It's once again time for a patch! Today we have a bunch of bug fixes and optimizations for you, such as fixing memory leaks and improving snap points for certain build pieces, and plenty more. Hopefully this patch will mean a smoother Valheim experience for all! Thank you to everyone who helped test the patch during the PTB round!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Various optimizations for memory usage * Various bug fixes and improvements * Various fixes to build pieces * Various Xbox improvements * Various Mac improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
All platforms: * Optimized Asset Bundles, reducing start-up times by up to 75%, build size by up to 35% and memory usage by 110 MB. Should also reduce the download size of future patches. * Optimized UI rendering, improving FPS by 5-10% when CPU bound * Fixed memory leak that occurred when generating subsequent new worlds * Changed certain sound files to be loaded in background, reducing some specific lag spikes * Added a fix for movement to behave the same when holding down secondary attack while moving with the gamepad as on keyboard. * Removed Detailed particle systems from Graphics settings and make the off setting the default. * Added a fix to allocate less memory and lower execution time for certain types of input * Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate collision detection between AoEs and characters in multiplayer scenarios, e.g. sometimes catching on fire even when not walking into the fire. * Fixed mouse being stuck held down after naming a map pin with virtual keyboard. * Improved chat message and sign compliance with platform privileges, parental controls and local block list * Game now shows in-game player names in Player List for cross-network users as well * Reduced memory usage of profile pictures in Player List * Fixed a bug where tooltips in settings menu did not show up in-game * Fixed a freeze that could occur when changing the permitted list * Boss and death map icons are no longer manually placeable via controller * Asksvin trophy icon now matches the colour of the actual trophy * Cooked Asksvin Tail and Roasted Crust Pie no longer sparkle when attached to an itemstand * Tweaked snap points of Ashwood Stakewalls for better alignment * Tweaked snap points for Grausten wall 2x2 for better alignment * Grausten arches are now allowed to be placed in different orientations in the same position * Grausten Roof Corner no longer changes position when damaged * Blackmarble floor triangle and tip are no longer burnable * Fixed an issue that made some events able to trigger without their conditions being met * Hiding UI with CTRL + F3 now also hides sailing UI and Pause Menu UI * A brief message is now shown when hiding UI using a gamepad * Updated localization Xbox/MS: * Game no longer needs to be restarted to observe profile updates in the game * Added invite button to pause menu * Reduce network usage somewhat for functionality related to Xbox network. * Gamepad association UI now reappears if the gamepad is disconnected and a keyboard & mouse is not connected, or if gamepad input when no user is assigned to it * Reduced risk of crashes * Chat messages can no longer be sent if text communication is disabled via system. Also shows a system UI popup telling users to change the setting if they want to chat * On the console, when starting the game for the first time, the game language is now auto-selected based on the console language. * Character names are now filtered as UGC in received chat messages and player list * Fixed a bug that could make the Game Preview popup appear again after being dismissed * Reduced reserved space on Xbox console, reducing disk usage by up to 1 GiB Mac App Store: * Updated minimum compatible MacOS version to 10.15 * Now uses TAA instead of FXAA for anti-aliasing * Improved success rate for Game Center friend invites * Fixed a bug related to viewing text on signs while not signed in to Game Center
[ 2025-03-04 09:16:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Staff of Protection is actually once again protecting other players in multiplayer * Hiding UI with CTRL + F3 now also hides sailing UI and Pause Menu UI * A brief message is now shown when hiding UI using a gamepad * When trying to connect to a server using an incompatible version of Valheim, the correct message regarding incompatible version is now shown instead of a message regarding the host not allowing crossplatform on the server * Updated localization
[ 2025-02-28 08:15:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings!
Another month has gone by and its time for another peek into the development of Valheim. Were happy to see that so many of you seemed excited to follow Hervor Bloodtooth on her Deep North journey, and thus wed like to share Part 2 with you!
Like last time, we will of course share a still image of the teaser as well. Beware of spoilers though, as we present to you the first creature from the Deep North:
While were busy working on the Deep North, we also want to invite you to another competition: The Favour of Freya! This time its more artistic rather than combat-focused, as we want you to send us your very best screenshots! With one category for action and one for scenic photography, we hope you will unleash your creativity and let us glimpse into your own Valheim adventures. Two winners will be awarded with a jumbo neck plushie from Heroic Replicas, so dont miss out!
Build of the Month
As always, we want to highlight something from the community. This month our attention was caught by a portal hub, built by CapCrumbsGaming. Nicely done!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. Please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2025-02-27 14:10:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Changed back an assembly name to match the live version (reducing the reasons for mods breaking when the patch goes live) * Fixed an exception that could occur if a keybind was set to None * Fire SFX once more has the same priority as other sounds * Staff of Protection is once again protecting other players in multiplayer
[ 2025-02-25 07:25:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Various optimizations for memory usage * Various bug fixes and improvements * Various fixes to build pieces * Various Xbox improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Optimized Asset Bundles, reducing start-up times by up to 75%, build size by up to 35% and memory usage by 110 MB. Should also reduce the download size of future patches. * Optimized UI rendering, improving FPS by 5-10% when CPU bound * Fixed memory leak that occurred when generating subsequent new worlds * Changed certain sound files to be loaded in background, reducing some specific lag spikes * Added a fix for movement to behave the same when holding down secondary attack while moving with the gamepad as on keyboard. * Removed Detailed particle systems from Graphics settings and made the off setting the default. * Game now allocates less memory and lower execution time for certain types of input * Fixed a bug that caused inaccurate collision detection between AoEs and characters in multiplayer scenarios, e.g. sometimes catching on fire even when not walking into the fire. * Fixed mouse being stuck held down after naming a map pin with virtual keyboard. * Improved chat message and sign compliance with platform privileges, parental controls and local block list * In-game player names are now shown in Player List for cross-network users as well * Reduced memory usage of profile pictures in Player List * Fixed a bug where tooltips in settings menu did not show up in-game * Fixed a freeze that could occur when changing the permitted list * Asksvin trophy icon now matches the colour of the actual trophy * Cooked Asksvin Tail and Roasted Crust Pie no longer sparkles when attached to an item stand * Tweaked snap points of Ashwood Stakewalls for better alignment * Tweaked snap points for Grausten wall 2x2 for better alignment * Grausten arches are now allowed to be placed in different orientations in the same position * Grausten Roof Corner no longer change position when damaged * Black Marble floor triangle and tip are no longer burnable * Fixed an issue that made some events able to trigger without their conditions being met Xbox/MS: * You no longer need to restart to observe profile updates in the game * Added invite button to pause menu * Reduced network usage somewhat for functionality related to Xbox network * Gamepad association UI now reappears if the gamepad is disconnected and a keyboard & mouse is not connected, or if gamepad input when no user is assigned to it * Reduced risk of crashes * Chat messages can no longer be sent if text communication is disabled via system. Also shows a system UI popup telling users to change the setting if they want to chat * On the console, when starting the game for the first time, the game language is now auto-selected based on the console language. * Character names are now filtered as UGC in received chat messages and player list * Fixed a bug that could make the Game Preview popup appear again after being dismissed * Reduced reserved space on Xbox console, reducing disk usage by up to 1 GiB * The game now prevents entering text on signs or renaming animals if UGC privilege is denied, and shows resolve privilege UI in that case.
[ 2025-02-18 12:11:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Vikings!
We hope youve had a good ending to 2024, and that 2025 is treating you well thus far! Here at Iron Gate were still fully focused on developing the Deep North biome, and we have our hands full with enemies, weapons and dungeons alike.
This months teaser is going to take on a slightly different form than what were all used to, however. Starting today, youll get to follow the journey of a viking as she travels to the Deep North and explores the new landscape there. Allow us to introduce you to Hervor Bloodtooth:
She has arrived! Her adventure will continue as will the sneak peeks of the Deep North in the next blog post, with another short episode. Dont miss out!
If youre not a fan of videos, well of course continue to tease with images as well. Landing in the Deep North will offer you a sight of its shoreline, which can look like this:
The northern lights and heavy, snow-covered trees are there to welcome any questing traveller. But is it as peaceful as it appears at first glance?
Build of the Month
The first build wed like to highlight this year is made by Leiflegends. Theres so much detail in those cabins, well done indeed!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. Please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. Good sailing! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2025-01-29 09:19:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings!
Its getting cold and snowy here in our northern part of the world, which is giving us plenty of inspiration for our work on the Deep North. Like we said last time, weve got everyone focused on the biome update now, but a lot of what weve got cooking wed like to keep a bit secret so that youll get to properly experience it for the first time once you get to play.
With that said though, we wont be going completely dark either! This month we have snuck our teaser into a little Yule Card from the Deep North. Can you find the new build piece?
The build piece you see here is of course not going to be the only new build piece in the Deep North either; there will be plenty of options for builders to choose from!
Other than working away on the Deep North its been a pretty quiet month here at Iron Gate, so this is gonna be a fairly short blog post. Before we move on to the Build of the Month, we just wanted to give a headsup about our new Bluesky account, in case you missed it! If you use Bluesky, feel free to give us a follow there to stay updated as frequently as on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Build of the Month
This month our attention was caught by not just a building, but by an entire town! Truly impressive work by PiotrGremlin!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. Please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. May your fires warm you! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-12-18 09:57:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again vikings!
Its been a while since the last blog post, as we chose to instead just simply post the patch notes for the Bog Witch update last month. Speaking of, we hope youve been enjoying the update! If you havent checked it out yet, you have some new food and drink, as well as a curious new merchant waiting for you. As per usual, we want to thank everyone who has played so far!
We also hope you enjoyed watching The Spill in October! If you missed it, it was a livestream featuring a whole bunch of games from the Coffee Stain umbrella, with various hangouts and talks. You can watch the VOD on our YouTube channel, with the Valheim segments marked down for your convenience.
During The Spill we of course talked a bit about the Bog Witch, but we also talked about the Deep North and Valheims road towards 1.0. As you may have known already, the Deep North will be the final biome update as well as the update that marks Valheim leaving Early Access. Weve still got a ways to go yet before were ready for that, but were hoping to make it a proper 1.0 package with new things to discover in early biomes as well.
With the Bog Witch update behind us (save for perhaps some bug fixing), we are now all hands on deck with the Deep North and 1.0, and we would like to finally begin to share some teasers of whats to come! For example, we want to take a moment to gaze up at the night sky, and the aurora borealis that dance there:
We will continue to share images from the development with you, but we also want to keep some things a surprise for the actual release, so we promise theres more happening behind the scenes than what were showing!
Before we move on to the Build of the Month, we also want to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone who backed the boardgame version of Valheim! We reached our goal in less than an hour, which is incredible! The campaign has closed, but its currently open for late pledges. Keep in mind that this will be the very last chance to get some of the Gamefound exclusive items, which wont be available in retail later.
Build of the Month
As per usual when we have skipped a blog post, we want to highlight two builds instead of one. This time, our eyes were caught by this village by Spac3_Sl0th. Looking cosy!

The other build we want to highlight wasnt actually tagged and submitted, but we just found the video of it so impressive that we wanted to show it off anyway. Well done, Ready-Cucumber-8922!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. If you post anywhere other than Twitter, please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-11-20 09:31:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings! We've got a patch full of fixes for you today, now live for everybody! Most importantly are probably those concerning gamepads, as they were having some significant issues. But with the new fixes in place, everything should be back to normal! Aside from the gamepad issues, this patch also addresses some issues with the new skills, some tweaks to the Asksvin Cape, and more!
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Gamepad navigation in menus is no longer jittery and too quick to use * Fixed an issue causing renaming of signs and portal with gamepads to break * Adjusted gamepad dead zones * There is no longer movement stuttering when using certain inputs * There should no longer be a stutter when getting close to the bog witch hut * Virtual keyboard no longer appears multiple times * Multiple players can no longer eat the same piece of served food * Crafting skill no longer provides bonus yield on armour and weapons * You no longer gain cooking skill by trying to use a full cooking station * World modifier No Build Cost no longer allows food to be placed freely, this is now part of the No Craft Cost world modifier * Resin candles that have been blown out no longer start burning when logging into a server * Resin candles no longer sink into the surface they are placed on * Asksvin Cape has been reworked with increased run speed and reduced stamina use for running Please note: There are some issues with Dedicated server in Steam's anonymous mode for Linux, which might cause some dedicated servers on third party server hosts to not start. This appears to be an issue not specific to Valheim, but we hope to see a solution as soon as possible!
[ 2024-11-19 09:03:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Gamepad navigation in menus is no longer jittery and too quick to use * Fixed an issue causing renaming of signs and portal with gamepads to break * Adjusted gamepad dead zones * There is no longer movement stuttering when using certain inputs * There should no longer be a stutter when getting close to the bog witch hut * Virtual keyboard no longer appears multiple times * Multiple players can no longer eat the same piece of served food * Crafting skill no longer provides bonus yield on armour and weapons * You no longer gain cooking skill by trying to use a full cooking station * World modifier No Build Cost no longer allows food to be placed freely, this is now part of the No Craft Cost world modifier * Resin candles that have been blown out no longer start burning when logging into a server * Resin candles no longer sink into the surface they are placed on * Asksvin Cape has been reworked with increased run speed and reduced stamina use for running
[ 2024-11-13 11:41:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here comes a hotfix to address the most pressing issues from The Bog Witch update!
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed an issue making input on controllers where using the inventory and making small movements became very difficult * Player characters no longer sits down when using the D-pad in the build menu * Consumed feasts are no longer fully replenished after logging out and into server * Servers are once again joinable through DNS * Food Preparation Table now has broken state and LODs * Mead Kettil now has broken state and LODs
[ 2024-10-30 07:51:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
After a couple of weeks in the Public Test Branch, with tweaks and adjustments, it's now time to release the latest Valheim update to everyone! Valheim: The Bog Witch features a brand new trader to be found in the Swamps, who sells a bunch of different ingredients and materials for you, useful for both brewing new potions and exploring the new feast mechanic. The update also features new skills and tools for homesteading! You will find the patch notes below, both abbreviated and complete (which means full of spoilers). Skl!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* New trader & trader location * New feast mechanic, including 8 feasts * 16 new crafting materials * 8 new potions * 3 new items of clothing * 3 new skills * 4 new build pieces * 2 new tools * 3 new emotes * 1 new event * Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
New Content:
New Mechanics: * Feasts: Large meals that last longer and can be shared among several people * New Skill: Cooking - Reduces the time it takes to craft food, chance to gain +1 food while crafting * New skill: Farming - Reduces the stamina cost of using the Cultivator and increases the durability of farming items. Chance to gain bonus yield while harvesting crops. * New skill: Crafting - Reduces the time it takes to craft items and increases the durability of crafting items. Reduces the stamina cost of placing build pieces. Crafting: * Tool: Serving Tray - Allows you to place any consumable item, like a build piece * Tool: Scythe - Allows you to speed up the harvesting of your crops * Material: Barrel Rings (purchasable) * Material: Candle Wick (purchasable) * Material: Scythe Handle (purchasable) * Material: Cured Squirrel Hamstring (purchasable) * Material: Powdered Dragon Eggshells (purchasable) * Material: Fresh Seaweed (purchasable) * Material: Pungent Pebbles (purchasable) * Material: Fragrant Bundle (purchasable) * Material: Toadstool (purchasable) * Material: Ivy Seeds (purchasable) * Material: Woodland Herb Blend (purchasable) * Material: Mountain Peak Pepper Powder (purchasable) * Material: Grasslands Herbalist Harvest (purchasable) * Material: Herbs of the Hidden Hills (purchasable) * Material: Fiery Spice Powder (purchasable) * Material: Seafarers Herbs (purchasable) Build Pieces & Furniture: * Barrel (storage) * Resin Candle * Workbench: Food Preparation Table * Workbench: Mead Ketill Clothing: * Clothing: Harvest Tunic (purchasable) * Clothing: Harvest Dress (purchasable) * Hat: Straw Hat (purchasable) Creatures: * NPC: The Witch (trader) * NPC/Enemy: Kvastur Foods & Potions: * Feast: Whole Roasted Meadows Boar * Feast: Black Forest Buffet Platter * Feast: Swamp Dwellers Delight * Feast: Hearty Mountain Loggers Stew * Feast: Plains Pie Picnic * Feast: Mushrooms Galore la Mistlands * Feast: Ashlands Gourmet Bowl * Feast: Sailors Bounty * Potion: Berserkir Mead * Potion: Tonic of Ratatosk * Potion: Lightfoot Mead * Potion: Draught of Vananidir * Potion: Mead of Troll Endurance * Potion: Brew of Animal Whispers * Potion: Anti-Sting Concoction * Potion: Love Potion (purchasable) Misc: * New Location: Witchs hut in the Swamps * New Event: Ghosts * New Emotes: Relax, Rest & Toast * Mead bases are crafted with the Mead Ketill instead of with the Cauldron * Uncooked food items are crafted with the Food Preparation Table instead of with the Cauldron * Food placed with the Serving Tray is steaming of deliciousness
Fixes & Improvements:
* Various visual updates to Hildirs camp * Optimised Greydwarf Eye * Added the ability to craft x5 at once when holding down shift or left stick * Some old hardcoded strings have been fixed and are now properly localised * Updated names and descriptions for some of the items in Hildirs shop * Food is now visible in the players hand during eating animation * Player built pots now return charcoal resin on destruction * Console command added: sortcraft to be able to sort crafting lists by name, type, weight, count or original * Reduced radius of burn area on fire pits * Fixed visual bug with Asksvin Rug and Straw * ResetSkill console command can now also take "all" * Various optimizations to make the game run a bit smoother * Framerates should become a bit more consistent when around a lot of buildings * Fixed input loss that occured when running the game at lower framerates * Fixed the slope-knockback bug that could occur when hitting enemies with some attacks while on a steep slope * Fixed issue where if menu was opened during the generation of a new world, the join code would not be displayed * Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50 * Improved smoke rendering performance and visuals * Mead bases now have individual icons * Active status effects are now shown in rows of 7 * Valuables now show "Item value (total value)" * Trollstav & Staff of the Wild no longer refers to "Dead Raiser" when you reach max summon capacity * Barley Flour max stack increased to 50 * Black Marble Bench now shows correct text when hovered * Feather cape no longer has a boost to player jump height (this has been moved to the new Lightfoot Mead) * Berserkir axe secondary attack stamina cost increased to 32 from 28 * Recipes for meads has been moved from the Cauldron to the Mead Ketill * Recipes for uncooked food has been moved from the Cauldron to the Food Preparation Table Xbox: * Game no longer crashes when blocking/unblocking other player and exiting player list too fast * Now if you suspend game after having joined online game, you can once again join another online game upon resuming without having to restart the whole game * Fixed a bug where you could infinitely get stuck on "logging in to backend service" if you had deleted your playfab account and subsequently lost internet PC Platforms: * Made sure resolution dropdown in graphics settings can be scrolled with a gamepad * Fixed Chat/NPC text not clamping correctly to screen borders on resolutions other than 1080p. * Fixed bug with resolution confirmation popup not showing up if you switch to other settings tab and click OK * Fixed so that the framerate slider movement speeds up if held down when using a gamepad * Now filters out local IP addresses when searching for online servers Linux: * Main audio device should no longer swap upon game launch * Keys that don't have a QWERTY counterpart can now be bound Mac: * Bepinex will work on Steam versions of Mac again * Dedicated servers now put save files in the correct location when no ApplicationSupport folder exists already * Dragging the window around no longer triggers left mouse button clicks * Valheim cursor is now re-enabled after moving mouse outside of game window * Forward and backward mouse buttons are no longer incorrectly recognized as middle mouse button * Valheim is now downloadable on App Store even if Steam installation already exists * Fixed Steam overlay not being openable via shortcut [/spoiler]
[ 2024-10-29 09:22:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Detailed Patch Notes:
* The following consumables now have correct sound/visual effects when they are consumed: Cloudberries, Onion, Cooked Eggs, Fire Resistance Barley Wine, Tasty Mead & Mushroom * Food Preparation Table and Mead Ketill now properly apply cooking skill effects * Added tooltip in the serving tray for removing feasts * Serving tray should now be removed when sheathed * Feasts will now break when their support is removed * Build pieces are no longer getting damaged by water while under roof cover * Mead bases now have individual icons * Lightfoot Mead now requires 2 scale hides instead of a hare trophy and 5 feathers instead of 10 * Draught of Vananidir now modifes your stamina with 50% instead of 80% * Active status effects are now shown in rows of 7 * Kvastur trophy no longer overlaps with other trophies * Kvastur should no longer have an identical twin at the Bog Witchs hut * Scythe Handle is now sold after killing Moder * Smoke emitters (fireplaces etc) are no longer turning them self off and on again * Hide/Show weapons are now rebindable again * Fixed a typo in the Ashlands feast description * Players should no longer experience a stutter when getting close to the Bog Witchs hut * DNS lookup when joining a server should now work * Fixed navigation with gamepad in the gameplay menu between delete playfab account and backups. * Fixed right stick sensitivity on controllers to be the same as before the Bog Witch PTB * Make sure slider speedup when held down works in game as well as in the main menu * Updated Unity version to 2022.3.50
[ 2024-10-24 12:03:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* New trader & trader location * New feast mechanic, including 8 feasts * 16 new crafting materials * 8 new potions * 3 new items of clothing * 3 new skills * 4 new build pieces * 2 new tools * 3 new emotes * 1 new event * Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
New Content:
New Mechanics: * Feasts: Large meals that last longer and can be shared among several people * New Skill: Cooking - Reduces the time it takes to craft food, chance to gain +1 food while crafting * New skill: Farming - Reduces the stamina cost of using the Cultivator and increases the durability of farming items. Chance to gain bonus yield while harvesting crops. * New skill: Crafting - Reduces the time it takes to craft items and increases the durability of crafting items. Reduces the stamina cost of placing build pieces. Crafting: * Tool: Serving Tray - Allows you to place any consumable item, like a build piece * Tool: Scythe - Allows you to speed up the harvesting of your crops * Material: Barrel Rings (purchasable) * Material: Candle Wick (purchasable) * Material: Scythe Handle (purchasable) * Material: Cured Squirrel Hamstring (purchasable) * Material: Powdered Dragon Eggshells (purchasable) * Material: Fresh Seaweed (purchasable) * Material: Pungent Pebbles (purchasable) * Material: Fragrant Bundle (purchasable) * Material: Toadstool (purchasable) * Material: Ivy Seeds (purchasable) * Material: Woodland Herb Blend (purchasable) * Material: Mountain Peak Pepper Powder (purchasable) * Material: Grasslands Herbalist Harvest (purchasable) * Material: Herbs of the Hidden Hills (purchasable) * Material: Fiery Spice Powder (purchasable) * Material: Seafarers Herbs (purchasable) Build Pieces & Furniture: * Barrel (storage) * Resin Candle * Workbench: Food Preparation Table * Workbench: Mead Ketill Clothing: * Clothing: Harvest Tunic (purchasable) * Clothing: Harvest Dress (purchasable) * Hat: Straw Hat (purchasable) Creatures: * NPC: The Witch (trader) * NPC/Enemy: Kvastur Foods & Potions: * Feast: Whole Roasted Meadows Boar * Feast: Black Forest Buffet Platter * Feast: Swamp Dwellers Delight * Feast: Hearty Mountain Loggers Stew * Feast: Plains Pie Picnic * Feast: Mushrooms Galore la Mistlands * Feast: Ashlands Gourmet Bowl * Feast: Sailors Bounty * Potion: Berserkir Mead * Potion: Tonic of Ratatosk * Potion: Lightfoot Mead * Potion: Draught of Vananidir * Potion: Mead of Troll Endurance * Potion: Brew of Animal Whispers * Potion: Anti-Sting Concoction * Potion: Love Potion (purchasable) Misc: * New Location: Witchs hut in the Swamps * New Event: Ghosts * New Emotes: Relax, Rest & Toast * Mead bases are crafted with the Mead Ketill instead of with the Cauldron * Uncooked food items are crafted with the Food Preparation Table instead of with the Cauldron * Food placed with the Serving Tray is steaming of deliciousness
Fixes & Improvements:
* Various visual updates to Hildirs camp * Optimised Greydwarf Eye * Added the ability to craft x5 at once when holding down shift or left stick * Some old hardcoded strings have been fixed and are now properly localised * Updated names and descriptions for some of the items in Hildirs shop * Food is now visible in the players hand during eating animation * Player built pots now return charcoal resin on destruction * Console command added: sortcraft to be able to sort crafting lists by name, type, weight, count or original * Reduced radius of burn area on fire pits * Fixed visual bug with Asksvin Rug and Straw * ResetSkill console command can now also take "all" * Various optimizations to make the game run a bit smoother * Framerates should become a bit more consistent when around a lot of buildings * Fixed input loss that occured when running the game at lower framerates * Fixed the slope-knockback bug that could occur when hitting enemies with some attacks while on a steep slope * Fixed issue where if menu was opened during the generation of a new world, the join code would not be displayed Xbox: * Game no longer crashes when blocking/unblocking other player and exiting player list too fast * Now if you suspend game after having joined online game, you can once again join another online game upon resuming without having to restart the whole game * Fixed a bug where you could infinitely get stuck on "logging in to backend service" if you had deleted your playfab account and subsequently lost internet PC Platforms: * Made sure resolution dropdown in graphics settings can be scrolled with a gamepad * Fixed Chat/NPC text not clamping correctly to screen borders on resolutions other than 1080p. * Fixed bug with resolution confirmation popup not showing up if you switch to other settings tab and click OK * Fixed so that the framerate slider movement speeds up if held down when using a gamepad * Now filters out local IP addresses when searching for online servers Linux: * Main audio device should no longer swap upon game launch * Keys that don't have a QWERTY counterpart can now be bound Mac: * Bepinex will work on Steam versions of Mac again * Dedicated servers now put save files in the correct location when no ApplicationSupport folder exists already * Dragging the window around no longer triggers left mouse button clicks * Valheim cursor is now re-enabled after moving mouse outside of game window * Forward and backward mouse buttons are no longer incorrectly recognized as middle mouse button * Valheim is now downloadable on App Store even if Steam installation already exists * Fixed Steam overlay not being openable via shortcut [/spoiler]
[ 2024-10-15 11:00:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings!
Autumn is well and truly here, and its time for another run-down of whats new!
First off, lets start with whats most imminent. The Valheim board game is getting ready to launch its Gamefound campaign, so make sure to check it out if you havent already. The campaign goes live on October 1st, and we promise you dont want to miss it! If any of you happen to be in Germany and have plans to attend the Essen Game Fair, SPIEL, MOOD will also be there to show off the game. Come say hi!
Something else to keep an eye out for is also The Spill, a livestream that Box Dragon and Coffee Stain will be hosting on the 8th of October. Plenty of games under the Coffee Stain umbrella, including Valheim, will have developers present to talk about the past, present and future. Keep an eye out on our socials for more information on the schedule and the exact timings, and we hope to see you in the stream chat!
During the stream we will look back on the Ashlands development, but we will also be talking a bit about the future update that we started teasing a bit in the last blog post. In August we showed you a hut in the Swamps, and this time we want to give you a little sneak peek of what it looks like within:
Before we sign off we also want to remind you all that we have shared another freelancer interview! This time it was Ghostwood Empire, the people behind the trailer music and the sound design of Valheim, who told us a bit about their process. It even includes a deeper look into the sound design of the gjall, and an exclusive look into the components of that distinctive call!
And finally we want to make a shoutout to the wiki volunteers: the Valheim wiki has gotten itself a visual overhaul, which you can enjoy any time you want to look up any interesting facts. Thanks, wiki volunteers!
Build of the Month
This month we want to highlight not just one building, but an entire town! Well done, berserk_the_builder!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. If you post anywhere other than Twitter, please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. May your axes be sharp! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-09-26 13:55:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have a small hotfix for you! There was an issue where Mac users playing via Steam were not able to use dedicated servers, but this has now been solved. Please note that this patch doesn't have a new version number.
Patch Notes:
* Fixed an issue causing Mac users not being able to connect to dedicated servers when playing via Steam * Updated main menu graphics
[ 2024-09-09 12:53:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings!
As you may have noticed, there was no blog post in July, but now were back again to give you your long-awaited Valheim news!
Patch-wise, whats new since the last blog post is that you can now find patch 0.218.21 live! It offers a bunch of tweaks and bug fixes which we hope youll enjoy, and we want to offer a big thank you to everyone who tested it in the PTB!
Something you might have noticed over the summer, if you follow us on social media, is that we have gradually revealed more information about the Valheim board game! Together with MOOD we have shown off the player character minis as well as the bosses included which will be Eikthyr, The Elder, Bonemass and Moder, since the board game will cover the first four Valheim biomes. The Gamefound page has also been updated with a more detailed explanation of the gameplay and a preview of what youll find in the game box itself. We really recommend that you follow the Gamefound page, because those who do will get a free ship mini if they back the project!
But now, back to the video game! Were of course starting to look beyond the Ashlands and towards the future, and were working on a little something that will be with you during the fall We wont reveal all that it entails yet, but it will include some overhaul and corrections of Hildirs wares and her camp. Weve got a small before and after comparison for you right here to preview:
Aside from some overhauls and improvements, theres also something brand new brewing in the Swamps. What do you think this might be?
Build of the Month
Since we didnt have a blog post in July, well share two builds this month! First out is JJTheBuilder89 with this mighty bastion:

The second build we want to highlight is this mansion by Dream_Psalms. Well built both of you!

If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. If you post anywhere other than Twitter, please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam. Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-08-27 10:50:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings! It's time to bring this set of fixes over from the PTB! The list has gotten quite long, and so it contains fixes for various different parts of the Ashlands (and Valheim as a whole). Most notably, the Flametal mining and the spawn rates of several enemies have been adjusted. Hopefully this will all make your Ashlands experience more enjoyable!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Tweaks and fixes to Flametal mining * Tweaked spawn rates for multiple Ashlands enemies * Trollstav tweaks * Various cooking fixes * Various build piece fixes * Multiple bug fixes and improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
* Players no longer get stuck in falling animation on flametal spires * Chance for Flametal Spires to start sinking on hit changed from 10% to 1% * Flametal spires drop rate changed to 2-4 per chunk * Flametal ore now makes correct sound when mined * Fixed an issue where network objects could become permanently corrupt, root cause of multiple issues (Player bases loading much slower over time in a multiplayer scenario; player bases being more prone to structural stability issues over time; random non-tamable enemies becoming tamed; random tamed animals dying) * Tweaked spawn amount for Asksvin * Tweaked spawn chance for Twitchers * Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Archers * Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Melees * Tweaked spawn chance for Voltures * Tweaked spawn chance for LavaBlob * Smoke bombs can now be used to put out fire * Trollstav can no longer be used in dungeons * Trollstav will now give a warning message when trying to spawn too many trolls * Spawned trolls can now be attacked by bosses * Tweaks to amount of damage players take from lava depending how deep into lava they are * Slightly higher threshold before taking damage from lava * Hare meat can now be cooked on the wooden cooking station * Asksvin & Volture meat now require the iron cooking station * Chicken meat will now be correctly attached to the hook on cooking stations * Voltures no longer make walking sounds when flying * Faders flame is no longer visible on longer distance than his body * Fixed a bug in the block list that made it possible to block yourself * Hot tub refuel effect now match other fire VFX * Stone portal is now able to be built on stone & black marble * Shield generator no longer take damage from being built over lava * Grausten arched roof pieces no longer display a gap between the top of two roof pieces * Fixed an performance issue related to grausten building pieces * Tweak to the small marble column hitbox * Fixed an issue where the Player List was not able to be closed. * Fixed bug where button rebind could be initiated with a controller but not cancelled * Fixed an issue with being able to switch tabs with keyboard while unified popup is displayed * The catapult will no longer duplicate stacked items * Magma fish is now interested in hot fishing bait * Immobilised tooltip will no longer show unnecessary stats * Loading screen will now freeze the window for a much shorter period. * The intro will now start playing while loading to shorten the overall loading time when starting the game for the first time. * You can now cycle through hints in the loading screen * Localization tweaks Mac: * Ping icon is now correct on non-singleplayer servers on Mac * Tweaks to functionality for scrolling to make it less resource expansive, noticeable on weaker systems. * Fixed an issue to make sure to register the Game Center platform id without the "A:_" prefix, since that would later break the parsing of the platform ID when adding players to the player list since it expects only one underscore to be present in the string. This would've caused issues with muting players via the player list, but with this fix, muting works as expected with MAS players. Xbox: * Fixed a crash issue that could happen when suspending the game * Pins on the minimap on Xbox is now a reasonable size on 4K displays * Fixed a bug that made the game think that every player in the player list was the local player. This bug was the root cause of multiple issues since privilege checks became completely broken. This impacted Managing Player Communication, Display Name and GamerPic, and Maintaining Multiplayer Session State. * Fixed a bug concerning Joinable Game Sessions and Online Play * Fixed an error on Xbox One caused by Mouse.current returning null if if no mouse is plugged in
[ 2024-08-27 06:29:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Patch Notes:
* Fixed an issue that could cause world loading error on relogging
[ 2024-08-20 06:40:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Multiple bug fixes * Balancing tweaks in Ashlands
Detailed Patch Notes:
* Flametal spires now have a low chance to start sinking * Players no longer get stuck in falling animation on flametal spires * Flametal spires drop rate changed from 3-4 pieces per chunk to 2-4 * Flametal ore now makes correct sound when mined * Fixed an issue where network objects could become permanently corrupt, root cause of multiple issues (Player bases loading much slower over time in a multiplayer scenario; player bases being more prone to structural stability issues over time; random non-tamable enemies becoming tamed; random tamed animals dying) * Reduced spawn amount for Asksvin * Tweaked spawn chance for Twitchers * Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Archers * Tweaked spawn chance for Charred Melees * Tweaks to amount of damage players take from lava depending how deep into lava they are * Slightly higher threshold before taking damage from lava * Hare meat can now be cooked on the wooden cooking station * Asksvin & Volture meat now require the iron cooking station * Chicken meat will now be correctly attached to the hook on cooking stations * Hot tub refuel effect now match other fire VFX * Tweak to the small marble column hitbox * Fixed an issue where the Player List was not able to be closed. * Fixed bug where button rebind could be initiated with a controller but not cancelled * Fixed an issue with being able to switch tabs with keyboard while unified popup is displayed * Mac: Ping icon is now correct on non-singleplayer servers on Mac * Xbox: Fixed a crash issue that could happen when suspending the game * Xbox: Pins on the minimap on Xbox is now a reasonable size on 4K displays
[ 2024-08-14 06:45:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings! Today we have a hotfix for you, to solve some critical crashes. Please do keep in mind that this hotfix applies to the previous Live build (0.218.15), and that it does not contain any of the changes from the current PTB (0.218.17). The PTB changes will continue to be worked on, and they will be released to the Live game eventually!
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed a rare case where the server list could permanently break if adding an IPv6 dedicated server, making players unable to join multiplayer games via the server list. * Prefer IPv4 over IPv6, fixing some issues with connecting to dedicated servers. * Fixed a number of issues related to deleting the user's PlayFab account. * Block navigation of tab menus with keyboard when a popup is shown. * Update game icon on Mac App Store and Microsoft Store. Mac: * Fixed some issues that broke privilege checks against, muting and chat messages from Mac App Store players. * Reverse piece placement rotation on MacOS so it matches the other versions of the game. * Use windowed fullscreen on MacOS. * Fixed an issue where quality settings were reset every time the game was restarted on MacOS. * Fixed map pinging when typing "p" in a pin name on MacOS. * Fix stuttery mouse input on older Intel Macs.
[ 2024-07-01 07:47:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings!
Its been a little while since the last blogpost, since we wanted all the focus to be on the Ashlands update, which was released for PTB in April and went live for everybody in May. If youve been playing it, we hope youve had a good time!
These past few weeks have also brought some other announcements, in case youve missed them. First of all, Valheim is now compatible with Mac! Its something that people have been asking for pretty much since we released Valheim into Early Access, and now were finally happy to say that players can get their copy of Valheim from both the Steam store and the Mac App Store. Of course the Mac version supports full crossplay with other platforms.
And just as exciting is the announcement of our very own Valheim board game! Our friends at MOOD Publishing who have also developed board games such as Deep Rock Galactic and Battle of Gods have done an incredible job with this, and we really couldnt have left the task in more capable hands. You can find out more about the board game by signing up to its Gamefound page, and there might even be something extra in it for you if you do
Weve also released more songs for the Valheim soundtrack! The tracks from the Mistlands and Ashlands updates are now available as a part of the original soundtrack, available right now on Steam, and soon on your streaming platform of choice.
Although the Ashlands update has been released, that doesnt mean were quite finished with it. Were still looking into bug reports and the feedback youve sent us, and in the near future we will be working on improving and polishing the biome into the best version it can be. Because of this, there arent really any sneak peeks we can show you this time around, but we promise to share stuff when were able! We liked the approach of being more transparent during the Ashlands update as compared to the Mistlands update, and we want to continue in a similar vein in the future as well.
Build of the Month
Since we didnt have a blog post the past two months, we wanted to make sure to share two additional builds this time around. First out is a dark tower by GenesOnValheim, looking majestic!

