The demo features the game's full chapter 1 out of 6. Just head on to the game's page and click the Download button in the demo banner! If you want to stay up to date with the developing progress of the game, visit the dev blog where I post every weekend! We encourage you to share your thoughts and impressions of the demo with us or on your socials.
[ 2022-10-11 20:31:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small update adding true fast travel when you finished the game. Just focus on the teleporter on the map and press the run button to teleport.
[ 2021-09-14 01:41:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Next week we're releasing a free to play Halloween Special demo for Down Below. The demo is relatively short (about 15 minutes) and it showcase some of the game's mechanics and combat systems. The demo is built using the latest alpha build of the game. If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback regarding gameplay/mechanics, please let us know on the game's Steam community page. Note: This demo was made specially for Halloween and does not represent the final product. Enjoy playing and have a spooky Halloween!
[ 2020-10-23 10:21:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
We just release Bad Pad version 1.70 In this updated we mainly worked and tweaked the player's main controls, for a better and tighter control. Here's the full list: 1. Reduced acceleration for running. 2. Added more hang time for jumps. 3. Added coyote time (allow jumping for a few additional frames after falling of a platform). 4. Updated level design to compliment the new controls. 5. Tighter controls and updated level design for submarine levels. 6. Air fans will now push you even if you're gliding. 7. Maze solution will be shown in the maze, if you visit the map room first. 8. Fixed issues with drop bash mechanic. 9. Fixed issues with wall jumps. 10. Final boss, +3 seconds delay before first attack. 11. Final boss, fixed collision issues with some projectiles and attacks. 12. Final boss, star pentagramnow moves slower and shooting spikes after a fixed time delay, instead of when close to the player.
[ 2020-10-22 13:19:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Join us in playing Bad Pad on hard mode.
[ 2020-05-22 19:00:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bad Run Turbo Edition has released on Steam and we bundled it up for you with Bad Pad and an extra 20% discount. Bad Run was originally released on mobile, shortly after Bad Pad, as a free to play casual spin-off. Last year we started working on the Turbo Edition, which included many new features, content and gameplay and eventually a PC port. While Bad Pad and Bad Run share a lot in terms of visuals, design, premise and mechanics, they both offer a different gaming experience. Bad Run is focused more on casual gaming, designed for short sessions,that being said, it was not designed to be easy. If you already own Bad Pad, you can get just Bad Run TE from the bundle with the extra discount and if you don't, now is a good time to get your hands on both of them.
[ 2020-04-21 08:40:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bad Pad - One year anniversary update, is released!
Version 1.60 mainly includes updated graphics.
But also some new game elements and enemies, a few more shortcuts, some level design updates and more bugs and issues fixed.
Here are a couple of before and after screenshots, bonus points if you can count all the changes :)
P.S. Stay tuned for a hot sale coming in next week!
[ 2019-08-07 09:52:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are working on a special patch for the one year anniversary of releasing Bad Pad. The patch will include new and remastered graphics for over 50 game elements, new enemies that will roam the castles and more! We will release the patch as soon as it is ready and no later than the 8th of August 2019.
[ 2019-06-25 15:48:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small patch including jumping buffer for both normal and wall jumps.
What does jumping buffer means?
It's very simple, up until now for jumping to work you had to be on the ground or near a wall, now you get a few extra frames of buffers for any jump request, so if you hit the button slightly before you hit the ground or the wall, the jump will still register.
[ 2019-03-16 11:42:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes a new scheme selection with 4 different keyboard/gamepad mappings, the selection screen will pop up when you start a new game. Note you can still bind your own keys/buttons in the settings screen. Lava push-up level changes: Added shadows for each of the falling rocks in the bottom of screen as a hint. Fireballs bubbles hint are now bigger. Falling rock shards will not inflict damage.
[ 2019-03-08 01:53:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update include a few level design and game design changes. 1. Added more shortcuts for less backtracking. 2. More saving points are now available on Hard mode. 3. Added a tell to the lightning shooting clouds, they will charge up with electricity for 1 seconds before firing. 4. Submarine levels - reduced the amount mines and cannons. 4. Submarine levels - cannons and sawblades requires less shoots to destroy. 5. Submarine levels - player's bullet size is now doubled. 6. Push-able boxes and rocks will not slide anymore after you release them. 7. A few more level design changes throughout the game.
[ 2019-02-24 14:22:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've been working on a new and improved version of Bad Run. The Turbo Edition will include lots of new content, levels and remastered graphics. The game is playable on any device with a browser and decent WebGL support. Gamepad support is partial at this time.
If you want to try out Bad Run - Turbo Edition Alpha for free and read more about the game click on the image below.
[ 2019-02-13 10:02:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're rounding up to v1.5 very soon! We've added a lot since we released v1.0, here's a reminder Bad Pad - Changelog. We are also working on a special edition of Bad Run. We're planning a closed alpha in February if you want to sign up to try the alpha, you can do so by subscribing to our mailing list on our website. The alpha will be playable on any device with a browser, internet access and decent WebGL support. More details are coming soon. Back to Bad Pad, here's what we got for you in the new version.
Test your arcading skills!
Once you deposit all 18 collectibles to enable cheat mode you will also unlock the arcades area at the end of the hall. In the arcades hall you can replay all 3 mini arcades in a new endless game mode with increasing difficulty. Another change in the mini arcades is that the destroying a blue ships will now drop powerups in all the arcade games.
[ 2019-01-23 04:19:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a small patch, including fixes for the last level and last boss fight. Plus keyboard/gamepad skip button indicator for cutscenes and a neater keyboard tutorial button image. A soundtrack DLC is coming soon, stay tuned.
