A hotfix for nanji jidi spawn issues on some systems and some other fixes.
- Nanji-Jidi spawn issues fixed.
- Neagh Lacus teleport issues fixed.
- Teleport issues in tuxing liu with the ladder fixed.
- [spoiler]Kan no longer tell Karen about killswitch if you missed that part of Val's conversation[/spoiler]
- Fixed some typos
[ 2024-04-14 09:49:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Indoor footsteps are less intrusive
- The landing sound no longer plays after a save when the player is on a metal surface
- New footstep sounds
- Fixed some lingering dialogue issues with Ling. (Pardon the pun)
[ 2024-04-09 18:31:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
A lot of improvements and bugfixes, from dejankification and quality of life stuff to fixes for some really obscure issues and quest logic. Including new (actual) voice for Adanech and ladder animations. Special thanks to Technomancer for the detailed bugreports. Spoiler alert.
- Ling has more comments on trade items
- Powered computer rooms now correctly substract 1500 watts thermal to the base heating consumption
- Door sounds at Tuxing Liu, Throat and Jingpo
- Torque Master no longer adds to rover self charge, and just reduces power consumption and increase speed as advertised
- New voice for Adanech
- Climbing stranded truck now has transition screen and climbing noise
- XP gain from producing Stimulant IV reduced to 50
- Added honqo motor spare to nanji jidi control center for use in your own rover if you fixed submarine
- Nanji jidi pathfinding improved
- Searchable area in tuxing easier to reach
- Death screen loading panels use same new UI paradigm as everything else
- Tuxing liu ladders to the roof now have animations, no longer walk straight up ladders
- Footsteps sounds in tuxing liu
- Fixed some missing dialogue audio and lines for Karen
- Added missing voice line for Daxia
- Fixed missing reference in Ling dialogue
- Negotiations no longer start with positive sway if there is no reason
- Val no longer gasps if she's not startled when initiating conversation
- Green, Green Grass of Home quest now properly flows if you ask Val about terraforming in every edge case
- Mouseover on Outpost overview panel no longer sticks when you close the inventory panel with hotkey
- Can no longer negatively power dormitories
- Can no longer re-initiate conversation with chinese rescuer after he helps you with stranded rover
- Fissile rods are now processable
- Daxia cleared from roster screen after loading a game where she's not recruited
- Map icons for survey locations turn green after succesful surveying
- Kivu Lacus spawn point no longer in a methane pool
- Cancelling trade with YatSen no longer keeps negotiation icon on screen
- Crashed satellite no longer plays double music
- Daxia no longer follows player after certain dialogue branches if she's at the outpost
- Getting a reward from Ling after finishing the second part of For The Republic will no longer retrigger the quest if you cancel the trade
- Buildable at Doom Mons now correctly plays a skill ping instead of a construction sound
- Buildable areas now correctly remove items even if they are quest items
- Can no longer click the dashboard in the stranded truck when you're not actually in the truck
- Barrel at stranded truck no longer disappears if you empty it
- Can no longer ask Ling about the satellite feed again remotely if you already asked him in person
- Option to report findings on crashed satellite to Karen no longer disappears if it was shown once
- Deepak dialogue audio mismatch fixed
- Fixed YatSen dialogue audio mismatch
- Fixed Yatsen end trade audio
- Added missing Karen audio when reporting about crash
- Fixed missing Ling audio reference
- Fixed 'examine' audio mismatch for Magnus
- Fixed Magnus typo
- Fixed some colors
- Finishing the "Green, Green Grass" quest causes the "Sabotage" quest to be abandoned if that was not already finished if you decided not to end the game there.
- Leaving the basement now force the jukebox music to stop even if you click more than one track
- Can no longer petition Ling for help after he's already provided peace talk options with Helene
- Asking to go to earth instead of mars after completing part 2 of "for the republic" while never having asked to leave Titan before will no longer result in Ling asking for quid pro quo again, he will recognize your help.
- Can only ask Ling about what you know about Bai after you actually know this and the crash investigation is complete
- nanji jidi magnus locations preserved
- Can no longer ask Ling if you can borrow Daxia if she's already at the Outpost
- Succesfull stat or skill checks right before dying from cold will now correctly display long enough to actually read them
- Shangri-la fake alien no longer floats
- shangri-la sporocarb removed from rover after magnus takes it
- Fixed tutorial issue where if you already transfered the coffee, spare parts or both from the inventory Before inventory tutorial started and then loaded a save right after, the inventory tutorial would restart after loading
- Tutorial will recognize if the coffee is neither in the outpost inventory or your personal inventory (eg you consumed it)
[ 2024-04-07 19:39:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor patch.
- Torque Master no longer applies a tenfold multiplier to Rover Self Charge.
[ 2024-03-28 09:36:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Rover moving at slow speed in Shangri-La on some systems fixed (hopefully, there is no way to check as I've never been able to reproduce it). The suspension button now resets rover movement parameters as a possible workaround.
- Suit issue in Tuxing Liu fixed.
- Construction bot hitbox tweaked.
[ 2024-01-04 09:42:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update fixes newly reported bugs, adds some QoL features and introduces manual fertilization! Shoutout to Alexander for the detailed bug report. Happy holidays and best wishes for 2024!
- New Mechanic: Fertilization. Nutrient consumption has been changed from a background process to a fertilization mechanic where you can use it to double food production for a while. Can be toggled in the Hydroponics Panel.
- Default skin and eye color are now selectable
- Coffee Seeds now processable in any amount
- Hesiod Whiskey now processable as well as the empty bottle
- Volcanic Shards now processable for 1 mineral so they're not useless after the initial discovery
- Stock panel now shows production
- Tab highlights now offset in world space instead of local space (meaning they're consistently slightly above the target) Note that tab will not highlight interactables that are 'hidden'. Don't use it as an alternative to thinking & exploring.
- Helene now explains what getting the Chinese satellite link does
- Opening and closing the orbital navigator no longer blocks hotkeys
- Tutorial no longer triggers power generator explanation after conversation with Misson Control if you've already constructed a pump
- Atmospheric Condensation Research now shows correct numbers
- Outpost Stock Panel Haber Generator shows correct numbers
- Fixed bug where table (item) buildables would not build due to a missing reference in certain cases
- Synthetic Biopolymers now refreshes polymer production number
- Fixed some colors
- Adanech no longer says "You again" if you never talked to her before
- Tab highlights no longer show highlights on floors that are not currently visible
- Saving and loading in Tuxing Liu will now correctly remember if you're in a suit or not
- Broken transponder can be processed
- Using science on strange materials no longer lets you add research more than once
- Can No Longer ask Phil why he's here if the story already moved past that point
- Can talk to Phil about whiskey even if you use the get all button to fetch it
- Can no longer farm disposition with Phil
- After bringing the special cargo to Magnus and it appears outside his camp, you can no longer click it to view the excavation site again
- Removed handbrake functionality from Rover in Shrangi-la as it didn't do anything that reversing can't do and it would have infinite torque on some systems
[ 2023-12-19 18:15:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed rare issue where the toolbar wouldn't appear on some systems given certain dialogue choices in the opening sequence.
[ 2023-11-26 04:29:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix for a hotkey issue with some minor improvements.
- Hotkeys sometimes didn't work after a cutscene
- Sleep when tired checkbox text no longer disappears
- New Talt Logo from The Jovian System
- Added a fatigue warning to the timelapse panel. Especially useful for caffeine addict trait.
- Improved legibility of some dropdowns
[ 2023-09-16 13:37:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Cryovolcano exit clickable area increased, can no longer click inaccessible terrain and teleport
- Tuxing Liu door bug fixed (you could click the inside>out interactable when you're outside if you angled it just right)
- Fungus terrain now handled with a shader instead of changing terrain, reducing Outpost vicinity loading time by 4 seconds in some cases.
- Default Run now persistent. Being in the base or rover no longer defaults to walking.
- 'Hope' ending slide improved
[ 2023-08-24 20:06:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just 1 fix: Spamming the ESC key in quick succession during the intro cutscenes will no longer block the UI.
[ 2023-07-14 07:53:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're almost nearing Titan Outpost's four year anniversary! Even though I'm working hard on The Jovian System, there were still some minor issues that came up in the last year that needed fixing. I also backported some QoL features.
- Tank overview now shows if you hover the mouse over the Outpost on the logistical map.
- Orbital Navigator button colors now consistent amber.
- Can now enter his vehicle if Magnus is dead to steal his stuff.
- Smoothed out terrain in Shangri-La where the Rover could get stuck.
- Moved to new Unity LTS version.
- Models update to accommodate new Unity FXB standard. Most already were compliant, some were not.
- Construction and Research will complete upon clicking the stopwatch icon in the timepanel more often as the estimates are updated during the timelapse.
- Construction and Research now update on completion even if you have both the construction/research panels open and the time panel. No need to refresh either.
- FPS capped to 60 if VSync is off for lower spec systems. VSync approach changed.
- Minor typos in dialogue fixed.
- Some stat indicator colors changed to consistent amber.
- Can no longer put back the fuel rods in the stranded Chinese truck if you're not actually carrying them.
- Turn smoothing now completely uncoupled from frame delta so that the character no longer spins in place.
- Mission log button color fixed.
- Email inbox list no longer on top of message body on certain screens.
- Polelya Macula exploration percentage corrected.
- Clicking on Magnus' private stash will no open dialogue with Magnus and show his name instead of the MagnusWorldSpaceAvatar.
- Chair no longer clips through Magnus' frozen body.
- Fixed Magnus death message.
- Mushrooms are visible again in the outside greenhouse.
- Hacking Throat of Kraken door while equipped with Ling's Transponder now works.
[ 2023-06-04 14:39:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy 2023 Everyone! This update adds a few requested QoL features, two special achievements, lots of little tweaks and a few fixes for rare issues. Meanwhile, The Jovian System is slowly moving towards Alpha. Keep your eyes peeled!
New Features
- See search area exploration progress on world map. Shows up on the hover panel, split by search tier.
- New Achievement for exploring every searchable area in the game on the 'No Stone Unturned' tier.
- New Achievement for hooking up a pump at every lake on Karl's list.
- Added some UI features that should improve SteamDeck compatibility. You still need mouse emulation.
- Improved tab highlighting, better arrows, faster rendering, uniform scaling
- Changed the way the game handles Steam Achievements
- Slightly optimized loading times
- Restructured build, decrease total file size
- Shipment animations improved if you're in orbital navigator while they arrive.
