Making the game a whole lot less frustrating and a ton of fun, HeXACards have been added into the game!

Clear the first room and pick one of 3 randomly generated HeXACards to start your play session. For every 4 doors you open, you can pick another HeXACard. The HeXACards are powerful; they give you or Mimi lasers, rockets, boost you and your tower stats, increases your skills level, unlocks more equipment slots, and more! If you got some time, check it out. I guarantee you; you will love this new addition to the game. Note: HeXACards is only available on a new play session!
You can now navigate the entire game without ever touching your keyboard or mouse! Unless you have Steam Input disabled.
Every single not so obvious menu now have controller GUI help you understand how to navigate the menus. This also includes PC keys for the tutorial. You can turn GUI off anytime in the settings menu. Note: Combat GUI only shows during the tutorial.
Skill items can now be rerolled. When you have too much currency or extra Pink Polygons, feel free to reroll and see if you can get something better! Caution: This feature is intended to be used at higher floors and in Survival Mode! Its expensive to use in early floors.
Facing direction can now be changed while Parrying.
- The starting rooms map node color will now turn red if an enemy is in there with Mimi
- Hackbots hacking a room will now turn the map nodes color to yellow
- Map and settings size increased by 50%
- Towers will now display updated stats instead of base values. Rejoice! You can finally see how much HP, Attack, Crit, etc., they have as you build your character
- Sakura will no longer display Rank 1-3, instead, if the Sakura is not maxed yet, the GUI will display Next Rank. All rank upgrades are now totaled up onto the main description
- Added hover sprites for every menu
- Buying Boosters from Shop or getting Boosters for free from Cecilia will now automatically equip it for you, if space is available
- Clicking anywhere on the screen on the level finish screen will now auto collect petals. No need to click on that small button in the middle anymore
- Swap Sakura hotkey is now binded to Controllers press Right Thumb Stick
- Fixed that nasty bug where some random sprite would appear later in the upper floors, taking over your screen. THIS WAS ONE NASTY BUG!
- Fixed a problem where if you hover your mouse over a clickable GUI, then swap over to your controller, your controller would stop working properly
- Fixed a bug where saving and resuming your play session would reset Defense Mastery Proc chance from 10% to 0%. Yikes!
- Fixed a bug where elemental towers built on the same elemental room would become unfunctional
- Fixed a bug where if you reset the options, the file wont save if no other changes were made
- Fixed a whole bunch of other small bugs and typos!
I hope you all enjoy this patch; whether you're new or you're coming back to check the game out. HeXACards were implemented with the intention to make the game WAY more fun that it was 4 years ago. Post on the forums if you need help! Have fun!
[ 2022-05-02 04:39:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
https://store.steampowered.com/app/361790/Winged_Sakura_Mindys_Arc_2/ We hope you all enjoy our latest Tower Defense RPG! If anyone have any questions, feedback, or needs help, please use the Steam Discussion Forums or send an email to support@wingedsakura.com and we'll be happy to help. Any previous owners of any Winged Sakura games can view the Journal in game to see how to unlock their exclusive items. Alternatively, you may check each announcement previously made in this announcement. Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far and in the future! Official Site: http://wingedsakura.com/mindysarc2/ Support: support@wingedsakura.com
[ 2019-04-26 17:19:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
(Not required to play the prequel, Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc to enjoy the game.)
The game will be available next Friday, April 26.
Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc 2 is a RPG Tower Defense game that takes place before, simultaneously, and after the Endless Dream.
The game uses a similar equipping system to RPG games, but with a special equipment slot: Power. The Power slot is similar to Endless Dream, each Power grants the equipped unit a unique passive ability.
The game consists of resource management, strategically placing units onto the battlefield, and defending specific objective(s).
All owners of Winged Sakura: Endless Dream will obtain an exclusive Accessory near the end of the 2nd Arc of the game.
For anyone who wishes to preview what the Accessory does, see the spoiler below.
How to unlock: View Chapter 15: Part 1.
Please note the item comes at +0.
ED: Short for Endless Dream. Activates all Powers equipped by Mimi.
This accessory can be equipped on any unit.
We look forward to see what you think about our latest game. For more information, please click on Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc 2's Steam Store page above or check out our website below.
Website: http://wingedsakura.com/mindysarc2/
WSMA2 Community Hub: https://steamcommunity.com/app/361790
[ 2019-04-20 01:32:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few changes were made to the game.
Unsealing Petals
The amount of Unsealing Petals acquired when clearing a Stage has been changed to a static amount. Before: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300 = 1650.* Now: 150 for every clear for a total of 1500.* * - Does not include Clear Bonus. The Clear Bonus has also been increased to 1000, 2000, 3000 for Easy, Normal, and Hard Mode respectively.
Unsealing Petals - Reason for Change
The old system was too punishing for new players. New players may find the game to be too grindy and unrewarding, which leads to the next change below.
