Attention Commanders, A new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE: The game will be unavailable from July 6th 11:00am-1:00pm MDT while the team rolls out the patch.
- New Defense Profiles | You can now pick from new options of Defense Profiles for Submarines and Destroyers! Differentiate between lone Subs and Subs with a fleet when automatically submerging, or select the last defending Destroyer to be preserved in an encounter with attacking Subs

- Black Screen Prevention on iOS | Axis & Allies 1942 Online on iOS will now use Minimal High Quality Sprites by default: only unit icon sprites will be used on the game & combat boards. The setting (which players can find & tweak to their liking in Graphics -> Image Content And Resolution) will hopefully mitigate black screens and constant reloading. The Use Minimal Resources setting will also cause no animations and unit icon sprites only, but at a lower resolution than default

- Game History now shows players who forfeited in Custom games
- Purchase Panel and Map Notes should be more accessible on mobile devices with unusual screen resolutions
- Fixed an incorrect error message when attempting to move a transport to a non-hostile seazone in the Combat Move phase
- Fixed The Victory Cities text in the Help More Victory City list section
- More crash fixes
[ 2022-07-05 16:11:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, Today were releasing a small hotfix with important updates to make your Axis & Allies 1942 Online experience smoother. Hotfix Details:
- Fixed combat situations where hits couldn't be assigned to battleships
- Email notifications now show incorrect turn expiry times
[ 2022-05-02 21:01:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE: The game will be unavailable from April 26th 11:00am-1:00pm MDT while the team rolls out the patch.
- Customized Turn Timers for Custom Games | The game now allows you to customize the Turn Timer when setting up a non-Ranked game. Can be defaulted to a particular value for all new games in user Settings
- More informative Game History | Game History now shows length of game and which round it ended at
- More informative in-Game Menu | The in-game menu now displays the Match Name, Game Mode & Dice Mode
- More Colorblind adjustments | With the Colorblind Setting enabled, the game now also changes display of units & unit tokens
- Improved Offline Mode detection | Increased the speed with which a local network disconnection is detected to prevent players from entering Online games if they dont have a network connection
- Tentative fixes for Black Screens & Dice Animation issues on iOS
- The War Diary now shows the origin location of units for the Combat Move and Noncombat Move phases
- Combat scenarios of Submarines vs Fighters are optimized for quicker play
- In-game Audio tracks now play properly on PC
- The Purchase panel is now disabled when viewing completed games
- Aircraft Carriers and Fighters can now properly deploy in any sea region
- The game shows the first roll for attackers in the Roll Log properly when there is an offshore bombardment
- Clearing your in-game notifications should work better
- Fixed The Victory Cities text in the Help More menu
- More crash fixes
[ 2022-04-26 15:03:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new hotfix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way.
Hotfix Details
- Fixed an issue with Aircraft Carriers movement
- Fixed an issue with the Colorblind mode not saving on tablets & phones
[ 2022-03-29 18:26:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE: Online games will be unavailable from March 14th 11:00am-1:00pm MST while the team rolls out the patch.
- Colorblind Setting | The game now has a setting with updated map colors for Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, Achromatopsia
- Improved Server Efficiency | Combat moves and Combat with very large numbers of units now proceed more smoothly
- Combat Predictions Calibration | Combat predictions (Implausible, Poor, Unlikely, Favorable, Strong) now calculate more accurately
- Sorted the Season dropdown list in the Player Profile
- Fixed the End Turn pop-up screen
- Ranked games no longer show a Notify option
- Its no longer possible to kamikaze Fighters; Aircraft Carriers are forced to catch lone Fighters disabling alternative moves
- The Mobilization Phase confirmation pop-up screen now properly shows warships deployed in the hostile sea zone
- Added the automatic transport destruction when the Attacker has only aircraft units vs submarines on Defense
[ 2022-03-14 15:16:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders! On Monday, February 14th, 2022, were rolling into Season 7 of competitive play and releasing a new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Read on for details...
In-Progress Ranked Games: In-progress ranked games not completed by 11 am MST on February 14th, 2022 will be removed. Stats: Unfinished ranked games will not count towards your season ranking or custom game statistics. Outage: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 11 am-3pm MST, February 14th, 2022 while the team launches Season 7 of ranked play and releases the patch.
Season 6 will come to a close next Monday. Here are Season 6s top players (as of this afternoon) there is still time to get into the Top 10 or even claim the 1st spot!

- Unfinished Ranked Games | Ranked games will become custom games at the end of seasons instead of being deleted (the change will come into effect at the end of Season 7)
- Turn Timer | Merged US & USSR turn timers: the turn timer will now only reset if the US and USSR players are different
- Turn Timer | The timer will no longer reset when a powers turn is completely skipped
- Forfeit Button | Moved the Forfeit button further away from the Return to Main Menu button & added the 2nd confirmation dialog requiring a typed confirmation when forfeiting (can be disabled in the Gameplay settings)
- Combat Banners | Added option to disable animated combat banners without disabling all combat animations
- Notifications | Added alliance a player is controlling to notifications about starting a ranked game
- Further adjustments to the Profanity Filter
- Fixed bug where players would incorrectly be ranked in the Platinum category
- Fixed a few display bugs in the Observer Mode
- Fixed combat banners not being dismissed when hitting the continue/accept key
- Fixed a bug where players would incorrectly be ranked in the Platinum category
[ 2022-02-08 20:11:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE: Online games in will be unavailable from January 25th 11:00am-1:00pm MST while the team rolls out the patch.
Patch Details
- You can now minimize the Purchase Panel during the Purchase Phase on tablets and PC
- Game History now shows all Matches youve played up to a month ago
- Notifications for starting Ranked Games now display the Commander Name of your opponent
- Profanity Filters are now relaxed to accommodate common word patterns. Profane words that are common word patterns inside other words are now only considered profane if they are separate words
- Fixed a bug where conquered areas didnt switch to the invader Powers colour
- Fixed a bug where negative hits blocked combat
- Fixed incomplete movement arrows caused by missing borders
- Industrial Complexes should no longer hide units when zoomed in
[ 2022-01-25 16:01:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix for infinite horizontal scroll setting not toggling.
[ 2021-12-13 22:46:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new hotfix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE:Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 12:00-2:00pm MST while the team rolls out the hotfix.
- Added an option in Game Settings under Graphics to disable Infinite Horizontal Map Scrolling (The Infinite Horizontal Scrolling now defaults to "off" for the iOS App Store & Google Play to reduce memory usage)
[ 2021-12-13 17:39:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new hotfix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE: Online games in Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 11:00am-1:00pm MST while the team rolls out the hotfix.
Hotfix Details
- Fixed an issue with cancelling amphibious assaults
- Fixed an issue with hit assignment to a cruiser
- Added a speculative fix for cases where games dont end properly if a player forfeits
- Added an automated task to delete unstarted and unfinished games with no players from the online list
[ 2021-12-06 16:29:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, A new hotfix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online is on the way. OUTAGE NOTICE:Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 11:30am-1:30pm MST while the team rolls out the hotfix.
Hotfix Details
- The Forfeit / Delete Game button now stands out from other Menu buttons
- The game no longer crashes while viewing the online games list
- Fixed a crash when cancelling bombardments
- Deploying several Industrial Complexes to the same region is no longer possible
- Players on the opposing alliance can now be kicked from the game during the setup
[ 2021-11-24 17:40:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Calling all Commanders! Brave soldiers, officers & recruits! This is not a drill...
Launch Day
Axis & Allies 1942 Online is officially out of Early Access! We're incredibly proud of our small team of soldiers for bringing this classic board game to audiences all around the globe! The full release is available now, with full cross-play support for Windows, macOS, Linux, iPadOS & Android.
Taking A Look Back...
We rolled into Steam Early Access way back on July 31, 2019. Since then the game has had five full seasons of competitive play, more than a dozen major patches, and a major overhaul of the user interface. Features like the War Diary were in the game from the start, but since launch we've added some major feature updates based on player feedback, including:
- New Starting Setup: The Larry Harris variant
- New Dice Modes: Low Luck and Biased
- Player Profiles to track your game stats
- Competitive Seasons with matchmaking & ladder boards

2021 Screen:

You know Axis & Allies games take time to complete (some games are played over days or weeks!), but you've managed to finish over half a million online matches! TOTAL Online Multiplayer Games Completed: 521,628
- Axis Victories: 287,333
- Allies Victories: 222,947
- Axis Victories: 224,303
- Allies Victories: 191,213
- Axis Victories: 63,049
- Allies Victories: 31,739
- Axis Victories: 178,751
- Allies Victories: 153,762

Season 2:

Season 3:

Season 4:

Season 5:

Thank you!
[ 2021-11-09 16:54:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, Today were releasing a small hotfix with important updates to make your Axis & Allies 1942 Online experience smoother. OUTAGE NOTICE:Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 10:30am-12:30pm MST while the team rolls out the update.
Hotfix Details
- Added a zoom sensitivity option slider
- Fixed memory leaks related to combat images
- Ranked game stats now display correctly on Player Profiles
- Introduced a speculative fix for a crash when desynchronizing
[ 2021-11-04 15:32:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed error when defender submerges submarines with defence profile.
[ 2021-10-14 20:08:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, Weve been down in the trenches hard at work on upgrades for soldiers on the frontlines! Todays patch delivers new quality-of-life features, and fixes a stack of bugs relating to combat moves and encounters. OUTAGE NOTICE: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 10am-12pm PT while the team rolls out the update. Check out full details below!
- Buttons and UI now stand out when you move your cursor over them
- Tablet players can now launch games directly from email notifications
- You can now click on a battleship stack in combat to view each ships health
- Removed unnecessary rolls in combats with only fighters vs. submarines and/or transports remaining
- Easily update your defense profiles with new drag & drop controls
- Streamlined the settings menu for clarity
- Fixed an error occurring when a Destroyer and Fighter move to attack Submarines
- Fixed a deployment error in the Mobilization Phase
- Fixed scrolling issues on the map and side panels
- Bombardments now show hit assignments after the dice rolls as expected
- Fixed Submarine hit assignment where the continue button was being enabled earlier than it should during hit assignment
- Fixed a crashed that occurred when cancelling a bombardment
- Fixed a crashed that occurred while observing other players turns
- Fixed an issue with notifications not always appearing
- Fixed an issue with slow AI dice rolls

[ 2021-10-13 16:19:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed an error caused by image assets not being available to load
[ 2021-09-23 21:05:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Stealth Launch!
Crossplay for Android tablets arrives today, alongside combat repairs in the latest hotfix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online!
All Core Features & Crossplay!
The iPad & Android tablet versions come equipped with all major features in the Steam version. You can play with your friends across platforms, and swap between devices to take your turns on the go! Available now on the Google Play Store
Hotfix Details
- Fixed a crash involving a hit assignment error on the combat board
- Fixed a crash involving fighters missing when attacking a submarine

[ 2021-09-08 19:10:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Soldiers, Sailors & Commanders of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
We just released a new patch to bring you improved security, stability and performance in Axis & Allies 1942 Online.
Todays upgrades roll out across Windows, macOS, Linux & iOS were thrilled to see so many of our veteran Steam players join new recruits on iPads!
Please Note: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 10am-12pm PT as we perform todays update. Thanks for your patience!
Stay tuned for more rollout news & check out the patch notes below!
- Security | Bolstered security when associating your accounts across devices
- Performance | Added performance optimizations for slicker gameplay
- Stability | Improved server and game stability for smoother gameplay
- Friends List | Your friends list now appears in alphabetical order
- Combat | Fixed the invalid hit assignment issue that stalled games
- Combat | Fixed the error sometimes happening at decision points between rolls
- Combat | Youll now get a Destroy Transports prompt as expected when there are unprotected transports remaining at the end of a combat round
- UI | Fixed overlapping UI elements, such as the roll log which now appears in the bottom right of the screen
[ 2021-08-31 16:28:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders
AMA begins now.
Beamdog CEO Trent Oster, CM Julius Borisov & the whole team behind the scenes are all on deck to deliver the latest intel on the Axis & Allies 1942 Online war efforts! Join the live event from 10am-12pm PT, hosted by r/boardgames! Ask your questions or just watch the fun unfold...

