- The Employees panel has been separated from the overview panel
- Staff Quarter capacity bugs have been fixed
- Employee indicator is now clickable and opens the employees panel
- Save/Load crashes have been fixed
- Research notification indicator now works properly
- Event panel holograms have been reworked
- Crashes/bugs when assigning employees have been lifted
- Jumpgates now have range/transfer time displayed in the build menu and info panel
- Jumpgate build tooltip has been separated to allow for two tooltips
- Pirates/Raiders not leaving bug has been fixed
- Employee stats have been rebalanced
- Employees now have an effect on commercial modules (only positively, as to be able to increase sales prices)
- The game now starts with 2 applicants
- Repair drone animations have been reworked/improved
- Fixed a bug where the money indicator would display the wrong amount
- Battery charging/draining has been slowed down (as to stop oscillating)
[ 2023-11-06 22:17:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a crash that would happen while loading a save file.
[ 2023-11-02 11:22:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
After three wild years orbiting in early access, Space Station Tycoon is ready to blast off into full release. We would like to use this opportunity to thank our amazing community that supported us along the way. You guys are awesome.
From that first shaky launch to now, it's been a ride full of twists, turns, and the occasional space debris (we're looking at you, unexpected bugs!). Your feedback, ideas, and interstellar patience have been invaluable.
Space Station Tycoon is our first big commercial game and we've learned a ton. That's why we're not stopping here. The universe is big, and our plans for Space Station Tycoon are just as vast. More free content updates are already planned and are on the way. You can check out our living road map on our Steam store page.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
The Space Station Tycoon Team
- The event system has been overhauled.
- UI has been improved and partially overhauled.
- New achievements.
- New languages.
- Aaron the android merchant interface has been overhauled.
- New and improved tutorial.
- Massive performance improvements.
- Build mode improvements.
- New juice and VFX.
- New inbox messages for specific milestones.
- Settings menu has been overhauled.
- The credits section has been added.
- The advertising panel has been overhauled.
- QoL: Clicking on a "no electricity" icon will open the energy section of the build mode.
- QoL: Red notification for when the player has enough research points to unlock a new perk.
- QoL: The ESC button can now be used to close every panel.
- QoL: Ability to see which building an employee is assigned to.
- QoL: Destroyed buildings now stay as holograms for a while.
- QoL: Unhired employees now stay in the hiring panel for the next time.

- Every structure has been rebalanced.
- Clamped the amount of employees that can resign at the same time.
- Frequency debuff to staff events.
- Defense modules now have higher upkeep costs.
- Repair bays are now unlocked earlier.
- Raider health has been nerfed.
- The radiation storm now temporarily disables every power source.
- Research point output of the genetics lab has been buffed.
- Corridor expansion prices have been increased.
- Corridor limit has been increased to 8.
- Building the second floor now costs more.
- Employee training tiers have been lowered from 5 to 3.
- Level-up tasks for levels 5, 6, and 7 have been made more difficult.
- Training an employee now boosts their minimum happiness.
- Trained employees now have less frequent revolts.
- Jumpgates now have a base cost + per unit cost. This means the longer the connection, the more expensive it gets.

- Fixed a load game crash.
- Fixed a crash triggered by firing an employee.
- Fixed a lighting bug where some objects would appear too bright.
- Fixed minor bugs with the android merchant.
- Fixed logo holograms not appearing at the top of the station.
- Fixed repair drones staying in the galaxy map.
- Fixed a bug where the unassigned employees wouldn't be allowed to train or fire.
- Fixed visual bugs with the tooltip.
- Fixed save/load issues.
- Fixed a bug where the advertisement deal would stay valid even after the billboard has been destroyed.
- Fixed a bug where the auto-save would fail if the game is paused.
- Fixed a bug where the save dates would appear in a different time zone.
- Fixed a bug where the stats in the finances tab would be inaccurate.
- Fixed a bug with the placement of the billboards.
- The game now boots up in the native display resolution of the user.
- Fixed a bug where the power connections would get reset after removing a power generator.
Wishlist our upcoming game!
[ 2023-11-01 15:16:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that would happen when the android merchant visits.
- Nerfed employee revolt frequency.
- Clamped the number of employees that can resign to 5.
- The repair bay now gets unlocked earlier at level 3.
- UI improvements.
[ 2023-10-13 22:08:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed save/load crash (saves are still compatible).
- Radiation storms have been rebalanced.
- Fixed Asteroids not spawning/locking game bug.
- Arcade bugs have been fixed.
[ 2023-10-11 13:37:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that would happen after leveling up.
- Small bug fixes.
[ 2023-09-25 13:27:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
*Fixed a bug where the game would crash when building jumpgates.
[ 2023-09-21 18:19:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The galaxy map and its progression has been completely reworked.
- Employees now periodically ask for a raise.
- Added junction points that make jump gates reach farther away.
- Incoming events and threats are now visible on the galaxy map as they approach the station.
- New event: Radiation storm.
- The event system has been completely reworked to be more dynamic and respond better to player performance.
- The finances tab has been improved with a list that shows the individual profit/loss of every building.

- Added an indicator to display the queue time of jump gates.
- Added a "Search Again" button when hiring employees to make the process more comfortable.
- The level-up screen has been reworked with better design and animations.
- Tutorial quests are made shorter to eliminate linear gameplay.
- The save/load screens have been redesigned.
- The city inspection screen has been redesigned.
- The galaxy map is now better lit.
- When a company terminates its marketing deal, the reason will be displayed in the in-game log.
- The cafe now counts as both a food and a drink source.
- Added animations when researching perks.
- Added new types of quests to the tutorial.
- When a lab or reactor overdrive occurs, an explosion will happen.
- Added more highlight indications for new players.
- Creating and deleting energy connections is now more comfortable.
- Building a second floor is now more expensive.
- Money count will now be displayed with decimal separators.
- The galaxy parallax effect has been improved.
- Added Kickstarter supporter's names to the customer name pool.
- Settings UI has been improved.
- Aliens now have alien names.
- Each jump gate now has a different colored connection line.
- HUD improvements.
- Added sound effects for ships.
- New loading screen.
- The color picker for choosing station colors has been reworked.

