Happy new year! In this update we are removing mid run saves. This means that rba will no longer save dungeon/galaxy location during a run; However, inspiration and proove tree progress will continued to be saved. The motivation for this change is to really simplify development and testing on our end. As a really small dev team, testing all the permutations that mid run saves produces is just too much effort for our team. Mid run saves also had a lot of bugs that required a lot of time and investigation to fix, and we honestly do not have time to improve the quality of mid run saves. Instead, that time is being spent on full release features, content, and other critical bug fixes. We are adding new menus to view lifetime stats and mid run stats. View lifetime stats at the tv in the start room. Mid run stats can be viewed at the tv after beating galaxy masters.
- Holiday is CANCELED.
- Run progress is no longer saved mid run. Quitting or ending a run early will result in the next run being started at the beginning. Proove tree progress and inspiration collected are still saved.
- A dash indicator has been added to the hud to indicate when Beary's dash is off cooldown.
- A timer has been added to record run speed.
Enemies and other NPCs
- boy bye.
- The Queen Returns.
- She no longer shields while spawning Battery Boi minions.
- Dash cooldown increased from 20% to 50%
Weapons, Items and Augs
- All weapons cost more to purchase in the shop
- The inaccuracy debuff was increased for all "More Projectile" Augs.
[ 2025-01-02 15:09:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed ANOTHER bug that would cause a crash at the initial loading screen (Thanks again @openfraine!)
[ 2024-12-19 15:07:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash at the initial loading screen (Thanks @openfraine!)
[ 2024-12-08 18:32:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Approved for prerelease by CrazyRed
- Things are getting *festive*.
- Optimized some backend code to be more performant.
- Back from tour, ready to rock
- The one true queen has excused herself for some time away at her timeshare.
- "Seriously, he's just a guy" - Kazoo Compoozer Exzoodizoo.
[ 2024-11-29 23:48:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Were happy to announce that Rightfully, Beary Arms will be at Save & Sound starting November 4th! Save & Sound is an online music festival with sales and demos on Steam. Come celebrate headbanging soundtracks as well as unique implementations of music and audio in games. Well be participating in the festival with a performance and soundtrack deep dive. You can see our composer, Garrett Rose perform one of the tracks from the game and hear more about his process in composing the soundtrack! You can watch the showcase on Bedtime Digital Games channels:
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bedtimedg
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BedtimeDG
[ 2024-10-23 20:03:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes 0.4.5
- Spooky.
Enemies and other NPCs
- Currently on tour.
- Rocktapus has been replaced by HEADLESS HORSE, MAN.
Weapons, Items and Upgrades
Squirt Gun
- Reduced reload time.
- Added subtle feedback while reloading. Thanks @vecima!
Pix Shooter
- Reduced mag size from 480 to 35. Also you again @vecimasteamhappy

[ 2024-10-15 14:02:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- reworked dash to feel smoother, there is no longer a slow down towards the end of the dash.
- reworked dock levels.
[ 2024-09-11 13:46:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enemies and other NPCs
- Added back some enemies that weren't present
Ah, that's the stuff
- Increase additional rate of fire of weapons by 25%
- Added Ah, that's the stuff
- Added back some calamities that weren't present.
Trigger Fatigue
- 50% Slower Fire Rate for All of Beary's Weapons.
- Added Trigger Fatigue.
Weapons, Items and Upgrades
- Fixed a bug where weapon fire rate upgrades were not applying as much as they should have.
[ 2024-08-09 13:29:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Note 0.4.2
Happy Birthday Beary! One year has passed since we released Rightfully, Beary Arms for Early Access on Steam!
We want to give a big shout out to the community. We appreciate the feedback and engagement from our fans to help improve Rightfully, Beary Arms with each update. We are hard at work preparing 1.0 content, but wanted to drop an anniversary update for you all to enjoy. As always, try it out and let us know your thoughts!
- Added new birthday [strike]suit[/strike] outfit for Beary.
Eye of the Buffalo (Accuracy Upgrade)
- Removed Eye of the Buffalo.
- (Removed all accuracy prooves from the proove tree.)
- All weapons receive an additional augmentation slot.
- Added Tinker.
- Acquiring plu gives Beary a small temporary speed boost.
- Added Motivated.