[ 2021-08-20 17:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Commanders! Soldiers! Recruits!
Questions about the #AxisAllies1942 war effort?
Ask Us Anything Tomorrow!
We report for AMA duty Friday, Aug 20 at 10am-12 PT with R/Boardgames.
Join the chat for answers to all your questions about our favorite digital board game!
Event: AMA with Axis & Allies 1942 Online
Date: Friday, August 20, 2021
Time: 10am-12pm PDT
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/
[ 2021-08-19 17:03:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ask us anything!
Head to reddit's r/Boardgames on Friday, August 20, 2021 from 10am-12pm PDT for your chance to chat live with us about Axis & Allies 1942 Online! Event: AMA with Axis & Allies 1942 Online Date: Friday, August 20, 2021 Time: 10am-12pm PDT Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/

[ 2021-08-12 15:04:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just launched Axis & Allies 1942 Online to iPads!
Today's patch delivers cross-play support for Steam & iPads, 7 new translations, Season 6 of competitive play plus more features & fixes.
Check out the full details below!
Join the Battle on iPad!
New challengers enter the fray... Axis & Allies 1942 Online is now available on iPad! Play your favorite board game on the go, take your turns on PC or tablet, and team up with friends across platforms!
- Play with friends on iPad & Steam (Android tablets coming soon!)
- Touch screen support adapted for tablet play
- All Game Modes available now in the Steam version
- All Key Features available now in the Steam version
- Take your turns on iPad or Desktop player profiles sync across devices!
New Translations
Seven new translations are now available in Axis & Allies 1942 Online! This is the first time in the history of the Axis & Allies franchise that the game has received non-english translations, and were thrilled to bring our favorite game to new players around the world! Languages Added Today:
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Polish
- Russian
- Brazilian Portuguese
New Features
- iPad Cross-Play: Play with friends & sync your own accounts across iPadOS, Windows, macOS & Linux Devices
- Review Completed Games: After your game ends, now you can jump back into the map to review and reflect on your victory or defeat.
- Text / Visual Size: Adjusted sizes of some text and visuals to improve clarity
- Transports / Re-Select Units: Now you can adjust units involved in a transport movement, even after you've started the move
- Unit Icons: Updated layout and information provided with unit icons to improve clarity

- Combat: Fixed crash during combat that prevented players from assigning hits
- Observer Mode: Added faster animations to improve the experience of observing combat during another player's turn
- Infantry Hit Visuals: Auto-assigned hits shown will select infantry paired with artillery last
- Bombers: Fixed an issue where players weren't always presented with the bombing dialog when attempting to bomb an Industrial Complex
- Arrows: Cancelled movements will now remove associated arrows, as expected
- Arrows: Bombing raid arrows now highlight selected arrows, as expected

Season 6 Launch!
Today we're kicking off Season 6 of ranked play with the worlds top Axis & Allies players and perhaps some new challengers joining the battle on iPads. Join the battle & climb the ranks in a brand new season! And BIG Congratulations to Season 5s platinum players: Jan took the top spot for the Allies, while Boston_NWO claimed victory as the Axis! Honorable Mention: Last week, Jan was on track for an impressive sweep to take top spot for both alliances.

[ 2021-08-11 15:12:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
News! Were launching Axis & Allies 1942 Online to iPads tomorrow August 11, 2021! We'll also be rolling into Season 6 of competitive play & rolling out a patch for our Steam players with new languages, features & fixes. More details coming soon...tomorrow!
*IMPORTANT* | In-progress games will be removed 7 am PT, Aug 11, 2021
In order to bring you cross-play support between tablets and Steam, well be removing any in-progress online games (ranked & custom) not completed by 7 am PDT on August 11, 2021
- In-Progress Games: In-progress online games (ranked & custom) not completed by 7 am PDT on August 11, 2021 will be removed.
- Stats: Removed games will not count towards your ranking or stats
- Outage: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 7 am-11 am PDT, August 11, 2021 while the team adds tablet crossplay support, new languages, and launches Season 6 of ranked play.
iPad Launch
Play Axis & Allies 1942 Online on the go! Tomorrow were adding cross-play support for iPads and Steam, so youll be able to...
- Game with friends wherever they play
- Take your turns across devices
- Challenge brand new players entering the fray!

Season 6 Launches on Aug 11, 2021
Season 5 will come to a close tomorrow, as we kick off a brand new season of play with the worlds top Axis & Allies players and perhaps some new challengers joining the battle on iPads!
[ 2021-08-10 20:57:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, We have to announce a short delay to the iPad launch & Season 6 Rollover. We want you to have the best possible experience with our games. In this case, that means holding off on the iPad launch for a little bit longer to confirm that some last-minute additions are in ship-shape before we ship-out. The following items will launch together, once our QA team says theyre ready to go (well confirm dates for you as soon as we can):
- iPad Launch
- Season 6 Launch
- 7 New Translations
- PC Patch (Fixes/Features)
[ 2021-08-03 21:30:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey friends! Beamdog CEO, Trent Oster sat down with Board Game Nation for a deep dive on Axis & Allies 1942 Online! He shares insights on the project's origins, the development process, and the upcoming iPad version launching next week! Check out the full interview here: [previewyoutube=ttyPXqPDe_U;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-07-31 16:58:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders! Mark your calendars: On Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 were launching Axis & Allies 1942 Online to iPads, adding seven new languages to the game, and rolling into Season 6 of competitive play. Read on for details...
***IMPORTANT*** | In-progress games will be removed 9 am PT, Aug 4, 2021
In order to bring you cross-play support between tablets and Steam, well be removing any in-progress online games (ranked & custom) not completed by 9 am PDT on August 4, 2021
- In-Progress Games: In-progress online games (ranked & custom) not completed by 9 am PDT on August 4, 2021 will be removed.
- Stats: Removed games will not count towards your ranking or stats
- Outage: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 9 am-1pm PDT, August 4, 2021 while the team adds tablet crossplay support, new languages, and launches Season 6 of ranked play.
iPad Launch
Play Axis & Allies 1942 Online on the go or just on the couch! Next week were adding cross-play support for iPads and Steam, so youll be able to...
- Game with friends wherever they play
- Take your turns across devices
- Challenge brand new players entering the fray!

New Translations
Seven new translations are coming to Axis & Allies 1942 Online! This is the first time in the history of the Axis & Allies franchise that the game has received non-english translations, and were thrilled to bring our favorite game to new players around the world! Heres the list of languages coming to the game on August 4, 2021:
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Polish
- Russian
- Brazilian Portuguese
Season 6 Launches on Aug 4, 2021
Season 5 will come to a close next week, as we kick off a brand new season of play with the worlds top Axis & Allies players and perhaps some new challengers joining the battle on iPads! Here are Season 5s top players (as of this morning). Looks like Jan has the top honors for both teams at the moment, but theres still time for a coup! Good luck, everyone!

[ 2021-07-28 17:44:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Big News!
Axis & Allies 1942 Online is coming soon to tablets!
- Coming to iPads this summer
- Coming to Android Tablets later in 2021
Cross-Play for Steam & Tablets
- Take Axis & Allies with you on the go!
- Play with friends across platforms & across the globe!
- Get all major features & game modes from the Steam version for your tablet!
- Switch between PC & tablet to take turns and check out your profile stats!
EVENT: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with r/Boardgames!
Ask us anything! Head to reddit's r/Boardgames on Friday, August 6, 2021 from 10am-12pm PDT for your chance to chat live with us about Axis & Allies 1942 Online! Event: AMA with Axis & Allies 1942 Online Date: Friday, August 6, 2021 Time: 10am-12pm PDT Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/
[ 2021-07-22 16:52:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders! Were releasing a small hotfix to address an issue with Defense Profiles (this time for real)! Outage Notice: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 11am-1pm PDT on Friday, July 16, 2021 while we update the game.
Hotfix Details:
- Defense Profiles now save and show as expected
[ 2021-07-16 19:44:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders! Were releasing a small hotfix to address an issue with Defense Profiles! :warning:Outage Notice: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 1-3pm PDT on Thursday, July 15, 2021 while we update the game.
Hotfix Details:
- Defense Profiles now save as expected
- Out of game options menu now displays properly
- Fixed an error with crashing Fighters
[ 2021-07-15 20:37:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders! Yesterday we released a huge patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online and now need to roll out a small hotfix to make the Tutorial and Help More features accessible! Outage Notice: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 10am-1pm PDT on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 while we update the game.
Hotfix Details:
- The Learn To Play (Tutorial) and Help More features now work as intended
Known Issues:
- Were investigating a bug regarding Defense Profiles not being updated in Online games
[ 2021-07-14 16:00:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Commanders, Patch 15 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online arrives today and it is a BIG one. We're completely overhauling the user interface, adding two new dice modes, plus many more features and fixes! Outage Notice: Please note that Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 9am-2pm PDT on July 13, 2021 as we roll out the new patch. Today's major update represents feedback from players all across the globe: from Steam Forums, Steam Reviews, Beamdog Surveys, Beamdog Support to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and more! Huge thanks to our community of passionate players, and to everyone who tested out these changes in our Preview Build. We couldn't have done it without you! Read on for full details and try the update today...
New Dice Modes:
Theres been a ton of discussion in our community around dice rolls. Weve heard you! Todays update adds two new dice modes to the game: Low Luck and Biased Dice. Standard Dice will remain an option for players who prefer the classic RNG. Heres how these new modes will work Low Luck Dice In Low Luck mode, the number of hits equals the total attack power or defense power of units, divided by six. If there is a remainder after this calculation (a leftover number not divisible by 6, ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) the game rolls an extra die that hits if the result is equal to or less than the remainder. Example:
- 2 Tanks and 2 Infantry have a combined Attack Power of 8 = (3+3+1+1)
- Low Luck Calculation: 8 6 = 1, remainder 2
- Total Hits = 1 guaranteed hit + a die roll that hits on 2 or lower
- Visuals | Updated visuals on the Friends List, Notifications and Options menu
- Settings | Updated visuals and streamlined the Settings menu
Help & Tutorials
- Tutorial | Updated single player tutorial
- Advanced Rules Help | Added Help more mode for advanced rules
- Tooltips | War Report tooltips will reopen when returning to the War Report, if tooltips were open when you last viewed the War Report
- Kick Players | Added clearer in-game messaging for players who are kicked from a game
- Updated Tool Tips | See more detailed prompts to help you complete your turns and understand the rules

Heads Up Display (HUD) and Menus
- Heads Up Display (HUD) | Now located at the top of the screen (instead of the bottom)
- Victory Thermometer | Clearer visuals on the victory city counter in the HUD
- Hover Information | Names of territories / sea zones display beneath the HUD when you hover your cursor over an area so you dont have to guess if its Sea Zone 15 or 16!
- Menu Text | Brightened some of the darker text in the lobby menu to improve readability
- Offline Mode | Offline Mode can now be activated from the main menu
- Readability | Improved readability of the United States elements in the User Interface
- Emojis | Emojis will now be filtered out of game and commander names to prevent compatibility issues on certain devices
- In-Game Notifications | Updated the in-game message and notification display

- Antarctica | Added the continent of Antarctica
- Southern Sea Zones | Expanded southern Sea Zones to create more space for units
- Map Notes | Updated map note icons to be golden

Moving Your Troops
- Drag & Drop! | In addition to basic click/right-click, a click and drag option is now available drag & drop units directly in a region, or use the new tokens
- Drag & Drop Toggle | Toggle drag & drop on or off in the input settings
- Control Options | Customize mouse binding options in the input settings
- Unit Tokens | New pop-up tokens show units in a territory these tokens make it simple to pick out that one tank in Tokyo, or grab a unit from a crowded sea zone!
- Expand Movement Details | Click on the diamond movement markers to open a window with details about units involved in the move!
- Arrows | Refined movement arrows for a cleaner look
- Radial Menu | Radial Menu added as default way to control unit movement
- Standard Movement | Single unit movement is still available on ctrl + right click by default
- Blitz Visuals | New visuals highlight tank blitzes through regions
- Retreat Visuals | New visuals highlight battle retreats
- Revert Controls | Added an option to change back to the previous controls scheme, available through the settings menu under input