- Jumping ships in the galaxy map are not loud anymore.
- Pathfinding has been improved.
- Fixed bugs related to the speed setting.
- Fixed the hitbox of the notifications on the right side.
- Fixed a bug where the pirates would not leave the station.
- Fixed some visual bugs.
- Fixed some UI bugs in the inbox panel.
- Fixed some buildings looking extremely dark.
- Fixed some text overflow issues.
- Fixed the hitboxes of all the buildings.
- Fixed the police clipping with the station.
- Improved asteroid hitboxes.
- Fixed big ships clipping with the docks.
- Fixed the holograms displaying the station logo.
- Fixed a bug where the shields would not activate during a raid.
- Fixed weird camera zoom when entering the station.
- Fixed ships passing through the station.
- Fixed a bug where the total electricity count wouldn't get updated after enabling the "Reactor Overdrive" policy.
- Fixed asteroid impact sounds not playing.
- Billboards can no longer be connected to the electricity grid since they don't need it.
- Fixed the employee filters not working.
- Fixed the hitboxes of some UI buttons.
- Fixed buildings not losing health after getting hit by asteroids.
- Aliens no longer burn after taking damage.
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the UI.
- Turret icon has been updated.
- Fixed a bug where the game speed would stay the same after returning to the main menu.
[ 2023-09-18 16:50:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that would happen after clicking on the Motel building.
- Rebalanced commercial and energy buildings.
[ 2023-07-02 18:00:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Major Changes
- Research map has been completely redesigned for a better feel for progression.
- UI is made more consistent and clean.
- Maximum level is capped at 7.
- Most of the modules are now unlocked through the research system instead of after long grinds to level up.
- New system to simulate events that are happening on different stations.
- Security system has been overhauled to feel more fair.
- Managing a second station is made easier through initial cooldowns on some negative events.
Quality of Life Improvements
- Every mission can be clicked on to get more info.
- Signal Enhancers and their purpose are more visible on the recruiting panel.
- Mission section is redesigned to show progress more clearly.
- Red indicators on top of buildings can be clicked to be directed to the associated panel.
- "Repair" button is disabled if the building has full health.
- Maximum game speed has been increased.
- Maximum amount of autosaves of one game is capped at 3.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed major crashes.
- Fixed overly powered asteroids.
- Fixed shield generators not giving security points.
- Fixed event names not being rendered correctly.
[ 2023-06-20 19:06:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some major crashes that affected a fairly large portion of the players.
[ 2023-05-11 21:57:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The majority of the UI has been overhauled to improve visual harmony and the player experience.
- Crash while building new station fixed.
- Crash while connecting jump gates fixed.
- Minor balancing adjustments.
[ 2023-03-19 14:47:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that would happen when jumpgates/stations were deleted. - Fixed a crash that would happen when battery module is deleted.
[ 2023-02-04 18:59:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed major crashes.
- Rebalanced thought system and removed issues.
- Rebalanced early-game.
- Fixed some overly shiny materials.
- Fixed graphical issues.
- Retextured the turret.
- Motel has been nerfed.
- Fixed billboard ads not displaying correctly.
[ 2023-02-02 00:31:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug with the large docks.
- Fixed a bug with employee training.
- Though system has been improved to provide more meaningful feedback.
- Level requirements have been rebalanced.
- The motel has been reworked.
- A crash that would happen after level 7 has been fixed.
[ 2023-01-31 02:51:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balanced level requirements.
- Rebalanced security buildings.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- Fixed satisfaction calculations.
- Fixed visual bugs.
[ 2023-01-29 17:49:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue with customer satisfaction levels.
- Fixed an issue where the customers wouldn't visit any facilities.
- Fixed an issue where visitors would take too much time to visit your station after loading a game.
[ 2023-01-27 19:27:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue where the research progress wouldn't get saved.
- Fixed an issue where the planets would turn invisible after starting a new game.
- Fixed an issue where the security would get miscalculated.
- Fixed some more minor bugs.
[ 2023-01-26 14:12:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed incorrectly priced buildings.
- Fixed audio levels.
- Bigger ships now bring more customers.
- Fixed the dropdown menus.
- Fixed some crashes.
[ 2023-01-24 22:16:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added 2 more playable stations.
- You can now build more than one station.
- Each station has different stats and limitations.
- Every station is fully simulated even if you are not managing them.

- Reputation system has been reworked, now requiring more tasks to be completed to level up.
- The overview panel has been completely reworked to show a lot more information in a more neatly categorised way.
- Employee system has been reworked to work with multiple station support.
- Billboard system has been reworked. It is now much more intuitive with its own panel.
- Customer thought system has been reworked to provide more accurate feedback.
- Station policies have been partially changed to work with multiple station support.

- The galaxy map is no longer limited by a grid system.
- Added parallax effect and some neat shaders to make the galaxy look more beautiful than ever.
- Building jump gates are much easier and more understandable with the new drag-and-drop system.
- Ships moving across the jump gates are now visible.
- Removed the jump gate connection mode because it is no longer needed.

- Every customer is fully simulated across the galaxy, no matter which station you are managing at the moment.
- Every single event is fully simulated even if you are away.
- Every customer is trackable from the moment they leave their home system, to the moment they leave your station.

- Electricity can now be stored in batteries.
- Electricity now needs to be connected manually in the new electricity connection mode.
- New building: Simple Battery.
- New building: Advanced Battery.
- New building: Electricity Distributor.

- Customers now have gradually increasing needs.
- Customer types are determined by a complex system influenced by many things, such as the home system of the customers.

- The UI has been reworked.
- Widescreen support is here.
- Pleasing the customers from a city/system will increase your relationship with that authority.
- High relationship authorities will gradually send more customers.
- Space missions have been temporarily removed. Rework is still in progress.
- Stations now receive customers from time to time even when they're not connected to any city/system.
- Most buildings have been rebalanced.
- Research tree has been modified to work with the multiple stations.
- Less notification spam.
- Parks and temples now increase the attractiveness of the surrounding buildings.
- Language support has been temporarily removed due to increased development times. They will be reintroduced very very soon.
- Items have been removed.
- Stock trading has been removed.
- Marketing campaigns have been removed. Marketing now works through broadcast buildings.
[ 2023-01-23 17:57:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello managers! A while has passed since we shared the article about the upcoming 0.9 update. Our initial plan was to release it at the same time as the winter sale, but after some thinking, we decided to postpone the update one more month to provide as much polish as possible. The amount of polish we provide is the team's number one priority right now as we are getting closer and closer to the full release. We also took some time to truly analyze the player feedback we've been getting on some parts of the game that don't deliver as much fun as the rest. This feedback helped us pinpoint some core problems with the game that no matter how many "solutions" we introduced over the last months, we couldn't fully fix them. With the 0.9 update, we are taking a whole new approach to what a space station management game can be. So here's a list of things that you'll see in the 0.9 update by the end of this month:
- Multiple station support. (This was harder than it sounds.)
- New system to simulate each customer across multiple stations.
- Reworked reputation system.
- New buildings.
- 3 playable stations with different stats.
- Overhauled electricity system.
- Overhauled event system.
- Overhauled jumpgate building system.
- UI redesign.
- Billboard system overhaul.
- A LOT of quality of life changes.
- Reworked station policies.
- Reworked customer thought system.
- New and more relevant Steam achievements.
- Huge optimization improvements.
- Customers on the galaxy map are now trackable and fully simulated.
- Items and upgrades are removed.
- Drones are temporarily removed while we keep working on a better drone system. (Expected 0.9.5)
- Language support for multiple languages is removed to decrease development time. They will be reintroduced with the 1.0 full launch along with a new internal tool to make translation faster.
- Stock trading is removed.
- Visual improvements.
- ...and some other surprises.
[ 2023-01-04 14:59:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello managers!
After months of hard work we put into our upcoming 0.9 update, we finally have a decent amount of stuff to show you in this dev diary. We hope you like them.
General Info
The 0.9 update is the last major update before the full release so it is extremely important to us. We want to give you the smoothest and most complete Space Station Tycoon experience we can, and just focus on refinements and content for the 1.0 release update. The 0.9 update will focus on the strategic depth of the game and will make more use of the galaxy map. It will also have a lot of QoL changes, graphical improvements, and new content. Now let's take a look at some of the main changes coming with this huge update.

The game will now support building more than one station on the galaxy map. You will be able to build smaller and so-called "Substations" across the galaxy to aid you with certain needs. Each one of these outpost stations function basically nearly the same as your main station with some restrictions such as a smaller maximum corridor size.

With this new update, we will also be introducing fuel management. All those various docking bays you can build will now require you to have fuel in order to refuel customer ships. If you don't have enough fuel you'll still get the minimum landing fee. To get the fuel you either need to set up a monthly purchase order or start producing your own.

We think that the electricity system in its current form is way too basic and simple. So we decided to rework the entire system to make it more strategic and engaging. Now when you build an energy source you'll need to connect it to the desired buildings manually. You can also build energy distributors and batteries for even more strategic opportunities. For example, you can now choose to safeguard the exact power sources or batteries that power up your most important buildings. And thanks to the addition of batteries, their connected buildings will still keep having power for a while even after the power sources are destroyed or disabled.

