I am saddened to inform our followers and players that after 3 years of hard work, Hack and Slime has been definitively canceled due to a lack of staff. Hack and Slime consists of several design documents with over 50,000 words of documentation, hundreds of sound assets, and thousands of graphic assets to provide you with 4 to 6 hours of gameplay. It has been an incredible and exhausting work journey, and now I find myself obliged to conclude the project as it is impossible to continue. I am immensely grateful for the interest and support received over these years on Steam, Discord, social media, and at in-person events. Your company has been what gave me the strength to keep working during the tough times. From the producer, director, designer, writer, and graphic assistant: Odn Campoy.
[ 2024-06-08 17:19:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good morning, Hack and Slime players!
This update is very special. As we've mentioned on other occasions, the transition from Construct 3 to Unity is imminent, bringing with it all the enhancements and new content that entails. Hack and Slime will be bigger than ever; with new characters, menus, abilities, and millions of equipment pieces.
Unfortunately, this poses an inconvenience for our more experienced players: the saved game system is not compatible. Hack and Slime will have too much added content to support save file porting between different engines. We need to be clear about this, as we have in the past: saved games will be lost.
Additionally, during the initial weeks, there won't be a functional saving system. We'll maintain a pre-alpha version for testing on the main Steam branch. We need to do it this way to achieve massive testing from our players and rapidly address any issues that may arise.
We understand that this may not sound very promising, but trust us, the best is yet to come. Hack and Slime will be a huge game before you know it, and you'll be able to spend hundreds of hours farming and defeating endless hordes of monsters.
That's why we're asking for your collaboration and feedback on the Bullwaresoft Discord, to improve Hack and Slime and make it the best Hack and Slash possible:
- The collision system has been improved so that characters and enemies do not get stuck when changing from solid to platform
- Created and implemented the Skullspider enemy (Behaviour, stats and animations)
- Fixed a bug related to "dropping" from non-solid platforms
- Skullpider now has lighting in the abdomen and eyes to see her better in the dark
- Created and implemented the Ogrog enemy (Behaviour, stats and animations)
- Characters now retain their stats, level and skill/attribute points after returning to the main menu
- The icy familiar and its trail will now appear bright regardless of external light
- Now when changing scenes the player's level will be correctly displayed on the HUD
- Skullspider will now end his run if he encounters a non-solid platform
- Fixed a bug that blocked the movement of the skeleton in some height changes
- Barricades now have physics and stop characters from moving forward
- The barricades now stop the advance of the warrior's Dash.
- Spiked barricades now damage characters
- Creation and implementation of the Batmon enemy.
- The Batmon enemy will now hover at random points above the player to avoid overlapping.
- Added sounds for all of Batmon's actions and status.
- The interact icon will no longer appear if the interactable object is in cooldown (for example with mobile platforms)
- Added bomb throwing sound to the Ratapunky enemy.
- The music volume in The Sewers has been slightly reduced.
- The Slime now heads towards the player when appearing in the scene.
- All sounds have been added for the correct operation of the O-grog.
- The O-Grog now has all character sounds included
- Now Batmon has all character sounds included
- Now when the skeleton walks it plays random footsteps sounds
- The elevator menu is now available to make quick trips between scenes
- Added animation to the elevator door to open when the player is nearby
- Added sounds to the elevator menu (closing, arriving, opening, error when pressing the same active scene)
- The duration of the fade to black when entering the elevator or any shop in Humble Village has been significantly reduced.
- All characters in Humble Village now change their character orientation.
- Now skullspider has all the sounds of his behavior added
- Now the Slime has all the sounds of its behavior added
- Added warning signage system for NPCs and Warpmazon
- Added the splash screen, the command recommendation screen and the ability to skip them
- Added signage system for unlocked elevator warning
- Skullspider now has all of his behavior sounds implemented
- Slime attack sound updated
- Added elevator unlocking system
- Fixed a bug related to sampling of npcs and location signs in Humble Village
- The initial number of potions in the combat hud is now 0
- Skullspider's behavior and operating rules have been improved
- Added a waiting sound while filling the character confirmation bar in the main menu
- Enemies and their projectiles will now ignore barricades
- Fixed a splash screen bug that allowed the main menu to be loaded multiple times
- The background of the inventory menu has been changed and now reflects the number of scrolls
- The dynamic glyph system has been fully implemented (UI and Gameplay)
- Humble Village npcs now have the interact icon visible
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to navigate through the main menu before it was fully visible
- Adjusted health regeneration time
- Some graphics in the inventory and attributes menu have been updated
- If the player attempts to cast a skill without enough mana a failure or error sound will be played
- Coins will now play impact sound when touching all types of platforms
- Added impact and destruction sounds to barricades
- The combat HUD will now show skill cooldowns
- Now when the character does not have the necessary mana to execute an equipped skill, the combat hud will show it in gray
- Now when a character levels up their life and mana are restored to 100%
- The new mage skill "Flaming Familiar" has been created and implemented
- The skill system has been modified so that if you summon a familiar while having another already summoned, it will disappear
- Familiar skill icons will now disappear from the combat hud if unequipped
- Fixed a bug that prevented the flaming familiar from targeting the enemy "Batmon"
- Fixed a bug that prevented the flaming familiar from targeting the enemy "Treasure Goblin"
- Canceling a familiar now does not trigger the ability's cooldown and plays a "retreat" sound (placeholder)
- Icicle ability now has a breaking sound
- Added the "Voltaic Nova" skill for the mage. It has been integrated throughout the HUD
- The Flame Familiar now scales its damage correctly
- Humble Village information signs now appear more easily
[ 2024-03-23 08:49:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good morning, Hack and Slime players!
We have HUGE news for our followers. This will be the last update where we maintain the "old" version in the main branch. What changes will this bring for players who haven't tried the open beta?
First and foremost, we want to apologize for any inconvenience, as the most significant change is that saved games from the Construct 3 version will simply disappear, as they are not compatible with Unity or the vastly different game you will see in March.
You will have 2 characters available with dozens of abilities that will be implemented over time. Now, Hack and Slime will not have a character-based story; instead, these characters will be avatars to represent the player (similar to Diablo 1, 2, and 3). The Warrior and the Mage, each with 15 active skills, 20 annexed skills, and 15 passive skills. That's 50 skills per character!
Dynamic lighting, improved physics system, new biomes, new enemies, new NPCs, and billions... (European billions, not billions) of pieces of equipment and weapons, with nearly infinite combinations. We've added charms, rings, and essences, as well as unique equipment pieces for all character levels.
All of that and much more is on the way, although once again, we'll have to start with a series of updates to include all this content. That's why we want to ask for your collaboration and feedback on the Bullwaresoft Discord, to improve Hack and Slime and make it the best Hack and Slash possible.
You just have to follow the link above, say hello, and request to be beta testers to gain access to the official testing thread.
We know that the journey to our dream game is long and difficult, but we have you to accompany us :)
Odn Campoy,
Director and designer of Hack and Slime.
- The names of the characters in the Main Menu now have the right color.
- Now enemy attacks cannot stop the execution of "Berserker".
- Navigation between the character menus has been updated.
- The drive cooldown of mobile platforms from 1s to 0.6s has been reduced.
- The inventory buttons are now 3: Inventory button, Back button, and ESC/Start button.
- An error has been corrected in the sampling of combat data.
- Now when the player levels the "Campana" warning graph is shown animatedly.
- Now the character of the character in real-time is shown in combat.
- Now the amount of potions available in real-time is shown in the combat hud.
- Hyakuretsu's ability integrated (gameplay and hud).
- Added lunge sound for hyakuretsu.
- Corrected bug that prevented crossing cross platforms down.
- Now mobile platforms do not behave as solid objects.
- Created the animations and behavior of the enemy Ratapunky.
- Added sounds for slime (impact and death).
- Added sounds for Nagga (impact, death, and shot).
- The impact sound in the slime has been added when he receives any blow.
- The impact sound in the naga has been added when you receive any blow.
- The impact sound in the Skeleton has been added when any blow is received.
- The navigation sound of the buttons in the Main Menu has changed for something more tribal.
- The skill of the warrior "sacrifice" for "Hyakuretsu" has changed.
- It has been added as an attached ability to Hyakuretsu: "frenzy".
- Created and integrated into the HUD system the pause menu.
- From the pause menu now the player can travel to the Main Menu (lack of improvement in the transition).
- Sound for Uppercut ability has been improved.
- The ability "Balalaika" has been walked for "combat harpoon".
- The annexed skill "depth load" has been added to combat harpoon.
- New skills or modified are not accessible although they have descriptions.
