Hi, First of all, I wish you the best for this new year and thank you deeply for supporting this project. This update brings the ability to go on the mountains and adds dungeons that use the environment.
Relief Generation
I will let you discover in game the new dungeons. But, here are some screenshots of what you may encounter in the game:

As you can see there are now stairs, ladders and caves that allow you to get on the mountains.
Other Changes
- Fix: Add the tooltip for barrels
- Fix: Dead monsters were able to steal health from players just after their death and were in an "undead" state
- Optimize the physics engine
What's Next?
I think this was the hardest thing I ever implemented for Vagabond. I have regretted many times getting into this. :D But, I am so glad this is finally done. The next features should be simpler. And from now on, I should deliver the updates at a faster pace. As it brings many changes to the game, it may have broken certain things. I would be very grateful if you report any bug you encounter. If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2025-01-30 15:54:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, Finally, an update! Im sorry for the delay since the last update. Things didnt go as expected. Adding relief to the worlds was quite a complex task. This update is the first part of the World Generation update, it adds mountains in the worlds. It will be followed by another update that will bring much more new content.
Adding mountains required to rewrite a large part of the world generator. A lot of experiments were required to have something that works well. It also required to rework the graphics engine to work correctly with the third dimension. It was a real challenge, but Im so happy (and a little proud) that I did it!

Currently, it is not possible to go on the mountains but it will in the next update! The only thing missing is the stairs.
Reworked Interiors
I also reworked the interiors of buildings, especially the inns and forges which were the first buildings included in the game.

Whats Next?
I am working on the second part of the World Generation update. I hope it goes more smoothly and to release it very soon! If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2024-11-16 20:04:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, An update, less than a month after the previous one, what happened?! :D I took some time to work on a few highly requested QoL features and thought it would be a good idea to release them as soon as they are ready and not in a few months with the next big update.
Safe Mode
The most requested feature since the initial release is finally there! When the safe mode is enabled you can't do any illegal action. No risk to steal an item or assault a villager if you misclick! There is a little icon on the right on your toolbar that shows your current state.

You can toggle it by pressing "Left Alt" on your keyboard or "A" on your controller.
Quest Abandonment
Some of you abandon by accident the main quest or initiation quests and there were no way to start them again. Those quests can no longer be abandoned. For the other quests, there are now a confirmation window to make sure you don't abandon them by accident.

Map Tooltip
There was some confusion between the name of places and the name of basements. I modified the quest texts in the previous update to mitigate this issue. In this update, I modified the map tooltip to show the name of the place below the name of the basement for more clarity.

Other Changes
- Bugfix: Pointer position was incorrectly placed when navigating in the UI with the controller
- Bugfix: Some texts were not properly formatted in the quest journal
- Improvement: Names of villagers should no longer be too similar
- Improvement: Better path following algorithms
What's Next?
I continue the work on the World Generation update! See the previous post for more info on it. If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2024-07-10 20:41:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, The Dungeon update is finally released! A lot was done under the hood. Everything is not yet visible as worlds need to be bigger and the lore to be more developed to add more complex dungeons. But I am very happy with the work done and can't wait to see where it goes with the future updates.
I completely reworked the dungeon generation technology. It now uses graph grammars to generate the abstract structure of the generated dungeon. I started investigating this technology during the Summer 2023 and I finally implemented it in the game! While the old dungeons were just a bunch of rooms connected to each others with an entrance room and a boss room. I can now easily generate much more interested dungeon structures. I am only starting to use this technology and will take advantage of it more in the future, but the newly added puzzles illustrate its power.
I already implemented three types of puzzles.

The first one is the classic Sokoban puzzle: you must push crates on buttons to unlock the door. You can notice that I had to implement movable objects and physics for the buttons to make it work. If you have suggestions on how these features can be used, feel free!

I called the second one the Hamilton path puzzle (yeah not a very attractive name, I know): you must walk on each button exactly once. It is inspired from a puzzle in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

Finally, I also added a maze generator. It is quite simple for now. But I have some ideas to make the mazes more interesting. I started to prototype a fourth puzzle generator. But if you have ideas about other concepts of puzzles that may be fun, feel free to send me a message! I would also be interested in your feedback on the difficulty of the already implemented puzzles. Let me know if you find them too easy or too hard!

