- Unpurchased Alternate Weapon Forms now show a preview of the weapon while in the Runesmith menu.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash when Night Heist couldnt find any blessings to upgrade.
- Fixed a bug that rounded completion times for certain game modes the wrong way.
- Other minor bug fixes.
[ 2025-03-02 07:18:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the run stats menu under certain conditions and menuing.
- Fixed another camera bug that could make it go out of bounds during the first sec. of loading into a room.
- Hopefully fixed an error that could cause some textures or sprites to not render properly.
[ 2025-02-27 20:01:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Some tweaks to Equinox Alternate Form attacks. Drill Mode multihit attacks shield damage increased (side attack, up attack, up-air, down-air, side-air). Spear mode down-air reduced stun duration. Knockback scaling increased for certain moves.
- Fixed camera being able to pan out of bounds at the edges of the Sanctum
- Fixed Reroll Relic button not updating to inactive if there are no Relics to reroll.
- Fixed a bug that caused Enduring Grit to always save you if you have 1 Max Health.
- Other minor fixes and tweaks.
[ 2025-02-27 10:34:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue that caused the camera to not follow the player correctly in some cases.
- Fixed the One With Everything Achievement - was marked as completed upon reaching the final boss with the requirements met
[ 2025-02-26 21:55:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Version 1.6.11 - Custom Run
Hello everyone, the latest update is now live! This update introduces custom run modifiers that can add some spice and challenges to your runs, as well as some customization of certain run mechanics. It will also contain new cosmetics (featuring a Dead Cells crossover costume), achievements, and 5 new challenge levels, amongst other things. Lets get into the patch notes

Custom Run Modifiers
You can now set special modifiers before starting a run. These are unlocked after completing 5 runs. New Custom Run Modifiers:
- Power Draft
- Specialized
- Random Start
- Rarity Magnet
- Invincible
- Triple Gem
- Chaos
- Dust Reserves
- Wings
- Sudden Death
- Air Resources
- Reduced Options
- Deprived
- The Floor is Lava
- Hollow Heart
- Be Prepared
- Pilgrimage
- Disable Second Phase
- Disable Statues of Kismet
- Disable Dust Effigies
- Disable the Herbalist
- Disable the Daring Duo
- Disable Mini-Bosses
- Disable the Pursuer Guardian
- Disable Hidden Rifts
- Disable Traps
New Challenge Level: 15
- 5 New challenges are now available, bringing the total to 15. These challenges unlock once a run is completed on challenge level 10 and are aimed towards players who seek an even bigger challenge.
- Ambush: In combat rooms, the next wave of enemies spawns automatically after 7 sec.
- Burden of Boons: Take 5% more damage from enemies for each Spirit Blessing you have.
- Degradation: Blessings will degrade in Rarity every 3 Combat Rooms unless they have a Luminous Gem applied.
- Fatigue: When you enter a combat room, lose 5 Max Health.
- Perfectionist: When your Attack misses, deal -50% damage for 2.5 sec.
New Cosmetics featuring the Prisoner from Dead Cells
The Prisoner breaks free as a new crossover skin from Dead Cells! Truly an honor to feature such an iconic game, thanks a lot to Motion Twin for making this possible. A total of 10 new cosmetics are now available:
- Prisoner (Dead Cells crossover cosmetic)
- Aegis
- Dice
- Prototype
- Ultima (Unlocked after completing a run on challenge level 15)
- Jigsaw
- Shade
- Mecha
- Luminous
- Mockup (special cosmetic that unlocks if you have all other cosmetics)
QOL and other Changes:
- An indicator will appear above Tipps Library when there are unclaimed rewards from Achievements.
- You can now force a specific controller layout for in-game prompts (for cases in which the game for some reason doesnt manage to automatically display the correct buttons).
- The Protected Dangerous Elite modifier will not appear on enemies that have a base Shield.
- You can now view the active Challenges and Modifiers in the Run Stats menu (the indicators can be selected to open up a detailed list of both)
- Reduced sensitivity of scroll wheel in scrollable menus as it was too high.
- Some minor visual tweaks
New Language support: Italian
You can now set Italian as the games language in the settings menu.
Weapon Balance Changes
Battle Hammer-Axe
- Base Form Down Attack: startup slightly faster.
- Awakened Form: duration increased from 3 to 5 sec.
- Awakened Alternate Form: multi-hit bonus increased from 15% to 25%.
- Awakened Form: damage when alternating between directional attacks increased from +30% to +40%.
- Awakened Alternate Form: duration increased from 1.5 to 2 sec.
- Awakened Alternate Form: damage and movement speed increased from 20% to 25%.
- Awakened Form: launcher damage increased from +100% to +150%.
- Awakened Alternate Form: attack damage increased from +100% to +150%.
- Awakened Form: damage on form switch increased from +30% to +40%.
- Awakened Alternate Form: drill-head damage bonus increased from 50% to 80%.
Blessings Balance Changes
Synergy Blessings
- Antipode: combustion damage to bosses increased from +100% to +150%.
- Extinguishment: burn damage per stack increased from +5 to +7.
- Lucid Dream: effect reworked into: When you Dodge, recover a portion of the damage avoided and activate all of your blessings that trigger when you are hit. Requirements from Sharbora changed to Zealous Heart, Ravaging Growth, Leaf Bracer.
- Perfect Storm: damage on perfect parry increased from +250% to +300%.
- Skyborne Stability: now stacks up to a maximum of 5 times. Damage increased from +15% to +20%.
- Spontaneous Combustion: chance increased from 25% to 30%.
- Stellar Link: damage per blessings with 3 Luminous Gems increased from 5% to 15%.
- Voltaic Shards: damage increased from 40 to 45.
- Waterspout: vertical range increased from +100% to +150%.
- Blood Moon: Health penalty increased from 10/13/16% to 10/14/18%.
- Entropic Attunement: Sharp Claws now counts as a possible requirement.
- Hypercritical: chance increased from 10/15/20% to 10/20/30%. Damage to bosses increased from 25% to 50%.
- Lunar Terminator: damage increased from 15/20/25% to 15/25/35%.
- Moon Scar: damage increased from 100/125/150 to 120/140/160. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 25 to 40.
- Moon Song: Critical damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 5% to 10%.
- Nova Strike: duration increased from 1 to 1.5 sec.
- Occultation: overlap damage increased from 20/30/40% to 25/35/45%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 5% to 10%.
- Open Wounds: Critical damage per stack increased from 3/4/5% to 4/6/8%.
- Sharp Claws: bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 2% to 3%.
- Woof Punish: damage on enemy whiff increased from 25/30/35% to 25/35/45%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10% to 15%.
- Avalanche: damage increased from 15/25/35 to 20/30/40.
- Breaking the Ice: bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 20% to 25%.
- Cold Presence: damage cap increased from +30% to +40%. Damage per nearby enemy increased from 5/6/7% to 5/7/9%.
- Frostbite: bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10 to 20.
- Glaciating Frost: chance to Glaciate per stack increased from 2/3/4% to 3/4/5%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 1% to 2% per stack.
- Long Winter: Timeout damage increased from 200/250/300% to 250/300/350%.
- Snow Surge: Damage increased from 450/55/70 to 50/70/90. Bonus per Lumionus Gem upgrade increased from 15 to 20.
- Lightning Strike: Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 sec.
- Accelerated Force: damage per stack increased from 3/4/5% to 3/5/7%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 1% to 2%.
- Adrenaline Rush: bonus increased from 10/15/20% to 10/20/30%. Duration decreased from 5 to 4 sec.
- Analysis Paralysis: cooldown speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%.
- Closed Circuit: cooldown speed per stack increased from 2/3/4% to 3/5/7%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 1% to 2%.
- Magnetize: damage increased from 30/40/50% to 40/60/80%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10% to 20%.
- Overcharge: damage increased from 50/60/70 to 50/65/80. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 15 to 20.
- Secondary Cell: damage increased from 10/14/18% to 10/15/20%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 4% to 5%.
- Shock Absorber: cooldown reduction increased from 25/30/35% to 30/40/50%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 5% to 10%.
- Static Electricity: re-apply chance increased from 50/65/80% to 50/70/90%.
- Thunderclap: damage per stack increased from 7/8/9 to 8/10/12. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 3 to 4.
- Biotic Stress: health threshold increased from 20% to 30%.
- Camping: max damage bonus increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 10% to 15%.
- Leaf Bracer: bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 10% to 15%.
- Natural Selection: damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%.
- Oasis: temporary damage after Second Wind increased from 25% to 50%.
- Ravaging Growth: damage increased from 12/14/18% to 12/16/20%.
- Resolute Stance: duration increased from 1/1.25/1.5 to 1/1.5/2 sec.
- Safeguard: health threshold increased from 20% to 25%. Damage reduction increased from 8/10/12% to 10/15/20%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 4% to 5%.
- Treefall: duration increased from 2 to 3 sec. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 10% to 15%.
- Twister: slightly increased enemy hitstun on hit. Shield damage per hit increased from 10 to 20.
- Unearthed Verve: health restored increased from 15/20/25% to 15/25/35%.
- Winds of Change: damage increased from 40/50/60 to 50/65/80. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 15 to 25.
- Zealous Heart: bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Bird of Prey: bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 4% to 5%.
- Bonfire: status effects duration increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%.
- Combustion: damage increased from 20/25/30 to 25/30/35.
- Ethereal Bounty: dust bonus increased from 20/25/30% to 25/35/45%.
- Flaming Leap: cooldown reduced from 7 to 6 sec. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 20 to 30.
- Incandescence: damage increased from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25.
- Meteor Smash: damage increased from 25/30/35% to 25/35/45%.
- Smelting Strength: bonus per status effect changed from 8/10/12% to 7/10/13%.
- Spread Fire: damage increased from 20/30/40 to 25/35/45. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10 to 15.
- Tabula Rasa: bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10% to 15%.
- Wings of Flame: damage increased from 12/16/20 to 15/20/25.
- Abyssal Call: wall splat damage to bosses on trigger increased from +300% to +400%.
- Bubble Shield: shield damage increased from 60 to 80 (160 with Perfect Storm triggering).
- Corrosion: shield damage per stack increased from 8/10/12% to 10/15/20%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 4% to 5%.
- Downpour: time interval decreased from 5/4/3 sec. To 4/3/2 sec.
- Ebb and Flow: damage increased from 25/35/45% to 30/40/50%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Hydration: bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5 to 10.
- Hydro Pump: bolt damage per stack increased from 10/15/20% to 10/20/30%.
- Jaws: damage increased from 15/25/35% to 30/40/50%.
- Lost at Sea: isolated enemy damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Rogue Waves: splash damage per stack increased from 3/4/5% to 3/5/7%.
- Shoreline Drift: max Dust reward increased from 10/20/30 to 15/25/35. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 10 to 15.
- Tides of Conflict: damage increased from 12/16/20% to 15/20/25%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 6% to 10%.
- Uncharted Waters: damage per cleared room increased from 1/2/3% to 2/3/4%.
- Wall Splash: damage per stack increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Aspect of Thorns: thorns damage increased from 10/20/30 to 20/30/40. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 10 to 15.
- Backstab: weak points reveal chance increased from 20/30/40% to 25/35/45%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 5% to 10%.
- Calculated: max damage cap increased from 20/32/44% to 28/40/52%. Bonus per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 6% to 8%.
- Giant Spiral Bolt: bolt damage increased from 40/60/80% to 50/70/90%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 10% to 20%.
- Pentacle Setup: damage increased from 25/30/35% to 25/35/45%.
- Revenge: revenge bonus increased from 20/30/40% to 20/35/50%. Bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Shadow Partner: clone damage increased from 25/35/45% to 30/40/50%. Cooldown decreased from 10 to 9 sec.
- Terrifying End: stun duration increased from 2 to 2.5 sec. Area of effect slightly increased.
- Weak Points: confusion duration required decreased from 8/7/6 to 7/6/5.
- Energy Siphon: chance increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%.
- Fools Reward: damage increased from 4/5/6% to 4/6/8%.
- Fulfilment: bonus increased from 10/14/18% to 10/15/20%.
- Matchup Knowledge: damage increased from 30/40/50% to 30/45/60%.
- Oathbreaker: damage increased from 200/250/300% to 200/300/400%.
- Zero to Death: damage increased from 30% to 40%.
Other Balance Changes
- Brain Freeze: damage increased from 20% to 40%, duration required increased from 1 to 2 sec.
- Cold Retribution: damage increased from 25% to 30%.
- Perfect Clear: chance increased from 15% to 20%.
- Thin Ice: health threshold increased from 15% to 20%, damage increased from 15% to 20%.
- Air Superiority: damage increased from 5% to 10%, stun duration increased from 10% to 15%.
- Easy Target (Skill): Bolt damage increased from +20% to +30%.
- Showdown: damage increased from 10% to 15%.
- Seismic Ripple: health threshold increased from 10% to 15%.
- Overgrown Canopy: damage reduction increased from 30% to 40%.
- Silver Chest (Ordinance): chance increased from 20% to 30%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed :Solesh not displaying the correct skills remaining to unlock mask counter at the Kiln of Masks.
- Fixed: Game changing to fullscreen when only Borderless is checked while changing resolutions.
- Fixed: Text in some places would show missing characters if certain system languages were used (e.g. Turkish)
- Fixed an overflowing text for Wavedash in the Skill Tree menu when playing on certain resolutions.
- Fixed: Quit to main while talking to mediary before removing thorns crashes the game
- Fixed: Some details of runs without relics were not unpacked correctly in run stats
- Fixed a bug that caused Spearbeaks to sometimes not cancel their dive attacks when hit.
- Various minor fixes and tweaks.
[ 2025-02-26 18:11:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, welcome to another post-launch update.
This update adds some new game modes including Boss Rush, variations on rifts, and the ability to replay Target Practice and Swift Smash stages. There's also a new secret in the Sanctum relating to the banished
But first, wed like to announce our collaboration with our friends at Doom Turtle, Hibernian Workshop, and Flying Oak Games to bring you the Action-Packed Roguelike Gems bundle! If you are looking for more high-reflexes Roguelite action, make sure to check out Astral Ascent, Ember Knights, and ScourgeBringer. Any game you already own will be automatically removed and any discounts are applied on top of the bundle discount, so if you were already considering picking some of these other games this bundle may be perfect for you.
Additionally, you will be able to fight Tasmos as a guest Boss Battle in Astral Ascents latest update! Bosses from Scourgebringer and Ember Knights are also included. Seeing the boss fight adapted into a different game was really cool!
And now for the Patch Notes, Please note: Mac version is being delayed due to technical issues, we will update here as soon as it is available.
Version 1.5.0 - The Meditation Chamber
The Meditation Chamber - Game Modes Feature
You can now unlock various game modes at a new location in the Sanctum.
- Boss Rush: Battle through gauntlets of bosses and mini-bosses and power up between combat. Contains 5 different courses to choose from.
- Rift Rumble: Battle in hidden rift stages against groups of enemies under certain conditions.
- Target Practice: Replay Target Practice stages, how fast can you go?
- Swift Smash: Replay Swift Smash stages and aim for a high score.
Banished Power (Secrets in the Shortcut)
While taking the Sanctum shortcut, you will now find yourself in a small corridor between the two doors. Whats in there? Better take a look. SPOILERS:
- [spoiler]You can now obtain the Mask of Ashfarum by collecting all 4 keys. Obtain the keys by receiving a blessing from Ashfarum in each of the regional tribute rooms.[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Mark of Repentance: after obtaining the Mask of Ashfarum, you may attain ranks in the form of the Mark of Repentance. This will decorate your Health bar with a small emblem. There are no other rewards here besides the decorations, but you can deposit excess resources here for some vanity points if you have no more uses for them.[/spoiler]
Gameplay Changes
Enemy Changes
- Certain mini-bosses can now dash to escape stunlock-combos.
- Behemoth Roller: Shield increased from 450 to 550. Roll Rush attack projectile spawn tweaked.
- Overgrowth: Shield increased from 660 to 750.
- Venomous Husk: Projectiles attack damage increased from 8 to 15. Fixed collision issue during horizontal rush attack. Phase 2 projectiles damage increased from 15 to 20.
- Glacial Champion: Side-Air Attack damage increased from 15 to 20, startup time increased, now slightly moves backwards before striking.
- Tasmos, Head of the Order: Perennial Tactics phase-shift attack - last 3 projectiles of the attack spawn in a linear fashion instead of random angles.
Other Changes
- There is now a very low (10%) chance to find 4 tribute rooms in a run. Previously, only a maximum of 3 could be found.
- Tabula Rasa Blessing: now doesnt trigger in boss room until the combat with the boss initiates (post-dialogue).
- Weapon and Combat Changes
- Enemy Changes
- Venomous Husk: Toxic Smoke attack now also shoots projectiles, max speed during startup reduced.
- Dark Trinity (Perennial Tactics): Health restore after absorbing essence increased from 10%,10% to 15%,30%.
Sisterhood Gauntlets
- Neutral attack: slightly increased hitbox.
- Down attack: base damage increased from 20 to 25.
- Down-Air attack: base damage per hit increased from 5 to 7.
Astral Cord Bow
- Neutral attack damage dropoff now favors collision to your advantage (if hit by hitbox closer to you and hitbox slightly further away, will deal damage based on the former).
Link Blades
- Launcher Rush base damage increased from 25 to 30.
- Launcher Shield Damage increased by 25%. Launcher Rush Shield Damage increased by 50%.
QOL / Miscellaneous
- Graphics Setting option added, lowering it to Medium or Low can help improve performance on lower end computers (set to High by default). General performance has been improved overall.
- You can now see the total playtime per save file in the Save Profiles Menu.
- New indicator now also appears on the Cosmetics button while choosing a mask if there are unseen new cosmetics.
- Some sound effects volume was increased to better communicate enemy attacks, particularly during boss battles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented clicking certain navigation buttons with the mouse (had to use keyboard or controller)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Pursuer Guardian not to spawn in a room after it is shown on the map.
- Fixed: Conjurer elite can teleport while, or exactly when, being eaten by a trap causing it to be spat out at the new position.
- Fixed certain weapon slashes appearing behind enemies in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused the out-of-view indicator not to appear on Kismet statues.
- Fixed duplicate Duo room type in the Frigid Veil (could get a room type that was already offered this run, which is not intended)
- Fixed a bug that could cause the wrong enchantment to be purchased when clicking a nearby enchantment under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Pursuer Guardian to not spawn when loading a save.
- Fixed a weird animation interaction with Spearbeak enemies and Aspect of Thorns.
- Fixed Post Processing effects not changing correctly after closing the blessing menu.
- Fixed some rare crashes.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-09-05 17:33:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue that could prevent you from unlocking cosmetics that require during combat feats until you start a new run.
- Fixed some awakened weapon passives stacking when changing from the hub to a run and vice versa.
[ 2024-08-07 15:07:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a typo in the Ironclad Cosmetic description (Poised).
- Fixed a bug that could freeze the game time when opening the Codex while browsing Tipps Library.
