Hi All, This nightly build opens up some really fun possibilities for you. We've created a spawnPrefab function, which can be called on orbs at any time. It takes a name, finds the prefab with that name, and spawns it at the location of the orb. For example: orb.spawnPrefab("TDSimpleCroaker"); ...will create an aggressive croaker at the orb. We've exposed all these things you can summon, so try them out! (more to come) Creature: TDSimpleCroaker TDSmallSimpleCroaker Herd: EarthBeastHerd CroakerHerd GiantHerd RhinoHerd WigWigHerd SpawnerPortals: TDCroakerSpawnerLvl1 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl2 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl3 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl4 Particle: RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris_SelfDestructing RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris_small LeafExplosion LeafExplosion2 Explosion_Fire ExplosionFireParticle FireExplosion DebrisGroup Pickups/Powerups: CrystalPickup RockPickup WoodPickup Tower/Defense: FireTower RockWallTower RockWallScannable StaticFireTower Have fun y'all!
[ 2017-08-01 19:25:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All, This nightly build opens up some really fun possibilities for you. We've created a spawnPrefab function, which can be called on orbs at any time. It takes a name, finds the prefab with that name, and spawns it at the location of the orb. For example: orb.spawnPrefab("TDSimpleCroaker"); ...will create an aggressive croaker at the orb. We've exposed all these things you can summon, so try them out! (more to come) Creature: TDSimpleCroaker TDSmallSimpleCroaker Herd: EarthBeastHerd CroakerHerd GiantHerd RhinoHerd WigWigHerd SpawnerPortals: TDCroakerSpawnerLvl1 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl2 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl3 TDCroakerSpawnerLvl4 Particle: RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris_SelfDestructing RockHittingGroundParticle_Debris_small LeafExplosion LeafExplosion2 Explosion_Fire ExplosionFireParticle FireExplosion DebrisGroup Pickups/Powerups: CrystalPickup RockPickup WoodPickup Tower/Defense: FireTower RockWallTower RockWallScannable StaticFireTower Have fun y'all!
[ 2017-08-01 19:25:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, We've put together another nightly build with some cool improvements. Survival 1) The ways that spawns would show up at night was annoying. They would show up behind you sometimes, and seemed too random and unexpected. Now meteors come from mysterious location, and crash near you. These create portals from which a limited number of croakers spawn. This should also take care of the frame rate issues you get when you have too many monster spawns on scene. (Also added a really cool screenshake effect here for the impact) 2) Increased the amount of life mana you start with. It seemed too difficult prior to this. 3) Removed night-time monster spawning from Sandbox. 4) Monsters now may target your towers with spells, or attacks. This currently doesn't mean much, since the spells cast aren't physically disruptive, and towers have to be "toppled" to be destroyed. Misc UX 1) Made some of the tutorial chats from the staff less frequent. They were too much. 2) Added in healthbars to monsters, so it's more plain to see their life mana. 3) Made spells be able to "spawn" prefabs.
[ 2017-07-26 18:15:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi all, We've put together another nightly build with some cool improvements. Survival 1) The ways that spawns would show up at night was annoying. They would show up behind you sometimes, and seemed too random and unexpected. Now meteors come from mysterious location, and crash near you. These create portals from which a limited number of croakers spawn. This should also take care of the frame rate issues you get when you have too many monster spawns on scene. (Also added a really cool screenshake effect here for the impact) 2) Increased the amount of life mana you start with. It seemed too difficult prior to this. 3) Removed night-time monster spawning from Sandbox. 4) Monsters now may target your towers with spells, or attacks. This currently doesn't mean much, since the spells cast aren't physically disruptive, and towers have to be "toppled" to be destroyed. Misc UX 1) Made some of the tutorial chats from the staff less frequent. They were too much. 2) Added in healthbars to monsters, so it's more plain to see their life mana. 3) Made spells be able to "spawn" prefabs.