- Pixelating an enemy transfers 5 plu to Beary. "Keep your head down, do your job, and Joy Stick Nick will treat ya right." (<3 @joysticknick)
- Added Mercenary
Blader's Cover
- Beary's dash cooldown is reduced based on the combined movement speed of all nearby enemies. Faster enemies means more dashing for Beary.
- Added Blader's Cover. (<3 @coverblader)
- All weapons receive two additional augmentation slots.
- Added Tinkerer.
Weapons, Items and Upgrades
- All weapon prices at stores have been significantly reduced.
Cap Gun
- Damage slightly increased (thanks @Rain).
Glu Gun
- Reload time significantly improved.
Finger Gun
- Mag capacity slightly increased.
- Slightly increased bullet damage.
A Salt Rifle
- Base accuracy increased.
- Damage slightly increased.
Plasma Shotgun
- Reload time significantly reduced.
- A guaranteed Augmentation has been added to each store.
- Augmentation price at stores set to 250 plu.
- All Augmentation upgrades slightly improved.
"Fully Auto" Augmentation
- Added increased fire rate by 30%.
[ 2024-07-30 12:39:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed bug where game would not continue after beating the final boss. (Thanks @rain!)
[ 2024-05-04 14:37:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=l--xHO_3dO0;full][/previewyoutube] We are excited about this new major update! We are implementing one of the most requested features for Beary Arms: Outfits! Currently a player can collect them during a run, but it will not save after leaving the game. In the future, players will be able to collect outfits and wear them for future runs. We would love to hear your ideas for different outfits for Beary. We plan on implementing more outfits as EA development progresses. In this major update we reworked three major mechanics: dungeon crawl choice, weapon upgrades, and proove upgrade tree.
Dungeon Crawl Choice
The Navigation screen has been removed. From feedback and our observation of players, we noticed that the nav screen was confusing and not being utilized to its full potential. The main intention of the nav screen was to give the player choice and provide another layer of strategy for the player to optimize. Instead, especially with new players, it seemed like it was information overload. We still want players to make a choice of where to travel to next and have an informed choice about rewards. Replacing the nav screen is a 3 option choice of what rewards the player would like to attempt to get in the next dungeon. After a certain amount of dungeon clears, the player will face off against the galaxy master.
Weapon Upgrades
The old weapon upgrade system was another pain point for players. It also lacked player customization for runs. In this update we are introducing a new concept called Weapon Augmentations. Weapon Augmentations are iterative stackable upgrades for a specific weapon. This allows for more custom builds and experimentation with different weapons. Weapon rarity will determine how many augs and quality of augs a player can stack:
- Starter weapons: 2 aug slots, aug quality I
- Entry weapons: 3 aug slots, aug quality I
- Power weapons: 4 aug slots, aug quality I & II
- Super weapons 4-5 aug slots, aug quality II & III
Proove Upgrade Tree
The last major change of this update is the proove tree has been moved and reworked. At the start of Bearys run, the player will have access to a proove machine to spend inspiration in exchange for permanent upgrades. The tree itself is no longer randomized based on a given save file.
Thank You
We are excited for you all to try the new changes and let us know what you all think!
- Old Saves will be overwritten and will not work in this new update.
- 3 Beary outfits have been added. Pick them up after defeating a boss
- Removed the nav screen
- Added a new dungeon picker/reward screen when exiting dungeons
- Fixed visual glitch on certain dock rooms (Thanks nm41!)
- Made it more difficult for Beary to fall into water
- Items on the ground now have prompts to inform the player what is being picked up.
- Fixed a bug where bullets from certain enemies wouldnt hit Bearys hit box properly
Enemies and other NPCs
- Tables have been removed from Battrees room.
Yellow Jacket
- AI has been reworked to be more predictable and lean into the platforming of the arena
- Slightly raised health
- Slightly raised health
Trust Fund Teddy
- Added Trust Fund Teddy.
- Start runs with an additional 500 plu.
Beary Conservation Corp
- Added Beary Conservation Corp
- Upon a dungeon exit, Beary is granted an additional 250 plu.
Eh tee em
- Added Eh tee em
- Shops now contain a machine that takes inspiration and converts it to plu. 1 Inspiration converts to 250 plu.
Trusted Customer
- Added Trusted Customer
- Gives an additional 2.5% discount at stores.
- Added Plutocracy
- Instantly consume all of Beary's plu and apply 1 damage to all weapons for every 500 plu consumed.
