Hey, gang! Been a super-quiet year with a ton of things going on in the background and a lot of radio silence on our end. However, this fancy end-of-year post should give you an idea of what was happening and what is coming. Feast your eyes...
Most of the time was taken up by life things and non-game projects with a lot of planning and setup for the final updates for each of the current games. Reviving our old Tenth&Hess Games studio to handle these last updates and start work on a new project too. Since we're here for the games (right?) let's get on with it!
One Way To Die
Almost ten years old now! This game has had a ton of updates and will see the final one very soon. As we saw in the Fall Update, the game's main loop was totally rebuilt to make it somewhat less reading and more like an actual game.

The story chunks have been condensed and re-written but are still as ridiculous as before. Conversion is about 90% finished at this point and will be out sometime after the new year. Probably January. Seriously!
Haulin' Oats
I personally loved this game but it totally bombed. That said we are about to release the game's 1.0 version on its anniversary in March. Most of the additional stuff was scraped but this last update will bring it out of Early Access and provide all the best, core things we wanted to do with it.

Like what, you ask? Local co-op, all the bug fixes, some re-worked rules, and more polish. There is a controller support and Steam Deck patch slated for after the release patch so fear not!
The Dope Game
Speaking of fear, the list of cool things that got axed from this final update gives it to me.. but the list of bug fixes restores hope.

The Fatal Dose update will come in May for the nine year anniversary! Holy shit, nine years of slanging dope and broken updates?! Yes. Mostly just fixes and minor feature additions like controller support finally and Steam Deck support. Some of the more ambitious things like multiplayer were dropped so this update will actually ship! Also, the sequel has been canceled to work on new projects like one we can't talk about just yet. At least not until all these updates get out the door!
Into Oblivion
This game was basically finished with The Last Drop update but we are scheming on putting in a controller support and Steam Deck update out sometime near the end of 2025. But don't hold your alcohol-laced breath on that.
Raise Your Own Clone
And a game I think we all hated will finally get an update we all deserved initially. Plagued by so many issues, this game was a nightmare to work on and completely missed the mark on what it was supposed to be. Bunch of assholes, I say.

However, it is being completely rebuilt from scratch into what a later design meant to do with and with more competent people now. It will be re-released in August to commemorate our favorite clone... The Flash himself. Yeah, he was the model.
What's Next?
We are doing some collaborations this coming year on some new projects but focusing on putting these old ones to their graves first. Announcements on new stuff will come in the summer of 2025 so don't worry. We'll talk soon. Thank you all so much for all the support over the years. Miss and love you, bitch!
[ 2024-12-08 17:27:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! The new year has come and we have an update for where things are and what is going on! Since some of them are still a little ways off, we'll try to keep this short. These final updates will be listed in the order they will be released.
The Dope Game
We kind of blew the Xmas window, obviously. But that is OK because there was a lot more getting packed into this final update than expected; which is also being broken into two updates.
The first one is coming this month, most likely. It will contain a ton of fixes, new features, a new area, new character, and the framework for multiplayer.
The second half will contain, probably, bug fixes for the first patch but, more importantly, the multiplayer version of the game. More of a competition really than player-vs-player in Starkham. The original plan failed terribly but would have been cool; so this is a good test and compromise on that. Hopefully you folks will enjoy it.
Haulin' Oats
Finally bringing this baby out of Early Access after a very long delay. Most of the future plans for the game have been scrapped but couch co-op, controller support, and some rules changes will be included with version 1.0. The game will also appear on GameNite sometime after April too!
One Way To Die
The overhaul is almost upon us! This free and over ten-year-old game will finally get a last update. It is a somewhat nod to the masses who never read text and those who want multiplayer to be less of a pain.
Raise Your Own Clone
A game we can all hate is getting a complete rebuild from the ground up. Instead of creating a whole new game ID for it, I figured it was best to reward those who had purchased the game with some much better. The old version can obviously still be played but, let's be real, no one is doing that.
Into Oblivion
Last but not least by any means, Into Oblivion already got its final update. However, there will be one more patch to provide controller support and Steam Deck support.
Developer Change
All games listed will be moving to the old but new again Tenth&Hess Games for their final releases; not that you'd really notice. The original studio that actually started these projects long before they ever came to Steam will be taking back over. Granted there is no real personnel change, it just seemed fitting that everything ends where it began..
The Future?
Most of this year will be spent designing some new, possible projects. Two of which will need character models but we'll deal with that when and if the time comes!
Stay tuned!
[ 2024-02-03 00:06:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, gang! Long time, no see! We have been tracking issues in our user forums, working on assets, busy with non-game projects, and prepping a slew of updates in the space of time since the last post. Now we will get into what to expect in the near future!
Haulin' Oats
There were no expectations for Haulin' Oats but it still underperformed. That being said, there will be one large patch to bring it out of Early Access and then smaller QoL update after that. The plans to expand the game with some additional features have been scrapped, sadly. However, all the updates we had planned like Steam Deck support, controller support, score mode, extra animations, etc. are all in this massive, upcoming patch which is almost done. I really loved how this game looked and played but it was pretty niche and drowned in the tidal wave of indie games.
The Dope Game
The beloved Dope Game will be getting a final patch soon. It contains all the fixes from bugs we've received since the remaster update. It will also put the nail in the coffin for some features we planned like multiplayer and character customization. Multiplayer... just didn't work and that's OK. Resources will be moved to a new game project instead but we'll give this beast the ending it deserves.
Into Oblivion
Well, this game received its last patch with The Last Drop update and has been laid to rest. I do miss those characters and hope to bring them back at some point somewhere else. Some vague representation of the ideas for the canceled Brewmaster expansion were worked into a recent game jam game called TasteMaker. Good times!
One Way To Die
The final update for One Way To Die is almost, almost ready. We've talked about it before so I won't go into lots of details here. However, for a free game that wasn't super popular, it has received a lot of love over the years. I'm really looking forward to this final update, I think it's neat.
Raise Your Own Clone
For a game I hated worked on and it seems other people hated to, it is getting a full revamp with something I wanted to try. It will be the last to get updated but it is a really big overhaul. More on that when it gets closer but maybe the people of Turkey will stop buying so many copies.
The Great Beyond!
For the future, CoaguCo will probably release two more games then call it quits. Game development can be fun but making commercial games sucks: both time and money. It has been fun seeing folks enjoying these games and hilarious seeing people hate them. We will keep you posted as we go but at least there is light at the end of this tunnel!
Have a safe and, hopefully, not too hot rest of your summer!
[ 2023-08-16 15:47:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! It is the time of year again to unlock some more poorly written deaths for Halloween! As well as give you the opportunity to get the Halloween achievement. Speaking of achievements, for all you achievement hunters, we have some other news. But before we get to that, be aware the holiday event runs from October 15th to November 3rd... unless you change your computer clock.
We mentioned this in some other posts for the Halloween events but we are currently pausing all content updates to get our new game, Haulin' Oats, ready for release in early 2023. After that we will resume content updates for our previous games. That being said, the ones for One Way To Die may still be out by X-mas if we're lucky.
Achievement hunters who have been waiting for the "turn off multiplayer to pop achievements" will finally get that option sooner than later. I am going to try to push it live this week.
The final and I do mean FINAL update for One Way To Die will hopefully be out by X-mas. It is functionally ready to go but there are a few more assets missing. It will radically change how the game is played and for those of you who want to read the deaths as they are, they will still be an option and hopefully a more interesting one.
More on that later. Happy holidays!
[ 2022-10-24 17:03:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! So last year around this time we did a Fall Update to give news on every project we are working on and where everything currently is. This year we're gonna do the same. Instead, however, we will talk about each project in alphabetical order. TL:DR; Been doing real-life stuff and other non-game projects, but things are still moving along! Just slower. Wanting to provide higher-quality updates. [hr][/hr]
The Dope Game
So the game has five different content updates (still) coming. Most of them have missed their original assumed deadlines but so it goes in the world of game development. Since most of these updates require a lot of art, that takes a bit more time than programming sometimes.