The amount of micro-management in Space Station Tycoon was always slightly (or more than slightly) too much for the majority of the players. We took big and important steps to remove the most tedious parts of the game and replace them with more fun mechanics. With this update, you'll see the removal of the inventory and upgrading systems. Instead of an inventory, you will now have a set of resources you need to keep track of, like the fuel resource we mentioned previously. And instead of upgrading each individual building, you now have to build a more overall attractive station so that you can charge more for your services.

We are working on many different systems to make the galaxy map more engaging and useful. One of those systems we can talk about in this dev diary is the location perks. Now every single location/hex on the galaxy map has various perks which can be negative or positive, depending on where that hex is. For example, hexes that are adjacent to a star will now receive a solar power generation bonus. Another huge change is the fully simulated visitors. The way your station receives visitors has always been a little mysterious but with the 0.9 update, the visitors will be fully simulated. Meaning they will leave their home, use the jump gates, and go to your station in a fully visible and trackable manner. These visitors will be represented with a beam of light on the map so you can see exactly where the visitors come from and which routes they take.

And lastly, we would like to thank everyone who supported us by providing feedback and constructive criticism. Every single improvement we do is mostly thanks to you. This upcoming update will be the last major content update before the 1.0 full launch update. After the full launch, we will keep doing some small and big content updates but probably at a slower pace. We hope you love this update as much as we do when it releases sometime next month. Until next time.
[ 2022-11-06 16:05:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash while switching to the galaxy map right after a drone comes back.
- Price suggestion notifications are now more clear.
- Fixed mission icon still staying after the ship has left.
- You can now see the range of shield generators before you place them.
- Drone upgrade requirements now show up as a tooltip.
- Fixed issues with the research atlas.
- There is now more population diversity across the cities/star systems.
- Fixed issues with the trading center.
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash after clicking on the "view" button to view a galactic task.
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash if you fail to keep your jealous employees happy.
[ 2022-04-03 18:09:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Loading saves doesn't crash anymore.
- Language problems fixed.
[ 2022-03-30 18:12:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Drones are back! You can now build drone hangars and store one of three drone types: attack drone, mining drone, or rescue drone. Each drone has unique stats which can be upgraded individually. Apart from being able to send them to various missions, the attack drone can also be put to patrol mode to defend your station. This new mechanic introduces a whole new layer of depth to the combat system.
The galaxy is now more interesting than ever. Procedurally generated missions will appear on the galaxy map. You can send out drones to complete these missions and collect the rewards. Each mission type requires a specific drone type. That means if you want to be able to complete a rescue mission, you need a rescue drone. Each mission type will have its unique set of rewards. This will hopefully encourage the player to have all kinds of drones available.
Each node on the galaxy map with population is considered a galactic authority. You can now view your relationship levels with each of these authorities and make your moves accordingly. Each relationship level will unlock unique actions you can take. For example, if you have a great relationship with a galactic authority, you can ask for some money or even receive some highly classified missions. Having a poor relationship level, on the other hand, will unlock some shady options and make it really difficult for you to get visitors from that specific node.
With the ever-increasing amount of buildings available, it got really hard to navigate through the build menu. That's why we decided to do a little rework. Now you can scroll through the build menu vertically instead of horizontally and can also pick subcategories to pinpoint the building you need. Some buildings have also been recategorized.
- New building: Circular billboard.
- Each city and star system now has a distinct logo and relationship panel.
- Ship movement and pathfinding have been revamped.
- Added more notifications for various situations.
- Added animations to the level-up screen.
- Fights are now much smoother.
- Some icons have been changed to improve the user experience.
- Clicking on the station while in the galaxy view will switch to station view.
- Added a new original soundtrack to the main menu.
- Added more available spots to build billboards.

- Whole leveling system has been revamped and rebalanced. Players will now start with fewer unlocked buildings to avoid confusion but level up much faster.
- Early hostile events will now occur depending on how well you are doing.
- Enemies now partly scale with your defenses.
- More tips will show up throughout the game to better introduce complex mechanics.
- Alien-related buildings are now more profitable.
- Fleet bay has been nerfed.
- Arcade has been nerfed.
- JunkJumper has been buffed with 2 connection spots instead of 1 and a better range.

- Fixed various crashes.
- Fixed language-specific bugs.
- Fixed space key opening the last panel instead of pausing the game.
- Fixed audio bugs.
- Having a lot of employees is now not as laggy as before.
- Fixed pathfinding-related issues.
- Aaron the android merchant no longer has a huge ship.
[ 2022-03-28 20:12:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
You Can Now Help Us Test 0.8!
Our next big update is coming soon. If you want to help us find bugs and issues you can do so by switching to the testing branch. It might be a bumpy ride but there is a lot to discover there. The full patch notes will be released later. Until then, you can use our Discord to provide feedback and ask us questions about the new update. In order to switch to the testing branch follow these steps: [olist]
[ 2022-03-19 13:26:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello managers!
After some while since our last dev diary, we finally made some time to write another one. We have a lot of exciting stuff we want to show you all so here we go!
Purpose of 0.8
The upcoming update will be the update that connects everything together. It will mainly focus on giving purpose to the least used mechanics of the game. We took every criticism since the last update very seriously and designed this whole update around them. Apart from the major things we're introducing, we are also working on a complete rebalancing of the game.
Drones (but better!)
Most of our players who played the game before and after the 0.7 update have realized that the whole "drones" aspect of the game was removed completely. We have stated on the discussions page that we were working on a better system and couldn't get it done by the 0.7 update so we decided to disable it temporarily. That being said, we are happy to announce that the drones are making a huge comeback with the 0.8 update!

Drone hub model. The drone hub building allows you to store one drone in it. Drones can be bought inside the drone hub with 3 available options; attack drone, mining drone, and rescue drone. Each drone has different upgrades and characteristics unique to its class. For example, while attack drones can be set to patrol mode to help defend your station from threats, rescue drones can be sent on rescue missions to gather loot or even recruits!