Unsealing Sakuras & Ranking Up Sakuras
- Dream World restrictions have been removed. - Sakuras will now activate all their rank powers starting on Dream World 1. Before: Their powers activate only after certain Dream Worlds (3, 5, 8)
Unsealing Sakuras & Ranking Up Sakuras - Reason for Change
Applying Dream World restrictions made players feel their progression was for naught. With this change, players will now really feel the full power of fully unlocked Sakuras, making the game much more enjoyable and easier in the early Dream Worlds. If players prefer to have their rank powers restricted by Dream World, they may turn the restriction back on via the Option Menu. (Not recommended)
Risk and Reward Event
- The events have been nerfed and is now much more rewarding. - 10 Pink Polygons will always be awarded for completing a Risk and Reward event - A random Skill Item has been replaced with a random Item. - The amount of turns to complete a Risk of Reward Event have been changed from 2 to 1.
Risk and Reward Event - Reason for Change
The previous Risk and Reward event was far too difficult and it was pretty much a "Do you want to lose the game?" button. The events are now very doable and much more rewarding.
Sakura Changes
Cecilia - Changed from Attack +2, +4, +9, +14 -> Attack +40%, +20%, +20%, +20%. - Burst Effect: Will now deal 200% Critical Basic Attack Damage instead of 100% Basic Attack Damage - Cecilia will now instantly complete Risk and Reward Events Faye - Burst Effect: Will now deal 200% Critical Basic Attack Damage instaed of 100% Basic Attack Damage
Misc and Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare bug where a random sprite would stick on screen until you reboot the game - Fixed a bug where sometimes the log box's position is placed at the incorrect location - Added a "SAVING", "Please wait..." text when saving a Checkpoint for slower computers (in case players think the game froze) - When the Phantom Thief is paid for her services, a message will now broadcast stating the Arcade has been reset and items are restocked upon clearing the next room - Other small text changes Thank you for your continued support.
[ 2018-06-04 03:28:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Retry Feature
A new feature has been added to the game. You can now retry from a saved checkpoint after dying. Number of Retries: Easy: 3 Normal: 2 Hard: 1 Survival: 0
A checkpoint is automatically saved upon entering a new floor. You can manually save a checkpoint by pressing ESC and click on Save. If the Save button is disabled, then that means you have 0 retries left.
Loading a Checkpoint
The only way to load a checkpoint is from dying and only if you have 1 or more retries. A random tip will appear followed by a 'Retry' or 'Quit' button. Click on the 'Retry' button to load the saved checkpoint. This new feature will only work when you start a new play session. Thank you for your continued support.
[ 2017-12-21 03:10:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Retry Feature
A new feature has been added to the game. You can now retry from a saved checkpoint after dying. Number of Retries: Easy: 3 Normal: 2 Hard: 1 Survival: 0
A checkpoint is automatically saved upon entering a new floor. You can manually save a checkpoint by pressing ESC and click on Save. If the Save button is disabled, then that means you have 0 retries left.
Loading a Checkpoint
The only way to load a checkpoint is from dying and only if you have 1 or more retries. A random tip will appear followed by a 'Retry' or 'Quit' button. Click on the 'Retry' button to load the saved checkpoint. This new feature will only work when you start a new play session. Thank you for your continued support.
[ 2017-12-21 03:10:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Features Implemented Based on User Feedback and Suggestions
Controller Support - Phase 1
Phase 1 of Controller Support is now in the game. You may disable controllers in the settings menu. Everything in the game works with the controller except for the following: - Title Screen - Character Select Screen - Profile Skill Menu - Hovering Over Skills - Camera Mode The items listed above will only work if you use the controller's right stick or mouse. Phase 2 of Controller Support will include the following: - Title Screen Character Select, Profile Skill Menu, and Hovering Over Skills will not be supported and will require controller's right stick or mouse. In addition, a rarely used feature, Camera Mode, will not be supported. If Steam Big Picture is somehow disabled, please enable Steam Big Picture if you plan to use a controller, otherwise some functions may not function properly.
Controller Support - Additional Information
Controller tips will not be written in dialogue, tutorial, or shown on GUI. However, hovering over each item in the remap menu will show you information regarding each controller input.
Controllers - Third Party Software
If you've been using a third party software to enable controller support, you may encounter problems. You can disable all controller inputs by disabling controllers in the settings menu and turn off controller configuration in Steam Big Picture for Winged Sakura: Endless Dream. It is recommended to disable the third party software and use Steam Big Picture instead.
Keyboard Menu Support
For players who prefer using full keyboard instead of keyboard + mouse combo, you may now do so, but only in-game (in the actual level and not title screen). However, just like controllers, keyboard tips will not be written in dialogue, tutorial, or shown on GUI.
HP/MP Bars - Text
An option to turn on HP and MP values on bars can now be found in the settings menu. By default, it is disabled.
Tower Changes
Laser Rifle
- Attack values changed from 11, 25, 48, 64 -> 25, 40, 60, 64 - Cost reduced from 9 -> 7
Rocket Launcher
- Attack Cooldown reduced from 5s -> 3s - Cost reduced from 15 -> 13
- Attack Cooldown is now capped at 50% - Movement Speed and Attack Cooldown changed from 10, 12, 13, 15 -> 15, 18, 22, 25
Sakura Changes
- Burst effect will now affect all allies in the room. Does not affect Mimi.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to talk to Cecilia during escort. - Fixed a bug where if the player had +99 polygons per room, then build and destroy a newly built income generator, the value would decrease - Fixed a bug where it was possible to research an incorrect tower Please provide feedback if you have any on the forums and if you encounter any bugs. To trigger the new patch download, a Steam Client restart may be required. Thank you for your continued support!