- Created the remaining sources (red, purple, and green).
- Added random source (it will become a random source at the start of the scene)
- Now the red fountain restores all health and blue restores the entire mana.
- Now all sources reproduce a space sound of "loop".
- By activating the sources the space sound "loop" will be reduced until it goes out.
- When activating the sources, the "drinkpool" sound is reproduced.
- When activating the temples the "Templecasting" sound is reproduced.
- Now the Nagga will start shooting when the player enters the range.
- The Nagga projectile will damage the player when impacting and will be destroyed when touching soil/wall.
- A rendering error has been corrected in the last icons of added skills.
- A new skill icon has been added to "Golden Axe".
- The "uppercut" ability to the warrior has been added, now it is accessible from the skill tree
- A sound effect for "uppercut" has been added.
- Modified uppercut to move the camera when used in the air
- Uppercut ability now costs Man and its damage correctly
- Uppercut ability now reflects its percentage of damage and its mana cost correctly on the skill selection screen, in real-time
- A dashboard bug has been corrected that showed the ability assigned to R in the L and vice versa position
- Changed damage reception system (the "Ouch" is no longer 100% of the times that an entity receives damage)
- The waiting time in the characters selection bar has been reduced by half
- Now when the selection of a character is confirmed in the Main Menu the waiting bar disappears
- Horizontal force has been slightly increased in the displacement of coins
- The time of attraction of the mining to the characters has diminished to half
- The cooldown of attack of the Guerrero Strike's skill has been slightly diminished
- Guerrero's Strike ability can now hit up as it puts in his description Slime attack cooldown has decreased when a character enters its radius of action to 1.2 seconds
- The operating cycle of the SLIME AI has been completed
- The operating cycle of the Skeleton AI has been completed
- The wake of the icy relative is already affected by global lighting in all scenes
- Now the "icicle" projectiles do not collide with non-solid platforms
- Now the wake of "icy family" is illuminated correctly in all the scenes of the game
[ 2024-02-02 11:55:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good morning Hack and Slime players! This monthly update is VERY SPECIAL and we want to explain why. On the Hack and Slime team we are working hard to make the port as quickly as possible, this includes all the work previously done in construct3 plus all the changes and extras that the Unity version will contain. And the new Hack and Slime is going to be HUGE. However we need a lot more feedback and testing of the beta version to move forward as quickly as possible (your feedback and testing is very valuable). That's why we have decided that this monthly update will be the last one where we maintain the construct3 branch and move to the Unity model 100%. You must understand that the Unity version does not yet have a save system due to its enormous complexity, size, and implemented mechanics, but it will soon have it and you will be able to play Hack and Slime better than ever. Thank you very much for your help and understanding. Let's give our 100% Odin, from the Hack and Slime team.
- Some annexed skills of the Guerrero have been written again to improve its reading.
- Style has been given to the writings of the annexes of the Guerrero to improve its reading.
- An skill icon has been added to the icy relative.
- The minimum and maximum damage that increases "harangue" has been changed.
- The design of the skills menu has changed.
- Now you have to keep the add points to raise a level skill.
- Added sounds to move through the menu and level a skill level.
- The Man del Hud sphere is already fully functional.
- The skills are already consumed and is shown correctly in the HUD.
- Manna's regeneration now functional.
- The regeneration of life now functional.
- The dashboard correctly represents the ability assigned to each button.
- The dashboard is updated every time a skill is assigned to a button.
- The dashboard already correctly represents the level of the assigned ability.
- Now the relative icy does not consume Man to deactivate it
- The "Berserker" warrior's ability has been satisfactorily implemented.
- A new sound for Berserker execution has been implemented.
- The collider of the coins has been adjusted.
[ 2024-01-06 09:49:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good morning, farming enthusiasts!
The monthly update for Hack and Slime has arrived with a bunch of changes and improvements.
But before we continue, we want to remind you how to play the beta version:
In your Steam library, right-click on 'Hack and Slime.'
The following popup window will appear.
In the left navigation menu, click on 'Betas.'
In the right display, click on the dropdown 'Participation in beta "beta - Open Unity Beta.
Hack and Slime now has a functional albeit basic version of the skill trees for the Warrior and the Mage. When they level up, players can spend points to improve existing skills or unlock new ones. Currently, there are only 2 skills available per character, but we will be adding more skills weekly.
For all those interested in testing the Beta version or wanting to help improve Hack and Slime, we remind you that we have a Discord server updated daily with all our progress and a section for beta testers.
- New back tileset added to "The Well"
- Stalagmites and stalactites included in "The Well"
- 3 parallax levels added for the background of "The Well"
- Improved global and dynamic lighting in "The Well"
- Fixed a positioning error with the chests in "The Well"
- Now the "Dash" ability can be upgraded using skill points in addition to meeting its unlock requirements
- Abilities now correctly display their actual level in the skill menu
- Added water droplet decorations to "The Well"
- Added cobweb decorations to "The Well"
- Added sound effects for chest opening
- Added sound effects for the warrior's "Strike" ability
- Implemented the skill assignment system
- Fixed a bug that prevented the mage from moving
- Added sound effects for coin collection and falling
- Dynamic lighting has been added to the water.
- Improved camera tracking when characters fall from a high position.
- Initial life regeneration for the warrior has been changed from 0.1 to 0.2.
- Players can now navigate through the attached skill nodes.
- Changed the color of statistic numbers to #fff.
- Added mage's attached skills and their display in the skill menu.
- Matched the font of the version text in the main menu with the scene mockup.
- Although skills cannot yet be leveled up, navigation to the corresponding submenu is now accessible.
- Replaced the "placeholder" music in the main menu with one composed by Carlos Vallejo for Hack and Slime.
- The main menu music is now dynamic based on the cursor's position in the scene.
- Fixed a bug that allowed loading Humble Village from the main menu multiple times simultaneously.
- Improved water physics in The Sewers 1 and 2, The Pit, and The Catacombs 1 and 2.
- Added individual lighting to water for each level, relative to its tileset.
- The Warrior now has his own skill tree.
- Added attached skills to the Warrior's skill tree.
- Enemies now drop coins when defeated.
- Chests now drop coins when opened.
- Added a physics system for dropped coins.
- Added decoration and enemies in Catacombs 2.
- Added the biome 1 song to "The Sewers 1, The Sewers 2, and The Pit."
- Icicle can now be modified with skill points from the Mage's skill tree.
- Players can now travel to "The Training Room" from the sign in Humble Village, to the left of the instructor.
- Players can now pick up dropped coins.
- Added an attraction system for coins corresponding to the global stat "coins magnet."
- Added the Training Room scene sign to the village, although it is not yet functional.
- Characters now gain 1 skill point when leveling up.
- Strike can now be modified with skill points from the Warrior's skill tree.
- Changed the legend of "Sorcerer" in the main menu to "Mage."
- All skills added weekly will have effective values.
- Minimum and maximum damage will now affect Warrior's skills by the appropriate percentage.
- Fixed the description of the "Frosty Familiar."
- Added the "Training Room" level.
- Added "The Well" level to the game, a new biome in progress.
- Added access to the "Training Room" level in Humble Village.
- Added access to the "The Well" level in Humble Village.
- Added the "Charge" skill, default assigned to the Y button.
- The skills menu now displays unavailable skills with gray graphics.
- Drastically reduced the life of enemies.
- Fixed and polished the coin collection system.
[ 2023-12-01 11:42:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy weekend to all the fans of Hack and Slash games!
Today, we begin a new stage in the development of Hack and Slime: Monthly updates. While we will continue with the weekly updates for the Beta version (Steam beta testing system), these will be announced in our Discord news channel.
url=https://discord.com/invite/bullwaresoft ]https://discord.com/invite/bullwaresoft
The changelog regarding the week's work will be broken down, and we'll have different channels for you to report any bugs you find or suggest improvements. The more, the merrier, and it will make our game better.
On the first Friday of each month, we will release the weekly update along with a Steam news post summarizing all the month's work. This way, we won't clutter the news section with minor updates and will have a substantial list of changes to share.
Without further ado, here's the monthly changelog, and we remind you that we're looking forward to your feedback here, on Steam, and in our Discord.
You are Hack and Slime. Thank you very much.
- Now the buttons (Xbox only for now) on the lower dashboard correctly appear in the attributes and equipment menu.
- Now the buttons (Xbox only for now) on the lower dashboard correctly appear in the skills menu.
- A dynamic water system with different effects and physics has been added to the game.
- Statistics now reflect real-time attribute point changes.
- Sound effects have been added for character and enemy entry and exit in the water.
