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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Dungeon Gen

Dungeon Gen is a very basic procedurally generated dungeon crawler with some shooter and rogue-lite elements.

The dungeon will change every time you start a new game and its dimensions will scale along with the current level you are. The weapons and the enemies you'll find also scale with the level you are, so as the game gets tougher the weapons you can get will have a more important role.

Disclaimer: This game is not finished. Check the  current state section for more information.


  • Standard shooter movement with WASD.
  • Left Mouse Click for shooting.
  • Right Mouse Click for aiming.
  • F to melee strike.
  • R to reload your weapon.

Current State

This game is just a demo for my end-of-degree project about procedural generation. I know that there are a few bugs and  probably some more that I have still not figured out. However, the game can be played withour major issues, but it may crash if you get to a really high level due to some limitations on the generation algorithm. In conclusion, the game is still far from a final product, but given the fact that it was developed during a month, I think it can still be enjoyed.

There are other builds available, such as Windows, Linux and MacOS.

More notes

This is the first game I've uploaded to itch.io, and despite the fact that the game is still not finished I have had some fun while playing it myself, and I thought that maybe some one out there would too. So that's the main reason why I decided to upload it.

Assets List

All the assets that were used to develop this demo are free to use and they are available at the Unity Asset Store:

 -Sci-Fi Gun Light: http://u3d.as/NG7
 - Simple Box Pack: http://u3d.as/1U4
 - Unity Particle Pack: http://u3d.as/BZ7
 - Fog of War Gun Sound FX Free: http://u3d.as/wbH
 - Weapon Soldier Sounds Pack: http://u3d.as/byo
 - 3D Scifi Kit Starter Kit: http://u3d.as/RE9
 - Sci-Fi Door: http://u3d.as/9hZ
 - Handpainted Keys: http://u3d.as/i6q
 - SciFi Enemies and Vehicles: http://u3d.as/6CD
 - Nextgen Sci-Fi: Cratehttp://u3d.as/jze

Source Code