Each drone can be sent on various missions. These missions will be shown on the galaxy map as points of interest. Each of these missions will have different risk levels, reward pools, and lore. With the addition of these new drones, we are hoping to make the galaxy map more interesting. Also, the attack drone will surely let you be even more creative while defending your station.
Galactic Relationships
Remember the times when you could just build a jump gate anywhere you like without anyone saying anything? Well, it's gonna get a little more political now. With the introduction of the relationship system, you'll have a relationship level with each star system, city, and hive. This relationship will determine what you can and can't do near their territory. Your relationship level will also unlock a lot of actions you can take with the authority of your interest. It's a free galaxy and you can choose to play nice or dirty, it's all up to you.
That's All Folks!
That's all we can share about the 0.8 update now. We really hope you like the direction we're headed with Space Station Tycoon. And as always, thank you for your continuous support. Oh and also, the 0.8 update should be out next month.
[ 2022-01-19 10:29:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Employee system has been optimized.
- Fixed sound setting issues.
- Fixed aliens not landing on incubation centers.
- Fixed some translation errors.
- Fixed raider crashes.
- Fixed pathfinding crashes.
- Fixed billboard offers showing negative months.
[ 2022-01-02 18:24:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a load game bug about improper serialization of "HexCell".
- Fixed a crash that would happen during pirate fights.
- Fixed radiation storm crash.
[ 2021-12-17 21:41:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Pirates have been nerfed.
- Fixed issues with alien trades.
[ 2021-12-16 17:29:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed a bug where the game would crash after trying to connect jumpgates.
[ 2021-12-15 18:49:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Asteroid damage has been decreased.
- Increased the ideal prices of the cafe.
- Buffed docking bays.
- Buffed fleet bays.
- Buffed hangars.
- Buffed incubation centers.
- Buffed large docks.
- Buffed organic docks.
- Power generators now have more health.
- Buffed shield generators.
- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-12-14 23:51:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed corrupted saves.
- Fixed many major crashes.
- All known issues so far have been fixed.
[ 2021-12-14 16:36:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! After the release of the latest 0.7 update, we realized some major issues affecting some players. If you are experiencing crashes or major bugs, please wait for the 0.7.1 fix. All issues will be fixed as fast as possible. Some of the known issues are:
- Problems with loading saves.
- Customers not showing up.
- Crash on creating a new save.
- Electricity stat not updating.
[ 2021-12-14 13:58:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some translation errors.
- Fixed early game crashes.
- Fixed tutorial issues.
[ 2021-12-14 10:51:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
The biggest new addition to the Horizons update is the galaxy map. This new map will reveal a huge galaxy with dozens of points of interest near your station. Using this map you will be able to construct mega structures, establish infrastructure, and scout the area for opportunities. The coming updates will keep improving this new mechanic.
Jumpgates are a new and more engaging way of attracting visitors to your station. You can now build these huge gates and connect them on the galaxy map.
Researching for new tech just got more interesting! All the research nodes are now in one big research atlas. All research nodes except the first one are now hidden. As soon as you begin unlocking research nodes, you will reveal the surrounding nodes.
There are now huge cities scattered around the galaxy. Each hosts many unique races and it is up to you to decide which ones to connect to your station and attract visitors from.
Androids are a new worker type. Unlike humans, androids are much easier to deal with. These new soulless machines can be purchased from a mysterious merchant called Aaron. We hope you meet him soon.
Employees now have more possible traits that can affect the game in various ways. With the addition of these new traits, we believe that the employee system got way more strategic than before.
- New building: Incubation center.
- Tutorial was redesigned.
- Added new aliens.
- Inspection panel was reworked.
- Scenery improvements.
- Added 3 new research nodes.

- Motel now unlocks at level 4 instead of 3.
- Organic dock now unlocks at level 2 instead of 4. Price decreased from 15000 to 10000.
- Storage building now unlocks at level 3 instead of 2. Price increased from 2500 to 5500.
- Rebalanced research nodes.
[ 2021-12-14 01:35:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now click on the notification section to view the notification history in case you missed any.
- The planet textures were replaced with better ones.
- Save/Load panels were redesigned.
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash after trying to receive mission rewards.
- Fixed many performance issues.
- Issues with the radiation storm event have been resolved. The event is now active.
[ 2021-11-02 00:40:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello managers!
It is that time of the year and the "Breach of the Hallow" event has begun! During this event, you'll destroy crystals sent from the Hallow. The more crystals you destroy, the more shards you'll collect. These shards are key to completing all 3 event stages. If you manage to complete all 3, you'll be rewarded with an exclusive power generator called "The Terrible Engine". This new building will be unlocked on all of your old or new saves forever.
The Terrible Engine in all its glory.
- Added a new event building called "The Terrible Engine".
- Added a new early game shield generator called "Weak Shield Generator".

- Whole UI has been improved.
- Balanced some buildings.
- Balanced missions.

- Minor bug fixes.
Known Issue Warning!
We worked really hard to make this update compatible with your old saves, and it is. But if you encounter any problems with your in-game settings (sound sliders, keybindings, etc.) just do the following to fix it: [olist]
[ 2021-10-29 19:10:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
*Fixed a bug where the game would crash right after collecting mission rewards. *Fixed a pathfinding issue with the hoarder enemy ships. *Fixed a fatal repair drone issue. *Fixed trade center buy all button. *Fixed fatal error after researching the jump gate.
[ 2021-10-03 10:59:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to yet another dev diary. We are currently working on the next major update, which will be the 0.7 update. We are also working on a spooky in-game event which will be available with the start of the Halloween season.
The Galaxy Map

The galaxy map prototype - WORK IN PROGRESS With this new galaxy map, you will be able to build jumpgate routes that connect your station with other star systems, structures, and other points of interest. Currently, in the 0.6 version, the best way to get more visitors is to increase your reputation level. That will be changed in the 0.7 update. With this new system, the more you level up, the more and better jumpgates you'll be able to build. This will bring more control over what kinds of visitors you want to have and increase the game's overall depth. The galaxy map will be created procedurally and each of the star systems will have different characteristics with different consumer demographics.

Some of the jumpgate models - WORK IN PROGRESS The event system is also getting a remake. Major events like asteroid showers, pirate attacks, raider attacks, etc. will no longer be a total surprise. You will be able to keep track of these hostile events on the galaxy map. They will show up like pawns in a chess game and move to another hex each month. This new system doesn't mean that you'll be able to 100% guess when a pirate attack will happen, but it'll still help you prepare. Guessing the next move of sentient units like pirates or raiders, especially, is even harder.
The Halloween Event

The Halloween update will follow the 0.7 update shortly after. With this new event, you'll have to perform specials tasks to complete seasonal missions. These missions will award you exclusive new buildings, new employees, and many more. So make sure you tune in on the 27th of October for a spooky little space adventure!

Ready to trick or treat?
Thank You!
As always, thank you so much for your continued support and all the feedback. We hope you like our upcoming updates!
[ 2021-09-28 12:16:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added the Turkish language. Merhaba!
- Added the Russian language. !
- Added the Portuguese language. Ol!
- Added don't show again option to the upgrade popup.
- Added the required items of an upgrade to its tooltip.
- Added tooltips to items in the upgrade popup.
- Build menu was redesigned.

- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-09-22 19:15:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed scrollbar not appearing if the texts are too long.
- Fixed alignment errors.
- Fixed translation errors.
- Resolution and fullscreen settings are now going to be synced.
- Added a workaround for game crashing when buying an upgrade.
[ 2021-08-30 16:16:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added German language.
- HUD was reworked.
- Some buildings have been remodeled and retextured.
- Radiation storm was temporarily disabled due to some unexpected crashes. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