- A cooldown time has been added between presses of mobile platform activators.
- The travel distance of "Icicle," the Mage's initial ability, has been reduced.
- A sound effect has been added to "Icicle."
- The animation speed of the temples when the player interacts with them has been reduced.
- A sound effect has been added when the player levels up.
- Navigation between the Mage's active skills is now free, and you can view descriptions, properties, and requirements for all of them.
- The informative interface for skills has been improved.
- The Mage now has her own jump sound.
- The Discord button now leads the player to the official Bullwaresoft Discord.
- The version control can now be seen in the upper right corner of the main menu.
- The positioning and movement of all parallax layers in Humble Village have been improved.
- A lighting error in the background layers of Humble Village has been corrected.
- Smoke animation has been added to the blacksmith's chimney shot.
- A gleam animation has been added to the blacksmith's forge.
- Leveling up now grants 5 attribute points instead of 1, as in the Construct3 version.
- Movement animation has been added to the hanging pots on the Humble Village sign.
- The inner light radius of all candles has been increased.
- An error where candle niches did not illuminate enemies and background objects has been corrected.
- An error where large candles did not illuminate enemies and background objects has been corrected.
- Torches can now illuminate themselves and display their pixel art light halo.
- Sewers and catacombs torches can now illuminate background objects.
- Global lighting now correctly affects enemies in Catacombs 2.
- The NPC "Kayane" has been added to Humble Village.
- The NPC "Don Peteton" has been added to Humble Village.
- The NPC "Arlys" has been added to Humble Village.
- The NPC "Andariel" has been added to Humble Village.
- An alpha version of the skill menu has been added, accessed by pressing (Q/E) or (L1/R1) in the attributes menu.

[ 2023-11-03 17:13:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Friends, the time has come...
Hack and Slime is taking its first step toward its Unity port on Steam!
It's been over a year since Bullwaresoft began early access for Hack and Slime on Steam. We've worked very hard during this time and have made many updates to our game. But during development, we realized all the shortcomings and issues that Construct 3 was causing.
At the beginning of 2023, we made two major decisions:
- The first was to start pre-production of Hack and Slime in the Unity engine from scratch, the entire game.
- The second was to expand the GDD (Game Design Document) and, with it, the core of Hack and Slime. More and better attributes and statistics, more equipment pieces and more properties for them, more types of different skills, more active skills, and even a multi-character system with completely different gameplay.

All these changes require a great effort, involving design, graphics, coding, and marketing. This means that while we're making good progress, we're still taking the first steps to offer a functional and playable version in Unity, and most importantly: We need you. Hack and Slime is a game for its playerbase, not for its creators. We need your testing, your feedback, your proposals, and your ideas. You are the lifeblood that flows through Hack and Slime, something we've known since before the first sale. That's why we want to ask all those interested in helping improve this game to do the following to enter the testing phase:
- Go to your Steam library.
- Right-click on Hack and Slime.
- Left-click on Properties.
- In the popup window, click on the "Betas" tab.
- Under the "Beta participation" section, choose: beta - Open Beta.
- Join our Discord: BULLWARESOFT and request the tester role. This will give you access to various threads where you can let us know about any issues or suggestions, and thanks to that, we can progress faster in development and create a product that is closer to the players.
[ 2023-10-13 17:15:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Porting a game to another engine is very hard and tiring...
That's why we want to thank the players who are waiting for the first alpha of Hack and Slime working in Unity for their patience.
The chosen date is next October 13 and we hope you enjoy testing it.
Thank you very much everyone, the Hack and Slime team.
And remember to follow us on Twitter and Discord to stay up to date with updates.
[ 2023-09-05 14:16:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We are very happy to be able to make this announcement officially on Steam.
The Hack and Slime Port to Unity is a reality and will soon be available on Steam... Totally free for fans of our early access!
On September 1 we will upload the first functional version, with limited content but many improvements, such as:
Real-time lighting and improved parallax system.
New mechanics to interact with objects in the dungeon
Improvements and extensions of the mechanics already included
New attributes, stats and builds
New pieces of equipment and "Unique" category.
We have many surprises prepared for future versions of Hack and Slime, we know that its update has been long delayed compared to our roadmap but we guarantee that the wait will be worth it.
Thank you all so much and remember to follow us on Twitter and Discord to stay up to date with updates.
[ 2023-07-28 10:27:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
We at Hack and Slime team are very happy to bring, together with the weekly update, the first winter sales of our game.
A 35% discount for those who don't have it yet or want to give it away to play on vacation days, less than 3 or $4 for more than a year and a half of work and constant updates (yes, that's what it's like to be an independent developer)
Do not think about it, join the adventure of crushing Slime and farm for tens of hours to become a monster grinder.
Who knows, maybe soon Hack and Slime will raise the price permanently...
Thank you for playing Hack and Slime.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- An error that maintained the sound of the "Slimes Spawners" has been corrected by leaving Warpmazon.
- An error has been corrected that prevented seeing the increase in "skill power" statistics that increased equipment.
- The progression of the game in "The Sewers 1" has been facilitated
- A Nagga spawner has been corrected in "The Dungeons 1"
- Part of the "The Pit" design to improve combat has been modified.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-12-22 18:10:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Se acercan eventos muy importantes para Hack and Slime, los prximos 16, 17 y 18 estaremos en Madrid, en Gamergy 2022, donde se podr jugar a la ltima versin del juego. Tan solo unos das despus comienzan las rebajas de invierno, en ellas hemos preparado una campaa de ventas un descuentos y premios.
Por eso queremos trabajar en la estabilidad de Hack and Slime y en la calidad de su Gameplay, puede resultar un poco aburrido para los jugadores ms experimentados en nuestro juego, pero cuantos ms mejor no?
Thank you for playing Hack and Slime.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- An error has been corrected in the restart confirmation of skills and attributes in the instructor that put the information layer at 50% opacity.
- An error has been corrected that allowed to hit Slime spawners with several skills even being destroyed.
- An error has been corrected preventing the sound reproduction (IDLE) of the Slime spawners.
- An error has been corrected that prevented the sound (IDLE) from the Slime spawners after being destroyed
- The number of simultaneous enemies that can generate the Slimes spawner to 3 has been limited.
- The number of enemies and part of the design in "The Hole" has been modified
- Slime and Skeletons spawners have been added in "The Hole"
- Re-Spawn times have been modified in the "The Sewers1, The Pit and The Sewers2" spawners "
- Now the Skeletons spawner remains destroyed when leaving and entering Warpmazon.
- The number of simultaneous enemies that can generate the Skeletons Spawner to 3 has been limited.
- The attack distance of the enemy "Charman" has been modified.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-12-15 10:42:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
This week we bring you all one of those boring updates with graphical changes, bug fixes and gameplay improvements! We can't always extend the game!
It's very important to us to make a good impression and make a big impact in the upcoming winter sale, so we're going to improve Hack and Slime as much as possible for that event.
Thank you for playing Hack and Slime.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- The graphics of the trees in Humble Village have been improved.
- A Parallax front layer has been added in Humble Village.
- A new type of hedge has been added to the new front parallax of Humble Village.
- "Radial Blur" effect has been added to the graphics of the front parallax of Humble Village.
- The instructor's skills panel has been updated to improve the reset display.
- Some errors have been corrected in the sampling of the action icons to interact with the characters of Humble Village.
- An error has been corrected automatically assigned to LB or RB even without being available.
- The legend of characters and buildings in Humble Village has been improved, now the panels have different colors.
- Animation to the "store" of Xavierus in Humble Village has been added.
- A "sacred fire" has been added in the sanctuary of Humble Village (it may not be visible at the moment, the camera requires adjustment)
- A "Welcome" poster in Humble Village has been added.
- The behavior of many "skull spiders" in Dungeons 1 and Dungeons 2 has been corrected.
- The graphic of the entrance to Warpmazon has been updated.
- An error has been corrected that prevented the elevator from using The Dungeons 2 correctly
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-12-09 10:15:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Hack and Slime is in the process of growing, in everything: Content, dimensions of the Warpmazon plants, graphics, enemies, history... And for that, we first need to rescale and correct old mechanics.
Step by step we are going to remove the old enemy spawn system with new spawners with their own stats and properties, we are also redesigning the levels to adapt to the new verticality and enemies. Some things may break and others may not be well balanced, but it's part of the process.
Therefore, once again we ask for your help. Every time you play Hack and Slime and report bugs we improve a little more a game that starts to be huge and will be as big as your help.
Thank you for playing Hack and Slime.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- An error in the English location on the "Aperture Science" mission has been corrected.
