We bring you a small update with some interesting new features. We'll keep it short, there are no major changes in sight, but we hope you like how Mind of War is shaping up, and we hope you're finding the multiplayer mode we recently added satisfactory. [olist]
- Kenba: Slight health increase. Point reduction 72->68.
- Reduced the summoning point bonus for the person playing second, so the deployment budget will be more similar on both sides.
- Exclusively in multiplayer mode, the second team will receive the Defensive Pose altered state, which gives a 15% and 25% bonus reduction to melee and ranged damage, respectively, received; increasing stamina during the first turn of the game.
- Animated floating bar effect on skill usage prediction (when hovering the mouse over the target unit).
- New life bar during AI turn to represent health changes resulting from AI actions.
[ 2025-02-18 15:05:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
We know you're really enjoying the multiplayer mode, and that you're eager to try out the new human units we're preparing. So to make sure you're not left cold, we've been working on a major balancing update that affects (almost) every unit and ability in the game, with a focus on adjusting and unifying the cost in summon points. It is possible that there are things that, despite our good intentions to further balance the whole game and how each faction performs in multiplayer matches, are still a bit off, or even that we made a mistake with a unit that makes it less attractive from a competitive point of view, as well as that it doesn't work the same in its campaign anymore. Don't worry, we're still keeping an eye on the game's balance! We would like to know which option you would prefer, to wait a bit longer than the planned release date for the new campaign, or to bring the initial campaign content forward a bit, so that you can try out this new race and use some units for multiplayer. You can comment in this announcement about your favourite option, and we will pay a lot of attention to all your proposals. Without further ado, we leave you the huge list of changes that have been made, so you can check the modifications of your favourite races:
- Changed token requirements to level up Common, Special, and Rare units and abilities:
- Commons : {6,12,24,48,96,192} -> {8,16,32,64,128,256}
- Specials : {10,20,40,80,160} -> {12,24,48,96,192}
- Rare : {9,27,81,243} -> {12,24,48,96}
- Dwarves
- Alchemist : Slight health increase at all levels. Point drop {26,30,34,38,43} -> {24,28,32,35,41}
- Berserker : Point drop {33,38,42,46,48,51} -> {30,36,38,41,45,48}
- Brammir Kivimuri : Slight health increase at all levels. Points drop {52,60,68,78,84} -> {44,52,62,70,80}
- Mortar : Increased armour by 1 at first level. Increased health at all levels. Point drop {52,60,60,68} -> {44,55,60}
- War Machine : Slight reduction in weaknesses and slight increase in strengths. Point reduction 170->156.
- Flamethrower Dwarf : Increased weakness to water damage. Reduced weakness to piercing damage. Increased strength to freezing and igneous damage. Point Reduction {43,50,58} -> {40,48,55}
- Huldyan : Increased health and armour at both levels. Point reduction {86,100} -> {70,85}
- Ironclad : Health point reduction at all levels, especially the later levels. Increase of points {55,60,66,70,72} -> {56,62,70,74,78}
- Miner: 1 summon point increase for last levels.
- Wolf Rider : Armor increase at 1st and 3rd level. Slight health increase at 2nd and 3rd level. Increased action points at 2nd level. Point reduction {63,73,82} -> {60,68,78}
- Andromoles
- Battle Master : Substantial health increase at both levels. Point Reduction {100,120} -> {84,105}
- Great mole demolisher : Health reduction in last levels. Increased point cost at last level 76->78.
- Gunner mole: Slight health increase at all levels. Point reduction {37,41,45,48,53} -> {34,39,44,47,53}
- Mecha-ingeniera : Substantial health increase at both levels. Point reduction {73,88} -> {64,80} {64,80}
- Mecha-scout : Substantial health increase at both levels.
- Mole-scout : Health reduction at all levels, especially the later ones.
- Rending mole : Slight health increase at all levels. Change in points {27,32,35,35,38,42} -> {26,31,35,38,44}
- Topo tracker : Increase in points {8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} -> {9,10,12,13,15,16,16,18,19}
- Stake-throwing turret : Slight health increase at all levels.
