DLC each at 2.99. There will now be 1 DLC, that is 19.99. So we went from over 150$ in DLC, to just a 20$ lump sum. - This will cover all future content, Classes, Species, Upgrades, Histories, the new trades, everything. I feel 20$ is fair. 4. but what about those that bought the other DLC's? Well fuck you. You get the $20.00 DLC for "free" Now. So if you bought one, and only one 2.99$ DLC? You now have the $20.00 DLC. Uh for that one dude that bought fckin 10+ of'em? Idk. Idk what to give you for compensation 5. So. You want to try the game before blowing a whopping 20$ on it? I get it. Now when you buy the .99 engine. It comes with a 24 hour free trial of Adventures of Ardron. - This time ONLY counts down when you're in the game(Not including the nexus or options). You gain access to ALL content in the game, for 24 hours. for 99c. After that will have to buy the game. other than that. I fixed a bunch of quirky little bugs. i'll give a free trail of DoA once its ready/finished or w/e and out of alpha, but that aint going to be ready for quite sometime. For those who don't want to pay 20$? uhhh. May is officially AoAnniversary month. The game will go on a massive discount (either 50 or 75%). so you can wait for that if you want. Theeee uhhh 20$ DLC isn't up yet cause it has to be approved by steam support (it will), sooo if you really want you can just buy the temporary DLC lol.

[ 2024-09-16 01:52:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 102

  • AoA: Added a disclaimer because people don't know how to read.
  • AoA: Dice rolls made in the options now send to the server, GM's too if they allow dice rolls to send.
  • AoA: Fixed GM sound effects being on loop, and player sounds too lol.
  • AoA: Fixed Player names in dice rolls not showing correctly
  • AoA: Fixed entire dice roll color matching character name color.
  • AoA: "fixed" the map sizing issue. it wasn't broken, but i made it work better.
  • AoA: when a player connects, it now sends them the current map.
  • AoA: Music and Ambiance sends to player on reconnect/single connect out of lobby
  • AoA: Fixed game music playing on menu music so it didn't update correctly.
just a small update for this weeks sunday game. --- Looked into auto translations. its do-able, but would need slightly more money than i make from the game now. so if this takes off more and becomes more sustainable than 10$ a month that'll happen. (s'currently at like. 6) but to ruin that idea --- Game will be released on Itch.io for free... there is a drawback to this. while the game will be free on Itch.io. (which I also can't link here cause steams cracking down on non-steam based links) the only content you would get is the free content provided. e.g. 1 class and 1 species. cause you need DLC for others...which is only on steam. so Itch.io is more like... a demo. but it's there if you want it. other than that yeah, i think Adventures is basically as done as its gonna get. Till I start adding more classes and whatever, but that might be a while with the other games i gotta make. anyways. love ya faces. peace.

[ 2024-09-12 07:26:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

AoA Version 101

You know how this goes. update log first. removing the All: identifier in logs, it just wont state what game its for. Engine Changes