[ 2018-12-31 19:18:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes a few reported bug fixes and a new built-in bug reporting service. To send a bug report, go to options screen from the main menu, click on the bug report button, fill in some text about your problem and send it. Note, that sending a bug report will also send us your save files.
[ 2018-12-24 09:58:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
The new trophy room now holds a console for depositing your collectables. Deposit all 18 collectables and you will enable cheat mode, cheats will be available when starting a new game as well. There are 10 normal cheats: 1. Refill power. 2. Set item Key. 3. Set item Bomb. 4. Set item Magnet Gloves. 5. Add a coin. 6. Open nearest closed gate. 7. Get Scuba Gear. 8. Get Glow Ability / Add +5 glow time. 9. Get Drop Bash Ability. 10. Get Dive Ability. And 2 special cheats: 1. Enable/Disable Black and White Mode - Makes the game black and white. 2. Enable/Disable God Mode - Makes you invulnerable. To use the cheats, first go into the in-game menu, now you need to enter a combination of 5 directions with your keyboard or gamepad. Here's one cheat code for you, to enable/disable Black and White mode enter: Left Right Down Right Up The other 11 combinations you will have to figure out on you own, but we'll give you this hint, all combinations starts with the 'Left' direction. This update also includes: 1. Fixed incorrect camera scale in the last battle. 2. Going to scene124 (new jamming scene) from scene126 through a door did not stop the previous music track. 3. Bumping into an open door will now spawn an UP arrow key indicator.
[ 2018-12-08 09:18:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Forget about your political voting, vote for what matters! Vote for Bad Pad in the 2018 Indie of the Year Awards
[ 2018-12-06 06:19:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch is mostly to add support for Brazilian Portuguese language. Thanks to Digital Kaz Brazil for volunteering to translate the game! This patch also includes a few more scenes incorporated with the new jamming levels (8 in total). We added a new trophy room for the collectibles, the room is accessible from the first scene of act 1 and act 4. Bug fixed - Intro cut-scene was not pause-able, credits sequence didn't show the pause button when paused. Skeleton - Recover time varied in difficulty modes + random delay.
[ 2018-12-04 15:38:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes a pretty cool new feature, we call it the self jamming levels.
The music in these levels are not pre-recorded, but generated with samples in real-time and influenced by the objects that are on the screen. The level moves with the beat.
For a more detailed read, check out these blog posts:
This update also includes additional code optimizations.
[ 2018-11-27 07:23:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new secret was added.
There is a special coin hidden in act 4
, collect it and it will reveal all 150 coin locations on the map (only the ones you didn't pick up yet).
Supply and Demand
Due to recent drops in Wall Street, the jetpack price was raised from 35 to 60 coins ;) We always felt like collecting coins was missing from the gameplay in act 4, up until now you didn't had a real reason to continue picking up coins. So now there are additional 25 coins to find and collect in act 4. Note that this is optional and only required for getting the jetpack at the end of the game.
Arriba, Arriba! ndale, ndale!
We also added boost to the jetpack. Hold down the jump button while the jetpack is activated to fly up at doubled speed.
Oops I did it once again...
We left an extra teleporter in the first scene of the game by mistake, it didn't lead anywhere and broke the game if you used it.
[ 2018-11-21 07:54:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's been a very busy and productive month, we got a lot of feedback and made some significant improvements. So what's new?
Shake it baby
Firstly, in the previous update we released an updated version of NWjs, which has rumble support for Dualshock 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One gamepads. We've implemented customized vibrations throughout the game, including all mini games and cut-scenes. Other than it being cool and how it certainly adds to the immersion, we also added some pre-warning vibrations when danger is approaching, or when a boss is preforming a special powerful attack.
Beam me up, Scotty
The second new feature is somewhat related to the new rewards, we added teleporters to make it easier to back-track and get from level to level. The teleporters works in sets of twos, the first one you'll come across in the level won't be active, once you'll find and use the second one you'll be able to teleport back and forth between them. In most of the levels there is just one set of teleporters close to the main exits, on some bigger levels that are lacking in shortcuts there are more. This for the most part won't actually cut down any gameplay time in the first run through. It was intended to make it easier and faster to back-track once you finished the level. P.S. The teleporters are also marked on the map.
Oops, I did it again
We also fixed some collisions with the new jetpack and some of the player's actions states. And added 0.5 second delay before starting to look up/down with the new camera controls.
[ 2018-11-20 03:29:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
We added a little treat for all you completionists out there! If you collect all 125 coins (game difficulty doesn't matter), you can return to Pen's computer in the last tower and get a fuel-free jetpack. Other than flying being fun and all, you can use the jetpack to find a hidden ability that will help you locate all the hidden collectibles areas, by beeping louder and louder as you get closer to one. We won't tell you where the ability is hidden, but we will give you this hint: [spoiler] Look at the map for open roof areas.[/spoiler] You can toggle the Jetpack on and off by pressing the RUN button, you can only do so when you're mid-air.
[ 2018-11-19 03:26:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
[ 2018-11-18 09:08:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is mostly cosmetics, and one new feature. [olist]
[ 2018-11-15 05:47:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Though we finished with Early Access, we are still getting your constructive feedback and we'll improve wherever we can. Here are some of the latest changes: [olist]
[ 2018-11-07 06:51:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some more cosmetics and bugs fixes. [olist]
[ 2018-11-02 21:52:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
A special patch for Halloween, filled with tricks and treats.