- The levels have been modified: The Sewers 1, The Pit, The Sewers 2, Catacombs 1, Catacombs 2, and The Mortuary to adapt them to the new Enemies' Spawners.
- A new enemy has been added: a cauldron that creates Slime!
- The design of the street lamps in Humble Village is improved.
- Magic damage to the enemy "Spawner Skeleton" has been added.
- An error has been corrected that enemies did not appear when you are going to talk to walk for the first time.
- Catacombs 2 design has been improved to facilitate gameplay.
- Catacombs 2 chain decorative assets have been added.
- Lighting animation in the blacksmiths (Humble Village) has been added.
- All "teleport" type skeletons have been eliminated by The Sewers 1, The Sewers 2, The Pit, The Catacombs 1, The Catacombs 2, and The Mortuary.
- Design corrections have been made on all Warpmazon plants.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-12-02 10:34:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
This week we bring you a very important addition that will mark future changes in the gameplay of Hack and Slime:
An enemy generator!
Little by little, we will be introducing this generator in the existing Warpmazon plants, it is a "Skeletons" generator that creates enemies on a regular basis, this generator can be destroyed in the same way as an enemy, and the same will happen with the next ones spawners.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- The icons of the application for Windows and Linux have been added.
- Corid's position has been corrected by entering "The Dungeons 2" from the elevator.
- An translation error has been corrected in the missions panel.
- A translation error has been corrected on the instructor.
- A new enemy has been added: Skeleton Spawner.
- All Skeletons teleports have been eliminated in "The Sewers 1".
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-11-25 13:45:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
How fun it is to play on portable systems: Play in bed before going to sleep, play in bed when you get up, play in bed instead of facing obligations, in the WC, in the WC at work, in your boss's WC secretly...
We love portable systems.
That's why Hack and Slime is now fully compatible with Steam Deck! Buttons, Glyphs, font size, frames per second... Pixels!
We know, we know, we don't have a "verified for Steam Deck" message yet, it seems that Steam is taking it easy (nudge, nudge) but it works.
So play Hack and Slime, play it everywhere It's free promotion!
Thank you very much for playing Hack and Slime!
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- Now Hack and Slime is fully compatible with Steam Deck
- Humble Village trees have been redesigned
- More Humble Village trees have been added.
- The parallax displacement of some layers in Humble Village has been changed.
- An error has been corrected that allowed to move Corid briefly at the beginning of a sequence in the Treasury Chamber.
- Now when resetting the skill points in the instructor, the equipped skills are reset.
- An error has been corrected in the sampling of "Vampiric Transfer" values.
- The deletion message of saved items has been translated into Spanish.
- The design of the first stage of "The Dungeons 2" has been changed to improve the player's progression
- Enemies have been added to "The Dungeons 2"
- The behavior of many "skullpiders" in several stages has been corrected.
- A personalized animated banner for the levels "The Catacombs 1, 2 and The Mortuary" has been added "
- The static banner of "The Dungeons 1, 2 and The Hole" for an animated one has changed.
- Now in La Herrera when you do not have any item selected the data panel disappears.
- Now the volume of the Main Menu sound effects will be adjusted correctly in the options.
- Small design settings in all nine.
- An error has been corrected that prevented Steam's several achievements from.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-11-18 13:48:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Do we bring you boring changes and fixes? Yes
Do we bring you changes in graphics that nobody will notice? Yes
Do you want to be able to advance in the story? Yes
But you know what? Now You can reset your skill points and attribute points to try out different compos for Corid
You did not expect this, huh, huh? Well, you know, leave us some positive reviews, ehem ehem.
Thank you very much for playing Hack and Slime!
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- An error has been corrected maintained the volume of the critical blow separated from the volume control of effects.
- An error has been corrected that allowed several critics to barricades in a row.
- The text "Game Saved" has been changed to "Progress Saved" when finding a new elevator.
- An errata has been corrected and the description of the mission "Aperture Science".
- The behavior of the timed platforms has been corrected when they collapse to their original position.
- A critical error has been corrected that frozen the game by accessing "The Dungoons 2" from the elevator.
- A part of "The Dungoons 2" has been resided to facilitate progression.
- The design of the barrels in "Humble Village" has been improved.
- The option to restart attribute points in the instructor in exchange for 500 coins has been added.
- The option to restart the skill points in the instructor in exchange for 500 coins has been added.
- The version designation system has been updated.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-11-11 11:25:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good Sunday to all!
We bring you an update of improvements in some Warpmazon plants to make it easier for you to test and play Hack and Slime.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- An errata have been corrected in the "torture room" posters in Dungeons 1
- Visibility has been removed from several timed platform guides in The Dungeons 2
- The behavior of a skull spider "A escape" in Dungeons 2 has been corrected
- Some decoration placement errors have been corrected
- The operation of several guillotine traps in The Hole has been corrected
- The Slimes have been added (invisible) to improve their behavior in The Hole
- The parallax of all the background layers in Dungeons 2 has been corrected
- An errata has been corrected in an indication poster in The Dungeons 2
- The number of indication posters in The Dungeons 2 has been increased
- A platform tasted by a platform operated in The Dungeons 2 to avoid exit places has been changed
[ 2022-11-06 11:29:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
This update is a bit more boring... But it will allow you to progress through the game!
Vital bugs for progression and gameplay have been fixed, more graphics have been added and level design has been slightly improved.
Will it be enough to get some positive reviews before the next version?
Soon we will update with important changes!
Thank you very much for playing Hack and Slime!
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- A critical error has been corrected that prevented Humble Village from "The Mortuary" and "The Hole."
- A bug has been corrected in the town that hid the indication of entry to the portal.
- It has been corrected that showed the control icons still playing with the keyboard.
- Decoration has been improved in The Hole and The Dungeons 2.
- A "missing platform" has been added that prevented progress in The Dungeons 2.
- The lighting effect on all the torches and the like of The Dungeons 2 has been added.
- The graphic "Catacumbas Address" to the game has been added.
- Catacombs 1, Catacumbas 2, and Mortuary signs have been updated.
- The graphic "Dungeons address poster to the game has been added.
- Dungeons 1, The Hole, and The Dungeons 2 signs have been updated.
- The behavior of the enemy "O-Grog" has been improved and added "freezing" prevention.
- Indication posters have been added to the operated platform of The Mortuary. An error has been corrected that prevented the Hole from a invisible platform. A "broken" guillotine has been corrected in The Hole.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in behavior and spawn of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-11-04 09:53:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Today is the day that Hack and Slime GROWS HUGE.
After a lot of work, we have redesigned various systems related to game progression, as well as new scenes with more verticality and fun mechanics.
In "The Dungeons 1" player will be able to activate a huge new quest that will open several huge new levels with more challenging challenges and difficulty.
In addition, thanks to the changes in the mission system we will be able to increase the size and content of Hack and Slime at a faster rate and with all the bugs that you like so much.
So stay tuned for updates and smash lots of slimes!
Thank you very much for playing Hack and Slime!
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- The name of the Slime King stay in the HUD has been corrected.
- A new mission has been introduced: material anomalous.
- A new character in the "Sadman" game has been added.
- The sequences and dialogues related to Sadman and the Mission "Materials" mission have been added.
- A decorative graph has been added: sail off.
- The missions menu has been improved.
- A safety code for mission activation has been introduced, for games prior to the UPDATE.
- The movement control in the cinematics of King Limo has been added when the elevator rises.
- The arcane barriers have been added at the doors that give access to: The Mortuary, The Hole, The Dungeons 2 and The Forge.
- The mission object has been added: Sadman's bag in The Mortuary.
- The mission object has been added: Sadman Corona in The Hole.
- Some conversations have been corrected.
- New conversations have been added in the Mission "Do The Hustle".
- A new sequence has been added after the death of the Limo King, in the Treasury Chamber.
- The Treasury Chamber "has been redesigned.
- Now if Slime King is dead The Lift will be closed.
- Now the mission "Do The Hustle" ends at the Treasury Chamber.
- The front Parallax layers have been adapted to the highest levels.
- New types of "railing" graphics have been added in The Sewers and The Dungeons.
- Chandeliers have been added and lit (animated) in The Catacombs.
- The behavior of mobile platforms with respect to solid objects has been improved.
- Mobile walls that are activated with nearby levers have been added.
- Sound effects have been added to mobile walls.
- The effect of movement on the web type 4 has been corrected
- The "Radial Blur" effect to all objects of the upper parallax of Dungeons 1, The Hole and Dungeons 2 has been added Failure has been corrected in the behavior of the enemy O-Grog.
