**Patch v2.70:** Characters: Chiretta - w2 sewture - startup 3f->5f, shot interval 12f->13f, recovery 27f->28f | can be shield walked now Harissa - w1 - startup 9f->10f, cooldown 30f->34f | was pretty spammable in front rows Harissa - w2 - airtime 19f->21f, changed warningd ot to paint colors Maypul - Wrap no longer triggers through Shield/Deflect | I think this is how it was intended Perilla - w1 pounce - web dmg 1->0, web mana restore 1->0.5, web duration 180f->120f Perilla - w2 snatch - range 9->4, now counts as a "hit" for dropping shield early Queen - w2 execute - startup (for column dmg) 4f->6f Reva - w1 ricoshield - now pierces again Reva - w2 shield bash - shot 3->1, dmg 1->3, now pushes on hit, now hits 2 tiles in front, startup 13f->14f, cooldown 48f-> 58f Saffron -> w2 sparktex - startup/travel time 10f->12f, recovery 25f->24f Shiso - w2 center mass - shot interval 8f->6f Shopkeeper - w2 gravitas - recovery 26f->22f, cooldown 36f->40f Terra - w2 dark matter - impact dmg 3->2, summon hp 3->2, no longer hits self, purple. Terrable - w1 comet - dmg 2/2->1/2, cooldown 40f->66f | covered too much area too often Terrable - w2 dark wave - cooldown 56f->58f Violette - w2 charm - dmg 1->2, recovery 26f->25f | puts it more in line with other weapons Spells: Acid Rain - active frames 2f->4f Auto Slash - dmg 4->3 | slight nerf Back Slash - dash distance 2->1 | should make it a bit more useable while increasing the range by 1 tile Bomb - dmg 11->12 | reverting dmg to make it more rewarding and unshieldable BowSnipe - dmg 14->16 Double Team - dmg 5/5->4/4, second hit startup 16f->18f, recovery 24f->28f | too much dmg for how strong it was for combos Escalation - shot interval 5f->4f Flurry - now alternates hits between 1 and 2 tiles away (3 close, 2 far) | hopefully increases the utility without making it too strong Frost Slash - mana cost 3->2, dmg 7->5, startup 11f->13f Harrier - shots 6->8 Harvest - startup 11f->9f, dmg 3->2, recovery 35f->30f Kinetic Wave - mana cost 1->2, startup 2f->4f, shot interval 12f->13f, recovery 26f->32f | was too cheap, can be shield walked now Lasso - travel time 17f->19f, now pulls and roots instead of dragging to front Last Letter - dmg 5/10->4/10, startup 4f->5f, 2nd hit startup 12f->13f Miasma - shots 4->6, recovery 12f->9f Northwind - startup 11f->14f | too cheap and wide Ragnarok - dmg 20->22 Rake - recovery 38f->36f Shield Throw - shield pickup now lasts on ground for 60f Snowfall - now lands 5 tiles away, dmg 6->7, active frames 3f->4f | differentiates it more from Paragon, can be move->combo'd out of if it triggers frost Spear Wave - dmg 4->3, now deals 4 dmg in center | may be too much of a nerf but figured I'd try this first Step Slash - dmg 4->3 Swallow Spear - mana restore 2->1 | mana restore should be less extreme now, and a way to get spears out of the front column Transmute - hitbox now wider to prevent walking through Tremor - shot interval 5f->4f, hitbox now wider to prevent walking through Turret Gun - startup 14f->17f, recovery 28f->25f (also affects Hazel upgrade) | startup was too fast for how long it lasted Whiplash - hitbox changed to include an extra tile at the bottom left Whirl - shots 7->8, recovery 20f->15f Frost: Frost dmg is now shieldable, will inflict 19f stun on shield Spear: Generated spears now land in the front column, randomly, prioritizing moveable tiles | this should increase the interaction when picking up spears Modding: Added a parameter laserRange to control length of Laser spells Added a check HitCastRow/HitNotCastRow to check if the hit target is in the same row the spell was cast Added lerp patterns (for modding): SavedTile TrackerPathing RelocateHalfFieldPathing QoL: Capitalized first letter of spell descriptions Hit catch spears now have a warning dot Music now has a 25% chance to play a random character's theme Bugfixes: Moves no longer trigger if moving to the same tile (including being against off field) **Patch v2.71:** Chiretta - startup (reverted) 5f->3f | other changes were probably enough, also in line with kwave Perilla - w2 snatch - range 4->5 Double Team - recovery 28f->26f Flurry - startup 4f->6f, recovery 6f->12f | the low recovery was so it wouldn't be punishable if hit, but it's no longer needed and should not be very + if not setup with a broken tile/summon Kinetic Wave - startup (reverted) 4f->2f, recovery (reverted) 32->26f Lasso - travel time 19f->17f (reverted) Rake - recovery 28f->36f Shotgun - startup 10f->6f, recovery 14f->10f Skewer - now applies half stun on shield Snowfall - mana cost 2->1, dmg 7->4, active frames 4f->8f | trying to give it a new role different from paragon, possibly more niche Spear Wave - bonus dmg 4->5 per hit Brushfire, Combust, Eruption, Tremor, Transmute - increased active frames 2f->3f or 3f->6f to decrease framewalking Whiplash - dmg 6->8, active frames 4f->6f Spears: Now lands in front two columns Bugfixes: Fixed a bug where spells would not get countered if player was already in hitstun (usually shielded hitstun->shieldbreak) Fixed some descriptions and character animations for certain weapons/spells **Patch v2.72:** Saffron - w2 sparktex - recovery (reverted reverted) 25f->24f Violette - w1 misericorde - recovery 17f->16f Flurry - recovery 12f->9f Rake - recovery 36f->35f Bugfixes: Fixed skewer normal hit stun duration Stinger - fixed mana cost **Patch v2.73:** Chiretta - w2 - shot interval 13f->12f Maypul - w1 - recovery 13f->11f Perilla - w2 - range back to full Shiso - w1 - dmg 5->4, Pistol Whip dmg 2->3 Shopkeeper - recovery 22f->26f, cooldown 40f->36f Terra - w2 - health and dmg back to 3 Kinetic Wave - mana cost 2->1, dmg 2->1, shot interval 13f->12f Monsoon - mana cost 2->1, waves 6->2 Bugfixes: Shiso - w2 center mass - fixed frame data on bottom hit Toxicross base poison "|" = developer note
[ 2025-02-01 23:45:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Holidays! Login to get a free holiday banner!
