Long time no see, gals and guys! And like anyone who's been missing for a long time, we've got news, we've got stories, and we've got a lot of new stuff to show you! We're glad to be able to see you again and to update our game after this long hiatus. We’re deeply sorry about this radio silence. BACK FROM THE BLACK HOLE Big companies have development hell. Small indie teams funded hand-to-mouth have their own hell — it’s a lot tinier, a lot more cluttered and without that much central heating, but it’s hell nonetheless. You probably know how it goes — a handful of lads and lasses hunched over keyboards, toiling away on the code, and the models, and the mechanics. Making a space game in an office not that spacious and drawing stars on a budget not that stellar. Eating junk food, losing sleep over work and doing work in our sleep... Not the best way to spend time — we barely noticed seasons go by. We overestimated ourselves. We were more ambitious and optimistic than we should've been. But we don't give up. We’ve been working hard and overcoming difficulties — and now we're ready to show you what we accomplished. Here's the new version of our game —somewhat same-y, but very different. Take a look, take a bite, make a shot. Are we going in the direction you like? Come into our star sector and tell us — do you like what we've done with the place? LONG STORY SHORT We want our game to be fresh, exciting and fun in a simple and engaging way. So we did a lot of figuring out gameplay-wise. This is what we came up with — it might look simple, but that's the point! Now the more you fight, the more ships you get to ride in. And the better you fight — the more powerful you become for the remainder of the combat. The gist of this is the same — you grow in level out of combat, your ships grows in level during combat. We reworked the balancing act our servers do to make sure nobody's horribly outmatched in combat, and we brought is some new mechanics to make fighting and progressing as fair as possible. If that's what you wanted to hear — then please come and play. Give our game a chance and tell us what you think. If you want to know the full story — read on, and let us explain to you how everything works now. LET’S SPEAK ABOUT TIER So while keeping the pew-pew and the ba-da-boom parts of the gameplay mostly the same, the whole «experience and levels» thing is now different. To make fights more balanced for the rookies and more challenging for the veterans, we separated the level of the player and the class of the ship. Every player now has a Rank. In combat you earn Reputation, which raises your Rank permanently. Rank determines how many ships are available to you and how big and cool those ships can be. Which ships are cooler? Those of the higher Tier, of course. Higher-Tier ships are more effective in combat, have tougher armor and scarier guns. Every Tier will have enough ships for every taste and playstyle, and in the near future, more than one. If you can't find your perfect ship, we're probably still fine-tuning it to release tomorrow. You buy ships with Credits you earn in combat. Every combat, mind you — win or lose, you get more Credits and Reputation. How quickly will you be able to buy new ships? A rookie on Rank 1 gets access to three Tier I ships. You fly each of those ships just once — that’s three skirmishes — and you go up to Rank 2, which gives you access to Tier II ships. And guess what, you’ll already have enough Credits to buy a new ship. We don't want you to toil for your new ride, we want you to have fun. Getting new ships as you level up will never be a slog. So whatever you do, just fly out a few times and that shiny new ship of a better Tier will be yours. FIGHT. DIE. REPEAT. Which brings us to combat. In combat, your ship levels up — and this happens separately from your Rank. Combat Level grows as a fighting team gains experience and resets after the battle is done. The whole team shares the experience earned — so whoever gets more successful brings advantage for all their allies, and if you're a late bloomer, you'll never get hopelessly lost behind your pals. As you go up some levels, new options for upgrading your armaments and systems become open for you. You fight, you level up, you get new human (and alien) technologies, and then you go fight some more. What if the story goes a little differently? You fight, you miss a shot, you get blown up — and then it’s over, back to the hangar, right? Of course not! If you get blown up, you respawn and fight again. And again. And again. The fight is over when someone wins, not when everyone else loses. Will this turn every combat into a series of suicide runs? No, for that we have repair costs. The more you die in combat, the more Credits you need to pay to fix the ship and get it ready for combat again. The costs are still modest even you die a lot — we don’t want to keep you away from space battles. Also, they slow down after some time — we don't want to discourage your from playing just because you have a bad day. Sometimes if you got hit ten times, it's better to get hit ten times more — for fun! KEEPING IT FAIR Since we now have ships of different Tiers, we obviously need a way to pit only more-or-less equal ships against each other. For that we have a Balancing Machine. Well, it’s not actually called that, but we thought — why not add a cool name when you can add a cool name? The Balancing Machine makes sure only ships of a comparable Tier get into combat and no odds are insurmountable. So if you’re, say, riding a Tier IV ship, you’ll meet only Tier III to Tier V ships in battle. So you will always be able to deal with a higher-tier ship if you handle your guns and engines competently. We want you to feel challenged — but challenged fairly and for fun. Right now, the results are not always perfect — the Machine is fine, but we still need to figure out some of the finer details of ships' combat balance. We do our best, but the real difference comes from hearing what you like and hate about the game. So we'll pay close attention to your every experience and everything you have to say. DRONES COMING YOUR WAY Now, hard times call for hard measures. Combat can be balanced only if there's enough partners for everyone. And for a game that's not made a name for itself yet, that can be a challenge. So for new players who come hungry for battle, we took a risk and added AI-controlled ships. They won't overstay their welcome — we don't consider them a real part of the game, just a «launching pad». They're better than any interactive tutorial, as fighting them is much closer to a real game session. And they're always present, so nobody will have to wait long for their first — or second, or third — combat mission to start. Of course, bots are dumb. They're just brains in jars, not real human pilots. So our Balancing Machine will take care of you — as soon as bots become too easy for you they will gradually leave your battles and human opponents will take their place. Someday we'll get rid of those bots at all. If they don't rise and get rid of us first, that is. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE We also have some more minor things you’ll like. Or not so minor — like these two new maps we have for you. Brand new and shiny! We're proud of them. Now to the actual minor changes. First of all, we’ve made some changes to the player interface. It’s now more accessible and responsive. Second, you can now change the graphics settings. Yeah, we probably should’ve done that sooner. And this is all for today. We welcome you to play the new version of our game. Is it to your liking? Does it need any immediate changes? Do you like the shooting? Do you like the ships? Please play with us and then tell us what you think. See you around. Transmission over.