We also want to highlight this temple by AstridSinjesdo, look at all of those new Ashwood and Grausten pieces being utilised!

And finally we want to show off this mansion that Versaugh1 has built, both creative and impressive! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. If you post anywhere other than Twitter, please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Fight well! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-06-19 09:18:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Balancing tweaks for the Ashlands * Multiple bug fixes for Xbox and Mac
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Decreased random spawn chance of multiple enemies in the Ashlands: ** Voltures: reduced spawn chance from 30% to 20% ** Twitchers [DAY]: Spawn interval increased from 110 to 200, reduced spawn chance from 55% to 25%, maxSpawn decreased from 4 to 3 ** Twitchers [NIGHT]: Spawn interval increased from 100 to 160, spawn chance reduced from 60% to 30%, maxSpawn decreased from 5 to 4 ** Charred Archer: Spawn interval increased from 240 to 320, reduced spawn chance from 40% to 20% ** Charred Melee: Spawn interval increased from 240 to 320, reduced spawn chance from 50% to 20% ** LavaBlob: Spawn interval increased from 200 to 260 * Flametal spires will no longer submerge when mined * Voltures no longer make walking sounds when flying * Fixed a bug in the block list that made it possible to block yourself Xbox: * Fixed a bug that made the game think that every player in the player list was the local player. This bug was the root cause of multiple issues since privilege checks became completely broken. This impacted Managing Player Communication, Display Name and GamerPic, and Maintaining Multiplayer Session State. * Fixed a bug concerning Joinable Game Sessions and Online Play * Fixed an error on Xbox One caused by Mouse.current returning null if if no mouse is plugged in Mac: * Instead of polling to check for availability of precise scrolling deltas, which is inefficient, especially on slower Macs, cache the value and only update it when the input layout changes. * The scroll modifier native plugin is now only applied when actually scrolling, and the scroll value is now set in Update() instead of reading it every time the scroll wheel function is called. This makes it less resource intensive, noticeable on weaker systems. * Fixed an issue to make sure to register the Game Center platform id without the "A:_" prefix, since that would later break the parsing of the platform ID when adding players to the player list since it expects only one underscore to be present in the string. This would've caused issues with muting players via the player list, but with this fix, muting works as expected with MAS players.
[ 2024-06-18 08:04:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today were happy to announce that Valheim is officially available for Mac! This is something that people have asked about ever since we launched into Early Access, and were glad to say that its finally time. Once again weve had the help of Piktiv, who have handled the port while we were continuing to focus on the Ashlands update. The Mac version of course supports full crossplay with other platforms, and you can purchase your copy either via Steam or via the Mac App Store. We wont keep you with a longer announcement than this, so we just want to leave you with a brand new trailer, made specifically for the Mac release: [previewyoutube=9Ty77MRO0fc;full][/previewyoutube]
System Requirements:
Minimum: OS: MacOS 10.13 or later Processor: 2.6 GHz Quad Core or similar Graphics: Radeon Pro 450 or R9 M290X Memory: 8 GB Available disk space: 3 GB Recommended: OS: MacOS 14 or later Processor: Apple M1 Graphics: M1 Integrated GPU or Radeon Pro 570X Memory: 16 GB Available disk space: 3 GB
[ 2024-06-10 08:15:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Detailed Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements: * Trollstav can no longer be used in dungeons * Trollstav will now give a warning message when trying to spawn too many trolls * Spawned trolls can now be attacked by bosses * Smoke bombs can now be used to put out fire * Stone portal is now able to be built on stone & black marble * Shield generator no longer take damage from being built over lava * Grausten arched roof pieces no longer display a gap between the top of two roof pieces * Fixed an performance issue related to grausten building pieces * Faders flame is no longer visible on longer distance than his body * The catapult will no longer duplicate stacked items * Magma fish is now interested in hot fishing bait * Immobilized tooltip will no longer show unnecessary stats * Loading screen will now freeze the window for a much shorter period. * The intro will now start playing while loading to shorten the overall loading time when starting the game for the first time. * You can now cycle through hints in the loading screen * Localization tweaks
[ 2024-05-28 08:13:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
The world is heating up and in the south something is stirring... The creatures of the Ashlands come to life as the biome update is here at last! After three weeks in the Public Test Branch, we believe we have ironed out most of the wrinkles with the update already, but please keep in mind that hotfixes and such are still likely to happen within the near future! Feedback and bugs are best sent in via the support page on our website. Before you dive into the game, please do take a look at our preparation guide. This guide touches important matters such as world generation and mods. You will find the abbreviated patch notes further down, and the detailed patch notes (full of spoilers) below those. Please respect those who don't want to see spoilers before they play. If you have missed out on our gameplay trailer, it's available on our YouTube channel, but right now we want to get your blood pumping with this animated release trailer! [previewyoutube=QZ3kJlaMUvU;full][/previewyoutube]
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New content:
New Biome Ashlands: * 30+ New weapons * New bombs and ammunitions * 3 New armour sets * 2 New capes * 10+ New creatures * 70+ New buildable items * 5 New crafting station upgrades * 30+ New crafting materials * 15+ New food items and potions * New locations * New music * New events * New mechanics
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed Mead materials * Standardised texts throughout the game * Various fixes and improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
New content:
[spoiler]Mechanics: * Beware the skies! Cinders rain down from above in the Ashlands, causing damage to those who are unprotected * Wooden build pieces can now catch fire in the Ashlands and the fire spreads! * A new world modifier that allows fire to spread outside of the Ashlands as well (part of the immersive preset) * Deadly lava takes up large parts of the landscape; traverse it with your very own platforms * Lay claim to Charred Fortresses with two new Siege Machines * New plantable Ashvines will grow on the walls of your base * Combine your Flametal weapons with gems (Bloodstone, Iolite & Jade) in order to upgrade them to magical weapons (giving them blood, storm and nature based effects respectively) * The waters in and around the Ashlands are boiling hot, and only the sturdiest of ships can sail them Creatures: * Enemy: Fallen Valkyrie * Enemy: Charred Warrior * Enemy: Charred Archer * Enemy: Charred Warlock * Enemy: Charred Twitcher * Enemy Turret: Skugg * Enemy: Morgen * Enemy: Bonemaw Serpent * Enemy/creature: Asksvin (tameable & rideable) * Creature: Asksvin Calf * Enemy: Volture * Enemy: Lava Blob * NPC/Enemy: Redbeard Dvergr * Boss: Fader * Miniboss: Lord Reto * Spawner: Monument of Torment * Spawner: Effigy of Malice Crafting: * Material: Majestic Carapace (previously Queen Drop) * Material: Fader Relic (placeholder item) * Material: Asksvin Hide * Material: Asksvin Bladder * Material: Asksvin Tail * Material: Morgen Heart * Material: Morgen Sinew * Material: Celestial Feather * Material: Bonemaw Meat * Material: Bonemaw Tooth * Material: Volture Meat * Material: Volture Egg * Material: Charred Skull * Material: Charred Bone * Material: Pot Shard * Material: Bell Shard * Material: Dyrnwyn Fragments x3 * Material: Bloodstone * Material: Jade * Material: Iolite * Material: Flametal Ore (previous Flametal is now obsolete) * Material/craftable: Flametal (previous Flametal is now obsolete) * Material: Sulfur * Material: Ashwood * Material: Grausten * Material: Charcoal Resin * Material: Proustite Powder * Material: Asksvin Neck * Material: Asksvin Skull * Material: Asksvin Ribcage * Material: Asksvin Pelvis * Material: Charred Cogwheel * Material: Molten Core * Material/craftable: Ceramic Plate * Materia/craftable: Shield Core * Plantable: Ashvine Seeds * Artisan Table extension: Artisan Press * Galdr Table extension: Feathery Wreath * Cauldron extension: Rolling Pins and Cutting Boards * Black Forge extension: Metal Cutter * Black Forge extension: Gem Cutter * Craftable: Bell * Resource location: Lavaiathans * Misc: Asksvin Egg Craftable Items: * Weapon: Dyrnwyn (sword) * Weapon: Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Brutal Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Scourging Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Primal Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Nidhgg (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Bleeding (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Thundering (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Primal (sword) * Weapon: Flametal Mace * Weapon: Bloodgeon (mace) * Weapon: Storm Star (mace) * Weapon: Klossen (mace) * Weapon: Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Bleeding Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Thundering Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Primal Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Ash Fang (bow) * Weapon: Blood Fang (bow) * Weapon: Storm Fang (bow) * Weapon: Root Fang (bow) * Weapon: Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Wound Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Storm Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Root Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Splitnir (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Bleeding (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Storming (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Primal (spear) * Shield: Flametal Shield (with multiple styles!) * Shield: Flametal Tower Shield (with multiple styles!) * Weapon: Trollstav (blood magic) * Weapon: Staff of the Wild (elemental magic) * Weapon: Dundr (elemental magic) * Weapon: Staff of Fracturing (elemental magic) * Armour Set: Flametal Breastplate, Flametal Greaves, Flametal Helmet * Armour Set: Robes of Embla, Trousers of Embla, Hood of Embla * Armour Set: Breastplate of Ask, Trousers of Ask, Hood of Ask * Cape: Asksvin Cloak * Cape: Ashen Cape * Misc: Asksvin Saddle * Bomb: Basalt Bomb * Bomb: Smoke Bomb * Ammunition: Grausten Payload * Ammunition: Explosive Payload * Ammunition: Charred Arrow * Ammunition: Charred Bolt * Ammunition: Flametal Missile Build pieces & furniture: * Building Pieces: 25 Ashwood Pieces (Ashwood Wall, Ashwood Half Wall, Ashwood Quarter Wall, Ashwood Arched Wall, Ashwood Decorative Wall, Ashwood Decorative Window, Ashwood Divider, Ashwood Floor 2x2, Ashwood Floor 1x1, Ashwood Decorative Floor, Ashwood Arch, Ashwood Beam 1m, Ashwood Beam 2m, Ashwood Pole 1m, Ashwood Pole 2m, Ashwood Beam 26, Ashwood Roof Cross 26, Ashwood Beam 45, Ashwood Roof Cross 45, Ashwood Wall 26, Ashwood Wall 26 Inverted, Ashwood Wall 45, Ashwood Wall 45 Inverted, Ashwood Stair, Ashwood Door) * Building Pieces: 26 Grausten Pieces (Grausten Steep Stairs, Grausten Stairs, Grausten Floor 1x1, Grausten Floor 2x2, Grausten Floor 4x4, Grausten Small Pillar, Grausten Medium Pillar, Grausten Tapered Pillar, Grausten Tapered Pillar Inverted, Grausten Small Beam, Grausten Medium Beam, Grausten Small Arch, Grausten Medium Arch, Grausten Wall Arch, Grausten Wall Arch Inverted, Grausten Wall 1x2, Grausten Wall 2x2, Grausten Wall 4x2, Grausten Window 2x2, Grausten Window 4x2, Grausten Roof, Grausten Roof Corner, Grausten Arched Roof (2), Grausten Arched Roof, Grausten Arched Roof Corner (2)) * Building Piece: Flametal Gate * Building Piece: Flametal Pillar * Building Piece: Flametal Beam * Defence: Ashwood Stakewall * Stack: Ashwood Stack * Stack: Grausten Pile * Stack: Pile of Skulls * Stack: Bone Stack * Furniture: Ashwood Bed * Furniture: Bone Throne * Furniture: Lava Lantern * Furniture: Asksvin Rug * Furniture: Straw * Furniture: Small Green Pot * Furniture: Medium Green Pot * Furniture: Large Green Pot * Furniture: Ashwood Bench * Furniture: Asksvin Skeleton * Siege Machine: Catapult * Siege Machine: Battering Ram * Ship: Drakkar * Misc: Shield Generator * Misc: Portal Stone Food & Potions: * Food: Cooked Volture Meat * Food: Cooked Bonemaw Meat * Food: Cooked Asksvin Tail * Food: Fiddlehead * Food: Fiery Svinstew * Food: Marinated Greens * Food: Mashed Meat * Food: Piquant Pie (cooked/uncooked) * Food: Roasted Crust Pie (cooked/uncooked) * Food: Scorching Medley * Food: Sizzling Berry Broth * Food: Smoke Puff * Food: Sparkling Shroomshake * Food: Spicy Marmalade * Food: Vineberry Cluster * Mead: Lingering Healing Mead * Mead: Lingering Eitr Mead Misc: * Location: Ruins (multiple) * Location: Redbeard Dvergr Outposts * Location: Putrid Hole * Location: Charred Fortress * Event: The undead army marches * Event: The dead have been summoned * Lore: New stones * Lore: New dreams * Lore: New Munin dialogue * New music * New forsaken power * Terrain changes for Ashlands (Ashlands is now cut off from other biomes, only accessible by sea)[/spoiler]
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed Major Healing Mead material * Fixed Minor Eitr Mead Material * Standardised texts throughout the game * Updated names for old Flametal items * The popup for unlocking new things is displayed longer * Disabled ESRAM usage on Xbox One to work around a Unity bug that caused some particle systems to have corrupt shadowmaps * Added console command findtp to go to nearest found item * Added console command setfuel to fill all nearby lights to specified fuel * Map is now closed after using debugmode teleport * There is now a toggle in Gamplay Settings for Attack towards look direction, if this is toggled off, attacks will instead be made in the direction the camera is facing * Modding: IMonoUpdater no longer requires to be inherited from and error messages removed Once more, please do remember to check out the preparation guide before you set sail towards the Ashlands, it contains important information! NOTE! Unfortunately there are currently some issues with the Microsoft and Xbox versions of Valheim, which means there will be a slight delay in getting the update properly uploaded there. However, the current version on Xbox Flight is the same as the version coming to live, so crossplay will still be possible between Xbox Flight and Default Steam games.
[ 2024-05-14 10:59:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Detailed Patch Notes:
Building: * Drakkar now only needs 50 Finewood instead of 60 * Updated destruction effects for Drakkar * Straw floor now visible from underneath * Grausten arched roof no longer has a gap beneath it when snapped above other build pieces * Material variation tweaks to Grausten build pieces to decrease repetitiveness * Grausten pillars can now be build to a correct intended maximum height * Flametal beam and pillar updated model and texture * Added rain damage for some Ashwood pieces * Ashwood door can now be walked through properly without getting stuck * Following Ashwood build pieces no longer flicker: 26 degree walls, 45 degree walls, 26 degree beams, 45 degree beams, big arch * The preview no longer shakes when placing stacks of wood, core wood and bones * Build menu border now matches width of menu window * Tweaks to Ashwood build pieces to decrease shininess * Lava lantern no longer floats mid air when support is removed * Lots of minor tweaks to build pieces Equipment & Crafting: * Feather Cape & Asksvin Cape are now frost resistant * Balance tweaks to enemy spawn rates in Ashlands * Ask armour set now gives a set bonus * Ashlands mage armour now has a slightly increased Eitr regeneration rate * Dundr reload animation should now match with actual reloading with low elemental magic skill * Changed backstab bonus multiplier on Dundr staff from 3 to 1 * Trollstav and Dundr are no longer oriented backwards on item stands * Staff of the Wild now makes slightly more damage with spawned thorns * Spawned roots from Staff of the Wild now has a low chance to root enemies on hit * Upgrading Dundr staff now increases its lightning damage instead of piercing damage * Reduced how fast Elemental Magic skill gets raised when using the Staff of Fracturing * Fixed Flametal Helmet and Berserkir Axes not being automatically picked up * Minor Dyrnwyn sword recipe tweak * Eldner mace now provides more blunt damage instead of pierce damage when upgraded * Summoned trolls will now attack all creatures * Berzerkir axes and Eldner mace stamina cost increased to 16 from 14 per hit * Recipes for Fiery Svinstew, Sizzling Berry Broth and Spice Induced Marmalade are now available earlier as they only require a Cauldron of level 5 instead of level 6 * Piquant pie stamina increased to 35 from 24 * Reduced the weight of Ceramic Plate from 4 to 2 * Fixed Catapulted items losing level, durability, etc * Basalt platforms will no longer spawn duplicates close to zone edges * Fixed an issue which caused Basalt platforms to not always spawn on Xbox * Fixed an issue where non-cinder fire damage caused items to convert to coal Creatures: * Enemies will no longer spawn close to the Ashlands dvergr ruins * Charred Melee and Archers can now spawn in biomes with lower level than Ashlands after defeating Fader * Seekers can now spawn in biomes with lower level than Mistlands after defeating Seeker Queen * Summoned skeletons and other creatures can now walk closer to the lava before catching fire * Asksvin no longer sound like wolves when petted * Changed Lord Reto's name to appear orange * Starred Ashlands creatures now drops fewer trophies * Decreased drop chance of Asksvin trophies * Skugg turret now drops Charred Cogwheel again * Geirrhafa no longer immune to lava damage World: * Location tweaks * Ruins in Ashlands should no longer catch on fire * Fixed some locations that spawned a disconnected spiked piece * Fixed an issue where portals were not connecting when rebuilt * Tweaks to Flametal spires for easier Flametal mining * Sinking Flametal spires no longer respawn if unloading the area * Flametal spires are now immune to lightning damage * Players no longer take lava damage while riding Asksvin * Correct icon is now shown when riding Asksvin * Carrions now has a lower chance of dropping Asksvin skeleton * Fixed a crash that could cause killed enemies to spawn lots of resources and prevent reloading of that world * Ashvines require a bit more space to grow and will no longer attach to a wall already occupied by another Ashvine * It is no longer too hot for Ashvines to grow in Ashlands * Ashvines are now able to grow on grausten walls * Fir saplings can now survive in the Mountains again * Fader Boss Stone emission now lines up with stone carvings * Fixed storm lightning not being affected by flashing lights setting * Fixed weird ridge outside world edge * Changed spawn of vegvisir_placeofmystery so that the next place of mystery is found from the previous one * Damage from water on beaches in Ashlands is no longer as intense Misc: * UI of the rudder of Drakkar is now placed above the rudder * Tooltips showing total currently equipped special stats now include those from status effects * Restored standardised and missing strings * Localization updated * Fixed status effects being too large on players * Disabled ESRAM usage on Xbox One to work around a Unity bug that caused some particle systems to have corrupt shadowmaps * Added console command 'findtp' to go to nearest found item * Added console command 'setfuel' to fill all nearby lights to specified fuel
[ 2024-05-07 09:25:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Balancing tweaks in Ashlands * 2 new build pieces * Minor bug fixes
Detailed Patch Notes:
[spoiler]* New build pieces: Flametal Pillar and Flametal Beam * Enemies will no longer spawn close to the bigger Ashlands ruins * Decreased chance of flametal pillars to start to sink and reduced how fast they sink * Lava rock eruptions will no longer happen close to your base, but can happen close to the players * Shield generator will now also block enemies and lava rocks from spawning * Minor balancing tweaks to the new weapons * Lightning and primal special effect chances increased * Lightning effect tooltip added * Basalt platforms will now remain longer before sinking * Slightly reduced the number of rocks when sailing into the Ashlands (for unexplored areas) * Drakkar can now take a small amount of damage from fire * It should now be easier to reach the ladder of a Drakkar from the water * Enemies are now less likely to spawn where you can see them * Asksvin bite attack range slightly reduced * Charred will avoid lava slightly more * Ashwood beams and poles no longer flicker when placed in a right angle * Ashwood 26 wall should now line up properly with other Ashwood walls * Grausten stairs no longer flicker when placed next to each other * Walls of Charred Fortresses go even further down beneath the ground * Ashen Cape physics tweaks * Fixed a bug that could cause FPS to drop after a lot of things have been burning[/spoiler]
[ 2024-04-26 11:30:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Multiple balancing tweaks in the Ashlands * Multiple bug fixes & optimization
Detailed Patch Notes:
* Fixed issues which could cause Drakkar ship to get stuck * Fixed a balancing issue that could attract too many nearby enemies because of trees catching fire * Charred Warriors no longer spawn under the sea * Balancing tweaks to some of Faders attacks * Portals should no longer have a problem reconnecting after changing name * Tweaked collider to prevent rugs from clipping into the Grausten floor pieces * Ashwood walls with 26 and 45 degree angle now align better with the other Ashwood wall pieces * Cooking stations can no longer catch on fire * Building pieces will no longer start burning before being placed * Recipes for multiple armours and weapons in Ashlands has been updated to use correct workbench levels * Summoned Trolls now have a small chance to spawn cinders * Summoned Trolls are now immune to fire damage * Visual tweaks to Dyrnwyn * Visual tweaks to Bone Fragments * Tweaks to Ashen Cape visual behaviour * Corrected missing text strings * Compiler optimizations for Xbox * Sulfur now makes correct sound when picked up * Fixed a performance issue related to many damage numbers * Fixed an issue causing the download size to be unnecessarily large * Modding: IMonoUpdater no longer requires to be inherited from and error messages removed
[ 2024-04-24 13:01:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test version of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch on Steam by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. To access with Microsoft / PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to Previews, and then find Valheim Public Test. Select Join. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install Valheim Public Test. Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the versions, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the appropriate form on the support page on our website. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] The world is heating up and in the south something is stirring... The creatures of the Ashlands come to life as the biome update is here at last! Please keep in mind that this is still the Public Test version, and that there will possibly be several patches to fix bugs and improve the balance of the game before this update is released to the Live version of the game. Your feedback during this testing period is highly appreciated, so please tell us what you think! Feedback and bugs are best sent in via the support page on our website. Before you dive into the game, please do take a look at our preparation guide. This guide touches important matters such as world generation and mods. You will find the abbreviated patch notes further down, and the detailed patch notes (full of spoilers) below those. Please respect those who don't want to see spoilers before they play. Without further ado, we would just like to show you the brand new gameplay trailer (also full of spoilers), and then we're off towards the Ashlands! [previewyoutube=XSVbXgBJIuI;full][/previewyoutube]
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New content:
New Biome Ashlands: * 30+ New weapons * New bombs and ammunitions * 3 New armour sets * 2 New capes * 10+ New creatures * 70+ New buildable items * 5 New crafting station upgrades * 30+ New crafting materials * 15+ New food items and potions * New locations * New music * New events * New mechanics
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed Mead materials * Standardised texts throughout the game
Detailed Patch Notes:
New content:
[spoiler]Mechanics: * Beware the skies! Cinders rain down from above in the Ashlands, causing damage to those who are unprotected * Wooden build pieces can now catch fire in the Ashlands and the fire spreads! * A new world modifier that allows fire to spread outside of the Ashlands as well (part of the immersive preset) * Deadly lava takes up large parts of the landscape; traverse it with your very own platforms * Lay claim to Charred Fortresses with two new Siege Machines * New plantable Ashvines will grow on the walls of your base * Combine your Flametal weapons with gems (Bloodstone, Iolite & Jade) in order to upgrade them to magical weapons (giving them blood, storm and nature based effects respectively) * The waters in and around the Ashlands are boiling hot, and only the sturdiest of ships can sail them Creatures: * Enemy: Fallen Valkyrie * Enemy: Charred Warrior * Enemy: Charred Archer * Enemy: Charred Warlock * Enemy: Charred Twitcher * Enemy Turret: Skugg * Enemy: Morgen * Enemy: Bonemaw Serpent * Enemy/creature: Asksvin (tameable & rideable) * Creature: Asksvin Calf * Enemy: Volture * Enemy: Lava Blob * NPC/Enemy: Redbeard Dvergr * Boss: Fader * Miniboss: Lord Reto * Spawner: Monument of Torment * Spawner: Effigy of Malice Crafting: * Material: Majestic Carapace (previously Queen Drop) * Material: Fader Relic (placeholder item) * Material: Asksvin Hide * Material: Asksvin Bladder * Material: Asksvin Tail * Material: Morgen Heart * Material: Morgen Sinew * Material: Celestial Feather * Material: Bonemaw Scale * Material: Bonemaw Meat * Material: Bonemaw Tooth * Material: Volture Meat * Material: Volture Egg * Material: Charred Skull * Material: Charred Bone * Material: Pot Shard * Material: Bell Shard * Material: Dyrnwyn Fragments x3 * Material: Bloodstone * Material: Jade * Material: Iolite * Material: Flametal Ore (previous Flametal is now obsolete) * Material/craftable: Flametal (previous Flametal is now obsolete) * Material: Sulfur * Material: Ashwood * Material: Grausten * Material: Charcoal Resin * Material: Proustite Powder * Material: Asksvin Neck * Material: Asksvin Skull * Material: Asksvin Ribcage * Material: Asksvin Pelvis * Material: Charred Cogwheel * Material: Molten Core * Material/craftable: Ceramic Plate * Materia/craftable: Shield Core * Plantable: Ashvine Seeds * Artisan Table extension: Artisan Press * Galdr Table extension: Feathery Wreath * Cauldron extension: Rolling Pins and Cutting Boards * Black Forge extension: Metal Cutter * Black Forge extension: Gem Cutter * Craftable: Bell * Resource location: Lavaiathans * Misc: Asksvin Egg Craftable Items: * Weapon: Dyrnwyn (sword) * Weapon: Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Brutal Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Scourging Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Primal Slayer (greatsword) * Weapon: Nidhgg (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Bleeding (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Thundering (sword) * Weapon: Nidhgg the Primal (sword) * Weapon: Flametal Mace * Weapon: Bloodgeon (mace) * Weapon: Storm Star (mace) * Weapon: Klossen (mace) * Weapon: Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Bleeding Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Thundering Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Primal Berserkir Axes * Weapon: Ash Fang (bow) * Weapon: Blood Fang (bow) * Weapon: Storm Fang (bow) * Weapon: Root Fang (bow) * Weapon: Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Wound Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Storm Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Root Ripper (crossbow) * Weapon: Splitnir (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Bleeding (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Storming (spear) * Weapon: Splitnir the Primal (spear) * Shield: Flametal Shield (with multiple styles!) * Shield: Flametal Tower Shield (with multiple styles!) * Weapon: Trollstav (blood magic) * Weapon: Staff of the Wild (elemental magic) * Weapon: Dundr (elemental magic) * Weapon: Staff of Fracturing (elemental magic) * Armour Set: Flametal Breastplate, Flametal Greaves, Flametal Helmet * Armour Set: Robes of Embla, Trousers of Embla, Hood of Embla * Armour Set: Breastplate of Ask, Trousers of Ask, Hood of Ask * Cape: Asksvin Cloak * Cape: Ashen Cape * Misc: Asksvin Saddle * Bomb: Basalt Bomb * Bomb: Smoke Bomb * Ammunition: Grausten Payload * Ammunition: Explosive Payload * Ammunition: Charred Arrow * Ammunition: Charred Bolt * Ammunition: Flametal Missile Build pieces & furniture: * Building Pieces: 25 Ashwood Pieces (Ashwood Wall, Ashwood Half Wall, Ashwood Quarter Wall, Ashwood Arched Wall, Ashwood Decorative Wall, Ashwood Decorative Window, Ashwood Divider, Ashwood Floor 2x2, Ashwood Floor 1x1, Ashwood Decorative Floor, Ashwood Arch, Ashwood Beam 1m, Ashwood Beam 2m, Ashwood Pole 1m, Ashwood Pole 2m, Ashwood Beam 26, Ashwood Roof Cross 26, Ashwood Beam 45, Ashwood Roof Cross 45, Ashwood Wall 26, Ashwood Wall 26 Inverted, Ashwood Wall 45, Ashwood Wall 45 Inverted, Ashwood Stair, Ashwood Door) * Building Pieces: 26 Grausten Pieces (Grausten Steep Stairs, Grausten Stairs, Grausten Floor 1x1, Grausten Floor 2x2, Grausten Floor 4x4, Grausten Small Pillar, Grausten Medium Pillar, Grausten Tapered Pillar, Grausten Tapered Pillar Inverted, Grausten Small Beam, Grausten Medium Beam, Grausten Small Arch, Grausten Medium Arch, Grausten Wall Arch, Grausten Wall Arch Inverted, Grausten Wall 1x2, Grausten Wall 2x2, Grausten Wall 4x2, Grausten Window 2x2, Grausten Window 4x2, Grausten Roof, Grausten Roof Corner, Grausten Arched Roof (2), Grausten Arched Roof, Grausten Arched Roof Corner (2)) * Building Piece: Flametal Gate * Defence: Ashwood Stakewall * Stack: Ashwood Stack * Stack: Grausten Pile * Stack: Pile of Skulls * Stack: Bone Stack * Furniture: Ashwood Bed * Furniture: Bone Throne * Furniture: Lava Lantern * Furniture: Asksvin Rug * Furniture: Straw * Furniture: Small Green Pot * Furniture: Medium Green Pot * Furniture: Large Green Pot * Furniture: Ashwood Bench * Furniture: Asksvin Skeleton * Siege Machine: Catapult * Siege Machine: Battering Ram * Ship: Drakkar * Misc: Shield Generator * Misc: Portal Stone Food & Potions: * Food: Cooked Volture Meat * Food: Cooked Bonemaw Meat * Food: Cooked Asksvin Tail * Food: Fiddlehead * Food: Fiery Svinstew * Food: Marinated Greens * Food: Mashed Meat * Food: Piquant Pie (cooked/uncooked) * Food: Roasted Crust Pie (cooked/uncooked) * Food: Scorching Medley * Food: Sizzling Berry Broth * Food: Smoke Puff * Food: Sparkling Shroomshake * Food: Spicy Marmalade * Food: Vineberry Cluster * Mead: Lingering Healing Mead * Mead: Lingering Eitr Mead Misc: * Location: Ruins (multiple) * Location: Redbeard Dvergr Outposts * Location: Putrid Hole * Location: Charred Fortress * Event: The undead army marches * Event: The dead have been summoned * Lore: New stones * Lore: New dreams * Lore: New Munin dialogue * New music * New forsaken power * Terrain changes for Ashlands (Ashlands is now cut off from other biomes, only accessible by sea)[/spoiler]
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed Major Healing Mead material * Fixed Minor Eitr Mead Material * Standardised texts throughout the game * Updated names for old Flametal items * The popup for unlocking new things is displayed longer Once more, please do remember to check out the preparation guide before you set sail towards the Ashlands, it contains important information!
[ 2024-04-22 11:01:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings! We've got a bunch of fixes and improvements for you today, to smooth out the game and to prepare everything for the upcoming Ashlands update. This patch touches on everything from enemy spawning and build pieces to language issues and memory leaks. Most notably though, it features an upgrade of Unity and a significant change to how the game loads assets such as dungeons. If you mod the game, please see the FAQ linked further below as it will most likely affect yours. Important note if you have played the PTB patch 0.217.43: If you have removed a world and then created a new world with the same name, you will need to remove the following files from your worlds folder: [mapname]_forestMaskTexture [mapname]_heightTexture [mapname]_mapTexture
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Unity engine upgraded * Major changes how locations/dungeons are loaded to improve performance * Multiple bug fixes
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Upgraded Unity engine to 2022.3.17f * Changes to how locations/dungeons/rooms are loaded and unloaded. For more information regarding this change, please see the FAQ * Fixed issue where Seasonal groups that extended over a year change wouldn't work in the new year * Fixed terrain modifications around locations not getting applied properly * Fixed bug where old pre-Mistlands terrain modification did not blend with newer modifications [Note! you have to run the optterrain command to update the terrain] * Fixed issue with the point emote not orienting the player properly * Fixed multiple bugs related to the blocklist * Fixed a bug where menu navigation via keyboard arrows keys stopped working after the setting menu was exited via ESC or back button * Fixed some UI elements to no longer flicker when the game is running at low FPS * Naturally spawned beds can now be removed using the hammer * Fixed a bug where Geirrhafa and Brenna would respawn after game restart * Turnip inventory stacking fixed to match other vegetables * Fixed missing text for Fermenter without a roof * Fixed hardcoded text for Kiln * Fixed a bug where weight for many items is not displayed for Turkish language * Fixed text in some languages not being centered vertically in the manage saves menu * Fixed items in merchants' stores not being centered * Fixed Sun shafts and Soft particles graphic settings not toggling properly * Low disk space warning improvements * Fixed a memory leak when highlighting building objects * Improve time to validate IP addresses which speeds up loading * Players can now find friends on Xbox/MS Store via friends tab in server browser * Fixed missing text when trying to use an item on a cartography table and windmill * Fixed an issue with Linux dedicated servers * Fixed window resizing when exiting settings * Elder no longer spawns on his altar * Optimised minimap to reduce FPS drops when having a lot of map markers * Fixed an issue with cloud saves on Microsoft Store * Weight text in UI Tooltips now show both individual weight and total weight for stacked items * Fixed a bug that caused 2 days to be skipped instead of 1 when only Xbox clients were connected to a dedicated server * Tweaked how camera rotation on gamepads behave [Now a lot more similar to how it behaves on Mouse/Keyboard] * Fixed inconsistent support calculations for Cage floor 1x1 piece * Fixed gap when placing banners * Fix items to no longer move in the inventory UI when upgrading them * Fixed creature position not updating properly when transferring ownership * Fixed an issue where blocklist would allocate 2GB of RAM, now it only allocates what is necessary * Fixed issues with boat ownership when a client gets disconnected * Boats no longer suddenly stop when ownership is transferred or a player is accessing the boat storage * Sails are now blowing in the correct direction compared to winds * Dealing knockback to an enemy in a slope no longer affects the player dealing the knockback * Gamepad and mouse now both behave in the same way * Added caching for minimap creation to make startup time faster * Portals are no longer connected after the connected portal is destroyed * Fixed an issue with loading threading to decrease load times * Show a warning if dependencies are not installed Xbox and Microsoft Store only: * Fixed an issue where friends tab on server browser did not display friend's servers at all
[ 2024-04-10 11:28:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the PTB form on our website.
Detailed Patch Notes:
* Mountains above 200 in height should no longer be cut of on minimap * Changed names of minimap cache files to include Cache * Fixed an issue where dungeons are much smaller and has worse loot when generated * Portals are no longer connected after the connected portal is destroyed * Fixed an issue with loading threading to decrease load times * Fixed asset loading system's "operation to loader" dictionaries being reassigned multiple times *Updated Asset Bundle naming * Fixed issue with cartography table not working when reading your own pins * Fixed issue where the minimap would show the map for a previous world with the same name * Fixed issue where minimap flickers with the names of pins * Fixed issue where the files start_headless_server and steam_appid.txt were missing from the dedicated server builds * Fixed a bug that caused dungeons to be generated differently than before * Fixed worlds_local not being created correctly for cloud file sources. * Show a warning if dependencies are not installed Steam only: * Start menu scene is no longer reloaded if the client fails to determine the backend of a dedicated server. Xbox and Microsoft Store only: * Fixed a freeze when entering suspend mode * Fixed a bug that caused the game to no longer return to the start scene when entering suspend mode while hosting or being joined to a multiplayer game * Fixed an issue where friends tab on server browser did not display friend's servers at all
[ 2024-04-02 11:17:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings!
March is nearing its end and were quite busy here at Iron Gate. Some of us were at GDC in San Francisco last week, and were even able to meet some of you! Unity had a booth where you could try out a bunch of games made with their engine and that included a Valheim setup if you were there we hope you had a great time!
Otherwise were currently spending most of our time ironing out a lot of wrinkles. Just like any biome, the Ashlands will feature several new mechanics, new materials, building pieces and enemies, and its important to get all of that working smoothly. Right now were solving as many bugs and issues as we can in order to give you the best experience possible!
That being said, the Ashlands update really isnt far away now, and in order to make sure youre sufficiently prepared, we have put together this article for you, so that you know what to expect in terms of world generation, difficulty, and so on.
But as always, onto the teasers! You might have noticed that weve promised that the Ashlands update will feature over 50 new build pieces (there were just over 35 for the Mistlands update, for comparison), and today wed like to show you a decorative window in the new wooden material which will be accessible in the biome. Here its built together with regular wooden walls and black marble pieces:
We also want to show you a new floor piece that will be featured in the Ashlands. Can we interest you in some diagonal boards?
Build pieces wont be the only way to customise your home though the Ashlands update will also feature vines that you can plant yourself and have grow onto your house! They will grow wherever they are able to, however, so make sure they dont cover the door
Something people were wondering was whether the vines would only be vines, or whether there would be something to harvest from them. To that, wed like to reply with this little picture:
Finally, in case you missed it, we have plushies in our merch store! Theres a lox and a neck, and a small troll head keychain. Arent they just the cutest? These are available for purchase right now, in case you need something to squeeze tight when the Ashlands update arrives
Build of the Month
This month were highlighting this island base by DetailNew37. Look at all those details! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media. If you post anywhere other than Twitter, please also send us a DM with a link to your post, to make sure that we see it. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Sharpen your axes! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-03-26 11:58:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote] Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code [spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the #valheim-public-test channel in our Discord or through the PTB form on our website.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Unity engine upgraded * Major changes how locations/dungeons are loaded to improve performance * Multiple bug fixes
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Upgraded Unity engine to 2022.3.17f * Changes to how locations/dungeons/rooms are loaded and unloaded. For more information regarding this change, please see the FAQ * Fixed issue where Seasonal groups that extended over a year change wouldn't work in the new year * Fixed terrain modifications around locations not getting applied properly * Fixed bug where old pre-Mistlands terrain modification did not blend with newer modifications [Note! you have to run the optterrain command to update the terrain] * Fixed issue with the point emote not orienting the player properly * Fixed multiple bugs related to the blocklist * Fixed a bug where menu navigation via keyboard arrows keys stopped working after the setting menu was exited via ESC or back button * Fixed some UI elements to no longer flicker when the game is running at low FPS * Naturally spawned beds can now be removed using the hammer * Fixed a bug where Geirrhafa and Brenna would respawn after game restart * Turnip inventory stacking fixed to match other vegetables * Fixed missing text for Fermenter without a roof * Fixed hardcoded text for Kiln * Fixed a bug where weight for many items is not displayed for Turkish language * Fixed text in some languages not being centered vertically in the manage saves menu * Fixed items in merchants' stores not being centered * Fixed Sun shafts and Soft particles graphic settings not toggling properly * Low disk space warning improvements * Fixed a memory leak when highlighting building objects * Improve time to validate IP addresses which speeds up loading * Players can now find friends on Xbox/MS Store via friends tab in server browser * Fixed missing text when trying to use an item on a cartography table and windmill * Fixed an issue with Linux dedicated servers * Fixed window resizing when exiting settings * Elder no longer spawns on his altar * Optimised minimap to reduce FPS drops when having a lot of map markers * Fixed an issue with cloud saves on Microsoft Store * Weight text in UI Tooltips now show both individual weight and total weight for stacked items * Fixed a bug that caused 2 days to be skipped instead of 1 when only Xbox clients were connected to a dedicated server * Tweaked how camera rotation on gamepads behave [Now a lot more similar to how it behaves on Mouse/Keyboard] * Fixed inconsistent support calculations for Cage floor 1x1 piece * Fixed gap when placing banners * Fix items to no longer move in the inventory UI when upgrading them * Fixed creature position not updating properly when transferring ownership * Fixed an issue where blocklist would allocate 2GB of RAM, now it only allocates what is necessary * Fixed issues with boat ownership when a client gets disconnected * Boats no longer suddenly stop when ownership is transferred or a player is accessing the boat storage * Sails are now blowing in the correct direction compared to winds * Dealing knockback to an enemy in a slope no longer affects the player dealing the knockback * Gamepad and mouse now both behave in the same way * Added caching for minimap creation to make startup time faster
[ 2024-03-12 09:34:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
We had quite a bit of a tumultuous end to January here at Iron Gate, with our Discord server unfortunately getting hacked. The server has been built back up again and we once more invite you to join us there, though were sad to say that most of the chat history is now gone due to the hackers deleting almost all of the channels. Still, so many of you reached out to us to offer your support and well-wishes, and it means a lot to us to have such a caring community. Youre the best!
But now on to the fun stuff: In case youve missed it, we are currently collaborating with Heroic Replicas! They have created some incredible Valheim replicas, both large and small, which you can now get your hands on. Check out their Kickstarter campaign, which is live for another couple of days. Book your items before February 26th while you have the chance!
The best part about the Kickstarter is that its run entirely by Heroic Replicas, so it hasnt impacted the Ashlands development at all! Wed of course like to continue to give you some sneak peeks of what were working on, and for that wed like to start off with the third and final Walk & Talk episode. We hope youve appreciated the series!
But of course we have some good old fashioned still images for you as well! The Ashlands is a hostile place, even for the creatures that live there. Youll be able to stumble upon the corpses of some of them on your travels. Just be careful of whatever killed them in the first place
The skulls of the very same creatures can also be used to create this fancy-looking wreath, which is both decorative and useful. Can you guess what for?
We also want to give you a clearer view of something from the Walk & Talk episode. We go into a bit of detail about the weapon customisation youll be able to experiment with in the Ashlands, and how youll use gems to give special properties to your items. This sword, for example, is the same sword that weve already shown you a lightning version of, but this is what it will look like if you upgrade it with a bloodstone instead:
Build of the Month
Even though were yearning for spring, we couldnt resist this dreamy winter castle by Chicken_Phobia. Well done! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Ready your swords! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-02-21 12:15:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello 2024!
We hope youve all had a lovely yuletide and that youre ready for another year in the tenth world, because we sure are! As we mentioned last time, we are aiming to release the Ashlands update sometime during the first half of this year, and were already hard at work to ensure that it happens.
We want to kick off the year right away with another episode of our Walk & Talk series; it seemed like a lot of you really appreciated episode one, and we hope youll enjoy listening to us chat once again:
Just like last time, this episode shows off some things we havent revealed previously. One such thing is a twitcher spawner, which you will encounter a lot of in the Ashlands. Youll have to check out the video to hear what we have to say about them, but well give you a peek of what they look like right here:
Something else we want to show you is an updated visual of the fallen valkyrie. She really has come a long way from where we started out with her, and youd better keep an eye on the sky if you want to avoid a swift death!
While most things in the Ashlands are indeed out to get you, there are still places where you might find some rest and refuge (at least for a precious moment or two). This temple is one such place, though you still need to be on your guard in case the charred dead decide to return to their place of worship
Build of the Month
For the first Build of the Month this year we want to highlight this lakehouse by JosephMavridis! It was a very hard choice this month, so we suspect many of you have had some extra time to build over the holidays! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