- Ironclad Cosmetic improved unlock checking.
[ 2024-08-04 12:21:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, today we have another quick update for you while we are finishing up work on the Boss Rush update (which includes some more surprises!). We are also working on porting the game to consoles (no platforms confirmed as of yet), so things have been a bit slow on our end. We hope that you enjoy this smaller update in the meantime!
Version 1.4.04 - Patch Notes
New Crossover Cosmetics
New Cosmetics that pay homage to characters from other indie games! Check out the Cosmetics Menu for their unlock requirements.

- Ironclad (from Slay the Spire)
- Plasma (Clairen from Rivals of Aether)
- Aquarius (from Astral Ascent)
New Cosmetics
- Mediary
- Runesmith
- Herbalist
- Kismet
Gameplay Changes
Wavedash + Mask of Yamphas rework
- We have added the garment ability from Mask of Yamphas to the base functionality of the Wavedash skill. This means that you can now do consecutive wavedashes while your dash is on cooldown with any mask equipped, once you unlock the Wavedash skill.
- Wavelanding has been improved for better consistency (must approach from the side) and can trigger while Dash is on Cooldown as a Wavedash once the skill is unlocked.
- Mask of Yamphas new garment ability: When you Wavedash, gain +30% attack speed for 1 sec.
Blessing changes
- Inner Focus: Bonus damage now also applies to any other Attack performed within 1 sec. of the Neutral Attack.
- Deep Rend: Can now trigger on bosses once with halved efficiency.
- Hypercritical: Can now trigger on bosses, but they resist the insta-kill and receive +25% damage from the Critical Hit instead.
Relic Changes
- Ancient Feather: Damage reduced to 25/30/35/40/45% (was using wrong inflated values).
- Boombug Idol: Damage increased from 20/40/60/80/100% to 40/55/70/85/100%.
- Iron-Mesh Scarf: Damage reduction increased from 14/18/22/26/30% to 20/25/30/35/40%.
Weapon and Combat Changes
All Weapons
- All Sweet Spot hitboxes have been tweaked and should now be easier to land consistently.
- Down Attack: increased hitbox size to cover slightly more space behind you.
- Up Attack: Added Sweet Spot.
- Down-Air Attack: Added Sweet Spot. Knockback angle adjusted to have more horizontal force (still spikes). Fixed an issue that could cause weird knockback angles when hitting more than one enemy with this attack.
- Side-Air Attack (Scythe Mode): Adjusted hitbox and sweet spot area.
- Can dash-cancel during active frames of Side Attack.
- Acceleration during Down-Air after a hit connects was reduced.
- Detonate explosion of Neutral Attack bomb: Knockback scaling increased.
- Armored Guardian: Projectiles spawned from the ones that are shot in its triple shot attack can now be destroyed by projectile blockers such as Impervious Dash.
- Perennial High Priestess: Down-Air Attack now spawns 4 projectiles at a wider range instead of 3. Tracking Projectiles count also raised from 3 to 4.
- Miscellaneous / QOL changes
- You can now equip a Random Cosmetic in the Cosmetics Menu.
- The description of Minor Enchantment Tier upgrades was changed to better communicate how they work.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that inflated the seen count of Spirit Blessings when Luminous Gems are applied on them.
- Equinox Alternate Form: Fixed a bug that caused the knockback of Spear Mode Down-Air Attack to send enemies upwards instead of down.
- Fixed: Enemy types can receive Frostbite damage when spawning after previously dying with Frost.
- Fixed an issue with the Reaction Time skill that caused the bonus to apply for 1 sec. instead of 1.5 sec.
- Target Practice dummies should not die from status effects (Solargenesis)
- Target Practice and Swift Smash dummies should not be affected by accessibility settings
- Fixed: Clicking the run navigation keys in the Journey view resets the menu to the latest run
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Pursuer Guardian's position in the map to change when loading into a save file.
- Localization: Non-English descriptions of the Hopelessly Devoted Achievement had the wrong number of blessings in-game.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-08-01 18:23:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug that caused Enchantments to replace the first slot automatically in certain cases when using the keyboard / controller.
- Fixed a bug that could stop time when opening the Codex while in the Cosmetics menu.
- Fixed Kael getting stuck in idle while standing on the left side of the Damage Contest Frigid Veil room.
- Adjusted chance for different Daring Duo rooms based on region. Outskirts now has a greater chance of offering a Target Practice room compared to the other variants.
- Slightly increased power scaling of the Daring Duo in Damage Contest rooms based on the region (base for Outskirts, +20% for Viridian Trail, +40% for Burrows, +60% for Frigid Veil).
[ 2024-06-30 18:04:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, a new update has arrived! This update features the Daring Duo, who will challenge you with unique mini-game room types! There are also new skins, QOL improvements and balance changes, Please take a look at the patch notes for more information. Spiritfall will be 25% off for the duration of the Steam Summer Sale, so now is a good time to recommend this game to someone who might like it. Thank you all for the continued support, and see you all in the next update!
Version 1.3.09 Patch Notes
New Room Types: The Daring Duo
- Introducing a new type of room containing the Daring Duo NPCs! They are exceptional warriors, but their powers are ineffective against the Blight. They get a lot of Dust from defeating Blight-infested monsters, but cannot harness their Essence like the Omenforged so the Blight eventually lingers and finds a new host. Thats why theyll help you out with unique training feats, and give you some of their collected Dust based on how much you impress them.
- When entering a Daring Duo room, one of three mini-games will be initiated. Complete it to receive a lot of Dust if you do well. The possible mini-games include:
- Target Practice: Plan your route and destroy all targets as fast as possible! B-B-BREAK THE TARGETS!
- Damage Contest: Deal more relative damage to the training dummy than the duo within the time limit!
- Swift Smash: Targets will spawn and despawn constantly, break as many as possible within the time limit!
New Cosmetics
- Outskirts
- Viridian
- Burrows
- Veil
- Brink
- Kael
- Rowan
- Target
- Challenger
- Perseverance
New Enemy: Scout Guardian
- A new Guardian can now spawn in the Brink. These enemies are agile but compact, and can spin their limbs to move around and deal damage. Compared to the other guardians, this one is slightly easier to overtake.
Gameplay / Balance Changes
Enchantments changes:
- Soaring Launch: Fall slightly slower while charging your Launcher mid-air.
- Clap Back: Cooldown advancement increased from 10% to 15% per enemy hit.
- Flowing Fist: Cooldown advancement increased from 30% to 40%
- High Five: 5th Attack damage increased from 30% to 35%.
- Exploding Expiration: Damage increased from 50 to 55.
- Late Deliverance: Damage gain increased from 10% to 25% every 0.5 sec.
- Split Shot: Projectile duration gain on split increased from 0.5 sec. to 1 sec.
- Steadfast Shot: Duration bonus increased from 1 sec. to 1.5 sec.
- Aerial Waltz: Damage increased from 50% to 60%.
- Cutting Edge: Damage increased from 30% to 35%.
- Forced Cross-Up: Damage increased from 40% to 50%.
- Furious Followup: Damage increased from 50% to 80%.
- Honed Combo: Final hit in Side Attack combo - damage increased from 50% to 70%.
- Rocket Rush: Max damage based on range increased from 75% to 120%.
- Sliding Slash: Second hit damage increased from 75% to 100%.
- Harvest: Damage per enemy increased from 40% to 60%.
- Magnetic Drill: Damage reduced from 50 to 40.
- Astral Cord Bow (Alternate) Awakened Form: Damage and movement speed bonus increased from 15% to 20%, duration increased from 1.5 sec. to 2 sec.
- Powered Up Dark Trinity: Sasumata beam attack in third phase now emmits 6 projectiles (instead of 8), with the first projectile slightly delayed.
- A couple of new combat room layouts were added to the Brink region.
QOL / Misc
- When picking up Yaras Mystery Mix, the effect panel will be displayed momentarily without having to enter the Run Stats menu.
- Added a visual effect when footstooling (using the Hop skill) on enemies.
- Tipps Library: Hidden Achievement icons will no longer display as colored question marks, but as the grey version of the achievement icon (text is still hidden until obtained).
- Perennial Ashes Collected: More visible in Weapon Forms menu.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the bonus damage from Dynamic Dive to apply on transition from down-air to down attack.
- Fixed a bug that caused Magnetic Drill to deal half damage.
- Fixed dash projectiles spawning too low when performing a waveland.
- Fixed Rocket Rush bonus damage not calculated properly.
- Fixed a bug that caused you to exit out of the control rebinding menu when trying to bind a button that currently has the back / cancel binding.
- Fixed a bug that would show two highlighted enchantment slots if you cancel out of the Replace Enchantment menu.
- Fixed a few small issues regarding arrows / d-pad navigation during the Replace Enchantment menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused Tribute altar rewards to spawn rewards to close to the exit portal in some cases.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks
[ 2024-06-27 17:06:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a few bug fixes for now, another small content update is coming soon!
- Fixed a navigation issue with the Overgrowth Mini-Boss that could cause it to get stuck near small platforms.
- Fixed Clandestine Brooch not saved in codex after the run ends.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Pursuer Guardian to moves away from the player on the map in rare cases.
- Fixed issues with the Light Beam enchantment inside Hidden Rifts.
- Fixed a bug that could allow Shadow Partner to damage the player with the neutral attack of the crossbow in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused enemies grabbed by the Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternates Launcher to not trigger a ringout while entering the blast zone.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-06-17 16:57:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur while using the Equinox.
- Fixed a collision issue that could result in players getting stuck in the ceiling of the Viridian Trail boss fight.
- Fixed an error that caused Clandestine Brooch to always trigger the Codex Entry notification when picked up.
- Fixed a bug that caused the additional multipliers gained from Challenge Levels to reset when loading a saved run.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks
[ 2024-06-10 07:01:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some Achievement issues in which resource numbers displayed inaccurately. Added some more Achievements that can be marked automatically as complete if you have done them in this save file before the update. Please note that some Achievements will always require you to do them again after this update in order to claim their rewards.
- You can now recall the Scythe-Head mid-flight (if you are fast enough). Fixed an issue with Equinox that caused inconsistent behavior when trying to re-launch it.
- Fixed a couple of crashes that occured when checking certain lists in the Codex such as the Herbalist Stock or Enchantments.
- Seismic Crash Enchantment: Fixed number parameters not displaying correctly.
- Various minor visual tweaks and bug fixes.
[ 2024-06-05 14:49:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, another update is here! For this one, we are adding a highly requested feature: Cosmetics. There are also some new Relics and Enchantments, as well as balance changes and bug fixes.
Version 1.2.09
New Feature: Cosmetics
- You can now unlock and equip cosmetics that change your appearance while in the Masks menu.
- A notification will appear when you unlock a new Cosmetic.
- Check out the in-game list for information on how to obtain each Cosmetic.
- More Cosmetics will be added in future updates.
New Feature: Tipps Library
You can now view statistics about your runs and also collect rewards for completing achievements. Check out the left side of the Sanctum to access this. Note that some achievements may require you to do them again in order to claim their rewards. Please note that because this feature now keeps track of stats we didnt save previously, some data may not display accurately for existing saves prior to this update. For example, detailed information about the run wasnt saved but the amount of runs was. Library Archive:
- Achievements
- Overall Statistics
- Run History
- Weapon Records
- Spirits Statistics
- Enchantment Statistics
New Relics
- Ancient Feather
- Magic Charcoal
- Blitz Capacitor
- Clandestine Brooch
New Enchantments
- Terra Sweep
- Seismic Crash
- Corkscrew Drop
- Strength Block
- Reload Amplification
- Slicing Spiral
- Sonic Bloom
- Light Beam
Gameplay / Balance Changes
- Synergy Blessings changes:
- Crystallization: Glaciate chance increased from 4% to 5% per stack.
- Enfeeble: Critical chance increased from 5% to 6% per stack.
- Lunar Tide: Critical damage increased from 35% to 40%.
- Mind Games: Chance increased from 35% to 50%.
- Perfect Storm: Damage increased from 200% to 250%.
- Skyborne Stability: Damage per Air Jump increased from 10% to 15%.
- Voltaic Shards: Damage increased from 35 to 40.
- Leaf bracer: Damage reduction increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%.
- Treefall: Damage increased from 30/40/50% to 40/55/70%.
- Terrifying End: Stun Duration increased from 1 sec. to 2 sec.
- Shoreline Drift: Max Dust Reward per Luminous Gem upgrade increased from 5 to 10 per level.
- Tides of Conflict: Damage per Spawned Wave increased from 10/14/18% to 12/16/20%.
- Sky Splitter: Cooldown reduced from 2 sec. to 1 sec.
- Power Slam / Power Slide: Damage per enemy hit increased from 25% to 50%.
- Sucker Punch: Shield damage increased from 100% to 150%.
- Spectral Fist: Hitbox is wider, damage from this attack now spikes enemies downwards if they are not in a knockback state. Required Attack hits reduced from 10 to 8.
- Dynamic Dive: Damage increased from 25% to 40%
- Final Cutter: Projectile damage increased from 40 to 60.
- Honed Combo: Last hit bonus increased from 30% to 50%.
- Hornet Sting: Damage increased from 25% to 30%.
- Spectral Blade: Range increased by 20%.
- Swords Dance: Damage increased from 50% to 75%. Added additional effect - You can turn around while holding Neutral Attack.
- Forest Temple Bell: Invincibility duration increased by 0.5% across all levels.
- Slightly increased the time limit before bosses attempt to escape your combos.
- Link Blades (Alternate): Final hit of Side Attack combo increased from 20 to 30.
- Reduced the range of the AOE attack performed by [spoiler]the soul during the second phase of the final fight.[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]There are now engravings near the location of a banished tribute altar in each of the regional tribute rooms.[/spoiler]
QOL / Misc. Changes
- Your current Challenge Level is now displayed at the corner of the screen during runs in which it is 1 or higher.
- Moved settings to be machine specific: volume levels, vibration scale, and deadzone settings.
- In addition to the invincibility tint on the character, a visual effect will now trigger while the buff from [spoiler]Zero to Death[/spoiler] is active.
- Some enchantments will display their damage in a different color, similar to Destiny Bond. This allows for more distinction between damage sources during combos.
Bug Fixes
- Moved settings to be machine specific: volume levels, vibration scale and deadzone settings.
- Fixed a bug that prevented you from charging your neutral attack using the neutral attack key binding after taking the Neutral Charge enchantment (had to use regular attack button input).
- Fixed a visual issue with Spectral Fist.
- Fixed a bug that caused some stray parallax assets to appear when they were supposed to be turned off in the Frigid Veil.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent very old saves from Early Access to not open properly.
- Fixed Feedback Form passing input to other open menus.
- Various minor bug fixes.
[ 2024-06-04 16:53:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi folks!
Time flies! It's been a full year since we launched into Early Access, and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for being part of the Spiritfall community.
Today we're delighted to announce that the Spiritfall Soundtrack is now available if you would like to continue to support our small team. with the OST you can feel empowered while exercising, relax with the peaceful ambiance of the Sanctum, and even wall-splat your [strike]enemies[/strike] friends at parties. We hope you enjoy it!
You can view the tracklist and get the Soundtrack here.
A new update also just dropped, focused on performance improvements (long start time when booting up the game especially). There are also some QOL changes, balance changes, and bug fixes. Here's the full list of changes:
Version 1.1.14
Performance Improvements
- We have overhauled how the game works behind the scenes to improve asset and memory management. This should resolve the slow startup time many are experiencing when running the game, as well as allow lower-end PCs to run the game with reduced memory requirements.
- We have also focused on making the file size smaller, by making our assets packing more efficient and removing some clutter. These changes significantly reduce the install size of the game.
QOL Improvements
- Blessings that contribute to a Synergy will display a symbol on them when offered (unless you have never picked this blessing before), allowing you to view any potential synergies that can be unlocked if this blessing is picked. You can also view this information on while in each pirits Blessing List in the Codex by selecting a specific blessing.
- Added a Clear Selected Binding option to the control rebinding menu.
- Blessings you currently have will be marked in the main Blessing List (press interact when a spirit is selected in the Codex). Previously, blessings were only marked in the requirements panel of this sub-menu.
- Added an additional backup save feature that can restore save data when it gets corrupted due to a power-outage or other similar issues.
- Removed the low health screen-tint effect when browsing certain menus.
Gameplay / Balance Changes
Assists requirement removed. Assists will no longer require at least one blessing from their respective spirit before showing up as an option. They now have no requirement, similar to the other core blessings (Attack, Launcher, Bolt, Dash). Synergy Blessings Changes
- Lunar Tide: Now also has the additional effect of making enemies that spawn-in Wounded and Drenched for 8 sec.
- Stellar Link: No longer requires Analysis Paralysis, added all 5 core blessings from Navolik as potential requirements.
- Solar Eclipse: No longer requires any additional blessings from Kelumin (only Howling Bolt is required from Kelumin).
- Skyborne Stability: Equilibrium and Treefall now contribute as a requirement.
- Shatter: Impervious Bolt now contributes as a requirement.
- Lightning Rod: Secondary Cell and Accelerated Force now contribute as requirements.
- High Conductivity: Lightning Strike and Bubble Shield now contribute as requirements.
- Frictional Heating: Now only requires 4 stacks of Electrified to trigger instead of 5.
- Extinguishment: Flaming Leap and Bubble Shield now contribute as requirements.
- Enfeeble: Entropic Attunement now contributes as a requirement.
- Biotic Stress: Value per Luminous Gem increased from 6% to 10%.
- Camping: Damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%. Value per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Equilibrium: Damage increased from 10/14/18% to 10/15/20%.
- Leaf Bracer: Damage reduction per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Natural Selection: Damage increased from 15/20/25% to 20/25/30%.
- Ravaging Growth: Value per Luminous Gem increased from 2% to 4%.
- Resolute Stance: Value per Luminous Gem increased from 0.25 sec. to 0.5 sec.
- Treefall: Value per Luminous Gem increased from 6% to 10%.
- Unearthed Verve: Now also grants +10 Max Health per Relic in addition to healing when opening Relic Chests.
- Winds of Change: Damage increased from 30/40/50 to 40/50/60. Value per Luminous Gem increased from 12 to 15.
- Snow Surge: damage increased from 30/45/60 to 40/55/70. Damage per gem increased to 15.
- Long Winter: Damage bonus increased from 80/100/120% to 100/15/200%. Damage bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 30% to 50%.
- Frostbite: Damage increased from 30/40/50 to 40/60/80.
- Edgeguard: Damage and Knockback changed from 14/22/30 to 15/25/30. Luminous Gem bonuses set to 6% across all 3 upgrades.
- Cold Presence: Damage increased from 4/5/6% to 5/6/7%
- Breaking the Ice: Damage increased from 40/60/80% to 100/125/150%. Damage per Luminous Gem increased from 10% to 20%.
- Flare-Up: Chance increased from 12/18/24% to 15/20/25%
- Incandescence: Damage increased from 10/14/18 to 10/15/20. Damage per Luminous Gem increased from 4 to 5.
