Dear oil barons, our game Oil Enterprise is now available in Turkish language. Have fun!
Dear oil barons, our game Oil Enterprise is now available in Turkish language. Have fun!
Dear oil barons, we are proud to announce that our game Oil Enterprise will leave EARLY ACCESS today. We thank you so much for your support and feedback during the exciting development time of Oil Enterprise. We hope that you will have a lot of fun playing the game! We and our publisher astragon will of course be reading all posts and will check out the forum to give you support. Keep on drilling!
Dear oil barons, we are proud to announce that our game Oil Enterprise will leave EARLY ACCESS today. We thank you so much for your support and feedback during the exciting development time of Oil Enterprise. We hope that you will have a lot of fun playing the game! We and our publisher astragon will of course be reading all posts and will check out the forum to give you support. Keep on drilling!
Dear oil barons
The last update on Oil Enterprise was some time ago as we have been completely focusing on finishing the game. We are now being supported by the publisher astragon Entertainment and will very soon be able to reveal the release date. Thanks to this collaboration, our game will also be available as a "real" boxed version from all well-known retailers. In version 1.03 we have:
- new scenario "Siberian Blues"
- fixed minor bugs in the German language version;
- reworked the English language version;
- added French, Spanish and Russian translations;
- removed the incomplete Polish community translation.
- points for quick mission completion are only awarded if the scenario has been completed;
- building rotation was saved incorrectly on some oilfields. This has been corrected.
Dear oil barons
The last update on Oil Enterprise was some time ago as we have been completely focusing on finishing the game. We are now being supported by the publisher astragon Entertainment and will very soon be able to reveal the release date. Thanks to this collaboration, our game will also be available as a "real" boxed version from all well-known retailers. In version 1.03 we have:
- new scenario "Siberian Blues"
- fixed minor bugs in the German language version;
- reworked the English language version;
- added French, Spanish and Russian translations;
- removed the incomplete Polish community translation.
- points for quick mission completion are only awarded if the scenario has been completed;
- building rotation was saved incorrectly on some oilfields. This has been corrected.
Dear CEOs! First of all, sorry for the long time of no Updates for Oil Enterprise! Some have already seen updates made to the "public beta"-Branch of Oil Enterprise, these changes are now available to all:
- "Market Quickaccess" window, a small market window that can be "always open"
- Completely reworked tutorial, better explaining all available features and better introducing to the gameplay
- Hostbrowser for network games (not steambased to allow for "real" cross plattform in the future)
- Automatic detection of "local" Network games in the host browser without typing an IP address
- Reworked help texts
- Controller-Inputs (e.g. by a steering wheel plugged in) do not disturb the mouse cursor any more
- "private" Network games, which (just like before) are not sent to the server browser
- Accidents caused by insufficient safety only occur at least 3 months after starting the game to avoid dead ends right after beginning
- Added a second hard scenario "The President"
- Activated "limited oil reserves" for the scenarios "Family bonds", "Ice age", "Capitalist" and "The President", making those scenarios even more challenging
- Fixed some texting errors
- Fixed a crash when leaving a network game
Dear CEOs! First of all, sorry for the long time of no Updates for Oil Enterprise! Some have already seen updates made to the "public beta"-Branch of Oil Enterprise, these changes are now available to all:
- "Market Quickaccess" window, a small market window that can be "always open"
- Completely reworked tutorial, better explaining all available features and better introducing to the gameplay
- Hostbrowser for network games (not steambased to allow for "real" cross plattform in the future)
- Automatic detection of "local" Network games in the host browser without typing an IP address
- Reworked help texts
- Controller-Inputs (e.g. by a steering wheel plugged in) do not disturb the mouse cursor any more
- "private" Network games, which (just like before) are not sent to the server browser
- Accidents caused by insufficient safety only occur at least 3 months after starting the game to avoid dead ends right after beginning
- Added a second hard scenario "The President"
- Activated "limited oil reserves" for the scenarios "Family bonds", "Ice age", "Capitalist" and "The President", making those scenarios even more challenging
- Fixed some texting errors
- Fixed a crash when leaving a network game
Liebe Bosse! (english below) Dieses Update ist ein kleineres aber dennoch ein wichtiges. Ihr hattet bestimmt schon einmal das Problem, Verträge zu planen und einzuschätzen, ob ein bestimmter Vertrag angenommen werden sollte oder wie hoch die aktuellen Produktionskosten eures Öls in der aktiven Region sind. Wir haben die Lösung dieser Probleme, nämlich den Vertragsplaner. Vertragsplaner Der Planer beginnt am aktuellen Tag und zeigt unterschriebene Verträge und deren Dauer an. In den verfügbaren Verträgen zeigt er zusätzlich die Auswirkungen der Annahme des unter der Maus befindlichen Vertrags. Vertikale Linien sind wöchentliche Unterteilungen, fährt man mit der Maus über den Bereich, wird das genaue Projektionsdatum, Anzahl aktiver Verträge und der voraussichtliche Füllstand des Lagers dargestellt. Ganz unten befindet sich die "Lagerstandsvorschau" die anzeigt, wie viel Öl am Beginn der Woche im Lager wäre wenn der freie Markt nicht genutzt wird. Die Projektion stoppt entweder, wenn alle Verträge erfüllt wurden oder wenn die Konstellation zu einem Vertragsbruch führen würde. Weiters wurde ein kleiner Bugfix eingebaut, der Fortschrittsindikator rechts unten (zB bei "Gebäude wird repariert") wurde nicht entfernt, wenn das Gebäude abgerissen wurde. Außerdem haben wir eine automatische Qualitätsanpassung eingeführt, um unspielbare Geschwindigkeiten zu verhindern, indem langsam leistungshungrige Effekte zurückgefahren werden, zB die Kantenglättung. Das ist besonders wichtig für Mac-Spieler, da aus irgendeinem Grund der "Tiefenunschärfe"-Effekt sehr schlecht für Macs ist (3 Bilder / Sekunde mit aktivem Effekt verglichen mit mehr als 60 ohne bei einem kurzen Testlauf). Das sollte nun maximal für wenige Sekunden am Spielbeginn der Fall sein, bis die schlechte Spielbarkeit vom Spiel erkannt wurde. Viel Spaß mit dem Update, und fröhliches Geldscheffeln! Dear CEOs! This update is a small one, but very important nonetheless. You certainly already faced the problem to plan ahead with your contracts and assess whether to accept a certain contract and how a specific contract compares to your current production cost. We made a solution to this problem, namely the contract planner. Contract Planner The planner starts out at the current date and displays signed contracts and how long they will be active. In available contracts hovering a contract in the list shows a projection of "what if this contract would be accepted". Every vertical bar is one week in the future, hover for a tooltip with the exact date, number of active contracts and storage capacity. At the bottom there is a small "projected storage indicator", which shows how much oil you will have in store if you don't sell anything on the free market. The projection stops either when no more contracts would be active or as soon as you would run out of oil and fail a contract. There was also a minor bugfix with a progress indicator (eg. "building is being repaired") not being removed when the building is torn down. And we have introduced an automatic quality adaption to prevent unplayable framerates by gradually tuning down performance-hungry effects like AntiAliasing. This is especially important for Mac-Users as for some reason the "Depth of Field"-Effect is extremely bad on Macs (3 fps with as opposed to >60 fps without the effect on a quick testrun, all else being equal). This should now only be the case for a few seconds until the bad performance is verified. Enjoy the update, and happy earning!
