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 Bully Beatdown 



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It's Official: Full Release!!

Out Now: "Bully Beatdown" Full Release Edition!

Thanks to everyone who helped out along the way. Although we've reached full release, we will keep watching for bug reports and fix anything that may have slipped into the game. Please be sure to report your bugs in the discussions. I'm taking notes and will do my best to clean things up in the coming weeks.

[ 2018-11-17 05:29:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.13: Ready for Full Release Nov 16th!

Full Release (Nov 16th, 2018)
We are going Full Release on November 16th, 2018. The game is in a fully playable state right now.

I finished coding the rest of the Achievements for the game. Now, every single achievement can be unlocked. The latest achievements include the following;

  • Box of Chocolates
  • Smell Shocked
  • Chemical Warfare
  • Silent Butt Deadly
  • Flatulator
  • Chubby Spree
  • Holy Fat Kid
  • Mighty Brawler
  • Titanic Frenzy
  • Fatinator
  • Monstrosity
  • Porky Power
  • Bully Beatdown
  • Penny Pincher
  • Piggy Banker
  • Tax Collector
  • Greedy Bastard
  • Thug
  • Brute
  • Slayer
  • Butcher
  • Predator
  • Bully Dozer
  • Avenger
  • Vigilante
  • Punisher
  • Cereal Killer

[ 2018-11-14 21:11:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.12: Achievements

Full Release Coming Soon
We are planning to go Full Release on November 16th, 2018. I am currently working on completing the last of the Achievements for the game. You can watch me working on the game live on my AlmightyGamesDev Twitch.tv channel.

Below are the recently completed Achievements. There will be one more batch before all of the Achievements are finished. For now, here's what was recently added...

Sharing is Caring
This Achievement demands that you fart on every single character within the game.

You must kill any enemy using only a sandbag trap to issue damage. (This is a bit harder than it sounds.. try it!)

Spreading The News
Without spoiling the location of the Achievement, this one requires the player to stomp on a pile of newspapers somewhere within the game.

Almighty Beatdown
This Achievement requires the player to beat all of the levels (regardless of difficulty settings) at least once without dying.

Wrecking Ball
Destroy all breakable objects in the entire game.

[ 2018-11-13 16:21:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.11: More Updates

New Achievements
Although there are now 48 Achievements in the game, I have only scripted some of those achievements. You can currently get achievements for finishing the game on each of the 4 difficulties and for maxing out each individual skill. In this update, you can now get an achievement for finding the Save Jesus logo and for squashing all roaches, spiders and rats throughout the game. More to come!

Broadcaster Voice Doubling
The broadcaster voice for combo bonuses was sending out duplicates, resulting in a loud echoing voice effect which was unintended. This has been fixed. now only one broadcaster voice plays, instead of dozens at at time.

Stop Sound When Level Completes
Previously, you could continue to hear sounds such as the Fat Kid's Bowling loop after the level was completed. These sorts of sound effects are now being turned off at the time of level completion.

Belly Freeze
There was a bug that caused Fat Kid to freeze, unable to do anything other than hang in the air while looping through the new Belly Burst animation loop. This bug should be fixed now.

Head Butting Hurts
The Head Butt attack style which appears randomly along with other special attack styles when you achieve high combo bonuses was not inflicting any damage upon enemies. This has been fixed.

Collider Issues
Fixed the colliders where you fight Nega Fat Kid on the falling platform. Also fixed the colliders in Hell. Previous versions of the game allowed players to fall outside of the game boundaries resulting in being stuck in open space.

[ 2018-11-12 00:33:28 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.1: Stable Build

Belly Bump (Burst)
Added a new Belly Bump Upgrade. Now, Fat Kid can burst forward, plowing through enemies as he uses the Belly Bump attack. This feature unlocks and continues to enhance as you gain Skills in Belly Bumping.