- Tabula Rasa: Damage increased from 45/55/65% to 60/70/80%. Damage per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Spread Fire: Damage increased from 10/14/18 to 20/30/40. Damage per Luminous Gem increased from 5 to 10.
- Solargenesis: duration increased from 5 to 7 sec.
- Smelting Strength: damage per status effect increased from 6/8/10% to 8/10/12%. Damage per Luminous Gem set to 4% across all 3 upgrades.
- Meteor Smash: damage increased from 20/25/30% to 25/30/35%.
- Ethereal Bounty: Dust gain increased from 15/20/25% to 20/25/30%.
- Deep Rend: Health lost increased from 10/14/18% to 10/15/20%. Value per Luminous Gem increased from 4% to 5%.
- Moon Song: Critical Damage increased from 15/20/25% to 20/25/30%.
- Nova Strike: Duration reduced from 1.5 sec. to 1 sec.
- Occultation: Damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%.
- Woof Punish: Damage increased from 15/20/25% to 25/30/35%.
- Accelerated Force: Damage per stack increased from 2/3/4% to 3/4/5%.
- Adrenaline Rush: Damage and movement speed increased from 5/10/15% to 10/15/20%. Value per Luminous Gem set to 5% across all 3 upgrades.
- Magnetize: Bolt Damage increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%.
- Secondary Cell: No longer requires any blessings to appear. Damage increased from 8/10/12% to 10/14/18%. Value per Luminous Gem set to 4% across all 3 upgrades.
- Shock Absorber: Cooldowns advanced increased from 20/25/30% to 25/30/35%.
- Static Electricity: Chance increased from 40/60/80% to 50/65/80%.
- Voltaic-Blink Dash: Slightly increased knockback scaling.
- Aspect of Thorns: Duration increased from 5 sec. to 7 sec.
- Backstab: Chance increased from 10/15/20% to 20/30/40%.
- Calculated: Damage per consecutive Attack increased from 2% to 4%. Max Damage Bonus increased from 20/30/40% to 20/32/44%.
- Giant Spiral Bolt: Damage increased from 30/50/70% to 40/60/80%.
- Inner Focus: Damage increased from 25/35/45% to 30/40/50%.
- Terrifying End: Chance increased from 40/50/60% to 50/60/70%.
- Weak Points: Duration required reduced from 7/8/9 sec. to 6/7/8 sec.
- Ebb and Flow: Damage increased from 15/30/45 to 25/35/45%.
- Tides of Conflict: Damage increased from 8/12/16% to 10/14/18%. Value per Luminous Gem increased from 5% to 6%.
- Energy Siphon: Chance increased from 15/20/25% to 20/25/30%.
- Fools Reward: Damage increased from 3/4/5% to 4/5/6%.
- Fulfillment: Values increased from 10/13/16% to 10/14/18%.
- Matchup Knowledge: Damage increased from 15/20/25% to 30/40/50%.
- Oathbreaker: Damage increased from 150/200/250% to 200/250/300%.
- Terminus: Enemy health threshold required increased from 20% to 25%. Damage increased from 20/30/40% to 30/40/50%.
- Zero to Death: Duration increased from 2/3/4 sec. to 3/4/5 sec.
- Boombug: Explosion damage reduced from 30 to 25, Elite Boombugs still deal 30 damage when they explode. Shield Damage to enemies hit by Boombug Explosions increased.
- Hitting the blast zone in the Brink during the final boss fight now deals 50 damage (similar to standard brink combat rooms).
- Brinkberry Juice (Attack): Cost reduced from 90 to 80. Attack damage (fresh) increased from 50% to 60%.
- Brinkberry Juice (Launcher): Cost reduced from 90 to 80. Launcher damage (fresh) increased from 65% to 75%.
- Brinkberry Juice (Bolt): Cost reduced from 90 to 80. Bolt damage increased from 60% to 75% (fresh 85% to 100%).
- Brinkberry Juice (Dash): Cost reduced from 90 to 80. Dash damage increased from 70% to 100% (fresh 100% to 150%)
- Chloranthy Powder: Cost reduced from 60 to 50.
- Crimson Toadstool: Cost reduced from 50 to 40.
- Granite Seed: Shield damage (fresh) increased from 100% to 125%.
- Liminal Orchid Petals: Cost reduced from 50 to 45.
- Scarlet Thistle: Elite damage (fresh) increased from 70% to 75%. Cost reduced from 70 to 55.
- Starpowder: Cost reduced from 110 to 100.
- Viridian Herbs: Cost reduced from 100 to 90.
- Viridian Root: Cost reduced from 110 to 100. Health restoration increaed from 45% to 50% (fresh 55% to 70%).
- Voltaic Sap: Cost reduced from 60 to 50.
- Relic Tinkerer: Base price for new Relics reduced from 50/100/150/200/ 250 to 50/75/100/125/150 (not including price increases per modifier).
- You can now dash during the active frames of Link Blades (Alternate) Up-Air.
- You can now dash during the active frames of Battle Hammer-Axe Neutral-Air.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused Crystal Rock Walkers laser attack to present inaccurate visuals and hitboxes. This also fixes a similar bug with the Crystal Colossus mini-boss.
- Fixed a bug that presented the Use Stray Souls text even when a tribute altar is already lit.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the sound effect from certain dashes from playing (would play default dash sound instead).
- Fixed an audio bug that prevented the charge sound to play when using the Neutral Charge enchantment.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-05-07 09:20:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
General Gameplay/Balance Changes
- Luminous Gems now cost 100 Dust instead of 125 at the Celestial Exchange.
- Armored Guardian: Armor gained during the recovery attack starts on the first active frame (once the projectiles are shot and the enemy becomes fixed in place) instead of from the startup.
- Lightning Strike can now be jump-canceled during the active frame, this allows for a new tech where you initiate the aoe explosion early. The trigger for initiating the aoe based on player collision is slightly biger now. These two changes should make the assist more powerful and versatile, while also making the Lightning in a Bottle blessing better.
- Leaf Bracer: Damage reduction increased from 15/25/35% to 20/30/40%.
- Waterspout: Bubble Shield now contributes as a requirement.
- Stellar Link: Time is of the Essence now contributes as a requirement.
- Skyborne Stability: Meteor Smash now contributes as a requirement.
- Mind Games: Chance increased from 30% to 35%.
- Lunar Tide: Critical Dash and Moon Scar now contribute as requirements.
- Ghost Lightning: No longer requires a dodge-related blessing, added Lightning Strike and Shadow Partner as requirements.
- Extinguishment: Dousing Dash and Scorching Dash now contribute as requirements.
- Fixed: Sky Splitter didnt trigger when moving diagonally down during the down-air attack.
- Fixed: Neutral Charge Enchantment was using an outdated icon.
- Various minor bug fixes.
[ 2024-03-22 08:27:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
General Gameplay/Balance Changes
- The Sweet Spot effect is more visible on moves that have it. All Sweet Spot damage was increased to equal double the damage of a regular hitbox in its respective attack (if a regular hit would deal 30 base damage, the sweet spot will deal 60 base damage).
- Relic Tinkerer: Reroll cost decreased from 10/20/30/40/50 to 5/10/15/20/25. Level-Up cost decreased from 50/100/150/200 to 25/50/75/100. Relics base price decreased from 100/150/225/275/325 to 50/100/150/200/250. Cursed Relics are offered at reduced prices, discount changed from 70/60/50/40/30 to 25/30/35/40/45.
- Stray Soul Challenges: Each challenge now increases enemy damage by 2% instead of 3% (The added buff to enemy damage was changed to be in-line with the other enemy Health and Elite Chance buffs).
- Heretic Warlock: Health threshold for necro-summoning lowered from 80% to 70% (initial phase lasts longer). Invincibility time during this transition lowered by 1 sec.
- Equinox Alternate form: Lowest hitbox adjusted to up-air attack to make it hit more consistently during Drill mode.
- Silver Chest: Updated Ordinance Icon to show the new chest. Cost reduced from 5 to 4.
- Reduced intensity of bright flash when three stocking enemies in Hidden Rifts.
Weapons Balance Changes
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form: Awakened passive damage increased from +10% to +15% on consecutive multi-hits. Down Attack can now be dash-canceled during active frames.
- Astral Cord Bow: Neutral Attack recovery time slightly decreased.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets: Awakened passive damage increased from +25% to +30% when alternating between directional attacks.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate form: Neutral-Air is now dash-cancelable during the active frames.
Blessings/Enchantments Balance Changes
- Abyssal Call: Chance to trigger increased from 20% to 30%.
- Invisible Counter: Damage increased from 40% to 50%, duration increased from 4 sec. to 5 sec.
- Flash Decay: Damage per status effect increased from 50 to 100.
- Lightning Strike: Base damage increased from 100/125/150 to 150/175/200.
- Sky Splitter: duration to proc reduced from 0.25 sec. To 0.2 sec. during a Down-Air.
- High Five: damage increased from 25% to 30%.
- Power Bounce: damage bonus increased from 50% to 80%.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that resulted in multiple texts not being correctly changed to Korean when setting it as the games language. Also fixed a bug that prevented the dialoge box from changing into a special formatted box when different languages were set.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Shielded Scorpion from parrying your attacks when you hit it from the front.
- Fixed: Enemies would render on top of projectiles in many cases when it should have been the other way around. This should make projectiles more visible at all times.
- Fixed a bug that could result in no reward given by the Dark Trinity (having to quit to main menu and reload the run to fix).
- Fixed: Shadow Partner using Pentacle Bolt instead of Giant Spiral Bolt.
- Fixed: Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form Awakened passive not triggering for Launchers.
- Fixed: Particle effects not playing on projectiles created by the Sky Splitter enchantment.
- Fixed a bug relating to items obtained from the Herbalist which could result in weird interactions in subsequent rooms / runs (such as enemies not receiving shield damage).
- Fixed a bug that could cause weapons to have less Enchantment Slots than the minimum.
- Fixed: projectile collision and attack issues with the Armored Guardian and Sky Guardian.
- Fixed a bug that caused the default dash sound to play instead of the new sound from Voltaic-Blink Dash.
- Fixed: Perma-Perfect not working with the garment ability from Mask of Mishved.
- Fixed: Dust Effigies sell blessings value was not showing the correct amount with Ethereal Bounty.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-03-14 07:00:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone,
We're delighted to announce that Spiritfall Steam Community Items have now been approved!
From today, players will be able to collect the full set of Spiritfall trading cards, along with badges, emoticons and profile backgrounds!
As you play Spiritfall, you'll occasionally receive trading card drops which will be placed into your Steam inventory. For those of you playing since our 1.0 release, Steam will backfill the drops that you would have earned!
Happy Trading!
The Gentle Giant Team
[ 2024-03-10 19:44:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes
- Made a general change to the enemy AI that should prevent them from spamming attacks if you stun them briefly (from a dash for example) but havent hit them yet. Bosses should still be able to escape combos if stun-locked too much or if the combo drops but cases in which it feels like you didnt get a chance to start a combo going will be minimized. This affects all enemies in the game but should be most noticeable during the later boss fights, and will allow you to be more active when engaging with the different bosses without getting hit in the face immediately.
- Pursuer Guardian: Note that the Pursuer Guardian (even before this patch) always drops the equivalent of 1 Essence Reward when defeated. Because this is enemy Essence, it is affected by your Essence Multiplier, so you can potentially get double the Essence you get from a single Essence reward or more. Additionally, defeating the Pursuer Guardian now also rewards 1 of each Sanctum Resource (Dormant Ember, Esoteric Scroll, Combat Rune). More balance changes can be found for this enemy in the next section.
- You can now do an unboosted wavedash from the get-go without having to unlock the skill. The Wavedash skill will make the Wavedashes reduce the Dash cooldown like before, allowing you to perform them more often.
- Implemented a change that prevents things like Dash damage or knockback-less projectiles (such as electricity from Voltaic Shards) from stopping an enemys knockback. While sometimes cool, this caused enemies to receive weird knockback or get spiked after you launched them in a different direction.
- High Priestess: Health reduced from 15,500 to 14,000. Perennial Tactics variant of the boss Health reduced from 19,500 to 17,500 (phase 2 reduced from 18,500 to 15,500). The recent changes to the enemy AI together with the HP nerf should improve the experience of this fight, but we are still working on more possible changes we want to add to it. Damage from knocking the high priestess into the blast zone increased from 500 to 1,000.
- Pursuer Guardian: Dust dropped increased from 50 to 125. Health scaling reduced across the different regions. Adjusted attack pick-rate
- Heretic Warlock (Perennial Tactics): Reduced the amount of projectiles in the corrupted rain attack back to the same amount that exists without the Perennial Tactics effect, the vertical pillar explosion that was added to the attack remains.
- Defeating the Pursuer Guardian also rewards one of each Sanctum Resouce (Dorman Ember, Combat Rune, Esoteric Scroll).
- Pursuer Guardian: Big Beam Attack damage reduced from 50 to 45.
- Holy Dice in Celestial Exchange shop cost reduced from 100 to 75.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets (Alternate Form): You can now change your throw direction after grabbing an enemy by changing your move input quickly after grabbing enemies. The second part of the launcher (throwing after grabbing) damage increased from 25 to 30. Knockback scaling on uncharged Side Launcher slightly reduced.
- Awakening Weapons: Combat Rune cost reduced from 3 to 2 .
- Unlocking Weapon Alternate Forms: Combat Rune cost reduced from 4 to 3.
- You can now Dash-Cancel out of the active frames of Moonscar, Flaming Leap, and Twister.
- Bubble Shield: Damage increased from 80/100/120 to 100/120/140.
- Flaming Leap: Damage increased from 80/100/120 to 100/125/150.
- Frozen Flame: Dormant Embers cost reduced from 3 to 1.
- Air Superiority: Dormant Embers cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Overgrown Canopy: Dorman Embers cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Consecrated Shuffle now gives 2 dice at the start of runs instead of 1.
- Fixed Matchup Knowledge not appearing in the blessing pool.
- Fixed a bug that could trigger when quickly going through the Runesmith doorway, resulting in the character hidden from view.
- Fixed Holy Dice not being affected by the Double Dice Ordinance when purchased from the Celestial Exchange.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Fallbreak to activate without acquiring the skill.
- Fixed Frigid Veil enemies getting stuck in weird places during combat while navigating.
- Fixed: Selling launcher with the scythe allows you to create infinite scythe-heads
- Improved support to prevent save wipes when exiting the game during an auto-save in a case of a power outage etc.
- Minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-03-07 15:44:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, another hotfix coming up. We are reading and processing all your feedback and have more changes planned soon, we are trying to focus on bug fixes as well as gameplay/balance tweaks that can improve the experience. This can take time as we need to properly test these changes before releasing them, but we are currently looking at the High Priestess fight in particular - making the fight more fun and allowing you to be more aggressive in it. In the meantime, here are some fixes:
- Fixed a bug that allowed certain enemies (most notably the Armored Blightborns in Hidden Rifts) to terminate their stun duration earlier than expected and perform attacks after you launch them.
- Enemies can't restore shield while in hit-stop.
- Translation fixes in Chinese and German
- Added missing Polish and German characters to font
- Other minor bug fixes
[ 2024-03-04 10:38:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- FIX: Synergy statue not unlocking skill tree of respective spirits if you get their first blessing through it.
- Some fixes to German translation.
- Fixed some words not translated when using the Chinese (Traditional) language
- Added a safety check to prevent the High Priestess from exceeding the room bounds (which forced a teleport back to the stage)
- Small minor fixes
[ 2024-03-03 16:49:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance / Other Changes [olist]
- Fixed visual errors in the Control Rebinding menu when entered from the Main Menu.
- Fixed Enduring Sentry voice clips not playing for a chunk of her dialogue. Also fixed an unintended interaction that could trigger earlier than intended in her Dialogue tree.
- Fixed an issue with old EA saves that allowed them to enter a new game with an equipped Spirit Mask.
- FIX: Submitting feedback during dialogue causes UI input to be disabled
- Several minor visual fixes and tweaks.
[ 2024-03-01 19:40:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixes: [olist]
[ 2024-02-29 17:35:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Better handling for the Early Interception Achievement to avoid cases in which it isn't obtained.
- Hidden Rift previously could not appear at all during your first run. This was changed so that it can't spawn during the first run in the first region (can spawn in later regions).
[ 2024-02-29 10:59:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a crash that occured when equipping the Astral Cord Bow.
- Fixed Spirit Masks visuals glitching out when equipping the Equinox (Alternate Form).
- Fixed: Resetting relic fail and succeed effects were not playing correctly
- Disabled Change Form prompt in the intro sequence
[ 2024-02-28 23:38:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[ 2024-02-28 20:07:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Words can't truly explain how excited we are to bring you the 1.0 Release of Spiritfall after 11 months of monthly Early Access updates. This is our first game as a new studio and the support and love we've received from the community throughout Early Access has been incredible.
With our 1.0 release, we unveil the final region, the final boss, a new weapon, new cross-regional boss, new blessings, enchantments, relics, ordinances, challenges and more.
And what about post-launch content? We were never going to leave you hanging. So check out our initial small roadmap below for a few things we know we want to add. The reason for it's size is that we're leaving room for community feedback. Join the discord and get involved in the discussions!
In the meantime, from our small team, we hope you enjoy Spiritfall and thanks for being with us on this journey.
Much love,
The Gentle Giant Team
Version 1.0.01 - Official Release
New Region: The Brink
- The final region is now accessible, including new enemy types and the final boss fight.
New Equinox Alternate Weapon Form
- The alternate form for the Equinox can now be acquired. Shift between Drill Mode and Spear Mode by using your Launcher. Both Modes share the same attack moveset but provide different properties to each attack.
- Drill Mode has built-in multi-hits on most attacks, providing overall increased damage per attack compared to its counterpart mode. Using Launcher in Drill Mode allows you to aim and shoot the Drill-Head, which travels in an arc and has an extended hitbox as it slowly drills into any surface it collides with.
- Spear Mode attacks come out faster than in Drill Mode and have Sweet Spots in various moves. Using Launcher in Spear Mode allows you to aim and thrust the spear forward, dealing damage and generating a new Drill-Head.
Weapons Awakening Mechanic Changes
- The awaking / alternate form mechanic has been slightly reworked.
- You can now unlock the alternate form of each weapon without having to awaken it base form first.
- Alternate forms can now be awakened as well, each of them has its own passive effect which is different from the base forms one.
- Added Awakened Alternate Forms for all 5 weapons.
New Cross-Regional Boss: Pursuer Guardian
- The Pursuer Guardian which halted your entrance to the Brink during the Early Access version will now hunt you down during a run (after reaching a certain point for the first time).