Pending changes
- Fix bugs in the behavior of various enemies.
- Add Andariel's shop and its upgrade mechanic.
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-10-28 12:29:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Chibi version of Sadman, the NPC who starts the quest "anomalous materials"
How are you all slime hunters? We hope well.
This week the update will focus on tweaks and fixes
We know you're looking forward to new content for Hack and Slime, but we need to get everything perfectly set up for the upcoming "Anomalous Materials" quest and the Warpmazon floors that open up as you progress through it.
We only ask you to wait a little longer, and if you like our game, give us a review on Steam.
Thank you very much for playing Hack and Slime!
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- The design of "The Dungeons 1" has been adapted for the mission "Anomalous Materials"
- Guillotine collisions have been improved, now Corid can dodge them better
- The vertical movement timer platform has been added
- All Corid interactions have been improved with all types of mobile platforms
- The sounds of mobile platforms, their gears, and levers have been updated.
- Various bugs related to mobile platforms have been solved
- Chamber behavior standards related to mobile platforms have been introduced
- An error has been corrected that allowed a town portal from the training room
- Some design errors have improved the training room
- Even if you can't see it, they have expanded and improved: The Mortuary, The Hole and The Dungeons 2
Pending changes
- Add main quest "Anomalous Materials".
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-10-07 10:51:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
How are you all slime hunters? We hope well, we are very happy with the changes we are introducing in Hack and Slime.
Soon we will unlock an extra 40% of the game, missions, plants, mechanics... You will love it!
Since we need a few more days to prepare so much content, we thought about improving the training room and making it accessible from the village.
Perhaps, in the future, the training room will be used for something else... wink wink.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- Right or left-timed platforms have been added.
- Fixed a layout bug that made some enemies invisible in "The Dungeons 1".
- The "Training Room" level has been completely redesigned.
- There is now a shortcut from Humble Village to the Training Room, a wooden sign.
- There is now a door to return from the Training Room to Humble Village.
- Vertical powered platform added.
- Now the "upstart" icon to enter the Humble Village menus disappears if Corid does not touch the ground.
Pending changes
- Add main quest "Anomalous Materials".
- Add "The Pillar of Autumn" side quest.
[ 2022-09-30 09:03:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Hack and Slime enters a new phase of change and we are working on expanding the levels, adding mechanics, and improving the behavior of the enemies. Due to these huge changes, you will see modifications in the previous levels that will increase their replayability in addition to other new levels and general content.
This week we bring you: A training level (under construction) for players to safely test the new plants and platforms. A new trap (guillotine) and a new mechanic (powered platforms).
We ask for a little more patience for the content extensions that are to come. Thank you very much for your patience.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- A trap training room has been added.
- To enter the training room Press Control+Shift+9 in Humble Village, repeat the process to leave.
- "Guillotine traps" oscillating have been added.
- Platforms operated by blows have been added.
- Changes in catacombs design 1.
- The sounds have been added to the enemy "Charman".
Pending Changes
- We are going to focus on adding the side quest "The Pillar of Autumn".
[ 2022-09-23 11:29:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
I think the question that Hack and Slime players have asked me the most is this:
- When can the shield be used?
Well, now the game counts as a "Parry" system. Remember that this game is a hack and slash based on stats and attributes and block chance is one of them, so Parry depends on it.
Every time Corid is hit by a projectile or hit by an enemy he will make a parry roll, if it is positive the damage will be completely blocked. Try to get this stat as high as possible to avoid a humiliating loss at warpmazon.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
- The "Parry" A Corid mechanics based on the lock probability statistic, now Corid can stop blows with his shield has been added.
- An impact cooldown/attack on the slime has been added
- An impact cooldown/attack on skullpider has been added
- Skeletons no longer desired to move away, will be activated or deactivated according to Corid's position in the dungeon
- O-Grog do not want to get away, they will be activated or deactivated according to Corid's position in the dungeon
- The Charmans no longer desired to move away, will be activated or deactivated according to Corid's position in the dungeon
- The slime no longer desired to move away, will be activated or deactivated according to Corid's position in the dungeon
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add enemies in The Dungeons.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
- Fix bugs related to damage and skill levels.
[ 2022-09-16 11:26:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Here it comes...
Finally "The Dungeons 1" has enemies. We've taken a while (and there's still work to be done) to upload this version because we wanted this level to have "Charman" as the star enemy. We hope you like it!
We will eventually add more variety to Hack and Slime: enemy skins, new enemies, new traps, new mechanics, new levels, and most of all, new quests.
Thank you all very much for joining us in early access, thanks to you Hack and Slime is bigger every day.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
Reminder for those having controller issues
- A new type of enemy has been added: Charman
- Now "The Dungeons 1" is full of enemies
- Some "Skeletons" spawners have been corrected with errors at various levels of the game
- Now the Slime King Treasury Chamber chests will not appear when they are destroyed
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add enemies in The Dungeons.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
- Fix bugs related to damage and skill levels.
[ 2022-09-09 13:30:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! finally, come back...
Our holidays are over :( and we're back to work with Hack and Slime, but we don't bring you any updates, today we add to the game...
We know you want achievements and we know you want to get them all, so now you have them. We will add more soon, many more in fact, but we need the game to keep growing to be able to include them.
We also bring some improvements (changelog) related to the gameplay, every day Hack and Slime have fewer bugs and better gameplay.
Remember that we are on Discord attentive to your suggestions at all times with a specific thread to report errors:
Reminder for those having problems with the controllers:
Uninstall and install the game. Steam settings have been changed but may not change until re-install.
Go to your Steam library > Hack and Slime > right click: properties > controller > disable Steam Input
This will fix all your issues with controller detection when launching the game or connecting a controller at any time.
- Reworked the code that displayed the buff and debuff icons to resolve the duplicate issue.
- Healing Wells now regenerate health immediately, with no cooldowns.
- Fixed all bugs in the information displayed by the trainer on active skills.
- Fixed a bug where the value of the "Vampiric Transfer" skill is now calculated correctly.
- Now Hack and Slime have achievements to unlock!.
- We have included achievements 33 initial achievements, but they will be expanded soon.
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add enemies in The Dungeons.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
- Fix bugs related to damage and skill levels.
[ 2022-09-02 09:56:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like (almost) every week here comes...
First of all, we want to warn you about something important, this update introduces very important changes that may lead to new bugs that did not exist until now, so we want to ask for your help to test and find all those bugs. Hack and Slime is better every day thanks to you.
Steam features are here!
Hack and Slime is now compatible with Steam Greenworks, which means that the tab+shift menu is available at all times. Also, this allows us to add achievements to the game (we know you want achievements) and we're going to add a lot.
The death of the Slime King!
In addition to adding more lore to the game, the death of Slime King now has conversations during combat, which can be used in many situations.
Hack and Slime grow!
after the death of the Slime King now you will not see a thank you message, we have enabled access to the next level (under construction) which is the first step to increasing the content and duration of the game.
Reminder for those having problems with the controllers:
- In English the conversation of Slime King crashing the game with the dialogue "Up!"
- Steam Overlay appears activated when starting the game (Windows)
- The door of the Treasury room to Dungeons 1 does not work, does not take Dungeons 1.
- The Slime King shows his name badly in dialogues both in English and Spanish.
- In Catacombs 2 there is a poorly placed indication arrow of "The Mortuary"
- Animation "agonizing" of Slime King has been accelerated before dying.
- When defeating Slime King no longer appears the message of thanks.
- The "Treasury Chamber" level has been added
- The level "The Dungeons 1" has been added
- In the Treasury Chamber, overlapping music is reproduced.
- In the conversation with the Slime King, the image of Fairon Maiden appears.
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
- Fix bugs related to damage and skill levels.
[ 2022-08-06 12:55:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like (almost) every week here comes...
This week the weekly update has been brought forward. Do you know why?
Hack and Slime is going to its first international event! The next July 22, 23, and 24 we will be at the Gamepolis in Malaga, Spain with a stand dedicated to Hack and Slime.
We wait for you!
Reminder to those who have controller problems:
- Now the boots modify Corid's movement speed.
- The Scroll Parallax effect on Warpmazon graphics from Humble Village has been improved.
- A poorly placed box has been eliminated in The Catacombs 2.
- The dialogues of walking for the end of his mission have been modified.
- The depth of some elements in Humble Village has been corrected.
- A new storage point has been established when talking to Fairon Maiden for the first time.
- A new storage point has been established when talking with walking for the first time
- An error related to the appearance of portals and their button icons has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected that created the duplicate portals when Corid invoked them.