The first update, which adds more customization to characters, is being overhauled. While you will be able to modify colors and such for the outfits, they will be put together in sets to reduce the complication of the mix-and-match; which is really where things get hung up. We are also going to mix update 1 and 2 together by putting out the DLC updates in with the customization patch. Just to speed things up a bit. [hr][/hr]
Haulin' Oats
Release dates have been speculated on a lot and right now we are targeting Q1 2023 with a nice buffer after Steam Winter Sale and a buffer before Steam Spring Sale. Other than the grueling grind that is multiplayer, the game has been getting a graphical overhaul.

Various fonts, lines, and images are being redesigned and cleaned up. As you can see from the images above and below. Card faces are being reworked too; most of this for clarity and to match the physical assets for the (hopeful) physical version. Some higher resolutions are also being used for larger displays. Also doing a round of checking for any missing assets like missing card graphics.

A few other things:
- More animations are being done, like game pieces, icons on the board, etc.
- A new radio is being added to change tracks in-game if you want to skip some.
- More music is being added too.
- Actual hands and arms of in-game "players" being tested.
- UI overhaul to fit information better.
Into Oblivion
The game is currently awaiting its Midnight update. Most of the time has been spent combating how the interface is laid out with so many other players. In the end, the maximum number of players for Midnight is being reduced to 6 from 8.

Almost all of it is done. The intro animations are ready to go and most of the assets are in place. At this point it is finalizing the UI and finishing up the code. There will also be a small update to some of the rules of the main game. Status effects will be added as cards to the deck as well as created by drink combinations. This will be included as a new game mode in the Midnight update. Also some new skins coming but I think that was in the last roadmap update. [hr][/hr]
One Way To Die
When will multiplayer toggle be here? Soon. It is about the only question asked of our first (joke) game. The game itself is also getting slightly rebuilt with a new mode which is different from the last teased one. Frankly the visual novel aspect wasn't greatly received so it will be getting dumped in favor of this:

A match-style game has been implemented with some new mechanics and there will also be more UI changes. There will be some new death animations and shorter death text, with the option to read longer text if you want. It will also make multiplayer more interesting with the new changes. [hr][/hr]
Raise Your Own Clone
Speaking of games no one really liked, the last and least is the one that sucked internally to make and didn't fare very well despite the weird surge in sales lately. Yes, the game is being completely rebuilt, much like One Way To Die, as the visual novel thing just sucked. Also the writing is not great, but no one said it would be. Sadly there are no images currently of the new style the game is moving towards. As it is lowest on the totem and at this point it is just graphic assets construction. What we can tell you is that it will end up being a muliti-chapter 2D, top-down, RPG-style remake. [hr][/hr] That's it for this fall update. Unlike previous times, there are no hard dates for anything so there is no disappoint on our end or yours. Have a happy fall season and hope to get some new content out to you all soon!
[ 2022-10-03 18:16:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy holidays, folks! Technically the events all went live on the 15th of December, but you probably already knew that. Sadly we don't have any extra goodies this year as there is pretty heavy development of updates for all the games currently underway. The best we have is a little news and a reminder that the in-game events are going on until January 3rd.
Into Oblivion
Players of Into Oblivion will be getting the big v2.0 patch (probably) before the year is out! Multiplayer testing is underway and once those bugs are done, the game will be ready to update. There are some extra features that were going to be added in beyond the ton of stuff already in the update, but that'll be saved for the Q1 DLC update.
Currently, in the holiday event, you can drink against the Krampus in the frozen wastes. There should also be six extra drinks you can make and unlock as well as two additional achievements and some extra unlockable skins.
The Dope Game
The remaster is still on-going and a fresh test for that should be live early next year. Everything still seems to be on track for the remaster to release May 2022.
Currently, in the holiday event, Starkham is feeling festive as are all the NPC's. Drug names have been swapped into gifts and you can scoop up an achievements by playing Santa. There's even one for smashing snowmen, if that's your thing.
One Way To Die
The game's for-real final update with new game mode is also still underway. It will probably be out Q2 of 2022. We promise no new achievements. Probably.
Currently, in the holiday event, there are 10 extra deaths you can stumble across and finding them will net you the holiday achievement.
That's it for the holiday and update news! Next year, after all these big updates come out, we are planning something a little more exciting and new for the holiday events. Stay warm and safe out there!
[ 2021-12-22 19:51:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy holidays, folks! Technically the events all went live on the 15th of December, but you probably already knew that. Sadly we don't have any extra goodies this year as there is pretty heavy development of updates for all the games currently underway. The best we have is a little news and a reminder that the in-game events are going on until January 3rd.
Into Oblivion
Players of Into Oblivion will be getting the big v2.0 patch (probably) before the year is out! Multiplayer testing is underway and once those bugs are done, the game will be ready to update. There are some extra features that were going to be added in beyond the ton of stuff already in the update, but that'll be saved for the Q1 DLC update.
Currently, in the holiday event, you can drink against the Krampus in the frozen wastes. There should also be six extra drinks you can make and unlock as well as two additional achievements and some extra unlockable skins.
The Dope Game
The remaster is still on-going and a fresh test for that should be live early next year. Everything still seems to be on track for the remaster to release May 2022.
Currently, in the holiday event, Starkham is feeling festive as are all the NPC's. Drug names have been swapped into gifts and you can scoop up an achievements by playing Santa. There's even one for smashing snowmen, if that's your thing.
One Way To Die
The game's for-real final update with new game mode is also still underway. It will probably be out Q2 of 2022. We promise no new achievements. Probably.
Currently, in the holiday event, there are 10 extra deaths you can stumble across and finding them will net you the holiday achievement.
That's it for the holiday and update news! Next year, after all these big updates come out, we are planning something a little more exciting and new for the holiday events. Stay warm and safe out there!
[ 2021-12-22 19:50:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that the Halloween events for The Dope Game, Into Oblivion, and One Way To Die are now active until November 2nd.
All games have special holiday-themed achievements available to unlock. The Dope Game features costumed NPC's and holiday changes to the environments, as well as drugs being renamed as candies. Into Oblivion unlocks a new bot, with their arena, and adds in six special holiday drinks that can be used whenever after being unlocked. One Way To Die just includes a few extra holiday deaths but no graphical changes.
That's it for this holiday season! Stay safe and warm out there.
[ 2021-10-17 16:11:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there, happy fall! And with the change of the seasons we are back from a lengthy vacation to update you on where and when various games will see the light of day. For fun, this will be in chronological order. [hr][/hr]
Into Oblivion
So the Brewmaster expansion won't be around until, probably, Q3 2022; however, the game will be getting a large update very soon for the upcoming Steam Tabletop Fest. Yeah, this month... in about two weeks. That soon.

