Hey folks! We are back with more paleofolk localization tales from our partners at Locadile. If you missed the first part of this devlog you can find it below: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1663040/view/506192738774942638
Localization Tales - Dev Log 2
Q: How did you handle localizing the various dialects in Amber Isle?
"How does one handle accents in the dialog of games that dont contain voice-overs? Tastefully! Dialects usually pose one of the biggest challenges as they generally don't translate well, and could easily be either not understood at all, or read like a caricature - potentially even as offensive, discriminatory, or racist. In order to avoid any demeaning associations, we aimed to tastefully render the different dialects so that the regional diversity is presented by focusing on incorporating idioms, localisms (local cultural preferences), taglines, and catchphrases that would be familiar and relatable to local players, and could be identified as markers for the different backgrounds of the Paleofolks. A character from a more urban setting might use more contemporary or colloquial expressions, while a more rural or rustic character could have phrases that feel older or more traditional. Another option is to "dirty up" the grammar a bit to give a character a certain personality. For instance, we transferred certain phrases in a "cowboy dialect" so that a "Yeee-up" became "Eeeh gi" in Italian. For the "Australian accent", we just used local phrases that illustrate a laid-back attitude so that the "G'd evenin'!" became "Bsoir !" in French."
Q: Which Paleofolk was the most challenging to localize, and why?
"For a lot of languages - apart from French for obvious reasons - "Rusty Trompe-Le Flair" posed a bit of a challenge, because of his French accent and the fact that his lines are often playful, charming, and full of French cultural references. So the teams had to negotiate the question: "How much French is too much French?" And on occasion also find more commonly known French expressions for the individual languages that might differ from the original."

""Kipper Goodswoop" was also a bit more challenging. He was introduced as "Uses simple language and speaking patterns. However, he isnt stupid. He just manages to boil things down to their simplest forms to communicate." The linguists had to be careful to balance "simple language" and "not stupid", so that this lovely character was not misunderstood. And for the Asian teams, the snobbish tone of "Jeophery Goldcrest" was the most brain-racking, as it was hard to find equivalents that would adequately carry over his dramatic lines, which create such a unique and linguistically rich character."

Q: How difficult (or easy!) was it to localize a Haiku?
"To quote our fabulous Italian team here when posed with this question: That? A piece of cake. We are fond of, and good at, these kind of word games. In general, songs, poems and Haikus are a bit trickier to translate as they demand a certain syntactical structure. In the case of a Haiku, it needs to be three lines with syllable counts of 5-7-5. So, while they are fun to create, one also needs to keep the intended meaning, the form and emotion in mind. It is therefore never so much a strict recreation, but more a creative reinterpretation of the original - in other words: A very fun challenge that makes game localization so special and wonderful. Languages such as German and Spanish, which are famous for their long words, are of course given a little bit of an extra challenge, but nothing is impossible. While all the teams had a good time here, the creativity of the Chinese team was tested: In its original Japanese form, a Haiku is easy to transfer to Chinese, but because the source is in English, this is a whole different beast. So instead of going for a Haiku, the Chinese version presents "poems" that allowed for a more fun and engaging end result."
Q: Inclusivity in Amber Isle is a very important pillar, with LGBTQIA+ representation, options for gender neutrality, and queer themes. What challenges did this pose for localization?
"From a linguistic point of view, this posed probably the biggest challenge, as the idea of respectful gender neutrality is not yet linguistically regulated in the languages that Amber Isle was localized into. Everything has a gender, which makes it harder to convey this important concept of inclusivity, especially when keeping the flow of the narrative and the uniqueness of the characters in mind. It required us to structure sentences in a certain way to avoid the use of gendered pronouns, or adapt phrases so that the gender of a character or the reference to the player are never assumed. As an example, non-binary characters and the player are always referenced by name. By adjusting phrases and choosing more inclusive options we hope the game feels welcoming to all players, regardless of their gender identity. In addition, we asked the wonderful LQA team, who supported us tremendously during the localization, to pay close attention to this matter to make sure that the important ideas of inclusivity are well presented in the game."

Q: With nearly 50 Paleofolk, how challenging was it to localize everyone in a way that maintained their unique traits, quirks, and voice?
"It was challenging, but also a wonderful example of the true joy of human-made game localization! The goal is always twofold here: Maintaining the essence of what makes the character who they are, by creating a "new" character through localization that the players will feel connected to. Here, the provided information helped a lot, because for each (!) of the 48 characters we were given their name, gender/pronouns, age, job, species, size, region/nationality, education level, personality, interests & hobbies, speaking style, and voice, as well as character references, narrative goal/themes, character type, in-game relationships, writing guidelines, player interactions, biography, backstory explanations, and story arc exploration. It is not surprising that some teams worked with printed out cheat sheets or a mini-database to keep an easy overview. With all that in mind (or on paper), we modeled our localized Paleofriends accordingly, so that depending on the info provided for each of the characters, the more formal or archaic or casual or cheeky or sarcastic or whatever-you-can-think-of tones come off as authentic and natural in the localized languages. So through our choice of words, we hope the players can tell that Clawsworth is the grumpy sort, that Maple is kind to a fault, that Chip just has too much energy, or that Malik is kind of shady."

Q: Spoiler: Did the mysteries surrounding Mirage provide any unique challenges for localization?
We are afraid that this is classified information But we will of course spill the tea a bit. For the gendered languages, Mirage was a bit more challenging to localize as they are a non-binary character. We therefore adopted a neutral tone throughout Mirage's dialogue by using inclusive language, adapting sentence structures, and opting for gender-neutral words wherever possible. This approach was essential not only to stay true to Mirage's character but also to ensure that players who identified as non-binary would feel seen and respected. And all the new revelations surrounding this character also kept us on the edge of our seat!" Thanks for reading our localization devlog. Amber Isles localization was done by the Locadile team: Please see the game credits for a full overview of all the localization contributors.
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[ 2025-02-12 14:00:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Today, we have a special Devlog Q&A with the incredible team at Locadile, Amber Isle's localization partner. We hope you enjoy this Steam post and their insight into localizing our dino-centric shop management sim!
Localization Tales - Dev Log 1
"Were Locadile, the localization team that brought Amber Isle to life across six different languages. The first rule of Amber Isle is: you dont call them dinosaurs! With that in mind, we would love to give you a little insight into the amazing world of Amber Isle and our wonderful experience localizing this great game."
Q: What was the most fun part of Amber Isle to localize?
"Slipping into the compelling narratives and the cast of charming characters, with all their different personalities, was by far the most fun part of the localization process. It was a longer process coming up with funny names that both maintained the charm and humor of the original, but also worked well in the target languages. The developers set a new gold standard when they provided our localization teams with so much information: we received entire backstories, lots of graphics, early access to the build, as well as lore for each of the 48 characters.

