- Fixed a bug causing Armor Break to have no effect
- Armor Break potency decreased:
15 + L*(St/7 + De/10) --> 10 + L*(St/12 + De/15)
- Updated the AI decision making on when to use Armor Break.
- Fixed a bug calculating damage mods from affinities.
- Enemy targeting AI now takes stances & affinities into account when calculating lowest effective health, not just armor.
[ 2025-03-03 23:01:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now discard unwanted loot in the Caverns.
- Auto-explore is now available in the Caverns. Set a target depth and let your parties roam! (You just can't auto-descend past your deepest level reached.)
- Burning Hands damage increased: 65 + L*(Le/3 + Ma/5 + De/7) --> 65 + L*(Le/2 + Ma/4 + De/6)
- (And a bunch of bug fixes.)
[ 2025-02-25 21:41:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
2025.02.11 - Mostly bugs & AI fixes :)
Added an opt-out profanity filter for chat.
Added a "Skip tutorial" button.
Prayer Candle tooltips now state the candle's alignment.
Balance: gave Blunt Arrow AP cost a nerf: 50 - L*2 --> 80 - L*2
- Units will now target enemies with lowest EFFECTIVE health (HP * Armor Class), not just lowest HP.
- Summon abilities no longer belong to the Support tree. Instead they're treated as self-buffs, which is now its own tree that is checked before the roles waterfall.
- Units will not pass turn waiting for MP to cast a buff.
- The Tank and DPS Close trees will now be completely ignored by "pure ranged" units (i.e. has Ranged DPS prioritized above both, and no melee abilities equipped).
- Melee heroes will now only use Mortal Strike if it will kill the target.
- Fixed a bug causing units with Leap to hop around randomly.
- Interference units will no longer stun a feared target
- Now no one anywhere will ever target a summoned unit for healing.
- Fixed a bug with Mortal Strike AI rendering ghost damage.
- Fixed AP cost refund for Mortal Strike.
- Fixed a bug where weapons didn't proc off Sky Hammer.
- Fixed a bug rendering Caverns loot after tabbing out and back.
- Fixed a bug allowing Inn attacks when out of challenges.
- Fixed the layout of item icons in the Battle Debrief modal.
- Fixed the display of dye icons in inventory and the shop.
- Fixed a bug dropping Caverns performance when the log gets full.
- Fixed a bug making naked heroes hard to click.
- Fixed the formatting of currency and HP/AP/MP displays.
- Fixed message log spam when tabbing out and back in.
2025.01.18 - Chat system update
- Instead of having a single, global chat channel... chat rooms are now separated by language, as well as limited to 200 players each.
- Introduced three new chat commands: /mute
[ 2025-02-12 03:34:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
HERO AFFINITIES: Now your level 30+ heroes can spend ability points on "Affinity" upgrades, giving them bonus damage or damage reduction against specific hero classes or monster types. Find the Affinities interface in the lower left of the Edit Abilities screen! Fixed a serious bug causing Caverns mobs abilities always to be level 0. So, you're going to find mobs a lot more dangerous at the depths you're already at. Since this is likely to cause some players to have to restart Caverns from the first level, I've given everyone 1,000 Pixie Dust to make up for it.
- Balance
- Devil Mask
- AP cost: 10 --> 40
- MP cost: 30 + L*3 --> 30 + L*5
- Effect range: 1 + L/5 --> 2
- Poison Weapon potency: 20 + L*(Le/15) --> 20 + L*(Le/5)
- Burning Hands damage scaling: 65 + L*(Le/5 + Ma/7 + De/10) --> 65 + L*(Le/3 + Ma/5 + De/7)
- Devil Mask
- AI
- Fixed a bug where Devil Mask could be cast with no enemies in range
- For healing, heroes will now only target heroes in PvP
- For buffs, units will now start with the closest unbuffed allies
- Similarly, Suture will now target the closest ally who needs it
- Units will no longer use Leap/Teleport while feared
- Options on poppets can now deal damage
[ 2024-12-31 03:23:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You heard that right. Heroes now get not 1 but 2 ability points per level.
- Suture potency increased: 20 + L*(Le/6 + De/4) --> 20 + L*(Le + De)
- Poison Weapon AP cost decreased: 50 - L --> 30 - L
- When traveling in Caverns, any friendly dwarves in play will now start out in front.
- Fixed several Caverns battle log bugs, like null/undefined unit names, and keeping your position while scrolling.