What's in it? The game's version of Godot will be updated to 3.3.4; maybe 3.4 if that comes out before the update. Tons of code has been updated under the hood in preparation for Brewmaster, including the networking which has all be ported over to Steam instead of Godot's internal networking. This will make all the multiplayer stuff much more smooth. In addition to these, there are a few graphical upgrades and animation changes. Menu layouts have been altered too. The old "embiggen" mode was pulled temporarily to be replaced with better accessibility modes in the Brewmaster update. The native resolution is now 1440p, up from 1080p. And, naturally, a bunch more tiny tweaks that will be outlined in the change log when it launches. [hr][/hr]
Haulin' Oats
Our next big release will be out in Q1 2022. Haulin' Oats is currently undergoing networking re-writes and various graphical upgrades for the last beta version. Trust me, all those graphical assets take a long time to draw and implement.

Along with these updates for the beta will be the Haulin' Oats rule book which will be available for download so you can read about each square during, prior, or post game-play. The rule book is also part of the possible physical version of the game that you can play at home with friends... if you have them. More on the possibility of this physical version will be talked about after the official Steam launch. [hr][/hr]
The Dope Game: Remaster
Probably the most asked about, The Dope Game missed its original remaster release window of May 2021. Too many asset changes, code changes, and covid dragged the process out. However, considering we are closer to the end now, the release day can pretty reliably be set at May 30th, 2022.

There have been a bunch of weird, new features added to the game since the last update and the next beta update should be pretty juicy. It may or may not show up as an Xmas present for you all. [hr][/hr]
One Way To Die: Final Cut
The oldest of our games and one that started as a joke a long time ago, is getting one final update which will add a graphical version. This was teased earlier in the year and, well, let's tease it again.

While there is no hard date, the One Way To Die: Final Cut version should be out in Summer 2022. It hasn't been decided yet if the fully text version will be removed or not. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. [hr][/hr]
Raise Your Own Clone
Last and very much least, a game I personally hated working on, is Raise Your Own Clone. Between design and release, much was lost and development felt like a drag. To fix all that, the game is getting a re-imagining and new life in Q4 2022.

None of the actual story content will change; however, the presentation will change greatly. If you remember your way through each story, it'll make playing the new version that much easier. And, finally, we will have a version of the game that we can feel good about. [hr][/hr] That's it for now. More updates will follow as each of these game's updates come out or get closer. Stay tuned!
[ 2021-10-02 20:11:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey long-haul trucks, dope fiends, and death seekers! There has been some silence as things are being worked on so here is a post to address all three games and their update statuses for the summer; including vague release windows. As it is the year of delays in games, films, and what-not, these three are no different. We will start at the top of the list and work our way down. [hr][/hr]
Haulin' Oats
If you've visited the Haulin' Oats Steam store page lately you'd notice the release date has been changed to "Ready When Ready" from the tentative June 2021 date. That being said, in the last update I believe it was mentioned the game as going to be released sometime in the summer and that June was a just a holding date.

Since real-life takes importance over development-life and there is a lot more polish I'd like to put on the game before releasing it, summer might still be a valid target but the game may not see the light of day until fall. The next beta update will be the multiplayer test update and there will be posts about it right before it happens. Nonetheless, various things have been upgraded since the last test update: art, code, shader effects, etc. Things are shaping up and calmly walking towards a final build but not just yet. [hr][/hr]
The Dope Game Remaster
Second on our list is The Dope Game Remaster, which was due out on May 30th, 2021; the five-year anniversary. However, it won't be making that date but that is because of all the love this remaster is getting.

Seriously. All of the art has been redone, multiplayer has been added (which goes into test soon), every system and interface has been upgrade and expanded, a new area to deal in, new NPC, armor, organ harvesting, stuff to spend your money on, etc. Most of the new stuff is borrowed from The Dope Game 2 as a test so I know what to work on and what to avoid before that starts full development. While we will miss the May 30th release, the remaster will be out sometime after that and before summer ends. To avoid another delay post, there will not be a hard date set. However, there will be posts when the multiplayer test is ready and the final release should be shortly after that... with the appropriate post shortly beforehand. [hr][/hr]
One Way To Die
Lastly and least-ly, One Way To Die is getting it's final (yes, final) update. The original final update contained some code changes, minor polish, an opt-out for multiplayer, and an engine upgrade. However, since this game is over 12 years old now, I figured I'd give the old girl a better send-off.

