Hey everyone!
Ages of Conflict is participating in the Steam Idler Fest 2025, happening RIGHT NOW!
Also, the game just got updated with the recent addition of FLAGS, which while not necessarily related to idle gameplay, is another fun way to let your historic or artistic skills shine!
What makes Ages of Conflict a great Idle game?
- You can sit back and relax and let the world develop through its own actions, and just watch empires rise and fall on their own, possibly endlessly
- Make changes to specific nations or world rules to cause a butterfly effect for the future... or just go wild and micro manage the world to your liking!
- Follow stats and world history to stay up to speed on recent and past events
- Paint maps with intricate borders and flags to your specific needs, no matter how complex or simple! Super relaxing :D
- Map changing colour is fun!
- Numbers going up and down is fun!
- Download amazing maps and scenarios made by the community for even more fun simulations!
Happy Map Painting!
[ 2025-02-03 20:00:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a search field for default flags
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where the nation's info box wasn't scrollable
- Fixed a bug where flag counter was wrong after filling all flags
- Fixed a bug where terrain wasn't visible when painting territory
- Fixed a bug where random revolts spawned even if "New Revolt Nations" was turned off
- Fixed a bug where bottom row fade speed was affected by game speed
- Fixed alliance stats showing incorrect texts
- Fixed small issues with Antarctica
- Fixed one translation
- Default flags will now be ordered alphabetically in all languages
- Flag Editor can now be closed with Esc
- Updated all modern day flag colors
- Updated some default scenarios
[ 2025-01-28 15:15:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Creating many flags from scratch for large scenarios can take a while. The in game editor is good enough for it, but some might have a preference for other software, like Photoshop, Aseprite, Paint or Gimp.
This guide will help you how to paint flags in those

Setting up
Let's say you have a scenario without any flags. In the image above I have only painted one for Denmark in game. When the game saves a scenario or save, it will only create the flags image file for nations with painted flags, so in this case it would only have Denmark. We want the game to create flags for all nations (even if we later decide to leave some without flags) 1. Press the Fill All Flags -button. It will populate every nation's flag with a random color. (as of v4.0.1 the flag counter will show 1 extra flag over the max, but you can ignore that) 2. Save the scenario 3. Go to the file location where the scenario is saved. The exact path for your scenario files can be found in the main menu scenario list info button. But for example for windows it will be inside your user folder, then AppData\LocalLow\JoySparkGames\Ages of Conflict\

4. Once you locate the correct scenario folder and open it, you should find the scenario file itself, the flags.png file, and a flagNames.txt file.
Editing the files
You will need to edit the flags.png file. The file dimensions can't be changed, so you can't just replace this file with another unless it has the exact same dimensions. The flagNames.txt is just there for help, and changing or deleting it won't effect the scenario in any way, but better to keep it unedited. Open the flags.png file in your preferred drawing program. I myself use Aseprite, but it isn't completely free so use whatever you have. Also open the flagNames.txt file, as it will tell you in which position each flag should be. The flags in the image file will be ordered in columns of 10 flags, starting from the bottom left, so flag #10 will be the top left corner, and #11 will be second flag in the bottom row.

To make painting easier, I suggest using an overlaid grid if your program supports it. I prefer to use a 6 wide, 4 tall grid, to allow for easy tricolors and more.

Finishing up
If you decide that some nations don't need flags, you should leave those as they are. I don't recommend just making their flags transparent, as that won't actually leave them without a flag, just a transparent one. To remove any nations' flags, you will need to do this later in game. So once you are happy with your flags, you can save the flags.png file and open the scenario in game again. (You will need to restart/return to menu again for the changes to register). Edit the scenario and remove any unwanted flags with the Clear Flag button in the Flag painter. Now, if you save the scenario, those flags will be removed from the canvas file. FlagNames file will also be updated, with those nations not being in there anymore.
Hopefully this guide was useful, let me know if anything was confusing and I'll update this more.
[ 2025-01-18 11:12:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where using bucket tool in flag painter could cause the game to crash
- Fixed a bug where manual revolts didn't work if city had less than 100% revolt progress
- Fixed a bug where all tundra appeared as mountains in empty maps
- Fixed a missing tundra button in God Mode's Edit Terrain
- Fixed a bug where Terrain Mask color was wrong when crossings were selected as mask
- Fixed a bug where tundra provided no land value
- Revolt Progress can now be manually maxed to 200%
- Fixed one tooltip
[ 2025-01-17 16:55:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! Happy 2025! It's time once again for a BIG update, and this one adds quite a lot of new and long awaited stuff, some more popular the others. Make sure to check everything! First...
It's Flag Time!
For the longest time, people have asked to be able to add and edit flags in their scenarios, well NOW IT IS HERE!

The game now has a dedicated Flag editor which allows you to draw flags completely freely, using a 36x24 pixel canvas. I figured pixel art flags would best fit this game's aesthetics. Use the grid to more easily make tricolours or otherwise symmetrical designs. There is also a list of preset flags, featuring flags of all current day nations to make painting faster. Happy painting! Currently new nations don't automatically get flags, but I have a few ideas that might happen in the future.

Flags are entirely optional, but if you are determined to add them to your scenarios, there are also some new stats in Scenario Editor to make sure you are fully covered. You can see how many nations have flags. Plus, if you are more inclined to edit flags in outside programs like Photoshop, Aseprite or Paint, you can also fill every flag with a random color and fix them later in your preferred program. I will create a proper guide for this soon!

Wars Map Mode!
This map mode makes it easier to follow conflicts around the globe. Each color represents one war.

In addition to that, the base map mode also now has a bit more "depth" with a slightly highlighted border even during peacetime. For maps with many super small countries this might not look the best so there is an option to disable this.

New Antarctica Map!
This continent needs some love, so here is a hypothetical situation where the ice melted and left this beautiful map in its place! Unrelated to Antarctica but there is now also a separate Tundra terrain!

AI & Revolt Changes
This update moves away from the per-nation revolt chance, to a per-city revolt progress. Revolt progress increases with war decalarations, passively during wars and whenever the city changes hands. So cities in the centers of conflict are more likely to rebel. You can follow revolt progresses in the Statistics.

Before this update, events like wars and alliances always happened in random parts of the world, so on more crowded maps it was a bit difficult to keep track of things. Now, events have a high likelyhood of causing more events nearby, so it's more likely to cause so called conflict hot spots, where one part of the world spends more time in different wars, whereas in other places things are more peaceful. Let's hope this is a fun change. Let me know what you think and if something needs to be adjusted!
History Log Saving
A small addition some people might appreciate, you can now save the History Log list into a separate text file, from the bottom of the panel. The format is pretty simple, but for some it may be useful.

Custom Random Names
You can now also make your own name bank for any random nation names. Since this is a bit of a niche feature, it is currently a bit technical. When you launch the game after updating, a new "RandomNameSettings.json" file will be created in your user files, the same place as your save files. You can edit this file to add as many random names as you want. For more randomized names, you can add a list of first and last names, which will be combined when generating names. If you have more concrete names, add them to the full names list. You can also temporarily disable these custom names, and decide whether the base game names can also appear. Even if you aren't familiar with editing JSON files, it should be pretty easy to edit without breaking anything. If for some reason you do some mistakes in this file and something breaks within the game because of it, you can just delete the file and the game will recreate it in startup. If many people use this feature, I might make it more user friendly in future updates.