New Blessings
- Backstab
- Leaf Bracer
- Entropic Attunement
- Metallurgy
- Ion Loop
- Frostbite
- Rogue Waves
- Matchup Knowledge
New Enchantments
- Sky Splitter
- Neutral Charge
- Exploding Expiration
- Honed Combo
- Hornet Sting
- Spectral Blade
- Spectral Fist
- Spectral Drill
New Relics
- Mana Contraption
- Forest Temple Bell
- Merciful Skull Statue
- Channeling Glove
New Ordinances
- Altars of Tribute: Devotion
- Relic Tinkerer: First Wish
- Relic Tinkerer: Second Wish
- Relic Tinkerer: Third Wish
- Double Dice
- Lavish Fate
New Challenges:
- Blightborn Reinforcements
- Dark Interception
Challenges Changes:
- The Drought Challenge has been reworked to: If you drink from a Regional Shrine's fountain, the next region's fountain will be disabled.
- Note that due to the new run scope and progression state, you will have to beat the new final boss in order to regain access to the Challenges menu.
Unlockable Omenforged Mask Power
- After completing the main story, a passive power will be unlocked for the default Omenforged mask. This power is not intended to compete with the Spirit Masks, but has its niche use; allowing you to set run augmentations without consuming Sanctum Resources in case you are running short. This is to help conserving resources if going for a no Mask challenge run, for example.
Gameplay and Balance Changes
Masks Changes:
- Mask of Yamphas: Damage bonus is now gained on both Wall Splats and Wavedashes. Damage reduced from 40/45/50/55/60% to 20/25/30/35/40%.
- Mask of Zalvoon: New garment ability: Your Attack gains a variable damage roll, randomly adding up to +20% damage to each Attack. (replaced the previous While clinging to a wall, your Bolt's Cooldown Speed is doubled and you remain fixed in place.)
- Mask of Solesh: Damage bonus now also triggers when you get hit while in the air. Effect duration reduced from 7 sec. To 5 sec.
- Mask of Mishved: Effect duration increased from 5 sec. To 6 sec.
- Mask of Kelumin: Damage bonus increased by 0.5% for each level.
Core Blessings Changes:
- All Attack Core Blessings damage increased by 5% across all rarities.
- Dousing Launcher: Drenched stacks reduced from 2 to 1.
- Rending Launcher: Wounded stacks reduced from 2 to 1.
- Scorching Launcher: Burn stacks reduced from 2 to 1.
- Voltaic Launcher: Electrified duration increased from 4 sec. to 5 sec.
- Chain-Lightning Bolt: Electrified duration increased from 3 sec. to 4 sec.
Passive Blessings Changes:
- Biotic Stress: Updated effect to also trigger when enemies reach below a certain health threshold (and not only once their Shield is broken).
- Equilibrium: Now has Twister as one of the possible requirements. Damage changed from 12/14/16% to 10/14/18%.
- Resolute Stance: Duration increased from 0.75/1/1.25 sec. to 1/1.25/1.5 sec.
- Safeguard: Damage reduction now doubles at 20% Health instead of 15% Health.
- Treefall: Damage increased from 25/35/45% to 30/40/50%.
- Zealous Heart: Healing bonus changed from 25/35/45% to 20/30/40%.
- Bird of Prey: Cooldown Speed per Air Jump increased from 8/12/16% to 10/15/20%.
- Ethereal Bounty: Bonus Dust increased from 10/15/20% to 15/20/25%.
- Solargenesis: Increased the amount of Burn stacks by 1 for each rarity (from 1/2/3 to 2/3/4).
- Aspect of Thorns: Damage bonus per Luminous Gem increased from 5 to 10.
- Calculated: Max Bonus Damage increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%. Luminous Gem upgrade values increased from 5% to 6% per gem.
- Terrifying End: Chance to trigger increased from 20/30/40% to 40/50/60%.
- Corrosion: Shield Damage increased from 6/8/10% to 8/10/12% per stack.
- Analysis Paralysis: Cooldown Speed increased from 10% to 20%.
Synergy Blessings Changes:
- Crystallization: Increased the Glaciate contribution of each Drenched stack from 3% to 4%.
- Diamond Dust: Now has the added effect of rewarding 50 Dust if the Luminous Gem is applied on a Rarity that cannot be increased (Epic).
- Extinguishment: Bonus damage per Burn stack increased from 3 to 5. Description slightly reworded.
- Lightning Rod: Duration increased from 1 sec. to 1.5 sec.
- Lucid Dream: Twister and Revenge now acts as a viable requirements in their respective sections.
Weapon Changes:
- Battle Hammer-Axe: Up-Air Attack knockback tweaks to provide more reliable knockback upwards, extended range for the final hit.
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form:
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate Form: Launcher speed increased, overall damage increased from 40 to 50 and divided between the grab and the throw (25 for each hit). Side-Air, Down-Air, and Up-Air attacks can now be Dash-Canceled. Side Attack can now be Jump-Canceled during the recovery.
Enchantments Changes:
- Power Slide / Power Slam: Effect changed to: Your Down Attack deals +30% damage and gains +25% damage and Shield Damage for each enemy it hits.
Skill Changes:
- Bite Marks: The effect was reworked to Your Attack deals +20% damage if you hit enemies with at least 3 Attacks in the past 3 seconds. Cost increased from 2 to 3.
- Full Moon: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Bone-Chilling Launch: Changed to Bone-Chilling Blow - damage bonus now applies to both Attacks and Launchers.
- Skipping Stone: Stun duration now extendeds for both enemies (unless the enemy that got hit is poised).
Other Changes:
- Zalvoons tribute altar now also rewards a random Sanctum Resource (Dormant Ember / Esoteric Scroll / Combat Rune)
- Dark Trinity: Swordsman Health increased by 50, Spearman Health reduced by 50.
- Heretic Warlock doesnt spawn a projectile when disappearing anymore, only when re-appearing. The corruption orb created by Heretic Warlock that could be combined with the Giants clap attack doesnt deal damage anymore.
New Languages
- (Traditional Chinese)
- Deutsch (German)
- Espaol - Espaa (Spanish - Spain)
- Polski (Polish)
- Portugus - Brasil (Portuguese - Brazil)
- (Russian)
- In addition to the exiting languages:
- (Simplified Chinese)
- (Japanese)
- (Korean)
- Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America)
- Franais (French)
QOL / Miscellaneous Changes
- When standing near statues of Kismet, your Sanctum Resources will be displayed so you can see your current balance.
- Adjusted the wording on certain Keywords for better communication or readability (Attack, Sweet Spot, Shield, Luminous Gem, Capacity, Pull).
- More consistent knockback trajectory calculation across the board.
- Better audio transitions when canceling out of moves via landing-cancels.
- New Main Menu visuals.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that increased Deep Rends health reduction with critical damage.
- Fixed an empty room bug that occurred when the game incorrectly rolled a mini-boss room.
- Fixed a bug that prevented bonfire from increasing Electrified duration
- Fixed a bug that caused the slow effect from Frost to delay enemy projectiles and make them lose their sync with the enemys attack.
- Fixed: dangerous elite protected effect not displaying beams to nearby enemies.
- Fixed: Feedback form was unpausing the game when opened over a menu that pauses the game
- Fixed: Hailstone Champion used wrong audio files for attacks
- Fixed a visual glitch related to the Weak Points effect.
- Fixed: When you had 0 Holy Dice, the counter was invisible during blessing menus.
- Fixed: Scythe-Head doesnt spawn Detonating Echo echoes on return.
- Fixed: Applying Luminous Gems to a bolt could reset any blessings applied on top of it (such as Long Winter).
- Fixed a bug that caused Downpour to activate on bosses before combat starts
- Fixed: The end of Tasmos' codex entry is partially covered by the input to toggle perennial tactics.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Celestial Exchange Shopkeeper talk prompt seen while the Blessing menu is active.
- Fixed a bug that caused weird interactions while viewing the herbalist items in the codex.
- Fixed: Protected elite aura can appear on newly spawned enemies that arent protected.
- Fixed: Status effects like burn, frostbite, high conductivity etc. could trigger on invulnerable enemies.
- Fixed: After switching masks, all of the masks appear in the masks altar.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-02-28 18:04:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Omenforged, Today we are delighted to show you our trailer for the 1.0 release of Spiritfall with a release date of 28th of February. Since launching Spiritfall into Early Access in April, we have delivered 10 monthly content updates, received over 600 reviews at 92% Very Positive, and have over grown to over 70,000 wishlists heading into launch. For a small team of 5, we're extremely proud to have got to this point. It has been a lot of hard work and your support has been invaluable. We hope you enjoy the trailer. [previewyoutube=H3DfiRH1gTg;full][/previewyoutube]
[ 2024-01-22 14:00:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed camera and animation related bugs that can occur when Blightborn enemies escape inside a Hidden Rift.
- Fixed some visual errors for Crystal Rock Walkers and the Crystal Colossus mini-boss.
- Fixed a visual bug that occurred when using Shadow Partner with the Equinox.
- Fixed Cosmic Regalia triggering when activating Bubble Shield - will now proc when the bubble bursts.
- Fixed some collision related bugs in several rooms.
- Other minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2024-01-22 12:00:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused the Plague Spitter mini-boss to become un-stunnable during the fight.
- Fixed yet another Dark Trinity soft-lock bug.
[ 2024-01-20 18:09:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay / Balance Changes:
- Using a Holy Dice to reroll blessing offerings will not increase the price per roll. Consecrated Shuffle changed to only give 1 dice when the run start and the skills cost was reduced from 4 to 2.
- Fixed bugs related to rerolls that were introduced in the previous update.
- Fixed some particle issues that occurred when using the Link Blades Alternate Form.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Crystalline Vessel from working on Statues of Harmony.
- Fixed a bug that could cause hidden enemies (teleporting for example) from being stuck as hidden under rare circumstances.
- Crystal Rock Walker enemies will update their lasers when cave walls are destroyed.
- Fixed an active hitbox lasting for too long in one of the Dark Trinitys attack.
[ 2024-01-18 16:45:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello folks! It is time for our Perennial Tactics update! This update is our last before 1.0 and introduces powered-up bosses, controller vibrations, balance changes and bug fixes! As mentioned in our Early Access questionnaire, we will be implementing a small price increase after the sale for this update finishes. We believe this reflects the amount of time and effort we have put into the game so be sure to pick up your copy before then! We'll provide more details on 1.0 soon, but prepare for the final region and boss, an optional boss, new weapon form, blessings, and more! Much love, The Gentle Giant Team
Version 0.15.05 - Perennial Tactics
New Challenge:
- A challenge in which all regional bosses are powered-up. They have slightly more health and deal slightly more damage, but most importantly their attack patterns are harder to avoid and they can perform brand new attacks.
Balance Changes
Blessings Balance Changes:
- Statues of Harmony will offer blessings with a minimum rarity of Rare, if they are not Synergy blessings. Rarity increasing effect also apply (for example: Winters Verity).
- Intangible Will: Dodge chance reduced from 12/16/20% to 10/14/18%.
- Lucid Dream: Chance increased from 50% to 100%.
- Constellation: Critical Damage per Gem changed from 6/8/10% to 4/6/8%. Upgrading this blessing with Luminous Gems is less potent (from 3% per gem to 2%)
- Nova Strike: Critical Chance changed from 15/25/35% to 20/25/30%.
- Relic bonus modifiers bonuses range increased: Attack Damage (from 5-20% to 10-30%), Dash Damage (from 40-60% to 60-90%).
- The price of Rerolling modifiers at the Relic Tinkerer was reduced from 20,40,60,80,100 to 10,20,30,40,50.
- Golden Emblem of Vigor: Max Health increased by 5 for all levels.
- Battle Hammer-Axe: Up Attack has slightly higher vertical range.
- Astral Cord Bow (alternate): You can not be hit-out of the Neutral Attack detonation animation anymore.
- Enduring Sentry: Side-Air attack has additional startup frames.
- Dark Trinity: Sasumata Slam attack damage reduced for the second phase AOE from 30 to 25.
- Heretic Warlock: 2-handed and 4-handed slam attacks damage reduced from 35 to 30. Warlock teleport projectiles pattern slightly changed. Projectile timing for the Corruption Rain attack tweaked. Flame Tornado Attack (where he spawns on top of you and creates an AOE) has additional startup frames.
- Tasmos, Head of the Order: Phase-shift attack projectiles tweaked to prevent corners as being completely safe during most of the attack.
- You can now dash-cancel during active frames of powerful attacks that usually lock you into the animation if you are trying to Dash under the effects of Hit-Stop. To those unaware, this is a hidden mechanic that slightly pauses the attacker and target during certain attacks. This should make dashing to avoid damage more responsive while not sacrificing too much of the mechanical skill incorporated into managing your offense and defense. Additionally, some attacks can be dashed during their active frames regardless of hit-stop.
- Slightly increased the default invincibility duration after getting hit.
- The Poised status effect has been slightly nerfed - it now reduces 20% incoming damage instead of 25%. Sharbora Blessings already boast a high power level with the damage bonuses of the Attacks and Launchers, combined with other defensive blessings from the pool and the innate super-armor of the effect it proved to be a bit too powerful.
- Mask of Yamphas: Wavedashing while your Dash is on cooldown will not trigger invincibility anymore. Damage bonus after Wavedashing increased from 30/35/40/45/50% to 40/45/50/55/60%
- The Might Minor Enchantment was brought in line with the Ferocity Enchantment, so that Attack and Launcher bonuses are similar (both are now +10/20/30%).
- The Accuracy Minor Enchantments Sweet Spot damage was increased from 20/40/60% to 25%/50%/75%.
Miscellaneous / QOL:
- Vibration is now supported for controllers (can be toggled in the settings menu)
- Performance improvements to Hallowed Ground rooms.
- Opening the pause menu is now faster (there was a bit of delay previously).
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that allowed Downpour to trigger during bosses dialogue.
- Fixed a bug that caused only one pair of wings to spawn while having Wings of Flame + Shadow Partner.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Frictional Heating from working properly.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when rerolling offers at a Dust Effigy too quickly.
- Fixed Sticky Bomb interaction on the Bastion Mini-Boss.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Veil Obelisk to remain without a counterpart enemy to combine with in the Frigid Veil under rare circumstances.
- Fixed misaligned effect during the Dark Trinity boss fight (second phase Sasumata slam AOE)
- Various small bug fixes and tweaks.
[ 2024-01-17 15:49:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused the Perennial Flame to be non-intractable after receiving a Spirit's Mask.
- Fixed a bug that caused some projectiles not to spawn during phase 2 attacks of the 4th regional boss. For those who fought the boss without it, prepare for a small step-up in challenge during the second phase!
- Other various minor fixes
[ 2024-01-01 17:42:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug that caused the Run Complete screen not to appear after using up your Second Wind.
- Implemented a safety check for the Mighty Minions Achievement counter.
[ 2023-12-28 20:09:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Neutral Attack keybinding sometimes triggering directional Attacks.
- Dark Trinity: Fixed a bug that caused the Sasumata Projectile to be invisible after it lands on the ground and before being picked up. Fixed Second phase projectile not spawning.
- Fixed a bug that caused Dust Effigies appearing in rooms where they shouldnt in some cases (such as boss rooms).
- Fixed another bug that caused regular combat rooms to sometimes spawn instead of mini-boss room after the room was already marked as mini-boss on the map in regions 3 and 4.
- Fixed Dust Effigy hidden behind a log in one of the rooms.
[ 2023-12-28 12:18:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused regular combat rooms to sometimes spawn instead of mini-boss room after the room was already marked as mini-boss on the map.
- Implemented a safety check to try and prevent combat rooms from not clearing while no enemies are visible.
- Region 2 Boss: Fixed a bug that caused some attacks to retain their shielded property during the recovery time.
- Minor bug fixes
[ 2023-12-26 13:46:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bugged rooms that could trigger when entering a regular room while a Mini-boss is present on the same line in the map.
- Fixed the game sometimes soft-locking during the second regions boss fight after all enemies are dead.
- Fixed hitstun not triggering in certain situations.
- Fixed a platform missing collision in one of the cave rooms.
[ 2023-12-25 15:02:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash that triggered in the Bastion mini-boss fight.
- Fixed Icicle Rain projectiles spawning incorrectly.
- Fixed Echoing Bolt not working properly.
[ 2023-12-25 08:45:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
Our Mighty Minions update is now live! This end of year update focuses on two main things. We have added another Weapon Form to the game - this time an alternate form for the Link Blades, and we are also introducing mini-bosses for each region!
Before we get into the full release notes below, we want to be real with you.
Spiritfall launched into Early Access in April this year, and this is our ninth monthly update. We have been absolutely blown away by your support and feedback, and we have loved watching the game evolve with each update.
We want to say thank you to every single one of you who have played Spiritfall, given us feedback and helped us make the game better. We'd also like to thank each of you who have left a review of the game. We're almost at 600 reviews and we're not even out of Early Access yet!
Wishing you all a great festive season and a Happy New Year when it arrives!
The Gentle Giant Team
Release Notes: Version 0.14.10
New Feature: Mini-Bosses and Synergy Statues
A set of 2 new Mini-Boss enemies can now be encountered in each region. Defeat Mini-Bosses to obtain a unit of Essence and access to a Statue of Harmony. These statues will offer blessings from all possible spirits in the current region, and will prioritize offering you Synergy Blessings. If no Synergies can be offered, the statue will attempt to offer blessings who can complete or contribute to a Synergy.
New Mini-Bosses:
- Behemoth Roller
- Plague Spitter
- Overgrowth
- Blight Blossom
- Crystal Colossus
- Venomous Husk
- Bastion
- Hailstone Champion
New Weapon Alternate Form: Link Blades
The 4th alternate form is now available, in the form of the unlinked blades. This weapon has an acrobatic moveset and a launcher that sends you rushing forwards, cutting anything in its path.
New Enchantments:
Sliding Slash (Link Blades Alternate) Final Cutter (Link Blades Alternate) Swords Dance (Link Blades Alternate)
New Ordinances:
- Grand Celestial Exchange - special shops have a chance to replace the mid-shop, containing an additional shop pedestal, a Dust Effigy, and a selection of items from the Herbalist.
Gameplay Changes:
You can now perform jump-cancels more often, this applies to various attacks across all weapons.
Balance Changes:
Weapon Balance Changes:
- Link Blades: Neutral Attack damage increased from 25 to 30.
- Battle Hammer-Axe: Down Attack has slightly faster startup.
- Detonating Echo: spawn distance required to spawn an echo is +12% bigger. Damage reduced from 60 to 50.
- Blood Moon: Boss Health penalty increased from 8/12/16% to 10/13/16%
- Vermin: Health reduced from 200 to 180 (Elite: 400 to 360).
- Bile Fly: Health reduced from 150 to 120 (Elite: 300 to 250).
- Dunehopper: Health reduced from 225 to 200 (Elite: 500 to 400).
- Shielded Scorpion: Health reduced from 325 to 320 (Elite: 650 to 600).
- Slab Roller: Health reduced from 325 to 300 (Elite: 650 to 550).
- Boombug explosion damage was reduced from 35 to 30.
- Elite Boombug Host explosion damage was reduced from 75 to 55.
- Essence threshold levels have been adjusted to the many new Essence Gain effects added since the Early Access release, through Blessings, Skills, etc.
- By default, the base threshold to gain 1 Essence is now 25% higher (complete Essence unit rewards will still always add +1 no matter the threshold).
