0 - Fix Emissive Saber kill enemies 1 - Fix hitmarkers replication 2 - Player camera shake replication 3 - Update button menu styles and fix 'Reset' buttons positions 4 - Grenade kill replication 5 - MPS_Drones replication damage (HUD), same as grenade issue 6 - Partially fixed (improved but not perfect) closing multiplayer session 7 - Multiplayer main menu interface updates like logs and table of sessions 8 - GameOver Multiplayer 9 - Flying Bike MP 10 - Fix MP arms replication visibilty 11 - Fix PG1 gun arms overlapping camera (FOV) 12 - Fix - Remove Sprint while aiming 13 - Fix buttons on EndGame screen (win/loose) 14 - Temporary added a gun for character for MP 15 - Fix smoothness client character animation while sprinting 16 - Fix landscape texture packaged game 17 - Re-added gun fire animation after refactoring 18 - Optimizing Room level 19 - Added a Spectating Manager 20 - Refactoring health system for player 21 - Drone detection reduced tik calculations for CPU improvment 22 - Fix players "HitDirection" replication 23 - Add Gun Screen Attachment 24 - Client Computer Interactions 25 - Added Brightness Slider Option 26 - Fix Host stops sprinting when client shoots 27 - Fix some perks not rotating 28 - Fix Guns Replication (ammo system, shoot and Animation authorities) 29 - Added new weapon Shotty V2 as Easter Egg 30 - Fix MP grabbing perk authority 31 - New Easter Egg Dual Gun Banana
[ 2024-02-06 21:23:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
I'm working on a Multiplayer Co-op version at the moment. This implies a significant refactoring of the game to prepare everything, with additional optimizations along the way. I appreciate your patience as you wait for the next version update. Follow me on X or join my Discord from here: emittersgame.com Check some Beta version action of that multiplayer here: [previewyoutube=6UJexHJFSLc;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]
[ 2023-12-22 18:48:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Maintenance: - Refactoring some part of FirstPersonHUD for better workflow on toggling UI when possessing other actors, like drone, computer, hook, etc. - Refactoring Possession system (possess hook, drone support, doors, turrets, etc.) - Refactoring All Weapon systems - Load specific gameplay settings for social media post gameplay recording - Load last wave and godMode for better action gameplay footages for social media posts - Load random weapon social media post gameplay recording - Created handy UI to debug actors - Created handy function to cam focus any objects - Clean some Internal errors - Created a Spawn Point Location system (a system to spawn Airstrike and Helicopter at point transforms) - Created Projectile System for better workflow - Created handy HUD toggle for Actors - Added drones projectile settings Fix: - A internal macro for debugging - Hook re-catch objects - Cinematic / Messages sound overlap - Prevent Repeating Annoying Low Ammo message - Car remove reload action since its auto-reload - Car HUD refresh when passing trought carStations (repair and ammo) - Fix COMD and Androids navigation on Home - Stop Camera shakes when possessing other actors (turret or perks explanation, drone support, EMP or Door focus) Enhancements: - Bullet Deviation based on gun Lifespan (the more the gun is used, lesser the accuracy will be by time) - Reduce camera shake while flying - Lamps and Spotlights destructible - Batteries particle location (beam) - Bullet trail - Intro Scenario - Added Shoot prediction to AI_Boss (enemy androids) - Update UI toggle for Actors possession - UI button hover sound FX - Cinematics - Sway weapon effect - Car Guns auto reload magazine (new ammo system functionality) - Smoother aiming weapons - Fixed Projectile System Prediction (not perfect when attached to enemy gun) Addition: - COMD Perk - Emitters - The Unknown song - Helicopter Perk - Added drone leaning movements UI: - Crafter popups updated (prevent click on other buttons) - Wheel Selection COMD Icon - Jetpack - Added Mod on player HUD NOTE: Linux temporary unavailable If you have any problems or just want to share your experience, please give me your feedback in the following media: https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2022-06-04 14:05:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Maintenance reusable wave system for other game modes - Maintenance added maps states for menu/unlockable levels display (Demo, Released, NotReleased) - Creation of new map "The Unknown" (WIP) - Creation TheUnknown Hook Object (puzzle system) - Optimize maps - Optimize EscapingTraining - Optimize Sounds overlapping priorities EscapingTraining - Improvement jetpack mod HUD and mechanic/gameplay - Improvement WeaponBench camera get closer to screen - Improvement Window type/resolution screen selection in the graphics settings menu - Fix Turrets stop shooting when enemies die (TRTZ V5) - Fix player still taking damage (UI only) after dead - Fix EscapingTraining code errors - Fix internal error compromising audios - Fix save gameplay settings for sprint toggle - Fix Missilerz internal warnings - Fix wave number hud after new wave system implementation - Fix audio priority on the Underground map - Fix FOV glitch while aiming and switching gun (prevent switch gun while aiming smooth animation) - Fix ammo system - Enhancements Turrets rotations depending on the state and blinking green light when activated - Enhancements added notification for the menu when applying settings - Enhancements menu notification when settings got applied - Enhancements move the FPS stats button to the graphics settings menu - Enhancements move YourHome to level selection menu - Enhancements reduce car speed from 7000 to 6000 - Enhancements menu styles (level selection cards) - Enhancements reduced dirt effect opacity camera - Enhancements some post-process bloom maps - Enhancements Metropolis cinematic camera passing through stairs - Enhancements wave hud message for infinite/game finishes - Enhancements explosion sound effect - Remove info XP for kills (HUD) - Remove duplicated screen resolution options - Remove audio from the TV screen in Adaptation - Map Garden add decoration/protections near the elevator - Map Garden fix map collision boundaries to prevent player get above walls - Map Garden set min LOD to 1 for trees (preventing tree turning white when too far) - Map Garden update floor for bridge - Map Garden switch to new fences for bridge ramp near the tree - Map Garden remove unnecessary lights near elevated terrain (performance ) - Map fix maps collision boundaries - Added EmissiveSaber for melee attack - Added kill feed money points - Added @Josh Bak songs to gameplay music - Added alternative input for switch weapon (on mouse scroll) - Added GoHome button on level transitions UI - Added "Melee" and "Slide" input for Underground map Hints message - Added Troubleshoot missing buttons - Added Missilerz Gun as unlockable - Added @Andy Mack Voiceovers Dialogues for AITraining map and low health - UI updated death/game lost icon - UI CarStation replace popup messages with 3D located icons - UI Password input type for cheat code input - UI WeaponBench images green color fix - UI Crafter icons updated - UI update crafter price mods NOTE: Linux temporary unavailable If you have any problems or just want to share your experience, please give me your feedback in the following media: https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2021-09-13 13:10:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
v.2.5.1 ============== - Fix level transition for "Final Test" - Remove "The Escape" wall dev testing - Added cheat code menu panel for Dev testers
[ 2021-06-30 23:35:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
v.2.5 ============== - Level Transition menu screens workflow (steps of unlocking guns, continue button, loading next map and thanks messages for full or demo) fix - Metropolis enlightenment post process - Industry map lighting - updateting some fences and stairs on Industry map - Reduced car crash damage from 15 to 10, and ghost mode after crash set for 2 seconds - Industry map smoothing roughness aliasing + style - Jetpack Mod https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2021-06-30 13:19:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
v2.4 ============== - Teleport inner frame portal size fix for UE5 - Reduced size of teleport particles - Fix multiple spawn on AITraining map - Fix Drone Stuck on Adaptation - Update Events Trigger for mods - UI Slider style update - Increased Rain collision distance to 70000 - Sway weapon movements for lateral movements - Crosshair subtle style - Barrel Explosion particle update - Drones now can follow and attack DroneSupport - Player slide ability - DroneSupport projectile increased damage - WeaponBox primary / secondary gun switch - Fix unlock levels after unlocking weapons
[ 2021-06-19 15:09:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
v.2.3.7 ============== - Drone Performance enhancements - Temporary removed drone random speech/noise sound (uses timer function instead soundCue) which can affect perf. - Remove glitch low health effect
[ 2021-06-08 19:35:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
v2.3.6 =============== - Correct French keyboard movement layout - Shortened version of tutorial video for TV screens - Digital Glitch bigger effect for low health - Added Tutorial explanation TV on Underground - Added Explanation text near Charger - Batteries location HUD show indication at proximity
[ 2021-05-24 19:33:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
v2.3.4 (hotfix) ============= - Adaptation optimization - Remove all maps lighting build - Remove level transition delay on training
[ 2021-05-08 16:56:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