- An error has been corrected with the sampling of action buttons in the different characters and shops.
- An error has been corrected that created indestructible boxes and barrels in the dungeon.
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add the death and history of the Slime King.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-07-21 09:20:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like (almost) every week here comes...
We have a very important announcement regarding Hack and Slime controller support:
We have updated the game to fix a compatibility issue with X-input and other controllers, if it still doesn't work, please do one of the following:
- The position where Corid appears in Humble Village has been changed.
- An error has been corrected that showed some Corid statistics with a large number of decimals.
- A confirmation/forward button has been added to the missions panel.
- The way in which O-Grog interacts with solid objects when hitting.
- The probability of wearing a weapon has changed by hitting 4% to 3%
- Increased the chance to wear a piece of armor from 10% to 20% per hit received.
- Steam default configuration has been modified regarding control detection to be compatible with hack and slime.
- Now the objects with a required force superior to that of Corid will show that line of red text.
- An error has been solved that prevented the Town Portal from Warpmazon for the Town Portal.
- A sound effect has been added to the conversation with ISEM-Gar related to its instant healing.
- A sound effect has been added to the animation of launching portals.
- The names of the plants in floating posters at the beginning of each level have been eliminated.
- The times between transitions have been slightly reduced when leaving the shops of Humble Village-
- The performance of the skeletons has been optimized.
- The entrance animation to the portals to Corid from Humble Village has been added.
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add animated particles to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add the death and history of the Slime King.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-07-15 13:27:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like (almost) every week here comes...
We apply the first sales period to Hack and Slime!
Are the summer sales over?
Need to buy a little more compulsively?
Pixel art, modern retro, humor, epic, cool words?
This weekly update comes with a 25% DISCOUNT!
Who cares about improvements and fixes?
- Some errors have been corrected in catacombs levels.
- The portal in Humble Village has changed places.
- Problems regarding multiple detections have been corrected, including the X-Input type.
- An error has been corrected at the beginning of the Slime King fight, now your initial leap will not damage you.
- Now magic cannot harm critical.
- An error has been corrected related to playing the songs of the dungeon in Humble Village.
- Now the slime who dies from traps such as skewers will not give experience.
- An error related to the catacombs 1 elevator has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected that allowed Corid to open portals in Humble Village.
- An error that showed the refined orbs with "0000" instead of "0" has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected that made some slime invulnerable.
- An error related to the destruction of boxes and barrels has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected that towards the life and mana bar was temporarily filled at the beginning of some levels.
- An error has multiplied the sampling of the icons of buffos and debuffs.
- Name errors have been corrected in the Humble Village Location posters.
- An error has been corrected in the elevator scene, the name "Bistoh" could appear displaced.
- An error has been corrected that the green wells did not give experience.
- Different bugs related to the change of scenes in Humble Village have been corrected.
Pending Changes
- Improve navigation in the quest window.
- Add the Slime King defeat sequence.
- Add the Slime King's treasure chamber.
- Unlock access to the Dungeons.
[ 2022-07-08 21:05:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like (almost) every week here comes...
Say hello to the new Humble Village with tons of new stuff!
Now Hack and Slime will have much more lore thanks to the new way of interacting with the town and its inhabitants, players will be able to know more about their characters, the history of Warpmazon, and Corid.
In addition, the mission panel has much more information available about what is happening in the game to facilitate your progress.
As you can see we are still working on the Hack and Slime core before continuing to expand it, we know that you want to continue the adventure, crushing Slimes and collecting a lot of drop, but the work we do now will allow us to go faster in the future.
Thank you very much for your patience.
- Humble Village has been redesigned, and now is playable as a dungeon level.
- A general reset of all games prior to has been created
- Now Humble Village NPCs have presentations the first time you talk to them.
- Now Humble Village NPCs have recurring phrases when they don't have history dialogues.
- Now the inhabitants of Humble Village and their shops have different access and interactions.
- Now when I returned to the town Corid does not restore their health and Man automatically.
- Now Corid will restore all his health and Man when talking to Isem-Gar.
- The legend chart and its text source have been changed.
- Mission 1 information texts have been changed.
- Now, in addition to the shops there are displays with the names of the inhabitants of Humble Village.
- The name of the tavern has changed to "The Pracing Bulldog".
Pending Changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add sound and particle effects to Isem-Gar's healing.
- Add the key graphic from mission 1.
- Add the death and history of the Slime King.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Greatly improve enemy behavior.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-07-01 12:25:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like every week here comes...
Welcome one more week to the Hack and Slime weekly update.
We already have a mission menu that works, you will surely find some bugs but that is already a tradition for our players.
Warpmazon levels are now faster to play and you will level up faster, or die faster...
- An error has been corrected that allowed to unlock elevators
- The New Missions System Panel has been added
- The location of the catacombs elevator has been changed, now it is close to the principle of the level
- Minor changes have been made in The Sewers 1 and The Pit
- The Missions Menu has been added
- Now when an updated mission poster appears, the button will take the player to the Misiones menu
- Tavern prices have been reduced
- Slime King's life points have been increased
- A bug in catacombs 2 has been corrected that you did in an incorrect position from the elevator
- Now the skill power of the scepters adds to the damage of active skills
Pending changes
- Add the Stash.
- Add the new version of Humble Village.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Greatly improve enemy behavior.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-06-17 12:18:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
An important re-fix
- An error was corrected that froze the game when opening the inventory menu when Corid was on top of a town portal.
- An error has been corrected that prevented entering a portal if it had an object on top.
[ 2022-06-12 09:29:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Like every week here comes...
We know that a lot of Hack and Slime players are waiting for new content, and we're working on it, but we've made the decision to put out a big improvement update for this Friday.
Now the game is more dynamic, fast, and satisfying, especially at the beginning. It prevents the player from getting lost and opens up the possibility of introducing more quests, and those quests are coming very soon. We have also added a very important change in the gameplay, the new camera system allows us to create levels with much more verticality, even ascending or descending levels, which will greatly enrich the gameplay.
It would help us a lot in ensuring the QA of Hack and Slime if you start a new game and see for yourself the changes we have made.
Very soon we will upload the content update you ask us for.
Thank you very much to all.
- Changes have been made to The Sewers 1 to make the first mission faster.
- Changes have been made to the pit to increase game speed.
- Added an elevator to The Pit.
- Changed the elevator scene to show The Pit button.
- Drop rolls have been adjusted to make it easier to get magical and rare items.
- The game camera has been changed to give more verticality to the gameplay.
- Fixed a bug in calculating damage to Corid based on armor.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze in Humble Village.
- Elevators will now activate and save the game just by approaching them.
- Graphics and sound warnings have been added that warn of the activation of the elevators.
- Fixed a bug that placed enemy tombstones in front of Andariel.
- Fixed a bug that made Slimes invulnerable if 2 or more overlapping.
- Fixed a bug that prevented wells from displaying the button to interact.
- Fixed a bug that allowed equipment to be picked up without pressing ALT or LT.
- Fixed a bug that showed the "Pocket full" message even though there was space available in the pocket.
- Blacksmithing performance and stats/inventory panel have been optimized.
- Access to The Sewers 1 from The Sewers 2 now requires a key.
- Accessing The Mortuary from Catacombs 2 now requires a key.
- Fixed a bug related to Hyper Dash that would permanently reduce Corid's movement speed.
- Mission 1 conversations have been shortened.
- Tips on the elevator loading scene have been added.
- The sales prices of all types and oddities of parts have been updated.
Pending changes
- Add the Stash.
- Add a quest panel.
- Add the new version of Humble Village.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Greatly improve enemy behavior.
- Add a new type of enemy.
- Effectively include some stats that aren't working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-06-10 15:37:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good weekend everyone!
We've made a few light changes to the drop system and didn't want to wait for next Friday's update.
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from picking up items while having space in your pocket.
- Now It's much easier to find magical, rare, and epic quality items.
- The amount of items that drop in the dungeon has been changed, now it is less.
Pending changes
We have listened to your feedback and we are working a lot on the game flow, we are going to improve the elevator system, increase the number of elevators, make the levels shorter and increase the number of levels.
- Add all represented stats to the core game.
- Add the blacksmith to the game.
- Double the slot number available in the pocket.
- Add the final conversation with the Slime King and advance to the next floor.
- Improve Ogrog behavior
- Lots of bug fixes.
[ 2022-06-04 10:57:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy release day to everyone! Followers, players, streamers and press.

Today is a very special day for us, since today we launch Hack and Slime's early access! After a year of hard work we have a Hack and Slime version with enough content to consider it as a starting point. And since we are so excited about the launch of our game, we have 2 surprises for you: [olist]
- All players and supporters who have selflessly helped us with testing and QA during the pre-alpha phase.
