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[Arch Toasty] [Benedikt ] [David Martínez Martí] [Geeks Love Detail]

Patch Notes v0.1.32

  • Improved AI!
    • Clever enough enemies will avoid dangerous spells persisting on the ground, as well as their own bomb explosions. Goblin Sappers, rejoice!
    • AI that set traps will do a better job of interacting with them.
    • AI now knows they can't hit through an altar.
    • Blinded AI will no longer attack, even if they were about to when they were blinded.
    • AI no longer report getting angry at themselves.
    • AI will no longer evacuate their position for a potential friendly who they're mad at.
    • AI with a master will now get angry at otherwise-friendlies for the sake of their master getting hit.
    • Enemies are no longer immediately fooled by players who transform into a friendly monster type in front of them.
    • Autonomous spells target more accurately, particularly with defensive effects.
    • More various small improvements.
  • New upgrades:[expand type=spoiler]
    • Blob Hunter upgrade gives you stats for killing blobs!
    • All Items Revitalize gives you an additional option in your inventory menu to sacrifice any item for health and energy!
    • Find Traps 2 upgrade makes you find traps with near certainty!
  • Add two new types of rare destructibles: urns that contain a bunch of ether, and golden chests that always contain a bunch of money.
  • Traps no longer stack, and the overwritten one will trigger immediately if already armed. If not yet armed, the overwritten trap will fizzle!
  • Persistent spells of the same type will no longer stack. Goblin Sappers, mourn.
  • Added new loading screen tips and separated them based on the control type detected.
  • Reword "Demon" category to "Horror", to disambiguate with the monster also called "Demon".
  • At some point, bombs stopped giving useful logs. Fixed!

[ 2023-04-19 04:11:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.31

  • Character customization is now saved! Your character is no longer randomized on its own, and the name is no longer reset to "Player".
  • Changed to a different system for generating spell types and upgrades, and in doing so rebalanced the appearance rates. Common types are seen much more often now.
  • Improved spell auto-identification so that it's more generous and helpful. Trap spells and other indirect spells will now identify their effects properly if the effects are ultimately seen. Some spell attributes will auto-identify as well now.
  • The effect type dropdown in the manual identification menu now only shows effects that you've seen before (starting now). This makes the screen less confusing for new players.
  • Upgrades for elemental spells have been reworked.
    • You can now only choose one elemental Specialty upgrade, and each one instead makes that element more common and stronger for you.
    • The Specialty can then be followed up by an additional, Elemental upgrade, which grants the previously-known extra effect to your spells, as well as making your wizard actually take on that elemental type!
  • Changed how Shared Blood Costs and Borrowed Blood Costs upgrades work, and they now split the cost up among all characters.
  • Spell combination (which happens via altars) is now more generous, trending more toward the higher of the two strengths/durations, and toward more attributes, especially if both the combined spells share one.
  • Add missing sounds for software keyboard shortcuts.
  • Made enemies spawn more often under some circumstances, as later levels had become a bit too easy.
  • Fixed animation crashes under some obscure situations.
  • Fixed "angry" AI sometimes delaying a turn before acting upon their anger.
  • Fixed Blink trap spells, which had stopped working.
  • Fixed ownership of summons with a dead parent (like Bloblings) who would sometimes fight each other.
  • Fixed Treasure Golbins being basically invincible. That was probably frustrating.

[ 2023-03-16 09:14:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.29

  • Added a new dropdown to the manual identification menu, making some spell types, like Summon, take up less space in the effects dropdown.
  • Fixed scrolling on dropdowns on the manual identification menu when using a controller.
  • Made menus more responsive when using a controller.
  • Fixed Summon type mismatch between actual and what it identifies to (Wall vs. Blob).
  • Fixed some weirdness in Transform spell generation, which made the spell type less common.