- Balanced audio levels.
- Fixed ideal price bugs.
- Fixed inventory bug where the last page wouldn't load.
- Fixed crash when drone returned from a mission on a freshly loaded game.
- Made customer thoughts more informative.
- Fixed crash caused by pirates/raiders.
- Fixed customers overcomplaining about fees.
[ 2021-08-28 20:41:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed game crashing when collecting items.
- Turned down storage building brightness.
[ 2021-08-12 22:08:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
You can now manually force your turrets to target a specific target. This new mechanic has introduced a whole new layer of depth to the combat system and allowed us to introduce some new enemy types.
The repair hub is a new building that disperses a repair drone in case of a building getting damaged. The dispersed repair drone slowly repairs all damaged buildings one by one. You can also research a new perk to allow your repair drones to work even in the most dangerous situations.
Raiders are a new enemy faction. They are ruthless and extremely dangerous. Raiders come with 2 types of ships: hitters and hoarders. Hoarders will hack your station to slowly steal your credits while the hitters deal some damage. Destroying a hoarder will return the money it stole from you. This new enemy faction will require the user to make use of the new targeting system to strategically take out the most important ships first.
The federal police will now make periodic visits to your station to perform an SSA (station security assessment). After the SSA is complete you will be left with a detailed report showing where you failed and how much you were charged for it. Make sure to comply with the federation standards to avoid getting fined.
Escape pods are an additional security measure each station needs to take. This is a new building with 4 escape pods attached to it. In case of an emergency, these pods eject and bring your visitors to safety. If you fail to have enough escape pods you can get fined by the federal police.
This new defensive turret is the strongest yet. It takes a bit of time to reach maximum fire rate but once it does, its unstoppable. The machine gun can be unlocked by researching a new perk in the research tree.
We have added more civilian missions to the game. Some customers might want to reserve one of your buildings for a party, and some might require some items in a short duration of time. It is up to you to accept or decline their offers.
This is a new utility building perfect for some visitors who still believe in a higher power. It will increase your station's popularity by a lot.
A lot of old models have been changed with new ones to better fit the game. The graphical overhaul will continue until the 0.7 update.
- Popups with revealing text can now be skipped.
- Added an animated hologram of the merchant to the trade panel.
- Added an eye button next to some notifications. Clicking the button will pan the camera to the mentioned location.
- You can now go bankrupt forever without the game forcing you to go back to the main menu.
- The space button now always stops time.
- You can now see the range of a shield generator.
- Removed the obsolete faction buttons from the overview panel and replaced them with missions.
- Turret AI is improved.
- Events remember speed.
- ESC remembers speed.
- Reworked the customer bubbles.
- Added new sound effects for level up, upgrade, mission complete, mission failed.
- Security has been balanced.
- Increased the power output of the solar panel, the particle reactor, and the quantum reactor.
- Increased the ideal fuel prices.
- Added a "buy all" button to the trading screen.
- Added a new planet to the scenery.
- Laser now deals a lot more damage.
- Added a security bonus when you start the game depending on the difficulty.
- Save files are now sorted by date. (Latest first.)
- Trade center has been balanced.
- Game can now be paused during combat.
- Smuggler quests are now less frequent.
- Fixed a lot of bugs.

Each review we get on Steam helps us tremendously. Please don't forget to leave us a review.

[ 2021-08-09 17:09:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We are back again with yet another dev diary. In this short article, we'll show you some really exciting stuff we're working on. Our main objective for the next update is to make combat deeper, add more content, and do some critical QoL changes.
Manual Turret Targeting

With the new manual targeting mechanic, you'll be able to force your turrets to target any hostile entity you want. This new mechanic will add a huge amount of control and depth to the combat system and will allow us to go a bit crazier with the new enemies. Targeting an enemy is easy as clicking the red target button and then clicking on the enemy.
Reworked Police

Police scans will now be regularly done every year. After the police perform a station security assessment and find something wrong, the police report will be shown with each penalty displayed clearly. This small rework will better communicate to the player what's wrong with their station.
Escape Pods

Escape pods are a new security measure that you have to take for the safety of your visitors. In case of an emergency, the escape pods will eject and fly away. Having less than ideal escape pods can lead to a cash penalty if detected by the police.
A Planet!

We added a really up-close planet to the game to further improve the visuals.
Repair Drones

We are adding a new utility building to the game that disperses repair drones to fix your damaged buildings. These little drones are a bit slow but their operating costs are definitely cheaper than the regular repair costs. You can even research a new perk to be able to activate them during combat.
Stay Tuned!
But that's not all! We are working on a LOT of other new content like new buildings, new missions, new enemies, and lots of quality of life improvements. All of this new content will be added with the upcoming 0.6 update which will come out in early August. Thank you for your continuous support.
[ 2021-07-26 16:23:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balancing Changes
- Nerfed radiation storms.
- Nerfed alien attacks.
- Nerfed pirates.
- Buffed the laser.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed plasma cannon still firing on dead enemies.
- Fixed some notifications.
- Fixed early alien attacks.
- Other minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-07-20 14:41:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Creative Mode: With this new game mode you can play without ever running out of money.
- Black Hole: A glorious black hole was added to the background. The background has also been changed to a darker one to keep the contrast.

- You now have +1 month before losing the game from bankruptcy.
- Pause hotkey now remembers previous speed.
- Hector now sends an informative message about employees after your first employee revolt event.
- UI has been polished.
- Plasma cannon projectiles now deal AoE damage.
- The Adveni (alien raiders) were buffed.
- Added a mouse sensitivity setting.
- Turrets with multiple muzzles now launch that many projectiles at the same time.
- Security/happiness relationship was balanced. Employee revolts are now less likely to happen.
- Glow effects were decreased.
- Pirates were slightly buffed.
- Company offers are now better.

- The same song won't play twice in a row.
- Fixed settings bugs.
- Fleet bay now has just one ship indicator.
- No more "Build more docks to meet the demand." notification if you haven't built anything.
- Fixed billboard placement bugs.
- Fixed mission item bug.
[ 2021-07-17 08:23:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
*Added a popup when hiring employees. *Added color to the energy stat. *Balanced employee happiness. *Minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-07-01 17:40:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed a major save/load bug. Fixed bio turret image. Fixed billboard location bug.
[ 2021-06-29 17:26:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Organic Ships Are Finally Here!
Organic Customers: These new civilian ships operate a little differently. For starters, they require organic docks to be able to land. After reaching a certain reputation level, you'll eventually catch the attention of many organic ships. Organic Docks: These docks allow organic ships to land on your facility. Building too many might lead to some disease outbreaks.

Employee Traits: Your employees will now have various traits defining who they are. This replaces the old bonus system with a much simpler one. More traits will be added in the upcoming patches. Quality of Life: Employees are now easier to sort and view. The whole assign panel and the employee panel have been reworked to make them easier to use. You can now also see where an employee is working and click on it to locate that building.

Large Staff Quarters: Has a much higher staff capacity than the previous one. Bio Turret: Deals extra damage to organic ships but less damage to normal ships. Organic Dock: Perfect landing pads for organic ships.

Pathogenic Outbreak: These new events will get triggered depending on your hygiene levels and will lead to some tricky situations. You might have to make some critical decisions. Adveni Raid: The Adveni is an alien clan with powerful organic ships. Unlike pirates, they are not after wealth, but knowledge. New Perks And Policies: Some new research perks and overview policies have been added.

- Added new stats to the employee panel.
- Added more notifications.
- Ship spawn mechanics have been reworked.
- Trade center has better animations.
- The main menu has been reworked.
- Space station model has been improved.
- Radiation storm VFX have been reworked.

- Hygiene building has been nerfed.
- Ship spawn rates have been balanced.
- Nightmare mode is now harder.
- Pirates have been balanced.

- Fixed UI animations.
- Fixed fleets not leaving the docks.
- Fixed smuggler mission bug.
- Fixed benefits not being saved.
- Fixed problems with customer thoughts.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- Performance improvements.
[ 2021-06-27 20:16:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! As the title suggests, we are working on adding organic ships to the game. After our recent 0.4 and 0.4.5 updates, we spent some time brainstorming about the position and purpose of these alien ships in the current game state. Here are some mechanics we're working on at the moment:
Organic Docks
We think that an alien species at the near peak of the evolutionary cycle would probably keep operating with "food" and not liquid spaceship fuel. In order for these marvelous creatures to be able to land on your station, you'll need to build some organic docks. These new docks are made to support and feed any organic life form that may find itself visiting your station.

(Work in progress.)
Pathogen Outbreaks
This will introduce a new kind of event that requires you to make some critical decisions in the case of a pathogen outbreak. You can probably guess where the inspiration for this new mechanic came from... With each organic dock you build, the chance of a pathogen outbreak occurring steadily increases. To counter this; you need to build some hygiene centers, research hygiene tech, and upgrade your organic docks. This new event can even lead to the death of some employees. In the case of a pathogen outbreak, you'll have 3 options. The first option is to pay a hefty fee and call the decontamination team to take care of it. This option has a great chance of ending the outbreak but might be a little too costly for some stations. The second option is to initiate a month-long lockdown. If you can afford to operate for a month without any visitors, this is a great option. The third and the most brutal option is to do nothing and watch some of your employees lose their lives. This will also dramatically decrease your popularity.
Alien Raids
Aliens, like humans, aren't always peaceful. There are a lot of hostile aliens that roam the galaxy for precious technology. Their biggest motivation is to find valuable information. That's why, unlike regular pirates, these raiders don't want your money but your research points. To help you better defend against these wrathful creatures, we are also adding "Bio Turrets". These are a new kind of defense turrets that deal extra damage to organic entities. They also deal less damage to inorganic ships.

