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Gameplay Update: Challenges, Crystal Splinters, and more!

Hi Guys!

We are super excited to release a new Gameplay Update for Medievalien.

[h2]New Waypoint: Challenges[/h2]
The way Random Event waypoints worked was unbalanced compared to the other types: too short, with too little loot. A lot of players were skipping them altogether.

With the new Challenge waypoint we wanted to preserve the random theme of the previous waypoint.

When you select a Challenge node, a new UI will pop up:

Here, a random challenge will be selected, as well as a number of Positive and Negative Effects.
These challenges bring unique mechanics, and the added random effects will vary the difficulty each time.
An hefty reward is shown at the bottom, and awaits whoever completes the event.

Check out a quick video to see how it works:

[h2]Crystal Splinter[/h2]
Permanent upgrades in Medievalien are incredibly strong; in order to unlock them, you need fate crystals.
But these crystals are quite rare, and we found out some players even got to killing Grool without dropping any!

We decided to tackle this problem by adding a new item: Crystal Splinter.

If you collect 5 Crystal Splinters, these will fuse into a Fate Crystal.

A secure way to find Crystal Splinters is to end a Combat waypoint.
All exit portals have been secluded by a splinter; you'll need to remove it in order to exit the waypoint:

[h2]Healing Items Revamp[/h2]
Healing items in roguelites are always a massive talking point, because they directly affect perceived game difficulty.
We analyzed the anonymous analytics we collected in these months so we could took action in balancing them.

We added a LOT of new Healing Items types, with different healing power, and categorized them into three main categories: Vegan, Cheese, Meat.
Some examples:

6 new passives will offer a nice twist to all the healing aspect of the game.
A couple examples:

Are you going to keep stacking power, or fall into temptation and eat that Moldy Cheese?

[h2]Join Us![/h2]
Many of the included features are direct requests done by the Medievalien community.
If you want to participate, pitch ideas, or just hang out, please consider joining our discord server: https://discord.gg/YsvZEKSaU8

As usual, we can't thank you enough for all the kind support.
See you soon!

[ 2021-06-12 21:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.3.5


  • Killing Grool now grants some loot (including a yummy treat)!
  • Spettro disappears during normal cutscenes.


  • Burrowers got stuck if frozen while burrowing.
  • Restock passive now avoids spawning passive duplicates.
  • Fixed heal items spawning underground in selected zones.

[ 2021-05-03 16:34:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.3.4

[h2]Version 0.3.4[/h2]
- Minimap is now more precise.
- Enemies now disengage when the player dies (this is to prevent super-rare cases like killing Grool while dying).

- Fixed all reported FPS drops; if any FPS drops happen after updating to this patch, please report them!
- Mountain music now correctly loops.
- Crystals accrued during the forest biome are correcty counted towards the total.

- Dialogue flickers on non-16:9 resolutions.
- Laser rifle effect stops if the player is interrupted while shooting (death, chest interaction, etc.).
- Fixed gem counter sometimes not showing the correct value.

- Energy walls are hidden on rooms without enemies.
- Fixed some enemy spawn zones that caused enemies to go inside terrain.
- Fixed several collisions in new zones that caused problems like allowing the player to climb pillars or go into unpathable terrain.
- Fixed some levels which caused drops to go into unpathable terrain.

Save files
- Mouth chests in mountain biome now correctly restore their state when loading a save file.
- New breakable traps in mountain biome now correctly restore their state when loading a save file.
- Fixed having two different bear traps in inventory when loading from a save file.

- Healbot now doesn't try to heal a broken Architect.
- Overseer and Architect now avoid going outside of the playable area.
- Architect's summoned turrets now do not provide energy and do not drop any loot.
- Stork Loot quest summoned enemies now can't drop any loot.

- Spettro doesn't glitch anymore during the Stork quests.
- Fixed Grool interaction with Spettro if the doggo interrupted an attack.

[ 2021-04-20 19:43:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

Content Update: Spectral Dog Companion and new Mountain Biome

Hello everyone!

Our Early Access release connected us to hundreds of players and streamers, and the feedback has been pouring in ever since. Were listening, so in addition to our existing development roadmap weve been tweaking and refining and adjusting to get everything to feel just right.