[ 2017-10-26 23:33:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Features Implemented Based on User Feedback and Suggestions
Partial Controller Support
Partial Controller Support is now in the game. You may disable controllers in the settings menu. Steam Big Picture is required for the controller to function properly. The following controllers are supported: - XBox - PS4 - Steam Everything in the game works with the controller except for the following: - Title Screen - Character Select Screen - Profile Skill Menu - Hovering Over Skills - Camera Mode - Warping via Mini-Map The items listed above will only work if you use the controller's right stick or mouse. Character Select, Profile Skill Menu, Hovering Over Skills, and Warping via Mini-Map will require controller's right stick or mouse. In addition, a rarely used feature, Camera Mode, will not be supported. If Steam Big Picture is somehow disabled, please enable Steam Big Picture if you plan to use a controller, otherwise some functions and keys may not function properly.
Controller Support Update - 11/13/2017
Phase 2 of controller support, which was supposed to provide the ability to navigate the menu using d-pad on the title screen, is no longer in the works. There were too many conflicts to resolve and in order to enable controller support for the title screen, the entire title screen needed to be re-coded. However, it is still possible to navigate the title screen using the right stick.
Controller Support - Additional Information
Controller tips will not be written in dialogue, tutorial, or shown on GUI. However, hovering over each key in the settings menu will show you information regarding each controller input.
Controllers - Third Party Software
If you've been using a third party software to enable controller support, you may encounter problems. You can disable all controller inputs by disabling controllers in the settings menu and turn off controller configuration in Steam Big Picture for Winged Sakura: Endless Dream. It is recommended to disable the third party software and use Steam Big Picture instead.
Controllers - Reminder
If you plan to use controller, please be aware of your mouse position. Menus may not function properly if your mouse is hovered over another menu item.
Keyboard Menu Support
For players who prefer using full keyboard instead of keyboard + mouse combo, you may now do so, but only in-game (in the actual level and not title screen). However, just like controllers, keyboard tips will not be written in dialogue, tutorial, or shown on GUI.
HP/MP Bars - Text
An option to turn on HP and MP values on bars can now be found in the settings menu. By default, it is disabled.
Dream World Level Complete Screen
You can now click anywhere to collect petals.
Tower Changes
Laser Rifle
- Attack values changed from 11, 25, 48, 64 -> 25, 40, 60, 64 - Cost reduced from 9 -> 7
Rocket Launcher
- Attack Cooldown reduced from 5s -> 3s - Cost reduced from 15 -> 13
- Attack Cooldown is now capped at 50% - Movement Speed and Attack Cooldown changed from 10, 12, 13, 15 -> 15, 18, 22, 25
Sakura Changes
- Burst effect will now affect all allies in the room. Does not affect Mimi.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to talk to Cecilia during escort. - Fixed a bug where if the player had +99 polygons per room, then build and destroy a newly built income generator, the value would decrease - Fixed a bug where it was possible to research an incorrect tower Please provide feedback if you have any on the forums and if you encounter any bugs. To trigger the new patch download, a Steam Client restart may be required. Thank you for your continued support!
[ 2017-10-26 23:12:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Demo's coming next Friday for those who wants to try the game out! Today's patch will mainly focus on Sakura changes and a few bug fixes.
As a Supporter - Burst effect will now affect all allies in the room (Affects Mimi if she is being escorted) As an Operator - Will now affect the entire Dream World Reason for Change Luciella is great for self-sustain, but this is something the Player actually doesn't need most of the time. The Player needs a way to keep the towers alive, making her a Sakura that you'd always skip in the later Dream Worlds. With this change, she is now a viable pick for defending choke points and escorting Mimi.
As a Supporter - Restore 20% of Max HP every 10s -> Restore 20% of Max HP every 5s - New Burst Effect -> Restore 40% of Max HP to all allies in the room (Affects Mimi if she is being escorted) As an Operator - Restore 5% of Max HP every 5s -> Restore 10% of Max HP every 5s Reason for Change Elva had the same issue as Luciella, self-sustain is not a problem for the Player. The problem lies within keeping the towers alive. With this change, Elva be can used as a Burst healer and is a viable pick for if you need emergency room heal and for when Mimi is low on HP during escort.
As a Supporter - Restore 20% of Max MP every 10s -> Restore 30% of Max MP every 5s As an Operator - Restore 5% of Max MP every 5s -> Restore 10% of Max MP every 5s Rank - 1%, 2%, 2% of Max MP -> 2%, 3%, 5% of Max MP. Reason for Change Haley falls off fast due to how skills' MP cost scale up every Dream World, but the MP pool wasn't large enough for a noticible difference. With this change, the MP Regen should now scale better.