War Report
- Visuals | Updated visuals of the report
- Information | Streamlined information to be more useful
Transport Overhaul
- Streamlined UI | Transport loading/unloading is now easier with a streamlined UI
- Cancellation | Individual steps of transport movement can now be cancelled, rather than needing to cancel the whole movement

- No More Lane Rolls! | All lanes now roll automatically, without needing to click-through much more like the board game!
- Bombing Raids | Updated visuals and interface for bombing raids (so its much easier to tell the difference between a bombers standard combat move vs a raid)
- Combat Board Visuals | Updated a few graphics & visuals on the combat board
- Combat Animations | Toggle combat animations on or off in the graphics settings, such as flashing damage effects
- Retreat | Prompt to Retreat or Press On is much clearer (so you wont accidentally continue the battle when a strategic retreat is called for)
- Roll Log | Dice roll log now shows special rolls separately (i.e. anti-air, surprise strikes and bombardments)
- Retreat Button | Reduced size of Retreat and Press On buttons
- Retreat | Added a retreat icon to clearly indicate the selected retreat destination and updated the related message bar

Game Phases
- Automatic Turn Skip | A player's phases are now skipped automatically if they cannot take any actions in an online game
- End Phase | To avoid accidentally ending a phase, players now need to click and hold the end-phase button to proceed (players cant spam-click and miss a full phase anymore...but spamming Enter is still available)
- Phase Summary | Streamlined phase summary details (this is no longer a wall of text, but should now be useful at-a-glance!)
- Probability Estimates | Phase summaries now include rough estimates on how likely your planned battles are to succeed
- Mobilization | Industrial complexes now highlight your deployment options
Defense Profiles
- Interface | Updated the Interface for Defense Profiles
- Maximum 15 | Increased the maximum number of defense profiles to 15
- Turn-based | Defense profiles can only be changed on your turn, not during your opponents turn***Make sure to confirm your defense profile before you finish your turn!!!
- Defense Profiles | Decreased defense profile menu size and added vertical scrolling
- Stability | Improved overall stability and performance
- AI Fixes | Addressed several crashes/bugs in AI games
- Readability | Text on older operating systems/devices should now be more readable
- Lobby | Fixed sizing and overflow issues in the lobby when choosing to join an opposing faction while already having joined the other faction
- Map | Fixed map borders that caused certain visual issues
- Transports | Fixed a crash caused by destroyed transports
- Bombardment | Fixed an issue with bombardments where the wrong number of units appeared on the radial menu
- Combat Summary | Fixed the color of the lost units count in the Combat Summary
- Defense Profiles | Autosave will no longer overwrite defense profiles
- Defense Profiles | Fixed a crash that happened when creating new defense profiles
- Offline Mode | Fixed support for playing with no internet connection
- Industrial Complexes | In the Mobilization Phase, newly captured Industrial Complexes will no longer be highlighted
- Observer Mode | Observed combats now correctly begin after loading and exit after the battle ends
- Movement | A group of units with a movement speed higher than one, will now correctly move as a group when clicking through regions
- Transports | Fixed an issue with the transport interface where units would not display properly
[ 2021-07-13 15:58:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're updating the Preview Build of Axis & Allies 1942 Online with even more changes! Based on player feedback, we've added new fixes, reverted unit colors, and modified a few more visuals. If you haven't had a chance to check out the sneak-peek of the Major Update yet, now is the time! For full details on the major update (including the UI overhaul, New Dice Modes, and more), check out this article.
Preview Build - New Changes
- Visuals | Reverted unit token colors based on feedback
- Visuals | Reverted 3D effects based on feedback
- Visuals | Toned down new visual UI elements to improve clarity
- Combat Board | Centered the "Assign Hits" help text
- Combat Board | Attack / Press On cards are now smaller
- Bug Fix | Fixed a crash that happened when changing settings while having no current games
- Bug Fix | Fixed an issue with defending Battleships not rolling after being hit by a surprise strike
Try it on Steam:
Notes about the preview:
- Stats | Games played in the preview build wont affect your game statistics.
- Game Modes | Offline modes and online multiplayer games are available to try out, but ranked mode is not available in the preview.
- Notifications | You wont receive notifications for live ranked games while youre logged into the preview build (so make sure to switch back if youre watching out for timers on ranked matches)
- Tutorial | The game's Learn to Play section is disabled in the preview build
Access Instructions:
[ 2021-06-09 17:15:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Last week we shared a sneak-peek of our biggest update yet! Today we're rolling out a few more changes to the preview build based on your feedback: Feature Updates:
- Combat Rolls: We've sped up combat rolls and removed a click from the start of the attacker's roll
- Unit Colors: We've toned down the bright colors of the units (so they shouldn't appear neon on some monitors)

- Hits on defenders will now appropriately play sound effects
- Main menu music will play when skipping the intro
- Combat music will no longer cut in and out when certain conditions are met
- Planes destroyed by Anti-Air Artillery should now be properly cleared off the board
- Retreat overlay will no longer appear after defender submarines roll
- Neutral regions are no longer clickable
- Combat will no longer lock up when defender hits have no valid target
- The auto assign button will now function correctly when some aircraft hits have no target
- Anti air results are properly recorded into roll history in observer mode
- Defense profiles will no longer become active until it is your turn in multiplayer games
- Industrial Complex damage numbers will be more visible on the map
- These changes appear alongside the major updates in the preview, like an overhaul to the user interface, new dice modes plus many more features and fixes detailed below.
[ 2021-05-27 17:01:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today were sharing a sneak-peek of our biggest update yet! The Steam preview includes an overhaul of Axis & Allies 1942 Onlines user interface, new dice modes plus many more features and fixes. Huge thanks to everyone sharing their feedback during Early Access! This preview reflects what weve heard from players across the globe: from Steam Forums, Steam Reviews, Beamdog Surveys, Beamdog Support, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and more! *Special thanks to the Axis & Allies fans who dove into the trenches last month to test out the preview build ahead of release! So, want to take a look? Check out access instructions & details below...
Try it on Steam:
Notes about the preview:
Stats | Games played in the preview build wont affect your game statistics. Game Modes | Offline modes and online multiplayer games are available to try out, but ranked mode is not available in the preview. Notifications | You wont receive notifications for live ranked games while youre logged into the preview build (so make sure to switch back if youre watching out for timers on ranked matches) Tutorial | The game's Learn to Play section is disabled in the preview build Access Instructions: [olist]
Sneak Peek: Whats in the Next Update?

New Dice Modes:
Theres been a ton of discussion in our community around dice rolls. Weve heard you! The next big update will add two new dice modes to the game: Low Luck and Biased Dice. Standard Dice will remain an option for players who prefer the classic RNG. Heres how these new modes will work Low Luck Dice In Low Luck mode, the number of hits equals the total attack power or defense power of units, divided by six. If there is a remainder after this calculation (a leftover number not divisible by 6, ie. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) the game rolls an extra die that hits if the result is equal to or less than the remainder. Example: 2 Tanks and 2 Infantry have a combined Attack Power of 8 = (3+3+1+1) Low Luck Calculation: 8 6 = 1, remainder 2 Total Hits = 1 guaranteed hit + a die roll that hits on 2 or lower Biased Dice These dice control for extreme results. For each roll, the game takes a random result out of 100 that corresponds to possible dice outcomes (1 through 6). Results of 2, 3, and 4 are more likely to occur than results of 1, 5, or 6.
Menu & Map Updates
- Visuals | Updated visuals on the Friends List, Notifications and Options menu
- Settings | Updated visuals and streamlined the Settings menu
- Heads Up Display (HUD)
- Victory Thermometer | Clearer visuals on the victory city counter in the HUD
- Heads Up Display (HUD) | Now located at the top of the screen (instead of the bottom)
- Hover Information | Names of territories / sea zones display beneath the HUD when you hover your cursor over an area so you dont have to guess if its Sea Zone 15 or 16!

- Antarctica | Added the continent of Antarctica
- Southern Sea Zones | Expanded southern Sea Zones to create more space for units

War Report
- Post Game Reports | Players can now check out war reports for finished games!
- Visuals | Updated visuals of the report
- Information | Streamlined information to be more useful
- Drag & Drop!!! | In addition to basic click/right-click, a click and drag option is now available drag & drop units directly in a region, or use the new tokens
- Unit Tokens | New pop-up tokens show units in a territory these tokens make it simple to pick out that one tank in Tokyo, or grab a unit from a crowded sea zone!
- Expand Movement Details | Click on the diamond movement markers to open a window with details about units involved in the move!
- Arrows | Refined movement arrows for a cleaner look
- Radial Menu | Radial Menu added as default way to control unit movement
- Standard Movement | Single unit movement is still available on ctrl + right click by default
- Blitz Visuals | New visuals highlight tank blitzes through regions
- Retreat Visuals | New visuals highlight battle retreats

Transport Overhaul
- Streamlined UI | Transport loading/unloading is now easier with a streamlined UI
- Cancellation | Individual steps of transport movement can now be cancelled, rather than needing to cancel the whole movement

- No More Lane Rolls!!! | All lanes now roll automatically, without needing to click-through much more like the board game!
- Bombing Raids | Updated visuals and interface for bombing raids (so its much easier to tell the difference between a bombers standard combat move vs. a raid)
- Combat Board Visuals | Updated a few visuals on the combat board
- Retreat | Prompt to Retreat or Press On is much clearer, (so you wont accidentally continue the battle when a strategic retreat is called for)
- Roll Log | Dice roll log now shows special rolls separately (ie. anti-air, surprise strikes and bombardments)

Game Phases
- End Phase | To avoid accidentally ending a phase, players now need to click and hold the end-phase button to proceed (players cant spam-click and miss a full phase anymore...but spamming Enter is still available)
- Phase Summary | Streamlined phase summary details (this is no longer a wall of text, but should now be useful at-a-glance!)
- Probability Estimates | Phase summaries now include rough estimates on how likely your planned battles are to succeed
- Mobilization | Industrial complexes now highlight your deployment options
- Updated Tool Tips | See more detailed prompts to help you complete your turns and understand the rules

Defense Profiles
- Interface | Updated the Interface for Defense Profiles
- Maximum 15 | Increased the maximum number of defense profiles to 15
- Turn-based | Defense profiles can only be changed on your turn, not during your opponents turn***Make sure to confirm your defense profile before you finish your turn!!!
- Stability | Improved overall stability and performance
- AI Fixes | Addressed several crashes/bugs in AI games
- Profanity Filter | Corrected bugs in the profanity filter that caused it to be too sensitive
- Readability | Text on older operating systems/devices should now be more readable
[ 2021-05-19 17:01:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
In case you missed it... Beamdog developers Jacob & Kevin vs. Nolan & Thomas went head-to-head in an epic Axis & Allies 1942 Online game, livestreamed on Steam! For all their battle banter, serious strategy tips, and gameplay shenanigans, check out the full video on YouTube! [previewyoutube=c0XiPE9mbjs;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2021-05-07 17:57:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders: Season 5 of Axis & Allies 1942 Online is getting an extension! Season 6 will roll out in late July or August 2021 so plan your battles accordingly. Ranked Play, Season 6: Original Schedule: [strike]June 10, 2021[/strike] New Schedule: Late July or August 2021 Well notify you as soon as we have a new date for Season 6, so stay tuned! For now, were focused on your Early Access feedback and we plan to release some major updates very soon! More details to come... Sincerely, Beamdog Team
[ 2021-05-05 16:58:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Commanders! We're releasing a hotfix to address a long-standing crash in combat with anti-air artillery on defense. Hotfix Details:
- Fixed a crash for combat involving anti-air artillery on defense
- Fixed the AI not being able to land planes in the noncombat move phase
[ 2021-03-29 17:22:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Season 5 of Axis & Allies 1942 Online launches today! Congratulations to the intrepid Platinum Commanders who rose through the ranks to achieve the highest honours in Season 4. We look forward to challenging these generals in a brand new season!
Season Reset
Here's what happens during the season rollover:
- Ranked player scores will reset to base rankings
- Player rankings for previous seasons will display on your Player Profile
- Players will need to complete placement matches for the new season
- Ranked games that were not been completed by 11am PST March 10, 2020 will be removed as part of the Season 5 reset (these games will not be counted towards Season 4 rankings).
Season 4 Champions
Congratulations to JAN for claiming the #1 spot for the Allies this season, and IL_PRINCIPINO who took top honours for the Axis!