- Limited the number of initial caverns mobs to 1~5, to avoid overwhelming heroes before they've had a chance to buff/summon.
[ 2024-12-21 20:32:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Inn: Increased maintain/upgrade peanut thresholds again - Balance:
- Lightning AP/MP costs adjusted
- AP Cost: 25 --> 40 - L
- MP Cost: 50 + L*4 --> 30 + L*3
- Summon Dwarf/Elf/Faerie MP cost adjusted: 100 + L*40 --> 150 + L*25
- Holy force AP cost increased: 10 --> 40 - L
- Dwarves: removed Shield Block and added Slam
- Slam knockback reduced: 2 + L*( St/80 ) --> 1 + L*( St/120 )
- Fixed a bug causing units sometimes to act before the result of the previous ability was calculated (e.g. shooting arrows at dead targets, double-casting CC).
- Fixed several bugs causing units sometimes to run back & forth aimlessly
- In PvP, the Interference tree now only targets enemy heroes
- Only in Caverns will DoT abilities be spread around evenly. In PvP they'll now focus down one hero target.
- Archers should no longer melee attack adjacent enemies when they have the opportunity to step back & shoot
- Tanks will no longer target stunned enemies with Taunt
- Increased the chances for DPS Close units to use Sky Hammer and Slam
- Support units now consider groups of 2+ allies (from 3) as a "cluster" for AoE heals
- Units will no longer use Adrenaline while feared
[ 2024-12-15 04:29:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Balance
- Nerfed Adrenaline
- MP Cost: 75 - L --> 150 - L*3
- AP Gain: 25 + L*( St/12 ) --> 10 + L*( St/12 )
- Boosted Layers of Protection potency: L*1.5 --> L*5
- Increased Healing Prayer AP cost: 20 --> 45
- Nerfed Sanctuary
- AP Cost: 25 --> 65
- MP Cost: 30 + L*5 --> 40 + L*6
- Effect Range: 3 --> 2
- Nerfed Infect Mind
- AP Cost: 10 --> 30
- MP Cost: 20 + L*2 --> 20 + L*5
- Adusted summoning spells' MP Cost scaling: L*50 --> 100+L*40
- Nerfed Adrenaline
- AI
- Units should no longer perform actions before the results of the previous action are calculated (e.g. shooting arrows at dead enemies).
- Units should no longer do Roundhouse when there aren't enemies in range.
- Changed the way "best melee target" is calculated. Units should no longer break away from nearby enemies to go after a distant enemy with low HP. Also fixes the wasting-a-turn-running-back-and-forth bug.
- Units should no longer pass turns with full AP
- Units should now stack Armor Break appropriately
- Units should now use Mortal Strike on slowed targets
- CC abilities should no longer be duplicated
- Units should now use Stance Dancing appropriately (defensive for tanks, offensive for DPS)
- Ranged DPS should now use a variety of equipped abilities (including Fumigate and Lightning)
- Improved the targeting for DoT abilities
- ... aaaand ... drastically improved Caverns CPU performance
[ 2024-12-10 05:51:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reduced the scaling of Fire/Ice/Thunder/Weeping/Venomous weapon procs
- Fire damage: 30 + L*6 --> 50 + L*4
- Ice jumps: L/5 --> L/7
- Lightning damage: 30 + L*4 --> 50 + L*2
- Weeping/Venomous potency: 10 + L --> 5 + L/2.5
- Reduced the MP cost scaling of Summon Dwarf/Elf/Faerie from L*100 to L*50
- Increased Healing Prayer MP cost scaling from 10 + L*4 to 5 + L*10
- Increased Send Mana AP cost scaling from 25 to 45
- Reduced the Shopkeeper's restock interval from 3hrs to 30mins
- Increased amount of PD sold for real-world currency
- Fixed Armor Spikes
- Fixed the math on XP needed to for Levels 50+ (sorry, Mr. Gentle)
- Fixed a ton of UI layout issues, esp. for smaller resolutions
- Fixed a memory leak in the Blessed rendering, a couple other Caverns leaks, an Armory leak, and a huge leak for anyone on the web hitting the Refresh button.
[ 2024-12-05 07:06:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Armor Class now works as a % damage reduction, not flat
- Removed the Pixie Dust cost for resetting abilities & attributes
- Caverns info panel: added loot items to the legend, blurb about auto-pickup
- Nerfed Multi-shot damage
- Reduced gold rewards for Inn battles
- Fixed a bug resizing the game window from the Shop
- (And, as usual, several other bug fixes not worth mentioning.)