- Thunder-spear : Slight health increase at first level. Point reduction {46,53,60} -> {43,50,58}
- Elves
- Climbing Watch : Slight health reduction at all levels. Increased summon cost by 1 at all levels.
- Driade : Point shift {34,37,39,44,48} -> {30,36,40,46,52}
- Shaman : Point reduction {17,19,22,24,24,28} -> {16,18,22,22,24,27}
- Swordsman : Slight health increase in some levels. Point increase {18,21,23,25,27,29,32} -> {19,21,23,26,28,32,35} -> {19,21,23,26,28,32,35}
- Forest Minotaur -> Point reduction {38,43,48,54,54,58} -> {36,42,48,53,58}
- Galendril : Increased health and armour at both levels. Point reduction {82,94} -> {68,80}
- Mega Toad Rider : Health reduction, especially in later levels. Point increase {33,37,42,45,45,52} -> {36,43,52,58,68}
- Mega warrior toad : Health reduction at both levels. Increased points {50,56} ->{60,68}
- Winged bear : Health increase at all levels. {75,88,100} -> {65,78,90}
- Winged bear : Health increase at all levels.
- Heretics
- Armoured Infernal Lion: Slight health increase at first level. Points reduction {64,73,84} -> {62,72,84}
- Champion of virulence : Health reduction in last levels. Change of points {55,62,65} -> {54,64,68}
- Hunter Ghoul : Slight health increase at all levels. Point reduction {18,20,22,24,26,26,28} -> {16,18,20,22,24,26}
- Flaming Cultist : Slight health increase at all levels. Point Reduction {32,35,38,42} -> {25,29,33,39}
- Pestilent Cultist : Slight health increase at all levels. Point reduction {33,36,40,44} -> {26,30,34,40} {26,30,34,40}
- Lion rider : Slight health increase at all levels.
- Infernal lion rider : Health increase. Point reduction {70,80,90} -> {50,60,68} {50,60,68}
- Infested winged bear : Health increase at all levels. Slight increase in weaknesses and slight increase in strengths.
- Infested Demolisher : Health increase at last level 72->76.
- Infested Minotaur : Point reduction {42,48,53,60} -> {36,40,44,51}
- Spitting Ghoul : Slight health increase at all levels. Point reduction {20,22,24,27,27,29} -> {17,19,21,24,26}
- Forger : Increased health, armour and action points at both levels. Points reduction {110,130} -> {95,115}
- Giants
- Goat-eating Cyclops : Slight health increase, especially in early levels. Point reduction {60,66,75,85} -> {50,56,65,72} -> {50,56,65,72}
- Armoured Cyclops : Points reduction {74,80,88,100} -> {65,76,85,98}
- Earth golem : Point increase {36,40,45} -> {38,42,48}
- Fire elemental : Point decrease {86,100} -> {76,92}
- Glacial elemental : Point reduction {87,102} -> {80,96}
- Storm elemental : Point reduction {86,98} -> {72,86}
- Mountain-crushing Colossus : Increased strength and armour by 1. Increased strength to slashing and crushing damage. Reduced weakness to piercing damage. Points reduction 255->200
- Humans
- Kenba : Increased strength by 1. Points reduction 82->72
- Aim : Reduced Focused effect duration from 3 to 2 turns.
- Drill Stake : Now unlocks from second level of Androtopa stake thrower.
- Electrostatic Field : Increased area damage and healing received. At his second level, raises the cost from 8 to 9 points.
- Piercing Cut: Increased summoning cost at later levels.
- Pestilence: Slight increase in corrosive damage.
- Runic Bravery : Now applies Focused and Motivated to the target, in addition to the Blessed status it already applied.
- Stunned roar: Raises its cost from 6 to 7 points.
- Savage Roar: Raise its cost from 4 to 5 points.
- Thunder Grenade : Raise its cost from 3 to 4 points.
- Wet Tongue : Decrease the maximum number of uses at first level by 1. Damage reduction at first level. New level added.
- Crushing Advance : Maximum number of uses reduced by 1. Significant increase in area damage at 2nd level.
[ 2025-02-10 17:00:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
The day has finally come, the Multiplayer mode is now available!