Thanks to everyone for playing Duelists.
Patch v2.60:
Fixed BreakShot location
Moves no longer trigger if moving to the current tile
Added file path when json has errors
Added Sounds readme to mod folder
Added AmountTypes: SubtractMultiplier and DisplaySubtract
Patch v2.59:
Added Battle Coliseum Banner
Added Harissa Vision Palette
Vertical pushes will now properly order targets regardless of side/facing direction
Break Shot will now always Break and Fire shots from the same tiles even during step spells
Removed an extra color from Gunner's downed animation
Fixed Linux build
Patch v2.58:
Fixed a missing palette color in Terrable's vfx for cast 1
Windburst - mana cost 2->1, dmg 3->2
Whiplash - recovery 18f->16f
Keybindings ui will no longer hide when cycling through UI modes in training
Cracked tiles will only break if they are the closest tile being moved over (fixes Compactor + Pull interaction)
Terrable w2 animation no longer sometimes cancels animation of next spell
Reduced matchmaking limits
Patch v2.57:
Added Japanese localization for new content
Added new palettes, courtesy of cwolfcommander
Adjusted Random character sprite
Changed only lobby owner can change message
Crackroots - now works on cracked/broken tiles and hits in a column
Hotfix v2.56:
Fixed Perilla's web not spawning
Optimized some steam/login related stuff
Fixed a bug when disconnecting players
Perilla's w1 no longer places a web if dodged
Shiso ammo default reset to 6 for all players
Terrable w1 - "outside grid" trigger increased until entire hitbox is outside of the grid (explodes a couple frames later), also added a vfx outside the grid
Jackhammer startup 0f->4f to match other mortar spells
GolfBomb - dmg reverted to 10
[ 2024-12-23 18:20:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Season 2 Starts Now!
Patch v2.49
New Spells: Wind Burst - 3x3 knockback spell Rake - double pull melee spell Chiretta w2 - cooldown 46f->52f, recovery 27f->28f Harissa w2 - cooldown 36f->46f Maypul w1 - startup 8f->7f, recovery 14f->13f Seed duration 360f->300f Neera w1 - startup 13f->12f, recovery 25f->23f, active frames 5f->6f Neera w2 - recovery 16f->15f, added shadow warning Reva w2 - shots 3->2 Selicy w2 - hailblade touch dmg 2->3 Shiso - reworked Terra w2 - summon dark matter dmg 2->3 Amplifier - now only fires in the casted direction, hp 7->6, now triggers off of damage instead of hit BombToss - explosion dmg 12->11 BowSnipe - startup 24f->28f, recovery reduced to match, dmg 17->14, now pierces BreakShot - velocity 8->7, tiles now break on frame 6 instead of frame 1 ColdMedicine - velocity 8->9 Collapse - startup 22f->24f, adjusted visual Crackroots - startup 13f->12f, now hits horizontally instead of vertically, dmg 3->2 Crevasse - dmg 9->13 CrystalRifle - now +1 dmg for frost dmg on summons, +2 if player. dmg cap 14 Dark Grasp - mana cost 2->1, dmg 4->2 Fadeaway - dmg 12->11 FreezerBurn - num shots 1->3, adjusted frame data FrostSlash - startup 13f->11f Glitter - dmg 7->8, tiles 11->12 GolfBomb - dmg 10->9 Harrier - shots 5->6, recovery 3f->9f Harvest - recoveyr 40f->35f, mana restore 4->5 HyperBeam - startup 14f->12 Jackhammer - recovery 6f->9f Knife - changed to melee Kunai - poison 5->4 InfinityBeam - dmg 4->5, mana 2->1 Innervate - mana cost 4->3 Inverter - recovery 3f->9f, dmg 4->3 LastLetter - Z slash startup 16f->12f Lockdown - startup 16f->18f, dmg 10->11, updated sfx ManaCatch - active frames 12f->9f Meteors - recovery 26f->23f, increased summon hp by 1 Miasma - changed to hit two back rows, shot interval 24f->20f, shots 6->4 Needler - recovery 3f->9f Perforate - recovery 19f->18 PunchCannon - changed to a 3x1 and fires piercing hitboxes Sacrifire - self dmg 