As an Operator - 3% of Max HP -> 5% of Max HP
Rank - +3, +5, +7 Attack -> +5, +9, +14 Attack Reason for Change Scaling wasn't good enough, but should be okay now. She will most likely still be replaced later on, but she's a fantastic pick for early game.
As a Supporter - Chance to slow increased from 25% -> 45% - Burst effect changed from 'Increase Chance to 60%' to 'Increase slow value to 60%' As an Operator - Chance to slow increased from 5% -> 35% Rank 1 +15%/10% Chance Rank 2 +15%/+10% Chance Rank 3 +25%/15% Chance Reason for Change This change actually made no difference to those who favor Laser Pistols, but will allow new strategies for poor room layout room where Ice Emitter is not an option, especially for those who favor Laser Rifles or Rocket Launcher.
As a Supporter - Slow increased from 40% -> 50% - Slow duration increased from 1s -> 3s
As a Supporter - Disable duration increased from 1s -> 2s As an Operator - Disable duration increased from 0.5s -> 1s
As an Operator - Changed from room effect -> Dream World - Restore 1% of Max MP -> 10% of Max MP Rank - New effects for Operator - 1%, 1%, 2% -> 3%, 3%, 4% of Max MP Reason for Change Spectre is powerful as a Supporter, but was incredibly weak as an Operator. The MP needed a tweak because 1% of Max MP falls off incredibly fast for the same reason as Haley.
As a Supporter - Slow duration increased from 2s -> 3s As an Operator - Slow duration increased from 1s -> 2s --------------------------
- Fixed Rank 3 typo from +10% Stat Increase -> +2 Stacks or +2% Chance
- Fixed a bug where stacks were not being reset upon swapping to and from Supporter <-> Operator
Jessi, Poi, Kitsu, Crystal
- Fixed a bug where stacks were being reset to 0 instead of dividing by 2 upon entering a new Dream World - Stacks are now shown in the description
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where maxed level upgraded towers had a chance to reappear in the shop (hopefully) - Fixed a bug where Poison Driller had a base Defense of 85 instead of 35. The Sakuras listed above needed a little tweak as they were quite underwhelming compared to the other Sakuras available in the game. I hope with these changes, new strategies will open up and hopefully they'll be contracted more. Thanks!
[ 2017-10-20 19:16:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Demo's coming next Friday for those who wants to try the game out! Today's patch will mainly focus on Sakura changes and a few bug fixes.
As a Supporter - Burst effect will now affect all allies in the room (Affects Mimi if she is being escorted) As an Operator - Will now affect the entire Dream World Reason for Change Luciella is great for self-sustain, but this is something the Player actually doesn't need most of the time. The Player needs a way to keep the towers alive, making her a Sakura that you'd always skip in the later Dream Worlds. With this change, she is now a viable pick for defending choke points and escorting Mimi.
As a Supporter - Restore 20% of Max HP every 10s -> Restore 20% of Max HP every 5s - New Burst Effect -> Restore 40% of Max HP to all allies in the room (Affects Mimi if she is being escorted) As an Operator - Restore 5% of Max HP every 5s -> Restore 10% of Max HP every 5s Reason for Change Elva had the same issue as Luciella, self-sustain is not a problem for the Player. The problem lies within keeping the towers alive. With this change, Elva be can used as a Burst healer and is a viable pick for if you need emergency room heal and for when Mimi is low on HP during escort.
As a Supporter - Restore 20% of Max MP every 10s -> Restore 30% of Max MP every 5s As an Operator - Restore 5% of Max MP every 5s -> Restore 10% of Max MP every 5s Rank - 1%, 2%, 2% of Max MP -> 2%, 3%, 5% of Max MP. Reason for Change Haley falls off fast due to how skills' MP cost scale up every Dream World, but the MP pool wasn't large enough for a noticible difference. With this change, the MP Regen should now scale better.
As an Operator - 3% of Max HP -> 5% of Max HP
Rank - +3, +5, +7 Attack -> +5, +9, +14 Attack Reason for Change Scaling wasn't good enough, but should be okay now. She will most likely still be replaced later on, but she's a fantastic pick for early game.
As a Supporter - Chance to slow increased from 25% -> 45% - Burst effect changed from 'Increase Chance to 60%' to 'Increase slow value to 60%' As an Operator - Chance to slow increased from 5% -> 35% Rank 1 +15%/10% Chance Rank 2 +15%/+10% Chance Rank 3 +25%/15% Chance Reason for Change This change actually made no difference to those who favor Laser Pistols, but will allow new strategies for poor room layout room where Ice Emitter is not an option, especially for those who favor Laser Rifles or Rocket Launcher.
As a Supporter - Slow increased from 40% -> 50% - Slow duration increased from 1s -> 3s
As a Supporter - Disable duration increased from 1s -> 2s As an Operator - Disable duration increased from 0.5s -> 1s
As an Operator - Changed from room effect -> Dream World - Restore 1% of Max MP -> 10% of Max MP Rank - New effects for Operator - 1%, 1%, 2% -> 3%, 3%, 4% of Max MP Reason for Change Spectre is powerful as a Supporter, but was incredibly weak as an Operator. The MP needed a tweak because 1% of Max MP falls off incredibly fast for the same reason as Haley.