Liebe Bosse! (english below) Dieses Update ist ein kleineres aber dennoch ein wichtiges. Ihr hattet bestimmt schon einmal das Problem, Vertrge zu planen und einzuschtzen, ob ein bestimmter Vertrag angenommen werden sollte oder wie hoch die aktuellen Produktionskosten eures ls in der aktiven Region sind. Wir haben die Lsung dieser Probleme, nmlich den Vertragsplaner. Vertragsplaner Der Planer beginnt am aktuellen Tag und zeigt unterschriebene Vertrge und deren Dauer an. In den verfgbaren Vertrgen zeigt er zustzlich die Auswirkungen der Annahme des unter der Maus befindlichen Vertrags. Vertikale Linien sind wchentliche Unterteilungen, fhrt man mit der Maus ber den Bereich, wird das genaue Projektionsdatum, Anzahl aktiver Vertrge und der voraussichtliche Fllstand des Lagers dargestellt. Ganz unten befindet sich die "Lagerstandsvorschau" die anzeigt, wie viel l am Beginn der Woche im Lager wre wenn der freie Markt nicht genutzt wird. Die Projektion stoppt entweder, wenn alle Vertrge erfllt wurden oder wenn die Konstellation zu einem Vertragsbruch fhren wrde. Weiters wurde ein kleiner Bugfix eingebaut, der Fortschrittsindikator rechts unten (zB bei "Gebude wird repariert") wurde nicht entfernt, wenn das Gebude abgerissen wurde. Auerdem haben wir eine automatische Qualittsanpassung eingefhrt, um unspielbare Geschwindigkeiten zu verhindern, indem langsam leistungshungrige Effekte zurckgefahren werden, zB die Kantenglttung. Das ist besonders wichtig fr Mac-Spieler, da aus irgendeinem Grund der "Tiefenunschrfe"-Effekt sehr schlecht fr Macs ist (3 Bilder / Sekunde mit aktivem Effekt verglichen mit mehr als 60 ohne bei einem kurzen Testlauf). Das sollte nun maximal fr wenige Sekunden am Spielbeginn der Fall sein, bis die schlechte Spielbarkeit vom Spiel erkannt wurde. Viel Spa mit dem Update, und frhliches Geldscheffeln! Dear CEOs! This update is a small one, but very important nonetheless. You certainly already faced the problem to plan ahead with your contracts and assess whether to accept a certain contract and how a specific contract compares to your current production cost. We made a solution to this problem, namely the contract planner. Contract Planner The planner starts out at the current date and displays signed contracts and how long they will be active. In available contracts hovering a contract in the list shows a projection of "what if this contract would be accepted". Every vertical bar is one week in the future, hover for a tooltip with the exact date, number of active contracts and storage capacity. At the bottom there is a small "projected storage indicator", which shows how much oil you will have in store if you don't sell anything on the free market. The projection stops either when no more contracts would be active or as soon as you would run out of oil and fail a contract. There was also a minor bugfix with a progress indicator (eg. "building is being repaired") not being removed when the building is torn down. And we have introduced an automatic quality adaption to prevent unplayable framerates by gradually tuning down performance-hungry effects like AntiAliasing. This is especially important for Mac-Users as for some reason the "Depth of Field"-Effect is extremely bad on Macs (3 fps with as opposed to >60 fps without the effect on a quick testrun, all else being equal). This should now only be the case for a few seconds until the bad performance is verified. Enjoy the update, and happy earning!
Werte Bosse!
(english Version below) Zuerst einmal möchte ich für die lange Wartezeit auf den vorliegenden Build 13 von Oil Enterprise um Entschuldigung bitten, nicht zuletzt durch das positive Feedback aus der Community sind wir zuversichtlich, dass unser Spiel bald den "Releasefähigen Zustand" erreicht haben wird, und sind daher schon in den Vorbereitungen dafür. Wir haben es aber nun geschafft, den Mehrspielermodus vom "definitiven Plan" zum "eingebauten Feature" zu machen, und werden dies mit dem heutigen Update auch auf unserer Shopseite ausweisen: Oil Enterprise ist jetzt ein Mehrspielerfähiges Spiel! Das sieht man auch in den Update-Notizen:
- Die Auswahl des zu bauenden Gebäudes ist jetzt erheblich hübscher
- Die Hardwareanforderungen wurden durch diverse Maßnahmen bei der Ölfelddarstellung deutlich reduziert
- "Nachrichtenwarteschlange": Wichtige Nachrichten erscheinen jetzt der Reihe nach, wenn zB mehrere Verträge gleichzeitig abbrechen, wird für jeden Vertrag eine entsprechende Meldung gezeigt, bisher nur für einen davon
- Freies Spiel / Mehrspieler: "Auslaufende Reserve"-Punkt in den Punkt "Vorkommensgröße" integriert, heißt jetzt "Vorkommensgröße: unendlich"
- Mehrspieler: Beim Spielstart kann der Host jetzt Ziele und Ausgangsbedingungen definieren
- Mehrspieler: Der Host kann jetzt in der Lobby einzelne Spieler aus dem Spiel entfernen
- Mehrspieler: Doppelte Namen werden bei der Serververbindung verhindert
- Mehrspieler: Spielende wurde umgesetzt ("Einziger überlebender Spieler", "Alle Ziele als erster Erreicht" usw)
- Mehrspieler: Regionale und globale Ereignisse treten jetzt synchron überall auf, nur lokale Ereignisse werden nach wie vor von den einzelnen Spielern ausgelöst
- Mehrspieler: Das Annehmen und Beenden von Verträgen funktioniert nun auch auf Clients korrekt
- Mehrspieler: Diverse Fehler bei Betreten / Verlassen / Neustart des Mehrspieler korrigiert
- Mehrspieler: Startpositionen anderer Spieler erscheinen nach Auswahl auf der Weltkarte
- Mehrspieler: Der Host kann eine maximale Spieleranzahl festlegen
- Die Mac-Version war durch einen Unity-Bug nicht startfähig, ist es aber nun wieder
- Hindernisse entfernen funktioniert wieder
Dear Bosses!
