tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


This is a submission for the Themed Horror Game Jam 6. This is my first time creating a horror-ish game and I hope to receive some feedback to further improve!

This is a short 10-15 min pixel-art horror game. (If you are unable to play the WebGL version (but wait for a while as it loads quite slow), you can download the game for Windows)


You play as Detective Katherine Stacy, considered as one of the best detectives in the galaxy.  Something terrible happened and it is up to you to solve it. 

Talk to the suspects and investigate who really is the one that is out for blood.

However, something clearly is not right.


Space to continue the dialogue and use your Mouse to choose what to say.

Some cases needs you to use Space and the Mouse in a different way.

As well as A and D for movement and E to interact.


Some SFX are found from Freesound.org and Freesfx.co.uk

Some bugs

I am aware of some bugs and am unfortunately not skilled enough or had less time to fix them, you may come across some bugs like:

- Continually pressing space may result in the game breaking a bit, so make sure to use your mouse to choose what to say in the interactions.

- You may need to move around to interact with items in one part of the game, using E.

- As noted by many, in the browser version, the screen becomes black at the first interrogation, I unfortunately have no knowledge of how to fix that. But you can still play it by exiting with ESC to the menu and in the continue button, continue on to the 2nd interrogation (Thank you for those who thought of this idea).  If you want the full experience, you might have to just download the file for PC. 

Anyway, I hope you will still enjoy!