[ 2015-11-16 17:21:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Long time no see, gals and guys! And like anyone who's been missing for a long time, we've got news, we've got stories, and we've got a lot of new stuff to show you! We're glad to be able to see you again and to update our game after this long hiatus. Were deeply sorry about this radio silence. BACK FROM THE BLACK HOLE Big companies have development hell. Small indie teams funded hand-to-mouth have their own hell its a lot tinier, a lot more cluttered and without that much central heating, but its hell nonetheless. You probably know how it goes a handful of lads and lasses hunched over keyboards, toiling away on the code, and the models, and the mechanics. Making a space game in an office not that spacious and drawing stars on a budget not that stellar. Eating junk food, losing sleep over work and doing work in our sleep... Not the best way to spend time we barely noticed seasons go by. We overestimated ourselves. We were more ambitious and optimistic than we should've been. But we don't give up. Weve been working hard and overcoming difficulties and now we're ready to show you what we accomplished. Here's the new version of our gamesomewhat same-y, but very different. Take a look, take a bite, make a shot. Are we going in the direction you like? Come into our star sector and tell us do you like what we've done with the place? LONG STORY SHORT We want our game to be fresh, exciting and fun in a simple and engaging way. So we did a lot of figuring out gameplay-wise. This is what we came up with it might look simple, but that's the point! Now the more you fight, the more ships you get to ride in. And the better you fight the more powerful you become for the remainder of the combat. The gist of this is the same you grow in level out of combat, your ships grows in level during combat. We reworked the balancing act our servers do to make sure nobody's horribly outmatched in combat, and we brought is some new mechanics to make fighting and progressing as fair as possible. If that's what you wanted to hear then please come and play. Give our game a chance and tell us what you think. If you want to know the full story read on, and let us explain to you how everything works now. LETS SPEAK ABOUT TIER So while keeping the pew-pew and the ba-da-boom parts of the gameplay mostly the same, the whole experience and levels thing is now different. To make fights more balanced for the rookies and more challenging for the veterans, we separated the level of the player and the class of the ship. Every player now has a Rank. In combat you earn Reputation, which raises your Rank permanently. Rank determines how many ships are available to you and how big and cool those ships can be. Which ships are cooler? Those of the higher Tier, of course. Higher-Tier ships are more effective in combat, have tougher armor and scarier guns. Every Tier will have enough ships for every taste and playstyle, and in the near future, more than one. If you can't find your perfect ship, we're probably still fine-tuning it to release tomorrow. You buy ships with Credits you earn in combat. Every combat, mind you win or lose, you get more Credits and Reputation. How quickly will you be able to buy new ships? A rookie on Rank 1 gets access to three Tier I ships. You fly each of those ships just once thats three skirmishes and you go up to Rank 2, which gives you access to Tier II ships. And guess what, youll already have enough Credits to buy a new ship. We don't want you to toil for your new ride, we want you to have fun. Getting new ships as you level up will never be a slog. So whatever you do, just fly out a few times and that shiny new ship of a better Tier will be yours. FIGHT. DIE. REPEAT. Which brings us to combat. In combat, your ship levels up and this happens separately from your Rank. Combat Level grows as a fighting team gains experience and resets after the battle is done. The whole team shares the experience earned so whoever gets more successful brings advantage for all their allies, and if you're a late bloomer, you'll never get hopelessly lost behind your pals. As you go up some levels, new options for upgrading your armaments and systems become open for you. You fight, you level up, you get new human (and alien) technologies, and then you go fight some more. What if the story goes a little differently? You fight, you miss a shot, you get blown up and then its over, back to the hangar, right? Of course not! If you get blown up, you respawn and fight again. And again. And again. The fight is over when someone wins, not when everyone else loses. Will this turn every combat into a series of suicide runs? No, for that we have repair costs. The more you die in combat, the more Credits you need to pay to fix the ship and get it ready for combat again. The costs are still modest even you die a lot we dont want to keep you away from space battles. Also, they slow down after some time we don't want to discourage your from playing just because you have a bad day. Sometimes if you got hit ten times, it's better to get hit ten times more for fun! KEEPING IT FAIR Since we now have ships of different Tiers, we obviously need a way to pit only more-or-less equal ships against each other. For that we have a Balancing Machine. Well, its not actually called that, but we thought why not add a cool name when you can add a cool name? The Balancing Machine makes sure only ships of a comparable Tier get into combat and no odds are insurmountable. So if youre, say, riding a Tier IV ship, youll meet only Tier III to Tier V ships in battle. So you will always be able to deal with a higher-tier ship if you handle your guns and engines competently. We want you to feel challenged but challenged fairly and for fun. Right now, the results are not always perfect the Machine is fine, but we still need to figure out some of the finer details of ships' combat balance. We do our best, but the real difference comes from hearing what you like and hate about the game. So we'll pay close attention to your every experience and everything you have to say. DRONES COMING YOUR WAY Now, hard times call for hard measures. Combat can be balanced only if there's enough partners for everyone. And for a game that's not made a name for itself yet, that can be a challenge. So for new players who come hungry for battle, we took a risk and added AI-controlled ships. They won't overstay