- Game now ends gracefully if you stall the time limit post-end for over a year by never leaving or entering the base. Don't know why anybody would do that, but you technically could, so this is now accommodated.
- "For the republic" now moves to complete as soon as the threshold is met. You can then talk to Ling about it. You can still keep gathering nitrogen to increase you faction relation with the Chinese.
- Changed wording of 'Applied Physics' perk to reflect maximum skill points
- Herschel nexus bottom no longer ignores fog
- Removed some jitter from the default idle animation
- Made sure the animation doesn't cause the suit's lamps to be annoying when reaching willy
- Willy's helmet now uses the high res version of the model
- Timelapse hotkey now works in the orbital navigator when it's free.
- Switching from hesiod to another location in orbital navigator now transitions camera smoothly
- Orbiting freighter now accurately refllects the size of the new shipment even if you were already in the orbital navigator
- Corrected Horst compensation values in negotiation panel
- Jingo Lacus searchable area no longer tied to Kivu lacus
- Fixed a dialogue line where the audio didn't match the text
- Fixed bug where detecting Kivu Lacus would make Vaenern Lacus Group visible
- Fixed obscure issue where mining quest wouldn't move forward past Sionascaig
- Satellite crash now shows correctly if you're in the orbital navigator while it happens
[ 2023-01-04 21:55:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor fixes and improvements.
- Uranium processing typo fixed.
- Add info about skill limit (5) to character generator help screen.
- Fixed some typos in the F1 help texts.
- Fixed missing audio when talking to Karl about Aiguo and Bai.
- Buttons in character generator and builder UI no longer have a few elements with text too close to the margins.
- Color in dialogue when more than one character is talking now consistent amber.
- Construction UI now opens on the outside LTAM during the tutorial, preventing issues with moving the tutorial forward if you used the construction system prior to triggering that part of the tutorial and didn't exit it properly.
- Can scroll down research help screen past the last line.
- Added an arrow to the crate image in the pump help screen to indicate setup.
- Fixed some typos in item descriptions.
- Fixed a typo in the distress beacon scenario.
- Getting the lost plutonium shipment on foot before getting the quest from Karen will no longer put the mission on active after Karen mentions it.
- Slightly decreased loading time of Outpost exterior when loaded for the first time in a session.
[ 2022-07-14 08:45:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- 'There Can Be Only One' achievement fixed.
- Tom Parker conversation typo fixed.
- Megiddo ending has one more option.
[ 2022-06-11 22:48:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Lots of minor fixes.
- Changed some wrong colors of yellow to the consistent amber.
- Amount tag for items during transfer no longer misaligned on widescreen resolutions.
- Various typos fixed.
- Searchable Area box text bottom margin corrected on some resolutions.
- Changed ugly terrain cutoff in Throat of Kraken that would be visible on certain screen resolutions.
- Fixed some janky pathfinding in some of the lakes
- If you have multiple crashed drones, hovering over a crashed drone location on the rover world map no longer highlights the location of the first crashed drone.
- Global prices are no longer affected by striking a deal with a single vendor. You need to negotiate prices down for each trade.
- Negotiating a price down successfully with an NPC with whom you have a negative relation value will now properly reflect it if the relation is too bad for the price to effectively drop.
- Can now properly equip Ling's transponder.
- Drone repair alerts now always show the correct drone ID.
- Metal footstep sounds in Sotonera Lacus changed to rock.
- Added missing audio for Daisuke dialogue line in one of the endings.
- Talking to Yat-sen after he helps you with the investigation no longer locks the mouse.
[ 2022-05-01 10:19:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[ 2022-04-28 19:50:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few fixes for issues related to the new UI code.
- All Survey Missions have a working compass again.
- The 'autoswitch' toggle in the rover GUI is easier to click.
[ 2022-03-18 07:58:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few fixes.
- Opening an email in resolutions with more square aspect ratios will no longer have an overlapping 'OK' button.
- Vestigial 'Negotiate' option for Daxia removed.
- Can no longer modify the space elevator when it's already been modified in the optimal way.
[ 2022-03-11 15:51:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix, game would crash on some systems while enabling brightness mode from the main menu.
[ 2022-03-07 14:47:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
People have been requesting support for more resolutions since release. It's here and Titan Outpost now supports most aspect ratios. Due to the way the game was set up, this used to be impossible. However, since developing more flexible UI code for The Jovian System, I decided to implement this -the code, not the UI itself which is completely different- in Titan Outpost. This took a lot of donkey work, making sure the interface scaled well and every UI element was updated. Why? Because I want as many people as possible to be able to play the game, and because using this more flexible UI system makes the game more future proof. Widescreens are becoming more prevalent, for example. Enjoy.
- UI overhaul, with support for any resolution.
- Quitting to menu while leveling up will no longer keep the levelup screen open.
[ 2022-03-04 10:02:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
One fix.
- Added a dialogue option for Horst where you can ask about the exploration missions in between the Nexus landing and finishing your first computer room. Asking him about minerals will no longer restart the survey mission.
[ 2022-02-18 15:35:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some requested QoL features, fixes and overall polish.
- Free cam scrollrate increased.
- Toolbar collapse state stored in save.
- Tiny toolbar setting persists when restarting game.
- Default free cam position aligned with static cam position.
- Camera preference stored through scene transition.
- Flying blind quest now reiterates that the crash site is somewhere in the Poritin Planitia, as is stated in dialogue when you get the quest.
- Timeline updates automatically when constructions are complete.
- Shadows in Basehub don't look jagged anymore.
- NiHao perk available to any character with >7 intelligence.
- Fatigue level for caffeine addicts no longer causes a burst of timelapse loops while decaffeinating during travel
- Perk selection panel will no longer show after opening character screen after quickloading while it was already open.
- Goal dropbox superfluous whitespace removed.
- Cryovolcano horizon renders without a weird vertical line
- Tutorial will now accept having spare parts but not having coffee in the outpost inventory
- Installing thermocouple now reflects new amount.
- Construction timeline more accurate, construction times increased.
- Continuity error with Adanech talking about Kang fixed
[ 2022-01-29 14:14:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.31 is beefier than the 1.3 milestone, with a lot of improvements. A few players provided more detailed feedback, from bugs that still needed to be fixed to major and minor annoyances. Gotta fix 'em all! Once again a heartfelt thank you to these players for helping me polish the game. To improve mid game challenge I've also incorporated some balance tweaks. Spoiler alert.
- Stock from traders is no longer unlimited, market prices respond to global availability, stock refreshed gradually with every shipment.
- Rover diagram changed, reflects damage when you break down on the world map screen.
- Secret achievement now triggers directly instead of when you finish the game. It's also a little easier to get.
- Tabs of the inventory panel that do not require the inventory buttons no longer show them.
- Daxia's Rover upgrade now described in rover tab.
- Nitrogen for 'For the Republic' quest can be tracked in Outpost stock window.
- Chinese message after satellite crashed changes depending on what you did at their base, if you visit them very early in the game.
- Easier to sit down at the driver's seat when the rover crashes.
- Stranded Rover now has a proper location sprite.
- Added Herschel Condcuctors research profile for the minor free upgrade you get when you build the first supercomputer.
- Made Herschel Thermoelectric more expensive.
- Main Menu on the title screen less jittery and consistent with the rest of the new UI. Improved legibility of a few screens.
- Logistical map now only changes to rotation icon when you right click, like it does in the rover world map. Rotation clickable area increased.
- Sunny disposition now lets you have 150% morale instead of a reduced decrease, anything over 100 is called 'sunny'.
- Quantum Dot Thermoelectrics nerfed.
- Yat-sen plutonium stock lowered.
- Tuxing Liu Hangar ladder is now an interactable where you can spy on Daxia. It tells you to use the elevator instead.
- Improved lighting and shadows in the main base hub.
- Player headlights improved in Outpost vicinity.
- Slightly reduced loading time for Outpost vicinity.
- Debuffs and rebuffs now work correctly when combining multiple consumables and having them expire on top of each other.
- Stoic now correctly lowers morale decrease by 80%.
- If you skip time and switch the date format, it will reflect the change without refreshing the window.
- Movement commands are blocked while interacting with something and not queued up.
- Exiting the inside builder interface with the Melt/Excavate icon in placement mode will no longer mess with the positioning highlight.
- Tooltips no longer persist if you close a window while they're active.
- Persuasion Goals no longer get hidden after the first negotiation in a game session.
- While hooking up a pump, adding a part to the pump itself will no longer place it in front of the pump regardless of blockage.
- Ling will now correctly take your transponder in all dialogue paths where he says he will.
- Items removed from inventory through dialogue are no longer selected in the inventory panel.
- Sparrow Lacus no longer has a broken pump in place if Abaya Lacus has a pump installed.
- Double VO line about the decoder chip for Karl fixed.
- Getting Torque Master perk more than once in a single game session (After reloading and picking it again) no longer stacks its effects.
- Inventory and Equipment tabs are now easier to click when you're on the Rover tab.
- Interactable for Talt Lander in the Outpost vicinity no longer shows an arrow deep underground when highlighting points of interest.
- Horst double dialogue fixed when asking about Herschel Polymers.
- Removed shipment notification after trading with Yat-Sen (his items have always been directly put in your inventory).
- Opening research after loading a save with less progress than the current one will no longer show research that is not yet available if the research panel was open while loading.
- Tutorial no longer displays old message on quickload.
- Rover exit screen will no longer overlay contextual item use image if you apply an item to something just before.
- Yat-sen interaction spot no longer moves the player character up a fraction.
- Tuxing liu control center door fixed
- Running animation glitch when clicking on interactables before arriving at one fixed.
- Toolbar tooltip being enabled on reload fixed.
[ 2022-01-19 12:33:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Thanks to very helpful completionist Hety for finding more and more obscure bugs.
Spoiler alert.
- Guabonito logistics exploit fixed.
- For The Republic quest will now correctly allow you to bring Daxia if you get the quest by way of asking Ling for assistance with the main conflict.
- Transponder clone exploit fixed.
- Daxia disposition exploit with the photograph fixed.
- High Awareness will show exact disposition value even with higher values.
- Kuo will no longer be both in the Rover and at the mess hall table after you bring him back to Tuxing Liu without repairing the generator.