First of all I want to apologize for the long time you had to wait for this Build 13 of Oil Enterprise, the feedback we are receiving makes us confident that our game will soon reach "release-ready state", which we are preparing in parallel. We also made it to get the multiplayer mode from a "definitive plan" to an "implemented feature", and will announce so on our shop page as well: Oil Enterprise is now officially multiplayer enabled! This also reflects in our update notes:
- Choosing a building to construct has become a lot more beautiful
- Hardware requirements for displaying well-filled oilfields have been reduced significantly
- "Message queue": Important messages now appear one after another, e.g. when several contracts fail at once, every contract now shows a separate message, so far only one did
- Free Game / Multiplayer: "Ending reserves"-Feature integrated into "Deposit size", it is now called "Deposit size: infinite"
- Multiplayer: The host can now define starting conditions and goals
- Multiplayer: The host can now kick players from the lobby
- Multiplayer: Duplicate names are now prevented
- Multiplayer: Gameover implemented ("Sole survivor", "All goals achieved first" and so on)
- Multiplayer: Regional and global Events are now synchronized across the game, only local events remain executed by one player only
- Multiplayer: Accepting and fulfilling contracts now works correctly even for clients
- Multiplayer: Several bugs on entering / leaving / restarting Multiplayer fixed
- Multiplayer: Starting positions of other players show up on the world map
- Multiplayer: The host can set a maximum number of players that may join
- The Mac build was broken due to a Unity bug, but works again Coming up next we will implement multiplayer
- Removing obstacles works again
Werte Bosse!
(english Version below) Zuerst einmal mchte ich fr die lange Wartezeit auf den vorliegenden Build 13 von Oil Enterprise um Entschuldigung bitten, nicht zuletzt durch das positive Feedback aus der Community sind wir zuversichtlich, dass unser Spiel bald den "Releasefhigen Zustand" erreicht haben wird, und sind daher schon in den Vorbereitungen dafr. Wir haben es aber nun geschafft, den Mehrspielermodus vom "definitiven Plan" zum "eingebauten Feature" zu machen, und werden dies mit dem heutigen Update auch auf unserer Shopseite ausweisen: Oil Enterprise ist jetzt ein Mehrspielerfhiges Spiel! Das sieht man auch in den Update-Notizen:
- Die Auswahl des zu bauenden Gebudes ist jetzt erheblich hbscher
- Die Hardwareanforderungen wurden durch diverse Manahmen bei der lfelddarstellung deutlich reduziert
- "Nachrichtenwarteschlange": Wichtige Nachrichten erscheinen jetzt der Reihe nach, wenn zB mehrere Vertrge gleichzeitig abbrechen, wird fr jeden Vertrag eine entsprechende Meldung gezeigt, bisher nur fr einen davon
- Freies Spiel / Mehrspieler: "Auslaufende Reserve"-Punkt in den Punkt "Vorkommensgre" integriert, heit jetzt "Vorkommensgre: unendlich"
- Mehrspieler: Beim Spielstart kann der Host jetzt Ziele und Ausgangsbedingungen definieren
- Mehrspieler: Der Host kann jetzt in der Lobby einzelne Spieler aus dem Spiel entfernen
- Mehrspieler: Doppelte Namen werden bei der Serververbindung verhindert
- Mehrspieler: Spielende wurde umgesetzt ("Einziger berlebender Spieler", "Alle Ziele als erster Erreicht" usw)
- Mehrspieler: Regionale und globale Ereignisse treten jetzt synchron berall auf, nur lokale Ereignisse werden nach wie vor von den einzelnen Spielern ausgelst
- Mehrspieler: Das Annehmen und Beenden von Vertrgen funktioniert nun auch auf Clients korrekt
- Mehrspieler: Diverse Fehler bei Betreten / Verlassen / Neustart des Mehrspieler korrigiert
- Mehrspieler: Startpositionen anderer Spieler erscheinen nach Auswahl auf der Weltkarte
- Mehrspieler: Der Host kann eine maximale Spieleranzahl festlegen
- Die Mac-Version war durch einen Unity-Bug nicht startfhig, ist es aber nun wieder
- Hindernisse entfernen funktioniert wieder
Dear Bosses!
First of all I want to apologize for the long time you had to wait for this Build 13 of Oil Enterprise, the feedback we are receiving makes us confident that our game will soon reach "release-ready state", which we are preparing in parallel. We also made it to get the multiplayer mode from a "definitive plan" to an "implemented feature", and will announce so on our shop page as well: Oil Enterprise is now officially multiplayer enabled! This also reflects in our update notes:
- Choosing a building to construct has become a lot more beautiful
- Hardware requirements for displaying well-filled oilfields have been reduced significantly
- "Message queue": Important messages now appear one after another, e.g. when several contracts fail at once, every contract now shows a separate message, so far only one did
- Free Game / Multiplayer: "Ending reserves"-Feature integrated into "Deposit size", it is now called "Deposit size: infinite"
- Multiplayer: The host can now define starting conditions and goals
- Multiplayer: The host can now kick players from the lobby
- Multiplayer: Duplicate names are now prevented
- Multiplayer: Gameover implemented ("Sole survivor", "All goals achieved first" and so on)
- Multiplayer: Regional and global Events are now synchronized across the game, only local events remain executed by one player only
- Multiplayer: Accepting and fulfilling contracts now works correctly even for clients
- Multiplayer: Several bugs on entering / leaving / restarting Multiplayer fixed
- Multiplayer: Starting positions of other players show up on the world map
- Multiplayer: The host can set a maximum number of players that may join
- The Mac build was broken due to a Unity bug, but works again Coming up next we will implement multiplayer
- Removing obstacles works again
Dear CEOs!