  • Added a dipshit alert for dipshits. Steam things.
  • Added a tracker for total game time, it only tracks your time under specific conditions. Once time gets high enough... things happen.
  • AoA: Expanded the dice rolling format, it was a little cramped for my liking.
  • AoA: Updated the HTML color picker cause its confusing for non computer savvy people (Kat :P) so yeah. much easier now.
  • AoA: Added a connection status for Player side, and set the adding of new pages only after GM closes the lobby.
  • NEWAoA: Added a basic map for both GM's and Players, and you can draw all the dicks and balls you want :D well GM's can.
  • AoA: Added Loot rolls! Monthly rolls of random loot given to your character by their classes realms god. - Code for activation on Discord
  • AoA: Added sound effect for receiving dice rolls.
  • IMPORTANTAoA: Now if you don't own a class. Instead of just blocking you off, A popup will appear in the main menu...asking you to pick out 1 class and species to play with. For free. for I am a generous god.
  • AoA: Buffed the Drag and Drop, now works with bank slots :D
  • AoA: Added "ka ching" sound effect for when players sell items to the GM
  • AoA:Fixed a weird issue where the heartcharm would cause players to not be able to load into their characters? idk how(it dont even load that???), but its fixed.
  • AoA: Finally fixed the drag and drop inventory issues. removed all collisions and just fuckin did it via raycasting. uses MUCH less resources too.
  • AoA: Fixed some token/slot loading issues for the GM's combat field due to a lich HP issue.
  • AoA: Fixed player received rolls laying on top of each other.
  • AoA: FIxed a massive issue in tokens sending updated afflictions and such, if there was no health it would crash the connection app, and other things.
  • AoA: Fixed (?) the online interactivity tab. doesn't show up unless clicked.
  • AoA: Fixed a lot of chat and player roll issues, and forced Ui Updates
  • AoA: Fixed GM skill checks not including skillcheck name
  • AoA: Disabled online interactivity panel unless its open to save resources, and for Android canvas issues.
  • AoA: Player dice rolls now showup on player rolls if you are the player who rolled, same with GM
  • AoA: Fixed the lines on the defending page of the player side.
  • AoA: Fixed Drag and Drop feature in the inventory, and also replaced the missing bag image?????? its just fuckin gone lol
  • AoA: Fixed GM Notes issues, and added a save function when you change the type of note on the drop down.
  • AoA: Fixed languages looking up species and other things instead of yaknow.... LANGUAGES.
  • Wrapped all instances of Discord initiation within brackets so it doesn't run on android (cause it dont work on fuckin android)
  • Fixed yet another issue with android concerning content saving/unlocking
  • Fixed a \"blocking\" issue with the load in screen. evidently the loading text was blocking mouse clicks/android taps.
aite you sexy bitches. now you can play without buying DLC. i'll do the same with DoA. allowing you to get 1 full sets color so you can build a deck with it. and then other DLC's will give you sets of those colors. it'll be cool. ------------------------- ALSO. i don't think voice chat in game will EVER be a thing. :v i don't see the reason in paying 100$+ for a unity asset for voice chat when there are programs dedicated tot his and will be better. i've tried without it. it's god awful. Here have a listen i've looked up many things. asked other people who've done voice chat, and yeah they just tell me to use that asset. the other ones are... kind of jank, and require even more fiddling than i did to get that sample working. fuck that. so yeah that's not happening. ------------------- UHHH for something that might (?) happen. is localization. After checking some stats. uhhh.80%+ of my audience is outside the USA. USA is taken over by D&D so i get it. Might change once the other games come out but as for NOW. Most of you don't even speak english, im sure. so that's next on my agenda. learning how to add an in game translator and all that. That will... take some time. ------------------- As i've stated a million times. This game is for me and my friends mostly. and for that right? It's 100% done, we don't need anything else, but for you fine folk? probably want a couple things here and there. I just don't know about it. so i'm trying to think of what you would want really. ------------------------- As forrrrr the Discord. Discord has been restricted to only paying customers. E.g. you need a DLC to see the invite link in game, or a certain amount of hours play time. So we know you're serious. The Discord is completely optional, but it comes with a lot of perks. plus you can tell me i'm a piece of shit directly for making a free game cost money :D even a text based one lmao. (or i guess you can leave a review lmao) so the discord is just THNT atm. and were filling it with weeb, furry and degenerate nonsense. If you want free/everyone has access chat.... Steam group chat. ------------------------ uhhhh What else... oh yeah. So i've been looking into an experiment since this game is on Android too. i've been looking into bluetooth connection. so if you got 2 phones with no data or no wifi you can find each other and play, this was an idea mostly for DoA, but it can work for AoA too. none of this matters to any of you because you can't get the APK here but... its another thing im looking into for the future ----------------------- mmmk love your faces. all 585 of you according to steam(99% free users but still!). Thanks for checking out this shit pile :D peace

[ 2024-09-08 03:58:10 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 98 - butts

Due to the way android works, I keep the version number up to date with the android number. it can't use decimals. hence why PC versions get decimals. and if i want to update the android version. i have to increase the version number entirely. so yeah. that's why were on 98 now. SO. Engine changes.