- Stealing Chinese plutonium from the rooftop now mentions it's from a separate cache.
- Can no longer quickload/save during the ending slides. This caused unpredictable behaviour.
- Hacking Ling's laptop no works as intended.
- Extracting Plutonium from multiple Strange Materials in sequence is no longer cumulative.
- Fixed rare issue where Tanks and Drones wouldn't reset to buildable after being completed too fast (for cheating builds).
[ 2022-01-03 14:29:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.259 Update.
- Choosing 'Cancel' when exiting the rover at the Outpost will no longer block the exit window.
- Characters with the 'Rich Kid' trait now get the proper amount of extra money and adjusted faction relations.
- Drone tutorial now reflects the changes made in the last update.
- Corrected a dialogue response in Van Hoorn conversation.
- Some help file typos fixed.
- Assigning an NPC to management/maintenance will now also maintain drones.
- Can negotiate with Karen for codes even when you convinced her earlier for a lower tier goal.
- Cleaned up some UI elements.
[ 2021-12-17 22:31:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Removed superfluous 'wait for empty tank' toggle for drones at the Outpost destination. Not waiting for an empty tank there is nearly always pointless so it is now always on.
- Fixed a minor drone issue.
[ 2021-09-20 13:11:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few fixes.
- Removed obsolete toggle for weight restrictions in the settings menu.
- Fixed a problem where a tank would be cloned.
- A few typos.
[ 2021-09-03 13:02:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Processing items multiple times in the Outpost inventory exploit fixed.
[ 2021-06-30 16:06:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few minor fixes
- Dealing with the jammer in Hetpet Regio will now show the survey as 'done' immediately as well.
- Easier to enter Magnus' vehicle in Shangri-La while in Free Camera mode.
- Guabonito precipice skill bar now double checks if it is available to open.
[ 2021-04-26 20:56:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just two fixes.
- The 'how many?' dialog box for processing in the Outpost inventory screen bug fixed.
- Deselecting a trait in the character generator screen will show "No Trait".
[ 2021-04-07 08:25:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixing the Atmospheric Leak leaves you in your suit at the base, it will no longer deplete the battery while inside.
- Tutorial now teaches player to assign waypoints to Outpost first, lake second.
- Wording in 'strange materials' science skill application on the use time panel now states that science skill is needed.
- Ling will immediately respond to your progress in the 'For the Republic' quest, you no longer have to ask him about leaving Titan a second time.
- Fixed typo in Jukebox.
[ 2021-03-24 11:42:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds a bit of content, a few items, some research and compresses the timeline. Also, a few fixes and optimizations. Before I go into detail with the changelog, however, I'd like to announce a followup game, called The Jovian System. It's still early in development but you can put it on your wishlist right now. I'll make a dedicated announcement here later. Here is the breakdown of the 1.25 update.
New Content
- More hazardous events added.
- Power Girdle item added back in.
- Making second special rations added back in. Including 'Moonshiner' perk.
- NPCs will occassionally be in the basement depending on their schedule.
- More crew interaction.
- Jukebox in the basement is now interactable.
- [spoiler]Stealing Chinese plutonium from the roof vent now properly implemented.[/spoiler]
- Titan Anatomy research added.
- Stimulant IV item Added.
- Compressed timeline. The Megiddo arrives a year earlier.
- Added autosave. Periodically saves when you're inside the rover or at the base.
- Talt Lander now has loot.
- Added more seeds throughout the game. A bit easier to get +8 morale and full fruit/vegetable diversity.
- Removed annoying 'Saving...' alert message.
- Drone cost and build difficulty increase.
- Atmospheric Leak Random Event likelyhood increased.
- Can now Process items from outpost stock screen as well.
- Better Tuxing Liu arrival cutscene performance.
- Roster panel now shows a message when crew morale is suboptimal.
- Some crew members will get a heavier morale hit without a living room.
- Crew pathfinding improved.
- Items found on dead driver in stranded vehicle will no longer randomly disappear from inventory in certain circumstances.
- Hesiod now orbits farther away from the space elevator in the orbital view.
- Freighter now shows extra layers after shipment 17 in the orbital view.
- Suit modifiers update immediately when removing equipment, no need to refresh.
- Can no longer tell Karl about William again after asking Karen to talk to Karl.
- The table with the honqo motor in Throat of Kraken now shows up as an interactable when hitting TAB.
- Roof glitch in Tuxing Liu fixed.
[ 2021-03-15 13:23:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
A very happy 2021 to all. Here's another Titan Outpost update with a few fixes and some requested QoL features. Big announcement soon!
- Befriending the construction bot with the 'On the Spectrum Trait' has more benefits.
- Rover Suit charge toggle maintains its setting.
- When you pick up the coffee and spare parts from the outpost inventory before the tutorial tells you to, you can now proceed without ending the tutorial entirely.
- Bribe value allows for manual input again.
- Landing site description improved.
- Savegame names limited to alphanumeric characters to prevent issues on some systems.
- Current research difficulty is now always stored in save, using a low difficulty research to jumpstart a high difficulty research exploit no longer works.
- Applied Science exploit fixed.
- Awareness Exploit for the Herschel Nexus fixed.
- Ara Fluctus searchable description typo fixed.
- Discovering stranded rover by walking in and out when you crash will no longer put the rover in another spot on the world map.
- Clipping camera issue at the Outpost fixed.
- Changed execution order of Rover starting point in Shangri-La. This should fix the issue were the Rover moves extremely slowly on entry. Unconfirmed.
- Tuxing Liu water now shows up on all graphics settings and you can no longer walk through some of it.
- Rare tank/pump bug fixed.
- Herschel exploration mission XP exploit fixed.
- Tasking Val to exploration will now show the proper amount of minerals gathered.
[ 2021-01-01 13:28:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few fixes and a much requested feature: Interactable highlighting! Once again, thanks for all the feedback and kind words. Special mention to Technomancer for being an exceptional bug hunter. Coming up soon: News about a new game in development.
- Interactable highlighting added. A big arrow is displayed above the interactable. Default key is Tab and can be altered in the Input settings. Only highlights interactables, not searchable areas.
- You can now acquire a piece of the cryovolcano ice sculpture with your pick axe.
- Character generation sliders no longer reset when switching between attributes.
- Can no longer get stacked discounts from Horst. You can still get a higher discount later when you improve relations or increase your negotiation skill.
- Can no longer deploy a pump at the satellite crash site.
- Can no longer exploit reporting Magnus to Ling in different ways to farm XP.
- Can no longer farm dispisition points with Jade by asking her how she's doing multiple times in a row.
- Sand at Shangri-La digsite appears when it should.
- Shangri-La rock formation no longer has some rocks floating in the air.
- Third search tier in Menvra Cistern now yields 10 minerals as intended.
- Fixed stat check for an early altercation.
- Fixed 'Set by Karen' tag showing up for spaceships that don't carry methane.
- Fixed bug where character stats wouldn't always refresh when using the hotkey to open the sheet.
- Antagonising Karl in an early conversation will no longer have his face utter lines that are actually said by Karen.
- Referring to the science of the radio tower in an early conversation will no longer skip a node.
- Skipping the introduction cutscenes by hitting ESC rapidly will no longer prevent the fatigue level from being stuck until the first conversation.
[ 2020-11-18 17:26:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
QoL improvements, minor fixes.
- Can now delete characters from the load game panel.
- Saving a new game puts focus on inputfield automatically.
- Can confirm new save name with enter/return key.
- Compass will no longer show the first search entry number after finishing a survey search.
- Fixed a few dialogue inconsistencies.
[ 2020-10-27 19:42:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some more fixes and improvements. Again, thanks for the input, everyone.
- Esc and Space skip cutscenes rather than any key. Useful if you want to make screenshots during a cutscene.
- Free camera position now restored after cutscenes, not just after loading.
- [spoiler]Asking the Helene Ambassador for assistance with the final showdown has one less prerequisite (you can still change the goal to 'sue for world peace' to get a 10 difficulty negotiation like before).[/spoiler]
- Drone bug fixed where Tank 1 could get stuck on multiple locations if it went to Bolsena Lacus and then spread.
- Containers wouldn't reset after restarting a new game after finishing it under certain circumstances. The game should now reset universally when creating a new character no matter how you end it or if you die.
- EMP cannon at Doom Mons will appear if you place it, leave, restore and go back.
- Player character turn radius decreased at Doom Mons so smaller characters will trigger the exit interaction more easily.
- Coming back to Doom Mons after placing the EMP cannon will get the morale boost from the beautiful view, but acknowledge that the cannon is there.
- Can now tell Karl what IPMS tells you in the very first conversation even if you skip that conversation right after.
- Added missing dialogue audio for Karen (Chinese email).
- Ling acknowledges that Daxia has finished her nitrogen modifications at the Outpost no matter what path she took.
- Bolsena Lacus total methane content fixed.
- Vaenern Lacus group total methane content fixed.
- Opening and canceling a pump hookup action will no longer block ESC key
- Extra surge button removed. Surge buttons conform to the new UI.
[ 2020-10-17 09:17:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Quite a few new players around, hope you're all enjoying the game! Once again, thanks for the feedback and don't hesitate to get in touch. Some fixes and optimizations.
- Drone maintenance completion messages are now limited to one per drone per timelapse.
- Timelapse calculations optimized, especially noticable with a high amount of drones.
- Can no longer get stuck at the radio tower if you press quickload/quicksave really quickly after dismissing the tutorial window.
- Achievements related to the Density quest now trigger when they should in all endings.
- Fixed bug where one of the Megiddo endings wouldn't show ending slides in rare circumstances.
- Added missing audio for Daisuke in the leadup conversation to the 'mediocre performance' IASA ending.
[ 2020-10-12 10:34:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a few minor fixes.
Spoiler warning.
- Infinte XP exploit fixed where you could close the generator panel while installing the upgrade, allowing you to to it again.
- Alert panels now block other input. Text margin for alert panels increased.
- Generator panel moved up a few pixels so it never overlaps with the toolbar.
- Fixed a bug where the negotiation panel would sometimes be blocked.
- Fixed a bug where Ekta's avatar would disappear under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where Val would sometimes show up in two places at once if you convinced her to stop the sabotage mission.
- Fixed a bug where the 'missing vehicles' quest wouldn't move to complete.
- Added 'report to ling' to 'missing vehicles' quest descriptions.
- Fixed a bug where you could report something to Ling you didn't know about yet.