v4.0.0 Full Changelog
- Added a Flag Painter. The size of a flag is 36x24 pixels, though you don't have to fill the entire canvas.
- Added a bunch of default flags to make flag making faster for custom scenarios
- Added flags to most premade scenarios
- Added a counter in scenario editor which shows how many nations have flags
- Added a counter in scenario editor which shows the amount of preset revolts/dead nations
- For those who want to edit flags in outside programs, added a button in scenario editor to fill all flags with random colors
- For those who want to edit flags in outside programs, scenarios with flags will also save an additional "flagNames.txt" file, which will help in connecting nations with their flags.
- Added a Wars Map Mode, which shows all the current wars and occupations, colored based on the primary attacker
- Revolt chance is no longer counted per nation. Instead, each city has its own Revolt Progress. Once it goes over 100, it can spawn a revolt once its current owner ends a war
- You can view city revolt progress in the city popup and edit it there
- Added Statistics for City Revolts, which shows revolt progresses
- Added a new terrain, Tundra (#808080)
- Added a new base map, Melted Antarctica
- Added a button to easily remove puppet liege in-game from the puppet's Nation View
- Added a faint border to nations even when they are not in wars. You can turn this off in Display Settings
- Added a button to save the History Log into a separate text file
- Added a way to add your own custom random nation names with the new RandomNameSettings.json file, which is created on game startup
- Occupied status of tiles will now be saved in scenarios and save files
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Changed the way events happen in the game. Previously the game picked a completely random nation every time to do something. Now, when a nation does something, it has a high chance to cause other nearby nations to do something, resulting in hotspots where many conflicts happen in one part of the map in succession. Events do still happen in random places around the world regularly.
- Time, Killer and Origin links in Nation View have been condensed into one text box next to the Flag
- Improved the way terrain and owner data is stored in save files, which will make save/scenario files much smaller from now on
- Occupied tiles will now be shown on Diplomatic Map Mode
- Occupied tiles will now be shown when painting territory
- Fixed a bug where editing terrain could result in land income and gold being turned to NaN
- Fixed a bug where if you clicked outside the game and later returned to the game, selected nation would be cleared while in rename or other screens
- Fixed a bug where removing the last war of a nation in setup didn't clear occupied tiles
- Fixed a bug where on-screen keyboard would appear when running Big Picture Mode on PC
- Fixed a bug where some UI animation speeds were dependant on game speed
- Fixed a bug where tiles didn't lose occupied status on some revolts
- Fixed a bug where the pipette cursor didn't perfectly align with mouse position
- Fixed a bug where tooltip remained on screen if the element that spawned it suddenly disappeared while on top of it
- Increased Maximum gold so that nation can always have enough gold to purchase a new core
- Updated some in-game UI bottom row elements
- Updated multiple default scenarios
- Updated some translations
- Condensed Map Editor buttons
- Small UI fix in main menu
- Fixed some translations
- Updated credits
[ 2025-01-17 14:48:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Updated Europe 1938 scenario
- Added a 35 character limit to unification names
- Reversed the terrain painting change for crossings, but not for land terrains
- Attempted to further fix NaN values appearing
- Made some Map Editor button detection zones bigger
- Fixed an issue where you could enter special characters into Workshop item names, corrupting your items. If you want such characters in your item title, you can later edit the title through Steam
- Fixed a bug where you could paint crossings under cities
- Fixed errors from new nation spawns while in Income Map Mode or Statistics
- Fixed minor errors when exiting simulations
- Fixed one color in 1914 World Map
- Fixed some translations
[ 2024-12-09 09:09:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everybody! I want to preface this update by saying that if this update turns out to be the last update this year, I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! I look forward to what the next year holds! Now, let's get into this update! Also check out the full changelog for additional changes!
New Music
There are two new original tracks in this update. I hope you give them a listen! [previewyoutube=rqsYgZ4RWk4;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=Q8lTQah4SiQ;full][/previewyoutube]
New Scenarios
We finally have World Map versions of the two pre-World War scenarios, 1914 and 1938!

In addition, a new Europe scenario has been added, this time for 1792, which for example was a major turning point in French history.

Finally, Asia can now be played in the year 908. This is directly after the collapse of the Chinese Tang-dynasty and the beginning of the "Five dynasties and Ten Kingdoms" era. There are also notable Islamic states and Siberian tribes!

Also, since many of these scenarios and older ones start with premade alliances, puppets and even wars, there is now an option to disable these before playing. This way you can keep getting crazy situations on a clean slate.

Income Map Mode and Stats
You can now better follow the income levels of different nations with the new Map Mode! For a better list, you can also look at them in the Statistics. I'm still tinkering with economy values, no changes in this update yet.

v3.4.5 Full Changelog
- Added 4 new default scenarios: World Map 1914, World Map 1938, Europe 1792 and Asia 908
- Added 2 new songs
- Added a toggle to disable any preset diplomacies in default scenarios to start on a clean slate
- Added an Income Map Mode. This will update every two seconds when on
- Added Income to Statistics Panel. Also changed the stat selection to a dropdown
- Custom and workshop items now show the last time they were edited
- Workshop items show their creator and description in the menu. You might need to click them a few times in menu for them to load
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Grouped default scenarios for same maps together
- Workshop items are now listed alphabetically
- When nations unite, their names will be combined
- Unifications will be recorded in History
- Removed the restriction where you couldn't draw special land terrain on water or crossings on land, since this can be achieved with the terrain mask
- You can now hide color picker in scenario editor
- First in-game song is now randomized
- Updated multiple UI elements in Main Menu and in-Game
- Fixed some UI issues with Pre-set Wars & Economy texts
- Fixed a bug where nation names with a dash didn't get cut to multiple rows
- Fixed a bug where a nation could be added to the same preset war multiple times
- Fixed a bug where nation name color was wrong in some links
- Fixed a bug where deleting/annexing nations in scenario editor created previous lives
- Added a warning if the game detects a possible file corruption during workshop item upload
- Attempted to fix the NaN issue with gold
- Minor error fixes in Map Editor
- Updated some old scenarios
[ 2024-12-07 12:35:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! There was some feedback on the economy changes, mainly relating to gold loss speed and the limit. This update should address those.
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Number of cities will increase City Income more slowly after a certain point and maxes out at roughly 20 cities
- Number of neighbours will increase Trade Income more slowly after a certain point and maxes out at around 20 neighbours
- Slightly decreased gold loss during wartime
- Raised Maximum Gold limit by 50%
- Fixed a bug where removing the last participant from one side of war didn't delete the entire war
- Fixed a bug where destroying a nation didn't remove it from pre-set wars
- Fixed a bug where truces were created when deleting pre-set wars
- Fixed a bug where empty wars were left in save files
- Fixed a bug where gold would break when getting too big by adding a gold cap of 1,000,000 when Maximum Gold was turned off
- Fixed problems with a few achievements
- Fixed issues in World Map scenario and map
- Fixed issues in Europe 1914 scenario
- Fixed some translations
- Changed History Log icon
[ 2024-11-15 14:21:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! This update is a bit E X P E R I M E N T A L ! Some things, like the economy received some major changes, so let me know what you think! It's a bit hard to balance these things so if you think something should be altered then put a comment or join the Discord!
Gold is now gained from three resources (instead of just land): Land, Cities and Trade
- Land is quite straightforward, the more land you have the more you get, though the bigger you get, the more diminishing returns you get. Terrain also affects this.
- Cities give gold based on the terrain they are located in.
- Trade is dependant on how many neighbours the nation has.
- During wars, gold is lost based on the nations Combat Efficiency

There are finally some achievements in the game. I know this game doesn't really have any major goals or levels, so most of these are pretty simple to get. A few of these are linked to random events, and I added the restriction that you can't cause these with most manual actions. I'm not sure if this is the best approach, since many people don't just want to watch simulations without manipulating them. Let me know what you think.

Also yes unfortunately for the 24 hour achievement I couldn't access the steam data for your playtime and didn't previously store it anywhere else so you're gonna have to start from scratch, sorry!
Pre-set Wars
You can now create wars in the scenario editor! These will initially be between two nations, but you can add existing or new allies into them. NOTE!: Since nations by default start with 50 gold, I suggest you give them some extra gold so they don't immediately go bankrupt. I'll try to come up with a better solution in the future.

v3.4.3 Full Changelog
- Added 11 Achievements
- Added ability to create wars in the Scenario Editor. Wars will initially be between two nations. Allied or solo nations can be added to both sides, they will be made allies if possible
- Diversified nation income by dividing it between Land Income, City Income and Trade Income
- Income sources will now be listed in Nation View Statistics
- Gold will now have a maximum value by default (land income X 100)
- You can turn off the Maximum Gold from World AI Settings
- Random Nation names have been localized to Ukrainian
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Combat efficiency now affects how fast a nation loses money during wars
- To offset the maximum gold amount for nations, when Max Gold is turned on, core purchase cost increases more slowly
- Normal World Map Scenario colors have been updated to match with others
- Slight fix to big name placement
- Land value is no longer stored in save files
- Fixed some translations
- Updated credits
[ 2024-11-12 18:50:14 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
This update adds Ukrainian language which has been requested for a while. Also a new Forest Terrain! No more making rainforests deserts haha. Terrain is now more easy to modify in the Scenario Editor with the new Terrain Mask!
Terrain now has a much larger effect on undiscovered territory. I suggest you go and fire up a random simulation in a map with lots of deserts like Africa :P
The very old Small World Map has been removed since having three different world maps seemed quite excessive. It has been replaced with a completely new fun little map called Isle of Map! This was supposed to be used for marketing pictures but I figured might as well put it in the game...
v3.4.2 Full Changelog
- Added Ukrainian language and localization
- Added a new "Forest" terrain type (#1F1F1F), which will provide little bit less gold but be slightly more defensible than normal land
- Added Terrain Mask which you can use by pressing 'Alt' when editing terrain. The Target terrain will then show up next to the red brush area. The mask can be cleared by changing the painted terrain type
- Added a new default map "Isle of Map"
- Added the HEX codes of map colors in the color tooltips in Map Editor
- Terrain now has a much larger impact on conquest speed the first time a tile is "discovered", with desert/tundra being slowest and hills coming in second
Bugfixes & Improvements
- If a nation is at war, painted territory for it will show up as occupied if painted over an enemy
- Large World Map Scenario has been reworked with new cities and better borders
- United States Scenario has been updated
- World Maps, Europe, Asia, Americas & Africa maps and scenarios now feature forests
- Made white text more readable by adding a small black shadow behind it in many places
- Fixed a bug where Bottom Row would disappear when opening Name Display Dropdown if Hide option was enabled
- Fixed a bug where map size text input in Map editor didn't update slider if you didn't press Enter
- Reordered Map Editor Colors
- Removed Small World Map
- Fixed a bunch of city names
- Fixed some translations
- Improved overall performance, hopefully
[ 2024-10-20 16:54:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a dropdown next to "Nation Names" setting where you can specify if you want to only show Large/Small nation names or both depending on size
- Steam Deck: Added a new official control layout
- Steam Deck: On-screen keyboard will now appear when writing on text fields
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where annexations during war time didn't get marked as occupied
- Fixed a bug where nation names couldn't be highlighted when Large Names were on
- Fixed a bug where small nation names didn't update their location when Large Names were on
- Fixed a bug where the opacity of big nation names flickered, probably?
- Fixed a bug where borders were shown on crossings in Terrain Map Mode even if Crossings were turned off
- Fixed Settings and Credits panels being too close to the bottom in some resolutions
- Big nation names will no longer cut up single-word names into multiple rows (so avoid too long words)
- Name size changes will be more frequent on smaller nations
- Selected language is now shown in the main menu
- "Esc" now also turns off any God Mode tools
- Updated Unity version
- Fixed more city names
- Fixed one tooltips
- Steam Deck: The game should automatically set resolution to 1280 x 800
[ 2024-10-07 13:37:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everybody! This update will make looking at the map much more engaging, clear and in my opinion FUN!
Big Nation Names!
Nation names will now appear large and stretch across the land. If the nation is too small then the name will appear like it used to. You can disable this feature from "Display Settings", next to "Nation Names"

