tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Will Phail is a fifteen-year-old like many others: lazy, spoiled and phlegmatic. But he has one thing that others lack: he's useless!

Experience Will's drama in this short adventure as he searches for his favorite T-shirt so he can hang out with his friends trying to defend his already compromised reputation.

Dodge lazy grandparents, mischievous rats, and carnivorous plants, and find the courage to descend into the frightening basement, where powers beyond understanding lurk, waiting to be awakened!

  • A dive into the golden age of point-and-click adventures
  • A state-of-the-art, ultramodern 9-verbs interface, to put you in total control
  • The humor of the great classics, with jokes conceived for smart people, like YOU who have decided to play this game!
  • Amazing 3D graphics: Dimple, Dlat and Dapproximate
  • Awesome MT-32 music and 22KHz sound effects that will blow your mind
  • Challenging and merciless puzzles that will force you to rack your brains!

The game

Powers in the Basement (PitB for short) is a 5/6 hours long point-and-click adventure game, deliberately reminiscent of the great classics from the 80s / 90s, with a specific sweet spot for LucasArts production.

It's a witty and sometimes surreal game, with clean humor, also suitable for children, set in a pseudo-fantasy world in which the medieval fairytale is punctuated by anachronisms, elements of modernity, and absurd references to nerd pop culture.

You will meet funny characters, face bizarre situations, solve challenging puzzles, and enjoy some hopefully rewarding wild goose chases.

Is this for you?

If you are new to this genre: this is a game for puzzle lovers, those who like to have a-ha moments in the shower or while cooking.

If you prefer story-driven games, rest assured we did our best to make PitB fair and enjoyable to casual gamers as well.

If you are a longtime fan of this genre, well... we hope we can bring you back to your childhood for a while.


Here is some comments, left by the testers during game development. Those make us particularly proud.

PITB is a gem for a compulsive clicker like me, a tribute to the masterpieces we grew up with. The humor is spot on, the pace is right, the puzzles are well balanced and there are many references to the classics (funny quotes, not JJAbrams-style copycat!). I was impressed by the attention to even the smallest of details. [...]
It's a beautiful little game. The graphics were wonderful. The humor is witty and silly - very enjoyable. I chuckled aloud many times. The story was quirky, which I also liked.
The polish on the game was solid. I really appreciate it. This is the second indie game I've tested and at no moment did I feel like you didn't put in the effort to make my experience great.


PitB is our first point & click adventure, and the first game featuring Will Phail, a clumsy, light-hearted teenager with a hypertrofic self-esteem.
This game is a sort of prequel for a full-length adventure starring Will as a young adult. PitB is not a demo or a short version though: it is a game on its own, with a smaller scope and a story that is only mildly related to the next installment. Before embarking on Yet Another Unreleased Wide-Scope Adventure Game we decided to chew something smaller, learning along the road and introducing our beloved main character to the public.

To us this game, is like a dream come true. We grew up in the golden age of Point & Click games and we have always dreamed of reviving the spirit, humor, and brain-squeezing of the good ol' days, bringing something new to the table as well.

Feel free to join our Discord to leave your feedback.

Keyboard shortcuts


You can select verbs in the interface with your keyboard if you prefer:

Give (Q) Pick up (W) Use (E)
Open (A) Look at (S) Push (D)
Close (Z) Talk to (X) Pull (C)

Other functions:

  • Tab: Unlock cursor from game area (in windowed mode)
  • F1: Display game release version
  • F11: Toggle full-screen/windowed modes on Linux


We know, you beat King's Quest on the first run and don't need tips, but for those who are new to the genre:

  • Observe. Look at things both in the environment and in your inventory: acquiring information is key.
  • Pay attention to what is said in the dialogues.
  • Using the right verb might make a difference: you are in full control.
  • Try not to brute force the solution. Think out of the box but rest assured each puzzle has a sensible solution.
  • Don't rush. If you're stuck and frustrated, take a break, quit the game and let your brain elaborate in the background.

A game by

Illiterate Code Games

Made with PowerQuest LogoPowerQuest by PowerHoof