[ 2022-11-20 15:32:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.28

  • Lots of new Summon and Transform spell types! Get transformed into a golbin!
  • Summoner enemy uses some of the new summon types.
  • [spoiler]Added secret shops! Some secret areas will hide a shop, even if it's not the right level to find one.[/spoiler]
  • Lots of fun, new upgrades added! Including: [expand type=spoiler]
    • Make friends with blobs!
    • Several more branches for Melee Attack upgrade tree!
    • Find secrets easier!
    • Improved poison!
    • Improved blood magic!
    • Free partial spell identification!
  • Added a rarity system to upgrades, along with a small overhaul to the Choose Upgrade menu. Generally useful upgrades like health, energy, and inventory space are now more common.
  • New icons for some upgrades.
  • Health and energy upgrades rebalanced, making the flat increases more attractive.
  • Spell strength/duration upgrades no longer apply to non-spells.
  • Blood magic and Reduced Attack Cost upgrade now synergize.
  • More Charges upgrades now apply their effect instantly to all scrolls.
  • Reduced enemy respawn rates. This should make the earlier levels quite a bit easier.
  • Reduced upper bounds of generated level complexity and size. This will especially make the first few levels much less complicated on average.
  • Reduced the number of memorization slots, now that the upgrade for it is more commonly found. You will no longer start with a spare slot.
  • Reduced destructible wreckage jittering against walls.
  • Throwing Key Stones no longer destroys them, which trapped you on the current floor. Have fun tossing it around!
  • Adjusted item appearance rates: More Power Stones, fewer utility potions.
  • Spell identification on cast no longer tells you the effect in cases where you couldn't see anything happen.
  • Fixed some summoned monsters not properly belonging to their caster.
  • Fixed some 1-turn duration spells to feel more impactful on the player.
  • Fixed the crash on the "A Long Time Later" screen.

[ 2022-11-18 11:32:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.26

  • Fixed a bug where some menus, like the shop menu, wouldn't close properly when closed.
  • Added menu sounds to the start menu, which had gotten left out.

[ 2022-11-07 11:41:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.25

  • Added tons of new or improved sounds, including for all menus, spells, and enemies!
  • Spells that hit in the dark now make (muffled) sound.
  • Added well-known software keyboard button shortcuts for ease of use.
  • AI will now sometimes get angry at friendlies who hurt them, even potentially breaking Charm.
  • Player is now shown on status page.
  • Most runes now activate upon throwing them.
  • Ambush runes improved to show enemies falling from the sky!
  • Fixed Amnesia rune crash.
  • Fixed an error that broke Summon spells.
  • Fixed a crash when selling your last item.
  • Fixed some enemies who were meant to drain life on melee hit.

[ 2022-11-04 06:05:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.24

  • Changed sounds to be more consistent in presentation, and to position them in stereo.
  • Made sounds get quieter in the dark or when further away.
  • Fixed Trample Destructibles upgrade (it broke in the last patch or so).
  • Fixed broken Transform spells. Melee attacks now work again while transformed.
  • Fixed music on initial level load (before moving) to reflect presence of enemies.
  • Fixed crash on using an Identification Glass with no other items in inventory.

[ 2022-10-07 03:45:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.23

  • Varied invisible code streamlining to speed up gameplay by a bit.
  • Shop item descriptions now expand when hovered, accommodating spell scrolls and some other items with longer descriptions.
  • Fix some buggy interactions between "autonomous", "persistent", or "trap" spells and some spell modification upgrades (Double Durations, Wild Magic, etc.).
  • Adjust Doom spawn timer based on the level (should give you enough time to beat the more difficult levels now).

[ 2022-09-02 06:06:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.21

  • Software keyboard added while using a controller! This should finally enable controller-only play.
  • New cosmetic spell effect types! Added a couple of silly spell effects that only change targets cosmetically.
  • Spell effects now appear at different rates, making normal damage or healing spells a bit more likely, and crazier (or useless) spells a bit more rare.
  • Added new Replacing Scrolls upgrades
  • Ether Runes scale with floor number
  • Spell identification popup now offers a dropdown for durations instead of a freeform field
  • Fix some glitches around Doom spawning
  • Fix broken interaction between Frozen and Undead statuses
  • Fix bug when overwriting equipped spell
  • Fix ironic infinite loop (game freeze) in infinite bad status escaping sequence
  • Some bug fixes to shop and altar menu controls

[ 2022-07-17 05:28:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.20

We're back! After a long hiatus for personal reasons, I'm finally updating again, starting with this big, graphical, catch-up update.