The names will change dynamically!

Occupied Land!
When nations are at war, any land that changes ownership will be highlighted to more easily show how the border has changed.

Terrain Map Mode!
There is also a new Terrain Map Mode! I plan to add more terrain options in the future when I make their functionality more distinct. But for now this is just so you can admire your beautiful maps and to make terrain editing more easy! :D

v3.4.0 Full Changelog
- Nation names will be displayed more dynamically depending on nation size
- You can disable this feature from In-game Display Settings, from a green checkbox next to "Nation Names"
- During a war, territory that changes ownership will be highlighted in a striped pattern
- Added a new Terrain Map Mode which displays the terrain in more accurate colors
- Added a slider for the intial size of nations spawned with the "Spawn Nations" tool
- You can now set nation's Combat Efficiency to Min/Max by holding Shift during button press
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't start wars before unpausing the game for the first time
- Fixed a bug where a nation didn't restore their old capital if they reclaimed it during peacetime or if war was ended manually
- Changes to Name Display Settings are now be saved across sessions
- When you edit terrain the game will automatically switch Terrain Map Mode
- "Edit Terrain" colors have been updated to match new Terrain Map Mode
- Reorganized and renamed Main menu buttons
- Changed map deletion alert color to green
- Fixed History Panel appearing over Pause menu
- Fixed a few city names
- Fixed one tooltip
[ 2024-10-01 15:35:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, just wanted to let you know that this update moves all your local custom scenarios into their own folders. This process should happen automatically when you start the game without you even noticing.
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Scenarios are now saved into folders. The game should automatically transform your custom scenarios to folders when you start the game
- Fixed a bug where saving game with existing name didn't confirm you want to override it
- Fixed a bug where Settings menu scroll view would jump up when hovering over Close button
- Fixed a bug where if a deletion of saves/scenarios failed, the item would still disappear from the menu
- Fixed a bug where inputting specific characters into file names would cause them to get corrupted
- Fixed errors resulting from painting outside frame and undoing it in Map Editor
- Razed cities can now get the "New" prefix only once when moved
- Added an error popup to hopefully catch if you are about to publish a corrupted Workshop item
- When filtering History view empty year rows are also hidden
- Removed underline highlight from History View
- Attempted to improve overall performance of History View
- Fixed some missing city names localizations
- Fixed some translations
- Fixed some tooltips
[ 2024-09-22 11:50:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Simplified Chinese language and localization
- Added support for the input of Chinese and Arabic characters
- City names have been localized to Chinese and Russian
- Random nation names have been localized to Chinese and Russian
- Nations will now move their capital back to their original city if they have lost it previously and are able to reclaim it
- When a revolt occurs, there is a 50% chance the previous owner immediately declares war on the new revolt
- Added the option to release a city as a puppet in the in-game City Popup
- When a city gets razed and a new one is spawned in, it will be named "New [old city name]"
- In Map Editor you can now undo normal painting in addition to bucket paint. You can also use Ctrl + Z
- Added World AI Option to disable nations automatically coring revolt capitals
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Added a border to history log nation names
- Instead of a background glow, history log items will now be underlined when hovered over
- Lowered razing chance from 50% to 33%
- Nation won't raze a capital if it has no available tiles to spawn a new city
- Changed the color of Abkhazia in Europe 2024
- Fixed a few city name typos
[ 2024-09-17 13:52:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
Another long requested feature is here, this time the ability to look through all the events that have happened during your simulation! You can also filter this list based on event types and by text. If you want, you can also save this log when you save the game.
Saving the log is currently optional as on long simulations this can cause save files to grow quite large and MAY increase loading times. But I haven't noticed any major slowness. Also on long simulations there might be some lag when opening the log, but I'll try to optimize that in future updates :)
v3.3.2 Full Changelog
- You can now view the entire simulation history with the History Panel.
- You can filter the History Panel log by event types and text search
- You can choose whether or not you want the game to save your history log in save files, since they can make them significantly larger
- Added a search bar to Rightful Owner Selection Panel
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where when using Target Mask, some painted tiles showed up the same way as borders
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash if you closed the game before it could load all saves/scenarios
- Fixed a bug where you could paint mountains or water on top of cities
- Fixed a bug where you could move camera while selecting a rightful owner
- Fixed a bug where you could pause while selecting a rightful owner
- Fixed a bug where puppet view didn't update properly when a nation lost their last puppet
- Fixed a bug where Paint Territory Toggle in Scenario Editor was enabled when it wasn't supposed to
- Fixed a bug where there was a brush sound on selecting a mask target
- Fixed some errors and missing revolts in various Default Scenarios
- You can now press 'Escape' to easily close most popups
- Pressing 'Escape' also deselects currently selected nation
- The first time you open the game it will autoselect the language based on your system
- On Mac Target Mask tooltip will now mention holding 'Option' instead of 'Alt'
- Small adjustment to credits
[ 2024-08-26 17:24:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now turn off Nation and City names in Scenario Editor
- Added 'Turn into Capital' button to Scenario Editor
- Added 'Target Mask' functionality to in-game God Mode Panel
- Added some Puppet relations and Pre-set revolts to Default Scenarios
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where you could delete capital cities in Scenario Editor
- Fixed a bug where Toggle All buttons in Scenario Editor showed the opposite text prompts
- Fixed a bug where Puppet Master's color didn't update in puppet mapmode if they lost their only puppet
- Fixed a bug where God Mode actions didn't cancel when closing the panel
- Fixed a bug where Nation Actions didn't cancel when closing the panel
- Fixed Settings button from blocking text popup texts
- Fixed some translations
- Adjusted some city names and placements in Default Scenarios
- Adjusted some nation colors in Default Scenarios
- Improved Target Mask tooltip to clarify you need to Hold Alt and then Left Click to select the mask target
- Reordered some Display Settings
[ 2024-08-07 20:52:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
This update may have been one of the top wanted things to happen in this game, at least for those who like making cool scenarios! This update allows you to setup alliances, puppets, gold and combat efficiency in your scenarios!
You can also setup cities with specific rightful owners and preset revolts to further deepen the lore! You can also easily toggle all cities to core or regular cities.
Territory painting also got easier with the new Target Mask, which allows you to select a nation with 'Alt' to only paint on top of that nation!
Lastly there is now a dedicated Puppet Map mode in the Scenario Editor and the in-game view! Alliance view still highlights puppets if they are part of an alliance.
v3.3.0 Full Changelog
Additions to Scenario Editor
- You can edit nation's initial gold and combat efficiency
- You can create and manage alliances
- You can create and manage puppets
- You can annex nations
- You can edit the rightful owner of cities more easily
- You can create Pre-set revolt nations as rightful owners of cities
- You can revive a dead nation in a city they are a rightful owner of
- You can turn on Diplomatic View
- You can turn on Alliance View
- You can easily turn all cities in cores or remove all cores
- You can use a Target Mask when painting Territory. This way you only paint on top of a specific nation
- New Puppet View has been added to both Scenario Editor and in-game views
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where painting territory caused the land to show up with the same color as the border in many situations until unpausing
- Moved Diplomatic View button from Display Settings to its own button
- Combined Display Settings and Text Popup Settings together behind a gear icon in Bottom Row
- Made it so that toggles inside Actions and God Mode can't be selected at once to avoid conflicts
- When you save or play a scenario in the Scenario Editor, dead nations with no remaining cores will be permanently deleted
- Other small UI changes
[ 2024-08-04 20:39:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone! This update brings some more freedoms for creating custom maps & scenarios. Mainly the fact that you can now play maps 8 times bigger than previously. NOTE: These maps will most likely run poorly, so I have added a warning for maps and scenarios larger than the previous hard limit. So if your PC is super powerful, you can play larger maps, but don't come complaining if they don't run well :D. Map Editor has been also made a bit more flexible so you can create wider or taller maps. You can now also take screenshots of your maps. Just press F1. These only feature the pure ownership colors of the map, so no cities and such are shown, but these can be a good base if you want to edit some cool pictures from them! I have also decided to remove the "Remove exclaves" option. This was an old fix to an even older problem from the itch demo days, where the map quickly became swiss cheese full of exclaves. These days the fronts are a bit more balanced. The feature was also very laggy and it doesn't really make sense anyway for nations to lose exclaves after wars anyway. I might try to revamp this mechanic some day. Anyway, I'm still working on updating the scenario editor, but it might take a bit as I will take a break during summer! Again, have a great summer everyone!
v3.2.4 Full Changelog
- You can take a PNG screenshot of the current map using F1-key (cities are not included). These are currently saved into the game directory > Ages of Conflict_Data > Screenshots. I may change this later, but for now they are here so they don't get saved into Steam Cloud
- Raised size limit for imported maps (meaning maps made outside the in-game editor) from 500k pixels to 4 million pixels
- Added a warning for maps & scenarios larger than 500k pixels telling you that those maps might not run well. So play at your own risk!
- Added an overall size bar to Map Editor Setup view to more easily know how close to max your map size is
- In scenario editor, when you remove a nation, it doesn't remove the city unless you hold shift while doing it
- Added a text popup for peace deals. These are disabled by default
Bugfixes & Improvements
- You can now manually type map dimensions in the Map Editor
- Instead of Map Editor width and height limit both being stuck at 600 pixels, now they are dynamically changed based on changing the other, to make it so that overall max size is always 360k pixels
- If "Hide Bottom Row" option is turned on, text popups will move to the bottom corner when bottom row gets hidden
- Fixed a bug where city popup didn't close after removing selected city in Scenario Editor
- Fixed a bug where classic revolts spawned with only one tile
- Fixed incorrect territories in World Map Large scenario
- Fixed incorrect city names in US scenario
- Removed "Remove Exclaves" Setting
- Fixed some translations
- Minor API changes
[ 2024-06-18 18:15:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- You can now manually input a specific gold value to nations by clicking the gold info on Nation View
- Added a setting for changing the UI Size. This does not affect the Main Menu UI
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where if you restarted the game after playing a scenario that you had saved in the editor, the game would start with incorrect info on many nations
- Fixed a bug where in some situations, especially when editing saves through scenario editor, ids would get mixed up and scenario might load with wrong info
- Reverted Puppet coloring to how it was in v3.2.1, outline option still exists of course
- Fixed a bug where nations with disabled AI still made core purchases and revolted against their overlord
- Fixed a bug where some war info was not saved
- Fixed a bug where changing owned crossing tiles to land wouldn't increase nation area
- Fixed incorrect nation and city names in World Map Scenarios
- Fixed UK's starting gold in Large World Map Scenario
- Fixed capitals of Kentucky, Alabama & Missouri in US Scenario
- Added the cities of Louisville & Saint Louis to US Scenario
- Added missing tooltip to Puppet control action
- Added a scrollbar to scenario editor tools
- Fixed some translations
