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 Oleg Dammer 



 Oleg Dammer 















 Early Access 





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Warman is part of Freedom Games Publisher Sale!

Hi everyone - if you were thinking about getting the game, now is a great time to do so.

[h3]The game will be 50% off from April 15th through the 22nd![/h3]

Make sure to check out Freedom Games Publisher Sale page to pick up some awesome indie games at great prices. Whether you like to play alone or with friends, there are some great deals you won't want to miss out on!


[ 2024-04-15 19:00:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.1.0 - UI & Rendering Overhaul

Hi everyone!

If you were thinking about getting the game, now is a great time to do so as we are part of the Steam Spring Sale! From March 14th until the 21st, the game will be on sale for 30% off! Make sure to check out Freedom Games' Steam Spring Sale page to pick up some great games to play.

Now let's dive into the patch notes of this overhaul update!

Reworked the whole UI
Reworked the whole game rendering
Replaced stamina item effects with health and stamina recovery
Changed stamina scaling and cost
Changed item drop behaviour. You will never drop an item you can't equip
Changed chance for summons to spawn as elite when their summoner is elite from 100% to 15%
Added auto-save when you move to a different room or map
Added codex entries for all enemies
Disabled hero controls when you open any window
Added full offline mode with launch command '-offline'. This skips network connectivity checks and any Unity Game Service initializations

Various small fixes

[ 2024-03-14 18:25:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Official Publisher Announcement!

I have some great news to share today -

[h3]Warman is officially joining forces with Freedom Games![/h3]

For those of you who may not know, having a game publisher like Freedom Games greatly helps indie devs like myself focus on game development while they handle all the behind-the-scenes magic. From helping manage store pages to crafting marketing campaigns and even helping the game shine at both digital and live events, publishers help in all the aspects that indie developers often struggle with.

Joining forces with Freedom Games has redefined my game development journey. It lets me focus solely on the creative process, free from distractions. The global reach ensures that more players will enjoy my game, adds a rewarding dimension to my work, and the additional resources allow me to transform ambitious ideas into standout, polished games.

Im genuinely thrilled about the future of Warman and hope you share in my excitement for whats to come!


[ 2024-02-28 19:00:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #14

Progress is slow, but a lot of improvements are done.

Graphics are better and are more performant.

Every UI window is improved.

[ 2023-11-20 23:03:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #13

I am currently working on a new content update.

This update includes a new desert themed biome and the new Paladin class.
The new class also has it's own themed items to equip. In the future I plan to add themed items for all existing classes.

There are also a lot of minor improvements and various small bug fixes.
I have also done some technical upgrades to make the game run faster.

The desert also has its own boss, and in the future I will add a unique boss to the castle.

I am basically done with the technical side of things and at this point I am just missing some polished assets, effects and sounds. But it will still take some time before the update is finished.

[ 2023-06-28 20:45:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.1

  • Fixed: Bad translation and missing glyphs

[ 2023-04-05 21:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Warman is leaving Early Access!

Warman is finally leaving early access. Thank you for supporting the game in its early stage! It took longer than expected, but I had to get the game in a good state. The technical foundation is now very solid and will support all planned future updates.
Trying to cram in tons of features and content without making the game scale well would not have worked out in the long run. Of course I plan to continue to support and update the game after the full release.

The 1.0 update has been out for a few weeks and I see no problems. So the release should go smoothly. Before continuing with the next update I will take a short break, except for any bugs or critical fixes that may need to be made.

Enjoy the game!

[ 2023-04-03 17:40:17 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.0.0 - About Leaving Early Access & Price Increase

I am pleased to announce that Warman will be leaving early access on April 3rd, 2023.
Accompanying the full release, there will be a price increase to 20. Regional pricing will also be updated as recommended by Valve.

There are still features and content I want to add to Warman, but I feel that the current state of the game deserves a full release.
The most obvious content is more classes to play, areas to explore and more unique items. I also want to flesh out existing areas by adding some more enemies and mechanics that make the area special.
I have a prototype ready for a snow area which constantly applies a frost debuff and you have to periodically warm up at a campfire.

Warman is a combat-focused game. I want to add a sub-genre to add more variety to the gameplay loop. That is most likely to be a building system that allows you to build anywhere and share your creations in the workshop.

