Hey everyone, Jazz here! So... it's been a long while. Here's a quick technical change.
Fixed Issues
Recently it came to my attention (via a friend on Steam), that the demo version of BIRBOUT! wasn't launching on Windows. Turns out, the file paths were bugged when v1.1 went live over a year and a half ago. This also affected the Linux version from what I can gather. Funnily enough, I didn't even have to re-build the game, and just had to fix a few settings in the build settings and Steam itself! This has been rectified:
- Fixed the internal depot to have the Windows executable and Linux executable on the root-level of the folder, fixing the 'executable missing' message. - Linux: Removed the brackets from internal Steam settings so it points to the executable.
It's been a while since I even maintained the game, so I was shaking off some serious rust and had to bust out an old drive with the game on it. I had to update my build scripts and everything but it was super fun going through the drive and seeing all of the old development work I did on the game! No changes have been made to the full version of the game, as I verified no issues were present, even testing the Linux build of BIRBOUT! on my machine just then. Special thanks to the BIRBOUT! community on Element! Y'all helped out a lot! https://matrix.to/#/#birbout:matrix.org Enjoy the (i guess grand re-opening of the) free demo build of BIRBOUT! - Jazztache
[ 2024-02-10 05:39:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=nq7a6ANTDHs;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] BIRBOUT! v1.1a (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Hey everyone! Its been a while since I have updated BIRBOUT!. Recently, in my extended break from working on the game, a recent stream popped up, and encountered a major bug with the games ending. There were also a bunch of minor bugs that were discovered in that same stream that really bothered me and affected the experience of the game. This Hotfix seeks to remedy these issues. As always if you have any feedback on absolutely anything, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Also, the playtest sessions are a fun time, so consider joining! Bug Fixes Fixed the ending not triggering after defeating the final boss. Thanks melharucos for catching that on stream! Fixed some performance and text scaling issues with the compass arrows. Fixed some sprite layering issues, this includes some that werent in v1.1, but were discovered in the editor. Fixed layering and text rendering issues on seeds. Revised the compass arrows to make sure there are no bugs. Disabled uncapped framerate due to an ongoing acceleration bug. Fixed missing music on Molded Mines (Unity import glitch) Text Changes Fixed a long-standing typo on the game. runthough runthrough Added commas between individual items on the end-of-level screen for better readability. Map Rebalances Sky High Climb has had some of its looping screens changed to not loop anymore, due to confusion with newer players. Magpie Meadows spawn point is slightly higher to prevent clipping though the floor. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1046Mon13Jne22)
[ 2022-06-14 06:11:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=gQCpRPzaa7A;full][/previewyoutube] BIRBOUT! v1.1 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Hey everyone! Welcome to BIRBOUT!s first big update Run-It Random! This was super exciting for me since I got to really get creative with giving the game some stellar new features and a lot more replay value! This is the first big step forward for BIRBOUT!. Of course I have to give a hand to the community. This update was also my chance to implement some feedback, and I even managed to set up a proper beta branch on Steam. We even did some testing on some release candidates. A lot of the feedback backlog from v1.0 got solved as well like the uncapped framerate (only for benchmarking by the way) As always if you have any feedback on absolutely anything, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Also, the playtest sessions are a fun time, so consider joining! New Features No longer are you limited to 10 presets, you can now go up to 66! Your legacy presets (if you have a v1.0 save file) will be converted. The UI changes size to fit all of the presets in one screen! Notification lights will show up when you have items that you havent used yet. This goes for the Your Loadout button on the main menu, the item slots on the Loadout screen, and the item selector buttons. You can now name presets! You can open a more detailed screen to see when the preset was established, how much playtime is on it, and how much playtime you have clocked on your items. The detailed screen contains other useful functions such as renaming a preset, changing its order in your preset list or deleting it! You can now revert changes before saving them, such as changing items in a preset, your currently selected preset, re-orders, deletions, unequips and various other features. You can also randomise presets on creation! Modifiers! You can select Randomiser Mode, Speedrun mode, or stack the effects of Both! Randomiser changes your loadout on every respawn! Speedrun replaces the time score bonus with a live timer, the results screen with speedrun times, and the scoreboard and intro leaderboards are re-ordered by time and whether the record was a speedrun. Random