  • Various UI design changes and tweaks
  • Shop overhaul! The shop menu and the merchant himself have both been updated with awesome new graphics from Nicholas Acheff! The shop now also works completely via the menu, which is hopefully more intuitive and generally better.
  • Many more new monster sprites from Nick! The Sapper Golbin, Spectre, Zombie, Demon, Cave Creature, Rogue, Driller, Serpent, Fuzzy Wuzzy, and Golem enemies all have new sprites!
  • A couple of completely new, rare enemies! The Shoggoth and Adorable Critter have now been added to the game. (They are rare finds, though. Good luck!)
  • Updates to the enemy spawn curve
  • Small fixes to wizard face 5
  • Fixes to Thorn Aura upgrade display
  • Fix/buff Halo Shield upgrade to work immediately

[ 2022-05-09 01:50:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.16

  • Added a customization section to the start screen! You will now be able to design and name your wizard before you start.
  • New wizard faces! There are now a total of 5 faces to choose from.
  • New Thorn Aura upgrade added!
  • Fixed a bug with using the stairs while a level up is pending

[ 2020-07-18 09:00:39 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.13

  • New wizard faces! All wizards will now randomly receive one of 3 different faces for their gender.
  • Some face types will have a random hair color
  • Manual Identification screen updated - It should now be an easier process to manually identify spells
  • New Halo Shield upgrade added!
  • New icon for Stronger At Full Health upgrade added
  • Damage/healing numbers now show for energy loss/gain
  • Damage/healing numbers now display with a delay and physical offset to make them easier to read when showing rapidly
  • Small wizard sprite adjustments

[ 2020-07-02 08:27:44 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.9

  • Nerfed Ether Energizes upgrade by 50%
  • Fixed transformation spells on AI to change their attacks and spells as well
  • Fixed rare stuttering bug involving AoE spells with the persistent attribute
  • Fixed a crash introduced in 0.1.8 while loading a floor
  • Fixed shield spells being resistible

[ 2020-06-11 10:48:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.8

  • New spell effect type! Shield spells protect you from a set amount of damage for their duration
  • New upgrade! Stronger at Full Health makes your spells significantly stronger, but only while your health is completely full
  • New altar type! Scroll recharge altar lets you pump your ether into a scroll to give it additional charges
  • Spell list now shows empty memorization slots
  • Spell costs rebalanced:
    • Stronger spells are generally cheaper
    • Destruction spells are generally more expensive
    • Stronger spells can be found earlier
    • Spells will cost more over all
  • Bats can no longer be blinded or tricked by invisibility!
  • Enemies with missile spells now properly try to maintain their line of attack
  • Enemies who are running away now prefer to never approach their pursuer
  • Fixed AI sometimes unintentionally losing their turn after a knockback or charm spell is cast
  • More frequent item drops from enemies
  • Fixed Food being called Energy Potion in logs
  • Made description of Melee Attack upgrade more clear

[ 2020-06-01 08:20:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.7

  • Added Purifier item
  • Added Sharp Knife item
  • Added more enemy-specific vendor trash
  • Some item system changes to make it easier to add more items later
  • Added 3 more types of Altars: Healing, Energizing, and Scroll Combiner!
  • Infinite buster screen wipe for if you're ever truly stuck
  • Spell language system changes to make better syllables more often and make attributes easier to identify (Generally makes longer names now)
  • Updated floor generator to often specifically generate smaller and more plentiful rooms
  • Lots of enemy, spell, and item rebalances
  • Fixed a bug where your equipped spell name in the top left would not change properly after memorizing a spell
  • Fixed dodging Upgrades dodging too often at later floors