- Updated the placeholder text for Navoliks tribute altar.
- The visuals for the Bow Alternate Forms projectile were improved (more depth in sprite and has rotation applied).
- Relics can now be destroyed slightly faster when holding down the button.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented some Enchantments from appearing: Swift Soul-Steal, Destiny Bond, Weightless Quiver, Sky Fist.
- Fixed Viridian Root using wrong values for Fresh and not Fresh item variants.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to stun-lock the Heretic Warlock (perhaps other bosses) and prevent his phase transition.
- Fixed a bug that caused the celestial exchange to offer blessings from a wrong spirit if you used a Dormant Ember to change the starting spirit of the run.
- Fixed some navigation bugs related to the Rock Walker enemy.
- Fixed a couple of bugs that could result in some performance issues when playing multiple runs over and over.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a previously obtained spirits appear sound to play when the blessing menu is activated for another spirit
- Fixed a bug that could Game pause-stuck after viewing the codex in the weapon forms menu or the ordinances menu
- Fixed some bugs related to the Boombugs that caused them to occasionally lose their route to the player and flicker back and forth.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks
[ 2023-12-24 18:40:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're delighted to be taking part in DreamHack Beyond where we have been nominated for an award! We'll be announcing the release date for our next update soon. You don't have long to wait!
[ 2023-12-14 14:07:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gameplay Changes:
- Equinox Launcher now sends the Scythe-Head more horizontally on re-launch. This seems a bit too powerful but we will test it out for a while.
- Fixed a bug that could trigger when dying with the Mask of Sharbora, which resulted in a soft-lock.
- Localized text is now properly displayed for Reroll keyword tooltip.
- Implemented a manual check for the Rekindled Power achievement - should help those who have had issues unlocking this.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Dust Effigy not to trigger if reloading a save after the room reward was collected.
- Fixed a possible crash that could trigger with Shadow Partner
- Fixed a bug that caused Divine / Synergy Rarity Frames to display off-center in the Blessing List.
- Essence Combo Multiplier now freezes during conversations.
- Other minor visual tweaks and fixes.
[ 2023-11-29 16:09:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that prevented your reroll currency (Holy Dice) from showing during relevant menus in certain situations.
- Fixed a bug that caused damage from Voltaic Shards not to trigger (Voltaic Shards damage also changed to 35).
[ 2023-11-24 11:33:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- The reroll button will remain visible even if you dont have enough Holy Dice, better communicate the functionality and the way rerolls increase in price when performed consecutively within a menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused certain sold blessings to still keep their effect under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when opening the codex during the divine blessing unlocked popup.
- Fixed a possible crash under certain conditions when using the Mask of Kelumin.
- After a spirit's dialogue, you dont have to step away from the perennial flame for the interact button to appear again.
- Fixed an issue that prevented resetting the buttons to default in the controls menu
- Fixed a visual bug that occurred during the intro sequence that caused the player character to receive a bright tint.
[ 2023-11-23 14:15:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash that could trigger while using the Bouncing Shot enchantment.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Divine Blessing unlock to not be saved properly to the game state, you may need to interact with the relevant Skill Trees again to resolve this if you were experiencing this issue.
- Fixed a crash that could trigger when trying to sell blessings at a Dust Effigy under certain conditions.
- Fixed a navigation bug in the control rebinding menu.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the players death animation to freeze the game under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug that could cause sticky bombs to get stuck on platforms when enemies move through them.
- Fixed a crash that could occur versus a Conjurer (teleporting) Dangerous Elite.
- Fixed a bug that could display the wrong title for weapon training tasks.
- Various minor visual tweaks and fixes.
[ 2023-11-22 15:58:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Today we're excited to launch our Divine Strength update, and just in time for the Steam Autumn Sale!
The Divine Strength update introduces powerful new blessings with a Divine rarity tier for each of the spirits. To unlock these, you must complete each spirit's Skill Tree at the Perennial Flame. Speaking of which, all the missing Skills will be added in this update as well.
We are also adding the third weapon alternate form, this time for the Astral Cord Bow - turning it into a powerful crossbow that can also produce a detonatable bomb and a long-ranged beam.
You can also now nominate us for the Steam Awards - if you have enjoyed Spiritfall then please consider nomating us for Best Game on Steam Deck
Version 0.13.08 - Divine Strength
New Alternate Form: Astral Cord Bow
- This crossbow variant of the weapon offers high-ranged options with its wide attacks and can produce an instant beam with its launcher.
- Neutral / Neutral-Air Attack produces a bomb that hits enemies while it is thrown, and can be detonated manually afterwards by performing the move again while a bomb is active (the bomb auto-detonates after a while with a smaller explosion).
- Combat Roll: When landing during a Side-Air or Down-Air Attack, perform a roll that damages enemies.
New Divine Blessings:
- Abyssal Call (Yamphas)
- Oasis (Sharbora)
- Lightning in a Bottle (Navolik)
- Cosmic Regalia (Kelumin)
- Winter's Verity (Mishved)
- Invisible Counter (Zalvoon)
- Flash Decay (Solesh)
- Unlock these blessings by completing each spirits Skill Tree at the Perennial Flame. After doing so, you can check your codex for the requirements to obtain them.
New Blessings:
- Bonfire (Solesh)
- Meteor Smash (Solesh)
- Giant Spiral Bolt (Zalvoon)
- Downpour (Yamphas)
- Nova Strike (Kelumin)
- Secondary Cell (Navolik)
New Enchantments:
- Bouncing Shot (replaces Bouncing Arrow when using the Bow Alternate form)
- Zoning Shot (replaces Bouncing Arrow when using the Bow Alternate form)
- Split Bomb (Bow Alternate)
- Tactical Reload (Bow Alternate)
- Sticky Bomb (Bow Alternate)
- Weightless Quiver (Bow / Bow Alternate)
- Destiny Bond (Equinox)
- Sky Fist (Gauntlets / Gauntlets Alternate)
New Skills:
- Wailing Wind (Sharbora)
- Temporal Conduit (Navolik)
- Consecrated Shuffle (Navolik)
- Launching Wave (Yamphas)
- Sacred Immolation (Solesh)
- All Spirits received a providence skill, which increases the chance to receive higher rarity blessings from this spirit (including synergies and divine blessings).
New Ordinance and Selling Mechanic:
- Dust Effigies: Dust Effigies may appear in rooms, allowing you to remove up to 3 random Blessings and receive Dust in return. These statues will appear similarly to Kismet statues, and will reward more Dust based on the Blessings Rarity and Luminous Gems applied.
New Tribute Altar and Resource:
- Navoliks altar can now appear in tribute rooms. Use it to obtain one Holy Dice.
- Holy Dice can be used to reroll the options offered to you in a Blessing Menu, including Luminous Gem and Dust Effigy choices. The first reroll will cost 1 Holy Dice and consecutive rerolls in the same menu will cost +1 for each roll.
Blessings Balance Changes:
- High Conductivity: Damage increased from 25% to 50%
- Unearthed Verve: Health Recovery increased from 10/15/20% to 15/20/25%
- Camping: Max bonus damage increased from 17/23/29% to 20/25/30%, Luminous Gems now increase the max damage by 5% each.
- Thunderclap: Can now be offered if you have the Lightning Strike Assist.
- Static electricity: The effect now only requires you to be grounded (no need to be moving). Chance to trigger changed from 50/65/80 to 40/60/80%
- Shock Absorber: Cooldowns advanced increased from 15/20/25% to 20/25/30%
- Ice Shards: Damage increased from 10/14/18 to 16/20/24.
- Magic Shards: No longer requires Aurora Borealis to be offered (only Ice Shards is required)
- Absolute Magnitude: Max Essence Multiplier increased from +0.4/0.7/1 to +0.5/1/1.5.
- Moon Song: Sharp Claws no longer counts as a requirement.
- Tabula Rasa: Damage increased from 40/50/60% to 45/55/65%
- Hydration: Max Health bonus increased from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25.
- Jaws: Damage increased from 10/20/30% to 15/25/30%
- Waterspout: No longer requires one of three additional passives from Yamphas on top of Twister and a core blessing from Yamphas.
- Aspect of Thorns: Damage increased from 10/15/20 to 10/20/30.
Skills Balance Changes:
- Reaction Time: Damage increased from 20% to 30%, duration increased from 1 to 1.5 sec.
- Rollback: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Multi-Splat: Wall Splat Damage increased from 25% to 40% and cost reduced from 3 to 2.
- Skipping Stones: Stun duration increased from 25% to 30%
- Tidal Waves: Wall Splat Stun duration increased from 25% to 30%
- Waterfall: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Tag Maneuver: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Ranged Proficiency: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
- Full Moon: Cost reduced from 3 to 2.
- Roost: Cost reduced from 2 to 1.
Weapon Balance Changes:
Battle Hammer-Axe:
- Down Attacks first two hits damage was increased from 10 to 15.
- Side Attack combos finisher (3rd attack in combo string) damage increased from 10/15 to 15/20.
- Down Attack base damage increased from 30 to 35 (sweet spot damage increased from 45 to 50)
- Launcher fully charges faster. Scythe-Head will begin recalling to you sooner when holding down the Launcher button.
- Neutral Attack (Staff Mode) damage increased from 25 to 30.
- Side Attack combo (Staff Mode) damage increased from 20/25 to 25/30.
- Up Attack (Staff Mode) damage increased from 15/25 to 15/30.
- Down Attack (Staff Mode) damage increased from 10/20/20 to 10/20/25.
- Down-Air Attack (Staff Mode) damage increased from 25 to 30.
Enchantments Balance Changes:
- Barricade Blast: Damage reduced from 75 to 50, now has a Cooldown of 1.5 sec.
- Rocket Rush: Damage cap increased from 50% to 75%
- Forced Cross-Up: Damage increased from 30% to 40%
- Furious Followup: Damage increased from 40% to 50%
- Detonating Echo: Damage reduced from 80 to 60.
- Pulsating Scythe: Damage increased from 60 to 80.
Other Balance Changes:
- Weapon Awakened Forms: Cost reduced to 3 Combat Runes (Perennial Ashes cost remains 1)
- Weapon Alternate Forms: Cost reduced to 4 Combat Runes (Perennial Ashes cost remains 2)
- Tasmos, Head of the Order: tweaked the active time of big pillar projectiles that begin to appear in phase 2 (they hitbox ends earlier). Tweaked the hitbox of the side-crush attack so that it hits mostly above and less from behind.
Quality of Life / Miscellaneous:
- You can now bind a key / button to Neutral Attack (this is unassigned by default).
- Tweaked the Blessing List menu to prevent keywords from hiding critical information on certain blessings in certain resolutions.
- Divine Blessings and Synergy Blessings will have their appropriate rarity frame in the Blessing List (and not just on the blessing panel that appears once the blessing is obtained).
- Hidden Rift Exits will appear at the center of the room.
- Implemented a better check for interact prompts when having multiple interactable options stacked on top one another or close to each other.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug related to aborting attacks during the recovery phase using jump-canceling. Previously, if the aborted attack prevented input during the recovery time, the attack could be jump-canceled but your horizontal momentum couldnt be changed. This fix should make the game smoother to play in a subtle way that you may notice during your combos, as you will now be able to gain horizontal momentum faster after most jump-canceled attacks.
- Fixed a bug that caused awakened weapon effects to stack at the Sanctum when switching between them.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the Poised outline effect to turn off permanently after defeating a boss.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Rollback skill to triggered if you were hit while poised.
- Fixed a bug that could cause visual artifacts when defeating a Protected Dangerous Elite.
[ 2023-11-21 18:04:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Omenforged,
Nominations for The Steam Awards are here! You can choose to nominate us for any of the categories throughout this year's Autumn Sale until 28 November!
While there are a bunch of categories we could fit in, we think we're a great fit for 'Best Game on Steam Deck'
New update out today with a new weapon form, divine blessings and each Spirit's skill tree is finally complete!
[ 2023-11-21 18:00:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, We're delighted to be taking part in Indiecade where we currently have a 15% sale! We recently released our Art of Combat update, our 7th monthly update since our Early Access launch in April this year!
[ 2023-11-03 09:45:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a random image appearing on top of the Stray Souls counter at certain situations.
- Fixed an issue that prevented from the Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form Codex Entry from displaying as unlocked.
[ 2023-11-02 18:16:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance and Gameplay Changes:
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate Form: When using Launcher, if your gauntlets hit enemies during the pull back motion, they can get hit by your Launcher. However, They will not be grabbed and the damage is lower.
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form: Now has a Sweet Spot during the first hit of Down Attack.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Shadow Partner clone to appear with some visual glitches when using certain weapons.
[ 2023-10-31 12:27:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance and Gameplay Changes:
- Mask of Sharbora: Damage bonus changed to +15% and health threshold increased to 85%.
- Time is of the Essence: Minimum Essence Multiplier increased from x1.1 to x1.2
- Swift Daze: Damage increased from 5 to 10.
- Equinox: You can now Recall the Scythe-Head during the Idle Spin Enchantments effect.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Style Points and Awakend Sisterhood Gauntlets effect from triggering properly.
- Fixed a bug that could result in the Scythe-Head stuck outside the Boss room arena (it should now move through the dark pillars if outside of the arena).
- Implemented a check to ensure proper Codex entries are unlocking for the Alternate Weapon forms.
- Implemented a check to ensure the Unlocked Potential Achievement is rewarded when awakening a weapon. If you havent received it but meet the requirements, a trip to the Runesmiths menu should refresh it.
[ 2023-10-29 19:43:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance Changes:
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form: Down-Air attack has slightly more bounce on hit and hitboxes are slightly bigger.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate Form: Launcher grab damage increased from 30 to 40.
- Link Blades: Awakened Form Enchantment damage increased from 50% to 100%
- Icicle Rain: Icicles spawn slightly higher (if not blocked by a wall).
- If you clear a room on top of a chest, you now dont have to move away and come back to trigger the interact prompt.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to constantly initiate new launchers while in the air using the Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate Form.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Capacity interface from updating after obtaining the Magic Quiver Enchantment.
- Fixed an error upon reloading a save with the Magic Quiver enchantment which reduces the Capacity bonus.
- Fixed a hitbox issue that caused the Up-Air attack of the Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form to sometimes register two hits during the final blow.
- Fixed an issue related to the spawning of Icicle Rain projectiles in some instances.
- Fixed an issue that caused the interact prompt to appear over the blessings menu in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that could cause exit portals to generate on top of Yara when there is a Relic Chest in the room.
- Fixed an error that could prevent the weapon moveset checklist from appearing when Dashing into the training area. This should hopefully also resolve a similar issue upon dashing into areas that switch between in-game cameras.
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form: Fixed a hitbox using the wrong damage value during the Neutral-Air Attack.
- Fixed an animation bug in the Regional Shrine room that caused the Shrinekeeper to play an animation when closing multiple menus.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Tools of Destruction achievement from unlocking. If you meet the requirements, re-open the weapons menu to refresh this Achievement check.
- The runesmith now correctly comments when you awaken each weapon.
[ 2023-10-26 15:15:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Now that the Art of Combat has released, you might be worried we have reached the end of our roadmap graphic...But have no fear!
Today we're delighted to announce our plans for the upcoming months, particularly into Q1 of next year where we are targeting our full V1.0 release.
In November, we'll be releasing our Divine Strength update which will introduce new blessings with a 'Divine' rarity, completed skill trees, the bow's alternate form, the ability to reroll and sell blessings and more!
And to wrap up 2023 in December we'll be releasing our Mighty Minions update which will feature Powered-Up Bosses, Mini-Bosses for each region, New Room Types and the 4th alternate form!
The start of next year will be the push to Full Release with The Grand Trials update being released before the full launch of the game!
Stay tuned for more in the coming months!
Spiritfall Early Access Update Roadmap
Divine Strength November 2023
New Divine Rarity Blessings Completed Skill Trees 3rd Weapon Alternate Form Reroll + Sell Blessings
Mighty Minions December 2023
Powered-Up Bosses Mini-Bosses for each Region New Room Types 4th Weapon Alternate Form
The Grand Trials Q1 2024
Optional Boss Fight Unique Run Modifiers 5th Weapon Alternate Form New Perennial Form for all weapons
Full Release Q1 2024
Final Region + Boss Fight New Optional Boss All Challenge Levels More Surprises... Roadmap subject to changes in dates and content based on new development insights and community feedback
[ 2023-10-26 12:11:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an error that could occur with Shadow Partner when a certain ability triggers.
- Fixed a possible collision issue in one of the Frigid Veil rooms
- Fixed Geomancer's Ring showing the wrong image in the Codex
- Fixed camera issue during the final hit effect during boss fights in regions 3 and 4.
- Fixed an issue that prevented navigation from the Yes button to the No button at Confirm Quit to Main
- Fixed a visual error in the Enchantments menu while using the alternate form of the Sisterhood Gauntlets.
[ 2023-10-25 18:59:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
It is time - our Art of Combat update is out now!
Given the name of this update, our focus for the past month and a half has been on combat. We are introducing a brand-new (and long-awaited) weapon - Equinox, a divine weapon that can transform between a Scythe and a Staff.
BUT. THAT'S. NOT. ALL. We're introducing a new Weapon Forms system! Awaken your weapons to unlock their permanent passive buff upgrades and gain access to Alternate Weapon Forms. Two Alternate Form are available in this update for the Battle Hammer-Axe and the Sisterhood Gauntlets. More will arrive in future updates!
Weve also made a host of new combat-related balance tweaks and changes, including a Capacity Mechanic for the Astral Cord Bows Launcher, new enchantments and much more.
Version 0.12.01 - Art of Combat
New Weapon: Equinox
- This weapon can switch between either Scythe Mode or Staff Mode. Scythe Mode has slower attacks that deal heavy damage, while Staff Mode has quicker attacks in exchange for reduced damage. These two modes have their own set of directional attacks.
- During Scythe Mode, fully charging your Launcher will detach the Scythe-Head from the weapon. It will fling in the direction of the executed Launcher, dealing damage to enemies until it stops upon colliding with a wall. While the Scythe-Head is detached, Staff Mode becomes active.
- During Staff Mode, charging your Launcher will recall the Scythe-Head back to your current position, dealing damage to enemies on its way. When it reaches you while you are charging, it re-attaches and a powerful Recall Strike is performed, putting you back in Scythe Mode afterwards.
- While the Scythe-Head is detached, you can hit it with your Launcher in Staff Mode to re-launch it! This can be done both while the Scythe-Head is idle or being recalled.
- Bosses will drop a new resource called Perennial Ashes when you defeat them for the first time with each of the five weapons. A total of 20 can be obtained in the current state of the game (25 once we add the final region and boss). Note that clears from a previous version of the game will not count retroactively.
- This resource can be used to Awaken Weapons, which will give their base form a new passive power and unlock access to two additional forms.
- Awakened Form: This will replace the base version of the weapon, giving it a new passive power. Each of the five weapons has access to this form in this update.