[ 2017-07-26 18:15:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All! We've been working hard on a fun and challenging single-player experience, and we ended up settling on a survival-game-meets-tower-defense sort of experience, where towers can cast spells. A big question we've gotten is if towers can be made to cast any spell. Currently, the answer is "no", but we are planning on making that happen at some point. Here are the build's changes: Gameplay: -Survival mode (currently it's "roguelike", but the plan is to make the experience more like survival sim where you can save your world) -Limited-shot spells (for placing towers, and studying spells on scannable things) -NPC chat system (your staff talks to you and gives you advice) -Made more environment things destructible Audio: -Footstep/attacking sounds for Croakers and Rock Beasts. -Ambience sounds -NPC chat sounds Performance: -We got rid of dynamic water. It was slowing things down at certain times quite a bit. -Fixed a performance bug having to do with the death "nether"
[ 2017-07-18 17:21:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi All! We've been working hard on a fun and challenging single-player experience, and we ended up settling on a survival-game-meets-tower-defense sort of experience, where towers can cast spells. A big question we've gotten is if towers can be made to cast any spell. Currently, the answer is "no", but we are planning on making that happen at some point. Here are the build's changes: Gameplay: -Survival mode (currently it's "roguelike", but the plan is to make the experience more like survival sim where you can save your world) -Limited-shot spells (for placing towers, and studying spells on scannable things) -NPC chat system (your staff talks to you and gives you advice) -Made more environment things destructible Audio: -Footstep/attacking sounds for Croakers and Rock Beasts. -Ambience sounds -NPC chat sounds Performance: -We got rid of dynamic water. It was slowing things down at certain times quite a bit. -Fixed a performance bug having to do with the death "nether"
[ 2017-07-18 17:21:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version rebases both the nightly, or default branches of CodeSpells. At this version they are on in the same. In this version we are taking a step back with multiplayer. One of the things we did was changing out the ui engine to make development easier in the long run. In doing so, we chose to regress multiplayer since the veins of multiplayer were intertwined with the old ui system. We want to rebuild multiplayer to be peer-to-peer rather than peer-to-server anyhow. Therefore, we opted to remove multiplayer features at this point rather than rebuilding them within the new ui framework. In addition to that change, we made the following: More interesting creature interaction: -Creatures can be slammed into the ground, and will be dealt damage based on collisions (Before, certain like the ground would not cause damage to creatures) -New rocky giant creature, which has a ragdoll Bugs: -Optimizations making the sandbox run faster -Staffs not seeming to be equipped properly bug fixed -Lost spells bug fixed Server Changes: -The server for logging in/out rebuilt to talk with the new UI framework -The server no longer hosts multiplayer, as we are moving toward peer-to-peer connection
[ 2017-04-14 20:40:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version rebases both the nightly, or default branches of CodeSpells. At this version they are on in the same. In this version we are taking a step back with multiplayer. One of the things we did was changing out the ui engine to make development easier in the long run. In doing so, we chose to regress multiplayer since the veins of multiplayer were intertwined with the old ui system. We want to rebuild multiplayer to be peer-to-peer rather than peer-to-server anyhow. Therefore, we opted to remove multiplayer features at this point rather than rebuilding them within the new ui framework. In addition to that change, we made the following: More interesting creature interaction: -Creatures can be slammed into the ground, and will be dealt damage based on collisions (Before, certain like the ground would not cause damage to creatures) -New rocky giant creature, which has a ragdoll Bugs: -Optimizations making the sandbox run faster -Staffs not seeming to be equipped properly bug fixed -Lost spells bug fixed Server Changes: -The server for logging in/out rebuilt to talk with the new UI framework -The server no longer hosts multiplayer, as we are moving toward peer-to-peer connection
[ 2017-04-14 20:40:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
To use this version you must go to CodeSpells > Properties > Betas and select 'nightly'. This is an unstable release and contains features that are not yet complete. You can switch back to the released stable version of CodeSpells by going through the same process and selecting 'NONE'.
- New Creature System (ALPHA)
- New creatures roaming in the world with rewritten AI system
- Creatures will now interact with each other and perform more interesting behaviors
- Creatures can now cast spells
- Next Steps: Add more creatures + better pathfinding + more interesting interactions, player altering creature behavior
- New areas generated in Sandbox
- Sandbox contains more interesting regions now with different structures
- Arena Creation (ALPHA)
- Players can now create their own arenas with the rebuilt system and level editor
- This is in an early state
- Next Steps: Triggers, Documentation, Placing Creatures
- Multiplayer Hosting
- Players can now have their games hosted using our new system
[ 2016-09-01 15:23:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
To use this version you must go to CodeSpells > Properties > Betas and select 'nightly'. This is an unstable release and contains features that are not yet complete. You can switch back to the released stable version of CodeSpells by going through the same process and selecting 'NONE'.