Future updates will include smaller patches to fix bugs and bigger content updates.
The content update will include 1 new biome with multiple maps that feature that biome, 3 new enemies for that biome, 1 new class and 9 new items that fit visually to that class.
It is hard to talk about a definitive roadmap, but I will regularly post about what I am working on.

Other major features that I want to add, that are not necessarily content, are: controller support, macOS version, workshop support, a more general mod support for custom classes, skills and maps, etc. Some of those I am already set on doing, others may get more priority based on community feedback.

The changelog for the current update 1.0.0:
Added: You can now invite players to your lobby through steam
Added: New heroes now have a special buff at the start
Added: You can now toggle between a big map and the minimap by pressing 'Tab'
Added: Room layout variants for all plains biome rooms
Changed: All item effects now scale from item level
Changed: Improved multiplayer melee hit-detection
Changed: Increased maximum debuff amount in endless areas from 5 to 8
Changed: New main menu logo and game icon

Fixed: Portal audio not reacting to volume slider
Fixed: Various issues with the chat
Fixed: Water instantly applying all debuff stacks
Fixed: Spellsteal not working as it was using the lifesteal value
Fixed: Ambient occlusion post-processing not working on linux

[ 2023-03-19 13:54:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.92 - New biome, world map and more

Added: New biome 'Plains'
Added: Big world map you can explore
Added: 12 new maps
Added: Enemies now somewhat vary in level
Added: Codex now tracks your exploration progress
Added: Option to turn on shadows for foliage
Added: Option to turn on shadows from light sources
Added: At any point you can now create a portal that leads back to the Docks
Changed: Music changes when you are in combat
Changed: Non-combat music replaced with background ambience
Changed: Updated all icons
Changed: Improved sound and particles for various elements
Changed: All potions now have a cast-time, instead of being instant
Changed: Improved all room designs
Changed: Improved transition from one room to another
Changed: Swapped the colors for explored and unexplored rooms
Changed: Improved various UI elements
Changed: All traps now also hit enemy units
Changed: You only receive for enemies that were hit by at least 1 allied unit
Changed: Various balance changes
Changed: Moved the item filter ui into the settings
Removed: All previous restrictions where you were required to complete a trial
Removed: Lives. All maps now have infinite lives

Fixed: Multiple steam profiles on the same PC overriding existing save data
Fixed: Various errors in damage calculation
Fixed: Being able to drop items in unreachable areas
Fixed: Projectiles not dealing any damage when their owner dies. Projectiles now create a snapshot of their damage on creation
Fixed: Some sounds did not react to volume changes
Fixed: Fixed unit position slowly desyncing when the unit moves around

[ 2023-02-18 18:21:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #12

The next update will contain quite a bit of new content.
Instead of just having a single portal that teleports you to the different locations, there is now somewhat of an overworld.

Essentially all the different areas are now connected and you can travel to them by foot. On your way you will find waypoints that you can later teleport to.

I am also working on a new biome.

[ 2022-11-21 23:02:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.91 - A LOT of polish

Took some time to get the update out, but I am very please with the results.
Every element of the game got some improvement. New and improved enemy designs, clearner UI, good looking main island.
All missing translations also got added. Not every language is perfectly translated and some are probably pretty bad, but it should get better from now on.

Changed: New icons for items
Changed: New icons for the UI
Added: Summoned units show their remaining time next to their healthbar
Changed: Removed the old Prison enemies and added new ones
Changed: Removed the old Castle enemies and added new ones
Added: All missing translations
Added: Mastery Passives now have a name
Changed: New terrain style for the main island
Changed: New trees
Added: Elite enemies now have a different color
Changed: Dungeons do not give any exp. anymore
Balance: Adjusted exp. and gold gain to new scaling
Balance: Adjusted damage, health and armor values
Changed: Some of the combat sequences in Bonebit dungeon
Changed: Changing the language now requires to restart the game
Changed: Improved general look of the UI
Changed: Moved floor effects to the top-left. They now appears as debuffs
Changed: Moved lives to the top-left. They now appear as buffs
Changed: When selling items, you don't have to select them anymore. Clicking on an item instantly sells it
Added: Primary and secondary skills now show in the UI
Added: Tooltips for modifiers, mastery passives and skills are now more detailed
Removed: Item labels over dropped items
Added: Enemy overhead UI now also shows the enemy level
Changed: Improved particles for most elements
Balance: Enemies don't give gold anymore
Added: Damage dealt now varies by +-20%
Changed: Relearning your mastery points is now again unified in a single device
Changed: Replaced NPCs with devices that perform their role. (While I do want NPCs to make the island more lively, it's somewhat to hard/timeconsuming for now.)
Added: Skills that target an area, now have a cast range
Added: Variety to attack animations
Changed: The player now looks different
Changed: Items attached to the player now look different
Removed: Hero customization (This is a cool idea, but was also too timeconsuming. Might be added back later)
Added: The start rotation of the area you enter is now not always the same
Added: Ranged enemies now retreat back if you get too close
Added: More objects to the main island. Old objects were improved
Added: Using abilities now costs stamina. Abilities are also a lot stronger now
Removed: Random item names