- Alternative Form: This form has a completely new design and moveset. While it uses the same Runesmith upgrades and shares some enchantments, it pretty much functions as a brand new weapon! Two of these were added this update, and we will keep releasing new ones as we update the game.
- *Perennial Form: This form will modify the base version of the weapon with a new ability (different from the Awakened Form ability). This form will be added in a future update and is currently inaccessible.
- Battle Hammer-Axe Awakened Form
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Awakened Form
- Astral Cord Bow Awakened Form
- Link Blades Awakened Form
- Equinox Awakened Form
- Battle Hammer-Axe Alternate Form
- Sisterhood Gauntlets Alternate Form
- Recall Reflector (Equinox)
- Air Cutter (Equinox)
- Pulsating Scythe (Equinox)
- Power Bounce (Equinox)
- Nimble Stance (Equinox)
- Detonating Echo (Equinox)
- Harvest (Equinox)
- Idle Spin (Equinox)
- Sharp Scythe (Equinox)
- Armor Piercer (Equinox)
- Relentless Finisher (Battle Hammer-Axe)
- Focused Attack (Battle Hammer-Axe)
- High Five (Sisterhood Gauntlets)
- Maelstrom (Sisterhood Gauntlets)
- Late Deliverance (Astral Cord Bow)
- Magic Quiver (Astral Cord Bow)
- Miraculous Flask
- Aegis Charm
- Iron-mesh Scarf
- Amulet of Harmony
- Geomancer's Ring
- Lapis Helmet
- Down-Air Attack now deals 10 damage to nemies you touch as you descend. While the damage is low, this can allow you to extend combos or add a bit of damage on top of hitting the slam as you land. You can also lightly nudge left or right as you fall, but with very little acceleration, allowing you to slightly tweak where you land during the attack.
- Down-Air Launcher knockback angle lightly tweaked to throw enemies more horizontally.
- Slightly increased hitstop on Neutral Attack.
- Down-Air Attack damage when landing during active increased from 10 to 15.
- The bows Launcher has been a bit busted for some time now, allowing you to dish insane amounts of hitstun and damage once enough enchantments are collected. We like the huge potential this weapon holds, and we dont want to disable these crazy combos. However, some sort of DPS control is required, so we have reworked the weapon to have an Arrow Capacity system.
- Launcher now consumes one arrow from your Capacity. Each arrow takes time to reload, which can be sped up by increasing your Cooldown Speed.
- Neutral and Neutral-Air attacks can now be performed continuously if the attack button is held down.
- Astral Cord Bow: Down Attack slightly larger hitbox. Side Attack combo 2nd hit base damage increased from 25 to 30, 3rd hit base damage increased from 30 to 35.
- Launcher Pull can now pull enemies through platforms.
- Down-Air Sweet Spot slightly extended downwards an you gain slightly more height when hitting it.
- Down Attack first hit windbox changed to hitbox and now deals 10 damage (instead of just knockback).
- Neutral-Air attack slightly bigger second hit hitbox.
- Up Attack slightly bigger hitbox.
- Intangible Will: Dodge Chance increased from 10/14/18% to 12/16/20%.
- Sidestep: Can no longer be upgraded with Luminous Gems.
- Last Stand: Can no longer be upgraded with Luminous Gems.
- Dark Trinity: Health reduced from 2000, 1750, 1500 to 1800, 1600, 1400. Some attacks do less damage during the first phase. Slightly reduced the chance to spawn 2 at a time during the first phase.
- Protected Dangerous Elite: Instead of being invincible completely, this modifier will reduce your damage to 1. This means the enemy can still be hit, stunned or knocked back if not Shielded.
- Tusked Rat enemy: Melee attacks come out slower.
- Mask of Kelumin: Damage per hit increased from by 0.5% per level (now starting from 2% with a max of 4% stacking damage per hit)
- Mask of Yamphas: Duration increased from 1.5 sec. to 2 sec.
- All weapons have received minor tweaks and polish to their game feel.
- Cursed Relics Challenge: Movement Speed penalty range changed from 25-35% to 15-30%.
- You can now view each weapons available enchantments in the Codex.
- When defeating a boss, a special effect will now trigger.
- Purchased Weapon Upgrades from the Runesmith will move to the bottom of the list.
- Added keywords (tooltips) for Wavedash, Pounce,Capacity, Scythe Mode, Staff Mode, Recall Strike, Neutral Attack, Neutral-Air Attack
- Fixed a bug that granted the Full Roster achievement too early.
- Fixed a missing collider at the bottom of one of the Hidden Rift room layouts.
- Fixed a bug that caused weird self-damage interaction with Shadow Partner while having the Split Shot enchantment.
- Fixed a missing collider at the top left of one of the Burrows room layouts.
- Fixed a bug that caused landing variations of the Link Blades Side-Air Attack to deal less damage than it should.
- Fixed a bug that caused the parameters of the bow to be used when checking the perfect launcher availability window while using the Link Blades.
- Fixed a bug that caused Directional Influence to not work properly
- Fixed a bug that prevented the weapon moveset instructions from updating when changing weapons.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an error when the Mask of Sharbora effect was ending just as you are defeated in combat.
- Added a check for Icicle Rain Assist so that Icicles will avoid spawning inside walls or ceilings.
- Added the missing Zalvoon icon to the Save Slot interface.
- Fixed a bug that caused the price of Agility and Accuracy Minor Enchantments to not increase for the 2nd and 3rd tier.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to press left and highlight an non-intractable component in the Runesmith menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused the bonus from Mask of Zalvoon to reset when loading into a run.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks
[ 2023-10-25 14:07:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance Changes:
- Intangible Will: Dodge Chance increased from 8/12/16% to 10/14/18%, can no longer be upgraded with Luminous Gems.
- Last Stand: Luminous Gem upgrade values reduced from 5% to 4% per level.
- Sidestep: Luminous Gem upgrade values reduced from 5% to 4% per level.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Hit List blessing from triggering properly.
- Fixed incorrect formatting for some blessings and synergy blessing requirements
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to obtain the Shadow Partner assist without having any blessings from Zalvoon prior.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the Dash ability to be spammed while having the mask of Yamphas, resulting in some glitchy interactions (Voltaic-Blink Dash / Instant Charge Enchantment).
- Fixed a visual glitch that prevented the Hallowed Ground monument to dim after using it if the player has the Hallowed Ground: Rejuvenation Sigil Ordinance.
- Dust counter isnt hidden behind black screen after clearing a Hidden Rift (Stray Souls are now also shown in the map menu)
- Fixed a crash that could occur under rare conditions when slaying airborne enemies with the mask of Solesh.
- Minor visual fixes and tweaks
[ 2023-09-19 11:27:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug that caused the exit portal to spawn on the herbalist in certain room layouts (if you find any more please report in-game so we can get the room and run seed).
- Fixed an error that caused Pentacle Bolt projectiles to bounce off certain walls (like the boss confiner walls)
- Fixed a visual error that occurred when registering a hit with the weak points effect
- Fixed some text and keywords errors (was displaying old un-updated texts), specifically for the Confused and Weakness keywords.
[ 2023-09-15 10:03:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We thought we'd surprise you this month! Our Herald of Nightfall update is now live! And we have a 20% discount too, our biggest so far!
Zalvoon, the herald of the night, joins the pantheon of Divine Spirits in our latest update! Dodge deadly attacks, confuse your enemies, create a mirror image of yourself, and dominate the battlefield with the help of this shadowy ally. The "Herald of Nightfall" introduces an expansive list of new Skills, Blessings, Mask, Tribute Altar, and Synergies to compliment this Spirit's sneaky style. With Zalvoon's arrival, the possibilities in Spiritfall expand exponentially, offering players even more rich and diverse combat options to explore.
We're also excited to share that Spiritfall will be attending WASD x IGN in London from September 14-16. If you're there, be sure to drop by our booth!
Check out a preview of the new spirit:
We hope you enjoy this latest update!
Release Notes - Version 0.11.07 - Herald of Nightfall
New Spirit: Zalvoon
Zalvoon introduces new Skills, Blessings, Synergies, Tribute Altar, and Mask.
New Blessings:
- Sneak Attack
- Sucker Launcher
- Pentacle Bolt
- Twilight Dash
- Shadow Partner
- Aspect of Thorns
- Calculated
- Hit List
- Inner Focus
- Intangible Will
- Last Stand
- Pentacle Setup
- Revenge
- Sidestep
- Terrifying End
- Weak Points
New Synergy Blessings:
- Ghost Lightning
- Lucid Dream
- Mind Games
- Night Heist
- Perfect Storm
- Spontaneous Combustion
New Skills:
- Fall-Break
- Ranged Proficiency
- Advanced Fall-Break
- Rushdown
- Easy Target
- Showdown
- Style Points
New Spiritforged Mask: Zalvoon
- Garment Ability: While clinging to a wall, your Bolts Cooldown Speed is doubled and you remain fixed in place.
- Mask Ability: When you complete a combat room without getting hit, gain bonus damage. (This effect will stack for the rest of the run)
New Tribute Altar
- Zalvoons altar increases the spawn rate of Elite enemies. This altar is useful if you are looking for a challenge, or want to increase the loot drop from enemies going forward (as Elites will drop double the regular variants Dust and also reward more Essence).
New Achievements
- Full Roster
- Duality
Gameplay / QOL Changes:
- You can now use your Bolt while clinging to a wall, which will aim it away from the wall automatically. This feature lacks some visual polish currently, but we want to start testing it out.
- You can now view your Spiritforged Mask abilities in the run stats menu. This will also display an additional value for certain masks that displays the total bonus you have from it (for example, the total damage bonus from Navoliks mask based on your current speed bonuses).
- When taking Yaras Mystery Mix, a prompt to open the Run Stats menu will appear. Opening the run stats during this prompt will highlight the mystery mix icon automatically.
Balance Changes
Blessings Balance Changes:
- Lightning Rod: Removed Shock Absorber as a requirement, damage increased from 10% to 15% per expiring Electrified stack.
- Lunar Tide: Critical Damage per spawned enemy wave increased from 30% to 35%.
- Skyborne Stability: Damage per Air Jump increased from 5% to 10%.
- Solar Eclipse: Burn stacks duration increased from 5 to 7.
- Voltaic Shards: Damage increased from 20 to 30.
- Waterspout: Drenched duration increased from 4 to 7 sec. per hit.
- Ice Shards: Damage increased from 8/12/16 to 10/14/18.
- Long Winter: Damage increased from 160/180/200% to 180/200/220%.
- Snow Surge: Damage increased from 25/35/45 to 30/45/60.
- Thunderclap: Damage per Electrified stack increased from 5/7/9 to 7/8/9.
- Time is of the Essence: Multiplier increased speed changed from 50/70/90% to 60/80/100%.
- Dousing Attack: Damage ramp through Rarities streamlined to match other spirits. (damage changed from 35/40/45% to 35/45/55%)
- Hydration: Health gain increased from 10/13/16 to 10/15/20.
- Ravaging Growth: Damage increased from 10/12/14 to 12/14/16%
Weapons Balance Changes:
- Astral Cord Bow: Down-Air recovery duration slightly increased.
Enemy Balance Changes:
- The Enduring Sentry now doesnt have an innate Shield property to her overhead attack. This means that when her shield is broken, all of your attacks should stagger her. This boss was proving too difficult for most newcomers, and this change should make her more approachable.
Bug Fixes
- Relic Tinkerer Room: Fixed a seeded calculation error that could prevent you from upgrading Relics if you already failed the upgrade once.
- Fixed an error that prevented you getting the Oops! Achievement unless the relic was destroyed (via the Cursed Relics challenge).
- Fixed an error that caused Boss Combat Rooms to remove 2 charges from duration based items instead of 1.
- Curses from the Cursed Relics challenge will not affect parameters that are being boosted by a different modifier (for example, bonus move speed and reduced move speed on a single relic).
- Fixed a bug that caused the damage from Treefall not to trigger properly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the exit to be generated on top of the Herbalist in certain room layouts, if you encounter any more please let us know.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ending sound effect for Hidden Rifts to play twice.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some Blightborn enemy attacks from interrupting your actions when they hit you.
[ 2023-09-13 14:07:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
The Herbalist has launched and that means we're updating our Roadmap.
In the Herald of Nightfall, Zavloon joins the fight which means new blessings, synergies and mask!
We've spread the new weapon into October with the Art of Combat update.
Stay tuned for more!
The Gentle Giant Team
[ 2023-09-06 14:15:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed some damage modifiers not applying correctly to the Sisterhood Gauntlets in certain cases.
- Fixed an error that could prevent loading saves from older versions after updating in rare cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Max Health stat to mess up.
- When purchasing items from the Herbalist, the game state is now saved.
[ 2023-08-31 16:01:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Constellation: Upgrade per Luminous Gem changed from 4%,2%,4% to 3% per level.
- Fixed a bug that prevented new Hidden Rifts room from appearing in most cases.
- Fixed the wrong images used for icon and sketch of the Sunstroke skill.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Starpowder item from working properly.
- Fixed another issue that prevented the run modification menu from appearing if previously unlocked.
- Fixed a bug that caused the codex entries prompt to trigger when collecting herbalist items.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the fresh indicator to not be present on items even though they are fresh when you purchase them.
- Fixed several minor visual bugs.
[ 2023-08-30 11:29:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
- The base chance for a fresh item from the herbalist was increased from 5% to 10% per item (this chance increases for different items based on the region they are found in).
- Fixed a bug that prevented Brinkberry Juice items from being fresh.
- Requirements for Lunar Tide were updated to include blessings that inflict Critical Damage, doesnt require passive blessings from Kelumin anymore.
[ 2023-08-29 16:47:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue that caused a softlock when dying after refreshing second wind via the Zephyr Bellflower item.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the challenges menu from appearing for those who have completed the Frigid Veil region prior to the Herbalist update.
- Fixed an issue that caused Super-Armored Dangerous Elites to not lose their shielded status after their first attack.
- Small visual tweaks and fixes.
[ 2023-08-29 11:19:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed an issue that caused Herbalist items to not update correctly in the run stats screen.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the new skills from being saved in the game's data.
- Fixed a bug that crashed the game when trying to open the herbalist stock list in th Sanctum.
- Various small visual fixes and tweaks
[ 2023-08-28 19:05:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
The Herbalist is now live - Making it our 5th monthly update since we launched into Early Access!
The Herbalist is a lighter update as the team took some time to rest to get ready for the Herald of Nightfall and beyond!
However, this update still introduces two new characters with new mechanics, new skills, new room layouts for increased diversity and a host of other changes and fixes!
Release Notes
New NPC: The Herbalist
- Yara, the Herbalist can now be encountered in your runs. Yara travels the land with her companion Damu, she sells temporary buffs that dont cost a lot of Dust but can help in a pinch or just boost your power for a few rooms.
- All of Yaras items have a small chance to be Fresh when you find her, which makes the items slightly more powerful and can even extend their duration. Some items have an increased chance of being Fresh when you find Yara in specific Regions.
- You can also try her signature Mystery Mix to gain a random effect for free. however, it also has a chance to debuff you. Fortunately, it is only temporary.
New Skills are available at the Perennial Flame
- Overgrown Canopy (Sharbora)
- Supermoon (Kelumin)
- Thin Ice (Mishved)
- Perfect Clear (Mishved)
- Sunstroke (Solesh)
- Multi-Splat (Yamphas)
New Combat Room layouts across all regions
Hidden Rifts
- Rooms can now have more diverse and varied stage layouts.
- The Enemy AI has been improved, and Hidden Rift enemies can now wall jump.
New Achievements
- [spoiler]Is it Working?[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]You Can Pet the Turtle[/spoiler]
- [spoiler]Keeping it Fresh[/spoiler]
Relic Tinkerer Changes:
- Relics Level-Up Cost reduced to 50/100/150/200.
- The chance to fail when tinkering with a Relic was reduced for all Relic levels. Additionally, the first tinkering performed on each Relic is guaranteed to be successful.
- Relics will not break when failing an upgrade unless they are Cursed.
Balance Changes:
- Link Blades: Side-Air damage for the first 4 hits increased from 5 to 10.
- Frigid Veil Boss: Corrupted Fire pillars damage increased from 30 to 40. Pillars now spawn correctly during the second phase.
- Mask of Sharbora: Natures Wrath health restoration cap reduced from 60/65/70/75/80% to 30/35/40/45/50%.
- Duplicator: Chance increased by 5% for each rarity.
- Player Horizontal air deceleration slightly reduced.
- Super-Armor Dangerous Elite Modifier changed to: This enemy cannot be stunned during any attack (previously could not be stunned at all).
QOL / Miscellaneous:
- Wavedash now plays an effect (and plays a sound) when executed. The animation has been updated.
- You can now scroll the end run screen to view more blessings if they exceed the shown amount.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed yet another bug that prevented the boss from doing the correct phase 2 attacks. He should now be at the intended power-level, this took some time due to unforeseen technical limitations.
- Fixed a bug that caused Hypercritical to not kill enemies if the Resilient Shield Challenge is active.
- Fixed some missing particle effects and visual glitches during the Frigid Veil Boss fight.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Impostor dangerous elite modifier to not work on combined Veil Obelisks.
- Fixed a bug that could let you reroll relics at the relic tinkerer when reloading the room.
- Implemented a solution to try and resolve the Essence from bosses not appearing in certain situations.
- Various minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2023-08-28 15:08:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! We're delighted to announce that our next update, The Herbalist, will launch on Monday 28th August. This update is a little lighter than normal but still introduces two new NPCs, new mechanics, and new room layouts. We've all had a little break this month to ensure we're fighting fit for the Herald of Nightfall update which will introduce a new Spirit and a new weapon! Also we're delighted to be participating in DreamHack's Summer Indie Showcase! We're also super close to 500 reviews, thanks to everyone who's left a review so far! Cheers! The Gentle Giant Team
[ 2023-08-23 18:56:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Frigid Veil Boss Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented some 2nd phase modified attacks from working consistently (would use phase 1 unmodified attacks instead).
- Fixed inactive hitbox during the phase shift attack
[ 2023-08-02 19:15:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello folks,
With the launch of the Frigid Veil, we're updating our roadmap to show you what lies ahead.
This month is a lighter update because it's that time of year when we want to relax and have a little time off. That being said, we will be releasing an August update and we're looking forward to introducing another character in this update alongside new skills, room layouts and more!
[ 2023-08-02 09:40:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance Changes
- Frigid Veil boss Health increased from 10,500 to 11,500.
- Slower text when interacting with altars of tribute or statues of Kismet.
- The Relic Tinkerer will not offer you to purchase Relics that you already have.
- Fixed a Relic duplication glitch that can occur after destroying a Relic.
- Fixed some issues with the Frigid Veil Boss dash.
- Fixed a dialogue error related to the Relic Tinkerer.
- Fixed a bug that caused rerolls to contribute to the Lucky Charm achievement.
- Fixed the feedback form being inaccessible during the run complete screen.
- Fixed a missing collider issue in a certain Frigid Veil room layout.