Combo Bonus Cooldown Timer
Added a Cooldown Timer Bar to allow players to visualize the amount of time before the Combo Bonus Timer is reset. Also increased the cooldown timer from 5 to 8 seconds.

Fart DOT
Fixed the Fart's Damage Over Time (DOT). Also changed the Fart Skill Progression table to max out at 800 Farts (instead of 3,600 which was just too much)

Particle System Updates
I spent some time improving the smoke, dust, and cloud particles throughout the game. The new particles appear a little smoother than before.

Language Settings
The Language selection menu is now accessible from the Main Menu. Created a new graphic button to make the Language Selection more noticeable.

Boiler Room Upgrades
Made some cosmetic changes to the Boiler Room scene. Now you can see a glimpse into Hell as you progress through the level.

Sandbags Damage Enemies
The Sandbag traps that appear in the scaffolding in level 4 now inflict damage to enemies who are caught in the damage zone.

Key Binding Glitch Fixed
Fixed a glitch when playing the tutorial and exiting before completion where the bound keys become unbound.

Unlocked Skills on Scoreboard
The Unlocked Skills was showing the wrong values. This problem is now fixed.

[ 2018-11-06 10:41:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.09: Bug Fixes Name Change

Full Release Coming Soon!
I am currently working day and night to finish the game with the hopes to fully release by November 16th. You can watch me work live on my AlmightyGamesDev Twitch.tv channel. The game will continue to be improved even after full release.

Name Change
The game has now officially been renamed to "Bully Beatdown". I felt that the previous name was unattractive to the average gamer and hope that the new name will be more interesting to all.

Bug Fixes

  • Player can now punch, kick, stomp, bowl and belly bump all items that are breakable or wobble.
  • Player now gains skills as a result of hitting all enemies, bosses and special boss objects.
  • Damage Text is now shown on all enemies and bosses.
  • When killing bosses, all enemies are automatically eliminated, except for those visible on the screen.
  • Player now needs to unlock levels for each difficulty setting.
  • While playing in the Tutorial, energy automatically refills when low.
  • Boss abilities are now set by difficulty settings.
  • Minimized Smoke Particle Systems to help improve performance for slower computers.
  • Prevent enemy from following player after death.
  • Menu controls, such as the Escape Menu, are now locked until the level is fully loaded.
  • Roster now displays all stats correctly.
  • Fixed minor rubble props to look more like garbage, and less likely for the player to want to pick those items up.
  • Character portrait changes to a hurt face when health drops below 50%.
  • Added squish sounds when stepping on Rats and Roaches.
  • Wave colliders are now wider than before to help prevent players from passing through waves by being hit.
  • Large items now have semi-transparency to allow the player to see characters as they walk behind those objects.
  • Improved enemy path finding obstructions.
  • Improved bottleneck problems in some of the tighter areas of the game.
  • Fart Immunity is now limited to higher level enemies. There are no longer any enemies who are HALF immune.

[ 2018-11-02 20:38:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.08: Gameplay Tweaks

Now you can walk around punching, kicking, stomping, and bowling through all of the breakable items in the game. I was reluctant about enabling this capability, but after play testing the game for myself, it's obvious that this was the best choice.

Semi-Forced Tutorial
The Tutorial can be skipped shortly after killing the first enemy. The previous versions of the game required players to complete the tutorial before allowing them to proceed to level 1. After watching a few players struggle with this, I decided to only require the first segment of the tutorial where the player binds the keys and competes against the first enemy.

While working on the Tutorial level, I also changed a few minor things. The first enemy spawns a little bit further from the wave wall than before. I also made the warehouse shelves breakable in two steps (rather than only one).

Hell Fixes
Added Imp Beast to Roster and fine-tuned this enemy's health settings to balance over different difficulty settings. I also fixed the Imp's health who spawn from the Book, which were overpowered in previous versions. The fireball's damage range has also been changed to reflect difficulty settings. Fixed a glitch where players were being pushed through the invisible wave walls and then stuck on the wrong side of an invisible wall.