[ 2018-10-27 10:17:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
More reported bug fixed and a few minor changes. 1. Gravity switches puzzle - Locking switches once the door is fully opened. 2. Gravity switches puzzle - Incorrect camera scrolling when dying. 3. RT & LT song - Chinese language, break lyrics by character instead of word. 4. Blood Off Mode - Dying animation without blood drops. 5. Shock to death animation triggered when dying from a dark cloud could reset to idle if the player has taken a hit from a lightning right before dying. 6. Autorun mode did not work with gamepad. 7. Submarine boss will now track you with his gun even if you move behind it. 8. Additional decoration to the underwater section in scene457.
[ 2018-10-10 06:02:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few more bugs and fixes. * Possible dead-end in act 4 level 1, if you picked the first key and didn't use it, then went after the second key, you could swap the key for the magnet gloves, then if you came back here later on to get the key you couldn't leave the scene without the magnet gloves. * Added particles effects to following enemies death when blood is turned off. * Changed behavior for when player is dead and attached to a sawblade then hitting a wall and blood is turned off. * Optimized T.Z Gameworld levels difficulty on easy mode.
[ 2018-08-30 10:34:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
A few reported bug were fixed: *Hexa's song and cutscene was not always triggered after beating the 3rd arcade before going into act 4. *Drop bash on lava or missile launcher didn't stop the bash. *You could wall jump while drop bashing. *Ants in act 3 got stuck in the ground on some occasions. *Hitting the lava could sometime cause more than 1 hit point.
[ 2018-08-26 10:26:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Update 1.12 adds the option to mute the map music. This option is only available from within the map screen and is saved per save slot.
[ 2018-08-13 06:57:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
We had a bug with the upgrading machines in the game, make sure you update to version 1.1 so you won't get stuck! Other stuff we added since 1.0: 1. Added Indonesian translations. 2. Added company logos intros to loading screen. 3. Added auto-language select for Steam users, language is auto-selected once when you first run the game. 4. Hard mode difficulty optimizations on act 4. 5. Fix - Collectibles on act 3 level 2 and act 4 level 4 were not obtainable.
[ 2018-08-09 15:15:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
The day has come, we've clicked that 'release' button and unleashed Bad Pad's buttons into the world.
We hope you'll enjoy the ride as much as we did!
We're offering a 15% off sale during the first week of the release, grab it while it's hot!
[ 2018-08-08 17:12:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
We had a few extra things we wanted to added before hitting 1.0 and here are some of them:
Too many option, what to do?
The option menu was a bit overwhelming with everything stacked up into 2 screens, plus it didn't leave us much space to add new options. So now there are separated options screens for game/sound/graphics/controls, plus we added a few new options, like disabling shadows, auto-run and cut-scenes music and speech volume control.
Where the save files are.
The game will now also save your progress to your local user directory and will multi-platform sync using Steam Cloud Saving. Save files are saved to the OS user home directory /Saved Games/Bad Pad
Where are we and where are we going?
Originally when you finished the train boss at the end of act 3, you had to back track quite a bit to get to the next Arcade Machine that leads to act 4, back at the beginning of act 1. Later on we decided to throw you back at one of the underground train levels exits in act 1, reasonably the whole underground area is connected and you could have ended up there, but it felt a bit of an unexplained gap to us and we think that consistency is important in a story line. So we added a little bit of content here, there's another playable action level with some cut-scenes that ties it all together pretty nicely.
I like it when it's dark.
We added some more shadows throughout the game, this was not planned but it sure adds to the atmosphere.
[ 2018-07-05 19:52:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
A new transmission from the depths of Evil Pen's castle, Square needs your help!
[ 2018-06-30 16:45:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're offering 15% off in Steam Summer Sale, which ends on the 5th of July 2018. This is your last chance to grab a copy at the early access price + the discount. Once the sale is done, the game's price will be set to the final retail price of 14.99$. Steam Trading Cards pack is done! The pack contains 7 cards, 7 backgrounds and 6 emoticons. The pack will be available in a few days.
[ 2018-06-25 14:05:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
We finished another round of testing, which we're happy to say yielded almost no issues, a side from a couple of minor non game breaking bugs that were fixed in the last update.
In case you missed it, the official release date for Bad Pad is set to the 8th of August 2018.
So get your thumbs ready!
In the meanwhile we are working on a Steam Trading Cards pack, which will be available somewhere before the release, here's a sneak peek!
[ 2018-06-19 04:43:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
T.Z has managed to hack into Evil Pen's systems from within the Game World, and he sent out a transmission warning you all about Pen's evil plans. Expo-Wave website - TZ Transmission
[ 2018-06-03 08:14:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Cutscenes and songs - Added music volume control using UP/DOWN on your gamepad or keyboard.
* Map - Centering on a door shows where it leads.
* Added a few new shortcuts to cut down on back-tracking.
* Updated energy pickups design.
* Implemented new logo.
* Additional code optimizations.
* More bugs fixed.
* Updated official Steam guide.
* New icon and loading screen.
We also updated our trailer video with new footage and the new logo
In case you missed it, check out our new landing page
[ 2018-05-26 06:41:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Are you ready for the next evolution in gaming?
Pen enterprises brings you the latest technology in brain wave scanning and transmissions, the first ever mind controlled gaming console! Expo-Wave is not like anything you have ever experienced before, it all takes place completely inside your head with no physical interaction at all.
[ 2018-05-04 14:10:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
We finished the new logo for Bad Pad and working on implementing it in the game with some animations (intro, menu, credits), we will update our store assets during this week and push another update with the new logo.
[ 2018-05-02 18:03:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Translations implementation is done, we added all missing Hebrew translations, fixed the vertical alignment issues and tested all texts for overflows.