(deutsch weiter unten) This Build of Oil Enterprise brings you depleting oilfields and improved network gameplay. In Detail
- Implemented "depleting reserves", available in free game when set up accordingly
- Implemented simple ingame chat for network games
- Implemented a company evaluation as base for network rankings
- Implemented network scoreboard based on company evaluation
- Changed "Corporate information" to "Oilfield information" showing same info as the Region Information window, including depletion prognosis
- Added drag+drop camera control for the field camera, just drag from an empty area
- Improved shadow display quality
- Switched precision in certain areas (account balance, oilfield reserve) from "single" to "double"; high account values > 1 billion caused calculation imprecisions
- Corporate information (logo, company name, current oilfield name) is now modifyable from the pause menu instead of the "brain" main menu button
- Oilfield information received a button "show on world map" to quickly get into the region display of the current oilfield
- Oilfields can now stop producing oil on some medium and all hard difficulty scenarios when reserves are depleted
- Fixed test drilling model was invisible
- Fixed some message entries
- Fixed display problems on the world map
- Improved diversity on reserve modification events
- Fixed abbrevation of "Barrel", it is now correctly "Bbl"
- Fixed secondary key assignment
- Fixed sporadical NullReferenceException when launching a new game
- Improved stats for "resource extracted". Existing games will have this stat reset to zero on loading, new games will work fine
- Fixed region bonus display showing up on regions without actual bonusses
- Fixed scenario goal "oilfields owned" - it was counting region licences instead of oilfield ownerships
- Fixed scenario goal "oil stored", storage was duplicated by number of oilfields in the region
Liebe Bosse!
Diese Version von Oil Enterprise bringt euch endliche Ölfelder und verbessert das Netzwerkspiel. Im Detail:
- "Endliche Ölfelder" umgesetzt, verfügbar im Freien Spiel, wenn es entsprechend konfiguriert wurde
- Einfacher Chat für das Netzwerkspiel umgesetzt
- Unternehmensbewertung als Basis für Netzwerkspiel-Rankings umgesetzt
- Punktetafel für den Vergleich der Spieler auf Basis der Unternehmensbewertung im Netzwerkmodus umgesetzt
- "Unternehmensinfo" auf "ölfeldinfo" im Hauptmenü geändert, hier werden nun die selben Informationen wie im Regions-Info-Fenster angezeigt, einschließlich Prognose für das Förderungsende
- Drag & Drop-Kamerasteuerung für die Ölfeld- und Hauptquartierkamera umgesetzt, einfach in einen nicht bebauten Bereich klicken und ziehen
- Schatten-Anzeigequalität verbessert
- In bestimmten Bereichen (Kontostand, Ölfeldreserve) wurde die Genauigkeit der Berechnung von "einfach" auf "doppelt" erhöht; hohe Kontostände (> 1 Mrd.) hatten Ungenauigkeiten in der Berechnung zur Folge
- Unternehmensinformation (Logo, Name, Ölfeldname) ist nun aus dem Pause-Menü heraus modifizierbar anstelle aus dem "Gehirn"-Knopf des Hauptmenüs
- Ölfeldinformation hat einen Knopf "Auf Weltkarte zeigen" bekommen, um schnell in die Region des derzeitigen Ölfelds auf der Weltkarte zu wechseln
- Ölfelder sind jetzt auch in manchen mittleren und allen schweren Szenarien endlich
- Korrigiert: Modell für die Probebohrungs war unsichtbar
- Einige Nachrichten-Einträge korrigiert
- Anzeigeprobleme auf der Weltkarte korrigiert
- Diversität der Lagerstätten-Modifikation erhöht
- Abkürzung von "Barrel" korrigiert, ist jetzt korrekt "Bbl"
- Alternativ-Tastenbelegungsfunktion korrigiert
- Gelegentliche Hänger beim Starten des Spiels korrigiert
- Statistik für "Öl gefördert" verbessert. Bestehende Speicherstände werden diese Statustik auf 0 zurückgesetzt bekommen, neue Spiele sollten normal funktionieren
- Regions-Modifikator-Anzeige ohne tatsächliche Modifikationen auf der Weltkarte korrigiert
- Szenarioziel "Ölfelder in Besitz" korrigiert, es wurde die Anzahl der Regionslizenzen anstelle der Ölfelder gezählt
- Szenarioziel "Öl gelagert" korrigiert, der Lagerstand wurde mit der Anzahl der Ölfelder in der Region multipliziert
Dear CEOs!
(deutsch weiter unten) This Build of Oil Enterprise brings you depleting oilfields and improved network gameplay. In Detail
- Implemented "depleting reserves", available in free game when set up accordingly
- Implemented simple ingame chat for network games
- Implemented a company evaluation as base for network rankings
- Implemented network scoreboard based on company evaluation
- Changed "Corporate information" to "Oilfield information" showing same info as the Region Information window, including depletion prognosis
- Added drag+drop camera control for the field camera, just drag from an empty area
- Improved shadow display quality
- Switched precision in certain areas (account balance, oilfield reserve) from "single" to "double"; high account values > 1 billion caused calculation imprecisions
- Corporate information (logo, company name, current oilfield name) is now modifyable from the pause menu instead of the "brain" main menu button
- Oilfield information received a button "show on world map" to quickly get into the region display of the current oilfield
- Oilfields can now stop producing oil on some medium and all hard difficulty scenarios when reserves are depleted
- Fixed test drilling model was invisible
- Fixed some message entries
- Fixed display problems on the world map
- Improved diversity on reserve modification events
- Fixed abbrevation of "Barrel", it is now correctly "Bbl"
- Fixed secondary key assignment
- Fixed sporadical NullReferenceException when launching a new game
- Improved stats for "resource extracted". Existing games will have this stat reset to zero on loading, new games will work fine
- Fixed region bonus display showing up on regions without actual bonusses
- Fixed scenario goal "oilfields owned" - it was counting region licences instead of oilfield ownerships
- Fixed scenario goal "oil stored", storage was duplicated by number of oilfields in the region
Liebe Bosse!