  • DoA: Green cards in set 1 finished.
  • AoA: removed weapon page number from combat dropdown due to lack of space.
  • AoA: Added chat system for GM's and Players :D - You can set your Chat color, and if your chat message is a png,jpeg, or jpg. it will send the image in chat. - i just thought this was cool to add
  • AoA: Now all players rolls are sent to all players in the new network interactivity tab.
  • AoA: Added the option/toggle for GM's to send their rolls to players so players can see their rolls if they aren't a lil bitch >:D
  • AoA: For those who run on potatos, Sempai notices you, Images bigger than 1920 height wont be accepted into chat (chats only 900 pixels wide anyways soooo)
  • AoA: on top of that. Only 100 Chat messages, and 100 Dice rolls will be kept, After that? it starts deleting them.
  • AoA: oh yeah. You set your chat color with an HTML hashtag in the new tab. like #FFFFFF, and they save between sessions.
  • All: Added a voice volume bar in settings, for upcoming voice chat, whenever I figure out how the hell that works.
  • AoA: Added back the player blocker, because like. you can crash the game if you try to make a new character with 0 classes lmfao (i totes didn't do this by accident)
aaaaand no game mechanical changes so onto fixes :D
  • All: Actually fixed the problem. It was a card count problem.
  • All: Android taps not working? fixed hopefully
  • All: Android steam question was asked o.O i put a pillow over that dudes face. he's quiet now.
  • All: When loading a new scene. the canvas of the new scene wouldn't update (mostly options)
  • All: Fixed a bunch of issues for Android
  • AoA: Fixed description for Elusias Enlightenment. cause it was just missing?
  • All: Hopefully fixed a database issue which caused permanent loading
  • All: Fixed an input system issue >.>"
  • All: Fixed code input for Android users.
  • AoA: Fixed the saved server list for players covering the connect button...
------------ aite so some cool shit. i did some research, and we'll be able to keep the windows version going. i'll just be running a VM with no internet access once windows 10 is out of service. security dont matter if its not connected to the internet. then can just build and export. and as for our lovely people who are actually still switching to linux, yeah not gonna stop that. were still gonna keep up with the linux version, because linux is cool as shit(like how is my laptop faster than my desktop???) and no :D we'll never be releasing a mac version, or IOS version. however if you want the android version you'll have to get it on Itch.io which i can't link here due to steams new restrictions. (fair warning, its a bit wonky) so yeah love ya faces. [strike]ialsohidasecretgoodlucktowhoeverfindsitfirst[/strike]

[ 2024-08-26 10:11:41 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 92 & A Question For You

Sup ya sexy bitches. how are ya. I am not fine, but I'm also good. got sick can barely stay awake, but still got that Linux build out there. Tested it on Linux MInt 22, Unbuntu, and Debian(the main Os'es for Steam Linux), and it works fine. obviously that's just my system, if it don't work for you? Let me know. I'll see what I can do. Also i had to change the Unity build version so it also works with Linux. soooo some things just might be broken in general did a sweep and everything looks fine, butcha never know. SO onto the engine updates.