their welcome we don't consider them a real part of the game, just a launching pad. They're better than any interactive tutorial, as fighting them is much closer to a real game session. And they're always present, so nobody will have to wait long for their first or second, or third combat mission to start. Of course, bots are dumb. They're just brains in jars, not real human pilots. So our Balancing Machine will take care of you as soon as bots become too easy for you they will gradually leave your battles and human opponents will take their place. Someday we'll get rid of those bots at all. If they don't rise and get rid of us first, that is. BUT WAIT, THERES MORE We also have some more minor things youll like. Or not so minor like these two new maps we have for you. Brand new and shiny! We're proud of them. Now to the actual minor changes. First of all, weve made some changes to the player interface. Its now more accessible and responsive. Second, you can now change the graphics settings. Yeah, we probably shouldve done that sooner. And this is all for today. We welcome you to play the new version of our game. Is it to your liking? Does it need any immediate changes? Do you like the shooting? Do you like the ships? Please play with us and then tell us what you think. See you around. Transmission over.
[ 2015-11-16 17:21:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Long time no see, gals and guys! We come bearing good news! Yeah, we know we haven’t been updating for a while. We’re deeply sorry about all this radio silence. We’ve been working hard and experiencing a lot of difficulties — but pretty soon we’ll release a major update for our game and we’re here to tell you about it. BACK FROM THE BLACK HOLE For some time we had problems. Big companies have development hell. Small indie teams funded hand-to-mouth have their own hell — it’s a lot more tiny, a lot more cluttered and without that much central heating, but it’s hell nonetheless. You probably know how it goes — us handful of dudes hunched over keyboards day and night, toiling away on the code, and the models, and the mechanics. Eating junk food, losing sleep over work and seeing work in our sleep... Not the best way to spend a winter or a spring — or both of them. We’re actually still working very hard — but we’re proud to say that some things are finished and others are gonna be finished very soon. There was also a lot of figuring out to do — we don’t want to make «just another game». We want to be fresh exciting and cool. We want a game that works and plays not just like every other MOBA — as there are many decent but only a few good ones — but that is fun in a simple and engaging way. So we did A LOT of figuring out and we came up with a bunch of good stuff. We rethought some areas of the game from the ground up. All that stuff will be in the next version of the game, but we want to tell you all about it now and hear what you have to say. So while keeping the pew-pew and the ba-da-boom parts of the gameplay mostly the same (at least for the time being) – have a good time, blow each other up a handful of times and then start again – the whole «experience and levels» thing is going to become different. For beginners the fights will become more balanced, for experienced players — more challenging. The game will always try and find an equal and worthy opponent for you. LET’S SPEAK ABOUT CLASS So this is how the new system works. Every players account has a Grade. Grade goes up as you collect Reputation points. Your Reputation — as it should — grows with every combat you participate in. You Grade determines how many battleships you can buy and how big and cool those ships can be. Which ships are cooler? Those of the higher Class, of course. So ships now have Class. Higher-Class ships are more effective in combat, they have tougher armor and scarier guns. Yet every Class will have enough ships for every taste — whatever your preferred playstyle is, in every Class there will be a ship for you. And in the near future, more than one or two. We hope it goes without saying that you buy ships with Credits which you earn in combat. Every combat, mind you — no matter if you win or lose, you get more Credits and Reputation. So whatever you do, just fly out a few times and that shiny new ship of a better Class will be yours. How soon will that be? Well, a fresh green rookie with a Grade 1 gets three hangar slots for Class I ships. You fly each of those ships just once — that’s three skirmishes — and you go up to Grade 2, which gives you access to Class II ships. And guess what, you’ll already have enough Credits to buy that new ship. Higher-Class ships bring in more Credits with every combat, so getting new ships as you go up the Grades will never be a slog. We don’t want you to grind, we want you to blow stuff up and laugh joyfully as it happens! FIGHT. DIE. REPEAT. Which brings us to combat. Combat Level, which grows with experience and resets after the battle is done, stays pretty much the same. You fight, you get Experience, you go up some levels, you then can upgrade your armaments and systems — get new human (and alien) technologies — and then go fight some more. You fight, you miss a shot, you get blown up — and then it’s over, back to the hangar, right? Of course not! What fun would that be?! You get to be blown up several time in one combat round. Once you’re destroyed, you come back and fight again. Cool, huh? So the smartest among you are already wondering — will this «die, come back, repeat» approach turn every combat into a series of suicide runs? After all, why care about the ship if you just come back? Well, for that we have repair costs. The more you die in combat, the more Credits you need to pay to fix the ship and get it ready for combat again. The costs are still modest even you die, like, A LOT — we don’t want to keep you away from space battles, that’s what you’re here for! FAIR AND BALANCED Remember what we said before about balance and proper challenge? Since we now have ships of different Classes, we obviously need a way to pit only more-or-less equal ships against each other. So we now have a Balancing Machine. Well, it’s not actually called that and it’s pretty standard-fare as online games go, but we thought — why not add a cool name when you can add a cool name? The Balancing Machine makes sure only ships of a comparable Class get into the same combat. So if you’re, say, tiding a Class IV ship, you’ll meet only Class III to Class V ships in a combat round. Yeah, not only Class IV, but trust us, you will always be able to deal with a higher-class ship if you handle your guns and engines competently. Besides, who doesn’t like to be a dark horse, an underdog who wins through good fighting and sheer force of will? We want you to feel challenged — but challenged fairly and for fun. The Balancing Machine will make sure no odds are insurmountable. Every player will also get a last-second strategy move. You’ll be able to swap the ship you’re riding right before entering combat. Why? So that you can pick up a ship best suited for the specific match-up you’re facing. Of course, you can only swap for a ship of the same Class, so there’d be no mismatched combat. You see your team, you see your opponent, you decide if you want a different ship — and only then you go through the Star Gate and start blasting. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE We also have some more minor things you’ll like. First of all, there’s a new map coming — it’s almost finished, just in a need of a few finishing touches. It’s as beautiful and fun as the old one. And it’s always better to have several maps than just the one, right? Second, we’ve made some changes to the player interface, it’s now more intuitive, accessible and responsive. Third, we now give players ability to change graphic settings of the game. Yeah, probably should’ve done that sooner, we know. Still, better late than never. And this is all for today. Now we gotta return to our keyboards — which we never actually left — and do some more coding, drawing and designing. Tell us if you like the news in the comments or anywhere on social media. Thank you for staying with us — you were here for the seed, pretty soon you’ll watch the flower bloom. See you soon. Transmission over.
[ 2015-05-08 08:34:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yes, the pun in absolutely intended! We're leaving Early Access and move to the Steam catalogue. Isn't that great news? Now we can be discovered by a lot more people, which means more battles, larger teams and greater variety of challenges that you're going to face! Now let's slow down for a second and see what we've done and what it all means for you. Only with your continued support are we able to keep developing the game, so the features we create ad the changes we make are all based on what you previously liked or disliked about the game. We've listened, we've taken notes, we argued sometimes and here's what we did. How is the game different now? Let's start with the most visible changes.
- The map brighter, better and action-packed your fight just got larger than life! We overhauled the main map so that now it incorporates a lot of new elements and makes room for different strategies and player skill levels. Whoever you are, however you like to play, you'll find a perfect spot for you in this new combat environment. Take Defenders head-on? Go take control of the turrets? Crawl through the dangerous nebula and flank the enemy without being seen? Attack the newly-arrived alien force, risk your life, grab a lot of XP and use it to finish off your main opponent? You've got it all and more! This map is all about discovery and emergent tactics. You can bet even we ourselves have not discovered everything that can be done here! Use your tactical genius and bring victory to your side!
- You've got access to the full range of ships this may be old news for our avid supporters, but we want to remind everyone about this cool change. Every ship in the game is currently available to every player and even comes in several versions so that you may look unique in combat. This includes not only those vessels that are already in the game, but also all those ships we're still building for the future versions.
- The in-play bonuses are here to grab we've never been an all-too-serious game. We wanted space combat to be fun, which sometimes means putting fun things where you don't expect them. And so the bonuses are here! Think of them as those old health-packs and damage enhancers that were lying around in shooter games. They're things you can grab during combat and get more shield, more energy or a damage boost. Sometimes they're random, sometimes you see what you get, and it's always useful. With a bonus, you can change the tide of a battle or just get even with a particular opponent. Come and see for yourself.
- Game interface is now much more informative you'll get notified about technologies you installed, bonuses you've collected and XP you have. We made it so you won't miss the time to go for an upgrade, never misplace your target, and will generally feel better informed in combat.
- Doomseeker can teleport to safety and become transparent as to avoid damage.
- Seeker, Sherer and Scourge now can direst their area attacks not center them on themselves but hurl the center of the impact away as far as they like.
- Invulnerable got an ability to build allied turrets. This vehicle is now a one-ship-strikeforce that can bring firepower with her wherever she goes.
- Besieger and Predator do a similar thing they create allied "spawning pools" that bring out small AI-controlled ships that support your assault. They are different some have lasers, some have torpedoes but they are all very useful. If you wanted to lead a swarm onto enemy defences and blot out the sun now you can do that!
- Time for something new! we're bringing new combat mechanics into the game. They'll create new combat roles and repurpose old ones, all for the aim we set for ourselves from the start to make a game where everyone will find a combat role perfectly suitable and fun for them. Tell us if you don't have one yet we'll find something new for you!
- Time for a new ship! and not just one. These new mechanics need vessels, right? New, beautiful and formidable ships are coming to your hangar, each one perfectly fit for battle and with many customization options to bring it to your taste.
- Time to go big! we're putting finishing touches on another new map, which is going to be significantly larger, better suited to big battles with a lot of participants, and will put to good use all strategies and mechanics available in the game.
- Time to go informative! your hangar bay will soon display all the combat statistics that concern you, so you'll be able to track your progress and see when you get better and how good you already are.