Aunt Sam's Birthday Card
- Added Aunt Sam's Birthday Card
- Get 3000 plu now
Drops of Plupiter
- Reworked to increase the amount of plu picked up from 20% to 40%
- Added Paraechinus.
- Increases enemy movement speed by 100%
- Added Zoomies.
- For a brief moment, nearby enemy movement speed greatly increased whenever Beary uses dash
Rate Hike
- Added Rate Hike.
- Reduce the value of plu picked up by 50%
- Added Inflation.
- Items purchased at stores now cost 50% more
Trickle Down
- Added Trickle Down
- Pixelated enemies no long drop plu
Weapons, Items and Augs
- All weapons have unlimited ammo
- Ammo drops have been removed
- Weapons now have aug slots and aug quality pools:
- Starter weapons: 2 aug slots, aug quality I
- Entry weapons: 3 aug slots, aug quality I
- Power weapons: 4 aug slots, aug quality I & II
- Super weapons 4-5 aug slots, aug quality II & III
[ 2024-04-16 12:55:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=PxUZHq7KpDg;full][/previewyoutube] The Claws and Paws Fashion update is coming to Steam April 17th!
[ 2024-03-25 13:22:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where stats and achievements would break. (thanks Fisty McKnuckles and HeyitsPDC)
[ 2024-02-11 17:10:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Removed Holiday Spirit.
- Reduced bullet sfx for better readability and better game performance.
Enemies and other NPCs
- She back.
- Given more Health.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where bullets would phase through certain props (thanks infinitysnapz!).
[ 2024-01-04 18:08:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi furiends! We have a special in-game holiday event for Rightfully, Beary Arms called Sleigh, Beary from December 11, 2023 @ 1PM ET until January 4, 2024 @ 9AM ET. We are also doing a 12 Days of Beary Giveaway on December 20, 2023 through December 31, 2023 on Twitter. Thank you to Garrett Rose for the bumpin' music and Jess Thomas for beautiful key art! [previewyoutube=ZYmjuZ4Zu-E;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-12-11 18:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Ginger Spice
- We about to get *festive*.
- Fixed a bug where Beary would run forward after a Galaxy Master cut scene.
- Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would remain if dying to a boss.
- Added a resume option when pausing on the nav screen. (Thanks cover blader!)
- Aim assist for controllers has been buffed a little.
Enemies and other NPCs
- The one true queen has excused herself for a long due vacation.
- "He's just a guy" - Kazoo Compoozer Exzoodizoo.
- Loving those festive string lights.
- While punk, punk does love some fuzzy stockings.
Weapons, Items and Upgrades
A Salt Rifle
- Base accuracy increased.
- Replaced with snowflakes.
Health Kit
- Wreath the benefits of Beary-payer healthcare.
- Very present.

[ 2023-12-11 17:51:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug where weapon wheel would stay on screen -- not being able to be closed easily.
- Fixed a bug where the player could get unlimited amount of hearts
[ 2023-11-12 14:31:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Note 0.3.5
Enemies and other NPCs
- Fixed a bug where Battree would phase out of the room through a door - this could happen to other NPCs as well (fixed for them too), but it happened to Battree most often.
[ 2023-11-10 14:55:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a performance bug where frames would drop upon picking up plu
[ 2023-11-05 17:23:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug when Beary falls into the water would still continue to walk regardless of player input
Enemies and other NPCs
- Improved some AI pathfinding
[ 2023-11-03 15:29:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Note 0.3.2
- Reduced dash distance.
- Reduced speed of dash.
- Slightly reduced dash cooldown.
- Slightly reduced the size of his hitbox.
- Removed s p o o k y stuff :(.
- Slightly reduced dungeon size of mech galaxy dungeons
Enemies and other NPCs
- Slightly reduced health of all mech mobs.
[ 2023-11-01 12:51:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Note 0.3.1
- Things are a bit more s p o o k y.
Enemies and other NPCs
- Sporting some glow in the dark fangs.
Yellow Jacket
- Orange lights for vibes.
- Continuing to stick it to the man.
Weapons, Items, and Upgrades
- Plu currency replaced with candy.
Health Kit
- Health kits now allow Beary to stay in gourd shape!
Glue Gun
- Bullet Spread slightly increased.