Naturally, we had to process all that info, but it was immensely helpful in our creative process. We really enjoyed the storytelling in the cutscene dialogs as well, since this allowed the characterizations of each of the Paleofolk to shine through without being constrained by the narrower nature of the shop responses."
Q: Can you discuss the creative process behind translating the names of each Paleofolk?
"There are as many game localizers as there are creative ways to localize names in a game. In other words: this is a highly individual craft, though there are certain similarities. It always starts with absorbing as much information as possible - and in the case of Amber Isle, luckily there was a lot of information available. For this game, most names were transcreated and given their very own flavor; some were "simply" transliterated, as sometimes this just yielded the best result. Each name required a different approach: sometimes they were built using popular and modern references, like idioms or real-life people; other times we used a phonetic approach. Our shared view was that the name should represent what the character is about, whether that be their looks, their name, their dialog, or what they do. Keeping or creating alliterations was a very common stylistic choice here. For the transcreation, some translators went about their day and were suddenly hit by a stroke of brilliant insight while brushing their teeth. Others carefully built a semantic web based on the character traits and inspirations behind the individual characters in order to arrive at a name that best represented that specific Paleofolk. Does the name relate to the same feature or pun as the original? Could new funny puns be created? These are questions that always play an important role when choosing a name. Some examples: "Maple Swiftwing" became "Dahlia Flinkflgel" in German, because "Maple" delivers packages on the island and the name "Dahlia" is close to "DHL", a German delivery service. Or "Raven Readwell" in Spanish turns into "Prudencia Pancorbo", an intelligent and patient older specimen of Microraptor - a flying dinosaur with feathers - that works as a microbiologist. The name includes an alliteration and reflects both the character's personality and their species in a way that feels natural and fun in Spanish."