- New Creature System (ALPHA)
- New creatures roaming in the world with rewritten AI system
- Creatures will now interact with each other and perform more interesting behaviors
- Creatures can now cast spells
- Next Steps: Add more creatures + better pathfinding + more interesting interactions, player altering creature behavior
- New areas generated in Sandbox
- Sandbox contains more interesting regions now with different structures
- Arena Creation (ALPHA)
- Players can now create their own arenas with the rebuilt system and level editor
- This is in an early state
- Next Steps: Triggers, Documentation, Placing Creatures
- Multiplayer Hosting
- Players can now have their games hosted using our new system
[ 2016-09-01 15:23:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
We were so excited to hold our first ever 1v1 Wizard Tournament earlier this month! In case you missed it, here are the results:
1st Place: @HalfBloodPrince
2nd Place: @egpimp
3rd Place: @fdervb
As winner of the tournament, HalfBloodPrince has chosen a spell to be included in the official release of CodeSpells. Keep an eye out for "Elemental Globe by HalfBloodPrince" in the release!
HalfBloodPrince was also awesome enough to share some words with us about his CodeSpells experience so far:
[quote=HalfBloodPrince]For a while now I could not find any game that would instantly interest me. I am a big fan of games that allow wide range of customisation, either to the character, abilities, play style, etc. Besides I love games where the character has wacky abilities and always wished I could customise them and/or make my own. And that is where CodeSpells comes in - a game that combined my (basic) knowledge of coding and fun aspect seeing your code in action is a pure joy. Playing CodeSpells feels like a simulating strategy game that requires thought and problem solving skills, but is also a fun fast-paced third person action game. I think these two aspects combined make this game so great for me and many others who enjoy being challenged and stimulated by the games. It is an absolute keeper for me.[/quote]
You can check out all the tournament footage on Youtube here!
And of course, BIG THANKS to the organizers, moderators, and judges for making this tournament happen!
Keep an eye out for future Wizard Tournaments! This definitely will not be the last!
[ 2016-07-25 17:44:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
We were so excited to hold our first ever 1v1 Wizard Tournament earlier this month! In case you missed it, here are the results:
1st Place: @HalfBloodPrince
2nd Place: @egpimp
3rd Place: @fdervb
As winner of the tournament, HalfBloodPrince has chosen a spell to be included in the official release of CodeSpells. Keep an eye out for "Elemental Globe by HalfBloodPrince" in the release!
HalfBloodPrince was also awesome enough to share some words with us about his CodeSpells experience so far:
[quote=HalfBloodPrince]For a while now I could not find any game that would instantly interest me. I am a big fan of games that allow wide range of customisation, either to the character, abilities, play style, etc. Besides I love games where the character has wacky abilities and always wished I could customise them and/or make my own. And that is where CodeSpells comes in - a game that combined my (basic) knowledge of coding and fun aspect seeing your code in action is a pure joy. Playing CodeSpells feels like a simulating strategy game that requires thought and problem solving skills, but is also a fun fast-paced third person action game. I think these two aspects combined make this game so great for me and many others who enjoy being challenged and stimulated by the games. It is an absolute keeper for me.[/quote]
You can check out all the tournament footage on Youtube here!
And of course, BIG THANKS to the organizers, moderators, and judges for making this tournament happen!
Keep an eye out for future Wizard Tournaments! This definitely will not be the last!
[ 2016-07-25 17:44:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello players! This is just a friendly reminder that the Official CodeSpells Wizard Cup registration closes tonight @ 11:59 PM CDT.
Here are the entry forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-07-07 16:22:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello players! This is just a friendly reminder that the Official CodeSpells Wizard Cup registration closes tonight @ 11:59 PM CDT.
