tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Why are you doing this?

I made the original of this game in 1985. If you want to know why, please read my "Code is Just" thread on Twitter. I couldn't have got it published without my good friends David and Geoff, who also appear in Code is Just

Geoff and I convinced David to reboot Floor 13. It's time I followed suit, with Chimera 2.

This game is what I should have done next. I didn't, and my life went very differently.

Not a bad turn, just not the turn I perhaps should have taken.

I've wanted to correct that mistake for decades, and well, never really committed.

I kept looking for permission, for funding, for the right time.

It never came.

It never does.

The time is always now.

Until I had the crazy idea of just launching whatever prototype work I have and then continuing to develop it for as long as I can.


And worse than the shame of showing early sketches with people who've learned from me watching, to actually ask for money (though that's optional as you'll see)

The game takes the assets from the ZX Spectrum version (for now) and I will in real time, continue from the point where I left off.

It might be rubbish.

I might not finish it.

Or I might make something special. 

Why not Patreon?

Do you really need another subscription in your life? Another transactional relationship? Aren't you financially squeezed enough already?

This is not the project for most of you. Please don't even download it, you'll be disappointed and your time is precious. 

If you know what you're getting into, the opening, difficult days of a man recovering from a creative coma and you want to help him make it, the price is $10. Or more. Or less. Or nothing. Up to you.

It's way too early!

Yes, it is.

That's exactly why I'm putting it out, even before there's anything to put out. And why you don't have to pay for it.

It will start off very, very rough.

Not even a game.

Not even as "good" as the original.

But, with your interest, help, support and cheerleading, I will take it to its logical conclusion, changing it in surprising ways.

Nothing is off the table. 

What's in it for me?

You could donate now, but you're getting a ropey, early build with almost nothing in it, so why bother?

The amount I'm asking for is small, but optional.

You're not paying for what this is. You're paying for what might be. And you're paying to take a ride with me, wherever I drive the bus. 

So it's optional. Don't pay anything if you don't want to. No judgment here. 

That all said, the more donations I get, the more time I can afford to put into the development. You'll be a valued supporter. Don't worry, I don't rely on these for the bills, so even if nobody donates, I'll carry on, just more slowly.

I'm going to build the game I've always found a way to run away from, and I'll be doing it from roughly where I left off, and we're going to see, together where we end up. 

I'm in, don't break my heart

I'll do my best. I just ask that you join me, a 56-year old with a long history in the industry on this partly sentimental, partly curiosity-driven journey to pick up where I left off and make something that I hope many will love as much for their participation as for whatever the game ends up becoming.