As a Supporter - Slow duration increased from 2s -> 3s As an Operator - Slow duration increased from 1s -> 2s --------------------------
- Fixed Rank 3 typo from +10% Stat Increase -> +2 Stacks or +2% Chance
- Fixed a bug where stacks were not being reset upon swapping to and from Supporter <-> Operator
Jessi, Poi, Kitsu, Crystal
- Fixed a bug where stacks were being reset to 0 instead of dividing by 2 upon entering a new Dream World - Stacks are now shown in the description
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where maxed level upgraded towers had a chance to reappear in the shop (hopefully) - Fixed a bug where Poison Driller had a base Defense of 85 instead of 35. The Sakuras listed above needed a little tweak as they were quite underwhelming compared to the other Sakuras available in the game. I hope with these changes, new strategies will open up and hopefully they'll be contracted more. Thanks!
[ 2017-10-20 01:43:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Few new things and bug fixes this patch!
New Tutorials
4 New tutorials were added into the game. Clear them all and get 1600 petals!
Charge Arrow now pierces up to 2 targets and also pierces Protector's shield.
Defensive Boosters
Towers will now receive 100% of Defense, HP, and HP Regen Boosters' stat values.
Healing Mimi
The 'Heal Mimi' option is now disabled until world 3 to prevent new players from possibly hoarding Green Polygons to heal Mimi. Green Polygons are precious!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to continuously spam Assassinate even though Burst Time was over. - Fixed a bug where the player was able to heal Mimi mid-combat. This is not allowed. - Fixed a bug where the transport room was not paused, which allowed the player to pause the game and wait until the transport room was finished before unpausing the game. - Fixed a bug where a Sakura that appeared in earlier worlds had a chance to appear again in the later worlds. - Fixed a bug where polygons weren't being reseted correctly upon entering a new Dream World One of the new tutorials will explain one of the core features of the game. The other 3 tutorials will remind new players that leveling up is important, as well as revealing that your character is stronger than you think! As usual, please report any bugs, provide feedback, or ask any questions on the forums. Thank you for supporting our game!
[ 2017-10-17 04:14:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Few new things and bug fixes this patch!
New Tutorials
4 New tutorials were added into the game. Clear them all and get 1600 petals!
Charge Arrow now pierces up to 2 targets and also pierces Protector's shield.
Defensive Boosters
Towers will now receive 100% of Defense, HP, and HP Regen Boosters' stat values.
Healing Mimi
The 'Heal Mimi' option is now disabled until world 3 to prevent new players from possibly hoarding Green Polygons to heal Mimi. Green Polygons are precious!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to continuously spam Assassinate even though Burst Time was over. - Fixed a bug where the player was able to heal Mimi mid-combat. This is not allowed. - Fixed a bug where the transport room was not paused, which allowed the player to pause the game and wait until the transport room was finished before unpausing the game. - Fixed a bug where a Sakura that appeared in earlier worlds had a chance to appear again in the later worlds. - Fixed a bug where polygons weren't being reseted correctly upon entering a new Dream World One of the new tutorials will explain one of the core features of the game. The other 3 tutorials will remind new players that leveling up is important, as well as revealing that your character is stronger than you think! As usual, please report any bugs, provide feedback, or ask any questions on the forums. Thank you for supporting our game!
[ 2017-10-17 02:28:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some interesting changes this patch!
Evade Shot - MP Decreased from 10 -> 2 - Movement Speed gain from +40% -> +60% Charge Arrow - Damage Multiplier increased from 2, 4, 7 -> 4, 6, 8 Charge Arrow is still slightly weaker than other classes' strong attack skill, but this tweak should now out damage spamming basic attack. With the right configuration, Charge Arrow is extremely powerful, so balancing this skill is quite difficult. Evade Shot changes will be explained later.
Parry - On release, you will now gain a +60% Movement Speed buff for 3 seconds. Rapid Slash - Consumes no MP when used during Stealth Assassinate - Will now switch target if the initial target is dead, but only if the next target is within collision (basically in front of you or on top of the initial target) - Will now always enter Stealth, regardless if the target is dead or not Burst Mastery - Half of the HP Regen (5) and MP Regen (2) will now work out of Stealth Assassin is one of the most powerful classes late game, but has severe problems early game unless you get lucky with MP Regen or MP capacity Boosters. These new changes should now make the Assassin class more fun to play without interrupting the game balance. Burst Mastery needed a little tweak as chances are you would never stay in Stealth for more than 1 second mid-late game, making the previous Burst Mastery kind of useless. Parry changes will be explained later.
Blink - MP Decreased from 10 -> 2 - Movement Speed gain from +40% -> +60% Fireball - Damage Multiplier 3 -> 5 Mage destroys everything with their Nuke and makes Fireball irrelevant. Fireball in most cases were actually never ever worth using because it's far too weak, even when there are 3 mobs on top of each other. This change should now make Fireball far more effective for its MP cost. Blink changes will be explained below.