Here are the entry forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-07-07 16:22:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello my fellow wizards and witches! I just wanted to inform everyone planning on entering the CodeSpells Wizard Cup that there are only 2 days left to enter the tournament. Entry officially closes this Thursday (7/7/16) @ 11:59 PM CDT.
Here are the entry forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-07-05 17:33:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello my fellow wizards and witches! I just wanted to inform everyone planning on entering the CodeSpells Wizard Cup that there are only 2 days left to enter the tournament. Entry officially closes this Thursday (7/7/16) @ 11:59 PM CDT.
Here are the entry forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-07-05 17:33:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello felow wizards and witches! I would like to personally invite you all to participate in the first official
CodeSpells Wizard Cup!
This is a Player vs Player tournament that will take place on the StoneStrike Arena map. Participants may enter into the following brackets:
- 1 v 1
- 2 v 2
- 3 v 3
First Place:
- Choose one spell that you or your team created, and it will be added into the CodeSpells game as a default spell that comes with the game!
- CodeSpells key(s) to give to your friends.
- Send us your picture and bio for us to include in the newsletter.
- CodeSpells key(s) to give to your friends!
Entry Forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-06-23 20:21:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello felow wizards and witches! I would like to personally invite you all to participate in the first official
CodeSpells Wizard Cup!
This is a Player vs Player tournament that will take place on the StoneStrike Arena map. Participants may enter into the following brackets:
- 1 v 1
- 2 v 2
- 3 v 3
First Place:
- Choose one spell that you or your team created, and it will be added into the CodeSpells game as a default spell that comes with the game!
- CodeSpells key(s) to give to your friends.
- Send us your picture and bio for us to include in the newsletter.
- CodeSpells key(s) to give to your friends!
Entry Forms:
- 1 v 1 Entry Form
- 2 v 2 Entry Form
- 3 v 3 Entry Form
- Spell Submission Form Required for all participants
[ 2016-06-23 20:21:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Early Access 0.815 is a minor update mainly with fixes to temples and menu items. Also, players can now jump much higher and temporarily hover by holding Space.
- Players can now hold jump (Space) for higher jumps and minor hovering ability
- Temple Fixes:
- Collider fixes
- Lights for activated temple teleporters
- Rocks and trees will no longer be placed inside of temples
- Fixed visual issues before starting levels
- Miscellaneous visual fixes
[ 2016-06-16 20:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Early Access 0.815 is a minor update mainly with fixes to temples and menu items. Also, players can now jump much higher and temporarily hover by holding Space.
- Players can now hold jump (Space) for higher jumps and minor hovering ability
- Temple Fixes:
- Collider fixes
- Lights for activated temple teleporters
- Rocks and trees will no longer be placed inside of temples
- Fixed visual issues before starting levels
- Miscellaneous visual fixes
[ 2016-06-16 20:47:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
CodeSpells Early access 0.811 brings huge improvements to multiplayer stability and improvements to Boulder Strike (now called StoneStrike Arena). The flow of the game is cleaned up substantially with more player feedback. The ability to select your team and spectate are coming in the next update!
StoneStrike Arena now has a default spell wheel that will get loaded showing off the suggested spells to use for the game mode (press Tab after loading the game to view it). This also features several new Ancient spell using Globs!
Globs allow the player to have an orb create elemental fragments associated with it. These Globs all have different properties and can be combined to create sustained spells or new sorts of projectiles. Globs generate over two seconds, so if launched before being prepared, their powers will be limited.
Meditations (now called Arenas) and Sandbox were heavily optimized, so some features have been reworked or deactivated.
More Release Details:
- Multiplayer optimizations and fixes to StoneStrike Arena
- More spell powers synchronized across the network
- Better physical object synchronization
- Better flow for StoneStrike Arena
- Ball and players will reset after goal
- Score will reset after 5 goals and round will be incremented
- StoneStrike Arena uses a default spell wheel showing off some Glob spells
- Rebalanced issues with mass and physical connections
- Fire simulation working properly again -- temporarily turned off per object heat
- Sandbox optimized
- Better foliage generation

- New feature adding magical globs that can be created by orbs (up to 8 per orb)
- Earth Ball - creates a rock ball
- Earth Brick - creates a brick that can be used for creating shapes
- Water Ball - ball of water that if hit too hard or destroyed will immediately drop water on the world
- Fire Ball - ball of fire that if hit too hard or destroyed will cause an explosion
- Air Cone - creates a cone of air that will push any physical objects that touch it
- Replaced Call Function with better implementation of Set Interval and Set Timeout
- Set Formation allows you to set Globs to follow an orb in a specific shape including offset positions and rotations
- JavaScript spells can now take parameters that will be passed through to onCreate (Coming soon to Blockly)
- Removed terrain deformation
- Removed sand

[ 2016-06-16 14:59:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.706c brings some fixes to multiplayer and old meditations that can now be played online.