Fixed: Lv. 1 and e.g. Lv. 100 enemies always giving the same amount of exp.
Fixed: Various memoryleaks
Fixed: Unequipping a weapon while casting made the player stuck
Fixed: Last recorded multiplayer desync

[ 2022-10-21 21:44:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #11

I'm currently working on a huge update that will bring the game to a near 1.0 release state.

A big task is replacing 3rd-party assets that did not fit the style of the game. I have added unique enemy designs, that are not only basic skeletons...

Also added a lot more objects to the island, which makes it more vibrant. This will also be very useful when I expand on being able to build out your own island.

A lot of UI polish happened, which does not sound like much, but also adds to a smooth experience.
I made balance, combat and item tweaks. Combined with the new enemy designs, the combat is now in a really good state.

The multiplayer is in a near perfect state, with no more desyncs being recorded in my error tracking.
There could be some improvements for the client-side prediction, to smooth out some actions, but on the technical side there won't be any bugs.

Right now I have around 70 entries in the changelog and I expect that this will double for the complete update.

There is not much to show, as I'm still finalizing some designs, but here is the new island.
I do plan to replace the brown dirt with grass and allow some basic terrain editing, but I believe that will not make it into the 1.0 release.

[ 2022-08-16 19:45:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.90 - Castle Dungeon and QoL

Changed: Color of health and stamina bars. This was necessary as their are now allied units, that need a green healthbar
Changed: Reduced frequency of automated saves. This removes e.g. the stutter when you switch rooms
Added: New dungeon, Castle Siege. Requires a new currency that appears in the castle area
Changed: Every player can now open a portal, not only the host.
Changed: Resetting mastery skill points now costs 1 key
Changed: Removed trial requirement from resetting masteries
Changed: Reworked the tutorial. You now start directly on the island and have access to the codex. The codex has explanation for various topics.
Added: You can activate the debug menu with F5 if you start the game with '-console' launch option
Added: Various sfx for the UI
Added: Various ui animations
Changed: Removed the dropdown from the player ui at the bottom. All buttons are now visible and have an info if you hover over them
Balance: Removed armor and resistance values enemies
Removed: Feedback feature. Please create a steam discussion if you have any ideas
Changed: Totems are now real units that will get targeted by enemies
Added: Enemies now consider line of sight when casting skills
Added: A lot of modifiers now run out by reducing their stack size by 1, instead of going from 20 to 0
Added: HUD scale slider
Changed: You can't stand on top of the castle lever anymore
Added: New UI at the right that has notifications-like info (e.g. when you get a key, lose a life)
Changed: Removed physics from skeleton parts that appear on death
Changed: Enemies will now only aggro their target when they can reach to it
Changed: Improved the UI when hovering over objects
Added: Breakable objects can now drop stamina potions
Added: Health and stamina potions now apply a buff
Added: Noticeboard which gives a simple overview of the island
Changed: Improved the look of the minimap
Changed: Traps now apply bleeding and burning debuffs instead of directly doing damage
Changed: All modifier percentages are now pseudo-random and will trigger more often
Changed: Simplified damage scaling on weapons and added some new base effects
Removed: Reflect item effect
Changed: Block item effect. Now has a percentage to block 100% of the damage
Changed: Portal shard room won't appear if the difficulty and hero level are too far apart
Added: Some windows now have an extra '?' button next to the close button. This will open the help page in the codex
Changed: Projectiles from mini-boss skills are now 50% slower
Changed: Key room now has a 100% of appearing
Changed: You now need a key to unlock the elevator, instead of killing enough enemies
Added: The very first room now contains a chest that only gives a white weapon