"And in French, the very snooty and snobby character "Elliot Silvertooth" turned into "tienne dAndarjan". "tienne" is a very timeless French name, and the last name is a pun on the literal translation of silver tooth, "dent dargent", just made to look like it belongs to former nobility." Join us next week as we cover dialects, localization challenges and even haikus! Amber Isles localization was done by the Locadile team: Please see the game credits for a full overview of all the localization contributors.
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[ 2025-02-05 14:00:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Folks! We've just released our fourth update for Amber Isle!
Patch v1.9.2 brings new decor items to the isle in an Amber Isle free update! This includes the Snow Dino, Winter Presents, GameDino console, Christmas Tree, and so many more new items to get you in the festive mood!
The Plaza has had a snowy makeover for the holiday season! The snow in the Plaza is automatically added and is a timed event, resetting in early January
This update also contains new festive winter boarders for photo mode and constructable house island decor items, including walls, doorways, windows and roofs!
Along with new decor items, we've been squashing bugs for Amber Isle! Our fourth update contains fixes to several bugs reported by the community. This includes the issues players have been experiencing where Bosco and Clover would destroy the shop. We hope you enjoy Update 4 and Amber Isle during the festive months!
NOTE: The sled inside the Tundra can currently create a softlock when used. However returning to the menu or fast travelling can unblock the game.
NOTE: The ramp/bridge to the north-east of the Meadow is currently inaccessible. However it can be navigated around either to the north or south.
Update 4 - Patch Notes
Festive Island Decor Items
- Candy Fossil, Candy Fossil Candle, Fireplace, Winter Arch, Winter Presents, Winter Present Bunch, Snow Dino, Rocking Horse, Hot Air Balloon, Jack in the Box, Toy Boat, Bowling Ball & Pins, GameDino console, Christmas Tree, Festive Bandstand, Festive Biscuits, Festive Bunting, Festive Potted Tree, Festive Wreath, Gift Sleigh, Sleigh, Snowman, Etch Sketch, Puzzle Cube, Scooter, Skateboard, Tin Toy, Toy Train.
- Constructable house items, like walls, doorways, windows and roofs.
- Decorated festive plaza
- Automatically applied during December and resets in early January
- Added festive winter borders for photo mode
- Adjusted Debris node positioning
- Removed clipping rock in Mount Morrisong
- Slightly adjusted position of Scarf items
- Updated Descriptive Material icons
- Crafted Clothing items now stack up to 64 items
- Removed duplicate reward from Scout's Quest 'Welcome... to the Scrapyard!'
- Updated Shop Multiplier & Material Icons
- Adjusted collision on Display Units to prevent player from getting stuck
- Updated cursor to change depending on PC or Gamepad input, with gamepad specific selection pointer
Bug Fixes
- Assets missing region descriptives to items
- Updated Asset UVs
- Reduced rim light on materials
- Fixed typos in Corals dialogue and Echo's Quest
- Fixed large plant node collision issues
- Retroactive fixes for missing foliage from Fawn's quest chains
- Fixed navigation issue around desert centerpiece
- Fixed Starfall Meadow wood permanode to require building to use
- Fixed the world edit camera from being able to move out of bounds
- Fixed issue where the player could bypass a blocker in the Mountain region
- Added Bosco's missing trait
- Fixed collision issue on steps right of Plaza
- Removed duplicate Distance Marker
- Fixed issue where some Nature Constructables would change after saving and loading
- Fixed Farm Haybale from being sellable
- Fixed possibility of characters getting despawned during Shop loop
- Fixed upgrade boxes at Evander's house UI popups
- Fixed issue where two Halloween items were not placeable
- Fixed gift giving dialogue soft lock issue
- Changed when Barnaby uses specific dialogue in the museum
- Fixed a soft lock when rapidly clicking through the first Haggle tutorial
- Gifting items should no longer softlock the player
- Fixed the camera blending so the camera doesn't go under the Plaza stairs
- Fixed mortgage quests to ensure the interaction ring isn't available if you don't have the required Amber
- Removed unused third Pepper Quest
- Added a retroactive fix for getting stuck in the bedroom during "Where is Adi?"
- Fixed issue where Bosco would destroy the Shop
- Fixed issue where Clover would destroy the Shop
- Stopped Custom Orders requesting foliage and constructable items
- Stop patience decreasing while the Shop is transitioning
- Fixed an error that would cause the "On Display" inventory to not show correctly during the shop
- Changed Shop logic so treasures could be also purchased
- Fixed repeatedly pressing Island Placement button would cause it to shift to the right
- Fixed Traits and Shop Perks not appearing correctly in Journal Paleofolk List
- Fixed Goals and Rewards button alignment for various languages
- Fixed issue where the Minimap appeared in the Townhall and rooms within
Watch our new Festive Update trailer below!
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[ 2024-12-05 14:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks!
The Steam Awards 2024 are here! Steam is currently inviting players to nominate their favourite game within a specific award category, and we'd love it if you could nominate us for 'Sit Back and Relax'
Described as 'This game is the antidote to a busy day. It's smooth, it's relaxing, it lets your worries melt away. This game is your moment of zen.' - we thought this was very fitting for Amber Isle! We hope you've been enjoying getting to know our many Paleofolk on the isle and overall, having a comfy and relaxing time whilst playing our dino-centric shopkeeping life-sim.
Since our launch in October, the team has been working hard and have since put out three patches for Amber Isle, including our Halloween Update! We cannot wait for more soon If you've enjoyed Amber Isle in 2024, we'd genuinely appreciate your vote!
Whether it's Amber Isle or another game, your nomination counts a lot. Make sure to vote in all categories for your favourite games, as there have been some wonderful games that have been released this year!
That's all for today folks!
Learn more about Amber Isle on our Steam Page:
[ 2024-11-29 12:37:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Our dino-centric shopkeeping sim Amber Isle is currently on sale for the first time in Team17's Fall Savings Sale on Steam! Discover 25% off Amber Isle until November 27th: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/ With Update 3 now live, now is the best time to pick up our dino-centric life-sim! This patch fixed numerous issues across the game, including soft locks in the shop & quests, issues with quest rewards, and flow issues. It also includes improvements to the UI, camera, and performance, and adds the ability to save customised presets. Read more about our third Amber Isle patch here! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1663040/view/4446835435566531005 We hope you enjoy the start of your new Paleoventure and setting up your dino shop on the isle!
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Player Support
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[ 2024-11-13 19:00:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Folks! We've just released our third patch for Amber Isle! Patch v1.8.17 fixes numerous issues across the game, including soft locks in the shop & quests, issues with quest rewards, and flow issues. It also includes improvements to the UI, camera, and performance, and adds the ability to save customised presets. NOTE: If you have been experiencing softlock issues when interacting with Bosco, Clover or any other Paleofolk in the shop, please clear your Steam cache. To clear your Steam cache from your Steam client, select 'Steam' in the top left of your client menu and then select 'Settings'. In the Settings panel, select the Downloads tab. Then select the 'Clear Download Cache' button at the bottom of this menu. NOTE: If your game is glitching or behaving strangely (particularly with dialogue or the shop), this could be due to a Steam issue with your game files. To verify your files, open Amber Isles properties in Steam, select the Installed Files tab, and click Verify Integrity of Game Files.
Update 3 - Patch Notes
Character Customisation
- Added save preset functionality to Character Customisation (note: this was originally included in Patch 2 but was inaccessible due to a UI bug)
- Responses from Paleofolk when giving a gift now align with preferences displayed in the Journal
- Paleofolk now find Treasures placed in the Shop more desirable
- Crafting UI Filter and Sort buttons now toggle
- Improved readability of sticky alerts in the Journal
- Moved Journal Notification to control prompt
- Moved Shop toasts to the centre of the screen
- Updated icons in Character Customisation
- Updated some visual elements in the Journal UI
- Updated Weather Effects on objects in the plaza
- Updated Weather Effects on resources
- Improved performance when placing objects in the world
- Improved performance with Photo Mode image capture
- Adjusted collision in Wood Permanode
- Players can now walk through the Ivy Archway
- Players can now walk through the Mossy Ruins
- Updated Permanode icons for Mountain Veg, Cotton, and Crystal
- Adjusted objects in Benji's House to avoid visual issues
- Adjusted positioning of Navigation Neckerchief
- Adjusted positioning of Paleofolk House Path Warning positions
- Clocks will now show the in-game time
- Improved Camera movement in interiors to reduce motion sickness
- Updated Flute, Ocarina, and Quill assets
Bug Fixes
- Removed the ability to delete Paleofolk houses after they move onto the island
- Added a handler and fallback for a soft-locking issue where Shop dialogue fails
- Fixed an issue where Invite Requirements were not displayed properly in languages other than English
- Fixed an issue where some of Clovers dialogue lines showed debug text
- Fixed an issue where the date on the Continue button on the Main Menu wouldn't display when the game language was set to Japanese or Chinese Simplified
- Fixed an issue with Calendar localisation
- Added a retroactive fix for saves where players are stuck in the bedroom during "Where is Adi?"
- Fixed an issue where Ambient Fans could occasionally not be interacted with
- Fixed an issue where Basil's birthday was displayed incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where certain Paleofolk routines would not occur
- Fixed an issue where Corals preferences were incorrect
- Fixed an issue where Scout's Level 4 Friendship reward would not correctly reward the player with an outdoor decoration
- Fixed multiple issues with character eye clipping
- Fixed an issue where the held tool was unusable after giving a gift to a Paleofolk
- Fixed an issue where Asra's third quest soft-locked due to navigation issues
- Fixed an issue where older saves had locked doors and objects during Onboarding
- Fixed an issue where "Wild in the Aisles" would not be marked as complete
- Fixed an issue where Counter Dialogue could cause Shop Interactions to not begin when in a Shop Loop
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk spawn inside the Shop in the larger Shop layouts
- Fixed an issue where 'Close Pockets' & 'Sort Inventory' had the same inputs
- Fixed an issue where a duplicate cursor would sometimes appear in the main menu
- Fixed an issue where Character Preset saving functionality was not accessible
- Fixed an issue where dialogue would jitter when no items were available to donate in the museum
- Fixed an issue where incorrect text was displayed on the Journal Paleofolk UI when switching input device
- Fixed an issue where Scout's Level 4 reward didn't display properly in the Journal
- Fixed an issue where the Control Prompts wouldn't update after changing the Input Bindings
- Fixed an issue where the Journal UI would open when using a door
- Fixed an issue where the Journal was openable during dialogue
- Fixed an issue where the last page in the Crafting UI would not populate if the last page was completely filled with elements
- Fixed an issue where Bosco and Russel's houses caused a path error to appear
- Fixed an issue where items could be duplicated when swapping items in the Shop/Island Customisation UI
- Fixed an issue where rock nodes still displayed particles after being destroyed
- Fixed an issue where the Branchy Bench would be stuck at Mastery Level 0
- Fixed an issue where the cursor appeared in Photo Mode captures
- Fixed an issue where the Jack O Lantern model caused performance and collision issues
- Fixed an issue where the Mushroom Lamp was unobtainable
- Fixed an issue where the Scute Scratcher's placement position was incorrect
- Fixed an issue where the Swing Set didn't swing properly
- Fixed an issue where the world was briefly visible before Character Customisation UI opened when starting a new game