New traps were added. In particular, there are now traps that throw projectiles and swinging blades.

There will be more in the next updates!
I started to implement a lot of things but I didn't have the time to use them at their full potential yet.
Ranged Combat
I implemented ranged attacks for monsters. For now, only the eyeballs use them.

I also tried to add archers but the attack speed of bows is currently too high and the archers were way too strong. So I need to balance the weapons before being able to add them.
Status Effects
Status effects were added. This will enable to add a lot of future features. For now, only slimes slow you down and snakes poison you.

I will add more status effects in the future, and the ability to apply poisons on your weapons so that you can also give status effects to enemies!
I reworked a bit the AI of enemies. Humanoids are now running when they attack you.

Both humanoids and monsters will now search for you if you attack them from afar. I also started to think about more interesting attack patterns for monsters. I already reworked the spiders.
In the quest journal and the dialogue window, "important" names are now highlighted by using an italic font. Let me know what you think about it and if it helps.

Other Changes
- Bugfix: buff bar didn't update correctly
- Bugfix: regions destroyed by arrows entering a not-yet loaded region
- Bugfix: Thieves Guild initiation quest failed to be generated
- Bugfix: the message for the discovery of a village now appears when the character effectively enters the village
- Bugfix: issues with the French translation
- Improvement: better spider animations
- Improvement: characters complain when they are hungry
- Improvement: replaced the lockpicks by a lockpicking kit in the Thieves Guild initiation quest
- Improvement: all the quests should mention the same location name as the one displayed on the map for more clarity
What's Next?
I always wanted to do more but I am still satisfied with what I delivered in this update. And I am confident about being able to release the two others "big" updates in 2024 (Lore and World Generation). I will now work on the World Generation update which will allow to generate bigger and more interesting worlds. There will be more space in the world to generate more intriguing dungeons. And the full potential of dungeons will be reached with the Lore update that will allow to associate background stories to places and dungeons. If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2024-06-18 10:31:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fix an issue with user folder paths that contain special characters on Windows.
[ 2024-02-19 13:30:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
The different branches I released with the 0.4.0 update to fix the lighting issue on certain setups were helpful. Thus, this update finally fixes this lighting issue! :) Thanks for your help!
[ 2024-01-26 14:53:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and happy New Year! I wish you the best and thank you again for the support! You amazed me by creating crop fields much bigger than expected and suggested some improvements. This new version finally brings the long-awaited quality-of-life features for farming.
Reworked Farming
Firstly, you can plant lots of seed just by maintaining the mouse button pressed and moving your character:

Then, the cursor will indicate you if the crop is ready to be harvested or not:

Finally, you can harvest a whole field by simply pressing the right mouse button and moving your character:

Note that the attraction distance of items has been increased and so it should also be easier to pick all the items.
Removing Trees and Plants
You were numerous being frustrated that trees or bushes were in the middle of your crop fields and they weren't any way to remove them. This is no longer the case, you can now take your shovel and remove them:

Lighting Issue
Some players have a very annoying issue with the lighting system not working correctly. I tried to understand and fixed the issue with their help (and I thank them again!) with no luck yet. I released three modified versions of the game (for Windows only, if you have the issue on Linux, let me know) to try to gather more info and fix the issue. So if you have the issue, I would be very grateful if you could:
- send me info about your setup (OS, CPU, GPU).
- try the "opengl_debug" branch and send me your log.txt file located in "C:\Users
\AppData\Local\Vagabond". - try the "rgba_textures" and "shader_always_bind" and let me know if they fix the issue or not.
Other Changes
- Bugfix: invalid item stats after enchanting
- Bugfix: you can plant in the crop fields in the villages (new worlds only)
- Bugfix: crash when guards exit the barracks after sleeping
- Bugfix: many crashes with the take dialog
What's Next?
I'm still working on the dungeon update. I hope to release it in March! The plans for this year, it would be great if I were able to release the three "big" updates: Dungeon, Lore and World Generation. The hardest parts would be done. Then it would only remain smaller features and polishing to end the early-access period! If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2024-01-20 16:06:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fix another bug with the Split window
[ 2023-11-28 20:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix the issue with splitting stacks * Fix the crypts that contained some WIP elements from the next update Moreover, there is now a beta version called "opengl_debug" that logs graphics issues to investigate the lighting issue that some players are experiencing. If you do, send me a message! :)
[ 2023-11-13 22:26:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, This new version brings world/character separation and controller support.
Controller Support
We can now choose the attack direction which is shown with a little arrow using the controller stick. Attacking in the direction of the mouse was added as an option in a previous update, now it is the default option.