Defensive Skill Changes (Evade Shot, Parry, Blink)
All three of these skills were incredibly underused during combat due to high MP cost and are sort of useless late game. These changes will now allow you to use them more frequently, especially getting to Mimi, chasing after enemies, or getting from point A to point B. The map gets quite large later on and these skills will help you defend far away rooms more efficiently. One of the main issues with Assassin is the lack of Movement Speed, making it extremely difficult to defend multiple rooms. This should now solve the issue.
Class Change Summary
Overall, these changes should make the classes much more fun to play.
Laser Rifle - Attack increased from 9, 16, 32, 64 -> 11, 25, 48, 64 - Pierce will now pierce through Protector's shield Laser Rifle's early game scaling was poor, but is extremely powerful if you are able to get it to tier 4 as it shoots twice instead of once. Rocket Launcher - Attack increased from 40, 60, 80, 120 -> 40, 70, 100, 130 Rocket Launcher is powerful, but scales poorly for its cost. This tweak will help a little, but in order to use this tower effectively, you need to combo it. Fire and Poison Emitter - Upgrading these towers will now also increase their HP values - from 175 -> 175, 225, 275, 350 Chances are you probably will still never upgrade these Emitters, but it's now a viable option for if you need emergency taunting or decoy towers if the room layout allows you to do so.
Tower Changes Summary
Laser Pistol is no doubt the most powerful tower in the game, but I'm hoping with these new changes, all three towers can be somewhat on par and give more variety in terms of your offensive tower selections.
Easy Difficulty
- Starting Room increased from 9-10 -> 10-11 - Green Polygons per Room increased from 5 -> 6 - Blue Polygons per Room increased from 5 -> 6 - Starting Pink Polygons increased from 20 -> 30 One of the problems with Easy difficulty was surprisingly less rooms. By around world 5, you would be at around 10 rooms disadvantage over normal mode, which is quite a lot of resources. Easy difficulty is still being heavily looked into to ensure the game can be enjoyed by new players.
- Game will now pause when you open the tower menu, allowing you to safely build a tower during combat - Controller support is being worked on, but it will require a lot more time As usual, please post on the forums if you have feedback, questions, or discovered a bug. To trigger the new patch download, you may need to restart your Steam client. Thank you for your continued support and I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
[ 2017-10-14 05:12:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some interesting changes this patch!
Evade Shot - MP Decreased from 10 -> 2 - Movement Speed gain from +40% -> +60% Charge Arrow - Damage Multiplier increased from 2, 4, 7 -> 4, 6, 8 Charge Arrow is still slightly weaker than other classes' strong attack skill, but this tweak should now out damage spamming basic attack. With the right configuration, Charge Arrow is extremely powerful, so balancing this skill is quite difficult. Evade Shot changes will be explained later.
Parry - On release, you will now gain a +60% Movement Speed buff for 3 seconds. Rapid Slash - Consumes no MP when used during Stealth Assassinate - Will now switch target if the initial target is dead, but only if the next target is within collision (basically in front of you or on top of the initial target) - Will now always enter Stealth, regardless if the target is dead or not Burst Mastery - Half of the HP Regen (5) and MP Regen (2) will now work out of Stealth Assassin is one of the most powerful classes late game, but has severe problems early game unless you get lucky with MP Regen or MP capacity Boosters. These new changes should now make the Assassin class more fun to play without interrupting the game balance. Burst Mastery needed a little tweak as chances are you would never stay in Stealth for more than 1 second mid-late game, making the previous Burst Mastery kind of useless. Parry changes will be explained later.
Blink - MP Decreased from 10 -> 2 - Movement Speed gain from +40% -> +60% Fireball - Damage Multiplier 3 -> 5 Mage destroys everything with their Nuke and makes Fireball irrelevant. Fireball in most cases were actually never ever worth using because it's far too weak, even when there are 3 mobs on top of each other. This change should now make Fireball far more effective for its MP cost. Blink changes will be explained below.
Defensive Skill Changes (Evade Shot, Parry, Blink)
All three of these skills were incredibly underused during combat due to high MP cost and are sort of useless late game. These changes will now allow you to use them more frequently, especially getting to Mimi, chasing after enemies, or getting from point A to point B. The map gets quite large later on and these skills will help you defend far away rooms more efficiently. One of the main issues with Assassin is the lack of Movement Speed, making it extremely difficult to defend multiple rooms. This should now solve the issue.
Class Change Summary
Overall, these changes should make the classes much more fun to play.
Laser Rifle - Attack increased from 9, 16, 32, 64 -> 11, 25, 48, 64 - Pierce will now pierce through Protector's shield Laser Rifle's early game scaling was poor, but is extremely powerful if you are able to get it to tier 4 as it shoots twice instead of once. Rocket Launcher - Attack increased from 40, 60, 80, 120 -> 40, 70, 100, 130 Rocket Launcher is powerful, but scales poorly for its cost. This tweak will help a little, but in order to use this tower effectively, you need to combo it. Fire and Poison Emitter - Upgrading these towers will now also increase their HP values - from 175 -> 175, 225, 275, 350 Chances are you probably will still never upgrade these Emitters, but it's now a viable option for if you need emergency taunting or decoy towers if the room layout allows you to do so.