Diese Version von Oil Enterprise bringt euch endliche lfelder und verbessert das Netzwerkspiel. Im Detail:
- "Endliche lfelder" umgesetzt, verfgbar im Freien Spiel, wenn es entsprechend konfiguriert wurde
- Einfacher Chat fr das Netzwerkspiel umgesetzt
- Unternehmensbewertung als Basis fr Netzwerkspiel-Rankings umgesetzt
- Punktetafel fr den Vergleich der Spieler auf Basis der Unternehmensbewertung im Netzwerkmodus umgesetzt
- "Unternehmensinfo" auf "lfeldinfo" im Hauptmen gendert, hier werden nun die selben Informationen wie im Regions-Info-Fenster angezeigt, einschlielich Prognose fr das Frderungsende
- Drag & Drop-Kamerasteuerung fr die lfeld- und Hauptquartierkamera umgesetzt, einfach in einen nicht bebauten Bereich klicken und ziehen
- Schatten-Anzeigequalitt verbessert
- In bestimmten Bereichen (Kontostand, lfeldreserve) wurde die Genauigkeit der Berechnung von "einfach" auf "doppelt" erhht; hohe Kontostnde (> 1 Mrd.) hatten Ungenauigkeiten in der Berechnung zur Folge
- Unternehmensinformation (Logo, Name, lfeldname) ist nun aus dem Pause-Men heraus modifizierbar anstelle aus dem "Gehirn"-Knopf des Hauptmens
- lfeldinformation hat einen Knopf "Auf Weltkarte zeigen" bekommen, um schnell in die Region des derzeitigen lfelds auf der Weltkarte zu wechseln
- lfelder sind jetzt auch in manchen mittleren und allen schweren Szenarien endlich
- Korrigiert: Modell fr die Probebohrungs war unsichtbar
- Einige Nachrichten-Eintrge korrigiert
- Anzeigeprobleme auf der Weltkarte korrigiert
- Diversitt der Lagersttten-Modifikation erhht
- Abkrzung von "Barrel" korrigiert, ist jetzt korrekt "Bbl"
- Alternativ-Tastenbelegungsfunktion korrigiert
- Gelegentliche Hnger beim Starten des Spiels korrigiert
- Statistik fr "l gefrdert" verbessert. Bestehende Speicherstnde werden diese Statustik auf 0 zurckgesetzt bekommen, neue Spiele sollten normal funktionieren
- Regions-Modifikator-Anzeige ohne tatschliche Modifikationen auf der Weltkarte korrigiert
- Szenarioziel "lfelder in Besitz" korrigiert, es wurde die Anzahl der Regionslizenzen anstelle der lfelder gezhlt
- Szenarioziel "l gelagert" korrigiert, der Lagerstand wurde mit der Anzahl der lfelder in der Region multipliziert
Dear CEOs!
(deutsche Version weiter unten) Welcome to Build EA11 of Oil Enterprise! Most important feature of this build is the completely reworked worldmap, please comment on the new looks!
- Added "high impact" flag to events, preventing killers like "total logistics loss" to appear before you own at least 3 oilfields
- Complete rework of the world map, now displays active effects and owners of fields in multiplayer
- Company Logos now have a background color
- You can now place multiple buildings by holding (left) shift key, also adaptable in the key setup
- Added some background animations to the headquarter
- Fixed messages were saved indefinitely, slowing down the whole game after a while
- The new oilfield designs are now also available in scenarios
- Fixed scoring for some scenarios
- Fixed "datesep" showing in some dates
- Some region effects (like fracking bonus or logistics malus) were added to the region as well as to all affected companies, doubling their calculated effect. Won't happen for new games any more
Werte Bosse!
Willkommen zu Build EA11 von Oil Enterprise! Wichtigste und augenscheinlichste Neuerung dieser Version ist die vollständig überarbeitete Weltkarte. Wir freuen uns über Kommentare zum neuen Aussehen!
- "Schwerer Effekt"-Markierung zu manchen Ereignissen hinzugefügt, es verhindert, dass "Killer" wie kompletter Logistikausfall auftauchen, bevor man mindestens 3 Ölfelder besitzt.
- Vollständige Überarbeitung der Weltkarte, sie zeigt jetzt aktive Effekte und im Mehrspieler auch die Logos der Ölfeldbesitzer an
- Firmenlogos haben jetzt eine Hintergrundfarbe
- Man kann jetzt mehrere Gebäude in Folge platzieren, wenn man die (linke) Umschalttaste beim Klicken gedrückt hält, die Taste kann auch in den Einstellungen angepasst werden
- Einige Hintergrundanimationen im Hauptquartier hinzugefügt
- Korrigiert: Nachrichten wurden "unendlich" gespeichert, was das Spiel nach längerer Spieldauer verlangsamt hat
- Die neuen Ölfelder sind jetzt auch in den Szenarien verfügbar
- Punktevergabe für einige Szenarien angepasst
- "datesep"-Anzeige in manchen Datumsanzeigen korrigiert
- Einige Regionseffekte (wie zB "Fracking" oder der Logisitikmalus) wurden sowohl auf die Region als auch auf die einzelnen Ölfelder angewendet, wodurch sie dann doppelt abgerechnet wurden. In neuen Spielen kommt dies nicht mehr vor.
Dear CEOs!
(deutsche Version weiter unten) Welcome to Build EA11 of Oil Enterprise! Most important feature of this build is the completely reworked worldmap, please comment on the new looks!
- Added "high impact" flag to events, preventing killers like "total logistics loss" to appear before you own at least 3 oilfields
- Complete rework of the world map, now displays active effects and owners of fields in multiplayer
- Company Logos now have a background color
- You can now place multiple buildings by holding (left) shift key, also adaptable in the key setup
- Added some background animations to the headquarter
- Fixed messages were saved indefinitely, slowing down the whole game after a while
- The new oilfield designs are now also available in scenarios
- Fixed scoring for some scenarios
- Fixed "datesep" showing in some dates
- Some region effects (like fracking bonus or logistics malus) were added to the region as well as to all affected companies, doubling their calculated effect. Won't happen for new games any more
Werte Bosse!
Willkommen zu Build EA11 von Oil Enterprise! Wichtigste und augenscheinlichste Neuerung dieser Version ist die vollstndig berarbeitete Weltkarte. Wir freuen uns ber Kommentare zum neuen Aussehen!
- "Schwerer Effekt"-Markierung zu manchen Ereignissen hinzugefgt, es verhindert, dass "Killer" wie kompletter Logistikausfall auftauchen, bevor man mindestens 3 lfelder besitzt.
- Vollstndige berarbeitung der Weltkarte, sie zeigt jetzt aktive Effekte und im Mehrspieler auch die Logos der lfeldbesitzer an
- Firmenlogos haben jetzt eine Hintergrundfarbe
- Man kann jetzt mehrere Gebude in Folge platzieren, wenn man die (linke) Umschalttaste beim Klicken gedrckt hlt, die Taste kann auch in den Einstellungen angepasst werden
- Einige Hintergrundanimationen im Hauptquartier hinzugefgt
- Korrigiert: Nachrichten wurden "unendlich" gespeichert, was das Spiel nach lngerer Spieldauer verlangsamt hat
- Die neuen lfelder sind jetzt auch in den Szenarien verfgbar
- Punktevergabe fr einige Szenarien angepasst
- "datesep"-Anzeige in manchen Datumsanzeigen korrigiert
- Einige Regionseffekte (wie zB "Fracking" oder der Logisitikmalus) wurden sowohl auf die Region als auch auf die einzelnen lfelder angewendet, wodurch sie dann doppelt abgerechnet wurden. In neuen Spielen kommt dies nicht mehr vor.