3, dmg 10->9 Salvo - shot interval 13f->11f ScatterSpear - mana cost 2->1, num spears 3->2 SentryTurret - mana cost 3->2, laser dmg 4->5 Skewer - range 4->5, self stun 60f->55f Snowfall - dmg 5->6 Slowball - dmg capped at 20 Starburst - hitbox sizes increased, no longer framewalkable StepLance - 1st hitbox startup 6f->5f Study - duration 45f->40f, mana cost 1->0 SwallowSpear - mana restore 1->2 Tailwind - recovery 16f->14f Tremor - also cracks on hit TurretLux - now dmgs self for 4 dmg instead of full hp Twinferno - recovery 34f->32f Unleash - recovery 36f->32f, startup 16f->15f Venoshock - dmg and poison removal capped at 16 Vivisection - dmg 5->4 Volley - pellet interval 6f->3f Vortex - travel time 30f->28f Whirl - shots 6->7, shot interval 5f WreckingBall - dmg 3->2, airtime - 20f->22f Zenith - dmg 10->11 Poison - no longer cures during hitstun Removed: Fling SD Turret Ranked ratings have been soft reset QoL: Hitstop now extends buffered inputs Improved vfx for some spells UI Cycling - PlayerName text moved down one stage, health numbers moved down one stage Mana number on cardtridges is now smaller and transparent Added fx for blocked summon from broken tile Added 2nd color to Terra's hair for palettes Japanese Localization is placeholder for now. I can make changes but official localization should be done within a couple weeks. Bugfixes: Dodging while moving will no longer sometimes get stuck in animation MagicClaw no longer hit regens twice Venoshock now hitregens Adjusted step blaze preview to show hitbox BladeHitCatch can no longer be countered Pushes will now properly push based on closest tile even when hitting a step slashing target and their destination is behind an object Harissa's telepad will no longer sometimes be in the wrong place when countered Fixed palette overlap with violette jrock guitar GolfBomb no longer unstunnable Dodge opacity goes away 1 frame sooner to match actual invincibility Changed some logic for Pyroblast and MagnaFlare, they should be less buggy now. Magnaflare will now fire all it shots even if it's target is dead (in case that didn't happen before) Modding: Added "AnchorOverride" effect. This cancels the anchor ending effect of the spell (Assuming a child spell will handle it) Shiso's Pistol Whip uses this. Added "Knockback" effect. Pushes away from the spell's "touched Tile." Wind Blast uses this.
Hotfix v2.53:
Perilla w1 frames adjusted to match normal step spells Amplifier now triggers off hits only Fixed an issue with hitstepping pulls Chiretta w2 recovery reverted to 27f Perilla palettes now appear properly in store Perilla's web no longer sometimes cancels stun Perilla's w1 idle frames adjusted to all be after the web shot Shiso's bullets now strong push Shiso w2 no longer snaps to top/bottom rows Shiso w2 - dmg 1->2 Some description fixes Stuns no longer go through Invincibility Strong Pushes/Pulls now snap X to closest tile (to prevent collisions that aren't visually there) Added difficulty ratings for Perilla/Terrable Fixed unredeemable palettes for terrable/perilla Fixed a bug where BouncingBlade catch was not counterable Offline mode fixed InfinityBeam - dmg 5->4 MagicClaw - recovery 20f->17f
Hotfix v2.54:
Flame tile pattern order is now based on facing direction Lockdown recovery 26f->28f (to match startup change) Reva w2 shots reverted to 3, interval reduced 8f->4f Perilla's w2 now stuns for shield stun amount on shield Shiso's w2 bottom half now does 2 dmg Stuns now interrupt dodges WindBurst knockback directions fixed for step reverses

Had a great time going to some local events recently! We even gave away some Saffron plushies to the winners! Thanks for all the support so far!
