Hello, I'm currently working on a technical update of Macroboy. Mainly: migrating from SDL1 to LibLapin, that will allow me to: * Open several windows so Macroboy can be played on several screens (so we can *really* play 8 players game.) * Awesomely increase performences, so I can: * * Add transparency everywhere * * Add parralax in the background * * Maybe add dynamic lighting Immediatly after, I'll improve the map format so I can get rid of any limitation caused by the original design of the game and bring... variety to tiles. My battle AI is still obviously stupid, so it will not be in the next update... again.
[ 2019-04-01 08:24:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
I was informed that there's critical errors, mainly on "The pit", that immediatly shutdown the game. I am gonna see how to fix that and update.
[ 2019-02-25 08:45:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Some informations about what is currently being made on the game... I am working on the steam integration: achievements, screenshots, overlay and workshop as first step. If you are curious, everything is getting done inside the bunny library: https://github.com/Damdoshi/LibLapin - - - - - - The blood layer is done. So get ready to have levels dirty again for the next update.
[ 2018-08-18 14:52:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some informations about the next update of Macroboy Y. What is already done: - Custom abilities of characters (double jump, wall grip, etc.) are now available for custom characters. - Strenght shots in water provoke water stream. - "Waterfly" tile (water going up...) What I am currently working on: - Blood layers, so blood spills does not transform tiles directly, but add graphics over them. (And so, allow any kind of tiles to have with blood on it..) - Learning how to integrate the steam workshop, the steam overlay and screenshots. Also add the steam cloud savegame system and achievements. The idea box, technical stuff: - Detect joysticks when on the menu, and not only at startup - Load and unload maps (Instead of loading all at the beginning) to allow to make them wider and allow more variety. - Completly remove the old map system so the limitation of having maximum 128 different tiles disappeir. - Fix bug: monsters are not all cleared when dying. - Fix bug: powerups appeirs sometimes in walls and/or at top of maps (certainly an overflow from the bottom) - Factorize wall crawler so it is only made of a single tile and crawl on what is aside it. - Water layer - Background decoration layer - Monster layer The idea box: graphics and sound stuff: - Make sand tiles pretty - Add particles and animation when shield tile is destroyed - Add sewer tileset - Add a fire/factory tileset - Add an ice cave tileset - Animate unanimated weapons shots - Add "enemies being shot" animation - Add a background parralax field inside maps - Add "being hit" sound effect - Add "dash" sound - Add "jump" and "wall jump" sound The idea box, gameplay stuff: - Add a lean waterfall tile - Lock all characters and allow unlocking by playing - Lock all weapons and allow unlocking by playing - Add steam achievements - Add steam workshop - New character "Damdoshi" - New transformation "Felinistra" for Felina - Real fighting bot - Looping maps - Weight increase fall speed when in water or sand. - Weight reduce bouncing block bounce. - Add a boucing on wall enemies - Add an omnidirectionnal canon monster - Allow wall crawler to wall on floor and ceiling - Wall huger monster that sent parrallel to wall shots, regulary - Make tanks going throught players instead of stopping on them - Add a shiel to the canon monster - Add dodging ability to the wall crawler - Add a wall tile that disappeir and appeir again regulary - Add a wall tile that allow shots to go throught - Red door tile, red button tile, same for green and blue. - Add two pattern controled bosses - Wall tile that became ice tile regulary - Floor tile that became spike regulary - Floor tile that became hole regulary (same as tile that disappeir with alt gfx) The idea box, misc: - French version - Add steam screenshot - Add steam overlay
[ 2018-08-09 12:02:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, I am sending Macroboy Y v0.21 as soon as possible. Here is what is inside: - macos version - Better and wider version of "Highway" - Very lean tile - Low lean tile, for ceiling and floor - Add single player levels ("The drowned laboratory") - Add race, castle and deathmatch wide arena ("City Hall Towers") - Sand, background sand, and water sand tile - Sand cascade tile - Improve graphics variety - Wide race, castle, eggs and deathmatch wide area "The underwater bunker" - Update the character select screen so it supports a lot of characters - Custom weapon loading system - Custom character loading system - On deathrace, when a laps is done (or every players are dead), restart at the beginning of the map - Maps are now loaded from external files compatible with *Tiled Level Editor* (Using Flare format export) - Custom tileset loading system - Various maps improvements - New wide deathmatch arena "The Sewer" - New small deathmatch arenas "Fatal Tower", "Death mat" - New deathmatch/race/deathrace map "The Well" - Some maps have now an automatically moving camera (that hurts) - Directional force fields now push players - Race mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only - Castle war mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only - Water transmits electricity - Fire does not work with water - Ice freeze water - There is now score - Score powerup - Water spike tile - Foreground decoration tile - Waterfall tile - Water current tile - Conveyor belt tile - Red, green and blue teleporter tiles A few things that were broke and are going to be fixed in a few days: - Blood spills does not color anymore the level. - Blood weapon on wall cancel tile decoration. What was in scope and not done: - Wind tile - A tutorial of how create custom content for Macroboy Y - Learn to integrate steam workshop The idea box, for next versions: - Background parralax - Add layers to level for background, foreground, blood(ground?:p), water and monsters - Load and unload levels one by one instead of a full loading at the beginning - Detect joysticks even after startup - Green block destroy animation - Green block destroy particles - Glass block (like green block, but stay destroyed) - Glass destroyed particles - Looping maps - Omnidirectionnal canon monster - Doors and buttons - Animate sprite of all weapons, including enemies one - Add animation for enemies being shoted - A fighting bot - New character "Damdoshi", with specific powers - Add a transformation of "Felina" into "Felinistra", with specific powers - Fire tileset - Ice tileset - A lot of steam success - Weight changes the way a character sink in water/sand cascade - Weight changes the way a character bounce - Sewer tileset - Steam success - Lock characters by default, so they have to be unlocked by steam success - Same for weapons
[ 2018-08-04 22:35:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some news about the work being made over MBY.