Dear fellow CEOs! (deutsche Version) After a long time of no updates, we are finally able to present you with Build 10 of Oil Enterprise! Primary attraction of this build is the all new networked game mode! I want to stress that this is still a preview, and it hasn't been extensively tested so far, but it sure looks promising, and I would like to ask you to give it a ride! There is no matchmaking right now, so you'll need to exchange IPs manually. We did come up with a firewall punchthrough via UPnP, but it is hard to tell whether this works for all firewalls or not, it did work fine for ours anyways. The network gameplay itself does synchronize Time, market pricing, contracts and oilfields owned as of now, and it is an endless game, enough to test, but really not enough to enjoy. If you really want to enjoy it, give us a little more time to flesh it out, make it more stable and more userfriendly. Plan right now is to merge the freegame setup into the network lobby to enable as precise a setup as for the freegame for setting up the network game. In other news, Ronny came up with the idea for a complete rework of the visuals to make them more "friendly". We started with the oilfields, and it looks totally different to us. Let us know what you think! We also added 3 more oilfield designs, currently only available in freegame. The changes in detail:
- New Oilfield Design "Forest 2"
- New Oilfield Design "Steppe"
- New Oilfield Design "Coast 2"
- New look for all oilfields
- Animated river for oilfield "mountain"
- Preview of community translations for Russian, Polish and French
- Preview of network gameplay mode
- Deactivated "try again" for free game endscreen
- Added missing budget check for obstacle removal
- Removed market tendency, it wasn't making any sense
- Fixed some scenario ending conditions
- Fixed cancelling contracts from another oilfield
- Fixed some display problems with russian on buttons
- Added missing translation for freegame welcome message
Dear fellow CEOs! (deutsche Version) After a long time of no updates, we are finally able to present you with Build 10 of Oil Enterprise! Primary attraction of this build is the all new networked game mode! I want to stress that this is still a preview, and it hasn't been extensively tested so far, but it sure looks promising, and I would like to ask you to give it a ride! There is no matchmaking right now, so you'll need to exchange IPs manually. We did come up with a firewall punchthrough via UPnP, but it is hard to tell whether this works for all firewalls or not, it did work fine for ours anyways. The network gameplay itself does synchronize Time, market pricing, contracts and oilfields owned as of now, and it is an endless game, enough to test, but really not enough to enjoy. If you really want to enjoy it, give us a little more time to flesh it out, make it more stable and more userfriendly. Plan right now is to merge the freegame setup into the network lobby to enable as precise a setup as for the freegame for setting up the network game. In other news, Ronny came up with the idea for a complete rework of the visuals to make them more "friendly". We started with the oilfields, and it looks totally different to us. Let us know what you think! We also added 3 more oilfield designs, currently only available in freegame. The changes in detail:
- New Oilfield Design "Forest 2"
- New Oilfield Design "Steppe"
- New Oilfield Design "Coast 2"
- New look for all oilfields
- Animated river for oilfield "mountain"
- Preview of community translations for Russian, Polish and French
- Preview of network gameplay mode
- Deactivated "try again" for free game endscreen
- Added missing budget check for obstacle removal
- Removed market tendency, it wasn't making any sense
- Fixed some scenario ending conditions
- Fixed cancelling contracts from another oilfield
- Fixed some display problems with russian on buttons
- Added missing translation for freegame welcome message
Greetings CEOs! Well, The Plan(tm) was to make just a quick hotfixing for the annoying issues currently present. It became quite more than a hotfix, for sheer size. It also contains some improvements for bug reporting simplicity, but should basically improve stability and lower bug-density. Have a nice weekend!
- Windows only: the Logfile of each session now automatically gets archived on normal quitting of the game, directory
/OilEnterprise/log/ - The mainmenu (right after the intro) should now come up a lot quicker than before
- Fixed: The enterprise tradeaccounts only showed expenses for HQ buildings, now all accounts data is displayed
- Fixed: The capacity details only showed localize-keys instead of actual information
- Fixed: White overlay and failure to enter oilfields
- Fixed: Building decay actually accelerated with Maint between 50% and 100%, instead of decelerating down to 0
- Fixed: Time continued to run while placing a building
- Fixed: Steamstats are now operational between sessions
- The HQ camera das some strange behaviour in the lowest part of the screen
- Fixed: Sometimes the Save-Game-Button in the Savegame dialogue wouldn't get reenabled
- Fixed: Time continued to run while loading an oilfield
- Improved Oilfield and HQ loading sequences to prevent undefined states and premature deactivation of the loading screen
- The parking lot on all oilfields now should correctly (and loosly) indicate the size of the operation
- Improved shutdown after Scenario end and added more logging, MIGHT cure the "stuck at scenario end" bug. Sorry, still not reliably reproducable, therefore "fishing" for fixes
- The Region Window closed after purchasing an oilfield, it now should correctly stay open and update the state
- Expanded general logging to make it easier to find "dubious" errors like the loading fails past, or the "stuck at scenario end" problem
- The feature "oilfields have limited reserve" doesn't work, you can extract oil indefnitely
Greetings CEOs! Well, The Plan(tm) was to make just a quick hotfixing for the annoying issues currently present. It became quite more than a hotfix, for sheer size. It also contains some improvements for bug reporting simplicity, but should basically improve stability and lower bug-density. Have a nice weekend!
- Windows only: the Logfile of each session now automatically gets archived on normal quitting of the game, directory
/OilEnterprise/log/ - The mainmenu (right after the intro) should now come up a lot quicker than before
- Fixed: The enterprise tradeaccounts only showed expenses for HQ buildings, now all accounts data is displayed
- Fixed: The capacity details only showed localize-keys instead of actual information
- Fixed: White overlay and failure to enter oilfields
- Fixed: Building decay actually accelerated with Maint between 50% and 100%, instead of decelerating down to 0
- Fixed: Time continued to run while placing a building
- Fixed: Steamstats are now operational between sessions
- The HQ camera das some strange behaviour in the lowest part of the screen
- Fixed: Sometimes the Save-Game-Button in the Savegame dialogue wouldn't get reenabled
- Fixed: Time continued to run while loading an oilfield
- Improved Oilfield and HQ loading sequences to prevent undefined states and premature deactivation of the loading screen
- The parking lot on all oilfields now should correctly (and loosly) indicate the size of the operation
- Improved shutdown after Scenario end and added more logging, MIGHT cure the "stuck at scenario end" bug. Sorry, still not reliably reproducable, therefore "fishing" for fixes
- The Region Window closed after purchasing an oilfield, it now should correctly stay open and update the state
- Expanded general logging to make it easier to find "dubious" errors like the loading fails past, or the "stuck at scenario end" problem
- The feature "oilfields have limited reserve" doesn't work, you can extract oil indefnitely
Hello fellow CEOs! After quite some time we finally are able to present Build EA9. It contains a lot of preparation work for the Multiplayer mode, among it the Freegame start position modification which will be used to start multiplayer games as well. Here's the details:
- Finally implemented a bunch of achievements. More to come!