This update includes those changes as well as a new content update.

Youll learn everything you need to know about the COMPANION DOG CONTENT UPDATE in our new trailer, right here:


[h2]Spettro, The Dog Companion[/h2]

With your new best friend by your side, you dont have to venture on your quest alone, and you can benefit from his abilities along the way.

His feral attitude is apparent from the get-go: Spettro mercilessly mauls any enemy caught between you and your mission.

He is able to shift between the spectral plane and the material plane, allowing him to appear wherever he wants to be; no chance to flee for the invaders!

[h3]How to unlock[/h3]
Spettro is summoned through a collar artifact you will find during your quests.
The collar has been missing for decades, but he seems to have a particular affinity with Storks..

[h2]New Biome: Mountain[/h2]
The next chapter of the story is unlocked: in order to reach the Spaceship crash site, you have to venture inside the mountain.

This biome will feature closed-space ambiences, new enemies, strange interactions and a plethora of loot!

[h2]Bear Trap revamp[/h2]

The Bear Trap skill now has a cone Area of Effect that affects all enemies inside it.
By holding the skill button you can now precisely aim where to make them appear.

The Skills Golem offers several upgrades for the Bear Trap; you can even make them explode!

This is a beefy update! If its been a while since you last played, Medievalien will be a different experience because of all of the progress we have made.

And, as always, we welcome your feedback. Join our Discord to tell us what you think!

[ 2021-04-15 20:38:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Medievalien Dev Blog - Content Patch Preview #3

Hello Everyone!

Here is part #3 of our previews about the next content patch.

Since our Early Access launch, this past Feb 11, we have been collecting feedback from all of you, and it helped us tremendously in pinpointing the faults of Medievalien.

One aspect of the game that many players found underwhelming was the Bear Trap skill.
It's no secret that we knew the skill system was incomplete at launch; no golem was available for skill upgrades and the lack of choice left no room for experimentation to the players.

[h2]Bear Trap Rework[/h2]
We decided to start with the rework for the Bear Trap.
This skill is a staple in a hunter arsenal, so we wanted to keep it available to Jarin, our Hunter character.

In order to make it feasible to use, we decided to give the skill an area of effect instead of just being a single throw.
Using the new bear trap will still need good aiming, but a new indicator will help you targeting it in the best way possible.

Here is a video showcasing the new Bear Trap skill, as well as a couple upgrades you can unlock in the new Skill Golem:

[h2]Skill Golem[/h2]
Many of you have asked us about this new statue making an appearance in Wulfrid's tower, and some of you correctly guessed that this will be the new Skill Golem.

Here you will unlock upgrades for the new Bear Trap skill (check the video to see a couple of them in action), as well as new skills.

Someone asked about that little statue beside the Skill Golem: it is indeed a statue of a dog.
Stay tuned for the next (and last, for this patch) dev blog, as we will reveal a new unlockable skill!

dOOb games

[ 2021-04-05 02:46:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Medievalien Dev Blog - Content Patch Preview #2

Hello Everyone!

Here is part #2 of our previews about the next content patch.

In the first biome you can have three different themes: Ruins, Forest and Village.

The second biome (Mountain) will feature the Underground Keep (shown in the previous post), and Caverns.

Here are some screenshots AND a juicy video preview (at the bottom) that shows a portion of a random generated level.


Stay tuned for next week's announcement!

dOOb games

[ 2021-03-28 01:27:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Medievalien Dev Blog - Content Patch Preview #1

Hello Everyone!
We are finally getting ready to share some of the stuff we have been working on these past weeks.

Before delving into that, we want to thank everyone who trusted us to deliver on Medievalien by purchasing the Early Access version.
And if you are waiting for us to release more content before buying it, that's totally fine too; this post will show some of the content that we are going to release in the next content update.

Next patch will be 0.3 and it will be focused on a new biome.
The amount of stuff we are adding is quite substantial so we will split it into several dev blogs, one for each week up until the planned released on April 8.