[ 2021-03-10 23:15:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix Details:
- The update fixes a change to email notification settings and ensures compliance with privacy legislation.
[ 2021-03-09 19:10:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders! We're releasing a hotfix today to add a few improvements & bug fixes to Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Check out the details below! Outage Notice: Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from 12-2 pm MST on Monday, March 8, 2021 while we update the game. Hotfix Details:
- Online games list should no longer get stuck when filtering games by "Your Turn"
- Fixed missing cases in profanity filter
- Added two speculative fixes for the black-screen bug
- Players will now be prompted to update to the latest (and greatest) version of the game before accessing online games
- Improved separation between user-selected offline mode and server outage offline mode
- Players should now be able to return to online mode as expected following server outages
[ 2021-03-08 19:27:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders! This fix should address a long-standing issue that allowed you to assign anti-aircraft hits to Infantry. Hotfix Details:
- Fixed anti-aircraft guns' hits now they can only be assigned to Fighters and Bombers (as they should)
[ 2021-02-26 19:28:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed issue where players were sometimes unable to open newly created game lobbies
[ 2021-02-03 21:55:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders, Back in December we sent out a survey asking for your feedback on the dice in Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Your response was phenomenal more than 2,900 players shared their thoughts and advice! Huge thanks to all the Axis & Allies fans who filled out the survey. Please know were listening and taking your feedback seriously. Your answers will affect how we move forward with development. Take a look at the Dice Survey results, and let us know if anything surprised you!
Dice Survey Results
1. Do you agree with this statement? "When I attack with many high powered units there should be some guaranteed hits in my rolls."

About half of you agree, and half disagree that attacks with many high powered units should result in some guaranteed hits.
2. Do you agree with this statement? "I HATE it when there are extremely lopsided dice rolls multiple times in a single game."

This response was clearer: most of you agree that you HATE it when you get extremely lopsided dice rolls multiple times in a single game.
3. Do you agree with this statement? "It's fun when combat rolls create unexpected results!"

Too many unexpected results arent fun, but responses to this question show that random, unexpected rolls are still essential to the game.
4. Do you agree with this statement? "Bombing Raids are unfair in Axis & Allies 1942 Online bombers are shot down much more frequently than a 1 in 6 chance."

Its a pretty clear message here: the bombing raids feel unfair to half of our players.
5. Axis & Allies 1942 Online currently has 2 dice modes. What would your ideal dice be like?

About half of you voted for completely random dice, while a good 30% of players prefer a Low Luck option (with some guaranteed hits based on average rolls). Were incredibly grateful to all of you who took time to share your thoughts with us. Youve done your part now its on us to use your feedback to improve Axis & Allies 1942 Online! Well be sending out more surveys to shape our development path, so stay tuned for details on our Facebook, Twitter, Newsletter, and in-game announcements. Sincerely, The Beamdog Team
[ 2021-01-21 16:07:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Commanders, Huge thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on the new Stabilized Dice mode! We're still working on getting this just right so we're asking a few more questions in a new survey! Tell us what your ideal dice for Axis & Allies 1942 Online would be like? Your opinions will help shape the future of the game! Thanks again for your enthusiasm and support. We'll see you on the battlefield! Sincerely, The Beamdog Team P.S. We know youd like more technical details on our dice modes. Weve heard you! We will share those technical details in the new year.
Take The New Dice Survey
[ 2020-12-18 16:24:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders: Patch 14 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online arrives today! Today's patch adds stability improvements, bug fixes, plus a major new feature: Stabilized Dice mode for custom games! We know dice-rolls have been a pain point for many players. We're hopeful today's update will address some of your concerns, while staying true to the spirit of the board game. Huge thanks to our amazing community for your continued support and enthusiasm as we work to make Axis & Allies 1942 Online the best it can be! Read on for full patch notes and details on the Stabilized Dice mode rolling out today...
Patch Highlights
Stabilized Dice for Custom Games Defense Profiles can now be set differently for each power Friends List improvements *Outage Notice: Please expect an outage on Monday, November 23 from 10 am PT - 12 pm PT while we implement the patch.
Patch Notes
Stability & Polish
- Added improvements to game stability
- Increased saves in local games to improve performance
- Added various bug fixes
Friends List
- Added ability to unfriend users
- Fixed loading issue affecting lists with 50+ friends
Defense Profiles
- Added the ability to set different defense profiles for each power
Stabilized Dice Option
- Added a Stabilized Dice Option for custom online, hotseat & single player games
- Ranked games will continue to use the Standard Dice mode at this time
FAQ - Stabilized Dice | Axis & Allies 1942 Online
Why are we adding a new dice mode?
Theres been a ton of discussion in our community around dice rolls. Weve heard you, and we understand that the randomness of the dice just doesnt feel right. Common feedback on the dice includes:
- Industrial Complexes in Strategic Bombing Raids feel like they disproportionately roll hits on Bombers.
- Low percentage plays (i.e. where an outcome that is highly unlikely) seem to happen more often than expected especially in the context of Round 1 Russia/Germany actions.
What are Stabilized Dice?
Stabilized dice are an alternative method of random number generation. This dice mode will still be random, but will control for extreme outcomes, and should feel more natural as a result. Our objective is to allow player strategy to play a larger part in the overall game by reducing the chances that dice can swing a whole game in a single roll. Does this mean you will never see a completely lopsided result? No. Were not removing the ability for this result to occur, but we are making it less likely going forward. Stabilized Dice mode reduces the frequency of low-percentage rolls Players should see fewer battles with extreme results Stabilized Dice mode does not aggregate or group together unit rolls Stabilized Dice mode does not reduce the number of dice rolled in any battles We want to hear your thoughts on this exciting new feature! If you love it, or youre running into weird results we want to know! Please share your thoughts with us in our Dice Survey here.
How do I change the dice mode?
In the create game dialog, youll find a new tab labelled Dice Mode. On the Dice Mode tab you can toggle between the Standard Dice mode (the original dice mode) and Stabilized Dice (new dice mode). By default, all custom games (including online, hotseat, and single player) will now be set to stabilized dice, but the game owner can change this to their preferred method. Please note that Stabilized Dice are not currently available for Ranked Games.
Is the Stabilized Dice mode available for all game types?
No. Stabilized Dice are supported for custom online games, and offline hotseat and single player games, but the mode is not available for Ranked Games at this time. Ranked Games will continue to use Standard Dice for the time being. The feedback we hear from the community will guide our decisions on whether or not to add Stabilized Dice to Ranked Games. Share your thoughts on the new dice mode in our Dice Survey here.
Do Stabilized Dice affect all rolls in a game?
Yes. If the option is selected at game creation, all rolls (including AI rolls) use the same generation method whenever a roll is required.
Can I change this option mid-game?
No. Dice modes must be selected during game creation, and cannot be changed once the game starts.
I still lost a completely lopsided battle that was in my favour! What gives?
This is still entirely something that can happen. Axis & Allies is a game about both risk management, and about miraclesor tragedies of chance. These should happen less frequently in the Stabilized Dice mode, but they're still going to be a possibility. Stabilized Dice are still in development. Share your thoughts on the new dice mode in our Dice Survey here.
FAQ - Defense Profiles | Axis & Allies 1942 Online
What changes are being made to the defense profile system?
With the new patch, youll be able to change what defense profile each of your powers uses. For example, if you control both the United Kingdom and the United States, youll be able to set a different profile for each power to use.
Is this available in all games?
Yes! This feature is available for all game types.
Does changing a profile for a power affect all games where I control that power?
No. For example, if you control the Soviet Union in one game, changing the defense profile for the Soviet Union there will not affect any other games where you control the Soviet Union.
What is the maximum number of defense profiles I can have?
Currently, 6. Were open to increasing this in the future if theres demand, so let us know!
[ 2020-11-23 16:59:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, Four months ago, we launched Season 2 of Axis & Allies 1942 Online introducing fresh leaderboards and adjustments to the ladder ranks. Since this launch, we've seen a tremendous response and expansion to our competitive community. Its been exciting to watch the progress of the games competitive players, and we're extremely grateful to all of you for your enthusiasm and support. Today, Im excited to share details on Patch 13: Season 3 of Axis & Allies 1942 Online. With this patch we will:
- Launch Season 3 of Competitive Play
- Reset the Leaderboards
- Focus on Stability & Bug Fixes
Patch 13 resets all player rankings, kicking off Season 3 with a fresh start. Congratulations to our Season 2 Platinum-Ranked players!

Season 2 Highlights:
- Competitive players increased by more than 100%!
- Thanks to the changes introduced at the start of Season 2, we saw a healthier distribution of players across all ranks.
- We saw much more movement and variety in the Platinum tier partly due to the increase in players, and partly due to the rank decay feature. It was not uncommon to see new players enter/exit Platinum throughout the entire season.
- Complete Rollover to Season 3
- Players may now view multiple seasons worth of records from the Player Profile via a drop down menu.
- Historical Win/Loss data is now viewable for previous seasons
- Resolved error for Unhandled Rejection Error committing phase: PHASE_COMMIT_ERROR_CRASHING_AIRCRAFT_COULD_BE_SAVED.
- Resolved error for Carriers under construction not properly recognized as landing spots when mobilizing from different factories into the same region
- Resolved error for URE may fire for Cannot read property 'game' of null
- Resolved error for Error message: Unhandled Rejection Cannot read property 'moves' of undefined.
- Resolved error for URE may fire for getChildAt: Index (0) does not exist.
- Users can no longer interact with ICs in purchase menu in Observer mode
- Resolved error for "You cannot repair an IC you do not own" Error when playing against the AI.
- Resolved error for URE Fires for Error in GameControllerAdapter.doCombatRoll.
- Resolved error for URE fires for Error sending doCombatRoll with args ...
- Resolved error for URE fires for BoardController renderStage variable is null
Theres been a ton of discussion in our community around dice rolls. Weve heard you, and we understand that the randomness of the dice just doesnt feel right. Our goal is for the combat to feel satisfying and strategic while staying true to the element of chance at the heart of the board game. So, based on community feedback, our development team is working on a Stabilized Dice option for the game. What does Stabilized Dice Mean? Stabilized Dice will still be random, but will control for extreme outcomes, and should feel more natural as a result. Our objective is to allow player strategy to play a larger part in the overall game by reducing the chances that dice can swing a whole game in a single roll. Under Construction Were currently in the testing phase for this new dice option, but were looking forward to releasing the new dice mode in a future update!
The team has been working on a major overhaul to the UI system, designed to bring more control and clarity to the game. Our hope is that these changes will improve the game for existing players, and make it much easier for new players to jump into the world of Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Were not ready to showcase the new UI just yet, but you can rest assured that weve got some significant changes coming down the pipeline!
All of this brings me to my final announcement today, which is that I will be departing Beamdog at the end of September, 2020. Although I'll be sad to leave such an incredible team, I've made the tough decision to pursue some exciting new adventures. It has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside the talented team of developers, artists, designers, and quality assurance professionals during my time at the studio. It has been my honor to collaborate with you, the community, to keep making the game the best it can be. Rest assured that Axis & Allies 1942 Online is in good hands. Beamdog's veteran developers are joined by some extremely talented new game designers and programmers I can't wait to follow future development as an avid fan. Huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to the development of this legendary game over the past year. See you on the battlefield, Cody Ouimet Producer, Axis & Allies 1942 Online
For those of you who are interested in the technical side of our dice investigations, heres a deeper dive for you. Axis & Allies 1942 Online uses a fairly common PRNG called XorShift128+ to randomize its dice rolls (for more details on XorShift128+, check out our previous post on the topic). In January 2020, we began to experiment with other algorithms internally we were confident in our RNG system, but based on community feedback, we wanted to see if there were better options. Over the course of the Winter and early Spring, we compared three major PRNG algorithms:
- Xorshift128+
- MersenneTwister
[ 2020-09-24 17:17:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Commanders! Today we release Patch #12 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online! This patch focuses primarily on bug fixes and online stabilization, plus a minor rework of the new Destination Markers introduced last patch. As always, a huge thanks goes out to the community for your continued support and engagement! Patch Highlights:
- UI Improvements to Destination Markers
- Performance Improvements to Online Co-op with AI
- Big focus on bug fixes, including squashing the bug that occasionally caused phase skips
Major Items
- Improvements to the Destination Markers
- Weve heard your feedback, and have re-introduced the total count of units moving into a region within the Destination Markers
- Weve also reintroduced the colour coding on the outside of the Marker to indicate the type of units moving into a region
- More changes are still to come with our UI rework, so stay tuned!