- Bullet Spread is now uniformly spread out instead of being randomly spread out.
- Reduced bullets shot from 6 to 5.
- Increased damage from 18 to 38.
- Reduced ammo capacity from 15 to 5.
- Reduced time it takes to fire first bullet from 1 second to .7 seconds.
- Reduced time it takes to fire subsequent bullets as long as the trigger is held from 1 second to .45 seconds.
- Slightly increased the accuracy.
- Increased damage from 15 to 30.
Chekhovs Gun
- Increased damage from 30 to 50.
[ 2023-10-23 12:58:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy October Furiends!
We are quickly approaching the spookiest day of the year, which means we gotta spookify Rightfully, Beary Arms. Help Beary collect candy while he runs around in his pumpkin mask from October 23, 2023 at 9AM ET until November 1, 2023 at 9AM ET. Share your eerie little screenshots and gameplay clips with us!
[ 2023-10-22 17:19:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes 0.3.0
Furiends, Beary went shopping for some new toys at Pandora's Fox Toys & Games! This update introduces new weapons and weapon upgrades. We are also still attempting to balance the early game. Based on feedback we know there are some challenges with the early game of RBA. We really appreciate the community's feedback and involvement!
Weapons, Items and Upgrades
- Introduction of Primary and Secondary weapon upgrades. Primary upgrades largely improve weapon stats like, damage, fire rate, accuracy, and ammo capacity. Secondary weapon upgrades allow an effect to be applied to a weapon's bullet.
- Entry weapons reworked to be more likely to have 1 or 2 primary weapon upgrades.
- Entry weapons are most likely to have 0 or 1 secondary weapon upgrade.
- Power weapons reworked to be more likely to have 1 to 3 primary weapon upgrades.
- Power weapons are most likely to have 0 to 2 secondary weapon upgrades.
- Super weapons reworked to be more likely to have 2 to 3 primary weapon upgrades.
- Super weapons are most likely to have 0 to 3 secondary weapon upgrades.
- Health proove now increases weapon damage by 1 HP instead of 4%.
A Salt Rifle
- Added A salt Rifle to the game.
- For self-preservation.
- A slower firing automatic rifle that deals decent damage.
- Entry Weapon Classification.
- Added Cannonloupe to the game.
- The folks from the lab designed explosive melons and a cannon to fire them from. What will they think of next?
- After a delayed trigger pull, the cannon releases an explosive melon to deal devastating damage to enemies.
- Super Weapon Classification.
Mac 10 And Cheese
- Added Mac 10 And Cheese to the game.
- The cheese powder is a radioactive yellow color.
- A fairly fast firing but weak submachine gun.
- Entry Weapon Classification.
- Added Glockamole to the game.
- Avocados, salt, lime juice, onion, cilantro, and bullets.
- A fast firing automatic pistol that doesn't hinder movement!
- Power Weapon Classification.
- Added Toaster to the game.
- From Crazy Red's Kitchen Appliance Research and Development for the Department of Homeland Defense. And it makes toast.
- A low mag fast firing rifle.
- Super Weapon Classification.
Chekhov's Gun
- Added Chekhov's Gun to the game.
- Etched into the barrel, "The Bear".
- A low mag, slower firing, high damaging pistol.
- Super Weapon Classification.
Instant Kill Secondary Upgrade
- An instant kill upgrade is now possible for select weapons.
- Instant kill gives a weapon a slight chance to completely kill an enemy regardless of health Does not work on Galaxy Masters.
- Chances of Instant kill increase with each upgrade number.
Freeze Secondary Upgrade
- A Freeze upgrade is now possible for select weapons.
- Freeze gives a weapon a chance to freeze enemy movement.
- Chances of Freeze increase with each upgrade number.
Successive Damage Secondary Upgrade
- A Successive Damage upgrade is now possible for select weapons.
- Successive Damage allows a weapon to increase its damage incrementally with every hit shot on an enemy. The damage resets after a missed shot.
Rail Gun
- Increase ammo pickup from 10 to 25.
Cap Gun
- Increased starting damage from 10 to 12.
- Increased magazine size from 3 to 4.
- Slightly decreased accuracy.
Finger Gun
- Increased damage per bullet from 3 to 4.
Hand Gun
- Increased starting damage from 5 to 6.
- Increased ammo capacity from 6 to 9.
Alien Blaster
- Slightly reduced fire rate.