This little feature was necessary so I could start reworking the combat. In controller mode, you can now see what the next action will be if you press the Interact button.

Finally, the controller is fully supported in all the user interfaces. This was a huge amount of work. This isnt perfect yet, but I will continue to refine it.
World/Character Separation
In this new version, characters and worlds are separated. You can use a same character in different worlds. When updates will bring new content, you will be able to keep your character progression, and try the new features in new worlds.

Other Changes
- Bugfix: characters are displayed correctly on the bed
- Running is as discreet as walking in sneaking mode
Whats Next?
I spent months working on the next Dungeon update. The underlying technology (mainly Graph Grammars) is ready. Unfortunately, I didnt have time to add all the new content that will use it. So the next update will bring the new dungeons and the reworked combat system. I also started working on a larger UI. I wont release it in the next update as I need to focus on the dungeons, and Im completely exhausted from working on the user interface. But this is coming. Finally, there are still some QoL features that need to be implemented, and I will try to do that as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience! If you face any issue or have any feedback, feel free to come on the Steam forum, the Discord server or send me an email. Have a good day!
[ 2023-11-12 16:53:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix an issue with save migration from 0.1.1. There is a very very little chance that it breaks your 0.2.0 save :( * Add a command "/debugGraphics" to help me fix the lighting issue on some setups
[ 2023-08-01 12:50:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Here is the first big update after the Early Access release! First, a huge thank you to all of you for playing the game and giving me so much feedback! It was awesome! There is no major content addition in this update, it's mostly bugfixes and quality of life features.
Save Migration
Normally, you will still be able to enter your old worlds. When you will enter the worlds for the first time in the new version, you will see a special screen that will show the progress of the migration process.

If you face any issue, please send me the save files of your world and I will fix it as soon as possible. There is no major content addition in this version so you won't gain much by creating a new world. This won't be the case with the next updates. To mitigate this, you will be able to play with your characters in new worlds.
Quest Board
In new worlds, in the the market places, there will be a quest board that will list all the quests given by the villagers. The UI is quite simple for now but it gets the job done. If you have any suggestion feel free!

Quest Journal
I started to rework the quest journal. Now when you ask a villager about a quest, all the info will be recorded in your quest journal. It won't be necessary to get back to the characters to ask them again.

I also plan to better display the goals to achieve to complete the quests. But there are some subtleties that prevent me from doing that easily so I will do that later on.
The beds are no longer useless! They can now be used to skip the night, to set your spawn point and to restore your health if you sleep during the night.

For now, it works with any bed. In the future, it will only work in beds that you own.
Character Window
The "Character" tab of the Character window has been reworked to show all your stats.