[ 2024-09-04 17:12:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v2.42
Shopkeeper - w2 - now hit-steppable like other push/pull spells Collapse - dmg 5->7 Dark Grasp - mana cost 1->2 FireBreath - recovery 26f->28f Lockdown - dmg 11->10 Sacrifire - self dmg 3->5, dmg 11->10, now always spawns behind player (originally intended to be used with summons behind, should reduce how free it can be thrown out with shield/parry) Triple Barrel - mana cost 2->3 (it lasts pretty long which lets you regen a lot of mana) Other: Added timestamps to chat messages Discord: Added !modbattle and !nomodbattle commands to #matchmaking
Patch v2.41
DarkGrasp - dmg 4->3 for both hits Salamander - now has half hit Visual updates to match hitboxes for: FrostSlash Hailstone Snowfall Adjusted overriding buffered input to be more lenient (now only disables overriding attacks while ending a movement) Updated multi keyboard branch to v2.41
Patch v2.40
DarkGrasp - second hit is now always in front of first hit Sacrifire - dmg 12->11 Whiplash - active frames reverted to 1f->4f since multihit bug is fixed Other: Queued actions can no longer be overridden if they are a spell/weapon (should solve some rollback flashes of spells) Bugfixes: Fixed a bug with replay saving Whiplash can no longer be avoided inbetween hitboxes, no longer can multihit with tipper Crossfire now deals bonus damage in one hit Unrated/Ranked lobbies should now show up properly Infinity Beam and other generating spells should no longer occasionally cause crashes Modding: Added amount type for GenericCounter Added a parameter for useParentCastGuid, where the spell will use the parent's cast guid for checking single hits (whiplash fix)
Patch v2.39
Whiplash - active frames 4f->1f to reduce multi hits Other: Made queen's dark chess pieces a bit lighter Bugfixes: Hitstop movement adjustments no longer occasionally skip parts of the movement Fixed a bug with joining custom lobbies while they are starting Replays will now get saved when players have incompatible characters in their names Fixed character unlocks number display to be accurate Gauntlet no longer flashes white between battles Harrier is now non-lethal with spellpower Seed status no longer gets stuck if applied during Wrap
[ 2024-06-07 16:28:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
**Hotfix: Patch v2.38** Bugfixes: MagnaFlare no longer anchors on projectile hit Harrier with Spellpower no longer stuns, dmg display number fixed Fixed a bug in training mode where opening/closing deckbuilder would cause errors occasionally (that old Queen training bug @windfall had) **Patch v2.37** New Spells: Collapse - pull to center in a wide column InfinityBeam - shoot a laser, on hit teleport to a random tile and recast (yes, infinite times) Harrier - non-lethal 5 shots MagnaFlare - fire a shot that teleports target to random tiles, prioritizes Flame tiles Miasma - hit 4 back center tiles and Poison Whiplash - hits in a hook shape, bonus dmg at tip Balance Changes: Dreadwyrm - w1 - recovery 24f->22f Dreadwyrm - w2 - recovery 13f->12f Harissa - w1 - recovery 17f->16f Harissa - w2 - recovery 15f->14f Neera - w1 - recovery 26f->25f Neera - w2 - dmg 1->2 Compactor - dmg 8->10, recovery 32f->26f Crackroots - all hitboxes now come out at the same time, startup 14f->15f Earthquake - dmg 6->7 Escalation - shot interval 6f->5f Flurry - recovery 10f->6f FreezerBurn - overall a bit faster Glitter - tiles 10->11 HyperBeam - recovery 44f->40f Innervate - mana cost 5->4 Knife - dmg 3->4 Lasso - dmg 1->2, travel time 18f->17f PowerDrain - dmg 4->5, startup 9f->7f PunchCannon - dmg 7->9 QuadClaws - startup 10f->7f Reaper - recovery 8f->6f Rocket - mana 2->1, recovery 18f->22f Sacrifire - dmg 9->12 Salvo - recovery 30f->26f Snowfall - dmg 4->5 Starfield - hitbox duration 4f->2f (to reduce multihits during movement) StepBlaze - now has a 1x1 hitbox that deals 6 dmg Strangle - dmg 3->4 Sweeper - recovery 30f>28f Tremor - dmg 6->7, recovery 16f->15f TriThunder - now always hits 3 tiles even during stepslashes, interval 5f->3f Vinepull - dmg 3->4, snare dmg 2->4 velocity 3->4 Volley - startup 8f->5f, dmg 6->7 Other: Win/Loss stats are now tracked for custom and unrated matches, behind the scenes Bugfixes: Flame and poison damage no longer interrupt dodges Going from Local to Learning no longer bugs the ui out Spectator replays will now autosave
[ 2024-05-01 19:19:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v2.32
Reva - w1 - dmg 3->2, now "fades" after hitting something and can now be caught Flamberge back to single hit Frost dmg no longer shield-able Not doing anymore balance changes for a while so don't complain, thanks. Added a yellow diamond icon for playing gauntlet for the first time Bugfixes: 2nd part of pyroblast can no longer be countered Starfield hitbox is now properly delayed by 2f Lobby browser no longer shows matches above lvl 10 for players under lvl 10 and vice versa (unless it's a custom lobby)
Patch v2.31 Hotfix
Bugfixes: Fixed a bug where mortar spells might not get countered (mostly in the tutorial) Fixed a bug where ranked rating might get messed up with joining custom lobbies Fixed counter tutorial Can no longer join ranked lobbies before lvl 15 in browser Can now properly leave replays mid-game Mine travel time properly increased to 56f+4f startup Diag beam and other lerping projectiles no longer disappear when dodged on creation
Patch v2.30