Fixed: Skill cooldown reduction reducing potion cooldown
Fixed: Some modifiers that should have 100% trigger rate, did not trigger
Fixed: Tornado Wand tornadoes not being able to hit enemies that are in the water
Fixed: Not losing experience on death
Fixed: Hair z-fighting on high zoom values
Fixed: Wrong hotkey texts being shown in the hotkey rebind menu
Fixed: Being able to jump and interact with objects at the same time
Fixed: Skill cast preview being stuck when you change the map
Fixed: Ranged enemies aiming at the wrong point and not being able to hit their target
Fixed: Rare bug that caused a multiplayer desync. Based on my error-tracking, this should be the last one

[ 2022-03-27 20:13:23 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.89 - New Island and Linux

In this update I was mostly tweaking the combat flow and working on improving some small features that did not do too well. I fixed a lot of small annoyances that made combat somewhat tedious.
Combat features and design are now properly in place and can now be really polished and balanced.

The island rework should also fit the game better and is more extendable on a technical level.
For the next update I will be working mostly on the castle area dungeon, which should turn out way better than the 'Bonepit'.

Also Warman now has a native Linux client.

Dying and respawning now refreshes all your cooldowns
Using a teleporter now makes you invulnerable for a short time
Limited movementspeed to a max. of 200%
Changed item rarity drop rates
Jumping now costs 10 stamina
Improved general UI rendering performance
Rescaled item rarity effect values
You now gain a 3 sec. invulnerability buff after respawning
Respawn points now automatically activate when you go near them
Replaced the chain bridges in the prison area with wooden ones
Added stone bridges to the castle area
Going into water in the prison area now applies a 'Wet' debuff
You now walk in the prison and castle area water, instead of swimming
Wings don't give flying anymore
Temporarily disabled 'Flying' and 'Fire Ground' floor effects
Changed some trap and room layouts. Every point is now reachable by enemies
Reworked character creation. Now has more sensible options and is easier to extend
Reworked the main island look
Added a npc to the main island which allows to change how you look
Added a mini-game when resetting your masteries. This may be further improved
Removed the gold cost from resetting your masteries
Reworked potions. There are now 6 distinct potions with their own effects
Increased damage when you fall into void
Changed so you can't die from falling into void

Rolling now makes you properly invulnerable. Previously you still would receive 1 damage and trigger on damage events
Fixed some rare cases where a multiplayer game could desync
Fixed 'Portal' floor effect having in some cases a too high level
Fixed vendor bulk sell button not always updating
Fixed surfaces not playing the correct sfx when walked on
Fixed player sometimes losing their max. cleared floor when playing in multiplayer
Fixed camera ambient occlusion post-processing not working
Fixed various issues with spectating other players while dead
Fixed enemy levels wrapping back to 1 when you are on floor 255 and up

[ 2022-01-23 00:28:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #10

The new update is not quite ready, so here is a little preview of all the new things that are new.

The main island got a full rework of all the assets. The assets were also designed in a way that will allow easier integration with some base building. But this feature is not planned for the 1.0 release and will come later.

The potions were reworked and provide now proper effects. Currently there are 6 potions that give different buffs.

The hero creation was also somewhat reworked. Options that did not really make sense, as you would never see them in the game, were removed. Ideally the icons would have a little preview icon instead of a number, but that is planned for later.

You can now also change the look of existing heroes.

[ 2021-12-29 20:29:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.88 - Dungeons and Visuals

This update includes multiple major changes. The general combat should feel now a lot smoother, as you don't have to rotate the camera anymore to keep track of the action. With an improved camera perspective and level design it should now be a lot more fun to just play the game.

When opening a portal you know have the option to switch between 'Area' and 'Dungeon'. To open a dungeon you will need to find a special currency that appears in the respective area. The dungeon has a fixed layout and a neat boss fight at the end.
There are also 'Trials' which make the dungeon more challenging and provide persistent rewards for progression.

The 'Castle' area currently has no dungeon associated with it, but that's exactly what I'm going to work on next.