[ 2024-05-26 07:02:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
There were some differing opinions on which look for puppets was better, so now you have the option to choose! You can find the "Puppet Colors" option in the in-game Display Settings. Also, diplomatic view now features some more information related to puppets and their overlord's relations. This will make it easier to know who can attack who.
Here's how the alliance between Myanmar and Thailand looks from two different perspectives. Note that both of them have two puppets!
- You can choose the look of puppet nations in Display Settings, so either the new color overlays similar to overlord, or the colored border. This setting will be saved
- You can now see the puppets of your allies on Diplomatic View
- You can now see the puppets of your overlord's allies in Diplomatic View
- Added missing tooltip to Puppet control action
Bugfixes & Improvements
- When on Alliance view, if an allied nation has puppets, their border will use the alliance color instead of grey
- Slightly adjusted puppet colorization to make puppets not blend so much with their overlord
- Fixed a bug where the "No Nation selected!" text color in Territory Painter did not update correctly
- Fixed a bug where puppets of allied nations could declare war on each other
- Fixed incorrect territories in Americas scenario
- Fixed text popups going over Nation View
[ 2024-05-10 20:04:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
After receiving some feedback on the look of puppet states, they now appear with a similar color to their overlord, instead of their regular color and an outline around them. Let me know what you think and if you prefer the old look. I might make it an option if enough people prefer that one.
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Puppets will now appear on map with an alternative color similar to their overlord
- Changed puppet formation requirements. Defender can only be turned into a puppet at the end of the war if they have lost territory during the war
- Attacker can now also be turned into a puppet after the war, same rules as the other way around
- Slightly changed the size requirement for puppets so a bit larger puppets can now be formed
- Alliance tab in Statistics now counts puppet areas into alliance sizes
- Added missing tooltips for Puppet AI Settings
- Added missing tooltip for Puppet Section in Nation panel
- Removed wrong tooltips from puppet action buttons
- Fixed a bug where clicking outside map while trying to manually puppet or release a nation would get the mouse stuck unable to click anything
- Fixed a bug where a nation could ally with a puppet
- Fixed a bug where map colors didn't update after puppet was released
- Fixed a bug where regular Donation sounds played even if donation popups were disabled
- Fixed missing or incorrect city names in Europe 1914 & 1938, Americas, United States & World Map scenarios
- Fixed misplaced cities in World Map Large scenario
- Fixed incorrect territories in Europe 2024, 1938, 1914, Americas, United States and World Map Large scenarios
- Fixed incorrect terrain in Americas scenario
- Fixed some translations
[ 2024-05-09 18:23:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
After many people have been requesting it, puppet nations are finally in the game! Here's how they work...
Puppet states can form naturally through wars if the defender is in a bad spot after the war. Puppet states will be forced to donate gold to their overlord every few years. You can see when an overlord will require donations in the overlord's Nation Panel. Puppets cannot join alliances, but they can start their own wars.
Every time a donation is made, the green Integration bar also gets filled a little. When this reaches full, the overlord can demand territory from their subject. The subject might agree to it, but depending on the situation, power balance and especially if they are about to lose their last territory, they might revolt in an attempt to declare independence. If the war is successful, they will be released.
In normal view puppets will show with a border similar in color to their overlord, and in a purple shade in Diplomatic view. Some things in puppets might change in the future depending on player feedback, but go out there and test them out! Currently puppets cannot be created in scenario editor, but that will come later along with other improvements to the scenario editor. Also, as this is a whole new mechanic, there might be some bugs I haven't noticed. Let me know if you encounter some.
In other news, the USA map and scenario have also been remade, now featuring proper terrain and additional cities!
v3.2.0 Full Changelog
- USA map and scenario have been recreated
- Nations can now form puppet relations with other nations
- Puppets can naturally be formed at the end of wars if the conditions are right
- Puppet nations will give gold to their overlord every few years
- Occasionally puppet masters can demand land from their subjects
- Puppets can declare war on their overlord in an attempt to gain independence
- In normal view puppets' border is the same color as their overlord, and they will have a puppet icon next to their capital
- Puppet nations show up in a striped pattern in the Alliance view if their overlord is in an alliance
- Puppet creation, land seizing, and puppet revolts can individually be turned off in AI Settings
- Puppets can be manually created and released through the Actions Panel
- Text popups relating to puppet actions can be toggled on/off
[ 2024-05-01 07:37:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
I just noticed the game has reached 2000 reviews on Steam with a 95% positive rating!!
(actually it did a bit ago but Steam doesn't count all of them)
You guys have been very active in reviewing the game which is awesome! And whether they be positive, negative, constructive, funny or nonsensical I still read all of them! Also some of your play hours still continue to impress me!
Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped to reach this goal.
There's still plenty of stuff to come in the future!
[ 2024-04-14 05:39:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- City names now appear a bit further away
- Nation names also appear from a bit further away
- Fixed Color picker defaulting to black when opened for the first time
- Fixed nation names sometimes not appearing on map
- Fixed missing translations
[ 2024-04-02 16:35:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
This update brings a bunch of improvements to the look of cities on map. City names now appear on the map, so you don't have to click on the city to see its name. These will only show up when viewed up close enough.
The map texts have also received an update. Instead of pure black texts on names, which when overlapping with each other would be very hard to read, now have a proper border to make reading them easier. Also, when you hover over a city, it will now be highlighted and brought forward, so no more cities being hidden by others forever! Let me know what you think about the white map texts, and if there are any issues in reading it!
v3.1.4 Full Changelog
- Added city names to normal World Map scenario
- City names are now visible on the map
- You can turn off visible city names in Display Settings
- You can press shift to increase/decrease gold by 1000 instead of 200
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Updated map text font to white with black outline to make text more visible from background and other texts
- When hovering your mouse over a city, its name and other info will be brought infront of other cities and be highlighted in yellow
- City and Nation names will now dissapear when you zoom out far enough
- Workshop item preview image is now saved as a jpg in order to prevent situations where corrupted workshop items showed up in New Game menu
- Fixed 9 missing or incorrect city names
- Fixed Vanuatu terrain & capital placement in Large World Map
- Fixed Russian territory in 1914 Europe Scenario
- Fixed a typo in random name suffixes
- Fixed some translations
- Removed Herobrine
[ 2024-04-01 07:56:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! With this update, in most scenarios every city now has a name! Some cities have been named after their regions to make possible revolts more recognizable. As a reminder, if a city revolts, the revolt will be named after the city, unless a pre-existing nation is spawned as a revolt. If the city doesn't have a name, the revolt name will be randomized like usual. Also, some alliances use the city names in their names, which will make them a bit more interesting and realistic sounding.
- Added city names to most default scenarios
- Added the ability to edit revolt chance on individual nations
- Recreated the three Europe Scenarios and their map
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Adjusted the nation colors in default scenarios and made them more uniform with each other
- Fixed some terrain in Large World Map
- Fixed some missing button sounds
- Fixed one translation
[ 2024-03-18 12:30:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Some alliance names now use the nations capital name if available, like Treaty of Paris
- Added an X before dead nation names in stats
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where cities didn't get razed even though the setting was on
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't paint territory over previously owned cores
- Fixed a bug where map wouldn't fully update during territory painting if Diplomatic View Setting was turned off
- Fixed a bug where city and nation counts in menu lists was sometimes counted wrong
- Fixed a bug where the full description of your workshop items didn't load when updating them in game
- Fixed a bug where a nation could get ownership of unownable tiles on save load
- Fixed a few translations
- Fixed city popup sounds
- Nation names now appear white on links if their color is too dark
- Brush sound is now considered a UI sound
[ 2024-03-08 09:46:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
A whole lot of bugfixes in this patch, but also new stuff!
First being Africa as a new map and a scenario!
For those of you who have too many scenarios and maps in your game, the game now has a search bar in the menu for quicker navigation!
Also, you can now give cities names if you want! Custom names will also choose which name a revolt gets if there are no existing nations to spawn there as a revolt. So if you are tired of seeing random names on nations, try naming some important cities. Currently default scenarios don't have city names, but that will surely come later!
v3.1.1 Full Changelog
- Added Africa as a base map and scenario
- Added a search bar to all main menu lists
- Added Russian language to the game
- You can now give a city a name
- If a city has a name and a new nation spawns there as a revolt, it will be given the same name instead of a random name
- If you click the info icon in main menu containing the save folder location, the folder path will be copied to your clipboard to hopefully make finding the folder easier
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where the info about who destroyed a nation was lost when loading a save file
- Fixed a bug where the City Popup would close when dragging the camera with the mouse or mobile joysticks
- Fixed a bug where the Rightful owner link in City Popup wasn't updated when pressing core/revert buttons
- Fixed a bug where territory tool could not be deselected if no nation was selected
- Fixed a bug where text input fields sometimes allowed forbitten characters
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash with a long nation name by adding name limit of 100 characters
- Fixed an issue where some text fields in Actions Panel did not change to pixel font
- Fixed Indonesia's name in Asia Scenario
- Fixed some territories in Asia Scenario
- Fixed some nation names in Americas Scenario
- Fixed some text overflows around the UI
- Fixed the pause icon blocking map clicking
- Changed how City Popup closes. It will not close when clicking on other UI. It can be closed by clicking on the map or with the close button in the corner
- Scenario Editor no more zooms in/out when switching tool with the exception of the first action in a new scenario
- Territory brush in Scenario Editor can now be toggled on without a nation selected
- Changed temporary workshop folder name
- Updated main menu list button graphics
[ 2024-02-24 15:56:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! This update has three major things that I recommend going through, especially the first one! Plus some other stuff!
Steam Cloud
First, the game now supports Steam Auto Cloud, which means your custom maps, scenarios and saves will now be saved into the cloud whenever you close the game. This will allow you to download those same files onto another computer and continue them there. If you play on multiple devices, I would suggest you start and close the game on the device with your most crucial savefiles and scenarios. This should complete the initial upload process. After this, you might get a warning on other devices that the Steam Cloud is out of sync. If you open the warning and click sync now, it should download your files that you uploaded into the cloud previously. You might not even receive a warning. I you have any concerns about losing any progress on any device, you could backup your save files into another folder, though when I tested it everything went fine.
New Maps & Scenarios
Two new maps & scenarios have been added: Asia and Americas!