Neera - w1 - cooldown 40f->44f Neera - w2 - total travel time 20f->22f, recovery 18f->20f active frames 6f->1f (active frames were accidentally too long, it left an empty gap and made the hitbox linger longer than intended especially since blocking summons still cause a hit now) Reva - w1 - dmg 2->3, now destroyed on hit, adjusted visuals, added a visual for cooldown ending (it was confusing when the opponent could walk through after being hit) Crackroots - dmg 2->3, recovery 28f->24f Combust - dmg 7->8 DiagBeam - dmg 3->4, shots 3->2, now travels about 10% slower Flamberge - now half hit instead of single hit Guillotine - dmg bonus changed to +6 when 20hp or less. added crit sound Mine - total travel time 50f->56f (it felt a bit weird allowing shopkeeper to combo into the landing of the mine which should be used for setplay, now there is a bit of a mixup involved or at least more spells required from SK) TurretLux - hp 8->10, laser dmg 11->12 Cataclysm - increased hitbox height to reduce stepping through vertically, shot interval 4f->3f, dmg back to 5->6 Eruption - dmg 10->12 GolfBomb - dmg 1->3, explosion dmg 9->10, travel time 16f->18f, recovery 16f->18f Starfield - travel time 12f->14f, added warning vfx, now counterable while traveling WreckingBall - recovery 18f->22f Most mortar spells - 4f of travel time moved to startup (so they are counterable for the first 3 frames) Mortar spells no longer get countered if the hitbox will spawn Crack/Break Changes: Damaged tiles will now scales with number of damaged tiles while there are more than 4 damaged tiles on a side of the field (20% faster restore per damaged tile over 4) Broken tiles now have up to 25% of their duration reduced based on how long the tile was cracked for before being broken. These changes should help make playing against Break decks feel more interactive. Playing around a few Broken tiles is cool, having your field constantly broken can get annoying. Ideally this results in the Breaker's mana running out + the tiles being restored faster, so there are more times where you have an unbroken field. I don't think Break is too strong at the moment and I wanna keep it's overall power level in roughly the same spot. Frost - dmg and stun is now shieldable (stun amount will be half of FrostStun duration (36f->18f), like how shieldstun is normally half of Stun duration (24f->12f)) QoL: Leave Button for Ranked/Unrated will now "forfeit" the game instead of "disconnecting" (you can still leave with no penalty for the first 5 in-game seconds of the match) Added an option to offer a Draw which will end the game with no results for either player Added shadows to a bunch of mortar spells Adjusted Dreadwyrm w1 vfx to be higher up again, now have slight shadows Added weapon/subweapon prompts to RevaBot weapon sparring tutorial Adjusted shopkeeper w2 vfx Can now look at ranked info while searching for match Changed "Custom" button to "Lobbies" Added warning circle for Zenith Can now hover over rank info button and it will animate size a bit Lowered auto-disconnect match threshold Loser rating inflation now scales from rating 300->2000 (with 25% inflation at 300 and 0% inflation at 2000) Added frame data for startup and mid for step spells, recovery might come later Shield bar now restores + half max shield after shield break stun is over instead of when shieldbreak happens Bugfixes: Mark damage now triggers the deflect animation, smoothed out end of mark vfx timer Fixed a bug where local deck would use player 1 deck Step slashes no longer get stuck in training mode with quick shuffle Fixed locked lobby name after change Y Axis closest tile calculations were off by 0.1f, making sacrifire shoot on the wrong tile sometimes Local matches no longer show jitter Sacrifire will no longer mess up in previews and possibly replays Match found should no longer appear against self or empty players? Maybe. Fixed a bug where dodges would not get canceled if hit with status damage Fixed a queue where ratings would sometimes get mixed up between queues, possibly. If you run into it just dm me on discord and I can reset it for you. Ties no longer show default 24HP in replay history Can no longer join unrated/ranked lobbies with invalid deck Can now navigate to copy deck buttons in replay history

[ 2024-03-27 19:27:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Patch v2.29
Bugfixes: Fixed a bug where turrets would keep shooting after death Fixed a bug where training queue would not resume if cancelled Training mode no longer restarts sometimes when stepping back Running from pinned taskbar should now startup properly Fixed some lobby issues Keyword tips should no longer cover decklists Lobby refresh time actually increased now
Patch v2.28

Thank You for 500 Reviews: Added a thank you banner and title on login for the next couple weeks. You guys are awesome! Hazel w2 - widened hitbox to match other wave spells Cataclysm - dmg 6->5 Jackhammer - shots 6->5 Reaper - dmg 7->8 Snowfall - changed to hit in a small column, shots 3->1, dmg 2->4 Transmute - dmg 7->8 QoL: Can now recast spells while they are still ongoing, they will just stop and restart when casted again. (Notably affects Monsoon) Added palette names to character info screen Peak rating is now shown on rank info screen (Peak rating tracking starts now, sorry if it's late!) May swap leaderboard to use this later on. Improved quality of japanese characters and added support for more text symbols Slightly reduced rating loss multiplier (finally, inflation.) Battle loading panel now shows flags Slightly darkened ice bg Ties now give slightly more rating Bugfixes: Fixed a bug where buffered inputs would sometimes not be cleared Fixed a bug where Frost damage wasn't stunning at the end of Shields Deflecting Frost damage should work properly now Replays should now save for spectators Battle loading banner no longer flipped for opponent Fixed an issue with distance filter sometimes not working for custom lobby list
[ 2024-03-22 21:46:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Duelists of Eden - Original Soundtrack by STEEL_PLUS is out now!