(Work in progress.)
Organic Trade
Organic ships might also sometimes offer some random trade deals. These trades are usually much simpler than those of the intergalactic merchants. Organic ships usually want to get some organic materials in return for the inorganic materials they've collected. This makes these trades perfect to turn some of your emissive shrooms and caerulus fruits into more useful items like gold.
Procedural System and Planet Generation
We are working really hard on building a 100% procedural system with a seed system. This way you'll be able to experience different galactic views every time you start a new game. This system will also bring "system perks" with it. These perks are small buffs and debuffs special to your system and the way it was generated. For example, some systems might have rarer astroid events, some might be in the middle of a trade route attracting more traders, etc.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for reading this dev diary and for your continuous support. Don't forget to join our Discord and share your thought with us!
[ 2021-06-08 09:51:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
What's New In 0.4.5?
- Trading center building has been added.
- Auto-save functionality has been added.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hitbox problems with some buttons.
- Some UI fixes.
- Fixed ships passing through the second floor.
[ 2021-05-21 17:47:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some smugglers will now offer you ethically questionable tasks. The first task introduced with this new mechanic will require you to protect illegal goods for a certain duration. More tasks will be added in the upcoming updates.
Radiation storms are a new kind of natural disaster. Big clouds of space radiation will go through your station during this new event, damaging everything on their path.
Scavenger: Receive some items when one of your buildings gets destroyed.
Inventory Slots: Adds a new page to your inventory.
Radiation Shielding: Decreases the damage you receive from radiation storms.
We have added 2K and 4K support for 16:9 screens.
- You can now sync product prices across all buildings of the same type.
- Added a timestamp to saves.
- Shield generator has been reworked.

- Performance improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-05-07 17:40:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you.
We want to start off this dev diary with a huge thank you to all of you. The last update brought in many new players and we got to hear a lot of new feedback. That's why we are working on an unplanned mini-update to better improve gameplay according to the feedback we received.
Illegal Missions
Interstellar smugglers will now offer various illegal missions to you. With the upcoming update, we are planning to add the first illegal mission to the game. In this mission, the smuggler will give you a random illegal item for you to protect. If you can keep this item for a certain duration of time, you'll receive a big reward. But be aware that the police scans will be more frequent when you have an illegal item. If the federal police detect any illegal items on your station, they'll seize the item and fine your station.
Radiation Storms
Radiation storms are a new kind of natural disaster being added to the game. It will work very similarly to the asteroid attacks. Radiation storms will trigger randomly depending on the game's difficulty. Once the radiation storm even starts, huge clouds of cosmic radiation will slowly go through your station, damaging everything on its path. We are also adding a new perk to decrease the damage received from radiation storms.
Shield Generator Rework
The shield generator will no longer protect selected buildings. In the case of an emergency, it will create a big shield, protecting the nearby buildings. The range and durability of this shield can be increased with upgrades. Friendly turrets will still be able to shoot from the inside of the shield.
New Perks
Scavenger: Receive a random item when one of your buildings gets destroyed. Inventory Tech: Add a new page to your inventory.
Trade Hub
This new building will allow you to buy any item you want from the open market. Prices may be a lot higher than usual but this will help those who don't want to wait for ages for merchants to come and sell some gold.
[ 2021-04-30 07:18:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reworked the settings screen.
- Added keybinding options.

- Employee notifications are less frequent.
- Fixed some popup bugs.
- Fixed research bugs.
- Other minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-04-24 15:35:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed save/load bugs. Fixed drones not loading bug. Fixed drones still appearing on the mission panel. Fixed docking bays reporting messages. Fixed customer price complaint spams. Balanced items sold by traders (blueprints especially). Added security indicators for employee happiness. Added 'don't ask again' option for employee training popup.
[ 2021-04-20 11:22:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Upgrading a building now requires items. Each building has a different upgrade difficulty.

- Difficulity now affects staff wages.
- Difficulity now affects item prices.
- Difficulity now affects drone health.
- Difficulity now affects natural disaster chances.

- Merchants not selling blueprints fixed.
- Some research bugs fixed.
- Minor bug fixes.
[ 2021-04-19 10:41:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes
- *Fixed some build menu bugs.
- *The "Repair" button on the "Mission Successful" screen now works.
- *Fixed a bug where typing numbers could also change game speed.
- *Mission hub now unlocks at level 3.
[ 2021-04-18 19:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- "Luxurious Dock" price increased from 12500 to 15000.
- "Fleet Bay" price increased from 7500 to 12500.
- "Laboratory" price increased from 2500 to 4000.
- "Laboratory" base upkeep costs increased from 350 to 500.
- "Hygiene Facility" price increased from 7500 to 15000.
- "Restaurant" price increased from 5000 to 7500.
- "Restaurant" upkeep costs increased from 630 to 700.
- "Motel" price increased from 4000 to 10000.
- "Motel" upkeep costs increased from 300 to 800.
- "Genetics Lab" price increased from 5000 to 10000.
- "Genetics Lab" upkeep costs increased from 650 to 800.
- "Broadcast Tower" price increased from 5000 to 12500.

- Minor bug fixes.
- Minor UI improvements.
[ 2021-04-18 09:52:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes
- *Fixed save screen bugs.
- *Fixed staff quarter capacity bug.
Known Issues
- *If you are having really low FPS, try updating your drivers.
- *Researching the "AI Improvements" node can lead to some problems in some rare cases. We are still investigating this issue.
[ 2021-04-15 12:56:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Your space station now has a reputation level. The reputation level can be increased by attracting visitors to your station. You can think of it as a simple level system but with visitors instead of XP. Most of the buildings in the game now unlock through this system.
After a certain reputation level, with every level-up, you'll have to choose one out of three random locked buildings. This will require players to choose the kind of station they want to build and unlock new buildings accordingly.
We have reworked the whole mission system. There is now a panel called the "Mission Hub" where you'll receive mission offers from various factions and corporations. This panel is far from being complete but we think that it's a big step in the right direction for the whole mission concept.
Getting bored of seeing the same old personal spaceships? We felt the same way. That's why we made the first step to change that by adding bigger ships. These new ships carry a lot of visitors and therefore go quite well with our reputation system. In order for these ships to land, you'll have to build large docking bays.
Major UI Overhaul: We have reworked the whole UI to make it more consistent and easier to understand. To achieve that, we have implemented a color palette and a set of rules to ensure consistency.
Repair System: Some customers will now require some items to repair their ship. Doing successful repairs is highly rewarding so make sure you have enough items laying around.
More Tools: Nearly every UI panel now has more information to share. From the overview panel to the finances panel, you will find more information to help you run your station more efficiently.
Locked Panels: Some panels containing end-game mechanics are now locked behind our new reputation system to avoid confusion early on.
We have reworked a lot of old buildings. This includes both graphical improvements and some other changes to make them more useful.
Here is the list of new buildings we've added in this update:
Staff Quarters: Your station now has a limit on how many staff members you can recruit. This number can be increased by building the new "Staff Quarters".
Advanced Billboard: An improved version of the standard billboard. It can be unlocked through the research system.
Genetics Lab: Generates research points over time.
Cafe: Functions similarly to other commercial buildings. A great choice for early-game.
Large Docking Bay: Allows for larger ships to land on your station.
- Employee happiness system has been reworked.
- Added employee benefits.
- Added new mission types and lore.
- Some perks have been changed.
- The main menu has been redesigned.
- Color options in the new game menu have been changed.
- Reworked the drone selection system for missions.
- Reworked the tooltip.
- Customers now have better landing animations.
- The loading screen is now more stable.
- Difficulity now has a greater impact on gameplay.
- Notification panel can now be hidden.
- Added information for every item.
- Repairing damaged buildings is now easier.
- Broadcast tower has been remodeled and retextured.
- Clinic has been remodeled and retextured.
- Signal enhancer has been remodeled and retextured.
- Quantum reactor has been remodeled and retextured.
- Turret has been retextured.
- Shield generator has been retextured.
- Particle reactor has been retextured.
- Performance improvements.