The game that started out a joke and has had a lot of revisions and updates over those years will finally make one last pivot into a graphical version. Yes, all you folks who hate reading can finally play it as a graphical adventure. It is something that has been mulled over for a while now and is finally happening. This will also significantly overhaul how the multiplayer / sabotage mode works. Choose and Random modes will finally be retired with Story mode being revamped as the solo text-only mode. There is release date set for this but probably fall, if I had to guess. [hr][/hr] There is a bunch of other stuff happening in the shadows with Into Oblivion and Raise Your Own Clone as well as some unnamed projects but we won't get into that until 2022. And while it is quiet right now, there will be a lot of updates and releases coming soon. Talk to you then!
[ 2021-05-16 16:31:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! It's that time of year, again, so here's your annual reminder that the seasonal X-Mas events have become active in The Dope Game, Into Oblivion, and One Way To Die.
The events will run from today (December 15th) until January 3rd; granted you can always change your computer's clock to extend it. Each game has it's own variety of holiday additions. For those of you new to any of the games, or just don't remember, here is what you can expect.
The Dope Game
All the outside environments get a fresh coating of snow and the NPC's don their holiday apparel. A short mini-game of smash the snowmen is active; this will also net you a special achievement when completed. All the drugs get festive nicknames and can be gifted to NPC's, depending on their personal tastes. Gifting everyone also unlocks an achievement.
Into Oblivion
It is time for the Krampus. He is a bot you can drink against and, like other bots, beating him will give you access to some new skins and a new arena. There are also some special holiday drinks you can mix up. Mix them all and unlock an X-Mas achievement.
One Way To Die
Last and actually least, there are 10 holiday-specific death events that should be available. Collecting all X-Mas deaths will pop the related achievement.
That's it for now and have a happy holiday or the rough equivalent!
[ 2020-12-18 02:08:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! In what is usually one of the more lackluster Halloween events of the year, One Way To Die has started it's holiday-themed event. With this there are some new deaths available with the opportunity to unlock a special holiday achievement. You know, without having to reset your computer's clock and all that.
The event runs from today until November 3rd at midnight. Also, there will be another small QoL update coming sometime after the event is over. More news then!
[ 2020-10-15 05:19:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! Today is a super tiny QoL update that will / should have no discernible effect for most of you. Just upgrading the engine and fixing missing executable icons on Windows. Heres the change log which basically states the exact same thing:
- Changed: game engine upgraded to Godot 3.2
- Fixed: correct executable icon on Windows
[ 2020-02-04 04:51:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! We have just issued an update to address a problem that has plagued us for some time... statistics. The game will now rely on your local save file instead of pulling statistics from Steam unless you elect to sync them in the Options section. This should prevent stats from "disappearing" because Steam failed to send the data correctly. There are also some minor QoL updates as well. In case your the curious type, here is the change log:
- Added: tooltip hints to Options menu
- Added: individual death numbers to save files
- Added: missing Steam stats for mode plays
- Added: "Now Choosing For" in title so player knows what page is next
- Changed: graphics drivers back to GLES 3.0 with fallback to GLES 2.0 if needed
- Changed: complete overhaul to stat saving and loading system
- Changed: how the game calculates unique deaths
- Changed: how the game checks achievements and saves stats
- Changed: system does not check Steam by default when loading stats, now only when syncing
- Fixed: Steam achievements only looking for 17 instead of 18
- Fixed: stats section not showing all achievements if unlocked
- Removed: stat dependency on Steam stats
[ 2019-12-28 21:56:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! Today we are pushing a very tiny update to fix some issues with Choose Mode for the holiday event. There will be another larger patch later on to address the confusion around Choose Mode and what page you are on. Here is the change log for the knowing:
- Fixed: issue with choices on page 4 of Choose Mode
- Fixed: numbers not visually resetting to 0 on Choose Mode
[ 2019-12-27 21:08:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! The X-Mas holiday event for the game is now live again. It is that time of year to stay warm and soaked in your own blood by experiencing 10 holiday-themed deaths as well as unlocking two holiday-themed achievements!
The event will be live until January 2nd; unless you switch your computer clock back.
Happy holidays!
[ 2019-12-16 15:52:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! Today we are updating the game to version 5.2 which mostly focuses on multiplayer improvements as well as some other fixes. Some points of interest are things like you can now see the saboteur's trap kills and broken traps in the HUD. The timer graphics have been moved around. An item description now shows up when you hover over any HUD item or icon. For the curious, here are the change log notes:
- Added: item description on click
- Added: hud icons to show saboteur's kills
- Changed: flashlight reactivates if player dies
- Changed: set default sound / music level to half normal; doesn't affect pre-update levels
- Changed: temporarily disable flashlight on death screen to prevent selection
- Changed: host clearing death / immunity message clears it for saboteur too
- Changed: location of lock timer
- Fixed: flashlight drop check even if player has flashlight
- Fixed: accepting invite while not in-game doesn't connect to
- Fixed: issue with joining game from friends list
- Fixed: lack of hooks for various saboteur stats
- Fixed: splash intro not honoring user-set sound levels
- Removed: old unused scenes and assets
[ 2019-11-14 05:47:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! Today we are pushing the version 5.1 update which fixes some achievement issues for folks and adjusts them for the new sabotage mode. There is even a little bonus for deluxe edition owners in the form of three new wallpapers. Here is the change log for those curious:
- Added: missing stats to Stats section
- Added: three new wallpapers to the deluxe edition
- Changed: location of death category in Stats section
- Changed: requirements for most Saboteur achievements
- Fixed: some death stats being in the wrong spots on Stats section
- Fixed: purging Steam data message was incorrect
- Fixed: achievement 'The Returned' not firing when main menu starts
- Fixed: how the game factors mode plays
- Fixed: some Steam statistics not updating correctly
[ 2019-11-05 03:26:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! We are making a super small update to the game today that will swap it from GLES 3.0 to GLES 2.0. This shouldn't affect anyone except for people with Intel GPU's or older graphics cards that aren't capable of OpenGL 3+. We are also taking notes on what to change in the next patch; mostly achievements. Since the sabotage system has been revamped in version 5.0, a lot of the sabotage-related achievements are nigh-impossible to obtain. We will be making some modifications to the requirements for each as well as throwing in some fail-safes if multiplayer games cannot be found or if you play the game with multiplayer turned off. The next patch should be out sometime in November!
[ 2019-10-21 19:05:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there, death-seekers! The day has finally come and we are releasing the brand-new version of One Way To Die; version 5.0! There are a lot of changes that were made to the game, some requested and most not. Also, today marks the first day of the Halloween Event! So get out there and start hunting up those holiday-themed deaths.
All-New Stuff
We made a bunch of graphical changes; everything from the splash screens to new HUD to, well, the overall art style. You now get to see what old Jenkins actually looks like, in case you were curious and we know you weren't.
We also changed how sabotaging other players works. There is now a new menu option called Sabotage. Selecting it will open a server menu which will allow you to select any available games to jump into and sets traps for. You should also be able to invite your friends and enemies through Steam itself. Our previous post has more information about the new sabotage mode.
A new Story mode has been added that gives a lot more choices to how your misadventure proceeds, making it a bit safer to navigate your house and the city. Much like Choose Mode, the options have static results for the most part. Deaths that are locked for holiday events or very specific luck values still show up pseudo-randomly.
Miss Katy, We Depreciates Ya!
With the new engine updates (to Godot 3.1.1) we are cutting out two problematic operating systems; mostly due to compiling and lack of access. These, naturally, are Linux 32-bit systems and MacOS. The legacy version of the game will still exist, however, there just won't be any current or future updates to them. We are sure all five of you will understand.
More? More!
We have some plans to add a little more polish and a few small extras, mostly to the Deluxe DLC, over the next few months. So stay tuned!