May your new year be prosperous! /The Iron Gate Team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2024-01-24 12:30:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well met, vikings!
The year is drawing to a close and we have reached the final dev blog for 2023. We know that a lot of you have been asking about when the Ashlands update is due to be released, and we now want to officially confirm that it will be released sometime during the first half of 2024! Like with all our updates, it will hit the PTB first and then the live version a short while after that.
But for now we want to leave you with a little something over the holidays, so were going to share with you the first of a short series of Walk & Talk videos, in which community manager Josefin, artist/generalist Robin and programmer Jonathan chat about some Valheim and Ashlands topics. Its not unlike the Fireside Chat videos we have previously made, but in a slightly different packaging:
Just in case you missed it, we have also shared another interview with one of our freelancers. This time it was Lee Williams, the writer behind a lot of Valheims lore, who got to introduce himself and his creative process!
And now, as usual, over to the teasers!
Since its almost yuletide, we wanted to show you some of the tasty-looking dishes we have cooked up in the Ashlands kitchens. May we tempt you with some Mashed Meat, a Piquant Pie, or perhaps a Spicy Marmalade?
Of course, you cant cook without ingredients. Not much can grow in the hot and arid landscape of the Ashlands, but some plants are resilient enough to still thrive there. We thought wed give you a glimpse of what they will look like:
And last, but the very opposite of least, we want to show you a hint of how absolutely badass youll be able to look in the Ashlands:
Build of the Month
The final Build of the Month for 2023 we would like to award to paddy_fr for this base in the snowy Mountains! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

A merry yuletide and a happy new year to you all! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-12-18 13:04:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Aside from some regular fixes and tweaks, this patch features two special things that we really hope you will appreciate! Firstly we have changed the seasonal items to be set to activate depending on the date. Since we're in December, that means the yuletide items will be available right now! And the second highly requested feature is that we have added keyboard/mouse support for Xbox, so that you can play the game however you prefer! Happy holidays!
Abbreviated patch notes:
* Settings menu revamped * Added automatic toggling of seasonal items * Multiple bug fixes
Detailed patch notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Fixed blurry item counters in inventory * Fixed issue where player profile link in Player List would open multiple times * Fixed problem where text "None" was hard coded in the build HUD to instead use localized string * Enabled auto-size on BuildHUD amount text objects as they need to be sized down for some translations to fit * Alleviated issue with music stuttering when playing with low FPS * Added automatic toggling of seasonal items * Fixed issue where the skill value UI text wouldn't update properly for bonus levels * Added proper support for IME-input * Added NumPad support for the Hotbar * Fixed bug where key hints wouldn't display correctly on non-QWERTY keyboard layouts * Implemented a system to detect low local disk space when saving * Fixed an issue where admins couldnt kick players via the player list UI on dedicated servers * Tweaked boss-spawning to prevent bosses from getting stuck * Fixed an issue where signs would be flashing with anti-aliasing on * Fixed a bug that could cause boats to take damage due to low FPS * Fixed bug where D-pad input was unresponsive in menus on Steam Deck * Localization updated Settings menu revamped: * Split "Controls" tab into two: "Controller" and "Keyboard & Mouse" * New tabs "Gameplay" and "Accessibility" for PC and Linux version with according settings * Some settings can be found on multiple tabs so they can be found more easily * Reordered some settings into other tabs * Tool-tips for some settings to clarify their functionality * Predefined graphic modes for PC and Linux: "Performance", "Quality", "Balanced" and "Very low" * Added a "Keyboard & Mouse" tab for Xbox * More graphic customization for Xbox versions * Separate settings to invert the camera for controller and mouse * Fixed overlapping of controller button labels Xbox: * Added Keyboard/Mouse support for Xbox
[ 2023-12-14 08:39:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the appropriate forum on our website. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] This patch features some further fixes and tweaks, but hopefully it should be ready to be moved to the live branch soon!
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Fixed bug where all mouse input was reset to "Mouse Back". * Added fix for IME-input not working for first chat message. * Fixed bug where the player can't reset keybindings if left mouse is set to switch tabs in settings * Fixed overlapping graphic texts in settings * Localization updated Xbox: * Removed render scale from all graphic presets * Reset render scale for users on Xbox that have altered the render scale was done because the render scale is now disabled on Xbox * Fixed issue where input wasn't validated properly on Xbox when using Keyboard/mouse input
[ 2023-12-13 08:29:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the appropriate forum on our website. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Some tweaks and fixes to the PBT today!
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Fixed overlapping labels in the settings menu * Fixed multiple issues connected to input and input fields * Fixed not being able to bind keyboard keys to tab * Removed NumPad support for hotbar Xbox: * Removed render scale setting on Xbox due to flickering issues * Fixed a bug that could cause the Xbox to hang
[ 2023-12-08 12:08:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the appropriate forum on our website. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Aside from some regular fixes and tweaks, this patch features two special things that we really hope you will appreciate! Firstly we have changed the seasonal items to be set to activate depending on the date. Since we're in December, that means the yuletide items will be available right now! And the second highly requested feature is that we have added keyboard/mouse support for Xbox, so that you can play the game however you prefer!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Settings menu revamped * Added automatic toggling of seasonal items * Multiple bug fixes * Xbox keyboard/mouse support added
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & improvements: * Fixed blurry item counters in inventory * Fixed issue where player profile link in Player List would open multiple times * Fixed problem where text "None" was hard coded in the build HUD to instead use localized string * Enabled auto-size on BuildHUD amount text objects as they need to be sized down for some translations to fit * Alleviated issue with music stuttering when playing with low FPS * Added automatic toggling of seasonal items * Fixed issue where the skill value UI text wouldn't update properly for bonus levels * Added proper support for IME-input * Added NumPad support for the Hotbar * Fixed bug where key hints wouldn't display correctly on non-QWERTY keyboard layouts * Implemented a system to detect low local disk space when saving * Fixed an issue where admins couldnt kick players via the player list UI on dedicated servers * Tweaked boss-spawning to prevent bosses from getting stuck * Fixed an issue where signs would be flashing with anti-aliasing on * Fixed a bug that could cause boats to take damage due to low FPS * Fixed bug where D-pad input was unresponsive in menus on Steam Deck Settings menu revamped: * Split "Controls" tab into two: "Controller" and "Keyboard & Mouse" * New tabs "Gameplay" and "Accessibility" for PC and Linux version with according settings * some settings can be found on multiple tabs so they can be found more easily * Reordered some settings into other tabs * Tool-tips for some settings to clarify their functionality * Predefined graphic modes for PC and Linux: "Performance", "Quality", "Balanced" and "Very low" * Added a "Keyboard & Mouse" tab for Xbox * More graphic customization for Xbox versions * Separate settings to invert the camera for controller and mouse * Fixed overlapping of controller button labels Xbox: * Added Keyboard/Mouse support for Xbox
[ 2023-12-04 14:43:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, vikings!
November is pretty dark and dreary, but we hope to brighten the darkness with this blog post!
As you may have noticed, we released a patch earlier this month which both featured a Unity upgrade as well as some seasonal items for autumn. Unfortunately it was released from the Public Test Branch a bit later than we had hoped, which meant that you didnt get the jack-o-turnip and the pointy hat until after Halloween was over. Were sorry about this, but we will make sure to switch this system to an automatic one in the future, so that you will always have the seasonal content available during certain times of the year!
But as always, on to the teasers!
We want to start off this post by showing off one of the new armour designs for the Ashlands, now fully modelled and textured. Since fire is not only a symbol of destruction, but also of rebirth and new beginnings, we have named this set after one of the two first humans in Norse mythology: Embla.
And as you may recall, we have said that Fortress time! will be a central part of the Ashlands. This is still the case, and we wanted to show you a current peek of one of the eponymous fortresses. Of course, it will not just be the wall on its own that you have to get past
Last time we showed you some weapons that will be added to the game with the Ashlands update. Many of you pointed out that they didnt look particularly magical or special compared to the earlier concept art, and you are correct. We wont tell you just yet how you will be achieving the extra power boosts for these weapons, but we wanted to show you one of them in a more final form:
Build of the month
For this month, we want to show off this massive castle by aGurkis1! It was technically posted in October, but after we had already made our selection for that month. Since it was so impressive, we wanted to show it off now instead! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