[ 2020-09-26 09:56:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains a few minor improvements and fixes. One of the endings gets a proper slide for a rare state and another ending is easier to access.
- Outpost freezing over has its own death screen.
- Outpost temperature warning is now a timelapse-halting event.
- Buttons on generator panel more responsive.
- Singularity ending [spoiler]where Titan is rammed into Earth[/spoiler] easier to access.
- New Ending slide for players who power down the singularity and then finish the game another way.
- Spacebar dismisses alerts. Can be set in the hotkeys menu.
- Roster manual now explains what the tasks are.
- Characters with the 'Caffeine Addict' trait can now get the inventory and sleep tutorials even if they skip the fatigue level check by saying they just need a cup of coffee.
- Leaving the heat off without triggering death exploit fixed.
- Outpost no longer reaches temperatures below absolute zero.
- Missing audio for reporting crash information to Karl fixed.
- Rover would sometimes not trigger regaining its full speed after leaving an area of interest in Shangri-La.
- Researching Strange Materials moves that quest entry for the 'Density' quest even if you report it to Magnus out of order.
- Can no longer get stuck at the Nanji-Jidi dam control center if you don't have certain skills. A soft failstate option has been added.
- The IPMS wealthy ending now correctly shows the player character even if the PC is female.
- IPMS remembers the singularity if you don't disconnect it manually, you still have to ask about it.
- A powered down singularity will not help earth, and you get the brown eco ending as intended.
- Singularity state is now taken into account with the Megiddo ending.
- Tom Parker world space avatar through the intercom fixed for Megiddo ending.
- Can no longer prevent Tom from contacting Daisuke if you quickly click on something else.
- Help Screen in Shangri-La no longer overlaps with other help screen if you press F1.
[ 2020-09-15 12:27:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
The OST now includes the two new tracks from the expansion content, Shangri-La and Nanji Jidi.
[ 2020-09-09 10:40:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Enjoy this content expansion and interface overhaul! The game already had plenty of content, but a particular side plot was left open-ended to account for planned DLC. The DLC idea has been scrapped and it is now a free update to the game. Apart from that, the main complaint people had about the game since it became stable was the interface, which has gotten a lot of love and attention. Is it still old school? Yes. But it's now more responsive and intuitive, consistently legible and easier on the eyes. Again, I'd like to thank everyone for the valuable feedback.
Key points:
- A new major mid-game sidequest delves into the mystery of the Strange Materials and provides more insight into certain factions in the game. About two hours of new content.
- Tied to this quest is a new character who will take you on a wild trip with unconventional science.
- Two new locations, one where you get to drive the Rover manually.
- Two new tracks added to the soundtrack.
- A new ending and ending states for the existing endings.
- New research, items and perks.
- The entire interface has been redone with better contrast, more awareness of overlapping clutter and better usability. Its still an old-school affair, but its a lot easier on the eyes. Also includes mappable hotkeys and a special mode for people who have problems reading yellow text.
- The point-and-click system is now instantaneous and responsive. The character will move to an interactable location and no longer slow down to settle in.
- Many optimizations, fixes and updates.

New Construction Station:

New Map:


All other parts of the UI, such as inventory, tutorial, quest log, research, navigation, shipments, searches etc. have also been revamped. A teaser screenshot from the new quest:

Complete changelog:
The key points above have been added, as well as:
- All backgrounds are consistent and text-heavy areas are darker to improve contrast.
- No more overlapping UI elements with too much transparency.
- Items now become unselected when processed.
- Hotkeys are now mappable in a new 'input' section in the settings. Directional keys can be mapped in the launcher configuration.
- Straight from rover to outpost button.
- White Text mode is now an option in video settings, for people who have problems reading yellow.
- Tiny Toolbar mode option in video settings. Enable this if you think the toolbar is too large.
- Jingo Lacus Deploy button now shows even when you can't deploy and will show you the reason why. (Zone is under Chinese control.)
- ICE XI purpose made clearer.
- Increased plutonium amount in crashed satellite.
- Strange Material description no longer references Polelya Macula [spoiler]because it can be found in Guabonito as well.[/spoiler]
- Free cam added to Cryovolcano.
- Player lights now follow head animation when this is visible.
- Can no longer drive the rover with arrow or WASD keys when you're not at the driver's seat. (This would move the player out of a location when typing w a s or d in a savegame)
- Vehicle camera doesn't follow tilt as much when driving the manual construction bot.
- Max limb size reduced at character creation.
- Ambient temperature of outpost reflects slight temperature rise due to fungal growth.
- Submarine can now be controlled by the keys defined as horizontal, vertical, roll, and pitch as well as the buttons on the submarine screen.
- More ways to get rid of Val when she's in the base.
- Pressing F1 (or whatever key you've mapped to 'help') will now open context-relevant help screen instead of main instructions.
- IPMS Voice can now be set separately in audio settings.
- Skipping the tutorial shuts up IPMS immediately.
- Interactable clicks directly responsive, character 'easing in' animation cut.
- Research currently researching text more consistent.
- Hologram effect for Logistical Map and Research Station improved. This was possible after redoing the interface.
- Death now closes search panel, acquire shipment panel and suit alert panels.
- Free camera stops moving when you're using the interface in the Frozen Lander.
- Frozen lander computer now has a portrait.
Bug Fixes
- Stranded Chinese Truck crane skill buttons no longer hide after you use the logistics skill when you could still apply another one.
- If Louam is occupying the bed in your rover while you rescue Kuo, Kuo sits next to the bed instead of lying on top of Louam.
- Bolsena Lacus has proper double mining rate.
- Dialogue with High Command dead end fixed.
- Passing a single day wouldn't advance research under certain circumstances.
- Dialogue inconsistency where you could mention Val mentioning something to Karl before you talked to Val.
- Val inconsistency before the crash fixed.
- Fixed rare bug where you couldn't build more tanks.
- "cannot sleep while caffeinated" notification no longer overlaps with work menu.
- Characters with Caffeine Addict trait recover from lower fatigue levels without stacking debuffs.
- Saving and loading in the bedroom at the throat of Kraken will now properly occlude the roof.
- Fixed crashed satellite memory module not triggering conversation option for Karl under rare circumstances.
- Watching the sculpture at the Cryovolcano no longer has a chance of hiding the skill icons permanently.
- Ling properly reacts to your transponder, both when you have it in your inventory or have it equipped.
- Kuo no longer immediately tells you about the sub if you somehow fixed it before ever talking to him, he will still talk about his predicament first.
- Added missing dialogue audio Kuo when you fail the negotiation with Kuo.
- Frozen, dead Adanech would sometimes appear in her bed even if she was still alive.
- Clicking on the outpost inventory in the stock room will open the inventory screen more than once.
- Leaving multiple rechargeable batteries in the inventory will no longer yield a single superbattery after loading.
- Stacked herschel polymers can now be processed, herschel polymers can be stacked.
- Picking a profile for NPC now blocks other input. Can no longer get stuck with Ekta.
- Ekta is no longer tagged as the player. This would turn the player into Ekta if you saved and loaded at a specific time, very rare and actually quite funny, but still a bug.
- Research images cleaned up.
- Outline in drone image fixed.
- Fixed bug where toolbar would show up after a certain negotiation result with Karen.
- Coming down from a caffeine boost while the time panel is disabled shows the correct buff value.
- Various typos.
1.211 Changelog
[ 2020-08-12 19:11:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a big one, with new features, lots of small UI improvements, bug fixes and even a new quest! The new quest is called 'Refuel Enceladus' and starts out as a simple request from Horst. You can choose to simply follow his instructions or go down another path. This was a late-game, end of 2078 quest cut from the game to be part of an expansion. The expansion is shaping up to be a completely separate entity, though, so part of the threads that were left open for expansion content will make their way into the base game. It's a short quest with three paths and the ability to obliterate an entire faction. It's short, but two paths have major repercussions, a lot of reactivity and tie up loose ends if you work against the Chinese. That's a convoluted way of saying there's free new content. Current players take note: The redundant sleep screen is gone. Fatigue level and sleep deficit are now shown in timelapse panel. Again, thanks to everyone for the continued feedback.
New features and improvements
- 'Refuel Enceladus' quest added.
- New ending slide for complete destruction of Helene.
- New achievement for destroying Helene.
- Helene can now be destroyed to complete Mass Murder Alibi without Yat-Sen's help. Or for people who want to kill everyone.
- Can now talk to Ling through the comms channel for menial things like asking about Jingpo Lacus or the Satellite feed. He will refuse to discuss delicate affairs remotely, however.
- Chinese quests move to complete (failure) if you kill them.
- You can 'rest while tired' when in the rover.
- Asking Ling about Jingpo Lacus is more forgiving.
- Can't request access to Chinese satellite from Helene without requesting permission from Ling first.
- Daxia and Louam will respond to your transgressions against the Chinese. You can convince Louam to stay with Poker Face or Charisma 10, but Daxia will just sneak out.
- Set of 5 girders buildable item added.
- Tutorial reworked to accomodate getting rid of the sleep screen.
- Morale loss for staying in rover reduced slightly.
UI improvements
- The sleep screen is gone. Fatigue level and sleep deficit are now shown in timelapse panel. It was clunky, redundant and confusing to new players. Clicking on a bed now shows your sleep deficit.
- Timeline clock icon improved.
- Mission Log now has checkboxes, checkmarks and status colors.
- Mission Log description headers are now a little offset.
- Mission Log now uses the correct amber color.
- Mission Log more consistent interpunction. (Only on new playthroughs because descriptions are stored in the savegame)
- Failed or subverted quest entries are now shown as red.
- Vnern Lacus Group title no longer overflows in the 'entering location' panel.
- Player driven timed special events now show up in timeline. For example, the Herschel nexus arriving.
- Base modules can no longer be placed by right click. (used for scrolling, this prevents accidental placement)
- Dates for mission log and 'shipment due' are now consistently formatted.
- Available Channels List is updated when you open the panel, not when you enter the command center.
- Scrolling through savegame buttons with mouse wheel is faster.
- Remaining food display in inventory Stock Panel is split into two lines, food days remaining turns red when you have less than five days of food.
- Mission log blocks camera scrolling.
- Character names within 2 characters of the character limit no longer overflow the save/load name tags.
- Email message headers wider.
- Searchable area in Vnern Lacus Group now has missing tier 2 item.