Oh. Finally, for those of you who love changelogs for some weird reason, here you go:
- Added: new graphical assets
- Added: full statistics breakdown to non-deluxe version
- Added: new Story Mode
- Added: new leaderboards
- Added: new Saboteur mode
- Added: lobby lists for multiplayer
- Changed: upgraded engine to Godot 3.1.1
- Changed: many graphical assets
- Changed: new splash sequence
- Changed: new Godot splash image
- Changed: CoaguCo API interaction
- Changed: lots of code refinements under the hood
- Changed: new layouts in all sections
- Fixed: sound value not changing sound volume on load
- Fixed: a variety of spelling and grammar errors
[ 2019-10-20 18:20:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! It's that time of the year again for our Halloween event to become active! Between October 20th and November 2nd the game will make all Halloween-themed deaths available; you'll even notice the main menu changed a bit to show it is active. If you managed to suffer all 10 Halloween-themed deaths before the event ends, you'll get treated with a holiday achievement. If you don't happen to get it before November 2nd just remember you can just set your computer's clock back and keep cracking away at it. Or, you know, use one of the fancy guides some folks made for Choose Mode. Happy holidays!
[ 2019-10-18 00:48:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there, death-seekers. So the redux version of the game is nearly ready and we decided to drop a post about how the new sabotage system works.
If you remember, the old system allowed one random player to set "traps", per page, that all other players would run across in their game. Collectively the players could un-set traps and, after enough were un-set, that would boot the saboteur and randomly select another. Well, that system didn't work too well and caused a lot of network traffic for our server; mostly through poor optimization.
We later revamped it to do more of a community pool of traps that updated more slowly and allowed players to earn more saboteur points faster. This is what the current version of the game is using and isn't really what we wanted to do.
With the upcoming version of the game and a new version of GodotSteam, we can finally have the sabotage system more like we intended. So when you boot the game up and click play, you'll have a new game mode called Sabotage.
Selecting this will bring up a server list of available games you can join and sabotage. When a saboteur joins, they will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the HUD. There will also be a five second cooldown after a page displays before the player can make a choice; this gives the saboteur time to "trap" one of the available options, making it blood red on their screen. The player, unaware of which choice is trapped, will pick one as normal but if it is the same as the saboteur then they will die automatically. Picking a choice that isn't trapped will count against the saboteur and after ten successes it will banish the saboteur from the game.
All of this can be turned off in the Options sub-menu, of course.
We will be putting the new version of the game into a beta branch in the next few weeks to let you guys try it out before full release. We will make another post once we get the beta branch up and have a firm date on when the update will be ready.
Stay tuned!
[ 2019-09-22 22:55:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey folks! Since the redux version of One Way To Die is entering the testing phase, we figured it was a good time to talk a bit more about it.
What's New
All of the graphics are getting updated along with splash screens; an attempt to match the art styles with our newer stuff. The player character, Jenkins, will also be featured more visibly. Some animations have been added to break up the monotony as well. And there will be some new music.
There is a new story mode which will restructure how the game flows. There will be somewhat more paths to take, with possible ends at the usual array of deaths. The writing will also get a punch up. Once story mode is beaten, it will unlock the older choose mode and, of course, when that is beaten you can play random mode. Oh, and there is a new achievement for beating all three.
Statistics and leaderboards have been expanded. Some additional content has been added to the deluxe edition as well, with more goodies being added after launch.
We're updating the trading cards (which are still all janky), the wallpapers, emoticons, and related stuff. The trailers are also being redone.
Finally controller support might make it in before we update but might be added shortly after... depending.
When's It Coming
It should be out at the end of August or beginning of September barring any weird issues we hit before then. If there is a delay we'll probably write more about it. When there is a definite launch date, it'll get posted.
See you then!
[ 2019-08-16 18:07:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are wheeling out the redux version of our first Steam game, One Way To Die, this spring. Both the free regular version and deluxe edition will get updated; though the deluxe will end up with a few more extra features. Here is some of what we have going on:
- New content like more deaths
- Various re-writes and update to existing content
- All-new graphics
- New story mode
- Re-worked random and choice modes
- New leaderboard system
- New sabotage system
- And more!
[ 2019-02-11 01:26:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! Today we are pushing out another small patch for the game that fixes the log file naming and a few tweaks to achievements. Here is the change log for the curious:
- Fixed: name for logging file
- Fixed: issues with some achievements
[ 2019-02-04 20:51:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, death-seekers! Today we are releasing the version 4.1 update to One Way To Die which mainly focuses on achievement and statistic fixes. And, of course, a bunch of tiny changes to a bunch of other stuff too. Also, we have made some small changes to prepare for a QOL content update that will add a new game mode in. There is no real date as to when it will launch but there will be some significant changes made to the game similar to what we did with the last big update. Here is the change log for the interested parties out there:
- Added: logging system like other CoaguCo games
- Added: hooks for upcoming features and content
- Changed: functions dealing with achievements and statistics, mainly how the game interacts with Steam
- Changed: volume ranges for music and sound
- Changed: functions dealing with CoaguCo API
- Changed: minor pieces of code in almost every scene
[ 2018-12-26 22:37:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! The X-Mas event for the game has started and will end around January 2nd. During that time there is an extra achievement you can earn and 10 additional holiday-themed deaths you can stumble across. Happy holidays!
[ 2018-12-21 15:59:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey death-seekers! So the Halloween event for the game started on the 29th and we're a bit late with the mention. However, you may have noticed the large pumpkin on the main menu and some additional deaths being mixed in. There is even an achievement available for getting all the Halloween-themed deaths. Happy Halloween!
[ 2018-10-31 04:28:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! Today we are pushing a super small patch to the game which doesn't really affect anything that you'd notice. For the most part it is just small changes to the game's code to bring it up to where our current codebase is. However, one thing you might notice if you were around last year is that the holiday gift interface is gone. For those who don't know, the system would sometimes gift you a Steam key for one of our other games (provided you didn't already own them). Since we are removing that system, we will be doing something different this holiday season. That being said, for those curious, here is the rather tiny and not very informative change log:
- Changed: some small code changes
- Removed: holiday gift interface
[ 2018-09-06 20:18:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, anonymous alcoholics! Today we are putting out the first version of the multiplayer for beta. That being said, a few things aren't working just yet... like spectating and any other multiplayer mode -besides- One On One. Trying to start any other ones will result in a hard crash. However, you should be able to start servers, join servers, and all that. If you find any bugs, please report them on the community page or to bugs@coaguco.com, as per usual. We expect there may be many. Now we are focusing on getting spectator mode finished up and added in, then off to add the rest of the multiplayer modes. Then, of course, polish and release. For those who are curious, here is the change log for this update:
- Added: various sound effects
- Added: master server to CoaguCo API system
- Added: server list browser to join interface
- Added: multiplayer status board for game lobbies
- Added: One on One multiplayer mode to game
- Added: multiplayer betting interface
- Added: hooks for multiplayer achievements
- Added: stage variable for easier iteration
- Added: all missing achievement hooks for singleplayer
- Added: functionality to deal with ties
- Added: trophy to game over scene
- Changed: hosting games require you to set game mode before opening host lobby
- Changed: removed unused Tutorial script
- Changed: optimized some code
- Changed: player talking animation duration and frames
- Fixed: forfeit not working correctly
- Fixed: multiplayer match updating singleplayer lifetime count
- Fixed: lobby chat not working at all
- Fixed: missing mouse cursor graphic