- Fixed major save/load bugs.
- Overall performance has been improved.
- Fixed tutorial bugs.
- Fixed turrets hitting friendly buildings.
- Fixed a ton of small and big bugs.
[ 2021-04-12 21:41:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
*Fixed turret bugs. *Made the portraits more random. *Added health bars to enemies. *Fixed mission bugs.
[ 2021-03-16 17:15:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
*Fixed a lot of bugs. *Added patch notes to the main menu. *Balanced the quantum reactor.
[ 2021-03-14 09:34:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! We are finally back with the big 0.3 update. You can now start testing it by switching your game to the testing mode.
How to switch to the testing branch?

1) Right-click on the game from your library and select "Properties...".

2) Select "Betas" from the left-hand side.

3) Choose "Testing" from the dropdown menu. 4) The game will now update and once it does, you are ready to go.
Give us feedback!
Don't forget to give us feedback about this update. The best way to do that is by joining our Discord! Patch notes will be out soon.
[ 2021-03-11 07:49:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
About The Roadmap
Here is the development roadmap of Space Station Tycoon. Game development is a tricky job and getting the dates wrong is always a possibility. So please note that the release dates listed above are all subject to change. Some updates may come out sooner, and some later. We will share more info about these updates once they are close to being released (like we did with content update 3). Space Station Tycoon was and still is, a work of passion. We know that satisfying everyone is practically impossible but we will still keep doing our best to make this an unforgettable tycoon experience. Thank you so much for your continuous support.
[ 2021-02-10 21:44:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, and welcome to another dev diary! Here's a quick look at what we're currently working on for the third content update.
UI Overhaul
UI design has always been one of our weaknesses. That's why we are working really hard to create a much more pleasant UI experience for our players. We started things off with a simple HUD redesign.

As you can see, we have managed to decrease the number of icons on the upper part. This improvement allowed us to add some text next to each icon. So you'll no longer have to hover on them to see where it leads.

The missing buttons were moved to the overview section. This is mostly because of the fact that all of these tabs have something to do with your station and how you manage it. We think that they fit nicely in this brand new overview panel. We would love to hear your feedback on this.

Most of the old UI windows, like the finance tab, are also being reworked. Our current focus with this new UI direction is to make use of the empty space we have in order to offer a much better user experience.
Big Ships!
Aren't you bored of always seeing same-sized ships? Yeah, we are too. Here's a look at the big ships of Space Station Tycoon!

These new ships have way more visitors in them. But as you can probably imagine, they are just too big to be able to dock on your basic docking bays. This is where our new building comes in: The large docking bay!

With this new docking building, these huge ships will be able to dock onto your station without any problems.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for reading this quick update. We are constantly trying our best to improve the game as much as possible and to leave early-access as quickly as possible. Your feedback helps us a lot so don't forget to join our Discord and share your opinions with us! Stay healthy.
[ 2021-01-23 11:06:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, and happy new year! After a short Christmas break, we're finally back at working on Space Station Tycoon. Here's an overview of the things we got cooking.
Mission Hub
A major -and long overdue- update is coming to our mission system. We are planning to make missions a lot more detailed and easy to understand by implementing a mission hub. This way you can see exactly what a mission is about and what its rewards are. Some missions may also affect your relationship with a certain faction, or require a minimum relationship to accept it. The mission hub is full of opportunities. Some of the missions offered through this panel may also require additional choices to be made. This new panel also gives us a lot of freedom to write some cool scenarios. Expect some neat lore.

Work in progress.
Reputation System
We are finally saying goodbye to one of the most tedious aspects of Space Station Tycoon; unlocking buildings. With the new reputation system, you won't have to wait for items to unlock most new buildings.

Work in progress. Your station will now have a reputation level that determines its.. well.. reputation. After reaching a certain amount of total visitors, your reputation level will go up. With each reputation level, you will also unlock new buildings. Some exotic buildings will still be unlocked through the traditional prototyping system.
Staff Quarters
So it appears that employees working in a space station actually need a place to stay... Staff quarters is a new building we are adding to the game. This building will determine the number of staff members you can hire. It will also be upgradeable like any other building.
Thank You!
2020 was one hell of a year, but it got significantly better with all the support we received from you all. We believe that 2021 will be a great year for Space Station Tycoon. Game development is so much more fun when you do it together with the community. That was the main reason why we released the game as early access in the first place, and it is awesome to see it slowly pay off. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
[ 2021-01-05 15:47:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed major save/load bug.
- Fixed casino text issues.
- Fixed turret bugs.
- Fixed employee re-assigning bug.

- Nerfed police raids.
[ 2020-12-25 11:05:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Employee System: Recruit new staff members and assign them to various buildings. Each staff member has a different set of buffs and debuffs. Keep your employees happy by occasionally training them.
- Policies: Added a new "policies" section to the overview panel. This section allows you to set some management policies for your space station. Choose them wisely.
- Interactive Events: These new event types trigger on some set conditions and tell a mini-story. You can choose which action you'll take. So these events are basically a random mini "choose your own adventure".
- Loot Screen: This screen will be shown when one of your drones completes/fails a mission. It shows a lot of useful information about the mission.
- Research Rework: The research progression system is now in more of a tree-like traditional style.
- Artficats: Different artifacts can be found in many space missions. These artifacts can then be researched to gain a lot of research points.
- Hygiene Facility: A brand new commercial building that allows customers to take a bath and relax a bit.
- Casino: Pretty self explanatory. One of the most fun ways to lose some money in the galaxy.

- Added more color options to the customization screen.
- Balanced factions.
- 9 new achievements.
- System map is now easier to understand.
- Added a stock indicator below each item in the trade screen.
- You can now change time speed during asteroid events.
- During pirate events, more ships can spawn depending on the number of turrets you have.
- You can now delete your save files.
- Remodeled and retextured most of the buildings.
- Nightmare difficulty is now locked until you complete the game in hard mode.
- You can now see the electricity requirement of a building by clicking on it.
- Added a DPS indicator for turrets.
- Reworked the ship landing animation.
- Lots of new customer ships have been added.
- The UI has been polished.
- Reworked the tutorial missions.
- You will now receive notifications if a price is too high or too low.
- You can no longer change your station name from the overview panel.
- New popup system.

- Traders now sell more types of items.
- Item prices have been increased.
- Hard and nightmare difficulty levels are now harder.
- Nerfed all variations of docking bays.
- Finding the ideal price is now harder.
- Most of the upkeep costs were increased.
- Halved the number of resources needed to prototype particle reactor.
- Research buildings now generate much lower research points passively.
- First asteroid attacks are less destructive.
- Mission durations are 40% shorter.