Planned Dev Blogs:

  • Dev Blog #1 (this one): Mountain Biome and Underground Keep
  • Dev Blog #2: Caverns and enemies introduction
  • Dev Blog #3: Skill Golem and Skills reworks

[h3]Mountain Biome[/h3]
The first map you complete is what we internally call the Forest biome: it can have 3 variants: Forest, Ruins and Village.
Completing it will bring you back to the lobby, giving you a chance to recover health and progress the story a little further.

In the intro cinematic, you probably noticed the spaceship partially crashing towards the mountains; that's where you are headed.
In order to reach the alien vessel you first have to venture inside the mountain through abandoned halls of a lost civilization and very gloomy caverns and tunnels.

[h3]Underground Keep[/h3]
One of the two variants of the Mountain biome will be the Underground Keep.

These zones will feature remnants of a community which used very advanced magic, and that has somewhat completely disappeared; something deeply wrong has happened in these ruins way before the alien invasion, and things that were meant to be forgotten have started to awaken..

Here are some quick screen grabs of some of the generated zones you will find:

We hope you enjoyed this little preview.
Next week we'll present the second biome variant called Caverns and some previews on the enemies you'll have to face to reach the end boss.

Stay tuned!

dOOb games

[ 2021-03-21 00:33:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.2.7

Version 0.2.7


  • Increased Fate Crystal drop rates on selected loot tables.


  • Fixed Burrowers being hittable when burrowed.
  • Fixed being able to shoot when interacting with the Ruins golem or the Gallows event.

[ 2021-03-15 19:07:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.2.3

Version 0.2.3


  • Grool boss fight now features a dynamic camera.
    Please give feedback on any kind of motion sickness or problems you might encounter!
    We feel this kind of camera improves gameplay in large spaces; if the feedbacks are positive, we might add it to other game parts too.

  • Turrets are now animated and more dangerous.


  • Fixed a crash to desktop when opening a map in twilight light schema.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • Audio issues.

[ 2021-03-06 20:06:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch 0.2.1

Version 0.2.1


  • Added Main Menu and Storks Encampment sound tracks.


  • Fixed random blue exclamation marks appearing at random.
  • Fixed selecting teleports with mouse sometimes not working.
  • Fixed Alien Capsule event spawning a beast out of reach.
  • Fixed player getting controller back when not intended (e.g. during cutscenes).
  • Fixed Ding Ding Apparatus being an obstruction to projectiles.
  • Fixed completed zones not being loaded back when loading a save.

[ 2021-03-03 01:40:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch 0.2 now live!

New Content

[h2]Storks are here![/h2]
These aliens seem stranded on our planet and are struggling to stick together and move forward.

During your adventure you might find some of them needing help from you; you can assist, ignore or be hostile towards them.
This will affect your reputation level with the Storks.

Befriend them to get access to their hidden encampment and get a chance to buy Golem Upgrade Unlocks and other rare items.

[h2]Alien Translator[/h2]
Seems like Grool landed with his own escape pod, which contained a fully working alien translator!
This incredibly useful item will help the player translate alien items, recipes, and even talk with some of the alien species that the spaceship was carrying.

Unfortunately, the translator has not been fully initialized.

You will have to upgrade it throughout your runs by plugging it into any terminal you might find, hoping it will work.

[h2]New Hunter Golem[/h2]
This golem will feature upgrades specific for Jarin.
They are perfect candidates for getting an early boost in the first runs.

[h2]Unlockable Upgrades[/h2]
Golems now have a "Specials" tab available, with a list of very powerful permanent upgrades that must be unlocked using specific items.

Some of them are Storks exclusives, some are lost recipes and blueprints.. the hunt begins!

[h2]Important Dialogues[/h2]
NPCs that have something meaningful to say, but patently wait for the player to interact with them, now have a blu exclamation mark on top of them,

Community feedback is extremely important to the development of Medievalien, especially during our Early Access phase.
We received a lot of feedback in the 2 weeks following the Early Access release, and it helped us pinpoint a lot of weak points in some of our game mechanics.

Here are the changes we implemented in this patch to mitigate them.

[h2]Smoother Difficulty[/h2]
The first levels will have a smoother difficulty ramp up.
One of the changes has been to create a variant of 2 enemies: Drones and Zubs.