Other Changes
- Bugfix: no longer possible to consume an item without purchasing it
- Bugfix: remove the buy/sell loop to level up Speech
- Bugfix: sound issue when digging an area by keeping the right mouse button pressed
- Bugfix: the quests that require a certain skill level now complete correctly if you already have the necessary level
- Bugfix: there is no longer weird non-diggable tiles in the desert biome in new worlds
- Bugfix: lighting issues on certain ruin walls
- Add support for floating point zoom factors
- Add tooltip on tabs in the Inventory window
- Add support for restoring the soil using the pickaxe
- Remove the wishlist button
- Add a command to take all the items in a container ('F' by default)
- Add a command to quicksave ('F5' by default)
- Add a button in the in-game menu to quicksave
- Add support for borderless window fullscreen mode
- Nails can be crafted with any ingot
- Easier to level up Smithing, Tailoring, Enchanting, Staff Carving, Gathering, Speech and Sneak
- Add a recipe to craft coal ores from wood logs (only available in new worlds)
- Add an option to hide the helmet in the Inventory window
- Add support for the right mouse button on the Map window to switch between local/global mode
- Add support for resizing the Map window
- Display the current location name in the Map window
- Add the missing Staff Enchanter and Enchanting Table recipes (only available in new worlds)
- Monsters and items linked to a quest are now spawned after the quest has been accepted
- Move the abandon button in the Quest Journal window to avoid accidentally clicking it
- Add an option to enable PvP in the "Server" tab
- Remove the corpse marker on the map if the corpse has been found
- Reduce the volume of some beast sounds (especially the chicken one)
What's Next?
I had too much feedback after the release and didn't have the time to work on everything. Here are some things I plan to work on soon:
- Difficulty modes
- New Ingredient and Quest items tab in the Inventory window
- Display what "Interact Nearest" would do
- A safe mode to avoid accidently attacking the villagers
- Allow to harvest a field of crops by keeping the button pressed
- Different sizes for the UI with bigger texts
- Allowing to remove/move stumps and bushes
- Custom map markers
- Salvaging to get elemental motes from enchanted items
- Few bugs that still need to be fixed
[ 2023-06-29 15:20:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Add support for looping attacks while holding down the button * Add support for looping digging by holding button down and moving * Fix a couple crashes
[ 2023-05-17 16:55:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix the achievements "Sniper", "Archmage" and "Cartographer" * The game now automatically saves every 5 minutes
[ 2023-05-07 21:41:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix unlocking the "Hero" achievement * Add an option to be able to attack in the direction of the mouse * Improve knockback * Increase the speed of arrows * Set local map as default when opening the map window * Decrease the restocking time of quests in villages
[ 2023-05-04 11:55:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix an issue with an achievement * Coal veins give more coal * Remove the skill requirement to craft arrows * Reduce the skill requirement to learn new imbuements * Only one soul dust is now required in enchantment recipes * Reduce the reputation requirement to buy a house (only for new worlds)
[ 2023-05-03 14:20:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fix earning a talent point when leveling up * Fix a crash when two players were trying to use the same crafting station
[ 2023-05-02 11:11:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, I am very happy to announce that Vagabond is finally released in Early Access! A huge thank you to all of you for the support all this time!
Main Quest
The main addition of this release is the main quest. It will help you start your adventure and give a purpose. However, it is fully optional and you can ignore it if you wish. It comes with new dungeons and monsters!

Mages Guild
I also added the Mages Guild with an initiation to magic and new quests associated.

Map Improvements
The map has been reworked, you can now see which areas have already been explored.

There are also question marks to indicate points of interest that have not been discovered yet. It may help you during exploration when you are looking for a particular place.

Finally, I added a corpse marker to help you get back your stuff after an unfortunate death.

- The game now supports Steam Achievements and there are already 26 of them available.
- The stealth bar has been reworked. If the stealth bar is full, you are now sure that someone can see or hear you and they will call the guards if you do any illegal action.
- Musics were added in villages and dungeons.
- Three new swords are available.
- Skill requirements for recipes were added. And all the trainers no longer have all the recipes.
- More beasts and monsters in the open world.
- More chests in dungeons.
- The leveling of skills has been balanced.
What's Next?
I will release soon a quality of life update to take into account all the feedback you will send me. So if you have any please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Then, I will start working on new major features and content addition. There will be a poll on the Discord server to determine which update you are most interested in and help me prioritize them. Thank you!
[ 2023-05-01 15:53:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 10 is released! This is a small update that adds the leveling system, talents and many bugfixes.
In Vagabond, the leveling system is based on skills, the more you use a skill, the more experience you get. You can check your current levels in the Skills tab in the character window.

Each time you gain a skill level, you earn experience points for your character. And when your character levels up you get a talent point you can use to learn a talent in the Talents tab of the character window.

There are three different talents for each skill which require a certain skill level to be able to unlock them.
The next update will add the main quest, the Mages Guild and new content. And the game will finally be released in early-access! So exicted to be there! :) Thanks to everyone who played the game during the Steam Next Fest, shared their feedback and reported bugs! It was super useful! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps me improve Vagabond!
[ 2023-02-21 20:49:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's play of Vagabond. Looking forward to meeting you there! :)
[ 2023-02-08 18:10:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's play of Vagabond. Looking forward to meeting you there! :)
[ 2023-02-05 22:57:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone and happy new year! Alpha 9 is released! The most-awaited feature is finally here. It is requested since the version alpha 1. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the crime system!
First, there is now a reputation system. When you complete quests for a village, you will earn reputation points that will unlock certain actions such as buying a house. I will add more features linked to reputation in future releases. But, be careful, if you commit a crime, you will lose reputation points.