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Player Support
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[ 2024-11-13 17:25:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Folks!
Today, we've released our second patch for Amber Isle, which focuses on fixing community-reported bugs and includes additions to Amber Isle based on your feedback!
We want to thank you all for your patience while we investigated your bug reports! The positivity you've shown us since Amber Isle launched earlier in the month has been genuinely appreciated!
Before we jump into the patch notes, we wanted to let the community know about the frightening elements of our update... MUHUHAHA!!!
Paleofolk of all shapes and sizes should be afraid... as our Halloween update adds new assets including Pumpkins, Haybale chair, Witch scarecrow, wheelchairs and more, along with new added borders for Halloween photo mode!
Update 2 - Patch Notes
Halloween Update
- Added in borders for Halloween photo mode
- Added Halloween assets:
- Pumpkins
- Haybale chair
- Witch scarecrow
- Various themed clothing colorways
- And more...
- Added colour swatch to Character Customisation UI
- Added save preset functionality to Character Customisation
- Added Haggle and Pawn indicators to Shop counter UI
- Added size icon to items in Crafting UI
- Added descriptives display in Goals/Rewards unlock new recipe UI
- Added UI icon to indicate which items are treasures
- Added tab controls to Shop/Island Customisation UI
- Item previews now rotate slightly
- Added selling resources at Quick Sale Box
- Added cotton and crystal permanodes
- Added version number to the Main Menu
- Added memory limit warnings
- Added wheelchair decor
- Updated credits
- Added an additional moss node to permanode
- Added notification icon to Goals button in Journal
- Adjusted position of debris node in Snowdance Drifts
- Adjusted position of Mt. Morrisong Gate Unlock UI
- Adjusted positioning of Paleofolk quest indicators
- Adjusted the grid space that certain items would occupy
- Blocked Pause Menu in shop overlay mode
- Changed hatchday month to actual month name in the Paleofolk List UI
- Changed Shop desert floor footstep sound from Snow to Tiles
- Disabled camera velocity tracking to reduce motion sickness
- Improved balancing for Paleofolk patience
- Improved balancing for some item prices and crafting requirements
- Improved brightness slider in Character Customisation UI
- Improved camera in the chasm between Starfall Meadow & Woodbury Forest
- Improved flow of Haggle onboarding
- Improved flow of Goals/Rewards onboarding
- Improved grid appearance in Shop/Island Customisation
- Improved hanging out so Paleofolk will now fast travel with the player
- Improved interaction points on doors
- Improved layout of the Order Fulfilment UI
- Improved layout of the Paleofolk list UI
- Improved Paleofolk AI routines
- Improved Shop balancing (Cleanliness, patience, walk speed, etc)
- Improved Shop Stock Mode UX
- Improved Shop warning system
- Improved some Paleofolk shaders
- Increased camera tilt speed
- Increased cleanable distance (1 -> 2.5)
- Increased Shop storage (160 slots -> 512 slots)
- Increased the chance of snow in Spring
- Made Paleofolk less likely to always be at their stalls
- Nerfed hangout friendship rewards with daily tiredness
- Nerfed max item mastery multiplier (2.6x -> 2.0x)
- Nerfed quick sale box (30% item value -> 10% item value)
- Optimised how Paleofolk render offscreen for performance improvements
- Refined Chicos radio alerts
- Removed duplicates from the decor list
- Removed gaps at the bottom of the Shop/Island Customisation UI
- Removed unused assets on the Journal Goals page
- Stopped special characters being added to user input
- Tweaked Wild in the Aisles needing 2 inspiration unlocks (down to 1)
- Tweaked navigation in the world and on small houses
- Tweaked scale on drums, rugs, large vanity, and medium display placement points to reduce clipping
- Tweaked some world dcor and Paleofolk houses/gardens
- Tweaked various audio
- Tweaked various item textures
- Tweaked various items' positions/scales to display better on display units or in item previews
- Tweaked various visuals in Region Rating UI
- Updated 2D art for some Paleofolk
- Updated Crafting UI appearance to match the rest of the game
- Updated descriptives for statues
- Updated door camera blockers
- Updated Main Menu scene
- Updated Map UI icon functionality
- Updated Mt. Morrisong archway
- Updated player bedroom (the "TV" is now more clearly a mirror)
- Updated miscellaneous UI art
- Fixed a potential soft-lock after cancelling the confirmation prompt in the Settings menu
- Fixed a potential soft-lock after interacting with Malik or Ezra in the shop
- Fixed a potential soft-lock after quitting during 'Looks Like a Pawn'
- Fixed a potential soft-lock after quitting during O Captain! My Captain!
- Fixed a potential soft-lock caused by missing dialogue for Bosco
- Fixed a potential soft-lock during 'Wild in the Isles' as a result of not having enough resources (the player is now given six wood, stone, and plant resources beforehand)
- Fixed a potential soft-lock in the bedroom during Where is Adi?
- Fixed an issue where Wild in the Aisles would continue tracking after it should be completed
- Fixed an issue where Can You Hack It? would not progress after reading the mail
- Fixed an issue where beginning One Big Pile of Dirt would replace your master shovel with a good shovel, including a retroactive fix
- Fixed an issue where Fawn's second quest could trigger before Fawn's first quest was completed
- Fixed an issue with incorrect locks Wild in the Aisles
- Fixed an issue where Coral would not appear during 'Cracking Rocks'
- Fixed an issue where 'Harvest Hamper' was marked as a craftable item
- Fixed an issue where 'Juicy Jam Jar' was not craftable or sellable
- Fixed an issue where a selected item would not appear during the first usage
- Fixed an issue where a wall was missing in the Museum
- Fixed an issue where Amber UI would not pulse for negative Amber changes
- Fixed an issue where Amber would not clear on displays
- Fixed an issue where an error on the inventory would cause problems with discarding items
- Fixed an issue where area transitions could break if leaving Starfall Meadow too soon
- Fixed an issue where audio settings would not apply in the splash screen
- Fixed an issue where Basil and Chico would not appear on the Island
- Fixed an issue where Basil's stall could not be interacted with
- Fixed an issue where Bismuth was not treated as a treasure
- Fixed an issue where certain ambience items wouldn't unlock
- Fixed an issue where the Character Customisation colour selection would not apply correctly when hitting enter
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk could treadmill at the shop counter
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk sometimes don't sit when intended
- Fixed an issue where Coral's haggle line didn't make sense
- Fixed an issue where debug text would appear in the night shop popup
- Fixed an issue where Shop display units could be placed repeatedly without having sufficient Amber
- Fixed an issue where Echo could not reach you from her performance stage
- Fixed an issue where emerald would not appear in the Museum
- Fixed an issue where Evander's stall was not enabled
- Fixed an issue where filtering favourites would not work
- Fixed an issue where Gale would stand in the way during the "Bang Bang" quest
- Fixed an issue where hangouts would no longer grant friendship after speaking to another Paleofolk
- Fixed an issue where interaction tips wouldn't get added to the tip jar correctly
- Fixed an issue where island/shop customisation filter buttons were missing a selection highlight
- Fixed an issue where item pricing could be changed beyond intended limits with controller
- Fixed an issue where items wouldnt display on the counter after an incorrect recommendation
- Fixed an issue where keybindings appeared incorrectly on different keyboard layouts
- Fixed an issue where more ambient items could be placed than intended
- Fixed an issue where new item notification elements could appear after switching pages too quickly
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk could order an ambience item in a custom order
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk quest indicators wouldn't trigger
- Fixed an issue where Paleofolk would unintentionally spawn in the meeting room
- Fixed an issue where photo mode would sometimes not accept input
- Fixed an issue where pockets size would not visually increase after expansion
- Fixed an issue where quests would trigger event logic if they weren't running
- Fixed an issue where repair goals would repeat upon loading a save file
- Fixed an issue where save files with all recipes unlocked could not unlock the achievement after the 1.0.1 patch
- Fixed an issue where shop interactions could sometimes end improperly, causing a blocker
- Fixed an issue where shop ranking would sometimes show negative values for ranking up
- Fixed an issue where sitting interactions in the meeting room were out of place
- Fixed an issue where some Paleofolk would not appear on load
- Fixed an issue where some dialogue would not always trigger correctly
- Fixed an issue where some items could be placed repeatedly in Island Customisation without having sufficient Amber
- Fixed an issue where some Paleofolk could be invited repeatedly
- Fixed an issue where sometimes items could not be placed in Stock Mode on controller
- Fixed an issue where stall repairs counted for all regions instead of the region they are in
- Fixed an issue where Steam Achievements would not unlock
- Fixed an issue where stripes were missing on player Theropod head 2
- Fixed an issue where subquest UI would not update for "Impress the Mayor" Amber amount
- Fixed an issue where the 'Band Banner' would render incorrectly from the back
- Fixed an issue where the 'Black Friday' achievement would only unlock if the night segment had profits of less than zero
- Fixed an issue where the 'Fossilised Fryer' wouldn't appear after unlocking in the Goals UI
- Fixed an issue where the 'Pterrible Friend' achievement wouldn't unlock
- Fixed an issue where the 'Very Important Paleofolks' achievement would not unlock after watching the credits
- Fixed an issue where the completion meter in the Achievement UI did not correctly calculate the completion percentage
- Fixed an issue where the clothing element in the Character Customisation UI would display incorrectly on subsequent opens
- Fixed an issue where the continue button would not work after returning to the Main Menu
- Fixed an issue where the daily recap resource count would display incorrectly when more than 99 resources of a type were collected
- Fixed an issue where the Friendship Meter displayed incorrectly upon increasing friendship for the first time
- Fixed an issue where the Paleofolk List quest chain would not appear correctly, especially for Nellie
- Fixed an issue where the path guide to the Woodbury Forest landmark would not appear correctly
- Fixed an issue where the quest tracker would appear incorrectly between areas
- Fixed an issue where the quest tracker would appear in Photo Mode
- Fixed an issue where the Shop Segment End UI could sometimes not display all customers
- Fixed an issue where time of day icons would not appear in the Paleofolk list
- Fixed an issue where trends would result in incorrect values when a Paleofolk attempted to Haggle after a Recommendation
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect description on 'Flower in Bloom' reward
- Fixed an issue with an unobtainable achievement where Plant Fossil could not spawn
- Fixed an issue with clothing masks on various Paleofolk
- Fixed an issue with handling soft resets of the game
- Fixed an issue with incorrect toggle details/view controls appearing during Island Customisation on controller
- Fixed an issue with inspiration tree ambient rewards for Gardener, Artistan, and Carpenter
- Fixed an issue with multipliers applying incorrectly during Shop Interactions
- Fixed an issue with slider navigation in the Settings menu
- Fixed an issue with small descriptor text on the crafting menu
- Fixed an issue with starting the new game quest after exiting too early
- Fixed an issue with subtask info for Axel's quests
- Fixed an issue with the flow of Russel's stall
- Fixed an issue with the game running in the background
- Fixed various issues with camera collision and occlusion
- Fixed various issues with controls rebinding
- Fixed various issues with dialogue syntax, spelling, punctuation, and grammar
- Fixed various issues with navigation
- Fixed various issues with Paleofolk eyes
Join our Discord!
Want to keep up to date with the latest news around Amber Isle, share your fan-art and interact with our dino-centric community? Join our Amber Isle Discord server here!
Player Support
Ran into an issue with Amber Isle? Reach out to our dedicated support team here!