  • Drone's basic version will still shoot little plasma bolts, but without movement prediction AI.
  • Zub's basic version is a little slower and will not spawn a toxic cloud when it dies.

These basic versions will be replaced during your run around level 2/3; you'll recognize them as they will have a different, more menacing, avatar.

This change will help new players acclimate to the playstyle when doing the first runs, while also giving a chance to fetch the first crystals and start a little bit of permanent progression.

We want to hear feedback from you on this, we have a lot of knobs we can tweak yet; the end goal is to make a wonderful game experience for everyone.

[h2]Closed Encounters[/h2]
Most zones now have their accesses locked by energy walls.
You will be able to pass through them when entering, but they will close behind you as soon as you get inside.

This change completely replaces the disengage mechanic we had in place before.
We listened to your feedback, watched hours of gameplay (thanks for our Roguelike Advisory Council for providing the footage!) and came to the conclusion that the disengage mechanic, while useful on paper, was causing more unexpected and unwanted outcomes than intended.

Other Changes
For completeness, here are the other minor changes we applied on top of the ones above:

  • Player now gets a brief invulnerability period if it takes too much damage in a short time.
    This is to avoid getting insta-killed by nasty unavoidable combos after taking the first hit (like multiple Burrowers chain stunning or multiple Beasts jumping at the same time).
  • The Burning Dash passive now counts as DoT, and will not stagger Beasts anymore.
  • Fixed a nasty visual glitch on linux with Vulkan.

[ 2021-02-27 05:13:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.1.3

Version 0.1.3


  • Jarin now searches through corpses and digs hidden chests instead of standing still waiting for stuff to happen.


  • Lowered UI select sound effect.
  • Smoothened minimap fog of war uncovered area.
  • Fixed some black pavements in the lobby (Wulfrid's Tower).
  • Removed Bad Tarot cards from random loot table (Fortune Teller can still drop them).
  • Clarified text of The Knight, The Jester, Vampirism passives.
  • The Jester passive now cycles through Bleed, Poison and Burn (text has been updated).
  • Option menu button "Abandon and Quit" (e.g. when in combat / event) now asks for a confirmation.


  • Chest encounter sometimes was spawned out of reach or teleport unkillable enemies.
  • Item tooltips went outside screen.
  • Memory leak that affected gameplay in long running sessions.
  • Interaction with specific UI buttons broke by double-clicking them.
  • Burrower burrowing effect remained after death.
  • Fortune Teller did reset when loading a save.
  • Second Chance enabled the "Hold E to open chest" hint.
  • "Twirling Sphere" elite skill would re-appear when loading a save.

= Community inspired / reported change!

[ 2021-02-16 12:58:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Version 0.1.2

Version 0.1.2

  • Mono-stick Locking System now lowers priority for enemies hidden behind obstacles.


  • Chest Encounters are a bit harder now.
  • Alien item modifier "Reduce cost after X uses" now requires less uses.


  • Fixed a nasty bug that sometimes blocked character movement.
  • Item tooltips now shouldn't go outside of screen.
  • Healbot now self-destructs when he is left alone during multiple-spawn events (temple brazier, chest encounters).
  • Removed a house near an entrance that occluded too much visibility.

[ 2021-02-13 00:18:51 CET ] [ Original post ]

Early Access 0.1.1 Released

Version 0.1.1


[h3]Encounter Chests[/h3]
Added chance to find Encounter Chests while exploring combat waypoints.
You will have to kill groups of enemies within a limited timespan to get the reward.


  • More vicious when attacking the player.
  • Now sprouts a poison cloud when he dies.
  • Improved pathing.

[h3]Quality of Life improvements[/h3]

  • Added option "Pause when not focused".
  • Added check for local corrupted files on launch.
    We noticed Steam delivered corrupted files to some people, and the game silently failed without warning the user.
    Now when the game recognizes this, it gives instructions on how to do a "Check files integrity" and then quits.
  • Pausing the game muffles music instead of cutting it.
  • Added sound effects to EMP, Grool and Secret Encounter.


  • Burrowers: now can spawn from level 2 waypoints onwards.
  • Multi-string Bow: increased base damage (7 -> 14).
  • Complete polish of colliders throughout all zones to allow for smoother gameplay. (Thanks @kosmender)


  • The gallows event now shouldn't lower FPS to unusable levels. (Thanks @CocoConfession)
  • A plethora of fixes and stability improvements.