Music and Sounds
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that the sound effects that occur on events can become a bit too much especially on large maps and high game speeds. I have tried to address this by making it so that sound effects get quieter as you zoom further out of the map. Also made some sounds mute if the corresponding text popup is also disabled. I will try to improve it further in the future. If you had previously set the game sounds to zero then I suggest you try them on again and let me know if this helps somewhat. Also, NEW MUSIC! It is pretty funny that the simulation you stare at for a long time only had one song on loop, so now there are TWO MORE! Again, if you had your music on mute, take a listen! Here's one sample: [previewyoutube=3rCNtwEMNs4;full][/previewyoutube]
v3.1.0 Full Changelog
- Added 2 new songs that play during the simulation
- Added North and South America as a new map and current day scenario
- Added Asia as a new map and current day scenario
- You can now see red highlights over selected nation's enemy-occupied cores
- Added Steam Auto Cloud Support across all platforms
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where you if you clicked water or outside map when using some Actions your cursor would get stuck to an action without any nation selected
- Attempted to fix the bug where a normal city sometimes shows nation's name and gold
- Game popup sounds now get quieter the further zoomed out of the map you are
- If text popups for donations or core purchases are turned off, the sound effect will also be silent, unless you manually made the donation
- Further improved performance of revolts
- Fixed Canada's capital in Large World Map Scenario
- On some maps slightly raised suggested nation amounts on random simulation screen
- Reorganized maps & scenarios
- Adjusted Credits
[ 2024-02-08 12:36:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
This update adds in Rich Presence integration with Steam and Discord. This allows your friends to know a bit more what you are doing in the game when playing, like are you editing a scenario or how long has your simulation been running. On Steam the info can be found in your Friends panel below the game name you are playing. If you have logged into Discord before starting the game, the info can be found in your profile like this:
The color options for new nations have also been expanded!
v3.0.6 Full Changelog
- Added Rich Presence integration with Steam and Discord. With this, your friends will be able to better tell what you are doing in the game through your profile
- You can turn off Rich Presence from the Settings
- New nations now have a larger selection of colors, including more darker and more saturated ones
- Default Alliance names are now localized
- Added a tooltip to the Alliance name label on Nation's info panel
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Improved performance of annexations, nation defeats and maybe revolts too
- Fixed a bug where Audio Settings were still from -40 to 0 in simulation view
- Fixed a bug where during a war the highlighted border sometimes had small gaps
- Workshop Scenarios and Maps are now listed in alphabetical order
- Minimum amount of random nations to spawn is now correctly set to 2
- Improved Settings panel
- Fixed some error logs
[ 2024-01-26 08:29:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed God Mode Screen not scrolling to the bottom
- Fixed one tooltip typo
[ 2024-01-09 16:50:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a new World AI Setting for "Looping Map". If turned on, nations can expand through the left and right sides
- Added crossings across the Pacific to Normal and Small World Maps
- You can now see the number of cities on scenarios and savefiles in the main menu
- Savefile listing now shows when each save file was edited. Savefiles are also ordered from newest to oldest
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed a bug where the rightful owners of cities were not saved on save files if the nation was dead
- Fixed a bug where if you pressed Restart during a simulation, some current nation data was transferred to the corresponding nations in the reset
- Fixed a bug where the land counter in Map editor did not work properly when undoing bucket tool
- Fixed a bug where save file folder tooltip didn't show correctly in some languages
- Fixed a bug where speed was not going to 5x sometimes
- Fixed an issue where the Main menu scrollbars would become too small to see if you had too many items in the list
- Fixed a bunch of terrain in Large World Map
- Fixed a few territories and names in Large World Map Scenario
- Fixed a typo, one capital and some colors and borders in a couple Europe Scenarios
- United States Scenario now also starts in 2024
- Audio Settings sliders now go from 0 to 40 instead of -40 to 0
- Fullscreen, pixel font and joystick settings can now also be toggled by pressing the label
- Adjusted main menu button colors
- Improved the gold and skull icons in Nation View panel
[ 2024-01-08 13:08:30 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy holidays everyone!
Time to finish this year off with some new Maps and Scenarios! This update brings in a new World Map, with much more detailed borders and terrains than previously. This map will also be available as a current day scenario. Along with that, the 1938 Europe scenario has been updated to feature more cities, and two other major time periods have also been added as scenarios!