- Online Cooperative Play vs. the AI
- Since the start of the COVID-19 global pandemic, weve noticed a number of concerning issues with how our Online AI was structured when players were playing in an online co-op game with or against the AI
- Last patch we significantly upgraded our server infrastructure, which has allowed us to develop more permanent fixes to the Online Co-op AI issues
- We have introduced the following changes and fixes for our Online AI system:
Bug Fixes
- [Notifications] - Reimplement notifications for pending invites sent to players
- Movement arrow didn't get cleaned up after Combat
- [AI] - Error in GameController.moveUnit: Unit is not alive or does not exist (land aircraft)
- Text on Invitation screen disappears when a user is selected
- Name Identifier Not Being Updated When User Logs In
- [AI] - AI will not die if games do not have a state
- [Autolander] - Numerous Autolander fixes when players or the AI are attempting to use it.
- [Main Menu] - Game Lists Not Being Displayed For Some Users
- [Map Notes] - Fix desync when acknowledging map notes
- [AI] - Make every possible action the AI can take time out after 10 seconds
- [Online Status] - Online Status is inconsistent for each person
- [Error Handling ] - Players will no longer experience skipped phases after reloading the game due to an error
- [Ranked Games] - Fix some expired ranked games are not ended when a forfeiter is added.
- [AI] - Make the AI capable of surviving server errors
- [AI] - Fix for the AI Throwing CRASHING_AIRCRAFT_CAN_BE_SAVED On US Final Round
- [Game Lobby] - Player is unable to manually start online games
- [AI] - Ensure the AI will not retake it's own turn if the server takes a while to process commands
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many BUCKET || Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'moves' of undefined. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many BUCKET || Unhandled Rejection Error applying remote action for doCombatRoll to the client errors players were encountering
- [Map Notes] - Map notes are being sent into the arctic and are never seen again
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Error: powers that don't own their capital can't purchase units. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Error sending assignHitsOnAttacker with args errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Cannot read property 'rollDice' of null. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Error sending phaseCommit with args to the server errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Cannot read property 'flyDice' of null errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Error committing phase: PHASE_COMMIT_ERROR_CRASHING_AIRCRAFT_COULD_BE_SAVED. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Cannot read property 'userUUID' of undefined. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Unhandled Rejection Cannot read property 'position' of null. errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Error in GameControllerAdapter.moveUnit errors players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Error sending placePurchasedUnit with args errors players were encountering
- [Online Games] - kick action not working
- [UI] - Attempting to move more units than are available to a territory causes a URE to fire
- [Map Notes] [AI] - The AI isn't actually removing its mapnotes
- [AI] - Resolved issue where AI saw game start but didn't put it into the processing list, leaving the player waiting indefinitely
- [AI] - Server seems to stop emitting events after ai started as soviets
- [Create Game] - Cannot invite other players to Private Online games on Staging
- [AI] - Online AI regularly causes Desync reloads for human players
- [AI] - AI doesnt transition from game to game properly
- [AI] - AI fails noncombat moves and errors out in online game
- [AI] - AI sometimes doesn't put purchased unit into purchasedUnits list
- [Stability] - URE fires for Cannot read property 'game' of null
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many Bucket || Error: compressedImageParser issues players were encountering
- [Stability] - Fixes for the many URE fires for Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'current' of null.
- [Steam Client] hotseat/singleplayer change the way the gamestate is being saved to accommodate for slower hard disk drives or other potential hardware issues -NOTE: Single Player/Hot Seat games are now saved on a 1-minute timer OR when a player manually exits the game or returns to the main menu.
- [Server] - Find a way to prevent race conditions caused by forfeits.
- [AI] - Update how the AI handles games that get an error
- [Stability] - URE on Phase Commit when it times out due to bad connection
[ 2020-08-11 16:51:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, Its been about 5 months since we introduced Ranked Play and Matchmaking into Axis & Allies 1942 Online with Patch 5: Turning Point. Since then, weve seen a tremendous community response, with players from all skill levels vying for the top spot on the Season 1 ladder. With today's patch, were bringing the games first season to a close. Season 2 kicks off with a ladder reset, alongside some exciting features and updates to Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Patch 11: Season 2 will include:
- Ranked Ladder Reset
- New Ladder bracket thresholds
- Platinum Rank Decay
- Friends List and Profile Updates
- Changes to Transport loading
- New Destination Markers
- Performance and Server Improvements
Ranked Ladder Reset
Patch 11 resets all player rankings, kicking off Season 2 with a fresh start. Congratulations to our Season 1 Platinum-Ranked players!
- All player rankings will reset to the base ranking
- Players will need to participate in placement matches again
- Everyone who competed in the previous season will have their final Season 1 rank preserved and viewable in their Player Profile

New Ladder Bracket Thresholds
Weve reworked the ranking thresholds to distribute players more evenly across ladder brackets.
- Over the course of Season 1, we noticed many players quickly ascended into the upper tiers, while lower tiers were underpopulated
- Currently, almost 75% of ranked players sit in Gold or Platinum tiers
- Season 2 thresholds will be more evenly distributed across ladder brackets
Platinum Rank Decay
In order to keep Platinum rankings dynamic, were introducing Rank Decay into the Ladder at the top tier.
- Players who achieve the Platinum rank must continue to defend their title
- Platinum players will no longer be able to rest on their laurels, and must continue to play in order to remain in Platinum
- Platinum players ranking will slowly decrease until they drop into the Gold tier (or until they play in a ranked game again)
Friends List and Player Profile Updates

This patch makes it easier for you to search for and add people to your Axis & Allies 1942 Online Friends List.
- You can now search for friends within Axis & Allies 1942 Online with the new Friends menu.
- Search for friends by using their Commander Name and a new unique ID number
- Unique IDs are visible next to Commander Names in the following places: [olist]
- Player Profile
- Finished Games
- Friends List
- In-game. [/olist]
- Steam friends are automatically added to your Axis & Allies 1942 Online friends list when they own / purchase the game
- View the online status of people on your friends list
- Challenge friends to custom games
- View your friends profiles from the new Friends screen (accessed in the Main Menu)
Updated Player Profile

The Player Profile now includes two distinct pages:
- The Player Profile
- Game History
- Commander Name
- ID Number
- Ranked Play Statistics
- Custom Game Statistics
- Previous Season Rankings
- Your past 5 online games
- Additional details about the game including:
- View their Player Profile
- Add them as a Friend via their Profile

Transport Loading Improvements
Were rolling out the first major Transport update since Patch #5. Were adding four key improvements to the overall experience:
- Transports now load on a first-come, first-served basis:

- Transports can now be loaded by selecting the unit and moving it into the sea zone:

- Transports will no longer be removed from the original stack visually on the board when loading in the original Sea Zone
- You can now cancel loaded units on a Transport directly from the Dossier
New Destination Markers
Patch #11 introduces context specific Destination Markers. This is the first phase of our plans to overhaul this part of the UI.
- Each type of movement is now reflected by distinct Destination Markers, including:
- Exception: Mobilization will still show the total number of units mobilized into a region

Well be refining this system with more functionality and features in future, so stay tuned!
Performance and Server Improvements
Weve added a large number of performance and server optimizations to Patch 11, including:
- An overhauled server infrastructure, providing a faster and more stable experience
- Optimizations to our rendering engine
Whats Next?
Many of the features and fixes introduced with this patch will build a foundation for future improvements. Here are a few things we have planned:
- A new User Interface
- An overhauled Phase Confirmation experience
- Configurable timers for Custom Games
- And more to come!
All Patch 11 Updates:
- [Settings] - Render Scale graphics setting has been changed to only use Low, Medium, High settings
- [Destination Markers] - Expanded view from Destination Markers has been removed
- [Commander Names] - Every player has been assigned a new Identification Number (ID Number) to identify them from other players with the same Commander Name
- [Gameboard] - Some units and Destination Marker placements on the map have been adjusted to allow for better visibility
- [Transports] - Issues with teleporting Transports have been resolved
- [Offshore Bombardment] - Issues with not being able to move units after an offshore bombardment have been resolved
- [Games List] - Players Active Online Games lists will no longer disappear
- [Phase Skip and Button Presses] - A fix has been introduced to reduce the frequency of people having their phases skipped. Players can no longer spam the End Phase key by clicking on the button with the mouse, then holding Enter
- [Animations] - Fixed crash when disabling certain animations in the Combat screen
- [Online] - Resolved crash when a player is kicked from a game
- [Crash] - Resolved issue where players were encountering Uncaught error crashes
- [Online AI] - Resolved several issues where the online AI would encounter an error and stall out taking turns
- [Retreat] - Units being killed during combat no longer invalidate the retreat options for other units
- [Gameboard] - Panning the map on load no longer causes game to crash
- [Optional Combat] - Players can no longer flag regions that do not contain optional combats as Friendly
- [Custom Games] - Private Custom Games that are changed to public will now appear for all players in their Active Online Games lists
[ 2020-05-13 17:20:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Attention Commanders, Our May 2020 Patch will launch Season 2 of ranked gameplay in Axis & Allies 1942 Online. You still have a week or so to claim the top spot in the Platinum Tier of Season 1 before we reset all player scores for a fresh start to Season 2.
- Season 2 will reset scores to base MMR
- Players must play in placement matches again
- Season 1 rankings will display on your Player Profile