Some of you may have seen us testing and commenting on the new game mode: Local Multiplayer. In this mode you will be able to play with another person together on a computer or using the Steam Remote Play - Play Together functionality. You will have all the units and abilities you have unlocked so far, including their level upgrades. In addition to this great new game mode (which we will continue to improve and polish to make it a key feature of Mind of War), we have made changes to the balancing to improve the gameplay experience: [olist]
- Kenba, the Purifier: steamthumbsup Slight health increase. steamthumbsup Armour increase. steamthumbsup Point cost reduction.
- Flaming cultist: steamthumbsup Slight health increase. steamthumbsup Point cost reduction in later levels.
- Pestilent cultist: steamthumbsup Slight health increase at later levels. steamthumbsdown Point cost increase at first level.
- Champion of virulence: steamthumbsup Slight health increase at 2nd level and above. steamthumbsup Removed weakness to slashing and piercing damage. steamthumbsdown Increased weakness to crushing and electric damage. steamthumbsdown Reduced strength to igneous damage.
- Infernal lion rider with crossbow: steamthumbsup Substantial health increase. steamthumbsup Reduced weakness to divine damage. steamthumbsup Increased strength to igneous and earth damage.
- Earth golem: steamthumbsup Reduced points.steamthumbsup Increased health. steamthumbsup Slight strength increase to physical damage.
- Goat-eating Cyclops: steamthumbsup Slight point cost reduction.
- Armoured Cyclops: steamthumbsup Slight point cost reduction, especially in later levels. steamthumbsup Increased strength to physical damage. steamthumbsdown Increased weakness to electrical and fire damage. steamthumbsup Added slight strength to corrosive damage.
- Fire wave: steamthumbsup Increased fire damage. New level.
- Rock Throwing: steamthumbsup Increased crushing damage to target. steamthumbsup Slight increase in area ground damage.
- The summoning points of some clashes have been adjusted according to the balancing done on the units described above. In particular, the 11th showdown of the Fire and Shadows campaign has received a significant reduction in the available summon points.
- Fixed bug that caused changing screen mode to reduce the current resolution.
- Experienced issues with Steam Remote Play while using different screen resolutions. Switching between Full Screen and Windowed modes can help to synchronise the mouse on both devices. Still, it's a problem associated with Remote Play and how this service handles pointer position, unrelated to the game itself.
[ 2025-02-03 10:25:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're bringing you a hot new update!
To start the year off on the right foot, we are bringing a technical change that we have been wanting to include for a long time and after several iterations, we think it is now at an interesting point to bring it to you: We have redefined the AI parallel process for decision making, being more effective and more efficient in its execution. You may ask, What does this imply? By improving the implementation we have been able to expand the search in certain situations, improving decision making. It also implies that, being a more accurate parallelism, the thinking times will be more adjusted to the required (depending on the number of units, skills, and opponent's options), reducing possible slowdowns or fps drops during the most demanding calculations that could happen or even limiting the power in certain devices by balancing the processing with the rendering. In short: New AI in Mind of War to improve the gaming experience! (Clarification: This improved implementation does not imply that the AI will be harder or more complicated, rather it avoids some traits that could worsen the gameplay experience, and occasionally, it will make some better decisions.) But that's not all! As a good update it includes some improvements and fixes, as well as a balancing review that you can't miss. Let's get to it! [olist]
- Ironclad Dwarf : steamthumbsup Reduced point cost at first level. steamthumbsup Slight health increase at later levels. steamthumbsdown Subtle increased weakness to igneous and electrical damage. New level available!
- Elven Swordsman : steamthumbsup Slight health increase. New level available!
- Driade : steamthumbsup Slight health increase. New level available!
- Mega-Toad Rider : steamthumbsdown Slight health reduction.
- Mega-Toad Warrior : steamthumbsdown Slight health reduction.
- Battle centaur : steamthumbsup Reduced point cost. steamthumbsup Slight health increase.
- Infernal armoured lion : steamthumbsup steamthumbsup Substantial health increase(especially at advanced levels) .
- Forger : steamthumbsup Reduced point cost (collaterally, reduces the amount of summoning points available in his confrontation in the Fire and Shadows campaign).
- Huge Whip : New level with increased offensive potential.