[ 2024-12-02 19:03:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Boosted Suture bleed reduction potency: (20 + Level*(Le/8 + De/12)) --> (20 + Level*(Le/4 + De/8))
- Increased Sanctuary effect range from 2 -> 3
- Rebalanced Mystic focus to cost less AP
- Nerfed the "of Terror" weapon suffix to proc less & have shorter duration
- Increased the stat bonuses of medium & light armor pieces; increased shield AC
- Dwarf/elf/faerie and poppets summons have been limited to 2~5, scaling with ability level
- XP calculation also has been overhauled - leveling up is muuuuuch faster now
- Added a "Sell All" button to the shop
- Fixed a bug unlocking bag slots from the Shop
- Fixed a bug making players unable to sell their starting bags
- When traveling thru doors, heroes will enter in order of Armor Class (tanks in front)
- Heroes now start each run grouped together
- The Caverns view is now pannable by click+dragging
- Fixed a bug allowing players to skip Caverns levels by spam clicking the stairs
- Increased the minimum breadth of hallways
- Resizing the window from the Inn screen no longer breaks the universe
- The Arena turn timer stops at zero now
- Now no rewards will be granted for battles aborted in under 2 minutes
- Player names can now have characters from any language
- You can now move around bags with items in them.
- Fixed a bug calculating teams' HP remaining bars in the Inn/Arena
- Added a tutorial for new players
- Restricted areas of the game for beginners, starting out in Caverns and progressively unlocking other
- Added new weapon prefix "Gladiator's" - 20% chance to stun.
- Added mod commands to silence misbehaving players; deputized Mr. Gentle, Trevor, Draquonis2019, and Meisterlampe as mods.
- Audio will now be muted when tabbing out / minimizing the game.
- Pixie Dust store appeal for wishlists is now an appeal for reviews
- Added Russian language support
- Fixed many Ability Tooltips
- Fixed AI lockups caused by Enraged conditions
- Fixed several other AI bugs causing infinite loops in Caverns
- Fixed AI bugs preventing the Support tree from using Send Mana and Sanctuary
- Fixed a bug causing ranged units to charge in for melee attacks
- When surrounded, toons will look to melee attack an adjacent mob rather than pass turn
- Dead body debris now disappears after 60 seconds
- Fixed a (bad) memory leak on the Edit Hero screen
- Did an optimization to the peanuts animation
- Fixed a caverns memory leak
- Did an optimization to the blessed rendering
- Reduced number of particles rendered for Blessed condition and Molotov explosion
[ 2024-11-30 06:58:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, everyone!
Today, Dungeon Team delves into its most challenging dungeon yet: Kickstarter! We are happy and proud to have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help get Dungeon Team to a new level. Here's how you can help us reach the next level.
We have a funding goal of $10,000, and we need your help to get it. The game's core features are ready, but we would love to accomplish our vision for this project to unlock its true potential. If you enjoy playing this game, don't hesitate to support us, as the campaign's success is vital to let us continue working on this project.
If you want to see a complete campaign description and learn the different rewards, stretch goals, and so on, please come with us. And don't be shy about recommending us to other potential Dungeon Team's players. We have unlimited space in our virtual dungeon for everyone!
[ 2023-05-09 14:03:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- [0 B]
PvP Arena
PvP can be synchronous or asynchronous, meaning you can play in real-time with anyone online, or challenge other players' AI-controlled squads - people can challenge your squads while you're away, too, so make sure your builds & AI settings are top notch! You'll get ratings and leaderboard placements for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, and 7v7 divisions.Caverns
Caverns is an a PvE idle dungeon crawl where your whole hero roster (up to 11 classes) will auto-battle a procedural slew of goblins, kobolds, etc.There's a lot of depth to the mechanics for developing your units, including:
- 57 unique abilities
- 8 mix-&-match ability trees (Bow Use, Melee Combat, Alchemy, Conjuration, etc.)
- Procedurally-generated equipment system
- An altar to beg the gods for better gear ;)
- AI roles waterfall (Tank, DPS Close, DPS ranged, Support, Interference)
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 or above (x64)
- Processor: Core i3-4160T. 3.1GHzMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 300 MB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 300 MB available space
- Storage: 300 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]