Other Difficulty Settings
Adjusted Players Stomp, Belly and Bowl costs depending on Difficulty Settings. This should cost less on Easy, and more on Nightmare.

Adjusted Enemy's Health depending on Difficulty Settings. The health was previously very high on Normal Difficulty.

Changed the Interrupt Delay which allows enemies to strike back at the player even while button mashing. This setting used to be one number for all difficulty levels. With some careful fine-tuning, the enemies now interrupt attacks appropriate to difficulty settings.

Cosmetic Changes
Changed Red Color of Menu Selected Interface buttons to make them stand out a bit more.

Edited Stomp Cloud particles to make them appear a little thinner than before. (They were much too thick and dominated the scene every time the player stomped)

Edited Coin Pickup effects with a Yellow Hue and fewer particles so that they dont clutter up the scene.

Post-It Details Glitch
Fixed a glitch in the Skill Advancement notification where the Post-It note message always claimed that Punch Speed was being upgraded. The note now correctly describes the appropriate upgraded skill.

[ 2018-09-26 00:26:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.07: Asian Localization

Chinese, Japanese & Korean Languages
This update features Chinese, Japanese and Korean Language Support.

There's still a little bit of work left to do with the overall localization. For example, we haven't finished making "Achievements" for the game yet, so we'll hold off before translating the Achievements. The Scoreboard that appears when you complete each level will also be translated before Full Release.

With all of the recent additions, the Language Selection Menu has gotten pretty crowded. I intend to create a menu that displays language choices with a little more space between selections.

[ 2018-08-21 02:25:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.06: Language, Lights, Shadows Progress Bars

Language Updates
Language support features translations for all cut scene dialogue, tutorial system & menus throughout the game. Added support for the following languages;
* Spanish
* Brazilian Portuguese
* Turkish
* Russian
* German
* Italian
* Polish

Lights & Shadows
Improved the lighting of the game and added drop shadows to many objects to further enhance the game's appearance.

Progress Bars for Attack Skills
There is now a series of progress bars located near the Player's health/energy in the top right corner of the game. The new progress bars show details about the player's progress with each attack skill. You can now monitor your progress as you continue unlocking new skills in various attacks.

Regeneration Changes
Player can no longer regenerate health or energy while within combat range. To regenerate, player must simply stand or walk a few steps away from nearest enemy.

Enemies Fight Back
Enemies are more aggressive than before. Instead of waiting 5 to 7 seconds to interrupt the Player's attacks and squeeze in an attack, they now only wait about 1 second before returning blows. It is possible to avoid return attacks from enemies by constantly moving in and out of combat range every second or so, but this makes the game much more realistic in terms of fist fighting, where the enemy should be allowed to fight back about as often as the player.

[ 2018-08-06 18:39:03 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.05: Color Lighting

Color & Lighting Enhancements
I spent some time configuring the game's settings to enhance the color and lighting effects. The game's color was very dull before. Now, the colors appear as they were originally drawn, which is much warmer and overall, just a better visual experience. The lighting effects have changed on some of the later levels too. Where before they were just dark and dull, now they are shadowy and rich in vibrant colors.

[ 2018-07-08 03:16:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.04: Tutorial System

After watching more and more people play the game, I've gathered that the average person just can't figure out how to read instructions. The "How To Play" menu (which previously explained how to use the controls) has now been replaced with a tutorial system which allows the player to rebind the keys as well as walking the player through how to use the Special Key combinations to achieve Belly Bumps, Farts, Stomps and Bowls. The tutorial takes just a couple of minutes to complete, but should familiarize the player with these essential tid bits of knowledge before starting the game.

I've also configured the game to recognize whether the player has finished the tutorial yet, and force the player to complete the tutorial before continuing on to play the game.