Tower Changes Summary
Laser Pistol is no doubt the most powerful tower in the game, but I'm hoping with these new changes, all three towers can be somewhat on par and give more variety in terms of your offensive tower selections.
Easy Difficulty
- Starting Room increased from 9-10 -> 10-11 - Green Polygons per Room increased from 5 -> 6 - Blue Polygons per Room increased from 5 -> 6 - Starting Pink Polygons increased from 20 -> 30 One of the problems with Easy difficulty was surprisingly less rooms. By around world 5, you would be at around 10 rooms disadvantage over normal mode, which is quite a lot of resources. Easy difficulty is still being heavily looked into to ensure the game can be enjoyed by new players.
- Game will now pause when you open the tower menu, allowing you to safely build a tower during combat - Controller support is being worked on, but it will require a lot more time As usual, please post on the forums if you have feedback, questions, or discovered a bug. To trigger the new patch download, you may need to restart your Steam client. Thank you for your continued support and I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
[ 2017-10-14 00:01:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nothing exciting this patch, just a bunch of small fixes!
- High scores will now record difficulty
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where high score was not recorded after beating a stage (Sorry to those who cleared several stages already!) - Fixed a bug generated from the 'Remember Last Picked' feature, where if you select a Sakura, go to next page, back out, then go back to character select screen, it would glitch out the GUI. - Fixed a bug generated from the "Back With Right Click" feature, where if you right click a Sakura, it would close the menu, which made it impossible to release a Sakura. - Fixed a visual bug where Starred Sakuras weren't being starred in-game. (A starred Sakura means you've cleared a stage with her as your starting Supporter on Normal or Hard Mode) - Fixed a bunch of typos Have a great day!
[ 2017-10-11 07:37:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nothing exciting this patch, just a bunch of small fixes!
- High scores will now record difficulty
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where high score was not recorded after beating a stage (Sorry to those who cleared several stages already!) - Fixed a bug generated from the 'Remember Last Picked' feature, where if you select a Sakura, go to next page, back out, then go back to character select screen, it would glitch out the GUI. - Fixed a bug generated from the "Back With Right Click" feature, where if you right click a Sakura, it would close the menu, which made it impossible to release a Sakura. - Fixed a visual bug where Starred Sakuras weren't being starred in-game. (A starred Sakura means you've cleared a stage with her as your starting Supporter on Normal or Hard Mode) - Fixed a bunch of typos Have a great day!
[ 2017-10-11 07:20:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- While playing the Archer class, it is no longer possible to use Burst in between waves. This will prevent players from accidentally wasting their Burst Diamonds. - By default, the client will now remember what character, class, stage, difficulty, and support character you last picked and pick them all again upon selecting 'NEW GAME.' However, the client will forget what you last picked as soon as you close the client. You may disable this feature in the options menu. - Fixed an issue where when VSync was turned off, it was possible for the FPS to jump over 1000, causing major performance issues. FPS is now capped at 60 for when VSync is off.
Balance Changes
- Dream World 03: A Driller will no longer spawn upon opening the second door. This will now allow the player to safely expand up to 2 rooms. - Dream World 04 - 05: A Crusher will no longer spawn upon opening the second door. This will now allow the player to safely expand up to 2 rooms. The two Dream World changes noted above was necessary as it was possible for a single Driller or a Crusher to completely reduce Mimi's HP from 100-0 if the Player was unprepared. This was a bit too harsh. - At 0 Defense, Robots will now do 10 damage to Mimi instead of 12.
Edit: Reverted changes
The following changes was reverted due to a bug that was created from this change: - Door/Corridor collision has been improved. See original thread for more details http://steamcommunity.com/app/339250/discussions/0/1489987634013458542/ Please post on the forums if you encounter any bugs. Thanks!
[ 2017-10-09 16:11:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch Notes
- While playing the Archer class, it is no longer possible to use Burst in between waves. This will prevent players from accidentally wasting their Burst Diamonds. - By default, the client will now remember what character, class, stage, difficulty, and support character you last picked and pick them all again upon selecting 'NEW GAME.' However, the client will forget what you last picked as soon as you close the client. You may disable this feature in the options menu. - Fixed an issue where when VSync was turned off, it was possible for the FPS to jump over 1000, causing major performance issues. FPS is now capped at 60 for when VSync is off.
Balance Changes
- Dream World 03: A Driller will no longer spawn upon opening the second door. This will now allow the player to safely expand up to 2 rooms. - Dream World 04 - 05: A Crusher will no longer spawn upon opening the second door. This will now allow the player to safely expand up to 2 rooms. The two Dream World changes noted above was necessary as it was possible for a single Driller or a Crusher to completely reduce Mimi's HP from 100-0 if the Player was unprepared. This was a bit too harsh. - At 0 Defense, Robots will now do 10 damage to Mimi instead of 12.