v3.0.3 Full Changelog
- Added a new default map: World Map XL. Also renamed other world maps
- Added 3 new default scenarios and updated one. These come with cities and cores from the start!
- Europe 1914
- Europe 1938 (updated)
- Europe 2024
- World Map XL (Current day)
- Note: This map features multiple crossings between left and right edges, but the looping map feature isn't yet finished. That will come later :)
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Previous large world map scenario is now the normal world map scenario
- Current day default maps now start at January 2024 (yes we are predicting the future here)
- "Allow Razing" -setting will now be disabled by default
- Fixed a bug where you could cause main menu buttons to disappear if you clicked on them too fast
- Fixed a bug where screen fade out speed was affected by game speed
- Fixed some nation name translations in default scenarios
- Slightly decreased the minimum revolt chance gain from starting wars
- Slightly increased the revolt chance loss from killing revolts and from revolts forming
- Improved main menu scaling on all aspect ratios
- Reordered World AI Settings menu
[ 2023-12-21 17:14:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed a bug where clicking Play on Scenario Editor caused the screen to fade to black if scenario was saved before playing
- Fixed a bug where the selected nation capital showed a square instead of a circle
- Fixed a bug where the Load Game menu button would load forever if you had not made any save files
- Removed one wrong tooltip
[ 2023-12-17 09:54:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Updated the Main Menu background. The map now has accurate borders
- Fixed a bug where clicking outside the map didn't deselect the currently selected nation
- Fixed a bug where main menu settings panel could be closed
- Fixed a bug where the file location popup would be inaccurate
- Fixed a bug where Map Editor tools were in a weird order
- Fixed a bug where a tooltip near bottom of the screen could be partially hidden
- Fixed a bug where the pause icon would show and stay if you opened the pause menu in Scenario Editor
- Attempted to fix a bug where a new city wouldn't spawn after razing another
- The sounds that trigger when clicking on a nation on the map are now considered UI sounds
- Fixed some typos & translations
- Improved Credits screen
- Improved some logging
[ 2023-12-16 08:45:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone!
The promised UI Rework is finally here!
As mentioned in a previous post, I have been working on updating the UI graphics for a while, trying to form a common art style for the game and making it look more professional. The game has now fully committed to its pixel art style. You can see below comparison images between the old and new versions. Many UI elements now have better responsiveness and feel. As the game is now in a pixel art style, I have also added an option to use a pixelated font in the game. Some texts might look better in pixel art, and some may not. Try it out yourself and let me know which one you like more. As of now I have kept the non-pixel art font as a default for better readability. You can turn the pixel font on in Settings. I might make the pixel font the default if people prefer it.
Simulation view

How it looks with the pixelated font

Other comparisons

v3.0.0 Full Changelog
User Interface Remake
- UI Textures and Layout have been completely redesigned in most places
- The game now uses a cohesive art style across the game, instead of a complete mix of vector art and pixel art of different resolutions
- Buttons now have better responsiveness, like highlights or animations
- Many sections of the UI are now more uniform with other parts
- Scenario Editor UI has been made simpler and easier to understand and it now more closely resembles the God Mode Panel
- Language is now changed from the Main Menu top row
- Map Editor now has a better preview image to show how big of a map you are creating
- The cursor's look has been remade when attacking, allying, or spawning
- Eraser toggle has been removed from Scenario Editor. You can now simply right click on empty land or water to deselect current nation and paint unoccupied land
Other Additions
- Game now has a custom cursor
- Clicking on a nation now produces a small sound
- Added an option in the Settings to toggle between a pixel/non-pixel font
- When looking at scenarios and saves in the main menu, you can now see their accurate date
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Improved how the game scales on wide or narrow aspect ratios
- When selecting a random simulation, a number of cities will also be spawned unless changed
- Minimum nation name length has been changed from 3 to 1 character
- The game should now support using Cyrillic character, like Russian alphabet
- Fixed a bug where Tooltips flickered sometimes when appearing
- Fixed some errors when inputting invalid years in Scenario Editor
- Fixed an issue where Turkish and Finnish Scenario translations were switched
- Fixed other old translations
Thanks again for your support!
[ 2023-12-10 10:47:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello to every Map Maker and World War Watcher out there!
It's time for the Steam Awards and Ages of Conflict has the chance to be nominated for them. Painting and observing maps can be a very relaxing activity so the SIT BACK AND RELAX category fits the game perfectly. It would also be amusing to have a game with the words "World War Simulator" in its title be included in such a category. You can of course nominate it for other categories if you wish. Thank you for your support!

[ 2023-11-21 21:04:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! I have been working on revamping the current UI of the game, which is why there hasn't been an update this month. Since the beginning, the game has had a pretty wide mix of art styles in its UI, like a mix or pixel and non-pixel art, and some players have noted that the UI is a bit simple looking. As such the new UI will be much more cohesive, in a unified pixel art style. I'm also making attempts to make the UI more responsive and understandable, especially on Scenario Editor. Below are some WIP comparison images between the old and new UI. Some things can still change like item placement and colours. Let me know what you think. I hope many players aren't too attached to the old UI. But I think this will be an upgrade overall. In any case the simulation itself is the most important part anyway. Remember you can join the Official Discord Server to stay up to date with what I'm working on. I will try to get this update out at soon as possible, though since there is some work left in the new UI, there might be a different smaller update out before this. Thank you for your patience :)
Scenario Editor

Simulation UI

[ 2023-11-21 10:13:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed revolts gaining way too much gold upon formation
- The gold gained will now correctly be at max 40% of origin nation's gold
- This will be affected by revolts relative size to origin nation's pre-revolt size
- Fixed one translation
[ 2023-10-28 06:58:47 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone!
This update brings Polish language to the game, which many players have asked.
In addition to that, if you have created any Steam Workshop creations, when you click "Share on Steam Workshop" on any scenario or map, you can now select whether you want to create a new item or replace an older one.
Full Changelog
- Game now supports Polish Language
- Added ability to update previously created Workshop items
- Added "Create New Alliances" World AI Setting
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Changed how much gold a revolt can acquire upon its formation from their previous overlord. Size is still the biggest factor, but it caps at 75% of the overlords gold.
- Attempted to fix nation's gold going into negatives
- Fixed destroyed nations going into scenarios and causing broken files
- Fixed Workshop view not closing when switching selected map in Maps list
- Improved look of text selection color and caret size in multiple text input fields
- Fixed being able to click on things after screen begins to fade to black
- Fixed some translations
[ 2023-10-21 05:57:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed Nation View's previous lives box showing dates wrong
- Faroe Islands now belong to Denmark in "Europe - 1938" Scenario
- Fixed the start year in "Europe - 1938" Scenario
- Fixed panel shadow in Scenario Maker
- Added "X Commonwealth" as a new Alliance name
- Improved some Dynamic Button Sizes based on their text
- Updated some translations
[ 2023-10-07 10:48:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone!
Form now on time will be calculated in Months, instead of Years. Many players agreed that currently years go by too fast compared to how much the map changes. On many long simulations, the years go into tens of thousands quite quickly. Simulating thousands of years from a WW2 map or such seems kind of pointless. After this update, what used to be a 1000 year simulation would turn into a 83 year simulation. I might adjust this in the future so go test it out and tell me what you think.

In addition, many have asked for a way to set a custom start year, and that is now possible in Scenario maker! For those wondering if you should replace all your Workshop Scenarios with proper start dates, I would not do that yet, as I will try to make updating workshop items possible in the near future. If you want to play scenarios with different start dates, you can simply click edit scenario, change start date and click play. It shouldn't break anything.