- Fungal Growth dropbox state in the Roster panel is now saved.
- Daxia wasn't clickable on some systems, interactable spot increased.
- Daxia no longer sometimes appears at Tuxing Liu when she's at the Outpost.
- Val no longer sometimes appears in the Cave when she's at the Outpost.
- The elvator room in the base builder view no longer shows an interactable cursor.
- Melt/Excavate cursor no longer occasionally disappears on systems that don't support changing the size of the hardware cursor.
- Basement computer room size reduced so character doesn't get stuck.
- Fixed bug where Karen would keep getting angry about the misappropriated satellite materials if you tell her "It was Karl's idea".
- Orbital navigator Herschel Station list button works (you could only select it using the prev/next buttons)
- Negotiation Panel now correctly blocks hotkeys.
- Missing audio line fixed for Daxia.
- Daxia dialogue dead end fixed.
- 'Applied Physics' perk exploit fixed.
- Drone upgrade 'not enough polymers' color fixed.
- Daxia and Louam's corpses will no longer appear at Tuxing Liu if everybody dies there if they are at the Outpost.
Known Issues
- Someone reported a disappearing toolbar, but we haven't been able to reproduce this after the latest fix. Getting rid of the sleep screen removes a lot of pitfalls regarding this, so hopefully resolving that issue is a beneficial side effect.
- Drones AI is still erratic on very rare occasions.
- People really want a rover-to-outpost button so that may make it in.
- The negotiation system could be clearer on what's going on.
- General Help still references sleep screen.
- Tutorial Layout a little wide for optimal reading on some screens.
What's next?
First off, as more people start playing the game, different decisions on different systems yield different results, so there are probably a few more fixes on the horizon. As for content. It's still not a final decision, but the way it's shaping up right now, one more quest from the planned expansion is going to either make it into the base game or become (likely) free DLC. It's a bigger one, with some new items, new research and new buildables as well. The quest is not tied to one of the current main storylines so don't worry about missing out if you want to play the game now. The rest of the planned expansion will become the base for an entirely new game, but it's too early to make an announcement on that.
[ 2020-05-03 17:29:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another update with fixes and UI improvements. Thanks again for all the feedback, shoutout to JarlFrank for finding some obscure bugs.
- Yat-Sen's clickable area is increased when everybody's dead at Tuxing Liu
- Moved one of the ending slide text panels to improve legibility on certain systems (Saturn was in the way)
- Added a sentences stating that you still need to go down if you want to explore guabonito if you redirected a drone to get the uranium
- "The Gloves Are Off" becomes active after you talk to Rutger, regardless of whether you've read his initial email or not
- Communications UI overhaul
- Communications window now opens channels tab by default
- Channel buttons have audio feedback. Might add this to other menu elements.
- Fixed bug where dead characters weren't clikable in Chinese base.
- Jammer exploit with transponder equipped fixed.
- Can now exit Tuxing Liu when you've killed everyone and go onside on certain systems.
- Guabonito logistics XP exploit fixed
- Stranded Vehicle crane power is now properly saved if you use hacking and/or logistics to increase it but then don't use it before you save your game
- Can no longer convince Ekta to help Rutger if you haven't talked to Rutger yet. (Reading his email before talking to him would make this possible)
- Can no longer save in stranded vehicle on certain systems
- Starting a character with the same name as an old one should work now. They will still be in the same save bin, however.
- Fixed bug where quest would sometimes become active again if you re-read an email related to it after already completing it
- Fixed some typos
- Clickable tank displaying red "This might take a while" message removed from Outpost.
- Fixed issue where scrolling would sometimes fail to block camera control
Known issues
Saving in front of Ling might still teleport you to the first floor on some systems upon loading. Deleting all your saves will still keep the character name in the save bin. Characters will very rarely not have hair for a while when loading a scene. Only happens on slower systems.
What's next
The game will continue to be polished where necessary. An expansion was in the works, but it's shaping up to be its own thing. Some of the content will be added to the base game of TO instead, so you can look forward to that whether you're into expansions or not. The Soundtrack I promised is caught up in Steam's review process right now. Everything's taking a little longer to process these days. Stay healthy.
[ 2020-04-20 16:34:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Minor update with fixes and some improvements. As usual, thanks for the feedback! The download size is larger than usual because of the rebalanced dialogue audio for Horst.
- Hovering mouse over the faction reputation on character sheet shows the exact value
- Tooltips appear more directly
- Assigning drone part of logistics tutorial improved
- 'New construction' panel transparency lowered to improve readability
- Rover map saves 'autoswitch orientation' toggle setting for current game session
- Generator room door can now be locked again after unlocking it.
- Game should be more alt-tab friendly for most systems.
- Asking for an interpreter to talk to Adanech triggers properly
- Fixed a bug where IASA reputation would not increase after a succesful shipment that meets demand.
- Player's reply to Ekta is stored for the savegame rather than the character.
- Skill Icons would sometimes disappear.
- Methane storage counter shows extremely large numbers without overlapping
- The Greenhouse correctly provides 1 food output
- Horst audio balance fixed
- [spoiler]Singularity no longer blocks passing time[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Can no longer express empathy for Val's demise to Karl if he told you she's alive[/spoiler]
- Going to Mars on the Chinese rocket will no longer give you an extra unrelated achievement
- You can no longer ask Horst about the supercomputer before you learn that's what he wants to talk about
- Player would spawn in the middle of nowhere at Sparrow Lacus on some systems.
- Typo for Karl dialogue
- Can no longer walk through part of the rover on Outpost map
- Ladder in Tuxing Liu didn't work on some systems. Fixed.
- Player no longer teleports to second floor when reporting to Ling after finishing the Throat quest
- Tutorial window location resets position on loading game
- Fixed a bug where 'you have shipments waiting' would still show after you got the Shipment Collector
[ 2020-04-08 20:34:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.17 is a major update. The quest log descriptions have been improved, some quests and related conversations have been thoroughly checked for fringe cases and some loose ends have been tied up. You'll also see a few UI improvements. Once again, thanks for all the feedback. The 64-bit and 32-bit versions are separated. This means this update is a ~2GB download for some people, which unfortunately could not be helped. It should improve performance a lot. MacOS and Linux support has been added! A few people outside testing have been playing on a secret branch for a while now and it's time to officially support these. The soundtrack will also be available later today. Stay healthy, stay safe!
- Crash investigation quest has better descriptions in quest log
- Crash investigation quest related dialogue is more streamlined, some lines can't be repeated ad infinitum anymore
- Extra clue added for crash investigation mystery
- Generate power quest moves to complete when you generate enough power to cover the standard systems. The success description will encourage you to keep improving the generator, but it won't clutter your active quest log anymore.
- [spoiler]Green, green grass of home has an extra 'talk to Val' entry before the end and goes to complete even you choose not to end the game this way.[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Neural manifold moves to complete when you upload the imprint. The quest log is clearer on what happened if you choose not to end the game there. A bit of dialogue with Daisuke has been added to accomodate post-end play.[/spoiler]
- The conversation with the singularity is a little more forgiving: You can ask it to do things even if you only manage to gain access later on.
- Singularity conversation flow improved.
- Cargo lift in Tuxing Liu Hangar is now functional (it was merely decorative, you can now click it to go up and down)
- Always run button and cam button hide when opening an interface system that would otherwise overlap with it
- Inventory panel tabs no longer semi-transparent to prevent legibility problems with overlap
- Unread messages and research now have unobtrusive icons on the top-left corner instead of text buttons.
- 'Resume last save' after dying uses the last save of the current character rather than the last save altogether
- More 'bright mode' improvements.
- Construction Bot manual control speed and traction back to normal. This became too slow after an update in 1.16.
- Val Dialogue dead end fixed after you exhaust all the questions and still want to ask more
- Rover teleporting to last saved location after entering rover after certain cutscenes fixed
- Can't ask Karen about hesiod anymore after asking once
- Human Resources moves to complete if you select a companion by talking to Ekta directly
- Opening the lander for the first time after already having solved 'Investigate Val's Death' no longer puts the quest back on active again
- Hacking the singularity or negotiation with it can now be done with both the skill icon and the dialogue options, now correctly labeled regardless of your 'view skill threshold' setting.
- Some missing audio added
- Sabotage shows a proper description in the 'complete' quest log if you convince her to abandon the idea of explosives, moves to complete
- Where's Willy moves to complete if you talk to Karl about it even if you subvert the quest
- Bad Medicine moves to complete as soon as Louam is in the Outpost
- Proceed with Infinite WCU for Singularity Post-End game now gives you a massive amount of WCU. Does not count towards 'More Money than...' achievement.
- Unread research no longer shows when you die
Known Issues
- Reporting to Ling after finishing the Throat quest still teleports the player to the second floor on some systems. It's purely cosmetic and not a big issue so it wasn't a priority, but it will be fixed in a coming minor patch.
- 32-bit is no longer officially supported. No one has used it so far so that shouldn't be an issue. If you're running a 32 bit system, please mention it in the forum and we'll try to work something out.
- Quest and dialogue improvements that would alter your progress will not propagate to current playthroughs and savegames so nothing gamebreaking will occur. Keep that in mind if you don't see any changes in a quest description or completion. Most improvements will show up, however.
- Of course, although at this point I'm pretty confident the quest flow is almost watertight, no amount of testing can ever cover each and every permutation so if you still run into what you think is an inconsistency, please mention it in the bug report forum.
[ 2020-03-22 11:58:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few fixes and improvements. 1.16x changes will appear here until 1.17. Once again: Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
- IPMS Voice tied to VO mixer
- SFX in command center tied to SFX mixer
- More transponder codes added
- A few more usable item descriptions added
- Some areas have a better brightness mode result
- Van Hoorn requires the correct 10% instead of 10 tons. Rewards changed accordingly.
- Research time advancement now correct
- Current Item in inventory no longer shows item from before loading a game
- Broken Transponder not equipable
- Rounding error in resource stock display fixed (now rounds down)
- Getting a second reward from Ling now works correctly
- Entering Ling's bedroom will keep the door open
- Item transfer refreshes after loading game
Known issues
- Teleporting to first floor of Tuxing Liu after coming back from the Throat.
- Some quest descriptions need to be clearer and move to complete earlier.
- Game is too dark on some systems. Will continue to improve bright mode.
- Deleting all saves will keep character names.
- Alt-Tabbing can cause problems.