- Banks now have different interest rates.
- Fixed a bug where you could keep your unlocked perks from the previous game.
- Fixed animation bugs.
- Fixed game-breaking bugs.
- Small bug fixes.
- Performance improvements.
- Turret upgrades now increase security.
- Fixed UI bugs.
[ 2020-12-09 11:33:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We hope you are doing fine. In this dev diary, we'll cover some really exciting additions that are coming soon to Space Station Tycoon. Most of the stuff you read here is already on the testing branch.
Research System Rework

There has been a lot of complaints about the research system of Space Station Tycoon. Reworking this whole system was on our to-do list for a long time and we only recently got the chance to complete it. This new research system now acts more like a progression tree and less like a shop that uses research points for currency.
Graphical Reworks

New Buildings

Hygiene Facility This is a new commercial building that allows customers to take a shower or even a bath. The hygiene facility in its current state offers nothing new to the gameplay but we have some more plans for this particular building.

Casino The most fun way to lose some money in Space Station Tycoon. This is a new end-game building that generates huge amounts of money. It requires a lot of electricity and 3 staff members to operate. Some small minigames will be added that you can play inside this building.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for reading this short dev diary. We hope you enjoy our latest additions as much as we enjoy developing them. Join the discussion at our Discord channel. Follow us on Twitter.
[ 2020-11-24 10:00:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Space Station Tycoon testing branch is now live and available for everyone.
What is a testing branch?
Testing branches allow users to test some upcoming features beforehand and give feedback about it. Since we are a team of only two, a testing branch can save us so much time.
How can I use the testing branch?
It's pretty easy. Here's what you need to do: [olist]
How do I provide feedback?
The easiest way would be to do so in our Discord channel.
What exactly are we testing?
The testing branch will always include some WIP features from our next major update. In this case, you will be testing an early build of version 0.2 which includes employees, new buildings, policies, artifacts, a reworked research system, and much more.
Have fun testing!
[ 2020-11-22 12:50:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the first post of our new "development diary" series. We have a lot to share with you, but first, let's talk about what to expect from these kinds of posts: We are planning to use these "development diary" posts to share some of the cool stuff we're working on, as well as to share our thoughts on some related topics. We sincerely hope that you enjoy them!
Employee System
This is the biggest system we're currently working on. Space Station Tycoon was always weak on the "micro-management" part, and we always knew we had to do something about it. That's why we're trying really hard to make this system as good as possible.

(WIP) With this new mechanic, most of the buildings will require a number of staff members to start functioning. Each staff member has 2 perks (which can be either positive or negative) and a monthly wage depending on how good those perks are. Paying them isn't all you have to do though; You have to keep them happy by training them, complying with their needs, and keeping them safe. There will also be new achievements, research nodes, and events tied to this particular system.
Policies are basically some crucial decisions you can take to improve your space station. These policies can be toggled on and off from the "overview" panel. They don't have any requirements. Each policy comes with a set of positive and negative effects. You have to weigh them depending on the state of your station and pick the ones you really need. Here are some example policies:
- Lab Madness: Each lab generates 5 extra research points per week. Could be dangerous. (Each lab has a 10% chance to receive 25% damage each week.)
- Heaven of the Traders: Traders pay 25% less docking fees. Increases trader appeal.
- Biometric Scanners: Increases security levels by 10%. Costs 50c/month per building.
The current way of generating research points is way too boring. You just build research buildings and wait for them to generate research points. This will no longer be the case with the introduction of the new artifact items. Research buildings will use and consume the artifacts in your inventory to generate research points.

You will start the game with a few artifacts, so you can begin generating research points right away. After that, you'll have to send your drones to various missions to retrieve more artifacts. Traders also have a chance to sell some low-tier artifacts but it's really rare (and expensive). These big changes will bring some meaning to drone missions, and make research more fun.
Testing Branch Coming Soon!
We are working really hard on the upcoming updates but since we are a small team of 2, we can't test the game well enough. That's where you come in! We will create a new testing branch for the game so you can find bugs and give feedback before the official release of the coming updates. Stay tuned for more info on that.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for reading. With your support and feedback, we will make an awesome game together! Don't forget to join our Discord. You can also follow us on Twitter.
[ 2020-11-08 11:28:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, and welcome to another small update. We had to update the game 3 times in a row fixing a lot of urgent bugs. This patch note covers all of the changes we made in those updates. + When you click on a billboard you can now see all of the information about its current advertisement deal. * Fixed billboard bug when billboards wouldn't load with the posters. * Fixed marketing deal bugs. * Fixed no trader ships bug. * Fixed inconsistent visitor counts upon loading/trapped visitors. * Trader prices are now more random. * Fixed stocks not saving. * Fixed game-breaker bug with the particle reactor building.
[ 2020-11-03 09:48:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, and welcome to 0.1.1! This small update fixes some major bugs and introduces neat quality-of-life improvements. + Added fullscreen/resolution options to settings + Added "do not show again" option to upgrade popups + Added five new achievements + Added indicators for motel and storage building to upgrade panel + Time controls were enabled for police inspections * Balanced out pirates * Fixed trading panel bug * Fixed friendly-fire bug * The drone blueprint from tutorial/early game has been defaulted to common * Fixed storage building bug * Notifications now disappear after 1 minute * Fixed marketing panel bug * Fixed hangar upgrade bug * Lots of minor bugfixes * Balanced some prices * Reworked ideal price system We hope you are enjoying the game so far. This update was possible thanks to your feedback. Stay tuned for our upcoming 0.2 update. Don't forget to join the discussion on our official Discord.
[ 2020-10-31 22:19:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, everyone!
As we are slowly ending the closed beta testing phase and entering the early-access stage, we decided to roll out a big update fixing a lot of bugs and adding a variety of new stuff to mess around with.
Patch Notes
+Added a new building called the "Speedcharger". +Added a new building that unlocks stock trading options called "Stock Trading Center". +Added a new building called "Particle Reactor". An early-game energy solution. +Added 3 new pirate types with different stats and ships. +Replaced the old police ships with new ones. +Extended the tutorial. +7 achievements were added. +Reworked the trade screen of smuggler ships. +Improved the tutorial system. +Motion blur switch was added. +Balanced the graphic presets. +Reworked the inventory system. +Added new commands for testing purposes. +Added an icon for the Jumpgate research node. +Added new research nodes. *Camera controls have been improved drastically. *Fixed asteroids going through shields. *Fixed tutorial bugs. *Small bug fixes *Small balancing changes. *Fixed some UI bugs. *Small main menu rework. *Reworked switches (UI). *Balanced factions. *Fixed shield sizes. *Performance improvements.
What To Expect From Upcoming Updates
We have a lot of content planned for Space Station Tycoon. These include a new mission system, policies, new items, new buildings, new customization options, and so much more. We'll also start translating the game into many languages. Stay tuned for more info!
[ 2020-10-20 18:46:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
There are lots of wandering pilots across the whole galaxy looking for a space station. Each has their reasons, be it to repair and refuel their ships or maybe just to relax and have some fun. Even though what they each look for in a space station is very different, there is one thing they have in common; they want to spend some money. In Space Station Tycoon you will expand your station by building lots of different stuff like docking bays, research facilities and even casinos to attract every kind of customer you can.
Space Station Tycoon is inspired by its greatest ancestors of the “tycoon” genre. That’s why our main focus while making this game is always going to be its depth. We want the player to be able to control everything necessary from small things like fuel prices to intergalactic marketing budgets. With the depth it offers, Space Station Tycoon will surely deliver a true “tycoon” experience.
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04
- Processor: Dual Core 2 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 4600 (AMD or NVIDIA equivalent)
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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