v2.3 =============== - New Drone Fly system plugin (Major update) - Hit Camera Shake - higher flyby projectile noise - Fix music randomly restart when too many sound effects occurrences - Difficulties - Fast throw grenade - Fix call Metropolis elevator from 3rd floor - All maps update (style and lighting) - New song: Emitters - In The Fight - AK new Sound Effect - Cam shake update - Maps style update - Update Credit menu - Chargers new activation sound - Camera dirt screen effect - New low health screen effect Note: some level performances will be updated (especially the "Adaption" map), and I will try to rebuild the game with backed shadows and the Fix Raytracing/RTX option. If you have any problems or just want to share your experience, please give me your feedback in the following media: https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2021-05-07 19:52:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
fix beta branch validation on main menu for default release
[ 2021-02-02 19:00:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
v2.2 =============== - New Level (The Escape) - Reduce overall sounds when dialogues - Update overall health system - Update gameWin/Over screen for better and easier backend workflow - When voices sound reduce other effects SFX - Remove Stats from gameWin/Over screen - Update Muzzle flashes for all guns (effect and backend structure) - update player HUD with weapons thumbnails - update room map style - Player HUD toggle visibility of WheelSelection when player has perk - Wheel Selection release key message - Working on new overall voices - Update GlassBreaker Sound from @Josh Bak - Added @jojo drone model as DroneSupport perk - Crafter Interface Update - Same close button for crafter and weapon bench - Prevent pause menu on interactable elements like crafter and weapon bench - Barrel Outline Removed (temporary to prevent to much glow on low end pc) - Confirmation Notification on Weapon Bench - Update call key input for [f] on crafter down message and Drone Support HUD - Temporary removed Training Targets to prevent crash issue - The Escape load next level (overall system update) - HUD Voice Communication Side UI conditional display (show only for voice, prevent blocked UI when quickly interact w/ another one) - Centered and fixed size of logo for loading screen - Dialogues / Player Messages Refactor - Industry level design update - HUD Drone Support Update - Car Glass dirt reduced - Reduced Car Boss health - Remove distorted heat gun flash particles - Added Mark character for Adaptation sentence [previewyoutube=9ApLdajJxVw;full][/previewyoutube] If you have any problems or just want to share your experience, please give me your feedback in the following medias: https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2021-02-01 22:20:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Testing Raytracing + toggle setting option - Cleaning project for faster builds - Set some other sounds to SFX and UI audio slider settings - Music Player for menu with artist and song names - Added Josh Bak Songs - Increased FinalMap difficulty - Health system update - Player Impact effects update - FinalMap larger stairs for Androids navigation - FinalMap Reduced lighting for optimization - Player Dead Ragdoll instead of teleporting to DeadZone - Black background fade In when Game Win and Game Over UI shows - Fix Drone Support collisions - Hide first person FOV arms when controlling drone - Smooth Blend between player and DroneSupport - Fix and update Elevator Triggers on FinalTest - Fix Gameplay settings like "Cam Shake" and "Motion blur" on load - Added Dynamic Weather to FinalMap - Update website url on Credits - Optimizing FinalTest map - Added Ambiante SFX on FinalTest map - Increase ReqItems sizes for better gameplay feeling - Loading screen and tips update - Turn Off DroneSupport on Demand - Fix Audio Volume back Up from 0 - Fix FinalTest map level limit collisions for drones - Industry map correct Key Exit sign Door location https://emittersgame.com/ https://twitter.com/Emitters8 https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ https://soundcloud.com/mickael-morgado/sets/emitters-ost https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0Ax0jYjQ5rGpiZHbl-yHw https://mickaelmorgado.itch.io/emitters