- Fixed: changing "participation" as client changed it on host and other clients
- Fixed: weird bug where in Options 'Windowed' was replaced by 'Vitals'
- Fixed: chat bubbles not showing up correctly
- Fixed: player being able to join server when game is in progress
[ 2018-07-01 23:54:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there, we are just writing to let you know that the X-Mas Holiday events are now active in both The Dope Game and One Way To Die. Besides theme changes and some extra achievements becoming active, users may randomly receive a gift key to one of our games when in-game. We are also selling our games at a discount over at Itch.io, for those of your who may not own any. A little bit of a head-start on Steam's Winter Sale. But expect similar discounts on Steam too. Happy holidays!
[ 2017-12-20 17:46:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there, we are just writing to let you know that the X-Mas Holiday events are now active in both The Dope Game and One Way To Die. Besides theme changes and some extra achievements becoming active, users may randomly receive a gift key to one of our games when in-game. We are also selling our games at a discount over at Itch.io, for those of your who may not own any. A little bit of a head-start on Steam's Winter Sale. But expect similar discounts on Steam too. Happy holidays!
[ 2017-12-20 17:46:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey, you manics! One Way To Die's Halloween event is currently active... for the last few days. You can now earn the Halloween achievement without changing your computer clock as well as experience all ten of the Halloween deaths; as if you needed more of them. The deluxe edition is also on sale for as low as Valve will let us put it. http://store.steampowered.com/app/399840/One_Way_To_Die_Deluxe_Edition/
[ 2017-10-28 12:04:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there. Today we are updating One Way To Die to version 4.0.9 to add in some stuff and fix some minor things. Here's the change log to let you know what:
- Added: support for SSL
- Fixed: incorrect executable icon for Windows
- Fixed: problem with API when wiping stats
[ 2017-09-24 09:57:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! We are pushing out an maintenance update for One Way To Die, both normal and deluxe editions. There are a few changes in here, most you won't even notice; most of them are just system upgrades. Here is the change log for more details:
- Changed: upgraded to Godot Engine v2.1.4
- Changed: screen to maximize on launch, unless set to fullscreen in config
- Fixed: issue with connecting to CoaguCo API over SSL
[ 2017-08-31 03:52:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! We are releasing a tiny update for the game that will fix some issues with people's usernames as well as upgrade the engine. Here is a tiny, itty, bitty, teeny change log with details:
- Added: check and correction for usernames having weird characters
- Change: API system to match new username correction functions
- Changed: upgraded to Godot Engine 2.1.3
[ 2017-05-28 00:12:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there. Nothing huge really, just some simple input key updates. Here's the change log:
- Added: enter to submit choice in Choose Mode
- Added: 1-3 selects options on pages
[ 2017-03-29 22:02:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there. We are here to let you know about two pieces of information, one sort of relevant to Steam users and the other is not at all. First, we are purging all legacy API functions from our codebase. We are re-organizing stuff, trimming fat, and making improvements on our API and decided to cut out all the legacy stuff. What does this mean for Steam users? Well, if you are using one of the old versions of One Way To Die it will stop functioning correctly very soon. Most likely you can still play it fine but a lot of the stats and leaderboard stuff will stop working. Other than that, we are improving stuff under the hood with the API and should notice nothing. The desktop edition, for those of you who don't play on Steam, will be getting a big ass update soon. The change log is pretty much includes everything that happened when we split development on the two and brings the desktop version up to date. Since that is not Steam related, it is the only mention we'll make here.
[ 2017-02-17 00:54:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Oh yes, we added a new little patch for the game. Believe it or not. Nothing major, but here is the change log:
- Added: back button to mode select
- Added: recommended play style
- Changed: upgraded to Godot Engine 2.1.2
- Fixed: game crashing if pressing ESC on mode select
[ 2017-02-04 22:55:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
In less than six hours we are starting our 12 Days of CoaguCo Christmas event, inspired in part by the wondrous game Pony Island. We are gifting copies of our games through our games! Three copies per day for twelve days. The event starts at midnight, tonight, CST. And the gift pile updates every night at midnight for the next twelve days, ending on Chrismas day. There are a total of 36 key gifts available! How Does It Work? Basically any time you play either One Way To Die, Raise Your Own Clone, or The Dope Game, our system will decide whether you get a gift key or not. If you do indeed win, you'll see something like this... http://imgur.com/Oe2o37Z You can copy the key using the ball and close the screen with the other one. Make sure to paste that key somewhere or use it as the gift won't appear again! Our system does keep track of what keys go to whom, so we know what is going on in case something goes awry. Some Gifts Weren't Opened In Time! If any of the gifts aren't opened before the time expires, then we will give those keys away on SteamGifts.com but will make sure to link and notify the community so there is an additional chance to get it. We will be checking on the event each day and tweaking things if necessary. Good luck to all the gift recipients and have a happy holiday!
[ 2016-12-14 00:50:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Usually for the holidays we like to do a giveaway for all the folks in the community, and those lurking the the peripheral waiting for keys. This year we decided to do something much different and, if it works out, something we'll do moving forward. This year starts the Twelve Days of Shizmas! How's It Work? Inspired by the lovely game, Pony Island, each of day of Shizmas, each of our games will release a new serial key for every game we have out. The keys will be embedded randomly somewhere in the games. The locations and keys should vary day by day, depending on how the RNG gods feel. The process should be automated, for the most part, so new keys should release around the same time each day. I Aleady Have This Game If you get a key for a game you already have, we suggest giving it to a friend or donate it back to the community. Don't be a cunt and sell it. We'll drop another announcement the day before Shizmas begins!
[ 2016-12-07 22:15:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! Today we are also releasing a small update for One Way To Die which is just an engine upgrade! The very meager change log is as follows:
- Changed: updated to Godot Engine v2.1.1
- Changed: updated to Steamworks v1.38a
[ 2016-11-22 16:49:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! Things happened faster than we expected and we will be experiencing server downtime for about an hour tonight. We apologize for any crashes that may occur or lost data on our servers! It should be back in action around midnight (CST). API systems will be the first thing
[ 2016-11-09 05:14:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well, birthdays are over for another year and a new nephew is born so it’s time to get back to work! One of our first points of order is changing our server hosts. This will possibly cause a small hiccup in our API system in all of our games which may result in some stats not being backed up correctly. However, this does not affect Steam’s copy of the stats and those should sync sometime afterward. If any horrendous issues arise, please let us know! We expect the server swap to happen sometime around Thursday or Friday.
[ 2016-11-08 18:10:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there. We have a small update to issue today that only deals with the holiday modes. Thanks to user, Silver
[ 2016-10-01 18:57:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yeah, it has finally happened. Now that the new engine is being used we can finally port the game over to Mac. The Mac build is experimental currently so users may find some issues with it... or not. If you do, please let us know on the Community Hub for the game. Good luck getting to the Fun Park!
[ 2016-09-27 18:18:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there. We just pushed a small update, to 4.0.1, to address some issues people found with the new redux version. The equally small change log is as follows:
- Added: separate 32 and 64-bit Linux depotsexit
- Fixed: indentation issue on death recording, prevents certain stats saving right
- Fixed: achievements having wrong IDs thus firing or displaying wrong
- Fixed: ESC key function incorrectly named
[ 2016-09-23 11:48:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
What the?! Yeah, we just updated One Way To Die to version 4.0 with a new engine, new hand-drawn graphics, and the same old poorly written story chunks. There were a few reasons for doing this such as supporting 1080 displays, fullscreen mode, compatibility issues for some users, etc. We even added a new achievement just for the achievement hunters because we know they love it so much. Here is the change log for this update:
- Added: new achievement - The Returned