- Time to go to war! well, you know what THAT means. Fly out and blow stuff up! Those medals won't award themselves!
[ 2014-08-25 16:38:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yes, the pun in absolutely intended! We're leaving Early Access and move to the Steam catalogue. Isn't that great news? Now we can be discovered by a lot more people, which means more battles, larger teams and greater variety of challenges that you're going to face! Now let's slow down for a second and see what we've done and what it all means for you. Only with your continued support are we able to keep developing the game, so the features we create ad the changes we make are all based on what you previously liked or disliked about the game. We've listened, we've taken notes, we argued sometimes — and here's what we did. How is the game different now? Let's start with the most visible changes.
- The map — brighter, better and action-packed — your fight just got larger than life! We overhauled the main map so that now it incorporates a lot of new elements and makes room for different strategies and player skill levels. Whoever you are, however you like to play, you'll find a perfect spot for you in this new combat environment. Take Defenders head-on? Go take control of the turrets? Crawl through the dangerous nebula and flank the enemy without being seen? Attack the newly-arrived alien force, risk your life, grab a lot of XP and use it to finish off your main opponent? You've got it all and more! This map is all about discovery and emergent tactics. You can bet even we ourselves have not discovered everything that can be done here! Use your tactical genius and bring victory to your side!
- You've got access to the full range of ships — this may be old news for our avid supporters, but we want to remind everyone about this cool change. Every ship in the game is currently available to every player and even comes in several versions so that you may look unique in combat. This includes not only those vessels that are already in the game, but also all those ships we're still building for the future versions.
- The in-play bonuses are here to grab — we've never been an all-too-serious game. We wanted space combat to be fun, which sometimes means putting fun things where you don't expect them. And so the bonuses are here! Think of them as those old health-packs and damage enhancers that were lying around in shooter games. They're things you can grab during combat and get more shield, more energy or a damage boost. Sometimes they're random, sometimes you see what you get, and it's always useful. With a bonus, you can change the tide of a battle — or just get even with a particular opponent. Come and see for yourself.
- Game interface is now much more informative — you'll get notified about technologies you installed, bonuses you've collected and XP you have. We made it so you won't miss the time to go for an upgrade, never misplace your target, and will generally feel better informed in combat.
- Doomseeker can teleport to safety and become transparent as to avoid damage.
- Seeker, Sherer and Scourge now can direst their area attacks — not center them on themselves but hurl the center of the impact away as far as they like.
- Invulnerable got an ability to build allied turrets. This vehicle is now a one-ship-strikeforce that can bring firepower with her wherever she goes.
- Besieger and Predator do a similar thing — they create allied "spawning pools" that bring out small AI-controlled ships that support your assault. They are different — some have lasers, some have torpedoes — but they are all very useful. If you wanted to lead a swarm onto enemy defences and blot out the sun — now you can do that!
- Time for something new! — we're bringing new combat mechanics into the game. They'll create new combat roles and repurpose old ones, all for the aim we set for ourselves from the start — to make a game where everyone will find a combat role perfectly suitable and fun for them. Tell us if you don't have one yet — we'll find something new for you!
- Time for a new ship! — and not just one. These new mechanics need vessels, right? New, beautiful and formidable ships are coming to your hangar, each one perfectly fit for battle and with many customization options to bring it to your taste.
- Time to go big! — we're putting finishing touches on another new map, which is going to be significantly larger, better suited to big battles with a lot of participants, and will put to good use all strategies and mechanics available in the game.
- Time to go informative! — your hangar bay will soon display all the combat statistics that concern you, so you'll be able to track your progress and see when you get better and how good you already are.
- Time to go to war! — well, you know what THAT means. Fly out and blow stuff up! Those medals won't award themselves!
[ 2014-08-25 16:38:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here we go again! This is a new and improved version of Cannons Lasers Rockets that is better from every angle quicker, sleeker and far playable than ever before! Now every ship is gonna become available for every player, there should be no more server troubles and customization is finally here! And the main news is you'll need a bigger hangar! From now on, all game ships are permanently available to every player. This is free, unlimited and simple. Just grab whatever vessel you like and fly into combat! Availability of ships will not change with the coming release, all ships are equal (but different in style) and together they form a range that's suitable for everyone. And even more ships with new combat roles and gameplay styles will arrive soon! Follow the updates if you don't want to miss it. This is a part of our new initiative that's better for both free and Elite players alike! But that's certainly not all that was done. Here's a list of our accomplishments:
- there's a new unique limited-offer that'll help you get a limited edition ship; it's like pre-order DLC, only better, because everybody can get it! You buy a Pioneer Edition and you get three ships that are available only to Pioneers! There's a lot more to know. Read about it here.
- ship customization is finally available, though still in the prototype stage. What does this mean? This means that you can change the colours of your ship to your heart's desire. And not only that! Every ship now has four different models to choose from same armaments, different hull. Who knows, maybe the jagged one really brings out the beauty of your maneuver - or the sleek one really suits your shooting style. Choose the one that's better for you, recolor and reskin it and fly back into battle!
- customization options include new hulls, new colors, new textures and camouflage patterns; there's a lot of stuff already available and even more will come soon!
- all Elite players receive all the ship customization options at once, no additional unlocking neccessary! And all those luxuries will stay with you to Release point and beyond! Read our new announcements to find out more.