[ 2020-12-23 16:20:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- FinalTest Level optization - Better sway weapons effect (vertical and roll to give better feeling) - AK aiming dot and dynamic FOV - Darker Shadows for Industry map - Switch Oblivion drone on Garden And Industry map - Update pathfinding spots for drones navigation on Industry map - Spawners Arms noise set as SFX slider audio on settings - Added Invalidate Sound effect on turret and set as SFX slider audio on settings - Man Breath and heartbeat set as SFX slider audio on settings - Switch cloth sound set as SFX slider audio on settings on handgun reload - Fix skip cinematics black screen on industry - Reduce Muzzle Flash for guns - Updated drone colors to red - Barrels material update - Weapon Box v2 - New Menu style (flying drone) - AI Boss smoother rotation movements - Weapons FOV while not aiming - Waves Drone Oblivion replaced - Bullet Trail particle - Impact Particle LOD - Beta version unlockable variable when reach the end of the last map. - Reduced aiming gun recoil. - Reduced Shoot camera shake - Fix skip cinematic twice goes black on "AITraining" map - Automaticly unlock weapon on level end. - Adaptation map hints and style update. - Barrels revert to one shot explosion (prevent some effects issues and make it more intuitive/logical). - Microgeminers (unlockable micro-organism WIP) - Update landscape textures. - Crafter Texture fix (Adaptation map) - Building Emitters Website - Industry Glass Fence player collision fix - Fix grenade system maximum force throw 2 grenades - Exit door sign location - Crafter texture fix (adaptation map) - Barrels highlight - Menu in level, added Exit Confirmation - Fix Crafter populate your saved modes when game start - FadeIn loading screen - Fences collisions - Dropped item particle - Maps thumbnails update - Crafter added ReqItems consumption and Mod sellings - Update movie intro game - Esc key toggle menu - Unlock level text on level selection
[ 2020-12-07 00:10:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
v1.9.5 =============== - New assets on maps - Underground cinematics update - Fix Level Unlock - Remove cinematic mode for Default game - Hints Update - Camera Shake fix - Gameplay Musics v1.9.6 =============== - Replace Doors by Room and Tunnel Transition - Changed show Door Exit Sign from key and not Tothem (can be usefull for multiple keys and multiple doors on same level) - Set Actors or HUD (Hint Message, Elevators, Invalid Interaction, Intro Dialogues) with audio SFX type volume - Outside room Decorations - Switch gun progression unlock order - New Skies - Map assest update - Input key Interaction hud's
[ 2020-09-11 21:21:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
v1.9 =============== - Advertisings on map - Batteries remodeled - Drones remodeling for better hit - Cinematics and Skip cinematics button - Footstep sounds updated - Fix control player on map initialize - Crafter with active and passive abilities - Weapons saved with steam cloud - Control settings update - Prevent switch weapon while aiming - Fix player controller after underground elevator animation - Update some SFX - Fix buy sniper - Update dificulties - Fix hint controller messages after controller settings - Fix androids pathfindings - New Advertise - Added explosive barrels - Update map thumbnails If you like the game feel free to give a feedback/review/share it. See you arround!
[ 2020-08-05 14:08:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
v1.8 ===============
- Drone AI v4 (shoot at predicted player location, faster shoot trigger)
- UI impact and hitmarker sound update
- AK lower gun damage
- Bigger stones catch trigger
- Story cinematics
- Update levels to be more forest like
- Airstricke awesome animation
- Updating the texts interaction
- Unlockables levels system
- New song: Cyberpunk v2
- Accept health perk on < 100%
- Weapon Box Update
- Readjust Levels Difficulties
- Turret fix after drone updates
- Optimizing Shadows
- Added a new color correction
- Drone navigation update
- Reload handung animation
- Update gun grip point location
- Screen display settings WIP
- Spawner robotic arms
- Graphics optimization (particles, reflexions, rain)
- AI better follow for better gameplay feel
- Fix audio settings
- Selection Wheel for gun/abilities
- elements outline
- Garden map Update
- fix grenade outside world collisions and kill events
- Turrets removed icons
- Blood effect updated
Need to fix:
- player stats arent saving and fix Steam Cloud implementation
[ 2020-05-27 21:08:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
VERSION 1.7 ============================ - WEAPON INTERNAL REFACTORING! (huge internal development for future new weapons) - Fix sniper hud after REFACTORING - Fix DualGun after REFACTRORING - Fix WeaponBoxes after REFACTORING - Fix Money spend after REFACTORING - Fix weapon sounds after REFACTORING - "Blaster" gun replaced by "Shotty" gun - "DualGun" muzzle flash for cloned gun - Weapons Aiming system - Map Design Updates - Black and White Camera Effect instead of heartbeat pulse blur (low health) - Main Menu Update - New Songs - Perks Sounds Effects - Audio Settings - Prevent bullet impact on maps outside collisions (Sky) - Camera Shake on shoot - Target left for android too - Ammo cap - Stats widget updated UI only (need to fix some initial issues) - Difficulties updated (all maps) - All bullet damages updated (First Person Character / Enemies) - "Tutorial" map shows multiple tips on the screen - TV screen Tutorial/Infos for "Tutorial" map - Fix "Airstrike" last bomb on "Industry" map - New sliders for gameplay settings - Turrets v4, can now shoot Androids too - Internal code cleaning - Prevent Shoot on pause menu - Remove floating movement for drones to prevent glitch up movement on pause menu - Fix Androids Spawn - Grenade launching triggered via arm animation - Android Health HUD like drones - Elevators bigger trigger area for some maps - Spotlights for maps for cool effect and lightning areas at night - Update Credits menu - Reset Setting buttons (Gameplay/Audio) - Fix default setting for first time play