- Memory related issues on some systems.
Possible QoL features
- Crew members to work on maintenance.
- Rover-To-Outpost button is an often requested feature. Still pondering that.
What's next
1.17 will separate the 64-bit and 32-bit builds, which should improve performance for most people. Work on the guide/wiki has also continued. OSX version is almost ready, and a secret Linux version is already out there which will be an official release next month. 1.17 will also tie up some potential loose ends and color in a few more details. The soundtrack will be released this week. After that, expect some news on expansion content!
[ 2020-03-08 20:21:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update vastly improves character navigation.
- Pathfinding greatly improved for Outpost, Tuxing Liu, Throat of Kraken and a few other locations
- Outpost vicinity hill periphery will no longer clip the static cam
- Builder 'not enough resources' text layout more consistent between tabs
- Builder info panel GUI improved
- Clicking on a topic that you're currently researching now only shows the progress in the 'currently researching' box
- Time Panel now shows you if a system you're trying to work on is powered or not
- Time Panel work dropdown menu state is now stored in savegame
- New rover model implemented at Throat of Kraken
- Camera control improved
- 'Unread message' alert now shows up in top-left corner each time you enter the command center or the rover, rather than in the middle of the screen
- Opening the front entrance to Tuxing Liu with a clandestine transponder while Syaoran is by the door will make him take it off you
- Can ask Daxia to come with you after being told to by Ling (she would come anyway, this is just confirmation)
- Production rate added to Greenhouse buildable description.
- Lighting improved at Tuxing Liu
- Bright mode is brighter
- [spoiler]Supercomputer quest moves to complete after a post-singularity conversation with Horst. (Must start a new character for this, but keep in mind that this is post-ending)[/spoiler]
- Cryovolcano foothills no longer glitchy with misclicks, telportation etc.
- Aiguo helping you when you're stranded no longer blocks the mouse (you could still press 1 to proceed)
- Canceling trade with yatsen will no longer keep his portrait in the background
- Can no longer cancel Ling's reward
- Static Zoom function no longer shows a black screen in basement
1.161 Changes
- Can no longer select the Hesiod channel after it leaves orbit if you haven't refreshed the comms panel
- Your suit is on in the cave again (this was a test flag left in)
- Contacting Herschel after you've opened the nexus but haven't built a supercomputer yet while already having asked all the questions no longer halts the conversation
- Can no longer click on the reactor room until the door is open
- 'Unread messages' no longer shows after you die
- Going back up from the throat could block the character sometimes
- Can ask IPMS about cardinal directions
1.162 Changes
- Added outside overview in the Outpost stock panel
- Fixed Ling Dialogue bug with trading
- Easier to enter Tuxing Liu
- Fixed getting stuck on Tuxing Liu roof in a certain spot
- Twirling issue improved
- Interactable more responsive
- Ling now takes away the correct transponder when he mentions it
- Can no longer trigger the Herschel Nexus opening sequence twice
- Minerals transfer exploit fixed
1.163 Changes
- The first Supercomputer quest entry only completes when you power the Computer Room, not as soon as you build it
- Haggling with contractors is back in
- Search Button deactivates if you finish a search level but lack the skill for a higher tier
- Ara Fluctus now has new rover
- Ara Fluctus navigation improved
- Ara Fluctus has free cam mode
- Ara Fluctus mission description fixed
- Compass will remain if you return to a location that you already surveyed
- Globe rotation mouseover range increased
1.164 Changes
- Can click on bottom of screen to move if toolbar is collapsed in Polelya Macula
- Menvra crater has new rover model, free cam, static zoom and better pathfinding
- Feia lacus has new rover model and static cam zoom
- Added 'process this to' sentence to plutonium case item description
- Character Look creator maximum values lowered (no more giant hands and monstrous abominations)
- Yat-sen dialogue fixes
- [spoiler]IPMS singularity negotiation fixed[/spoiler]
- Throat of Kraken spawning point fixed
- Ling now mentions specifically that his reward is free
- Changing in and out of the suit by clicking the wardrobe at Tuxing Liu now shows a message
- Can no longer walk around during dialogue
- Plutonium storage at Tuxing Liu now accessible again if you have the transponder
- Ling dialogue fixes
- Ice XI now stacks
- Transfer exploit with usable items fixed
- Required item check for EMP at mount doom fixed
- Processing non-stackable item with amount '0' fixed
- Herschel Nexus no longer shows up in the overview at the start of the game
- Jammer exploit fixed
- Horst glasses fixed
- 'Having a good time' now actually passes a few minutes
- Some typos fixed
1.1641 Hotfix
- Tuxing Liu terrain no longer blocked
- Gameplay Settings Menu no longer starts open
1.1642 Changes
- Tuxing Liu corner window fix
- Rooftop occlusion bug fixed.
1.1643 Hotfix
- Hetpet Regio has a proper starting position again.
- Van Hoorn Dialogue dead end fixed
1.165 Changes
- Mission log was slowing down games with lots of messages even when compressed. It will now only display the last 100 entries. Scroll down to load 100 more.
- Climbing ladders and the radio tower is faster on slower systems.
- Caffeine Addict infnite rebuff bug fixed. (This would also cause the log to clutter up)
- Caffeine Addicts can now convince Karen they don't need sleep. This wasn't triggered properly.
- Coffee beans now grow at a set rate if you have at least one seed in store.
- Fatigue buff panel now shows correct color for negative awareness.
- Charisma no longer rebuffs in a loop when spending leisure time to improve morale.
- Character name updated immediately on loading game.
- Search icon no longer stays after you leave the submarine.
- Levitating cup removed in Throat of Kraken.
- Unclickable location north of the Outpost removed from command center map.
- Pump deployed icon will show up properly in the Rover map.
- Hack icon will disappear after succesfully hacking the construction station.
- Dialogue dead end fixed.
- Arrows removed for stat points on levelup. (You can't increase stats during the game)
- Search Area now halts player movement so you can no longer accidentally enter the rover if you gave the command to do so before searching.
- Hetpet Jammer exploit fixed (this time for hacking as well)
1.1651 Changes
- Saving the game on a certain tile in the warehouse area of Tuxing Liu will no longer teleport the player on loading.
- [spoiler] EMP Parts can now be transfered [/spoiler]
- Uranium processing fixed.
- Coffee seed growth issue fixed.
[ 2020-02-07 20:50:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a big one. New features, a new item, a new model for the rover. Also many improvements, minor fixes and quality of life changes. A game-breaking bug that was rare and hard to reproduce has finally been fixed. Many thanks for all your feedback and I hope you continue to enjoy the game.
Major Fixes
- Time advancement bug fixed. For some people, time would no longer advance correctly after a rare drone-related issue.
New Features
- Default Run Mode - You can turn on the 'run/walk' toggle in the gameplay options menu. This will allow you to switch between clicking-to-walk and double-clicking to run or vice versa by clicking a button in the lower-left corner or hitting the '/' key.
- Static camera has two zoom levels you can cycle between using + en - keys or the scroll wheel. Right now, this only works at the Outpost vicinity, the Command Center, the Cryovolcano, Polely Macula and Tuxing Liu.
- Jeng Boots - You can find these boots in the footlocker underneath the screen showing the painting of Taikonaut children on the third floor of Tuxing Liu. They provide -1 thermal conduction.
- New Rover Model - Why? The old one was only designed to look good from certain angles. Free Cam Mode wasn't kind on it. The new one looks solid from all angles and is easier on your GPU. It's also just a little bit chunkier and more in line with the overall aesthetics. It's seen in the header image for this update. Locations where it was not an issue still have the old model in place but this will gradually change. Here it is without any upgrades:
- Tuxing Liu has had some pathfinding improvements.
- NPCs will bump into each other less often and try to resolve their pathfinding when they do so.
- Some new NPC work animations.
- Maximum skills increased to six at level 12. Nothing is gated beyond 5, skill level six will only get mechanical bonuses.
- Improved character names layout for save/load panels in the main menu.
- Search panel is now left-justified.
- Using an item that was previously selected can no longer be transferred after being removed from inventory while the inventory panel is still open.
- The new logo is now shown in the start window.
- Characters models will no longer show their hands slightly clipping through the wall when moving towards the elevator room.
- Power calculations more accurate.
- All Herschel research will take immediate effect.
- ICE XI nucleation research nerfed.
- Herschel Thermal conversion bonus nerfed to 15%, base modules still draw 5% less power
- Pathfinding for clicking on shipments improved
Minor Fixes
- Fixed some objects not occluding when you jump down at the Throat of Kraken.
- Can no longer wiggle through wall to get to the plutonium stash at Tuxing Liu.
- Can now search tier 3 exploration at the TSSM site 'rover' searchable area.
- Third Herschel research 'Thermal Conversion' will work as intended.
- IPMS relation value will show as neutral in dialogue
- Temperature goes back to nominal after turning the heating back even if cutting it close
- Herschel exploration questline is shown as succesful after talking to Horst about it when complete
1.151 Changes
- The update is properly committed. (1.15 had version control errors)
- Being on the sleep panel during certain special events will no longer influence the timeline
1.152 Changes
- Applying your science skill at the Cryovolcano after researching Volcanic Tap will no longer allow you to research it again.
- Fixed a bug where the EMP parts would not become available in the Table builder after a conversation with Van Hoorn.
- You can now ask Val how long she thinks it will be until the Fungus reaches the threshold and a progress report is shown in the Outpost stock tab.
- Fixed some ending slides not showing for one of the Ecofront endings.
- Added an ending slide for an unlikely combination of events that is nevertheless a valid way to play.
1.153 Changes
- Camera in the basement fixed for the new zoom function.
- Basement no longer defaults to always run.
- Talking to Ling again after Daxia finishes work will no longer restart 'For The Republic'
- [spoiler]You can report to Ling after finishing the nitrogen quest without going to Mars for all the completionists out there.[/spoiler]
[ 2020-02-01 11:16:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update improves support for 4K resolutions, tweaks the interface and has some minor fixes. Important: Left-click to move is now enforced. Right-click moves the camera when in free mode. This prevents accidentally moving the character when rotating the free camera. Right-click still works on interactables.
- Estimated timeline for constructions and research more accurately reflected when a system is surged.
- Surge indicator added to construction station and research stations.
- Left-Click to move is now default. Right-click rotates the camera when in free mode. Interactables can still be clicked with the right mouse button.