[ 2021-02-12 11:20:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

Medievalien is live on Early Access!

We are proud to announce that our humble three-person project is entering Early Access today.
Medievalien has been a labor of love for us, and were excited to get the game into the hands of even more players to help us shape the trajectory of the remaining development process.

If you have been following our journey so far, you know how deeply we are committed to player feedback. We spent January distributing pre-Beta codes and working with our Roguelike Advisory Council - a select group of roguelike streamers who regularly stream Mediavalien to their communities and give us reactions and feedback - and weve been entrenched in communities like Reddit to talk to as many roguelike fans as we can.

We are in the streams. We are in the Discords. We are responding to messages and chats. We believe in the potential of the Early Access model, and we cant wait for you to be a part of that conversation.

Grab your copy of the game so far, and tell us what you think!

Take a look at what is coming in 2021!

See Medievalien on Twitch

[ 2021-02-11 17:41:16 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-07 23:27:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-07 23:26:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

New Version: 0.1b3

Version 0.1b3

[h3]Wulfrid's Blessing[/h3]
Wulfrid now lends a hand if he notices the character is not being successful enough for his linking.

At the start of a run, he sometimes proposes to give his blessing:


  • Game pauses when the game window loses focus; it will resume automatically when the game window will regain focus.
  • Game version is now visibile in main menu and pause menu.


  • Secret Encounter (no spoilers): increased HP.
  • The "Well" events' outcomes are balanced around the amount of money you drop inside - should feel a little less "scamwell".
  • "Well" events: reduced max droppable amount from 500 gold to 300 gold.
  • Gallows event should appear more frequently.


  • Fixed stairs colliders in the Wulfrid's tower.
  • Battery box placement in some situations with trees occluding the view.
  • Gamepad stick preset swapping from Single Stick to Twin Stick.
  • Stability improvements.

Again, thank you all for the suggestions!

[ 2021-02-07 11:45:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-07 10:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-07 09:58:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-06 12:53:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

[ 2021-02-05 14:35:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Live Stream and Q&A with the Devs during Steam Game Festival

Our pre-beta launch last weekend was a smashing success. We owe a special thank you to our Roguelike Advisory Council for bringing this to life and for helping us field a mountain of feedback and insights from the community.

Weve been furiously making updates and improvements to Medievalien, so even if you were one of the pre-beta players, we have a lot of new things to share with you.

If you want to be one of the first to see these changes live, join us during the upcoming Steam Game Festival for one of our developer streamers. Wed love to hear more of your feedback and to answer any questions you might have.

Also, a Demo version of Medievalien is freely available from the Steam page right now.
Go grab it now if you want to get a taste of the incredible adventure that is Medievalien!

[ 2021-02-02 22:26:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.1a40: Twin-Sticks support, Mini bosses, Light Cycles and more!

Update 0.1a40
We are super excited to announce the last content patch in our pre-beta phase.

The feedback of everyone, from the Roguelike Council to the streamers and the viewers, helped us address a lot of issues quickly and add quality of life features all players will benefit from.

Here is a quick rundown of what's inside.

[h2]Gamepad Twin-Stick support[/h2]
After our previously announced targeting lock system for mono-stick gamepad players, we added support for the Twin-Sticks configuration.

You can change the preset in the Controls section of the Options menu.

Here are the Twin-Stick default bindings:

For completion sake, these are the default gamepad controls:

[h2]Passing of Time[/h2]
The world now cycles through 3 lighting settings: Daylight, Twilight, Night.
Completing one combat waypoint will progress to the next period of the day; merchants and random events will not.
There are several events we are adding that are available only during specific lighting settings (e.g. only at night).

[h2]Secret Encounters[/h2]
A new legendary Fate Shard has been added, called "Secret Encounter"; it can drop only once per run and on certain conditions.
If used on an Event node, a random secret encounter will be chosen from the pool and replace the normal event.
These secret encounters are difficult mini-bosses that offer great rewards.