Reworked how you interact with objects. You can not move anymore while using an object and receiving damage will cancel the interaction.
Added a castbar for enemies that precisely shows when they execute their skill cast
Changed color of interactable radial to match castbar
Removed settings for Camera FoV and Zoom
Removed rare chance that an enemy may drop an item. Guaranteed drops from e.g. portals are still there.
Reworked enemy rarities. Now there are only normal and elite enemies instead of four different rarities.
Removed tick damage for projectiles.
Hovering over enemies now also shows their level
Increased damage and speed of tornado projectiles
Burning ground now applies damage through a burning debuff
Removed ladders
Removed the ability to rotate the camera
Improved the camera perspective
Adjusted level design so you can properly see the insides of the room
Replaced the 3rd skill of the claw weapon
Expanded the tower portal menu. You can now select between areas and dungeons
Added a new currency which you can get in an area, to open the equivalent dungeon
You now have to complete a trial to use the vendor shop
You now have to complete a trial to relearn your masteries
Castle biome sewage water now applies damage through a modifier, instead of directly
Replaced 6 item effects with new ones
Masteries now scale from level 1 to 10, instead of 1 to 100. Experience requirements for skill points are the same.

Fixed miniboss being able to refresh health potion cooldown
Fixed music not changing when you die in a room that is playing custom music
Fixed various small bugs

[ 2021-10-29 19:14:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #9

I'm working on improving the visuals of the game. You can now better see what exactly is happening in the room. Also it looks better when the player is occluded. Other features are also being worked on, but are not quite ready yet.



[ 2021-09-28 22:15:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #8

I am still working on the dungeon. While designing they layout I am also adding new assets and polishing existing ones.

In the dungeon you can set your respawn point, so you don't have to walk a lot in case you die.

You can now see when enemies complete their ability cast. This allows you to plan your actions better when to dodge. I do plan to add the ability to interrupt ability casts. That way the combat will be even more dynamic.

I am also experimenting how the game would look like with an orthographic camera. I do admit I should have done it earlier, especially because I do like how it looks like.

[ 2021-08-15 20:49:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #7

Currently I am working on improving the core gameplay loop.

At the moment all biomes, which are currently just two, are mixed into one run and there is supposed to be one boss between them. The boss encounter is not exciting, especially because after unlocking the particular floor you can easily access the fight.

With the improved version each biome has a dedicated area. There you can get portal shards which open
a portal to the boss dungeon. The dungeon is completely handcrafted and is a more eventful boss encounter.

The new UI has a selection of all areas. Some may be locked till you clear the associated dungeon of the previous area.

A dungeon has an assortment of trials that will make the whole run harder, but provide a unique reward when you manage to clear them.
You can die up to six times in a dungeon before you get kicked out of it. Opening a dungeon requires portal shards which you get in the equivalent themed biome area.

[ 2021-07-06 22:51:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.87 - Complete UI rework

Completely reworked the UI
Removed the ability to buy additional storage tabs. This feature will come back in a different form.
Removed internal cooldown on a lot of modifiers, so they trigger as expected.

Fixed damage over time modifiers causing problems to enemy AI
Fixed skills cast from modifiers not causing a cast event

Here are some previews of the new UI.

[ 2021-05-23 21:02:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.86 - Major new feature: Masteries

This update includes a new major core feature. Based on the weapon you use you will be unlocking your skills and earning class skill points. Spending class skill points can greatly changes your skills.
Sadly the new content is not translated, but I am nearly finished with workshop integration for translations.

The next update will focus on a lot of polish and some content.

New feature: Masteries. Starting out with one mastery per weapon, for a total of 5 masteries
New NPC where you can reset your spent mastery skill points
Improved gold lighting and performance by grouping gold into piles of three
Added steam rich presence
Improved healthbar design of elite enemies
Changed claw weapon 4th skill. Applies a DoT in an AoE.
Picking up items does not try to auto-equip them anymore. For now this is a necessary change so the multiplayer works bug free.
Added workshop support for game translations
Minimum supported screen resolution is now 1024x768
First load into the game is now way faster
Multiplayer invite codes are now more readable
Removed big UI when player got a level up
Reduced enemy amount by ~30%
Increased enemy health by ~30%
Removed cursor customization
Added a new well visible custom cursor
Mouse cursor now changes when hovering over special objects
Hovering over objects now shows a name and short description
Removed tornado totem enemy. Now spawns as a proper totem ( the same type the player can place )

Fixed ranged slightly shooting in the wrong direction
Items are now properly synced over the server. This causes clients to have a small delay when equipping items. This is necessary for a bug free experience.
Falling into void now deals damage again
Fixed screen resolution from resetting

'Tornado Totem' does not stick to moving platforms anymore

[ 2021-05-06 22:07:42 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #6

Still working on finishing all the masteries. The technical side is done, but I still need to add good icons, particles and sound effects. Various other parts of the game also received some polish and improvements.