Level Progress Reset
Due to the fact that the tutorial is an actual scene that has enemies, contributes to your skills, and tracks a score, I had to reset the scene unlocking progress for any player who has already started playing the game. Your skills should still be saved, but your progress through the levels will be reset the next time you play the game. That is because the level orders have changed.

[ 2018-06-25 17:15:21 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.03: Sprees Combo Bonuses

Broadcaster / Voice Announcements
Added an announcer voice that broadcasts Sprees. You'll hear a voice say different things for every 10 combos performed.

Fat Kid will only use a left and right punch until the combos begin to stack up. For every 10 combos, you'll unlock additional punch and kick animations which increase damage and knockback to enemies. There are now 8 punch and 8 kick animations. Bonuses are available at x10, x20, x30, x40, x50, x60, x70, x80, x90 and x100 combos intervals.

[ 2018-06-18 20:41:47 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.02: Robot Laser Bug Fixes

Robot Laser
The boss in Scene 2 was updated to feature a ranged laser gun weapon that fires laser beams while pursuing the player. This special laser gun attack is in addition to his regular close range melee attack.

While making changes to the Robot's missile attacks, the Drones from Scene 6 have also been updated to allow them to shoot while pursuing.

Enemy Damage Bug
While play testing the Robot on Nightmare, I noticed a glitch where enemies were doing 3x more damage than they should have been doing. I eventually found the bug and fixed it. Now enemies seem to do the correct amount of damage for harder difficulty settings.

[ 2018-06-15 05:56:25 CET ] [ Original post ]

Update 1.01: Language Charge

Language Support
Added Cutscenes Language Translations for English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and Russian. The User Interface is currently still only available in English. I intend to add User Interface Language Translations once I finish up the Tutorial System.

I intend to support more languages in upcoming updates too. Future Languages should include; German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Polish.

Charging Enemies
A special "Charge" ability has been added to Grunt, Cheericorn, Shredder and Quarterback (AKA Reggie). This new ability allows these enemies to rush towards the player while smashing through breakable objects that get in their way.

As a result of adding this feature to the Quarterback, I have decided to change his Punch resistance to "Half" instead of "Immune". There are also a few less instances of the Quarterback to help balance the game.

[ 2018-06-14 17:30:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

Soon in Russian, Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, Turkish and Polish

We are happy to announce that we are working on several translations.

So far we got Russian, Spanish, Portuguese/Brazilian, Turkish and Polish.

Soon we should additional languages.

[ 2018-06-09 21:04:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Key Binding

Keyboard Configuration
Today's update features a new keyboard binding menu. Use the Escape Key to access the regular in-game menu. From there you can find "Controls". Now you can set your basic game controls for the keyboard. Please note, I haven't gotten around to configuring for the XBOX controller just yet, so you'll have to deal with the default settings for now. But don't panic! This will come eventually.

Unity Loader Screen Blues
While adding the new Keyboard Binding Menu, I have removed the Unity Loader Screen that appears when you initially start the game. This Unity Loader had it's own method for rebinding keys, which no longer function due to the recent changes. There's also very little practical use for the Unity Loader Screen, beyond choosing Windowed Mode or selecting from a short list of resolutions, so I just got rid of it entirely. I may include options to change resolution and Windowed Mode from a menu within the game before the game goes full release (we'll see)

[ 2018-06-08 07:25:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Optimizations

Quality VS Quantity
I had previously optimized some of the enemies by down-scaling their animation sprite sheets. I was able to reduce the installation size by 1.2 GB. However, after play testing the game a few times, I started to realize that some of the game's graphics looked kind of bad. After improving the graphics a bit, the overall change increased the installation space by only 100 MB. This isn't bad, but there's still more optimization to come. (We're still down 1.1 GB from the original file size)

Gameplay Tweaks
I have continued tweaking the game play by adjusting various enemy stats (such as health and damage for example). I have moved some enemies around and added a few enemies here and there.