[ 2020-04-28 15:33:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends! Today we release Patch #10 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online! This patch includes more bug fixes, plus two major features requested by the community: Total Victory vs. AI and Player Status Indicators. Read on for full details!
Patch Notes
- Total Victory against the AI
- Total Victory games are now available when playing with or against the AI
- Toggle the game type in the game setup window or from the game lobby
- Player Status
- Players can now see the current status of other players in their games
- Hover over the power icons along the bottom HUD to see the player name and current status
- Statuses:
- Online: Player is in the Main Menu, taking their turn in another game, or observing another game
- Offline: The player is offline
- Taking Their Turn: Player is logged in and actively taking their turn in the game you are observing
- Spectating: Player is logged in and spectating the game you are currently taking your turn in
Bug Fixes
- [Noncombat Move] - Resolved an issue where players were unable to advance to the Mobilization phase due to a crash on phase commit.
- [Automatic Aircraft Landing] - Resolved issues where players and the AI would encounter a crash when attempting to automatically land unlanded aircraft or crash unlanded aircraft
- [Aircraft Carrier/Fighters] - Resolved an issue where players could get into an illegal state when moving Fighters and Aircraft Carriers
- [Tooltips] - Revised several tooltips to be shorter in overall length
- [Rules Information] - Revised Submarine rules description to include both attacking and defending Submarines being able to Submerge during combat
- [AI] - Resolved several crashes and memory leaks that would happen when playing with or against the AI in an offline mode.
- [AI] - Resolved an issue where the AI would take several minutes to take its turn when it is playing both the United States and Soviet Union.
- [Map Notes] - Map Notes will no longer type out slow due to the profanity filter checking against every letter typed.
- [Strategic Bombing Raids] - Fixed an issue where the dice would not display properly when rolling.
[ 2020-03-04 21:04:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello commanders! A Hot Fix is coming to Axis & Allies 1942 Online today! This should solve most of the issues weve been seeing since the last patch:
- A fix for errors being encountered during the Noncombat Movement Phase when landing Fighters and moving other units. NOTE: These fixes won't resolve all issues in previously created games, and we will be removing games that have reached a corrupted state due to these issues that are still active.
- A fix for deploying/redeploying naval units during Mobilization Phase
- A fix for Industrial Complex damage not being preserved between sessions and rounds
- A fix for the crash when opening the Settings and Game Settings screens
- A fix for Legacy mode not enabling properly when turning it on. A restart is now required to fully enable this mode.
- A fix for errors occurring during Submarine submerging
- A fix for an error encountered when Amphibious Assaults are conducted from Germany to Karelia S.S.R.
[ 2020-02-24 22:22:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're releasing Patch #9 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online! The update includes a number of bug fixes, especially around Observer Mode and Online Games plus improved server stability. Read on for full details!
Patch Notes
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- [Create Custom Game] - Visual improvements made to separate Computer Players and better distinguish between the Axis & Allies powers during Power Selection
- [Aircraft Carrier/Fighters] - Resolved more issues involving Aircraft Carriers and Fighter edge cases, and improved performance while landing Aircraft
- [Observer Mode] - Resolved an issue where players watching another player during Observer Mode would become de-synced
- [Observer Mode] - When following an AI player take their turn in offline mode (Single Player/Hot Seat), the AI will now wait for the player to load into the Combat Board before starting its actions for Combat. *Note: You can adjust the speed of the AI from Settings > Gameplay.
- [Performance] - Resolved a bug where players occasionally could not progress to the next phase
- Networking] - Resolved a number of issues where games were not automatically forfeiting after the game timer expired
[ 2020-02-20 18:26:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear friends,
Axis & Allies 1942 Online just celebrated six months in Early Access! Weve heard from Axis & Allies fans all around the globe: your cheers, your woes, your bug reports, and your feedback. Were hugely grateful to everyone helping us make this game the best way to play Axis & Allies (beyond the tabletop).
Thank you!
Of course, our launch wasnt without challenges. Since July, our valiant dev team launched an aggressive assault on bugs, and bolstered server infrastructure to defend against crashes. They also added major features to the core game, including competitive gameplay, a new starting variant, and overall polish.
The work is far from over, but were proud of our progress to date. Check out Patch #8 Notes here, and read on for highlights from six months of Early Access!
Cody Ouimet
Producer, Axis & Allies 1942 Online
P.S. Never miss an update join our Newsletter, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
Features at Launch: July 31, 2019
- Digital adaptation of Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition
- Learn-to-Play Tutorials
- Online Multiplayer
- Offline Single Player
- AI players for single and multiplayer
- Hotseat
Features Added During Early Access (So Far)
Server Stability & Speed
- After a bumpy start, we've vastly improved the servers
- Gameplay is now stable and speedy
- 1,012 bugs squashed and counting!
- Updated designs for all buttons and in-game windows
- Adjusted appearance of North & South America
- Combat Speed: added options to disable combat animations
- Arrow Design: No more spaghetti arrows!
- Clean, smooth arrows display your planned movements
- Check out our new trailer for a preview:
Ranking & Matchmaking
- We added ranked games practice up, because the competition is fierce!
- Rankings include: [olist]
- Platinum
- Gold
- Silver
- Bronze
- Wood (this one was controversial) [/olist]
- Play five ranked games to get an initial ranking, then work your way to the top or (defend your title)
- Matchmaking pairs you with players of similar skill
- Allies Ranking
- Allies Win/Loss Ratio
- Axis Ranking
- Axis Win/Loss Ratio
- Custom Games Statistics
- They matter!
- We listened to the community and made some tweaks to align with official rules as written. For example:
- No more refunds for non-mobilized units
- Choose to ignore unaccompanied enemy submarines / transports
- Axis & Allies creator, Larry Harris, designed a variant starting condition for the 1942 Second Edition, granting Allies a bit more strength at the outset of the game
- We've added Larry's variant (...Larriant?) as an optional starting condition
- Smarter robot players! *Note: AI players present a decent challenge for newcomers who want to learn the game. Our robots aren't yet a threat to expert strategists, but we're working on it!
- Get notifications in-game!
- Directly load into the game from the notification
- Added New Left + Right Click controls
- Move stacks of units with Shift + Right-Click
- Combat: assign all hits with Shift + Left Click
Bonus: Old vs New Arrow Design

[ 2020-02-05 23:37:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're releasing Patch #8 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online! We're also celebrating 6 months in Early Access with a retrospective on our development progress to date!
Patch #8 includes further improvements to AI, and a revamped UI experience for custom games. Read on for full details!
Patch Notes
New Features
AI Improvements
- The Soviet Union AI will now be more aggressive when defending against Japan and Germany
- AI will now use Submarines abilities more effectively, submerging and avoiding enemy submarines
- AI will now properly defend Transports with Warships
- The Create Custom Game screen has been streamlined into a single screen, with clearer setup choices
Bug Fixes and Minor Updates
- [Rules Implementation] - Resolved issue where players get stuck in mobilization if they purchased more units than they could place as a result of liberating an allied capital, with allied territories reverting to the allys control
- [Aircraft Carrier/Fighters] - Resolved an issue where players could get into an illegal state when moving Fighters and Aircraft Carriers
- [Aircraft Carrier/Fighters] - Resolved an issue where a game could crash when automatically landing fighters in certain regions
- [Observer Mode] - Resolved an issue where Observer Mode sound effects were playing the same sound effects as when the player is in control
- [Audio] - Players can now control the volume of the sound effects when in Observer Mode
- [Combat] - When retreating, instructions for player input are now displayed on screen
- [Tutorials] - Players will no longer become blocked from progressing through tutorial 3 when following the instructions
- [Legacy Mode] - Players can now manually enable the Legacy Support mode on their device via the Settings screen. This may lead to better performance for some on lower end hardware
- [Combat] - Resolved issue where clicking too fast before an animation had finished would result in a crash
- [AI] - Resolved various crashes and issues with the AI, both online and offline
- [Game Names] - We've added more variants to the auto generated game names for Ranked games
[ 2020-02-05 23:36:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello commanders! A Hot Fix is coming to Axis & Allies 1942 Online today! This should solve a few issues weve been seeing since the last patch: - Fix for transports resetting their positions in some circumstances - Prospective fix for some ranked matches not automatically forfeiting - Prospective fix for some ranked matches not properly appearing in the finished games Note: ***There will be a brief outage at 11 pm PST / 7:00 PM UTC to 12 pm PST / 8 pm UTC***
[ 2020-01-28 18:38:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, Patch #7 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online arrives today! ***Please note: there will be a short outage between 1-2 pm PST, Jan 22, 2020*** We've been working on a sweeping set of changes to transform our AI computer players into better opponents and teammates. This patch includes the first phase of our AI strategy improvements plus UI updates, bug fixes and new features. Read on for full patch notes.
New Features and Improvements
- AI Strategy Improvements:
- AI players are better at reacting to game events and shifting goals
- AI players are better at executing team goals
- AI players are better at supporting teammates
- AI players use transports more effectively (specifically Japan, UK, & USA)
- Players must now deploy all purchased units during the Mobilization phase. IPC will no longer be refunded for undeployed units
- Choose to ignore or engage enemy transports/submarines located in the same sea zone as your units at the start of your turn
- Choose to ignore or engage enemy transports/submarines in a sea zone during amphibious assaults and bombardments
- Updated buttons and menu visuals to improve readability of game UI
- Tooltips appear when required info is missing or invalid on a game creation window
- When loading units to transports, players will now see an arrow from the starting region to
- the diamond icon (destination marker) to indicate the action
- Diamond icons (destination markers) have colored edges to showcase type(s) of movement to a region:
- When players make incomplete or invalid movements, the units and diamond icons for that movement will now flash
- Unit Movements can now be cancelled by pressing SHIFT+Right Click on the Unit Stack
- Cancel individual land units loaded to a transport stack, without cancelling loaded units for all transports in the stack. To do this:
- Players with unsupported hardware configurations who were able to play the game prior to Patch #5, should now be able to play again with our newly updated engine
- Linux Players: We are still encountering issues with certain Nvidia hardware and drivers with Axis & Allies 1942 Online currently. Linux players with affected hardware will be able to play again through our Legacy Renderer until we resolve the core problem
Bug Fixes
- [Automatic Aircraft Landing] - Resolved crash caused by players or AI attempting to automatically land unlanded planes
- [Aircraft Carriers/Fighters] - Resolved an issue where players could move fighters and aircraft carriers into positions that break game rules
- [Movement] - Resolved an issue where movements taking units out of and back into a starting region in a single move could not be cancelled
- [Finished Games] - Resolved an issue where finished games wouldnt properly appear in the Player Profile
- [Finished Games] - Win ratio percentage for ranked games no longer calculates based off of all games played
- [Launch] - Game will no longer become stuck when loading into a game with a corrupted game state
- [Game Saves] - Saved games no longer become corrupted due to system activities
- [Unit Placement] - Resolved issue where certain units overlapped with Industrial Complexs too much
- [Performance] - Resolved memory leaks and fixed more issues where players were encountering black screens, units disappearing from the combat board or other crashes after a short play session
- [Notifications] - Servers will no longer be affected by multiple unread Notifications in the database
- [Notifications] - Notifications are now capped at 100 notifications. Older notifications will be removed to make room for new notifications after the cap has been reached
- [Notifications] - Players who declined a game invite will no longer receive notifications that The game has started without you!
- [Online AI] - Resolved issue where the online AI wouldnt take its turn
- [Movement] - Resolved issues where tanks could not Combat Move through friendly territories to attack hostile regions
- [Transports] - Resolved issue where Transports would teleport back to original sea zone after the combat phase
- [Transports] - Resolved issue where Transports could not pick up units from certain regions and islands
- [Movement] - Mass moving Fighters/Bombers will no longer cause under-fueled units to travel farther than capable
- [Map] - World Map will no longer only partially show up when returning to the Game Board from combat
[ 2020-01-22 20:29:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today's Deal: Save 50% on Axis & Allies 1942 Online!*
Look for the deals each day on the front page of Steam. Or follow us on twitter or Facebook for instant notifications wherever you are!
*Offer ends Thursday at 10AM Pacific Time
[ 2020-01-14 18:25:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just released Patch #6 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online!
***Axis & Allies 1942 Online will be unavailable from Dec 5, 2019, 9 am - 1 pm PT while we perform the update***
Weve been listening to your feedback and made a few adjustments to the features introduced in patch 5. Check out the patch notes below for a rundown of new features and fixes in today's update!
Patch #6 Notes
New Features and Improvements Improved Movement Arrows
- Reduced the width and size of movement arrows introduced in Patch 5.
- Arrows are 50% thinner
- Smoother curves
- Arrows take shortest distance to the region
- Arrow movement stops just after the border, improving map visibility
- Added functionality to the destination markers (diamond icons)
- Players can click markers to deploy/move units into regions
- Destination marker scales down in size when players zoom in
- Added toast-style notifications for ranked matchmaking
- Notification remains in lower left-hand corner while players navigate through the Main Menu
- Players cancel matchmaking from this notification
- Players can enter games from the notification once a match has been found
- Reduced the default speed of the AI for new players
- Players can adjust the speed of the AI players to their liking by changing it within the Options -> Settings -> Gameplay screen.
- Existing players AI speeds will not be changed as a result of this change.
- Please Note
: If your AI speed is set to Fast or Very Fast you will not be able to view live combats for the AI when it is taking its turn.
- Finished Games have been added to the Player Profile.
- View the outcomes of your 5 most recent games.
- Expand the Finished Game card to see additional details, including who you played with
- Ranked Games no longer count towards the Custom games win/loss ratios
- Adjusted unit placement to improve map visibility
- Reduced instances of overlapping units
- Weve resolved the issue players were encountering when playing the game that would result in a black screen, units disappearing from the combat board or other crashes occurring after a short play session.
- Weve resolved issues where players encountered problems attempting to load units in and around the area of Australia and the Solomon Islands
- The AI will no longer take 24 hours to complete or start its turn
- Various fixes to the AI to provide additional stability when playing the AI
[ 2019-12-05 17:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
WE NEED YOUR INPUT! Take our short survey (1-2 min) for a chance to win a Beamdog Steam Key of your choice! Well draw 3 winners from the survey responses. Winners can choose a free Steam Key from Beamdogs catalog of games & DLC including:
- Axis & Allies 1942 Online
- Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition
- Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
- Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
- Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
[ 2019-11-22 18:02:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're releasing Patch #5 for Axis & Allies 1942 Online and this one is major! The patch notes below outline the substantial features and fixes included in today's update and check out Cody Ouimet's (Producer, Axis & Allies 1942 Online) development letter for a more detailed discussion of this patch, plus future development plans.
- New Movement Arrows
- New Player Controls
- New Rendering Engine
- In-Game Notifications
- Ranked Ladders and Matchmaking
- Player Profile
- Temporary Tutorial Removal
- New World Map
- Commander Name and Email Change
- Custom Movement
- Tooltips and Notifications
- Transport User Experience
- Improvements to retreating and crashes related to retreating to valid retreat zones
- Variety of issues where Transports would no longer become selectable, would not allow for custom movement to pick up valid units for drop-off elsewhere or would not load units
- Moving Tanks through one territory and into another will no longer result in a crash
- Errors and crashes when spamming mouse clicks or hotkeys in large quantities when moving units
- Errors and crashes related to the landing of Fighters on certain Aircraft Carriers.
- War Diary will now show the correct information for the target player and round
- AI Fixes
- Crashes when moving into and out of hostile sea zones
- Stranded Defending Fighters will now find valid landing spots before crashing and no longer float in the sea zone
- Server-side optimizations and performance increases
- Valid Mobilization regions will now highlight when animations are disabled
- Windowed Mode - Game will now remember window location correctly
[ 2019-11-14 21:53:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends, Since my last developer letter weve been hard at work on Axis & Allies 1942 Online, developing exciting new features that were pleased to share with you for the first time today:
- New Control System
- Redesigned Movement Arrows
- Online Ranked Matchmaking
- Online Ladders and Leaderboards
- Player Profiles and Stats
- In-Game Notifications
- Redesigned Game Cards
- Redesigned Custom Games Screen
- Redesigned World Map, and
- A new Rendering Engine
- Updated Tutorials
New Control System and Redesigned Map Arrows
Weve overhauled the movement arrows, aiming for a more readable and approachable design.