[h2]Other changes[/h2]


  • New load screens and tips.
    Please note these are not a replacement for tutorials, which are coming ;)
  • Composite bow now has a shiny effect when you release the arrow at the right time.
  • The lobby has been cleaned up and is a little more wide to accomodate for the golems we will add very soon.
  • Applying a permanent fate shard now requires a confirmation.


  • Improved combat areas generation times (around 70% faster).
  • Removed some background noise that was left behind from some random events.
  • Minor in-combat performance improvements.


  • Zub now correctly attacks again instead of hugging the player.
  • The mad orc boss is a little more stable and shouldn't block for half the fight.

[ 2021-01-31 01:49:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Video: Behind the Scenes of Medievalien

What a whirlwind weekend that was. If you stopped into one of our Roguelike Council streams to check out Medievalien, thank you for your support. Every view, wishlist, and follow is a huge help to a small indie studio like ours.

As development continues, we wanted to give our supporters a better look into whats happening behind-the-scenes on Medievalien, so we shot this dev log video about our studio and about how we are approaching Early Access.

We hope you enjoy it!

If you want to join discussions about the game, pitch your ideas in, or just hang around, join our discord server: https://discord.gg/YsvZEKSaU8

[ 2021-01-25 19:42:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Announcing the Roguelike Council and Our Pre-Beta Showcase

Greetings, friends!

Development for Medievalien is moving along. At times, it feels like we have a never-ending list of features and items and abilities to implement, but when we pause to look back, we have come a long way.
This weekend we are announcing two big updates: Our first pre-beta showcase and our newly formed Roguelike Advisory Council.

From Jan. 22 to Jan. 24, you can catch the first glimpses of Medievalien gameplay with select streamers. This build is still very much a work in progress, and we plan to cover a lot of ground before our official Early Access release, but we also wanted to show you more of the world and more of whats possible when you mix fantasy and sci-fi mechanics together.

Our streamers are members of our new Roguelike Advisory Council. These streamers were hand-selected for their combination of gaming and community management experience. In other words, they are avid supporters of indie roguelikes and have amazing communities behind them.

We formed the Roguelike Council to give us a steady pipeline of player feedback as our own community grows. We want to hear from players and streamers as we polish and refine our vision for Medievalien.

Go follow and watch our watch Roguelike Council this weekend:
CocoConfession -- Avid Darkest Dungeon streamer
BrainTM -- Hades addict among a deep background in roguelikes
Kosmender -- Dead Cells and Enter the Gungeon streamer
CUCU0015 -- Darkest Dungeon fan with deep competitive action roots
Mee_shell -- Dont Starve and Darkest Dungeon streamer
TheBlacktastic -- Variety speedrunner with a long history of championing indie games

If youd like to join the Roguelike Council, shoot us an email at council@medievalien.com.

[ 2021-01-22 15:22:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Meet the devs and go behind the scenes of Medievalien


We are closing in on our Early Access release of Medievalien.

If youre following our game, you probably know our story: We quit our jobs and bet our savings on this project. We might be a small team from Italy, but we have a big vision for what roguelikes can be.
Were excited to share more of that with you in our first behind-the-scenes look at Medievaliens development.

We are hosting an exclusive developer stream here on Steam at these times:

Saturday 1/16 at: 17:00 CET - 11AM EST - 8AM PST - 21:30 IST - 00:00 CST - 04:00 NZST
Sunday 1/17 at: 08:00 CET - 02AM EST - 11PM PST - 12:30 IST - 15:00 CST - 19:00 NZST

For these streams, you can look forward to:

  • Never before seen gameplay footage
  • A look into the unique items, weapons, abilities in our game
  • A preview of some of the enemies you will encounter
  • A Q&A where you can ask and learn more about us and Medievalien
  • Game key giveaways that give you access to our exclusive pre-beta

Medievalien is an ambitious game, but this first look is near and dear to our hearts because its the first time much of this content will be exposed to players.
If youre a fan of indie games and are already looking forward to playing our project, were grateful for your support and excited to have you on this journey with us.
All of the shares and tweets and Reddit posts have been incredibly moving and have already made this a special experience for us.

See you soon!

-Medievalien Team

[ 2021-01-09 17:20:24 CET ] [ Original post ]