- everybody else can buy new skins and textures for Reputation points blow stuff up, earn renown and spend that renown on fancy stripes and scary decals!
- no more synchronisation troubles! We fixed all the problems we with your immeasurable help! have found, so now the game should work quickly, smoothly and without unpleasant surprises (except for those your opponents have in stock).
- we've overhauled the tutorial! Now you can have all your pilot's school education in whooping five minutes! And, well, it's just for spaceships, so don't go buying that Boeing just yet.
- the engine for achievements is out, though not all the medals and badges are already minted; we help you gain them, but it's your job to boast them!
- we took significant steps in improving gameplay rebalanced a lot of stuff and also added two new technologies to all ships they are called Evasion and Escape and do pretty much what it says on the tin. Not that we'd call your ship a tin after all, we modelled it!
[ 2014-07-08 18:01:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here we go again! This is a new and improved version of Cannons Lasers Rockets that is better from every angle — quicker, sleeker and far playable than ever before! Now every ship is gonna become available for every player, there should be no more server troubles and customization is finally here! And the main news is — you'll need a bigger hangar! From now on, all game ships are permanently available to every player. This is free, unlimited and simple. Just grab whatever vessel you like and fly into combat! Availability of ships will not change with the coming release, all ships are equal (but different in style) and together they form a range that's suitable for everyone. And even more ships with new combat roles and gameplay styles will arrive soon! Follow the updates if you don't want to miss it. This is a part of our new initiative that's better for both free and Elite players alike! But that's certainly not all that was done. Here's a list of our accomplishments:
- there's a new unique limited-offer that'll help you get a limited edition ship; it's like pre-order DLC, only better, because everybody can get it! You buy a Pioneer Edition and you get three ships that are available only to Pioneers! There's a lot more to know. Read about it here.
- ship customization is finally available, though still in the prototype stage. What does this mean? This means that you can change the colours of your ship to your heart's desire. And not only that! Every ship now has four different models to choose from — same armaments, different hull. Who knows, maybe the jagged one really brings out the beauty of your maneuver - or the sleek one really suits your shooting style. Choose the one that's better for you, recolor and reskin it — and fly back into battle!
- customization options include new hulls, new colors, new textures and camouflage patterns; there's a lot of stuff already available and even more will come soon!
- all Elite players receive all the ship customization options at once, no additional unlocking neccessary! And all those luxuries will stay with you to Release point and beyond! Read our new announcements to find out more.
- everybody else can buy new skins and textures for Reputation points — blow stuff up, earn renown and spend that renown on fancy stripes and scary decals!
- no more synchronisation troubles! We fixed all the problems we — with your immeasurable help! — have found, so now the game should work quickly, smoothly and without unpleasant surprises (except for those your opponents have in stock).
- we've overhauled the tutorial! Now you can have all your pilot's school education in whooping five minutes! And, well, it's just for spaceships, so don't go buying that Boeing just yet.
- the engine for achievements is out, though not all the medals and badges are already minted; we help you gain them, but it's your job to boast them!
- we took significant steps in improving gameplay — rebalanced a lot of stuff and also added two new technologies to all ships — they are called Evasion and Escape and do pretty much what it says on the tin. Not that we'd call your ship a tin — after all, we modelled it!
[ 2014-07-08 18:01:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've got big news! Our progress is now planned from this point and up to the release, which comes by the end of summer! Now, read on to know what's up, but first we'd like to say this. All this is possible only with your continued support. It's with your letters, your ideas and your participation that this project is possible. We want to express our gratitude and respect to the people who've bought Elite accounts. We understand that you're not paying for the game that is not out yet — you're investing in us as developers. You put your money where your hopes are, and for that we're very, very grateful. We're excited that we conceived something that caught and kept your interest — and we'll do our best to please you. Thank you. We stop selling Elite accounts as of right now. Everyone who's bought an Elite account gets an Elite bonus — it's all the enhancements and customization options that are available in the game. It's available right now and you get it right now. What's even more important is that those gifts will stay with you forever — we'll never take them away from you whatever happens! Pinky promise if you don't trust us yet. Those who do not have Elite accounts are in no way less precious to us, and to show it, we fulfill what we've promised — with the same update, all game ships become available to all players. You wanted it — here it comes. Can you imagine it? EVERY ship! That's not only those ships that are in the game right now — that's every ship that we're building, every ship we're planning for release. So you will be able to pick and choose your vessels, and with them — your combat roles. Now let's talk our other promise — coming out of Early Access. We plan on doing it by the end of summer, and we want you to be prepared for that. Do you like surprises? Well, not everyone does. But we know what EVERYONE loves — it's rare content! Have you ever had, say, a rare signed copy of something? So that you could keep it on your shelf and boast that only a hundred people in the world possess similar items? Well, we haven't found a way to sign your digital copies of the game JUST YET (we're trying!), but we plan on giving you something as rare. And at the same time well-done — have you ever had something both rare and well-done? You will now! Enough chatter. Here it comes. Now you can buy a Pioneer Edition of our game. We know it sounds fancy — we want you to feel special. With Pioneer Edition you'll fare as far into space as you can imagine. And there you'll find something to your liking. As of now, Pioneer Edition costs a humble amount of money and consists only of a promise of things to come. It's not just a donation to keep the developers going (although we need it) — we're giving something in return, and something of sufficient value. Think of it as of a limited pre-order copy of the game. In the coming months we'll release not one, not two, but THREE special spaceships that will be available only to those who are Pioneers. Think about it — something only few people will ever have, instantly recognizable and memorable. Here's the thing — the more you know of what you're buying, the more expensive it will be for you. Right now, when you haven't seen any of the vessels yet, the Pioneer edition is cheap. In two weeks (yes, THAT soon!), when the first ship will be revealed, the price will go up a notch. And when there'll be two ships known and one still hidden, the price will go up again. So get your Pioneer Edition now and partake of the mysteries of space! Or get it later and know what you're buying. Either way, you'll know you helped to get our work done. And through game release and forever on, you'll be remembered as a Pioneer! And yes, we'll make special nadges, regalia and stuff. And yes, you awesome guys who've bought Elite Accounts, we'll make some equally luxurious stuff for you too. We'll never forget you. You're our best pals. Let's recap:
- Get a Pioneer Edition and you'll get three special ships in the coming months.