- The almost 1400 users who have already added Hack and Slime to their wish list in just 6 months.
- All the streamers, curators, and press that have helped us get our game out there to more people than we could ever dream of.
- All the friends who have shown us their support and interest during a year full of hard work.
- To you, who are reading this, you are super cool.
Alpha - Changelog
- Equipment drop rolls have been modified, now it is more common for equipment with higher than normal rarity to drop in the dungeon.
- A control code has been added so that the functions of F1 and F12 are disabled
- Fixed a bug that allowed the same item to be equipped multiple times.
- Added a Steam plugin to include support for its features.
- The capacity of the pocket has been expanded to store more equipment from 9 to 18 slots.
- Stats panel has been updated to improve information readability.
- In the inventory menu, windows with the information about the equipment and objects from the pocket have been added.
- Re-adjusted the drop rate of equipment in the dungeon to make the game more dynamic and fun.
- Fixed "Normal Helmet" drop sphere graphic.
- Fixed a bug that allowed more than one piece of equipment to be dropped per roll.
- Fixed a bug affecting inventory sound effects.
- Changed the color of available skill points on the instructor to improve readability.
- Diferent design errors at various levels have been corrected.
- Improved statistics menu performance.
- The performance of the village menu has been improved.
- Equipment parts can now be repaired at the blacksmith.
- Now equipment can be sold at the Blacksmith.
- Added a button in the blacksmith to repair all equipment at once.
- Updated HUD on some Humble Village Shops to display Gold, Orbs, and Refined Orbs.
- Added stage name to combat HUD.
- Icons have been added to the combat HUD to alert the player of the equipment status and durability.
- Many English and Spanish translations have been fixed.
- Fixed a bug regarding Corid's collision zone when playing with a control pad.
- Fixed a bug that didn't allow the total played time from being counted.
- Fixed a bug related to shrine offering price calculation.
- Stats and Inventory menu now work properly in the town.
- Fixed a bug that creates water graphics when Corid cast the Dash
- Fixed portal button sampling when playing with controller (In Humble Village only)
- Level 1 pieces now don't require strength to equip.
- Many tweaks related to Corid and monster stats.
- Updated "up button" graphics on gates, walls, and temples.
- The behavior of the "Ogrog" has been changed to be more threatening.
- Corid now no longer passively increases his physical damage when leveling up.
Pending changes
- Complete the Stash.
- Add the new version of Humble Village in the next update.
- Add new biome "The Dungeons" to Warpmazon.
- Add a mission panel.
- Greatly improve the behavior of existing enemies.
- Add a new kind of enemy in the next update.
- Effectively include some stats that are not working in the current version.
- Improve design and gameplay in "Slime King".
- Many balance improvements.
[ 2022-06-01 15:17:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, the release of Hack and Slime early access is near!
That's why we're focusing on polishing the game before we go into the next phase, expanding it.
We've done a lot of work on the drop system and inventory so you can thoroughly test all gear and how it affects Corid. We have also changed the start of the game and improved the sound and the number of effects, and the behavior of the enemies.
- An error has been corrected that prevented collecting equipment with LT when playing with command.
- Now the coins will not behave strangely when it spawn in the dungeon (except with OGROG).
- An error has been corrected that prevented collecting equipment with slots available in your pocket.
- The function of "rapidly equip" in the inventory menu has been added.
- The sounds of fall and pick up of equipment spheres have been added.
- Now the enemy "Skullpider" releases spits that indicate its position even being out of the camera.
- An error has been corrected that prevented showing the graph of the critical blow.
- Now the slime who die by traps will not drop equipment, coins, or potions.
- "Attack speed" has been introduced to Corid's statistics.
- The translation (English) of "full pocket" has been added.
- An error has been corrected that prevented Treasure Goblin from creating an escape portal.
- An error that caused invulnerability in the skeletons has been corrected.
- The challenge chests do not reappear in the same game session if they already appeared.
- The AI of the skeletons has been improved, now they will not attack Corid if they are at a different height.
- A bug has been corrected that prevented modifying the volume of music and effects from the options.
- Now when you release a piece of equipment in the inventory, different sounds will be reproduced.
- Sounds have been added to the different pieces of equipment, many sounds.
- An error has been corrected that increased the volume of the game briefly when loading a game from the Main Menu.
- Statistics sampling speed has been improved in equipment pieces.
- The option "silence game" that did not work properly has been corrected.
- An error related to the pulsation of the "Collect object" has been corrected.
- Mandatory pulsation has been eliminated in Splash Art scenes and recommendation to use the controller pad, a timer will change the scenes automatically.
- The scene that identified the game as a demo has been eliminated because only 2 weeks of the demo version are left.
- Now the mouse will not be visible within the game window.
- Now Corid has a "magic find" base of 5%
- Add all represented stats to the game core.
- Add the blacksmith to the game.
- Double the slot number available in the pocket.
- Add the final conversation with the Slime King and advance to the next floor.
- Improve Ogrog Behavior
- Lots of bug fixes.
[ 2022-05-13 12:44:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and welcome like every Friday to the weekly update!
We are very happy with this update because the equipment, stats, and drop system are starting to work. It took us a lot of work!
Picking up a piece of gear dropped by a monster and equipping it will now modify Corid's stats. Although for now most of the statistics are functional there are some that are not affecting the gameplay:
Chance to block.
Attack speed.
Launch speed.
Mana steal.
bonus experience.
Potions size.
Buff Duration (Temples)
Collection area (coins)
You will only see the updated values although they do not affect the gameplay, they will soon be part of the game.
We are also working on the system to scrap gear from the pocket, we know this is very important and will be available in the next patch.
Have a nice weekend and thanks for playing Hack and Slime.
- An error has been corrected that prevented seeing equipment statistics after placing it.
- The HUD of the inventory window with new actions and buttons to control equipment pieces has been updated.
- The button has been updated to collect equipment with the control pad, now it is shown correctly.
- Some erroneous translations have been corrected (English).
- Now when the player equips a weapon or armor will affect the statistics.
- New statistics have been added to Corid.
- Statistics panel reading has been improved.
- Some improvements in the behavior of enemies.
- Now the environmental sounds in the Title Screen do not lower their volume when navigating between scenes.
- Drop spheres physics has been improved.
- Add a system to sell or discard items from the inventory.
- Add many (very many) sound effects to the drop and equipment system.
- Add all represented stats to the game core.
- Add the blacksmith to the game.
- Add generation of saliva drops to the spider to notify its location.
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Double the slot number available in the pocket.
[ 2022-05-06 11:08:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and welcome like every Friday to the weekly update!
We continue to make progress with the equipment, drop, and stat generation system. Parts dropped by enemies can now be picked up, stats checked, and equipped, even though they don't affect Corid's stats.
There is still a lot of work to be done, we still have to create a system to remove or move objects from the pocket and include a sound system by type of piece and others. We will have to work a lot!
Thanks for playing Hack and Slime.
- The type and location of all the enemies of "The Mortuary" has been redesigned.
- The Magic Find and Probability System of Drop has improved regarding the plant level.
- New animations have been added to the equipment spheres.
- The physics of the equipment spheres have been improved so that not collisions with many objects.
- An error related to the cursor position of the options menu has been corrected.
- There is the opacity of the rear layer in the options menu within a game.
- Now you can equip the pieces of equipment that fall into the dungeon.
- Now the equipment statistics are shown in the inventory menu.
- English and Spanish translations of all equipment statistics have been added.
- An error related to equipping and unequipping the shield has been corrected.
- An error has been corrected that interpreted the empty slots of the inventory as full.
- An error that corrupted the saving of equipment pieces has been corrected.
- They have corrected some slime that could be trapped between collisions.
- Add a system to sell or discard items.
- Connect equipped item stats to Corid's.
- Add blacksmithing to the game.
- Add generation of saliva droplets to the spider to notify its location.
- Correction of a lot of bugs.
[ 2022-04-29 12:59:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and welcome like every Friday to the weekly update!
Finally, the equipment generation and drop system is here. Unfortunately, several members of the development team have been sick this week, so we haven't had time to make the system of collecting and equipping the pieces that drop, sorry.
In the next weekly update, we will bring several new features, one of them, is the fully functional equipment system. We are sorry for the wait but we think it is a good opportunity for our followers to test the generation of objects. There are millions of different pieces waiting for you.
Thanks for playing Hack and Slime.
- A bug related to the display of the yellow potion has been corrected.