[ 2020-05-24 05:48:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.5

  • Fixed a bug that would soft lock the game from certain spell types
  • Fixed a bug that would soft lock the game when unknown AI bugs occurred
  • Added Life Tap Upgrade
  • Nerf Blob enemies to give a lower starting difficulty curve: Lower health but also less XP
  • Slightly increased chances of finding some items, like antidotes and runes

[ 2020-05-11 11:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes v0.1.4

  • Female wizards added! Any wizards will now randomly spawn as male or female. (Including the player)
  • Altars added! Only two types so far, but these are alternate ways to spend your kip or ether.
  • Slightly fewer enemies spawn at maximum
  • Lowered health rewards from Upgrades
  • Fixed names for Memorize Slot Upgrades and remove #6
  • Added new Upgrade: Ether Energizes
  • Fixed lightning spray sound delay
  • Fixed visual bug in shop menu when the scrollbar is visible

[ 2020-05-09 22:38:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

Are You A Wizard available today!

We're out in Early Access today! Thanks for buying or checking out Are You A Wizard, the roguelike game about learning magic through reckless self-endangerment. Get ready to explore, experiment, learn, find powerful spells, and blow yourself up with them! For just the week after release, the game is on sale for 15% off! This is to thank you early adopters for putting your faith in this passion project of mine. Expect to see frequent updates during Early Access, as we have plenty of improvements still on the way. This game has been a side project of mine for about 5 years, so I'm very excited to see it out in the wild! Along with programming by me, I'm happy to have partnered with Andy Frank for the dynamic music and Nicholas Acheff for character animations (the ones that don't look like placeholders). You guys are awesome! I'm so proud of how far the game has come! And thank you to everyone who plays and gives feedback on the game! You are helping me to make it into the best game it can be for you! See you in the Labyrinth! -Comatose

[ 2020-04-30 07:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]

Are You A Wizard
Comatose Turtle
  • Developer

  • Comatose Turtle
  • Publisher

  • 2020-04-30
  • Release

  • Indie Strategy RPG Singleplayer EA
  • Tags

  • Game News Posts 18  
    Keyboard ⬛ Mouse ⬛ Partial Controller Support
  • Controls

  • No user reviews

    (0 reviews)

  • Review Score

  • https://areyouawizard.co
  • Website

  • https://store.steampowered.com/app/1066660 
  • Steam Store

  • Are You A Wizard Linux [650.19 M]

  • Public Linux depots

  • Are You A Wizard is a game about being a wannabe spell-caster in a labyrinth full of magic and monsters. Can you survive long enough to find powerful spells that will pave your path to victory? Or will you die tragically while experimenting with unknown magic, surrounded by hostile creatures? Will you really learn magic, or will you just try everything until you get lucky?


    • Procedural spell generation that makes spells with widely varying effects, targeting methods, strengths, and durations.
    • Procedural spell name generation! Can you crack the code to figure out what your spells will do before you use them?
    • Procedural level generation that can make anything from a maze of small rooms and snaking tunnels to one big room filled with obstacles.
    • Upgrades along the way that can have huge effects on how you play.
    • A fog of war system that lets you see everywhere you've been, but not what it looks like now or what may lurk there.
    • Lots of pots and crates to smash!
    • Walls that can be moved or destroyed with the right tools -- and who knows what you might find behind them!
    • A variety of items that may help or hurt you along the way.
    • Subtle turn-based play that lets you take as long as you want to make decisions, but doesn't bog you down with too much waiting.
    • The unexpected is around every corner! Be prepared for hilarity or tragedy to strike at any moment!
    • OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
    • Processor: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set supportMemory: 2 GB RAM
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: OpenGL 3.2+ / Vulkan capable
    • Storage: 300 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: Gnome desktop environment running on top of X11 windowing system
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