This update includes some new TZ voice overs for the arcade machines and game-world scenes and new voice overs for Evil Pen's last boss battle.
We closed all reported issues from the last round of testing.
Our new landing page is done and up, check it out here:
The new logo is done!
We are working now on our promotion campaign materials, store assets and a few more surprises, stay tuned for more updates.
[ 2018-04-30 04:38:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes everything we announced in our previous post: We added all missing translations in German, Spanish and French. Russian, Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages support were added. We tested about 60% of the new texts for overflowing. Steam store page localized in all supported languages. We made one big change in the game, the text objects for displaying cut-scenes captions was replaced with a different type of object that has full css support, this gives us a lot of advantages like text outline and shadows, letter spacing, rtl support and more. The text is also rendered much more crisp and clearer now. The only issue we still have with this new object is vertical alignment, currently the text will not be 100% centered in all languages, but nothing gets clipped out of the view, we have a solution planned for this and we'll test it next week. We finished our big round of testing and got all the reports back, we did some more changes and fixed more bugs. Here's a small but a neat little change in the power bar UI element,
[ 2018-04-20 05:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
This was supposed to be our last update, but alas, we're not there yet, extremely close, but not there. We're hoping the next one will be 1.0 and ready for shipment, there's not much left to do, but we're still testing and don't want to rush it and make any unnecessary mistakes. The last few weeks were mostly about testing and polishing, we've done a lot of in-house testing along with a 5 days tour in local gaming festivals, plus some dedicated QA testers that went over the whole game. There were a few bugs that surfaced and were fixed, but most of the notes were small things, not necessarily bugs, just little things that will make the overall experience better and smoother. We have more testers going over the game and hopefully no bugs will surface up this time. Other tasks done in this update: [olist]
[ 2018-04-10 17:31:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're experimenting with adding some in-game features for streamers. The main feature is showing an in-game camera overlay, the advantage of doing this in-game is that we can control and move the image around or hide it if it gets in the way of important game content. Another feature we're experimenting with is microphone input, currently this feature is only recommended when using headphones, using speakers will cause an endless feedback loop. The last one is additional UI that shows your score and playing time, for speed runs. We have been working on all the promotion materials for the launch and improved some of the UX and level design of the game. We made progress with the last battle but unfortunately it is not done yet. We are going to show Bad Pad on 2 gaming festivals in the next few days, this is a great opportunity for us to get live feedback from players on the latest build and see how the experience is for them. Stay tuned for more updates.
[ 2018-03-27 16:54:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here's what we added this time:
- New feature - You can now pause cut-scenes and songs, by pressing ESC on the keyboard, mouse right click or back/start on the gamepad. Skipping dialogue lines is done by pressing Space on the keyboard, mouse left click or B on the gamepad. holding one of these buttons for 3 seconds will completely skip the cut-scene/song, remember you can always re-view cut-scenes and songs in the gallery.
- Last boss - prebattle cut-scenes done.
- Last boss - battle logic 80% done, some assets and animations are still missing.
- Last boss - post battle cut-scene 60% done.
- Meet the Triggers - New cutscene music track.
- New level background music track.
- Translations file was updated with all missing entries and is ready to be shipped for translations.
- More tests and bugs fixing.
[ 2018-03-16 06:25:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're just an update or two away from the final version! This update will include:
- Hexa's song - Finished cut-scene and animations + new bass line recorded + updated mix.
- Updated last boss battle + pre battle cut-scenes.
- Finished decorating Act 4.
- Added all missing assets to act 1 ending song.
- Finished credit sequence.
- Finish the last boss battle + pre/post battle cut-scenes.
- Finished concept art screen.
- Record a few more voice-overs.
- Record a couple more background music tracks.
- Add missing translations.
- Create steam trading cards.
[ 2018-02-20 19:02:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're just a few updates away from hitting the final version, stay tuned for official release date announcement! Here are some of the updates in the current version:
- Concept are section changed into Gallery - In the gallery you can view your uncovered concept arts, cut-scenes and songs.
- Act 4 - 90% decorated
- Hexa's song - Final vocals + lip syncing + updated mix.
- Skeleton enemy new design.
- Finished dialogue between Square and TZ at the end of act 4.
- Additional testing, more bugs were fixed.
[ 2018-02-04 07:08:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another update coming at you!
- Added new concept art screen, only 12 out of 18 slides are available for now, they'll probably get re-arranged too. A new concept art slide will be revealed for every collectible you pick up, this will work even if you picked it up before this update.
- Added Continuous Mode - You are now able to revisit the castles after finishing the game, you'll have all your abilities and powerups, all gates and doors remains opened. Find those hidden collectibles, get all the coins you missed and look around, with your new powers you can get to places you couldn't before.
- Act 4 is now 80% decorated + additional polishing.
- Added new music for robot boss battle.
- New map UI.
- New map help overlay.
- Map - added full mouse support.
- New player animation for operating computer consoles.
- New main castle walls tileset for act 4.
- Additional testing - fixed more bugs.
[ 2018-01-24 07:33:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Opening 2018 with a new update and another step towards the finish line. This update includes:
- 60% of Act 4 is now decorated.
- More game-play polishing of Act 4.
- Act 2 - levels 3 and 4 - More layers of decorations.
- No more floating obstacles. There were some obstacles types such as the saw-blades, rotating cannons, mines, etc, that were just floating in the air, they are now all connected to pipes/chains/rails-tower, this also helps understanding the saw-blades's path of movement. There were a few good hundreds of obstacles like this which made this a very long, tedious and boring task, but it was necessary and I'm glad it's behind me :)
- Improved item system. Picked item are now floating around square for a few seconds then flying into the inventory, dropped item are blocked for picking during this sequence. This was added to make it clearer when an item is being picked, also interacted items (dropped items) are now shown on the map, so if you accidentally or intentionally left something behind, you can easily trace it back on the map.