[ 2018-06-06 21:31:24 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Boss Love

Player can now be knocked back by enemies. Each enemy has been configured to deliver a knockback amount suitable for their size and weight. This update was originally only going to affect bosses (since they are bigger than ordinary characters) but I decided to apply this knockback to all characters, and just give the bigger bosses a much more powerful knockback than the smaller foes.

Spider Tank
The Spider Tank's movement has been completely changed from the original. Instead of following the player around and often ending up in undesirable places (such as halfway through a building) the big tank now wanders around on it's own node-based path while it's minion Drones continue attacking. This makes it a little more challenging to keep up with the tank while it continuously relocates, all while fending off annoying drones.

While working on the Spider Tank, I also fixed some visual bugs with the shadows not lining up with the feet on the ground as it walked around.

Drone Missiles
The missiles shot by Drones now actually fire towards the player. I have intentionally scripted the Drone's aim to be less than perfect. This improved aim makes the Spider Tank a little more challenging to strike. Before this update, Drones often stood in place firing in a straight line and usually completely missing the player. Now, their accuracy is about 80%, regardless of where they happen to be idling.

Difficulty Settings
Changed the health and damage for all bosses. Now their health, damage, and other stats will be adjusted depending on what difficulty you are playing the game in. This feature was already implemented for regular enemies, but until now, the bosses were not being adjusted.

Bosses in Roster
Added all bosses, including Grunt, Robot, Cheericorn, Giant, Spider Tank and all unique boss characters to the Roster. Also removed all boss characters from the game making them truly unique as a boss character.

[ 2018-06-04 21:06:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Locked Levels Leaderboards

Locked Levels
Since the game will be publicly available very soon, I thought it would be a good idea to lock the levels. Now, as with most games, you must complete level 1 to unlock level 2 and so on.

I setup the leaderboards today for posting your scores on Steam. If you notice any problems, please be sure to let me know. It seemed kind of buggy.

More to come!

[ 2018-06-01 14:49:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Optimizations

By resizing most of the character sprite sheets to 512 pixels (instead of 800) I was able to reduce the size of the build by 1.2 GB. However, the build is still very large, so I will continue optimizing while the game goes into Early Access.

What this means to players is that the game's file size is still over 3 GB. When the game starts, it stores some of that information in memory. When levels load, more memory is used. Due to the heavy burden of resources, the game will run poorly on computers that lack a good processor and adequate memory. I am working to resolve this, and today's update was a big help. The game is already performing better than it was yesterday and the scenes take far less time to load.

[ 2018-05-31 00:48:01 CET ] [ Original post ]

Alpha Update: Punching Kicking

Now you can punch and kick to break some of the smaller objects in the game. Items like chairs, crates, barrels, and many other objects have been included in this update. If you can't punch or kick an object, don't forget to try stomping or bowling over it! Almost everything in the game can be broken! (almost!)

Gang Aggression
Some of the later levels of the game features enemies that gang up and collectively act a bit more aggressive. I have enhanced this apparent aggressiveness by giving waves of gangs more than 1 leader.

Almost Dead
When a player's health drops below 10%, they will now see a faint red pulsing blood border around the screen to remind them to go find some health.

Robot Effects
Added sound and particle effects to the Journalist's Robot in Scene 2. I was rather shocked that none of my testers happened to notice that this boss was completely mute.

Paint Buckets
This is not a big update, but I thought it would be funny to mention that the paint buckets in levels 5 and 7 now spill out colored paint. This update was inspired by the new ability to destroy breakable objects by punching and kicking. Go break some paint buckets!

Small Fixes
There were many minor fixes in this build, but not really worth mentioning individually. Things like setting the order in layer for some of the objects on tables or adjusting the width of the fence collider in the Spider Tank's arena (to prevent the Spider Tank from pushing you through the fence). I added a few extra props here and there to fill in some gaps, and so on.

[ 2018-05-30 04:03:35 CET ] [ Original post ]