Level mode, which replaces Single-level in Randomiser. Every respawn or re-roll, the current level changes! Speedrun Campaign mode! This is a fancy way to seperate out true speedrun camapigns from casual playthroughs! Screen looping now has a sound. There are different sounds for looping right-to-left or left-to-right. The sound itself is an edited sound effect of a slide whistle. Projectiles and Melees have a sound when they clash together! The sound is different if a projectile hits a projectile, a melee hits a projectile, or a melee hits a melee. (Charms are considered projectiles in this case). New Option! Uncapped framerate! Please note: only use this for benchmarking. This takes up a lot of VRAM and power! The game no longer uses V-Sync and is capped to 100 fps by default to save power. The Weapon Wheel is now in the game! Press the 4 key, MOUSE3 or R3 (on controller) to open the radial menu! Smoother UI experience in paged menus. The title bars are now animated, and the dots at the top indicate which page you are on. Hurt animation when Sunny or enemy birds get hit! Weapon Rebalances Sparks hitbox was raised and made taller. This will make it less likely for it to skim under Plovers when trying to hit them. Map Rebalances 7 enemies in C1M10 have had their bugles forcibly confiscated for making the damn level too hard. Technical Updates Completely reworked save system. All save types are now united under one save system with the same base and similar internal code for loading and saving data. Refactored Sunnys code such that the health script and main script are one, causing a lot of bridging code and the extra script on Sunny and the enemies to be cut out. This is a decent performance boost. The Loadout screens code got completely reworked for both the new features and better technical performance. Its much more efficient on disk as well. Radial Menus are a thing. Will probably be used for better text input on controller in future. Reworked Show/Hide system for the Main Menu, which will take out a lot of the bugs and glitches related to menu navigation. Level Loading and Round Starting code has been refactored a little bit. This is mostly due to Randomiser. Bug Fixes Various UI and navigation bugs. Some spawning collision out-of-bounds glitches and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1700Sun27Feb22)
[ 2022-03-01 03:40:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIRBOUT! v1.0.4 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Whelp I did an oops. Apparently there were issues booting up on Windows. No idea why, talked to Steam support, and we couldnt really do much about it. SO! Lets make the best of a bad situation, and bring out a nice update to v1.0.X! This update is focused around implementing some playtesting feedback! Thanks everyone! As always if you have any feedback on UI Stuff, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Also, the playtest sessions are a fun time, so consider joining! UI - Selected weapons are now italicised. - Rework to the User slate screen. The panel is bigger and there is more info and context on what the tickboxes do. Tutorialisation - Controls for weapon switching are shown on the tutorial map. More stuff like this will be coming soon to the tutorial menu, especially as the current user slate is information overload. I plan on keeping both though. Bug Fixes - Fixed the game not booting on Windows 10. - Demo Version: Fixed the game not being set to demomode which caused the game to have level loading errors. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (2024Tue15Feb22)
[ 2022-02-16 01:51:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIRBOUT! v1.0.3 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Well that was a short break. Anyways, welcome to 2022. Thisll be the year where the first big patches to the game will happen. Im also developing tools thatll make the process of getting builds out quicker, namely some scripts to automatically gets builds going. This one is mainly just to tweak some of the weapons a little bit. As always if you have any feedback on weapon balance, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Im planning for this to truly be the last v1.0.X update, so itll be a while before the next patch. Code Changes Internally, OnFire and DoubleJump have been changed to Afterburn and Double_Jump. Underscores in effect names now get turned into spaces. Weapon Rebalances Ironcaw: Cooldown has been buffed from 2.5s to 0.8s Fire: Afterburn is no longer lethal. Stops dealing damage if you are on 1hp. The base hit can still kill though. Bug Fixes Fixed live scoreboard update in single level after switching maps. There's now an extra check for scoreboard init. Asset Fixes Fixed Treetop Hop Clear and Battle music track loops being out of sync after first loop. Took down the Christmas lights :) - I might make a Christmas mode later on. Holly-Jolly Hills will still be available under Misc until at least v1.1 though. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1419Mon03Jan22)