May your swords be sharp! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-11-21 07:10:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some small, but still very much important, fixes for this patch!
Patch Notes:
* Fixed a loading order issue for ObjectTypes, so now items/creatures wont load before terrain is finished * 'Use item' hints on objects for the hotbar are now visible again when playing with a controller
[ 2023-11-20 09:02:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some small, but still very much important, fixes for this patch!
Patch Notes:
* Fixed a loading order issue for ObjectTypes, so now items/creatures wont load before terrain is finished * 'Use item' hints on objects for the hotbar are now visible again when playing with a controller
[ 2023-11-16 07:14:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have a further list of hotfixes for you today!
Patch notes:
* Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters * Fixed and issue where the character orientation does not update when interacting with objects * Fixed an issue where the touchpad on PS controllers sometimes opens pause and map menu at the same time * Fixed an issue with custom keybinds for build menu cant close the build menu * Fixed an issue where the Steam Deck D-pad/left trackpad does not not always registering input in GUI * Fixed an issue when exiting pause menu, characters may jump depending on controller layout * Fixed an issue where merchant shield stops functioning after re-logging
[ 2023-11-13 10:10:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have just a small hotfix for you today!
Patch notes:
* Fixed an issue where text would not load correctly if computer name uses non-english characters * Fixed an issue with the player list having no background graphic * Fixed an issue with click sounds in the build menu * Fixed an issue with sleeping Ulvs would fill the player log with warnings
[ 2023-11-08 15:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
We know it's a bit late, but this patch finally brings the Jack-o-turnip and the new pointy hat to the default branch of the game! Hopefully we will be able to change our system for this fairly soon, so that the seasonal content can simply be tied to specific dates in the future, instead of having to pass through the Public Test Branch before being released. Aside from the autumn items, this patch also entails an engine upgrade to Unity 2022. Because of this Unity upgrade, please note that worlds used in this update will not be backwards compatible with earlier versions of the game.
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Jack-o-turnip enabled. Spooky season! * New seasonal item: Pointy hat * Added a new Render scale graphics setting that enables the main camera to be rendered at a lower resolution than the viewport and UI * Improved automatic input switching so that connected gamepads with stick drift no longer take over control when playing with keyboard and mouse * Optimized code that determines which objects in the world to instantiate, lowering the baseline CPU time by up to 5% * Optimized structural integrity calculations, massively decreasing CPU time in areas with large builds * Optimized enemy AI * Optimized underwater logic * Re-enabled objects to have more than 255 KVPs of arbitrary data of the same value type (important for some mods) * Fixed a bug that could cause traps to trigger multiple times in multiplayer depending on how many players were near it * Engine upgraded to Unity 2022 * Upgraded Steamworks.NET and PlayFab Party libraries to newer versions * Engine-side optimizations for dedicated servers * Tweaked boss spawning to prevent them from occasionally getting stuck when spawning * Fixed bug that caused clicking sounds when selecting building pieces via controller * Localization updated
[ 2023-11-07 13:28:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the appropriate forum on our website. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Some minor fixes to the PTB! If all is well, it should soon be moved over to the default branch.
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed issue with Steam Dedicated servers not running properly * Upgraded Unity engine from 2022.3.9f to 2022.3.12f * Change the default render scale setting to be "Native" * Cleanup of the WearNTear code * Fixed particle system indicating build-piece orientation not being visible * Fixed boat no longer being detected as being underwater anymore * Localization updated
[ 2023-11-02 12:06:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, vikings!
Its time for another monthly check-in! As you may have noticed, there is currently a patch out on the Public Test Branch, which we as always invite you to play! It features an engine update but also some seasonal content like the Jack-O-Turnip and a brand new witch hat!
Since our last blog post, we have also announced the winners of the Trial of Tyr, and we have teased you a little bit about our internal Ashlands playtesting on social media. After that playtesting post, we got a lot of questions about whether or not you will need to start a new world when the Ashlands update is eventually released. The answer to that is that it wont be strictly necessary to get the new content, but it will be something we strongly recommend in order for you to get the best experience. The same has been true for previous large updates as well, and will most likely be the case for the rest of Valheims Early Access period. You can of course still bring your current characters with you into your new worlds!
But now on to the teasers, which we know you are all waiting for! First off, we want to go ahead and show you a small selection of the new weapons youll be able to craft in the Ashlands. Pictured below is a greatsword, a regular sword, a mace and yes, dual wielding axes.
We also want to show you this mysterious contraption It looks a bit like the Obliterator, but it does something quite different. What do you think this might be used for?
Weve previously shown you a bit of the Ashlands and what they look like where you will first set foot. But lets also take a new peek at what theyre like further inland, where the lava can dominate pretty large areas! Crossing these lakes of molten rock will be a challenge of its own, we assure you
Build of the Month
Since its properly autumn now, we couldnt not choose this Swamps based stave church by splash_opain for this Build of the Month! Nicely done! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-10-27 11:47:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
You have been asking for the jack-o-turnip, and here it is! We have also added a new seasonal item this year, in the form of a very stylish and pointy hat, which we really hope you'll enjoy. Aside from the seasonal content, we have a couple of fixes for you, and this patch also entails an engine upgrade to Unity 2022. Because of this Unity upgrade, please note that worlds used in this update will not be backwards compatible with earlier versions of the game. Therefore, be extra sure to make backups this time.
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Jack-o-turnip enabled. Spooky season! * New seasonal item: Pointy hat * Added a new Render scale graphics setting that enables the main camera to be rendered at a lower resolution than the viewport and UI * Improved automatic input switching so that connected gamepads with stick drift no longer take over control when playing with keyboard and mouse * Optimized code that determines which objects in the world to instantiate, lowering the baseline CPU time by up to 5% * Optimized structural integrity calculations, massively decreasing CPU time in areas with large builds * Optimized enemy AI * Optimized underwater logic * Re-enabled objects to have more than 255 KVPs of arbitrary data of the same value type (important for some mods) * Fixed a bug that could cause traps to trigger multiple times in multiplayer depending on how many players were near it * Engine upgraded to Unity 2022 * Upgraded Steamworks.NET and PlayFab Party libraries to newer versions * Engine-side optimizations for dedicated servers * Tweaked boss spawning to prevent them from occasionally getting stuck when spawning * Fixed a bug that caused clicking sounds when selecting building pieces via controller
[ 2023-10-25 12:04:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small bunch of fixes this time around!
Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements * Fixed an issue with double dungeon compendium entry, could cause corrupted character save file * Controller fix: Player has to press the "B" button twice in order to cancel pin naming * Zooming on the map is now blocked while entering pin name * Fixed click sounds that kept being played while navigating certain menus
[ 2023-10-17 06:43:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have a small set of fixes for you to test out today!
Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements * Fixed an issue with double dungeon compendium entry, could cause corrupted character save file * Controller fix: Player has to press the "B" button twice in order to cancel pin naming * Zooming on the map is now blocked while entering pin name * Fixed click sounds that kept being played while navigating certain menus
[ 2023-10-12 11:06:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
The time has come to announce the winners of the very first Valheim speedrun competition The Trial of Tyr! We're so impressed by everyone who attempted this difficult challenge and we want to thank everyone who gave it a go. But now, without further ado, we present to you our three champions:
Third Place
With the total playtime of 13 hours, 4 minutes and 7 seconds, the third prize goes to "Mr ADEL". You can watch the run in this YouTube playlist.
Second Place
The second place is claimed by "ThreadMenace", who completed the run in 10 hours, 52 minutes and 1 second. You can watch the entry on YouTube: [previewyoutube=KwwBSPpe5Cg;full][/previewyoutube]
First Place
And finally, with a total playtime of only 7 hours, 54 minutes and 22 seconds, the grand victory goes to "Time Traveler" (or , in the player's native Chinese). You can watch the full run on YouTube: [previewyoutube=OwBDXQf0MIc;full][/previewyoutube]
Interview with the Winner
Because we suspect you might all be a little bit curious about how one manages to kill all of Valheim's bosses in less than eight hours, we have asked Time Traveler some questions about the entry: Q: Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself? Who are you and how long have you been playing Valheim? A: Hello guys, I'm Zhengyuan, a Valheim player from China, also known as "the Time Traveler" (), which is the ID I use on Bilibili, a Chinese video site, or ("the all-inclusive") on Youtube. I primarily post my Valheim streams and guides on Bilibili. I added Valheim to my steam library on February 7 2021, when it was released into Early Access on Steam. My adventure as a viking started there and since then I have spent circa 4500h in Valheim -- almost all of my spare time is dedicated to it. It has become my favourite game ever. Q: You're pretty active in the community with making guides and videos. What motivates you to speedrun the game and why do you enjoy it? A: Oh, that's a long story. The first 50 hours I spent in Valheim were really tough. The ores cannot be teleported. I had to retrieve my items by corpse run, not to mention all the skill loss. And some mobs at the moment were so tricky to deal with, like the troll, bonemass, the stone golem... All these mechanisms made Valheim extremely hardcore and challenging. And I was definitely not alone. When Valheim was just released, players from all over the world should have similar experience of struggling that I had. Many would say it was extremely difficult to play Valheim solo, if not impossible. And I did it. After my first solo "completion" playthrough, I began to delve into my research on Valheim, like the items, the mobs, the mechanisms, and so on. I kept wondering how to turn some crisis into triumph efficiently, how to defeat the bosses without taking damage from them, or how to improve the efficiency in my solo gameplay, and had experimental or actual games through numerous characters and world saves. At some moment, I figured out I could set up temporary bases in the current biome, so as to save time from massive ore transfer. I understood different mobs have different damage resistances, which means it is more efficient to use spears on trolls or hammers on Bonemass to deal massive damage to their weak points. I studied the pattern of enemies and figured out what their flaws are and when they are vulnerable, which indicates when I could dodge and when I could fight back. As I have developed some useful survival techniques and accumulated some combat experience, finally I could complete Valheim without any death, or , which means one-life completion in Chinese. At that moment I had played Valheim for circa 300 hours. Then I started posting my gameplay videos on Bilibili to share my gaming experience with my viewers. In China I am thought to be the first player to complete Valheim with one life, and have received some recognition and encouragement from the community. I am very grateful to that, and motivated to further refine my gameplay. Therefore, after my "one-life completion", I have achieved "one-life speedruns", breaking my own records, and focusing on both not dying and completing the game as fast as possible. As such, my videos gradually evolved into something about hardcore combat, extreme challenges, and breaking limits.Through my speedrun recordings, I want my viewers to understand and master my skills from a first-person perspective, so that they can improve themselves and have better combat in Valheim. I feel a great sense of accomplishment, willing to put a lot of passion into one-life speedrun. So I continuously challenge myself, surpass myself, and the contest is a great opportunity for me to prove all of it. Q: You managed to complete the game in under eight hours. How did you prepare for it? How many times did you attempt it before you were satisfied with your final submission? A: My previous answer explains a lot. I have some succeeded Valheim one-life speedruns before, and the trial of Tyr is also a one-life speedrun contest. Though it seems like I don't have to do something special to prepare for the trial, which is just something I have done before, there's still something significantly different. I regularly play Valheim "unseeded". The map is always randomized, so I won't depend on something too lucky or RNG-dependent, which means the merchant is not the guy I would seek, some fancy equipment is not the thing I would craft, in order that the most parts of gameplay are under control. However, the trial of Tyr is seeded, every contestant can scout the fixed world in advance, so I reconsider the importance of Haldor and the Frostner in this trial. The Frostner is insane, available in mid-game, but one can even use it in the Mistlands, so it is what I would happily have on my hands in this trial, thanks to Haldor. Since the map is seeded, the route of progression can be well determined, like where to sail, which dungeons to sneak into. For example, I already know the locations of the Moder and the silver veins, so I can finish the Moder and the silver mining on the Mountain in less than a hour. And that's why 6 anti-frost mead for me is enough, and I don't necessarily need anti-frost capes when I'm on the Mountain. I have submitted three complete runs in the trial, which were finished in 11h31m, 8h07m and 7h54m, respectively. However I have circa 15 actual attempts. A few of them obviously ended due to deaths, and others mainly because the route I chose was too suboptimal, some result are not expected, or so on. It is fair enough though, without errors the "trial" won't be a trial. Q: Which part of the run was the most challenging? Was it a specific boss fight, or another tricky situation? A: Always the Mountain, to be honest. The harsh terrain (similar to but not easier than the Mistlands), the blizzards to disrupt the player's vision and hearing, the starred wolves at night... It is always the toughest part. After we can set the game's difficulty, every mob can be quicker and tougher, and I just find out one single wolf bite is mostly fatal in hard or hardcore mode, not to mention that they are quick enough to have another. Moreover, I personally don't use bows, so I basically must not fail to retrieve my spear each time I aimed to the drakes. Every mistake can be a point of no return. Although the Mountain is challenging, it is also beautiful, solemn, full of dangers, which is intensely immersive. Each time I succeed in the Mountain calmly and efficiently I believe my Viking's skills are checked again. Q: We noticed you only use the spear and never a bow, why is that? A: The reason I fight with a spear is mostly for efficiency. The key to a speedrun is efficiency: cost-effectiveness of food, armours, and weapons chosen. The difficulty of using bows is lower compared to spears. It works well against a few flying units in the game, especially the drakes. Very error-tolerant. However, they are more expensive to craft. Also the skill of bow levels up slowly. Spears, on the other hand, deal high damage with low crafting cost. They also have the potential of fighting against flying units. The skill of spears levels up quickly, which is more important because it is much easier to have a high level of spear, making it excellent for speedrunning. However, it is demanding and difficult for many to master their spears, since the trajectory should be accurately calculated. Additionally, you have to reach and pick up the spear after throwing it, which is error-prone because after the throwing the spear might be lost forever. In general the spear is high risk, high reward. I always choose the spear as my "flying unit solution", because I have achieved high throwing accuracy and I always believe in my accumulated skills from thousands of hours of gameplay. Therefore, for me, using spears instead of bows in speedrun is the best option. Q: How did you come up with the cart technique you used to rob the dvergr in the Mistlands? [06:48:54] A: After the Mistlands update, I have started my research on everything from there. When I tried to deal with the dvergr and their settlements, I found out if the dvergr mages become hostile, their ice or fire magic can easily overwhelm the player at the current progression, based on its high attack frequency and high damage. As usual there are more than four dvergr in one settlement, so the mage should be included in most cases. Therefore I thought it might not be the intended way to fight against dvergr and rob them by brute force. Although getting "help" from the spawned seekers is an option, waiting for the seekers and dvergr consuming each other is slow, and the player would play a rather passive role, which is not a very effective solution in speedrun. At the moment I have noticed the cart, which can bypass the ward in the dvergr settlement and nullify it by dealing "neutral" damage, without making the dvergr hostile. After the ward is destroyed this way, the dvergr will simply give up protecting their settlement, and the player can get the loot from there. Therefore I came up with the idea of using a cart to play pranks on the dvergr.
[ 2023-10-10 11:40:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small hotfix! Patch notes: * Fixed an issue that caused languages to not be displayed properly while changing language in-game * Fixed character limit in chat window
[ 2023-10-06 11:54:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
A chunky set of fixes are coming your way in today's patch! We've got snap point adjustments, mini-boss fixes, UI corrections, and more! It also includes an update to dedicated servers, where you will now properly be able to use world modifiers there. See the dedicated server manual for further instructions.
Patch notes:
Fixes & improvements: * New build piece: blue standing brazier * Midsummer pole & Midsummer crown recipes have been disabled (its officially autumn!) * World modifiers and presets can now be set to dedicated servers using parameters in the startup batfile (see manual) or using the console as an admin * Updated dedicated server manual to include information on setting world modifiers * Fixed modifier summary being displayed incorrectly after choosing the casual preset * Added player list to pause menu * Several more console commands are now available for admins: setworldpreset, resetworldkeys, setworldmodifier, players, setkey, removekey, resetkeys, listkeys (displays list on dedicated server), sleep, skiptime, restartparty and genloc (takes time - may cause disconnects). * Added -resetmodifiers startup parameter to dedicated servers * Added -resetknownitems non-cheat command for resetting items, recipes, and stations * Updated Haldor music to a new extended track * Resource scaling fixes for dragon egg, fishing pole and skeleton chest * Disabled a hugin hint spreading disinformation about Hildir * Haldor and Hildir dialogue lines will be displayed a bit longer to make them easier to read * You will no longer switch between snapping points while having the console or chat open * Building mode wont be visible while dying when playing with the modifier that keeps equipped items * Fixed snap points naming for hot tub, oven and removed one excess snap point for barberstation * Changing alternative snapping mode, zooming in or pressing some gamepad buttons will cancel build piece removal to prevent unintentional behaviour * Darkwood beam snap point naming matched with other beams * Changed some snap points on wood gate and darkwood gate * Black marble bench and table no longer take rain damage * Fix crafting station only updating its extensions for the first time after the update interval has passed * Fix off-by-one error that caused build range to be +4m larger than intended and made the build range preview inaccurate. * You can now activate the guardian power again when using the hammer, hoe & cultivator * Starred fenring cultist can no longer drop multiple trophies * Fenring cultist in events can no longer spawn multiple trophies * Increased crafting station radius should now block spawn area and stop items from despawning correctly * Stopped some pickables from scaling above max stack with resource rate modifiers * Fixed an issue where spear is thrown in the wrong direction * Mobs spawned by bosses will now aggro the player even when playing with the passive mobs modifier since the boss already was aggroed * Reduced HP on mini-bosses spawned during Hildir events by 50% * Brenna is now more resistant against knockbacks * Ballista updated to accept trophies from the Hildirs Request bosses * Fixed rare crash while respawning in an area at the same time as monster dies in multiplayer * Fixed issue with the Elder and Moder triggering incorrectly when using player based events * World modifier player-based raid fix: Fixed issue with boss event conditions not updating until re-logging * Item tooltip will be displayed when hovering while dragging another item * Fixed a bug where the item tooltip overlay could show up over compendium menu * Replaced all texts fields to be clearer and more optimised * Replaced all text input fields with new component to work on all platforms * World modifier tooltip has background now * Fixes to vegetation shader * Added click sounds for ingame UI * Fixed keyhint for adding a server * Added some missing keyhints * Player position is saved on manual save * Clicking outside map pin input closes input field now * Zooming on the map now closes the pin input window Xbox: * Added auto-run toggle to accessibility settings on Xbox * Opening cheat console no longer hides UI * Changing snapping doesnt make you fly down anymore * Chat no longer opens when opening info panel * Opening settings for the first time no longer freezes the game * Camera is now locked when placing a map pin * Using a vegvisir with a controller no longer pings * Fixed occasional Xbox crash when another player died close to the host
[ 2023-10-05 07:55:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
A couple of additional fixes to the PTB today, including some bug fixes to the map and to the barber station!
Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements * The map no longer closes when typing the bound map key * Zooming on the map now closes the pin input window * Added -resetmodifiers startup parameter to dedicated servers * Added -resetknownitems non-cheat command for resetting items, recipes, and stations * Midsummer pole & Midsummer crown recipes have been disabled (its officially autumn!) * Fix off-by-one error that caused build range to be +4m larger than intended and made the build range preview inaccurate. * Barber station sitting position fixed * Multiple players can no longer use the barber station at the same time * World modifier player-based raid fix: Fixed issue with boss event conditions not updating until re-logging * Fix start menu fadeout missing Loading text * Fixed an issue where spear is thrown in the wrong direction * Fixed occasional Xbox crash when another player died close to the host
[ 2023-09-29 11:11:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Well met, travellers!
Summer has reached its end, but the Ashlands remain hot as ever. As you might have seen on social media a couple of weeks ago, we shared another piece of concept art this time a light armour design. That brings us up to three separate armour sets for the Ashlands, which means there should hopefully be something youll like regardless of your playstyle!
Last time we focused a lot on the landscape and terrain and weve shown off another landscape image on social media since then too so this time we figured wed take another look at the Ashlands inhabitants instead. Like we have said many times already, game development is an iterative process and things often change over time. For example, we have ended up giving a new look to the Bonemaw Serpent, which lives in the seas surrounding the biome. Keep an eye out for those sharp spikes when youre sailing!
We also felt that there was a type of enemy lacking. Oftentimes when we need inspiration we look back at the Black Forest, and this time was no different. By borrowing some aspects from the greydwarfs we have added this subcategory of Charred, which currently make up for quite a large portion of the Ashlands population:
Were also of course filling out the landscape with various kinds of structures. You know by now that Valheim carries plenty of traces of old civilisations, and the Ashlands will be no exception. And even while most of the biome will be a fiery wasteland, the old ruins will still have kept a thing or two intact. Well let you discover for yourselves what can be found there, so for now well just show you the Blender version of what they can look like:
With the submissions for our Trial of Tyr closing last week, we would like to thank and commend everyone who managed to complete the game on hard mode! Were all very impressed with how fast some of you really managed to get through the game, and we will reveal the winners shortly!
Build of the Month
For this month we want to show off the sea base built by CapCrumbsGaming, well done! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Due to changes in the tagging system on Facebook and Instagram, please also send us a DM with a link to your entry as well as using the hashtag if you post there! You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-09-27 11:34:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some adjustments to the previous patch! Most notable, we fixed the issue where your keybinds wouldn't save correctly, but a handful of other fixes are in this patch as well!
Patch notes:
Fixes and improvements: * Fixed a bug that caused keyboard and mouse keybinds to not load/save properly * Blue standing brazier point light is now blue * Fixed bold tombstone text * Connection panel (f2 menu) can now be read easier * Map text input field will now exit when players click/drag on the map * Fixed input focus loss when filtering server list * Hide UI function is now working again for controller console layout 2 * Cross platform user profile pictures fixed * Fixed compendium navigation with fast interaction * Fixed server filter when virtual keyboard is closed * Fix crafting station only updating its extensions for the first time after the update interval has passed * Fixed a bug where the item tooltip overlay could show up over compendium menu
[ 2023-09-22 12:00:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to the first bug fixer patch since Hildir's Request was released! As you can see it's quite a list, with various fixes to things such as the snapping system and the enemies. One of the more notable fixes is of course the added functionality which lets you use the world modifiers on dedicated servers as well check out the dedicated server manual for the full instructions for that!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* New build piece: Blue standing brazier * Server modifiers can be set to dedicated servers directly * Extended Haldor music * Added player list to pause menu * Balance improvements * Lots of bug fixes and world modifier fixes
Detailed Patch notes:
Fixes & improvements: * New build piece: blue standing brazier * World modifiers and presets can now be set to dedicated servers using parameters in the startup batfile (see manual) or using the console as an admin * Updated dedicated server manual to include information on setting world modifiers * Fixed modifier summary being displayed incorrectly after choosing the casual preset * Added player list to pause menu * Several more console commands are now available for admins: setworldpreset, resetworldkeys, setworldmodifier, players, setkey, removekey, resetkeys, listkeys (displays list on dedicated server), sleep, skiptime, restartparty and genloc (takes time - may cause disconnects). * Updated Haldor music to a new extended track * Resource scaling fixes for dragon egg, fishing pole and skeleton chest * Disabled a hugin hint spreading disinformation about Hildir * Haldor and Hildir dialogue lines will be displayed a bit longer to make them easier to read * You will no longer switch between snapping points while having the console or chat open * Building mode wont be visible while dying when playing with the modifier that keeps equipped items * Fixed snap points naming for hot tub, oven and removed one excess snap point for barberstation * Changing alternative snapping mode, zooming in or pressing some gamepad buttons will cancel build piece removal to prevent unintentional behaviour * Darkwood beam snap point naming matched with other beams * Changed some snap points on wood gate and darkwood gate * Black marble bench and table no longer take rain damage * You can now activate the guardian power again when using the hammer, hoe & cultivator * Starred fenring cultist can no longer drop multiple trophies * Fenring cultist in events can no longer spawn multiple trophies * Increased crafting station radius should now block spawn area and stop items from despawning correctly * Stopped some pickables from scaling above max stack with resource rate modifiers * Mobs spawned by bosses will now aggro the player even when playing with the passive mobs modifier since the boss already was aggroed * Reduced HP on mini-bosses spawned during Hildir events by 50% * Brenna is now more resistant against knockbacks * Ballista updated to accept trophies from the Hildirs Request bosses * Fixed rare crash while respawning in an area at the same time as monster dies in multiplayer * Fixed issue with the Elder and Moder triggering incorrectly when using player based events * Item tooltip will be displayed when hovering while dragging another item * Replaced all texts fields to be clearer and more optimised * Replaced all text input fields with new component to work on all platforms * World modifier tooltip has background now * Fixes to vegetation shader * Added click sounds for ingame UI * Fixed keyhint for adding a server * Added some missing keyhints * Player position is saved on manual save * Clicking outside map pin input closes input field now Xbox: * Added auto-run toggle to accessibility settings on Xbox * Opening cheat console no longer hides UI * Changing snapping doesnt make you fly down anymore * Chat no longer opens when opening info panel * Opening settings for the first time no longer freezes the game * Camera is now locked when placing a map pin * Using a vegvisir with a controller no longer pings
[ 2023-09-18 12:01:31 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again vikings!
As you may have noticed, we took a small break from these monthly updates while the Hildirs Request update was on the Public Test Branch. Much like with the Mistlands, we felt that it wouldnt make for too much interesting reading while we were mostly looking at bug fixing and the like. But now Hildir has properly arrived in Valheim and we shall go back to the monthly blog posts!
In case youve managed to miss it though, Hildirs Request features a new merchant who will sell you some new and fancy clothing to wear around your house after you have helped her with her requests, which entails going after some mini bosses who have laid their claim on some dungeons around the world. The update also features world modifiers to make your game easier or harder, or somewhere in between, so customise away!
While the bugs were dealt with in Hildirs Request, we have also been continuing to work away at the Ashlands. For example, weve been experimenting with the terrain generation to make it so that the Ashlands never border any other biomes other than Ocean. The journey there will be perilous, so youd better be ready for it before you set sail!
The terrain generation has also been focused on the various levels of elevation in the biome itself. We want it to feel exactly right not like the large flats of the Plains nor the craggy hills and valleys of the Mistlands and that requires a lot of iterations. We do believe were getting close to the kind of terrain we want now, especially when we get to come upon places like this:
But youd better be careful around that lava, because its going to hurt an awful lot to step in! At least for those who havent adapted to the infernal landscape, that is.
Its not all going to be fire and lava, though the area is called the Ashlands for a reason! We have been working on getting different areas of the biome to feel distinct as well, with more trees and deep layers of ash closer to the coastline and more lava the further inland you go. Once upon a time the Ashlands was a lush forest full of life, before devastation happened
And last, we also hope you havent missed that we have a speedrun competition going! Set the game to hard mode, kill all the bosses as fast as you can, and record the whole thing for a chance to lay claim to your very own unique viking tankard to celebrate your victory! You can read more about the competition and how to enter here.
Build of the Month
Since weve had the blog posts paused for a little bit, well highlight several builds this time around! Take a look at this quaint cabin that HelloHellie made, this intricate tavern by therabbitramen and this twilit inn built by masshun_jp! If you want your creation to be featured, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Until next time, vikings! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-08-30 11:01:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
The time has come for all those who have stocked up on gold from troll caves and fuling villages! Said gold is the prime currency in the world of Valheim after all, and there's a new vendor in the tenth realm where you can spend your riches. For as you know, Haldor is not the only merchant in the family and his sister Hildir has made her way to Valheim at last. But she has had some trouble on the way, and it appears most of her stock has gone missing. When you find her, she might request some help! By completing the tasks she has for you, you will unlock more things to buy from her both new clothing as well as some other items that might come in handy in your base. This update also brings some long awaited server modifiers; select a lower difficulty for a more casual experience, ramp it up for a hardcore playthrough, or come up with a mix of your own! Besides general difficulty, you will find settings for portals, resources, raids and more, all so that you can customise your experience to your viking heart's content.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New Content: * New NPC: Hildir the merchant * New locations * World modifiers added * 2 new crafting extensions * New hair and beard styles * New items Misc: * Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets * Various visual improvements * Quick-stack button added * Manual snapping for building added
Detailed Patch Notes:
[spoiler]New Content: * New NPC: Hildir the merchant * New location: Hildirs camp * New location: Smouldering tomb (classic dungeon) * New location: Howling cavern (classic dungeon) * New location: Sealed tower (open dungeon) * 3 new mini bosses * World modifiers button added to start game screen with many customization/difficulty options (select a preset or design your own) * 8 different Fireworks added (Including Thunderstone and Black Core thrown in the fire) * New item: Sparkler * New clothing: 10 hats & headscarves * New clothing: 14 dresses and tunics * Black forge extension: Vice (Upgrades to level 3 possible) * Magetable extension: Unfading Candle (Upgrades to level 3 possible) * New material: Barber kit * New furniture: Barber station * New material: Iron pit * New furniture: Firepit * 8 new hairstyles * 5 new beard styles * 4 new music tracks Fixes & Improvements: * Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets * Haldor animations updated * All fire effects have been overhauled * Smoke balls created by fires now have random rotation and no longer pop in when spawned * Added Hugin hints informing the player that traders can be found in the game * Spawn command can now specify fields * Fixed a bug which caused level up algorithm to be a bit off depending on when you die * Reduced lag spike when selecting worlds in the Select World menu by reusing existing world list elements, rather than destroying all and instancing all new ones * Widened the Manage Saves Menu and show the time of the timestamp * Retrieve timestamp from file name rather than file metadata if present in the file name. This means moving a file to/from cloud no longer affects the sorting order of files with timestamps in their names * Fixed oversight that saved unnecessary characters (such as spaces) in an IP address to the server list if the IP address could be parsed successfully * Chat doesnt open on Ping anymore * Resolved chat blocking input for other UI (such as map) * Fixed issue where minimap pin input field for PC version was getting invisible * Join code is now hidden when HUDs visibility is toggled off * Fixed an issue where boats could fall through the ocean * Fixed a bug that had water in caves be affected by wind * New optimised low vegetation quality setting will have a small amount of grass rather than none * Fixed LOD terrain mesh becoming visibly distorted when standing near modified terrain in some cases * Fixed a vegetation shader issue * Fixed a threading issue, the game quits a bit faster as a result * Fixed a bug where the music could get stuck in the morning and evening when in dungeons * Fixed a bug that could cause the server list to stop working * Opening console now blocks hotbar navigation * Offline players can now send map pings on Xbox and MS store version * Fixed missing special characters on signs * Fixed glowing signs * You now have better control over growing plants as they will now grow into approximately their saplings rotation, but they start with a random rotation when planting * Fixed flickering colours when placing beech sapling * You can now zoom the camera while using the hammer, hoe & cultivator if no rotation is possible while using the mouse, and always on gamepad * Removing a piece is now done when you release the button rather then pressing it (to allow for button combinations and so you can change your mind and hover away) * Prevent character from jumping when in piece selection * Reset "auto run" after dodge * Fixed a crash related to the old portal * Fixed sometimes missing tooltip for inventory items * Fixed some broken item names * Menu usage is now blocked when HUD is hidden * Enemy spawn block and item despawn now matches workbench build radius * Fixed AI updates behaving wrong (mobs should feel more responsive again) * Fix for Riding skill not improving Quality of Life: * Quick stack button to quickly place all items already in a container from your inventory. Can also be done by simply holding the use key when interacting with a container * You can now manually choose snapping point with Q & E for precision building * Intro sequence can now be skipped from the pause menu and the game can be paused while in the intro * Workbench and Forge now get slightly increased build range when upgraded * Crafting benches build range is now cylindrical instead of spherical * Precision placement of buildpieces changed to show when holding ctrl * Added ability to copy build piece while in build mode Xbox: * Fixed a bug on Xbox where ticks wouldnt attach correctly * Fixed Xbox bug which could cause the player to jump while selecting a building piece * Added another controller scheme, and the ability to hide HUD when using a controller and on Xbox * Fixed vegetation and reflection shader for Xbox * Alt functionality key changed to LB for Console 2 mapping * Added quick selection commands for console (Store: X+DPad, Load: Y+DPad) * Fixed tooltip position for store items when using gamepad * Own chat messages are not filtered anymore * Own sign texts are shown when playing offline * Cloud storage check after save and before world start to prevent potential data loss * No more privilege pop-ups when playing offline Stability: * Various crash fixes related to generation and projectiles * Fixed a bug that could cause more backups than intended to be created for world saves when migrated from an older version * Fixed a bug where creating a new world with the same name as a just deleted world would give that world the same seed as the just deleted world * Fixed an issue that could make worlds with certain very large dungeon seeds to not be loadable * Fixed an issue where saving of world on server and character on client could be out of sync, all saving methods should now work the same way * Fixed an issue where a world is saved twice when using manual save, doubling the amount of save time * Fix memory leak when opening and closing the skill dialog * Added check for available cloud storage after save and before world start (which should prevent world wipes after all) Misc: * God mode will now allow damage down to 1 health rather than taking no damage * New console command "tombstone" which create tombstones * Tombstones can now be deleted with forcedelete command * New itemset base and command can specify a number to override all items with that level (i.e. itemset meadows 4 will give level 4 meadows items) * New console commands: (tombstone - creates tombstones; resetworldkeys - Resets all world modifiers to default; setworldpreset - Sets world modifiers to a named preset; setworldmodifier - Sets a world modifier value; itemset hildir) * Itemset command also limits items to level 4 * Fixed the saving of some stats * Localisation updated * Fixed Asian fonts readability in bold style * Fixed rune-stone texts to only show rune symbols in all languages * Made sure all text fields have the correct fonts set * Minor text optimizations * Fixed some missing localization updates when language is changed * Saving icon is now displayed on low FPS as well * Fixed some incorrect key hints * Removed several control characters that were rendered as a box in item descriptions * Fixed world list not being updated when the last world is removed * Fixed selecting world with mouse not working in some cases * Fix for refreshing favourite dedicated servers * Added merch store button to main menu[/spoiler]
[ 2023-08-22 12:02:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to Trial of Tyr, Valheims Hard Mode Contest!
Vikings, the time has come to prove your worth to the gods once and for all. Youve slain the mighty Eikthyr, youve bested the horrors that hide in the Swamps and youve taken Yagluths power as your own, but the Allfather has more in store for you. There can be only one champion, one viking that is stronger, braver and faster than everyone else. Welcome to the Trial of Tyr, a competition that will pit the best among you against each other in a race against time! To celebrate the just released Hildirs Request update that will introduce difficulty levels to Valheim, we are announcing a hard mode solo deathless contest, challenging Vikings around the world to enter Valheim and defeat all bosses on hard mode solo, without dying and as fast as possible. The winner of this contest will dine in the halls of Valhalla with a custom-made engraved viking tankard that will bear the winners name and completion time. As with every contest, there are rules you will have to follow in order to participate, and have your run be considered for first place. These are as follows: The hard mode solo run must be:
- Done by a single player without dying, external help or the use of any dev commands
- Streamed on Twitch or YouTube or fully recorded without splits in footage as proof
- Played with the Hard preset in the world modifier settings
- Played with a new character, on the official Trial of Tyr world seed: MX7L9GYcf2
[ 2023-08-22 12:01:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test version of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch on Steam by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. To access with Microsoft / PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to Previews, and then find Valheim Public Test. Select Join. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install Valheim Public Test. Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the PC and console versions, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Yes, we know we've said before that we hoped the last patch was going to be the final one before we release Hildir's Request to the default branch, but third time's the charm, right? If all things go well, we shouldn't need to make any further fixes after this in order to release it properly. After the last PTB patch a lot of you were upset that we did some changes to the newly added quick-stack function. In this patch, you'll find that it has been altered to once again be done with a single button press, but the inventory will automatically open up (and then close again) so that you can still see what you're actually doing with your inventory. Hopefully this is a change that will make most of you happy!
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Quick stack all hotkey added again by holding the use key when opening chests (The chest will now open so you can see what is being moved, and then close if you keep holding the key) * Increased the chance of starred Fulings to spawn inside Sealed Tower * Fixed the R-stick shortcut for the Stack All button while you are browsing the player inventory * Fixed an issue where the error cant add component to Terrain was filling the player.log * Precision placement of buildpieces changed to only show when holding ctrl * Fix exception thrown when compressing modifier data of world with unmodified preset set
[ 2023-08-16 13:00:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test version of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch on Steam by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. To access with Microsoft / PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to Previews, and then find Valheim Public Test. Select Join. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install Valheim Public Test. Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the PC and console versions, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] A few issues managed to sneak past our watchful gaze in the last patch, so here's a small hotfix to hopefully solve everything!
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Enemies in dungeons no longer scale size and speed on harder world modifier difficulties to avoid getting stuck * Enemy spawn block and item despawn now matches workbench build radius * Fixed glowing signs * Fixed world modifiers not showing up or being cut off if they were too long for dedicated servers on Steam * Magecap & Jotunpuffs can only be farmed in Mistlands again * Tin, Obsidian, Guck and many destructible objects now scale drop correctly when using the resource rate modifier * Players can now sprint while autorunning again * Players can no longer zoom while in the build menu * Mouse input is no longer blocked for a short period of time when selecting a build piece * Fixed a bug causing the cauldron to be non-interactable * Autocomplete in the console will no longer skip entries in the list * Fixed flickering colours when placing beech sapling * Player based raids should now activate correctly when a player has used a guardian power Xbox: * Fixed vegetation and reflection shader for Xbox
[ 2023-08-10 13:53:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test version of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch on Steam by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. To access with Microsoft / PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to Previews, and then find Valheim Public Test. Select Join. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install Valheim Public Test. Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the PC and console versions, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] We have some more adjustments to make to Hildirs Request, but were now crossing our fingers that this will be the final patch before we can finally release it beyond the PTB. The patch log is quite chunky this time, with a variety of fixes and improvements for you! This also includes something a lot of people have asked for, which is a more practical use for all the new cosmetic everyday wear you can buy from Hildir. They'll now make your chores a bit easier by decreasing the stamina use for various household tasks.
Abbreviated patch notes:
* Hildir locations should now generate correctly on dedicated servers * Hildir clothing now decrease stamina use for base items hammer, hoe & cultivator * Added ability to copy build piece while in build mode * Build piece precision fix * Plant growing rotation fix * Lots of bug fixes, balance changes and stability improvements.
Detailed patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Hildir locations should now generate correctly on dedicated servers * Hildir clothing now decrease stamina use for base items hammer, hoe & cultivator * Correct icon for tunic4 * Hildir items can now be repaired at workbench * Added ability to copy build piece while in build mode * Manual snap cycling now shows a name of each snap point * You can no longer accidentally cycle snapping points while having the build menu or the map visible * Snap points removed for barber station * You can now zoom the camera while using the hammer, hoe & cultivator if no rotation is possible while using the mouse, and always on gamepad * Fixed issue where precision placing build pieces would appear to be a few centimetres off * Removed possibility to build on fire pit * Removing a piece is now done when you release the button rather then pressing it (to allow for button combinations and so you can change your mind and hover away) * Prevent character from jumping when in piece selection * Place stacks is now available only when a container has been opened (You can no longer press shift-e on a container to place stacks) * You now have better control over growing plants as they will now grow into approximately their saplings rotation, but they start with a random rotation when planting. * Hard and Very hard combat difficulty now also increases star mob chance * Pickables, honey and sap scales correctly with resource rate modifier * Resource rate modifier should now scale more correctly for all drops * Toggle run renamed to toggle sprint, and works again * Reset "auto run" after dodge * Fixed a crash related to the old portal * Fixed a bug where being near a Queen dungeon would block portals when using the No Boss Portals option. Bosses will now count as active and block teleporting after the first time they have been aggroed rather than when they are spawned * Blocked portals and dungeons exits will now display the same message when being blocked by the No Boss Portals modifier * Fixed crossplay servers failing to register if too many modifiers were set * Fixed modifiers not being set for in-game hosted servers when registering to Steams matchmaking * Fixed modifiers not being reset when starting a world with no modifiers after starting a world with modifiers * Fix random events only spawning for the host when using Player based events, or not at all if on dedicated server * Fixed the saving of some stats * Added hildir to itemset command * Tombstones can now be deleted with 'forcedelete' command * "randomevent" and "stopevent" commands can now be called by all admins, not just the host * New optimised low vegetation quality setting will have a small amount of grass rather than none * Fixed LOD terrain mesh becoming visibly distorted when standing near modified terrain in some cases * Fixed a vegetation shader issue * Fixed a threading issue, the game quits a bit faster as a result * Fixed a bug where the music could get stuck in the morning and evening when in dungeons * Alt functionality key changed to LB for Console 2 mapping * Added quick selection commands for console (Store: X+DPad, Load: Y+DPad) * Fixed incorrect click sound on "B" * Fixed sometimes missing tooltip for inventory items * Fixed an issue where boats could fall through the ocean * Localisation updated UI: * Fixed Asian fonts readability in bold style * Fixed rune-stone texts to only show rune symbols in all languages * Made sure all text fields have the correct fonts set * Minor text optimizations * Fixed some missing localization updates when language is changed * Saving icon is now displayed on low FPS as well * Fix a bug that caused the server modifier summary to be empty in the server list for all servers * Moved tooltip from server browser to not overlap with cloud warning text * Fixed some incorrect key hints * Removed several control characters that were rendered as a box in item descriptions * Fixed Custom modifiers text showing up as the localization key in the server list, rather than the localised text * Fixed world list not being updated when the last world is removed * Added full localization support to modifiers text in world and server list * Fixed tooltip position for store items when using gamepad * Added X to quick close and save server modifiers Stability * Various crash fixes related to generation and projectiles * Fixed a bug that could cause more backups than intended to be created for world saves when migrated from an older version * Fixed a bug where creating a new world with the same name as a just deleted world would give that world the same seed as the just deleted world * Fixed an issue that could make worlds with certain very large dungeon seeds to not be loadable * Fixed an issue where saving of world on server and character on client could be out of sync, all saving methods should now work the same way * Fixed an issue where a world is saved twice when using manual save, doubling the amount of save time * Fix memory leak when opening and closing the skill dialog * Added check for available cloud storage after save and before world start (which should prevent world wipes after all) Xbox: * Own chat messages are not filtered anymore * Own sign texts are shown when playing offline * Cloud storage check after save and before world start to prevent potential data loss * No more privilege pop-ups when playing offline * Having used a guardian power from given boss will now also enable events related to that boss, and when killing certain enemies, when using player based events
[ 2023-08-09 12:00:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
We hope youre all having a fun time with Hildirs Request so far! Weve got a few miscellaneous fixes for you today which should hopefully make everything a bit smoother.
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Re-added missing Smelter hoover text * All clothes sold from Hildir now only provide 1 armour * Equipped items will no longer be moved when the place stack button is used * Dead Raiser and Shield staff can now be upgraded to level 3 * Fixed AI updates behaving wrong (mobs should feel more responsive again) * Spawners for Hildir mini-bosses now only appear in actual Hildir dungeons * Tweaked Black forge extension Vice recipe * Fixed descriptions for World modifier resource rate to correct 2->1.5 and 3->2 values, and added a x3 option * Fixed an issue where Riding skill was not improving * Fixed descriptions and typos in world modifiers * Fixed misaligned text in connection panel * Added resource rate options * Added merch store button to main menu (Steam version only) * World modifier tooltips should always be displayed correctly when hovering now * Localization updated and tweaked some strings * Some more ZDO null checks * Skip intro is working again when using gamepad * Fixed double selection in ingame menu when using controller
[ 2023-06-22 07:59:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test version of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch on Steam by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. To access with Microsoft / PC Game Pass, launch the Xbox Insider Hub app. Navigate to Previews, and then find Valheim Public Test. Select Join. Wait for the registration to be complete to be directed to the Store and then install Valheim Public Test. Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the PC and console versions, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Haldor is not the only merchant in the family and his sister Hildir has made her way to Valheim at last. But she has had some trouble on the way, and it appears most of her stock has gone missing. When you find her, she might request some help! This update also brings some long awaited server modifiers; select a lower difficulty for a more casual experience, ramp it up for a hardcore playthrough, or come up with a mix of your own!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New Content: * New NPC: Hildir the merchant * New locations * World modifiers added * 2 new crafting extensions * New hair and beard styles * New items Misc: * Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets * Various visual improvements * Quick-stack button added * Manual snapping for building added
Detailed Patch Notes:
[spoiler]New Content: * New NPC: Hildir the merchant * New location: Hildirs camp * New location: Smouldering tomb (classic dungeon) * New location: Howling cavern (classic dungeon) * New location: Sealed tower (open dungeon) * 3 new mini bosses * World modifiers button added to start game screen with many customization/difficulty options (select a preset or design your own) * 8 different Fireworks added (Including Thunderstone and Black Core thrown in the fire) * New item: Sparkler * New clothing: 10 hats & headscarves * New clothing: 14 dresses and tunics * Black forge extension: Vice Grip * Magetable extension: Unfading Candle * New material: Barber kit * New furniture: Barber station * New material: Iron pit * New furniture: Firepit * 8 new hairstyles * 5 new beard styles * 4 new music tracks Fixes & Improvements: * Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets * Haldor animations updated * All fire effects have been overhauled * Smoke balls created by fires now have random rotation and no longer pop in when spawned * Added Hugin hints informing the player that traders can be found in the game * Spawn command can now specify fields * Fixed a bug which caused level up algorithm to be a bit off depending on when you die * Reduced lag spike when selecting worlds in the Select World menu by reusing existing world list elements, rather than destroying all and instancing all new ones * Widened the Manage Saves Menu and show the time of the timestamp * Retrieve timestamp from file name rather than file metadata if present in the file name. This means moving a file to/from cloud no longer affects the sorting order of files with timestamps in their names * Fixed oversight that saved unnecessary characters (such as spaces) in an IP address to the server list if the IP address could be parsed successfully * Chat doesnt open on Ping anymore * Resolved chat blocking input for other UI (such as map) * Fixed issue where minimap pin input field for PC version was getting invisible * Join code is now hidden when HUDs visibility is toggled off * Fixed a bug that had water in caves be affected by wind * Fixed a bug that could cause the server list to stop working * Fixed a bug on Xbox where ticks wouldnt attach correctly * Opening console now blocks hotbar navigation * Offline players can now send map pings on Xbox and MS store version * Fixed missing special characters on signs * Fixed Xbox bug which could cause the player to jump while selecting a building piece * Menu usage is now blocked when HUD is hidden Quality of Life: * Quick stack button and Shift-E to quickly place all items already in a container from your inventory * You can now manually choose snapping point with Q & E for precision building * Intro sequence can now be skipped from the pause menu and the game can be paused while in the intro * Workbench and Forge now get slightly increased build range when upgraded * Crafting benches build range is now cylindrical instead of spherical * Added another controller scheme, and the ability to hide HUD when using a controller and on Xbox Misc: * God mode will now allow damage down to 1 health rather than taking no damage * New console command "tombstone" which create tombstones * New itemset base and command can specify a number to override all items with that level (i.e. itemset meadows 4 will give level 4 meadows items) * New console commands: (tombstone - creates tombstones; resetworldkeys - Resets all world modifiers to default; setworldpreset - Sets world modifiers to a named preset; setworldmodifier - Sets a world modifier value) [/spoiler]
[ 2023-06-16 11:01:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch includes a lot of optimisations for many underlying systems of the game this to improve in-game performance for both small and large worlds, network performance, load times and to drastically decrease save file sizes. We hope that these changes will be a significant improvement for some of you! Youll also find the midsummer items enabled again, so place down a maypole and go dancing!
Detailed patch notes:
* Midsummer items enabled (Maypole & Midsummer crown) * Many performance, memory and networking improvements for both new/unexplored and old/explored worlds * World save file size greatly reduced * Fixed endless loading of save manager when switching tabs too fast * World save files that are corrupt, have load errors or have missing meta files can now be restored from the most recent backup directly from within the Select World menu by pressing the "Start" button. * Save file stability & issues fixed * Decreased load times in the Manage Saves menu. * Fixed a bug that would cause the GUI to not update when deleting the bottommost backup in the Manage Saves menu. * An automatic backup is made when starting a world in a new version, and a permanent backup is created when loading into a new world version * Fixed a world load issue between versions. (You can no longer load into a world from a game version that is newer than your current game version) * Fixed hitbox issue for close combat and spear throwing issue * Added "UI scaling" to settings on Xbox * Minimap pin input fixed on steam deck & big picture mode * Minimap text input fix for certain Asian languages
[ 2023-06-12 12:02:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Further problem solving in today's patch! Like last time, this patch makes your saves significantly less backwards compatible than other patches, so make sure you really do make extra backups this time. As always, we will do our best so that you will be able to continue with your save files when this goes live, but there is always a risk that you might have to restore your backups when playing on the public test.
Patch notes:
* Fixed issue with some worlds not showing up correctly * Fixed an issue with creating a character with the same name as a previous one * A permanent backup is now created when loading into a new world version in case you want to revert back * Bed issues fixed * Issue with monsters moving before finished being staggered fixed * Fixed issue where monsters could have the wrong weapon after exiting and re-entering an area * Fixed issue with loading worlds on dedicated server * Worlds with underscores in their names fixed
[ 2023-06-01 13:44:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings! Lately we have been getting a lot of questions regarding mods, and what we as a company approve of as well as what we dont approve of. Therefore we thought wed try and clear things up a little bit. First of all, while we dont have any official mod support, we are definitely happy to see that people are engaging with our game and creating their own mods for it. Its definitely flattering that you want to be creative and add your own ideas! Iron Gate not having any official mod support essentially means that any creating and using of mods is done at your own risk, and that we cant guarantee that mods will be compatible with newer versions of the game. The thing that weve been getting the most questions about, however, is the phenomenon where mods cost money. We definitely understand that you spend a lot of your time on creating a mod, and that you might want financial compensation for that, but Iron Gate does not condone locking modded content behind a paywall. We feel that charging money for a mod is against the creative and open spirit of modding itself, and therefore we urge all mod authors to make their mods freely available to all who want to play them. This should include the whole mod, and not just have part of the mod available for free while another part of it costs money. If you want to show your appreciation for a mod author you can of course still support them with a voluntary donation, but we do not want payment to be a requirement to access a mod. Additionally, we would also greatly appreciate it if mods made it clear that they are unofficial mods, both in game and on any website where the mod is available. Sometimes joining a modded dedicated server will automatically trigger a download of a mod, and we simply want to avoid confusion for players so that they can know whether or not they are playing a modded game. Valheim already has a feature for this, where you can simply have your mod trigger a popup in game, which will inform the player that their game is running with a mod. Thank you all for taking our wishes into consideration! Best regards, The Iron Gate team
[ 2023-05-29 12:49:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just some minor fixes before the weekend! Please remember to read the disclaimers on the previous two PTB patches (0.216.5 and 0.216.6) * A backup is made when starting a world in a new version * Fixed a world load issue between versions
[ 2023-05-26 12:21:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some additional fixes to the current Public Test Branch patch! We have fixed all the known issues from before, but please do report any new issues you come across. Finally were able to release this patch to Xbox as well, complete with all the changes that were added in 0.216.5. Like last time, this patch makes your saves significantly less backwards compatible than other patches, so make sure you really do make extra backups this time. As always, we will do our best so that you will be able to continue with your save files when this goes live, but there is always a risk that you might have to restore your backups when playing on the public test. Should this patch not be problem free, we will roll it back for the time being, and return to it at a later date. Therefore it is extra important that you make your backups this time. * Animation & attack issues when at low framerate fixed * Exp gain/loss correct again * Duplicate world/character name fix and file handling fixes * Memory leak fixed * Minimap text input fix for certain Asian languages
[ 2023-05-25 13:01:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings, and welcome to this months status report!
All things Valheim are continuing to move forward over here, though they have been happening a bit more behind the scenes. Piktiv and Fishlabs are still hard at work with solving Xbox issues, and were currently testing the most recent patch on our Public Test Branch. Please test it if you havent already, but also please note that its extra important to make backups this time! If we discover any issues with this patch, we will roll it back for the time being, and return to it at a later date.
This potential rollback would be so that we can get the Hildirs Quest update out to you as soon as possible. That particular update might also get a slight name change upon its release, as Hildirs Quest was mainly intended as a working title, but rest assured that the name change doesnt change what the patch actually contains. If everything works out the way we hope it will, this should be the last blog post before the update is released for testing, so we want to give you one last teaser image before then:
Were of course continuing to work away on the Ashlands as well! Were currently trying to nail down some story aspects with the help of our lore writer Lee. If you want to do a more deep dive into the Valheim lore, we can recommend that you check out the podcast episode he was a guest on the other week!
Last time we mentioned that weve been making some drops for the Ashlands enemies, and now we thought wed show some of them off. Here we have a feather, a tooth, and a heart looks almost like were setting up for some sort of ritual sacrifice! What theyll actually be used for though, youll have to wait and see:
As hostile as the Ashlands biome might look, however, its not only going to be filled with fearsome enemies. Some creatures will still be more afraid of you than you are of them, like this little fellow for example! Were currently calling it cadaver-Bengt, but thats most likely going to change
Build of the Month
For the chosen build this month, we want to highlight this island fortress by Karakasnik nicely done! If you want your creation to be featured, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Until next time! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-05-24 09:18:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] This patch includes a lot of optimisations for many underlying systems of the game this to improve in-game performance for both small and large worlds, network performance, load times and to drastically decrease save file sizes. We hope that these changes will be a significant improvement for some of you. This does mean, however, that this patch is extra prone to have introduced some new and obscure bugs that we have yet to find, so any additional testing and bug reporting on this is greatly appreciated! Be sure to report them in our Discord in the public test channel or by filling out this form. On a very important note, this patch makes your saves significantly less backwards compatible than other patches, so make sure you really do make extra backups this time. As always, we will do our best so that you will be able to continue with your save files when this goes live, but there is always a risk that you might have to restore your backups when playing on the public test. Should this patch not be problem free, we will roll it back for the time being, and return to it at a later date. Therefore it is extra important that you make your backups this time.
Patch notes:
* Many performance, memory and networking improvements for both small and large worlds * World save file size greatly reduced * Fixed hitbox issue for close combat and spear throwing issue * Minimap pin input fixed on steam deck & big picture mode * Added "UI scaling" to settings on Xbox * Fixed endless loading of save manager when switching tabs too fast * World save files that are corrupt, have load errors or have missing meta files can now be restored from the most recent backup directly from within the Select World menu by pressing the "Start" button. * Save file stability & issues fixed * Decreased load times in the Manage Saves menu. * Fixed a bug that would cause the GUI to not update when deleting the bottommost backup in the Manage Saves menu.
[ 2023-05-16 11:30:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome to another peek behind the Valheim scenes!
First things first: Xbox players will likely (unfortunately) be aware of some issues that are still persisting with the console version, but you can rest assured that our Xbox teams at Piktiv and Fishlabs are working as hard and fast as they can to solve these issues. Keep an eye out on our website and our social media channels for updates and patch notes!
On a more fun note, we of course have some new content to tease you with this month as well! The Ashlands are continuing to develop, both art-wise and mechanics-wise. Last time we mentioned that something called Fortress time! would be an important aspect of the biome, and you might have seen something relating to that on social media recently. Heres another look at that particular something, because you cant have Fortress time! without some sturdy siege engines, right?
Of course, it wont be just the fortresses themselves that are challenging, but also the creatures who guard them. Weve already shown you some concept art of the Charred a while ago, as well as some earlier models of the Fallen Valkyrie, but now we want to show you their current state:
And though it wont be guarding the fortresses, we also want to give you a new look at what shape the Bonemaw Serpent is taking, though its still a work in progress! As you can tell, the Ashlands creatures have been getting quite a bit of attention lately, and were also working out what their drops will be. And then later comes the question of what those drops will be used for
When it comes to Hildirs Quest, things are starting to really fall into place! There will be mini-bosses, new clothing, a wide range of server modifications, and more! With mostly testing left to do, we hope to be able to bring it out to the Public Test Branch and Flight in the next month or two. For now, we want to show you one more sneak peek of the clothes youll be able to add to your vikings wardrobe though they will not be all that easy to obtain:
Build of the month
This month we have our eyes on this longhouse that Versaugh1 built! If you want your creation to be featured, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-04-26 10:45:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Todays patch includes some further fixes for Xbox issues, among other things! There will be a few more patches before all the Xbox issues have been fully resolved, but this is at the very least a step in the right direction.
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Backups are no longer deleted after being restored, so the same backup can now be restored multiple times. * World saves with missing .fwl files now show up in the Manage Saves menu so that they can be deleted. * Fixed a bug where backups couldn't be restored if the main save file was missing its .fwl file. * Fixed a bug that made world saves in cloud storage create a blank .old file when saving, instead of no .old file. * Player & ship markers are now shown correctly above map pins on the minimap * Lighting effects reduced when using reduce flashing lights setting for Eikthyr antlers, all boss spawning, guardian power and boss stone activation * Network compatibility version is now displayed separately in the console and log file and each non-pc platform has a platform prefix in the version text
* Improved stability and performance of world saving to decrease chance of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox * Save files that were corrupted as a result of incomplete file operations in cloud storage are detected and can no longer be started as empty worlds * Fixed a bug where the time stamps of cloud saves were retrieved as UTC instead of local time.
[ 2023-04-12 08:01:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Some further fixes today!
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Backups are no longer deleted after being restored, so the same backup can now be restored multiple times. * World saves with missing .fwl files now show up in the Manage Saves menu so that they can be deleted. * Fixed a bug where backups couldn't be restored if the main save file was missing its .fwl file. * Fixed a bug that made world saves in cloud storage create a blank .old file when saving, instead of no .old file.
* Improved stability and performance of world saving to decrease chance of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox * Save files that were corrupted as a result of incomplete file operations in cloud storage are detected and can no longer be started as empty worlds * Fixed a bug where the time stamps of cloud saves were retrieved as UTC instead of local time.
[ 2023-04-07 10:20:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Unfortunately everything wasnt as patched up as we believed last time, and there are still some issues with the world loading on Xbox. Were working as fast as we can to fix it, and this is hopefully a step in that direction (although its not entirely done yet)!
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Improved stability and performance of world saving to decrease chance of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox * Player & ship markers are now shown correctly above map pins on the minimap * Lighting effects reduced when using reduce flashing lights setting for Eikthyr antlers, all boss spawning, guardian power and boss stone activation * Network compatibility version is now displayed separately in the console and log file and each non-pc platform has a platform prefix in the version text
[ 2023-04-05 12:32:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
In this patch we finally have a fix for the issue that caused worlds of a certain size to be reset to Day 1 on Xbox consoles. We are deeply sorry that people have been losing progress, and we hope that things will run smoothly from here on out. If you have lost progress, you should now be able to restore some of it by using the Manage saves section in the main menu, provided that you still have backups with sufficient data. This version may be displayed in the logs as .305 but .300 in the menu because of platform differences, but these are in fact the same version. We will rework the versioning for this in an upcoming patch and apologise for any confusion.
Detailed Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Minor UI performance fixes * Fixed a bug that could occur when rebinding keys
* Worlds on Xbox will no longer reset to Day 1 once they reach a certain size
[ 2023-03-29 11:02:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for some hotfixes! This patch should fix an issue where Xbox players and PC players got different heightmaps, which could cause a player to appear to fly in the air or walk below ground. Unfortunately, if an Xbox player has built in an area like this, this change will cause buildings to collapse. We sincerely apologise for this, but it was important to make this change now to prevent further issues later down the line. Something else that we are working on is a fix to the issue where Xbox worlds have been resetting to day 1 after reaching a certain size. We have identified the problem and believe we have found a solution to it, which should be featured in the next patch. For now, we apologise and thank you for your patience. Remember that you can use the Manage Saves button in the world selection to recover an earlier version of your world if youve run into any world issues. And also, if you are having an unplayable game in the latest patch, you can always run the last stable version by changing to the default_old branch on Steam.
Abbreviated Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements
* Left handed mouse fixed * Manual saving bug fixed * Swap Triggers controller option added * Text & UI fixes * Performance & various bug fixes
Detailed Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements
* Manual save no longer causes you to respawn where you saved and can be called to a dedicated server if you are on the admin list * Left handed mouse should now work correctly again * Added Swap Triggers to control options, to be able to fix a potential issue for PlayStation controllers * Fixed performance issues in main menu * Fixed some special characters appearing as squares and symbols should look more like they did before * Hovertext and text input on signs should now be displayed correctly and can use \t and \n symbols * Text on signs should now be lit correctly and no lower glow * Various UI & text fixes that were being displayed incorrectly * Fixed an issue where the scrolling was slow and inverted on linux * Engine updated to unity version 2020.03.45 * Settings for keybindings should now be saved correctly
* Added graphic setting Balanced Mode with 40 FPS and 1440p on Series X and 900p on Series S (this will only display as an option of you have a screen which supports 40 FPS) * Right stick now only controls the character rotation in character screen * Right analog stick no longer has double functionality in the character creation menu * Heightmap differences between Xbox and PC have now been almost entirely eliminated (this means some areas in Xbox worlds will have a significant terrain change, and if you have built in these areas the buildings may unfortunately collapse)
[ 2023-03-28 14:01:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings!
Since our last blog post we have hit quite a big milestone for Valheim, namely releasing the game on Xbox! If you havent seen the cool trailer we made for that yet, you can check it out on our Youtube channel. Like we have promised ever since the announcement, there is full crossplay support, so you can play with your friends regardless of what platform youre on. So if youre a long-time Steam player who has been longing to get your console friends to visit your viking base, now is the time to convince them! We are aware of some bugs and issues, which we hope to have fixed as soon as possible, but we hope that the Xbox version is working smoothly for most players. If youre experiencing any bugs, please make sure to report them to our bug tracker!
To celebrate the release we also have a 20% discount in our official merch store. The sale is active for another week, so if you want to grab yourself some nice Valheim items now is the time to do so!
But of course, the Xbox release isnt all that has happened in the past month! Weve also continued working on the Ashlands, and if you follow us on social media you might have seen some tests for what some Ashlands buildings might look like, as well as some further enemy designs!
Today wed like to share a more recent version of the terrain of the biome. Can you feel yourself melting in the heat already?
While some graphical assets are already being worked on, were also fleshing out the gameplay loop of the Ashlands biome. Youre already used to going dungeon delving, but this time were testing out the concept of Fortress time!. Exactly what that will entail, wellyou might be able to guess!
On the subject of the Hildirs Quest update, we thought we would share some further details about Hildir herself. She has a few things in common with her brother Haldor, like for example that you will be able to find her where she has stopped with her wagon and lox. But why does her camp look so empty?
Hildirs camp is not the only new location that will be featured in that update, however. Particularly helpful vikings or very lucky explorers will be able to find a few other new and mysterious places scattered across the world. Well let you find out what secrets they hold by yourself, but we advise that you prepare yourself before venturing forth!
For Hildirs Quest were also looking at some quality of life updates which you might have spotted on social media namely a way to move items to and from chests in stacks, as well as a way to toggle manual snapping when building, for better precision.
Build of the Month
For this month, we want to show off this seaside town that FiaWorkshop built! If you want your creation to be featured, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