New Arrow Design (Left) vs. Old Arrow Design (Right) Updated Movement Controls: * Left-Click: Select / Deselect - Left-click to select a unit, region or destination marker - Deselect the selected unit or region with another left-click. * Right-Click: Action Button - Right click region to move units during Combat & Non-Combat Movement Phase - Right click region to mobilize / place units - Right click region during combat phase to begin combat in that region * Move Unit Stacks: - Left Click: select unit stack - Shift + Right Click on region: Move all units in a stack to the region * Review Movement Plans: - Left Click on the diamond icon / destination marker, or Shift + Left Click to open the info panel / dossier. * Cancel Movements - Shift + Left Click to open the info panel / dossier in the bottom left (or Left Click on the Diamond Icon). In the dossier, hover over unit you wish to cancel and hit the cancel button. * Cancel All Movements to a Region -Shift + Right Click on the diamond icon / destination marker in the region where you want to cancel. * Load & Move Transports - Left Click: Select Transport - Right Click Unit: Load unit to transport. Continue to right click units to load transports in a stack. - Right Click Region: Move transport and unload units. Continue to right click region to move multiple transports and unload units. * Move a Specific Transport in a Stack - Load the transports - Left Click the diamond icon in the sea zone. - Left Click the transport you want to move from the dossier (panel) that pops up in the bottom left. - Right Click a region to move the transport / unload units * Fast Load Transport Stacks: - Left Click on transport stack - Shift Right Click on unit stack to load as many transports as possible in the stack. * Mobilize Units - Right click region - Left click diamond icon / destination marker to review mobilization plans in the dossier (panel in bottom left) - Cancel mobilized units in the dossier (panel in the bottom left) * Create Map Note: - Keyboard shortcut (default key: n). We plan to update map note controls in the future. Previous Movement Features:
- New arrow created for each unit type moved
- Unit tokens move along arrows to the border of their destination
- Multiple arrows and units overlap
- The arrows are separated and color-coded by unit type
- Tanks and Naval Units

Combat movement arrows
Matchmaking, Ladders and the New Game Cards
Were also pleased to introduce Matchmaking and Ranked Ladders into Axis & Allies 1942 Online. We know there is a competitive A&A community out there who we hope will have fun with our new ranked play.

Matchmaking & Ranked Play Ranking & Matchmaking Weve added a 1v1 competitive mode in a formal ELO system. The ranking system includes five different ranks (Wood, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum). Players must participate in 5 placement matches in order to determine their initial rank. Once ranked, you can select your preferred team (or no preference) and you will be paired with someone of a similar rank. *Note: Current player win/loss records will have no impact on the ranking ladder. Ranked Matches Are Timed In order to keep ranked games moving quickly, were introducing stricter timing for these matches. Players will have 24 hours to complete their turn before they are automatically forfeited from the game. Separate Ladders Per Faction Weve separated the ladders for games played as Axis and those played as the Allies. You will receive two separate ranks for matchmaking purposes. Ranked Games: Larry Harris Gencon v3.0 The starting condition for ranked games will be the Larry Harris Gencon v3.0. Since launch, we have been keeping an eye on statistics for the win and loss ratios for both factions:
- 1942 2nd Edition out of the Box (Online Games)
- Larry Harris Gencon v3.0 (Online Games)

Updated Custom Games List The Custom Games will now appear in list form, as will your Active Campaigns. Youll now be able to review your games at a glance in a cleaner aesthetic. Redesigned World Map Weve adjusted the Axis & Allies 1942 Online map territories to better visually represent their real world counterparts. Our previous design was a direct adaptation of the 1942 2nd Edition board, which was never designed to wrap around or scroll infinitely.

New North America layout In Game Notifications Players who opt-out of receiving emails can now choose to receive email notifications of in-game events only. Game notifications will be viewable from both the main menu and a new Notifications button in-game.

Main Menu Notifications New Rendering Engine Lastly, weve updated our rendering engine, which significantly improves the speed and smoothness of the game. Well continue to improve the rendering engine in future development.
Thanks again to all our players. Were eager to hear your thoughts on the update well be sending out a feedback survey after the patch goes live, so watch out for that announcement in the coming weeks. Sincerely, Cody Ouimet Producer, Axis & Allies 1942 Online
[ 2019-11-14 21:45:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another Hot Fix is coming to Axis & Allies 1942 Online today! It should help solve a few server issues & errors weve been seeing since last week. The Axis & Allies 1942 Online servers will be offline from 1:00PM PDT / 8:00 UTC to 2:00PM PDT / 9:00 UTC today.
[ 2019-10-07 19:27:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're dropping the fourth patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Thanks to our community for sharing their great feedback as we continue through early access development!
There will be a brief outage from 10 - 11 a.m. PT on October 2, 2019 to implement the patch.
Read on for patch #4 details!
- Automated Landing of Fighters in Noncombat Move Phase
- Windowed Mode and Automatic Screen Resolution Sizing
- Improved Error Handling and Bug Submitting
- Changing Commander Names and Emails
- Map Note Tip Text
- Automated Stranded Fighter Landing/Crashing
- Various reported issues surrounding the Retreat Action.
- Transports can no longer be selected to take hits after a Battleship has taken a single hit.
- Moving Tanks through one territory and into another will no longer result in a crash.
- Combat will no longer freeze when sending 10 Fighters into battle against 10 ships.
- Weve removed the bug caused when a player joins a slot the AI was attempting to join.
- AI Fixes: Weve fixed a number of issues with the AI that would result in the AI crashing and not being able to start back up.
- Crash when accessing the Game Settings screen in Hot Seat mode.
- Crash when attempting to end the Purchase Phase as any power.
- Several issues that were a result of the client computer becoming desynced from the server instance.
- Automated Blitz paths causing issues when blizting or moving out of Karelia S.S.R.
- Fixed issue where Japanese Turn Summary would appear over the victory screen, regardless of observing player allegiance.
[ 2019-10-02 16:55:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
WE LAUNCHED! Since the July 31st launch weve seen players from all over the world join the battle to relive the game they know and love or take the plunge and play Axis & Allies for the first time. Were incredibly grateful to our awesome community members who are essential to the games development through Early Access. In this retrospective Ill be sharing:
- Some of my favorite visual highlights
- A brief discussion of server issues
- An overview of our plans for the near future!

Hoarding Units:

When a Strategic Bombing Raid wasn't very strategic: - Three bombers attacked an industrial complex - 1 plane survived doing 1 damage