[ 2022-01-03 04:16:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIRBOUT! 1.0.2 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Here it is! The long-awaited Linux version of the game. Our first port! How about that! Also, BIRBMASSSSS! This event will run from now to the start of 2022. Ill be a bit late to bring in the Christmas lights since I want to finally take a break from this game to set up some stuff for next year and chill and maybe make some videos. If you want to stay updated or need to report bugs, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U We also recommend taking videos of bugs and starting a thread in #bug-reports in our Discord support category. Thankyou! UI -End Of Level Selector buttons now auto-size text so larger level names are in smaller font to fit inside the button. -Add a Join Community button to quickly access the Discord. -BIRBMAS UPDATE! Everything is Christmas-y on the title screen and the buttons have been changed to candy-cane colours. Have fun! Major Features -A full rework to the soundtrack, particularly to get the recorder sample fixed. Everything sounds mostly the same but the recorder has less pop and sounds a bit more arcade-y -New Level for Birbmas! Holly-Jolly Hills! Its also available in the Demo version, and contains of the two new hats, the Elven Ears! The music is even a Sunny-ified remix of Jingle Bells Birbs! -The Penguin Pullover! A new hat for Sunny! Check your loadouts hat slot if youre playing on Linux. Level Revisions -Hillclimb Holds barrier now goes down instead of sideways. This was because you would still touch it and it would falsely make a lock indicator appear. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1128Fri17Dec21)
[ 2021-12-17 04:21:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIRBOUT! 1.0.1a (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Ah yeah, I knew this would happen. Anyways, In order to gear up for the Linux version of BIRBOUT! I solved a few rendering errors, which created more rendering errors. Also, on the topic, Im delaying the demo for Windows until I get both the Linux main version and Linux demo version out so I can test all of them at once. Im pretty close and its running almost perfectly on my Kubuntu install with the correct Nvidia drivers. Full 1080p and 8x Anti-Alisaing! If you want to stay updated or need to report bugs, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U OK, onto the fixes! UI Fixes - Fixed the weapon reload and cooldown bars on the Weapon HUD appearing invisible. This was due to a Z-Scale mishap. I set it back to 1 as with the blanket UI fixes. - Cleaner ending text when setting a new record on a previously played stage. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1308Fri11Dec21)
[ 2021-12-11 02:44:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
BIRBOUT! 1.0.1 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes Developers Address Well that was quick! Some of you already found a bunch of bugs and some of the known ones also got fixed just now as well. Overall I think thisll be the last patch before the end of the year but knowing me I always love to do some little fixes here and there. If you want to stay updated or need to report bugs, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U As always, UI Fixes -Fixed the end of level win screen from showing the wrong rank. A lot of that code has been re-worked and also new win text under the score is present! -Null Action on button was fixed, so the respawn button action logic is a bit cleaner. -Tab selector now tells the feather selector to set the colours properly for sliders, so that they are your favourite colour like other buttons. Input Fixes -Jumping and crouching now uses raw input instead of the interpolated input used for flying and running! The input lag everyone was talking about was just the games movement interp doing its job too well. It was basically some sort of phantom deadzone delay type deal. Enemies still use this (consistency with v1.0!), but now Sunny (player prefab) has a flag set on her movement script to bypass the interp for vertical movement and just use the raw value. Now the instant you hit the button (accounting for monitor delay), Sunny will jump or crouch. -You can press any Pause input (ESC, ENTER, START) to unpause from the menu. This was because the pause buffer checker was using scaled time (which is 0 when paused) instead of unscaled time. -Arrow keys can now be used for movement. Good if youre a lefty :D. Level Revisions -Fixed some platforms in All Hallows Tower that had their power button graphics set to null. Now it uses the correct graphic! -M2s second to last screen has had its wall flag set to false when exiting the screen from the top with plovers present. Caused some physics issues. and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1850Fri10Dec21)
[ 2021-12-10 10:15:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Developers Address Ladies and gentlemen! We have done it. We have finally done it. BIRBOUT! is now fully released. Whilst there were a few other things I really wanted to do, at this point, I really need to take a mental health break, plus I can always patch all of this in later. The game is fully functional with only a few very minor bugs. These are known and can mostly be ignored though, since theyre rare or dont affect the gameplay or cause any significant trouble. Ill also patch them out soon. Its been a long 3-and-a-third year journey for us, and as we head into 2022, Ill be sure to keep updating the game with new features and content as we go down the road. BIRBOUT! is complete, but its far from finished. There were several cut features such as cutscenes and multiplayer and several things I want to experiment with thatll make BIRBOUT! a more fun experience. Look forward to new content sometime in the future! If you want to stay updated or need to report bugs, please join our Discord server! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Anyways, its been a wonderful experience, and Ill see you all back for another patch sometime after Christmas. Youre all a great community and a real bunch of good pals and Im so glad that you came along for the ride with us. As always, thank you all for reading, enjoy the release build and have fun! Thankyou! UI Overhaul -Complete revamp of the games main font. Transitioned from the beta LimeHex Jaggered Senserif to the chad Bweep!. Its the font youre reading this in right now! Its mostly just a cleaned up and redesigned version of the old font, keeping what worked and scrapping what didnt. -A completely new title intro and theme. The old title screen was good, but I wanted to do something very special, so I recomposed the title theme and added a cool intro animation. -Animated halftones on the UI -A Button Backplates option in the options menu to make the Main menu look like the Pause Menu. -A new design for the top score/health/seeds/time readout! Now has this cool diagonal look -A better intro card with a mini-scoreboard overview -Generally more polishing, plus placement fixes for the Main menu Major Features -Hitbox revamps and improved collisions with seed for all bird characters, especially Sunny and Plover. Less jjhhhhjank overall! -Improved game logic related to User save files and Campaign save files -Bosses now drop hats (and also wear them :D), this also co-insides with an update to RewardItem logic, which now checks for exact duplicates in your item list, and now tells you which Item you have picked up! -New bug report method. The old form has been scrapped and made way for a bug fix support category on our Discord server. -Far better optimisation then on Early Access builds, many heavy calculations have been taken out of Update() and have been given bespoke call scenarios. This means FAR less lag on menus. -Intro cutscene slightly improved with cleaner animation. -Added a new tink-tonk prompt with a lock and key when you walk into locked barriers. People got confused when come areas were locked, so I added this for better telegraphing. -Items now make a sound when selected on the Loadout! Bug Fixes -Improved logic related to the Boot Menu. The controls related to transitioning into the first cutscene have been fixed. Some buttons were updated. -Heavily refactored platform code to be simpler, more efficient and to have more failsafe checks. If you find any errors in your player log that arent stock Unity errors, youll know who to tell, and a fix wont be far away! -Added kill icons for the weapon you receive in M25 (spoiler-free patch notes!) for both top-half kills and bottom-half kills. Also gave it a unique item icon and fixed a rotation bug. Level Revisions -Many maps have had general difficulty balancing and polish updates. Special care was taken to Checkpoints and Warp nests this update to make none of them were floating in the air -Rebalances to remove some of the rougher edges -Some of the internal errors related to Missing refs have been addressed in terms of platforms. -M22, duplicate Magpie spawner fixed. -M4, getting stuck inside the platform fixed. Also carries over to Demo version. -Introduction Impass, better text, friendlier placement for plovers. Rebalances -Several bosses have had their health reduced to make them easier, as well as to make more loadouts viable against them. -Final boss has been more aggressive to compensate. What Ive Learned You know what, I just wanted to use this footnote to just say that Im grateful for all the positive experiences that everyone has given me. The Sunny community and how chill everyone has been over the years has been really nice, and this whole experience of making a game for myself has given me ton of newfound knowledge and experience. I am truly humbled by how many people respect what I do, and that I overcame this challenge with little to no experience. Through all the trials and tribulations of making this game, even as far back as the 0.1 and prototype days in 2018, I knew it would be worth it for the achievement, the experience and because I always believed in Sunny as a concept. The release of this is genuinely one of the highlights of my life, since its the first big achievement that I can truly call my own, and new path for myself that I build for myself. The core experience of the game is about as good as I could have imagined, and the fact that Im in a medium where its possible to go back and both figuratively and literally patch over your old mistakes to improve your work after release is a blessing that I will never, EVER take for granted. I promise that I will do my best to continue BIRBOUT! on with new fixes, features and levels. I care a lot about the future of this game, so I guess the ride continues... and I wouldnt have it any other way, nor would I ever miss it for the world. Good things are coming, so stay tuned. Merry Christmas everyone and have a nice rest of the year. Heres to 2022! and, as always, Thanks for reading, and take care! -Jazztache (1016Sun05Dec21)
[ 2021-12-05 00:31:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! New build is out! Anyways, here are your patch notes!