Edit: Reverted changes
The following changes was reverted due to a bug that was created from this change: - Door/Corridor collision has been improved. See original thread for more details http://steamcommunity.com/app/339250/discussions/0/1489987634013458542/ As of 10/9/2017 3:51PM PDT, the new Door/Corridor collision is now back into the game. If any monsters get stuck, you should be able to hit it now. The chance of a monster getting stuck is extremely rare. Please post on the forums if you encounter any bugs. Thanks!
[ 2017-10-09 06:18:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you everyone for playing Winged Sakura: Endless Dream and to those who are suggesting great features and reporting bugs! Please do not hesitate to bug me as I want to make this game as good and as addicting as possible! If anyone needs help, please don't hesitate to post on the forums.
Patch Notes
- Cecilia, the bunny from the Arcade, will now appear in a random room if the Arcade Room has not been discovered. She will warp to the Arcade Room once you find and enter the room. This will now allow you to research or upgrade towers early on, thus eliminating the chance of you advancing Dream Worlds with no new towers or upgrades. - By default, Right Clicking, along with ESC, will now back out of menus. This new option can be disabled in the options menu. - There is now an option to adjust conversation's text speed. - Fixed an achievement bug for "I'm Too Good For This Game." - Other misc., fixes, typos, etc. As usual, a Steam Client restart may be required to trigger the new patch. Thank you for your continued support!
[ 2017-10-08 05:43:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thank you everyone for playing Winged Sakura: Endless Dream and to those who are suggesting great features and reporting bugs! Please do not hesitate to bug me as I want to make this game as good and as addicting as possible! If anyone needs help, please don't hesitate to post on the forums.
Patch Notes
- Cecilia, the bunny from the Arcade, will now appear in a random room if the Arcade Room has not been discovered. She will warp to the Arcade Room once you find and enter the room. This will now allow you to research or upgrade towers early on, thus eliminating the chance of you advancing Dream Worlds with no new towers or upgrades. - By default, Right Clicking, along with ESC, will now back out of menus. This new option can be disabled in the options menu. - There is now an option to adjust conversation's text speed. - Fixed an achievement bug for "I'm Too Good For This Game." - Other misc., fixes, typos, etc. As usual, a Steam Client restart may be required to trigger the new patch. Thank you for your continued support!
[ 2017-10-08 00:03:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Annnd Winged Sakura: Endless Dream is finally out! Thank you everyone for your patience. If anyone have any questions or have discovered any bugs, please let me know! I'll be active on the discussion forums. Thank you everyone for your continued support and I hope you enjoy our new game!
[ 2017-10-06 20:12:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Winged Sakura: Endless Dream Depot Linux [2.37 G]
- Winged Sakura: Endless Dream - Art Collection
Winged Sakura: Endless Dream combines the most addicting game features into a rogue-lite survival tower defense game! Open endless doors, discover endless new rooms, and defeat endless robots. Build towers, form contracts, gain new allies, and survive the Endless Dream.
Find the transport room and escort Mimi to the final destination!
- Several Addicting Game Features and Genres Combined Into One!
Action, RPG, Strategy, and Rogue-lite combined with Survival, Tower Defense, and Resource Management! A game that's bound to give you new thrilling experience! - Randomly Generated Levels!
A new playthrough means newly randomly generated levels, items, events, towers, enemies, allies, and skill items! 'Randomly Generated Levels' changes the way you think and play, giving you a brand new experience every playthrough! - Discover Rooms, Defend, and Escort!
The more rooms you discover, the more difficult the game gets! Discover, defend, and escort Mimi to the transport room! - 4 Playable Characters and 3 Classes! Enhance each class with Sakuras!
Play as an Archer, Assassin, or a Mage! Expand each class and change their play-style with Sakuras' unique passive abilities! - 30 Sakuras to Collect and Master:
Unseal Sakuras, raise their ranks, and master them to unlock their full potentials and CGs! - 2 Supporters and 3 Operators!
Sakuras can be assigned as a Supporter or an Operator, providing powerful game-changing passive abilities! If a Sakura is assigned as a Supporter, she will provide your character a passive ability and changes your main element to match your her element. If a Sakura is assigned as an Operator, she will greatly enhance all allies or/and towers on the floor! - 5 Elements: Neutral, Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Poison!
Every room, enemy, and Sakura has an element! For those who's up for the challenge, exploiting your enemies' weakness will be necessary in overcoming the hardest difficulty mode in the game! - Survival Mode!
Hard mode isn't enough for you? Try survival mode! Good luck. You won't make it far. - 24 Towers with up to 4 Upgrades Each!
9 Offensive Towers, 7 Support Towers, and 8 Generators! Towers are randomly generated in-game and can be researched and upgraded! Every new tower opens a new possibility of creating your ultimate choke points. - 2 Player Co-op!
Play with a friend and explore, defend, and survive the Endless Dream together!
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04+. SteamOS+ 64 Bit
- Processor: Any CPU after 2010Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DX9 (shader model 3.0). OpenGL 3.2
- Storage: 3 GB available spaceAdditional Notes: A widescreen monitor is recommended. (16:9 or 16:10 aspect ratio). Art's native resolution is 1080p. Scaling will occur on any other resolutions.
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