- Achievements are also displayed with jingle and screen ingame (additionally to the usual Steam notification)
- Starting a free game now allows for choosing the starting position on the world map instead of a mere region selection
- The company logo is now displayed on owned fields in the region view window (world map)
- Reworked the colors of the oilfield dots on the region view window
- Depth of Field is now deactivateable
- The laptop (newsletter) now only closes with the "X" on the top right corner to prevent "clicking it away"
- Removing obstacles now shows an "under construction" icon
- Improved position of the tooltip (mousepointer covered the first letters)
- Added Keys for selecting the gamespeed directly (default at 0,1,2 on the main keyboard)
- Replaced Hector image in event message window that was too wide
- Fixed regionally restricted events that were able to appear on every field worldwide
- Fixed a bug preventing to switch from worldmap to oilfield
- Most probably fixed not being able to save anymore. At least I couldn't reproduce it any longer
- Reworked daily logistics calculation to respect logistics event modifiers
- Fixed bank warnings not respecting cost modifiers
- Fixed contract ranges for new contracts
- Fixed enterprise logo being saved per field (and allowing to be different for each of them)
- Fixed some typos and missing translations
- The feature "oilfields have limited reserve" doesn't work, you can extract oil indefnitely
- The "stats" values (total oil extracted, total contracts fulfilled) don't get saved on steam, for reasons unknown. I'm on it, but didn't want to further delay the update for this. The value is still tracked correctly for a single game session, so the "lower" achievements should be doable, but getting 100k contracts fulfilled in a single session (no loading allowed ;)) WILL be a challenge :)
- Enterprise trade accounts sometimes seems to show wrong values or none at all
- Fixed Save games cannot be loaded any more
- Fixed Crash with the accident Achievements
Hello everybody! We finally made it to compile another stable build of Oil Enterprise, with a lot of new stuff for you to enjoy and check out. Here it goes
- Special Events have been added that have a chance of 1% per day to occur. They can, among others, be fracking for your region, a tsunami doing damage or a cattle herd running amok on your field
- There are special temporary modifiers now that can influence production on an oil field for a time
- Obstacles on the oilfield can now be removed, with time and effort
- Difficulty and a description are now displayed in the start scenario screen
- Clicking "oilfield" on the top left now opens the oilfield overview if there is more than one oilfield
- Open last contract window when closing view contract and when clicking the contracts mainmenu button
- Changed Lighting engine to get AntiAliasing to actually work as intended. Colors should be more intense now, too
- OIlfield yield has been rebalanced to provide a more fluid and interesting gameplay
- Enabled changing the name of the oil field as well as the enterprise
- Added a tooltip "ends at" at the duration column of active contracts
- Redesigned the "Brain" window, which was the last one of an "ancient" design
- Efficiency map is now visible in the main window as well and can be turned off in the settings if desired
- Load game and start scenario now work by doubleclicking an entry
- Show region licensing cost in the region overview window
- Fixed some Problems with the settings screen
- Ensured all windows are closed when showing the gameover screen
- Fixed some texting problems
- (Mostly) fixed Minimap icons disappearing
- Fixed Building tooltips staying in place when switching to another oilfield or to the HQ
- Changed forum link to the official forums at
- Fixed several problems when buying another region licence
- Account balance on the world map now updates correctly when spending money there in Pause mode
- Prevented accepting contracts that should already have begun
- Buildings sometimes changed the place because of a sanity check. Fixed placement logic and turned off sanity check for now.
- Buildings in the HQ can now be built correctly
- Deleting savegames now also deletes local copies
Greetings esteemed CEOs! We have put a great deal of work in listening to your concerns and updating our game "big time", so try it and enjoy it!
- The minimap now displays the efficiency ratings of the oilfield when needed (for 5 seconds after a test drilling is done, and while building placement is active)
- Contracts are now sortable
- Added 6 new scenarios, 3 easy (Talk is not enough, Dreaming of new oil, Power center), 2 medium (Family bonds, Ice age), one hard (Capitalist)
- Added 5 new HQ buildings (2x construction time, 2x construction cost, 1x market opinion)
- Regions now give different boni and mali
- Region window on the world map reworked to display region differences
- The unit detail screen now displays tooltips with detailed information how a specific value is calculated
- Game speeds (normal and fast) are now configurable in the settings, to make fast go *really* fast
- Included settings for Fullscreen AA, VSync and frame limiting
- Rebalancing of buildings for correct cost per capacity and TCO24 progression
- Improved contract help texts
- Fixed steam cloud saves, they are now operational as intended
- Oilfields now can only have one "big" obstacle at the most
- Expand oilfield/headquarter should now have correct filters
- Fixed Settings screen in the main menu, now fully operational
- Fixed shifted minimap, it should now always be in the correct place
- Fixed contract prices, they should now be in the range of 60% to 110% (depending on contract level) of the oil price current when the contract was created
- Fixed scenario state screen for games without any goals
- Fixed headquarter quality setting problems
- Fixed automatic region licence grant for starting region
- Added 5 new (small) obstacles
- The random generator for contracts now ensures that there is always at least one contract of every level available
- Fixed some wrong user interface overlays
- Fixed a bug of maintenance, autorepair should now work as intended
- Extended and reworked tutorial to give you a better start (fetched my wife as guinea pig ;))
- (a lot) more Special Events with a visually improved message box
Hello again fellow CEOs! We have worked hard and long hours to get you something sweet, and here it is! Highlights of this build are highly improved balancing, headquarter bonus buildings and the ingame help. In details:
- Implemented a comprehensive ingame help and filled it with lots of content. It can be accessed from every window, jumping to the right topic, or via "help key", currently defaulting to "X"
- Headquarters can now be extended with mighty huge bonus buildings that apply to all active oil fields
- Added the first batch of 10 bonus buildings, each can be built only once
- When viewing building details, Hektor's hat now bears the according icon, and the first line "type" was added to inform about the purpose. Also, the help key (top right "lightbulb") will lead to the according help page explaining the building
- Rebalancing: Maintenance and Safety productions have been doubled
- Rebalancing: Upkeep has been reduced for all buildings, several construction prices have been changed (pumps, refinery)
- Rebalancing: Maintenance now not only stops building decay, if surplus maintenance is available, buildings are constantly repaired. See help for the details!