BIRBOUT! 0.4.2 (Full Ver.) Patch Notes
Developers Address
Oh man, it has been a bit! I took a three-month break from the game, but now I am back and ready to get this one over the release line and ready to go out into the world for real! Anyways, for my first duty back I fixed up most of the map stuff. Join the flock! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Anyways, thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
Level Revisions
-On several maps, made sure that plovers dont fall off vertical platforms by putting their spawn points higher up. -On several maps, found areas that used the default platform texture for too long, and gave them textures to break up the environment a bit more. -On several early game maps, moved cages to prevent out-of-bounds tricks -On Map 17 onwards, using a tool developed later on in the checking process, directly aligned all cages with their ceilings/floors of their respective or adjacent screens -Fixed a major soft-lock on Map 17, where you couldnt complete the level, entirely blocking off the rest of the game. (heccin yikes!) -On several mid to late game maps, rebalanced levels such that plovers on certain maps (namely M13 and M18) were given lower health values, making then slightly easier compared to older renditions.
-Halved vuvuzelas reload time
[ 2021-11-05 08:01:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Developers Address Hey everyone! A few days back I updated the demo to v0.4.1. I know that currently there are far fewer players playing the full version but I have updated the game to fix a few major issues. Other than that its mostly just stability and bug fixes. See the demos patch notes for context. Join the flock! https://discord.gg/DaXYKw5W6U Anyways, thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy! Bug Fixes -Fixed checkpoints again -Single Level thumbnails now appear without having to tab back and forth. Game now just does it after opening now. -Campaign Mode caused the game to soft-lock due to UI and Saving errors. Its fixed now and will take you to the main menu when you complete it. -Fixed an issue with save files only going to Map 29 instead of Map 30. Leftover from Pre-0.4 testing period. -Fixed an issue where the final level was unlocked from the start, yes really. :I Level Revisions -M3s loops were causing issues, so I removed them. Screens dont loop after the checkpoint. -M4 no longer logs errors about enemy health, also gone through some slight changes. -Introduction Impass has had its level co-ords fixed and some elements were moved slightly. Mostly just technical Editor stuff. -M2 had its sign updated to remove the obvious spelling mistake. Oopsie.
[ 2021-07-29 23:52:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- BIRBOUT! Depot (Linux) [513.45 M]
Desmond the Cat has stolen away your best friend Snowy and all of your weapons! But most importantly, your SEEDS! He's working along side the Plovers, who are tasked to stop Sunny at all costs.
You get three stock weapons right out of the gate, and along with Feathered Fury, There's also Mat Hatted Classics, six levels from the old beta versions of Sunny, where you can unlock hats for Sunny to wear!
So, what's different?
Sunny doesn't play like a traditional run and gun, almost all weapons are burst-damage weapons, with no automatics. Customise Sunny's loadout using 'Your Loadout' on the pause menu to change which weapons are equipped next life, and tackle any challenge the game throws at you any way you choose. Before you start unlocking weapons, the majority of enemies will be using exact copies of them in the level. Once you know how to play against a weapon, you can play with the weapon.
Eating seeds heals you, which drop from enemies or are found in secret mini-screens. Permanent weapon pickups are at the end of each stage, and you can use Warp Nests to jump to different parts of the stage and exit stages. Checkpoint Birdbaths can set your starting point closer to the goal, or can be smashed open with your weapons in order to get a lot of health, a time bonus and other bonuses.
Feathered frens!
We are also very big on community, so join our Discord server if you want to be a part of our community! We pride ourselves on being friendly and approachable, and if you have any questions... ask away!Hope you enjoy!
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