- Slightly decreased accuracy.
- Now an automatic weapon.
- Decreased ammo capacity from 12 to 6.
- Reduced reload time.
- Starting health increased by a full heart.
- Radar Jam removed from dungeon rewards. If ya need jam, the shop can still spawn some.
- Reduced the starting Radar Jam required to face the first boss from 150 to 50.
- Radar Jam required to face subsequent galaxy master's increases by 50 per galaxy maxing out at 200.
- Crates are destroyed based on damage instead of number of hits.
Enemies and other NPCs
- Enemies now drop plu upon death instead of automatically depositing plu into Beary's bank account.
Mech Faction
- Slightly reduced health for all mobs.
- Numerous bug fixes.
[ 2023-10-16 18:08:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're thrilled to share Rightfully, Beary Arms with the community in the Pittsburgh area at Pittsburgh Gaming Expo (PGX) on Saturday, September 30 and Sunday, October 1. If you live in the area, be sure to stop by!
[ 2023-09-29 22:47:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're celebrating Steam SHMUP Fest with a 30% discount of Rightfully, Beary Arms for the duration of the event! Sale begins on Monday, September 25, 2023.
[ 2023-09-22 18:44:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
September 12, 2023 Playful Pals! Due to a shipping error from one of our overseas suppliers, Pandoras Fox Toys & Games is now in possession of hundreds of toys I did not mean to order. When I tried to return the shipment to my supplier, they had no record of these parcels ever existing. They insisted I keep the toys. So here we are. I have so many toys that I had to store them in my own home. My kids couldnt eat breakfast at the table this morning because we are drowning in a sea of toys. THEY MUST GO. That is why I am excited to announce a toytastic SHIPPING ERROR SALE. This error is your chance to SAVE SAVE SAVE. Find furtastic deals on brand spankin' new toys up to 90% off retail price. The packaging and labels are in different languages, so I did my best to translate:
- SALT SHAKER BUR BUR BUR now $1.99 (90% off original price)
- A MELON BOOM BOOM now $0.99 (80% off original price)
- A DESSERT THAT LOOKS LIKE A BIRD now $3.50 (50% off original price)
- CHEESY PASTA MACHINE GUN now $10.99 (50% off original price)
- BACON TOMATO LETTUCE now $9.99 (40% off original price)
- SOME DUDE NAMED ANTON now $0.99 (90% off original price)
[ 2023-09-12 18:27:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all! Weve got some major updates incoming, which prioritize early game balancing and loading performance. Let us know what you think after the changes go live!
Patch Note 0.2.0
- Drastically improved loading time performance for lower end machines.
- Improved loading time performance for the Steam Deck.
- The first dungeon after spawning will be a lot shorter compared to other dungeons. This dungeon will also have an equal chance of guaranteeing a health, weapon, or inspiration drop.
- Starting dock dungeons will have less rooms which require dashing over water in the mech galaxy. Rooms that require more dashing over water will slowly increase in subsequent galaxies.
- Starting arcade dungeons will have larger rooms with less pool tables and bowling ball returns in the mech galaxy. Rooms with more pool tables and bowling ball returns will slowly increase in following galaxies.
- The galaxy progression screen has been replaced with... well, you'll see.
- Fixed a bug where some space rooms overlapped.
- Fixed (hopefully) a bug where loading out of dungeons caused an inability to select a new dungeon from the nav screen. This bug is really hard to recreate, so let us know on Discord if you see it again.
Enemies and other NPCs
- Fixed a bug where enemies were not spawning correctly based on player progression.
- Fixed a bug where mech faction would hold and shoot weapons at a lower position than intended.
- First Death Calamity has been removed.
Weapons and Items
Squirt Gun
- Renamed the mess of named instances of this weapon to squirt instead of squit.
- Homeland has been replaced but not forgotten.
- Updated Credits.
[ 2023-08-30 01:59:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are pawsitively excited to share that we are part of The Mini Indie Showcase by Six One Indie next week on Wednesday, August 30 at 12PM EDT! Check out the showcase to learn about other indie games! [previewyoutube=CI41yCNI7j4;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-08-24 18:07:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
FURiends! We hope you are living your best lives out there. What an incredible Early Access Launch! Thank you to everyone for your support! We want to keep the community looped into our development process, so we will share a monthly state of development for Rightfully, Beary Arms.