- Toggle speed (default: Spacebar) now also works when normal windows are open
- Market-Opinion prerequisites have been fixed to align with market opinion display at the top
- Fixed building details window staying open after dismantling a building
- Fixed tooltip display issue on available contracts
- Removed variable oil field yield, it now stays fixed over its lifetime (before: curve)
- Fixed display issues in the message log (top right)
- Building-mouseover now correctly changes the cursor to the pointy hand
- Added tooltips for the main menu entries
- Key Setup (Settings screen) and the help window don't work in Main menu (only in the game)
- Minor window adaptions where necessary ("Brain" Button)
- (a lot) more Special Events with a visually improved message box
We seem to be slowing down a bit, as the "easy + quickly done" stuff gets less and less, and the more comprehensive features, like the Headquarters, ingame help and special events, take up more time. Anyways, enjoy your weekend with Oil Enterprise and the following improvements
- Added UI sound effects
- Activated ingame music
- Added Scenario scoring window, allowing you to check what exactly gets you points for the specific scenario
- Keys for controlling Oil Enterprise are now configurable. Mind that this list will be extended with new keys as they are needed
- You can now change speed with Space if there are no windows currently open. Changeable in the new Keyboard config
- Market opinion now only sinks if there are no signed contracts
- Repaired broken market opinion
- Reworked oil price calculation algorithm. There are now mechanics to keep the price from falling too far on easy scenarios, and rising too high on harder scenarios.
- Savegame screen now works as intended
for tonights Oil Enterprise update. We finally got around to adding more scenarios, and more stuff:
- Added 4 more scenarios. Careful, they are a bit harder than the ones so far
- Modified some scenarios for easier playability
- Display prospecting cost in the choice dialog (Region window)
- Windows can now be dragged around (header bar) and remember where they were. Doubleclick on the headerbar resets the position
- Reduced no-maintenance state drop of buildings from "100 to zero in 6 months" to 2 years, cutting back on repair cost and necessity
- Updated free game starting conditions to NOT include any buildings
- Fixed missing button captions on the contract details screen
- Fixed misbehaviour of build mode, when not canceled via button but via clicking on a menu button, artifacts remained on screen
- Fixed Performance drops in headquarters screen and added a message informing about "not being ready yet"
- Fixed cogwheel icon click
- Updated selection boxes with more readable colors
- Updated Tab highlighting colors
- Fixed serious bug where savegames got corrupted when saving after an Event (Increased / Reduced deposit size) happened
- Market opinion gets corrupted rather quickly, displaying no bar indicator and a question mark as value
- Market price development doesn't work as intended as of yet, it should be rather confined within 40 and 120 Credits per Barrel, and move around rather realistically. It doesn't.
- Save/Load Screen doesn't display properly and scrolling doesn't work, either
Good evening CEOs! Welcome to the Update summary of EA3. Without further ado:
- Buildings now visually change when "in construction", when an accident happened or when they are repaired
- Active contracts now show which Region they are assigned to
- Introduced "repeat last step" for the tutorial (top right corner)
- A message window is displayed the first time the main menu is entered whenever there was an update
- Deactivated some Laptop newsletters that didn't really make sense
- Free game reactivated and implemented (with fixed visuals)
- Reworked contract details window
- Fixed Dialogue-Window Close-Button (top right corner X)
- Fixed Worldmap UI, on all resolutions this time!
- Fixed bug where clicking "no" on "Do you really want to cancel this contract" didn't have the desired effect
- More Scenarios
Greetings fellow CEOs! As promised, we'll continue to issue Builds in rather quick succession, so stay tuned, Oil Enterprise is bound to improve with huge paces :). Here's the changes for today:
- Right mouse button now closes the active window (just like the Escape key)
- Added status icons for inactive buildings
- Added keyboard controls for moving and rotating the oilfield camera (WASD/Cursors for movement, QE for rotation)
- Fixed stopper bug when failing a contract (time is now stopped, also the Event window is closable by RMB/Escape)
- Fixed worldmap bottom-left UI
- Reworked region window, added more information like expected and actual yield, extracted amount and so on
- Fixed some texting issues
- Deactivated accidents and breakdowns in the tutorial
- Fixed missing contract list translation texts
- Contracts are now from 100 Brl/Day and in 50-Barrel-Steps instead of 200
- Reworked general bottomleft UI to be "less jumpy"
- Changed oilfield tooltip colors for better readability
- Fixed several typos and wrong texts (like containing "tons" instead of "barrel")
- Fixed synchronization issues of the production overview with the main user interface
- Free Game
- More Scenarios
Hello folks! As promised, we are releasing our latest build as of right now. We plan on having a rather high update frequency (about every other day, next build is planned for Monday) until the game is stabilized in a way that it is enjoyable for you folks, this will mean adding more scenarios for you to enjoy, ironing out some rough edges we have been made aware of and so on. Anyways, as for the release today, here is the summary:
- Reworked scenario choice
- Updated Laptop graphics
- Fixed some texting issues
- Deactivated accidents and breakdowns in the tutorial
- Fixed several tutorial issues
- Fixed control area (bottom left) for worldmap and headquarters
- Added 5 new scenarios and fixed the first one (is now on position 5)
- Fixed worldmap oilfield window, which makes it possible to buy more oilfields and new region licences
- Turned off clouds
- Turned off SSAO
- Turned off Free Game button, as it linked to a seriously outdated version of it
Oil Enterprise
Crafty Studios
astragon Entertainment GmbH
Strategy Simulation Singleplayer Multiplayer
4.00 /
Game News Posts 29
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
(132 reviews) 
The Game includes VR Support
Oil Enterprise Content Lin [1.37 G]Oil Enterprise Binaries Lin [35.21 M]
Acquire oil production rights in up to 15 regions around the world and use the potential of your oil reserves as efficiently as possible on the dynamic global market. Fulfill lucrative long-term contracts to improve your reputation and make your cash registers ring. But watch out! Make a wrong investment or fail to meet con-tractual obligations and your company could be in danger of going bankrupt.
- Invest in new oilfields, pumps, refineries, storage facilities, maintenance buildings, logistics and much more
- Constantly expand your headquarters
- There's no such thing as a free lunch! Stay in the black or take out a loan if needed! Always keep an eye on your numbers
- Various events, such as earthquakes, exchange rate fluctuations and ac-cidents, provide new challenges
- 15 global regions, 90 oilfields and 20 building types
- Two mentors will let you in on the secrets of the oil industry
- Improve your reputation to gain access to even more lucrative long-term contracts
- Dynamic global market
- 20 different scenarios, free play and multiplayer mode for up to six players
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (32bit) or newer
- Processor: AMD Athlon X2 4800+ (2 * 2500 Mhz) or Intel Core 2 Duo (2 * 2600 Mhz) or higherMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4600. ATI Radeon HD 3850 (512 MB). NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 (512 MB) or higher
- Storage: 900 MB available space
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