- Added: slightly different opening text after first death
- Changed: CoaguCo API to fit new functions
- Changed: game over to Godot Engine
- Changed: sabotage mode to use local computer method
- Changed: all graphics to new hand-drawn versions
- Changed: slim-lined sabotage functions
- Changed: corrected some option text
- Removed: credits section
- Removed: CoaguCo account login functions
- Removed: desktop, web, and Android global stats from stats section
[ 2016-09-22 20:02:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey there! We just pushed a very small update to One Way To Die to fix some minor issues. This is (hopefully) mostly likely the last update ever! Here is the change log:
- Fix: 'Succumb To Infection' firing when you have aspirin
- Fix: small spelling / grammar errors
[ 2016-06-20 21:39:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just issued a minor fix for some small but hideous glitches introduced into version 3.6.0! Here is the official change log: Version 3.6.1 - Jabbed (04/30/16)
- Fix: game crashing when 0 or 00 are entered
- Fix: game "erasing" 0 at end of entered number; eg. 20, 30
- Fix: game not understanding 02 is also 2
[ 2016-04-30 08:58:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a lot of back and forth we are finally ready to roll out version 3.6.0! There is more to it, which we will mention below. First, the change log: Version 3.6.0 - Jabbed [ 04/22/16 ]
- Changed: Choose Mode is now the default
- Changed: engine to use Pygame_SDL2
- Fixed: issue with leaderboard crashing game due to formatting usernames
- Fixed: Choose Mode ignoring numbers starting with 0
- Fixed: more spelling and grammar issues, duh
- Fixed: minor alpha glitch on splash screen
- Fixed: issue where adding a leading zero in choice would bypass game's checking of results
- Fixed: missing one graphical asset from Windows 32-bit version of Deluxe
- Issue: spamming buttons will crash the game due to sound channel overrun (slow your roll)
[ 2016-04-24 04:25:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey-o! We are testing the 3.6.0 version of One Way To Die with some new features. However, we stress that Windows users DO NOT opt in for the beta as it will immediately crash. This has not be fixed yet! This beta test is for Linux only! Here is the change-log for the update beta:
- Added: Steam overlay, screenshots, and stuff!
- Changed: Choose Mode is now the default
- Changed: engine to use Pygame_SDL2
- Fixed: Choose Mode ignoring numbers starting with 0
- Fixed: more spelling and grammar issues, duh
- Fixed: minor alpha glitch on splash screen
- Fixed: issue where adding a leading zero in choice would bypass game's checking of results
- Fixed: missing one graphical asset from Windows 32-bit version of Deluxe
- Issue: spamming buttons will crash the game due to sound channel overrun (slow your roll)
- Issue: keypad input stopped working due to Pygame_SDL2
[ 2016-04-12 17:47:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
One Way To Die will get one last update for a few fixes, mostly Steam related like overlay and screenshots, but the old girl will get a little more life by way of our newest game, The Dope Game. Kind of. Owner and players of One Way To Die will be able to visit the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park and sell their wares there as well as meet one of the Finnigan Brothers themselves! Or fight him. Or perhaps even get a mission from him. The Dope Game is currently on Steam Greenlight and just started it's public beta. For more information check out the link below! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=535752742
[ 2016-03-23 07:52:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
One Way To Die will get one last update for a few fixes, mostly Steam related like overlay and screenshots, but the old girl will get a little more life by way of our newest game, The Dope Game. Kind of. Owner and players of One Way To Die will be able to visit the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park and sell their wares there as well as meet one of the Finnigan Brothers themselves! Or fight him. Or perhaps even get a mission from him. The Dope Game is currently on Steam Greenlight and just started it's public beta. For more information check out the link below! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=535752742
[ 2016-03-23 07:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
One Way To Die will get one last update for a few fixes, mostly Steam related like overlay and screenshots, but the old girl will get a little more life by way of our newest game, The Dope Game. Kind of. Owner and players of One Way To Die will be able to visit the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park and sell their wares there as well as meet one of the Finnigan Brothers themselves! Or fight him. Or perhaps even get a mission from him. The Dope Game is currently on Steam Greenlight and just started it's public beta. For more information check out the link below! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=535752742
[ 2016-03-23 07:52:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Due to a possible security issue and Google's dilligence, One Way To Die: Android Edition will most likely be pulled from the Google Play Store if it is not updated. As we have little to no intention of doing so, prepare for it to go missing. And given that the downloads have trickled to a stop and the number of current installations is somewhere around 50 or so, we see no reason to keep up on this version of the game. In other One Way To Die news, we will be pushing out another update for the game sometime in the near future. This will enable some extra Steam features such as overlay and screenshots as well as small performance fixes and changes to the text. No new achievements!
[ 2016-03-14 22:45:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
We kind of missed it but the sale for One Way To Die Deluxe Edition is on... at the usual 50% off. This discount is both on Steam and Itch.io, in case you want a non-Steam version (even though you get a Steam key anyway). Our Lunar New Year sale is also live on Itch.io! Visit it here: http://itch.io/s/3075/lunar-new-year-sale (Steam won't link it correctly). You can get both One Way To Die Deluxe Edition and Raise Your Own Clone for 50% off each, or snag both in a bundle for an extra 25 cents off! One Way To Die Deluxe on Itch.io also comes with a Steam key. Purchasers of Raise Your Own Clone on Itch.io will get a Steam key if/when the game is Greenlight. Also in typical fashion, we are giving away five sets of keys for the One Way To Die Deluxe Edition and our second game, Raise Your Own Clone! Just go to our community hub for One Way To Die and comment in the giveaway thread (linked here). Cheers! P.S. No new achievements...
[ 2016-02-05 18:20:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
While we are rebuilding our game engine and preparing for the release of Raise Your Own Clone's second story, as well as the launch announcement for The Dope Game, we re-did One Way To Die's website. And, completely unrelated, the lovely folks over at Cubic Bundle are doing a giveaway for One Way To Die's Deluxe Edition DLC... 5,000 keys worth. Their giveaway starts at 1 PM PST / 9 PM GMT. If you want a free key, head on over there around that time and follow the steps to get one. Also, be on the lookout for the final update for the Android version of the game which should be sometime in February. Plus we may push out one more update for the desktop and Steam version to utilize our new engine which will add in Steam overlay finally.
[ 2016-01-26 14:43:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Oh yeah, version 3.5.1 is here. It adds a bunch of fixes, legacy support, an easier way to turn Choose Mode off and on, plus a few other things. Why even talk about that when we can just share the change log!
- Added: in-game toggle for Choose Mode
- Added: indicator for Choose Mode being active (was still obvious)
- Added: legacy support for older versions (update the game, you savages!)
- Changed: heartbeat system to use new authorization code process
- Changed: reporting system to work with legacy code and new system
- Changed: small things to tighten up the code base
- Fixed: issue with CoaguCo API and recording of save information
- Fixed: issue with X-Mas mode running longer than it should have
- Fixed: weird issue where sounds played even if sound was off
- Fixed: issue with 'helpers' not saving correctly
[ 2016-01-08 23:56:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Okay, time for the business! Our Winter Holidays Giveaway has ended, thank you to everyone for participating! And we have the last (thankfully) update for One Way To Die! Read on... 3.5.0 Update - Choose Mode Our last update is in and it comes with the new Choose Mode, where the user can pick their fate instead of the computer. This mode must be activated by going into the Options section and toggling it on. Other than that, here is the change log:
- Added: Choose Mode, allows the player to pick their fate instead of the system
- Added: new menu graphic of "Now With Choose Mode"
- Added: screen for Choose Mode decision (good luck)
- Changed: community mode toggle to Choose Mode toggle
- Changed: small issue with upstream statistic reporting
- Fixed: small spelling and grammar issues, again
- Fixed: save file not saving sound/music preferences
[ 2016-01-01 20:33:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today is the last day for our Winter Holiday Giveaway where we are gifting 20 keys for the One Way To Die Deluxe DLC and 20 keys for Raise Your Own Clone, as well as one person getting a game of their choosing ($5 or less). Winners will be drawn tomorrow morning (US time). We will also be pushing the 3.5.0 update with Choose Mode tomorrow. To enable Choose Mode, go into the Options section and toggle it on. This allows the player to pick their fate instead of the computer doing it. We also have some announcements in early January for projects we have eluded to a while ago.