Includes high quality .wav files https://store.steampowered.com/app/2880260/Duelists_of_Eden_Soundtrack/?beta=0 [previewyoutube=1hZVPtxIsJY;full][/previewyoutube] You can listen to the soundtrack on STEEL_PLUS' YouTube channel!
Patch v2.27
Fixed a bug where summons could not be teleported
Patch v2.26
Fixed a bug where Harissa could teleport to the enemy field
Patch v2.25
Features: Added random title box to the shop, this is basically for after you buy everything in the shop. I'll probably add a bunch more titles later on! (there's like 50? now, collect them all! lol. no please dont. then I have to add more...) Added Autosave Replays option to settings. Replays can still be saved if they are favorited on the victory screen. QoL: Reduced last played opponent cooldowns to 180s for matches and 120s for plays Cancel match found in training is now a hold to press Bugfixes: Input history now accounts for swapped sides, and shows held inputs separately Trying to join a no longer existing lobby ends more gracefully Fixed a bug where teleporting would stop shield or freeze player on opponents field Expanded mid rating range Blank lobbies should no longer show up in browser Fixed jitter icon color
Patch v2.24
Teleport bugfix
Patch v2.23
Lowered rank rating thresholds to better match player distribution Upper rating for matchmaking 800->1100 Slightly lowered rating change scaling per match Reverted dreadwyrm's beam visual Bugfixes: Teleport spells no longer occasionally causes movements top stop Fullscreen display now grays resolution text instead of display text Sorry about all the teleport issues. It arose from me trying to fix the stuttery movement when a moving target was teleported, but there were a lot of niche cases I missed!
[ 2024-03-20 17:26:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
**Patch v2.22**
Dreadwyrm - adjusted vfx to make it more obvious what rows her weapons are hitting
Barricade - health 6->9 (this should help it last a little bit longer for trap plays)
HydroPump - mana cost 1->0 (might not even be worth 0 mana)
Jackhammer - shots 4->6 (didn't update with some recent crack/break changes)
ScatterSpear - tiles 4->3 (I'll try to buff spear in some other way soon)
Toxicross - spear gain 2->1
Added Custom Lobby Browser (includes ranked and unrated lobbies)
Added palette sets Neon A (char lvl 45), Low Bit (char lvl 55), Pal Swap (shop). Order is now char lvl 65 reward.
Added Hazel and scrolling to patch notes screen
More loading tips!
Finding a custom lobby with a version mismatch will now show a popup
Added max rollback setting to custom lobbies, you can try setting this to high if there is a bad connection
Slightly reduced the travel time for diagonal movements. (Notably affects AutoSlash and ShadowShift)
Polished icons for Dark Matter, Eruption, Seize, Shear, Skewer, Slowball, Snowfall, Starfield, Scatterspear, Hew, MechWrench, StepLance, StepLanceX, Strangle, SummonTurretLux, SummonTurretSentry, SwallowSpear, TailWind, Tetra, Transmute, Tremor, Triple Barrel, Twinferno, Ultrangle, Venoshock, Vine Pull, Vine Whip, Vortex, WreckingBall, StepBlaze
Added support for korean letters
Rematch same matched opponent time 60s->360s
Rematch same opponent time 60s->180s
Teleporting a target will now stop their movement (removing some visual stutters)
Queen's chess seekers no longer activate player weapons or hit opponents
Ultrangle visual no longer plays twice
Fixed some depth calculations for missiles
Ultrangle warning dot now shows on top of claw trap
Can no longer right click deck cases to drag
May have fixed a bug where music wouldn't play on some matches
Client leaving will now properly send a disconnect message
Local binding profiles will no longer affect UI nav
Local binding profiles shouldn't override default bindings as much, i'll have to keep working on this
Fixed icon flickering when multiple spells were countered
Fixed replay duration being inaccurate
Steam buttons on victory will now update properly for custom matches
[ 2024-03-18 22:58:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
**Patch v2.21**
AcidRain - dmg 4->3 (it covers a lot of area, and was a little too punishing to be caught in for beginners)
Align - startup 11f->13f, recovery 20f->22f (it was a little too unreactable in some cases)
BackSlash - dash distance 1->2 tiles, total coverage still increased by 1 tile (this makes it a bit slower and harder to hit)
Barricade - recovery 17f->20f, dmg 6->3 (this spell was meant to be used more for blocking/trapping opponents than landing a hit with, opponents should still not want to walk into it though)
Cataclysm - recovery 18f->22f
Fadeaway - recovery 12f->14f
Glitter - now has half hit (bugfix)
KineticWave - recovery 24f->26f (just a little bit slower to use in the front column for free)
Lockdown - recovery 20f->26f (this was powerful enough where it could use a bit longer recovery)
SpearWave - projectile speed 8->7 (this is now in-line with Unleash)
Eruption - no longer Breaks Cracked tiles on enemy side (it could be more oppressive and too much for a 1 mana spell)
Inverter - now teleports target based on their closest tile (should be more consistent now)
StepSpells - step in movement time increased by 1 frame (steps were still a little bit too fast for how much area they cover)
Added vfx for step spells for destination and return
Frost damage/stun no longer goes through Deflect
Added ConnectionPriority option under Game Settings. This will prioritize connection at the expense of finding less matches if set to High.