- New graphics and animations.
- Code clean-ups, lots of testing, some bugs and glitches surfaced up and were fixed, nothing game breaking though.
[ 2018-01-11 09:31:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Last update for 2017 and another step towards the release. Here are some of the new stuff:
- A bunch of more decorations layers for act 3 which is now 100% completed and about 20% of act 4 has been decorated as well.
- Finished adding all the missing sound effects and related triggers, we have additional 30+ sfx in this release.
- Dark clouds on act 4, besides killing you on impact, they're also shooting lightnings now, the lightnings are fast and they follow you for a few seconds then continue flying straight.
- A new idle animation for when standing over ice.
- New lap-steel guitar track for meeting analog cut-scene.
- A few graphics updates and bug fixes.
[ 2017-12-31 20:29:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
This will be our last update for phase 2 and the beginning of the third and last phase, bringing us closer then ever to the release date. What's in this update? 1. Act 3 has been decorated with a bunch of new sprites. 2. Act 3 ending - Hexa's song added to the game, some animations are still missing and the vocals are still a draft, but it's fully watchable. 3. TZ got a new voice, all his lines were updated and we added the last missing dialogue before the last level, still missing some background assets. 4. Added one-liners and taunts to all boss battles. 5. Updated steam achievements. 6. Added map access from in-game menu. 7. Fixed some bugs. And more...
[ 2017-12-12 10:15:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
This will probably be the last update before we go into phase 3 of our Early Access. The last level is not completely done yet, but it's fully playable and you can play the game from start to finish. What's left to be done in phase 2? 1. Final level - Update some asset for boss #1. 2. Final level - Finish design and logic for boss #3 + boss losing animation. What's left for phase 3? 1. Polish act 4 + add decorations. 2. Finish decorations for act 3 (currently at 40%). 3. Add missing dialogue between Square and T.Z. right before the final level. 4. Record and add act 3 ending song and cut-scene. 5. Add a few missing assets for act 1 ending song. 6. Record one-liners taunts for all boss levels. 7. Add all missing sound effects. 8. Record a few more background music for the levels. 9. Add concept art section to menu. 10. Add all missing translations. 11. Update credits sequence. 12. Do a thorough bug checking and code optimizations. We will also go through the game and look for place where we can improve visually and tidy things up. There are a few more optional tasks that we might throw in, but that's basically it. A reminder, once we'll go into phase 3, the price of the game will go up to 12.99$, final release price is set at 14.99$.
[ 2017-11-23 12:32:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've been working intensively on the game's final level, it will be about 15 minutes packed with music, songs, battles, cut-scenes, story wrap up and more, it's going to be very epic, I'm sure you'll love it! I won't say more about it or post a video/image/audio this time, this one is a treat you'll have to experience yourself! Once we're done with it we'll be moving into phase 3, the final phase before releasing the game, we are aiming for a late January 2018 release. Phase 3 will be mostly about polishing and testing, but there are a few more task to be done. * There's another unplanned song I'm writing and adding with a cut-scene to act 3. * A couple more dialogues to be added. * I'll be recording some more background music and adding more sound effects. * A new concept art section will be added to the menu, you will unlock new pieces of art with each collectible you'll find in the game. * And of course updating all translations, maybe even adding another language or two. Once we'll finish phase 2 and start phase 3 the game's price will go up to 12.99$, final release price will be set at 14.99$.
[ 2017-11-03 07:16:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're getting close to the end of phase 2 of our Early Access plan and getting ready for the 3rd and final phase. Phase 3 means the game will have all the gameplay content, cut-scenes and levels and will be completely playable from start to finish. Most of the work in this phase will be to polish and further decorate the levels, focusing on acts 3-4, fix any found bugs and finish all other tasks such as completing the translations, recording some more background music, adding concept arts that will unlock using collected collectibles. Our next update will include the following, 1. Act 1 ending song and cut-scene. 2. The first out of 3 rounds of the game's final battle. 3. Menus navigation - changed gamepad mapping to 'B' for back and 'A' for accept. 4. New transition into abilities screen when getting a new ability + 3 seconds key blocking, so you won't accidentally skip it. 5. In-game menu quit confirmation message. 6. The map will now show an arrow above the player aiming to the last opened gate, the arrows above the gates will be 2x bigger and if there is more than one gate connected to that lever, each of the gates will get an arrow. 7. Arcade games winning message and camera fade + zoom transitions into the cut-scenes. And probably more... We'll have another 1-3 updates after that before going into phase 3. Stay tuned for more updates.
[ 2017-10-06 16:56:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
We updated our steam achievements, some we're not up to date with the game and some were missing. Note, some of the new achievements will only work after the new game patch is released, in a few days.
[ 2017-09-27 09:33:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is a quick update with a few fixes and new stuff. * Fixed springs not playing animations. * Fixed background console on 2nd boss was accidentally accessible to use. * Finished Level 4.4 * Added collectables counter to in-game menu. * Update Evil Pen's Evil Plan song with new vocals. * Worked some more on the 2nd cut-scene song. * A few maps updates.