You can see your current reputation points and bounties in the character window. By the way, a coat of arms is now generated for each village.
Improved AI
Villager AI has been improved. They will sleep and they won't leave you alone in their house or shop stealing everything you want.

They also have the option to talk to you directly without a dialog window. You can also make your character talk using the "/say" command.

Pathfinding has also been improved, there were issues, especially with monsters and it should be better now.

Currently, there are four different crimes: theft, lockpicking, assault, and murder. If a villager sees you committing a crime, they will call the guards. Currently, a villager can see everywhere when in an interior. But outside, they can't see through walls and only at a limited distance.

After committing a crime, the guards will try to arrest you. Then either you pay the fine and give all your stolen goods or you resist the arrest. If you resist, they will try to kill you. And if they succeed, they will seize all your goods, put them in a locked chest in the barracks and you will respawn in the prison.

But you can run away and if you are a member of the Thieves Guild, you can contact the guild master to bribe the guards to forget the bounty.
If you break into in a villager's house at night, be careful to not awake the owner. You can enter in the sneaking mode using the Left Control key by default. A new bar will appear below your hunger bar. If the bar is full you will awake someone.

A few tips: the slower you walk, the less noise you make, so be sure to walk and don't run. Moreover, using a tool, opening a container or picking an item is louder than walking so make sure the bar isn't nearly full.
I'm sure there are a lot of bugs. I was so eager to release the new version that I didn't test all the new features as much as I should have. If you face any issue, please send me a message. I will fix everything in the coming weeks. Vagabond will participate to Steam Next Fest in February. I hope I will have the time to release a new version with new quests, in particular for the Mage Guild, and a draft of the skill system. Thanks a lot to everyone who played the game and shared their issues and suggestions! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps me improve Vagabond!
[ 2023-01-16 17:07:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 8 is finally released! It took much longer than expected as I had to rework a lot of things to be able to implement the new features. But I am very pleased with the progress.
Locks and Lockpicking
Some doors are now locked and you will need a key to open them... or if you don't have the key, you can pick them.

The lockpicking mini-game is a code-breaking game similar to Mastermind. You will have to guess the type of the pins to open the lock. Each time, an attempt fails, you risk breaking your lockpick. If you are not into logic games, you can use the "Auto Attempt" button to get a random chance to open the lock.
A small icon is added to items that you will steal if you take them or you have already stolen.

You can't sell stolen items to ordinary merchants. But there are fences in the Thieves Guild who will gladly buy your stolen stuff.
Thieves Guild
Look for a suspicious character in certain inns in the world to get the opportunity to join the Thieves Guild.

Once, you are a member of the Thieves Guild, you will be able to access the Thieves Guild Dens, sell your stolen items, buy lockpicks and get contracts that will use your thief abilities.

You can check your progress in the Thieves Guild with a new tab in the Character window.

User Interface
Finally, I spent time working on the user interface. There are now icons on the map.

There are tabs in the inventory window. Your character is now able to transport much more stuff.

And the trainer window is more elaborate, you can now see the ingredients of a recipe and the requirements to learn it.

This release also fixes many bugs, pauses the game when opening the menu in single player mode, adds walk animations to bows and new pieces of equipment to guards that will be obtainable in the next update. The next release will bring the crime system and the factions. I hope it will come much faster that this one! :p Thanks a lot to everyone who played the game and shared their issues and suggestions! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps me improve Vagabond!
[ 2022-11-23 11:42:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 7 is released! It does not provide any major new gameplay feature but lots of fixes and improvements. Let's take a look at the main ones.
Interactive Map

The map is now interactive, you can click on the regions to see details. You can also click on the "Local" button to see the current part of the world your character is in. If you are inside a building or a dungeon, it shows the map of the structure. Very useful if you are lost in a cave!