Enemy rarity now also shows in the healthbar.

Skill charges now show their cooldown.

The icons are obviously still work in progress.

[ 2021-03-21 22:26:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #5 - Weapon Masteries

Currently there are 5 weapon types. Each weapon mastery skill tree has 14 nodes. You will be able to skill 10 nodes. Right now ~85% of the nodes are done.
Here are some previews of some of the possible effects.

'Meteor Rain' has a chance to cast 'Firenova' on impact.

On crit. chance to cast 'Heavy Slash'.

On attack chance to trigger 'Slice'.

[ 2021-02-11 19:04:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.85 - Multiplayer Improvements

With the new update the menus and gameflow got more streamlined. With this I can guarantee a more stable multiplayer experience. The improved netcode also allows me to easier add new features.

With the new system you do not preselect a hero before entering a game, but select them after you joined a lobby.
Creating and deleting heroes now happens in 'Manage Heroes'.

'Singleplayer' simply creates a solo offline lobby where you can pick your hero and play the game.
'Multiplayer' allows you to invite friends to the lobby. Currently the maximum player count is 8. This may increase. After the game starts joining is not possible anymore.

In the top-right is the invite code you need to share with others who want to join.

Major rework of multiplayer netcode ( improves performance and stability )
There is now has a proper lobby system when creating a game
You can now drop items everywhere
Added a new gui above the skills to show positive and negative modifiers
Skills that apply a buff now apply them as modifiers
Skills now show a more detailed cooldown
Improved blacksmith UI
Improved loading times
Updated korean translation ( thanks to DeTK )
Improved flow how to create and join multiplayer games
Spawned enemies now also count towards the floor clear progress
Changed so all players need to be alive when changing a map

Better syncing for player position ( no more sliding )
Various fixes

Currently not everything is translated
Falling into void currently does no damage
Ranged enemies don't retreat anymore if you get to close
Items lying around currently have a generic 3d model
Cursor size can't be changed in settings
Potion does not apply any buffs, only heals
Big UI boss healthbar is currently disabled

[ 2021-01-14 21:42:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #4 - More Technical Improvements

I'm still working on improving the technical details. There are a lot of improvements to the multiplayer networking, loading times and UI performance.

While reworking the UI on a technical level, I also redid the layout for the workbench.

[ 2020-12-07 22:21:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #3 - Technical Improvements

The next update is still not ready. While working on adding all the cool new features that masteries would have, I hit several dead-ends where it would be technical not really possible to properly add the feature.

So I decided to improve some technical core parts of the game. The multiplayer is currently receiving a complete overhaul, and is already way better then before.
Playing with friends is also made easier and I am looking into adding 'Steam Invites'. Currently you create a game and have an invite-code that you can share. This also ties in with a future feature of customizing your island more.
It would also be possible to have a list of open games. It is currently not supported, but I may add it if there is demand for it.

All of this will increase the game performance, multiplayer stability and make the game easier to continue develop and add new features.

[ 2020-10-28 23:27:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #2 - Masteries

The update this month is going to be delayed, because it adds quite a bit of new features, that are not ready yet.

Currently I am working on adding more depth to combat and character customization.

There is one mastery layout per weapon type. Every mastery has its own level. You gain exp. in the mastery you currently use. There are 4 active skills, that are unlocked based on your level.
Additionally there are 21 passive nodes that will modify the active skills. The right bar shows the level needed to gain a skill point, to be used to unlock a passive node. In total you can get 10 skill points.

This is all work in progress and may be further adjusted.

[ 2020-09-30 22:18:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.84 - Boss and Localizations

Added localization for German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Korean and Portuguese
Moved key display into backpack, next to gold
There is now a preview where the abilitiy will hit before casting it. Also applies to enemies.
Added a boss between Dungeon and Castle biome ( first version )
Completely reworked enemy AI ( first version ). This fixes various desync problems in multiplayer and allows for more complex AI later on
Moved menu icons in the bottom right into one unified tray. This is necessary as there will be more features later on that will need their own window.

Fixed rare bug in multiplayer which would desync world generation
Fixed a bug where you sometimes would not be able to attack

[ 2020-08-24 19:30:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

1 Year of Early Access

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Warman being in early access. I want to write about what went well and what comes in the future.

For updates, I was trying to meet a schedule of 1 update a month. I think that works well, except for big updates that I can't finish in 1 month, but that's not too big of an issue. I plan to continue working like this.