May your axes be sharp! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-03-22 13:15:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for some hotfixes! Aside from what we address in this patch, we are also looking into an issue related to some worlds being reset when playing on Xbox. Additionally, we have a fix for an issue that could cause worlds to be different on Xbox versus PC, which could cause buildings to break. These two issues have been our highest priority and are working as fast as we can to get them fixed and implemented! An important note here, is that when this is fixed it means that certain worlds on the Xbox version will have terrain changes in small areas of the world. Worst case, if youve built a lot in one of these areas, buildings there may break. Unfortunately there is no better solution for this, as the areas need to match with the PC versions for crossplay and all future world generation, and we truly apologise for the trouble this causes some players. Luckily this is something only a small number of players will notice at all. We try our best to ensure that these issues do not happen, but sometimes its unavoidable and we are truly sorry for any inconvenience. Remember that you can use the Manage Saves button in the world selection to recover a world if youve run into any world issues. And also, if you are having an unplayable game in the latest patch, you can always run the last stable version by changing to the default_old branch on Steam.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements
* Left handed mouse fixed * Manual saving bug fixed * Swap Triggers controller option added * Text & UI fixes * Performance & various bug fixes
Detailed Patch Notes
Fixes & Improvements:
* Manual save no longer causes you to respawn where you saved and can be called to a dedicated server if you are on the admin list * Left handed mouse should now work correctly again * Added Swap Triggers to control options, to be able to fix a potential issue for PlayStation controllers * Fixed performance issues in main menu * Fixed some special characters appearing as squares and symbols should look more like they did before * Hovertext and text input on signs should now be displayed correctly and can use \t and \n symbols * Text on signs should now be lit correctly and no lower glow * Various UI & text fixes that were being displayed incorrectly * Fixed an issue where the scrolling was slow and inverted on linux * Engine updated to unity version 2020.3.41f1
* Added graphic setting Balanced Mode with 40 FPS and 1440p on Series X and 900p on Series S * Right stick now only controls the character rotation in character screen
[ 2023-03-17 13:22:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for another patch with a chunky assortment of fixes! Several bugs have been corrected (both coding bugs and Seeker behaviours) and some Quality of Life improvements have been made, along with some performance optimisations. We have also added a save button, so you no longer have to worry about when your last autosave might have been.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Various fixes for the Mistlands * Various menu and UI improvements * Added manual save button * Various performance optimisations * Localisation improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
Gameplay & Balance:
* Mistlands giant helmet and sword will now properly drop both iron and copper scrap as intended * Seeker soldier and ticks should now respawn correctly in dungeons, and ticks starred ticks chance increased from 10% to 20% as intended.
Fixes & Improvements:
* Added Munin to Ribcage locations in Mistlands * Added saving icon to HUD and delayed the "bad connection icon" when saving * All game texts have been optimised for better clarity and performance * Reworked button prompts to a new visual style, added some missing buttons, etc. * Key hints are now displayed in a horizontal line rather than vertical list and visible in all needed contexts * Kicked players get a proper message * Menu selection markers should now be displayed correctly in all languages * Fixed several focus loss scenarios when using a gamepad * Haldors lines are now translated correctly * Build menu has been widened to avoid overlapping other interface items * D-Pad should now be usable in all menus * Controller and keyboard usage of menus improved * Skills menu should now work correctly with gamepad and show tooltips correctly * Mistlands boss should no longer escape her room during rare occasions (changes have been made to how ownership of objects work when transferred to another player; specifically checking the positions) * Fixed a bug that caused projectiles to sometimes miss even though it obviously should have connected * Durability bar on item in the inventory and action bar is now only visible if the item has been damaged * Fixed a visual bug that showed servers that were being pinged as offline * Thatch roof i-corner 45o can now support itself and will protect underlying beams from rain properly * Thatch & darkwood roof top 26o middle beam point fixed
Quality of Life:
* Added alternative controller layout and changed layout to be more readable. Build snapping is a toggle in the alternative layout, and has an icon when active * Added manual save button to the pause menu that displays last save time * Crafting menus and quick use bar now have cycling navigation when using gamepad * You can now use the sticks to move to and from a container inventory from the player inventory directly rather than changing menu focus * Crafting station is now focused when opening a crafting station * Language can now be changed without restarting the game * If a server is unjoinable for version mismatch or other restriction this will shown when attempting to join a game from the server list immediately rather than having to wait for the game to load
* Performance of distant mountain shadows greatly increased, and added a setting to turn off distant shadows completely. (This may increase performance significantly for players with older graphic cards) * Performance increased while in dungeons * Performance improved when using many map pins * Performance improved while using the inventory with many items * Network stability and performance improvements for crossplay * Improved cloud save performance on Microsoft Store version. * Memory optimizations for textures and fonts
[ 2023-03-13 12:00:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for another patch with a chunky assortment of fixes! Several bugs have been corrected (both coding bugs and Seeker behaviours) and some Quality of Life improvements have been made, along with some performance optimisations. We have also added a save button, so you no longer have to worry about when your last autosave might have been.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Various fixes for the Mistlands * Various menu and UI improvements * Added manual save button * Various performance optimisations * Localisation improvements
Detailed Patch Notes:
Gameplay & Balance:
* Mistlands giant helmet and sword will now properly drop both iron and copper scrap as intended * Seeker soldier and ticks should now respawn correctly in dungeons, and ticks starred ticks chance increased from 10% to 20% as intended.
Fixes & Improvements:
* Added Munin to Ribcage locations in Mistlands * Added saving icon to HUD and delayed the "bad connection icon" when saving * All game texts have been optimised for better clarity and performance * Reworked button prompts to a new visual style, added some missing buttons, etc. * Key hints are now displayed in a horizontal line rather than vertical list and visible in all needed contexts * Kicked players get a proper message * Menu selection markers should now be displayed correctly in all languages * Fixed several focus loss scenarios when using a gamepad * Haldors lines are now translated correctly * Build menu has been widened to avoid overlapping other interface items * D-Pad should now be usable in all menus * Controller and keyboard usage of menus improved * Skills menu should now work correctly with gamepad and show tooltips correctly * Mistlands boss should no longer escape her room during rare occasions (changes have been made to how ownership of objects work when transferred to another player; specifically checking the positions) * Fixed a bug that caused projectiles to sometimes miss even though it obviously should have connected * Durability bar on item in the inventory and action bar is now only visible if the item has been damaged * Fixed a visual bug that showed servers that were being pinged as offline * Thatch roof i-corner 45o can now support itself and will protect underlying beams from rain properly * Thatch & darkwood roof top 26o middle beam point fixed
Quality of Life:
* Added alternative controller layout and changed layout to be more readable. Build snapping is a toggle in the alternative layout, and has an icon when active * Added manual save button to the pause menu that displays last save time * Crafting menus and quick use bar now have cycling navigation when using gamepad * You can now use the sticks to move to and from a container inventory from the player inventory directly rather than changing menu focus * Crafting station is now focused when opening a crafting station * Language can now be changed without restarting the game * If a server is unjoinable for version mismatch or other restriction this will shown when attempting to join a game from the server list immediately rather than having to wait for the game to load
* Performance of distant mountain shadows greatly increased, and added a setting to turn off distant shadows completely. (This may increase performance significantly for players with older graphic cards) * Performance increased while in dungeons * Performance improved when using many map pins * Performance improved while using the inventory with many items * Network stability and performance improvements for crossplay * Improved cloud save performance on Microsoft Store version. * Memory optimizations for textures and fonts
[ 2023-03-07 09:03:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings!
Its been another month and its time for another look into how the development of Valheim is going!
In case you missed it, we released quite a large patch last week, which contained a lot of bug fixing and improvements. It also added a new hexagonal door, which a lot of you had been asking for ever since first encountering the dvergr in the Mistlands! We were also able to start adding some accessibility features, such as a setting for disabling flashing lights, and the option to toggle the Hugin hints. Its just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to accessibility, and we hope to eventually be able to accommodate a lot of the suggestions you all sent in after the last development blog!
Last time we promised to be a lot more open with the development of the Ashlands than we were with the Mistlands, and if you follow us on social media youve been able to see some concept art of weapons and fortresses, as well as some terrain tests! You might even have caught a glimpse of some early 3D models! On the sites where its possible to blur the images before viewing, we make sure to do so, so that you can avoid spoilers if you want to.
Its really fun to be able to read your comments about the design ideas this early in the process, and we hope youre enjoying it as much as we are! Right now we would like to show you another piece of enemy concept art. What if the waters around the Ashlands were inhabited by something that made it a little bit harder to reach the shore?
While the pre-production of the Ashlands is in full swing with concept art and terrain tests, were also working away on the Hildirs Quest update! It will for example (finally!) feature a way to wear helmets while still having your hair visible. Weve already teased a bit about it on social media, but itll look something like this:
Another thing were looking at for Hildirs Quest is playtesting some new server settings. Were trying out a hard mode and an easy mode, but also a casual mode where you wont lose gear upon death. The normal mode will still always be the best balanced version of the game, but we hope adding more ways to play the game can both provide a challenge to experienced players and open the game up to players who would rather take a calm and relaxed approach.
Finally, wed just like to leave you with one more little teaser about this whole update. We have already mentioned that Hildir will be a new NPC, and so we thought wed offer you a small glimpse of the place where youll be able to find her
Build of the Month
This month we want to highlight this mighty mansion by Zacksparrow84! If you want your creation to be featured in this section, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Skl! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-02-15 11:52:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for another patch, and its a chunky one! This patch should fix a lot of various bugs and issues, and we hope theres something in here for everyone. For example, the ballista now has two modes: one where it will still shoot at anything in its range, but also a new mode where you set a specific target by presenting it with a trophy of your choice. We have also added two new items for you! One is a buildable version of the hexagonal gate you have seen at the various Dvergr strongholds in the Mistlands, and the other is a very stylish hat for all you master fishers out there. You may be in Valheim to prove your worth to Odin, but sometimes you simply have to prove yourself worthy of a cool hat as well.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New Content:
* New build piece: Hexagonal gate * New item: Fishing hat
Fixes & Improvements:
* Players can now use a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at * Balance tweaks to various Mistlands enemies * Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies * Fixes to Mistlands dungeons and boss room entrances * Various other bug fixes * Various fishing fixes * Various networking fixes
Detailed Patch Notes:
New Content:
* New build piece: Hexagonal gate * New item: Fishing hat (needs a super secret recipe)
Balance & Tweaks:
* Players can now use a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at * Seeker circling tweaks (They should now feel a bit more aggressive again) * Gjall spit attack tweaks (They now shoot 2 projectiles again, but the burst interval is increased. Should now be more visible and somewhat easier to avoid instead. More fire damage, less blunt damage) * Added post-Queen nightspawns of Seekers, Broods and Ticks in Meadows, Black Forest, Mountain and Plains biomes * Mistlands boss now tries to flee if unable to reach the player * Mobs inside Mistlands Dungeons can now respawn * Royal jelly piles inside Mistlands Dungeons are now respawning (Added hanging Royal Jelly piles as an indicator in big dungeon rooms) * Wolves can now eat Chicken meat (Yum!) * Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies * Tweaked portal size to Mistlands boss room (The entrance box was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to mine the top of the entrance and be able to press E to enter through the wall/stones) * Tweaked portal size on Mistlands dungeon exits (The exit box was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to exit the dungeon while being on the floor right above the entrance) * Eitr regen is no longer affected by swimming or when encumbered * Ymir Flesh is now purchasable from Haldor after Elder is dead, instead of after Bonemass * Health and resistance tweaks on some Dvergr pieces * Ballista ammo capacity increased from 20 to 40
Bug fixes:
* Obliterator now converts Mistlands trophies/wood/arrows/bolts properly * Mistlands biome music no longer stops playing if players use the dev command env Clear while being in Mistlands * Carapace bolt collider fixed (The offset was a bit off previously when you tried to pick em up) * Depth of Field fix (Stars in the sky no longer blurry) * Using the console command save will now also save your local character file when playing on a multiplayer server * Cleaned up unused locations and dungeon rooms to lower RAM usage * Fixed a bug where players could craft an infinite amount of Raw fish * Hens now lay eggs closer to their bodies * Hens should no longer change colour * Skeleton spawners can now spawn skeletons again even if there are summoned friendly skeletons nearby * Troll trap and Dvergr stake wall no longer take rain damage * Periodic lag spike fix (Resource unloading will now run while sleeping or pausing afk for 5 seconds if it hasn't been run for a 20 minutes, or when calling "cr" from console, or if none of those things, every 60 minutes) * Seeker flying sound no longer plays if it dies mid air * Marble column build pieces: Tweaked snap points (They were previously not 100% aligned with other build pieces) * Additional damage for Bolt descriptions are now based on Crossbow skill instead of Bow skill * JotunPuffs, Magecap and a number of other pickables no longer leave invisible dead objects in the world when they are picked, and old dead objects are cleared when loaded in to increase performance and decrease save-file size. * Pickable DvergrStein no longer fall through objects
Fishing tweaks & fixes:
* New item: Fishing hat * Fish no longer despawn when far away * Fish found in Ice Caves now respawn correctly * Higher tier fish now give slightly more Raw fish and theres now a small chance for fish to give players some extra materials when they are successfully reeled in * Fishing bait is now returned if pulled in without fish or when recasting * Fishing bait recipes now take basic fishing bait instead of previous biome fish * Fishing bait recipes, and the fishing bait sold from Haldor is now 20 instead of 40 (This change was made due to the fishing bait return change mentioned above) * Fish will now try to escape when hooked. (Fish will wobble and splash in the water when they try to escape, which increases the stamina usage when pulling in. When theyre not trying to escape, the stamina usage for pulling in is reduced) * Tetra can now spawn at higher levels correctly * Tuna now only spawn in the Ocean biome * Higher-level fish only jump in the Ocean biome * Slightly increased skill gain when fishing
Networking fixes:
* Fixed a bug where players received the Fail to connect message instead of Server full when trying to join a full PlayFab server * Fixed a bug where PlayFab accidentally signed in twice * Major improvements in how the game handles multiplayer sessions when going offline/disconnect. (It now tries more often to succeed with creating lobbies/relog compared to previously) * Added a pop-up message when players are trying to start a server when theyre not signed in correctly (i.e. being offline in some way) * Added support for non-crossplay PlayFab servers, and Xbox network users without the Crossplay privilege can only host and join non-crossplay supported servers * Added new server parameter that server owners can use if they want to run multiple dedicated servers using the same MAC-address in order to get unique PlayFab IDs for every server * Improved error handling of privilege manager * New DNS Lookup failed message when a server with an URL cant be added to the server list due to DNS lookup failure * Improved performance and behaviour of local server lists * Fixed 2 soft lock cases that could happen when using PlayFab * Fixed a bug that paused matchmaking-timers when the game was paused
* Reduce lighting flashes accessibility option added, reduces flashes for thunder, monster & player elemental effects, Galdr table, Obliterator and Portal * Raven hints can be toggled in settings (and console command removed) * New console commands added: catch (simulates catching a fish), printnetobj (lists number of network objects by name surrounding player) & cr (runs the periodic unloads unused assets routine manually and resets the timer) * Improvements made for the Manage Saves menu, should now be a lot less laggy to use * Localization updated * Yule items have now been disabled * Turnips can now be put on item stands
[ 2023-02-07 14:02:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Just a small patch with some additional tweaks!
Patch notes
* Hexagonal door no longer flickers when opened * Yule items have now been disabled * Hens should no longer change colour * Turnips can now be put on item stands
[ 2023-02-02 09:01:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time for another patch, and its a chunky one! This patch should fix a lot of various bugs and issues, and we hope theres something in here for everyone. For example, the ballista now has two modes: one where it will still shoot at anything in its range, but also a new mode where you set a specific target by presenting it with a trophy of your choice. We have also added two new items for you! One is a buildable version of the hexagonal gate you have seen at the various Dvergr strongholds in the Mistlands, and the other is a very stylish hat for all you master fishers out there. You may be in Valheim to prove your worth to Odin, but sometimes you simply have to prove yourself worthy of a cool hat as well.
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New Content:
* New build piece: Hexagonal gate * New item: Fishing hat
Fixes & Improvements:
* Players can now use a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at * Balance tweaks to various Mistlands enemies * Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies * Fixes to Mistlands dungeons and boss room entrances * Various other bug fixes * Various fishing fixes * Various networking fixes
Detailed Patch Notes:
New Content:
* New build piece: Hexagonal gate * New item: Fishing hat (needs a super secret recipe)
Balance & Tweaks:
* Players can now use a trophy on ballistas to limit what it will shoot at * Seeker circling tweaks (They should now feel a bit more aggressive again) * Gjall spit attack tweaks (They now shoot 2 projectiles again, but the burst interval is increased. Should now be more visible and somewhat easier to avoid instead. More fire damage, less blunt damage) * Added post-Queen nightspawns of Seekers, Broods and Ticks in Meadows, Black Forest, Mountain and Plains biomes * Mistlands boss now tries to flee if unable to reach the player * Mobs inside Mistlands Dungeons can now respawn * Royal jelly piles inside Mistlands Dungeons are now respawning (Added hanging Royal Jelly piles as an indicator in big dungeon rooms) * Wolves can now eat Chicken meat (Yum!) * Mist torches are no longer a primary target for enemies * Tweaked portal size to Mistlands boss room (The entrance box was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to mine the top of the entrance and be able to press E to enter through the wall/stones) * Tweaked portal size on Mistlands dungeon exits (The exit box was a bit too big. Players should no longer be able to exit the dungeon while being on the floor right above the entrance) * Eitr regen is no longer affected by swimming or when encumbered * Ymir Flesh is now purchasable from Haldor after Elder is dead, instead of after Bonemass * Health and resistance tweaks on some Dvergr pieces * Ballista ammo capacity increased from 20 to 40
Bug fixes:
* Obliterator now converts Mistlands trophies/wood/arrows/bolts properly * Mistlands biome music no longer stops playing if players use the dev command env Clear while being in Mistlands * Carapace bolt collider fixed (The offset was a bit off previously when you tried to pick em up) * Depth of Field fix (Stars in the sky no longer blurry) * Using the console command save will now also save your local character file when playing on a multiplayer server * Cleaned up unused locations and dungeon rooms to lower RAM usage * Fixed a bug where players could craft an infinite amount of Raw fish * Hens now lay eggs closer to their bodies * Skeleton spawners can now spawn skeletons again even if there are summoned friendly skeletons nearby * Troll trap and Dvergr stake wall no longer take rain damage * Periodic lag spike fix (Resource unloading will now run while sleeping or pausing afk for 5 seconds if it hasn't been run for a 20 minutes, or when calling "cr" from console, or if none of those things, every 60 minutes) * Seeker flying sound no longer plays if it dies mid air * Marble column build pieces: Tweaked snap points (They were previously not 100% aligned with other build pieces) * Additional damage for Bolt descriptions are now based on Crossbow skill instead of Bow skill * JotunPuffs, Magecap and a number of other pickables no longer leave invisible dead objects in the world when they are picked, and old dead objects are cleared when loaded in to increase performance and decrease save-file size. * Pickable DvergrStein no longer fall through objects
Fishing tweaks & fixes:
* New item: Fishing hat * Fish no longer despawn when far away * Fish found in Ice Caves now respawn correctly * Higher tier fish now give slightly more Raw fish and theres now a small chance for fish to give players some extra materials when they are successfully reeled in * Fishing bait is now returned if pulled in without fish or when recasting * Fishing bait recipes now take basic fishing bait instead of previous biome fish * Fishing bait recipes, and the fishing bait sold from Haldor is now 20 instead of 40 (This change was made due to the fishing bait return change mentioned above) * Fish will now try to escape when hooked. (Fish will wobble and splash in the water when they try to escape, which increases the stamina usage when pulling in. When theyre not trying to escape, the stamina usage for pulling in is reduced) * Tetra can now spawn at higher levels correctly * Tuna now only spawn in the Ocean biome * Higher-level fish only jump in the Ocean biome * Slightly increased skill gain when fishing
Networking fixes:
* Fixed a bug where players received the Fail to connect message instead of Server full when trying to join a full PlayFab server * Fixed a bug where PlayFab accidentally signed in twice * Major improvements in how the game handles multiplayer sessions when going offline/disconnect. (It now tries more often to succeed with creating lobbies/relog compared to previously) * Added a pop-up message when players are trying to start a server when theyre not signed in correctly (i.e. being offline in some way) * Added support for non-crossplay PlayFab servers, and Xbox network users without the Crossplay privilege can only host and join non-crossplay supported servers * Added new server parameter that server owners can use if they want to run multiple dedicated servers using the same MAC-address in order to get unique PlayFab IDs for every server * Improved error handling of privilege manager * New DNS Lookup failed message when a server with an URL cant be added to the server list due to DNS lookup failure * Improved performance and behaviour of local server lists * Fixed 2 soft lock cases that could happen when using PlayFab * Fixed a bug that paused matchmaking-timers when the game was paused
* Reduce lighting flashes accessibility option added, reduces flashes for thunder, monster & player elemental effects, Galdr table, Obliterator and Portal * Raven hints can be toggled in settings (and console command removed) * New console commands added: catch (simulates catching a fish), printnetobj (lists number of network objects by name surrounding player) & cr (runs the periodic unloads unused assets routine manually and resets the timer) * Improvements made for the Manage Saves menu, should now be a lot less laggy to use * Localization updated
[ 2023-01-27 09:01:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy new year, vikings!
We opted out of writing these regular development blogs for the last part of 2022, figuring there wasnt much more we could tell you that wasnt about announcing the Mistlands update itself! But now we have passed that particular milestone, and its time to look towards the future.
First though, we want to say a most heartfelt thank you to all of you who played the Mistlands during the Public Test phase, and to all of you who have played the update since it was released properly. Thank you for your feedback, for your thoughts and for your time! With Mistlands being such a large and long-expected update, it was quite scary to finally reveal it to all of you, and it was such a relief to see how much you liked it!
But now to the future, for real.
Our next big biome update is going to be the Ashlands, and we have begun with the pre-production of that biome by creating some concept art and trying to work out the feeling we want the biome to have. It will be quite different from what were all used to, given that the Ashlands is a large chunk of land at the far south of the map, rather than small islands spread out over the world.
When it comes to development itself, there is something we would like to do very differently this time. With the Mistlands, we were very secretive. This is great for those who want to discover as much as possible for themselves (which is the main reason why we kept so much hidden), but its also not very transparent. Therefore, our ambition with the development of the Ashlands is to show you a lot more of the process. This will mean you will see things in their early stages, and maybe even things that wont end up making it into the game at all, but you will also hopefully have a better understanding of how far along the development has gotten. Well be trying this out for the Ashlands development period and see how it goes, and wed like to start off right away by showing you some enemy concepts:
As you might be able to guess from these images, our current design vision for the Ashlands is that its a land of the dead, as well as a place with quite a volcanic nature. Were really looking forward to exploring the concept and finding out where it will lead us, and were excited to have you along for this journey!
If youre concerned about the Ashlands taking a long time to develop, you can rest assured that we have some fun things planned for you between then and now. Something you already know is that Valheim will get an Xbox release early this year, and with the crossplay support you will be able to play with your console-bound friends. We have also talked about adding some new difficulty settings, and we are working on something which were currently calling Hildirs Quest! While the programming and QA folks were busy working out the final bugs of the Mistlands, our artists got creative and designed some brand new clothes for your characters, which became the start of this little update. The clothes might still get further changes, but we think theyre looking pretty nice so far!
Hildirs Quest will also have some other fun things, like an additional NPC (the eponymous Hildir herself) and a way for you to re-style your existing characters hair! Dont worry though, an update like this wont be taking any significant time away from the development of the Ashlands. Due to the nature of game development, not everyone can work on the same thing at the same time, and working on something like Hildirs Quest will ensure that the Ashlands pre-production can proceed while the team works as efficiently as possible.
Another thing we want to do in the future is to improve the accessibility of the game. This is long overdue, but we want to finally add some options so that more people can enjoy Valheim. If you have a disability or any other factor that affects your gaming, you are more than welcome to send us an email and tell us a bit about it and about any solutions you can think of that would improve your experience.
Build of the month
Since its been a while without announcing a Build of the Month, we want to highlight more than one creation this time! Check out the cosy cottage by HelloHellie, MythicBuildVs epic dragon temple, and the proud Mistlands keep by TBasicBuilder. If you want your creation to be featured, use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. You can view previous builds in this thread on Steam.