- Those ships won't be available to anyone else before or after release.
- The price goes up a teensy bit every time a new special ship is revealed. So you can either trust us with a surprise or see the whole deal before buying, it's up to you.
- We appreciate every penny you spend on supporting the developers and put it all into bringing the game to the Release as soon as possible.
[ 2014-07-08 17:45:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Linux version is here! Get it, try it, have fun with it, write us about it. You can play with your Windows-based friends and if you switch versions, you'll see that everything is the same. It should work fine, but f it doesn't, let us know go to ~/.config/unity3d/'Net Games Lab'/CLR/Player.log and send us this file at support@clrgame.com. It records everything important about the game's errors, and you can just send it to us if anything goes wrong either while installing or playing.
[ 2014-02-25 11:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Linux version is here! Get it, try it, have fun with it, write us about it. You can play with your Windows-based friends and if you switch versions, you'll see that everything is the same. It should work fine, but f it doesn't, let us know — go to ~/.config/unity3d/'Net Games Lab'/CLR/Player.log and send us this file at support@clrgame.com. It records everything important about the game's errors, and you can just send it to us if anything goes wrong — either while installing or playing.
[ 2014-02-25 11:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Right to the point: now you can change your control scheme on the Options screen! Yeah, it was pretty weird on our part not to do it right from the beginning. But you know what? I think you can't remap controls on a real spaceship, every knob and lever there do what they're supposed to do and are not interchangeable. What I'm saying is - we've been just as good as an actual starship up until this point, and now we got BETTER. Also I'm pretty sure real starships don't shoot lasers. Yet. But one can hope. Until that bright future comes - launch the game, make the controls more to your liking and blow something up! Changes for the build 1955: - as we said above, you can now customize controls in the Options menu; - we added EULA to the game client, in case you're one of those people who read EULAs; - We changed pack of free-ships. Now Doomseeker, Predator, Sherer and Seeker are available for everyone; - Transplantation (Parasite's technology) now works properly; - few other bugfixes and optimisations were made.
[ 2014-02-24 11:59:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Right to the point: now you can change your control scheme on the Options screen! Yeah, it was pretty weird on our part not to do it right from the beginning. But you know what? I think you can't remap controls on a real spaceship, every knob and lever there do what they're supposed to do and are not interchangeable. What I'm saying is - we've been just as good as an actual starship up until this point, and now we got BETTER. Also I'm pretty sure real starships don't shoot lasers. Yet. But one can hope. Until that bright future comes - launch the game, make the controls more to your liking and blow something up! Changes for the build 1955: - as we said above, you can now customize controls in the Options menu; - we added EULA to the game client, in case you're one of those people who read EULAs; - We changed pack of free-ships. Now Doomseeker, Predator, Sherer and Seeker are available for everyone; - Transplantation (Parasite's technology) now works properly; - few other bugfixes and optimisations were made.
[ 2014-02-24 11:59:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
What's new:
- fixed the error which prevented successful login attempts in the Linux version;
- contrails added to the effusers of all ships;
- additional progress bars replace the numeric indication and are now shown when a target locking or an object capture is commencing;
- fixed "insufficient energy" indication when techonologies are being activated;
- general optimization and polishing.
[ 2014-02-18 14:58:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
What's new:
- fixed the error which prevented successful login attempts in the Linux version;
- contrails added to the effusers of all ships;
- additional progress bars replace the numeric indication and are now shown when a target locking or an object capture is commencing;
- fixed "insufficient energy" indication when techonologies are being activated;
- general optimization and polishing.
[ 2014-02-18 14:58:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
A server-side problem causing abundant traffic usage has been detected and fixed. Now you can expect CLR to work better on slower connections.
[ 2014-02-18 08:59:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
A server-side problem causing abundant traffic usage has been detected and fixed. Now you can expect CLR to work better on slower connections.