See you soon folks!
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[ 2024-10-25 15:45:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks,
Today, we wanted to update you on our upcoming patch for Amber Isle, which will focus on fixing community-reported bugs and include additions to Amber Isle based on your feedback!
We want to thank you all for the positivity you've shown us since Amber Isle launched earlier in the month. Your patience while we investigated your bug reports has been extremely appreciated!
Our next update will fix many issues that you have been experiencing and reporting to our Support team!
The team is not only working on squashing bugs- our next update will bring plenty of tweaks and improvements to Amber Isle! Bugs and Paleofolk of all shapes and sizes should be afraid of this update... Very afraid!!
Join our Discord!
Want to keep up to date with the latest news around Amber Isle, share your fan-art and interact with our dino-centric community? Join our Amber Isle Discord server here!
Player Support
Ran into an issue with Amber Isle? Reach out to our dedicated support team here! See you soon for our next update!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-10-24 14:59:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Folks! Today, we've released our first hotfix patch for Amber Isle, which fixes a number of bugs since the launch of our shop management-sim last week! This patch also introduces automatic save backups to help you restore your save in case of any future softlocks. Our whole team has been overwhelmed with the love and support you've shown for Amber Isle and we're happy to release this patch to address soflocks and critical bugs reported to Player Support over the past four days!
v1.0.1 Patch Notes
- Fix: Accidental completion of region rating quests when loading a game.
- Fix: Adi grants the player additional items when crafting for first stocking of the shop.
- Fix: Quests saving in a broken state or continuing slightly as you return to the menu.
- Fix: Resources now can't be collected just before talking to Maple to stop the game locking.
- Fix: Player save file sometimes becoming corrupted when returning to the main menu or quitting the game.
- Fix: Issues where the game allowed you to enter the meadow or open the shop during the tutorial at an incorrect time causing the player to become trapped during various quests.
- Fix: Adi disappearing and not sleeping during "Where is Adi?"
- Fix: Mayor grants the player additional amber during the Ambience tutorial, allowing the player to purchase the required item.
- Fix: Issues where the Ambience Quest, Shop Ranking UI, and Mortgage Quest could all trigger at once locking the game.
- Fix: Issue where the shop would lock because a customer wouldn't approach the counter.
- Add: Save backups are now included in the save folder under a folder called "BACKUP", allowing roll back to an earlier save if needed.