Thank you for joining us on the Valheim journey thus far, and lets head into 2023 together! /The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2023-01-16 11:49:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Before the holiday season truly kicks off we have a few more bugs that we wanted to address! In this patch you can expect some adjustments to various crafting recipes, further fishing fixes, as well as tweaks to several Mistlands enemies. We also found a way to optimise the game to make your RAM a whole lot happier!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Tweaked mistlands gear recipes and stats * Ballista behaviour and recipe tweaks * Mistlands events, spawning and ai tweaks * Various balancing tweaks for comfort and fish * Fixed various animation, effect and gameplay issues * Music will fade out correctly for locations when continuous music is turned off * Optimised game assets to decrease RAM usage and game download size
Detailed Patch Notes:
Balancing & Tweaks:
* Mistlands armour and shield recipes rebalanced and durability increased * Staffs have rebalanced recipes and stats * Ballista tweaks (Increased fire rate, sound effects added when shooting and losing sight of targets, tweaked targeting behaviour) * Ballista ammo recipes made cheaper * Mistlands Seeker event tweaked (It will no longer trigger in Meadows, Swamps, Mountains or Ocean. It will no longer spawn Seeker Soldiers and the amount of Seekers & Broods has been rebalanced) * Seeker AI tweaks (They should now circulate a bit and not be on the player constantly to give them some time to catch their breath) * Seeker Soldier and Gjall spawn rate tweaked (Was spawning quite frequently earlier. Its now much similar to Troll spawns in Black Forest) * Comfort from different carpets no longer stacks * Gjall will now only shoot 1 projectile at a time instead of 2 * Hare running speed slightly decreased * Tetra bait uses Fenring trophy instead of Ulv trophy * Fish in mountain caves will respawn correctly, and small additional lake added * Tuna also always takes ocean bait since it is in ocean as well
Fixes & Improvements:
* Stutter fix when walking left with hoe or hammer equipped * Fixed animation issues on dual knives idle and block idle * Fixed a lighting issue with fog in black forest * Fixed an error while viewing a character in the main menu that has a fish in its inventory * Fixed an issue that could cause the Mistlands boss to escape (Sorry, Your Grace) * Spawned skeletons will unsummon correctly after rejoining a network game * Find console command shows absolute position rather than offset * Mating hens no longer sound like boars * Correct effects will now be shown when placing marble bench and table * Music will fade out correctly for dungeons and locations when continuous music is turned off * Some locations that had looping music will now only be played once * Various networking changes to solve connectivity issues when using crossplay * Sounds, music, animations and textures have been optimised to save around 485 Mb of RAM and to decrease the download size of Valheim by approximately 420 Mb
[ 2022-12-20 09:00:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] Before the holiday season truly kicks off we have a few more bugs that we wanted to address! In this patch you can expect some adjustments to various crafting recipes, further fishing fixes, as well as tweaks to several Mistlands enemies. We also found a way to optimise the game to make your RAM a whole lot happier!
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
* Tweaked mistlands gear recipes and stats * Ballista behaviour and recipe tweaks * Mistlands events, spawning and ai tweaks * Various balancing tweaks for comfort and fish * Fixed various animation, effect and gameplay issues * Music will fade out correctly for locations when continuous music is turned off * Optimised game assets to decrease RAM usage and game download size
Detailed Patch Notes:
Balancing & Tweaks:
* Mistlands armour and shield recipes rebalanced and durability increased * Staffs have rebalanced recipes and stats * Ballista tweaks (Increased fire rate, sound effects added when shooting and losing sight of targets, tweaked targeting behaviour) * Ballista ammo recipes made cheaper * Mistlands Seeker event tweaked (It will no longer trigger in Meadows, Swamps, Mountains or Ocean. It will no longer spawn Seeker Soldiers and the amount of Seekers & Broods has been rebalanced) * Seeker AI tweaks (They should now circulate a bit and not be on the player constantly to give them some time to catch their breath) * Seeker Soldier and Gjall spawn rate tweaked (Was spawning quite frequently earlier. Its now much similar to Troll spawns in Black Forest) * Comfort from different carpets no longer stacks * Gjall will now only shoot 1 projectile at a time instead of 2 * Hare running speed slightly decreased * Tetra bait uses Fenring trophy instead of Ulv trophy * Fish in mountain caves will respawn correctly, and small additional lake added * Tuna also always takes ocean bait since it is in ocean as well
Fixes & Improvements:
* Stutter fix when walking left with hoe or hammer equipped * Fixed animation issues on dual knives idle and block idle * Fixed a lighting issue with fog in black forest * Fixed an error while viewing a character in the main menu that has a fish in its inventory * Fixed an issue that could cause the Mistlands boss to escape (Sorry, Your Grace) * Spawned skeletons will unsummon correctly after rejoining a network game * Find console command shows absolute position rather than offset * Mating hens no longer sound like boars * Correct effects will now be shown when placing marble bench and table * Music will fade out correctly for dungeons and locations when continuous music is turned off * Some locations that had looping music will now only be played once * Various networking changes to solve connectivity issues when using crossplay * Sounds, music, animations and textures have been optimised to save around 485 Mb of RAM and to decrease the download size of Valheim by approximately 420 Mb
[ 2022-12-16 11:36:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Gather your friends and gear up, for its time to embark on the voyage to the Mistlands! We have worked hard on this update for the past nine months now, and were so happy to finally be able to share it with all of you.
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has participated in the Public Test period for this update, as your feedback has been very helpful. Given that Valheim is in Early Access some things are still subject to change, of course, but right now we feel assured that the Mistlands update is stable and ready for all of you.
An important thing to note is that the Mistlands biome will only generate in areas you have not yet discovered. Therefore, if you have explored a lot of your world, you might be better off starting a new one in order to actually be able to travel to the Mistlands. As per usual, mods will also most likely cause the game not to launch, as they are only compatible with the latest Live version of the game. If you have mods, you will either need to remove them or wait for the mod to be updated before you can play.
If you have managed to keep yourself from playing during the Public Test period we suspect youre rather eager to dive into the game by now, so we wont make this post particularly long. Youll find the full patch notes behind the spoiler marker further down in this post, below the abbreviated version. You will also find the gameplay trailer, in case you want to take a peek at what the Mistlands will hold before you enter.
We do have one more treat for you though! You might remember the Viking trio from our Hearth & Home trailer last year, and you can now rest assured that their adventures arent over. See for yourself what their journey to the Mistlands looks like in this brand new animated trailer:
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New content:
New biome Mistlands: * New mechanics * 9 new creatures + Mistlands boss * More than 20 new crafting materials * 2 new crafting stations, 3 crafting station extensions, and 3 other resource/crafting constructions * 15 new food items * 3 new potions * More than 25 new craftable items (weapons, armours & tools) * More than 35 new building/furniture pieces for building, decorating and defending your base * New type of dungeon * New lore stones * New dreams * New music Misc: * Fishing update * 12 new emotes * 9 new hairstyles and 7 new beard styles * Enabled Yule seasonal items (Yule tree, Yuleklapp, Yule wreath, Yule garland and Mistletoe)
Fixes & Improvements:
* Various console command improvements * Multiple animations have been updated and improved * Multiple VFX have been updated and improved * Various other tweaks [previewyoutube=cZOuBjvETR8;full][/previewyoutube]
Detailed Patch Notes:
New content:
New mechanics: * Wisplight (Move the mist out of your way using stationary wisplights or one that follows you wherever you go) * Magic! (Eat foods with Eitr in order to use magic staves, and develop the new skills Elemental Magic and Blood Magic) * Mushroom farming (The new Mistlands mushrooms can be grown from the comfort of your own home) * Poultry (Get eggs, hatch and raise chickens, take care of your hens and get more eggs!) * Friendly/unfriendly NPCs (Theyre on your side as long as you dont upset them!) New creatures: * Enemy: Seeker * Enemy: Seeker Brood * Enemy: Seeker Brute * Enemy: Gjall * Enemy: Tick * Creature: Hare * Creature: Hen (and Chick) * NPC/Enemy: Dvergr (Rogue and Mage) * NPC: Munin raven of lore * Boss: The Queen Crafting: * Material: Black marble * Material: Yggdrasil wood * Material: Blood clot * Material: Soft tissue * Material: Refined eitr * Material: Sap * Material: Royal jelly * Material: Magecap * Material: Jotun puffs * Material: Egg (can be purchased from Haldor, or lain by hens) * Material: Raw chicken meat * Material: Raw seeker meat * Material: Raw hare meat * Material: Scale hide * Material: Carapace * Material: Mandible * Material: Bilebag * Material: Mechanical spring * Material: Black core * Material: Dvergr extractor * Material: Wisp * Material: Sealbreaker fragment * Workstation: Black forge * Black forge extension: Black forge cooler * Workstation: Galdr table * Galdr table extension: Rune table * Cauldron extension: Mortar and pestle * Crafting construction: Eitr refinery * Misc: Wisp fountain * Misc: Sap extractor * Resource location: Giant Remains * Resource location: Ancient roots * Tree type: Yggdrasil shoot New food items and potions: * Food: Cooked egg * Food: Cooked chicken meat * Food: Cooked seeker meat * Food: Cooked hare meat * Food: Magecap * Food: Jotun puffs * Food: Misthare supreme * Food: Meat platter * Food: Mushroom omelette * Food: Yggdrasil porridge * Food: Seeker aspic * Food: Salad * Food: Fish n bread * Food: Honey glazed chicken * Food: Stuffed mushroom * Potion: Major health mead * Potion: Lingering stamina mead * Potion: Minor eitr mead New craftable items: * Tool: Wisplight * Tool: Black metal pickaxe * Tool: Dvergr lantern * Key: Sealbreaker * Weapon: Mistwalker (sword) * Weapon: Jotun bane (axe) * Weapon: Demolisher (sledge) * Weapon: Carapace spear * Weapon: Himmin afl (atgeir) * Weapon: Spine snap (bow) * Arrows: Carapace arrow * Weapon: Krom (two-handed sword) * Weapon: Skoll and Hati (dual-wielded knives) * Weapon: Arbalest (crossbow new skill!) * Bolts: Iron Bolt, Bone Bolt, Black Metal Bolt, Carapace Bolt * Weapon: Staff of frost (elemental magic new skill!) * Weapon: Staff of protection (blood magic new skill!) * Weapon: Dead raiser (blood magic new skill!) * Weapon: Staff of embers (elemental magic new skill!) * Bomb: Bile bomb * Ballista ammunition: Black metal missile, Wooden missile * Shield: Carapace shield * Shield: Carapace buckler * Armour set: Carapace breastplate, Carapace greaves, Carapace helmet * Armour set: Eitr-weave robe, Eitr-weave trousers, Eitr-weave hood * Cape: Feather cape (New status effect: Feather fall) New building and furniture pieces: * Building pieces: 14 Black marble pieces (1m square block, 2m square block, 2m rectangle, arch, plinth, plinth corner, wide column, small column, floor, triangle floor, cornice, cornice corner, stairs & quarter spire) * Building pieces: 2 Angled Darkwood beams (26o & 45o) * Building pieces: 2 Angled Iron beams (26o & 45o) * Building piece: 2 Spiral stairs (left & right) * Building piece: Dvergr metal wall * Furniture: Hare rug * Furniture: Black marble bench * Furniture: Black marble throne * Furniture: Black marble table * Furniture: Wisp torch * Furniture: Blue jute drapes * Furniture: Blue jute curtain * Furniture: Blue jute carpet * Furniture: Dvergr wall lantern * Furniture: Dvergr lantern pole * Stack: Yggdrasil wood * Stack: Black marble * Defence: Dvergr stake wall * Defence: Dvergr sharp stakes * Defence: Ballista * Defence: Trap Misc: * New music (Mistlands, Mistlands boss, Mistlands locations, other locations & Haldor) * New dreams * New lore stones * New locations (Various Dvergr outposts, Dvergr ruins and more) * New dungeons (Infested mines) * New hair styles (Curls 1, Curls 2, Gathered braids, Neat braids, Pulled back curls, Royal braids, Short curls, Single bun & Twin buns) and beard styles (Braided 4, Braided 5, Royal 1, Royal 2, Short 4, Stonedweller & Thick 2) * New emotes (Blow kiss, Bow, Cower, Cry, Dance, Despair, Flex, Come here, Headbang, Kneel, Roar & Shrug) * New events (Whats up gjall? & They sought you out) * yagluth_thing is now Torn Spirit * New Forsaken power * Haldors stock will update depending on boss progression * Terrain generation change, to increase the amount of Mistlands on the map * Enabled Yule seasonal items (Yule tree, Yuleklapp, Yule wreath, Yule garland and Mistletoe) Fishing: * New fish types (Trollfish, Giant herring, Tetra, Grouper, Anglerfish, Pufferfish, Magmafish, Northern salmon & Coral cod) and craftable baits for each biome (Mossy, Sticky, Cold, Stingy, Misty, Hot, Frosty & Heavy) * Fishing is now a skill that improves stamina use and pull speed * Fish can now be picked up and mounted on item stands, or can be made into raw fish at the cooking station instead * Fish can now be different sizes that give more raw fish * Fish now follow the waves movement * Fish can now jump over the water, and flop around on land * Fish now appear in ice caves * Correct key hints will be shown when fishing
Fixes & Improvements:
Console command improvements: * There will now be a proper error message if commands arent entered correctly * nocost, god and ghost can optionally be specified to on or off * location can now optionally specify save to not disable world save * spawn can now specify i to only spawn an object if its not already in your inventory * recall (makes a server wide recall of all or named players, to your position) * aggravate (aggravates all nearby neutrals) * restartparty (resets PlayFab network when on crossplay, can be used by both host and client) * killall replaced with killenemies and killtamed Misc: * Multiple animations have been updated and improved * Multiple VFX have been updated and improved * Stamina level is now saved on logout * Removed stamina usage multiplier when running uphill * Reorganised building GUI * Rugs no longer flicker when placed on top of each other * Reworked knockback mechanics * Map icons can no longer be deleted or crossed when hidden * Holstering while dodging will no longer lock the weapon holstered * The durability should now always be shown correctly * Biome music will now be played correctly when continuous music is disabled * Deadspeak fixed for Bonemass, Moder and Yagluth * Disabled Jack-o-turnip seasonal item * Minor performance tweaks * Axe now has a special attack * Some enemies now have weak spots[/spoiler] Once again, please remember that you need to visit unexplored areas in order to actually find the new Mistlands content. If you have already discovered an area, it will not generate the updated biome. If you cannot find any unexplored Mistlands, you might need to start a new world. If your game doesnt start, please make sure you dont have any mods installed.
[ 2022-12-06 12:02:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] One more small patch before the weekend!
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Localization updated * Gjall event now works (for real) * Dungeon cull fix
[ 2022-12-02 13:27:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] A huge thanks to everyone who has participated in the Public Test so far! We have fixed a bunch of the bugs and issues discovered over the past week and a half, and would like to invite you to test some more before we can release this update to the Live game. One of the big things we have fixed is the fishing, where you couldnt properly pick up fish when they were on land. Now you should be able to embrace your inner fisher properly! Some building related things have also been adjusted, such as the resource cost for building many of the new pieces. Additionally, the ballista has gotten some tweaks done to it, and some mobs have gotten a stern talking-to about how to behave. Another thing we think youll enjoy is that weve enabled the Yule items again, seeing as its that time of the year! The old Yule tree and Yuleklapp are there of course, as well as some new items
Patch notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed a missing Mistlands dream text * Fish are no longer as slippery and you can now pick them up again by pressing the "use" button * Applied a fix to fish so they should no longer float in the air * Lowered Pufferfish poison radius * Fishing bait recipes now give more bait * Dungeon doors are excluded from Guardstones and should no longer be able to be locked * Added more interesting items to chests found inside Mistlands dungeons * Functioning Wisplights are now only still intact at dungeons and not at Dvergr ruins (for easier findability) * Tweaked the resource cost of building items (most Black marble pieces, Copper wall, Dvergr stairs and Ballista) * Wisplight torch sound fixed * Fixed wrong SFX & VFX on Black marble bench and table * Armor stands now has arm support for Mistlands armor sets * Ballista bolts can no longer be equipped * Ballistas no longer go ballistic at low health * Ballista aim angle slightly increased * Correct message is now displayed if players try to load the ballista when they dont have any ammo in their inventory * Newly added events in Mistlands now spawn mobs correctly * Mobs that only spawn during the night now successfully despawn again at day * Tick detach system tweaked * Simplified Seeker egg destruction VFX to reduce FPS drops * Fixed wrong SFX & VFX on chickens and hens * Hugin/Munin should no longer be able to float in the air when they spawn * Localization updated * Crow talk added to Compendium * Lower radiation rate on Refined Eitr * Tweaked positions for attach on some prefabs * Minor performance tweaks New content: * Enabled Yule seasonal items (Yule tree, Yuleklapp, Yule wreath, Yule garland and Mistletoe)
[ 2022-12-01 14:16:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
It's once again time for the Steam Awards!
Valheim is eligible for the "Labor of Love" category this year, so if you've had a chance to try out the Mistlands update in the Public Test Branch and think we've done a good job with it, we would be honored if you would give us your nomination!
And regardless of whether or not you're going to nominate us, we still hope you're having a good (though dangerous) time in the Mistlands!
/The Iron Gate Team
[ 2022-11-24 13:40:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible.
Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from.
Be aware that there might be some minor offsets between the Steam version and the Game Pass version, but that we are aiming to keep the two as consistent as possible.
Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam.
As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers.
As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote]
At long last its finally here the voyage to the Mistlands! We have worked hard on this update for the past nine months now, and were so happy to finally be able to share it with all of you.
Please keep in mind that this is still the Public Test version, and that there will possibly be several patches to fix bugs and improve the balance of the game before this update is released to the Live version of the game. Your feedback during this testing period is highly appreciated, so please tell us what you think!
An important thing to note is that the Mistlands biome will only generate in areas you have not yet discovered. Therefore, if you have explored a lot of your world, you might be better off starting a new one in order to actually be able to travel to the Mistlands. As per usual, mods will also most likely cause the game not to launch, as they are only compatible with the Live version of the game. If you have mods, you will either need to remove them or wait for the mod to be updated before you can play.
Were guessing you want to dive straight into the game now, so we wont make this post any longer. Youll find the full patch notes behind the spoiler marker further down in this post, below the abbreviated version. Please be extra mindful of flagging your spoilers this time, for the sake of those who havent had the chance to play yet and want to discover things on their own. Other than that, we just want to give you this gameplay trailer to show you what you can expect lots of spoilers ahead, obviously:
Abbreviated Patch Notes:
New content:
New biome Mistlands: * New mechanics * 9 new creatures + Mistlands boss * More than 20 new crafting materials * 2 new crafting stations, 3 crafting station extensions, and 3 other resource/crafting constructions * 15 new food items * 3 new potions * More than 25 new craftable items (weapons, armours & tools) * More than 35 new building/furniture pieces for building, decorating and defending your base * New type of dungeon * New lore stones * New dreams * New music Misc: * Fishing update * 12 new emotes * 9 new hairstyles and 7 new beard styles
Fixes & Improvements:
* Various console command improvements * Multiple animations have been updated and improved * Multiple VFX have been updated and improved * Various other tweaks
Detailed Patch Notes:
New content:
New mechanics: * Wisplight (Move the mist out of your way using stationary wisplights or one that follows you wherever you go) * Magic! (Eat foods with Eitr in order to use magic staves, and develop the new skills Elemental Magic and Blood Magic) * Mushroom farming (The new Mistlands mushrooms can be grown from the comfort of your own home) * Poultry (Get eggs, hatch and raise chickens, take care of your hens and get more eggs!) * Friendly/unfriendly NPCs (Theyre on your side as long as you dont upset them!) New creatures: * Enemy: Seeker * Enemy: Seeker Brood * Enemy: Seeker Brute * Enemy: Gjall * Enemy: Tick * Creature: Hare * Creature: Hen (and Chick) * NPC/Enemy: Dvergr (Rogue and Mage) * NPC: Munin raven of lore * Boss: The Queen Crafting: * Material: Black marble * Material: Yggdrasil wood * Material: Blood clot * Material: Soft tissue * Material: Refined eitr * Material: Sap * Material: Royal jelly * Material: Magecap * Material: Jotun puffs * Material: Egg (can be purchased from Haldor, or lain by hens) * Material: Raw chicken meat * Material: Raw seeker meat * Material: Raw hare meat * Material: Scale hide * Material: Carapace * Material: Mandible * Material: Bilebag * Material: Mechanical spring * Material: Black core * Material: Dvergr extractor * Material: Wisp * Material: Sealbreaker fragment * Workstation: Black forge * Black forge extension: Black forge cooler * Workstation: Galdr table * Galdr table extension: Rune table * Cauldron extension: Mortar and pestle * Crafting construction: Eitr refinery * Misc: Wisp fountain * Misc: Sap extractor * Resource location: Giant Remains * Resource location: Ancient roots * Tree type: Yggdrasil shoot New food items and potions: * Food: Cooked egg * Food: Cooked chicken meat * Food: Cooked seeker meat * Food: Cooked hare meat * Food: Magecap * Food: Jotun puffs * Food: Misthare supreme * Food: Meat platter * Food: Mushroom omelette * Food: Yggdrasil porridge * Food: Seeker aspic * Food: Salad * Food: Fish n bread * Food: Honey glazed chicken * Food: Stuffed mushroom * Potion: Major health mead * Potion: Lingering stamina mead * Potion: Minor eitr mead New craftable items: * Tool: Wisplight * Tool: Black metal pickaxe * Tool: Dvergr lantern * Key: Sealbreaker * Weapon: Mistwalker (sword) * Weapon: Jotun bane (axe) * Weapon: Demolisher (sledge) * Weapon: Carapace spear * Weapon: Himmin afl (atgeir) * Weapon: Spine snap (bow) * Arrows: Carapace arrow * Weapon: Krom (two-handed sword) * Weapon: Skoll and Hati (dual-wielded knives) * Weapon: Arbalest (crossbow new skill!) * Bolts: Iron Bolt, Bone Bolt, Black Metal Bolt, Carapace Bolt * Weapon: Staff of frost (elemental magic new skill!) * Weapon: Staff of protection (blood magic new skill!) * Weapon: Dead raiser (blood magic new skill!) * Weapon: Staff of embers (elemental magic new skill!) * Bomb: Bile bomb * Ballista ammunition: Black metal missile, Wooden missile * Shield: Carapace shield * Shield: Carapace buckler * Armour set: Carapace breastplate, Carapace greaves, Carapace helmet * Armour set: Eitr-weave robe, Eitr-weave trousers, Eitr-weave hood * Cape: Feather cape (New status effect: Feather fall) New building and furniture pieces: * Building pieces: 14 Black marble pieces (1m square block, 2m square block, 2m rectangle, arch, plinth, plinth corner, wide column, small column, floor, triangle floor, cornice, cornice corner, stairs & quarter spire) * Building pieces: 2 Angled Darkwood beams (26o & 45o) * Building pieces: 2 Angled Iron beams (26o & 45o) * Building piece: 2 Spiral stairs (left & right) * Building piece: Dvergr metal wall * Furniture: Hare rug * Furniture: Black marble bench * Furniture: Black marble throne * Furniture: Black marble table * Furniture: Wisp torch * Furniture: Blue jute drapes * Furniture: Blue jute curtain * Furniture: Blue jute carpet * Furniture: Dvergr wall lantern * Furniture: Dvergr lantern pole * Stack: Yggdrasil wood * Stack: Black marble * Defence: Dvergr stake wall * Defence: Dvergr sharp stakes * Defence: Ballista * Defence: Trap Misc: * New music (Mistlands, Mistlands boss, Mistlands locations, other locations & Haldor) * New dreams * New lore stones * New locations (Various Dvergr outposts, Dvergr ruins and more) * New dungeons (Infested mines) * New hair styles (Curls 1, Curls 2, Gathered braids, Neat braids, Pulled back curls, Royal braids, Short curls, Single bun & Twin buns) and beard styles (Braided 4, Braided 5, Royal 1, Royal 2, Short 4, Stonedweller & Thick 2) * New emotes (Blow kiss, Bow, Cower, Cry, Dance, Despair, Flex, Come here, Headbang, Kneel, Roar & Shrug) * New events (Whats up gjall? & They sought you out) * yagluth_thing is now Torn Spirit * New Forsaken power * Haldors stock will update depending on boss progression * Terrain generation change, to increase the amount of Mistlands on the map Fishing: * New fish types (Trollfish, Giant herring, Tetra, Grouper, Anglerfish, Pufferfish, Magmafish, Northern salmon & Coral cod) and craftable baits for each biome (Mossy, Sticky, Cold, Stingy, Misty, Hot, Frosty & Heavy) * Fishing is now a skill that improves stamina use and pull speed * Fish can now be picked up and mounted on item stands, or can be made into raw fish at the cooking station instead * Fish can now be different sizes that give more raw fish * Fish now follow the waves movement * Fish can now jump over the water, and flop around on land * Fish now appear in ice caves * Correct key hints will be shown when fishing
Fixes & Improvements:
Console command improvements: * There will now be a proper error message if commands arent entered correctly * nocost, god and ghost can optionally be specified to on or off * location can now optionally specify save to not disable world save * spawn can now specify i to only spawn an object if its not already in your inventory * recall (makes a server wide recall of all or named players, to your position) * aggravate (aggravates all nearby neutrals) * restartparty (resets PlayFab network when on crossplay, can be used by both host and client) * killall replaced with killenemies and killtamed Misc: * Multiple animations have been updated and improved * Multiple VFX have been updated and improved * Stamina level is now saved on logout * Removed stamina usage multiplier when running uphill * Reorganised building GUI * Rugs no longer flicker when placed on top of each other * Reworked knockback mechanics * Map icons can no longer be deleted or crossed when hidden * Holstering while dodging will no longer lock the weapon holstered * The durability should now always be shown correctly * Biome music will now be played correctly when continuous music is disabled * Deadspeak fixed for Bonemass, Moder and Yagluth * Disabled Jack-o-turnip seasonal item[/spoiler] Once again, please remember that you need to visit unexplored areas in order to actually find the new Mistlands content. If you have already discovered an area, it will not generate the updated biome. If you cannot find any unexplored Mistlands, you might need to start a new world. If your game doesnt start, please make sure you dont have any mods installed.
[ 2022-11-22 14:07:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
One more bug fixing patch to some PlayFab related issues. And the Jack-o-turnip is buildable now too, to brighten up those dark autumn nights
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements: * Fixed a Linux-specific bug that deleted characters/worlds when moving them back and forth between Local and Cloud * Prevent joining servers from the main menu if incompatible server version right away (instead of loading and then kicking you back out) * More PlayFab tweaks * Enabled Jack-o-turnip seasonal decoration item If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-10-28 07:58:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
[quote]This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing.[/quote] One more bug fixing patch to some PlayFab related issues. And the Jack-o-turnip is buildable now too, to brighten up those dark autumn nights
Fixes & Improvements:
* Fixed a Linux-specific bug that deleted characters/worlds when moving them back and forth between Local and Cloud * Prevent joining servers from the main menu if incompatible server version right away (instead of loading and then kicking you back out) * More PlayFab tweaks * Enabled Jack-o-turnip seasonal decoration item If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-10-25 11:35:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Another round of bug fixing for the crossplay function. There are some further known issues still, but we're working on having them solved as soon as possible! * This patch features multiple changes from the PlayFab backend. The majority of these changes include stabilising connection issues, as well as fixing send/receive limitations in multiplayer. If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-10-11 07:54:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is just a small bugfix patch to correct some issues that arose after the crossplay patch. * Removed maypole & midsummer crown (sorry) * Multiple server instances on the same computer is now allowed * The game launches with vulkan by default on Linux * Profanity filter fixes * Server DOCKER launch script added (see server manual pdf for details) If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-10-04 08:00:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello and welcome to the Crossplay patch! This patch includes full crossplay support, which means that you will be able to play with any other Valheim player, no matter where theyre playing from. If your friends get the game through a different platform, youll be able to join their game and show them the ropes. Or why not invite them over to your world and show them all your cool buildings? Our friends at Piktiv have worked hard to make sure the game looks and feels the same regardless of what platform youre using, but the patch does entail a minor change to the GUI in the starting menu in order to make other peoples worlds as smooth as possible. If youre playing as a Steam player with other Steam players, it will work just the same as before (with the addition of now being able to mark a server as favourite). If one or more players are playing from a different platform, there will instead be a join code that you can use in order to enter the game. Dedicated server hosts will need to enable crossplay if they want non-Steam players to be able to join, and the dedicated servers will then be joinable both with the regular IP address, and with the new join codes. As always, make sure your game has the same patch version as your friends, or else connecting to each other might not work. Youll find the version number in the bottom right corner of your main menu screen.
Detailed patch notes:
* Crossplay support added * Manage saves GUI added so that its easier for players to restore/remove saves & backups * Minor network optimization for in-game hosting (Less demanding for the host when other players are in the game at the same time) * Join Game tab has been updated. Players can now add favourite servers, and see if a server is running, and if they support crossplay or not.** * Players can now use the parameter -crossplay while running Dedicated servers to support crossplay. When using this parameter, the backend will be running Playfab instead of Steamworks. (A Join code will appear when you join a Dedicated server supporting crossplay. Players can use this code to join the server. This Join code is regenerated whenever the server is restarted.) * A new branch, "default_old", has been added, where you can play on the previous Steam version of the game in case your server hasn't been updated yet (Steam might need a restart for the branch to show up) **A question mark indicates that a server status is uncertain, while a red X indicates that the server is down. If there is a shuffle icon next to the server status, that means the server supports crossplay. If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-09-27 11:37:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing. This patch entails a couple of changes to prepare the game for the upcoming crossplay feature! This will be necessary in order for you to be able to play Valheim with your friends who might get the game via other platforms because we suspect you might want to show them your cool buildings, or that you might want to join them to help them find a tombstone. Our friends at Piktiv have worked hard to make sure the game looks and feels the same regardless of what platform youre using, and if youre playing as a Steam player with other Steam players, nothing will be different. You will only notice a change if youre running a dedicated server, where you can choose for it to support crossplay. If you enable this, players will be able to join the server both by using the regular IP address, or by using a join code specific to the server. As always, make sure your game has the same patch version as your friends, or else connecting to each other might not work. Youll find the version number in the bottom right corner of your main menu screen.
Detailed patch notes:
* Crossplay support added * Manage saves GUI added so that its easier for players to restore/remove saves & backups * Minor network optimization for in-game hosting (Less demanding for the host when other players are in the game at the same time) * Join Game tab has been updated. Players can now add favourite servers, and see if a server is running, and if they support crossplay or not.** * Players can now use the parameter -crossplay while running Dedicated servers to support crossplay. When using this parameter, the backend will be running Playfab instead of Steamworks. (A Join code will appear when you join a Dedicated server supporting crossplay. Players can use this code to join the server) **A question mark indicates that a server status is uncertain, while a red X indicates that the server is down. If there is a shuffle icon next to the server status, that means the server supports crossplay.
[ 2022-09-14 09:10:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Wed like to start off with the good news that the patch we mentioned last time, which fixes an issue causing crashes and world resets, is live and working well. A big thank you to everyone who helped test it if you also want to be part of our Public Test group, you can read more about it here.
Now though, on to those development updates! If you follow us on Twitter, you might have heard the whispers that weve been working on boss related stuff. This is still in progress, and while we want the boss to be a surprise for you when you first play, we can safely say that it will be something you havent seen in Valheim before!
You might have read that we came to the conclusion that some of the steps in the Mistlands progression werent quite in the right order. We have put in a lot of work to create nice (and creepy) dungeons for the biome, but we realised they didnt serve as much of a progression purpose, nor feel as rewarding, as we wanted them to. So after some discussion we added a special extractor item used for processing and a new Core; the Black Core. Wed love to read your guesses on what theyll be used for!
Another thing we can show you is something youll notice straight away if you decide to make a new character when going into the Mistlands. Vikings were known for their fancy hairstyles, so we wanted to add a couple of more options for you is there any particular hairstyle you would like to see?
Fancy hair also needs fancy clothes! If youve got a lot of feathers lying around youll be able to use them to craft a cape luxurious enough to make Hugin jealous. Is this going to be a new favourite garment, perhaps?
We know many of you are looking forward to the Mistlands, and we are grateful for your continued patience. Although we are not quite ready to set a date, we promise it is coming, and that were working hard to make sure itll be worth the wait!
Build of the Month
As per usual, you players keep being incredibly creative with the building in Valheim. This week wed like to show off this epic castle that JJTheBuilder89 made! If youd like a chance to have your building featured here, just use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. You can check out previous winners in this Steam thread.

Skl! The Iron Gate team If youd like to discuss the content of this post, please visit our Discord, or our forums on Reddit and Steam, or make a comment on social media!
[ 2022-09-13 12:03:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch consists of an important fix to a bug which would cause the game to crash, often with a reset of the game world in the process. Both the crashing and the resulting reset have now been solved, and we have also added a function to let you automatically backup your saves. If you have lost a world due to this issue prior to this patch, you can follow this guide to restore your progress. If youre playing on a dedicated server, make sure that the server host has updated the game before you play, in order to avoid unforeseen issues.
Fixes & Improvements:
* Autobackup system added that will keep one 2-hour and one 12-hour backup by default and can be customised in misc settings. Default setting on dedicated servers is 4, which can be customised with new parameters (-backups -backupshort -backuplong). * The game will now save after you sleep, or at 30 minute intervals, and the timer is reset when using the manual save console command. The save interval can be customised on dedicated servers using the new parameter (-saveinterval). * Using the console save command now also saves the character file * The dedicated server manual PDF has been updated with the new parameters. * World save gets disabled if its a corrupted world file or if its an incompatible world version and the game will return to the main menu. Dedicated servers will shut down if the world is corrupt. * A change to Steam Cloud saves to avoid a particular crash during saves that could corrupt the world save. * The game returns to a pause state if a multiplayer host is alone in a multiplayer session if all players leave (like it was previously). * Players can no longer create a world with the same name when Steam Cloud saves are enabled. * Characters with duplicate filenames will now be hidden. * Characters with different names from the filename will be displayed to differentiate between renamed files * Local and legacy characters will now be deleted properly if Steam Cloud is enabled * Beehive VFX on-hit fix * Removed the ability to craft/build the Midsummer items
[ 2022-08-30 11:31:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing. This patch consists of an important fix to a bug which would cause the game to crash, often with a reset of the game world in the process. Both the crashing and the resulting reset have now been solved, and we have also added a function to let you automatically backup your saves. If you have lost a world due to this issue prior to this patch, you can follow this guide to restore your progress. If youre playing on a dedicated server, make sure that the server host has updated the game before you play, in order to avoid unforeseen issues.
Fixes & Improvements:
* Autobackup system added that will keep one 2-hour and one 12-hour backup by default and can be customised in misc settings. Default setting on dedicated servers is 4, which can be customised with new parameters (-backups -backupshort -backuplong). * The game will now save after you sleep, or at 30 minute intervals, and the timer is reset when using the manual save console command. The save interval can be customised on dedicated servers using the new parameter (-saveinterval). * The dedicated server manual PDF has been updated with the new parameters. * World save gets disabled if its a corrupted world file or if its an incompatible world version and the game will return to the main menu. Dedicated servers will shut down if the world is corrupt. * A change to Steam Cloud saves to avoid a particular crash during saves that could corrupt the world save. * The game returns to a pause state if a multiplayer host is alone in a multiplayer session if all players leave (like it was previously). * Players can no longer create a world with the same name when Steam Cloud saves are enabled. * Characters with duplicate filenames will now be hidden. * Characters with different names from the filename will be displayed to differentiate between renamed files * Local and legacy characters will now be deleted properly if Steam Cloud is enabled * Beehive VFX on-hit fix
[ 2022-08-12 10:43:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello again vikings!
We hope youve all had a wonderful summer thus far, even with the heatwaves rolling in all over the world. The Iron Gate team has taken some time off to get some new energy, as is customary here in Sweden, but now were back at our desks and are already hard at work to bring you the next Valheim update.
We are aware that there has been an unfortunate issue with crashing over the past month. A fix for this is underway and is currently being tested, and we hope to have the solution done soon. In the meantime, if you should have your game crash and your save reset as a result, you can follow this guide in order to restore your progress.
We are also working on the Mistlands! Its going to be quite a chunky update, with a lot of things we havent shown yet. Naturally it will have new resources, which also means new recipes. The other week, for example, one of our 3D artists did a lot of work on the food for the biome. The balancing still needs some work, but the menu is mostly set. Any guesses as to what the various meals could be?
Earlier in the summer we showed you a little teaser of the things you can build with the new Black Marble material which youll be able to find around the Mistlands. A lot of you seemed pretty excited about that, so we thought wed show you a bit more! Were really looking forward to seeing your creations once you get your hands on these build pieces!
Build of the Month
Even though you dont have the Black Marble building pieces just yet, you all still impress us with your building skills! This time we want to highlight this work by TheFr1endlygamr. Well done! If youd like a chance to have your building featured here, just use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. You can check out previous winners in this thread here on Steam.

May your axes stay sharp! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-08-11 11:53:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings vikings!
This week its time for both Midsummer and the summer solstice, which has long since been a cause for celebration here in the north! Just like last year, you can celebrate in Valheim by building your own Maypole (or Midsummer pole, as we call them in Sweden). This year weve also added a flower crown, and some more colourful banners, to make the summer even more festive. We hope youll have some fun with it!
As we added the new items, we also updated the game with the Steam Cloud save fix that we have mentioned in previous blog posts. Hopefully this should mean a smoother game experience for all of you, and we want to thank everyone who helped test the update in the Public Test branch!
Last week we revealed that Valheim will be coming to the Microsoft store as well as Xbox and will feature full crossplay support with Steam players. These ports are being handled by two external teams, while we here at Iron Gate keep focusing on the Mistlands update.
And speaking of the Mistlands! For the teasers this week, we thought wed share something thats also a bit summer themed. We dont want the Mistlands update to only be about the Mistlands we also want there to be some new content in the earlier gameplay leading up to the new biome. A significant such addition will be an upgrade to the fish; there will be new types, theyll come in different sizes, and youll be able to mount your most impressive catches on item stands! While theyre still swimming the fish will also jump above the surface, to give it all an even more atmospheric touch.
Last time we showed some concept art of the forge which will be a part of the Mistlands update. Many speculated about what it might be made of, and what you might create with it, and its a lot of fun to read your theories! Just to get you to speculate a bit further, we thought wed share a screenshot of how the model looks now that its implemented into the game:
And last, but certainly not least, we would like to show you one of the creatures you can encounter in the Mistlands. [spoiler]Ticks are quite a common summer occurrence in Sweden, after all, though thankfully they dont quite reach this size
Build of the Month
This month, we have chosen a creation made by Gamerrockz22. Sometimes smaller buildings can be just as impressive as grand castles! If youd like a chance to have your building featured here, just use the hashtag #ValheimBotM on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. You can check out previous winners in this thread here on Steam.

Have a wonderful summer! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-06-22 11:10:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yet another hotfix, fixes issue with world creation caused by the steam cloud-save overhaul. Again, sorry if this caused issues for some of you.
[ 2022-06-21 11:56:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dedicated-server world loading fix. This patch fixes the world load issue introduced in 0.209.8, causing dedicated servers to fail to load worlds saved in the now legacy worlds/ directory (and instead creating a new empty world) Unfortunately if you already got a world-reset caused by this, try removing the broken world from "worlds_local/" (but dont touch worlds/ ). This will make the server load the original working world from worlds/ instead. We're really sorry about this, thank you for being understanding!
[ 2022-06-20 18:05:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch features a couple of new things, but most importantly it fixes some issues regarding Steam Cloud saves. You as a player should not need to do anything, and the saves should be moved automatically. However, for this patch we do advise people to make backups of your saves, just in case. The bug with Steam Cloud saves would cause players to lose progress if they were playing on multiple accounts on the same PC. To solve this, we have done some changes to how the game saves: From now on cloud saves are saved under the Steam userdata folder. Local save files for dedicated servers and multi account machines will be stored in a new _local folder next to the old save file location, and the old save file location will still be there but nothing new will be saved there. You will be able to see which characters and worlds are located on the Cloud and which ones are locally stored or not yet moved out of the old folders. When starting a local save with Cloud saves enabled in Steam, the file will be moved to the Steam Cloud and a local backup will be kept. Dedicated servers will still only use the local folder though, as this can be started outside of your steam login. If you have any issues or questions regarding this change, please see our FAQ on the topic, and don't hesitate to contact us on Discord. Since its almost Midsummer, weve also added some festive new content for you!
Patch Notes
New Content: * Maypole now enabled in the building menu * Flower crowns! * New banner colours (Orange, white, yellow and purple) Fixes & Improvements: * Unity updated to version 2020.3.33 (should reduce crashes!) * Tamed animals now follow the player into Haldors forcefield * Tweaks to Yagluths hair so it no longer flies around in the air * Console command exclusivefullscreen is now toggleable * Mods can now set an isModded flag to let players and our support know the game is modded * Inventory keyboard UI hint fixed * Console server command 'recall added (teleports other players to your position) Steam Cloud: * Cloud save files will now be stored in Steam/[YourIDNumber]/892970 instead of AppData * Local files will now be stored in worlds_local and characters_local under AppData and no longer be synced to cloud to avoid sync conflicts and dataloss when using multiple accounts on the same machine, and when using dedicated servers. * Files still in the old file structure will be moved to the Steam Cloud or new local folder when used and a backup will be kept * Worlds save files can now be renamed and will load correctly * Large worlds (300mb or bigger) should now sync correctly * Maximum Cloud storage for Valheim has increased greatly, thanks Valve!
[ 2022-06-20 12:34:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing. This patch features a couple of new things, but most importantly it fixes some issues regarding Steam Cloud saves. You as a player should not need to do anything, and the saves should be moved automatically. However, for this patch we do advise people to make backups of your saves, just in case. The bug with Steam Cloud saves would cause players to lose progress if they were playing on multiple accounts on the same PC. To solve this, we have done some changes to how the game saves: From now on cloud saves are saved under the Steam userdata folder. Local save files for dedicated servers and multi account machines will be stored in a new _local folder next to the old save file location, and the old save file location will still be there but nothing new will be saved there. You will be able to see which characters and worlds are located on the Cloud and which ones are locally stored or not yet moved out of the old folders. When starting a local save with Cloud saves enabled in Steam, the file will be moved to the Steam Cloud and a local backup will be kept. Dedicated servers will still only use the local folder though, as this can be started outside of your steam login. If you have any issues or questions regarding this change, please see our FAQ on the topic, and don't hesitate to contact us on Discord. Since its almost Midsummer, weve also added some festive new content for you!
Patch Notes
New Content: * Maypole now enabled in the building menu * Flower crowns! * New banner colours (Orange, white, yellow and purple) Fixes & Improvements: * Unity updated to version 2020.3.33 (should reduce crashes!) * Tamed animals now follow the player into Haldors forcefield * Tweaks to Yagluths hair so it no longer flies around in the air * Console command exclusivefullscreen is now toggleable Steam Cloud: * Cloud save files will now be stored in Steam/[YourIDNumber]/892970 instead of AppData * Local files will now be stored in worlds_local and characters_local under AppData and no longer be synced to cloud to avoid sync conflicts and dataloss when using multiple accounts on the same machine, and when using dedicated servers. * Files still in the old file structure will be moved to the Steam Cloud or new local folder when used and a backup will be kept * Worlds save files can now be renamed and will load correctly * Large worlds (300mb or bigger) should now sync correctly * Maximum Cloud storage for Valheim has increased greatly, thanks Valve!
[ 2022-06-03 12:45:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello vikings!
It was a lot of fun to see your response to the constructions we showed off last time it seems many of you are looking forward to seeing them in the game! If youve been paying attention to Twitter in the past few weeks you might have also seen a couple of additional teasers, some more revealing than others, as individual developers have hinted at what theyre working with. Something you definitely dont want to miss is the big trap that Jonathan showed some work-in-progress footage of last week, which will also feature in the Mistlands update. Itll be great for catching enemies, but youd best be careful and watch where youre stepping too!
Meanwhile in the office, we have acquired some weapon and shield props (the shields being the real deal, but the weapons not so much) to have both as general inspiration but also to help us with making even cooler attack animations in the future. And most importantly, they make Valheim creator Richard feel like a badass:
But on to the teasers we know you are all waiting for! This month wed like to share with you a piece of concept art of a new crafting station which you will need to craft many of the Mistlands tier weapons. After all, a regular forge can only get you so far, and to battle what youll find in the Mistlands youll need something witha little extra.
It has also been far too long since there were any new fungi for you to discover! Other than the regular red mushrooms in the Meadows and the glowing Yellow mushrooms found in the Black Forest, you will soon be able to cook with a couple of Mistlands variants as well. Exactly what recipes they will be used for well keep to ourselves for a bit longer, but here you have a first look at what shape and colours the mushrooms themselves might have:
Last time we mentioned a patch which will resolve some issues with the cloud sync. This is still in the works, though we also want to include an update of the game engine before we invite you all to test it. We feel this is an important thing to get done before releasing the Mistlands, as it should result in a smoother experience for everyone. Rest assured though, that this technical patch is not taking any significant development time away from the biome!
Build of the Month
This month it was exceptionally hard to select a build to share here, as there were just so many good ones! Finally we managed to settle on this longhouse that Eriandhor posted, and we hope that you can agree that it was a worthy choice! If you would like your own building to be shared in the next blog post, simply use the hashtag #ValheimBotM when posting on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