What we are currently working on:
Load Times
We are testing fixes for long load times on lower-end systems and Steam Decks. Initial load times at EA launch for the Steam Deck were up to two minutes. The fixes we are testing have reduced load times for the Steam Deck to just a couple of seconds.
Frame Drops
There will be some performance improvement to frame rate with the upcoming update. This will gradually improve over time as we optimize certain systems.
High Priority Bugs
High priority bugs were reported and have been extrememly difficult for us to reproduce. We believe we have addressed a couple of these high priority bugs in the pending update.
Early Game Balance
Player feedback and game statstics suggest a very punishing early game experience for Beary (sorry, buddy). Admittedly, this balance is difficult to approach. We brainstormed ideas to directly address this. However, we believe the learning curve reward factors into what makes roguelites/roguelikes uniquely enjoyable (get those dopamine hits!). We want to maintain some level of challenge while gently introducing new players to RBA's mechanics and gameplay. We expect the upcoming update will address the brutality of RBA's early game experience.
What we are looking forward to:
A formal roadmap is difficult to verbalize at this time. We are prioritizing community and player feedback for our initial EA builds. For this reason, we want to avoid promising one feature or idea when the community is requesting something else. With that said, we expect to expand some of the following elements in future updates:
- Weapons
- Enemies
- Bosses
- Calamities
- Runtimes
- Prooves
- Bestiary
- Player Statistics
- Narrative Elements (for 1.0 release)
[ 2023-08-14 20:18:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all - This is the small balance update. We have been working on a bigger patch that will address performance and some of the bug issues that have been reported, but we wanted to get a balance patch out sooner. The performance update will take longer for us to test and validate. Thank you all for reporting bugs and observations! Keep em coming!
Patch Note 0.1.1
- Starting health changed from 3 hearts to 4 hearts.
- Galaxy faction progression has been changed from `Animal>Insect>Mech>Mixed` to `Mech>Insect>Animal>Mixed`.
Enemies and other NPCs
Battery Boy
- While chasing Beary, Battery Boy has a small chance of attacking the ground and significantly increasing the speed of nearby enemies.
Weapons and Items
Glue Gun
- Reduced the ammo consumption from 4 to 1 ammo per shot. Glue Gun still fires 4 projectiles, just uses less ammo to do so.
Finger Gun
- Increased base damage of projectiles from 1 to 3 damage.
- Fixed a bug where enemies wouldn't take damage if Beary fired fast enough.
Catling Gun
- Reduced the trigger pull from 1.5 seconds to .3 seconds.
Foam Ball Gun
- Fixed an issue where the projectile would spawn inside a wall if the player was too close. (Thanks HeyitsPDC)
[ 2023-08-02 20:18:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Beary likes to fight. His arsenal is vast but displaced throughout the galaxy. Collect and use powerful weapons, each with their own unique characteristics and learning curves. Beary’s arsenal ranges from unusual weapons like a cat that fires rainbow lasers (Catling gun) to realistic Soviet inspired Mosin Nagants. Find your favorite weapon and keep Beary alive. Oh, one more thing. Beary doesn’t lose collected weapons upon death.
As Beary grows stronger within a run, so do his enemies – but you have a choice in how enemies get stronger. Will an enemy faction gain a new enemy? Will health drops be more sparse? Will an enemy gain a new ability? Lose your loot? Though not always a good one, the choice is yours.
Calamities make the world and enemies more difficult for Beary while Runtimes modify Beary and the world to make his crawl easier. Like calamities they only exist within a run – so be strategic.
Each new game generates a random upgrade tree. Collected passive and active upgrades persist through death. A valuable reward for those who prove themselves worthy enough to claim.
Clearing a dungeon guarantees a loot drop of either money, weapons, abilities, or items. Beary has some level of confidence in these drops. Help Beary plan his route through the galaxy to maximize your strengths and appeal to your strategy.
Fight against unique enemy factions. Each faction possesses their own traits and challenges. Learn their strengths and exploit their weaknesses – sounds easy, right?
- OS: Ubuntu 20 LTS or later
- Processor: AMD Ryzen 3 3250U Processor or equivalentMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: AMD Radeon RX Vega 3 or equivalent
- Storage: 2 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: Vulkan API is currently only supported
[ 6040 ]
[ 1237 ]
[ 1732 ]