[ 2020-04-08 22:00:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
VERSION 1.6 ============================ - Weapons sound replications; - Sprint prevent hold button (checkable option in options); - Show all key inputs for turrets, weapon benches, and chargers hint text; - Gameplay settings update; - New wall and floors textures added; - New color palette (blue for interaction like weapon benches, turrets, chargers, totem, etc. Removing red objects colors to prevent confusions with enemies); - Smaller enemies health HUD; - Drone audios and projectiles update; - Industry Map redesign update; - New bullet impact particle; - Update footstep sound for some plastics objects; - Added some debris of objects for maps design; - Increased trigger box activation size for turrets and chargers; - Muzzle Flash for some weapons; - Handgun faster projectile travel; - Update weapons ammo capacities; - Remove dual arrow on elevators; - Metropolis side decoration; - Hitmakers; - Dynamic crosshair; - Turrets v3; - New maps thumbnails for menu; - Remove sprint perk; - Fix jump perk reset (accumulate); - Updating some hints + voices; - Scoring near the crosshair; - Androids healths update; - Update hints + voices and interactions logic; - Moonlight; - Fix internal warning logs (Drones AI updated); - New AK47 shoot sound effect; [previewyoutube=Vi9i9Obog1s;full][/previewyoutube] Follow Dev @: -------------- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Emitters8 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/mickaelmorgado Trello: https://trello.com/b/xbwcLlRy/emitters
[ 2020-01-06 23:16:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
VERSION 1.5 ============================ - One-hand weapons + new weapon + arm positions and animations (first-person view only for now); - Character jump faster and more down gravity for faster falling movement; - Weapon box prevent to buy a weapon already equipped; - Destroy session if server host disconnect to be able to recreate a server and client can find it; - When client-server travel succeed, remove the HUD menu interface; - Remove camera shake effect function (need to remove from HUD); - Fix glitchy animations and character movement while sprinting and aiming at the same time; - Remove Turrets collisions for player and player projectiles; - Re-enable music on the menu + added "Falling Into Madness" song; - Rank / Score system with Prestige: The system autosaves on (computer for now/steam cloud after); - Tutorial map update; - HUD money animation; - Increase the size of some drones; - handgun and sniper increased bigger ammo capacity; - Survival Game Mode update; - Increase Drones Flare color; - Drone new simple explosion particle; - Spawner new particles; - Each weapon have different damages; - Refactoring health system for drones to have a life (bosses updated too); - Testing Raytracing but no success; - Pause game on the single-player mode (real-time stop); - Grenade range increased; - Player movement slightly increased; - Drones movements and spray fire speed increased; - Drones shoot range increased; - Update Hit Detection; - Fix pause game for the single-player when toggle pause menu by button click and not only with key; - Update Doors and Walls assets; - Update KeyCard model; - Player Stats; - AI Sometimes doesn't start (the rain trigger block was causing this issue); - Updating some trigger boxes collision to prevent AI errors logs (ue4 logs can potentially crash the game); - Stones pillars bright when a stone is on inventory; - Sound design (clothes friction on walking/running) and ambiance; - Exit Door doesn't need to interact with to open, just approaching the door it will open if you have the key; - Update all perks to fix UAV perk; - Menu interface; - Bosses Update; - Menu Logic and Graphics settings; - Prevent reloading on a full charger; - Fix bug that prevents you to shoot when reloading animation is interrupted with grenade launch animation; - Remodeling Inspire drone for look/performances enhancements; - HUD Locations for Key and Door; Some Issue for multiplayer: ---------------------------- - Multiplayer HUD disappears on client-side; - Friend character sounds still replicated on your machine; - When server unexpectedly disconnect, you can be stuck on loading screen infinite loop; Follow Dev @: -------------- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emittersgame/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emitters/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Emitters8 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/mickaelmorgado Trello: https://trello.com/b/xbwcLlRy/emitters