Full Changelog
- Time is now measured in Months instead of Years
- On normal speed, a month passes every 0.5 seconds, compared to old system where 1 year passed every second
- You can now set a custom Start Year for your scenarios
- Added a new Revolt Border Setting "Random" which randomly chooses borders between Manhattan and Euclidean
- Added Display Option to hide Map Animations on events like Wars & Donations (might be useful for example in Timelapses)
- You can now set the game speed to 5x (use at your own risk)
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Default Scenarios now have correct start years
- You can now spawn nations on top of cities (reverted from last update). This will now correctly remove the old city below.
- Cities are no longer highlighted or clickable if you are spawning nations, or painting terrain/territory
- When a revolt spawns, it's size is only dependant on cities inside it's origin nation
- Updated some Italian, Portuguese & LATAM Spanish translations
- Alliance View is now disabled when using God Mode Tools
- Fixed selected terrain to paint in Scenario Editor also being selected in God Mode even though it looked like basic land was selected
- Fixed some texts working as buttons that did nothing
- Fixed missing translation in popup
- Fixed a few typos
[ 2023-09-28 12:13:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! I'm sure many have asked for more natural borders on revolts, so this update fixes that!
Instead of all revolts being diamond shaped, there are now two new options for determining borders: Manhattan (new default) & Euclidean!
You now also have more control in where you would like for revolts to spawn. When clicking on a city, you will now see if that city belongs to a destroyed nation. And if you want, you can now spawn a revolt directly from that city.
Full Changelog
- Reworked how revolt borders are set upon their creation
- There are now three methods for defining borders in World AI Settings, choose which you like more
- Manhattan (new default): More fuzzy lines, but can result in straight horizontal or vertical borders
- Euclidean: Longer straight lines in borders, but less horizontal or vertical borders
- Classic: The one that has been the default so far. A diamond shaped border always, but stands out more
- You can now see who is the "Rightful Owner" of a city by clicking on it
- If the rightful owner of a city is dead, you can spawn them as a revolt directly from the city popup of your choosing
- If the rightful owner is alive, spawning a revolt from the city popup will spawn a random new nation
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Improved the look of Credits Screen
- Adjusted Settings Screen slightly
- Clicking Paint Territory in Scenario Editor no longer drags camera to their capital
- Fixed nation declaring war on itself if it annexed its last neighbour
- Fixed random pixels appearing which no one would conquer
- Fixed being able to paint territory to dead nations
- Fixed being able to spawn nations over empty cities
- Fixed cities in Random Simulation appearing over mountains
- Fixed Manual Ally and Donate focused on empty tiles causing errors
- Fixed being able to use Donate and To Death actions when a dead nation was selected
- Fixed errors resulting from having no neighbours
- Fixed an error popup missing translation
[ 2023-09-10 09:38:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed "Disable unifications" not working
- Updated both Spanish Translations
- Added proper error reporting
[ 2023-08-28 18:50:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed removed exclave tiles not being conquerable after they were cleared
- Fixed a few translations
[ 2023-08-25 15:47:26 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added World AI Option "Winner Takes It All" where a nation will annex all of the enemy territory when capturing their capital
- Added World AI Option to disable Alliance Unifications
- Text Popup Settings are now saved across games
- You can now easily toggle all Text Popup Settings on/off
- Added a popup to show Steam Workshop rules before publishing your first item
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed Unifications and Alliance Breaks not happening when Wars were disabled
- Improved lag warning on "Remove exclaves" Setting
- Added a popup reminder if you try to create a random revolt but "New Revolt Nations" is turned off
- Added missing translation in Nation View
- Deleting a nation in Scenario Editor no longer deletes non-capital cities inside it
[ 2023-08-25 15:36:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello Fellow Map Simulation Enjoyers!
Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator has been on Early Access for exactly 6 months, and on Sunday it will have been 1 WHOLE YEAR since Ages of Conflict originally launched on itch.io! Happy birthday! I would like to thank all the players who have played the game and made amazing maps, scenarios and even some YouTube videos about the game! The reception has been overwhelming! <3 Fun fact, you can still play the original un-updated 1.0.0 version of the game over on Newgrounds. It's fun to look back on how much the game has changed in the last year :D