- Defender : steamthumbsdown Reduced healing at all levels. steamthumbsup New level that applies healing to the user as well.
- Divine Arrow shot : steamthumbsdown Increased point cost.
- Deluge Leap: Fixed bug where it applied Focused instead of Inspired from the second level of the skill onwards.
- Improved animation related to the lick of both mega-toads.
- Implemented Forger's melee attack animation.
- Typos fixes and new hints on the game's loading screen.
[ 2025-01-16 15:33:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Holidays! From Pi Video games, development team of Mind of War, we wish you the happiest and most bearable holidays possible
. We are working on new proposals that will be sprouting throughout 2025, in particular we are already with the first steps to bring you a new campaign (as some people had already discovered) and we have included some improvements and fixes for you to enjoy Mind of War in its best state. Patch changes:
- Galendril, High Elf: steamthumbsup Increased her health significantly. steamthumbsup steamthumbsdown Modified strengths and weaknesses. The aim has been to highlight their weaknesses and above all to enhance their melee capabilities.
- Increased the number of tokens received when replaying overcome battles.
- Adjusted the probability of obtaining elven units during the Fire and Shadows campaign.
- Added subtle movement of the background in the Earth Core campaign.
- Corrected window size when changing the screen mode in the menu options.
- Added unit information (health, armour, strength) during unit editing in deployment.
[ 2024-12-28 17:46:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
New patch to close the year's updates! Most important changes in this patch: [olist]
- New unit: Mega-toad warrior!
- Dwarf War Machine: can now use Electrostatic Field as an additional ability.
- Dwarf War Machine: steamthumbsup Health increase. steamthumbsup Reduced summoning points cost. steamthumbsup steamthumbsdown Increased effectiveness of Strengths and Weaknesses bonuses (apply with greater intensity).
- Heavy Dragonmouth: steamthumbsup Increased damage dealt at close range.
- Virulent Advance: steamthumbsdown Large damage reduction.
- Rock throwing steamthumbsup Increased physical damage done to the target.
[ 2024-12-17 11:30:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New skill icons for some elemental (fire, water...) and support spells
- New animations for Wild Roar.
- Added option in the main menu to switch between windowed and fullscreen modes (Beta)[/i
- Minor interface changes and improvements.
- New achievement available! (We know you like to get all the achievements :P)
[ 2024-12-05 06:34:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- New skill icons.
- Animation fixes for some units.
- Localisation bug fixes.
- New achievement available.
[ 2024-11-27 12:32:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
The new campaign consists of 14 Mind of War style encounters, where you will learn about the Aberrant Cult's assault on the eastern forests, the rise of nature and fantastic wildlife, and the horrors that lie beneath the mountains; and stop the corruption and destruction wrought by the heretics from destroying the world, fighting Galendril and his unstoppable army
. We are pleased to inform you that the complete Fire and Shadows campaign is now available! You may already know Galendril, the personification representing the strength of the forests, and the agility that characterises this incredible faction. And from now on, you will be able to take command and stop the pestilence and corruption that plagues your forest. In Fire and Shadows you will learn a little more about the two predominant factions and how they will be forced to show all their cards to prevent being swept away by the rival faction. We hope you enjoy all the new content, and we will be updating with new skills, animations, sound and visual enhancements, and any units that rise to take part in this battle. In addition to the new clashes and units, there have been some changes in balancing and content that affect and complement the previous campaigns and apply to the game in general. So as usual we leave you with a summary list of the changes included in this update:
Balancing and tuning changes for version 1.2.1
: [olist]
- Common: No change.
- Uncommon: [strike]8[/strike] 10 [strike]16[/strike] 20 [strike]32[/strike] 40
- Rare: [strike]12[/strike] 9 [strike]24[/strike] 27 [strike]48[/strike] 81
- Epic: [strike]16[/strike] 8 \ 32
- Legendary: [strike]20[/strike] 6
- Petrified and Immobile : steamthumbsup Applied additional bonus to ranged damage received.
- Inertia : steamthumbsdown Reduced bonus to damage dealt.
- Choleric : steamthumbsdown Increased bonus to damage received.
- Hunter and spitting ghouls : steamthumbsdown They now take more damage from water attacks.