[ 2014-02-18 08:59:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some changes were made to controls:
- Map objects (shop, teleport etc.) are now activated by pressing "F" button instead of "F1"
- By pressing "F1" you can look through the controls hint
- A minor bug resulting in occasionally displaying a window with previous battle results was fixed
[ 2014-02-13 15:16:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some changes were made to controls:
- Map objects (shop, teleport etc.) are now activated by pressing "F" button instead of "F1"
- By pressing "F1" you can look through the controls hint
- A minor bug resulting in occasionally displaying a window with previous battle results was fixed
[ 2014-02-13 15:16:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds a new game mode! It's called Skirmish and it's faster and lighter compared to the Anthill (the one you've played until now). Read more about the Skirmish mode here. Moreover, to bring more diversity to the game we decided to give free accounts access to two more ships: Seeker and Ram. Also: - Server-side errors associated with exiting an ongoing game and entering new one are fixed. - Some of the causes for the FPS leak are eliminated. Known bugs we're working on right now: - "ghost" ships time to time stay on map after a ship was shot down In order to speed up the auto-update start please re-login to Steam client.
[ 2014-02-12 14:51:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch adds a new game mode! It's called Skirmish and it's faster and lighter compared to the Anthill (the one you've played until now). Read more about the Skirmish mode here. Moreover, to bring more diversity to the game we decided to give free accounts access to two more ships: Seeker and Ram. Also: - Server-side errors associated with exiting an ongoing game and entering new one are fixed. - Some of the causes for the FPS leak are eliminated. Known bugs we're working on right now: - "ghost" ships time to time stay on map after a ship was shot down In order to speed up the auto-update start please re-login to Steam client.
[ 2014-02-12 14:51:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here are the most important changes:
- FPS leak is mostly fixed.
- Mouse pointer does not lock anymore when the client window is out of focus.
- The culprit in the case of the FPS falling and the issue of connection stability have been located, but these issues require some more time to fix. Please understand and wait for a while.
[ 2014-02-07 14:51:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear first players and supporters of Cannons Lasers Rockets! We went to Early Access — and it was not about money, it was not about selling copies. It was about reaching out, getting as much reactions about our game in as little time as possible. We create a game for gamers — and we do care what those gamers think of us. What's hot, what's not, what needs changing. Going to Early Access is about learning all these things from you. Now some may ask — why not do a closed testing phase instead? Well, we did have a closed testing. It's just not enough. CLR was too much for closed testing, felt too confined in it. We want as much feedback as possible and we want it NOW. So we go wider. And we believe in crowdfunding as well as crowdsourcing. We believe in community of players supporting the game they like, the game they want to see grow bigger and better, with their buck. And judging by the buck — there are kind and generous people out there, people who believe in our idea and want to see CLR blossom. This is great. This is the best kind of knowing — knowing that what you do brings fun to those who play it. We think of Elite accounts as of a way to show your support, not as a means of leeching money. This actually works — you support, you play, you write us about the game. And we know we did not get everything right the first time out of the gate. We made a bunch of mistakes — but you tell us how we can make the game better. You did not just give up on us as soon as you saw what's wrong — instead you went and told us about it. This means you want the game to be better — you're interested in the theme, you "got" the gameplay. This means we have something to strive for. We actually listen to your advice and complaints — and we react fast. That's what has already been fixed:
- now the mission properly ends in case all the combatants from one side leave it
- Doomseeker now has Repair Drones and Shield Restorer technologies available
- you will no longer lose control of the ship when you Alt-Tab back and forth
- teleport gates now have labels telling you which way they lead
- size of the teleporter tooltip is increased
[ 2014-02-06 14:28:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cannons Lasers Rockets is Now Available on Steam Early Access!
For victory you need only three tools - Cannons, Lasers and Rockets! Discover a spaceship MOBA game with 2D combat in 3D environment, wide variety of play styles and fun gameplay for casual and pro gamers alike.
We wanted to make something that we ourselves would like to play - a game chock-full of whats cool about spaceships shooting each other up and with none of that boring stuff.
We set out to make a game with both a light-hearted gameplay that is hard to find today and deep tactical potential that allows for sophisticated approach to team play.
So we made Cannons Lasers Rockets - a fast-paced, bright and colorful space arcade equally enjoyable for hardcore and casual gamers.
[ 2014-02-04 18:05:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- CLR Linux Content [1.19 G]
We wanted to make something that we ourselves would like to play - a game chock-full of what’s cool about spaceships shooting each other up and with none of that boring stuff.
We set out to make a game with both a light-hearted gameplay that is hard to find today and deep tactical potential that allows for sophisticated approach to team play.
So we made Cannons Lasers Rockets - a fast-paced, bright and colorful space arcade equally enjoyable for hardcore and casual gamers.
In our game you will discover that:
A videogame spaceship is usually not an easy ride - three-dimensional navigation makes you dizzy and disoriented. But in CLR you struggle against your opponents, not against your controls. We simplified gameplay just enough so you wouldn’t need to BE a great star pilot to FEEL like one.
No boring parts, only what you come for - going into combat to send some rockets into the other guy’s hull.
And if you eventually get a little tired of shooting, and start looking for more - be sure that we will give you more. Multiple game modes, a metric ton of different tactical situations, a MOBA core that creates many possibilities for fun and meaningful gameplay - and even more!
We don’t really know what «realistic» starships will look like, so we don’t really care. A ship in a game should be fun to look at and fun to ride in, period. We want ships to be weird, plentiful and different - everyone will find one that is suited just for them, both in visual style and the distinct way of playing that comes with every ship.
We streamlined our gameplay as much as we could, and then we turned the coolness knob up to eleven!
- Processor: Athlon II X2 220 (2.8GHz) or equivalent processorMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1 GB of VRAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1500 MB available space
- Processor: i5 or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1 GB of VRAMNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1500 MB available space
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