- Elite Tusked Vermin Leap Attack now does the correct amount of damage (20,15).
- Elite Glacial Titan Ranged Attack: now does the correct amount of damage (25).
- Minor visual tweaks and fixes.
[ 2023-08-01 15:24:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
It is time to enter the chilling embrace of the Frigid Veil. Even before the Blight, few travellers who dared venture here ever returned.
The main focus of this update is, of course, the addition of the Frigid Veil. A whole new region with new enemies and a new boss as you continue your journey towards the Brink. There's also a new character, the Relic Tinkerer, who allows you to upgrade and reroll your relic bonuses throughout your runs.
There's also a new challenge, some balance updates and more!
Version 0.9.01 - The Frigid Veil
New Region: The Frigid Veil
- 5 New Enemies
- New Boss
- New Trap / Environmental Hazard: Geyser
- Codex Entries for the new region, enemies, boss.
New Challenge: Cursed Relics
- Challenge: Relics have a 30% chance to be Cursed.
- Cursed Relics will add a negative effect when equipped. If the relic has 3 modifiers, one of them will be replaced by the curse effect.
- There are a total of 11 curses currently.
- The severity of the curse is usually affected by the level of the Relic. For example, Level 1 Relics are more likely to have less severe penalties compared to level 5 Relics.
New NPC: The Relic Tinkerer
- The Relic Tinkerer can now be encountered during your runs!
- The room will contain 2 Relics that can be purchased with Dust. The Relics offered here have a slightly higher chance to be closer to the max level obtainable in the current region.
- The price of each Relic will depend on its level, and the amount of modifiers on it. If the Relic is cursed, it will be offered at a discounted price.
- If the Relics on offer arent interesting, you can always tinker with the Relics you already own. This will also cost Dust, based on the Relics level. Relics can be either Leveled Up or Rerolled.
- Level Up: Increase the Relics level by 1.
- Reroll: Reroll the modifiers on a Relic, this may also reroll the Curse modifier into a different Curse.
- Be careful when tinkering with Relics, as its difficult to guarantee a success. With each tinkering done, the chance to fail and destroy the relic increases.
Balance Changes
Gameplay Balance Changes:
- The total number of rooms in the Outskirts and Veridian Trail regions was decreased from 11 to 10.
- Second Wind invincibility duration increased from 1 sec. to 2 sec.
- Glaciate effect duration increased from 2.5 sec to 3 sec.
- Wavedash deceleration slightly reduced (slide a bit more during wavedashes)
Enemy Balance Changes:
- The Armored Blightborn enemy variant is now slower and less agile during its attacks.
- Slashell enemy Dust drop increased from 7 to 12. Roll Attack damage reduced from 30, 35 to 10, 15. Jump attack damage reduced from 25 to 20. Back attack damage reduced from 25 to 15.
Combat Balance Changes:
- Battle Hammer-Axe: Neutral Air active duration slightly extended, Up Attack hitbox slightly increased.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets: base uncharged Launcher stun duration increased by 12%. Down Attack reduced startup time.
- Astral Cord Bow: Launcher Projectile base uncharged stun duration increased by 25%.
- Default Bolt stun duration increased by 25% and knockback slightly increased.
Blessings Balance Changes:
- Shatter: Does not require Biotic Stress or Polar Fissure anymore to be offered as a synergy.
- Extinguishment: Additional Burn Damage per Stack increased from +2 to +3.
- Polar Fissure: Luminous Gem upgrade values increased to 5% per Gem.
- Biotic Stress: Enemy Damage Reduction after Shield Break increased from 18/24/30% to 20/30/40%.
- Bubble Shield: Damage increased from 50/75/100 to 80/100/120.
- Lightning Strike: Falling projectile is bigger. Base projectile damage increased by 25 for all rarities.
- Closed Circuit: Cooldown Speed increased from 1/2/3% per stack to 2/3/4% per stack.
- Static Electricity: Chance increased from 40/60/80% to 50/65/80%.
- Impervious Bolt: Stun duration increased by 12%, Shield Damage per hit increased by 25%.
- Scorching Bolt: Stun duration increased by 25%.
Enchantments Balance Changes:
- Clap Back: Damage increased from 25% to 30%. Cooldown per enemy hit increased from 5% to 10%.
- Power Slide: Damage increased from 30% to 50%.
- Haymaker: Damage increased from 30% to 50%.
- Sucker Punch: Shield Damage increased from 50% to 100%.
- Culminating Crush: Damage increased from 75% to 100%.
- Instant Charge: Cooldown increased from 2 sec. to 2.5 sec.
- Precision Blow: Damage increased from 40% to 50%, duration increased from 4 sec. to 5 sec.
- Sonic Wave: Projectile size and speed slightly increased.
- Zoning Arrow: Knockback increased.
- Forced Cross-Up: Damage increased from 25% to 30%.
- Furious Followup: Damage increased from 20% to 40%.
- Rocket Rush: Damage cap increased from 50% to 100%, range cap for max damage increased by 25%.
Dangerous Elites Challenge:
- Protected: A max of 1 Protected Elite is allowed at a time. Enemies will activate a visual indicator when they get in range to trigger the Protected effect on the Elite. Enemy corpses that have not yet expired will not trigger the Protected effect. Spawned enemies (such as Boombugs) will not trigger the Protected effect.
- Regenerating: Attacking a Regenerating Elite will prevent it from healing. When the enemy exits its stunned phase the regeneration timer will resume.
- Conjurer: Can no longer teleport while stunned.
- Enemy Health modifier added to accessibility settings.
- Enemy Damage and Health modifiers minimum reduced from 50% to 30%, maximum increased from 150% to 200%.
- Fixed some sound issues when pausing the game while the Enemy Proximity Humm was enabled.
New Codex Entries
- Shopkeeper
- Relic Tinkerer
- Tusked Vermin
- Ice Wraith
- Veil Obelisk
- Ice Golem
- Glacial Titan
- (Frigid Veil Boss)
QOL / Miscellaneous
- Challenge Level is now displayed at the Run Complete screen.
- Highest Clear: Challenge Level is now recorded per Weapon.
- The music for the Regional Shrine has been updated.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that could cause some Codex entries to be marked as unavailable even though they are.
- There was an engine related bug that caused unrecognized devices to be detected as joysticks, we have removed this detection so it should now ignore them. This should solve issues some people had with constant input in their game that they couldnt abort (character constantly walking, menu always scrolling, etc.)
- Attempted to solve the auto-map selection that happened on rare occasions to certain players, let us know if you are still experiencing this bug.
- Added a safety check to ensure bosses will try to remain within the bounds of the boss arena, this should prevent some rare instances where bosses phase out of bounds during the fight and prevents you from finishing it.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Oathbreakers buff to be applied with Bubble Shield without actually activating the Assist (exploding the bubble).
- Fixed an animation bug that prevented flying enemies to display move animations correctly.
- Fixed an inconsistent hitbox issue for the Swarmie enemy type (would spawn the actual hitbox slightly below where it should based on the visuals).
- Fixed some Elite enemies not giving the correct Dust drop (should be double the amount a non-elite drops).
- Swarmie enemy was giving the wrong Dust amount, fixed to the correct value (3 Dust for non-elite).
- Crystal Rock Walker enemy was giving the wrong Dust amount, fixed to the correct value (15 Dust for non-elite).
- Spore Slugger enemy was giving the wrong Dust amount, fixed to the correct value (10 Dus for non-elite).
[ 2023-07-31 14:17:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Balance Changes:
- The chance to find tribute rooms has slightly increased. A minimum of one Tribute room is now guaranteed in a run.
- Unyielding Fire: Health threshold increased to 30% (from 25%). Cost reduced to from 2 to 1.
- Tried to solve some bugs related to undetected GameCube controllers and other unrecognized devices. Will probably need some more work.
- Fixed an issue that prevented instant charge from adding meter charge to the Wintertide mask ability (Mask of Mishved).
- Fixed a visual error that caused the Health Emergency challenge to display 50% instead of 40% health reduction in its keyword description.
- Minor visual fixes and tweaks.
- Fixed some cases in which duplicate rewards could be obtained by exiting and reloading the run.
[ 2023-07-02 14:37:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another content drop means another roadmap update!
Our Stray Souls update launched yesterday and introduces a run modifier system as well as an ancient secret for you to discover. If you find it, join our spoiler channel in the Discord!
Here is our updated roadmap. We are full steam ahead for our next update, The Frigid Veil, which introduces a whole new region, enemies, and boss. We'll also be introduces a new character, the Relic Tinkerer, who will upgrade and modifier your relics throughout your run!
Between The Frigid Veil and Herald of Nightfall, we've added an additional update, The Herbalistwhere we'll introduce another character, room layouts, enemies and more!
[ 2023-06-30 09:52:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
With the Great Gate closed, souls can no longer find their way and pass to the Realm Beyond. Lost and lingering in these lands, many have been consumed and corrupted by the Blight.
This update is focused around providing more replayability and customisation for players who already cleared a run or two. We're already working hard on the next region, but we feel it's important to provide some replayability options now rather than waiting for when all the regions are complete.
Another new feature in this update is kept a secret from these patch notes, can you find it? Let us know on Discord!
New Features
Stray Soul Challenges
- After completing a successful run, you will be granted access to a new menu that will trigger before you start a new run.
- You can assign new difficulty modifiers here to make the game more challenging. Applying modifiers also increases the health and damage of enemies, but allows you to increase your Essence Multiplier beyond its original limit.
- Additionally, each challenge modifier applied will give you one Stray Soul for that run.
- These stray souls are meant to be purified and released. However, doing so will not remove the modifier they applied until the run ends.
- You can use Stray Souls at tribute altars to consume the Blight from them and get the altars reward without sacrificing Health. This will come in handy as challenge levels increase and Health becomes more valuable.
- Stray souls have another part to play, both in the current version and the official release. Can you uncover their mysteries?
Run Augmentation
- After completing a successful run, you will be able to use your spare resources in future runs to augment them to your liking.
- Dormant Embers can be used to set the first Divine Spirit you encounter.
- Combat Runes can be used to start you off with a specific Enchantment.
- Esoteric Scrolls can be used to start you off with a specific Relic.
Gameplay / Balance Changes
General Balance Changes
- Drenched Status Effect: Now has separate values for stun duration and Wall Splat damage. Wall Splat damage per stack increased from 5% to 20% per stack.
- The knockback scaling on Blightborn enemies has been increased.
- The Shroombiter enemy type now has less health (normal:200-> 175, elite: 400->350)
- The Slashell enemy type now has Shields (can be found in the Burrows).
- The Arachnobolter enemy can now move backwards before attacking you.
- The base cooldown for all Bolts has increased from 3 sec. to 4 sec.
- Wavedash deceleration slightly reduced (slightly extended range).
- Tribute Rooms are no longer an Ordinance, and will become available after your first run automatically. This is to support the new Stray Souls altar benefits provided by the challenges.
Weapon Balance Changes
- Link Blades Down Attack: Sweet Spot will knockback enemies towards you.
- Astral Cord Bow Side Attack (3rd hit): Slightly increased air-time during the attack, deals increased shield damage to enemies hit very close to the bow.
- Astral cord Bow Side-Air Attack: Slightly increased air-time during the attack.
- Sisterhood Gauntlets: Increased the base damage of the 4th hit of the side attack combo from 15 to 20.
- Sister Gauntlets Down Attack: Increased speed and range.
Spiritforged Masks Balance Changes
- Mask of Mishved: Increased Wintertide damage from 30-50% to 60-80% (min to max upgrades). Duration increased from 3 sec. to 5 sec. The amount of charge time required to fill the meter was reduced by 20%.
- Mask of Solesh: Increased Skybound damage from 20-40% to 30-50%.Duration increased from 2.5 sec. To 7 sec.
- Mask of Navolik: Hyperspeed damage changed from 40/50/60/70/80% to 45/50/55/60/65%.
- Mask of Sharbora: Damage buff threshold lowered from 85% to 80% Health, and the bonus was increased from 15% to 20%. Natures Wrath Health reserve increased from 55-75% to 60-80%.
- Mask of Yamphas: Turbulence damage increased from 15-35% to 30-50%.
Skill Tree Balance Changes
- Verdant Fortitude: Max Health increased from 25 to 50, cost increased from 2 to 3.
- Unyielding Fire: Health threshold reduced from 30% to 25%, cost reduced from 4 to 2.
- Bite Marks: Damage increased from 10% to 20%.
Spirit Blessings Balance Changes
- Shatter: Shield Damage increased from +200% to +250%.
- Extinguishment: Now also causes burn to inflict more damage per stack to make up for the reduced status effect duration.
- Antipode: Combustion damage to bosses is now boosted without requiring any frost stacks.
- Chain-Lightning Bolt: Range increased by 20%.
- Voltaic-Blink Dash: Damage reduced from 20/24/28 to 14/18/22.
- Ice Shards: Damage increased from 6/10/14 to 8/12/16. Luminous Gems upgrade value per gem increased from 4 to 6.
- Magic Shards: Damage changed from 50/65/75% to 40/60/80%
- Aurora Borealis: Essence gain increased from 10/14/18% to 10/15/20%.
- Breaking the Ice: Damage increased from 40/55/70% to 40/60/80%.
- Edgeguard: Damage and Knockback increased from 12/16/20% to 14/22/30%.
- Avalanche: Damage changed from 25/30/35 to 15/25/35. Luminous Gem 2nd upgrade increased from 6 to 8 damage.
- Woof Punish: Damage increased from 10/15/20% to 15/20/25%. Luminous Gems upgrade value per gem increased from 5% to 10%.
- Occultation: Damage increased from 10/15/20% to 20/25/30%.
- Absolute Magnitude: Bonus now displays as added instead of set. Max Multiplier increased from +0.3/0.5/0.7 to +0.4/0.7/10. Can no longer be upgraded by Luminous Gems.
- Dousing Attack: Drenched duration increased from 4 to 6.
- Dousing Launcher: Drenched duration increased from 6 to 7.
- Dousing Bolt: Damage per projectile changed from 16/18/20 to 16/20/24.
- Wall Splash: Damage per Stack changed from 10/20/30% to 20/25/30%
- Uncharted Waters: Luminous Gems upgrade value per gem increased from 0.5% to 1%.
- Hydro Pump: Damage increased from 4/5/6% to 10/15/20% per stack. Luminous Gems upgrade value per gem increased from 1% to 2%.
- Hydration: Max Health per Fountain increased from 5/10/15% to 10/13/16%.
- Lost at Sea: Damage increased from 10/15/20% to 20/25/30%.
- Splash Damage: Increased radius by 20%, Damage increased from 15/25/35% to 20/30/40%. Luminous Gem 2nd upgrade increased from 6% to 8%. This blessings now has a visual effect indication when it triggers.
- Equilibrium: Damage increased from 10/12/14% to 12/14/16%.
- Natural Selection: Damage increased from 10/15/20% to 15/20/25%.
- Ravaging Growth: Damage increased from 8/10/12% to 10/12/14%.
- Resolute Stance: Duration increased from 0.5/0.75/1 sec. to 0.75/1/1.25 sec.
New Achievements
- Purification
- ??? (Hidden Achievement)
New Codex Entries
- Arbiter Mallet
- Stray Soul
- ??? (Hidden Codex Entry)
New Ordinances
- Spiritforged Synergy
QOL / Miscellaneous
- New room layout variations can appear in the Burrows region
- A new detection method for unwanted device input was implemented due to several players experiencing input from unknown / undetected controllers. This will allow you to disable the input completely from within the game.
- Health bars have been tweaked to be more compact across different health values
- The Relics menu hide/close animation is now faster
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a damage bug with the Accelerating Vortex enchantment.
- Fixed some Minor Enchantment prices being wrong (Aptitude, Judgment).
- Fixed some Minor Enchantments requirements (high tier enchantments were able to be obtained randomly without owning a previous tier).
- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to be temporarily stuck in place when opening and closing menus in specific combinations.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to Air Jump while using Mishveds mask (sorry!).
- Deep Rend will now deal damage relative to the percentage of Health indicated in its description to Blightborn enemies, instead of scaling from their unlimited health bar.
- Hypercritical doesnt trigger on enemies that cannot be slain (such as Blightborn enemies)
- Fixed a bug with some enemies that caused them to get stuck in a rooms corner.
- Fixed an outdated image in the codex.
- Antipode now applies increased combustion damage to Boss enemies without requiring them to be inflicted with frost
- Fixed a bug that caused the Lost At Sea blessing to not apply properly in most cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused Winds of Change to move shielded enemies
- Fixed a bug that caused weapon training instructions to display incorrectly at times.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the legs of Crystal Rockwalkers to be affected by physics.
- Attempted to fix some softlock issues during bosses, please report in-game if this happens to you.
- Fixed a bug that caused Crystalline Vessel to offer gems on un-upgradable blessings.
- Fixed an audio bug that caused some sound effects to play when entering a new region or equipping a weapon after enchanting it.
- Fixed a bug that caused some blessing effects not to trigger on killing blows versus enemies.
- Various minor bug fixes
[ 2023-06-29 15:37:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone,
It's nearly here. Our Stray Souls update launches on the Thursday June 29th! and we'll also be having a 15% off sale!
Stray Souls is focused around replayability and customisation for players who have already cleared a run or two. We felt it was important to implement the start of this system now instead of waiting until all of the regions are finished.
We're already hard at work on the next region, but here is what you can expect in Stray Souls:
- New Run Modifier System
- Uncover an Ancient Secret
- New Room Layouts and balance changes
[ 2023-06-20 07:39:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a Map generation error, this prevents some crashes that some players may have experienced when entering the portal to the next region after boss fights.
- Fixed some codex issues that players may have experienced after the latest hotfix that restored the codex progression data.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the new indicator from appearing in the codex blessing list.
- Splash Damage blessing: requires a Drenched inflicting blessing to be offered.
- Solar Eclipse blessing: replaced the incorrectly assigned Scorching Bolt requirement option from this blessing. Added Scorching Dash as a requirement instead.
- Fixed a crash when quiting to main menu and reloading a save with Kelumins mask
- Fixed another crash when switching masks after activating the mask effect
- Fixed a minor visual glitch with the Bubble Shield animation that caused the bubble to appear slightly bigger than it is during the startup of the assist.
- Fixed a bug that caused the camera to stay zoomed in after second wind, and a related bug that could result in enemies damaging the player during the second wind animation.
- Voltaic-Blink Dash: Fixed a bug that caused the mask effects to stay visible while the player is hidden. Fixed another bug that could leave the player invisible while performing a wavedash immediately after dashing while having the Mask of Yamphas equipped.
- Mask of Navolik: Fixed a bug that caused the damage bonus from the masks base movement speed to be lost when loading into a save in which it is already equipped.
- Altars of Tribute room: Fixed a bug that caused the interact prompt not to appear until you exit the interact range and return back inside it.
- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to clip outside of the Dark Trinity boss arena using Flaming Leap (hopefully).
- Fixed a bug that could change the current health in a run when loading an adjourned run from the main menu.
- Damage % now goes away properly when a Blightborn enemy escapes (used to linger for a while).