New save files can be overridden by previously deleted save files, causing a soft-lock
Please Note: If you return to main menu, delete your save file, and create a new one in it's slot, your deleted save will override the new one, causing a number of issues. To avoid this issue, after deleting a save, restart the game before creating a new save - this will not cause the issue to appear. View other Known Issues in Amber Isle here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1663040/discussions/0/4701286722074851766/
Join our Discord!
Want to keep up to date with the latest news around Amber Isle, share your fan-art and interact with our dino-centric community? Join our Amber Isle Discord server here!
Player Support
Ran into an issue with Amber Isle? Reach out to our dedicated support team here! See you soon folks!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-10-15 12:59:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey Folks! Since launching Amber Isle earlier in the week, our whole team have been overwhelmed with the love, support, excitement, and enthusiasm you've shown for Amber Isle. We've spent the past 4+ years putting our hearts & souls into Amber Isle's development, so to get to finally release it to such an amazing reception has been a dream come true.
Future Hotfix Patch Plans & Hotfix Beta Testing
Thank you for bearing with us while we've been working on the first batch of fixes for Amber Isle. We're happy to report that we have completed work on the first emergency hotfix update (v1.0.1)! This update should address softlocks and critical bugs reported to Player Support over the past 3 days, and it introduces automatic save backups to help you restore your save in case of any future softlocks. We're aiming to release this patch to everyone next week, but if you'd like to help us verify it's stability in the meantime, instructions for accessing the beta now are listed below.
Beta Testing for Patch v1.0.1
Beta Release: Now Available (public-testing-unstable) Full Release: Aiming for Tomorrow Evening
- To access the beta release of this update, right-click Amber Isle in your steam library, going to properties, then betas, then select public-testing-unstable in the dropdown.
v1.0.1 Patch Notes
Current Beta Testing & Future Full Release
- Fix: Accidental completion of region rating quests when loading a game.
- Fix: Adi grants the player additional items when crafting for first stocking of the shop.
- Fix: Quests saving in a broken state or continuing slightly as you return to the menu.
- Fix: Resources now can't be collected just before talking to Maple to stop the game locking.
- Fix: Player save file sometimes becoming corrupted when returning to the main menu or quitting the game.
- Fix: Issues where the game allowed you to enter the meadow or open the shop during the tutorial at an incorrect time causing the player to become trapped during various quests.
- Fix: Adi disappearing and not sleeping during "Where is Adi?"
- Fix: Mayor grants the player additional amber during the Ambience tutorial, allowing the player to purchase the required item.
- Fix: Issues where the Ambience Quest, Shop Ranking UI, and Mortgage Quest could all trigger at once locking the game.
- Fix: Issue where the shop would lock because a customer wouldn't approach the counter.
- Add: Save backups are now included in the save folder under a folder called "BACKUP", allowing roll back to an earlier save if needed.
Join our Discord!
Want to keep up to date with the latest news around Amber Isle, share your fan-art and interact with our dino-centric community? Join our Amber Isle Discord server here!
Player Support
Ran into an issue with Amber Isle? Reach out to our dedicated support team here! See you soon for the full release of patch v1.0.1
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-10-13 14:45:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone. We're thrilled to announce that our dino-centric shop simulator, Amber Isle is out now on Steam!
Amber Isle welcomes YOU () to setup shop in a friendly village with an eclectic mix of prehistoric animals named Paleofolk! But can you help restore Amber Isle to its former glory?
[previewyoutube=b_fcJTrall8;full]Amber Isle's Key Features:
Open Shop: Customise, name, and run your shop your way use the profits to unlock new shop dcor, walls, floors, and more, making the space uniquely yours.
Rebuild the Island: Rebuild, decorate, and unlock new areas to explore on Amber Isle, and with enough improvement, Paleofolk will start to take up residence on the island permanently.
Meet the Neighbours: Amber Isle is home to 48 different Paleofolk to befriend, including Ice Age mammals, Permian amphibians, marine life, invertebrates, and more.
Paleo-you: Express your penchant for the prehistoric and design your very own Paleofolk change your clothes, crests, and colours, to create your perfect paleo-persona.
Bundle Guide
Just can't get enough of Amber Isle and it's Paleofolk? Learn more about our Starter Pack & Amber Isle's Steam Bundles below!
Starter Pack
Get ready to decorate your shop, your island and even yourself with our super shiny Starter Pack! Featuring some iconic Team17 franchise items and original Amber Isle pieces, youre sure to be a smash hit with all kinds of Paleofolk!
10 limited-edition clothing options (Team17, GWYF, Ambertail and original designs!)
6 exclusive shop wallpaper options
Special Worms-themed island dcor
Amber Isle Original Soundtrack
Its banger after banger with our Amber Isle OST! Featuring 35 tracks of original music from the game, find your next favourite song to vibe to after an exciting day of shopkeeping!
Amber Isle Digital Artbook
Our Digital Artbook contains 196 pages of behind the scenes artwork that brought the world of Amber Isle to life!
From early concepts of our Paleofolk characters to breakdowns of how worldbuilding, environments and props were designed, you'll read all about the Amber Isle Art Team's creative processes and will even see some artwork that's never been publicly released!
Amber Isle - Deluxe Edition
Including Amber Isle & the Starter Pack.
Amber Isle - Gold Edition
Including Amber Isle, the Starter Pack, the Digital Artbook, and the Original Soundtrack.
Join our Discord!
Want to keep up to date with the latest news around Amber Isle, share your fan-art and interact with our dino-centric community? Join our Amber Isle Discord server here!
Player Support
Ran into an issue with Amber Isle? Reach out to our dedicated support team here!
We hope you enjoy your adventure in Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-10-10 16:00:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks... It's Amber Isle Launch Week! We're thrilled that we're just days away from our community experiencing Amber Isle on Steam.
Excited for Amber Isle's launch in just two days?
Want to watch more Amber Isle content in the lead-up to the launch? We recently posted a Deep Dive video on our Character Creator! Join Amber Isle team members Jordan (Creative Director) and Marc (Writer), who will guide you through the dino-customisation menus and mechanics, showcasing all the ways you can customise your player in Amber Isle! [previewyoutube=3rXwOzOQhhI;full][/previewyoutube]
You can now Pre-Order Amber Isle on our Steam page!
Pre-order Amber Isle and receive a 20% discount off our shop-management sim! This pre-order discount only runs for pre-launch on Steam, so make sure you snap up this deal before our release date on October 10th! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/ Thank you all for your support on Amber Isle! See you in two days for our Steam launch!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-10-08 10:28:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Today, Pre-Orders are available for Amber Isle on Steam! Pre-order Amber Isle before our release date on October 10th and receive a 20% discount off our shop-management sim.
Pre-Order Amber Isle today on our Steam page!
Amber Isle - Deep Dive Trailer
Want to learn more about Amber Isle? We've just released a new Deep Dive Trailer, which details the key features of Amber Isle. In this new trailer, Ambertail Games, developers of Amber Isle, go into the details of crafting items, the shop management mechanics, and most importantly- how to restore Amber Isle to its former glory! [previewyoutube=ZhRv1RpcJCo;full][/previewyoutube]
We're also announcing extra goodies available on day one, and not one but TWO bundles which are ALSO 20% off until launch!
Starter Pack
Get ready to decorate your shop, your island and even yourself with our super shiny Starter Pack! Featuring some iconic Team17 franchise items and original Amber Isle pieces, youre sure to be a smash hit with all kinds of Paleofolk! 10 limited-edition clothing options (Team17, GWYF, Ambertail and original designs!) 6 exclusive shop wallpaper options Special Worms-themed island dcor