I plan to add pictograms so that it is easier to find a specific location on the map. I also want to improve the design of the map of the interiors which is quite crude at the moment.
New Architectural Styles
There are two new architectural styles for villages in forests and cold regions. They are respectively inspired by Medieval Japan and Vikings.

Destruction Animations
All destructible objects now have a destruction animation. Not much but it's nicer to destroy things!

Barracks and Guards
There are now barracks and guards in villages. Guards have different equipment depending on the village. They patrol the villages but they won't attack you if they catch you committing crimes yet, this will come in the next update!

The next update is expected to be the biggest ever with guilds, factions, and the crime system. I wish I could release it in October but I might run out of time. Maybe I'll release it in two parts if it gets too big. Thanks a lot to everyone who played the game and shared their issues and suggestions! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps improving Vagabond!
[ 2022-08-10 20:16:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 6 is released! Let's take a tour of the major new features.
Villager AI Improvements
Villagers can now enter in shops and shopkeepers can use the crafting objects in their shops. It makes cities much more livelier!

Item Attraction
Your character now attracts item!

Object Destruction
It is now possible to destroy objects that you have previously placed. However, it is still impossible to destroy objects in villages.

Cooking is finally there! You can use a stove and food to cook delicious meals. If you use ingredients with effects in common, the meal will give these effects to your character when eaten. Meals give small but long-lasting effects. Only one meal buff can be active. There are seven different recipes but the differences are currently only cosmetic.

Magician Laboratory
The big content addition of this update is magic and wizards. You can find wizards in their laboratories as well as three new crafting objects: the alchemy table, the enchanting table and the staff enchanter.

Alchemy is very similar to cooking. You can brew potions using ingredients at the alchemy table. The potions also have the effects that are present in at least two ingredients. Contrary to meals, potion effets are powerful but don't last long. Only one potion buff can be active.

You can enchant your items at the enchanting table. You can play on two things: elements and a soul. You can imbue an item with elemental motes. It will give elemental damage to weapons and elemental defense to armors. You can also infuse a soul into an item. It will give magic effects to the item, the effects and their power will depend on the elements imbued in the item.

Finally, you can craft staves at the staff enchanter. The first step is to craft a magic crystal, then you should imbue the crystal with elements at the enchanting table. Finally, you craft the staff at the staff enchanter with your crystal. A procedural name will be generated for your staff which will depend on the elements and the power of your staff. There are three different staves that emit different types of bolts.

There are many more small improvements and changes. I tried to fix all the bugs you reported to me and to implement all the small suggestions you sent me. If I forgot yours, feel free to remind me! I will be tackling bigger things such as reworking the map to give more detail, improving the shooting system to be able to shoot in all directions and removing the ability to steal without any consequence very soon! Thanks a lot to everyone who played the game and shared their issues and suggestions! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps improving Vagabond!
[ 2022-05-31 09:14:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 5 is released! Lets take a tour of the new features.
This the main new content added in this version. If you wander in the desert or in the jungle, you may discover some ruins. Beware! Monsters and traps are protecting them.

They have an inside and an outside part. If you visit cities near the ruins, you may find new quests related to them.

The game now supports multiplayer with Steam. It was a highly requested feature. I am very happy that I managed to do it for this release. So, once you have started a game, you can invite a friend to join you.

Or one of your friend can directly join your world by looking at your in name in their friend list.

Combat was one of the most unpolished feature of the game. I worked a lot on them. Here is the list of the main improvements:
- Attack animations were added
- Monsters now avoid each others
- Monsters avoid obstacles (there are still issues with walls, it will be fixed later)
- Particles effects when monsters take damages were added
- Damage dealt are now shown on screen
- Fix the hit box of arrows

I dont pretend combats are now perfect, there is still a lot to improve. If you have any comment or suggestion, please share it with me!
I am very pleased to announce that Vagabond is now available in French! It was a lot of work to be able to procedurally generate French texts. But the technology developed for French will also be useful for other languages and it will be easier to add translations for other languages. English:


If you have been following Vagabond for a while, you know that I like working on the lighting. In this release, I added support for normal maps which in laymans terms allow to add information about the orientation of the surface of an object to change the lighting accordingly. An image is worth a thousand words:

Outside World
The outside world was, with the exception of cities, very quiet. You may now encouter animals and monsters. Moreover, they are finally bandits in bandit camps!