[ 2019-09-09 12:56:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
VERSION 1.4 ============================ - Lobby System implementing - Lobby System: refresh player list on player left - Fix Single Player Start Button (doesnt fire after lobby system implement) - Menu Updated with single and multiplayer tabs - Get steam username for connected player - Updated maps file path for server travel command - Hide loading screens when server traveling done - Levels difficulties based on players on map - Fix Perks for Garden map - Fix shadows for Garden map - New system with multiple drones depending on waves and maps - Drone #7 new 3d model - Working on aim centering weapons - Update shaders and graphics effects - Working on AK47 new model - Footstep sound on different floors - New Ammo System like COD - HUD Update - Limited carrying ammo - Update Blur - Reduce Light Shafts / God Rays light - Metropolis map update + performance - AK47 Projectile + Sound Update - New Door / Corridor model work in progress - Fix Charger Amount When buy weapon - Loading screens w/ tips - Launchpad forces updated - Grenade launch animation while jumping (updated animations logics / for better performances) - Grenade logic fix after animation update - Remove footstep sound when in air - Sprint animation update - Voices warning (low ammo, grenade, health) - Menu and loading updates - Update HUDs internal logics - Fix footstep sound for each player (multiplayer) - Fix highlight menu buttons - Elevators - New military drone texture - Faster Character movements - Cancel sprint when shooting - Drone target location alternative altitudes - Military Drone reduced damage - Highlight low ammo number on HUD
[ 2019-06-01 01:06:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New drones movements - Sniper bullet smaller and faster time travel - Airstrike ready for Multiplayer - Multiple texture ground for all maps - HUD Health and perk new styles - Maps optimizations - Full game logic optimizations to gain performance - Fixing Create / Join Session conditions (eg: when in a level and try to join a session it will fail) + conditional menu buttons - Fixing WeaponBox for client-side replication - Fix Replication of Random Perk Generator - Respawn countdown message on dead zone - Roll back to first weapon when respawning - Fix outside map collision - Bullets goes to crosshair location even for long / small distances (included dual gun system) - New weather time (thunderstorms) - Drone #3 new noises sounds - Tutorial map updated + fix shadows for day cycle - Grenade Effect less Epileptic xD - Reduce Camera Shake on shoot - Sniper and Handgun shoot sound effects update - Rain collision - Prevent grab health perk when 100% for better multiplayer gameplay - Update Interactive Event (the crosshair doesn't need to be perfectly aligned with the object to interact with eg: weapon box)
[ 2019-03-04 23:21:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some assets were updated for better perception of enemies through all the maps. All the enemies have now red light flare to be more visible. The difficulty will change between different maps that make it more challenging. Fix tutorial map that doesn't load. I hope you will like the updates, have fun
[ 2019-02-05 23:46:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Emitters Depot Linux [7.2 G]
"Hi guys, I'm Mickael Morgado creator of Emitters, it's my first game I'm developing as hobby indie game which consists of a first-person shooter sci-fi survival drone invasions game with some Starwars, aliens or Matrix style. In this game, you have to find and collect stones/batteries to power-up the level. It has multiple weapons, guns, enemies or friendly actors like drones/androids/turrets/airstrike support and bosses, all programmed with the AI system of unrealengine4, go-ahead to test the demo and don't forget to follow my other social networks to keep up to date about new updates or features."
- OS: Ubuntu 16 (64bits)
- Processor: You can test the Demo version and tweak some graphic settingsMemory: 2 MB RAM
- Memory: 2 MB RAM
- Graphics: You can test the Demo version and tweak some graphic settings
- Storage: 8 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 16 (64bits)
- Processor: You can test the Demo version and tweak some graphic settingsMemory: 4 MB RAM
- Memory: 4 MB RAM
- Graphics: You can test the Demo version and tweak some graphic settings
- Storage: 8 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]