- Tower Destroyer, Cleanup, and Rolling Boulders back and can be played online
- Fixed bug where orbs spawned by other orbs could not be activated by the player
- More complete Boulder Ball arena
- Miscellaneous multiplayer optimizations
- Minor fixes + Graphics optimizations
[ 2016-05-20 13:34:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
This version brings Multiplayer for the first time to CodeSpells. There’s plenty of issues to iron out so this is in an early alpha state, but we felt it was at a good enough state that people could start playing it! There’s a new game mode called Boulder Ball where players can join a player hosted game and play Boulder-Wizard-Soccer. This currently requires either being connected on a LAN, having an externally facing IP, or setting up Port Forwarding. We intend to implement proper NAT Punchthrough in the near future. We’ve also temporarily removed some old mini games as we’re transferring to a new creation system that will allow making new game modes much more accessible. We hope people will make all sorts of new sports and game modes with the upcoming system. Here’s some of the main features in this build:
- Multiplayer
- Players can join hosted matches for Boulder Ball -- a large ball based soccer game
- Not all spell features and effects will synchronize properly, but the core features and simulations are synchronized
- More multiplayer game modes and tools for creating modes coming soon!
- Map - mini map that displays relevant features
- New temples and toys to explore
- Some objects can now be scanned by holding the Right Mouse Button
- Spell casting
- Boulder Ball also features a different spell casting system that has the player charge up spells.
- Several mini games are deactivated as we’re rebuilding the meditation creation system. These and new game modes will be back very soon!
[ 2016-05-13 07:06:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update brings some patch fixes for issues people were experiencing, particularly on Windows 10.
- Fixed bug on Windows where coding interface would not display properly
- Upgraded Unity Engine version
- Various minor bug fixes
[ 2016-04-28 22:28:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Player Tab
- Players can now select from different staffs if they received a Kickstarter staff
- We will be sending out an update to Kickstarter backers with instructions on how to retrieve their staffs if the Kickstarter email is not automatically linked
- We will be adding more staffs and game unlocked staffs in the future
- Docs Tab
- Added documentation. This is still preliminary and not fully complete, but we’ll be adding more as we go.
- We will be adding more quick tutorials here as well
- Staff Variables
- All staffs, including the starter staff for all players have variables that can be adjusted.
- The basic staff has a property called “brightness” that can be adjusted using Life magic
- See Ancients spell Staff Customizer
- New Earth Power
- Attach to World Object -- attaches an orb to an object and becomes a child of it, moving relative to it and teleporting with it
- Fixed issue with terrain on lower settings
- Text will now appear if incorrect password when trying to log in
- Minor optimizations and fixes
- Analyze powers will now take 2 seconds to get exact data instead of 5 seconds
- Updated CoherentUI to latest version
- Should be overall more efficient and stable, uses graphics card when available
- Colors on OSX may look a bit washed out
[ 2016-03-12 04:25:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Patch for water not flowing in Water Redirection meditation
- Fixed crash on exit
- Fixed text for errors on account creation not being visible
- Fixed bug with censoring code not working properly
- Unity Dialog will now display if holding down ALT when starting up the game
[ 2016-02-09 21:14:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
CodeSpells Early Access version 0.602c brings some exciting new features including a more complete Fire system, Video creation, and finally an Options menu! Every object in the world now has a temperature associated with it, so objects like logs can be ignited. Heat can spread across objects and ignite different things in the world, including the player. Players can now record the last 10 seconds of gameplay and associate any .ogv url with a spell. We’ve also added flagging and minor support for censoring bad words in non-player owned spells. Fire Features:
- "Add Heat" can now ignite dead logs. Every object now has temperature associated with it.