- Now the skeletons will receive damage independently of the overlap with other characters.
- The title screen has been updated to improve its presentation and sound
- The Spanish translation of "Level" has been added on the attribute screen.
- An error related to the change of languages and active missions has been corrected.
- A bug that made CORID jump when leaving the attribute screen has been corrected.
- Now CORID will start with 200 coins at the beginning of the adventure.
- An available skill level notice has been added when starting. It appears when completing the conversation with Don Peteton.
- The Equipment and Drop generation system has been added.
- A provisional equipment reading system has been added.
- Pick up and equip anything Corid finds in the dungeon.
- Add the blacksmith to the game.
- Add generation of saliva drops to the spider to notify its location.
- Lots of bug fixes.
[ 2022-04-22 13:13:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Saved items from previous versions are not compatible.
- An error has been corrected that breaks the foundation of the skeletons.
- In the mission "Aperture Science" the Portal de Miraiel no longer appears in front of CORID.
- It has been corrected an error that towards some skeletons had an invulnerable state for a few seconds.
- The sound of Mission Update has been changed by a new one.
- The time of onset of Mission Update messages has been adjusted.
- It has been corrected an error that allowed Corid to enter the Portal de Miraiel before you talk to her.
- Now the coins travel to the Center of Coid.
- Now CORID can not crouch down if he is hitting (High).
- The physical behavior of the coins has been improved.
- The options to play in window or full screen mode have been added to the options.
- The option has been added to choose different window resolutions.
- A warning sound has been added when you finish a mission (completed mission)
- A mission status change warning sound has been added.
- The icon of the arrows on the doors has been adjusted so that they are always visible.
- The reading of the statistic "Chance" has been changed by "Magic Fond".
- Now the attribute of "energy" modifies the statistic "Skill power", which adds ability to skill to active skills.
- The Cooldown Animation has been added to the Debuff icon for slowing.
- The creation of coins has been improved while playing.
- Errors with empty dialogues have been corrected.
- It has been corrected an error that created floating blackouts.
- It has been corrected an error that towards the game will not charge saved games sometimes.
- Has been corrected an error that allowed Move to Coid after dying for a jump or fall.
- Now O-Grog can be damaged by active skills.
- A bug has been corrected that left Coid frozen when pausing the game during an attack animation.
- Now the challenges chest (red) has the right drop.
- Now the bats do not get rid of the ceilings if Coid passes over.
- Add the equipment and smithing system.
- Add generation of saliva drops to the spider to notify its location.
- Lots of bug fixes.
[ 2022-04-15 10:17:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Saved items from previous versions are not compatible.
- The volume of the song of "Catacombs" has been increased.
- Now the portals do not disappear when Coid dies.
- Changes have been made at the levels of "The Catacombs" to improve the GamePlay.
- Changes have been made at the "The Pit" level to improve the GamePlay.
- A "Lorem Ipsum" has been deleted in the Summary of Missions when there are no active missions.
- It has been corrected an error that generated an invincible skeleton after saving Fairon Maiden.
- It has been corrected an error that did not allow to enter doors of the dungeon after returning for a portal.
- An error has been corrected that prevented the loop playback of the song of the "Slime King".
- An error has been corrected that towards the unopened chests disappear to the restart a dungeon.
- It has been corrected an error that causes CORID to fall when leaving a portal if the portal is up.
- The probability that barrels have exploded have been reduced.
- Now the barrels and boxes have an improved generation of objects.
- Now normal, gold and purple chests have an improved generation of objects.
- Now CORID can not pick up coins until you are touching the ground.
- A new character and its illustration in hack and slime "Don Peteton" has been added.
- The initial conversation has been written to adapt better to the state of the game.
- 2 sound effects have been added for critical blows that are reproduced randomly.
- It has been corrected an error related to passing the texts by pressing a single time the advance button.
- Add the equipment and smithing system.
- Add window mode selector in the options menu.
- Add different resolutions for window mode.
- Add generation of saliva drops to the spider to notify its location.
- Lots of bug fixes.
[ 2022-04-08 15:20:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Saved items from previous versions are not compatible.
- A new visual system has been added for skills, now it is distinguished when missing or skill is found in CoolDown.
- An icon has been added for the Town Portal skill and its cost.
- Now the "damage" layer is faster and does not disappear abruptly when CORID receives healing.
- The collisions of tombs and barrels and the related physics have been improved to prevent them from appearing floating.
- A former BUG has been corrected that made the notice of available attribute points or skills disappear.
- Now the portals to Humble Village spend gold depending on the plant where they are released.
- The web of enemies (spider) now does not disappear when they die.
- It has been corrected an error by which the enemies created when entering a dungeon were invulnerable.
- A "Naga" sound has been eliminated by dying when entering the one level of the dungeon.
- Now the coins are always shown above Corid.
- An error has been corrected where the portals blocked the Slime King.
- An error has been corrected where the portals created unbreakable and invisible barricades.
- It has been corrected an error by which CORID could continue walking after opening a door.
- I have corrected an error related to the sampling of statistics.
- The error has been corrected in The Mortuary that showed the level with an erroneous name.
- The legend of catacombs 2 has been corrected in the elevator (only Spanish)
- It has been corrected an error that made the Town Portals charging screen invisible.
- An error has been corrected by which some spawn points of chests were shown.
- Some boxes and barrels have been moved that had collision problems.
- A graphic error has been corrected in the Tilesets of Catacombs and Dungeons.
- A new "O-Grog" enemy has been added.
- A system of missions with key objects has been added.
- A new character has been added, "Fairon Maiden".
- A new character has been added, "Andariel".
- A graphic and sound warning has been added to mission updates.
- A new permanent portal, the red portal has been added.
- Now the "Town Portal" skill icon does not appear until the "Aperture Science" mission has been completed.
- The first mission "Aperture Science" has been added completely.
- In Humble Village, the legend of the portals now corresponds to the plant with which they connect.
- All texts on the inventory menu have been translated into English.
- Special animations have been added to enter and leave the portals.
- The Title Screen has been updated.
- The font has been changed in the dungeon by pixel art style.
- The image of the Hamblel Store has been added in Humble Village, only available after completing "Aperture Science".
- An error related to water has been corrected in "The Pit".
- Many improvements and corrections in small errors.
- A critical bug related to the first mission has been found.
- Some spiders are not working correctly.
- There are some problems in the Level Design of The Pit.
- There is a graphic failure at the Aperture Science mission when Andariel returns to the town.
- The portals disappear when Coid dies.
[ 2022-03-28 10:19:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Next March 25th Hack and Slime will pass from its "pre-alpha" version to "alpha". With many news and improves this version will be the first published on Steam, as demo, completely free and available for every Steam user.
if you haven't played Hack and Slime yet or want to be up to date of the updates until the release, do Wishlist on our page to stay tuned.
Content ready in the Alpha version:
- 6 completely playable levels.
- 1 main complete Quest.
- Progression system with experience and character level.
- Customizable attribute points and statistics system.
- Customizable Skill three with skill points per level.
- Active, passive, and support skills.
- 10 enemies types with different behaviors.
- Random chest, temples, and pool generation.
- Buff and debuff system with more than 12 modifiers.
- Loot system of gold and other components.
- Destructible objects in-game with random drop.
- Town portals and Warp portals system.
- First Boss "The Slime King" completely available to be defeated.
- Humble Village now have Smithy, Tavern, Instructor, and Elevator with all of characters and functions activated.
- A new character (npc) not revealed yet.
We have much more content, improvements, and surprises to share with you coming soon. Don't miss our arrival to Steam.
We waiting for you!
[ 2022-03-08 19:40:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [404.79 M]
- [313.69 M]
Fight your way with fire and sword through more than 50 levels of pure action in a Hack and Slash as epic as it is hilarious: Skip all the sequences and dialogues, who cares? Farm dozens of hours until enemies are nothing more than punching bags, beat 200 hours of a no-budget indie game, and then cry on forums about how short it is.
Do you want me to convince you even a little more? No problem:
2D side-scrolling? ✔
Pixelart? ✔
Screen Shake? ✔
Bloom and chromatic aberration? ✔
Coin attraction? ✔
Call him Roguelike on the internet? ✔
Absurdly over-power skills? ✔
Free underate us on Metacritic?✔
Do not wait any longer and join the adventure of defeating "Warpmazon" (do not report us, please), and eventually, if you earn enough money... save the world.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04
- Processor: 2 GHz dual-core processorMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: A nVidia or AMD graphics card with latest drivers. at least 512 MB of dedicated video memory and support for OpenGL 2.0+
- Storage: 500 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]