Amber Isle Original Soundtrack
Its banger after banger with our Amber Isle OST! Featuring 35 tracks of original music from the game, find your next favourite song to vibe to after an exciting day of shopkeeping!
Amber Isle Digital Artbook
Our Digital Artbook contains 196 pages of behind the scenes artwork that brought the world of Amber Isle to life! From early concepts of our Paleofolk characters to breakdowns of how worldbuilding, environments and props were designed, you'll read all about the Amber Isle Art Team's creative processes and will even see some artwork that's never been publicly released!
Amber Isle - Deluxe Edition
Including Amber Isle & the Starter Pack (Pre-orders Include a 20% Discount)
Amber Isle - Gold Edition
Including Amber Isle, the Starter Pack, the Digital Artbook, and the Original Soundtrack (Pre-orders Include a 20% Discount) You can pre-order all bundles and add-ons RIGHT NOW at https://ambtl.co/preorder We hope you are excited for our release on October 10th!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-09-13 09:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Today, we're thrilled to announce our release date for Amber Isle... You will be able to jump in to the island soon, as Amber Isle launches on 10th October 2024 on Steam! Amber Isle welcomes players to set up shop in the eponymous Amber Isle, a friendly village fit to bursting with an eclectic mix of prehistoric animals named Paleofolk, who are desperate for players to breathe new life into their community and bring their home back from the brink of fossilisation. Watch our new Release Date Announcement trailer below: [previewyoutube=tMR1d7i5AxU;full][/previewyoutube]
About Amber Isle:
Being the new owner of a failing shop is no mean feat, and once players have created their own Paleo-persona, theyll need to roll up their sleeves and get their claws dirty as they work to maintain the shop. Players will spend their days bartering with stubborn customers, stocking shelves with everything their paleo pals might need, befriending the locals, improving the village, and exploring the surrounding areas for new items to craft, all in an attempt to convince their fellow Paleofolk to return to Amber Isle permanently.

Amber Isle Key Features:
Open Shop: Customise, name, and run your shop your way use the profits to unlock new shop dcor, walls, floors, and more, making the space uniquely yours.

Rebuild the Island: Rebuild, decorate, and unlock new areas to explore on Amber Isle, and with enough improvement, Paleofolk will start to take up residence on the island permanently.

Meet the Neighbours: Amber Isle is home to 48 different Paleofolk to befriend, including Ice Age mammals, Permian amphibians, marine life, invertebrates, and more.

Paleo-you: Express your penchant for the prehistoric and design your very own Paleofolk change your clothes, crests, and colours, to create your perfect paleo-persona.

We hope you are excited for our release on October 10th! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-07-16 11:15:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We're broadcasting gameplay of Amber Isle to the Steam Next Fest page from our publishers Team17. Watch our stream at:
8PM BST on 13/06
Missed the stream? Don't worry! You can play the Amber Isle Demo on our Steam store page https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/ We all want Amber Isle to be the absolute best it can be for launch, and YOU can help with that by sending us feedback and bug reports! Join our Discord to learn more!
About Amber Isle
Whittled down to its last remaining residents, Amber Isle has well and truly seen better days, and a last-ditch effort to save it sees the grumpy iguanodon Mayor Clawsworth cast a keen yet cynical eye over the new venture, hopeful that Amber Isle can return to its glory days. After designing their own Paleo-character, players will adventure out into the world of Amber Isle, spending their days maintaining their shop, befriending the locals, and improving the village enough to convince other Paleofolk to return and take up residence permanently.

We hope you're enjoying our Steam Next Fest Demo!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-06-12 14:57:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Today we're broadcasting gameplay of Amber Isle to the Steam Next Fest page from our publishers Team17. Watch our stream at:
11AM BST on 12/06
Missed the stream? Don't worry! You can play the Amber Isle Demo on our Steam store page https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/ We all want Amber Isle to be the absolute best it can be for launch, and YOU can help with that by sending us feedback and bug reports! Join our Discord to learn more!
About Amber Isle
Whittled down to its last remaining residents, Amber Isle has well and truly seen better days, and a last-ditch effort to save it sees the grumpy iguanodon Mayor Clawsworth cast a keen yet cynical eye over the new venture, hopeful that Amber Isle can return to its glory days. After designing their own Paleo-character, players will adventure out into the world of Amber Isle, spending their days maintaining their shop, befriending the locals, and improving the village enough to convince other Paleofolk to return and take up residence permanently.

We hope you're enjoying our Steam Next Fest Demo!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-06-11 09:36:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! We couldn't wait... Amber Isle's Steam Next Fest Demo is now live !
Download on our Steam page below!
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1663040/Amber_Isle/ Grab your passports- as your Paleoventure begins today! Get ready to run your own shop, explore the island of Amber Isle and meet (some of) our Paleofolk- our prehistoric pals! Before jumping into our Steam Next Fest Demo, please read our important info about our demo below!