(If you're in a populated region but getting laggy matches this setting should help, but it's still a wip)
Adjusted Twinferno icon
Rewards icons now have a slight glow animation
Replays now change side depending on preference
Cardtridges can now be mouse hovered over in Replays!
Less shuffle noises in tutorial
Adjusted evade missiles tutorial to use a Stinger based spell
Selicy starter deck - ColdMedicine->AutoSlash, Zenith->PushSlash
Terra starter deck - Earthquake->Align
Fixed poison meter on bot hp bar
Offline mode should be functional again
Brightened difficulty stars on char select
Previews not wait longer if they contain a summon
AcidRain was still hitting multiple times per wave* it's fixed now for real
Fixed difficulty text anchor on character info screen
Disconnecting from the custom lobby during a match will no longer return to a bugged screen
Search and A-Z order in Japanese should function properly now
Harissa starter now uses harissa sleeve
Tsunami, KineticWave, Sewture - hitbox duration 12f->13f (to fix a bug where it could be stepped through)
Harissa's w2 remix - now single hit per target
Dodging late during a step in spell no longer refunds mana
Leaderboard flags fixed
[ 2024-03-14 18:32:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
I'll try to be more consistent with updating the patch notes on Steam in the future, but for fastest patch notes please join the Discord.gg/OSFE
Hotfix v2.18
Fixed a bug claiming rewards*
Update v2.17
Acid rain - can now only hit a target once per wave (will reduce unintended extra hits) BackSlash - now only dashes 1 tile back and hits 1 tile further (this should improve it's neutral use) BouncingBlade - now bounces from the correct height BowSnipe - visual now aims up, arrow no longer launcher until 24f, total travel time still 360f (bugfix, sorry) Eruption - added shadow warnings Glitter - improved warning visual Harvest - now restores 4 mana instead of based on target hp, recovery 38f->40f Poison - slightly increased the cure rate at high amounts (this should make it less awkward when trying to cure poison) QoL: Added some deckbuilder sfx Loading screen between scenes now animates slightly Added poison bars on healthbars that display how much poison dmg will occur over time Bugfixes: Music/SFX vol will no longer reset to loud if alt tabbing back to window Fixed queen chaos/mint palettes Window will now focus on match found popup Matchmaking now gets properly canceled when going to replay or solo modes Timers damage no longer freeze when hit on shield Warning sprites should now layer properly
Update v2.16 - 03/10/2024
Reva - w1 Ricoshield - cooldown 100f->106f (this is just to make it appear less like there are two on field at the same time) SnowCone - can now only hit a target once per "wave" (max 3 hits per target), this is something I've been intending to do, the technology just didn't exist yet Slowball - changed shot vfx Tweaked starter decks: Terra - Flurry->Tsunami Shiso - Kunai->Minigun, ShadowShift->DimensionSword Dreadwyrm - ScatterSpear->ClawTrap, SlowBall->SpearWave QoL: Replay file names now include player names and use start datetime instead of end datetime Adjusted Autoslash icon color Adjusted deckbuilder counter to show min cards until over min ShowPlayerNames option now cycles between Both, MineOnly, OpponentOnly, None Renamed "Custom Profiles" to "Keybind Profiles" in local lobby for clarity Added a ShowCountryFlag to show country flag or continent icon for more privacy Bugfixes: Keybinds will now update in online matches if you are client and using controller! Navigation to decklist in deckbuilder works now Ties will now show the same ranking on the leaderboard Fixed a bug where empty strings would cause leaderboard and other things not to load Training bot can now be controllable and have an OutOfStunAction set Fixed a bug where players would be unable to start matches after Timing Out once Fixed a bug where client player would still cast spells when closing battle pause menu
Update v2.15 - 03/09/2024
QoL: Country flags are now shown on match found MatchFound timer increased from 5s->9s Difficulty stars added for each character, if you're just starting out try the easier ones! Added option to hide player names in Game Settings Matchmaking: Matchmaking should no longer put low MMR (< 800) against high MMR players (>= 800) even with long queues Adjusted some search parameters, including reducing matches against the same person Clicking cancel on a match will now stop matchmaking until restarted Previously the climb to even just Silver felt way too long. Adjusted rank elo values to: 0, // Iron 600, // Bronze 800, // Silver 1100, // Gold 1500, // Platinum 2000, // Diamond 2600 // Master Bugfixes: Fixed replay preview durations When at exact rank bounds, proper rank will display Closing the pause menu in battle will no longer cast a spell assigned to the same button Fixed some issues with cancelling matchfound Default in local mode now follows hold move setting in settings Bot name will no longer show Test2 Instant recovery spells like Inverter no longer cancel the recovery of spells cast right after Fixed some Gauntlet ui issues
Update v2.14 - 03/08/2024
