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This is my scrapped Ludum Dare 36 compo entry.

If you just want to play the game, skip to Gameplay. If you want a premature post-mortem (pre-post-mortem? pre and post cancel each other out, meaning it's a mortem?), read on.

Why scrapped?

I intended to do much more with it. LD36 theme was 'Ancient technology'. My initial plan was that Oorgh is an inventor and a hunter. He'd be able to gather wood, stone and other resources to invent and create advanced tools and weapons like stone, club or even a spear!

So what happened?

3 reasons.

1. If you follow me on twitter (@pi_pi314), you might know that I developed this game in ANSI-C STD-99. And I didn't have nearly enough experience to develop in C like I do in Java. I also didn't have as many tools as I do when developing in Java, so I had to code some of them (and learn libpng to load images).

2. Early on I chose a bad structure for the game. Due to this I had to either follow it til' the end or rewrite it. Rewriting and debugging for the 2nd time would take a hell of a lot time, so I decided not to do that.

3. I had a hard time focusing. This was in fact the first time I couldn't focus properly. This has to do with some unrelated personal stuff.

What now?

Nevertheless this Ludum Dare was an amazing experience. I learned what is good and what is bad in C (still kinda new to it, considering how extensive and powerful it is). I did some work on the tiny framework that was used in this project. I think this might've been my favorite Ludum Dare yet just because I learned more than ever before during a game jam. I wonder what will be in december. Maybe a 4.0+? That is the goal anyway.

What am I proud of?

Actually, the graphics. I like how they turned out. I'm also proud of some of the internal work I did.

Gameplay, or how does this game work?

While this game is unfinished, it still has some "gameplay".

There are exactly three mechanics:

1. Walking left or right.

2. Pressing w at the bush. This triggers the hunt sequence.

3. The actual hunt. It's pretty self explanatory. Press space at the right time AND when the animal isn't looking up. If you hit green, you succeed instantaneously. If you hit red, you fail instantaneously. Yellow and orange have a chance of 30% and 60% of succeeding. Whether you fail or not after hitting yellow or orange is determined semi-randomly.

After that the game ends and you get either the good or the bad ending, depending on the hunt outcome.


Full source code for the game is included with the game in the archive below.

Only a linux build is available. You may try to compile for Windows, but I really doubt it's possible.

So, now I'll play your submissions and do the feedbacks on the f***feedbackfriends. After that, see you in december!