Join our Discord!
We all want Amber Isle to be the absolute best it can be for launch, and YOU can help with that by sending us feedback and bug reports! Join our Discord to learn more!
About Amber Isle
Welcome to Amber Isle, a friendly village fit to bursting with an eclectic mix of prehistoric animals which we call Paleofolk! Coming soon to Steam, players will manage a shop in Amber Isle, as players stock their shop with everything their Paleo-pals might need. Each customer has their own unique needs and behaviours, so players will need to haggle, pawn, and counter-offer to get the best price possible, making their shop a resounding success and saving Amber Isle from the brink of fossilisation.
Key Features of Amber Isle:
- Design your own Dino
- Befriend 48 Paleofolk
- Create and customise your shop
- Return the isle to its glory days!

We hope you're excited to play Amber Isle for the very first time today!
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-06-10 16:44:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Today we have exciting news to share- we hope you've got your passports at the ready, as your Paleoventure starts soon...
Experience Amber Isle for the very first time in our Steam Next Fest demo, available 10th - 17th June!
We're thrilled to announce our involvement in Steam Next Fest and cannot wait to see all of your reactions to a section of Amber Isle! More details on our demo will be coming soon. In the meantime, watch our latest trailer to get a glimpse of the content in our dino-centric shop management sim: [previewyoutube=ZcRk9l12te4;full][/previewyoutube]
About Amber Isle
Welcome to Amber Isle, a friendly village fit to bursting with an eclectic mix of prehistoric animals which we call Paleofolk! Coming soon to Steam, players will manage a shop in Amber Isle, as players stock their shop with everything their Paleo-pals might need. Each customer has their own unique needs and behaviours, so players will need to haggle, pawn, and counter-offer to get the best price possible, making their shop a resounding success and saving Amber Isle from the brink of fossilisation.
Key Features of Amber Isle:
- Design your own Dino
- Befriend 48 Paleofolk
- Create and customise your shop
- Return the isle to its glory days!

We hope you're excited for our Next Fest Demo! More news soon...
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-05-31 11:15:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey all! Today we're thrilled to announce a partnership between Team17 Digital and Northern Irish game developer Ambertail Games to publish upcoming dino-centric shop management sim, Amber Isle. Watch our new Announcement trailer below: [previewyoutube=ZcRk9l12te4;full][/previewyoutube] Welcome to Amber Isle, a friendly village fit to bursting with an eclectic mix of prehistoric animals which we call Paleofolk! Coming soon to Steam, players will manage a shop in Amber Isle, as players stock their shop with everything their Paleo-pals might need. Each customer has their own unique needs and behaviours, so players will need to haggle, pawn, and counter-offer to get the best price possible, making their shop a resounding success and saving Amber Isle from the brink of fossilisation.
Ready to design Paleo-you?
One of our most frequently asked questions was about our Human Player, with many wanting to create their own Paleofolk. We've heard this feedback and have altered this! Now players will design their very own Paleofolk, who you'll play as in Amber Isle. Players will be able to express their penchant for the prehistoric by changing clothing, crests, and colours, to create your perfect paleo-persona!

Open Shop!
Customise, name, and run your shop your way use the profits to unlock new shop decor, walls, floors, and more, making the space uniquely yours.

Rebuild the Island
Rebuild, decorate, and unlock new areas to explore on Amber Isle, and with enough improvement, Paleofolk will start to take up residence on the island permanently.

Meet the Neighbours
Ambler Isle is home to 48 different Paleofolk to befriend, including Ice Age mammals, Permian amphibians, marine life, invertebrates, and more.

Whittled down to its last remaining residents, Amber Isle has well and truly seen better days, and a last-ditch effort to save it sees the grumpy iguanodon Mayor Clawsworth cast a keen yet cynical eye over the new venture, hopeful that Amber Isle can return to its glory days. After designing their own Paleo-character, players will adventure out into the world of Amber Isle, spending their days maintaining their shop, befriending the locals, and improving the village enough to convince other Paleofolk to return and take up residence permanently.

We hope you are excited for Amber Isle! More news coming soon...
Keep up to date with Amber Isle!
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[ 2024-04-09 13:00:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
Amber Isle is a shop management/social sim set in a quaint, friendly world of prehistoric animal villagers called Paleofolk!
Tasked with opening the only shop in a small, sleepy village, you find yourself crafting and selling items to solve unique problems of the unusual clientele. A table big enough for a brontosaurus, a water-proof picnic set for a plesiosaur, or a special toothbrush for a sabre-toothed cat!
By exploring and upgrading the isle, discovering new recipes and befriending customers, eventually some Paleofolk will want to move in and become neighbours. Make the shop of your dreams, befriend a cast of dinosaur characters and bring the village back to life!
Restore an old cottage into your very own shop! Customise the layout, decor and stalls to your choosing and get ready to welcome customers! The more welcoming your shop is, the more visitors you’ll see!
Explore the village to collect resources like stone and wood (or even trade and buy them from the Paleofolk villagers!). When you return home, you can choose a recipe to craft from your ‘Recipe List’. You can unlock new recipes by completing quests, increasing your friendliness with the Paleofolk in your village or mastering old recipes. Then set the items out for sale in your shop!
After mastering basic crafting, you will unlock the ability to create custom in-game designs for your items! You can create your own series of paintings, book covers, shirt designs and more! These can be sold in your shop and traded with friends- allowing you to create the shop of your dreams (or memes….)!
By running a successful shop, you can even donate to the village’s expansion and improvement. Create features that meet the needs of different Paleofolk, such as paths, recreational areas and water features. The more accessible the village is, the more Paleofolk will want to move in!
There’s a diverse cast of prehistoric characters to meet and befriend during your time in Amber Isle. Paleofolk have unique personalities, preferences and habits and come in all shapes, sizes and species! From the bulky brachiosaurus to the mini microraptor, all Paleofolk live happily side by side. And it’s not just dinosaurs- there are ice age mammals, Permian amphibians, marine life, even some invertebrates and more! All with their own shopping needs and special requests...
By chatting to Paleofolk and completing custom orders, you can befriend them and even hang out at their houses! Each Paleofolk character is unique, with their own dialogue, hobbies and personal goals/aspirations. The village will change and unlock new features depending on which Paleofolk characters you befriend or invite to live there!
- OS: Ubuntu Equivalent Distro
- Processor: 2 GHz 64-bit CPUMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM
- Storage: 2 GB available space
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