Barricade - hitbox duration 1f->3f SummonCrevasse - startup 5f-9f, hitbox duration 1f->3f These are mostly to match the new visual and for consistency Multi-keyboard is now supported in a beta branch "multi-keyboard" Regional pricing should now be set for latin america. (Sorry for the delay) Matchmaking: Increased delay before matching with larger rating gap Rating pools changed to match player pool's current ratings (this should mean you get matched with closer rated players more often) Rating minimum changed from 500->300 QoL: Adjusted beam crystal sprite to show direction better Improved ice summoning visuals Adjusted mini dialogue box sizing in tutorial Play SFX on unfocused now defaults to Off to prevent confusion Polished Neera's weapon sfx/vfx Slightly reduced size of Flame vfx Last OutOfStun Action now saved in training mode Bugfixes: Achievements should now unlock mid-game instead of at end of game "Rewards complete" text changed to "More rewards coming soon" Profile reward preview will now display properly! Fixed a bunch of controller navigation bugs, including gauntlet mode button Hid battle loading status text Screen should no longer be slightly darkened in battle Tutorial complete! message should now pop up Music will no longer restart every tutorial Wins/Losses on ranked screen now only show ranked matches Thank you all for the bug reports, and the kind reviews on Steam! Reading them makes me feel like all the development was actually worth it
Update v2.13 - 03/08/2024
QoL: Adjusted some flame-related spell icons to differentiate them Bugfixes: All achievements working! I think! Student achievement - now unlockable (if already completed, can be unlocked by just opening Learning tab) Duelist and Competitor achievements - now increment properly Character achievements should unlock now Gauntlet achievement now unlocks on win Tourney mode text now updates when switching modes Music is now in stereo instead of mono (it may be louder now, default volumes adjusted) Ranked leaderboard now updates more often Non-existant character decks should no longer cause the game to crash (from alpha testing)
Update v2.12 - 03/07/2024
Keybindings will be RESET once on startup. This should fix bindings for new players. First boot on launch will have decks set to default on start (backed up in save data folder). Bots will no longer get stuck in training (Selicy will no longer go easy on you) Disabled multi-keyboard for this build temporarily to enable raw input for all controllers. There will be a tournament/locals build in the future with multi-keyboard enabled. If you need Multi-keyboard support, please DM me. Achievements are enabled! Deckbuilding should be a bit less stuttery now
Update v2.11 - 03/07/2024
Fixed crashing on second match Unrelated: Battle loading screen will no longer show the same tip every time
Update v2.10 - 03/07/2024
should fix matchmaking crashing and custom lobbies Please verify files to update the game on steam

[ 2024-03-11 22:20:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Plaese go try it out, maybe even find some friends to help you learn along the way.
Thank you to everyone for testing and supporting the game during development. There has been so much help to get the game to where it is today! I really hope you enjoy the game.
[ 2024-03-10 15:34:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Duelists of Eden is officially releasing on Steam! Thursday, March 7th 3PM EST!
[previewyoutube=LPmizQqw7xI;full][/previewyoutube] It's been a long journey, thanks to everyone for the support and alpha testers for helping shape the game. I appreciate you sticking with us! Drop us a follow and we'll see you next week! -Thomas
[ 2024-02-27 20:52:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Steam Public Playtest from April 13th - 17th!
As part of the Indie Fighting Games Festival Duelists of Eden is doing an open playtest on Steam
You can play right now by clicking "Request Access"

Store Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664200/Duelists_of_Eden/ You'll be automatically accepted!
North America - Open Playtester Tournament April 16th - 6pm EDT!
Prizes: 1st Place: Saffron Plush and Unique in-game Title! Top 8: permanent alpha access North America and new players only! Sign up here: https://www.start.gg/tournament/duelists-of-eden-ifgf-2023/ If you wanna chat or leave feedback please join the discord.gg/osfe
Don't forget to follow and wishlist Duelists of Eden on Steam!
Good luck!
[ 2023-04-16 15:37:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
Duelists of Eden is a card-grid-fighting game set after the events of One Step From Eden. Build your custom deck and battle online in real-time action! There are over 14 unique characters with strengths and weaknesses to encourage creative spell combinations and synergies. Will you combo slashes, fire, or even use bombs to eliminate your competition?
Fight in a mix of strategy and real-time action! Create your own unique combination of spells to take down the competition.Save and edit an unlimited amount of decks in the editor!
Dynamic cardtridge and combo system
Create combos on the fly, adapting the scenario and what spells you and your opponent have.Tutorial and training mode
Learn the ropes in the tutorial mode and deep dive into the mechanics via training mode.Training mode includes hitboxes, character states, quick deck edits, speed modifiers, and more!
Custom rollback netcode
The game was completely rebuilt to support custom rollback netcode, for the smoothest experience possible.Replay mode
Review your matches in replay mode!Local multiplayer may require a controller.
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 or equivalentMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 1 GB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 1 GB available space
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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