  • "AoA: Changed how the Trades section for players looks, to be more concise.",
  • "AoA: Added the tracking of Trade EXP, was usually just in the background of the system. This wasn't asked for...but if I was gonna redesign, I might as well add something.",
  • "DoA: Finished Set 1 Red cards",
  • "DoA: Added more cards to the overal set, so there is a strong solid base.",
  • "Untitled Music Game: Started work on this as an experiment, and I wanted a music game. Main scene, notes, scoring, all that set up. Still working on complicated note structures. might add more hit window tiers.",
  • "DoA: In the deck editor, if you have more than 100 if a card, it will show 99+ for simplicity sake (this is mostly for mana lmao)"
Game updates...there's only one. "DoA: Made it so you always have 10000 of any basic mana. For all of your Deck creating needs." same for fixes. AoA: Fixed a lot of odd issues with Tinkering in Trades. (wasn't increasing crafting EXP for some reason) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah that's about it. Most of my work has been adding cards to DoA, and converting/setting things up to Linux. I know i have a year ahead of me, buuuut better safe than sorry, and allows more time for testing. i am /still/ looking into ways i can use windows new OS so windows users (yaknow. 87% of steam users) aren't losing out on this game + DLC they bought. Speaking of. Games price has been lowered to .99c. why? Because the potato wills it. I really only need the game to be priced /at all/ to get certain steamworks perks for it. so screw it. 99c. its paid technically. i get those benefits. Sadly DLC will stay the same price 2.99 each. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So since most of you aren't in Discord I have to ask here instead. The hell do you want in the game? I've mostly made this for me and my friends. true, but at that point? I'm finished. I have nothing else to add to Adventures of Ardron, and thus am working on the other games in the game...pack? whatever it is. (don't get me wrong. i have other species,classes, and other mechanics i want to add to the game, but as for the engine i mean) So post in the comments what you'd like to see added i'll do my best, and add the most wanted things to the To-Do list for the game, cause uh. its basically empty. - Spite adding dev information in credits, and making a trailer for the Game Master side. I can't promise when i'll get to it with life constantly hitting me, as well as other priorities, but. itll certainly go on the list. which i check frequently when i find a place to stop on my current goal. so yeah love ya faces. peace.

[ 2024-08-24 20:50:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

If microsoft doesn't quit it's Bull****

So TL;DR: Unless microsoft stops its gatekeeping bs. Were going to Linux, and so will this game. ------------ Not TL;DR: You all know windows 11 right? right. It requires TMP 2.0. The entire THNT group is not running TMP 2.0 compatible CPU's, mostly because were poor as all hell and AMD and its MoBo's are cheaper, and most TMP 2.0 is Intel. SO in short. for us to upgrade 1 computer to be TMP 2.0 compatible. it would cost over 400$... and when you're looking at 4+ people. Yeah in short we don't have the fucking funds to spend 1600$+ for an operating system. and since microsoft keeps cutting off more and more ways to bypass this. It's kind of looking like we just wouldn't be able to use our computers at all once Windows 10 reaches EoL. SO. We can't use the new operating system, and we absolutely need the security of one that's updated. our only option is to spend 1600$+ for parts to use said operating system.................. If microsoft keeps up this path, we WILL be going to Linux. For Ashes of Arcanum? This means windows support will 100% stop, and will only run on linux based systems. Not something we want to do, but what is our other option here? Updates for windows will continue until September 2025. unless these changes for 11 are pulled back or lessened so people can actually use the fucking thing. so in that case. This game will only be ran on Linux. I've spent all day yesterday getting familiarized with Linux mint, Got unity up and running and everything working peachy and that's with 0 experience. So it isn't that hard to move over. Only thing that me and the squad will miss is Fortnite but worthy sacrifice. I know a lot of people are already switching over to Linux due to Windows 11 already. The steam numbers show a LARGE increase in linux based systems, and thats even excluding Steam Deck. So... We will too. That's all. fuckin microsoft >_>

[ 2024-08-21 21:23:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Addressing some Questions