- Overall better support for 4K resolution.
- Warping to other stations from the construction station disabled.
- Syaoran will interrupt his schedule and always wait by the door after the first conversation with Ling.
- Fixed the pump hookup screen layout for 4K and 720p resolutions.
- Comms buttons no longer disappear off screen when highlighted on 4K res.
- Trait panel alignment fixed in the main menu for 4K.
- [spoiler]You can no longer tell Karen about Val's kill-switch if you learned about the sabotage from Karl but haven't spoken to Val yet.[/spoiler]

Yat-Sen wishes you a happy Lunar New Year.
1.141 Changelog
- Performance improved on 'fantastic' setting.
- Satellite decoder chip now has its own image.
- Horst no longer rewards you multiple times for the final exploration mission if you did it in a particular order.
- Van Hoorn's compensation properly added to wallet after 'The Gloves Are Off' starts.
- [spoiler]Daisuke will give you the neural imprint data if you build 10 computers before the first channel conversation but you haven't hacked Willy's Wallet.[/spoiler]
- Removed a hidden object that was blocking the construction bot in manual control in a spot near the crashed lander.
- Added missing audiofile for daxia
- Fixed companion bonus overlapping in the roster panel on some screens.
- Daxia can now be tasked on the roster panel during her stay at the Outpost.
1.142 Changelog
- Removed the attribute-based perk count limits.
- Easier to click on Kuo inside the throat chamber
- Intelligence debuff for drunk state correctly displayed next to Morale
- Debuff display automatically refreshes on the character sheet
[ 2020-01-23 02:10:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy 2020 everyone!
This update has some more Quality of Life features, one of which is a brand new buildable for LTAM1.
New features
- Shipment Collector drone added. A wheeled drone that will automatically collect orbital drops for you. It's expensive and you won't be able to build it right away, but it's a very useful late game buildable. It becomes available after you've manually collected a shipment.
- Added tooltips for companion selection.
- Some buildables have clearer descriptions.
- Character pathfinding to comms station improved.
- Overall responsiveness of the interface slightly improved.
- You can postpone the decision in a reply to Ekta's e-mail.
- Fixed some typos and capitalization issues.
- Dead end for satellite conversation fixed.
- Energy cost added to base module descriptions
- Processing the scrap electronics from a crashed drone no longer produces more minerals than it costs
- Memory hog during intro fixed
- Free cam mode added to Polelya Macula
- Increased font size for certain menus and inbox headers
- Improved text layout for gameplay settings
- Hitbox for clicking on comms system increased
- Static that appears on a bad communication signal is aligned to the character portrait
- Improved legibility of settings in main menu
- Added custom buildable image for the Plastic Garden
- Throat of kraken now uses the correct camera after coming back from the submarine
- Fixed an ending parameter for ecofront not always appearing in the end slides
- Fixed an ending fading to white instead of black
- Streamlined the inventory tutorial
- Clicking on things outside is a little smoother
- Talking to syaoran before he joins you in the rover will no longer let you teleport
- Floor occlusion now works in free cam mode at the Throat of Kraken
- Added new directional cursors for left and right where they apply
- Added a missing audio file for Karen's Dialogue
- Fixed some incongruities in a mid-game conversation
[ 2020-01-09 11:45:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Can now save a 'named' save game when nothing has been saved yet with a character
- Maximum waypoints automatically refreshed after leveling up logistics
- Month-first localisation option fixed for FR-CA culture settings
- Email hacking icon correctly disappears after closing comms panel
- Rounding error with methane tanks fixed
- Date for first methane shipment now shows correctly regardless of localisation
[ 2019-12-26 12:16:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Small update and a patch for minor fixes. Improvements
- Added some trait-specific dialogue that had been cut
- Drones now pick up the fullest tank available if it is fuller than the one currently being carried, even when 'wait for full tank' is disabled
- Easier to click on Rover cockpit
- Tank 0 no longer appears
- Singularity audio added
- Achieving flexible ending now halts timelapse
- Mashing F9 really fast will no longer 'double load' the game
- Toolbar no longer disappears when you fail to convince IPMS to power down
- Aiguo introduction audio fixed
- Alert Panel for special items properly resets after use
- Jade audio fixed
- Some typos fixed
- Willam's note correctly opens for U.S. time format
- Transfer panel text overlapping fixed
- Reading email now blocks freecam control
- IPMS prompting you about hydroponics when you leave shows correct title
- Sleep prompt no longer hides toolbar when selecting 'no'
[ 2019-12-18 16:18:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
The last QoL update introduced some new bugs that have now been ironed out.
- Tooltips streamlined
- 'Resume Last Save' option added when dying
- Death Screen loading faster
- Free Cam control disabled when an interface panel is open
- Scrolling in inventory improved
- Pumps now show up in outpost stock readout
- Maximum methane storage now shows up in stock readout
- Elevator platform overspill trigger lowered to 30.000 tons
- Removing drone waypoints now propagates their waypoint number in the 'set waypoint' panel
- Esc now exists all system screens as well
- More hotkeys
- Suit now charges while sleeping in rover
- Low Oxygen warning now halts timelapse
- Way to the western trenches easier to access while driving construction bot
- Drone Help screen improved
- Research difficulties rebalanced
- Date formatting can now be set to month first or day first in the video settings
- Time formatting can now be set to AM/PM or 24H in the video settings
- Date/Time formatting taken from system CultureInfo on first startup
- Save issues introduced after the overhaul have been resolved
- Missing audio files added for when you talk to Karl when you're stranded
- Free Cam mode is retained after cutscene
- 'Unread Research' notification no longer appears when you quit to menu
- Exiting the world map in the command center while in free cam mode no longer changes the viewpoint
- Opening, closing and then opening the 'load game' screen no longer shows character names twice
- Fixed a tutorial glitch that appeared if you slept with the construction station powered before doing anything else
- Spoiler: Killing Val has been fixed, missing animations added
- Memory usage in first Chinese conversation improved
- IPMS warning you about leaving Hydroponics off now correctly says 'off'
- way to the western trenches more accessible for construction bot
- Drone logic improved
- Phantom 'Tank 0' no longer appears
- Retrieving the lost plutonium shipment on foot early in the game (really hard) now works as intended
- Effect modifiers no longer show up from an earlier savegame in the play session
- Perk effects from earlier game no longer show up on character sheet after you load a game
- Can no longer get 11 physical stat by exploitiing hyperthyroidism
- Stranded Vehicle Entry improved
- Transfering items from a container, canceling and reinitializing the transfer can no longer yield duplicate items
- Drone lfietime distance now shows correctly
- Finishing a construction with the construction station open no longer shows a new item being constructed at 0%
- Drone waypoint assignment panel now actually reflects that it's waiting for an empty tank at the outpost rather than a full one
[ 2019-12-06 09:57:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.112 Update. Some fixes and extra QoL features for the Rover interface.
Rover Improvements
- Rover Interface scales better for higher resolutions.
- 'Orientation' dropdown added where you can select a quadrant. You can also see in which quadrant the rover currently is located and toggle an 'autoswitch' feature that will rotate the map if you move to another quadrant.
- For people who have trouble with the rover movement being consistent with the map coordinates rather than aligning with the camera: You still have to deal with inverted axis if you change hemispheres, but the axis will invert at straight angles. This makes it much easier to get adjusted to the control scheme.
- Reset button added to focus back on the north pole with the original orientation. General Improvements
- Character Generator now has a help screen.
- When loading or saving, the save/load menu autocloses.
- View of saved games in main menu now scrolls faster.
- Help dropdown has better readability.
- 'Unread message' display no longer pops up as soon as you land.
- Tooltips added for main toolbar buttons.
- Character Generator now has a help screen. Fixes
- Manual saving now works as it should.
- You can no longer save an empty file.
- Typing a name no longer triggers hotkeys.
- Viewing a help screen pauses the game.
- Timeline help screen fixed for all resolutions.
[ 2019-11-22 19:30:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.1 is a milestone update with new features, improvements and a better interface.
- More robust time management. The game pauses during timelapse events and most dialogue. This prevents event overlap and gives the player time to read.
- The interface is more streamlined. ESC closes the current window and pauses the game if no windows are open, search and construction panels are clearer, etc.
- Hotkeys added for the toolbar, general actions and dialogue options. Check the 'Keyboard Reference' help screen from the help drop-down when hitting F1 to learn more.
- 'Overlay Menu' added so you don't have to quit to the main menu as often anymore.
- Dialogue screen scaling more high-res friendly.
- Camera settings stored in save game.
- UI improvements, text alignments, etc.
- Can ask both questions during conversation with IPMS in the intro.
- Tollan Terra location less foggy.
- Twirling issue almost eliminated (but not quite entirely).
- Karl's dialogue audio fixed when stranded with rover.
- Collecting shipments from the landing area when all methane tanks are gone glitch fixed.
- Skill Icons no longer occasionally disappear after you leave the orbital info screen.
- Can no longer quit to menu inside the Chinese truck.
- Items dredged from the pool near the truck stay on the shore when you exit and re-enter the scene.
- Can no longer move the player character when a timelapse event is occuring or a skill is being applied.
- Crashed lander is more accessible.
- Can now inspect the radio tower.
- Research Station help button now shows the correct help screen.
[ 2019-11-15 20:54:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
1.09 Patch. Changelog
- Added death screen for dying without your suit
- Coffee now stacks
- Chinese retaliation fixed
- World map mouse rotation improved
- Interactable responsiveness improved
- Yat-Sen as a companion fixed
- Days left for food estimate now accurately reflects companion upkeep
- Can cancel when setting drone waypoints
- Drone readout improved
- More dialogue fixes
- Drone crash locations more consistent
- Minerals display in builder no longer shows decimals
- XP now carries over to next level on XP overflow
- Mineral gathering rate from companions fixed
- Toolbar no longer hidden after sleeping
[ 2019-11-03 19:45:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another patch. Mostly minor fixes.
Change Log
- All perks and traits appear correctly in the character sheet
- Power surge included in power draw calculations
- Flying Blind quest moves to completion regardless of which side you choose
- Eye In The Sky quest resolves even on failure
- Yatsen dialogue improved
- Tuxing Liu murder improved
- Fixed a few dialogue dead ends
- Can't have negative amount of coffee beans anymore
- Hydroponics Panel automatically updates after creating a special ration
- Fixed some typos
- Added some missing audio files
- Can no longer go to menu while climbing
[ 2019-10-25 08:25:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a major patch. All known bugs have been squashed, a tutorial has been added an the early game has been streamlined a bit. Some extra content might be added in the future and some obscure bugs might be fixed, but apart from that, I'd say it's looking pretty solid right now. Once again, I'd like to thank people for reaching out with reports and helping to improve the game.