- Fixed an issue with the camera when opening the codex menu during the masks.
[ 2023-05-28 16:03:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
Now that Spiritforged is out, we thought it'd be good to give you an updated roadmap.
Based on our vision for the game as well as some of your feedback so far, we're going to implement Stray Souls - a new content update that will add new challenges to your runs and lay the foundation for some future plans.
But that's not to say we aren't already working on The Frigid Veil. Here's a glimpse of one of its inhabitants.
[ 2023-05-28 09:48:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix today to address some key issues that have been reported. Thanks!
- Fixed an error that would crash your game If you resurrect with Kelumin's mask.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Launcher Rush from executing properly with Sharbora's Adamant Launcher blessing.
- Fixed a bug that caused random amount of enchantment slots to be applied to the Link Blades. This bug is tied to save data and may have also caused abnormalities within your save states run count or last played timer. Please let us know if you are experiencing any odd save data issues after this fix.
- Fixed an issue that caused the codex entries and blessing list to wipe and all codex entries couldnt be marked as seen even after reading them.
- Fixed a crash that triggered when trying to change skin while a mask ability is active.
[ 2023-05-25 11:43:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an error that would crash your game If you resurrect with Kelumin's mask.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Launcher Rush from executing properly with Sharbora's Adamant Launcher blessing.
- Fixed a bug that caused random amount of enchantment slots to be applied to the Link Blades. This bug is tied to save data and may have also caused abnormalities within your save states run count or last played timer. Please let us know if you are experiencing any odd save data issues after this fix.
- Fixed an issue that caused the codex entries and blessing list to wipe and all codex entries couldnt be marked as seen even after reading them.
- Fixed a crash that triggered when trying to change skin while a mask ability is active.
[ 2023-05-25 11:33:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed an animation bug that could occur when using the Sisterhood Gauntlets.
[ 2023-05-24 18:10:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fixed an issue that caused Second Wind to not appear in the skill tree.
[ 2023-05-24 15:36:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Another month means another update - Spiritforged. Spiritforged brings a new weapon and all new Spirit Masks as well as updates to the hub, new blessings, enchantments and more!
With the Link Blades, we wanted to introduce a new push/rush mechanic for the launcher which we look forward to watching you master.
And we're also delighted to introduce the new Spirit Mask system. We didn't just want the masks to be cosmetic so each mask also offers unique abilities for your run.
Oh and there's also a 10% Discount if you haven't picked up a copy yet - Happy Playing!
New Features
Spiritforged - V0.7.04
- Unlock 4 Skills from a spirits Skill Tree to obtain a gift which allows you to change your looks and obtain special powers.
- Equip your Spiritforged powers at a newly added extension to the Sanctum. These powers can also be upgraded using Dormant Embers.
New Weapon - The Link Blades
- A new weapon is now available: the Link Blades. This weapon has multiple attacks with sweet spots and possesses new launcher mechanics - Pull and Rush.
- Launcher Pull: Hold the Launcher button to build range (similar to the Astral Cord Bow), release to send one of your blades in that direction. Shortly after the blade attaches to an enemy, it will retract back to your hand and pull non-shielded enemies with it.
- Launcher Rush: When your blades Launcher attached to enemies, press Launcher again before Launcher Pull occurs to fly towards the blades position and perform a follow-up blow.
- This weapon was designed to be at peak efficiency when the player who yields it possesses high technical skill, and requires 4 Combat Runes to unlock.
- Weapon Moveset:
- Neutral: A quick uppercut attack that comes out fast and puts you in the air
- Side: A 3 hit combo that sends you spinning into the air. You can press down while spinning to affect your height. Landing during the 3rd attack of the combo results in an additional slam attack.
- Up: Fling your blade upwards and then downwards, sending enemies above you flying into the ground.
- Down: A slower attack that packs a punch. This attack has a sweetspot.
Gameplay / Additional Features
- Spiritforged outfits and powers added for Sharbora, Mishved, Yamphas, Solesh, Navolik and Kelumin.
- The Sanctum has received some layout changes to accommodate new and upcoming features. Coincidentally, Tipp has been working hard on restoring a blocked passage, which acts as a shortcut between the eastern and western parts of the Sanctum.
New Enchantments (Link Blades)
- Cutting Edge
- Accelerating Vortex
- Forced Cross-Up
- Long Link
- Rocket Rush
- Magnetic Link
- Furious Followup
New Skills
- Tag Maneuver (Kelumin)
- Reaction Time (Navolik)
- Second Wind (Sharbora)
New Blessings
- Hydration (Yamphas)
- Splash Damage (Yamphas)
- Hydro Pump (Yamphas)
New Codex Entries
- Link Blades
- Opal Prayer Beads
- Dagger of Swift Punishment
- Infinite Echo Jar
- Netherbound Bowl
- Pendulum of Power
- Boombug Idol
New Achievements
- Tailor Made
- Powered Up
Balance Changes
- Astral Cord Bow: Neutral and Neutral air-attacks have slightly reduced startup and recovery. Down Attack slightly increased hitbox and stun duration.
- The radius in which Hop can be performed on enemies (footstool) has been decreased, this will result in less accidental footstools but you will now need to be more precise to execute them.
QoL / Miscellaneous
- When you are offered a blessing that was never selected before, a codex icon will appear next to its icon. This can be useful for those who want to fill out each spirits blessings list and increase their codex completion progress.
- Pressing Jump + Dash at the same time will always result in Wavedash,to have more consistent execution. Pounce horizontal speed multiplier slightly increased. Due to the Wavedash buffer you now need to wait for a couple of frames before jumping to execute a Pounce, otherwise a Wavedash will be executed.
- Game speed can now be changed by 5% intervals instead of 10% in the accessibility menu.
- Assist and Bolt now have separate sound effects that indicate when their cooldown is over.
- You can turn on an interactable sound cue in the accessibility settings, which will play a sound when the player is within range to interact with something in the game world (NPC, blessings, etc.)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a new emerging bug with the Cold Presence blessing.
- Fixed an animation bug with the Waterspout synergy blessing.
- It was previously possible to keep your resources by ending the run early. It is now required to play a run to completion (or defeat) in order to have run progress saved and earn the collected currencies.
- Fixed a bug that caused some animations of shielded enemies to cancel even though their attack continues on rare occasions.
- Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from being stunned when hopped on using the Hop skill.
- Fixed some interactions in which hitboxes could be registered more than once when not intended to.
- Slain enemies cannot be glaciated by the Glaciating Frost blessing.
- Other minor bug fixes and visual tweaks.
[ 2023-05-24 14:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
Just a quick announcement to say that our Spiritforged update will work next week on Wednesday May 24th!
Here's a preview of what is coming in this update!
[ 2023-05-18 07:48:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
QOL / Miscellaneous:
- Added 1440x900 to the in-game resolutions list.
- Fixed an issue with the Waterfall skills AOE not applying throw and hitstun properly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Hidden Rifts from spawning in the 3rd region.
- Fixed a bug with the Boombug Idol relic that resulted in explosion damage not being reduced for certain relic levels.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Sonic Wave projectile to abort the knockback of Launchers that triggered it
- Fixed: Waterspout Synergy Blessing didnt apply Drenched on enemies (again).
- Fixed an error that could occur when pressing the Codex button while quitting the game
- Fixed a visual glitch that prevented certain background elements from rendering during Sharboras blessing menu.
[ 2023-05-07 11:58:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hotfix - Version 0.6.06 Balance Changes:
- Boombug Spawner: Melee Attack damage increased 10->15.
- Enduring Sentry: Spawning Sword Projectile damage reduced 20->15. Sword Projectiles attack on shield restore produces -2 sword in either direction and the gap between the words was slightly increased. Overhead Attacks ground explosions damage reduced 25->20. Parrys end lag slightly increased.
- Fixed a bug that caused direction input to be dropped sometimes after exiting a portal when entering a new room.
- Fixed an issue with dropping through platforms that prevented continuous input from allowing you to drop through platforms uninterrupted until the input was released.
- Some minor bug fixes
[ 2023-04-30 14:07:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone,
Yesterday we released our first major content update - Synergy Blessings - which added a bunch of new features and quality of life improvements.
We're still less than a month since we launched in Early Access, and we'd like to thank everyone who has sent us feedback and left Spiritfall a review!
So, today we'd like to show you our updated roadmap, with one update complete and a teaser of what is to come in our next update - Spiritforged
We love hearing from you, so consider joining the community on our official Discord.
Happy Playing!
The Gentle Giant Team
[ 2023-04-27 11:58:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
A quick hotfix today! Balance / Changes:
- High Conductivity: increased range by 50%
- Cold Presence: increased range by 100%
- Fixed a visual glitch that could trigger when rapidly inputting Voltaic-Blink Dashes.
- Fixed an error that could occur when loading into the Dark Trinity room post-battle.
- Fixed: Waterspout Synergy Blessing didnt apply Drenched on enemies.
- Fixed: Shatter Synergy wasnt applying Shield Damage properly.
[ 2023-04-27 11:39:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, this is a small hotfix after yesterday's update. Balance / Changes:
- High Conductivity: increased range by 50%
- Cold Presence: increased range by 100%
- Fixed a visual glitch that could trigger when rapidly inputting Voltaic-Blink Dashes.
- Fixed an error that could occur when loading into the Dark Trinity room post-battle.
- Fixed: Waterspout Synergy Blessing didnt apply Drenched on enemies.
- Fixed: Shatter Synergy wasnt applying Shield Damage properly.
[ 2023-04-27 11:36:07 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
We're delighted to release our first Early Access content update - Synergy Blessings. New blessings and relics make your builds more sophisticated, and based on your feedback we've made several quality of life improvements.
New Features
- Synergy Blessings - Special synergies can now be obtained by having specific blessings from a pair of Divine Spirits
- Diamond Dust (Kelumin + Mishved)
- Lunar Tide (Kelumin + Yamphas)
- Solar Eclipse (Kelumin + Solesh)
- Stellar Link (Kelumin + Navolik)
- Enfeeble (Kelumin + Sharbora)
- Crystallization (Yamphas + Mishved)
- Extinguishment (Yamphas + Solesh)
- Shatter (Mishved + Sharbora)
- Voltaic Shards (Mishved + Navolik)
- Antipode (Mishved + Solesh)
- Skyborne Stability (Solesh + Sharbora)
- Waterspout (Sharbora + Yamphas)
- High Conductivity (Navolik + Yamphas)
- Frictional Heating (Navolik + Solesh)
- Lightning Rod (Navolik + Sharbora)
- New Enemy - The Arachnobolter enters the Burrows
- New Blessings - Seven new Spirit blessings
- Constellation (Kelumin)
- Woof Punish (Kelumin)
- Analysis Paralysis (Navolik)
- Edgeguard (Mishved)
- Biotic Stress (Sharbora)
- Natural Selection (Sharbora)
- Treefall (Sharbora)
- New Skills - Two new active skills
- Roost
- Waterfall
- New Relics - Five new relics
- Pendulum of Power
- Netherbound Bowl
- Opal Prayer Beads
- Boombug Idol
- Infinite Echo Jar
- Added new bonus modifiers on Relics: Cooldown Speed, Damage to Elites, Dash Damage.
Control Options
- Drop-through Platforms can now be set to either Down or Down+Jump.
- Tilt Stick can now be assigned to one of these various modes: Launcher (Ground), Attack (Air) / Attack (Ground), Launcher (Air) / Launcher Only / Attack Only / Disabled.
- Tilt Stick takes priority over movement stick when aiming.
- You can now set a Dead-Zone for your controller, in which it doesnt register input. This can be helpful for those who have drift issues with their controllers.
- GCC (GameCube Controller) should now be detected and supported. This feature is in testing and might not work perfectly, so let us know how well it works if you are using such a controller!
Balance Changes
- The effect of Luminous Gems on certain blessings has been slightly increased, making it more effective on non-core blessings. Assists can now be upgraded with Luminous Gems.
- Enduring Sentry: Up-Air Damage 20->15, Side-Air Damage 20->15. Max Shields slightly reduced.
- Heretic Warlock: [spoiler] All Giant attacks are faster. Warlock becomes invincible while summoning Giant.[/spoiler]
- Battle Hammer-Axe: Up-Attack Damage 30->35
- Icicle Rain: Frost duration increased 4 -> 8 sec.
- Flaming Leap: Faster startup, final hit now applies Burn for 5 sec. Cooldown reduced 9->7 sec.
- Moon Scar: First hit damage increased 25 -> 50. Cooldown reduced 8->7 sec.
- Lightning Strike: Increased base damage by 25 for all rarities, Cooldown reduced 10->9 sec.
- Bird of Prey: Cooldown Speed Increased 0.06 / 0.08 / 0.1 -> 0.08 / 0.12 / 0.16
- Voltaic Attack: Electrified Duration 2->3 sec. (was incorrectly displaying 4 sec.)
- Voltaic-Blink Dash: The first projectile generated where you started the Dash is slightly smaller and has less stun duration, the second projectile is unchanged.
- Overcharge: Cooldown increased 2 -> 2.5 sec.
- Static Electricity: Chance increased per rarity 0.35 / 0.55 / 0.75 -> 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8. Cannot be upgraded by Luminous Gems.
- Time is of the Essence: Increased Multiplier Speed 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 -> 0.5 / 0.7 / 0.9. Cannot be upgraded by Luminous Gems.
- Aurora Borealis: Essence gain 0.12 / 0.16 / 0.2 -> 0.1 / 0.14 / 0.18
- Snow Surge: slightly reduced radius.
- Judgment (Minor Enchantment): Boss Damage reduced by 5% for each tier.
- Ether Stone: Rewards less Dust based on Health (min 0.3->0.25, max 1.0->0.85)
- Arbiter Mallet: Reduced Damage by 0.01 per Relic level.
- Unyielding Fire: Health threshold requirement 0.2->0.3
- Air Superiority: Dormant Ember cost increased 1->2
- Relic Defilement: Ordinance cost 1->2
QOL / Miscellaneous
- Sweet Spots are now indicated by a quick spark at the sweet spot area on attacks that have them.
- You can now unpause the game by pressing the input for Back / Cancel.
- A new Target FPS option is available in the Graphics settings (30 / 60 / 120 / unlimited).
- Added several keyword descriptions (Shield, Enchantment, Luminous Gem).
- Overcharge got a more appropriate sound effect.
New Codex Entries
- The Burrows
- Swarmie
- Arachnobolter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Heretic Warlock to continuously respawn in place due to the Burn status effect.
- Fixed a bug in which exiting mid-run and reloading can [spoiler] reset the greed penalty from Statues of Kismet or sometimes cause an error.[/spoiler]
- Fixed an error that caused the run timer to pause during dialogue when entering and exiting the pause menu.
- Ice Shards Blessing: Fixed an error that caused more Ice Shards to appear than required when hitting enemies.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain bonuses from Relics to be carried over between runs.
- Fixed a rare crash that occured when certain projectiles interacted with breakables.
- Fixed an error that caused the Corruption Orb of Heretic Warlock to remain after he is defeated.
- Moon Scar: Can now properly act as a requirement for Moon Song.
- Fixed a bug that caused back input to be registered when trying to bind a key that is already bound to cancel / back.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Burning foes to float when you defeat them.
- Fixed a bug that could cause enemies to trigger the Split-Shot enchantment.
- Fixed a camera bug that occurred in Regional Shrines while having Voltaic-Blink Dash.
- The walk-to-position animation at the start of new regions no longer forces you back to the destination point if you cancel the animation with a Dash.
- Various minor fixes and visual improvements.
[ 2023-04-26 14:07:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Launch Week!
Well everyone, Spiritfall has been out for a week, and what an incredible week it has been. Before we begin, we would like to a say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who bought the game and made our launch week such a success. We're a small team who have poured our hearts into getting us to launch, and your excitement and enthusiasm for what Spiritfall is and will become has us all feeling extremely motivated. Now, with your help and feedback, we can work on making Spiritfall even better. If you have already purchased the game, and would like to do us another huge favour, it would be amazing if you could leave us a review. You can also join in with our community Discord which has grown hugely over the past week.

Steam Deck Verification
We were incredibly proud this morning to hear that Spiritfall have been verified on Steam Deck. Now you can Spiritfall on the go!

What Now?
Content! Content! Content! Feedback from our first week has been incredible - Hearing all the positives as well as the aspects of the game that people want to see worked on. We'd like to also thank everyone who has submitted reports for any technical issues. It has been a huge help in identifying and duplicating errors before we fix them. We have received a huge amount of excellent feedback and suggestions, however, as a small team of five, we have to be really careful in what additional content we prioritise on top of our roadmap. Here's what we're focused on...
Synergy between blessings

Our highest priority is working on our April Content Update which perfectly coincides with some of the feedback we have received wanting some Spirits to feel more connected to each other. With our April update, we will be unveiling Synergy Blessings that will bolster this system considerably. To give you an idea of how this will work, each Spirit will have a unique Synergy Blessing with every other Spirit with set requirements for the Synergy Blessing appearing. This will enable you to create more sophisticated and complimentary builds, and will create more strategic depth in the map as you plan your runs. This April update will also include updates to other systems. We will be delivering new skills and relics for you to experiment with. It's worth mentioning that although this update is centred around Synergy Blessings and existing systems, it is by no means the end of new blessings, skills and relics being added. We plan on introducing these and more major weapon enchantments in future updates.
Controller Options & Additional Fixes
Our other priorities at the moment are some crucial fixes that some of you have been experiencing as well as improved controller options. These are not determined for a specific content update but we do aim to get these out as soon as we can. We know many of you come from a Platform Fighter background and have your own specific controller and playstyle. We've really appreciated all of your feedback, and we're currently exploring a few options to increase the range of controller support as well as give you options. The two main pieces of feedback we have seen are: [olist]

Future Content Updates
Just to give you all an idea about how we're working. We have already started work on additional features for future roadmap updates. New enemies, regions, bosses, spirit skins, weapons and weapon variants are already cooking. We have planned it this way so we can immediately move forward to working on the next content update with minimal build-up time. We're being quite disciplined about it while also giving us the flexibility to respond to changing priorities. We're very excited to share new features with you soon. We promise you won't have to wait too long! Thank you once again for your support, it means the world to us! Yours, The Gentle Giant Team
[ 2023-04-11 09:59:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [4.9 G]
Spiritfall combines tight Platform Fighter combat, nimble movement, and Roguelite mechanics into one!
Traverse dangerous regions and unleash deadly combos through a randomly generated map.
The divine spirits offer powerful blessings that enhance your abilities in combat, discover your favorite abilities, and experiment with unique builds.
Death is only a temporary setback, reawaken stronger than before at the Sanctum and continue your adventure. Use the resources you gathered to upgrade your skills, unlock unique powers, and equip mighty weapons.
NPCs can be encountered throughout your journey, some will even return to the Sanctum and help you on your quest. Others may not be as friendly...
New content and features are added regularly as we polish and improve upon the game based on your feedback! Follow the game's development by joining our Discord server or newsletter.
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