- Mecha-engineer andromole : steamthumbsup Substantially increased health.
- Riddled Minotaur : steamthumbsdown Attack reduction.
- Riddled Andromole crusher and Riddled Minotaur : steamthumbsup Now perform Virulent Advance. (powerful movement ability + area damage)[/i
- Changes have been made to level progression, adding new and changing unit rarities; resulting in some variation in attributes.
- Intravenous adrenaline : steamthumbsup Increased healing.
- Sweep : steamthumbsdown Significant reduction in individual target damage.
- Smoke Bomb : steamthumbsdown First level damage reduction.
- Butt Blow : steamthumbsup Increased damage at first level.
- Headbutt : steamthumbsup At maximum level, applies Suppress to opponent.
- Soak : steamthumbsup Increased area damage. steamthumbsdown Individual damage reduction.
- Bulldozer lunge : steamthumbsdown Damage reduction on those levels with bleed.
- Incendiary arrows : steamthumbsup Reduced cost and increased area damage.
- Incinerator Flask : steamthumbsup Increased overall damage.
- Thunder Grenade : steamthumbsup Increased area damage.
- War cry : steamthumbsup Slight increase in healing. steamthumbsdown Increased summon cost. steamthumbsup Now applies Inspired to the user as well.
- Choleric Axes : steamthumbsdown Damage reduction at first level.
- Incineration: steamthumbsup Overall damage increase.
- Suspicious injection : steamthumbsup Overall damage increase. steamthumbsup Now applies corrosive damage to the first few levels as well (previously only inflicted at higher levels).
- Runic Prison : steamthumbsup Substantial damage increase.
- Slippery Jump: Requires leveling up to level 3 to be able to use it 2 times. (previously only had 2 levels) Reduced summoning cost when leveling up to level 2.
- More than a dozen new abilities.
[ 2024-11-25 10:10:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
The masked creature hunting season is over.
Over 400 masks have been collected! Enjoy your sweet rewards!
In addition to announcing the end of the season, we would like to take this opportunity to add some changes to the November update. And that's not all, the winds of the eastern forests announce the resurgence of a faction that has been in the shadows. For much of the month of November we will be sharpening swords, crafting arrows, sewing clothing and feeding impressive magical creatures in order to bring you a new campaign from the beloved elven faction. We will also be adding a new unit for the Dwarf and Androtope factions. And that's not all, we are bringing new abilities, with some new mechanics and effects to complement the wide range of available actions. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, here are the changes included in the closing Halloween event: [olist]
- Charge : steamthumbsup Slightly increased area damage.
- Ballistic Shell: Now deals crushing damage instead of piercing.
- Dart Shot : steamthumbsup New level and progress diluted.
- Changed rarity of some skills.
- Fixed and improved the animation of Mountain-crossing Spear (Dwarf Wolf Rider).
- Added new Dwarf War Machine death sound.
- Some minor changes and improvements to existing sounds.
[ 2024-11-04 09:36:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Halloween is here in Mind of War!!!
New thematic update. All Mind of War locations have been decorated according to the Halloween holiday - discover them all!
The Halloween spirit has taken over some of Mind of War's units. Defeat them in combat, remove their masks, and earn sweet rewards.

Changes added additionally: [olist]
- Slight health increase on Giant units. steamthumbsup (slightly tougher opponents)
- Ballistic Shell: steamthumbsdown Slight reduction to area fire damage.
- Defender: steamthumbsup Increased healing applied.
- Hammer Blow: steamthumbsdown Slight reduction in damage at level 1. (Representation of Average Damage in levels : [strike][80-83-87][/strike] -> [78-81-84-88] )
- Headbutt: New level.
- Quick lunge: steamthumbsdown Accentuated damage reduction at higher levels. New level, and diluted progression.
[ 2024-10-28 06:56:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are working on the next update, but in the meantime we present you a game balancing patch, with some important new features and adjustments: [olist]
- Dwarf War Machine : steamthumbsup Armour increase. steamthumbsdown steamthumbsup Adjustment of weaknesses and strengths.
- Andromole Thunder-thrower : steamthumbsup Reduced summoning cost.
- Flamethrower Dwarf : steamthumbsup Slight health increase.