[ 2023-08-17 17:03:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Workshop Scenarios not being loaded when entering main menu for the second time
[ 2023-08-12 18:02:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Created a new map frame
- Changed gold amount gained when conquering enemy capital
- If enemy manages to move capital to another core, the conqueror gains 25% of the enemy's gold (instead of 50%)
- The enemy now actually loses that gold, instead of just the conqueror gaining it from nowhere
- Gold gained from completely killing the enemy is still 50% of their gold
- If Static Combat Efficiency is active, Donations no longer increase Combat Efficiency, so all nations won't end up at max efficiency
- Manual Revolt Screen no longer closes after every revolt started
- Improved Main Menu Button colors
- Implemented Code Stripping, making game build size roughly 15% smaller
- Fixed Combat Efficiency, Razing, Revolt World Settings not being saved
- Fixed Nation's Combat Efficiency not being saved
- Fixed being able to destroy nation in game while painting it's territory
- Fixed being able to delete capital city after setting a new one
- Fixed Control Help image for Q/E-keys
- Fixed some translations not updating when changing language
- Fixed Text Popups and Display Options Button arrows blocking pressing
[ 2023-08-11 13:49:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added World AI Option to disable revolts forming new random nations
- Added World AI Option to disable possibility of nations razing opponent's capital
- Added option in Random Simulation to spawn normal cities around the map
- Added Setting for adjusting map zoom sensitivity
Bugfixes & Improvements
- I and K keys used for zooming the map have been replaced with Q and E keys
- Instead of there being a 50% chance for a nation to ALWAYS raze a capital or NEVER, there is now a 50% chance per capital conquest as to whether capital will be razed
- Fixed God Mode & Statistics Panels overlapping on certain aspect ratios
- Fixed being able to close God Mode Panel and have a tool remain active
- Fixed music volume not staying at zero when reopening game
- Fixed city popup having wrong size and text going over edges
- Fixed missing translations
- Fixed one tooltip
[ 2023-07-25 06:57:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed game recieving inputs from other controllers
- Fixed painting making a sound in Map Editor even when clicking outside map
- Reordered tools to resemble Scenario Editor
- Updated some translations
For Mac Players specifically:
- Updated user files location for custom maps/scenarios/saves
- Open the game and double check the new folder name from the info bubble on "New Game" List
- Open your file explorer and go to your Users folder and then to the correct User folder (you might have multiple users but go to the one mentioned in the game info bubble). Also depending on your computer's language the name of some folders might be localized.
- Once inside the username folder, you might not see the Library folder because it is usually hidden. You can show hidden folders by pressing "Command" + "Shift" + "." (period). You should see a semi transparent Library folder.
- From there you should be able to navigate to the Application Support folder, where you should find both the old and new folders. You can then simply move all your custom files from inside the old "com.DefaultCompany.2DProject" folder to the new "com.JoySparkGames.AgesOfConflict" folder.
- When you open the game again, your old custom files should show up again
[ 2023-07-12 07:28:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, hope you are having a great summer! It's time for another major update!
In this update the old God Mode panel next to nation panel has been completely reworked and a new God Mode panel can now be activated from the bottom row. Here you will find many of the new Tools, which bring you many abilities previously exclusive to Scenario Editor!
I hope these new tools will allow you to spice up your simulations in case they become stagnant after a while :) Here's a comparison image of the new Actions Panel
Full Changelog
- Completely reworked God Mode Panel. There is now a separate panel which can be opened next to the Statistics Panel, where World Settings and new Tools will be included
- Old God Mode panel in Nation View has been renamed to Actions and improved
- Added World AI Setting for disabling nations leaving alliances on their own
- Added option for a Static Combat Efficiency, in addition to Random and Progressive
- Added option to disable Core Purchases
- Added option to disable Donations
- You can now Spawn Nations during the Simulation
- You can now Edit Nation Territory during the Simulation
- You can now Edit Map Terrain during the Simulation
- You can now Spawn and Remove Cities during the Simulation
- You can now select whether you want spawned cities to be cores automatically
- World AI Settings are now saved across games
Bugfixes & Improvements
- If enabled, bottom row buttons will be hidden even if God Mode or Statistics Panels are open
- Fixed allies attacking each other when Alliances were turned off in God Mode
- Fixed right clicking to select nation working through UI
- Fixed pause icon blocking clicking on map
- Fixed Gold & CE on cities icons blocking clicking on map
- Fixed Capital Gold text background sometimes not updating to fit the text
- Fixed Nation View Color editor staying on when switching nation
- Fixed City popup button placements bugging out sometimes
- Fixed some translations
[ 2023-07-07 13:01:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
Additions & Bugfixes
- Added Turkish Language to the game
- Fixed Taiwan's name in scenarios
- Fixed default music volume
[ 2023-06-15 14:09:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- When spawning cities, they will be cores by default if spawned over nation territory
- Camera no more moves to capital when clicking on nation in Scenario editor
- Fixed being able to manually ally a nation the selected nation was at war with
- Fixed being able to paint water under cities
- Fixed a bunch of nation names in default scenarios
- Fixed Luxembourg's borders in World Map Scenario
- Fixed nation highlight not disappearing when clicking off
- Fixed alliance tooltip
- Fixed one translation
[ 2023-06-01 18:28:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added ability to change nation's capital in Scenario Editor and in-game
- Added Spanish (Spain) Translation
- Default Scenarios and Maps are also now translated to available languages
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Maximum brush size raised to 25
- Fixed bug where you couldn't click on a 1 pixel size nation
- Fixed Argentina and Australia's capitals in World Map Scenarios
- Fixed bug where nation got killed even though they had one core
- Changed some scenarios' nation colors
- Fixed a few translations
- Fixed one tooltip
[ 2023-05-23 15:25:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Selected Language now persists across restarting the game
- Fixed Brazilian Portuguese and American Spanish being switched
- Fixed being able to spawn cities over mountains
- Fixed Unification text popup having nations in wrong order
- Fixed Screen fading in inconsistently
- Fixed a few translations
[ 2023-05-11 15:55:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hey everyone, another larger update is here! There have been many requests to have the game support multiple languages, so this update is bringing in 6 more languages: German, French, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, American Spanish & Finnish! These localizations do NOT currently affect the Default Scenarios or Map names, but the rest of the UI is fully translated.
Another long requested functionality is the ability to add cities and cores in Scenario Editor. Currently there is no limit, but keep in mind that more cities mean more revolts, so use them sparingly! You can force-core these cities or revoke established cores during a simulation by clicking on a city.
Full Changelog
- The game UI now also supports German, French, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Finnish languages (Default scenarios are not currently translated, that will come later)
- Added a proper language selection to the settings
- You can now spawn and delete normal cities in Scenario Editor
- You can now manually core or revoke cores from cities by clicking on them either on Scenario Editor or in Game
- Added East Timor to World Map Scenarios
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Massively improved Map Loading speed in Scenarios & Savefiles
- Fixed Screen Fade being affected by game speed
- Fixed Map Editor calculating land area wrong
- Removed possibility to perform god mode actions when clicking on nations through popups
- Game now starts paused when exiting Scenario Editor
- Minimum alliance size is now 2 and Maximum size is 20
- Terrain Mask is now off by default when creating a map from scratch to prevent confusion when many terrain options seem to do nothing
- Changed some UI elements to work better with dynamic texts
- Changed a bunch of tooltips
[ 2023-05-10 17:36:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added ability to disable text popups for different events
- Added war declaration text popup
- Added "x's League" name to possible alliance names
Bugfixes & Improvements
- You can skip the warning that appears when manually killing a nation if you press Left Shift when clicking the button
- Progressive Combat Efficiency setting now doesn't get reset every time you load a different map
- Made it so that saves and scenarios load in the background, which should make the game start faster and reducing lag when returning to menu
- Updated splash screen including new logo for JoySpark Games
- Updated some UI buttons slightly
[ 2023-04-22 11:14:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Exiting Scenario Editor no longer starts the game in Diplomatic View
- Fixed Scenario editor showing an extra nation view
- Fixed territory override mask staying on after exiting Scenario Editor
- Fixed Nation Diplomacy list not updating when selected nation got into a war
[ 2023-04-08 10:22:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added ability to select which nation you want to revolt when using God Mode
- You can hide bottom row buttons unless hovering over them (useful for example in time-lapses)
- Added a secret button that will become less secret in the future
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Clicking on Core Purchase popup now moves camera to new core
- Nation Diplomacy list should now update in real time instead of only refreshing when switching selected nation
- Improved nation view slightly
- Fixed To Death button not getting disabled when nation dies
- Fixed nations leaving alliances if alliances were turned off in God Mode
- Fixed Pause Menu button behaviour
- Fixed some texts
[ 2023-04-08 08:35:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added current nation count to Scenario Editor
- Added new Color Selection panel which allows for much easier modification
- Added an option to prevent painting over existing nations in Scenario Editor
- Nations can now give gold to allies who are at war without them. This will also slightly boost their Combat Efficiency
- Added God Mode action to donate gold. The amount will be 20% of nation's gold but maxed out at 5000 gold.
- Future Workshop items now have some basic info in their description like map size and number of nations
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed controls help view not appearing when entering scenario editor through "Edit Scenario" button
- Fixed Peace popup not showing up when forcing peace
- Fixed small issues with Workshop submission page
[ 2023-03-30 17:45:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added ability to drag camera with the Middle Mouse button
- Added confirmation when pressing continue without saving in Scenario Maker
- Added more clear toggle for erasing territory
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Replaced old control explanations with better ones in Scenario Editor
- Fixed brush size not being saved in area painter during gameplay
- Fixed issue where it was easy to get confused by switching from terrain editing to territory editing
- Adjusted terrain color display slightly
[ 2023-03-19 08:42:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, there have been a lot of requests to make Scenario creation easier and one of the most requested features is the ability to edit Terrain in Scenarios. This update makes that possible!
You can also save the edited terrain map as a new custom map file if you want! Also take a look at the rest of the changes below. Look forward to other scenario maker improvements coming in the future!
- Added ability to modify and paint Terrain in Scenario Maker
- Added ability to save modified terrain map as a new or edited map
- Added ability to change maximum number of nations in an alliance in God Mode
- Added Malta & Pantelleria to Europe Map & Scenario
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Terrain now shows when editing nation borders
- Set Terrain mask as the default mode in Map Editor
- Improved God Mode Panel
- Adjusted Settings Panel Slightly
- Fixed past alliances appearing in statistics
- Fixed Jordan in World Map Scenarios
- Fixed USA Scenario crossings
- Fixed cursor disappearing in Menu (maybe)
- Fixed Cyprus geography in Europe Map
- Created a BETA branch for v2.0.6 in case this update breaks something and people want to use the previous version
[ 2023-03-12 08:36:20 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added Alliances tab to Statistics, which displays all active alliances in order of size
- Added Alliance Map Mode, which easily shows all the active alliances
- Added more Alliance name types
- Added a Terrain Mask toggle to Map Editor, which makes painting special terrain much easier
- Added small info bubble next to saves and scenarios that show the game version they were created on. Won't affect anything currently but will be useful if problems occur.
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Updated kingdom and empire rank thresholds to be more balanced around different map sizes
- Improved Statistics performance
- Fixed names, crossings and terrain not being displayed in scenario editor if disabled during gameplay
- Fixed statistics not updating if editing nations while paused
- Fixed camera turning upside down if zooming during a lag spike
- Fixed few tooltips
[ 2023-03-03 06:40:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed scenario maker spawning empty nations when creating them on already occupied territory
- Fixed map not updating correctly when highlighted nation dies in diplomatic view
- Fixed nation icons flickering when spawning them in scenario maker
- Adjusted one tooltip
[ 2023-02-25 20:57:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a "To Death" button to make a nation fight until the other side dies or when you manually stop the war
- Added ability to modify nation's gold & Combat Efficiency
- Added a confirmation to killing a nation from God Mode
- If the founder of an alliance dies, the Alliance name is updated to match the next oldest nation (unless you have manually edited the alliance name)
- When hovering over dead or revolted old nation's "Years active" text, you can now also see if they were alive in an earlier part of history
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Fixed old nations revolting multiple times from different cities
- Fixed game speed not resetting on Game Reset from Pause Menu
- Fixed game not saving at some situations
- Fixed some tooltips
- Fixed total wars count not being loaded from save games
- Fixed nation not stopping war if enemy was manually killed by player
- Fixed nation max area not changing correctly in Scenario Maker
- Improved gold display
- Improved nation view visuals
- Created a BETA branch for v2.0.3 if someone wants to still use the old version. This is mainly a test for the situation IF for example after some update old savefiles wouldn't work, in which case you could use the old version for those.
[ 2023-02-25 15:27:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a God Mode option to make Combat Efficiency change gradually, instead of randomly
- Added a tooltip popup to New Game Menu list, which tells you the folder where your Custom Maps are
- Added total wars count to Nation View
- Increased possible Game Speed to 3x (use at your own risk)
Bugfixes & Improvements
- Improved God Mode View
- Adjusted economy slightly
- Adjusted Popup texts
- Fixed nations buying cores for 0 gold
- Fixed Revolt Chance not being loaded when continuing save game
- Fixed Sound Settings not being saved when setting them to zero
- Fixed Map Painter Button highlights
- Fixed more typos
- Fixed Turkey's capital in 1938 scenario
[ 2023-02-21 17:57:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone, a lot of people have had questions about Creating Maps & Scenarios.
Here's the first guide on creating custom maps, inside and outside the game itself. Check it out from the link below: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2935977091 If you have any question, write them here or more preferably, in the guide itself!
[ 2023-02-19 21:58:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added a text popup for when a nation purchases a core
- If you switch selected nation while editing its colour, the colour picker now closes automatically
- Fixed nations not actually using money when purchasing cores
- Fixed more Nation name typos in default scenarios
- Fixed not being able to force larger alliances through God Mode
- Fixed other typos around the UI
[ 2023-02-18 22:38:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed Nations not attacking each other when Revolts were disabled
- Fixed manual alliance action not working on some nations
- Fixed brush size not being properly changed
- Fixed God Mode button tooltips
- Fixed Nation name typos in World Map scenarios
- Removed empty nation and added Luxembourg to World Map scenario
[ 2023-02-17 20:25:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Ages of Conflict is finally here for Early Access! Be sure to check it out and take advantage of the Launch Week Sale! Development will continue immediately and I'm already fixing the few bugs people have found. Test out the Workshop and see if any fun maps or scenarios have already been posted and maybe try to make your own. If you are interested in following the development or discussions, or run into any issues, the best place to discuss is our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/fv3EExm6KY Thank you all for your patience!
[ 2023-02-17 16:59:53 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! It's almost time to let you all play this game... Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator is releasing for Early Access on Friday, February 17th! I hope you are all excited!
[ 2023-01-27 16:15:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
- [83.91 M]
AI Simulation
In this game you observe randomized or custom created AI nations interact with each other and ultimately try to control the world in a massive free-for-all, including alliances, revolts and all kinds of political twists! NOTE: This is not a Strategy Game.Map Variety
The game comes with multiple pre-made maps and scenarios, but you can also create your own in the map painter, and use maps and scenarios made by others.God Mode
You can affect the world by changing the names of nations, force them to battle, peace, ally or simply collapse with a click of a button!World Building
This game can also work as a tool for world building, thanks to its ability to keep track of nations long since passed. The game has statistics which can help in finding ancient nations and comparing them to each other. With the right settings the game has the possibility of simulating a world for millions of years.- OS: 64-bit system
- Processor: Quad Core 1.60 GHzMemory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 110 MB available space
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 110 MB available space
- Storage: 110 MB available space
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]