Q: Why is the game no longer free? - 8 people or so. A: Well it is free... technically. If you want you can still access the old PDF version. The engine to run and make everything better? Not free. If you want the Engine for free? Well...there are ways(keep reading)I just don't think you want to put the effort in to get it. ------------------- Q: Why is there over 100$ in DLC already? - MegamanZero A: Would you rather the game cost 60$? Comparing typical homebrew on DrivethruRPG, other TTRPG's on Indies resource, and other places. All indie TTRPG's average out to 14.72$, if its D&D 5e all homebrew content of questionable content averages around to 7.67$. The Average Indie TTRPG features 3 classes and around 6 species(5.1 rounding up). This is after researching over 500 TTRPG's. Mostly indie, some not. That's what I used to calculate prices. Even undercutting it a little. for 14.95$ you get: The game, 4 classes of your choice, and 12 species that were bundled with those classes for synergy. Also when doing this research. Players stick to around 1-3 "classes"(if it had classes or some distinction of) in any TTRPG. Typically sticking to their primary type. I believe this is /more/ than fair. - You must also take into consideration: This game isn't just Adventures of Ardron. So splitting the content into DLC packs is the best way for player choice, a foundation of Adventures of Ardron's design in the first place, and not having to buy stuff you don't want/wouldn't use/paying the price of AoA with all its content just to play a different one(like DoA). As to why is there so much? - I wanted to stress test the absolute hell out of the systems rules. To do that? I need classes that challenged the rules. So I just kept making classes and species to do so... Plus the other members of THNT gave me a lot of inspiration. ------------------- Q: Why is this a pure text game? (but not said as nicely) - IdiocracyIsHereNow A: Well... uh. It's a TTRPG? Is that not what they are? Pen and Paper games? If the graphics of the engine bother you. You are free to play the PDF version :) Where there are no graphics. Plus... I am not an artist. You know how people say "anyone can do anything?" Yeah no. I am not an artist. I even took an art class back in school. Uh. To put it simply, It didn't go well. Plus with my shaking, I can't draw a straight line to save my life. This is why I pay artists, but how do I pay artists? Well. See that's why the game costs money now lmao. The icons I use is used with attribution, everything else I've paid others to do for me. Hopefully in the future I can pay an actual graphic designer, but for now? Unity UI and lines! Let me remind everyone here and now that this just started as an engine to create a character cause people kept getting confused with the PDF version. That's all this game was supposed to be. ------------------- Q: Will there ever be/is there any Adventures to play? - like 6 people A: No :D and yes. I have like... 3? Adventures in mind I would like to write down, and give Weavers to lead their parties through. The issue? *Insert typical single indie dev rant here* - So yeah. That's why, I got many other things to work on first. (Like finally finishing steam integration)... and then Duels of Ardron...and. ...Look. It's on the list, but it's a low priority. The 3 groups of people I know that actually play Adventures of Ardron don't use adventures. My squad included. So yes, I plan to make some. It's on the list, but not for a while. Homebrew your adventure, or just go steal one of 5e's and use the story from it. On the Weaver side of things, combat is /practically/ set up for you already, not much more you need there. I'm going to warn you all though. When there finally /is/ adventures? They will be PDF's, or in game text forms with pictures. It's not going to be automatic. Adventures of Ardron in the engine is a /tool/ to play the game. It is not a video game. It never will be, that would ruin the point of it being a TTRPG. ------------------- Q: What's the current status of DoA? It doesn't seem to have gone anywhere in a long time - Flouronite A: Aite let me break this down for you homie. Stuff was ready to go, but then i had to backtrack 500 miles and also side input everything so it works and is made for steam specifically, and remove everything from ko-fi. This screwed up a bunch of stuff. and Adventures is my main priority. It's the game that brought me and my squad together so, yeah it's important to me. DoA was just a pipe dream. Basically. DoA is ready to hit alpha /soon/. I just need to finish creating the cards, and set up the whole actual playing scene. For a point of reference, This game isn't even supposed to be /released/ yet - I don't know who was here in December of last year.... but Adventures alone was set to be done in /summer/ of 2025. I'm uh... A year ahead of schedule just about, with not even a year of C# programming under my belt yet. (Nov,24 will be 365 days :D woo!) Important note about DoA though. It wasn't even a thought a year ago. It hasn't had the scrutiny and testing that AoA has had. So... That will take some time too, So when it is available... Uh expect A LOT of changes very frequently. Balance is an important thing in a card game. That's about all I got for ya. We'll see how things go :D ------------------- Q: What happened to the discord? - bout 3 people lol A: It got wiped. Since we were no longer doing the content codes, and levels and stuff like that, and AoA was going paid. We figured those that only cared cause it was free won't care anymore, and those that do would come back, and most just lurked anyways so meh . So we wiped that mofo, cleaned up the channels, and reset levels. Now that it's been done... Were actually giving away steam keys for AoA now :D yes the levels are involved lmao, SO if you just join and lurk? You aint gonna get anything, but otherwise yeah. you can get free stuff. ------------------- Q: With AoA going paid, what's that mean for the Alpha testers of old? - Mr Popo I had to ask the team what we should do about this honestly. They thought I was a little over zealous giving away everything just for showing up when the game was early access, and ultimately I agreed, and since were not doing code input anymore, I can't create custom codes now, I could do DLC but that seems a lil wild for a couple people. So those of you who were there with us in alpha will get an upgrade pack of your choice, and any 2 DLC packs you want. Completely free. This was going to include the Access key, but thats not needed anymore. Just throw me a message when you can, and I'll get the keys ---------------------- I think that's all the important questions I like to be as transparent as possible with you, You know what I know. Its your money and time on the line, so you should know what's going on. If you have any more questions feel free to ask For all of you who have actually bought AoA and DLC, Thank you very much. In the words of a Portal toilet. "Your business is appreciated" Cave Johnson - Were done here.