May your axes stay sharp! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-05-25 11:03:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome back, vikings! Spring is well under way, and weve put Easter behind us. If you keep up with our social media, you might have noticed that we shared a little special something during the holiday a speed modelling video of the hare creature we showed a concept artwork of a while back, now complete with a glimpse at how it will look when it moves around in the world! If you havent seen it yet, you can watch it here:
Dont worry though, the hare will be in the Mistlands all year round, not just during Easter! Aside from the hare, weve also been working on creating another kind of inhabitants for the Mistlands, though wed like to keep them a surprise for you for a little longer. What we can say, however, is that we think theyll be something many of you have been curious about!
Just like the other areas of Valheim, the Mistlands were once a place where civilisations of old built homes and strongholds alike. In the past month we have been finalising the designs of these structures and we quite like how they fit in the world! They might change somewhat as they still need to be weathered and turned into ruins to show just how long theyve been standing, but here are a couple of screenshots for you:
On a more technical note, weve also been looking into a solution for a cloud sync issue where players have gotten their saves overwritten and replaced with earlier versions. Losing progress is always very unfortunate, so getting this fixed is something weve been keen on and really want to get right! Just like with other updates to the game lately, this patch will come to the Public Test branch before we push it to the Default version of the game, so keep an eye out for that if you want to help testing it!
Build of the Month
And for the Build of the Month, it was a tough choice but we have decided on this creation by Vainotheviking! Great work! If you would like your own building to be shared in the next blog post, simply use the hashtag #ValheimBotM when posting on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Thats all for now! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-04-29 11:12:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
For this patch weve gone over some bugs and issues to simply make your gameplay experience a bit smoother! This for example includes automatically stacking your items when you reclaim your tombstone, and reminding the trolls that they should in fact get staggered. Not so fun for them, but fun for you!
* Fixed a bug where trolls would not get staggered correctly sometimes * Map key legend fixes and remove map icon gamepad mapping set to LB * Various small fixes to Frost Cave rooms * Fixed a bug related to pausing after being in debugmode and changing server * Upgrade function will now remember the selected object when upgrading * Fixed a bug where the split stack number sometimes would not be visible on high resolutions * Fixed a bug where sometimes smelters would not always use the correct amount of coal * Fixed some items not being covered in snow * Hotbar selection marker now more visible on light backgrounds when using gamepad * The resetsharedmap console command added and various devcommands improvements * Buying items from the trader on gamepad no longer buys twice, plus some interface tweaks * Keyboard & gamepad hints for inventory screen * Picking up your tombstone will now try to stack items * Fixed an issue where tombstones sometimes would be unreachable in Swamp trees
[ 2022-04-11 08:45:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing. For this patch weve gone over some bugs and issues to simply make your gameplay experience a bit smoother! This for example includes automatically stacking your items when you reclaim your tombstone, and reminding the trolls that they should in fact get staggered. Not so fun for them, but fun for you!
* Fixed a bug where trolls would not get staggered correctly sometimes * Map key legend fixes and remove map icon gamepad mapping set to LB * Various small fixes to Frost Cave rooms * Fixed a bug related to pausing after being in debugmode and changing server * Upgrade function will now remember the selected object when upgrading * Fixed a bug where the split stack number sometimes would not be visible on high resolutions * Fixed a bug where sometimes smelters would not always use the correct amount of coal * Fixed some items not being covered in snow * Hotbar selection marker now more visible on light backgrounds when using gamepad * The resetsharedmap console command added and various devcommands improvements * Buying items from the trader on gamepad no longer buys twice, plus some interface tweaks * Keyboard & gamepad hints for inventory screen * Picking up your tombstone will now try to stack items * Fixed an issue where tombstones sometimes would be unreachable in Swamp trees
[ 2022-04-04 11:27:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
First of all, thank you so much to everyone who voted for Valheim in the GDCA Audience Awards! We managed to win both that and the Best Debut category, which we found out just this week. Its such an honour, and it really means a lot to us.
But now, on to the blog:
Spring is finally beginning to make itself known in our part of the world, which is always a welcome sight after the long and dark winter. If you cant get enough of the cold however, you can always venture into the Frost Caves of Valheim, which we released a couple of weeks ago. Its been an absolute joy for us to read the stories you have shared of your adventures in these new parts of the game!
In the beginning of March the Steam Decks also began to roll out to players. By now, were happy to say that Valheim has gotten a full compatibility verification:
Aside from that, the team is fully focused on creating the Mistlands. New creatures are given life, dungeons are being planned out, and weapons are being crafted. Designing a new biome is a large undertaking, with many pieces that need to slot together before it can become the complete experience it needs to be, and it will require a lot of iterations and testing before its done. The biome is quite some time away still, but we are excited for it and we believe the result will be well worth the wait! Until then, heres a piece of concept art wed like to share with you:
Some things in the Mistlands will also definitely be useful in other biomes, as you might have guessed when Richard teased a new weapon on Twitter a few weeks ago. Today we present a clearer image:
We also posted a speed modelling video where we showed off the creation of a bow which will also be part of the new arsenal. Can you guess what it will be called?
Keep in mind that these things might look a bit different when the update comes out, as these are not the final versions.
Build of the Month
This month, we have chosen a build created by Versaugh as our Build of the Month! Isnt it nice? If you want to have the chance to have your building skills displayed in our next blog post, simply use the hashtag #ValheimBotM when posting on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

Until next time, skl! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-03-25 11:54:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
The fenrings stalking the Mountains at night had to come from somewhere. Now you can finally discover the strange frozen caves where their brethren reside if youre brave enough to face them. Maybe youll even be able to learn a thing or two from how they fight? For this patch, we have also optimised the game for the Steam Deck. This also includes full controller support for PC as well, and a pause feature in singleplayer. Thats right, if youre playing alone youll now be able to step away from the game for a moment without having to worry about being found by a troll! Please note that this update forces a fresh location generation of your worlds. This will cause slightly longer loading times the first time you open them, and it might slightly move some boss locations. The Frost Caves will also only appear in previously unexplored areas.
New Content: * Suddenly Frost Caves! * Anniversary drinking horn added. Skl! Fixes & Improvements: * Pause function in singleplayer * Full controller support! (Gamepad legend and alternative glyphs) * Gamepad text input when running through in steam big picture mode * UI, settings and Steam Deck fixes * FPS Limiter and reduced background performance * Split dialog can take numeric input * Signs can now be built without a workbench * Bug fixes and quality of life improvements * Armour stand now supports atgeirs and shield styles * Nomap mode tweaks
New Content: [spoiler]* Frost Caves added as a new dungeon (Will only appear in unexplored areas) * New enemies: Ulv, Cultist, Bat * New crafting materials: Red jute, Fenring hair, Fenring claw * New armour set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (equip all at once for an extra bonus!) * New weapon: Flesh Rippers (Fists) * New build pieces: Red jute carpet, Red jute curtain, Standing brazier * New event: You stirred the cauldron[/spoiler] Fixes & Improvements: * FPS limiter setting and option to reduce GPU usage when minimised, menu FPS capped to 60 * Various console command improvements and additions, see console help * Fixed some dungeon parts not being fully deterministic (ends) * Nomap mode improvements (vegvisr alternative, nomap is server setting, max distance for shouting, random build/spawn rotation, noportals command) * Resolution now only shows refresh rate when forcing exclusive fullscreen * Various UI fixes * Changed name of Unarmed skill to Fists * Helmets covering the player characters face should now hide beard * Reduce background performance is available as a setting * Recipes for Jack-o-turnip + Yule stuff disabled Quality of Life: * Building marker is more subtle and indicates piece rotation * Corpse run gives carry weight bonus to compensate for unequipped belt * Crafting stackable items while having full inventory now possible if there are are available stack slots * Fixed a bug where sometimes stackable items wont be taken when having full inventory and pressing Take All in a chest * Chat can now be closed using esc, mouse or gamepad B Gamepad support: * Full controller support! * Controller legend visible in pause menu and settings * Controller text input when running in Steam big picture mode. Chat, characters, signs, pets etc can now be named using the controller. * Controller mapping of all game features * Context menus will now always show controller buttons when using controller * Alternative controller glyph style option * Skills window scrollable with gamepad * Crafting can be cancelled if pressing the button again (like with mouse) * Fixed some missing/misplaced gamepad tooltips Steam Deck: * Steam Deck controller layout shows when playing on Steam Deck * Loads default settings catered to the Steam Deck Localisation: * Improvements for several community translated languages
[ 2022-03-01 09:13:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
This blogpost wraps up Valheims anniversary month, and we want to summarise it for those who might have missed it.
Earlier this month we released a fireside chat where CEO/lead designer Richard, lead artist Robin, and community manager Josefin discuss the past, present and future of Valheim. They talk a bit about the process of Hearth & Home, the possibilities that come with more hands on deck, and how the work on the Mistlands is going. If you havent watched it already (or want to watch it again) you can do so here:
We also hosted our first stream on our Twitch Channel where Robin gave you an insight into how the process of designing an item might look, by creating an anniversary tankard from scratch. The tankard was just added to the game, and is available for everyone! You can find and watch a recording of the stream here.
Last but not least: the Frost Caves have finally arrived! Are you brave enough to venture into their depths, and will you find your way out before the inhabitants get you? This update also comes with a brand new event involving one of the new creatures how will you defend yourself and your base from these fiends?
This update also includes full controller support, the option to pause in single-player and further optimisation settings!
When Valheim was released into early access little over a year ago, we also released a roadmap which we sadly had to cancel in May. On that cancelled roadmap we had an update called Cult of the Wolf. While were no longer calling it that, these frost caves are essentially that update.
We love the feeling of exploration and surprise that Valheim can give. Weve been cautious with spoilers and only allowed a small group to try our content updates before release. With the release of the Mountain update, we wanted to try a different approach. The Mountain update was available on our public test branch before going live for everyone, and we want to thank everyone who gave feedback and found bugs that might otherwise have made it into the update's release. If you want to participate in future public testing, please head over to our Discord server or to our forum here on Steam for more information. But keep in mind that the public test is for testing, so dont be surprised if you find bugs or less balanced things.
Of course, we cant have a blogpost without a teaser of whats to come ;)
Last time we showed you a piece of concept art of an enemy that youll meet in Mistlands, and we thought that we would follow the theme of flora and fauna, and show you something else that will inhabit the lands of mist:
We also want to share this other lovely piece of concept art made by our concept artist, which greatly captures the feeling we want to achieve in these strange lands. What do you think youll find in the mists?
Build of the Month
In our last blogpost we mentioned that we were gonna introduce Build of the Month, and the time has come for us to present the build we chose for this month! This was made by Kittheviking, and really stood out to us!

If you want to partake for a chance to put your building skills on display, head on over to Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, post a picture and use the hashtag #ValheimBotM. We want to once again thank you for this fantastic year and for all of your support and feedback, and were excited to see what our second year will bring! The Iron Gate team Discord Twitter Facebook Instagram Reddit
[ 2022-03-01 09:13:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim, and may therefore be unstable. Before we launch this update to the Default version of the game, we want to make sure to have a chance to discover bugs and adjust the balancing, to give you the best game experience possible. Access the Public Test branch by right clicking Valheim in your Steam library, and then select Properties. In the new window, select Betas and type in the code yesimadebackups. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to choose from. Please leave any feedback you may have in the appropriate channel in our Discord, or in the subforum here on Steam. As always, remember to be considerate towards players not partaking in the Public Test, in case they want to avoid spoilers. Please also note that this update forces a fresh location generation of your worlds. This will cause slightly longer loading times the first time you open them, and it might slightly move some boss locations. The Frost Caves will also only appear in previously unexplored areas. Also note that the new content in this branch will not be fully backwards compatible with the Default branch. As the password indicates, please make sure to make backups of your save files before playing. The fenrings stalking the Mountains at night had to come from somewhere. Now you can finally discover the strange frozen caves where their brethren reside if youre brave enough to face them. Maybe youll even be able to learn a thing or two from how they fight? For this patch, we have also optimised the game for the Steam Deck. This also includes full controller support for PC as well, and a pause feature in singleplayer. Thats right, if youre playing alone youll now be able to step away from the game for a moment without having to worry about being found by a troll!
New Content: * Suddenly Frost Caves! Fixes & Improvements: * Pause function in singleplayer * Full controller support! (Gamepad legend and alternative glyphs) * Gamepad text input when running through in steam big picture mode * UI, settings and Steam Deck fixes * FPS Limiter and reduced background performance * Split dialog can take numeric input * Signs can now be built without a workbench * Bug fixes and quality of life improvements * Armour stand now supports atgeirs and shield styles * Nomap mode tweaks
New Content: [spoiler]* Frost Caves added as a new dungeon (Will only appear in unexplored areas) * New enemies: Ulv, Cultist, Bat * New crafting materials: Red jute, Fenring hair, Fenring claw * New armour set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (equip all at once for an extra bonus!) * New weapon: Flesh Rippers (Unarmed) * New build pieces: Red jute carpet, Red jute curtain, Standing brazier * New event: You stirred the cauldron[/spoiler] Fixes & Improvements: * FPS limiter setting and option to reduce GPU usage when minimised, menu FPS capped to 60 * Various console command improvements and additions, see console help * Fixed some dungeon parts not being fully deterministic (ends) * Nomap mode improvements (vegvisr alternative, nomap is server setting, max distance for shouting, random build/spawn rotation, noportals command) * Resolution now only shows refresh rate when forcing exclusive fullscreen * Various UI fixes * Recipes for Jack-o-turnip + Yule stuff disabled Quality of Life: * Building marker is more subtle and indicates piece rotation * Corpse run gives carry weight bonus to compensate for unequipped belt * Crafting stackable items while having full inventory now possible if there are are available stack slots * Fixed a bug where sometimes stackable items wont be taken when having full inventory and pressing Take All in a chest * Chat can now be closed using esc, mouse or gamepad B Gamepad support: * Full controller support! * Controller legend visible in pause menu and settings * Controller text input when running in Steam big picture mode. Chat, characters, signs, pets etc can now be named using the controller. * Controller mapping of all game features * Context menus will now always show controller buttons when using controller * Alternative controller glyph style option * Skills window scrollable with gamepad * Crafting can be cancelled if pressing the button again (like with mouse) * Fixed some missing/misplaced gamepad tooltips Steam Deck: * Steam Deck controller layout shows when playing on Steam Deck * Loads default settings catered to the Steam Deck Localisation: * Improvements for several community translated languages
[ 2022-02-16 12:36:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its a new year and were back with new energy and even more creative ideas! Were all definitely looking forward to sharing some more Valheim stuff with you, and we hope youre just as excited to explore it.
2022 also means that its time for our first anniversary! Today, February 2nd, marks an entire year since Valheim first launched, and what a year its been! We never could have imagined that Valheim would get as big as it did, and its all thanks to you players. Were going to celebrate throughout the whole month of February, and weve got some fun stuff planned for you keep an eye on our social media pages to make sure you dont miss anything!
In case you havent seen it, Valheim is also discounted during the Lunar New Year Sale! Because of how this lines up with the anniversary today, were extending the discount over the weekend as well, so tell your friends!
With 2021 coming to a close, we were also named Game of the Year by PC Gamer! Its an honour to receive such an award in Early Access, and we will work hard to live up to that title all the way to the 1.0 release and beyond.
Over the winter holidays weve also hosted our first ever building competion on Twitter. We got so many cool entries, but in the end we managed to settle on a few winners. Since our community is so talented when it comes to building, we would really like to share more of your creations. To do so, well be keeping an eye on the hashtag #ValheimBotM on social media, and going forward well share some of our favourite Builds of the Month! For now though, turn your eyes once more to the build by Zugzuglife, the winner of the Build for Baldr competition:
Additionally, Steam Deck is also planned to launch in February! We would of course like to have Valheim running smoothly on it from the start, so thats something were working on at the moment. Wouldnt it be great to be able to bring Valheim with you on the train, or maybe even out into the woods? (If the greydwarfs give you their wifi password, that is.)
Aside from the Steam Deck, were also putting the finishing touches to the Mountain update that weve teased in our previous Steam posts. Were really excited to share it with you, and we hope that this can get you in the right mood for it as well:
Alongside the Mountain update, weve also been ramping up work on Mistlands. The phase of nailing down the core concept is done, and we know what kind of inhabitants we want the biome to have. This means were now working on a bunch of new build pieces and enemies, as well as defining more of the new mechanics we will be introducing (though wed like to keep those secret for a while longer). Heres a little piece of concept art to get a feeling of where were heading:
Thank you all again for having been with us this past year, and were looking forward to many more adventures to come!
The Iron Gate team
[ 2022-02-02 13:27:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
You did it! Not only did you manage to nominate Valheim for a Steam Award in the Better with Friends category, but also for Game of the Year! We're incredibly thankful for this, and now we hope we can also get your votes in the final round of the awards. Thank you so much for your support, we wouldn't be here without all of you!
[ 2021-12-22 18:01:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time moves fast and weve already reached the end of 2021. Its been an incredible year, and were excited to keep on working towards making Valheim the best game it can be!
Along with our last blog here on Steam we also released a smaller content patch featuring a brand new creature, and it was so much fun to see all of your reactions to that little surprise! We really hope youll be just as excited about the upcoming update for the Mountains when that launches!
Speaking of that content, its getting more and more complete. We aim to be able to release it early next year, but until then we thought wed give you yet another sneak peek:
As the development of the caves is gradually progressing, that means more and more energy can be focused on the Mistlands update. Theres a lot to be done in order to bring you a whole biome, as we need to establish everything from resources and new things to craft, to enemies and the big bad boss, but were really liking what we have so far!
In case you missed it, last week it was finally time for the Game Awards! The competition was strong and we unfortunately didnt win anything, but it was an honor to just be nominated in the first place, and wed like to thank every single one of you who gave us your vote!
Since its now December, some of you may have a little bit of downtime given the holidays of first Yuletide and then New Years. If youre planning on playing Valheim a lot during that period, you might even have some extra incentive to do so, as there will be a little bit of a competition coming up Keep an eye out on our socials next week to find out more! And even if youre not inclined towards competitions, we hope youll have a grand time in Valheim anyway with the seasonal Yule tree and Yuleklapp building items! We were also able to finish a little holiday gift for you all in the form of an armor stand the other day, so that you can finally display the gear youre no longer using. We hope you like it!
[ 2021-12-17 14:31:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
Weve concluded that youve all been on good behavior, so we have some holiday gifts for you all! This includes some seasonal decorative items, as well as a brand new armor stand that you can use to display your armor sets. To let you all get some peaceful rest, we have also taught tamed wolves to stop howling. Fixes: * Location music tweaks * Abomination drop & spawn tweaks * Localization updates * Enabled clipping check when placing thrones Improvements: * Troll animations overhauled * Tamed animals are no longer afraid of fire * Peace and quiet (Tamed wolves no longer howl) * Serverlist profanity filter News: * Building item: Armor stand (Display your gear) * Merry Yule
[ 2021-12-14 14:04:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Welcome back!
Today we dont only have a blog post to share with you were also releasing a smaller content patch. We will be showing some spoilers from it, so if youd prefer to discover everything yourself we recommend you proceed with caution!
This particular patch features something we hope youll enjoy. [spoiler]We have heard something strange is stirring in the Swamps, and brave vikings who dare to investigate will be rewarded with materials to craft something brand new:
Aside from todays patch, we have our course set for the big Mistlands update. Last time we showed you a first glimpse of what the terrain texture will look like, and quite a lot has happened since then. The landscape is starting to take shape and the mist itself has begun to roll in, but what hides there still remains unknown
Last month we also showed you some concept art of another future update. As many of you have guessed, [spoiler]were working on caves for the Mountain biome, and they may or may not have some lupine inhabitants[/spoiler] Just like with the Mistlands, these are still in development and what you see is not a final version, but we wanted to offer a little sneak peek nonetheless:
At the end of October we released the Valheim soundtrack here on Steam as well as on Spotify! Its something that weve wanted to do for a long time, and its been great to see that so many of you appreciated it. By now its also available on Deezer, YouTube Music and TikTok, with Apple Music coming shortly as well, so there should be a platform that works for most of you. If you havent checked it out yet, you definitely should! Itll bring that Valheim feeling of adventure into your daily life.
Additionally, we hosted another AMA over on our subreddit, and you asked some very interesting questions! We werent able to answer every single one of them due to the sheer amount, but we hope weve sated at least some of your curiosity. The questions ranged anywhere from Could we get bears in the Black Forest? to Would you rather fight 20 Neck-sized Bonemasses or one Bonemass-sized Neck?, so be sure to head over to the AMA post here if you want to know what we replied!
And last but not least: Its currently award season in the video game world! Weve been nominated for some awards already, including the Game Awards themselves! It truly is such an honor, and we hope youll vote for us for Best Multiplayer as well as Best Debut Indie. A huge thank you for all your support, as every single vote means a lot to all of us!
May your swords stay sharp until next time!
The Iron Gate team
[ 2021-11-25 09:50:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
We noticed that some items tended to auto-stack and disappear in multiplayer, and were happy to say that the responsible fulings have finally been caught and dealt with. For this patch weve also adjusted the music volume in the Swamps, which was a bit lower than the rest. And just in time too, since we think some of you will spend a bit more time there in the near future... 0.205.5 Bug fixes: * Fixed network issue when picking up items that just auto-stacked * Location music transition fixes * Swamps music volume tweak * Some player animation transition fixes * Monsters wakes up if hit by a ranged attack * Jump animation issue fixed Improvements: * Console command auto complete help News: * Added new armor set * Something stirs in the swamps
[ 2021-11-25 09:50:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Its been a crazy year and were truly happy that so many people have been enjoying Valheim! Now its finally time for the Steam Awards, and we would be both honored and grateful if you would like to nominate us for Game of the Year! Its ambitious, we know, but that only means every single nomination will mean even more to us. Thank you for this amazing year so far, we wouldnt be here without you players! steamhearteyes
[ 2021-11-24 18:00:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
This patch features some various improvements and fixes, including a long-awaited update of the engine version. Have fun playing! 0.204.4 Bugfixes: * Jack-o-turnip cover offset fixed * Spirit damage no longer affected by wet * HP regen on mobs & bosses fix (They were previously regenerating HP faster than intended) * Tar pits spawn fix (In some edge cases they spawned on the edge between two biomes) Improvements: * Unity engine updated (Fixes some random crashes related to pathfinding) * Comfort calculation performance optimized * Mead bases show status effect on tooltip * Localization updated, build menu overlapping fixes & added missing localization strings News: * Some locations in Black Forest now have discovery music (still needs some work though) * Removed clutter from spawning in Mistlands (It's now...very empty)
[ 2021-11-08 12:57:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
Time flies and its already been a little over a month since we released Hearth & Home. Its been very inspiring to see how everyone is using the new building pieces to make even more creative things than before, and your reactions upon discovering the new stuff have been so much fun especially the things we made into a bit of a surprise, like the [spoiler]lox riding[/spoiler] .
Releasing Hearth & Home was a big milestone for us as it was our first big update, and it feels really nice to have finally gotten to share that with you. There are always more bug fixes and balance adjustments that can (and will) be made, but we have also begun looking at things for future updates, this time focusing more on adventure and exploration than on building.
Those of you who follow Richard on Twitter might have noticed that hes experimenting with the terrain and textures for the Mistlands, which will be our next big biome update! However, please keep in mind that this is not a final version, and that the landscape will likely change quite a bit before we figure out just exactly what the Mistlands will look like. Its also still too early to say what the implementation of the Mistlands will mean for your existing worlds, but we will keep you updated once we know more.
While the groundwork for the Mistlands is being done, some of us are having a look at smaller updates. A biome update takes quite a while to develop, and like weve mentioned before we also want to offer you some smaller updates before that. Currently, our dungeon master Erik is teaming up with the art department to work on something to make the Mountains a bit more interesting, especially for those of you who love to explore new places. There is no final version of what this will look like yet either, but we thought wed show you some concept art to convey the general feeling:
We hope you havent missed that youre now able to craft Jack-o-turnips in the game! The vikings didnt exactly celebrate halloween, but its still nice to have something to brighten up the homestead when the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting darker At least in our part of the world
Back in June we had an AMA over on our subreddit, and were looking into organizing another one pretty soon. Keep an eye out for announcements about this.
We hope youre just as excited as we are for whats in store!
Until next time!
The Iron Gate team
Discord: https://discord.gg/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-10-22 13:01:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
A quick fix for the resolution setting in the settings screen. Sorry about that =) 0.203.11 * Fixed issue with resolution setting in settings gui
[ 2021-10-04 14:46:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
Further post-Hearth & Home-tweaks This time weve made some more adjustments to make everything feel more balanced. Some food stats have been changed, but more importantly all melee weapons will now cost less stamina to use. We also taught the Fulings some new battle tactics and told night-spawning monsters to go to bed once the sun is up. And since fall is properly setting in, you can now make your home even cozier (or spookier) with a Jack-o-turnip! 0.203.10 * Oven & cookingstation drop food items when destroyed * Gamepad sensitivity save fix * Acorn & Birch seed drop rate increased * Onion seed icon tweak * Player number difficulty scale tweaks * Removed comfort from Crystal wall * Atgeir, Blackmetal axe, Bronze spear tweaks * Lower melee weapon stamina drain * Knives have more durability * Tweaked some food stats based on effort to craft (blood pudding, boar jerky, bread, deer stew, mincemeat sauce, wolf jerky) * Night-spawning monsters despawn faster in the morning * Parry ranged attacks staggers caster again (illogical but fun) * Fuling AI tweaks (Spreads out & circles more) * Longer Lox attack cooldowns * Frost damage slowdown fix * Shield tutorial trigger fix for wood shields * Wood log 26 & 45 stability fix * Jack-o-turnip enabled * Torch + weapon jog animation fix
[ 2021-10-04 12:04:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Rebalanced hp/stamina on most foods ( more stamina on hp foods and more hp on stamina foods etc ) * Fixed tar-pit not spawning on dedicated-server worlds * Slightly lower hp on Fulings & Fuling shamans * Slightly easier to stagger Fulings * Fixed issue with pressing I in server list while trying to filter servers * Lower bow stamina use * Cage wall 1x1 physics fix ( Already placed pieces will probably need to be repositioned ) * Boars now also eat blueberries, raspberries & mushrooms * Chinese translation fix
[ 2021-09-17 14:18:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Where the grass grows underfoot,
And the sky is blue overhead.
There will always be a
Hearth & Home.
(Spoilers ahead! If you want to discover the rest of the content yourself, you might not want to read this post just yet.)
Another month has passed since we spoke to you last, and what a month its been. First of all, the feedback from our cinematic trailer was incredible, and it has been great to see so many excited comments ahead of the update!
But now the wait is finally over, Vikings Hearth & Home releases today. Were incredibly excited to bring our first major update to you all, as well as a new video to show off some new gameplay!
As many of you will now know from the series of short spotlight videos, the Hearth & Home update brings plenty of new content to Valheim, expanding your gameplay options by introducing new mechanics, furniture, building pieces, food, weapons, optimizations and more.
The name of the update is Hearth & Home, which means that the cooking and the building got a bit of extra attention. For all the builders out there we have added a whole bunch of new build pieces and furniture, ranging everywhere from sturdy shingle roofs to a mighty stone throne.
Weve also done our best to listen to community feedback, and several highly-requested features have made their way into this update. Youll now be able to share map data with other vikings in your world, find seeds to plant more types of trees, and finally destroy your unwanted items with the new obliterator.
If taming animals is your thing, youll now find that you can name your favorite pets. We also suggest that you spend some extra time with your Lox...
While many features introduced in Hearth & Home have already been revealed, not even Odin has spied some of the new features being added with the update, including something dark and mysterious that seems to spread across the plains Brave vikings should go and find out for themselves!
We hope you all enjoy the new content and want to thank you all again for your continued support as we continue our journey through Early Access together.
The Iron Gate Team
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
Patch 0.202.14 (HEARTH & HOME)
General improvements * Weapons rebalanced (All weapons have been rebalanced to be more viable as main weapon and also have more unique playstyles) * Blocking system overhauled (Current maximum hp now greatly affects your ability to block attacks, stagger bar gui added) * Naming tamed creatures * Gamepad sensitivity settings * Auto-pickup toggle button added * Graphics settings (Active point lights & Active point light shadows) * Tamed creatures affected by friendly fire setting (i.e you cant hurt a tamed creature unless you enable friendly fire or use the new Butcher knife item) * Various other improvements and bugfixes Food * Food rebalance (Most food items now give mainly stamina or mainly health to make food choices more interesting) * Food GUI overhauled to work better with the rebalanced food * Over 10 new things to eat (Actually 12) World * Tamed Lox now have a purpose * Slimy locations & creatures added to plains * New plantable seeds: Birch, Oak & Onions Items * New weapons: Crystal battleaxe, Silver knife * New shields: Bone tower shield, Iron buckler * Butcher knife (Special weapon for butchering tamed animals) * Thunder stone (Sold by trader) * Lox accessory Building * New Darkwood building pieces like shingle roofs, beams, decorations and more * New types of furniture, including but not limited to a mighty stone throne and a steamy viking hot tub * Crystal walls * New types of stacks to show off your treasure and resources * Cauldron improvements: Spice rack, Butchers table, Pots and pans * Cartography table (For sharing map-data with other players) * Oven added (For baking bread and pie) * Obliterator added (Items be gone) * Iron cooking station (Required to cook some types of meat) ... and more!
[ 2021-09-16 12:58:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
A month has passed since we spoke to you last, and weve got more exciting news to share. As many of you might have already seen, our Hearth & Home cinematic trailer debuted during Gamescom Opening Night Live, announcing that the update is going live on September 16th. It brings us joy to finally be able to share the trailer with you - here it is in case you havent seen it yet:
A million thanks to our awesome friends at animation studio Brikk for bringing the Viking purgatory to life - Bragi is surely smiling down on you.
From September 16th, well be introducing new content that will expand your gameplay options, including new furniture, building pieces, food and more! Weve begun introducing some of the core Hearth & Home gameplay changes through a series of short walkthrough videos on our socials, so make sure to check those out here.
We know youre eager to see the new content as soon as possible - do not fret, children of the Allfather! While weve already revealed some of the new items in our previous Steam posts, heres a peek at two other notable additions:
We cannot wait for you to dive into the game and discover the content update for yourselves. Weve created Valheim to be a world of intrigue and mystery, and while we would love to share a full list of items coming in Hearth & Home with you right this very moment, we think its best if you discover these yourselves.
Last but not least, we have some exciting internal news as well. Our team of five will now welcome three new individuals as we continue to work on future updates. Please meet our new animator Christoffer Solgevik, our new programmer Jonathan Smrs and Andreas Thomasson who will be managing our QA.
Thank you for your continued support, whether it be amazing fan art, breathtaking builds or just really good memes. May your axes never dull, and may Odins blessing be upon you.
Well see you on September 16th - may the gods watch over you.
The Iron Gate Team
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-08-25 20:15:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
We cant believe its been over a month since we shared more details on Hearth & Home, and its time to share more! We have begun wrapping up our summer break, and wanted to share some new content weve been working on.
Were still on track to deliver the update this very quarter, and as always, thank you for your kindness and patience. Your response to our roadmap post in June was super supportive, and the questions that came through in the reddit AMA gave us lots of inspiration for future updates.
Heres a small haul of loot related Hearth & Home content:
Coin stack and Coin pile - so you can build a dragon worthy hoard with all your excess wealth (sorry trolls)
Treasure chest - to keep your additional excess wealth and supplies safe
Iron grate - to lock up your treasures, or maybe a captured greydwarf or two
Were also happy to share that we have three new vikings joining the Iron Gate team next month, a programmer, an animator, and a QA Manager, who well introduce you to soon.
May Frey bless you with a bountiful summer harvest!
The Iron Gate Team
Follow us to make sure that you're not missing out on any news!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-07-30 12:59:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Tiny AI tweak patch. We hear you!! =) , some tweaks to the monster AI to make them behave better when attacking structures etc. 0.156.2 * AI tweaks (Monsters should always target creatures [including players] first if they have a clear path to them & monsters should only attack low priority structures [walls etc.] if they are trying to get to a player)
[ 2021-07-01 11:27:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Fun with AI patch. Gameplay wise this patch mostly fixes AI issues, as we tried to make monsters slightly more aggressive and attack your buildings etc. When they are not able to attack you. Its fun for the whole family! Also it's midsummer here in Sweden, so we celebrate by temporarily making the Maypole buildable. 0.155.7 * Random save bug-fix (Solves a very unusual case of world corruption caused when shutting down) * Monster AI tweaks (More aggressively attacking structures when unable to attack the player among other things) * Open container fix (Fixes issue where you had to click a container multiple times to open it in multiplayer) * Taught Greydwarfs to throw better * Event trigger tweaks (Wolf event only triggers after Bonemass has been killed, Moder army can trigger in mountains etc.) * Long forgotten Blob event enabled * SFX volume setting fix (Used wrong DB conversion) * Maypole enabled (Happy midsummer!) * AI flee behaviour tweaks (Bosses dont run from you anymore)
[ 2021-06-23 16:22:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi Everyone,
We want to start by thanking you all for the patience and kindness youve shown us since we launched in February. We launched into Early Access because we want to build the game with you, but never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined how many of you want to join us on this journey!
As were sure lots of you suspected, we wont be able to deliver four updates this year. Instead, were now planning to launch Hearth & Home in Q3 2021, and were temporarily taking down the roadmap whilst we make some changes. We are sorry its taken us so long to update you.
We werent prepared for such a large influx of players, and this highlighted a thousand new problems and bugs that needed to be fixed urgently. Our priority has been to make the current experience as stable as possible and this has meant new content has taken a backseat. To put it clearly; we havent been able to focus all of our resources on Hearth & Home until May.
We hope that one of the reasons Valheim has resonated with so many of you is down to attention to detail. We dont want to launch an update that were not confident in, and that isnt deserving of your time. With that in mind, the new roadmap will be much smaller, but weve made the decision to focus on the big Mistlands update directly after were done with Hearth & Home, putting aside the smaller updates for now...
That being said, we would like to share some of the upcoming Hearth & Home content here. This is by no means a complete list but a taste of whats cooking.
New build pieces Darkwood roofs and window hatches.
New cooking station extensions spice rack, butcher table, pots & pans... In addition to this we've also implemented a new food system that places more importance between boosting health and stamina, making food choices more interesting based on your playstyle. To this end, we've also made some changes to how stamina/health affects your poise in combat. If you want to play a tanky, defensive viking you should now stock up on health, since this will boost your ability to deflect incoming hits and mitigate damage.
New foods to take advantage of the new system and cooking station extensions more than 10 new recipes including Eyescream, Shocklate smoothie, various wolf meats, and more.
Plantable onions with pretty onion flowers.
Were pretty flexible when it comes to what we want to add to the game, and were often inspired by a meeting or an awesome comment from the community, which means our roadmap is always going to be fluid. Valheim is also a game about exploration, and we don't want to spoil that feeling of discovery for our players. That said, we do want to be more open with what were currently working on, even if it is just our artist Robin working on a piece of content that he's enjoying, but that might never make it into the game. Striking a balance between being transparent about what we are working on, while at the same time not spoiling it for those of you who want to discover it yourselves is tough, but we think it's important to be more informal and open as an Early Access game.
Tomorrow June 11th, at 2PM CEST, we will also be heading to the r/valheim subreddit for an AMA. Wed love for you all to join so we have an opportunity to try and answer as many questions as we can on Hearth & Home and the new roadmap.
Well also of course keep posting our monthly development updates and hotfixes as always. Thank you again for continuing to support us, and for your feedback and creativity.
The Iron Gate team
[ 2021-06-10 13:47:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody! Another one of our beloved fixer upper patches. Besides fixing some bugs and minor issues we found that some of our main random events never triggered as expected. So please welcome two new events: You are being hunted and The horde is attacking. I'm sure they will brighten up your day. 0.154.1 * Fixed issue where capes sometimes formed strange bumps on the back after jumping * Close build gui with ESC selection fix * Fuling army event trigger fixed * Wolf hunt event trigger fixed * Troll ground slam can now be blocked * Longship repair & build sound fixes * Wolfcape durability fix * Respawning resources timer fix (Berries and flint should now correctly respawn) * Serpents no longer flee when low on health * Fixed issue with ship containers not closing properly in some situations * Raise terrain is more smooth & less pointy * Fixed water particles & water-surface clipping issues inside boats * Better fermenter feedback when its exposed * Tweaked some sound assets to use less RAM * Covered rocks should no longer look wet during rain
[ 2021-06-09 08:34:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
Time flies and summer is just around the corner. Here at Iron Gate, were still working from home, and were still looking for the perfect office. While those two things remain unchanged, exciting things are still happening within the company. The last couple of weeks weve been having interviews with several potential future coworkers, and were really excited to grow with more talent! While it may take a couple of weeks before the time comes, were really looking forward to introducing our new colleagues to you!
We have in a way already received a new team member, say hello to Valheim the horse! We collaborated with our friends at Skvde ryttarfrening (Skve riding club) to get them a new horse (technically pony) for their riding school. Isnt she a beauty? You will definitely see more of her in the future. (This does not mean that well introduce horses to the game, but it does mean that Iron Gate will take field trips to the stables to meet our four legged colleague)
Since last time we have as usual made some updates and fixes for the game. We, for example, overhauled the harpoon mechanics, added a pre saving message and updated the looks of the troll and two bosses!
Our work on Hearth and Home is still going well. The update is starting to take shape and the past month has been very productive, with many new items and mechanics being finalized. There are of course many more things we want to make before the update is released, as we dont want to rush it. In our last devblog we explained how we work, wanting to let things take the time they need, and not setting a release date before we know for certain that the game is in a state that we can proudly present, and the response we got was fantastic! We are eternally grateful for having such a kind and understanding community! We are very proud to get to be on this journey with all of you.
In our last two updates we gave you some sneak peeks, and this time is no different! We all have a great time reading your theories on what the items could be, some are more correct than others, but they are all equally creative. This month we present to you these pictures, what do you think they could be?
We are looking into hosting some sort of Q&A, hopefully in June, where we can answer your questions about the game, development and the team! If this is something youd be interested in, comment below!
Make sure to follow us on social media to not miss any important news!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-05-28 13:07:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day, today we have a fine selection of fixes and tweaks for you guys to enjoy, including some much needed sparkling visual updates on a few of our older creatures. We also made some changes to the harpoon mechanics to make it less rubberband-y and more rope-y. Enjoy! * Fixed smelter issue when a very long time has passed since visiting (10000 days) * 30s Pre world save warning added * Stone stair physics fix * Inventory screen gamepad focus fix * Large-creature visual overhaul (troll, boss-2 & boss-3) * Troll ragdoll material fix * Harpoon mechanics overhauled * Engine updated (some stability improvements) * Draugr archer visual fixes (1 & 2 star draugrs sometimes got the wrong material) * Fixed issues when crafting station is destroyed while in use * Creature group spawning adjusted to avoid spawning over total limit (in some cases) * Credits updated * Localization updates
[ 2021-05-12 10:09:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
We are once again here to give you a little insight to how the development of Valheim is going!
The Valheim community is still steadily growing, and reading the reviews, feedback and messages you send us warms our hearts. When we're not working, were sending each other pictures of amazing things that youve built, art youve painted and videos youve made. Knowing that Valheim has gathered such a wonderful and creative community feels amazing, and words cant describe how grateful we are.
We are still working from home which is going well, but we would be lying if we said we didnt miss each others company. As we expect Iron Gate to grow, were looking for a bigger office. Dreamy office spaces sadly dont grow on trees, but its something that were really looking forward to so it is definitely worth the wait. Maybe well even make an office tour when weve finally found the right place?
Tweaks and fixes to improve your gaming experiences are still being made. For example, this week we released a patch that included a new terrain modification system, and a bugfix that hinders draugrs from spawning inside stones (draugrs shouldnt be smart enough to use camouflage). Please up-vote or report new bugs that you find here: https://valheimbugs.featureupvote.com/.
Some other things that we have worked on are graphical updates to the troll, the second boss, and the third boss to give their old models some new fresh looks, and have their designs better fall in line with how we envision the enemies of Valheim. We wont spoil the bosses, but heres the updated troll!
More hair, nails and more defined muscles, what do you think of its updated look? These enemy updates will be available in the next patch!
This does of course not mean that weve forgotten about our next big update, Hearth and Home. The Hearth and Home development is moving forward, and we are working on new mechanics and new items that we cant wait to show off! Below are two little sneak peeks of what were currently working on for Hearth and Home:
Can you see whats new in this picture, and what could it be part of?
This last picture will be a pretty big part of the update, with many new items relating to it, can you guess what it is?
Valheim was a labor of love and we didnt decide on a release date before we knew it would be in a state we were happy to release it in, and we are doing the same for this update. Instead of rushing it, we want to let it take the time it needs to get in a state that were happy with. We know that youre all very eager for the update to release (as are we) so we thank you so much for the patience youre showing! Were on an exciting journey, and were happy to be on it with you.
Make sure to follow us on social media to not miss any important news!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@valheimofficial?lang=sv-SE
[ 2021-04-23 12:51:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
This was a long one! This patch has been taking extra long time to develop due to the new terrain-modification system. The new terrain modification system is made to reduce the number of network instances and make loading faster and smoother. Technically its a pretty big change but hopefully you should not notice that much of a difference except some minor behaviour changes to the hoe and pickaxe and of course much smoother loading of areas with a lot of terrain modifications. All terrain modifications after this patch (using the hoe, pickaxe or cultivator) will automatically use the new modification system. For existing areas where heavy terrain modifications have been made before this patch we have added a special console command optterrain that basically converts all the old terrain modifications in the nearby area to the new system. To use the optterrain console command, you first need to enable the ingame console by adding -console as a launch argument for the game. 0.150.3 * Swamp draugr spawner location fix to prevent draugrs from spawning inside stones * Lox pet-sfx fix * Torches in locations should no longer support constructions * Dolmen location stone size fix * New terrain modification system * Terrain-modification priority changed (Terrain modifications in an area should load before buildings, only applies to the new terrain modification system) * World loading tweaks (to fix issues with ships and buildings getting damaged while loading) * Stop server list download when leaving the start menu (to decrease network bandwidth usage) * Lowered the amount of stone required to Raise ground using the hoe
[ 2021-04-19 12:49:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Cute mini-tweak patch =) * Localization updates * Added separate walk-sneak snow footstep sfx * Music update ( fixed some sound glitches ) * Credits updated ( Changed the look of the credits screen & added missing names ) * Hammer,Hoe & Cultivator timing & input tweaks ( Slightly lower use delay & queued button presses for a smoother experience...just for you )
[ 2021-03-29 11:46:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Waahaa! This was a long one. Sorry for the delay, but we were waiting for a specific patch to the steam socket API, and it just went live today! (the fix in question is not listed in the steam changelog). I recommend you to make sure steam has updated to the "Mar 22 2021" version (Steam->Menu->Help->About Steam). Steam will of course automatically update itself to this version. Lots of big and small changes in this patch, some gameplay tweaks and some bug fixes. NOTE: Don't forget to update your server as well. * Campfire,Bonfire & hearth take damage when dealing damage * Reinforced chest inventory space increased to 6x4 * All boss drops can now float on water * Sunken crypt entrance tweaked (to stop tombstones from getting stuck) * Fixed rotation of Wood tower shield on item stands * Deathsquito & Drake trophy drop rate increased * 1 & 2 Star creature HP fix * Night-spawning wolves should be easier to tame now (should stop trying to run away & despawn after starting to tame) * Harpoon does not work on bosses anymore * Ingame console disabled by default (add launch argument "-console" to enable) * The console command for enabling developer/debug commands has been changed to devcommands from imacheater and a warning message has been added. * Improved enemy projectile reaction system * Battle axe tweaks (hits multiple enemies easier) * Player knockback force is affected by equipment speed modifiers (IE heavy gear will reduce the knockback from enemies) * Blackforest stone tower tweaks * Ward system fixes (You can no longer place a new ward where an enemy ward overlaps) * Comfort calculation fixed * "Failed to connect" error message fixed * Serpent trophy stack fix * Missing Moder spawn location in some worlds fixed (NOTE: For existing worlds "genloc" command needs to be run manually in a local game with dev commands enabled to generate new locations, this is only needed if your specific world has this issue, this is not very common) * Megingjord item-collider fix * Added a slight use-delay on Hammer, Hoe & Cultivator * Hammer remove auto-repeat added * Better network bandwidth handling (should work better on low bandwidth connections & also use higher data rate if possible) * Dolmen location fixes (Stop top stone from falling for no reason) * Fixed removing item from item-stand not always syncing item stats * Server list refresh button can be pressed before the entire list has been downloaded * Better bad connection detection * Fixed issue causing server to send more data the longer a client was connected * Localization updates
[ 2021-03-23 09:23:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
Vikings! A little over six weeks has passed since the release of Valheim, and a lot has happened since. We have sold 6 million units and our community is steadily growing bigger and stronger, which is absolutely fantastic!
A lot of things are happening within Iron Gate too. We are still working from home, and although we miss our time together at the office, were not letting that slow us down! We are very honored to have gotten the opportunity to take part in several interviews, from podcasts and gaming newslets to Swedish television! It has been a hectic time, but worry not! We are of course still working on the game.
Our programmer has since launch worked hard (and still is) on high priority bugs and issues that have been reported by you players, for example networking issues and balance tweaks to our most evil bug, the Deathsquito! If you have any bugs to report, please do so here: https://valheimbugs.featureupvote.com/. There you can see what bugs we have fixed, and are working on!
(We are currently waiting for a Steam update from Valve before we push our next patch, thank you so much for your patience!)
A lot of you have reached out and asked about the road map. Hows Hearth and Home coming along? Much of our focus has been on play testing and bug fixing, but as things are calming down since launch, we can spend more time working on our first big update! Our lead artist even graciously provided a sneak peek:
What do you think this could be?
We have a lot of exciting things planned for this update, and we have of course listened to your feedback and suggestions, and can barely wait until we can show you more.
Here is a picture of the team from our last Hearth and Home-meeting, going strong from our home offices. Have a fantastic weekend, and happy Ostara!
Make sure to follow us on social media to not miss any important news!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/valheim
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheim_official/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-03-19 14:00:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Vikings! Youve done it again! As you are reading this, the Valkyries have ferried more than FIVE MILLION souls to Valheim to uncover ancient treasures, sail savage seas and secure the tenth norse world. During the little time youve spent in Valheim, all five million of you managed to:
- Spend more than 15,000 years playing Valheim
- Watch more than 35 million hours of gameplay Twitch
- Pushed us to number 39 in the best user reviewed games on Steam of all time
- Made our five-person strong team excited to come to work (virtually) each and every single day (thats one person per million sales, by the way!)
[ 2021-03-03 15:00:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Good day Valheimers! Todays patch has some huge changes to dedicated servers. Dedicated servers now always use direct connections instead of using Steam Datagram Relay (SDR). This should result in much lower latency for most players. Private dedicated servers are enabled by adding "-public 0" to the server command line (See server manual PDF). You can only connect to private dedicated servers using the "Join IP"-button. I really hope this patch solves a lot of connection issues introduced in last weeks patches ( due to switching socket backend ). In addition to these dedicated-server fixes valve are also working on fixes to the SDR system (used when connecting to non-dedicated servers) and i believe there is already a beta-steam-client available that fixes some of these issues. Thanks everyone!! * Localization updates * Made Haldor head-turn smoother * Object network interpolation is skipped if object was far away, solved issue with network players flying through the air when entering dungeons & exiting portals etc * Added -public 1/0 flag to dedicated server again, Allows players to host local lan only servers * Join IP-button updated to allow for lan-connections (dedicated servers only) & added DNS support * Dedicated servers use directIP connection instead of SDR, solves issues with slow steam relays in some areas of the world * Bonemass puke-effect network fix * Updated Dedicated-server PDF manual * Prevent pickup items when entering portals * Lowered wolf procreation slightly * Lowered chance of boss trophy talking
[ 2021-03-02 10:01:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Quick fix patch for some network issues. Have a nice weekend everybody! * Fixed connected player counter (Correctly ending auth sessions) * Fixes instant disconnection issue that some players have experienced.
[ 2021-02-26 07:58:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Valheimers! Todays patch has some major changes, the biggest change is the updated socket backend which should improve connection issues for a lot of players. Vulkan support as been enabled in Windows builds and can be enabled for now by adding "-force-vulkan" as a launch option in Steam properties for Valheim. This might fix some random crashes related to GPU drivers. World corruption caused by loging out and and the same time pressing ALT+F4 has been fixed. Some balancing fixes was made on bosses to make them more challenging ( u guys are killing them too fast ). NOTE: Due to changes in character save data, once a character has been loaded & saved in this new version, they can no longer be loaded in an older version of valheim. * Crafting item-dupe bug fix * Harpooned player & ship bug fix * Fixed player ragdoll * Bonemass,Moder,Yagluth difficulty tweaks * Moder music updated * Tombstone bugfix (probably wont fix disappearing tombstones though) * Fixed world corruption caused by pressing ALT+F4 while logging out. * Deathsquitos have slightly longer audio range * Tweaked audio on blast-furnace & spinning wheel * Shared map position setting is saved per world * Updated network stats (F2) * Building destruction drop-fix * Vulkan support in windows builds * Network disconnection bugfix * Updated socket-backend
[ 2021-02-25 08:44:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Vikings! When Valheim first hit Steam Early Access just three weeks ago, we hoped that all the hard work our small team put into the game these past three years would get the attention it deserved. Little did we know just how much Valheim would resonate with all four million of you. Thats right! Three weeks into Early Access, and weve hit another milestone, four million brave souls embarking on the most dangerous feat in over a thousand years of Viking history - trying to make Odin proud. Some of the latest:
- This past weekend, we hit 500,000 concurrent players - this puts Valheim in the top 5 most played games in the history of Steam.
- Valheim has already been played for a combined total of 10,000 years! Thats 3,649,980 more days than the 20 days it has been on Steam Early Access.
- Still climbing the Steams Top 250 best reviewed games of all time, now sitting in 57th place!
- 81,000+ Overwhelmingly Positive reviews
[ 2021-02-24 15:00:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! This February has been truly wild! Less than three weeks into Early Access, weve already hit another milestone. Valheim has now been purchased by over three million brave Vikings looking to survive the 10th world of the Yggdrasil - or die trying - probably crushed by a falling tree. To keep up with the old norse references, this is now equivalent to 74,319 longhouses stuffed with Vikings singing songs and celebrating victory with some great tasting mead, so.. SKL! Were also continuing to break records! Heres what weve achieved together in the last week:
- Over 60,000 Overwhelmingly Positive reviews
- Officially entered the Steams Top 250 best reviewed games of all time (were 78th and climbing!)
- Currently 7th most streamed game on twitch, surpassing CS:GO, Dota 2, Minecraft and Rust
- Over 20 million hours of gameplay already watched - now help us find a Viking reference for this one!
[ 2021-02-19 15:01:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Disable google analytics * Updated Unity engine * Forest crypt fixes * Credits updated * Save system returned to old-new * Pickables sync fix (stones,carrots etc) * Dedicated server CPU usage fix (Framerate limiter) * Hearth smoke building fix * Save system tweaks * Console "save" function can be used remotely if player is added to admin list * Autosave every 20min (instead of 30min) * Manual join IP function (dedicated servers only) * Extra tombstone checks ( to prevent them from disappearing ) * Better broken world handling ( crash/exit instead of loading an empty world ) * Localization fixes
[ 2021-02-17 10:51:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! We wanted to start by sharing a giant troll-sized thank you! In just 13 days Valheim has been purchased by over two million Vikings, and this weekend we reached a new peak concurrent player milestone of 360,000! Forget longboats, we have now blown a 700+ year old record by boasting the largest Viking population in all of human history. For reference, the previous peak in Viking numbers was set in 1300 AD and was approximately 500,000. Everyone at Iron Gate has really been appreciating all the messages, love, questions and thoughts from all of you, so please keep them coming! And again, a big thank you to all of you for helping us reach this ridiculous milestone in under two weeks of sailing onto Early Access. Were so excited to continue working with you all to reach Asgard together, and well be sharing more soon on whats next. Praise Odin! The Iron Gate Team __ Follow us on social media to not miss out on any news! Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-02-15 16:39:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Vikings! This week may go down as the fastest, most powerful and biggest ever Viking invasion witnessed in human history. Why? Valheim has already surpassed one million sales in our first week on Steam Early Access. For measure, that is equivalent to roughly 8,333 Viking-crammed longboats heading to their next conquest! Not only have we surpassed our first huge milestone together, but the way you have all rallied your weapons and embraced Valheim has been incredible. In just over two years what our small yet formidable studio has been able to achieve is mind blowing. We really want to thank you for the incredible support youve already shown us, with 160,000 peak concurrent users and over 127,000 peak viewers on Twitch on our first week alone, and this is only the beginning! Our inboxes are filled to the brims with fantastic feedback and suggestions and we are overjoyed to see how engaged our community is in Valheims development. We are currently hard at work addressing issues some of our players have reported to maximize the game experience for more vikings! We are super excited to continue working together throughout 2021, as we bring you tons of cool new content, improvements and ways to die, through the early access and beyond. Praise Odin, The Iron Gate Studio Team __ Follow us on social media to not miss out on any news! Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P Twitter: @Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-02-10 15:00:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Ragdoll destruction network fix * Dedicated server ugly file-flag shutdown system removed (Use CTRL-C or SIGINT instead) * Updated reference server start scripts (Please update local copies) * World & character save improvements * Teleport ore chest hack fix * Remove structure resource dupe bug fix * Server map set to server name to make it filterable in steam server-browser * Localization fixes * Added enemy awareness indicator to enemy huds * Sneak tweaks * Added save directory override to dedicated servers (-savedir) * AI fixes * Lower dmg on deathsquitos * Fixed text-msg icon * Updated server manual PDF * More serverlist improvements (removed initial serverlist request to lower network trafic) * Carts detach when teleporting
[ 2021-02-10 07:31:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fixed world selection gui broken due to corrupt world file
[ 2021-02-05 13:48:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
* Fixed freeze at Valheim logo screen * Fixed Block-sfx * Fixed Spaming dodge consumed extra stamina * Serverlist tweaks (multi-line names, server count) * Continous music enabled by default + Drowning effects added * Compendium icon updated * Made Hugin dialog guis slightly larger * More surtling cores in burial chambers * Serverlist fixes * Lowered enemy per-player damage scaling * Localization fixes * Server filter fix
[ 2021-02-05 09:34:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Valheim is officially out on Early Access! How will you spend your first day on the 10th world of the Yggdrasil? Will you build shelter in hopes to survive or face death and venture into the wilderness?
Like our Norse lord once said Weve Odin just begun. Take a look at all weve got planned for 2021 as we sail through Early Access and continue building the world of Valheim together.
(Ships and sailing is already in the game, put we plan on updating existing features and adding in more)
[ 2021-02-02 15:00:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Praise Odin! Valheim is sailing onto Steam Early Access on February 2nd, 2021 Sharpen your weapons and rally your most trusted Vikings, as you set off on a voyage to redemption! Announcement trailer below! [previewyoutube=Ly2P6powIjw;full][/previewyoutube] Follow us on social media to not miss out on any news! Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2021-01-18 15:07:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Ho ho ho! Yule is standing on our doorsteps, and the new year is not far ahead. It has been an eventful year for Valheim and Iron Gate alike. Valheim has flourished and become a huge and epic experience and just this week, Iron Gate moved to a new and bigger office.
Our community has grown and we are amazed and humbled by the amount of people who are excited to play Valheim. Some of our community members have had the chance to play the beta, and the positive response and feedback they have given us motivate us to keep on going like nothing else! 2021 will be an exciting year for us at Iron Gate and our development of Valheim, so stay tuned and make sure to follow us on social media to not miss out on any news!
For halloween this year we held a riddle-competition on twitter, and we are doing it again! One riddle a day will be tweeted out over the course of the weekend, be among the first 50 to answer all three of them correctly and you will win a key! Here is the first riddle: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame/status/1339933686523781120
Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P
Twitter: @Valheimgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2020-12-18 14:03:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yule is nearing and us here at Iron Gate can feel the christmas joy growing, but we are really lacking in the decoration department. Create Valheim inspired decorations, and we will pick out 10 winners that will receive one beta key each! Head on over to our twitter to participate! https://twitter.com/Valheimgame steamhappy

Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2020-12-07 07:57:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Development news and new content.
Hello again! Fall has left us and the cold and dark winter stands on our doorstep.What better way is there to brighten up the day than some news on Valheim? This month we have done a lot of playtesting and tweaking of the gameplay to elevate the gaming experience, but we do of course also have new content for you! The feedback we receive from our beta testers is as always invaluable, and we sent out more beta keys on this very day! If you havent already, sign up for a chance to receive a key here: https://mailchi.mp/3cad4aeaef25/valheim We have competitions planned for twitter in December, so make sure to follow us on there to not miss out on the chance to win a key! https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Like mentioned last month, we have been (and are still) working with a sound designer and musician, and parts of their work have already been implemented in the game. Many of our sound effects have been updated, and you will get some more information about the new music below.
New features and content
New weapon: Bronze spear

A spear is now joining the family of bronze weapons.
New weapon: Ancient bark spear

A beautiful spear crafted from ancient trees.
New shield: Iron tower shield

This sturdy tower is shield perfect for protection. Your enemies will barely be able to graze you as you carry this.
New shield: Silver shield

A shield fit for the finest of vikings.
New shield: Serpent scale shield

Slaying a serpent and making a shield out of its scales, thats a powermove for sure.
New shields: Black metal shield & Black metal tower shield

Last month we presented to you an array of black metal weapons, this month we present to you two black metal shields to accompany them! Carry these and let their gleam be the last thing your enemies see before they meet their end.
New styles

Some of the new shields come in several different styles. Stand out from your friends or carry matching shields, its up to you!
New enemy: Greyling
Who said your first day in Valheim should be a dance on roses? Greylings now roam the starting area, are you skilled enough to beat them?
New processor: Blast Furnace

An advanced furnace used to refine rare metal scraps into bars. What a blast!
New location: Troll caves

Trolls also need somewhere to sleep.
New locations: Villages and farms in meadows
Old and abandoned villages and farms now appear in meadows. Makes you wonder about their old inhabitants...
New attack: Battle axe alternative attack
Another way to slay your enemies with the massive battle axe. Is it Christmas already?
New music: Dawn and dusk
Two beautiful melodies will play when day turns to night and vice versa, one for dusk and one for dawn.
New music: Sailing
Youre not a real adventurer until you have an adventurous soundtrack playing in the background. Were here to provide!
New music: Swamps
A spine-chilling tune now plays when you enter the swamps, as if the swamps werent scary enough already.
New music: Homebase
Have you built a homely and secure homebase? A cozy melody will now play when youre inside of it, but remember; danger still lurks outside.
Miscellaneous Updates
Updated breeding: Wolf cubs
Tamed wolfs can now have cubs.
Draugr overhaul

Hugin, Munin and the Valkyrie got overhauled last month, this month it was time for the draugrs to receive some love, we now have three different absolutely terrifying draugrs, pictured is one of them. Sorry in advance for your nightmares.
New cart model

Charcoal kiln model and texture update
The texture has been improved and the model now sits better on the ground.
Added FPS counter
An FPS counter can now be found in the connection screen. -- Make sure to follow us on social media to not miss any important news! Discord: https://discord.gg/BhhNKRBj5P Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2020-11-27 14:11:34 CET ] [ Original post ]
Long time no see! We have sent out more BETA-keys, and the feedback we have received have been invaluable. Seeing how much our players enjoy Valheim so far motivates us to work even harder! Many new items have been added to the game, and exciting things are happening on the development front. Two of these exciting things are that we are working with a sound designer and a musician to elevate the experience of the game. Halloween, or Harvest fest as vikings would call it, is upon us and to celebrate it we are testing your knowledge through riddles on twitter. The first 50 people who pleases Odin by giving correct answers to all three riddles will receive one BETA-key each. Make sure to check out our twitter for the chance to prove your wits! https://twitter.com/Valheimgame
Now for the actual updates for the game:
New features and content
New armor: Padded armor

Protect yourself from enemies in this full padded armor (try to not get distracted by how cool you look).
New armor: Lox cape

Winter is nearing and its getting colder. This lox cape gives you cold resistance, and is perfect for cold and harsh weather.
Armor update: Added Linen colours

More colours have been added to the linen cape we revealed last month.
New Hairstyles and beards

With this hair-raising update we have increased the customization options with several beards and hairstyles.
New boss: Yagluth

We have created a whole new boss for you to fight if you feel brave enough. To save you from nightmares we wont show a picture of him, but here is his guardian stone, consider it a sneak peek.
New enemy: Deathsquito

The only thing scarier than a mosquito is a deathsquito. You will definitely hear it coming, but are you fast enough to see it before it strikes?
New enemy: Fuling shaman

Fulings now have shamans roaming in their villages. They will charge at you with spells, so watch out!
New food: Fishwraps, Barley wine, Lox meat pie & Blood pudding

These new foodstuffs will all keep your stomach full, and although not all of them look very appetizing, they all come with their own pros.
New material: Needle
Looted from deathsquitos and big enough to use for weapon crafting.
New material: Black metal
A brutal material for brutal DIY crafts.
New Weapons: Black metal atgeir, black metal axe, black metal sword and black metal knife

What better way is there to signal that you are fearless than wielding these black metal weapons as you slay your enemies.
New weapon: Porcupine mace

This mace is made using deathsquito needles, talk about weaponizing your worst fears.
Miscellaneous Updates
Valkyrie overhaul

We gave the valkyrie a fresh new look by updating her model and textures. What do you think?
Hugin and Munin overhaul
Of course we couldnt neglect Odins companions, theyve received updated looks as well.
Sunken crypts overhaul

Not only birds deserve overhauls, so do crypts! We pretty much remade our sunken crypts from scratch, doesnt it look creepy?
Darker skin
Darker shades for skin colour have now been added to the character creation.
Dream text
Your character will now dream when sleeping. But do you think a viking dreams about? -- Make sure to follow us on social media to not miss any important news! Discord: https://discord.gg/FfZCsR Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/
[ 2020-10-30 10:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! The BETA has been out for a while now and we are happy to see that it has been a positive experience for our players! We will still be sending out more, so make sure to sign up for a key if you havent already. One more person has joined the Iron Gate-team, Lisa who will dual as community manager and graphic artist.
New features and content
Many updates have been made since the last post, many of which are based on feedback from BETA-testers, and today we will look at a sample of all those updates:
New models for Artisan table and Windmill

The last post had a brief mention of the Artisan table and Windmill, and their models have now been added to the game!
New processor: Spinning wheel

Joining the crafting family is the spinning wheel. These are used to spin threads; not to be confused with princess sedatives.
New shield: Wooden tower shield

A wooden tower shield offers more protection than the Wood shield, and it stands out among the round shields.
New armor: Linen cape

Be the most stylish of your co-players by wearing this fiery red cape.
New locations: Shipwrecks

Shipwrecks have been scattered around the shores for you to discover.
New furniture: Lox and Deer rugs

Keep your houses warm and cosy with these decorative rugs.
New locations: Fuling villages

Fulings have banded together and built themselves little villages. It would be terrible if someone were to raid them...
New enemy: Fuling Berserker

Watch out, you do not want to meet one of these unprepared. They also show up in fuling villages.
New event: Fuling
A mob of fulings might come at you when you least expect it. Youd better watch your back.

Explanatory button hints have now been added to build mode to help you out when building.
New material: Flax
Use these together with the spinning wheel.
New material: Linen Thread
Crafted from Flax.
New potions
Medium stamina potions have been added.
More fish
Fish can now be spotted in the sea.
Miscellaneous Updates
Updated Stamina regeneration curve
The lower your stamina is, the faster it regenerates.
Updated Charcoal kiln
The charcoal kiln can now take more types of wood.
Updated Berserkers
The troll and fuling berserkers can now destroy more types of trees.
Updated Pickaxe
Mining is now slightly faster than before.
Updated Thistles
Thistles can now be found in more locations.
Updated GUI
Inventory buttons are now brighter.
Updated loading times
Loading times when teleporting and spawning are now faster.
Updated Tooltip
It is now written if a weapon is one or two handed. -- Make sure that you dont miss any news by following us on social media! Discord: https://discord.gg/FfZCsR Twitter: https://twitter.com/Valheimgame Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valheimgame Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valheimgame/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/ Sign up for a BETA-key: https://mailchi.mp/3cad4aeaef25/valheim
[ 2020-09-23 12:49:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
The Closed Beta
The launch of the Closed Beta is close at hand. The current plan is to send out the first batch of keys on the 10th of August. This will be followed by more key batches being distributed later on, so if you dont get a key this time you might still get one the next time (without having to sign up again of course). Since the game is still very much in development we value having the possibility to bring in new players that can bring a fresh perspective. This, as well as ensuring our small team is able to manage all the feedback, is why we have chosen to release Beta-keys over time rather than sending them all out at once. Beta-keys will be assigned randomly. If you haven't signed up for the Closed Beta yet you can do so here: https://mailchi.mp/3cad4aeaef25/valheim
New features and content
Lets take a look at some of the stuff weve been working on lately.
New Features
New Shading System

The visuals of Valheim now look just a bit more pixelated, for that fresh, crispy look.
UI Visuals 3.0

Last autumn we reworked the style of the UI to make it feel a bit more connected to the world and fitting of our viking-theme. Since then we have upped the quality even further; with high resolution textures, easier-to-read fonts, and structural improvements.
Construction UI 2.0

The Hammer interface has been completely redesigned, it now opens a menu with the right mouse button in which you mouse-select what you want to build. This makes the experience much more intuitive and easy to navigate. And yes, the shortcuts to build categories are still there. In addition to this, building pieces that are connected to the ground will now display as blue (instead of green) while youre in construction mode. This makes it easier to build stable constructions that won't come crashing down.

Yes, you can finally go fishing in Valheim. This is still pretty early in development though, for instance we have not yet added any fish to catch sorry.
Boar Taming

The wild pigs of Valheim can now be tamed, and if you treat them right they will procreate in captivity. This is a good source of proteins.
Wolf Taming

Tamed Wolves function like NPC guards, following the Player around and attacking enemies.
Farming System

Farming is now more fleshed out with lots of different plant varieties to grow. Heathlands biome has been renamed to Plains, and this is where we want to focus most of the Farming gameplay.
Goblin Camps

The Goblins of the Plains biome now have small camps that can be raided.
Players can now access an encyclopedia in the Equipment-screen that shows lots of different stuff; such as old messages and descriptions of status effects.
Comfort System
Weve added a new feature that rewards players for building cozy homes. Basically, furniture and stuff improves the comfort rating of houses, in turn giving players that sleep in them a buff to health and stamina.
Improved Sailing
Weve made further changes to the sailing mechanics. It is now much easier to gauge the direction of the wind, it is possible to paddle with the steering oar (to make it a bit easier to steer close to land), and the steering mechanic itself has been reworked. This new system will make it more important to beat when travelling upwind.
Elite Mobs
Farther out in the wilds, souped up versions of enemies may spawn from time to time. These are obviously more dangerous than their regular counterparts but also yield greater rewards.
Player icons on World Map (Multiplayer feature)
When opening the World Map you can now toggle whether you want your position to be seen by other players.
New Content
New Enemy: Fenring

A particularly large dog has been spotted in the mountains, seems dangerous.
New Enemy: Ghost

The souls of the cursed dead of Valheim grow restless in their dark crypts.
New Enemy: Rancid Remains

It is still a skeleton to be fair, but its big and stinky!
New Enemy: Serpent

The high seas are becoming more dangerous with the arrival of rather large sea serpents. These prehistoric horrors drop scales and meat, used for armour and cooking.
New Enemy: Lox

A combination of a Lizard and an Oxe, this beast grazes on the fields of the Plains biome. It is peaceful if left undisturbed.
New Weapons: Abyssal Razor and Abyssal Harpoon

These two weapons can be made from resources harvested on islands of the high ocean. The Abyssal Harpoon actually works as a harpoon, in that it tethers any hit enemy to you. The line will snap though if you put too much stress on it.
New weapon: Iron Sledge

Better version of the Sledge.
New Building: Bonfire

The beacons have been lit! Campfire to the left for scale.
New Attack: Knife Jump
You will now make a sneaky stab if you do a jumping attack with a knife equipped.
New Workbench: Artisan Table
Dabble in the forbidden arts to create magic objects.
New Processor: Windmill
With this nifty invention you can grind lots of different stuff, but mainly cereals. Efficiency varies a bit depending on current wind strength.
New Tool: Cultivator
Making terrain suitable for growing crops are now done with a new tool called the Cultivator. The Hoe retains its old functionality of terrain manipulation.
New Material: Ymir Remains
Mystical objects used when creating magical artifacts at the Artisan Table.
Miscellaneous Updates
Updated Visuals: Fluffier Trees

Brand new arboreal technology has made the trees of Valheim look more majestic and tree-ier (old tree left).
Updated Visuals: Workbenches
The workbenches had some of the oldest models in the game, these are now updated and brought in line with the rest of the visuals.
Updated Visuals: Armour
Most of the various clothing options in the game have been given a visual upgrade.
Updated Visuals: Cloudier Clouds
Clouds are now better.
Updated Visuals: Bosses
Each and every boss has received some visual love, mainly their animations have been improved.
Boss Encounter Rework
Boss battles are now treated as Events which allows us to change things like weather and lighting on the fly, resulting in these epic fights being even cooler and more memorable!
Easier Early Game
Weve made various changes to make the game easier for new arrivals, among others: enemy fauna slightly less angry in starting biome, deers are easier to hunt, reduced requirements for spawning the first boss, starting location always has some basic materials for building a weapon.
Day Counter
As dawn breaks a message will inform you how much time youve spent in the Tenth World.
Plantable Trees
Most of the wild trees found in Valheim now drop seeds that can be planted.
[ 2020-08-04 13:48:06 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=oNx-9YsOpBo;full][/previewyoutube]Its been a long road, but we can finally unveil our collaboration with Coffee Stain Publishing. Were obviously very excited about this and together we will try to make Valheim the best experience possible! Some of you already know about the game, and have played it since the early days of the Alpha, but for those of you who first saw it this weekend here is a short introduction of what it is about: As a newly deceased viking warrior you are borne away by Valkyries to the tenth world of Valheim. Here you must overcome the challenges facing you in order to prove your worth to Odin and claim your rightful seat in the halls of Valhalla. You must stand against the environment, face the dangers lurking in the forests and fields, and slay the fearsome Guardians of this world. Learn how to build shelter, craft tools and weapons, prepare food to sustain you, and sail mighty ships to the ends of the world. Your task is not an easy one, but where would the fun be in that? If this sounds interesting you can sign up for the Beta programme. We are gearing up for the first round of keys to be sent out in the very near future! Link to Beta application: https://mailchi.mp/3cad4aeaef25/valheim You may also want to join our Discord server. It is the best place to get info about Valheim, as well as having a chat with other players. Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/AQBPG5a We hope you look forward to play Valheim and we will be posting more updates on the development of the game here as we go along! Cheers Iron Gate Studio
[ 2020-06-13 18:13:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Valheim Linux [1.04 G]
Prove your worth!
Are you worthy of entering Valhalla? You have been sent to Valheim, the 10th Norse world. Only by defeating the mighty beasts of these lands will you win the favor of the gods. This quest will take you to the far reaches of this world, from the deepest forest to the highest mountain peak. You will craft powerful weapons, build unyielding castles and sail longships towards the horizon.Description
Valheim is a game about exploring a huge fantasy world inspired by norse mythology and viking culture. You start your adventure at the relatively peaceful center of Valheim. The further from the center you travel, the more challenging the world becomes. But you will also find more valuable materials that you can use to craft deadlier weapons and sturdier armor. You will also build your own viking strongholds and outposts all over the world. Eventually you will build a mighty longship and sail the great oceans in search of exotic lands … but be wary of sailing too far...Features:
- Flexible house and base building system.
- Intuitive item crafting (weapons, armor, food etc).
- Huge procedural world.
- Dodge & block based combat system with a wide range of weapons.
- Defeat bosses & collect trophies.
- Engaging food & health system.
- Build & sail ships.
- Multiplayer (with focus on cooperation).
- Dedicated server.
- OS: Any up to date version
- Processor: 2.6 GHz Dual Core or similarMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 500 series or similar
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- OS: Any up to date version
- Processor: i5 3GHz or betterMemory: 8 GB RAM
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 970 series or similarNetwork: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 1 GB available space
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