Change Log
- Tutorial completed.
- Drone logic improved. Drones now leave empty tanks behind if they have another waypoint scheduled.
- Items built by the printing table now appear in Outpost inventory rather than the player inventory.
- Food Rations and Chinese Food can now be consumed from inventory.
- Ling's involvement in end game fixed.
- Peace negotiations back in.
- Setting more than 4 waypoints doesn't overlap in UI anymore.
- A few UI improvements.
- After surveying a location, its description now changes accordingly. The same goes for story-related locations.
- Pickaxe swing animation for female characters fixed.
- Rover navigation improved.
- Toolbar disappearing in a few places fixed.
- Can no longer save inside the crashed lander.
- A few more free camera locations added.
- All help screens can now be accessed from the F1 screen.
- The twirling issue has been improved. It's an engine-related issue that is partly out of our hands. I'm confident it'll be fixed at some point, but for now, you can just click again or double click something.
[ 2019-10-16 19:18:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some more fixes. The tutorial has been streamlined, but is still incomplete. The next patch will feature the complete tutorial. Change log
- Corrupt save problem fixed
- Can no longer go to menu while trading
- Can no longer buy empty shipments
- Mouse wheel scroll functionality added to dialogue
- Rover exit message clarified
- Rover is unavailable until you complete the 'Reconnect' quest
- Free cam mode added to Outpost vicinity
- Complete the tutorial
- A few more free cam modes
- Add a button to enable drones to leave Tanks at a certain location
- Fix the twirling issue
- Uncollected Orbital Drop Shipment warning
- Fix some rare video issues while talking to one of the characters
[ 2019-10-03 18:32:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
The tutorial will be completed in the next patches. This patch contains mostly fixes and some streamlined features. Once again, many thanks to the people who reported bugs.
Change log
- Throat of Kraken door issue fixed
- >100% research on the completed research panel fixed
- Willys hand now stays broken
- Last item used no longer appears on unrelated alert panels
- If you fix the antenna before doing anything else, reception is appropriately static-free
- Rover charge and speed upgrades now saved correctly
- Moving diagonally on the world map no longer uses more power
- Menvra Crater issue fixed
- Hetpet region third point correctly named
- Horst now gives the proper response after exploring Menvra Crater
- Chinese Battery now works as intended
- Drone waypoints are now ordered properly when saving and loading
- Companion tasks are now stored correctly
- Straight to Rover button no longer resets your location
- Tuxing Liu Hangar ladder fixed
- Trading with Yat-Sen now works
- Some negotiations had inverted results. (eg. negotiating with Ling for taking Daxia along)
- Can no longer ask Daxia about picture before you have it
- Solving Sore Throat by negotiation no longer causes the world map to lose radar data
- Manually tampering with the space elevator now works with higher construction skill
- Second Hesiod arrival now properly interrupts a timelapse
- Researching lichen modificaition without building an external greenhouse no longer blocks the terraforming questline
- Creating explosives now triggers the next part of the Sabotage quest
- Karl now responds properly after you find William
- Processing Parts now yields the correct amount
- Herschel research fixed
- Multiple solutions for getting the SAR back online now accessible
- Polymer Crackers nerfed
- Some Steam achievements fixed
- Rover top speed reflected on Rover panel
- Resources in the stock panel display correct decimals
- Oxygen display fixed
- Game no longer glitches out when not connected to Steam
- Can no longer rat Karl out multiple times
- Fixed some dialogue dead ends
- Can no longer have negative methane
- Crashed Satellite soft-dead end fixed (use the memory module and talk to karen or karl)
I added a more robust framework for the tutorial, but only the first two parts have been added so far:
- Inventory panels are explained through the guided tour
- Sleep is explained (sleeping by using the timelapse panel will be added later)
Next up
- Complete the tutorial
- Add the free camera mode to areas where it makes sense
- Add a button to enable drones to leave Tanks at a certain location
- Fix some path-finding issues (the twirling around issue, mostly)
- Uncollected Orbital Drop Shipment warning
- Fix some rare video issues while talking to one of the characters
[ 2019-09-20 07:34:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the fourth major patch. All reported bugs so far have been fixed. Thanks for reporting them.
- Starting a new game now properly re-initialises everything
- Research finished while driving around no longer triggers multiple research complete events
- Clicking multiple research options at once will no longer slow down the game
- Food Ration item can now be processed
- Buying Spare Parts now works as intended
- Drone starting waypoints fixed
- Construction station now refreshes when an item remains selected
- Cleaned up some dialogue loose ends
- Cryovolcano sculpture interactable fixed
- Base exit prompt will now reappear after canceling and trying to go outside again
- Kangs inventory can be accessed after fixing the generator at the Throat of Kraken
- Mashing random buttons during the splash screen will no longer freeze the loading stage
Exploits fixed:
- Submarine can no longer be controlled without repairing it first
- WCU is properly deducted after buying something
- Morale can no longer exceed 100%
- Titan Flight research exploit fixed
- Cobalt Arsenide removed from inventory after thermocouple is constructed
[ 2019-09-05 15:21:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the third patch. All bugs reported so far have been fixed.
1.032 Hotfix: Old savegames with rechargable batteries now work.
- Uranium and Strange Materials research is now triggered correctly
- Cracker produces the right amount of polymers per day
- You can no longer start new research from the rover by exploiting unread research
- Lost Plutonium Shipment now moves to completed
- Thermoelectric research increase fixed
- Freighter methane allocation screen fixed for larger numbers
- Whiskey no longer stuck in Outpost inventory
- Drone upgrade levels now stored correctly
- Rare Display Driver error fixed
- Williams Iris Scan fixed
- Guabonito survey area fixed
- Satellite Memory Dump now shows correct data
- Cryovolcano Updated
- Infinite intelligence exploit with alcohol fixed
- Food production no longer shows 1 when it should be 0
- Drones updated
QOL features added
- Direct base-to-rover exit prompt after youve visited the rover at least once.
- Can switch to free camera mode in the command center (experimental, this feature will be added to a few other areas as well)
- 'Hot' cursor with better contrast
[ 2019-08-31 21:25:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is the second major patch. Most reported bugs so far have been fixed. I'll now start working on some requested quality of life features. Special thanks to meric35, Joretap0 and Gabriel for the bug reports.
- Current drone waypoints are now visible when you click on a drone.
- Can no longer exit to menu during dialogue or construction
- Drones no longer deteriorate while idling
- Basement modules power draw now works correctly
- Food is now calculated correctly
- Construction time flow works as intended
- Drones no longer pick up the same tank twice
- Spare batteries now work correctly (must be equipped)
- Volcanic Tap Research now works
- Orbital Drop Shipments are now clickable if there is more than one.
- Containers fixed
- Shipment screen max buttons fixed, allocation is now correct
- Savegames are now ordered by date and can be scrolled
- Fixed a dialogue issue where the player appears in the conversants room
- Radio tower icons now always appear
- Charging station and rechargeable batteries work as intended, item count now shows
- Skutterudite thermocouple is now removed from inventory when used.
- Infinite item exploit with Outpost inventory fixed
- Rover control buttons no longer get stuck
- Time is now shown consistently throughout the game
- Cryovolcano exit point fixed
- Karl prematurely reveals a plot point fixed
- The game no longer freezes when entering the Chinese base
- Fixed mouseover information trigger for some locations on the map
- Mining quests now trigger new dialogue options from Karl to get new locations
- Experience bar now updates for new levels
- Extra stat point now shown immediately after picking a trait. Stat exploit fixed.
- No longer start with two copies of Tank 1 at Outpost (only for new games)
- Outpost surroundings load 15% faster (will continue to optimise)
- Companions now complain about the right things
Known issues
- Drones can get confused if more than 5 of them have crashed.
Requested QoL features that will be added later:
- Direct base-to-rover exit point
- Faster loading time for Outpost vicinity
- Zoom function (two zoom levels)
[ 2019-08-24 05:39:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
A lot of issues had been reported after release that made the game almost unplayable for some people, and very cumbersome for most. Sincerest apologies for this unfortunate situation. This patch will improve the experience. It's still rough, though. One issue with hotkeys crept in. To be safe, never use the escape button to go to the menu until this is resolved. If I could revert to early access, I would. It needs another week or two of more rigorous testing.
Major fixes:
- Loading screens have been included. You will no longer be staring at a black screen wondering if something's wrong.
- Aspect ratio fixed at 16:9
- Optional help screens. Hit one of the question marks in the game or press F1 for general instructions. Can be turned off in settings.
- Passing time and travelling in the Rover now works as intended.
- Passing a lot of time at the timeline panel now shows a progress bar.
- Dying while passing a lot of time will no longer freeze the game.
- Entire rover is now clickable when walking outside.
- Skipping the introduction cut-scene as soon as it starts no longer freezes the screen
- Some people could skip character creation entirely, this has been fixed
- Downed drones now work as intended.
- Settings are now properly stored.
- Basement View now displays the correct graphics.
- The location info screen in the rover navigation was unresponsive for some people, fixed
- Hitting escape during character creation now works as intended.
- Inside LTAM difficulties are now at the proper level.
- Labels in command center logistical map now face the camera.
- Rover seat is more responsive
- Synergy exploit at character creation fixed.
- Some items were unresponsive, usage made clearer.
- Continuity error if you rest before the first conversation with mission command fixed.
[ 2019-08-15 08:28:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Titan Outpost Linux Depot [7.09 G]
Key Features
- A hard science fiction setting inspired by Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov and Stanislaw Lem.
- An open-ended structure in which your choices define not only the course of the plot, but the fate of the world.
- A rich character-creation system, in which you define your character's attributes and develop his or her skills and gear over the course of the game.
- A robust base-building system, in which you must manage your crew, resources, and facilities to survive the harsh environment and your political rivals.
- Multiple approaches to the game's challenges: dialogue; crafting; exploration; trade; and violence are all viable ways to win.
- A rich and reactive story full of mysteries, twists, and memorable characters.
[ 6080 ]
[ 1223 ]