[ 2024-08-17 04:52:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Issues fixed.

Security issue fixed. Wont go into detail but i basically spent the past 48 hours constantly working to get this shit fixed. So whats up: 1. access key no longer required. and since you can't delete DLC(Steam is weird like that)...[strike]setting price to 200$ lmao. so no one buys it accidentally, renamed it too.[/strike] I changed it into DLC for DoA :D 2. instead of setting AoA back to the 5$ price. were keeping it at 2.99. because your face, that's why. 3, I'm taking a damn break. I'm tired. 4. Since we no longer need double keys. i'll probably do an AoA key giveaway on discord soon. for laughs. 5. There is A LOT of DLC for classes in adventures coming......soon as steam approves the stuff. BASICALLY. i have all of the DLC in the game hard coded and ready to ship.....i just need to make the store pages and that taaaaaaakes steam a while. those below have been currently sitting for almost 2 days doing nothing. Steam support takes a while be patient. I'm sure the class you want will be available before the 30th. 6. After all that nonsense. I'll probably start working on cards for DoA.. i have them all laid out. I just need to code them in. and then set up steam stuff. ezpz. and then idk what else. stay tuned. i have a lot to do, but i want a break..least a day. even me and the squad havn't played AoA due to the issues and life stuff getting in the way so. :D FUN. love ya faces. peace

[ 2024-08-11 20:03:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

So what is happening with AoA

HI there. You're probably wondering a couple things. 1. Why is the game no longer free. 2. What the hell is this access code and why do i need to buy both the game and a required DLC? 3. Why can't I use codes anymore? -------------------------------------------------- To answer that 1. Mainly we wanted the game to be free true, but as more and more people wanted us to use Steam instead of offsite places like Ko-fi- We have to be able to use Steams features going forward... The issue with that? you can't do half of the things on Steam if your game is labeled as Free. So with that we were going to make the base game 5$ and just end it there. 2. As the game was free, There was things you could do through steam and in engine to ... do a couple things, I'm not going to go into detail as its a security thing for us. So just trust us. - Security issue to us, not Steam. To compensate and fix this. a DLC is now required to play the game, as having the DLC fixes the holes in security, as the only way to get in now is with the DLC. - To make this fair to people. we've listed the game as 99c, and listed the DLC as 1.99$. totaling 3$ instead of 5, just because requiring 2 things to play the game can be an inconvenience. 3. A small part of that security issue really. Since 99.99999999% of our players are on Steam anyways...we've decided to go full blow steam. DLC only for PC players. since Android can't use steam. only Android can use codes. Which isn't even hosted here. It's on Itch.io. So yeah. Welcome to hell, people suck and then we have to do shit like this. This has been a hassle for both us, and I'm sure Steam support for having to deal with all our requests

[ 2024-08-09 14:49:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Ashes of Arcanum
Tophats N Tales
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  • The world of Ardron is recovering from a 10,000-year war, but rather than being a barren wasteland, it is a place of renewal and flourishing life. With the gods either gone or indifferent, the responsibility of restoring order falls to the inhabitants of six distinct realms:

    • Eimon (Chaos): A realm of unpredictability and wild energy.
    • Elusia (Nature): A land where life thrives, guided by the primal forces of the natural world.
    • Grimlowe (Underworld): The shadowy domain of the dead and the unknown.
    • Sostrum (Mana): A realm rich with magical energy, where arcane forces hold sway.
    • Vidulyn (Technology): A world where innovation and machinery push the boundaries of what’s possible.
    • Yumalon (Overworld): A celestial plane, once overseen by the gods, now left to its own devices.
    This setting is not just the backdrop for a single game—it's the foundation for all the games in the "Ashes of Arcanum" pack. Each game within this system draws upon the rich lore and interconnected realms of Ardron, ensuring that while each experience is unique, they all contribute to a larger narrative and thematic universe.

    Whether you're exploring the chaos of Eimon or the technological wonders of Vidulyn, the influence of the war and the absent gods shapes every adventure, creating a cohesive and immersive world.

    The Current plans for Ardron:

    • Adventures of Ardron: A tabletop RPG that immerses you in the rich world of Ardron, where players navigate a universe shaped by ancient conflicts and divine legacies.
    • Duels of Ardron: A trading card game that lets you strategize and compete within the Ardron universe, using the power and lore of its iconic realms.
    • Legends of Ardron: A 2D action side-scroller where you step into the roles of the main Ascensions from Adventures of Ardron, experiencing their epic backstories firsthand.
    • ???: TBA
    • ???: TBA
    • ???: TBA

    If you wish to read the full lore. You can do so Here (If you only see a white page, Try a private window.)

    This is a tabletop RPG, designed for those who love deep, immersive experiences. It’s not automated—you’ll need a group to play Adventures of Ardron. This is not a game with automatic adventures..

    For The Players: As a Fateborne, your goal is to control a character through the world of Ardron, and either ascend to protect your realm or descend and surrender your power to safeguard it.

    For the GM: The GM (Weaver) guides the story, and keeps a system of checks and balances to engage the Fateborne, but all world changes require group consensus, promoting cooperative play. A suite of tools is available to simplify your role.

    This game offers a rich, complex experience that’s more in-depth than D&D but more accessible than GURPS. If you love storytelling, strategy, and a bit of chaos, this game is for you.

    If you're going to be a fateborne, you should know.
    The base game doesn't come with any classes or species to play as.
    Well instead of hard coding a random class and species into the thing and charging 6$ for the total game. We decided to split it. 3$ for the game, and 3$ for any class. Your choice so you can be what you want.
    If you're Weaver? You... don't really need anything.


    In Duels of Ardron, you wield the power of Elder Primordials, beings of immense creation, as they mimic the world of Ardron to cast spells and summon creatures. Like the gods, you'll follow the intricate rules that govern Ardron—but beware, some embrace the chaotic forces of the Void, bending or even breaking these laws.

    Your battlefield is shaped by Field Cards that affect all players, adding layers of strategy to every match. Build your deck with a vast array of creatures, spells, and artifacts, and manage your resources with a dedicated Mana Deck.

    But power comes at a cost. Tap into corruption and delirium for game-changing abilities, but remember: if your corruption or delirium reaches 100, you lose instantly, and your opponents can increase your corruption and delirium too.

    Duels of Ardron is a tactical trading card game where strategy reigns supreme. Will you master the forces of Ardron, or will the Void consume you?

    (Slightly WIP - Planned after DoA's first set of Cards)​

    In Legends of Ardron, you step into the role of Freedin Deverfos, one of the last surviving angels from the 10,000-year war. As you navigate the beautifully crafted world of Ardron, you’ll experience Freedin’s journey from a battle-hardened warrior to an Ascension, wielding incredible power to protect the realms. But when his friends’ lives hang in the balance, Freedin faces a choice: to descend from his lofty position, sacrificing everything to save them.

    With fast-paced combat, intricate platforming, and a rich storyline, Legends of Ardron offers an immersive 2D side-scrolling experience where every decision carries weight. Will you rise to power, or will you give it all up for the sake of those you love?
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