Community Communication
I am bad at marketing and showing off new features, so at times it might seem that the game is abandoned. But I assure you that, that is is not the case and I am constantly working on improving Warman.

There are some features that I want to finish before a 1.0 release. Nothing is set in stone, but I hope to release out of early access at the end of the year.

  • Boss. A bossfight that happens at the end of a biome, before going into the next. Currently I am working on a boss, that will release with the next update. Multiple bosses are planned.
  • Weapon Skill Tree. Every weapon type will have it's own skill tree, with new active and passive skills. The player will earn experience in the mastery of the weapon that is being used.
  • UI Improvements. A more cleaner and polished UI. In combination with the weapon skill tree, that will add more skills, the UI will be more compact and focused.
  • Performance and Multiplayer Networking improvements. This might not be an immediately noticeable change, but necessary to have a good gameplay experience and so I can expand in features and content.
  • Localization. Some languages that are currently planned are: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish. On request, more languages can be added. Also it is going to be technically possible to load custom community translations, ideally with steam workshop support. But I do not know when this is going to be added.
  • Controller Support.
  • Player trading. It is nice to have, but may be delayed after 1.0.

As always, if there is something I missed that the community deems necessary, then there might be changes.

Warman is the type of game where you could always add something new or more content ( e.g. another new biome ). That is exactly what I plan to do.

Most of those features are still only roughly laid out. They will probably evolve over time and their design is not final.

  • More weapon types, bosses, biomes.
  • More NPCs. Changing your appearance, gamble-type npc, more ways to modify your items ( e.g. sockets ).
  • Companions. Find companions ( AI controlled ) in the dungeon that will fight with you.
  • Pets. Similar to companions, but persistent, with their own items and different playstyles ( e.g. only collect items, heal, etc. ).
  • Fully handcrafted 'dungeons'. As in, you open a portal to an instance with set challenges. Groups of monster, traps, bosses, etc.
  • More 'Gamemodes'. I consider the current dungeon to be just one way to play Warman. E.g. Not traversing from floor to floor, but having a single point of defense, where you need to fight of waves of enemies.
  • Your own island / hideout. Freely place objects, trophies of defeated bosses, etc.

[ 2020-07-29 18:28:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.83 - More content and polish

Improved game font
Start floor now always changes to highest floor when returning back from the dungeon
Improved design of error alerts
Added new item slot: Off-Hand
Moved reflect item effect to off-hand
Improved player death animation
Improved enemy textures
Moved save indicator to the top right
All enemies and interactable objects now have an outline on hover
Added 24 new rooms to the castle biome
Added 3 new enemies to the castle biome

Fixed some issues with castle trip wire trap
Fixed item slots showing 'New' for empty slots
Fixed loud audio spikes on level switch

[ 2020-06-24 23:33:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.82.1 - Small fix

Fixed wrong sfx for fireball explosion
Fixed issue with unlocking elevator in multiplayer

[ 2020-05-26 20:12:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 0.82 - Castle Biome

Added the castle biome. Floor biomes change every 10 floors.
Changed how clearing a floor works. Previously you needed to clear 80% to open the room doors. Now you need to clear 80% of the main path to activate the elevator.
Improved dungeon layout. Now not all rooms are always connected.
Player tombstone now spawns at the last checkpoint. Checkpoints are placed on entering a room and near chasms/water.
Player tombstone does not spawn enemies anymore, you just need to use it to revive a dead player.

Fixed major bugs related to reviving player in multiplayer.
Fixed shopkeeper selling only max. ilvl 15 items.

There are still some things missing for the castle biome. More unique enemies and more rooms. Currently there is no big boss, but that will be the next big thing I will work on.

[ 2020-05-16 15:24:13 CET ] [ Original post ]

Development Progress #1 - New Biome

The monthly update will be delayed a bit, because I was not able to get everything ready in time. I want to share the current progress of the update.

The next update will have a new biome.

The way floors are cleared will be also changed a bit. Previously you needed to kill 80% of the enemies in a room for it to open, except if you are on a floor that you previously cleared.
Now you need to kill 80% of enemies on the main path. Special rooms, like a challenge room, will also count towards the floor clear rate. That way you can better control they way you progress through a floor.
The ladder is replaced by an elevator that is deactivated until you clear the floor. The elevator model is still work in progress.

[ 2020-04-23 22:20:29 CET ] [ Original post ]