[ 2017-09-26 19:42:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes everything we mentioned on our previous post, see here: And a few more things: * Final vocal takes for Evil Pen's Evil Plan song. * Map fully updated with all 4 acts. * Acts 1-3 were checked thoroughly and updated where needed to match the new camera system. * Finished level 4.3. * Added 80% of level 4.4. Map instructions: Use keyboard arrows / dpad / left analog to scroll the map. Use keyboard Q/W or right analog to zoom in/out. Run button still switches map and jump button exits the map. We're getting closer to the end of phase 2 of our Early Access program, we'll be announcing phase 3 (the final phase) very shortly, stay tuned for more info. We'll close with a little treat for you, Evil Pen's Evil Plan cut-scene video and song, enjoy!
[ 2017-09-24 09:52:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have been working toward our next major update which will include a few cool additions to the game, here are some of the new stuff: * A new song and cut-scene were added to the game at the end of act 2, this one is vid-blog sang by Pen and it tells us a little about his evil plans, check out this sample, final vocals should arrive any day now. * New game map, we heard your comments about the map being a little vague and not helpful, so now you'll get an actual real size synced map, that shows where all the good little things are, here is a preview, still WIP! * Main menu saving slots will now show saved game selected difficulty (note for saves made before this update, this value will only update after the next time the game is saved). * Redid the camera and parallax system for all the scenes, previously our camera origin point was set to 0,0, so when scaling the scenes in/out the background parallax layers were not centered with the main layer, now the origin point is set to the center, so everything scales together nicely, this required quiet a lot of code changes and patches to some of the layouts, some scenes may still have little glitches (a few off screen pixels are visible at the one of the edges of the layout) but nothing game breaking, either way we'll get them all done asap. * New visual enhancements, like a neat little glowing effect for the drop bash ability, killed enemies will no longer just disappear, they will flip and fall or sink if they're underwater, better projectiles and sfx for the mini arcade games and more. * Added a couple of new scenes to level 1.1, passage to act 4 is now located on the first scene of the game and there's a shortcut back to it from act 3, also the first game machine that leads to act 2 is also accessible from the first scene, so you'll get to talk with TZ for the first time and know more about the coins and the arcade machines right at the start. * Finished the last couple of scenes in act 4 level 2, added 5 scenes to level 4.3 and worked on the final scene of level 4.4. * More bugs resolved, additional code optimization. * Wrote another lyrical song for the end of act 1, recording and cut-scene animations starts next week. * Formally introducing one of our new enemies, that will appear throughout acts 2-4, The Crab Drones. These little buggers are fast but very weak and will cast minimal damage, if they'll catch you in a tight spot they will wall you in, you can use your drop bash ability to kill them, but the spawning machine will create more to replace them (maximum capacity changes)
[ 2017-09-13 11:49:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update includes everything from our previous post And a few new stuff, We're experimenting a little with the underwater controls, from now on, holding the run buttons gives you a steady little boost for vertical movements only, horizontal movements are not affected, but the default speed is faster than before. Pressing the run button together with either left or right will fast dash in that direction, give it a try! A new enemy type is introduced in the beginning of act 2, a skeleton robot, he patrols the castle, he can throw bones at you and if you're close enough he will hit you, you can't kill it, but you can drop bash around it to stop it for a few seconds (note, the skeleton has not been designed yet, it's using temp graphics). There is a new rotating blade with a slightly different mechanic as a replacement for some of the saw-blades throughout the game. There are also a couple of new scenes in act 2 with magnet gloves sections.
[ 2017-08-19 09:06:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have a big patch release planned for the end of this week with lots of new stuff!
Firstly, we have a new cinematic credits sequence featuring the hard rocking song "Gain The Control" by the amazing Stellar Lane, check them out!
A few control changes, high-jump on springs is now done with holding UP instead of jump and using the glider ability is used by double clicking and holding jump instead of holding UP.
All remaining tutorial converted from text to visual and updated with the latest controls scheme.
Added a few more saving spots on normal difficulty and much more on easy difficulty.
Music will now continue playing when you die instead of returning to the position it was saved at, some people found it annoying :)
Map layout updated to work with resolution selection.
Cutscene, new skipping method, instead of just using escape or back on the gamepad, you can now hold down any button for a couple of seconds to skip.
New music for act 2 updated music for act 1.
Added all new/missing text to language file (no translations yet).
Added quick option access from in-game menu.
New abilities screen, accessed from the in-game menu and also pops up when gaining a new ability.
Updated design and animations for the following enemies on act 4.
New design for the magnet gloves/platforms and on act 4 a new matching animation for Square's .
New background elements for act 2 and 3.
Updated tilemap for act 4.
NWjs wrapper updated to latest version.
Fixed a few more reported bugs.
Stay Tuned!
[ 2017-08-15 13:28:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've been writing a lot of music over the past mouth, laying down riffs, melodies and ideas, some of them probably won't end up in this game, but they might be cool for something else. I've started recording a couple of them and will record a couple more next week. Here's another preview for you Level 4.1 - Preview A new game patch with new music and more will be released by the end of next week, stay tuned!
[ 2017-08-12 15:01:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
I've been working on some new music for Bad Pad, here are some previews! New music for Level 1.2 - previous music will be used on another level. Level 1.2 - Preview New additional parts for Level 1.3 music Level 1.3 - Preview More to come, soon!
[ 2017-07-19 08:12:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update include some fixes with the wall slide animation/speed and collision with floor with the small scaled character. We also added the ability to jump for a split of second right after falling from a platform. And of course everything we wrote about in the previous announcement.