- Kivimuri : steamthumbsup Increased armour from level 2. steamthumbsup Reduced summoning cost at first level. steamthumbsdown Increased summoning cost at all other levels.
- Dwarven Crossbowman : steamthumbsdown Progressive health reduction with increasing intensity at higher levels.
- Changed Thunder skill rarity - From Epic to Rare. A level progression adjustment has been implemented to compensate for this change.
- Altered Bleed effect: No longer increases damage taken, but moderately further reduces damage done per charge. Deals more damage per maximum health but no longer applies current health.
- New Ability: Thunder Grenade. (Andromole thunder-thrower)
- New ability: Piercing Stake. (Stake-launching turret)
- Small changes in specific levels : Adjustment by varying by less than 10% the initial budget summoning points, also some skill levels of some non-main units have been changed.
- Major changes in - Dwarf Campaign level 10 - significantly reducing its difficulty: Increase starting summon points. Reduced the level of the skill Huge Whip of the Great Crusher andromoles. Reduced the level of the Quick Lunge skill of both Explorer andromoles.
[ 2024-10-19 06:40:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good morning to all of you who are following and supporting us! (and well, to those who don't, also very good)
The update we promised you with the first Mind of War upload (the start of our Early Access) is ready and we want to share all the changes it brings.
Also, we want to let you know that You can now complete the Dwarf and Androtope campaign!
We warn you that these are two very important levels, where you will have to deploy all your potential and will require you to have your units well prepared and leveled up. We wish you a lot of fun and an absolutely satisfying end to the campaign!
There will be new minor updates throughout this month and we will be working on the new campaign Fire and Shadows(which we already gave you a sneak preview of during the demo) coming in November. We will also bring new units for all factions!
That said, here is a list, for the curious ones, where you can see the changes we have made to the game balance:
- Mole battlemaster : steamthumbsup Health increase.
- Shielded Dwarf : steamthumbsup Reduced summoning cost. steamthumbsup Increased resistance to physical attacks. steamthumbsdown Increased weakness to igneous attacks.
- Kivimuri : steamthumbsup Increased health.
- Minor changes to basic units of each faction.
- Bulldozer : Additional level. steamthumbsup Added bleed effect.
- Awe Axe : steamthumbsdown:steamthumbsdown Reduced healing received by 40%.
- Runic Storm : steamthumbsdown Reduced healing and damage done.
- Great Dragon's Breath : steamthumbsup Increased damage at close range. steamthumbsup Reduced summoning cost.
- Headbutt: steamthumbsup Reduced summoning cost. steamthumbsdown Slight reduction in damage dealt.
- Defender: steamthumbsdown Increased summoning cost. Steamthumbsup: Slight increase in healing.
- New ability: Long Arrow shot. (Dwarf Crossbowman)
- Increase and adjustment of rewards chance : Rare and epic units and skills now appear with a higher frequency. Slight increase for legendaries as well.
[ 2024-10-08 05:50:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The third encounter of the Fire and Shadows campaign has been enabled; here you will be able to edit your deployment with previously obtained elven units.
- Some units have been improved and updated, such as the Dwarven Crossbowman, the Elven Shaman or the Forest Minotaur. With more fluid and elaborate animations.
- New epic units available.
- Improved animations for some 'rare' and 'epic' rarity units.
- Improved settings and options panel. AI action speed can now be configured, and sound settings will also be saved between game sessions.
- Added new sounds for some skill animations.
- Fixed minor bugs and adjusted some sounds.

[ 2024-07-15 11:32:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [0 B]
As you progress through the game, you unlock new units and abilities, as well as improving their combat capabilities, allowing you to face new challenges and try new tactics. There are a variety of factions, each with their own particular style of combat, and each with a large repertoire of units, from basic infantry, heroes, giant creatures, menacing war machines and, of course, magical entities.
Each battle is a challenge, an opposing array to defeat, forcing you to decide which units to use, what skills and abilities you will need, and once the battle is underway, how to move between blows to achieve victory.
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 400 MB available space
- Storage: 400 MB available space
- Memory: 4 GB RAMStorage: 600 MB available space
- Storage: 600 MB available space
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]