- Burning logs can ignite other logs… and the player
- Dousing burning objects in water will extinguish flames
- "Remove Heat" can also extinguish flames, but you may need to cast it several times
- Burning objects radiate heat -- so don't stand too close!
- Record the last 10 seconds of gameplay and get an .ogv link for the video -- this feature can be turned off in the options menu
- Video browser for all videos associated with a player
- Spells can be flagged as inappropriate or harmful
- Various improvements and optimizations to spell sharing interface
- Support for inverting Y-Axis in game
- Sound and Music volume can be adjusted
- Removed Unity startup dialog
[ 2016-02-08 21:44:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.510c brings interaction with Sand and Water back and fixes several issues with the online spell interface. Features:
- Sand now appropriately interacts with water
- Fixed issue where search was not working in Browse
- Browse is now substantially faster and no longer hangs game
- Fixed bug in search for local spells where only last search keyword was used
[ 2016-01-13 20:32:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.510c brings interaction with Sand and Water back and fixes several issues with the online spell interface. Features:
- Sand now appropriately interacts with water
- Fixed issue where search was not working in Browse
- Browse is now substantially faster and no longer hangs game
- Fixed bug in search for local spells where only last search keyword was used
[ 2016-01-13 20:32:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.503c fixes a major issue with not allowing users to sign on and some other minor bugs. Bug fixes:
- Fixed start screen hanging when creating a password that was not at least 8 characters
- Fixed bug where selecting spell in library would not clear search field so occasionally would not be able to select spell
- Fixed broken buoyancy for objects in meditations
- Removed references to get mass for world object as this must be done through air magic now
[ 2016-01-05 00:32:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.502c brings minor fixes and a few missing features from 0.501c. Additions:
- Added Analyze World Objects Medium" and "Analyze World Objects Far to Blockly"
- Added particle to depleteManaFromOrbsInRegion
- Fixed incorrect category sorting for Deplete Mana power
- Fixed mana cost for Cast Spell - need one of each mana apart from spell cost
- Fixed incorrect mana usage for Analyze powers
- Fixed login inconsistencies on startup
[ 2015-12-23 01:10:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 0.501c is now live! We’re excited to bring you the new Spell Sharing tool that we’ve built into CodeSpells so that you can have all your spells automatically backed up and have the ability to share them with others seamlessly. We’ve also incorporated some new Air Magic features, including the ability to gain information about the world in different ways and better communicate data. As always, we’ve created some spells to show off these features and are eager to see what people come up with! There are also several changes to the structure of spells in that all spells can now perform any elemental actions. We’ve gotten rid of the idea of an orb being tied to an element as we found this to be more much more restricting than interesting. Orbs also no longer by default deplete mana per second, so mana consumption is a bit more straightforward when building your spells. Here’s a few of the main points for this update. Features
- Spell Sharing
- We’ve set it up so that you can set up an account in game for CodeSpells
- and all your spells will get automatically synced across computers You can also choose to share your spells or download ones that others have created
- Air Magic
- Analyze Environment allows gathering of information about the systems of the world to use in spells
- Analyze World Objects gives spells the ability to collect data about all objects contained in a given region
- Deplete Mana From Orbs In Region allows removing mana from other orbs by using mana from the current spell
- Broadcast Message now allows sending of data
- Orbs can now access their global position and rotation at no cost
- Orbs can also be oriented to go towards any global position
- Combined all spells into single orb type. All powers can be performed from all orbs now
- Spells referencing Broadcast/Receive Message may need to be recompiled
- In Orb: Removed references to Owner -- everything should now reference Creator
- Many UI bugs fixed, including common issues when creating a new spell and not selecting correct tabs
- Several fixes to simulations, including water and sand
- Better foliage - We have a new foliage system almost ready to go that should increase the quality of the visuals of the game substantially. This will also help us tie in better as we continue to extend the fire simulation.
- API Interface - We’re planning on building built in documentation to the game as we feel this is one of the most important aspects of programming. In its own way Blockly does some of this, but without deeper explanations, it’s incredibly hard to work with any type of code.