Here is the list of what was made until now for the next update:
- Improve graphics variety
- Wide race, castle, eggs and deathmatch wide area "The underwater bunker"
- Update the character select screen so it supports a lot of characters
- Custom weapon loading system
- Custom character loading system
- On deathrace, when a laps is done (or every players are dead), restart at the beginning of the map
- Maps are now loaded from external files compatible with *Tiled Level Editor* (Using Flare format export)
- Custom tileset loading system
- Various maps improvements
- New wide deathmatch arena "The Sewer"
- New small deathmatch arenas "Fatal Tower", "Death mat"
- New deathmatch/race/deathrace map "The Well"
- Some maps have now an automatically moving camera (that hurts)
- Directional force fields now push players
- Race mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only
- Castle war mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only
- Water transmits electricity
- Fire does not work with water
- Ice freeze water
- There is now score
- Score powerup
- Water spike tile
- Foreground decoration tile
- Waterfall tile
- Water current tile
- Conveyor belt tile
- Red, green and blue teleporter tiles
Here is the list of what is currently being made:
- Very lean tile
- Low lean tile, for ceiling and floor
- Add single player levels ("The drowned laboratory")
- Add race, castle and deathmatch wide arena ("City Hall Towers")
- Wind tile
- Sand, background sand, and water sand tile
- Sand cascade tile
The list of what is planified:
- Make a better and wider version of "Highway"
- A tutorial of how create custom content for Macroboy Y
- Learn to integrate steam workshop
The idea box, that may be added to the next update or a later one:
- Animate sprite of all weapons, including enemies one
- Add animation for enemies being shoted
- A fighting bot
- New character "Damdoshi", with specific powers
- Add a transformation of "Felina" into "Felinistra", with specific powers
- Fire tileset
- Ice tileset
- A lot of steam success
- Weight changes the way a character sink in water/sand cascade
- Weight changes the way a character bounce
- Sewer tileset
- Steam success
- Lock characters by default, so they have to be unlocked by steam success
- Same for weapons
The scope of the next update is becoming quite precise now. In a few days, certainly friday or saturday, the game will be updated.
As you may have noticed, several things that were planified have been moved to the idea box: most of them will be replanified for the next update.
- - - - - - - -
I am open to suggestion, if you think about anything that could improve the game, I will listen to it. Everything may not be possible to do, but we can discuss.
[ 2018-08-01 09:12:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, Some news about the work being made over MBY. Here is the list of what was made until now for the next update: - Maps are now loaded from external files compatible with *Tiled Level Editor* (Using Flare format export) - Custom tileset loading system - Various maps improvements - New wide deathmatch arena "The Sewer" - New small deathmatch arenas "Fatal Tower", "Death mat" - New deathmatch/race/deathrace map "The Well" - Some maps have now an automatically moving camera (that hurts) - Directional force fields now push players - Race mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only - Castle war mode for almost every maps that were deathmatch only - Water transmits electricity - Fire does not work with water - Ice freeze water - There is now score - Score powerup - Water spike tile - Foreground decoration tile - Waterfall tile - Water current tile - Conveyor belt tile - Red, green and blue teleporter tiles Here is the list of what is currently being made: - Custom character loading system - On deathrace, when a laps is done (or every players are dead), restart at the beginning of the map The list of what is planified: - Custom weapon loading system - Weight changes the way a character sink in water - Weight changes the way a character bounce - Make a better and wider version of "Highway" - Very lean tile - Low lean tile - Animate sprite of all weapons, including enemies one - Add single player levels - Add animation for enemies being shoted - Wind tile - Sewer tileset - Steam success - Lock characters by default, so they have to be unlocked by steam success - Same for weapons - Update the character select screen so it supports a lot of characters - A fighting bot - A tutorial of how create custom content for Macroboy Y The idea box, that may be added to the next update or a later one: - New character "Damdoshi", with specific powers - Add a transformation of "Felina" into "Felinistra", with specific powers - Fire tileset - Ice tileset - A lot of steam success I think a partial update may be done next week, instead of waiting three month. I want at least to bring all custom loading system inside this partial update (and everything that is easy enough or already done) I am open to suggestion, if you think about anything that could improve the game, I will listen to it. Everything may not be possible to do, but we can discuss.
[ 2018-07-27 09:18:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- MBY-Proto-Linux [107.78 M]
Default controls are: Arrow keys, F to shot, D to jump, S to dash, space for the map. Joysticks can be configured throught the input panel available from main menu.
- OS: 4
- Processor: Intel Pentium IVMemory: 400 MB RAM
- Memory: 400 MB RAM
- Graphics: /
- Storage: 102 MB available space
- OS: 4
- Processor: Intel Dual CoreMemory: 400 MB RAM
- Memory: 400 MB RAM
- Graphics: /
- Storage: 102 MB available space