[ 2015-12-31 21:14:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
We usually don't do public beta builds prior to releasing updates but tis the seasons so we are adding one today for version 3.5.0 (Immolated). Here are some things we fixed and things we added that are now available for testing:
- Added: Choose Mode, allows the player to pick their fate instead of the system
- Added: new menu graphic of "Now With Choose Mode"
- Added: screen for Choose Mode decision (good luck)
- Changed: community mode toggle to Choose Mode toggle
- Changed: small issue with upstream statistic reporting
- Fixed: small spelling and grammar issues, again
- Fixed: save file not saving sound/music preferences
[ 2015-12-28 22:52:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey-o! A big thanks to everyone who submitted issues and bugs with the new X-Mas update. We tested it but some stuff got through the cracks, as it usually does. We issued a hotfix for these problems though! X-Mas Hotfix Version 3.4.1 [ 12/22/15 ]
- Fixed: game crashing when achievement fires, but still recorded fine
- Fixed: issue with normal version of game not recording trap disarming correctly
- Fixed: order of X-Mas deaths in list, present and candy cane were recording as the other
- Fixed: downstreaming of stats from CoaguCo to Steam causing crash
- Fixed: fixed leaderboard ordering on Fastest Completionist
[ 2015-12-23 17:54:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
It is that time of year again! Happy holidays to you all! Much has been going on so let's get down to it, in the order of this post's title! X-Mas Update We are pushing the last big update for One Way To Die with the X-Mas Update. This contains 10 new deaths, 1 new achievement (sorry), new menu and button graphics, as well as various fixes. We had intented the update to be live already, however due to some sticky bugs and travel arrangements the update will not go out until later today. Due to this delay we will be extending the X-Mas time frame in the game by three days. This gives you three additional days to get the new X-Mas achievement. UPDATE: The new X-Mas Update was just pushed to Steam's servers and should be going out to everyone soon enough! Sorry for the delay! Winter Sale 2015 The One Way To Die DLC is 50% off this holiday season, both on Steam and Itch.io. (though Itch buyers get a Steam key too). Our Steam and Itch sales run in tandem, so both should start and end at the same time. Our second game, Raise Your Own Clone, is also on sale over at Itch.io right now. If/when the game gets Greenlit, all purchasers will receive a Steam key as well. Game Giveaway As we are wont to do, right now we are doing another game giveaway in our Community Hub for One Way To Die. Use that link to get there and post a comment in the thread. Winners will receive one key for the One Way To Die DLC on Steam and one key for Raise Your Own Clone on Itch.io! More information in the thread and good luck to all those who enter! We will be back later in the day with information about the update when it launches and to squash any bugs that might arise. Have a happy and game-filled holiday this year!
[ 2015-12-22 14:36:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
To mirror our sale on Steam for their annual Autumn Sale we are doing an Itch.io sale at the same prices! You can get either the deluxe edition of One Way To Die for half off or Raise Your Own Clone for half off! One Way To Die Deluxe DLC is also 50% on Steam... since you're here anyway. Purchasers of One Way To Die Deluxe Edition on Itch.io also get a Steam key to redeem a copy on Steam. Raise Your Own Clone purchasers will get a Steam key if and when the games gets through Greenlight. Hint, hint. One Way To Die X-Mas Update is coming in December and Raise Your Own Clone's story two will be out a little late but the beginning of December... so very soon!
[ 2015-11-25 23:48:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Wait, didn't we just do a Halloween Steam Sale giveaway? We did! And ten unlucky winners got a free One Way To Die DLC key. But the Steam Sale ended on my birthday so we're doing another one... but slightly different and with more prizes! Head over to our One Way To Die Community Hub to get in on it. What Can I Win? We are giving ten winners two keys each. One key is for our newest game, Raise Your Own Clone, which is out on Itch.io right now (with a demo available) and still on Steam Greenlight. The other key is for the One Way To Die DLC upgrade on Steam. How Do I Win? The usual method we've been doing, just pick a number between 1 and 5000 then tell us what your favorite food is. Bonus internet points if it is something we hate. How Long Do I Have? We will run this giveaway for a week, ending sometime on Wednesday November 11th. So get in there!
[ 2015-11-05 03:28:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello there! We talked last week about all of this but it is finally here so let's get into it! Oh, and our DLC is now 50% for the duration of the Steam Halloween Sale, by the way. Halloween Update The new Halloween Mode is available every year from October 29th to November 2nd (Halloween to Day of the Dead time). You can change your computer clock to enable it. And here is the change log to the newest update:
- Added: Special Halloween Mode menu screen
- Added: Special jack-o-lantern exit button in-game
- Added: 10 new Halloweens deaths
- Added: New achievement, The Hallowest
- Fixed: More spelling and grammar fixes
- Fixed: Small engine changes for page loading
[ 2015-10-30 00:17:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are doing a Halloween update sometime next week in preparation for the Steam Halloween Sale, which will see the DLC discounted by 50% off. And we wanted to give the community a little heads up on our plans for it. Sabotage The community sabotage functions make a comeback but slightly altered. We discussed this a bit with people in the community and think we have arrived at a way to make the sabotaging other players work better. There is an option, turned off by default, for this which just keeps the sabotaging between you and the computer. If it is turned on, then someone from the community can act as a saboteur for everyone else. Those of you who have played it prior to us gutting this system will be familiar with it already. Halloween Mode There is a Halloween mode that goes into effect with the next update. It will add 10 new deaths that are only enabled during Halloween mode. Players have a window of five days to acquire these deaths... unless they set their clocks appropriately (specific dates will be announced with the update). For the achievement hunters, since we know you guys get kind of enraged when we add achievements, we are adding one more achievement for the Halloween update. We tried to think of a way around this but it fits with the way most of the others worked so it's coming. DLC Sale and Giveaway We are putting the DLC on sale for 50% and doing another giveaway in the Community Hub. This time we are giving away 5 DLC keys to people and more information on that will come out next week in the appropriate forum.
[ 2015-10-24 02:09:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
- One Way To Die: Steam Edition Linux [58.34 M]
- One Way To Die: Steam Edition Linux x32 [58.88 M]
- One Way To Die: Deluxe Edition
After waking from a terrifying dream of your own untimely death, you attempt to make your way to the Finnigan Brothers' Fun Park for its last day then back home again in this all new text-adventure from CoaguCo Industries. You must survive 10 pages of ridiculous deaths and traps spanning over 157 ways to die with no discernible way to navigate to safety. It's like playing Russian roulette with five chambers loaded, but more frustrating.
Warning, this game is reading. Lots and lots of reading.
The Steam Edition features:
- All-new Choose Mode so you can decide your fate instead of the computer
- 16 new deaths not in the stand-alone desktop version, nor the Android or web versions
- Two holidays modes: Halloween and X-Mas; active on their respective holidays
- New game feature: the Saboteur
- A bunch of new achievements
- Of course, all your stats are backed up on the Steam servers (and CoaguCo's if you have an account)
Now With Choose Mode
The new Choose Mode feature allows the player to pick their fate before each page instead of the computer doing it for you. This must be toggled in the Options section of the game before it is active. Using the Choose Mode feature will give you a prompt before each page asking you to input a number which will correspond with your death or success, then it will show you the result.
The web-based version of the game has been rebuilt from the ground up for PC (Windows and Linux) so you can repeatedly die across multiple platforms, if needs be. It features various graphical upgrades and sounds, as well as music from Azucar. Much like the Android and web versions, various statistics are logged and displayed to show progress from the different platforms and should allow for cross-platform progression.
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Higher
- Processor: 1.2 Ghz Dual-CoreMemory: 512 MB RAM
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: Intel. AMD. or Nvidia low profile
- Storage: 20 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Higher
- Processor: 1.8 Ghz Dual-CoreMemory: 1 GB RAM
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel. AMD. or Nvidia 1 GB dedicatedNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 20 MB available space
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