- Networking - We are now starting to really ramp this up and get networking finished as soon as possible. There’s still plenty of questions and problems to solve there, but we’re looking forward to the continued challenge and making it so that you can experience CodeSpells with friends!
- More JavaScript helper class support - We’ve exposed some aspects of Vector3 and we are going to continue pushing out incremental features to bring more power to spells
- Max time limit per spell - spells don’t have to use mana when inactive anymore, so it’s somewhat common to have spells that linger. There is a way to destroy orbs with Air Magic, but we’d also like for players to be able to set a time limit on their spells to facilitate the process of building spells
- Catch infinite loops - we know this is there and we know it can be tremendously frustrating when you make a mistake and have to restart the game! We’re definitely planning on safeguarding against this.
- Some of the other elemental features we’ll be focusing on next include:
- Air Magic - Dampen velocities of objects in region
- Earth Magic - Torque Connection, Multiple Physical Connections per orb,
- Better Sand
- Fire Magic - Per object fire simulation, Object creation and destruction
[ 2015-12-19 11:25:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Early Access of CodeSpells has been out for a few months now and we've been a bit silent as we're focusing on wrapping up a new version due to release on Friday Dec. 18. It will include spell sharing, Air magic, and better Fire magic, among some other fun changes! We've also revamped the whole spell creation interface and added JavaScript spell creation support. Here's the latest of the video updates we've been doing every month: https://www.youtube.com/embed/FvvHxrsuxVY Thanks to all wizards and witches out there for your continued support of CodeSpells! - The CodeSpells Team ----------------------------------------
Here's the latest changelogs from Early Access (we'll be posting them as they arrive from here on out)
Early Access Version 0.400c (11/25/15) -- Windows / Mac This latest update focused on the new spell creation interface. We completely rebuilt the way spells are saved to set up for the upcoming Spell sharing interface. We also added some more features to Blockly and moved towards blocks being more focused around variables to allow for more interesting spells. New Spell Interface:
- New spell interface + JavaScript spell creation
- Better organization of spells for searching and sorting
- Next Steps: Finish spell sharing implementation
- Sand can be placed and removed from the world
- Next Steps: Have sand interact with water and occur naturally in the world
- Fixed several crashing issues on Windows 10
- Minor Fixes
- Fixed overly blurred textures on low settings
- Fixed missing assets on low settings
- Fixed resolution issues with pointer being offset when using non native resolution
- Fixed Blockly inconsistent or not displaying on Mac
- Minor fixes and tweaks
[ 2015-12-09 22:12:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- CodeSpells Content Linux x64 [1.51 G]
When we were young, wizards like Gandalf and Dumbledore struck a chord in our minds. We spent hours pretending to be wizards and casting epic imaginary spells. We wanted to see these fantasies fully realized, so we created CodeSpells.
CodeSpells combines the creative freedom of imagination with the beauty and interactivity of video games. The secret sauce? Coding. Instead of limiting players to pre-packed spells, we allow our players see the real magic that happens under the hood of most games. Through Javascript or the intuitive, kid-friendly visual tool Blockly, CodeSpells lets everyone craft the magic of their dreams.
Ignite blazing wildfires, drain entire seas, turn the elements into a force field around you, or just blow stuff up - the choice is yours!
*Ability for players to use multiplayer servers in the cloud to play with friends (rather than using their own PC as a server).
*Life Magic: (Final Kickstarter Stretch Goal) We’re going to make more robust ecosystems and interactions with the lifeforms of CodeSpells.
*Coding Tutorial: After getting great feedback from our beta testers on Steam, we’ve decided to revamp our code windows in order to make them as intuitive as humanly possible. This includes built-in aid for trying to craft your own games within CodeSpells, like the 5 multi-player minigames we have provided.
*We might create a small campaign mode where players can test their skills by protecting the fading fragments of the CodeSpells universe, but this is a dream feature, and last on our list. Our primary purpose is to deliver on our Kickstarter goals, and make the best procedurally-generated spell-crafting sandbox the world has ever seen.
We are so grateful for everyone’s help in making CodeSpells as magical as we all want it to be. We hope you will continue to give us feedback on Steam and on the Forums as we bear down on the final product.
See what else we're making at Multi-Dimensional Games by visiting our website.
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