[ 2017-07-14 10:17:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
This will be a more technical update but important nonetheless. I added resolution selection to the game, which will allow slower machines to run the game more smoothly with lower settings. This was quite a task, I had to redo all the camera logic for the game, mini-games, arcades, cut-scenes, menus, boss levels etc, then go over all the layouts and fix the scale rate and on some cases adjust the scene itself. I did some extensive testing of all the game, went through all the layouts and double checked, but it is possible that I missed something, small things like the background layer is off by a few pixels, so there's a blank hole where a wall should be. If you'll come across anything like this, please let me know. This update will also include some new graphics.
[ 2017-07-09 13:47:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update contains a lot of new stuff, mainly in act 4, I originally wanted to wait with this update a little longer, until I'll have a more solid level design for act 4, but this update also contains some bug fixes, optimizations and previous acts updates, so I didn't want to delay it any further. If you'll get to act 4, keep in mind it's very drafty. Here are some of the new stuff in act 4 And a more updated spider boss
[ 2017-06-24 08:53:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
We worked some more on act 4, the final act of the game, we got about 20% of it done, there will be a lot of cool stuff going on in this act, new game mechanics, new enemies and puzzles, game-world scene where you play as TZ and of obviously lots of new ways to die. Here are some of the new stuff *WIP*
[ 2017-05-30 12:50:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bad Pad version 0.51b
The Lottery has now started, available only through the demo, look for the daily lottery card and you might win a free copy of Bad Pad! More info about the Lottery can be found HERE. We worked on boss fights 4-6 Here are some videos *WIP* We added a new arcade machine game that leads to the final 4th act, in this game there is also a new boss fight. We started replacing all the tutorials with images instead of texts, some of them are more trickier to pass as an image than others, but we'll get there. We started working on Act 4, the first level is almost done. In act 4 you will also get to play TrapeZoid from the other side of the screen, inside Evil Pen's game world. TrapeZoid will help Square advance in the real world, by manipulating the castle through Pen's main frame. Trapezoid moves slower than Square, he jumps lower and has no abilities, but in the game world, gravity is very tricky, use it to your advantage! Early protoype of the game world We added some new mechanics like Geyser Launching Sticky Floors And a new item for Act 4, Magnet Gloves We also tidy up boss fights 1-4 We fixed some issues with the map and the marking of the gates locations. And lots more!
[ 2017-05-16 06:30:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Look for the lottery ticket hidden within Bad Pad's demo and you might win a free a copy of the game!
Contest rules and terms:
A. You must have a Steam account. B. You must Play Bad Pad's free DEMO through your Steam Client Application. C. Look for the hidden lottery ticket around the castle and pick it up to enter the lottery, you will be automatically registered with your Steam account ID. D. The ticket's location will reset daily at 12am UTC/GMT-5, requires updating the game through the Steam client. E. At the end of each day a random ticket will be selected, the lottery result will be published to our Steam community hub, winners will also receive a private message from our Steam account. F. We will give away a maximum of 30 copies of Bad Pad during the lottery period. G. The lottery starts on the 16th of May 2017. H. Winning is limited to one copy per participant. I. Leaving your review and comments is not mandatory but would be truly appreciated.
News and updates
Bad Pad is coming along great, we got a lot of work done these past few months since we entered Early Access and we just started working on act 4 and on a few more cool additions to the game that we'll reveal shortly. On the 1st of July 2017, we'll be going into stage 2 of our Early Access, focusing on finishing the 4th and final act and tiding up the game. Switching into stage 2 will also increase the game's price from 8.99$ to 10.99$ We are aiming for a retail release by Q4 2017, retail price will be set at 12.99$
[ 2017-05-14 15:31:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've been working on boss 5 and 6 and adding some new scenes and game mechanics, read more about it in our devblog, official update will be released next week.
[ 2017-05-05 13:17:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this update we've worked on boss fights 3 and 4, closed some more todos and reported bugs, boss 3 got a new pre-battle cut-scene and much more. Here's a little recap of the boss fights we've worked on, still WIP, but almost finished. We also added some collectables, there is one hidden in each level, 12 in total, see if you can find them all! Once we'll finish tiding up and adding all that's missing from floor 1-3, we'll go into phase 2 of our Early Access, which means working on the 4th and final floor, we estimate that phase 2 will start around june/july 2017, as we mentioned in our Early Access info, going into phase 2 will also increase the game's price from 8.99$ to 10.99$.
[ 2017-04-26 16:48:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
For our next update we've worked on boss fights 3 and 4, closed some more todos and reported bugs, boss 3 got a new pre-battle cut-scene and much more. Here's a little recap of the boss fights we've worked on, still WIP, but almost finished. Once we'll finish tiding up and adding all that's missing from floor 1-3, we'll go into phase 2 of our Early Access, which means working on the 4th and final floor, we estimate that phase 2 will start around june/july 2017, as we mentioned in our Early Access info, going into phase 2 will also increase the game's price from 8.99$ to 10.99$.
[ 2017-04-25 08:32:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update include lots of new stuff and improvements! We worked and redesigned boss fights 1 to 3, added new scenes, new graphics, new mechanics, cut-scenes, sound effects, UI/menus and map updates, more visual effects, camera movement and much more! We are not quite done with boss #3 yet, it's playable and beatable so it won't break the flow, but we still have a lot of work to do on it and we didn't want to delay the update with all these cool features any further. On a different note, we're planning an in-game competition in the demo version with free copies of the game as rewards, stay tuned for more details!
[ 2017-03-23 18:26:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Check out this awesome review from IGR by Amanda Bower Also here is another sneak preview of one of the new boss fights, it's coming along great, we'll be ready to push the update in a few days!
[ 2017-03-18 09:45:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
The update is still in the works, a lot of new stuff is coming!
Here is a sneak preview to one of our new bosses.