THE SERVERS ROLLED A SIX We're absolutely aware our launch to Steam began with some considerable stability concerns, so we're especially grateful to those of you who've stuck with us. Upon release, our server infrastructure was simply not up to the task of hosting the influx of players. We faced server-side issues right from the start, including:
- Disconnect / reconnect loops
- Server side latency
- Online AI errors and disconnects
- Streamlined Combat Board Experience
- Alternate starting condition: The Larry Harris Gencon v3.0 variant
- Added animation and visual control options
- Performance and networking improvements
- Over 200+ bug fixes
- Keep track of your wins and losses
- See which power you play the most
- Review previous games
- We hear you loud and clear - there are too many clicks and the movement arrows get pretty confusing (...and it looks like spaghetti).
- We want to speed up the time it takes for players to get into a game
- We're working on a system to match players searching for games together
- We also plan to include a ladder system that matches players based on skill level
- We're looking into ways we can notify you that it's your turn, aside from email
- We agree it's not always clear how the rules for these units work (especially if you're new to the game)
- We're taking steps to make the UI and visuals for these units more clear.
- We're working on getting our robot players up to snuff - but you are tough competition.
- We have a few ideas how we can make the AI more challenging contenders.
- As always, we're prioritizing work on the stability of servers, improving the speed, and overall polish to the game.
[ 2019-09-13 19:48:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're launching a new patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online today. Thanks to everyone for your feedback and support as we continue to develop this Early Access title. This patch focuses mainly on fixes, rather than features, but stay tuned for a development update from game producer, Cody Ouimet, later this week!
Patch Notes
- File support tickets in-game: If you receive an error while playing, you can now send us a support ticket in-game. This will also give us a copy of your saved game, which will speed up our ability to identify and respond to issues
- Removing Abandoned Games from the Lobby: We'll now remove games that are more than 7 days old from the lobby area.
- Fixed Fighter and Aircraft Carriers: Fighters must have a valid place to land during the non-combat move. There were a number of errors with enforcement of these Fighter / Aircraft Carrier rules that we've polished for this Patch.
- AI Fixes: We've fixed several issues that were causing AI to crash.
- Menus and Scrolling: We resolved a number of issues where elements in the menus or pop-ups were not displaying correctly.
- Server and Infrastructure: Numerous server fixes to reduce latency and increase stability.
- Tutorial 4: Resolved issue occasionally causing a crash in the final combat of Tutorial 4.
[ 2019-09-11 21:50:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello commanders!
We're deploying another Hot Fix today to improve server stability and performance.
Note: ***There will be a brief outage at 12pm PDT to perform the update.***
[ 2019-08-26 17:11:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we're launching our second full patch for Axis & Allies 1942 Online. Thank you to all the avid strategists down in the trenches sending us feedback on our Early Access game!
Check out the full list of fixes and new features, including AI speed control, streamlined combat, and a brand new starting condition based on Larry Harris' Gencon 3.0 Variant for Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition.
Control the speed of Computer Players' turns in your games. Slow them down to learn some basics from the Computer AI, or speed up the turns to get back to the action faster.
* Available in Options -> Settings -> Gameplay
Larry Harris Gencon 3.0 Variant is now available to play! Simply create a new game to select between the out-of-the-box setup, or Larry Harris revised starting condition, which modifies the initial board layout for Germany and the UK. This starting condition is available across all game types and modes.
This patch reduces the overall number of clicks needed to assign hits and casualties. We've also added ways to assign casualties to groups of units, as well as an option to disable the dice rolling animation from the combat board itself. Players can now access a more detailed Roll Log that will show the results from the entire combat instead of just the current round.
- Assigning Casualties
Casualties can now be assigned to individual units in a stack without having to manually select them from the slide out panel. Simply left-clicking on a stack of
units will now automatically assign hits to the units within that stack, one at a time. The slide out panel is
still available for aircraft and Battleships, and will appear when those units/stacks are clicked on. Right-
clicking on units with casualties assigned will now remove a single casualty from the stack
- Assigning casualties to a stack
Shift + left-clicking a unit will assign as many hits as possible to the selected stack. If this stack contains Battleships or air units, it will assign them intelligently (a single hit to each Battleship first
before assigning a second; assigning hits to lower fuel air units first). Shift + right-clicking a unit will remove all of the hits from the selected stack.
- Disabling Dice animations
Players can now disable the Dice Animations using the toggle found under the Attacking Player lane.
- Roll Log Improvements
The Roll Log will now show the results for all rounds in a single combat, and can now has some better sorting options for summarization. The new Roll Log will not work with combats retroactive to the update, but will work with any combats and games post-update.
When following another player in Observer Mode, any combats the player participates inwill now automatically open up. Players can now control the zoom level when following another
players actions.
When creating a new game, there is now an option next to the Start Game button that will allows players to have the game auto-start when the lobby is full. This is set to On by default.
The Intro Video can now be skipped by left-clicking.
More intuitive touchpad controls have been implemented.
- Pinch to Zoom to zoom in/out
- 2-finger scrolling to pan the map
- AI will not process other game states after hitting an error in one game state
- Fixed crash related to "Purchased naval units should not exceed available sea deployment locations"
- Fixed crash related to "cannot retreat to sea_zone_5 as there are no retreatable units remaining"
- Fixed crash related to "Aircraft Carrier in sea_zone_56 with direct call to move Unit: You must use move Aircraft Carrier to avoid leaving behind
fighters that cannot move"
- Fixed crash related to "cannot read property 'addChild' of undefined"
- Fixed crash related to cannot read property 'commands' of undefined"
- Fixed crash related to "AI can deadlock when committing combat move phase"
- Fixed crash related to "Cannot read property 'dropTarget' of null"
- Fixed crash related to "Error in transport drop: transport has no path to region "philippine_islands"
- Fixed crash related to "Cannot do a combat roll for a roll target that has already rolled"
- Fixed crash related to "AI Error committing phase: Aircraft could be saved."
- Fixed crash related to "Error in GameController.cancelMoveUnit: Cannot cancel a move that has not yet been made"
- Fixed crash related to "AI Error in GameControllerAdapter.updateMapNote: GameController rejected with message: Error: Soft reload currently disabled: Original error: Game not found for id=5d56cda5a0060672af11946e."
- Fixed crash related to "Error: No meeting destinations for a fighter promised to land on an aircraft carrier"
- Fixed crash related to "Error in GameController.moveUnit: Could not move to sea_zone_5, it is not a valid move"
- Fixed crash related to "[object Object]" when double clicking to add computer to a slot
- Combat Board: Fixed gamebreak where player cannot assign hits, cannot finish battle, cannot continue game.
- Combat Board: Artillery/Infantry link should be in correct order when infantry is amphibious but artillery isn't
- Fixed: URE may fire for "Cannot read property 'index' of undefined" during combat
- Fixed bug that causes game to stall requesting player to assign damage when no troops remain.
- Fixed bug that let's player get stuck with return to combat button, but no combat present.
- Fixed bug causing a large portion of the map to go gray after a combat.
- Fixed URE fires for "Cannot read property 'usedStackCount' of undefined" when applying hits multiple to infantry during an attack.
- Combat Board: Animated banner should be dismissed by keyboard input
- Hit selection panel does not close when using enter to accept
- Stability: Clicking multiple times to amphibious assault, no longer causes more units than you brought to appear in the Combat Board UI
- Combat Board: Ships will appear as expected in the Roll 2 lane
- Combat Board: Fixed bug causing black screen when clicking on a bomber on the raid board
- Aircraft Carriers + Fighters: Fixed bug causing player to be unable to mobilize an ACC underneath a fighter in a sea zone
- Main Menu: Fixed bug causing game list to appear empty
[ 2019-08-23 21:15:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
We're deploying another Hot Fix today to improve the stability of AI players in Online Multiplayer games.
Note: ***There will be a brief outage at 2 pm PDT to perform the update.***
- AI in Online Multiplayer games will take turns consistently
- AI bug fixes to reduce disconnects
[ 2019-08-13 18:45:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All,
Last week we launched Axis & Allies 1942 Online into Steam early access! Thanks to everyone who's been getting into the trenches already and providing great feedback.
The launch included some connection / speed issues, and the team has already performed a few hot fixes that went a long way to improving gameplay.
Today we'll be pushing out our first major patch focusing on performance and stability improvements.
*There will be a brief outage at 12pm PDT while we perform the update.*
Read on for more patch details!
Front-end Performance:
- Changed how renderer caches textures to reduce memory usages and increase rendering speed
- Changed how Steam Avatars are fetched to reduce server load
- Join Games list now has a refresh button so users can request an updated list manually rather than auto-updating
- Changed how in-game videos are handled to reduce memory usage
- The game now behaves better when minimized
UX Improvements:
- The Combat Summary now automatically opens when all combats are completed.
- If a player has not set up any combats in the combat move phase, the game will automatically skip to the non-combat move phase.
- Updated combat summary dialog styling
- Added Industrial Complex damage in combat summary totals
- Updated tutorial with a clearer explanation of infantry & artillery pairing
UI Improvements:
- Fixed misaligned and/or incompletely styled tool-tips on various screens
- Fixed text alignment on various screens
- Revised map art to better align region borders
- Revised main menu art
- Adjusted button positioning on game cards
[ 2019-08-09 17:18:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Weve got another Hot Fix for Axis & Allies 1942 Online coming out today. Well be implementing some updates that should reduce lag, increase stability, improve networking performance, and return the AI player option to online multiplayer.
We plan to release a larger patch later this week that should further improve game performance.
Note: ***There will be a brief outage at 1 pm PDT.***
- Reduce lag
- Increase Stability
- Improve networking performance
- Return AI player option to Online Multiplayer
[ 2019-08-06 19:56:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
UPDATE: The AI Fix is going to take slightly longer than planned. AI won't be available in Online Multiplayer for a few days, as we address the root of the issue. AI will still be available in Single Player and Hotseat Games. We expect AI to be back online early next week. Sorry for the inconvenience! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All! Today we're pushing out a hot fix for AI in online multiplayer. The dev team has fixed an issue that was preventing AI from joining multiplayer campaigns. Note: ***There will be a brief outage at 2 pm PDT to perform the update. *** Hot Fix:
[ 2019-08-02 20:27:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback following our Early Access release of Axis & Allies 1942 Online.
We're listening and working to address the main concerns of online multiplayer stability and the gameplay speed. These are both caused by some server issues that the team is working hard to resolve - starting with a hot fix today and with further improvements in a patch next week.
NOTE: ***There will be a short outage Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 1 p.m. PDT to update the game with these hot fixes.***
- Server improvements to reduce disconnects.
- Improvements to gameplay speed caused by server lag.
- When you play offline (in Single Player, Hot Seat, or Tutorials) you won't be bumped out of the game if the server goes down.
- No more pop-up messages for offline play (Single Player, Hot Seat, Tutorials).
- You shouldn't get multiple copies of a newly created online campaign.
[ 2019-08-01 18:09:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello friends!
Today, strategy players from around the world take to Steam to test their wits in the early access release of Axis & Allies 1942 Online.
This brand new chapter in Beamdog's journey could never have happened without support from all of you - Thank You!
We still have huge love for D&D, but we're very excited to release something new. We've had a blast developing this game and we hope you enjoy the results.
We'll be adding features and fixes over the next little while in Early Access, but fans of the iconic board game can enter the fray now!
- Beamdog Team
"For us it's really about connecting with the love of the games what people remember and what people cherish about playing those games." Trent Oster, Beamdog CEO
To new players:
We made tutorials! The setup and rules are automated and you can practice against AI before taking on multiplayer.
To veteran Axis & Allies players:
Our game adapts the rules of Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition. Play your favorite game on the go!
Play the iconic boardgame - online!
- Battle in single player or multiplayer
- Play with friends around the world
- Test out strategies against AI
- Get started with our fun tutorials
- Hotseat play for 2 to 5 players
- Keep informed with the war diaries
- Asynchronous play & defense profiles
[ 2019-07-31 17:22:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi Everyone,
We can finally share the official release date of our Axis & Allies digital board game. The wait is almost over!
Axis & Allies 1942 Online launches to Steam Early Access on July 31, 2019.
Since we last shared details, the development team has implemented an array of epic changes to visuals, the user interface, and the combat system. We also added custom defense profiles based on community feedback!
Check out what's new on our Steam page!
Wishlists are available today, while the game releases Wednesday.
Make sure to sign up for the Axis & Allies 1942 Online newsletter for the latest updates on community, strategy and development!
[ 2019-07-29 20:12:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, friends!
Next Wednesday (3/27) at 09am PT we will have an AMA session at https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/ about Axis & Allies Online with our community manager Julius Borisov!
Hope to see you there!
[ 2019-03-19 20:22:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi Everyone!
Today we've kicked our Steam page live! This means you can now:
- wishlist Axis & Allies Online ahead of release,
- take a first look at screenshots of the online boardgame!
It's been one month since we announced Axis & Allies Online and we're overjoyed with the response from the community.
We don't have a release date to share yet, but we are working hard to bring this iconic boardgame to life as a digital product - soon.
Please stay tuned for more news!
We'll be looking for feedback from players when we launch into Steam Early Access.
[ 2019-03-12 20:53:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Axis & Allies Online - Linux [310.25 M]
Axis & Allies Online is the official adaptation of the beloved strategic board game, Axis & Allies, and includes the 1942 Second Edition game board and rules.
Axis & Allies Online accommodates 1-5 players, each controlling one or more of the Axis or Allied powers in multiplayer, one-on-one, pass and play, or AI mode. Players command both their country’s military forces and its war-time economy.
Victory goes to the side that conquers its opponents on the field of battle and occupies the greatest cities of the world. Will the Axis continue to spread across the globe unchecked, or will the Allies rally to push back against imperialistic tyranny? Challenge your friends and change the course of history!
Many ways to play!
- Hotseat play for 2 to 5 players
- Online multiplayer allows you play with allies and enemies across the world
- Challenge yourself against AI
- The complete Axis & Allies 1942 Second Edition experience
- Play in real time or asynchronously
- Optional AI players
- Learn-to-play with easy-to-use tutorials
- Selectable victory conditions
- Keep informed with interactive game guide and war diaries
- Over 20 minutes of all-new period appropriate music
- OS: Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or Newer
- Processor: Intel Core i3 (Sandy Bridge Architecture) or NewerMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 2000 Integrated Video Card or BetterNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 400 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: 1366 x 768 or greater screen resolution. Steam Early Access version requires online connection
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