Finally, it is no longer possible to buy seeds from innkeepers. You now have to explore to find them in the world.
There are many more small improvements and changes. Thanks a lot to everyone who played the game and shared their issues and suggestions! If you have any, please send me an email or come chatting on the Discord server. Your feedback is very precious to me and helps improving Vagabond!
[ 2022-01-16 22:41:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's play of Vagabond demo. It will be a rebroadcast of the first live stream. But I will be in the chat if you want to talk! Looking forward to meeting you there! :)
[ 2021-10-04 10:59:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, Alpha 4 is released! Lets take a tour of the main new features.
I am very excited to announce that the long-awaited quest generation feature is finally implemented in Vagabond! The next time you will talk to villagers, you will see new topics in the dialogue window that corresponds to quest proposals.

Once, you have accepted a quest, you will find a summary of the quest in your quest journal. The default key to open it is J.

For the time being, there are only approximately 20 quest patterns, but many more will be added in the next versions.
Points of Interest
This version is also the start of points of interest. The first point of interest is the graveyard. You will find graveyards around villages.

Each graveyard contains a mausoleum which is the entrance to a new type of dungeon: catacombs.

The other point of interest is the bandit camp. You will find stuff in the containers there so it is worth exploring them. But there are not complete, bandits and related quests are still missing.

The technology developed for the points of interests also enables to improve the cities with more decorations and market places.

That is all for the main new features. But there are many small new things to discover!
Next Version
In this version, I worked on the implementation of two big features: quest generation and points of interest. In the next version, I will focus on adding content to make the most of them. The main goal of the next version is filling the outside world which is still quite empty. So expect many new points of interest and quests! Moreover, there will finally be monsters and animals in the outside world. Exploration will no longer be safe! The other goal is to make the game prettier. To achieve that, besides adding more content, I will also improve the light system, add weather effects and rework the water. Finally, I will continue the work on the support of translations, which is a hard task because of the procedural generation of texts, and the full support of controllers. I will also take time to work on the feedback I will get from players during the Steam Next Fest. So if you find any issue or you want to share your feedback, you can send me a message on Discord, Twitter or by mail. I would be really happy to read you! The release of the version alpha 5 is planned for Christmas. See you next time for more!
[ 2021-10-01 10:26:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's play of Vagabond demo. I will live stream and chat with you. Looking forward to meeting you there! :)
[ 2021-09-15 16:08:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [71.21 M]
Greetings Adventurer!
You start in the middle of nowhere with no memories or possessions. It's up to you to forge your destiny, become a famous treasure hunter by searching dangerous dungeons, the best blacksmith in the whole country or a benefactor by helping the villagers who need you. Who will you become?
Blending elements of traditional role-playing games such as The Elder Scrolls or The Legend of Zelda with the freedom of sandbox-style games such as Stardew Valley and Terraria, Vagabond is a unique experience.
Moreover, you can share your adventures with your friends as Vagabond was designed from the ground to support multiplayer.
Explore vast procedurally generated worlds and travel across many different biomes which have their own riches and dangers.
Each world is unique and yours to write a new story.
Harvest valuable resources by cutting down trees in forests, mining veins in caves, tending crops in your garden or hunting monsters and wild animals.
In Vagabond, worlds are not deserted, they are populated by many villages.
Meet the villagers, discover their stories and customs, help them solve their problems and become a respected member of the community.
Join guilds to complete perilous missions and learn new secret skills.
Meet the different skill masters in villages and learn how to craft powerful items from your resources.
Forge dangerous weapons and strong armors at the forge, brew potions, enchant your equipment and craft powerful magical artifacts at the wizard's laboratory, sew beautiful clothes at the tailor shop or craft furniture to furnish your home at the carpentry workshop.
Explore ruins buried in the desert, temples lost in the jungle or caves full of underground creatures.
Fight your way with the point of your sword, defeat many monsters and bring back fabulous treasures from your travels.
Share your adventures with your friend with networked multiplayer (through LAN or the Internet).
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- Processor: 2 GhzMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: 512 MB with OpenGL 3.3 support
- Storage: 500 MB available space
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