[ 2017-03-08 17:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our next update will focus mainly on the boss fights, we're working on the three first boss battles, we we'll have new epic and destructive machine operated by Evil Pen, all new designs, new mechanics, each battle will have more rounds with different actions to preform in each of them. The first battle is done, 2nd and 3rd are in process, it's going to be epic, can't wait to hear your reactions! The update will also include some more level design, new visual effects, new sound effects, more graphics and decor. The map will now have a fog of war covering areas not visited. And more, stay tuned! In the meanwhile check out Early Access Gaming video review of the game
[ 2017-03-01 23:02:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've release a few patches during the last week, including more level design, more scenes, decorations, code/logic optimizations and a few issues fixed. I've added some more saving stations in the earlier levels and added more shortcuts for less back-tracking. I've also added UI fx transitions for the dying sequences, smoke when you get fried, bubbles when you drown, white flashes when you're hit by lasers, and blood for pretty much everything else. We also got some new reviews and let's plays, check them out
[ 2017-02-17 20:10:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our next update will include some changes to the difficulty system, some of you hardcore players claimed that the game can be too easy at times, so from now on you'll have 3 difficulties to choose from, easy, normal and hard. Easy mode - Less obstacles, boss fights a little easier, you start with 3 lives. Normal mode - All obstacles, boss fights a little harder, you start with 2 lives. Hard mode - All obstacles, boss fights even harder, less energy to pick up, you start with 1 life. Later on we'll add some achievements that can be unlocked only on certain difficulties and there will be a reward for finishing the game in hard mode. The update will also include more level design, decorations and animations. More features will be revealed throughout the week.
[ 2017-02-05 23:33:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our new update is due any day now, we're mostly testing and making sure everything works as it should. So what's new? 1. New saving system, we had a little fun run, but now it's time to play it serious! No more scene to scene saving! Auto-saving happens when A. You finish a level B. You win a boss fight C. You win a multi-arcade game D. After a cut-scene And there are also new saving stations spread throughout the levels. Once you die, you last save will be loaded including your health state. 2. Steam overlay and achievements! 3. Fixed bugs where picked coins were not always registering, fixed double playing death sequence bug on asteroid multi-arcade. 4. Some level design updates, a new shortcut from floor 2 to floor 1, opens after finishing floor 2. 5. A few new sprites and animations.
[ 2017-01-30 17:49:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're working on our next update that will include steam overlay and achievements and other addressed issues, stay tuned!
[ 2017-01-22 10:39:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here are some of the things version 0.34b will include * Added animated bats - background element. * Added killer ants that shots acid to small scaled hero areas in floor 3. * Added evil spiders that throw fireballs to floor 3. * Some more decorations and level design changes. * A couple of new scenes. * Fixed a level design flaw where you could reach scene343 which was designed for the big scaled hero also with the small scaled hero, this was not game breaking, but did make the next couple of scenes much harder to get through. * Optimization to diving ability when hero is scaled down. * New conveyor belt graphics and animation. * Updated main floor/walls tiles for floor 2+3.
[ 2017-01-20 08:16:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our next update will be focused around the 2nd and 3rd floor, adding more decoration, updating level design and adding new stuff, here are some of the new stuff I'm working on (these are all prototypes and are subject to changes). We'll have some bats hanging/flying around in the background We'll have some killer ants, wondering in the tunnels We'll have evil spiders, lurking in the dark corners And more! Stay tuned!
[ 2017-01-16 11:30:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Aside from small updates, patches and bugs fixes I'll continue releasing regularly, I'm focusing my attention towards the next major build. There are four choices for me to focus on 1. Writing and recording more music tracks. 2. Level design for the 4th floor. 3. Polish, decorate, add more content and secrets to floors 1-3. 4. Add more cut-scenes and story to the game. What would you like to see next?
[ 2017-01-11 16:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
First patch for you guys, here are some of the things we took care of: - Fixed a few reported bugs. - Added some more decoration for floor 2. - Added 'restart scene' to quick menu ('esc'). - Added a couple of new scenes to floor 1.
[ 2017-01-08 17:52:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Not sure if Bad Pad is for you? Want to try it a little before buying? Head on to the official website and try the online demo
[ 2017-01-03 10:13:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Bad Pad Linux 32b [158.37 M]
- Bad Pad Linux 64b [159.61 M]
Bad Pad is platformer game mixed with a little arcading, shooting, puzzle solving and metroidvania elements, that being said it is still a platformer, so expect a lot of jumping and fair amount of dying along the way.
Bad Pad is my first full scale project, my hello world game if you will, I am making this game based on the memories and experiences I had growing up playing video games and as a tribute to all those amazing games that were simply fun!, a little frustrating at times... but mostly fun!
- Original and new guitar driven music composed and preformed by Avishay Mizrav.
- Diverse gameplay with cart riding levels, submarine levels, spaceship levels and more.
- 4 floors, 16 levels, more than 150 scenes to explore!
- 10 epic boss levels.
- 3 mini classic arcade games.
- Cool retro graphics and feel.
- Use of physics and changing gravity.
- Solve environmental puzzles.
- One item based inventory system, hey a button doesn't have pockets, deal with it.
- Tight controls and game mechanics + gamepad support.
This Steam Early Access game is currently not a finished game and may or may not change significantly over the course of development. To learn more about Steam Early Access, please visit
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 / SteamOS
- Processor: 1.4GHz processorMemory: 2 GB RAM
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA GT/s 4xx or Equivalent
- Storage: 300 MB available space
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 / SteamOS
- Processor: 2.0GHz processor or fasterMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 600 Series or Higher
- Storage: 300 MB available space
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